Revision 1
Theme Editor
Table of Contents
1 Basic Information ..................................................................................................4
1.1 System Requirements ............................................................................................................... 4
2 Supported brands .................................................................................................5
3 Installation..............................................................................................................6
4 Using MyQ Theme Editor.....................................................................................7
4.1 Editing an existing style............................................................................................................ 9
4.2 Creating a new style .................................................................................................................. 9
5 Importing themes in MyQ .................................................................................11
6 Business Contacts ...............................................................................................15
MyQ Theme Editor 1.0
The MyQ Theme Editor is a standalone tool for editing and creating styles for your
terminals. By exporting these styles to the MyQ web administrator interface, you can
activate them on your terminals. This way, you can change the look and feel of your
terminals by changing the color and the images of the terminal actions.
The guide is also available in PDF.
Basic Information
1 Basic Information
The MyQ Theme Editor is a standalone tool for editing and creating styles for your
terminals. By exporting these styles to the MyQ web administrator interface, you can
activate them on your terminals. This way you can change the look and feel of your
terminals, by changing the color and the images of the terminal actions.
You can also create a theme (template) with completely new names for the terminal
Then, adding your company logo to all of the styles would result in having created
your own specific look and feel for your company terminals.
In this guide you can find a workflow and instructions on how to install and use MyQ
Theme Editor, create a theme with styles, export it and make it visible on your
1.1 System Requirements
OS - Windows 8.1/10/11, with all the latest updates; only 64bit OS supported.
Windows Server 2012/ 2012 R2/ 2016/ 2019/2022, with all the latest updates;
only 64bit OS supported.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher.
Supported brands
2 Supported brands
The following brands support the MyQ Theme Editor:
Canon embedded 8.2+
Epson embedded 8.1+
HP Embedded 7.5+ (only black theme supported)
HP Embedded 8.0+
Kyocera 7.5.2+
Ricoh Smart SDK 7.5+ (only black theme supported)
Sharp embedded 7.5+ (only black theme supported)
Sharp embedded 8.1.4+
Toshiba 8.1+
Xerox 7.6+
3 Installation
Download the latest MyQ Theme Editor installation file from the MyQ Community
Run the installation file and the installation wizard starts.
Browse to select the destination folder or select the default location (C:\Program
Files\MyQ\MyQ Theme Editor) and click Next.
In the Ready to Install window, click Install.
MyQ Theme Editor is installed. Keep the Launch MyQ Theme Editor option selected
to launch it immediately, or deselect it, and click Finish.
Using MyQ Theme Editor
4 Using MyQ Theme Editor
If you kept the Launch MyQ Theme Editor option selected during the installation,
MyQ Theme Editor opens once you click Finish on the installation wizard. You can
otherwise open it via the MyQ Theme Editor desktop shortcut, or via the Windows
Apps menu.
The editor opens with the Default theme loaded.
On the main menu at the top, you have the following options:
File menu
New Theme - Opens a new theme using the default theme template.
New Empty Theme - Opens a new empty theme template.
Open - Opens the Default Themes folder (C:
\ProgramData\MyQ\TerminalThemeEditor\DefaultThemes\Default), where
themes are stored. Choose a theme (in json format), and click Open to open
Save - Saves the changes in the current theme.
Save as - Saves the current theme with additional options (location, name,
Close - Closes the currently open theme template.
Import Theme - Opens the Default Themes folder (C:
\ProgramData\MyQ\TerminalThemeEditor\DefaultThemes\Default), where
themes are stored. Choose a theme (in zip format), and click Open to import
Export Theme - Exports the current theme to a zip file. Choose the
destination for the export and click Save.
Using MyQ Theme Editor
Exit - Closes MyQ Theme Editor.
Recent Files - Displays a list of any recently used files.
Theme menu
Add Style - Adds a new style tile in the editor.
Delete Style - Deletes the selected style tile.
Add Images - Opens a dialog where you can browse for and add images (in
png and bmp format) to your theme. Select the image and click Open.
View menu
Normal - Displays all the tiles in the normal style. This style is used for any
terminal action in an idle state.
Active - Displays all the tiles in the active style. This style is used for any
currently active terminal action.
Disabled - Displays all the tiles in the disabled style. This style is used for
any currently disabled terminal actions.
The ribbon below the main menu contains the following menu shortcuts: Add Style,
Delete Style, Add Images, Normal, Active, Disabled.
You can see all the available styles in the editor. Once you select one, it is displayed in
all three different styles (normal, active, disabled) in the preview at the bottom.
On the panel to the right, there are two sections where you can modify your themes
and styles: the Theme section, and the Style properties section.
The Theme section contains the following properties:
Name - Add a name for your theme.
Background Color - Choose from the available black or white colors for the
terminal’s background. The white background is only available for Kyocera
Disabled Color - Choose the color to use for the disabled style. Click on the
arrow next to the color. In the drop-down, you can either choose from the
available colors in the Standard tab, or go to the Advanced tab and set the
RGB hex number of the color of your choosing.
Using MyQ Theme Editor
Disabled icon’s brightness - Move the slider left or right to adjust the
brightness for the disabled icon.
The Style properties section contains the following properties:
Name - Add a name for the style tile. This is only editable when you add a new
Normal Color - Choose the color to use for the normal style. Click on the arrow
next to the color. In the drop-down, you can either choose from the available
colors in the Standard tab, or go to the Advanced tab and set the RGB hex
number of the color of your choosing.
Brightness - Move the slider left or right to adjust the color’s brightness.
Active Color - Choose the color to use for the active style. Click on the arrow
next to the color. In the drop-down, you can either choose from the available
colors in the Standard tab, or go to the Advanced tab and set the RGB hex
number of the color of your choosing.
Icon - Click Change to choose a different icon for your style.
4.1 Editing an existing style
To edit an existing style:
Open MyQ Theme Editor, click File at the main menu, and select New theme.
On the panel to the right, in the Theme section, add a Name for your new
Select the theme’s Background Color (black by default, white only available
for Kyocera terminals).
Select the Disabled Color from the colors drop-down.
Adjust the Disabled icon’s Brightness with the slider.
On the Style properties section, select the Normal Color from the colors
Adjust the normal color’s Brightness with the slider.
Select the Active Color from the colors drop-down.
Change the style’s icon.
On the main menu, click File, and select Save as to save your new theme.
On the main menu, click File, and select Export Theme, to export your theme
so that it can be used in MyQ.
4.2 Creating a new style
You can create a new style in any available theme. This means that you can add a
style to the Default theme template, to a new Empty theme, or to any theme that
you have created or imported.
Open MyQ Theme Editor, click File at the main menu, and select the theme of
your choice by either selecting New theme, New Empty Theme, or Open.
Click Add Style on the ribbon (or on the main menu, click Theme, Add Style).
Your new style is added to the editor, and you can also see it in the preview.
On the panel to the right, in the Theme section, you can change the theme’s
Using MyQ Theme Editor
Select the theme’s Background Color (black by default, white only available
for Kyocera terminals).
Select the Disabled Color from the colors drop-down.
Adjust the Disabled icon’s Brightness with the slider.
On the Style properties section, add a Name for your new style.
Select the Normal Color from the colors drop-down.
Adjust the normal color’s Brightness with the slider.
Select the Active Color from the colors drop-down.
Change the style’s icon.
On the main menu, click File, and select Save as to save your changes, or click
Delete Style on the ribbon, to delete the selected style.
On the main menu, click File, and select Export Theme, to export your theme
so that it can be used in MyQ.
Importing themes in MyQ
5 Importing themes in MyQ
Once you have created/edited a theme in MyQ Theme Editor, you must export it and
then import it to the MyQ web administrator interface, in order to make it available
to your terminals.
On MyQ Theme Editor, click File at the main menu, and select Export Theme. Change
the destination of the export if needed, and click Save. Your theme is exported as a
.zip file. Copy the .zip file.
Go to your MyQ Data folder (located by default in C:\ProgramData\MyQ\) and create
a new folder named Themes (C:\ProgramData\MyQ\Themes\).
Paste the .zip file in the Themes folder and extract it to a sub-folder.
Log in to the MyQ web administrator interface and go to MyQ, Settings,
In the Terminal personalization section, click on the arrow next to Theme, and
select your imported theme from the drop-down. Click Save and confirm the restart
in the pop-up window.
Importing themes in MyQ
You theme is now imported in MyQ and you can use it to stylize your terminal
Go to MyQ, Settings, Terminal Actions.
Add a new terminal action node or double-click on an existing node to open its
properties panel to the right.
In the Style parameter, select your newly imported style from the list, and click Save.
Importing themes in MyQ
The imported style is applied to the terminal action node, visible in the preview and
on the embedded terminals that use this terminal action.
Importing themes in MyQ
Business Contacts
6 Business Contacts
MyQ® spol. s r.o.
Harfa Office Park, Ceskomoravska 2420/15, 190 93 Prague 9,
Czech Republic
MyQ® Company is registered in the Companies register at the
Municipal Court in Prague, division C, no. 29842
This manual, its content, design and structure are protected
by copyright. Copying or other reproduction of all or part of
this guide, or any copyrightable subject matter without the
prior written consent of MyQ® Company is prohibited and can
be punishable.
MyQ® is not responsible for the content of this manual,
particularly regarding its integrity, currency and commercial
occupancy. All the material published here is exclusively of
informative character.
This manual is subject to change without notification. MyQ®
Company is not obliged to make these changes periodically
nor announce them, and is not responsible for currently
published information to be compatible with the latest
version of the MyQ® printing solution.
Trademarks MyQ®, including its logos, is a registered trademark of MyQ®
company. Microsoft Windows, Windows NT and Windows
Server are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All
other brands and product names might be registered
trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
Any use of trademarks of MyQ® including its logos without
the prior written consent of MyQ® Company is prohibited.
The trademark and product name is protected by MyQ®
Company and/or its local affiliates.