Tree and Shrub Identification Made Simple
By Alice Brandon
This guide is useful for identifying woody plants you will find in the Forest Preserves of
Cook County. “Woody” species are defined as plants whose stems and trunks survive
above ground during the winter season. This is unlike herbaceous plants that might still be
alive in the soil (roots) but the top of the plants dies back in the winter and must re-grow
branches and stems each spring.
TIPS: Use your observation and sensory skills to thoroughly examine an unknown tree
or shrub before you make an identification decision. Take your time and don’t jump to
Avoid damaged leaves
Examine multiple leaves and
Observe the habitat where the tree
is growing
Smell the leaves (this might give
you a clue)
Touch the branches and leaves…
are they soft or rough?
Observe if the plant has thorns
Does the plant have flowers, seeds
or acorns…this may help you
Basic Plant Terminology
Before getting started with identifying woody species in the field, it’s important to be familiar
with basic plant terminology and woody plant growth structure. Plant identification books such
as the Tree Finder by May Watts will use these terms to guide you through a series of questions to
reach a conclusion on what species you are observing in the field.
The first two questions that must be answered to successfully identify the tree / shrub are:
1. Does the woody plant have
compound or simple leaves? This is
determined by finding where the
bud is placed.
2. Are the branches arranged in an alternate or opposite pattern? There are far fewer species
with opposite leaf structure. (If the tree has opposite branches, identification will be
TIP: Opposite-branched trees often lose limbs and branches from diseases or big storms.
Examine the whole tree before coming to a conclusion. At the very tip of new branches stems
grow closely together. This can make it difficult to determine if the tree is opposite or
alternative. In this situation, look at side branches and at the whole tree before making a final
3. If you determine, your tree / shrub has compound leaves, then you will need to determine
what type:
TIP: Compound leaves are less common in the preserves than simple leaves. The common tree
species with compound leaves are: ash, hickory, locusts, black walnut and box elder.
Leaves come in all sizes and shapes. Below are basic terms used to describe leaves:
Leaf veins export sugars from the leaves down through the tree and import water and nutrients
from the roots. Here are some of the common vein types:
TIP: I have included the Latin names for the species listed in this guide. Learning scientific
(Latin) names is useful for many reasons. For one, the Latin names can give hints as to what
features the plant may have. Example: rubra means “red” in Latin. Quercus rubra is the Latin
name for red oak. Secondly, different species of plants can have the same common name or one
plant can have several common names. For example, the species of tree, Ostrya virginiana, is
sometime called Ironwood but is also called hop horn beam, which can be confusing at best.
See Appendix for additional Latin name tips.
PART ONE: COMMON INVASIVE WOODY SPECIES These are the most frequently
encountered invasive shrubs and small trees you will be asked to identify and control. Learn these
seven invaders and you will be a highly successful member of your team.
Bush Honeysuckle (Lonicera species)
Shrub (multi-stemmed at base)
Simple, opposite leaves
Leaf entire, oval shaped or oval with pointed ends
Bark is light brown to yellowish brown
Old stems and branches are hollow in center
Berries are red to orange
Leaves (2 in. long) and doesn’t have hollow stems
Locations: Most prevalent in the Palos region, where it is the dominant woody invasive shrub.
Bush honeysuckles are the 2
most common woody invasive group of the FPCC.
Potential Look-Alikes: Coralberry (a shrub native to central Illinois, uncommon Chicago region)
looks somewhat similar but this species is low growing (2 ft. tall) and sprawling rather than
upright, it has smaller leaves and pink colored berries.
Common Buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica)
Shrub or small tree
Round leaves are sub-opposite, toothed, usually dark green
Small, weak “thorns”
Deep pitchfork veins on underside (curved towards the leaf margins)
Dark gray / black bark with orange under-bark.
Sapling stems have lenticels (salted pretzel rod)
Locations: This is our most common invasive woody plant. It is especially dense along the North
Branch of the Chicago River.
Potential Look-Alikes: Young black cherry trees also have salted pretzel rod but their leaves
are alternate and lance-shaped not broad and rounded. Black cherry has no thorns, and no orange
under their bark. The glossy buckthorn also looks similar because it has pretzel rod bark (see next
page) but has entire leaves.
Glossy Buckthorn (Rhamnus alnus or Rhamnus frangula)
Shrub or small tree (12 ft.)
Alternate entire leaves with wavy margins
Leaf stems often reddish (can be green)
Prefers moist habitats
Gray bark with lenticels (salted pretzel rod)
Bright orange under-bark
Locations: This species is less common than common buckthorn. It is most frequently seen in wet
woodlands and prairie habitats in the Calumet region.
Potential Look-Alikes: Young black cherry also has the “salted pretzel rod bark (lenticels) but
the leaves have teeth and are lance shaped. See part two for pictures and a description of black
Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii)
Multi-stemmed bushy shrub (2-8 ft.)
Tiny leaves, oval to spatula-shaped (green or reddish-purple)
Sharps spines /thorns
Bright red berries (fall)
Potential Look-Alikes: none, easy to identify.
Locations: Prevalent in the Palos region and some areas of the Calumet region and quickly
becoming a problem in other areas. Used extensively in landscaping, take a walk down your
street and you’ll find it!
Multi-Flora Rose (Rosa multiflora)
Thorny, multi-stemmed shrub
Compound with toothed leaflets (5-11)
Each leaf stalk has a “hairy arm pit” (stipule)
Showy white flowers in spring; red rose hips in fall
Locations: Common throughout the preserves in woodlands.
Potential Look-Alikes: There are many native roses to watch out for but none have “hairy
armpits” or curved thorns.
Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus)
Woody vine (can cover ground / climb trees)
Alternate, toothed leaves (almost as long as wide)
Vines twine and wrap tightly around trees and other plants
Red-orange seeds (fall)
Locations: Can cover large areas in the Palos, Calumet and Spring Creek regions. Found
throughout the county.
Potential Look-Alikes: There is a native bittersweet, but it is uncommon and the leaves are twice
as long as wide. Its berries grow at end of twigs. In contrast, berries on oriental bittersweet grow
along the branches.
European High Bush Cranberry (Viburnum opulus)
Multi-stemmed shrub
Leaves opposite, palmately-lobed (resemble a maple leaf), tri-lobed
Distinctive glands on leaf stem
Prefers moist woodlands
Locations: Prevalent at Dan Ryan Woods. Found at other sites but not in high densities,
however, it is important to know and eradicate so it doesn’t become a larger problem.
Potential Look-Alikes: The leaves resemble sugar maple, however, sugar maple doesn’t have
glands on the leaf stems, has 5 lobes not 3, and are trees not shrubs with multiple stems at the
These are the trees you are most likely to encounter in the Forest Preserves. This is not a
comprehensive list (there are over 100 species present), but is a good place to start and master
before learning other trees. Suggested further reading and tree identification books are listed in
the appendix.
Opposite Branched Trees
Alternate Branched Trees
Maple (Silver, Sugar and Box elder)
Dogwood (small trees and shrubs)
Ohio buckeye
A. Simple Leaves
American basswood
Black cherry
Elm (American and Slippery)
Mulberry (Red and White)
Oak (White, Swamp, Bur, Red, Black, and Pin)
B. Compound Leaves
Black walnut
Black locust
Hickory (Shagbark and Bitternut)
Honey locust
Tree Key for this Guide
Are the tree
branches opposite
or alternate?
If opposite, start
simple leaves
Maple, page 13
Dogwood, page 14
Catalpa, page 14
compound leaves
Box elder, page 13
Ash, page 14
Buckeye, page 14
If alternate, start
simple leaves Many species
compound leaves
Hickory, page 22
Black locust, page 22
Black walnut, page 21
Honey locust, page 23
Opposite Leaved Trees Simple and Compound
TIP: Use this saying to help with remembering opposite-leaved tree species: “MAD
Bucking Horse Charges”
M = maple
A = ash
D = dogwood
Bucking = buckeye
Horse = horse chestnut (not found in the FPCC)
Charges = catalpa
Maple (Acer species)
Silver Maple
Sugar Maple
Box Elder
Prefers moist
woodlands, streams
Looks like
Canada’s flag
Compound leaves,
3-7 leaflets
Deeply cut lobes
Saplings sometimes confused
with poison ivy
Young stems bright green
Lives in disturbed habitats,
especially along streams
Ash (Fraxinus species)
Compound leaves, leaflets lance shaped
Bark has diamond pattern (large trees)
Multiple species, most common green ash
Declining due to Emerald Ash Borer
Dogwood (Cornus species)
Small trees and shrubs
Opposite simple leaves with no teeth
Leaf veins curve out towards leaf edge
Silky connectors in leaves when torn (unique)
Common in prairies (can be aggressive)
(Ohio) Buckeye (Aesculus glabra)
Leaves compound and palmately lobed unique
Distinctive prickly fruit
Northern Catalpa (Catalpa speciosa)
Large, heart-shaped leaves
Long distinctive seed pods (big green bean)
Native downstate (rare preserves)
Popular neighborhood street tree
Alternate Leaf Tree Species Simple Leaves
American Basswood or Linden (Tilia americana)
Large leaves (8 in. long), heart-shaped, lopsided base
Often multi-stemmed tree (unique)
Prefers moist woodlands along rivers and streams
Winter buds bright red
Black Cherry (Prunus serotina)
Toothed leaves (longer than wide)
Leaf underside has rusty hairs along
main vein
Burnt potato chip bark”
Cottonwood (Populus deltoides)
Triangular shaped leaves (flat base)
Light brown, deeply-furrowed bark (old)
Wind-pollinated with “cotton” like seeds
Common along streams, wet areas
Elm (Ulmus species)
Simple pinnately veined leaves (lopsided bases)
Leaves doubly toothed
American Elm (Ulmus americana)
Under bark has layers of cream and
rusty colors…”patriotic”
Mildly rough leaves
Elm (Ulmus rubra)
Under bark layers are only rusty
Leaves feel like sandpaper
Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis)
Simple, toothed leaves (lopsided heart-shaped bases)
Distinctive “ warty” bark
Hawthorns (Crataegus species)
Sharp, pointed thorns
Simple, toothed leaves (some species also have
shallow lobes)
Leaves get a fungus that forms yellowish spots
Shaggy, loose appearing brown bark
Mulberry Tree (Morus species)
Simple, toothed leaves. Some leaves are entire but others have lobes
Red Mulberry (Morus rubra)
Hairs on underside of toothed
Most leaves unlobed with heart-
shaped bases
White Mulberry (Morus alba)
No hairs on leaf underside or if
present, only on main vein
Lobed and unlobed leaves of
diferent shapes on the same tree
American Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis)
Large, simple leaves with 3-5 shallow lobes.
Bark sheds to reveal “white” bone “sick” appearance
Lives along streams
There are many Oak species, making them hard to identify but fortunately only a few
common ones found in the FPCC. They are separated into 2 major groups. These species
are the dominant trees of our woodlands and savanas.
A. White Oak Group no bristle tips
Swamp White Oak (Quercus bicolor)
Wetlands and
swampy areas
Dense hairs on the underside
of leaves, acorns have long
White Oak (Quercus alba)
Mesic habitat (in
between wet and dry)
White bark, as it gets older,
bark forms large flakey
plates that look like they
might fall off
Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa)
Most adapted to
fire, lives well in
prairies and dry
habitats but also
found in woodlands
Dense, craggy bark. The
leaves are indented almost to
the mid-vein at the center of
the leaf, makes the leaf look
like a “witch”
B. Red Oak Group bristle tips
Red Oak (Quercus rubra)
Mesic habitat (in
between wet and dry).
Common in woodlands
Glossy leaves. Bark is
grayish when large. Has
“ski” tracks along with bark.
Glossy, angled buds. Acorns
are large and look like a
frenchman wearing a beret
Black Oak (Quercus velutina)
Dry habitat. Does
well in sandy soils.
Also seen in
The leaves are waxier than
the Red oak but can be hard
to differentiate from Red
oak. The buds are usualy
densly hairy and grayish.
The acorn caps have fringed,
loose edges. Dark bark
Pin Oak (Quercus palustris)
Swampy places, not
common in the
Tiny leaves, shiny and waxy.
Acorns are also “tiny”.
Lower branches often angle
downward, narrow canopy
White Oak Group No bristle tips
Red Oak Group Bristle Tips
Pin Oak
Alternate Leaf Tree Species Compound Leaves
Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)
15-23 leaflets, pointed tips,
pinnately veined
Leaves aromatic when crushed
(lemony smell)
Nut trees
Stems with chambered pith (see
Deep, U-shaped sinus
Slightly ridged, shallow
furrowed. Dark gray-
gray-brown bark
Small, red-brown
terminal buds
Dark green, shiny, waxy
leaves with bristle tips
Very small, flat shallow cap, round acorn
Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)
7-21 leaflets (no teeth, oval-shaped)
Pair of spines (distinctive)
Furrowed light brown bark
Introduced from southern U.S.
(considered invasive)
Hickory (Carya species)
5-9 leaflets (for species found here)
The 3 terminal leaflets are larger than the other leaflets
Nut trees
Shagbark Hickory (Carya ovata)
Distinctive shaggy bark
5-7 leaflets with teeth
Large buds
Bitternut Hickory (Carya cordiformis)
7-9 leaflets with teeth
Mustard yellow buds (distinctive)
Small nuts
Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos)
Once compound or
leaflets, oval, no teeth
Many leaflets!
Dark brown bark
Common street tree,
tolerant of air pollution
Pea family (seeds
resemble green bean)
Common Scientific (Latin) names with their English Meaning:
Latin Term(s)
English Meaning
Swampy or marshy
Rubra, Rubrum
Suggested Guides & Further Readings
“Tree Finder” – May Theilgaard Watts ($6; fits in pocket)
Michigan Trees Burton V. Barnes and Warren H. Wagner, Jr. ($20 in-depth book)
“Forest Trees of Illinois” – Jay C. Hayek and Robert H. Mohlenbrock (Available on
the University of Illinois Extension website: