Preliminary Schedule - Subject to changes if necessary
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COURSE TEACHER Times (Eastern) COURSE TEACHER Times (Eastern)
Don't Miss These Books - Grammar Level Smith, J Mo-We 11:00 AM Grammar Level Latin I TBD Mo-We 11:00 AM
Don't Miss These Books - Grammar Level Wentworth, C Tu-Th 11:00 AM Grammar Level Latin I Jones, T Mo-We 12:30 PM
Language Arts Level 1 Smith, J Mo-We 9:30 AM Grammar Level Latin I Jones, T Tu-Th 9:30 AM
Language Arts Level 1 Smith, J Mo-We 12:30 PM Grammar Level Latin II Plummer, E Mo-We 9:30 AM
Language Arts Level 1 De Leo, L Mo-We 2:00 PM Grammar Level Latin II Plummer, E Tu-Th 12:30 PM
Language Arts Level 1 TBD Tu-Th 9:30 AM Grammar Level Latin III TBD Tu-Th 11:00 AM
Language Arts Level 1 TBD Tu-Th 12:30 PM Fundamentals of Latin (SOL) Songer, K Mo-We 9:30 AM
Language Arts Level 2 TBD Mo-We 9:30 AM Fundamentals of Latin (SOL) Songer, K Tu-Th 9:30 AM
Language Arts Level 2 McGahey, S Mo-We 12:30 PM Fundamentals of Latin (SOL) Songer, K Tu-Th 12:30 PM
Language Arts Level 2 Hill, M Mo-We 2:00 PM Math Level 5 Seefried, W Mo-We 11:00 AM
Language Arts Level 2 Smith, J Tu-Th 9:30 AM Math Level 5 Seefried, W Tu-Th 9:30 AM
Language Arts Level 2 Hill, M Tu-Th 11:00 AM Math Level 5 TBD Tu-Th 2:00 PM
Language Arts Level 2 Smith, J Tu-Th 12:30 PM Math Level 6 Seefried, W Mo-We 8:00 AM
Story of History: Bible Times & Places TBD Mo-We 12:30 PM Math Level 6 Axelson, H Mo-We 2:00 PM
Story of History: Bible Times & Places Jones, T Tu-Th 11:00 AM Math Level 6 Seefried, W Tu-Th 12:30 PM
Story of History: Making of America Jones, T Mo-We 2:00 PM Grammar of Science - Course 1 Jones, T Mo-We 9:30 AM
Story of History: Making of America Jones, T Tu-Th 2:00 PM Grammar of Science - Course 1 TBD Mo-We 2:00 PM
Story of History: Making of Modern Europe TBD Tu-Th 12:30 PM Grammar of Science - Course 1 TBD Tu-Th 12:30 PM
Story of History: 20th Century* Jones, T Mo-We 11:00 AM Grammar of Science - Course 2 Everett, T Mo-We 12:30 PM
Story of History: 20th Century* TBD Tu-Th 8:00 AM Grammar of Science - Course 2 TBD Tu-Th 11:00 AM
Story of History: 20th Century* Jones, T Tu-Th 12:30 PM Grammar of Science - Course 2 Everett, T Tu-Th 2:00 PM
Introduction to Earth Science** Wentworth, C Mo-We 11:00 AM
Introduction to Earth Science** Wentworth, C Mo-We 12:30 PM
World Geography TBD Mo-We 2:00 PM Introduction to Earth Science** Wentworth, C Tu-Th 9:30 AM
World Geography TBD Tu-Th 2:00 PM Introduction to Earth Science** Wentworth, C Tu-Th 2:00 PM
Fundamentals of Research & Presentation TBD Mo-We 11:00 AM
Fundamentals of Research & Presentation Lowery, J Mo-We 12:30 PM
Fundamentals of Research & Presentation TBD Tu-Th 12:30 PM
Fundamentals of Research & Presentation TBD Tu-Th 2:00 PM
School of Grammar (Grades 3-6)
**This new course is intended for 6th grade.
The Grammar of Sc ience c ours es are not s pec if ic to a part ic ular grammar s c hool grade.
*The Story of History: 20th Century is appropriate for 6th and 7th grade. The other Story of History
courses are not specific to a particular grammar school grade.
Preliminary Schedule - Subject to changes if necessary
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COURSE TEACHER Times (Eastern) COURSE TEACHER Times (Eastern)
Language Arts Level 3 TBD Mo-We 8:00 AM Math Level 7 Seefried, W Mo-We 9:30 AM
Language Arts Level 3 Hill, M Mo-We 9:30 AM Math Level 7 Seefried, W Tu-Th 11:00 AM
Language Arts Level 3 Dixon, M Mo-We 11:00 AM Pre-Algebra George, D Mo-We 9:30 AM
Language Arts Level 3 Hill, M Mo-We 12:30 PM Pre-Algebra TBD Mo-We 11:00 AM
Language Arts Level 3 Hill, M Tu-Th 9:30 AM Pre-Algebra TBD Mo-We 12:30 PM
Language Arts Level 3 Winn, B Tu-Th 11:00 AM Pre-Algebra George, D Tu-Th 11:00 AM
Language Arts Level 3 Hill, M Tu-Th 12:30 PM Pre-Algebra Seefried, W Tu-Th 2:00 PM
Language Arts Level 3 Winn, B Tu-Th 2:00 PM Algebra 1 TBD Mo-We 8:00 AM
Language Arts Level 4 (FOEW) Wise, N Mo-We 8:00 AM Algebra 1 Church, L Mo-We 9:30 AM
Language Arts Level 4 (FOEW) McGahey, S Mo-We 11:00 AM Algebra 1 George, D Mo-We 11:00 AM
Language Arts Level 4 (FOEW) Wise, N Mo-We 2:00 PM Algebra 1 Church, L Mo-We 12:30 PM
Language Arts Level 4 (FOEW) Wise, N Tu-Th 9:30 AM Algebra 1 TBD Tu-Th 8:00 AM
Language Arts Level 4 (FOEW) Wise, N Tu-Th 11:00 AM Algebra 1 George, D Tu-Th 12:30 PM
Language Arts Level 4 (FOEW) TBD Tu-Th 12:30 PM Algebra 1 Pepin, K Tu-Th 2:00 PM
Fundamentals of Latin (SOL) Songer, K Mo-We 9:30 AM Introduction to Physics and Chemistry Trammell, S Mo-We 9:30 AM
Fundamentals of Latin (SOL) Songer, K Tu-Th 9:30 AM Introduction to Physics and Chemistry Trammell, S Mo-We 2:00 PM
Fundamentals of Latin (SOL) Songer, K Tu-Th 12:30 PM Introduction to Physics and Chemistry Trammell, S Tu-Th 11:00 AM
Latin 1 Duby, T Mo-We 8:00 AM Introduction to Physics and Chemistry Trammell, S Tu-Th 12:30 PM
Latin 1 Duby, T Mo-We 9:30 AM Introduction to Biology Everett, T Mo-We 9:30 AM
Latin 1 Songer, K Mo-We 11:00 AM Introduction to Biology Everett, T Tu-Th 9:30 AM
Latin 1 Songer, K Mo-We 12:30 PM Introduction to Biology Everett, T Tu-Th 11:00 AM
Latin 1 Songer, K Mo-We 2:00 PM Earth Science (Bridge)* Fleming, J Mo-We 8:00 AM
Latin 1 Duby, T Tu-Th 9:30 AM Earth Science (Bridge)* Fleming, J Tu-Th 11:00 AM
Latin 1 Songer, K Tu-Th 11:00 AM Earth Science (Bridge)* Fleming, J Tu-Th 12:30 PM
Latin 1 Songer, K Tu-Th 2:00 PM
Latin 2 Handermann, R Mo-We 9:30 AM
Latin 2 Handermann, R Mo-We 12:30 PM
Latin 2 Hensley, J Mo-We 5:00 PM
Latin 2 Coll, L Tu-Th 8:00 AM French 1 De Leo, L Tu-Th 11:00 AM
Latin 2 Coll, L Tu-Th 9:30 AM Spanish 1 Miles, D Mo-We 9:30 AM
Latin 2 Handermann, R Tu-Th 12:30 PM Spanish 1 TBD Mo-We 12:30 PM
Spanish 1 Miles, D Tu-Th 9:30 AM
Spanish 1 TBD Tu-Th 11:00 AM
School of Logic (Grades 7 & 8)
*This year is the last that Earth Science will be offered. The Earth Science (Bridge) is for students
who t ook Lif e Sc ience at WHA in t heir grade 7 year or new st udent s needing a pure earth sc ience
course. Our new science sequence for the School of Logic consists of Introduction to Physics and
Chemist ry for 7t h grade and I nt roduc t ion t o Biology f or 8th grade.
Preliminary Schedule - Subject to changes if necessary
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COURSE TEACHER Times (Eastern) COURSE TEACHER Times (Eastern)
The Great Conversation 1 Lawrence, G Mo-We 8:00 AM Story of History: 20th Century Jones, T Mo-We 11:00 AM
The Great Conversation 1 Duby, T Mo-We 11:00 AM Story of History: 20th Century TBD Tu-Th 8:00 AM
The Great Conversation 1 Lawrence, G Mo-We 2:00 PM Story of History: 20th Century Jones, T Tu-Th 12:30 PM
The Great Conversation 1 TBD Tu-Th 8:00 AM World Geography TBD Mo-We 2:00 PM
The Great Conversation 1 Lawrence, G Tu-Th 9:30 AM World Geography TBD Tu-Th 2:00 PM
The Great Conversation 1 TBD Tu-Th 11:00 AM Fundamentals of Research & Presentation TBD Mo-We 11:00 AM
The Great Conversation 1 Duby, T Tu-Th 12:30 PM Fundamentals of Research & Presentation Lowery, J Mo-We 12:30 PM
The Great Conversation 2 Varano, J Mo-We 8:00 AM Fundamentals of Research & Presentation TBD Tu-Th 12:30 PM
The Great Conversation 2 Martin, B Mo-We 9:30 AM Fundamentals of Research & Presentation TBD Tu-Th 2:00 PM
The Great Conversation 2 Varano, J Mo-We 11:00 AM
The Great Conversation 2 Martin, B Mo-We 12:30 PM
The Great Conversation 2 Varano, J Tu-Th 9:30 AM
The Great Conversation 2 Martin, B Tu-Th 11:00 AM
The Great Conversation 2 Varano, J Tu-Th 2:00 PM
School of Logic (Grades 7 & 8)
Preliminary Schedule - Subject to changes if necessary
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COURSE TEACHER Times (Eastern) COURSE TEACHER Times (Eastern)
Advanced Comp 1 Donaldson, B Thu 11:00 AM Latin 1 Duby, T Mo-We 8:00 AM
Advanced Comp 1 Ruby, L Thu 12:30 PM Latin 1 Duby, T Mo-We 9:30 AM
Advanced Comp 1 Donaldson, B Thu 2:00 PM Latin 1 Songer, K Mo-We 11:00 AM
Advanced Comp 1 Hambleton, M Fri 9:30 AM Latin 1 Songer, K Mo-We 12:30 PM
Advanced Comp 1 Donaldson, B Fri 11:00 AM Latin 1 Songer, K Mo-We 2:00 PM
Fundamentals of Academic Writing TBD Mo-We 9:30 AM Latin 1 Duby, T Tu-Th 9:30 AM
Fundamentals of Academic Writing Ruby, L Mo-We 11:00 AM Latin 1 Songer, K Tu-Th 11:00 AM
Fundamentals of Academic Writing TBD Mo-We 12:30 PM Latin 1 Songer, K Tu-Th 2:00 PM
Fundamentals of Academic Writing Ruby, L Mo-We 2:00 PM Latin 2 Handermann, R Mo-We 9:30 AM
Fundamentals of Academic Writing Burns, L Tu-Th 9:30 AM Latin 2 Handermann, R Mo-We 12:30 PM
Fundamentals of Academic Writing Ruby, L Tu-Th 11:00 AM Latin 2 Hensley, J Mo-We 5:00 PM
Fundamentals of Academic Writing Burns, L Tu-Th 12:30 PM Latin 2 Coll, L Tu-Th 8:00 AM
Advanced Comp 2 Hambleton, M Wed 12:30 PM Latin 2 Coll, L Tu-Th 9:30 AM
Advanced Comp 2 Hambleton, M Wed 2:00 PM Latin 2 Handermann, R Tu-Th 12:30 PM
Advanced Comp 2 Hambleton, M Fri 12:30 PM Latin 3 Coll, L Tu-Th 12:30 PM
Logic 1 Varano, J Mo-We 9:30 AM Latin 3 Coll, L Tu-Th 2:00 PM
Logic 1 Varano, J Mo-We 12:30 PM Latin Readings Colvin, M Tu-Th 11:00 AM
Logic 1 Varano, J Mo-We 2:00 PM AP Latin Colvin, M Mo-We 11:00 AM
Logic 1 Varano, J Tu-Th 8:00 AM Greek 1 Colvin, M Tu-Th 3:30 PM
Logic 1 Varano, J Tu-Th 11:00 AM Greek Readings Colvin, M Mo-We 2:00 PM
Logic 1 Varano, J Tu-Th 12:30 PM Spanish 1 Miles, D Mo-We 9:30 AM
Logic 2 Bradley, R Mo-We 9:30 AM Spanish 1 TBD Mo-We 12:30 PM
Logic 2 Bradley, R Mo-We 12:30 PM Spanish 1 Miles, D Tu-Th 9:30 AM
Logic 2 Althage, P Mo-We 2:00 PM Spanish 1 TBD Tu-Th 11:00 AM
Logic 2 Bradley, R Tu-Th 9:30 AM Spanish 2 TBD Mo-We 9:30 AM
Logic 2 Bradley, R Tu-Th 11:00 AM Spanish 2 TBD Tu-Th 12:30 PM
Rhetoric 1 Althage, P Mo-We 9:30 AM Spanish 3 Miles, D Mo-We 12:30 PM
Rhetoric 1 Althage, P Mo-We 12:30 PM AP Spanish Miles, D Tu-Th 12:30 PM
Rhetoric 1 Althage, P Tu-Th 9:30 AM French 1 De Leo, L Tu-Th 11:00 AM
Rhetoric 1 Althage, P Tu-Th 12:30 PM French 2 De Leo, L Tu-Th 12:30 PM
Rhetoric 2 Vierra, T Mo-We 9:30 AM French 3 De Leo, L Mo-We 12:30 PM
Rhetoric 2 Plummer, E Tu-Th 9:30 AM French 4 De Leo, L Tu-Th 9:30 AM
Rhetoric 2 Plummer, E Tu-Th 2:00 PM
School of Rhetoric (Grades 9-12)
Preliminary Schedule - Subject to changes if necessary
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COURSE TEACHER Times (Eastern) COURSE TEACHER Times (Eastern)
The Great Conversation 1+4 TBD Mo-We 8:00 AM AP Art History Colvin, M Mo-We 12:30 PM
The Great Conversation 1+4 TBD Mo-We 12:30 PM AP Art History Colvin, M Tu-Th 3:30 PM
The Great Conversation 1+4 TBD Tu-Th 9:30 AM US History Survey TBD Tu-Th 2:00 PM
The Great Conversation 1+4 Lawrence, G Tu-Th 11:00 AM US Government and Economics Peacock, B Mo-We 2:00 PM
The Great Conversation 1+4 Lawrence, G Tu-Th 2:00 PM Get to Know Fyodor Dostoevsky Long, R Tu-Th 12:30 PM
The Great Conversation 3 Miles, D Mo-We 8:00 AM Modern Literature & Thought Crawford, A Mo-We 12:30 PM
The Great Conversation 3 Sweet, K Mo-We 9:30 AM
The Great Conversation 3 Sweet, K Mo-We 11:00 AM
The Great Conversation 3 Miles, D Mo-We 2:00 PM
The Great Conversation 3 Miles, D Tu-Th 8:00 AM
The Great Conversation 3 Sweet, K Tu-Th 9:30 AM
The Great Conversation 3 Miles, D Tu-Th 2:00 PM
The Great Conversation 3 TBD TBD TBD
The Great Conversation 4 Colvin, M Mo-We 9:30 AM
The Great Conversation 4 Hensley, J Mo-We 3:30 PM
The Great Conversation 4 Colvin, M Tu-Th 9:30 AM AP Latin Colvin, M Mo-We 11:00 AM
The Great Conversation 4 Holcomb, E Tu-Th 11:00 AM AP Spanish Miles, D Tu-Th 12:30 PM
The Great Conversation 4 Colvin, M Tu-Th 2:00 PM AP Art History Colvin, M Mo-We 12:30 PM
The Great Conversation 5 Martin, B Mo-We 8:00 AM AP Art History Colvin, M Tu-Th 3:30 PM
The Great Conversation 5 Martin, B Mo-We 11:00 AM AP Statistics Reini, E Mo-We 2:00 PM
The Great Conversation 5 Martin, B Mo-We 2:00 PM AP Statistics Reini, E Tu-Th 9:30 AM
The Great Conversation 5 Martin, B Tu-Th 8:00 AM AP Calculus AB McGahey, S Mo-We 12:30 PM
The Great Conversation 5 Martin, B Tu-Th 9:30 AM AP Biology Chen, S Tu-Th 11:00 AM
The Great Conversation 5 Martin, B Tu-Th 12:30 PM AP Chemistry Bailey, R Mo-We 11:00 AM
The Great Conversation 6 Keller, J Tu-Th 8:00 AM AP Physics Dwelle, J Tu-Th 12:30 PM
The Great Conversation 6 Lowery, T Mo-We 2:00 PM
The Great Conversation 6 TBD Mo-We 11:00 AM
The Great Conversation 6 TBD Tu-Th 2:00 PM
AP Options
School of Rhetoric (Grades 9-12)
Preliminary Schedule - Subject to changes if necessary
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COURSE TEACHER Times (Eastern) COURSE TEACHER Times (Eastern)
Algebra 1 TBD-M2 Mo-We 8:00 AM Physics 1 TBD Mo-We 8:00 AM
Algebra 1 Church, L Mo-We 9:30 AM Physics 1 Fleming, J Mo-We 9:30 AM
Algebra 1 George, D Mo-We 11:00 AM Physics 1 TBD Mo-We 11:00 AM
Algebra 1 Church, L Mo-We 12:30 PM Physics 1 Fleming, J Tu-Th 9:30 AM
Algebra 1 TBD-M2 Tu-Th 8:00 AM Physics 1 Galloway, S Tu-Th 11:00 AM
Algebra 1 George, D Tu-Th 12:30 PM Physics 1 Galloway, S Tu-Th 12:30 PM
Algebra 1 Pepin, K Tu-Th 2:00 PM Physics 1 (Honors) Tuin, H Mo-We 9:30 AM
Geometry Church, L Mo-We 8:00 AM Physics 1 (Honors) Tuin, H Mo-We 11:00 AM
Geometry Pepin, K Mo-We 9:30 AM Physics 1 (Honors) TBD Mo-We 12:30 PM
Geometry TBD Mo-We 11:00 AM Physics 1 (Honors) Tuin, H Tu-Th 11:00 AM
Geometry Pepin, K Mo-We 12:30 PM Physics 1 (Honors) TBD Tu-Th 2:00 PM
Geometry Church, L Tu-Th 9:30 AM Chemistry Verbois, R Mo-We 8:00 AM
Geometry Pepin, K Tu-Th 11:00 AM Chemistry Gaul, D Mo-We 12:30 PM
Geometry Pepin, K Tu-Th 12:30 PM Chemistry Gaul, D Tu-Th 9:30 AM
Algebra 2 Reini, E Mo-We 8:00 AM Chemistry Gaul, D Tu-Th 12:30 PM
Algebra 2 Reini, E Mo-We 9:30 AM Chemistry (Honors/Pre-AP) Verbois, R Mo-We 9:30 AM
Algebra 2 TBD Mo-We 2:00 PM Chemistry (Honors/Pre-AP) Bailey, R Mo-We 12:30 PM
Algebra 2 Reini, E Tu-Th 8:00 AM Chemistry (Honors/Pre-AP) Bailey, R Tu-Th 9:30 AM
Algebra 2 TBD Tu-Th 12:30 PM Chemistry (Honors/Pre-AP) Verbois, R Tu-Th 11:00 AM
Algebra 2 Axelson, H Tu-Th 2:00 PM Biology Gaul, D Mo-We 9:30 AM
Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry Reini, E Mo-We 11:00 AM Biology Fleming, J Mo-We 12:30 PM
Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry Axelson, H Mo-We 3:30 PM Biology Gaul, D Tu-Th 8:00 AM
Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry Church, L Tu-Th 8:00 AM Biology (Honors) Chen, S Mo-We 9:30 AM
Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry Church, L Tu-Th 11:00 AM Biology (Honors) Fleming, J Tu-Th 8:00 AM
AP Statistics Reini, E Mo-We 2:00 PM Biology (Honors) Chen, S Tu-Th 12:30 PM
AP Statistics Reini, E Tu-Th 9:30 AM AP Biology Chen, S Tu-Th 11:00 AM
AP Calculus AB McGahey, S Mo-We 12:30 PM AP Chemistry Bailey, R Mo-We 11:00 AM
AP Physics Dwelle, J Tu-Th 12:30 PM
School of Rhetoric (Grades 9-12)
Monda y/Wednesday Tuesday/Thursday Friday