How to Use Panopto for Windows Basic and
Advanced Recording Settings
Panopto for Windows contains features to fine tune your video properties. This article will provide
information on the basic and advanced recording settings offered in Panopto for Windows.
Creator access to Panopto
1. Panopto for Windows Settings Tab
1.1. Open Panopto for Windows and click on the tab at the top of the window (Fig. 1).Settings
Figure 1
2. Panopto for Windows Basic Settings
2.1. Click (Fig. 2). Basic Settings
Figure 2
2.2. Choose from the below (Fig. 3):System Settings
Figure 3
2.2.a. : This sets the directory where your recordings will be stored on theRecording Directory
. : This allows the Panopto Upload Service to continue to upload2.2.b Upload when Panopto is closed
your videos to your Panopto site even when Panopto is not open.
: When enabled, Panopto will delete your local files2.2.c. Delete recordings once they are uploaded
for recordings 48 hours after they have been uploaded to your Panopto site. This setting is
recommended for shared machines with limited storage space.
2.3. Prefer primary capture device input resolution (Fig. 4): Only change this setting if Panopto for
Windows is not displaying the primary video capture feed. Some devices output a static resolution which
requires this setting to be changed.
Figure 4
2.3.a. : (default) Target resolution is specified by the selected in the UI. Auto quality setting
2.3.b. NTSC
2.3.c. PAL
2.3.d. 720p
2.3.e 1080i/p
2.4. Meeting Upload Settings (Fig. 5):
Figure 5
2.4.a. Automatically upload Skype for Business recordings on this computer: When enabled,
Panopto will automatically attempt to upload your recordings made in Skype for Business to the folder
designated by the setting.Panopto folder meeting uploads
: When enabled, Panopto2.4.b. Automatically upload GoToMeeting recordings on this computer
will automatically attempt to upload your recordings made in GoToMeeting to the folder designated by
the setting.Panopto folder meeting uploads
: This setting sets which folder Skype for Business and2.4.c. Panopto folder meeting uploads
GoToMeeting recordings are uploaded to if the two options above were enabled.
5 Choose from the below (Fig. 6):.5. App Settings
Figure 6
2.5.a. : This allows Panopto to attempt to upload the video toProgressively upload while recording
your Panopto site while it is being recorded. This helps save time waiting for the video to upload after
recording. This is not recommended if your machine is low on resources
: When enabled, after clicking the record button Panopto will2.5.b. Minimize when recording
minimize while recording.
. (Fig. 6): When enabled, you will get2.5.c Notify me when a viewer post a question or comment
notifications when users post questions or comments during the webcasting session.
Figure 6
: When this setting is checked, Panopto will disable the hotkeys for recording2.5.d. Disable hot keys
video. See this document for more information on .Hotkeys for Windows
. : When enabled, Panopto will use the default system2.5.e Use the default system proxy settings
proxy settings.
2.5. . (Fig. 7): When enabled, your mouse will bef Highlight the mouse cursor during screen capture
highlighted during screen capture which allows users to better follow screen capture.
Figure 7
2.6. Click (Fig. 8). Save
Figure 8
3. Panopto for Windows Advanced Settings
3.1. To continue to the other features, click on the tab entitled (Fig. 9) and choose fromAdvanced Settings
the settings below:
Figure 9
Choose from the below (Fig. 10):3.2. App Settings
Figure 10
3.2.a. : Allows the Recorder to remember your accountEnable "Remember me" option for sign-in
the next time you launch the recorder. Enabling this is not recommended for shared computers.
: When enabled, Panopto will automatically upload3.2.b. Automatically upload recording logs
machine logs to Panopto servers. This will help Panopto Support troubleshoot any issues experienced
during the recording.
: When enabled, this allows users to record sessions without3.2.c. Allow secondary only recordings
an audio device selected. Sessions that do not have audio will fail to process but can be merged with
other sessions after upload. See this document on for more information.Distributed Recording
. (Fig. 11): When enabled, this allows Panopto to utilize the built in3.2.d Allow toast notifications
Windows Notification system to give you different notices and help messages about your recordings.
Figure 11
3.2.e. : If enabled, Panopto will warn when no audio is comingEnable no audio detected alerts
through to the recorder (Fig. 12).
Figure 12
: If enabled, Panopto will warn when CPU nears maximum usage3.2.f. Enable high CPU usage alerts
(Fig. 13).
Figure 13
3.3. :Advanced Capture Settings
3.3.a. : Allows you to access and change the native settings ofEnable advanced device configuration
your input device directly in the Panopto Recorder for Windows
. : When enabled, Panopto will record all your session streams in both3.3.b Capture MP4 format
Panopto's proprietary format and in MP4. The proprietary and MP4 files will both be stored in the
default recording directory. Note: This means that your recording files will increase. This is not
recommended for any machines with low storage capacity.
. : When enabled, Panopto will always3.3.c Always capture PowerPoint slides as screen images
capture your PowerPoint slides as screen images during recordings. Choose this setting if your
PowerPoint has a lot of animations, annotations, or if you are using custom fonts or macros.
. : Provides a new quality setting choice in the quality drop-down3.3.d Enable custom quality settings
menu called "Custom." This document goes over how to setup .Custom Quality Settings
3.4. (Fig. 4): You should only change this setting fromFix primary Audio/Video stream synchronization
auto if you are using separate video and audio devices in your primary feed and you are experiencing
audio/video desynchronization.
Figure 4
3.4.a. : Sets Audio/Video streams synchronization to default settings. Auto
. : Turns synchronization on. 3.4.b On
: Turns synchronization off.3.4.c. Off
3.5. Click (Fig. 5).Save
Figure 5
4. Changing Advanced Device Configuration for Cameras
4.1. After enabling advanced device configuration, click the tab (Fig. 6).Create New Recording
Figure 6
Select a video source and click the icon (Fig. 7).4.2. wrench
Figure 7
4.3. This will open the device property menu. Select the Video Tab (Fig. 8).Proc Amp
Note: Modifying these settings is only recommended for advanced users.
Figure 8
After changing any of the settings on the slider (or checking any of the boxes in the column), click 4.4. Auto
(Fig. 9).Apply
Figure 9
Click on the tab (Fig. 10). This tab will modify other features of your camera as it is4.5. Camera Control
displayed through the Panopto Recorder for Windows.
Figure 10
After changing any of the settings on the slider (or checking any of the boxes in the column), click 4.6. Auto
(Fig. 11).Apply
Figure 11
. Click when you are finished to confirm the changes (Fig. 12) and return to the 4.7 OK Create New
Figure 12
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