Administration Guide | PUBLIC
Document Version: 7.70 PL0 – 2021-01-05
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
1 Introduction................................................................4
1.1 Important News..............................................................5
1.2 New or Changed Features in SAP GUI for Windows 7.70.................................. 5
1.3 Deleted Features............................................................. 6
1.4 SAP Notes for the Installation.................................................... 6
1.5 Information Available Online..................................................... 7
Naming Conventions........................................................7
2 Conguration Information.....................................................8
2.1 Conguration Files Overview .....................................................8
2.2 Conguration Scenarios ........................................................9
Migration of Conguration Files................................................10
2.3 Caching Remote Conguration Files...............................................15
2.4 Loading Conguration Files via Environment Variable or Command Line Parameter..............15
3 Planning..................................................................17
3.1 Installation Scenarios......................................................... 17
3.2 Hardware and Software Requirements............................................. 19
3.3 Installation and Maintenance Flow................................................20
4 Preparation............................................................... 22
4.1 Setting Up an Installation Server................................................. 23
4.2 Administering an Installation Server...............................................25
4.3 Adding New SAP Front-End Components to an Existing Installation Server....................27
4.4 Updating Products on the Installation Server with a Newer Version.........................28
4.5 Deleting Products from the Installation Server........................................29
4.6 Creating and Maintaining Installation Packages.......................................29
Creating a New Installation Package............................................ 29
Conguring Packages and Scripting Events.......................................30
Changing the Package Content................................................32
Deleting an Installation Package...............................................33
Creating a Package Denition File..............................................34
Creating and Deploying Single File Installers.......................................34
4.7 Patching the Installation Server..................................................36
4.8 Conguring Local Security Handling...............................................37
4.9 Conguring SAP Automatic Workstation Update......................................38
4.10 Controlling Remote Workstations.................................................41
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
5 Installation Process.........................................................43
5.1 Installation of the SAP Front End................................................. 43
Installing Components from an Installation Server.................................. 44
Installing Components Locally from a Distribution Medium............................ 47
5.2 Update of the SAP Frontend.................................................... 48
Updating the Front End from an Installation Server..................................49
Patching a Standalone Front End...............................................50
5.3 Upgrade of the SAP Front End...................................................50
Upgrading an Installation Server...............................................50
Upgrading a Standalone Front End..............................................51
6 Additional Information.......................................................52
6.1 Removing an Installation Server..................................................52
6.2 Uninstalling the SAP Front End...................................................52
6.3 FAQs.....................................................................53
6.4 Diagnosing Front-End Software Installations using NWCheckWorkstation.................... 54
6.5 Repairing Front-End Software Installations using NWSAPSetup............................54
6.6 Viewing Log and Error Files.....................................................55
6.7 Command-Line Parameters.....................................................55
6.8 Return Codes...............................................................59
6.9 Component List.............................................................60
7 Appendix................................................................. 67
7.1 Copyright Notices for Included 3rd Party Components..................................67
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
1 Introduction
Scope of this Documentation
The SAP GUI family consists of:
SAP GUI for Windows
This GUI is described in detail in this documentation.
SAP GUI for Java
SAP GUI for Java is a generic SAP GUI that runs on a variety of platforms including Windows, Mac OS X and
Linux platforms. It has the same look and feel as the Windows version with the exception of the platform-
specic window design.
This GUI is not described here. Instead, you can nd documentation describing the installation of SAP
GUI for Java in either of the following places:
In the folder PRES2/GUI/DOC on the Presentation DVD.
In the SAP GUI Community under: Installation SAP GUI for Java.
SAP GUI for HTML is based on the SAP Internet Transaction Server (ITS), which is fully integrated into the
kernel of the SAP Web Application Server. On the desktop, a suitable browser is fully sucient for running
This GUI is not described here since the SAP GUI for HTML does not need SAP software to be deployed
on the client.
SAP GUI for HTML and SAP GUI for Java do not have all the capabilities of SAP GUI for Windows. Some
applications such as SAP BI or SAP SCM require the SAP GUI for Windows. You nd more information in the
Master Guides for the relevant SAP products.
For more information about the SAP GUI family, see
You can nd information on SAP GUI for Windows platform support in the SAP Product Availability Matrix or
in SAP note
66971 .
SAP GUI for Windows 7.70 is compatible with all SAP products available when this document was created and
which are still supported by SAP.
Only one version of SAP GUI for Windows is possible.
SAP GUI for Windows uses the Microsoft Controls technology, which means that all controls are registered
locally during the installation. As a result, the system database contains an entry indicating where each
control can be found. Since the system always registers the latest controls, only the most recently installed
version of a control is available at any time.
This means that on a single computer only one version of SAP GUI for Windows can be installed. During
installation of a new SAP GUI release, any older SAP GUI release present on the computer is uninstalled.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
However, SAP GUI for Windows supports virtualization products which can be used to run multiple SAP GUI
versions on the same client in parallel if needed; for details see SAP note 66971 .
1.1 Important News
De-support for saplogon.ini and related conguration les; therefore, SAP UI Landscape is now the
obligatory conguration format for SAP Logon entries
As of SAP GUI for Windows 7.60, the old conguration format for SAP Logon entries (saplogon.ini,
sapmsg.ini, saproute.ini) is no longer supported by SAP GUI for Windows. SAP GUI for Windows can still
handle this old format for compatibility reasons, because there may be external applications needing this
old format, but using SAP GUI for Windows as of version 7.60 with the old format is not supported. SAP will
neither test this format nor correct issues aecting it. Therefore, all installations of SAP GUI for Windows
7.60 and newer must use SAP UI Landscape (available since SAP GUI for Windows 7.40). Find more
information under Conguration Information [page 8].
1.2 New or Changed Features in SAP GUI for Windows 7.70
SAP GUI for Windows “core” patches are now full installations
Up to release 7.50 of SAP GUI for Windows, SAP GUI patches were so-called “delta patches”. This means
that the patches only contain those les which have been changed since the initial delivery. The drawbacks
of this approach are that you always need an SAP GUI DVD (“Compilation”) to install SAP GUI and that the
process is more complex which can result in issues. The original idea of this approach was to keep the size
of the patches as small as possible to reduce network trac during patch update. However, due to
improved compression, the size of a SAP GUI patch containing all les is now almost the same as the size
of a patch containing only the changed les.
Therefore, as of release 7.60, the patches for component “SAP GUI FOR WINDOWS <RELEASE> CORE”
(with <RELEASE> replaced by the release of SAP GUI for Windows you are using) available on SAP Support
Portal are full installations of the following products:
SAP GUI for Windows 7.60/7.70 Planning Grid
SAP Automatic Workstation Update
Calendar Synchronization for Microsoft Outlook
64bit RFC Controls (as of release 7.70)
This means that you can install/update and upgrade SAP GUI for Windows and the above mentioned
products by just applying an SAP GUI patch. Like in prior releases, you can setup an NWSAPSetup
installation server and import additional components as required to create installation packages containing
all components that you would like to install. The usage of a compilation DVD is no longer required, but it is
still recommended, because the DVDs contain a consistent combination of all related components (Add-
Ons). See Update of the SAP Frontend [page 48] and Upgrade of the SAP Front End [page 50] for more
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
A new optional top level component 64Bit RFC Controls is available, which can only be installed on 64bit
operating systems.
The 64bit RFC Controls (both non-Unicode and Unicode) are used for external access to data within SAP
Systems without SAP GUI. They are accessible, for example, from Visual Basic for Applications via COM
Interface. In previous SAP GUI releases, these controls only existed in 32bit versions which causes trouble
when the controls are used from 64bit processes like Microsoft Oce. The new installation component
64Bit RFC Controls solves this issue. See SAP Note 2724656 for more information.
SAP GUI for Windows 7.70 introduces an alternative browser control which uses Microsoft Edge based on
Chromium (“WebView2 Control”)
The SAP components required to use this alternative to the Internet Explorer Control are installed together
with the SAP GUI Suite by default, but to be able to activate the new control, you need to make sure to have
the Microsoft WebView2 control installed on your clients. The installation and updates for WebView2
control can be downloaded from Microsoft (see
) and be applied via the standard Microsoft deployment tools. They are not provided by SAP .
See also SAP Note 2913405 .
1.3 Deleted Features
The following components have been removed with SAP GUI 7.70:
The SEM Add-On (Front-end add-on for SAP Strategic Enterprise Management (SEM)) was removed.
The package contained only few components. Among these components was the Assignment Control that
has been de-supported, because it is not required anymore (see SAP Note 2704440 ). The remaining
components have been added to the SAP GUI component.
1.4 SAP Notes for the Installation
You must read the following SAP notes before you start the installation. These SAP notes contain the most
recent information about the installation, as well as corrections to the installation documentation.
Make sure that you have the up-to-date version of each SAP note, which you can nd on SAP Service
Marketplace at .
SAP Note Number Description
Latest information on new and changed features in SAP GUI
for Windows 7.70
Latest information about hardware and software require
ments of SAP GUI for Windows
SAP Business Client 7.70: Prerequisites and restrictions
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
SAP Note Number Description
Latest information about supported front-end platforms
Latest information about release and maintenance strategy
Maintenance strategy and deadlines for SAP Business Cli
ent / NWBC
Latest information about delivery and compatibility of the
components delivered on the Presentation DVD.
Lists the known problems concerning SAPSetup and their
1.5 Information Available Online
Installation of the SAP GUI for Windows
You nd the latest version of this document on the SAP GUI Product page or in the SAP NetWeaver Guide
Installation of the SAP GUI for Java
You nd information about the installation of SAP GUI for Java on the SAP GUI Family page in the SAP
Community under Installation SAP GUI for Java.
Installation of the SAP Online Documentation
You can access the SAP online documentation from the front end. The installation of the SAP online
documentation is described undernder.
SAP GUI Family
You nd information about the SAP GUI family in the SAP SAP Community under SAP GUI Family page in the
SAP Community .
Supported Platforms
You nd information about the platforms on which you can run SAP GUI in the SAP Product Availability Matrix
or SAP note 66971 .
1.5.1 Naming Conventions
“Upgrade” means the transition from one release to another, for example, from 7.60 to 7.70.
“Update” means a change within the same release. You use a “patch” to apply the update.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
2 Conguration Information
Before SAP GUI for Windows 7.40 was released, you had to use the old conguration format for SAP Logon
entries (saplogon.ini, sapmsg.ini, saproute.ini). With SAP GUI for Windows 7.40, the new conguration format
SAP UI Landscape was introduced. This new format had been created to simplify the conguration by unifying
the persisted connection conguration data from SAP GUI for Windows, SAP GUI for Java and SAP Business
Client in a modern and easy way:
There are less conguration les involved and they are stored in the same repository.
Conguration les can either be stored locally or on a central server or share.
Deployment options “pull” and “push” are available.
The conguration les are the same for SAP GUI for Windows, SAP GUI for Java and SAP Business Client.
If SAP GUI has been used already, the connection data will be migrated automatically into the SAP UI
Landscape format.
In the interim period (SAP GUI for Windows releases 7.40 and 7.50), you had the choice between the
conventional or classic installation procedure/conguration format and the new le format SAP UI Landscape.
As of SAP GUI for Windows 7.60, the old conguration format is not supported anymore. SAP GUI for
Windows can still handle this old format for compatibility reasons, because there may be external
applications needing this old format, but using SAP GUI for Windows 7.60 and newer with the old format is
not supported. SAP will neither test this format nor correct issues aecting it. Therefore, all installations of
SAP GUI for Windows 7.60 and newer must use SAP UI Landscape.
In the following subchapters, you nd information on how to install and congure your SAP GUI for Windows
landcape with SAP UI landscape.
2.1 Conguration Files Overview
When installing SAP GUI with SAP UI Landscape, it is possible working only with the following two conguration
les that are stored in the same directory:
Administrator conguration le SAPUILandscapeGlobal.xml in %APPDATA%\SAP\Common\
SAPUILandscapeGlobal.xml contains the les of a migration of the previous les.
User conguration le SAPUILandscape.xml in %APPDATA%\SAP\Common\
However, it is strongly recommended to use the central le, see Conguration File Provision [page 11].
A server conguration le can be supplied on a server in a similar way as in the conventional setup with SAP
UI Landscape. For information on the creation and distribution of conguration les in the SAP UI
Landscape format, see SAP note 2075073 .
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Conguration Information
In addition, in case of using a central le, you can provide an administrative core conguration le that can be
supplied and set only by an administrator and not by the users, see SAP note 2175351 .
For information on the conguration le storage, see SAP note 2075150 .
2.2 Conguration Scenarios
There are two scenarios when installing SAP GUI with SAP UI Landscape:
Migration: If SAP GUI has been used already, the data will be migrated once into the new les (see section
Migration of Conguration Files [page 10] below).
After le migration, you can only work on the les in the new format.
Setup from scratch: If SAP GUI has not been used before, the conguration les have to be created from
scratch. For this, you have two possibilities:
Easiest way: You can create and edit SAP UI Landscape XML data with the SAP UI Landscape
Maintenance Tool which can be either accessed via transaction SLMT or by starting report RSLSMT.
With this tool, XML data can be persisted in the database. You nd more information on the
functionality in the system documentation of the corresponding transaction or report (i-button).
You have to implement SAP note 2311166 to be able to use the report/transaction
You need the corresponding authorization:
authorization object S_LSMT with the following values:
02 for change authorization
03 for display authorization
You can create the UI landscape le by hand or on the basis of corresponding output data from an SAP
NetWeaver server.
Be careful with the creation by hand, because this might cause problems when the SAP UI
Landscape le is not consistent. The GUIDS, for example, need to have a specic format and have
to be unique.
For more information on the SAP UI Landscape, see the SAP UI Landscape Conguration Guide. You nd
this guide on Help Portal, the DVD and in the SAP GUI Community wiki .
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Conguration Information
2.2.1 Migration of Conguration Files
The migrated data is imported into the following les:
Administrator conguration le SAPUILandscapeGlobal.xml in %APPDATA%\SAP\Common\ contains
migrated data from:
User conguration le SAPUILandscape.xml le in %APPDATA%\SAP\Common\ contains migrated data
SAP Logon .ini and .xml les
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Conguration Information
The concept described above is shown in the following gure that uses the installation with SAP BC (former
NWBC) as example: Conguration File Provision
The administrator conguration le can be provided either by pull request or by push request.
The pull request is recommended. Provision by Pull Request
If the administrator conguration le is provided by pull request, it is located in a central, shared storage such
as a remote share or http server. The advantage of a cental storage is that the data does not have to be
deployed and that it can be updated centrally.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Conguration Information
The administrator must specify the path to the administrator conguration le. Therefore, the administrator
denes the path via the registry value LandscapeFileOnServer in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SAP\SAPLogon\Options (64 bits)
The local client can then retrieve the administrator conguration le from the central storage. If this le is not
readable for any reason, the last previously loaded version is read from the cache, if the cache is activated. In
addition, the user can create his or her own entries locally. However, this is only possible, if the SAP Logon is
used and the edit functions are not deactivated. These entries are merged with the central ones. The entries
from the administrator conguration le are displayed in another color / style to indicate they cannot be
changed by the user.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Conguration Information
The concept described above is illustrated by the following gure: Provision by Push Request
When using le provision by push request, the administrator distributes (pushes) the administrator
conguration le from his or her data storage repository to the local machines.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Conguration Information
SAP GUI then retrieves the administrator connection conguration from the local client, according to the path
which is dened in the registry for the registry value LandscapeFileOnServer in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SAP\SAPLogon\Options (64 bits)
The concept described above is illustrated by the following gure:
Thus, push distribution means that the le will not be held centrally on an http server or a central share, but will
be sent to the local machines. The recommended folder on the local machines is %ProgramData%/SAP/. The
administrator distributes the le with a software distribution tool, such as NetWeaver SAP Setup. This means
that during an update the le has to be exchanged on all clients.
When changing system connection conguration data frequently, the push mechanism has severe
disadvantages compared to the pull mechanism, because only after an update triggered by the
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Conguration Information
administrator, the clients have up-to-date connection congurations. Therefore, the push mechanism is not
2.3 Caching Remote Conguration Files
Conguration les (SAPUILandscape.xml les) loaded from a remote server will be cached by default. The
cache folder is %APPDATA%\SAP\LogonServerCongCache.
This feature can be switched on and o via the check box Allow caching of remote conguration les in the
SAP Logon Options Conguration Files dialog. By default, it is activated. In the same dialog, you nd
information on the the XML le and the caching path.
There are two options available to dene with which interval SAP Logon checks the server for new conguration
Update cache on every SAP Logon (Pad) start
Update cache only in an interval of [hours]
When using the rst option, the cache is updated with every SAP Logon (Pad) start. With the second option the
server is only contacted, if the last enquiry or download took place more than x hours ago. This saves long
roundtrips in slow networks.
Using the second option, the check also only takes place at SAP Logon start, not during a SAP Logon
In case the corresponding server cannot be reached and the server conguration le is not available anymore,
the cached les will be used at SAP Logon restart and displayed in the SAP Logon Options Conguration
Files dialog under Loaded Conguration Files. In case that the given server conguration le and the cache
les are not available, only local conguration les will be used.
2.4 Loading Conguration Files via Environment Variable or
Command Line Parameter
You can use the Windows environment variable SAPLOGON_LSXML_FILE or the command line parameter /
LSXML_FILE to dene your own landscape les to be used by SAP GUI for Windows as in the former SAP GUI
for Windows releases (see the related SAP Note 38119 ).
When using the command line parameter /LSXML_FILE, SAP GUI assumes the specied le to be a server
conguration le, if it is write-protected. Else, it assumes the le to be a local conguration le. This, for
example, has an impact on the caching of these les, as local les are not cached.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Conguration Information
The value for the environment variable SAPLOGON_LSXML_FILE or the command line parameter /LSXML_FILE
can contain
a full path including the name of the landscape le, or
an http(s) address, fully specied, including the name of the landscape le
The landscape le to which the environment variable points, can reference to another landscape le. This
reference is always realized as an include:
Sample Code
The internal handling of includes in the landscape le is the following:
1. No include is explicitly specied:
SAP GUI for Windows searches for a landscape le with standard lename SAPUILandscapeGlobal.xml
under the same path specied in the environment variable or command line parameter and - if it does exist
- includes it automatically.
2. Includes with index unequal to 0 are explicitly specied:
SAP GUI for Windows includes the le(s) from the explicitly specied include(s) (see example above). It
also searches for a landscape le with standard lename SAPUILandscapeGlobal.xml under the same
path specied in the environment variable or command line parameter and - if it does exist - includes it
3. An include is specied with index equal to 0:
SAP GUI for Windows directly includes the le from the explicitly specied include. It will not search for a
landscape le with standard lename SAPUILandscapeGlobal.xml under the same path. Additional
includes with index equal to 0 will be ignored.
All connections which are dened in an http(s) referenced landscape le or in include les or in a read-only le
specied via command line parameter /LSXML_FILE are displayed as read-only in SAP Logon.
The searching order of the landscape le in SAP GUI for Windows is as follows:
1. File set in the command line parameter /LSXML_FILE.
2. File set in the directory path from the environment variable SAPLOGON_LSXML_FILE.
3. Files set in the SAP Logon Options dialogue on the Conguration Files Page.
4. Files set in the registry by the administrator.
If the les are not found using any of the searches outlined above, SAP GUI for Windows starts the data
migration automatically and tries to create the SAPUILandscape.xml and SAPUILandscapeGlobal.xml
les according to the old conguration le settings, provided that the les can be written under the specied
For more information, see SAP Note 2075150 .
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Conguration Information
3 Planning
This section tells you how to plan the front-end installation.
Process Flow
1. You plan an installation scenario, see Installation Scenarios [page 17].
2. You meet the Hardware and Software Requirements [page 19].
3. You review the Installation and Maintenance Flow [page 20].
3.1 Installation Scenarios
You can install SAP GUI for Windows in the following ways:
Workstation installation from a server
The administrator sets up an installation server, from which the installation of the SAP front-end software
is run on many dierent clients.
All the necessary les are copied from the server to the client during installation.
Workstation installation from a distribution medium such as a DVD
The administrator takes the distribution medium from PC to PC. This is mainly for testing or for standalone
computers and is not to be used for software distribution.
We recommend you to use workstation installation from a server because of its greater exibility,
especially if many workstations are involved.
These methods are described in more detail below.
Workstation Installation from a Server
The installation process from an installation server is exible, easy, and customizable. It makes maintenance
easier in any phase of the distribution process, for example, when patches are to be applied.
You have the following options when installing SAP GUI for Windows with server-based workstation installation:
Without user interaction (unattended)
With user interaction (attended), where the user can:
Select from installation packages that the administrator congured
Select from the complete component list of each product available on the installation server
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
The following gure shows how server-based installation works:
The type of user determines which components to install and on which workstations. Dierent types of user
have dierent requirements. For example, an employee in the HR department requires dierent products and
components than a software developer.
Using an installation server, the administrator can group various components together as installation packages
relevant for certain types of employee. The administrator can also specify which package particular users
receive or oer a variety of packages and allow the user to choose the most appropriate one.
In addition, you can congure a distribution service to add local security handling (LSH) functions to the
installation server (see also Conguring Local Security Handling [page 37]). With local security handling, the
installation can be started even in the context of a user who is not a member of the local group of
administrators. The distribution service then installs a service process on the client and starts
NWSAPSetup.exe in the context of this service. The user rights and privileges are not altered. The installed
service does not start other processes except NWSAPSetup from congured installation servers.
The hard disk requirement on the installation server depends on the type and number of products that are
added to an installation server. SAP GUI for Windows requires approximately 800 MB with all components
As administrator, you can congure your own installation packages with NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe on the
installation server or use the precongured packages provided by SAP.
You apply patches on the installation server and call NWSAPSetup on your client again to apply the patch on
the client. You can control the installation using the command line. You can perform unattended installations
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
with automatic patch installation on the client. To do this you place the appropriate command line in the logon
script of the client. The logon script is a program that is executed when you log on.
Alternatively, you can use the SAP Automatic Workstation Update. Whenever the installation server is patched,
or the packages installed are updated, this service will update the workstation(s) and reboot them if necessary.
The workstation updater works in two modes - one in the presence of a logged-on user and another in his or her
When a user is logged on, the user is informed of update availability and the update happens on the user's
assent. The user is also informed if a reboot is necessary and the reboot is also only executed on the user's
If no user is logged on, the update is done automatically and the reboot (if necessary) is done
automatically, too.
The SAP Automatic Workstation Update is not SAP GUI-specic, it works with all components available on the
installation server. For detailed information, see section Conguring SAP Automatic Workstation Update [page
Workstation Installation from a Distribution Medium
Local installation on workstations with a distribution medium such as a DVD is useful for installing SAP GUI or
SAP Business Client on single machines (for example, laptops) that are not connected to a Local Area Network
(LAN). You can also use it for test purposes.
This installation type has the following disadvantages:
No installation scenarios are available.
When patches need to be applied, you need to patch each workstation separately.
3.2 Hardware and Software Requirements
You need to make sure in advance that your system meets the following requirements:
Front-end workstations:
Read SAP note 26417 to check that all hardware and software requirements for the front-end
workstations have been met. For installations together with SAP Business Client 7.70, check the
requirements in SAP Note 2714160 .
Hard-disk clones only:
If the operating systems of your client computers were generated through hard-disk cloning, make
sure that the domain is set correctly. To do this, take the computers out of the domain and then put
them back in. This is especially important if you intend to use local security handling (LSH); see also
Conguring Local Security Handling [page 37].
The host for server-based installations must:
Be accessible to all users at any time, even after the installation is complete
This is required for maintenance purposes such as the distribution of patches.
Have broadband network connection for high throughput
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Have 800 MB of free disk space
You nd an overview of the server versions in the Product Matrix of SAP GUI on the SAP GUI DVD or on
the SAP GUI Family Page .
3.3 Installation and Maintenance Flow
This section describes a typical installation and maintenance ow for a server-based workstation installation.
Process Flow
1. You set up an installation server and, if necessary, local security handling (LSH).
The installation server contains:
Installation programs
Conguration information (for example, packages)
Service les (for local security handling)
Front-end components to be installed
2. You maintain installation packages for dierent user groups.
Users can install multiple packages and packages can share components. You can congure installation
parameters, such as installation directories for the components that a package contains.
3. We recommend that you congure local security handling and test it.
You can do this by logging on to a user PC with a user that does not have local administrator rights and
running NWSAPSetup.exe.
Many Windows operating systems have local security mechanisms. In these systems, only users with
local administrator rights have write access to parts of the system database and the le system.
NWSAPSetup solves this problem with the Distribution Service (DS), which resides on the server, and
the Installation Service (IS) that has been installed on the workstation. The IS starts a new instance of
NWSAPSetup.exe that runs with sucient privileges.
4. You install packages using the logon script of your PC or using other software distribution technologies.
5. You patch the installation server.
6. You upgrade the front-end client computers when a new front-end release becomes available.
Related Information
Setting Up an Installation Server [page 23]
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Conguring Local Security Handling [page 37]
Creating and Maintaining Installation Packages [page 29]
Installing Packages Using the Logon Script [page 46]
Patching the Installation Server [page 36]
Upgrade of the SAP Front End [page 50]
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
4 Preparation
This section tells you how to prepare an installation server for the front-end software installation.
Process Flow
1. You set up an installation server.
2. If required, you administer your installation server.
3. If required, you add new SAP front-end components to an existing installation.
4. If required, you update products on the installation server with a newer version using a patch.
5. If required, you create and maintain installation packages.
6. If required, you patch the installation server.
7. If required, you congure local security handling.
After you have set up the installation server, it is ready for use during the deployment of SAP front-end
components on the workstations.
Creating packages for deployment is optional. Packages contain administrator-selected components,
which are helpful to regulate and customize installation parameters such as the installation directory.
Related Information
Setting Up an Installation Server [page 23]
Administering an Installation Server [page 25]
Adding New SAP Front-End Components to an Existing Installation Server [page 27]
Updating Products on the Installation Server with a Newer Version [page 28]
Creating and Maintaining Installation Packages [page 29]
Patching the Installation Server [page 36]
Conguring Local Security Handling [page 37]
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
4.1 Setting Up an Installation Server
You use this procedure to help distribute SAP front-end software on multiple workstations on the network.
NWCreateInstServer is a wizard driven tool that helps the administrator create a new installation server.
After the server is set up, NWUpdateInstServer starts importing SAP products from the source into the
newly created server.
You need local administrator rights under Windows operating systems with local security mechanisms.
1. Execute the le NwCreateInstServer.exe from the SETUP folder of the DVD SAP Product Media.
2. Choose Next to continue.
You can choose Cancel at any stage to abort the process.
NWCreateInstServer.exe prompts you to supply the path where you want to create the installation
3. Enter the folder name manually or use Browse to navigate to the folder where you want to create the
installation server. Make sure the folder is empty.
4. Choose Verify to make sure that the chosen folder meets the prerequisites:
It must exist.
It must be accessible to the administrator with full access.
The folder is automatically congured. It is made NULL-session accessible. Thus, it will be
automatically shared on the network for everyone to read. If you do not want this automatic
conguration, use the command line parameter DontConfigureServerPath.
5. If required, choose Share to maintain the le-sharing properties of the selected folder.
6. Choose Next to continue.
You see a screen indicating that the server is being created.
Processing is recorded in the following le:
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
If there are errors, you see a link to an Error Report. Any errors are recorded in the following le, which
you can view using your normal web browser:
If you have a problem, create a problem message on component BC-FES-INS and attach these les to
the message.
When the installation is complete, you see a screen conrming that the server has been successfully
You now have a valid but empty SAPSetup installation server.
7. Choose Next to continue.
NWCreateInstServer.exe automatically calls NWUpdateInstServer.exe to transfer SAP products to
your installation server.
8. Choose Next to continue.
You see the following screen:
C:\MyNewInstServer is the path where NWCreateInstServer.exe initially created a new
installation server in this example.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
9. Enter the folder name manually or use Browse to navigate to the folder of the installation server that you
want to update.
10. Choose Next to start the server update.
You see a screen indicating that the server is being updated.
Processing is recorded in the following le:
If there are errors, you see a link to an Error Report. Errors are recorded in the following le, which you
can view using your normal web browser:
If you have a problem, create a problem message on component BC-FES-INS and attach these les to
the message.
NWServerUpdate.exe transfers all SAP products available on the DVD or source to the installation server.
When the update is complete, you see a screen conrming that you can use the installation server for SAP
product installation on end-user workstations.
11. If you have .NET Framework version 4 installed, choosing Finish automatically starts
NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe from the recently updated installation server.
The new NetWeaver SAPAdmin is a multi-product server administration tool.
For more information, see Administering an Installation Server [page 25].
You can replicate an installation server to an existing network share by entering the following
\\InstallationServerShare\Setup\NwCreateInstServer.exe /
Dest=<ReplicationPath> /NoDlg
After setting up your installation server, it is recommended to look for the latest patches. See also Patching the
Installation Server [page 36].
4.2 Administering an Installation Server
After you have successfully set up the installation server, you can nd NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe in the SETUP
directory of the installation server.
NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe is designed to help you administer the multi-product installation server. It supplies
the following features:
Import Product
Use this feature to add new products (for example, SAP front-end components) to an existing installation
server for distribution over the network.
Export Product
Use this feature to export front-end components available on one installation server to another.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Delete Product
Use this feature to delete a product from an installation server.
Create Package
Use this feature to create packages for deployment. Packages can contain many components and their
installation parameters can also be customized.
Create Package Denition File (PDF)
You can create a package denition le (PDF) for an installation server package. PDF is a package
description format that simplies the interoperability and information exchange between the SAP Installer
and system management products like the System Management Server from Microsoft.
Congure Package
Use this feature to change the attributes or the content of your packages.
Use this feature to patch components that are available on the installation server.
Local Security Handling
This feature allows workstation users to install SAP components from the installation server without
requiring administrative privileges.
NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe requires the .NET Framework 4 to be installed as a prerequisite. You can
download the .NET Framework from:
displaylang=en&id=17718 .
Conguring SAP Automatic Workstation Update
Whenever the installation server is patched, or the packages installed are updated, this service will update
the workstation(s) and reboot them if necessary. The workstation updater works in two modes - one in the
presence of a logged-on user and another in his or her absence:
When a user is logged on, the user is informed of update availability and the update happens on the
user's assent. The user is also informed if a reboot is necessary and the reboot is also only executed on
the user's assent.
If no user is logged on, the update is done automatically and the reboot (if necessary) is done
automatically, too.
Control Remote Workstations
This functionality uses the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to help you remotely access and
control workstations on which you have administration privileges. You access this feature via the Remote
menu, where you nd the options to:
collect remote log les
execute processes remotely
enumerate remote processes
You nd detailed information in section Controlling Remote Workstations [page 41].
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
4.3 Adding New SAP Front-End Components to an Existing
Installation Server
This procedure tells you how to transfer new SAP front-end components on a distribution medium to your
installation server. Then you can deploy them to the workstations on the network.
You can add SAP products either using NWUpdateInstServer.exe or NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe (using the
import product wizard) that you can nd in the
SETUP directory of the source medium.
An existing installation server
A medium that contains an SAP product to be added to the installation server
Enough disk space
You must not use the installation server during processing.
To update the installation server with new SAP components, use one of the following two methods:
Using NWUpdateInstServer.exe
1. Start NWUpdateInstServer.exe from the SETUP directory of the source that contains the
component to be added.
2. Supply the path of the installation server
3. Follow the wizard to update it with components that are available on the source.
Using NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe
1. Start NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe from the SETUP directory of the installation server that needs to be
updated with the new component.
2. In the toolbar, choose Import Products.
3. Follow the wizard and supply the path to the source containing the product to be added to the
installation server.
You can update the installation server with the Adobe LiveCycle Designer which is delivered on the same DVD
as the SAP GUI for Windows. You just have to start the program <Disc Drive of DVD>:
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
\ADOBE_LC_<release>\setup\NwUpdateInstServer.exe. After being shown a welcome page, you will be
asked for the path to the installation server that should be updated. Here, you must navigate to the path of the
installation server which has been set up in section 3.1 (C:\MyNewInstServer\).
You just have to choose Next and wait until the process ends. Afterwards, the SAPSetup Installation
Server Administration Tool (NwSAPSetupAdmin.exe) is displayed. On the Products tab, you will see
the added product Adobe LiveCycle Designer.
The user can now install the product by starting the program <Path of the installation server
share>\SetupAll.exe and selecting the product to be installed, in this case the Adobe LiveCycle Designer.
4.4 Updating Products on the Installation Server with a
Newer Version
If newer releases of SAP products or components are required, you have to update your installation server to
be able to distribute these new products to the workstations using a network.
This wizard-driven process is handled by a tool called NWUpdateInstServer.exe that you can nd in the
SETUP directory of your source medium.
A medium with an SAP product in a release newer than that on the installation server
Enough disk space
You must not use the installation server during processing.
1. Follow the steps as described in Adding New SAP Front-End Components to an Existing Installation Server
[page 27].
2. Start NWUpdateInstServer.exe from the source medium.
3. Follow the instructions in the wizard.
You can also update products on the Installation Server by using the following command line:
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
\\UpdateSource\Setup\NwUpdateInstServer.exe /dest=<installation server setup
directory> /NoDlg or /silent
For a description of the command line parameters, see section Command-Line Parameters [page 55].
4.5 Deleting Products from the Installation Server
To delete products from the installation server, proceed as follows:
1. Start NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe from the SETUP directory of the installation server where you want to delete
a product.
2. On the Products tab, right-click the product to be deleted and choose Delete Product.
The product deletion wizard appears.
3. Follow the deletion wizard.
At the end of the deletion process, a message will inform you, if the deletion process completed
If you delete a product that is still a part of a preselection package, the indicator appears next to
name of the aected package on the Packages tab. This indicates that a product that is a part of the
package is not available on the installation server. Thus, either the package has to be deleted or the
product must be re-imported into the server from another source.
4.6 Creating and Maintaining Installation Packages
After setting up an installation server, you can create packages for an installation performed by users. The tool
that you use is NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe, which you can nd in the SETUP folder on the installation server.
The package creation and deployment in the new NetWeaver SAPSetup is enabled on multiple-product level, so
enabling the administrator of the installation server to create packages comprising more than one SAP front-
end component and parts.
4.6.1 Creating a New Installation Package
1. Start NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe from the SETUP folder of your installation server.
2. In the toolbar, choose New Package.
The Package Creation Wizard appears.
3. To continue, choose Next.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
The wizard displays components available on the installation server.
4. Select the products that you want to add to your package.
Yellow dots indicate changes in the selection list. The green plus signs next to the product names indicate
that these products will be installed when the user installs the package on his or her workstation.
5. Choose Next.
You are prompted for a package name.
6. Enter a name and choose Next.
NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe now creates a package and conrms the successful creation.
7. To return to NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe, choose Finish.
The newly created package is now visible in the Package View.
8. Right-click a package and choose Congure from the context menu to customize installation parameters,
such as the installation path for components contained in the package.
4.6.2 Conguring Packages and Scripting Events
Package conguration lets the administrator change the attributes of a package (for example, the name), give
the package a description, set registry keys for the package and customize the installation of the package by
adding scripts that are to be executed during events in the package deployment cycle.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
An installation server
Packages created by the administrator and available for customization
Process Flow
1. Start NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe from the SETUP directory of the Installation Server.
2. Switch to the Congure Packages tab page. In the left window pane, you can see a tree listing the existing
The indicator next to a package indicates that the package is incomplete. This typically occurs
when a product that the package contains has been deleted from the installation server. You can either
delete this package or re-import the missing product.
3. Select the package that you want to customize. You can for example change the name of the package, add
a description, set registry keys for the package or script events.
The text supplied as description is eventually visible to the end-user wanting to install the package
using NWSAPSetup.exe.
4. Optional: You can set registry values on package level, for example, for the following registry keys:
Registry keys of the Accessibility page
Path to the SAP GUI branding image
Path to the Central Conguration File (new and old format)
Theme Key etc.
The default value for the used SAP GUI theme is SAP GUI Default. This means that NWSAPSetup will
remove any registry value presently setting the SAP GUI theme under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE so that
the default set by SAP GUI itself will be used. For SAP GUI for Windows 7.70, this is the Quartz theme or
the Quartz Dark theme (if Windows is running application in the dark mode). If you would like to set
another default theme, you need to change this value and supply the decimal value of the respective
theme. See section Themes Settings Page in the SAP GUI Administration Guide for more information
on the theme selection registry values.
You nd the whole list on the package conguration tab.
To change a registry key setting for the package, choose Modify Parameters. A window opens where you
can choose the variable name and enter the corresponding value below. You nd a description of the
registry key values in the SAP GUI Administration Guide
Later, this setting cannot be changed with the same tool again. Changes have then to be done via
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
5. Optional: Add event-scripting to perform custom actions on the user’s workstation during the installation
of the package (for example, copying additional les). You can insert scripting samples delivered by SAP via
Insert Script and adapt them to your requirements. The scripts are executed at the following events:
On Begin Install: executed before the installation of a selected package
On End Install: executed after the completion of package installation
On Begin Uninstall: executed before the uninstallation of a selected package
On End Uninstall: executed after the completion of package uninstallation
On Begin Update: Executed before the update of a selected Package.
On End Update: Executed after the completion of the Package update.
To learn more about the package update option see the next section Changing the Package Content
[page 32].
6. To save your changes, choose Save.
Sample Documentation
The documentation of the samples for package event scripting is contained in the NetWeaver SAP Setup
Guide.pdf le, which you can nd using the SAPSetup Installation Server Administration Tool
(NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe) by choosing the Help Menu SAP Installatin Server Help . In this
documentation, navigate through the tree structure as follows: Administering an Installation Server
Maintaining Installation Packages Conguring Packages and Scripting Events Package Event Scripting
Samples .
4.6.3 Changing the Package Content
The package conguration lets the administrator also update the package content. This means, you can add or
remove components to be installed with the package. Also, you can add scripts that are to be executed before
or after the update.
An Installation Server
Packages created by the administrator and available for customization.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Process Workow
1. Start NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe from the SETUP directory of the Installation Server.
2. Switch to the Congure Packages tab. In the left window pane, you can see a tree listing the existing
The indicator next to a package indicates that the package is incomplete. This typically occurs
when a product that the package contains has been deleted from the installation server. You can either
delete this package or re-import the missing product.
3. Select the package for which you want to update the content, and choose Change Package Content.
You can now select or deselect components. Components added will be newly installed on the
workstations. Those removed will be uninstalled from the workstations, if they are not part of any other
package marked for installation. When updating a package, the package installation parameters are also
refreshed and include new variables or delete those that belong to components that are no longer part of
this package.
4. Optional: Add event-scripting to perform custom actions on the user’s workstation during the update of
the package. You can insert scripting samples delivered by SAP via Insert Script and adapt them to your
requirements. The scripts will be executed before and after the update:
1. On Begin Update: Executed before the update of a selected Package.
2. On End Update: Executed after the completion of the Package update.
5. Remember to click the Save button to persist changes made.
Saving the package increases the version number and the package is marked for update on the
workstation. When the package installation is updated on the workstation, the package components that
have been newly added or removed by the administrator are automatically installed or uninstalled
If you are using package event-scripting to transfer your les, the Mark for Update link as seen on the
Congure Packages tab can be used to inform the installer of the availability of an update after you have
modied this le. The installer will now recognize the package as updated and the modications will be
transferred to the workstations at update time via the OnBeginUpdate and /or OnEndUpdate scripts.
4.6.4 Deleting an Installation Package
1. Switch to Package view.
2. Right-click the package you want to delete.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
3. From the context menu, choose Delete Package.
The package is deleted. It is removed from the Package view.
4.6.5 Creating a Package Denition File
You can create a package denition le (PDF) for an installation server package. PDF is a package description
format that simplies the interoperability and information exchange between the SAP Installer and system
management products like the System Management Server from Microsoft.
Proceed as follows to create a package denition le:
1. If not already started, start NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe from the SETUP directory of the installation server.
2. On the Packages tab, right-click the package for which you want to create a PDF le and choose Create
Package Denition File.
3. Choose the directory where you want to save the le, enter a le name, and choose Save.
NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe creates a PDF and an SMS le in the specied directory.
4.6.6 Creating and Deploying Single File Installers
You can create single-le self-installing .exe-packages via NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe.
Such a package contains only those les that belong to the components that are a part of the package. Thus, it
reduces your network load in certain distribution scenarios where you previously had to make local copies of
your installation source before installing.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
This single-le self-installer can also install silently without user interaction.
The Single File Installer does not work together with SAP Automatic Workstation Update Service. It only
works together with an installation server.
You have created a SAP installation server using NWCreateInstServer.exe available with your SAP GUI
DVD, or inside the SETUP folder of any other SAP software installed using SAP Installer.
You have created a package or packages that contain the desired components.
Optional: If you want to distribute conguration les, e. g. the SAPUILandscape.xml, together with the
single-le self-installing package, create a folder on the installation server named CustomerFiles, and
copy your les in this folder. See also the scripting example Sample 1: Copying a file that you nd
by following the instructions given in section
Conguring Packages and Scripting Events [page 30].
Proceed as follows to create or deploy a single-le self-installing package:
Creating a single-le self-installing package
1. Start NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe (you will need .NET 4 to use this version).
2. In the Packages tree, right-click the package you want to create a self-installing le from, and choose
Compress Package To Single-File Installer.
3. Following the wizard instructions, you will get a single exe-self-extractor at the end of the process.
4. Close NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe.
Deploying a single-le self-installing package
1. The self-installing le created above can be executed on any workstation to install your package.
2. Follow the installation wizard.
This self-installing package can be installed silently (i.e. without user-interaction) when invoked with the
command-line parameter /silent.
You have created and deployed a self-installing package.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
If you face problems with creating a self-installing package, check rst that your server has no missing les - via
the Check Server feature in the NWSAPSetup administration tool (NwSapSetupAdmin.exe).
If you encounter problems with installing the self-installing package, use the Check-Workstation tool
4.7 Patching the Installation Server
Patching products on the installation server keeps them up-to-date with the most recent correction and
enhancements from SAP.
You can congure the SAP Automatic Workstation Update. This service will update the workstation(s) and
reboot them if necessary whenever the installation server is patched, or the packages installed are updated.
The workstation updater works in two modes - one in the presence of a logged-on user and another in his or her
absence. For detailed information, see section Conguring SAP Automatic Workstation Update [page 38].
An existing installation server
To ensure a successful patch and to avoid having to reboot after the patch, you can unshare the
installation server during the patch and recreate it when the patch has nished.
A patch supplied by SAP for products or components available on the installation server.
1. Start NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe from the SETUP directory of the installation server.
2. Choose Patch Server.
This starts the patch wizard.
3. Choose Next to continue.
4. Browse to a valid SAP patch le and choose Next to continue.
NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe now validates the patch, which takes a few minutes.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
If the patch is valid, you are prompted to proceed with it.
To ensure that the installation server is not in use, the patch now closes NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe
before continuing. It restarts NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe after completing the patch.
5. Choose Next to continue.
NWUpdateInstServer.exe starts patching the installation server.
6. Follow the patch wizard, choosing Next as required.
Processing is recorded in the following le:
If there are errors, you see a link to an Error Report. Any errors are recorded in the following le, which
you can view using your normal web browser:
If you have a problem, create a problem message on component BC-FES-INS and attach these les to
the message.
At the end of the process, you see a message indicating that the patch was successful.
7. Choose Finish.
NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe now restarts.
If you have patched a SAP front-end component (for example, SAP GUI for Windows 7.50), the version number
of this component in NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe increases after applying the patch.
4.8 Conguring Local Security Handling
Local security handling (LSH) lets users on the network deploy SAP front-end components on their front ends
using NetWeaver SAPSetup without requiring administrative privileges on each front end.
You have set up an installation server [page 31].
To enable front ends running Windows Vista or higher to use LSH, you need to change the default rewall
setting to enable remote service management as follows:
1. Open the control panel and choose Windows Firewall Change Settings .
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
2. On tab page Exceptions, select Remote Service Management and choose OK.
1. Start NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe from the SETUP folder of the installation server.
2. Choose Services and select Congure local security handling.
The LSH conguration wizard starts.
3. Choose Next.
The wizard prompts you for the credentials of an account that has administrative privileges for all front
ends on the network.
4. Enter the account name with domain qualiers.
5. Choose Verify.
Verication only conrms that the password supplied matches its repetition. Verication does not validate
6. Choose Next.
7. Enter details for the installation service (IS) account, verify, and choose Next to complete the process.
The wizard displays the success state in starting the distribution service and the status bar at the bottom
of NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe displays the service state as Active.
8. Test the functioning of the LSH feature by starting NWSAPSetup.exe from this installation server on a front
end where the logged-on user has ordinary user privileges (that is, the user does not have administrative
If the front-end installer starts successfully and is able to install components available on the installation server,
the conguration is successful.
If not, you need to recongure LSH.
4.9 Conguring SAP Automatic Workstation Update
The SAP Automatic Workstation Update works only when installed on the workstation. Whenever the
installation server is patched, or the packages installed are updated, this service will update the workstation(s)
and reboot them if necessary. The workstation updater works in two modes - one in the presence of a logged-
on user and another in his or her absence:
When a user is logged on, the user is informed of update availability and the update happens on the user's
assent. The user is also informed if a reboot is necessary and the reboot is also only executed on the user's
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
If no user is logged on, the update is done automatically and the reboot (if necessary) is done
automatically, too.
This service updates itself, when a patch of automatic workstation update is available.
The SAP Automatic Workstation Update Service does not work together with the Single File Installer.
See also Creating and Deploying Single File Installers [page 34].
The workstation side needs a network connection to the installation source for any update to be possible.
On the installation server side, the following prerequisites must be met:
1. The installation server should be hosted on a machine that can work as a le-server and serve numerous
network sessions.
2. Windows Server 2003 (or equivalent) is recommended as the installation server operating system with the
following ‘Local Security Policy’:
Accounts: Guest account status” – Enabled.
“Network Access: Let Everyone permissions apply to anonymous users” - Enabled.
3. The installation server should be created (and hence congured) using NWCreateInstServer.exe.
In order to congure automatic workstation update, proceed as follows:
1. Open the administration tool NWSapSetupAdmin.exe.
2. Choose Services Congure automatic update .
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
The screen Automatic Workstation Update Congurations appears.
You have now several options:
1. Update re-check frequency
The workstations that will have this feature installed, will poll the installation server at this interval to
check for update availability. The default is 24 hours.
2. Enforce reboot after every update
When this ag is not set, the user is asked to reboot only if it is required to complete the deployment
process. When the ag is set, a reboot is enforced, which means that the user is always asked to
3. Additional Update Sources (optional)
You can index additional servers. The update service will then look up the indexed servers per line in
the given order for available updates.
3. Save your entries and close the program.
To make the automatic workstation update service available on workstations, you should create a package
using NWSapSetupAdmin.exe on the installation server. This package should consist of SAP GUI for
Windows and SAP Automatic Workstation Update. Once automatic workstation update is installed, then
the following programs will run on the workstation in the background:
NWSAPSetupUserNotificationTool.exe and NWSAPAutoWorkstationUpdateService.exe.
The front-end side will query the last 10 installation sources that are network paths.
You have congured the SAP Automatic Workstation Update and made it available on the workstations.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
To disable the service, activate the option Disable Automatic Workstation Update in the conguration tool on
the installation server (see picture above). This conguration change is propagated as an update to the
workstations at the time of the next update check.
4.10 Controlling Remote Workstations
The remote workstation control functionality helps you to remotely access and control workstations on which
you have administration privileges.
Since this functionality uses the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service, WMI has to be
The rewall should be congured, so that WMI access is not blocked.
You need to be an administrator on the workstation you want to access. This means, you should have either
domain administrator privileges or local administrator rights for the corresponding machine.
In order to control workstations remotely, proceed as follows:
1. Open the administration tool NWSapSetupAdmin.exe.
2. Choose Remote.
You have now several options:
1. Collect remote log les
With this option, you can collect log les from remote workstations. For this, you just have to enter the
workstation name. In case you want to collect log les from several machines, you have to separate the
dierent names by a comma.
Concerning the section Optional - Administrative Credentials: You need to supply administrative
credentials for the workstation only if you are not running this application using the same
credentials. For example, if you are domain administrator and the workstation is not part of your
domain; however, you have local administration rights for the machine. Then you would enter your
local administration credentials here. This data will not be saved.
Finally, you choose Collect to collect the log les from the remote workstations. If you want to stop the
collection process, just press Abort. When the le collection is nished, Windows Explorer opens
automatically the corresponding folder under %temp%\SAPRemoteWksta\.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
2. Execute processes remotely
With this option, you execute processes on a remote workstation. You just have to enter the
workstation name as well as the application name in the appropriate eld. Also, you can supply the
application with the appropriate command line parameter, for example: c:\program files\sap
\sapsetup\setup\nwsapsetup.exe /uninstall /all /silent. Then choose Execute to run
the process on the remote machine.
Start only non-interactive processes with this feature, because WMI will not allow the application
started remotely to interact with the user.
To get a list of running processes, use option Display Running Processes (for details see also paragraph
'Enumerate remote processes' below).
3. Enumerate remote processes
With this option, you get a list of processes running on a remote workstation. Just enter the
workstation name and choose Display. If you want to terminate a process, select the process and
choose Terminate.
Be careful with the Terminate option, because the user may lose unsaved date.
If you encounter problems with the WMI feature, diagnose WMI connectivity to a remote workstation using the
Microsoft tool wbemtest.exe. Note, that you have to supply the connection namespace as \
In order to start an installation on a remote workstation that is located on an installation server, delegation is
required to be activated for the client machine(s) in question. Please, refer to the Microsoft TechNet article at , question 10, for further details.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
5 Installation Process
This section provides information about the steps that you have to perform to install your SAP front end.
You have completed planning Planning [page 17] and preparation Preparation [page 22] before you start the
In the event of errors, consult the log les before creating a problem message; see Viewing Log and Error
Files [page 55].
If required, create a problem message in BC-FES-INS and attach these les to the message.
Process Flow
1. You perform the Installation of the SAP Front End [page 43].
2. You perform the required Update of the SAP Frontend [page 48].
5.1 Installation of the SAP Front End
This section describes how you install the SAP front-end software.
Process Flow
You have two possibilities to install components on your front end:
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Installation Process
Installing Components from an Installation Server [page 44].
Installing Components Locally from a Distribution Medium [page 47], such as DVD.
5.1.1 Installing Components from an Installation Server
This procedure tells you how to install components from an installation server.
More information on how to install packages from an installation server:
Installing Packages Congured by the Administrator [page 45]
Installing Packages Using the Logon Script [page 46]
You have already set up an installation server, see Setting Up an Installation Server [page 23].
The user logged on to the front end must have local administrative privileges.
If the user does not have local administrative privileges, make sure that local security handling is correctly
congured on the installation server, see Conguring Local Security Handling [page 37].
1. Start NWSAPSetup.exe from the SETUP folder on the installation server.
The SAPSetup installation wizard appears.
2. Choose Next.
The product list is displayed. Products that have already been installed are pre-selected.
3. Select the products or SAP front-end components that you want to install or deselect the ones you want to
Yellow dots indicate changes in the selection list. The green plus next to a product name indicates that this
product will be installed when the user installs the package on his or her workstation.
If you deselect a product in this list that has already been installed, a red minus appears to indicate that
this product is marked for uninstallation.
4. After (de)selection, choose Next.
The installation wizard might prompt you to enter or change information to customize the installation of
the selected products, such as the installation folder.
The default path for installing SAP GUI for Windows is C:\%Program Files%\SAP\FrontEnd, but
you can change this if required.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Installation Process
The default path for installing SAP Business Client 7.70 is C:\%Program Files%\SAP\NWBC770, but
you can change this if required.
5. If necessary, change this information and choose Next to start the installation.
The installation starts and a progress screen appears.
Processing is recorded in the following le:
If there are errors, you see a link to an Error Report. Errors are recorded in the following le, which you
can view using your normal web browser:
If you have a problem, create a problem message on component BC-FES-INS and attach these les to
the message.
When the update is complete, you see a conrmation screen. Your SAP front-end component is now
successfully congured and ready to use. Installing Packages Congured by the
This procedure lets you install or remove packages on your front end that have been congured by the
administrator on the installation server.
Be careful when removing packages. Make sure you do not mistakenly remove shared components that are
used by other packages you want to keep.
You have already set up an installation server, see Setting Up an Installation Server [page 23].
The user logged on to the front end must have local administrative privileges.
If the user does not have local administrative privileges, make sure that local security handling is correctly
congured on the installation server, see also Conguring Local Security Handling [page 37].
The administrator has created packages using NWSAPSetupAdmin for deployment on the front end.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Installation Process
1. Start NWSAPSetup.exe /package from the SETUP folder of the installation server or distribution
A list of the packages that the user is authorized to install or uninstall is displayed. Packages that have
already been installed are pre-selected. In the following case, the package Hospital Planning Package
is already installed on the workstation.
2. Select the components or packages that you want to install or deselect the ones you want to remove.
The yellow dot indicates a change in the selection list. The green plus next to the product name indicates
that this object will be installed when the user installs the package on his or her workstation. If you
deselected a package, you would see a red minus next to the object selected for de-installation.
3. After (de)selection, choose Next.
NWSAPSetup now processes the packages and displays the completion status when nished.
If errors occur during the installation, SAPSetup displays a link to a document in which the errors have
been logged. Contact the administrator of the installation server or the network and pass on the
information given in this document. Installing Packages Using the Logon Script
Since the front-end software is normally installed on a large number of computers, NWSAPSetup lets you
automate this task.
By inserting a command line into the logon scripts of the computers on which the front-end software is to be
installed, you can start a package installation each time the user logs on.
Make sure that the front-end software (especially SAP GUI) is not running when you perform the procedure
below because program les in use might cause a reboot.
Enter the following command (both the path and either the package name or unique package identier must be
\\<server>\<shared folder>\setup\NWSAPSetup.exe /package:“<package command-line
name>“ /silent
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Installation Process
You can also call NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe in the same way to perform this task.
When you start this command for the rst time on a computer, NWSAPSetup installs the specied package.
For a list of options, see Command-Line Parameters [page 55].
5.1.2 Installing Components Locally from a Distribution
This procedure installs SAP front-end software components on a single computer from a distribution medium
such as a DVD.
The user logged on to the front end must have local administrative privileges.
1. In folder Gui\Windows\Win32 on the Presentation DVD, start SAPGUISetup.exe to install SAP GUI for
Windows. To install SAP Business Client, start SapNwBcSetup.exe.
The SAPSetup installation wizard appears, showing you a list of components that are part of the product
SAP GUI for Windows.
To view and optionally install all products – that is, SAP front-end components available on the
installation medium including SAP GUI and others (the Presentation DVD contains SAP GUI for
Windows and SAP BI front end as well as other components that can be integrated on an individual
basis) – use
2. Choose Next.
A list with (de)selectable products is displayed.
Products that have already been installed are pre-selected.
3. Select the products or SAP front-end components that you want to install or deselect the ones you want to
Changes in the selection list are indicated by a yellow dot. If you select a product for installation, you will
see a green plus next to the product to install. If you select a product for de-installation, a red minus
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Installation Process
4. Choose Next.
The installation wizard might prompt you to enter or change information to customize the installation of
the selected products, such as the installation folder.
The default path for installing SAP GUI for Windows is %ProgramFiles(x86)%\SAP\Frontend, but
you can change this if required.
The default path for installing SAP Business Client 7.70 is C:\%Program Files%\SAP\NWBC770, but
you can change this if required.
5. If necessary, change this information and choose Next to start the installation.
The installation starts and you see a progress screen.
Processing is recorded in the following le:
If there are errors, you see a link to an Error Report. Errors are recorded in the following le, which you
can view using your normal web browser:
If you have a problem, create a problem message on component BC-FES-INS and attach these les to
the message.
When the update is complete, you see a conrmation screen. Your SAP front-end component is now
successfully congured and ready to use.
5.2 Update of the SAP Frontend
This section describes how you update the installed front ends when a newer version is available as a patch
either on the installation server or on a distribution medium (such as a DVD).
As of release 7.60, patches for SAP GUI for Windows contain the complete set of les required for SAP GUI
for Windows. Therefore, you can upgrade to release 7.60 by just applying a patch to your existing
Prior to release 7.60 you rst had to start the installation of the new release using the SAP GUI version
delivered on the Presentation DVD and afterwards you could use patches to update SAP GUI for Windows.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Installation Process
However, if you are not doing the upgrade via the Presentation DVD, you should upgrade all SAP Frontend
products you are using by applying the individual patches for these products. This ensures that you are
running a fully consistent setup in which all components t together.
Process Flow
You can update the SAP front end in one of the following ways:
Updating the Front End from an Installation Server [page 49]
Patching a Standalone Front End [page 50]
5.2.1 Updating the Front End from an Installation Server
You can update the front end from an installation server.
Updating the front end basically involves the same steps as an installation, see section Installing Components
from an Installation Server [page 44] [page 48].
You have the possibility to have the update run unattendedly or automatically:
For unattended update, use the following command line:
\\<server_path>\setup\NWSAPSETUP.exe /UPDATE /silent
To update a specic package or product, add:
/package="package command-line name"
/product="product command-line name"
You will nd the command-line name of the package or product in the administrative console
For automatic update, you can use the SAP Automatic Workstation Update. Whenever the installation
server is patched, or the packages installed are updated, this service will update the workstation(s) and
reboot them if necessary. The workstation updater works in two modes - one in the presence of a logged-
on user and another in his or her absence
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Installation Process
When a user is logged on, the user is informed of update availability and the update happens on the
user's assent. The user is also informed if a reboot is necessary and the reboot is also only executed on
the user's assent.
If no user is logged on, the update is done automatically and the reboot (if necessary) is done
automatically, too.
The SAP Automatic Workstation Update is not SAP GUI-specic, it works with all components available on
the installation server. For details, see section Conguring SAP Automatic Workstation Update [page 38].
5.2.2 Patching a Standalone Front End
You can update a standalone front end by running a patch on it. Updating involves the same steps as an
More information: Installation of the SAP Front End [page 43]
We recommend Updating the Front End from an Installation Server [page 49] instead of updating individual
front ends by running a patch.
5.3 Upgrade of the SAP Front End
This section describes how to upgrade SAP GUI for Windows to a new major version.
5.3.1 Upgrading an Installation Server
To migrate an existing Front-End Installation server that is based on release 7.20 or newer to a newer
compilation or release, proceed as follows:
1. Download the new compilation CD or DVD.
2. Create a copy of your existing installation server for fallback purposes.
3. Extract the downloaded CD or DVD to a folder of your choice.
4. In the extracted media, browse to the folder GUI\WINDOWS\WIN32\setup and start
NwUpdateInstServer.exe from that folder.
5. On the rst wizard page, choose Next on the rst wizard page.
6. On the next wizard page, choose Browse, navigate to the shared folder of the Front-End Installation Server
to be upgraded, select that folder and then conrm the browse dialog.
7. Choose Verify and then Next in case of a verication success.
The upgrade starts now and the progress bar of the wizard informs you about the progress of the upgrade.
8. Start NwSapSetupAdmin.exe of the upgraded installation server and nd your packages in the Packages
tab. Mark your package with the right mouse button and choose Congure Properties. In the Congure
Packages tab, click on the link Change Package Content. Some components of your old selection might be
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Installation Process
unselected because they were moved in the product hierarchy. Mark them as selected. Then save the
9. Test whether the new package updates existing clients successfully.
5.3.2 Upgrading a Standalone Front End
To upgrade a standalone version of SAP GUI for Windows to a new major release, follow the steps described in
chapter Installing Components Locally from a Distribution Medium [page 47].
As of release 7.60, patches for SAP GUI for Windows contain the complete set of les required for the
following products:
SAP GUI for Windows <release> Planning Grid
SAP Automatic Workstation Update
Calendar Synchronization for Microsoft Outlook
64Bit RFC Controls (as of SAP GUI for Windows 7.70)
If you are updating a local installation with a patch and are using the parameter /silent (see also
Command-Line Parameters [page 55]), you should consider also using the parameter /update or /
Without these parameters, the patch will install all the products mentioned above, even if some of them
have not been installed before.
Separate patches are available for:
BI 7.0 AddOn for SAP GUI 7.70
KW AddOn for SAP GUI 7.70
SAPSPrint 7.70
SAP Interactive Excel 3.0
Screen Reader Extension
SAP Business Client 7.70
SNC Client Encryption
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Installation Process
6 Additional Information
The following sections are optional and provide additional information:
Removing an Installation Server [page 52]
Uninstalling the SAP Front End [page 52]
FAQs [page 53]
Diagnosing Front-End Software Installations using NWCheckWorkstation [page 54]
Repairing Front-End Software Installations using NWSAPSetup [page 54]
Viewing Log and Error Files [page 55]
Command-Line Parameters [page 55]
Return Codes [page 59]
Component List [page 60]
6.1 Removing an Installation Server
You can remove an installation server if it is no longer needed.
1. If local security handling is congured, (seeConguring Local Security Handling [page 37]), start
NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe and stop it using the Services menu.
2. First, unshare the folder so that the installation server is not available to front ends on the network.
3. Delete the folder from the le system using the Windows explorer.
6.2 Uninstalling the SAP Front End
Make sure that SAP GUI for Windows and/or SAP Business Client are not running at uninstall time. If an
application is running during the uninstallation, the user is prompted to reboot afterwards.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Additional Information
1. Choose Start Settings Control Panel Add or Remove Programs .
A list of the installed applications appears.
2. Select the installed version of SAP GUI for Windows or SAP Business Client.
3. Choose Remove.
4. Choose Next.
The component is uninstalled and a log le is generated.
To ensure the upgrade possiblity, the product name of the SAP GUI for Windows is SAPGUI.
To perform silent, unattended uninstallation, enter the following commands:
NWSAPSetup.exe /Product=”<product name>” /Silent /Uninstall for uninstalling a certain
product, for example SAPGUI.
NWSAPSetup.exe /all /Silent /Uninstall for uninstalling all SAP components installed by
SAPSetup without having to call specic command-lines for specic products.
You nd more information on this in section Command-Line Parameters [page 55].
6.3 FAQs
You can nd FAQs for the server and the client part of NetWeaver SAP Setup either from the DVD, from the
installation directory, or in the system documentation of the NetWeaver SAPSetup Server Installation
Administration Tool (NWSAPSetup.exe) choosing Help SAP Installation Server Help .
The FAQs for the server can be found under SAP Installation Server Help Troubleshooting and FAQs .
The FAQs for the client can be found under SAP Front-End Installer Help Troubleshooting and FAQs .
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Additional Information
6.4 Diagnosing Front-End Software Installations using
To diagnose a workstation containing installed SAP components, start NWCheckWorkstation.exe from
either the SETUP directory of the Installation Server or from the SETUP directory of the workstation
%PROGRAMFILES%\SAP\SAPSetup\Setup), and follow the wizard. You will be presented with a report on
completion of the check process.
NWCheckWorkstation veries the installation of SAP front-end components by checking for discrepancies in
les, services, registry-keys, and other artifacts deployed using NWSAPSetup.
The workstation check tool will collect critical installation les and compress them into a cabinet archive. This
CAB-File will be presented to the user after the completion of the process, and can be supplied to SAP support
sta when reporting installation issues - for quicker diagnosis.
6.5 Repairing Front-End Software Installations using
To repair a workstation containing installed SAP components, start NWSAPSetup.exe from the SETUP
directory of the Installation Server. NWSAPSetup.exe has to be called from the command line with /repair.
NWSAPSetup /repair checks for discrepancies in les, services, registry-keys, and other artifacts deployed
using NWSAPSetup and repairs the installation of SAP front-end components based on the outcome of these
The repair process includes an update of all Front End components as described in chapter Updating the
Front End from an Installation Server [page 49]. If the version of a component on the installation server is
higher than of the component installed on the workstation, then this component will be udpated.
When the repair process starts, a progress screen appears. Processing is recorded in the following le:
If there are errors, you see a link to an Error Report. Errors are recorded in the following le, which you can view
using your normal web browser:
If you have a problem, create a problem message on component BC-FES-INS and attach these les to the
When the repair process is complete, you see a conrmation screen. Your SAP front-end components are now
successfully repaired and ready to use.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Additional Information
6.6 Viewing Log and Error Files
Log Files
All the installation tools described in this document maintain an activity record in log les that you can nd
Each tool stores the last twenty log les.
Error Files
Errors are stored in an XML format in les that you can view in any browser and you can nd in the following
If you have a problem, create a problem message in BC-FES-INS and attach the relevant log les to the
Log and Error Files for each Tool
Tool Log File Error File
NWCreateInstServer.exe NWCreateInstServer.log NwCreateInstServerErrors_<
NWUpdateInstServer.exe NWUpdateInstServer.log NwUpdateInstServerErrors_<
NWSAPSetupAdmin.exe NwSAPSetupAdmin.log NWSAPSetupAdminErrors_<Dat
NWSAPSetup.exe NWSAPSetup.log
6.7 Command-Line Parameters
In this section, you nd two tables with command line parameters:
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Additional Information
for installation server creation and update
for frontend installation and update
Installation Server Creation and Update Command Line Parameters
NWCreateInstServer/ NWUpateInstServer Parameter Description
Use this parameter to supply the destination folder where
you wish to create your installation server.
Sample: /Dest=”C:\MyInstServerPath”
Shows only the progress dialog
Displays no other user interface. You can use it instead
/silent, if you wish to see progress.
If using /noDlg, you need to supply the destination
server path via /Dest.
Displays no user interface – not even progress
If using /silent, you need to supply the destination
server path via /Dest.
Disables the automatic installation source folder congura-
tion (network share creation and null-session accessibility).
You can use command-line parameters to automatically replicate your (master) installation server across
multiple locations.
Front-End Installation and Update Command Line Parameters
You can call NWSAPSetup.exe with the command-line parameters listed below.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Additional Information
NWSAPSetup Parameter Description
/package:["<package command-line name>"]
[/silent] [/uninstall] [/update]
Displays the wizard that lets you choose packages
You cannot switch to Product View.
/Product:["<product command-line name>"]
[/uninstall] [/silent] [/update]
If no product name is supplied, this command line pa
rameter enables a view of available products and prod
ucts that have already been installed.
If a product name is supplied, the installer displays in
formation about the supplied product only.
You cannot switch to Package View.
Restarts the workstation automatically when the installation
is done.
Use in combination with package and product af
/silent or /nodlg.
<installation source>\setup
\nwsapsetup.exe /silent /product="SAPGUI
" /ForceWindowsRestart
Shows only the progress dialog
Displays no other user interface. You can use it instead
If using /noDlg, you need to specify a product name or
package name.
Displays no user interface – not even progress
If using /silent, you need to specify a product name
or package name.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Additional Information
NWSAPSetup Parameter Description
/SMS:["<package command-line name>"]
[/noDlg] [/silent] [/uninstall]
Creates a status le (Package Name.MIF) in the %TEMP
% folder that indicates the success or failure of the package
installation, or uninstallation.
Typically used by software distribution systems such as SMS
to determine the success or failure of a remote installation
(advertised package installation).
Uninstalls components that belong to a specied product or
a package
This command-line parameter is valid only together with one
of the following:
/Product=”Product Command-Line Name”
/Package=”Package Command-Line Name”
/all for uninstalling all SAP components installed by SAP
Setup; works only when supplied with /nodlg or /silent
Updates components present in a newer version on the in
stallation server due to a patch.
To update a specic product or package, supply an addi
tional parameter:
/Product="Product Command-Line Name"
/Package="Package Command-Line Name"
You can install multiple products using a single command with the + operator, as shown in the following
\\ServerName\ShareName\Setup\NwSAPSetup.exe /Product=”SAPGUI+SAPBI” /NoDlg
Product Command Line Names
The following table lists the command line names of the products delivered on Presentation CD 1. These
command line names can be used with NwSapSetup.exe in the command line when installing in product
Product Command Line Name
Business Explorer
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Additional Information
Product Command Line Name
Calendar Synchronization for Microsoft Outlook
CALSYNC Planning Grid
KW-Add-On for SAP GUI 7.70
SAP Automatic Workstation Update
SAP Business Client 7.70
SAP GUI for Windows 7.70
SAP GUI Screen Reader Extension for JAWS
SAP Interactive Excel
SAP Secure Login Client
If you have both SAP Secure Login Client (SLC) and SAP
SNC Client Encryption (SCE) installed and want to unin
stall only one of the two products, read SAP note
2220853 before doing so.
SNC Client Encryption
If you have both SAP Secure Login Client (SLC) and SAP
SNC Client Encryption (SCE) installed and want to unin
stall only one of the two products, read SAP note
2220853 before doing so.
64Bit RFC Controls
6.8 Return Codes
If you start NwSapSetup.exe from a batch le, the return code can be caught by the %ErrorLevel%
environment variable.
<Path to your installation source>\setup\NwSAPsetup.exe /package="<Name of your
Installation package>" /silent echo %ErrorLevel%
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Additional Information
The following table gives an overview of the return codes for NwSapSetup.exe and their descriptions:
Return Code Description
0 Process ended without any errors detected.
48 General Failure
67 Installation is canceled by the user.
68 Invalid patch
69 Installation engine registration failed.
70 Invalid XML Files
129 Reboot is recommended.
130 Reboot was forced.
144 Error report has been created.
145 Error report has been created and reboot is recommended.
146 Error report has been created and reboot is forced.
In case of return codes 144-146, have a look at the error and log le for NwSapSetup.exe as described in
section Viewing Log and Error Files [page 55].
6.9 Component List
The component list describes the features and functions of the selectable components, and the prerequisites
for using them. The components are grouped under component groups.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Additional Information
List of Component Groups / Top Level Components
Group Description
SAP GUI for Windows 7.70 Installs SAP GUI for Windows 7.70 including related compo
nents. SAP GUI for Windows is SAP's universal client on Mi
crosoft Windows platforms for accessing SAP functionality.
SAP GUI functions like a browser. It gets information from
the SAP system like the following: Which contents to display
in its window as well as where, when, and how.
SAP Business Client 7.70 Installs the SAP Business Client 7.70
SAP GUI Suite SAP GUI for Windows along with all essential sub-compo
R/3 Add-On Front-end add-on for SAP R/3 Enterprise
This package contains application extensions that are
needed for some R/3 transactions.
KW Add-On Front-end add-on for SAP Knowledge Workhouse. This pack
age contains components to create, edit, translate and dis
play content.
SCM Add-On Front-end add-on for of SAP Supply Chain Management
(SCM) Planning Grid The Planning Grid is the graphics-based tool for
planning appointments in the clinical system This
component contains the current planning grid version as of
SAP ECC 6.0, Industry Extension Healthcare, Enhancement
Package 4. Its installation requires the Java Runtime Envi
ronment to be installed on the machine. For more informa
tion, see SAP note
1013957 .
SAP Screenreader Extensions (SRX) SAP GUI Screen Reader Extensions (SRX) enable the use of
SAP GUI together with the screen reader program Jaws for
Windows. The Extensions are Jaws-based scripts that make
the SAP GUI accessible via the SAP GUI object model.
The prerequisites for SRX are as follows:
Freedom Scientic JAWS is installed in a supported ver
sion (see also SAP note
755545 )
SAP GUI is installed or will be installed
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Additional Information
Group Description
To be able to print Interactive Forms (previously known as
PDF-based forms) on a printer with any device type, you can
additionally install the component SAP PDFPRINT.
SAP PDFPRINT allows you to address any printer when
printing Interactive Forms, in a similar way to using SAPWIN-
based device types. See SAP Note
2775797 for more in
SAP Automatic Workstation Update The Automatic Workstation Update works only when instal
led on the workstation. Whenever the installation server is
patched, or the packages installed are updated, this service
will update the workstation(s) and reboot them if necessary.
The workstation updater works in two modes - one in the
presence of a logged-on user and another in his absence:
When a user is logged on, the user is informed of update
availability and the update happens on the user's as
sent. The user is also informed if a reboot is necessary
and the reboot is also only executed on the user's as
If no user is logged on, the update is done automatically
and the reboot (if necessary) is done automatically, too.
SNC Client Encryption SNC Client Encryption is an optional feature of SAP GUI and
SAP NetWeaver technology platform. It enables users to pro
tect communication between SAP GUI for Windows and SAP
NetWeaver Application Server (AS) ABAP. The component
also enables encryption for RFC clients, such as BEx Query
Calendar Synchronization for Microsoft Outlook Outlook client extension for the synchronization of SAPoce
calendar with the Outlook calendar .
The prerequisites for using the calendar synchronization are
as follows:
Microsoft Outlook 2010 32bit, 2013 32bit or 2016 32bit
Microsoft VSTO 2010 for .NET 4.0; see https://
Microsoft .NET 4.5.2 or later; see https://www.micro
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Additional Information
Group Description
Business Explorer The Business Explorer is the SAP Business Information
Warehouse component that provides exible reporting and
analysis tools for strategic analyses and decision-making
support within a company. These tools include query, report
ing, and analysis functions.
You can perform a local installation of the Business Explorer
by running
SAPBISetup.exe from the PRES1\GUI
\WINDOWS\WIN32 subfolder of the Presentation DVD. You
can also import “Business Explorer” to an installation server
and dene your own packages to include this product.
The Business Explorer tree node also contains the OLE DB
for OLAP clients to connect to SAP NetWeaver Business In
telligence (BI).
SAP Interactive Excel Module FI or EC: Add-on to Microsoft Excel for creating re
ports in Microsoft Excel using data from FI-LC or EC-CS con
Excel sheets can be lled with data from the SAP system or
the Remote Data Entry tools for FI-LC and EC-CS. It can be
used for data entry into the FI-LC or EC-CS Remote Data En
try tool.
See also SAP note 1844598 .
64Bit RFC Controls
The 64bit RFC Controls (both non-Unicode and Unicode) are
used for external access to data within SAP Systems without
SAP GUI. They are accessible for example from Visual Basic
for Applications via COM Interface. In previous SAP GUI re
leases, these controls only existed in 32bit versions which
causes trouble when the controls are used from 64bit proc
esses like Microsoft Oce. The new installation component
64Bit RFC Controls solves this issue. See SAP Note 2724656
for more information.
The 64Bit RFC Controls can be installed in addition to the
32bit RFC Controls which are part of the SAP GUI Suite com
ponent group.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Additional Information
List of Available Components
Component Description
SAP GUI SAP graphical front end with starter application SAP Logon
The user can only display precongured connection informa
tion for SAP systems provided by the administrator (see
documentation for details).
SAP Logon Pad Desktop and Start menu shortcuts for SAP Logon Pad
The functionality of SAP Logon Pad is fully contained in
SAP Logon. Therefore these shortcuts are only created
if SAP Logon is not selected.
SAP Logon Extended starter application SAP Logon with desktop and
Start menu shortcuts
The user can display and modify connection information for
SAP systems.
SAP GUI Scripting SAP GUI scripting interface
More information: SAP_GUI_Scripting_API.pdf
from the PRES1/DOCU folder on the Presentation DVD
SAP GUI Documentation
HTML-based SAP GUI documentation for end users and SAP
GUI Scripting API documentation. If this component is not
installed, the online help from is used instead.
GUI XT SAP GUI extensions for client side customizing of SAP Dyn
pro screens
32bit Unicode RFC Libraries Unicode RFC libraries for software developers
Supports Unicode and non-Unicode communication part
Accessible from Visual Basic through COM Interface
These are the 32bit Unicode versions of the controls con
tained in component group 64bit RFC controls (see also sec
tion List of Component Groups / Top Level Components
above). The 32bit non-Unicode versions of the same con
trols are contained in the SAP GUI Suite component group.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Additional Information
R/3 Add-On
Component Description
EH&S WWI Module EH&S: Windows Word Processor Integration
Report tool for SAP PLM Environment, Health and Safety to
generate reports such as material safety data sheets and la
RTF Viewer required
Visual Conguration Tool
With the Visual Conguration Tool (VCT), it is possible to
carry out the conguration of screen sequences and screens
with drag and drop in BDT (transaction BUCO).
SCM Add-On
Component Description
SCM Front End Front-end add-on of SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Business Explorer
Business Exlorer with OLE DB for OLAP Provider The Business Explorer is the SAP Business Information
Warehouse component that provides exible reporting and
analysis tools for strategic analyses and decision-making
support within a company. These tools include query, report
ing, and analysis functions.
The Business Explorer tree node also contains the OLE DB
for OLAP clients to connect to SAP NetWeaver Business In
telligence (BI).
KW Add-On for SAP GUI
Component Description
KW Online Editing Knowledge Warehouse Editing within SAP GUI
Requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or higher
KW Translator Knowledge Warehouse Translator:
Translation tool to process translation packages oine
Requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or higher
KW HTML Editor
Allows creating and editing HTML documents in SAP GUI for
area HTML-Based Documents. This is an alternative to the
old component Html Pad which allows creating and editing
HTML documents within Knowledge Workbench (KWB)
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Additional Information
SAP Business Client 7.70
Component Description
SAP BC (former NWBC) User interface (UI) that presents a single entry point to dif
ferent SAP business applications and technologies. It is a
high-delity shell that integrates various UI technologies and
design generations aimed at a more ecient, intuitive, and
complete user experience over dierent UI technologies.You
nd more information on the
SAP BC Community page .
Chromium for SAP Business Client 7.70
With this component it is possible to use the open source
framework Chromium instead of Microsoft Internet Explorer
within SAP Business Client 7.70 for rendering HTML content.
SCN Client Encryption
Component Description
SNC Client Encryption Is an optional feature of SAP GUI and SAP NetWeaver tech
nology plattform. It enables users to protect communication
between SAP GUI for Windows and SAP NetWeaver Applica
tion Server (AS) ABAP. The component also enables encryp
tion for RFC clients, such as BEx Query Designer.
SAP GUI Screen Reader Extensions for JAWS
Accessibility settings for SAP GUI This component applies typical settings required for using
SAP GUI for Windows together with a screenreader. One of
these settings is to activate the SAP GUI Accessibility mode
by default.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Additional Information
7 Appendix
7.1 Copyright Notices for Included 3rd Party Components
Copyright Notices for the WebView2Loader.dll
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modication, are permitted provided that
the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* The name of Microsoft Corporation, or the names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this software without specic prior written permission.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
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We try not to use gender-specic word forms and formulations. As appropriate for context and readability, SAP may use masculine word forms to refer to all genders.
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Important Disclaimers and Legal Information
SAP Frontend Installation Guide
Important Disclaimers and Legal Information
© 2020 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
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