In a single motion pruning demonstrates both the art
and science of horticulture. Perhaps that’s why so many
homeowners get nervous and postpone or ignore the
task. Understanding how plants grow, why pruning is
necessary, and which tools to use can remove the
mystery surrounding this routine practice.
Reasons for Pruning
Pruning is the selective removal of specific plant parts
for the benefit of the whole plant. Pruning is not a way
to compensate for inappropriate plant placement or
long-term neglect of a plant.
The reasons for pruning can be grouped into four
categories: training a plant; maintaining plant health;
improving the quality of flowers, fruit, and stems; and
restricting growth.
Training a Plant
Young, vigorously growing shrubs benefit from regular
pruning. The goal at this stage is to establish the overall
framework of the shrub and enhance its natural form so
it matures into a structurally sound specimen. Shrubs
planted in suitable growing locations should require
less pruning as they mature.
Maintaining Plant Health
Removing dead, dying, or diseased branches helps
promote plant health. Pruning diseased wood often
requires cutting into healthy tissue beyond the
infection. If you cut into infected tissue it may be
necessary to sanitize the pruning tool with alcohol or a
mild bleach solution to prevent transferring the disease
to another area of that plant, or to a different plant.
Thinning out the canopy of dense shrubs to allow for
light penetration and improved air circulation also can
help prevent disease problems from developing.
Improving the Quality of Flowers,
Fruit, and Stems
Selectively removing some of the flower-bearing stems
can enhance the overall size and quality of flowers and
fruit. On flowering shrubs knowing where the flowers
are produced (current year’s growth or last year’s
growth) will help you determine what to prune.
Pruning at the wrong time will drastically reduce or
completely eliminate flowering for the season. Some
deciduous shrubs—such as redtwig dogwood—have
attractive stems or bark. The most vibrant color is
produced on young vigorous stems, so pruning these
shrubs hard (removing a large number of twigs to the
ground) produces more new growth which will have
the best color.
Restricting Growth
If a shrub consistently needs excessive pruning in
order to keep it in bounds, consider removing it and
replacing it with a more appropriate plant. A neglected
or poorly maintained shrub will require extensive
pruning to get it back in shape. Shrubs grown as an
espalier or formal hedge also will require extensive
annual pruning.
PM 1958 March 2004
Pruning Ornamental Shrubs
Principles of Pruning
Woody plants have a
definable growth habit.
Knowing the parts
of a branch will
help you make
correct pruning
cuts. In woody
plants the largest
buds are located
at the branch tips
with numerous,
smaller, lateral buds
located along the length
of the stem. Although
there are a number of buds
on a given stem, not all
of them will develop
into new shoots.
Woody plants exhibit a growth characteristic called
apical dominance. The high concentration of hormones
located at the shoot tips inhibits growth of lateral buds
below the tip and reduces growth of lower shoots.
Removing the shoot tip encourages lateral buds further
down the stem to develop with the top most remaining
bud growing most vigorously. Removing material in one
area stimulates growth in another.
Pruning back to a new growing point is essential to
good pruning. Generally a vegetative bud is visible
along the stem and is a good point to cut back to.
On stems that grow upward, make a slanting cut at a
angle. This will allow water to run off the pruning
cut and expedites wound closure. In cases of more
extensive pruning, cut back to a lateral stem that is at
least half the size of the stem being removed. Also keep
in mind the direction you want the new stem to grow
and select for a bud that faces that direction. A major
goal of pruning is to
create the desired
framework of
The types of pruning cuts most often made can be
classified as ‘heading cuts’ or ‘thinning cuts’. Each type
of cut has a different effect on plant growth.
Heading cuts are characterized
by cutting a shoot or
limb back to a bud
or existing shoot.
Heading cuts
promote branch-
ing and increase
the number of
new shoots giving the
plant a “filled in” appearance.
Axillary Bud
Terminal Bud
Flower Bud
Latent Bud
Parts of a Branch
Pruning cuts in relationship to stem buds
45° angle
Good cut.
Good cut.
Cut back to a
lateral stem
at least half the
size of the stem
being removed
Thinning cuts involve
removing a stem or branch
completely. This opens up
the canopy and increases
light penetration and air
circulation. The stem or
branch is removed at one
of the following points:
its point of origin on the
parent stem; a lateral side
branch; or the ‘Y’ of a
branch junction. In cases
of rejuvenation pruning,
the branch is removed at
ground level. Thinning
cuts can be used to reduce
the overall size of the plant
without significantly
changing its natural form.
After the pruning cuts are made the plant produces
callus tissue around the wound margin that will
ultimately cover the wound. “Wound dressing”
products are not recommended because research on
their effectiveness has been inconclusive.
Rapid wound closure after a pruning cut is important
to the plant’s health. Pruning in early spring enhances
the plant’s chance to recover because the quickest
closure occurs after leaf expansion in the spring and
just prior to the onset of stem elongation.
Pruning roses in late summer is not recommended. It
stimulates new growth that will not have time to harden
off and as a result will be susceptible to winter injury.
Pruning Terms
Apex—The tip of a shoot
Apical dominance—The influence a growing
shoot tip has on buds and shoots below it. The high
concentration of hormones located at the shoot tips
inhibits growth of lateral buds below the tip and
reduces growth of lower shoots. When you remove
the shoot tip, lateral buds further down the stem
begin to develop, and the top most remaining bud
will grow most vigorously.
Bud—An undeveloped shoot, leaf or flower or a
combination of leaves and flowers. Buds form on
the sides or ends of shoots and in the angle formed
where a leaf is attached to a shoot.
Heading cut—Removing
part of a shoot or limb
back to a bud.
Rejuvenation pruning—Method of renovation
for overgrown shrubs; each year for three years
one-third of the oldest stems are cut back to
the ground. See page 6.
Renovation pruning—Drastic method of treating
overgrown shrubs by removing all stems back
to about 6 inches from ground level. See page 6.
Root sucker—A shoot that arises from the
root system.
Shoot—The growth of a branch for one season.
A ring of small ridges (the bud scale scars) on a
branch mark the start of a season’s growth.
Thinning cut—Removing
an entire shoot or limb
to the point where
it originates.
Choosing and Caring for
Pruning Tools
To extend the life
of pruning tools,
use the right
tool for a job
and avoid
twisting or
straining it.
Clean and oil
tools regularly by wiping
an oily cloth on blades and other surfaces. Keep
cutting edges sharp by regularly using an oilstone.
Wooden handles should be varnished or regularly
treated with linseed oil to keep them from cracking
or splintering.
Hand Pruning Shears
Stems up to half inch in
diameter can be pruned
with hand shears. Hand
shears are available in
either a scissor-action
or anvil-cut type.
Scissor-action shears
have a thin, sharp blade
that slides closely past a
thicker sharp blade. These shears make a clean,
close cut. Anvil type shears have a sharp blade that
cuts against a broad, flat blade. Cuts with this type
of shear tend to be more ragged.
Lopping Shears
Lopping shears are
suitable to use
on stems between
half inch and 2 inches
in diameter. Lopping shears
have long handles and are
operated with two hands.
Pruning Guidelines
for Specific Shrub Types
Deciduous Shrubs
Deciduous shrubs make up the bulk of most landscapes.
Consider the growth habit and flowering time before
pruning. Routine pruning tasks include removing dead,
diseased, or damaged growth, and deadheading. In some
cases a shrub may have a stem that is reverting back to
its natural form (i.e. losing its variegation). These stems
should be removed.
Pruning Decisions Based on Growth Habit
Cane-type shrubs produce
numerous, long, relatively
unbranched stems and
respond well to regular
thinning. The new,
vigorous shoots
that develop as a
result of thinning will
produce more flowers
than the older stems.
Deutzia species, Deutzia
Forsythia species, Forsythia
Kolkwitzia amabilis, Beautybush
Philadelphus species, Mockorange
Rosa species, Rose
Viburnum species, Viburnum
Shrubs that have a
permanent framework-
type growth habit
benefit from selective
heading cuts to enhance
the plant’s overall shape.
Rhododendron species,
Rhododendron and azalea
Hamamelis species, Witch hazel
Lopping shears
Cane type
Framework type
Pruning Decisions Based on Time of Flowering
The majority of spring-flowering
shrubs bloom on the previous
year’s growth and should be
pruned immediately after they
bloom to allow adequate time
for new growth during the summer.
Flower buds for the
following year will
develop on this new
Chaenomeles japonica, Japanese quince
Chionanthus virginicus, Fringe tree
Deutzia species, Deutzia
Exochorda racemosa, Pearlbush
Forsythia species, Forsythia
Lonicera species, Honeysuckle
Philadelphus species, Mockorange
Rosa species, Rambling rose
Spiraea species, Spring-blooming spirea
Syringa species, Lilac
Viburnum species, Viburnum
Weigela florida, Weigela
Shrubs that bloom in midsummer or fall do so from
buds that form on the current season’s growth. These
species should be pruned in late winter or early spring
to promote vigorous growth early in the summer.
Hydrangea arborescens, Smooth hydrangea
Hydrangea paniculata, Panicle hydrangea
Potentilla fruticosa, Potentilla
Rosa species, Hybrid teas, Grandiflora, Floribunda
Spiraea bumalda, Bumald spirea
Spiraea japonica, Japanese spirea
Shrubs that are grown predominantly for their attractive
bark, fruit, or fall leaf color should be pruned in late
winter or early spring.
Cornus species, Redtwig and Yellowtwig dogwood
Euonymus alatus, Burning bush
Pole Pruner
Pole pruners have a hooked blade above
and a cutting blade beneath. The blades
are on a 5- to 6-foot long pole and are
operated by pulling on a long piece of
cord. The pole can be made of various
materials such as plastic, fiberglass,
aluminum or wood. Fiberglass and
plastic poles are good choices because
they tend to be lightweight and don’t
conduct electricity.
Hedge Shears
Manual and
power shears
are available
for trimming hedges.
Manual shears have
long, flat
with relatively
short handles
and are good
for small jobs. Electric shears are a good
choice for larger hedges.
A number of pruning saws are available. These
saws come with either curved or straight blades
and of variable lengths and points.
Curved blades that cut
on the draw
stroke are
easy to use.
Fineness of the cutting edge is measured in
points (teeth per inch). Most pruning saws are
in 5
to 6 points. Blades with 8 or more points
are suitable for delicate pruning on small limbs,
while a 4
-point blade is good for thicker
- to 3-inch diameter) stems.
Bow saws are best used when the plant is
heavily branched so other branches
don’t get in the way
when pruning.
Bow saw
Pruning saw
Electric hedge shears
Hedge shears
Formal Hedges
Nearly all hedges require regular and careful pruning
to keep them healthy and attractive but formal hedges
require the most maintenance. By shearing and using
careful heading cuts hedges can be pruned into a
variety of shapes.
The most important goal when pruning a hedge is to
allow sunlight to reach all parts of the canopy, including
the base of the plant. Hedges that are wider at the top
than at the base often have little foliage near the bottom
due to lack of light. A better option is a pyramid form
which lets light reach the entirety of the hedge.
Good choices for formal hedges include
Buxus species, Boxwood
Ligustrum species, Privet
Ribes species, Currant
Taxus species, Yew
Overgrown Shrubs
Drastic pruning can be
used to rejuvenate some
overgrown shrubs.
Renovation involves
cutting all stems back
to about six inches
from the ground.
As the new stems develop
some additional thinning
and heading cuts will be
necessary to shape the
new plant.
Examples of shrubs that
can tolerate severe
pruning include
Berberis species, Barberry
Chaenomeles species, Flowering quince
Cornus species, Dogwood
Forsythia species, Forsythia
Kolkwitzia amabilis, Beautybush
Ligustrum species, Privet
Philadelphus species, Mockorange
Rosa species, Shrub roses
Spiraea species, Spirea
Syringa species, Lilac
A less drastic approach
is to remove one-third
of the stems in
each of three
years. When
doing rejuvenation
pruning, start with
the oldest and
tallest branches and
remove them to
ground level. Repeat
this the following
two years. As new stems
develop they may need
heading to direct the new growth.
Renovation pruning
Rejuvenation pruning
Snow accumulates
on broad, flat top
Straight lines require
more frequent trimming
Roman arch
Gothic arch
Peaked and rounded top hinders
snow accumulation
Good shape—
base gets sun
Poor shape—
weak growth at base
type of rose. Floribundas and hybrid teas should be cut
back to 12 to 18 inches. Most grandifloras should be
cut back only to 24 inches.
Albas, Damask, Gallica, Moss
These once-blooming favorites bloom on the previous
year’s growth and produce a single flush of blooms in
early summer. Spring pruning should be limited to
removing dead or diseased canes.
Ramblers and Climbers
These roses tend to have a vigorous growth habit
and need regular pruning and training to keep them
attractive and flowering well. They do best when
trained to a trellis, fence, or other support.
Only a limited number of roses in these categories can
be successfully grown in Iowa. Some bloom on current
season's growth (Example: 'Blaze'). Others bloom on
the previous year's growth (Example: 'William Baffin').
The severe winter weather in Iowa usually causes
significant dieback of the older canes. Dead or damaged
canes should be pruned in the spring. Start by removing
all canes that are completely dead; then use selective
heading cuts to direct the new growth of the remaining
canes. If necessary during the growing season, the
vigorous new growth can be shortened and thinned
to maintain the desired plant form.
All rose bushes benefit
from some type of
pruning to improve
flowering. Pruning
also helps reduce
disease problems
by improving air
circulation or by
removing existing
diseased tissue,
producing a more
attractive plant.
Some roses bloom on the current season’s growth,
while others bloom on the previous year’s growth.
Those that bloom on current season growth tend to be
repeat bloomers and will bloom almost continuously
from early summer until frost. Roses that bloom on the
previous year’s growth are once-blooming types and
have a single flush of blooms in early summer.
Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora,
and Floribunda
These roses are repeat bloomers
and bloom on current season
growth. They require annual
pruning in the spring after
winter protection is removed.
A severe winter may cause
extensive dieback on existing
canes. In this case, cut the
canes back to live tissue
which is green and has plump
buds. If there is no green tissue,
the cane is dead and should be
removed completely. If the
winter has been less severe,
prune canes in early spring before they leaf out, about
when the forsythia blooms. Remove damaged or
crossing canes and those that are growing toward the
interior of the shrub. Select 4 or 5 healthy canes which
are well spaced around the plant and cut these back by
Remove diseased tissue
Prune annually
in the spring
For more information
Contact your local Iowa State University Extension
office for additional information or copies of the
following publications.
Deciduous Shrubs, PM 1943 ($)
Growing Rhododendrons and Azaleas in Iowa, RG 704
Iowas Shrubs and Vines, IAN 307 ($)
Pruning Shade and Flowering Trees, PM 1304
Pruning Trees and Shrubs, SUL 5 ($)
Roses for the Home, NCR 252 ($)
Additional information also is available from these
Web sites:
ISU Extension publications—
ISU Forestry Extension—
ISU Horticulture—
Questions also may be directed to ISU Extension
Hortline (515-294-3108), Monday–Friday, 10 a.m.–
noon and 1–4:30 p.m.
If you want to learn more about horticulture through
training and volunteer work, ask your ISU Extension
office for information about the ISU Extension Master
Gardener program.
Prepared by Ann Marie VanDerZanden, extension
horticulturist, and Diane Nelson, communication
specialist. Illustrations used by permission from
Oregon State University Extension Service. Cover and
tool illustrations by Jane Lenahan, graphic designer,
Instructional Technology Center. Designed by ITC.
For pruning purposes conifers are divided into
two types.
Scale-like Foliage and a Random Branch
Juniperus species, Juniper
Thuja species, Arbovitae
Conifers in this group can be pruned the same way
as flowering shrubs. Heading cuts will encourage
dense growth while thinning cuts will help maintain
the overall shape of the shrub. New branches will
only develop as a result of heading cuts if the branch
remaining still has foliage on it.
Needle-like Leaves and Whorled Branches
Abies species, Fir
Picea species, Spruce
Pinus species, Pine
This group of conifers can be
pruned by removing all or
part of the “candle” or new
growth. In spring when the
light-colored candle is still
soft, pinch it with your
fingers or prune with hand
shears. This is a type of heading cut and will produce
denser growth and maintain the overall plant size.
Don’t make thinning cuts on this type of conifer as it
may create unsightly gaps in the branching pattern.
Yews (Taxus) have an abundance of buds on both
old and new wood. New stems will develop after cut.
This group of shrubs can be sheared heavily without
permanent damage and lends itself to formal hedges.
Prune just before new growth begins in the spring.
File Hort and LA 4
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The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender,
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Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914 in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Stanley R. Johnson, director, Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa.
Pinch to
part of
the candle