Enterprise Output Manager
Software Release Announcement
Release 14.2
July 2020 7845 0392023
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Section 1 General Description ......................................................................... 1
Overview of Enterprise Output Manager ........................................................ 1
General Features .................................................................................................... 1
Enterprise Output Manager Environment ...................................................... 3
Printers Supported ................................................................................................ 4
For More Information ........................................................................................... 5
Section 2 Product Requirement ....................................................................... 7
Enterprise Output Manager Software Requirements ................................. 7
Creating PDF or XPS Files ................................................................................... 8
Web Assistant Requirements ............................................................................ 9
Enterprise Output Manager ClearPath MCP Requirements .................... 10
Enterprise Output Manager ClearPath OS 2200
Requirements .................................................................................................. 10
Section 3 Migration Considerations .............................................................. 11
Media ....................................................................................................................... 11
Interoperability of ClearPath Host Versions .................................................. 11
Migration/Compatibility Issues to Consider Before Installing
the Service ........................................................................................................ 12
Section 4 Release Functionality ..................................................................... 13
Features Added in This Release ...................................................................... 13
Create PDF with Various Resolution by using
Enterprise Output Manager Integrated PDF
Writer ............................................................................................ 13
Create Black & White and Gray Scale TIFF Files ..................... 13
Enhanced Print Attribute to Modify Carriage
Control for Continuous Feed Forms ...................................... 14
Included the Name of Backup Attribute used for
the Backup Job in Output Manager Log .............................. 14
Features Added in Enterprise Output Manager 14.1 .................................. 14
Features Added in Enterprise Output Manager 14.0 ................................. 15
Support for IPP ................................................................................. 15
Digital signing of the PDF documents ....................................... 15
Option to configure multiple e-mail accounts for
receiving e-mails ........................................................................ 16
Send and receive e-mails using Exchange Web
Services (EWS) ............................................................................ 16
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Dynamic creation of folders on SFTP and FTP
server ............................................................................................ 16
WebClient ...........................................................................................17
New system keywords LT - To represent the less
than (<) character GT To represent the
greater than (>) character .........................................................17
Enhanced Concatenate Variable Data Dependent
Attribute command.................................................................... 18
Enhanced File Mask for selecting pages to print.................... 18
Selection criteria in File Mask using embedded e-
mail routing information ........................................................... 19
Enhanced Print Attribute to discard printing extra
line feed and carriage return characters .............................. 19
Automatic backup of Output Manager
Configuration ............................................................................... 20
Avoid service idle state when a configured printer
is missing ...................................................................................... 20
New SNMP nodes/ OID's to get the status of job
scheduling and file receiving .................................................... 21
Password encryption in Web Assistant .................................... 22
Single Sign-on in Web Assistant ................................................. 22
Features Added in Enterprise Output Manager 13.0 ................................. 23
Secure File Transfer using SFTP .................................................. 23
PDF Printing ...................................................................................... 23
Web Assistant Interoperability .................................................... 23
Enterprise Content Management Integration .......................... 24
Secure Connection Using TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2
Protocols ...................................................................................... 24
Download Multiple Files from Web Assistant ........................ 24
Create Certificate Request Using SHA2 Algorithm ................ 25
Additional File Properties in Create Job Window ................... 25
Allow DDA Variable From and To Properties
Relative to End of the Data ...................................................... 26
New DDA Command to Draw Lines .......................................... 26
Set the border position in DDA Draw Rectangle
command ...................................................................................... 27
Web Assistant Database Enhancement .................................... 27
Adapt for TDATE$ Remediation - MFD, Initial R2,
ER-TDATE$ ................................................................................... 28
Log Entry Type 10400 update ...................................................... 28
Features Added in Enterprise Output Manager 12.0 ................................. 29
Support Large File Transfer from OS 2200 .............................. 29
Personalize E-mail Message Body .............................................. 30
Hiding URLs of Files in the File Finder Search
Result Page .................................................................................. 30
DDA Conditional Commands (“If”, “Else If”, and
“Else”) Enhancements .............................................................. 31
DDA Set Variable Enhancement - Load Mixed Text
and Keywords ............................................................................. 31
DDA Convert Variable Enhancement - Get Data
Type ............................................................................................... 32
Find and Replace in Configuration Explorer ............................. 33
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Adobe Distiller Discontinuance ................................................... 33
Section 5 Restrictions and Known Limitations ........................................... 35
Discontinued Support ........................................................................................ 35
Windows Vista ..................................................................................................... 35
Windows XP ......................................................................................................... 35
Windows Server 2003 ....................................................................................... 36
Windows 8 ............................................................................................................ 36
Windows 7 ............................................................................................................ 37
Section 6 Support and Services ................................................................... 39
Contacting the Unisys Support Center .......................................................... 39
Open Source and Third-Party Components ................................................. 39
Enterprise Output Manager Services and Training .................................... 40
Section 7 Customer Product Information .................................................... 43
Enterprise Output Manager Product Information....................................... 43
Documentation Updates ................................................................................... 44
Section 8 Ordering Procedure ...................................................................... 45
Overview ............................................................................................................... 45
Subscription Pricing ............................................................................................ 45
Interim Corrections ............................................................................................. 46
Enterprise Output Manager Editions ............................................................. 46
Enterprise Output Manager Host Software ................................................. 48
ClearPath Servers ................................................................................................ 48
Data Dependent Attribute (DDA) Designer Key and Web
Assistant ........................................................................................................... 49
PDF Writer ............................................................................................................. 50
Secure E-mail ........................................................................................................ 51
SFTP ADD ON ....................................................................................................... 51
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Section 1
General Description
Overview of Enterprise Output Manager
Enterprise Output Manager is a comprehensive output management solution for
mixed-platform networks. Running on a Windows operating system, Enterprise
Output Manager automatically processes and routes print files and other application
output files from any supported platform to any supported output destination.
Automated processing is based on the file name, size, or other file characteristics you
specify. In addition, Enterprise Output Manager lets you take advantage of a variety of
delivery mechanisms, such as e-mail, Web, CD/DVD, and fax. With each of these
delivery methods, Enterprise Output Manager can reformat text documents and data
into a customized, modern appearance.
The primary benefits of Enterprise Output Manager are
Operational cost savings
Improved operational discipline
Document modernization
Remote administration
General Features
The Enterprise Output Manager solution runs on a Microsoft Windows system to
deliver information where you need it, when you need it, and in a format you can use.
Enterprise Output Manager can process output files from a variety of systems, such
as Unisys ClearPath, Forward!, and ES7000, IBM, Windows, Sun Microsystems, HP,
UNIX, and Linux systems. With its standards-based open architecture, you can
“unfreeze” application output files produced by various vendors, such as Oracle,
PeopleSoft, and Unisys, or by customer-written application programs, such as COBOL,
and other legacy applications.
Enterprise Output Manager can automatically customize and send these output files to
the destination of your choice: a Windows workstation or server, file server,
mainframe, e-mail system (SMTP or a MAPI compliant e-mail client), fax, CD/DVD, XML
file, HTML file, printer, Web site, FTP server, HTTP server, Microsoft Office SharePoint
Server (using HTTP PUT method), PDF file, XPS file, customer-written program, or
software application.
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This package provides all of the benefits of standards-based solutions. The open
environment lets users easily and automatically access, distribute, and manipulate
information in ways that maximize productivity and cost savings. The menu-driven
tools provided with the Enterprise Output Manager client application lets you monitor,
edit, modernize, and consolidate application output from a Unisys ClearPath system or
any other major system connected to your computing environment.
Enterprise Output Manager accommodates both distributed and centralized print and
data delivery needs. You can customize and distribute a single print file to multiple
locations using any combination of delivery methods. For example, you can send
tailored messages and attachments to e-mail users, route customized invoices to a
remote department’s LAN directory, create indexed files to be shared among users,
send individualized facsimiles to clients, post the file to a Web site, and transfer
portions of a master report to various departmental printers. With Enterprise Output
Manager, you distribute information directly to users from low-cost distribution points.
The Enterprise Output Manager package is an integrated solution with versatility and
flexibility of results. Implementing a few features results in substantial cost savings
and productivity gains.
The Enterprise Output Manager data distribution and reporting solution is the leading,
state-of-the-art technology in the industry. A United States Patent (Patent 5,559,933)
was issued to Unisys Corporation for the Enterprise Output Manager system and
method for transferring and printing files originating on mainframe computer systems,
workstations, or personal computers connected within a heterogeneous computer
Enterprise Output Manager runs on the following Windows operating systems when
they are still supported:
Windows 10 (Enterprise and Professional Editions)
Windows 8.1 (Enterprise and Professional Editions)
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2012
Enterprise Output Manager host agent software runs on Unisys systems (Unisys
ClearPath, MCP, and OS 2200 Series systems) and manages system output from those
Terminology Used in This Document
Enterprise Output Manager can run on either a Windows workstation or a Windows
server. The term "Enterprise Output Manager server" is sometimes used to identify a
Windows system running the Enterprise Output Manager software.
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Enterprise Output Manager Environment
The following figure illustrates the Enterprise Output Manager environment.
One of the key features of Enterprise Output Manager is its ability to print and
process files automatically, based on the name, size, or other characteristics of the
incoming files. Enterprise Output Manager accepts files from
Windows workstations and servers
IBM mainframes
UNIX, Linux, IBM, and other systems using HTTP, IPP, or LPD protocol
ClearPath MCP and ClearPath OS 2200 systems running the Enterprise Output
Manager host agent software
Unisys ES7000 servers
Forward! partitions
Directories that the Enterprise Output Manager server is set up to monitor
Other inputs such as MQ, E-mail, COM, and .Net API and Web API
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The following figure shows how Enterprise Output Manager can process incoming
print files, resulting in the creation of various types of jobs.
How Enterprise Output Manager Processes Incoming Files
Printers Supported
Enterprise Output Manager supports a large variety of printers, from small desktop
printers to high-volume high-speed printers, including the following:
Network-connected printers
Printers defined in Windows
Printers connected to UNIX/Linux and other systems using LPD, IPP or Raw TCP
Incoming files from
various platforms
Output Manager
File Mask
Output Manager file group (maintains file
retention information and other information in
the File Information Database)
Print Attribute Backup Attribute Custom Job Attribute E-Mail Attribute and so on…
Print jobs to
specified printers
(local and
Backup jobs to
any local or
network storage
Custom jobs to
export reports for
optical storage
E-mail jobs to
send reports to
various people
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For More Information
For more information about Enterprise Output Manager, contact your Unisys account
representative or for a complete overview of Enterprise Output Manager features and
capabilities, see Enterprise Output Manager Capabilities Overview video on
Unisys.com. See Section 7 of this document for information about obtaining paper or
online versions of Enterprise Output Manager documentation. Of particular interest is
Section 8, which explains how you can move up to this release with significant cost
savings by taking advantage of subscription pricing.
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Section 2
Product Requirement
Enterprise Output Manager Software
The Enterprise Output Manager client software is installed on a Windows workstation
or Windows server. As described in Section 8, Enterprise Output Manager is available
in three editions Enterprise Edition, Department Edition, and Professional Edition.
Enterprise Output Manager edition requires the following hardware and software:
Windows 10 (Enterprise and Professional Editions), Windows 8.1 (Enterprise and
Professional Editions), Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows
Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2012.
The setup determines the bitness of the Operating System (32-bit or 64-
bit) and then decides the version of Enterprise Output Manager that has to be
installed. For example, a 32-bit Enterprise Output Manager Server will be
installed on a 32-bit Windows 2012 server and a 64-bit Enterprise Output
Manager Server will be installed on the 64-bit Windows 2012 server. However, a
32-bit Output Manager Server will not be allowed to install on 64-bit server
machines going forward.
(Bitness refers to the differentiation between 32-bit and 64-bit processor
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2. The installation for the English version of the
.NET Framework is included on the Enterprise Output Manager installation media
and ISO image. For other languages or to verify that other dependencies are also
installed, please refer to the Microsoft Web site.
A system that meets the minimum requirements of the Windows operating
A hard disk with a minimum of 40 GB available for the Enterprise Output Manager
software, plus enough space for the files that you want Enterprise Output
Manager to process.
A media drive.
A network interface card to receive files from other systems through TCP
If the WebClient feature is selected, then the machine should have Microsoft
IIS 7.5 (the Web Application Server for Windows) or later. Refer to the Enterprise
Output Manager Help for more details.
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Creating PDF or XPS Files
To transform system output into PDF files, Enterprise Output Manager invokes PDF
creation software, such as Enterprise Output Manager PDF Writer or Adobe Acrobat.
Enterprise Output Manager can e-mail PDF files as attachments, send PDF files to a
fax server for faxing, or place them in a directory for any other purpose. In addition,
using the optional Web Assistant feature, Enterprise Output Manager can post PDF
files on Web sites for viewing.
The Adobe Distiller Server as a stand-alone product has been discontinued by Adobe
starting May 2013. As a result, Unisys will no longer support the use of Adobe Distiller
to create PDF files. Alternatively, starting with Output Manager 10.0 release and later,
the integrated PDF Writer can be used as the preferred PDF solution (this is available
at no cost from Unisys). Unisys therefore strongly recommends that you move your
document workflows to include the integrated PDF Writer.
Unisys recommends to use Enterprise Output Manager PDF Writer to create
PDF files. Other PDF creation software such as Amyuni PDF Converter and
Win2PDF can still be used in the same way; however, any product issues are the
responsibility of the appropriate vendor.
The Enterprise Output Manager PDF Writer improves the performance of
creating PDF files for high volume or large file applications. In addition, it allows
you to create multiple PDF files simultaneously with different settings.
If the Amyuni PDF Converter or Creator software is already installed on your
system, you must decide on one of the following options:
Continue with the Amyuni PDF Creator software on the existing license
terms that you have with Amyuni, or
Install the Enterprise Output Manger PDF Writer
You cannot install both the software Enterprise Output Manger PDF Writer
and Amyuni PDF Converteron your system. If you decide to install the
Enterprise Output Manager PDF Writer, you must uninstall Amyuni PDF
Converter or Creator first, and reboot your system before installing the
Enterprise Output Manager PDF Writer. This is because the Enterprise Output
Manager PDF Writer internally uses the Amyuni PDF Converter driver, and the
Windows spooler can use only one version of Amyuni PDF Converter driver at a
Enterprise Output Manager can also create files that conform to the XML Paper
Specification (XPS). XPS is another format that can be used to archive or publish
content electronically. Enterprise Output Manager can generate XPS files by printing to
the Microsoft XPS Document Writer printer. Enterprise Output Manager can then use
the XPS files similar to using PDF files, with e-mail or the Web Assistant.
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Web Assistant Requirements
The Web Assistant works with the Enterprise Output Manager to post output files to
a Web site so that end users on the Internet or Intranet can view the file using a Web
The posted files originate from any standard source, such as a mainframe or a print
queue. Posted files are typically in PDF format, but other file types are supported as
well, such as TXT and HTML. In addition, an accompanying information file (.inf)
provides characteristics that can be used for file searching.
Web Assistant requires the following supporting software for posting files to the Web
and administering Web Assistant:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2. The installation for the English version of the
.NET Framework is included on the Enterprise Output Manager installation media
and ISO image. To install other languages and to verify that the other
dependencies are also installed, visit the Microsoft Web site.
Windows 10 (Enterprise and Professional Editions), Windows 8.1 (Enterprise and
Professional Editions), Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, Windows
Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2012.
Microsoft SQL Server; supported levels are SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2,
SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014, and SQL Server 2016.
Supported levels of Microsoft IIS (the Web server service for Windows).
A Web browser that supports HTML 4.01 or higher and CSS2 or higher, such as
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0 or higher.
Each Enterprise Output Manager server or workstation that produces files for Web
viewing requires
Enterprise Output Manager 10.0 or higher
PDF creation software, Enterprise Output Manager PDF Writer, if PDF-formatted
output files are to be created and posted to Web Assistant monitored directories,
or appropriate software to create any other file format that is to be posted to the
Web Assistant Web site.
Unisys recommends to use Enterprise Output Manager PDF Writer to
create PDF files. Other PDF creation software such as Amyuni PDF Converter
and Win2PDF can still be used in the same way; however, any product issues
are the responsibility of the appropriate vendor.
Any server or workstation that searches and views the posted files requires
A Web browser, as described above
PDF viewing software, such as Adobe Reader
Viewing software required for any file types other than PDF
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Enterprise Output Manager ClearPath MCP
To send and receive print files, ClearPath MCP systems must have the following:
A supported level of Enterprise Output Manager for ClearPath MCP software
An ICP connection to the LAN
The TCP/IP stack communications software released with MCP
Any supported MCP release
Any release of the PrintS software compatible with MCP
Enterprise Output Manager ClearPath
OS 2200 Requirements
To send and receive print files, ClearPath OS 2200 systems must have the following
hardware and software:
A supported level of ClearPath OS 2200 software
A supported level of Enterprise Output Manager for ClearPath OS 2200 software
Software Library Administrator (SOLAR) for installing the Enterprise Output
Manager OS 2200 Host Agent software
A supported level of Communications Platform (CPComm) or Communications
Platform for Open Systems (CPCommOS) including the TSAM migration
The Enterprise Output Manager OS 2200 component uses the TSAM interface and
communications protocols of Communications Platform or Communication
Platform for Open Systems to send files to and receive files from other systems
over the network.
Connections with other OS 2200 systems can use the RFC 1006 protocol stack
(TP0 plus TCP/IP) or OSI protocols.
Connections with Enterprise Output Manager servers and ClearPath MCP
systems require the RFC 1006 protocol stack (TP0 plus TCP/IP).
Connections with LPR/LPD systems require the TCP/IP protocol stack.
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Section 3
Migration Considerations
There are three editions available with the Enterprise Output Manager Release
14.2 Professional, Department, and Enterprise. These products are delivered on
media or ISO image and are ordered separately. See Section 8 for ordering
The ClearPath Integrated Operating Environment (IOE) includes single-user license of
the Enterprise Output Manager Department Edition. The product media or ISO image
may be installed as a new installation or as an upgrade. In addition to the Enterprise
Output Manager media or ISO image, appropriate host software is required for
managing printed output from ClearPath MCP systems and OS 2200 systems.
Enterprise Output Manager for ClearPath MCP
Enterprise Output Manager for ClearPath MCP is now packaged with Print System
(PrintS) software. There is no longer separate media for the Enterprise Output
Manager software.
Enterprise Output Manager for ClearPath OS 2200
Enterprise Output Manager for ClearPath OS 2200 (Output-MGR) is included in the
ClearPath Integrated Operating Environment (IOE) and Unisys Operating Environment
(UOE). These are also delivered as non-keyed on a DVD and on the CP-OE1B fast load
Interoperability of ClearPath Host Versions
Enterprise Output Manager Release 14.2 ClearPath host versions (MCP or OS 2200)
can send files to pre-14.2 Windows versions; similarly, pre-14.2 host versions can send
files to release 14.2 Windows versions. This is important because it gives you the
option to migrate one side at a time.
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Migration/Compatibility Issues to Consider
Before Installing the Service
If you have a prior level of the Enterprise Output Manager service (level 7.0 or greater)
installed, installation of the Enterprise Output Manager service results in an upgrade of
that prior installation. You cannot install a second copy of the Enterprise Output
Manager service on your computer as you could do with Enterprise Output Manager
releases prior to 7.0, which were not installed as a service.
The Enterprise Output Manager Release 14.2 client application does not upgrade the
Release 14.1, 14.0, 13.0, or 12.0 client application. The Enterprise Output Manager
Release 14.2 client is installed as a separate application on your computer.
In addition, when migrating from an Enterprise Output Manager release prior to the
level 7.0, you must address any of the following migration issues that are applicable to
your system before installing the Enterprise Output Manager service. The issues are
detailed in the Enterprise Output Manager installation information provided in the
online help system. You should allow ample time to convert an existing configuration.
If your site needs assistance in performing migration tasks, professional services are
available (see Section 6 for details).
Client and Server Compatibility
Command Line Options
Printing Incompatibilities
Printer Support
Network Printers
Security Roles
Mapped Network Drives
Log Entries
DDE Access to Enterprise Output Manager
MAPI and CDO E-mail Messaging Interfaces
User Jobs (now named Custom Jobs)
Enterprise Output Manager Configuration Conversion and Initialization Utility
Communications Configuration
Batch Configuration
Print Preview “Check File”
Print Preview and DDA $PhysicalPrinter System-Defined Variable
SNMP Support
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Section 4
Release Functionality
This section describes the features added in Release 14.2, as well as features that
were added in Releases 14.1, 14.0, 13.0, and 12.0.
Features Added in This Release
Enterprise Output Manager Release 14.2 includes the following new features and
Create PDF with Various Resolution by using Enterprise
Output Manager Integrated PDF Writer
This feature allows the user to set PDF resolution.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 14.2, there was no option to set the PDF resolution while creating PDF
files using Enterprise Output Manager integrated PDF Writer. The Enterprise Output
Manager integrated PDF Writer enables the user to set the PDF resolution. This allows
the user to create a PDF file with high quality resolution by increasing the print
resolution to 2400 dpi.
Create Black & White and Gray Scale TIFF Files
This feature provides an option to create Black & White and Gray Scale TIFF files.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 14.2 release, there was no option to create Black & White or Gray Scale
TIFF files. In this release, a new property "Color settings" is added to the Print
Attribute. It enables the user to select the TIFF file color format.
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Enhanced Print Attribute to Modify Carriage Control for
Continuous Feed Forms
This feature will generate carriage controls suitable for continuous feed forms i.e.,
when the number of lines to be skipped exceeds the lines remaining on the page, then
the remaining lines will be skipped on the next page.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 14.2 release, while printing if the number of lines to be skipped by using
ESC sequences exceeds the remaining lines on the page, the remaining lines are not
skipped from the succeeding page, by default. In this release, a new property "Modify
carriage control for continuous feed forms" is added to the Print Attribute. It enables
the user to set whether to skip lines or not from the succeeding page.
Included the Name of Backup Attribute used for the
Backup Job in Output Manager Log
Enterprise Output Manager logs includes the name of Backup Attribute used for the
Backup Job
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 14.2 release, Enterprise Output Manager logs did not have Backup
Attribute name associated with Backup job. In this release, Backup Attribute name is
included in the Enterprise Output Manger logs. It enables the users to check the
backup attribute used for the backup job in the log file. If you have your own .NET
application to process Output Manager log files, then the new log entry format allows
to read Backup Attribute name associated with Backup job.
Features Added in Enterprise Output Manager
Enterprise Output Manager Release 14.1 includes the Features Added in Output
Manager Release 14.0 and bug fixes.
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Features Added in Enterprise Output Manager
Enterprise Output Manager Release 14.0 includes the following features and changes:
Support for IPP
This feature allows the user to do an encrypted data transfer to EOM from non-EOM
sources. With this feature EOM supports IPP (Internet Printing Protocol).
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 14.0, there was support for an encrypted transfer via LPR from EOM to
EOM. There is no LPR or TP0 solution for sending a file from the Windows
environment (Non-EOM source) to EOM. EOM 14.0 supports for an IPP 1.1 or HTTPS
inbound connection to EOM allows files to be transferred securely both over LAN
and WAN. This provides secure transfers originating from non-EOM sources with the
added benefit of secure transfers over a public network.
Digital signing of the PDF documents
This feature enables user to digitally sign the PDF documents while creating it using
the Output Manager PDF Writer. Digitally signing PDFs with a digital e-mail signing
certificate protects the content and also shows who signed or approved the
Detailed Description
Users can now configure the printer "Output Manager PDF Writer" for digitally signing
the PDF documents while creating it. Properties added to the "Physical Printer"
configuration attributes include the certificate, which has to be used for signing,
reason for signing, physical location of the user who is signing the document and an
optional image, which can be used as part of the signature.
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Option to configure multiple e-mail accounts for receiving
This feature enables user to configure multiple e-mail accounts for receiving e-mails.
Detailed Description
The earlier versions of EOM allowed users to receive e-mails from one e-mail
account. In this release, users can configure multiple e-mail accounts to receive
e-mails. The e-mail "Receive options" is enhanced to configure multiple e-mail
Send and receive e-mails using Exchange Web Services
This feature enables user to send and receive e-mail messages through Exchange
Web Service.
Detailed Description
Earlier versions of EOM allowed users to send e-mail using SMTP and receive from
any e-mail server that supports IMAP4 protocol. With this feature, a user can
configure the e-mail "Send options" and “Receive options” to use Exchange Web
Service just by specifying the credentials of the mailbox to send and receive e-mails.
EWS can be used as an alternative option for SMTP (send) and IMAP (receive).
Dynamic creation of folders on SFTP and FTP server
This feature provides an option to dynamically create a folder on the SFTP/FTP Server
when you upload a file on it. This will not disable a job, if the destination path does not
exists on the SFTP/FTP server.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 14.0 release, if the destination path did not exist on the SFTP or FTP
server, then EOM would disable the transfer job. This feature allows you to create
folders on the FTP and SFTP server, if the destination path does not exist. A new
property "Create directory if it does not exist" is added under "FTP/SFTP" category in
transfer attribute.
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This feature provides the flexibility to monitor Output Manager job and other
management queues on a web browser. This is a web application and it offers some
of the functionalities of Output Manager Desktop Client application.
Detailed Description
This feature allows you to monitor Output Manager Server through a browser and by
using a Web based interface. This application provides the interface to see the queue
of Output Manger and some basic functionalities like;
Deleting Jobs
Locking/Unlocking printer
Disabling/Enabling Jobs.
New system keywords LT - To represent the less than (<)
character GT To represent the greater than (>) character
This feature enables users the use of new system keywords <LT> and <GT> to
substitute '<' and '>' characters respectively in the properties which allow keyword
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 14.0, there were no options to add '<' and '>' characters in any property's
value field, if that property supports Keyword substitution. This feature expands the
supported keywords, by adding two new keywords <LT> and <GT>, which represent
the characters '<' and '>'. These new system keywords will also be available in the
DDA setting type "keyword" as well.
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Enhanced Concatenate Variable Data Dependent Attribute
This feature allows the user to compose a String text, with Keyword Substitution and
Data Dependent Attribute variables in one step.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 14.0 level, if the user wanted to use EOM Keywords with string, the user
had to create two different variables using Set Variable and then concatenate with the
help of Concatenate Variable. With this feature an additional 'Setting type' by the name
"Dynamic String" is added in Concatenate Variable. The following are capabilities of
Dynamic string setting type:
Behaves as a type of String which can take String values
Allows Keyword Substitution
Enhanced File Mask for selecting pages to print
This feature allows the administrator to set the page numbers that are to be printed
while triggering the print job through the file masking statements. The Pages property
will also allow keyword substitution.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 14.0 level, there was no option to dynamically set the page ranges to
print for a print job created through a File Mask. It could only be set as a static value in
the Print attribute, or in the manual "Create Print Job", or in the DDA Command "Start
Print Job". A new property "Pages" is added to the File Mask attribute. It enables you
to select the required pages to print.
Software Release Announcement
7845 0392023 19
Selection criteria in File Mask using embedded e-mail
routing information
This feature allows user to define the criteria in File Mask using embedded e-mail
routing information such as e-mail subject, attachment name, originator, and e-mail
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 14.0 level, EOM did not read the escape sequence of the incoming file
and hence could not process the file in the file mask according to embedded
attributes. With this feature:
Users will be able to process an incoming file by applying a file mask based on any
of the above-mentioned embedded attributes.
The users can apply a file mask using wild characters.
Enhanced Print Attribute to discard printing extra line feed
and carriage return characters
This feature provides an option to ignore the last linefeed (LF) character in the file
when the printer driver is selected as Generic-NOFF and avoid printing additional
carriage return (CR) and linefeed (LF) characters in the output file.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 14.0, there used to be an extra CRLF at the end of file generated after the
completion of the file created by a print job. At times, this was necessary, but there
were also be times when these control characters should be avoided. EOM 14.0
introduces a new property "Discard the extra line feed and carriage return" added to
Print Attribute. This allows you to ignore printing extra line feed and carriage return
Software Release Announcement
7845 0392023 20
Automatic backup of Output Manager Configuration
This feature provides an option to backup of the EOM configurations according to a
schedule that can be set by the EOM Administrator.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 14.0, there was no option to automatically backup the EOM
Configurations. To backup the EOM configuration, the administrator had to either take
a backup of the data folder in the EOM installation directory or export all the EOM
configuration to an XML file from the EOM Configuration explorer. With this feature,
the backup of the EOM configuration can be scheduled and the administrator can set
the backup location. This feature also provides an option to compress the backup file
to save disk space.
Avoid service idle state when a configured printer is
This feature disables those jobs that are queued for a configured printer which is no
longer available in the system or network, when the EOM Service starts up. Therefore,
with this feature, EOM service will process all other jobs which are not affected by the
unavailability of the configured printer.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 14.0 there could be a scenario where a configured printer is removed
without administrator's knowledge. Next time when the EOM is restarted, all activity
will be suspended because of the configuration error, and until the error is resolved
none of the jobs would be executed. With this feature, EOM would continue
processing other requests and it just queues up all the requests for the unavailable
printer, and administrator is notified about the problem through Alert Explorer.
Software Release Announcement
7845 0392023 21
New SNMP nodes/ OID's to get the status of job
scheduling and file receiving
This feature allows users to monitor job scheduling and file receiving status of Output
Manager Servers using an SNMP tool.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 14.0 level, if the Output Manager server encounters an issue after a
server reboot then all "File Receiving" and all "Job Scheduling" will be disabled and the
User has to configure alert policies to get notifications in such scenarios. In EOM 14.0,
the User can now use an SNMP tool to get the status of all Output Manager Servers
using the following nodes included under the "General" category of Output Manager
MIB file,
genIsBackupJobSchedulingSuspended - Whether or not Backup job scheduling is
genIsE-mailJobSchedulingSuspended - Whether or not E-mail job scheduling is
genIsPrintJobSchedulingSuspended - Whether or not Print job scheduling is
genIsTransferJobSchedulingSuspended - Whether or not Transfer job scheduling
is suspended.
genIsCustomJobSchedulingSuspended - Whether or not Custom job scheduling
is suspended.
genIsTransformJobSchedulingSuspended - Whether or not Transform job
scheduling is suspended.
genIsTransferReceivingSuspended - Whether or not transfer receiving is
genIsDirectoryMonitorsSuspended - Whether or not Directory monitors is
genIsRemotingAndCOMReceivingSuspended - Whether or not Remoting/ COM
receiving is suspended.
genIsMessageQueueMonitorsSuspended - Whether or not Message Queue
monitors are suspended.
genIsE-mailReceivingSuspended - Whether or not e-mail receiving is suspended.
genIsServiceIdleDueToConfigurationErrors - Whether or not the service is idle due
to configuration errors.
Software Release Announcement
7845 0392023 22
Password encryption in Web Assistant
This feature ensures that the Web Assistant user password is stored securely, as it is
encrypted with AES 256 bit algorithm.
Detailed Description
Prior to Web Assistant 14.0, the user's passwords were stored as plain text. If
someone gains access to the Web Assistant's database, then they could see the
passwords of all the Web Assistant users. Similarly, the exposed Web API calls of
Web Assistant also accept the passwords in plain text. Hence to resolve all these
security issues, now the user passwords in the database will always be encrypted. In
addition to this, the Web Assistant's Web API method that is used to authenticate the
user will now accept the password as an encrypted string. The encryption is done
using the RSA public key which is fetched through an API call to the Web Assistant
Service and the private key will be maintained in the server. Hence, with this feature,
the Web Assistant user's password will never be exposed in plain text form.
Single Sign-on in Web Assistant
This feature allows the user to go to the File Finder Search page based on Windows
Login account, without going to the Web Assistant Login page, once the single sign-on
option is enabled by the Web Assistant Administrator.
Detailed Description
Prior to Web Assistant 14.0, if a Web Assistant user needs to access the File Finder
page, they had to always go through the Login page of Web Assistant. With this
feature, the Web Assistant user account can be mapped with the Windows Domain
user account, when the user logs in to the Web Assistant for the first time. Going
forward, the user will be directly taken to the File Finder Search page, by clicking the
File Finder shortcut.
Software Release Announcement
7845 0392023 23
Features Added in Enterprise Output Manager
Enterprise Output Manager Release 13.0 includes the following new features and
Secure File Transfer using SFTP
This feature allows secure file transfer to an FTP site using the SFTP/SSH protocol.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 13.0 level, secure transfer of files to FTP server required TLS/SSL (FTPS).
Currently, Output Manager supports SFTP. This feature permits users to use the Public
Key or valid credentials or both together for authentication.
PDF Printing
This feature allows users to print PDF documents to a Windows Printer.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 13.0 level, PDF file printing was not a built-in feature. Now, you can
schedule a print job by using the Physical Printer attribute and Print Attribute to print
PDF documents to a Windows printer. You can also configure the Page size, paper
source, duplex options, orientation and page scaling in the Print Attribute to print the
PDF documents.
Web Assistant Interoperability
This feature allows users to develop a custom user interface for the Web Assistant
File Finder and use the core service functionalities associated with this feature.
Additionally, this feature provides the flexibility to integrate Web Assistant with any
application that understands RESTful Services.
Detailed Description
For EOM 10.0 through 12.0 the Web Assistant application was migrated from ASP to
ASP.Net. Beginning with EOM 13.0 the client side functionalities are exposed through
the RESTful Service. This functionality allows the customer to completely customize
the Web Assistant client pages.
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The customers can reference this Web Assistant RESTful Service and use its exposed
functionalities to implement a heavily customized client user interface for Web
Assistant. It also allows for seamless integration of Web Assistant Client with any
application that understands the RESTful services.
Enterprise Content Management Integration
This feature allows seamless integration of Enterprise Output Manager with
Enterprise Content Management solutions, such as InfoImage or any other solution
that implements ECM standards. Therefore, functionalities in Enterprise Output
Manager can be used by any Enterprise Content Management solutions.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 13.0 level, there was no support for Web Service offered by EOM; hence,
ECM solutions, such as InfoImage, could not directly talk to the EOM service. As EOM
complies with ECM standards with this feature, any content management solutions
that follow the ECM standards can seamlessly integrate with EOM.
Secure Connection Using TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 Protocols
This feature allows secure communication by using SSL, TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, or TLS 1.2
Secure Communication Protocol.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 13.0 level, Output Manager used SSL or TLS 1.0 protocol for secure
communication. Now, Output Manager supports TLS1.1 and TLS 1.2 protocol for secure
communication. The highest protocol will be used for secure communication based on
the highest secure protocol that both the client and server support.
Download Multiple Files from Web Assistant
This feature allows users to select multiple files in the File Finder Search Result page
and download them as a zip file.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 13.0 level, a user could download only one file at a time from the File
Finder search result page. Now, the user can select multiple files in the search result
grid, by selecting the check boxes on the left-most column of each row and download
all of them as a single zip file.
Software Release Announcement
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Create Certificate Request Using SHA2 Algorithm
This feature allows users to select either SHA1 or SHA2 Hash Algorithm while
generating Certificates Signing Requests.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 13.0 level, Certificate Signing Requests were generated using SHA1 Hash
Algorithm by default. Microsoft has announced a new plan to deprecate SHA-1 and will
no longer trust certificates signed with SHA-1. Now, a user has an option to select
either SHA1 or SHA2 Hashing Algorithm while generating the Certificate Signing
Requests. This enables user to get the SSL certificate, which uses SHA2 algorithm.
Additional File Properties in Create Job Window
This feature allows users to set additional file properties when they manually create a
job, thereby enabling them to debug and analyze complex configurations.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 13.0 level, the Create Job window had limited file properties.
To analyze and debug the configuration, a user had to process a file through the File
Mask. Now, the Create Job window has the following optional properties.
File Description
User Keywords
Host Queue
Host Account/Job Name/Charge Code
Host System
Host User ID
Host Run ID/Mix Number
Host Project/Job Class/Note Project
Host Qualifier
Host F-Cycle
Software Release Announcement
7845 0392023 26
Allow DDA Variable From and To Properties Relative to
End of the Data
This feature allows users to select partial contents of the DDA variable value relative
to end of the data. Therefore, in various DDA programming this feature helps reduce
the number of DDA commands required to define the size of the variable data and to
calculate adjustment values for selecting or extracting the expected data.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 13.0 level, when using a variable, the From and To properties allowed
either blank values or positive integer values. Therefore, it selected or extracted
partial contents relative to the left or start of the DDA Variable value. When using a
variable, users can now
Specify the "From" property as a negative integer value to select the last N
characters of the variable value.
Specify the "To" property as a negative value to omit the last N characters of
the variable.
New DDA Command to Draw Lines
This feature allows a user to draw lines using the DDA command.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 13.0 level, a user had to draw a line by using the Draw Rectangle DDA
command. In this case, the user had to specify the height or width as 0, which did not
provide consistency on 64-bit systems. The new DDA command resolves these
issues and also exposes additional settings to set the line style and line ending style,
allowing the user to draw lines with consistent results.
Software Release Announcement
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Set the border position in DDA Draw Rectangle command
This feature allows users to position the rectangle border inwards, outwards or the
center of the rectangle coordinates. So the user has flexibility in aligning the lines and
rectangle while drawing the rectangle and lines together as a grid. This also resolves
the discrepancy in size and position of the rectangle drawn on x86 and x64 systems.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 13.0, while using a DDA Draw Rectangle command, by default the
rectangles were drawn inwards. As the rectangles were drawn inwards, the lines that
were drawn using the new DDA Draw Line command did not align appropriately. Also,
the rectangle drawn using same coordinates on x86 and x64 system had a difference
in size and its position. The new enhancement in the DDA Draw Rectangle command
resolves these issues. The new property "Border position" allows to set the position
as "Inwards", "Outwards" or "Center".
Web Assistant Database Enhancement
This feature preserves any customizations that have been done to the Web Assistant
Database during the time of Upgrade and Load operation.
Detailed Description
Prior to EOM 13.0 level, an upgrade of the Web Assistant database resulted in loss of
all the custom objects that the Administrator had created in the Web Assistant
database. This feature enhancement identifies all the customizations done to the Web
Assistant database and retains them in the course of an Upgrade or Load operation.
Software Release Announcement
7845 0392023 28
Adapt for TDATE$ Remediation - MFD, Initial R2, ER-
This feature is an enhancement which allows the Output Manager OS 2200
component (DEPCON) to use either TDATE$ timestamp format or Modified-SWTIME
timestamp format in the Master File Directory (MFD) items, based on the Exec
configuration parameters std_modified_swtime (MFDMSWTIME) and
shared_modified_swtime (MFDSHMSWTIME). This feature also handles the SDF label
changes based on the Exec configuration parameter initial_r2_modified_swtime
Detailed Description
TDATE$ timestamp format year portion will wrap on 2028/01/01 00:00:00, resulting in
ambiguous timestamps. The goal of the 2028 TDATE$ Remediation is to remove the
use of TDATE$ for all new timestamps in all Unisys products by the year 2020. The
DEPCON is adapted to determine the type of timestamp format required for the MFD
and then accordingly use either TDATE$ or Modified-SWTIME timestamps.
Log Entry Type 10400 update
The Log Entry type 10400 is updated for logging the date and time in the TIMEB
timestamp format. This update is done in-line with the 2028 TDATE$ remediation
Detailed Description
The format of the type 10400 Log Entry has changed and the details are described
The following changes are done under Enterprise Output Manager Host Log Entry
(Subtype 0).
Word Range
000 012
Version number is changed to 3
Unused. Previously used to record the date and time when the
transfer began, in TDATE$ format, local base
Unused. Previously used to record the date and time when the
transfer was completed, in TDATE$ format, local base
The date and time when the transfer began, in TIMEB format
The date and time when the transfer was completed, in TIMEB format
Software Release Announcement
7845 0392023 29
The following changes are done under Enterprise Output Manager Host Log Entry
(Subtype 1):
Word Range
000 - 012
Version number is changed to 3
Unused. Previously used to record date and time when the
transfer began, in TDATE$ format, local base
The date and time when the transfer began, in TIMEB format
Features Added in Enterprise Output Manager
Support Large File Transfer from OS 2200
The new feature supports transfer of large files up to the maximum size that can be
created on OS 2200 from the Output Manager OS 2200 component to other servers
running the Output Manager software.
Prior releases of Enterprise Output Manager had restrictions for file transfers by
imposing the file size limit of 262,143 tracks. Files that exceeded this limit were moved
into an error queue during the transfer process.
Customer Benefit
This feature supports transfer of large files from the Output Manager 2200
component to other servers thus, enabling users to send or receive large files without
any restrictions.
Software Release Announcement
7845 0392023 30
Personalize E-mail Message Body
The new feature helps you to compose an e-mail body text by executing the
personalize statements.
Detailed Description
Prior to Release 12.0, the e-mail message body could either be part of a specific static
file or be part of a processing file. The E-mail Attribute is now enhanced to
1. Specify static text or dynamic text by using keyword substitution
2. Specify static image path or dynamically using keyword substitution
3. Set text style (font and color) and specify the file name to insert file content in the
message body.
Customer Benefit
This feature allows personalizing the e-mail message body with a static or dynamic
text, by changing the text style (font, color), inserting file content, and inserting images
or logos.
Hiding URLs of Files in the File Finder Search Result Page
The new feature hides URLs of files in the File Finder Search Result page.
Detailed Description
Prior to Release 13.0, when a user opened a file from the File Finder search result
page, the actual URL of the file appeared in the address bar. As a result, the user could
use the actual URL of the file and browse to other files posted using Web Assistant.
The encryption feature now masks or hides the URL when a user browses or
downloads a file.
Customer Benefit
This feature prevents a user from unauthorized access to files that are posted using
Web Assistant, by hiding the actual URL of these files.
Software Release Announcement
7845 0392023 31
DDA Conditional Commands (“If”, “Else If”, and “Else”)
The new feature simplifies the task of creating command nodes. In addition, it enables
you to configure one or more conditional statements in an “If” and “Else If”
Detailed Description
Prior to Release 12.0, to create a command under the “If”, “Else If”, or “Else” DDA
commands, a user had to drag and drop the new command under the conditional
statement DDA command. Additionally, users had to configure many or nested
conditional statement DDA commands to validate statements in a complex scenario.
This feature allows user to create commands under the “If” or “Else If” or “Else” DDA
commands by eliminating the need to drag and drop. The “If” and “Else If” DDA
commands are enhanced to specify multiple conditional statements combined with
the “AND” or “OR” Boolean operator.
Customer Benefit
This feature reduces the number of steps required to create a command under the
“If”, “Else If”, or “Else” DDA commands. The commands created based on the ‘If’ or
‘Else If’ or ‘Else’ DDA commands are now automatically positioned under the
conditional statement DDA command.
The feature also allows users to configure more than one conditional statement in the
“If” and “Else If” DDA commands by using the “AND” or “OR” Boolean operator. This
reduces the number of conditional statement DDA commands and provides more
flexibility in DDA.
DDA Set Variable Enhancement - Load Mixed Text and
The new feature enables you to set a variable consisting of strings and keyword
Detailed Description
A new “Setting type” called “Dynamic string” is added that allows keyword
substitution as a variable value is set.
Software Release Announcement
7845 0392023 32
Customer Benefit
This feature allows users to define a new Setting type called “Dynamic string”, which
essentially behaves as a “Setting type” of “String” and allows keyword substitution.
This feature is useful especially when users want to compose by setting a variable
made up of strings and keyword values.
Prior to Release 12.0, the users had to use a combination of variables and several
Concatenate Variable commands to achieve the desired result.
DA Convert Variable Enhancement - Get Data Type
Detects the content type of a variable or partial contents of a variable and returns a
numeric value.
Detailed Description
A new “Conversion Type” called “Get data type” is added to the Convert Variable
command. This allows in determining the content type of a variable or partial contents
of a variable as indicated in the To/From fields of the DDA Convert Variable and returns
a numeric value. Based on the contents of a variable, the following numeric values will
be returned.
Contents of Variable
Tab characters or spaces or both
Numeric characters
Alphabetic characters
Alphabetic and numeric characters
Special characters
Special and numeric characters
Special and alphabetic characters
Special, numeric, and alphabetic characters
Customer Benefit
This feature allows users to determine the character mix in a variable. Based on the
numeric value returned, the users can perform further computations in different
scenarios, such as validating data for a barcode.
Software Release Announcement
7845 0392023 33
Find and Replace in Configuration Explorer
Helps to quickly find an attribute or a particular text in the Configuration Explorer and
replace with the desired value.
Detailed Description
Prior to Release 12.0, there was no direct way to search for an attribute or text in the
Configuration Explorer and replace it. The Find and Replace option in the Configuration
explorer now makes it easy to search for any configuration attribute or text and
replace it with a desired value. Users can also restrict the search operation to a
specific attribute or attribute type. All the search results appear in a grid that provides
an option for the users to navigate to an attribute or its property.
Customer Benefit
This feature allows a user to quickly find an attribute or a particular text in the
Configuration Explorer, saving the time when the user wants to debug or modify that
particular attribute or text. The replace functionality eases changing multiple attributes
or text instances.
Adobe Distiller Discontinuance
Enterprise Output Manager no longer supports the use of Adobe Distiller to generate
PDF files.
Detailed Description
Unlike EOM 11.0 and earlier versions, EOM 12.0 no longer supports the use of Adobe
distiller for creating PDF files. Users can now use the Enterprise Output Manager
Integrated PDF writer feature that was introduced in EOM 10.0.
Users can contact the Unisys representative to order this no-charge feature. They may
also use a standalone PDF generator.
7845 0392023 35
Section 5
Restrictions and Known
You must use the same version for the Enterprise Output Manager Client and the
service it accesses. For example, an Enterprise Output Manager Release 14.2 Client
can access an Enterprise Output Manager Release 14.2 service, but not an Enterprise
Output Manager Release 14.1 service. (Note that this compatibility issue applies to
only the first two numbers in the version designation. That is, a client version of 13.1.1
will work with a server version of 13.1.2, because they are both based on the 13.1
Discontinued Support
Windows Vista
Windows Vista reaches end of life on April 11, 2017, and after this date, Microsoft is
not obligated to respond to bug fixes or provide security update. Therefore, Unisys no
longer supports the use of Enterprise Output Manager on Windows Vista. The
following are the impact:
Starting from Enterprise Output Manager 14.0 release and beyond, Windows Vista
is not qualified with any future releases of Enterprise Output Manager.
For all supported releases of Enterprise Output Manager, and serviced releases,
trouble reports (UCFs) may be rejected if the problem cannot be reproduced on a
supported Windows release. To maintain Engineering support, customers must
migrate to a supported Windows release.
Windows XP
Windows XP desktop reached end of life on April 08, 2014, and after this date,
Microsoft is not obligated to respond to bug fixes or provide security update.
Therefore, Unisys no longer supports the use of Enterprise Output Manager on
Windows XP. The following are the impact:
Starting from Enterprise Output Manager 11.0 release and beyond, Windows XP is not
qualified with any future releases of Enterprise Output Manager.
Software Release Announcement
7845 0392023 36
For all supported releases of Enterprise Output Manager (9.x and 10.0), and
serviced releases (6.x, 7.x, and 8.x), trouble reports (UCFs) may be rejected if the
problem cannot be reproduced on a supported Windows release. To maintain
Engineering support, customers must migrate to a supported Windows release no
later than the Windows XP end-of-life date, April 8, 2014.
Windows Server 2003
Microsoft has announced the end of life date of Windows Server 2003.
Windows Server 2003 desktop reaches end of life on July 14, 2015, and after this date,
Microsoft is not obligated to respond to bug fixes or provide security update.
Therefore, when support for Windows Server 2003 ends, Unisys will no longer
support the use of Enterprise Output Manager on Windows Server 2003. The
following are the impact:
Starting from Enterprise Output Manager 12.0 and beyond, Windows Server 2003
will not be qualified with any future releases of Enterprise Output Manager.
For all supported releases of Enterprise Output Manager (9.x, 10.0, and 11.0), and
serviced releases (6.x, 7.x, and 8.x), trouble reports (UCFs) may be rejected if the
problem cannot be reproduced on a supported Windows release. To maintain
Engineering support, customers must migrate to a supported Windows release no
later than the Windows Server 2003 end-of-life date, July 14, 2015.
Windows 8
Windows 8 desktop reached end of life on January 12, 2016, and after this date,
Microsoft is not obligated to respond to bug fixes or provide security update.
Therefore, Unisys no longer supports the use of Enterprise Output Manager on
Windows 8. The following are the impact:
Starting from Enterprise Output Manager 14.0 release and beyond, Windows 8 is
not qualified with any future releases of Enterprise Output Manager.
For all supported releases of Enterprise Output Manager and serviced releases
trouble reports (UCFs) may be rejected if the problem cannot be reproduced on a
supported Windows release. To maintain Engineering support, customers must
migrate to a supported Windows release no later than the Windows 8 end-of-life date,
January 12, 2016.
Software Release Announcement
7845 0392023 37
Windows 7
Unisys no longer supports the use of Enterprise Output Manager on Windows 7. The
following are the impact:
Starting from Enterprise Output Manager 14.1 release and beyond, Windows 7 is
not qualified with any future releases of Enterprise Output Manager.
For all supported releases of Enterprise Output Manager and serviced releases
trouble reports (UCFs) may be rejected if the problem cannot be reproduced on a
supported Windows release.
Software Release Announcement
7845 0392023 38
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Section 6
Support and Services
Unisys brings together powerful hardware and software, satellite links, multi-language
support, and 20,000 professionals to deliver round-the-clock, global service. Unisys
understands that your business simply cannot afford to wait for support. That is why
all Unisys support services are fully integrated to provide you with real-time access to
the critical information you need.
Contacting the Unisys Support Center
The Unisys Support Portal provides service and support for all Unisys clients. Prior to
obtaining support through the Unisys Support Portal, you must register at
https://login.unisyssupport.unisys.com. During the registration process, you will be
prompted to supply your Client ID number (if known), or your Installed-At (IA) number.
You can obtain your Installed-At (IA) number from the Unisys email announcing
availability of your order.
The Unisys Support Portal is best viewed with the Google Chrome web
Once submitted, you will receive response from Unisys within three business days.
To initiate a support request use either of the following ways:
Submit a request online through the Unisys Support Portal at
https://login.unisyssupport.unisys.com. After you log on, click the Unisys Support
Portal tile to access the Unisys Support Portal. Use the portal to Create, View, and
Update incidents.
Call the Unisys Call Reception Center (CRC). Access the Unisys Support website at
When calling for support, supply the following information:
o Installed-At Number (reference details within the Unisys email announcing
availability of your order)
o Client name and address
o Caller name and contact number
o Product name
o Product style (if the issue you are experiencing relates to a specific product style)
o Description of problem
The CRC representative will log the incident and provide you with a Service Request
(SR) Number so that you can track problem resolution.
Software Release Announcement
7845 0392023 40
If you encounter any issues when working with Unisys to open a new SR, or need to
escalate an existing SR for emergency assistance, request that the Unisys CRC
representative escalate your concern (include SR # if known) to the Unisys Support
Duty Manager.
Unisys offers a comprehensive suite of product maintenance and premium proactive
support services. To learn more about Unisys Support Services, contact your local
Unisys representative or visit: https://www.unisys.com/offerings/clearpath-
Open Source and Third-Party Components
Important licensing information concerning third party and/or open source software
incorporated with the solution is located on the Unisys Product Support website at
ps. Your download, installation, copying or use of this product constitutes acceptance
of the terms in the corresponding License and Attribution Document.
Enterprise Output Manager Services and
The following are summaries of the technical services and training opportunities that
are available.
The Enterprise Output Manager Services group offers a full range of technical
services, including
Consultation services to answer site-specific technical questions.
Installation and configuration services to create an information processing
environment tailored to your sitefor example, electronic forms or assistance with
document modernization
Conversion services to get clients up and running immediately and to maximize
cost savingsfor example, help you set up the 20 percent of the print jobs that
generate 80 percent of the output.
Migration services to help clients recently migrating to or from an IT
vendorensures Enterprise Output Manager is compatible with new
For more information on these services, contact your Unisys representative or send
inquiries to EOM[email protected]m.
Software Release Announcement
7845 0392023 41
Enterprise Output Manager specialists provide a variety of training options, including
on and off site hands-on training workshops as well as customized trainings.
The training workshops include a Basic Workshop, where students learn and
experience the basic user functionality of Enterprise Output manager, and an
Advanced Workshop, where students learn to apply the most advanced capabilities
that, for example, improve print and file management productivity and efficiency. See
the workshop descriptions at http://www.unisys.com/customer-education/default.asp.
On site courses or customized training can be scheduled through your Unisys
representative or with an Enterprise Output Manager Services representative, who
can be contacted by e-mail at EOMservices@unisys.com.
7845 0392023 43
Section 7
Customer Product Information
Enterprise Output Manager Product
Copies of Enterprise Output Manager product information are available through your
Unisys representative or you can access online versions of various documents from
the Enterprise Output Manager of Unisys.com:
After registering or logging on to the Unisys.com Web site, you can find online
versions of various documents, including the following:
Enterprise Output Manager Newsletters
NOGKK and TGKK Case Study
Enterprise Output Manager Training (brochure)
Enterprise Output Manager Services (brochure)
Enterprise Output Manager Overview video
Online versions of the following documents are included with the Enterprise Output
Manager Release 14.0 installation media and ISO image:
Enterprise Output Manager Help (6885 2698)
Enterprise Output Manager Web Assistant Help (6885 2953)
Alert Explorer Help
Alert Filter Editor Help
Alert Policy Editor Help
(only for OS 2200 and MCP system customers) ClearPath Enterprise Servers
Enterprise Output Manager for ClearPath OS 2200 and ClearPath MCP
Configuration and Operations Guide (7850 4362)
Software Release Announcement
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Documentation Updates
This document contains all the information that was available at the time of
publication. Changes identified after release of this document are included in problem
list entry (PLE) 19207820. To obtain a copy of the PLE, contact your Unisys
representative or access the current PLE from the Unisys Product Support Web site:
If you are not logged into the Product Support site, you will be asked to do
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Section 8
Ordering Procedure
The following methods are available for obtaining pricing information and ordering new
or upgrade versions of Enterprise Output Manager:
Method 1: Unisys representatives can use the Unisys U-ACT application (a
Windows application). U-ACT has been updated with the most current Enterprise
Output Manager information, including software licensing, upgrades, discounts,
and optional tools, and there are convenient links to Enterprise Output Manager
documents and interim correction pages on Unisys.com.
Method 2: Customers with software subscriptions or Unisys representatives in
the U.S. can send an email to [email protected].
The most current Enterprise Output Manager software will be ordered, unless a
different release level is specified on the order. Both methods of ordering Enterprise
Output Manager software require you to specify the quantity of the desired Enterprise
Output Manager editions.
Subscription Pricing
Subscription styles are available that alleviate the cost and time to reorder major
upgrade versions of Enterprise Output Manager Release 12.0. Notification of major
Enterprise Output Manager upgrades will be sent to you with an easy-to-reply request
for future upgrades. This process provides the following benefits:
Subscriptions alleviate the difficulty of justifying the cost of an upgrade that was
not included in annual budgets.
Users will be provided with timely updates and upgrades so that they are always
up to date on the latest version of products and have access to new
enhancements and features.
Subscription pricing is the most cost effective way of staying current with new
Enterprise Output Manager feature releases.
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Interim Corrections
After installing Enterprise Output Manager, access the Unisys Product Support Web
site at http://www.support.unisys.com to obtain the latest interim corrections for the
installed level when there is a maintenance agreement in effect.
For a list of resolved software issues included with this release, see the PLE database
(Note that the PLE database lists all Enterprise Output Manager fixes under the former
product name, “DEPCON.”) To obtain copies of PLEs, access the Unisys Support
Online (USO) Web site at http://www.service.unisys.com.
Enterprise Output Manager Editions
Each installed instance of the Enterprise Output Manager service requires a license.
Each license includes a nontransferable, single-user copy of Enterprise Output
Manager. The following editions of Enterprise Output Manager are available.
Enterprise Edition
The Enterprise Edition provides significantly greater performance capability than the
other editions, especially when installed on a multi-processor system. The Enterprise
Edition manages printers of any speedspecifically, high-performance Windows and
TCP/IP printers that print greater than 70 pages per minute (ppm). The Enterprise
Edition provides the best performance and capability of the Enterprise Output
Manager editions. Remote client access is limited only by the capability of the system
and communications of where the Enterprise Output Manager service is installed.
Similarly, given sufficient system resources, this edition can support up to 25
concurrent printers, 25 concurrent transform jobs, 50 communication listening paths
(inbound) and 50 communication sending paths (outbound), and thousands of enabled
Department Edition
The Department Edition is used when more than one of a type of printer is required
but does not have to support high volumes of data or high-speed printers. The
Department Edition manages printers of speeds not to exceed 70 ppm, including
Windows and TCP/IP printers. This edition limits client access to 5 concurrent remote
applications*, 5 concurrent print jobs, 4 concurrent transform jobs, 5 inbound and 5
outbound communications paths, and up to 50 enabled printers.
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Professional Edition
The Professional Edition has two primary uses: First, for end users who want to view
and possibly reprint all or parts of backup files created by another Enterprise Output
Manager system. And second, an administrator (the person who maintains the
Enterprise Output Manager configuration) may use it to test new configurations on a
workstation before updating the production Enterprise Output Manager system. The
Professional Edition manages one of each type of printer configurable in Enterprise
Output Manager, including one Windows printer and one TCP/IP printer, where
physical printers are not to exceed 40 ppm. This edition limits client access to 1
concurrent remote application*. There is no limit to the number of client applications
that may run on the same PC as where the Enterprise Output Manager service is
installed. Further, this edition limits access to 1 concurrent print job, 1 concurrent
transform job, 1 inbound and 1 outbound communications path, and 1 of each type of
* A “remote application” is defined as a single instance of an Enterprise Output
Manager client running on a remote computer or an application using the Enterprise
Output Manager .NET API running on a remote computer. If two Enterprise Output
Manager clients are started by one user on one remote computer and an Enterprise
Output Manager .NET API application is also running on the same remote computer,
that counts as three remote applications.
The following table summarizes the differences among the editions.
Printer speed
< 40 ppm
< 70 ppm
Any speed printer
Client application
1 remote application;
unlimited applications
may run on the same
PC as the service
5 remote applications;
unlimited client
applications that run
on the same PC as the
No limit; up to
capacity of available
Concurrent print jobs
25 maximum, up to
capacity of available
Concurrent transform
25 maximum, up to
capacity of available
Concurrent incoming
connections utilizing
any number of
Listening Paths
Concurrent transfers
utilizing any number of
Sending Paths
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Total E-mail Accounts
that can be configured
in Options - E-mail
Enabled printers
1 of each type
50 of each type
No limit; up to
capacity of available
Enterprise Output Manager Host Software
In addition to Enterprise Output Manager software, appropriate host software is
required for managing printed output from ClearPath MCP systems and OS 2200
Enterprise Output Manager for ClearPath MCP
Enterprise Output Manager for ClearPath MCP delivers print files from MCP systems
to one or more Enterprise Output Manager servers. Enterprise Output Manager for
ClearPath MCP is now packaged with the Print System (PrintS) software. There is no
longer separate media for the Enterprise Output Manager software.
Enterprise Output Manager for ClearPath OS 2200
Enterprise Output Manager for ClearPath OS 2200 delivers print files from OS 2200
systems to one or more Enterprise Output Manager servers.
ClearPath Servers
The Integrated Operating Environment (IOE) software for ClearPath servers includes
One license and media for the appropriate Enterprise Output Manager host
One license and media for the Enterprise Output Manager Department Edition
Enterprise Output Manager Release 12.0 is available with ClearPath OS 2200 Release
16.0 and it will be available with the ClearPath MCP Release 17.0. If you have
purchased a subscription for the ClearPath software IOE and have a current
maintenance contract, upgrades to the bundled software are included at no additional
The Enterprise Output Manager Department Edition can be upgraded to the
Enterprise Edition by purchasing the appropriate Enterprise Edition upgrade.
Additional licenses for Enterprise and/or Department Editions are available for
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Data Dependent Attribute (DDA) Designer
Key and Web Assistant
Enterprise Output Manager DDA Designer Key and Web Assistant are available in one
of two optional, separately priced packages:
DDA Designer and Web Assistant package Licensing is a single, nontransferable
user copy of each of the two tools: DDA Designer Key and Web Assistant.
DDA Designer Key Licensing is a single, nontransferable user copy of the DDA
Designer Key.
DDA Designer
Once the DDA Designer key is installed by a user, Data Dependent Attributes (DDA)
can be created and accessed by that user from the Enterprise Output Manager
Configuration Explorer. DDA Designer is used for advanced document modernization
and reformatting; for example, to move and manipulate print data based on the
content and location of the data in a print file. With DDA, you can customize print data
without changing the application program that produced the data. Options include
loading electronic forms, changing fonts, moving or discarding text, and printing
PostNet bar codes. Any Enterprise Output Manager system can use DDAs created by
another Enterprise Output Manager system. DDA Designer is not needed for
electronic forms if the print file is already correctly formatted to fit the form usually
because the electronic form is an exact image of a previous “real” preprinted form.
The DDA Designer is installed on the client and is licensed based on the number of
individual users (developers). 5 developers = 5 licenses of DDA Designer.
Web Assistant
A Web site and administration tool that is generally installed on a Windows Web
Server running IIS for Web services. The installation of an Enterprise Output Manager
edition (Enterprise, Department, or Professional) is not required on the Web Assistant
workstation. Web Assistant receives any type of files from Enterprise Output
Manager servers, and posts these files to the Web. Users can then search for and
view Enterprise Output Manager-created files using their Web browsers. While Web
Assistant can be used to post any type of file, it is commonly used to post PDF files.
To create PDF files, Unisys recommends to use Enterprise Output Manager PDF
Writer (to be ordered separately and installed). Other PDF creation software such as
Amyuni PDF Converter and Win2PDF can still be used to create PDF files; however,
any product issues are the responsibility of the appropriate vendor.
Whereas the DDA Designer feature is licensed for each user (developer), the
Web Assistant feature runs on the Enterprise Output Manager server. When ordering
the Web Assistant feature, always include one copy for each licensed copy of
Enterprise Output Manager where these components are installed.
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PDF Writer
The Enterprise Output Manager PDF Writer is an orderable no-cost component that
enables you to create and print PDF files using integrated PDF Writer driver. Using this
component, you can
Print a PDF file
Compress the content of the file
Optimize the PDF file for faster Web viewing
Create a PDF file with 128-bit encryption
Create a PDF file with PDF/A compliance
Configure image compressions
Embed fonts in a PDF file
Set usage permissions in the PDF file
Set watermark for the PDF file
Set metadata for the PDF file
This component enables you to configure various printers with different settings and
generate PDF files simultaneously.
If the Amyuni PDF Converter or Creator software is already installed on your
system, you must decide on one of the following options:
Continue with the Amyuni PDF Creator software on the existing license terms
that you have with Amyuni, or
Install the Enterprise Output Manger PDF Writer
You cannot install both the software Enterprise Output Manger PDF Writer and
Amyuni PDF Converteron your system. If you decide to install the Enterprise
Output Manager PDF Writer, you must uninstall Amyuni PDF Converter or Creator
first, and reboot your system before installing the Enterprise Output Manager PDF
Writer. This is because the Enterprise Output Manager PDF Writer internally uses
the Amyuni PDF Converter driver, and the Windows spooler can use only one
version of Amyuni PDF Converter driver at a time.
After a successful installation of the Enterprise Output Manager PDF Writer, if a
new version of the Amyuni PDF Converter driver is available, the next Windows
Update may show an optional update of the Amyuni PDF Converter driver. This is an
optional update and you can ignore or install it. Unisys will be releasing the
Enterprise Output Manager PDF Writer with the latest driver during each major
release of Enterprise Output Manager.
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Secure E-mail
The Enterprise Output Manager Secure E-mail is an orderable no-cost component that
enables the use of secure e-mail. This component allows signed and encrypted e-mail
messages to be sent using the SMTP protocol. You can receive these secure
messages using the IMAP protocol. If the e-mail messages are unsigned and
unencrypted, these messages can be sent and received even if this component is not
X.509 certificates need to be installed for the e-mail addresses to send or receive
signed or encrypted e-mail messages. You can install these certificates in the same
computer as the Enterprise Output Manager service or in the Microsoft Active
The Enterprise Output Manager SFTP ADD ON is an orderable no-cost component that
enables you to transfer files using SFTP.
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