Rev. 2, February 3, 2014
This agreement is for the purpose of running an efficient and effective online school.
Parental Responsibility: Parents are expected to take primary responsibility for the
student’s education. This includes monitoring student exams as needed, and providing
a level of accountability for attendance, class behavior and completion of assigned
work. Parents are also expected to procure and provide all required equipment and
materials needed for each registered course along with providing an environment
conducive to active participation in the online classroom free of distractions (either
for the student or for others in the class). Students are encouraged to grow in their
independent ability to take personal responsibility for completion and on-time
submission of assignments, including conformity to any required formats.
Classroom Etiquette & Rules of Behavior: The registering of a student is an
affirmation that parents and Student have read and agree with these standards:
o Biblical behavior standards will be followed at all times.
o Discussion is encouraged, but normal consideration for others is expected. This
includes refraining from interruptions and ensuring that discussions are
germane to the topic at hand. Chat facilities are intended to enhance class
participation and should not be used in a manner that becomes a distraction
for the student or others. The teacher has the final say on this topic.
o Background noise or music is not permitted.
o Students, Parents, and Auditors may not share passwords and logins with
anyone without express written permission by Wilson Hill Academy.
Students may be expelled without refund for inappropriate behavior in the classroom.
Adherence to Social Media Policy: Wilson Hill Academy welcomes the use of social
media as part of participation in the school, seeing it as a way to leverage technology
in the interests of furthering the mission of the school. Recognizing that technology
also provides a false sense of anonymity that can lead to inappropriate usage,
however, WHA holds employees, teachers, students and their parents to a high
standard of conduct related to the use of social media as it relates to the school. On-
line social media interaction between individuals is essentially no different than face-
to-face interaction, and should therefore follow Biblical guidelines of propriety. This
includes but is not limited to the following:
o Posting of negative or pejorative comments about other students, teachers or
the school itself without having first followed the guidelines implicit in
Matthew 18 will not be tolerated.
o Developing and maintaining on-line “friend” relationships between students
and teachers should in most cases be avoided. When such relationships do
occur, there should be great care to avoid inappropriate blurring of the
distinction between teacher and student, bearing in mind the role of the
teacher as a model and the uneven power dynamics implicit in such
Rev. 2, February 3, 2014
Please be aware that the school considers discretion and prudent judgment in the
online social networking activities to be a serious matter with respect to protecting
the school, its students, its teachers and other employees. As such, violations of the
Social Media Policy may lead to corrective action up to and including dismissal (for
teachers or employees) and expulsion without refund (for students). Refer to the full
Social Media Policy for further guidelines.
General Requirements: The following general requirements apply:
o Student must have immediate access to all books and other required materials
used for the course in the version stipulated by Wilson Hill Academy.
o If a family has more than one student enrolled in the same class, each student
must have his/her own computer, microphone, and internet connection.
o Teacher may restrict Student in any way he/she deems advisable to minimize
the adverse effect on others in the class.
o Student must have a reasonable ability to type on a computer keyboard.
o Communications by Teacher to any Parents or Student will generally be sent by
email. An email will be deemed to have been received and read 24 hours after
it is sent to the last provided email address.
Grade Reports: All written assignments and quizzes will receive a grade by the
teacher. There will also be a semester final. Progress reports will be issued at the
end of the first and third terms. A progress report in the form of a grade report card
will be viewable by parents within two weeks following the end of each semester.
Students will have access to grades and graded assignments.
Due Dates: All assignments are due in the manner prescribed by the teacher at
midnight Eastern Standard Time on the due date.
Attendance and Make-Ups: Archives of missed classes are posted and must be viewed
by absent students in a timely manner. Student is responsible for obtaining any notes
or assignments from any class from another student or any bulletin board maintained
by the teacher.
Writing Quality: It is assumed that students will have sufficient mastery of writing
skills including grammar, vocabulary and expression commensurate with the level of
the class. Parents expressly state that this is the case by registering the student.
Fees, Payment & Refunds: The tuition may vary by class as specified in the
registration system. The total cost is payable at the time of registration. For full year
courses, the following withdrawal & refund policy applies:
o Withdrawal requests received within 2 weeks of registration and
prior to June 1
will receive a 100% refund less a $50 administrative fee.
o Withdrawal requests received prior to June 1 and after 2 weeks from the date
of registration will receive a 75% refund.
o Withdrawal requests received after May 31 and before July 1 will receive a 50%
o Withdrawal requests received after June 30 will not receive a refund of any
Rev. 2, February 3, 2014
For summer school enrollments, the following withdrawal & refund policy applies:
o Withdrawal requests received at least 30 days prior to the start of classes and
within 1 week of registration will receive a 75% refund.
o Withdrawal requests received at least 30 days prior to the start of classes and
at least 1 week after the date of registration will receive a 50% refund.
o Withdrawal requests received within 30 days of the start of classes will not
receive a refund of any amount.
All withdrawal requests must be received in writing (Wilson Hill Academy, PO Box
50115, Austin, TX 78763) or by email to Admin@WilsonHillAcademy.com
Payment Plan Option: When paying by credit card on the registration site, full
payment is due and the refund policy above applies. For those students and parents
desiring a payment plan option, the following process and policy applies:
o Select the “check” option under “Payment Method”.
o A 30% non-refundable deposit is due within 2 weeks of registration.
o The balance of the tuition is due by June 30 (for full year courses) or 30 days
before the start of classes (for summer school courses).
o Checks should be mailed to the Wilson Hill Academy address above in time to
be received by the stated deadline.
Late Enrollment: Any student enrolling in a class after the class has met will be
considered to be a Late Enrollee. Details of payments, credit for the class, etc. vary
based on the class. Details are available for any given situation by contacting Wilson
Hill Academy directly.
Statement of Faith: We believe in the inerrancy of scripture and the birth, death,
burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! All teachers are required
to affirm their belief in the Nicene Creed.
Written Assignment Standards: Assignments must be posted as directed by the
Teacher. Unless directed otherwise by teacher the body of the assignment shall:
o Be submitted in a format readable by Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx, or .rtf)
o Be typed in Times New Roman type font, 12 points.
o Have the header (student’s name, the date, the course name/section and the
assignment name) in the upper right-hand corner of the first page.
o Have the title centered across the top of the page below the header.
o Be double-spaced.