ISBN 978-1-939133-05-2
Open access to the Proceedings of the
Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy
and Security is sponsored by USENIX.
“Something isn’t secure, but Im not sure how that
translates into a problem: Promoting autonomy by
designing for understanding in Signal
Justin Wu, Cyrus Gattrell, Devon Howard, and Jake Tyler, Brigham Young University;
Elham Vaziripour, Utah Valley University; Kent Seamons and Daniel Zappala,
Brigham Young University
This paper is included in the Proceedings of the
Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security.
August 1213, 2019 • Santa Clara, CA, USA
Something isn’t secure, but I’m not sure how that translates into a problem”:
Promoting autonomy by designing for understanding in Signal
Justin Wu
Brigham Young University
Cyrus Gatrell
Brigham Young University
Devon Howard
Brigham Young University
Jake Tyler
Brigham Young University
Elham Vaziripour
Utah Valley University
Kent Seamons
Brigham Young University
Daniel Zappala
Brigham Young University
Security designs that presume enacting secure behaviors to
be beneficial in all circumstances discount the impact of re-
sponse cost on users’ lives and assume that all data is equally
worth protecting. However, this has the effect of reducing user
autonomy by diminishing the role personal values and prior-
ities play in the decision-making process. In this study, we
demonstrate an alternative approach that emphasizes users’
comprehension over compliance, with the goal of helping
users to make more informed decisions regarding their own
security. To this end, we conducted a three-phase redesign
of the warning notifications surrounding the authentication
ceremony in Signal. Our results show how improved com-
prehension can be achieved while still promoting favorable
privacy outcomes among users. Our experience reaffirms ex-
isting arguments that users should be empowered to make
personal trade-offs between perceived risk and response cost.
We also find that system trust is a major factor in users’ inter-
pretation of system determinations of risk, and that properly
communicating risk requires an understanding of user percep-
tions of the larger security ecosystem in whole.
1 Introduction
The primary goal of usable security and privacy is to empower
users to keep themselves safe from threats to their security
or privacy. Their ability to do so is reliant on an accurate
assessment of the existence and severity of a given risk, the
set of available responses, and the cost of enacting those re-
sponses. Ideally, users would like to take action only when
Copyright is held by the author/owner. Permission to make digital or hard
copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted
without fee.
USENIX Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2019.
August 11–13, 2019, Santa Clara, CA, USA.
a threat has been realized and the negative consequences of
that threat are severe enough to outweigh the costs of enacting
the mitigating measure. In practice, however, it is difficult for
users to have a comprehensive view of the situation and thus
make informed decisions. Typically developers of secure sys-
tems best understand the nature of risks users will encounter
and design responses that will mitigate those risks, but it is
difficult for them to communicate this knowledge to users
who are ultimately responsible for weighing risk severity and
response cost trade-offs.
Consequently, the design of many security mechanisms
seeks to simplify the threat-mitigation equation by avoiding
calculations of risk impact and response cost, either through
automating security measures or by pushing users to unilat-
erally enact protective measures regardless of context. This
approach, however, is not without drawbacks. It discounts
the impact of response costs on users’ lives by presupposing
that the execution of a protective behavior is always a favor-
able cost-benefit proposition. In reality, however, the “appetite
and acceptability of a risk depends on [users’] priorities and
values” [12]. Indeed, it has been argued that, “Security that
routinely diverts the attention and disrupts the activities of
users in pursuit of these goals is thus the antithesis of a user-
centered approach” [20].
This approach and its drawbacks is evident in the current
design of secure messaging applications. In a typical secure
messaging application, an application server registers each
user and stores their public key. When a user wishes to send
a secure message to someone, the application transparently
retrieves the public key of the recipient from the server and
uses it to automatically encrypt messages. However, because
the server could deceive the user, either willingly or because
it has been coerced by a government or hacked by an attacker,
communicating parties must verify one another’s public keys
in order to preserve the cryptographic guarantees offered by
end-to-end-encryption. The method by which parties verify
their public keys has been called the authentication ceremony,
and typically involves scanning a contact’s QR code or mak-
ing a phone call to manually compare key fingerprints.
USENIX Association Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 137
The usability of the authentication ceremony in secure
messaging applications has been studied in recent years, with
the general conclusion that users are vulnerable to attacks,
struggling to locate or perform the authentication ceremony
without sufficient instruction [1, 21, 28]. The root cause of
this difficulty is that the designers of these applications do
not effectively communicate risks, responses, and costs to
users. The automatic encryption “just works” when there
is no attack, but the application does not give users enough
help to judge risk and response trade-offs when an attack
is possible. Prior work [29] applied opinionated design to
the Signal authentication ceremony and showed that they
could significantly decrease the time to find and perform
the authentication ceremony, with strong adherence gains.
However, this work assumed that all users should perform
the ceremony for every conversation, when many users may
not want to incur this cost due to low perceived risk or high
response cost.
In this study, we demonstrate an alternative design ap-
proach that emphasizes users’ comprehension over compli-
ance, with a goal of empowering users to make more informed
decisions that align with their personal values. We employ
a design philosophy that might be seen as partway between
opinionated and non-opinionated design: our design pushes
users to make decisions, but not any decision in particular.
To this end, we conduct a three-phase redesign of the warn-
ing notifications surrounding the authentication ceremony in
the Signal secure messaging app. We use Signal because the
Signal protocol has been the foundation upon which other
secure messaging applications have built, and thus many se-
cure messaging applications share its basic design features
and have similar authentication ceremonies. Because Signal
is open source, we can apply design changes and, if these
changes are successful, influence applications based on Sig-
nal, such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.
The authentication ceremony in Signal is a particularly
good fit for applying a risk communication approach to de-
sign. First, the system has an explicit and timely heuristic for
identifying shifts in risk levels: encryption key changes. More-
over, because changes in security state are contingent upon
key changes, we need only communicate with users once a
potential risk occurs. Furthermore, the available mitigating
response to a key change is unambiguous: performing the au-
thentication ceremony. Finally, the authentication ceremony
is a mechanism where response cost factors heavily into the
equation—users must be synchronously available to perform
it—even though most key changes are due to reinstalling the
application, not a man-in-the-middle attack.
Our redesign generally follows a standard user-centered
design process, but with an explicit focus on enabling users
to make more informed decisions. First, we measured the
baseline effectiveness of Signal’s man-in-the-middle warning
notifications with a cognitive walkthrough and a lab-based
user study. Next, we designed a set of candidate improve-
ments and evaluated their effectiveness by having participants
on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk platform interact with and rate
design mockups. Lastly, we implemented selected improve-
ments into the Signal app and evaluated our redesign with a
user study that repeated the conditions of the first study.
We make the following contributions:
Identify obstacles to user understanding of the authen-
tication ceremony in Signal.
We performed a cognitive
walkthrough of Signal’s authentication ceremony and asso-
ciated notifications, highlighting barriers to understanding
its purpose and implications. We followed up on our find-
ings with a user study exposing participants to a simulated
attack scenario, which allowed us to evaluate the effective-
ness of these warnings in practice.
Perform a comprehension-focused redesign of the au-
thentication ceremony with an aim at empowering
users to balance risk-response trade-offs in a manner
concordant with their personal priorities.
Building on
the findings of our cognitive walkthrough and user study,
we redesigned the authentication ceremony and associated
messaging with a focus on empowering users to make more
informed decisions. Candidate designs were evaluated by
users on Amazon Mechanical Turk with a final redesign
evaluated in a user study. Our redesign results in higher
rates of both comprehension and adherence as compared
to Signal’s default design.
Show that risk communication empowers users to de-
cide that not enacting protective behaviors is the right
choice for them.
We find evidence that making users aware
of the presence of an active threat to their data privacy is in-
sufficient to produce secure behaviors. Users instead weigh
the perceived impact of negative outcomes against the cost
of enacting the response. Because “worst-case harm and
actual harm are not the same” [10], this balancing of trade-
offs can weigh unfavorably against performing protective
Show that users’ strategies for mitigating perceived
threats are dependent on their perception of the larger
security ecosystem as a whole.
Despite our redesign
prompting a greater share of users to perform the authenti-
cation ceremony, and producing greater understanding of
the purpose thereof, participants’ preferred strategies for
mitigating the perceived interception risk did not change
substantially. Instead, it is apparent that users have devel-
oped an array of protective behaviors they rely upon to
ensure positive security and privacy outcomes that exist
beyond the ecosystem of any given app or system.
A companion website at
provides study materials, source code,
and anonymized data.
138 Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
2 Related work
2.1 Protection motivation theory
We base our work on protection motivation theory (PMT),
which tries to explain the cognitive process that humans use to
change their behavior when faced with a threat [14, 19]. The
theory posits that humans assess the likelihood and severity of
a potential threat, appraise the efficacy and cost of a proposed
action that can counter the threat, and consider their own
efficacy in being able to carry out that action.
Recently, PMT has been applied to a variety of security
behaviors. Much of the work in this area is limited to studying
the intention of individuals to adopt security practices, such as
the intention to install or update antivirus software, a firewall,
or use strong passwords [13, 32]. However, psychological re-
search has demonstrated there is a gap between intention and
behavior [22, 23], similar to the gap reported between self-
reported security behaviors and practice [30]. A few studies
have used objective measures of security behavior to study
connections to PMT, such as compliance with corporate se-
curity policies [32], adoption of home wireless security [31],
and secure navigation of an e-commerce website [27].
2.2 Risk communication
We are interested in studying how application design can
be modified to help users assess risk and thus make more
informed choices. We thus draw upon the wide variety of
work in usable security that has focused on the design of
warnings given to users.
Microsoft developed the NEAT guidelines for security
warnings [18], emphasizing that warnings should only be
used when absolutely necessary, should explain the decision
the user needs to make, should be actionable, and should be
tested before being deployed. Browser security warnings, in
particular, have had a long history of lessons learned, includ-
ing eliminating warnings in benign situations [26], removing
confusing terms [4], and following the NEAT guidelines [8].
Phishing warnings are recommended to interrupt the primary
task and provide clear choices [6]. Other work has recom-
mended that software present security behaviors as a gain and
use a positive affect to avoid undue anxiety [9].
We also draw upon risk communication, a discipline fo-
cused on meeting the need of governments to communicate
with citizens regarding public health and safety concerns [5].
Nurse et al. provide a summary of how risk communication
can be applied to online security risks [16]. Their recommen-
dations include focusing on reducing the cognitive effort by
individuals, presenting clear and consistent directions for ac-
tion, and presenting messages as close as possible to the risk
situation or attack. One noteworthy effort used a risk com-
munication framework to redesign warnings for firewall soft-
ware [17]. Their results show that the warnings improved com-
prehension and better communicated risk and consequences.
However, the focus of this study, as with many others, was on
greater compliance with recommended safe behaviors.
In contrast, we feel that risk communication provides a
greater benefit in usable security when it enables users to
make rational decisions based on their values, as opposed to
compliance with a prescriptive behavior that experts believe
is correct. For example, Herley has emphasized the rationality
of users’ rejection of security advice, by explaining that users
understand risks better than security experts, that worst-case
harm is not the same as actual harm, and that user effort is
not free [10]. Sasse has likewise warned against scaring or
bullying people into doing the “right” thing [20]. Indeed,
recent work on what motivates users to follow (or not follow)
computer security advice indicates that differences in behavior
stem from differences in perceptions of risk, benefits, and
costs [7].
As stated by the National Academies, “citizens are well
informed with regard to personal choices if they have enough
understanding to identify those courses of action in their per-
sonal lives that provide the greatest protection for what they
value at the least cost in terms of those values” [5]. Success
is measured in terms of the information available to decision
makers, and need not result in consensus or uniform behavior
due to differences in what individuals value or perceive in
terms of risks or costs of action.
3 Evaluating warnings in Signal
Signal uses the phrase safety number to describe a numeric
representation of the key fingerprints for each participant in a
conversation, warning users when this safety number changes.
A safety number change occurs either when someone rein-
stalls the app (which generates new keys), or if a man-in-the-
middle attack is conducted, with an attacker substituting their
own key for an existing one. The authentication ceremony in
Signal is referred to as verifying safety numbers; matching
safety numbers rules out an attack. To evaluate the effective-
ness of notifications that Signal currently uses we conducted
both a cognitive walkthrough and a lab user study.
3.1 Cognitive walkthrough
We performed a cognitive walkthrough of the notifications
presented to users when a key change occurs and the au-
thentication ceremony. The walkthrough was conducted by
four of the authors, with a range of experience—a professor
and a graduate student with substantial prior HCI and Signal
research and two undergraduate students with no prior expe-
rience with HCI or with Signal. Our walkthrough consisted
of exposing the user to every possible scenario leading to
a safety number change, documenting all notifications and
messages that are presented to the user and mapping the flow
of decisions the user can make at each point. In addition, we
USENIX Association Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 139
(a) Message not delivered dialog (b) Shield message (c) Message blocked dialog
Figure 1: Signal notifications when safety numbers differ, depending on the internal state of the application.
analyzed Signal’s code base to establish how internal state
accompanied each warning notification and the effects of user
actions on these states.
Our cognitive walkthrough revealed that, depending on the
internal state of the system prior to a key change, Signal will
react in one of three different ways to a key change event, as
depicted in Figure 4 in Appendix A:
Message not delivered (top path in Figure 4): This path is
activated when the user has not previously verified safety
numbers, is still on the conversation screen, and attempts
to send a message. Sent messages will show up in the
conversation log, accompanied by a notification informing
the user that they were “not delivered” and that they may tap
for more details. Doing so brings up another screen which
clarifies that there is a “new safety number” alongside
a “view” button. Tapping the button generates a dialog
(Figure 1a) with a succinct message about safety number
changes and several options for proceeding, including one
that leads to the authentication ceremony screen and one
that clears the warning state.
Message delivered (bottom path in Figure 4): This path is
activated when the user has not previously verified safety
numbers and has either left the conversation screen or re-
ceived a message. Signal will insert a notification into the
conversation log informing the user of a safety number
change, using a shield icon to mark the notification (Fig-
ure 1b). Tapping this dialog will take the user to the authen-
tication ceremony screen. The shield and message appear
in all three flows, but this is the only notification given to
users in this flow; no other changes occur.
Message blocked (middle path in Figure 4): This path is
activated when the user has previously verified safety num-
bers and has either left the conversation screen or received
a message. This scenario places a blue banner at the top
of the conversation log, warning users that their “safety
number has changed and is no longer verified”. Tapping
this banner takes users to the authentication ceremony. If
the user attempts to send a message while in this state, Sig-
nal will prevent the message from being sent, and a dialog
will be shown (Figure 1c). This dialog informs users that
the safety number has changed and asks whether they wish
to send the message or not. The user has three ways to
clear the warning state in this scenario. They may select
the “send” option at the dialog, mark the contact as verified
on the authentication ceremony screen, or tap the “x” on
the blue banner.
Our cognitive walkthrough identified numerous issues that
may be confusing and that contradict recommendations on
effective warning design:
Unclear risk communication. It may not be clear to users
what the term “safety number” means, nor what it means
that these have changed.
Inconsistency of choice across dialogs. Although the
message-not-delivered and message-blocked flows show di-
alogs that convey nearly identical messaging, they present
users with different choices for interaction (Figures 1a
and 1c respectively).
The consequences of user actions are not clear beforehand.
For example, in the message-not-delivered flow, it is likely
for the user to send multiple messages that are blocked from
delivery before noticing and attempting to resolve the error.
If the user selects “Accept” at the ensuing dialog, this will
automatically re-send all failed messages; not just the one
selected for inspection. Conceivably, should one or more
of those failed messages contain sensitive information, this
might be undesirable behavior.
The implications of success or failure of the authentica-
tion are unclear. In the event of a failed safety number
140 Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
match—the identification of which is the entire reason
for the authentication ceremony—no recommendations for
subsequent action are made to the user.
Does not communicate response cost. The costs and re-
quirements for performing the authentication ceremony are
not made clear before users are brought to the authentica-
tion ceremony screen.
3.2 User study #1: Methodology
The following study, and all others in this work, were ap-
proved by our Institutional Review Board.
We designed a between-subjects user study to evaluate
the effectiveness of each of these three notification flows
at informing users of the potential risks they face and the
responses available to them when exposed to a man-in-the-
middle attack scenario. To control environmental conditions
all participants used a Huawei Mate SE Android phone that
we supplied.
For each of the three notification flows we discovered in
our cognitive walkthrough, 15 pairs of participants (for a
total of 45 pairs) conducted two simple conversation tasks. A
simulated man-in-the-middle attack was triggered between
the first and second tasks, causing the corresponding warning
notifications to appear for each participant at the start of their
second task. We simulated the attack by modifying the Signal
source code to contact a server we operate and then change
the encryption keys on demand. Participant reactions were
recorded with video and a post-task questionnaire.
Our choice of tasks differs from previous work that asked
participants to transmit sensitive information. Instead, we had
participants communicate non-sensitive information, because
this has the potential to reveal more diverse behaviors when
faced with a risk of interception. For example, some users
may be unconcerned by interception or unwilling to incur
the cost of conducting the authentication ceremony if they
perceive a conversation with non-sensitive information to be
low risk. Others, on the other hand, may still find a potential
attack to be unsettling and thus assess the risk to be more
severe and/or the cost to be more worthwhile. A scenario with
sensitive information could interfere with this dynamic.
We performed the studies for each treatment type—each
notification flow—in succession, such that the first 15 pairs
all experienced the message-not-delivered flow, the next 15
pairs saw only the message-delivered flow, and the final 15
pairs were exposed to the message-blocked flow.
3.2.1 Recruitment and Demographics
We recruited participants by posting flyers in buildings on our
university campus. The flyer instructed participants to bring a
partner to the study. Participants were each compensated $15,
for a total of $30 per pair. Studies lasted approximately 40
Our sample population skewed young, with 92.2% (n=83)
of our participants aged between 18-24. Our population also
skewed female (61.1%, n=55). A skills-based, self-reported
assessment of technical familiarity revealed a normal distri-
bution with most participants familiar with using technology.
3.2.2 Study design
When participants arrived, they were randomly assigned to an
A or B roleplay condition (with a coin flip). Participants were
then escorted to separate rooms, where they were presented
with a packet of instructions, with one page per task.
Participants were first directed to register the Signal app
pre-installed on the phones, granting all permissions the app
sought in the process. Once both participants had finished
registration, they were directed to begin their first task: to
coordinate a lunch appointment using Signal. This task was
designed to familiarize our participants with the operation of
Signal. Exchanging messages is also necessary for Signal to
establish safety numbers that could then be changed as part
of the man-in-the-middle-scenario.
Next, participant B’s roleplay informed them that partic-
ipant A had gone to Hawaii on vacation, and to hand their
phone to their study coordinator to simulate this communi-
cation disconnect. Participant As roleplay provided similar
information, including the instruction to hand their phone to
their study coordinator, but additionally provided a half-page
description of their “trip”.
Study coordinators took this opportunity to manipulate Sig-
nal into the conditions necessary for the associated treatment
as well as triggering the simulated man-in-the-middle attack.
Finally, phones were handed back to participants, and they
were instructed to continue on to their final task.
Finally, participants were instructed to discuss and share
photos of participant As trip to Hawaii, which had been
preloaded onto participant As phone. With the simulated
attack active, participants were now exposed to the warning
notifications corresponding to their treatment group. These
final instructions explicitly stated that participants were fin-
ished with this task whenever they believed they were, to avoid
biasing participants toward any particular action in the event
of a failed authentication ceremony.
Once both participants declared the task complete, they
were given the post-task questionnaire. This questionnaire
asked them if, within the context of their roleplay, they had
perceived a risk to their privacy. They were then asked how
they might mitigate this risk, and to describe how effective
they believe their strategy would be. Finally, participants were
shown each of the warning notification elements in turn, and
asked: (1) whether or not they had seen them, (2) what mes-
sage they believed the notification was attempting to convey,
and (3) what effects they believed the associated interactive
elements would produce.
USENIX Association Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 141
Upon completion of the questionnaire, participants were
read a short debrief, informing them that the attack had only
been simulated, that Signal employs multiple features in-
tended to both prevent and identify interception, and that no
such attacks have ever been reported in the wild.
3.2.3 Data analysis
All open-ended questionnaire responses were coded by two
of the authors in joint coding sessions using a conventional
content analysis approach [11].
3.3 User study #1: results
3.3.1 Risk perception and mitigation
Roughly half of groups 1 and 3, the treatment groups whose
messages either failed to send or were blocked, perceived a
risk during the study scenario (13/30 and 16/30 participants
respectively). In stark contrast, however, only a small fraction
of the participants in group 2 (4/30), whose workflow was not
interrupted, felt that they had encountered a risk. In explaining
the nature and properties of the risk they perceived, partici-
pant responses generally fell in one of three categories: (1) a
security risk of an unknown nature, (2) a risk of interception,
or (3) a risk of an insecure communication channel. Percep-
tions of how to mitigate such a risk generally fell under one
of three categories: self-filtering (avoiding communicating
sensitive information), use of an alternative communication
channel such as another app, and verifying a contact.
3.3.2 Shield message
The shield message in the conversation log, “Your safety
number with <contact> has changed”, confused a number of
participants. While many participants correctly associated
this message with a change in security status, a number inter-
preted it to mean precisely the opposite of its actual meaning—
that it conveyed improved security levels. As one participant
explained following our post-study debrief, “I thought that
it was improving security—that every once in a while, you
change the safety number so it refreshes and makes it harder
for people to hack into. So, I was like, ‘Oh, it’s doing its job.
Apparently, it wasn’t!”
Next, as our cognitive walkthrough predicted, participants
were confused by what, precisely, it was that had changed,
offering numerous different explanations. Examples include:
phone number, connection, safety number, safety code, “some-
thing technical”, settings, security code, and verification code.
As one participant remarked, “Some sort of safety code
changed. Or his actual phone number, I was a little confused.
Participants acted on this message all cited the importance
of ensuring privacy/security outcomes. Those who did not act
on it did so because: (1) they did not see it as an actionable
message, (2) they explicitly expressed having been habituated
against such notifications, (3) the information they were com-
municating was seen as non-sensitive, or (4) they perceived it
to be a part of the study task.
Notably, perceptions of the non-sensitivity of the conversa-
tion were critical in putting participants at ease even if they
had found the notification alarming, as exemplified by one
participant response: “I felt that it was important because
of the nature of the app and whenever a safety anything is
changed that usually is noteworthy. I would have put that it
was extremely important if I had felt like there was an actual
risk of someone actually trying to read our conversation.
3.3.3 Message-not-delivered dialog
Only participants in treatment group 1 were exposed to the
message-not-delivered dialog. Participants were asked to de-
scribe what they believed would happen if they were to tap
the three interactive elements in this dialog: the “Accept” and
“Cancel” buttons and the link embedded in the text.
Participants generally understood that “Cancel” would
leave the system state unchanged. Similarly, most participants
understood that “Accept” would unblock their messages and
allow them to communicate once more. Perception of the link,
however was more confused. 9 of the 14 participants who
responded to this question responded that they had believed
it would have taken them to a screen explaining more about
the situation. This is in contrast to what it really does, which
is to redirect users to the authentication ceremony, as noted
by one participant who expected it to lead “to an ‘About’ or
‘Info’ page, but it ended up taking me to the verification.
3.3.4 Blue banner & message-blocked dialog
Understanding of the options presented by the message-
blocked dialog—“Send” and “Cancel”—were high. However,
unlike the message-not-delivered dialog, the message-blocked
dialog does not present a method to reach the authentication
ceremony—instead accessible via the blue banner.
Understanding of the blue banner was mixed among those
participants of group 3 who reported having seen it. Only
roughly half understood that it was a privacy-related warning.
Others were either entirely at a loss to explain its purpose or
believed that it was a system error notification. Those who
were confused by its meaning or believed it to be a system
error did not feel it warranted action. Of the five participants
who correctly interpreted the blue banner as a warning, two
did not feel they were at risk, and thus did not feel like action
was warranted.
3.3.5 Authentication ceremony
Participants who reported having seen the authentication cer-
emony screen were asked about the significance of verifying
safety numbers (and whether or not they matched) as well
as about the verification toggle. Participants may have seen,
142 Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
and even interacted with, the authentication ceremony screen
without necessarily having performed the authentication cere-
mony. In total, 5 pairs of participants conducted the authenti-
cation ceremony while 27 participants reported having seen
the screen.
As predicted in our cognitive walkthrough, participants
were confused about what a safety number was or why it had
changed. For instance, one participant explained that “I hon-
estly wasn’t sure what it meant. I didn’t know that I had a
safety number with them in the first place so I was unaware
that it could change.We also noted occasions where partici-
pants entered the authentication ceremony screen only to back
out without completing it. This may be due to poor communi-
cation regarding response cost—both conversation partners
should either be in the same physical location to execute the
QR-code ceremony or be willing to verify safety numbers
over another medium (such as a phone call).
Also as predicted, the verification toggle confused partic-
ipants. Of the 11 participants who reported having flipped
the toggle, not one participant correctly intuited its use. 7 of
these 11 toggled it purely as an exploratory action, unaware
that doing so would inadvertently and incorrectly clear the
warning state.
When asked to characterize the purpose of the authenti-
cation ceremony, participants did generally associate it with
verification, although their model for what it verifies was often
incorrect. Table 2 shows a qualitative analysis of participant
responses when asked the purpose of the ceremony, and the
meaning of a matching or non-matching result, with responses
coded and then categorized as correct, partially correct, or in-
correct. Only a few participants understood that the purpose
of the authentication ceremony is to verify the confidentiality
of the conversation. Instead, a number of participants mistak-
enly believed that it was about verifying the identity of the
individual, i.e., that “it makes sure the other person is who
you think they are”, as one participant explained. This threat
model does not account for a different type of attacker the
authentication ceremony is intended to detect: a passive man-
in-the-middle who simply decrypts and forwards messages
without interfering in the conversation.
These misconceptions naturally carried forward into re-
sponses about the significance of matching and non-matching
safety numbers. Perceptions of non-matching safety numbers
correctly assessed this result as indicative of interception oc-
curring, but again, participants often believed that this meant
that they had detected an impersonator, as with one participant
who remarked that, “Someone using another phone could
be posing as my brother, I guess. Participants did almost
unilaterally understand that matching safety numbers were
indicative of a positive security/privacy outcome, although
several participants misinterpreted the role of the authentica-
tion ceremony as a mechanism that would actively prevent
interception, as opposed to detecting it.
4 Developing improvements
Based on the results of our cognitive walkthrough and sub-
sequent user study, we concluded that there were three main
areas for improvement worthy of focus: (1) the need for an
accessible, persistent visual indicator for verification state, (2)
the messaging used in warning notifications and dialogs, and
(3) the notification flow and all associated UI elements.
4.1 Visual indicator
Visual indicators, or icons, are important both as an accessible
measure for communicating security state to users with a
single glance as well as for enhancing the consistency of
warning notifications. While the authentication ceremony
screen in the original version of Signal does have a (somewhat
hidden) lasting representation of verification state, the verified
toggle switch, we believe that this indicator is inadequate
because it represents only two states (verified and unverified)
and because it confused users in our lab study who believed
that toggling the switch would verify their partner.
We decided to create a set of icons that would properly re-
flect all three verification states: (1) the default, assumed-safe
state of the conversation prior to a safety number change, (2)
a verified state that reflects matching key fingerprints, and (3)
an unsafe state that reflects having found non-matching fin-
gerprints in the authentication ceremony. Ideally, the icon for
the default state could have a small modification to represent
the other two states. By adding this visual indicator onto the
action bar, it becomes both an accessible indicator of state as
well as a shortcut to the authentication ceremony.
We began by designing a neutral icon to represent the de-
fault state. Our goal was to select an icon that would be in-
tuitively associated with privacy, and that would not evoke
unwarranted feelings of concern, since this state does not
signal a cause for concern. We selected a blank shield icon
for this purpose. We then created variants of this icon, as
shown in Table 1 to represent the success and failure states
post-authentication ceremony.
We evaluated our designs on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk
platform, with each icon being shown to at least 50 partic-
ipants. Each icon was shown occupying a position on the
action bar in a screenshot of Signal’s interface, next to the
call button. For positive-valenced icons we asked participants
to rate how strongly they associated the icon with privacy
on a scale from 1-10. For negative-valenced icons we asked
participants to rate how worried they would feel if they saw
the associated icon. We asked both questions for the blank
shield icon.
As shown in Table 1, the blank shield has a moderate asso-
ciation with privacy and a low association with worry, making
it a good fit for a default icon. We discounted any icons using
a lock because it is used elsewhere in the app to represent
encryption, and we wished to avoid conflating meanings. We
USENIX Association Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 143
Table 1: Comparison of icons a 10-point Likert scale
Icon Mean Std. Dev. Count
Positive – association with privacy
6.50 2.21 74
6.54 2.82 79
5.74 2.56 78
7.52 2.43 83
Negative – association with worry
4.08 2.36 59
4.95 2.36 55
5.11 2.64 57
4.17 2.51 65
4.95 2.49 60
4.52 2.53 52
5.56 2.53 61
5.05 2.51 62
chose the shield with a checkmark enclosed by a circle for
the positive icon because of the remaining choices it had the
strongest association with privacy. Surprisingly, no negative
icon evoked strongly negative associations. We chose the
shield with an exclamation mark because it had the strongest
negative associations, and if the privacy check fails we do
want users to be alarmed.
Appendix C shows how these indicators are used in our
4.2 Notification and dialogs
We revised notifications and dialogs concerning safety num-
bers throughout Signal by following recommendations for
warning design and risk communication. The principles we
followed are (a) interrupt the primary task, (b) present mes-
sages close to the risk situation, (c) reduce cognitive effort (d)
use a positive affect, (e), explain the decision the user needs
to make, and (f) present clear and consistent directions for
action. In particular, we designed the following changes, with
screenshots shown in Appendix B:
Positive framing for the authentication ceremony. We
framed the authentication ceremony as a “privacy check”,
which emphasizes the role it plays rather than the primi-
tives or actions involved, which will be unfamiliar to users.
Notifications of changed safety numbers (what we refer to
as the “shield message”) instead report that Signal recom-
(a) Privacy check dialog
(b) Not now dialog
Figure 2: New notification dialogs, framing the authentication cere-
mony as a privacy check and using risk communication principles.
mends a privacy check, turning what was sometimes seen
as a routine system notification into an explicitly action-
able recommendation. We also frame the consequences of
performing the privacy check in a positive manner such
that both positive and negative results present benefits for
the user: a positive match guarantees conversation privacy
and a failed match reveals ongoing message interception.
In this way, even if fingerprints do end up matching—by
far the most common case—users need not feel that it was
a waste of their time to engage in the verification process.
Communicating response cost and providing users with
alternatives to the privacy check. Our dialogs inform par-
ticipants up-front what executing the privacy check will
require (Figure 2a), with a “Not now” option that generates
a reminder dialog for participants who are uninterested (Fig-
ure 2b). The reminder dialog includes a recommendation
to not communicate sensitive information until the privacy
check is first completed, with an option be reminded at a
later time and a description of how to access this function-
ality at any time. Thus, participants’ options are framed as
clear choices with defined costs.
Safety number labeling and interaction changed. To pro-
mote better understanding of the safety numbers and their
role, we divided the safety numbers into their constituent
halves, relabeled them as device identifiers, and explained
that they are used in encrypting the conversation.
work indicated users dislike how long the safety number
is [28]. Thus, we also rearranged groupings from 5 digits in
a set to 3. This aligns more naturally with the standard pro-
cess for grouping numbers, where numbers larger than 999
are grouped into sets of three known as periods. This does
not reduce the actual count of numbers, but does reduce
cognitive load.
This is not technically accurate, as they are key fingerprints and not keys
themselves, but our goal is to have participants associate the comparison task
with the preservation of a secure conversation and not to overwhelm them
with details of the encryption process.
144 Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
(a) Success dialog
(b) Failure dialog
Figure 3: New authentication ceremony success and failure dialogs.
We provide two options for performing the authentication
ceremony, an in-person QR-code scan and a phone call
comparison, as recommended in [29]. In the phone call
version, we removed the confusing toggle element, which
we replaced with two buttons explicitly labeled “Match”
and “No match”.
Addition of success and failure messaging when the privacy
check is completed. We added dialogs after the privacy
check that inform users of the implications of success and
failure (Figures 3a and 3b respectively). We also designed
a dialog shown before the authentication ceremony. If the
privacy check has already been completed, it will show the
current state and its implications for the user; if it has not,
then it will instead explain what the privacy check entails
and provide access to our authentication ceremony options.
Options for interaction inform users of the choice they’re
making. To promote user autonomy and informed decisions,
we carefully selected labels for our dialog buttons that
describe the consequences of that choice and imply active
decision-making on the part of the user, such as “Not now”
and “Get started” on the privacy check dialog, as opposed
to the more traditional “Okay” and “Cancel”.
4.3 Notification flow
As described earlier, based on the system state prior to a key
change, Signal diverges into one of three different notification
flows. In order to provide a consistent user experience, we
decided to instead use a single, unified flow every time a key
change occurs. We eliminated the non-interrupting flow from
consideration because in our first study it was ineffective at
promoting either adherence or comprehension. This left us
with the two interrupting flows, the message-not-delivered
and message-blocked flows, which produced similar compre-
hension levels in our user study. We hypothesized there might
be a difference between these because the timing of interrup-
tions can have an impact on decision-making [2, 3, 15, 25].
We further identified two additional UI elements that might
contribute to our aims of increased comprehension: (1) an
introduction screen showing the privacy check icons after
registration and (2) the blue banner element that accompanies
the message-blocked flow in the original Signal.
To evaluate the relative effectiveness of these elements we
designed a website containing a simulated Signal experience
using mockups of our candidate flows and had users of Ama-
zon’s Mechanical Turk platform interact with the simulation
using a between-subjects comparison. Participants were, as
in our user study, presented with two simple communication
tasks involving non-sensitive information and a man-in-the-
middle occurring between the first and second task. Unlike
in our user study, users selected from a set of predefined mes-
sages, although they otherwise interacted with the interface
normally, and their interactions were recorded in a database.
For example, participants that wished to proceed with the
privacy check were shown the results of the check as if they
performed the authentication ceremony and asked to choose
a response from the resulting dialog. After they were done,
participants were given a tailored questionnaire which asked
their perception of the notifications they had seen as well as
why they had chosen the options they did. A total of 223 par-
ticipants interacted with mockups and explained their actions
via a post-task questionnaire.
We separated the elements to be evaluated into three
rounds. The first round compared our delivery mechanisms:
the message-not-delivered and message-blocked flows. The
winner of the first round was then evaluated against a version
that also included the blue banner element. Finally, the winner
of the second round was then evaluated against a version that
added an introductory screen.
To test for the difference between the message-not-
delivered and the message-blocked flows we measured how
many participants chose to start the authentication ceremony.
We observed no significant difference (35/50 vs 31/50). We
opted to use the message-blocked control flow because the
message-not-delivered flow complicates the user’s task when
they must resolve multiple failed messages. To test whether
the blue banner message had an improvement we again mea-
sured how many participants chose to start the authentication
ceremony and observed no difference (31/50).
To test whether the introductory screen had a difference
we qualitatively measured comprehension. To do this we
used participant responses to a question asking them what
the privacy check notification meant. Several authors coded
each response and then determined whether the participant
understood that this notification meant interception of their
conversation could be happening and found a slight improve-
ment with the introductory screen (30/50 vs 23/50). However,
we chose to leave the introductory screen out of our final
design because the effect was not large and could have been
exaggerated due to the short-term nature of the simulation.
Qualitative analysis of participant responses regarding their
decision to perform (or not perform) the privacy check showed
USENIX Association Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 145
participants weighed risks with response costs and made rea-
soned choices. Roughly 60% of all groups opted to perform
the privacy check, with the remainder choosing the other op-
tion, “not now”. Participants who opted to perform the privacy
check typically stated having done so out of a desire to ver-
ify the existence of the risk, because they believed it better
to be safe than sorry, or out of curiosity. Participants who
chose “not now” had either determined the risk to be of mini-
mal severity or because they felt executing the privacy check
would be inconvenient. Those who felt it would be inconve-
nient described it as such either because the current timing
was seen as inappropriate or because of the synchronization
cost (needing both members of the pair to execute the privacy
check at the same time).
5 Evaluating the effectiveness of our redesign
We conducted a lab study to evaluate the effectiveness of
our changes. Appendix B shows the control flow we used
and screenshots of the new notifications and UI elements,
and Appendix C shows the new indicators. We maintained
the same study design used in our first lab study, with some
minor modifications. Since our redesign has just one control
path, we ran this study with just one treatment group of 15
pairs. Because we included additional screens that have no
analogous equivalent in the original version of Signal, the
post-task questionnaire in this study is not fully comparable
with that from our first.
5.1 Results
5.1.1 Risk perception
Two-thirds (20/30) of our final user study participants reported
having perceived a threat within the context of their roleplay.
Qualitative responses indicated participants largely correctly
perceived an interception risk, while a handful, interestingly,
believed that Signal was itself the risk; this view seemed to
be fueled by the number of permissions that Signal asks for
in short succession. Participant notions of how they might
mitigate perceived risks virtually mirrored those from the
first user study—self-filtering, using alternate communication
channels, and verifying contacts—along with restricting app
permissions. Notably, only a small fraction of open responses
(2/20) mentioned the privacy check as their mitigating strategy
of choice despite, as we describe shortly, improved adherence
and comprehension rates.
5.1.2 “Signal recommends a privacy check”
Qualitative responses indicate nearly all participants associ-
ated this notification with security, although as with our first
study, there were a few who misinterpreted it as an increase
in security. Due to our removal of Signal’s original messaging
regarding a change, participants of our final user study were
not confused about what had changed as the first groups had
Those who felt it important to act upon this message gen-
erally explained that they felt ensuring privacy outcomes to
be important, as with one participant who explained, “I hear
a lot about data breaches and such, so seeing that the app
was giving a warning notification showed to me that it was
something important that I should act on.Importantly, those
who did not feel that the notification was cause for concern
typically felt that way because the information they were
communicating was perceived as non-sensitive in nature.
5.1.3 Privacy check dialog
Qualitative responses indicate participants generally under-
stood the dialog was informing them of a potential threat,
although perceptions of the nature of that threat and of the
likelihood of that threat were more varied. For example, while
most participants correctly perceived that the dialog informs
them only of a “potential” threat, a couple participants misin-
terpreted this notification as informing them of a confirmed
threat, as with one participant who believed that “someone
was hacking my account”.
Qualitative analysis of participant responses regarding their
decision to perform (or not perform) the privacy check showed
participants weighed risks with response costs and made rea-
soned choices. These results roughly match those of the Me-
chanical Turk participants who evaluated our candidate de-
signs. Participants who felt performing the privacy check was
important reported that this stemmed out of a desire to confirm
the validity of the reported risk or because they believed it
better to be safe than sorry. Those who did not feel the privacy
check worth doing, on the other hand, had either deemed the
risk minimal or decided that conducting the privacy check
was too inconvenient.
5.1.4 Privacy check
As with the authentication ceremony in the first user study,
participants in our final user study may have seen and inter-
acted with the privacy check screen without having conducted
the privacy check itself. 17 of our 30 participants reported
having seen the privacy check screen, with 3 participants un-
sure. 6 participant pairs fully performed the privacy check,
while 3 participant pairs partially performed the check (one
participant in each pair incorrectly informed their partner that
they had already matched the identifiers and that they thus
did not need to complete the full process). This is in contrast
with the 5 pairs (out of 45) who performed the authentication
ceremony in our first study.
These three “successful” misunderstandings had the same
root cause—our design was not robust against false positives.
Our design pops up an informative success dialog when a user
146 Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
Table 2: Comparison of participant understanding of the authentica-
tion ceremony using Signal and our redesign.
Auth. cerem. Signal Redesign
Verifies security
Verifies security
Verifies device 2 Verifies device 1
4 [16%] 8 [50%]
Partially correct
Verifies person (not
8 Verifies security (connection) 3
Verifies security (connection) 1
Verifies person (not
Prevents interception
Prevents interception
Improved security
1 Verifies security 1
11 [44%] 8 [50%]
Don't know 5
Verifies phone number 2
Verifies security (phone) 1
Prevents robocalls 1
Makes the contact trusted 1
10 [40%] 0 [0%]
Matching Signal Redesign
Interception not possible 1 Interception not possible 6
Verifies device 2 Verifies device 2
Verifies security
Verifies security
7 [26.9%] 9 [56.3%]
Partially correct
Verifies person (not
Verifies person (not
Improved security 3
Prevents interception 2
Prevents interception
Prevents interception
Verifies security (connection) 2
17 [65.4%] 3 [18.8%]
Don't know 1 Don't know 3
Confusion 1 Confusion 1
2 [7.7%] 4 [25%]
Non-matching Signal Redesign
Interception occurring
Interception occurring
Interception occurring 4 Interception occurring 2
Conversation not secure 2 Conversation not secure 2
Device is impersonator 1
7 [28%] 9 [56.3%]
Partially correct
Interception occurring
(contact is impersonator)
Interception occurring
(connection not secure)
Connection not secure 3
Interception occurring
(contact is impersonator)
Connection not secure 2
11 [44%] 4 [25%]
Don't know 3 Don't know 2
App is not secure 2 Conversation is secure 1
Robocalls 1
Technical issues 1
7 [28%] 3 [18.8%]
taps the “Match” button. Unfortunately, this confused these
participants who had mistakenly tapped the “Match” button.
More specifically, one participant assumed that the “Match”
button would activate an automated mechanism that would
perform the verification for them. When the success dialog
popped up in response, this participant assumed that the result
had been in response to this “automated process”. The other
mistaken participants accidentally tapped the “Match” button
and were similarly misled by the resulting success dialog.
Table 2 shows a qualitative analysis of participant responses
when asked the purpose of the privacy check, and the meaning
of a matching or non-matching result, with responses coded
and then categorized as correct, partially correct, and incorrect.
This table reveals that comprehension of the purpose of the au-
thentication ceremony and of the significance of matching and
non-matching numbers visibly improved with our redesign.
While far from perfect, these results are promising given the
context: a non-sensitive task scenario, no accompanying in-
struction or tutorials, and no incentive. Risk communication
was limited to the messages contained within the application.
For all categories and for both user studies, partially correct
responses center on the same few misconceptions: believing
the verification process itself to be an active prevention mech-
anism, believing the “connection” and not the conversation to
be the entity to be secured, and believing that the verification
process verified the contact’s identity, and not their device.
6 Discussion
6.1 Risk communication gives users the abil-
ity to make personal trade-offs between
perceived risk and response cost.
Simply knowing that a negative outcome is likely to happen
is not a sufficient reason to take action to prevent it: it must
also be negative enough. As the participant quoted in the title
of this work so eloquently stated, sometimes “something isn’t
secure, but I’m not sure how that translates into a problem.
Indeed, this view was shared by a number of participants
of our studies. We observed numerous instances where par-
ticipants did not believe that conducting the authentication
ceremony was a worthy use of their time, whether because
they perceived their communications as non-sensitive and thus
unworthy of protecting, or because they felt that performing
the authentication ceremony would be too inconvenient. One
shared response captures both these sentiments perfectly, “If it
was easy enough I would be happy to secure my conversation,
but at the same time, how necessary is it?”
While lowering response cost seems a natural way for-
ward, particularly with automation, the deeply personal way
in which calculations of risk function are made suggests ob-
stacles ahead. Perceptions of risk severity in common sce-
narios will differ from person to person as a function of per-
sonal priorities and values. To wit, while many participants
viewed communicating about our toy scenario as inherently
non-sensitive, some participants were nevertheless uncomfort-
able at the realization that interception was “occurring”. One
such participant, commenting on the thought of an interceptor
eavesdropping on their discussion of a fictitious Hawaii trip,
remarked, “Even though it’s only about fish, that’s not really
cool with me.We thus observe differences in risk assessment
from different individuals although both the type of informa-
USENIX Association Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 147
tion being communicated and the nature of the threat itself
were identical in all cases.
For these reasons, it is our position that enabling users to
truly make informed decisions requires properly communi-
cating the nature and likelihood of the risk and the cost of
recommended protective measures, and then giving them the
freedom to determine that not actively protecting themselves
is actually the decision most in line with their interests.
6.2 Users’ strategies for coping with online
threats extend beyond the ecosystem of
your app.
Although our redesign evidenced both higher rates of par-
ticipants conducting the authentication ceremony as well as
comprehension, participants’ responses of how they might
mitigate the risks they had perceived did not change in any
notable fashion. Despite both having been made aware of a
protective measure (in the privacy check) and also having
understood its purpose, participants ultimately did not find
it a reliable measure for mitigating a perceived interception
risk should they encounter a similar situation in the wild.
Rather, participants mentioned self-filtering, restricting app
permissions, and using alternative apps or channels of com-
munication as key strategies for dealing with the interception
threat introduced in the study.
This appears to be due to varying ideas about the source of
the risk; in-app mitigating measures can only be depended on
to do so much. Because the privacy check and associated mes-
saging only informed users that conversation confidentiality
had been violated, but not how that interception had been ac-
complished, users completed the process of threat assessment
with personal interpretations of the origin of the interception
risk. Relevantly, if the source of the risk is perceived to be
outside the scope of the app—or even the app itself—it seems
imprudent to rely on mitigating strategies that fall within the
domain of the app.
System trust, perhaps unsurprisingly, appears to play a key
role in this calculation. One participant response as to how
they might better protect themselves is particularly ironic—
they would forego use of Signal and “use [a] secure mes-
sag[ing] app like Facebook Messenger”. Facebook Messen-
ger does not protect conversations with end-to-end encryption
by default, unlike Signal. However, due to unfamiliarity with
Signal, and trust in Facebook, this participant’s preferred strat-
egy would be to move from a secure messaging platform to a
less secure one.
Future work could examine whether additional risk com-
munication regarding the source of the threat could lead to
improved understanding of the efficacy of the privacy check.
System designers should also consider that users choose, to
varying extents, appropriate responses to perceived threats,
and that these include viable methods above and beyond what
the system itself offers.
7 Limitations
Our cognitive walkthrough was thorough but limited to the
expertise of the authors who participated in it. We ameliorate
this by having a variety of backgrounds among those who
participated, but a walkthrough performed by other experts or
novices may find different issues with Signal’s notifications.
Our Mechanical Turk studies of icons and notification flows
are limited to a simulated experience and thus may not match
what users would feel or choose when interacting directly
with the application. Our lab studies were limited to a young,
college student population and may not generalize to a larger
or more diverse population. Our Mechanical Turk results from
the simulation provide some evidence that the results of the
second lab study generalize to a larger, more diverse popula-
tion. It would be helpful to study populations with different
risk-cost trade-offs, such as immigrants or dissidents, and to
ascertain that risk communication translates well to other cul-
tures and languages. Our lab studies are also limited because
users may act differently due to the Hawthorne effect [24].
Several participants made comments indicating this limitation
was present, such as “while it is very concerning to me that
someone could be intercepting my conversation, I thought
that it was just because it was in a study.However, because
the focus of our study was on comprehension as opposed to
behavior, this effect may be less impactful in our study.
Aside from these more common issues, we also observed a
bug in Signal’s phone call functionality. The first time a Signal
user makes an outgoing phone call, the caller is unable to hear
audio although the recipient can hear clearly. Participants in
our study simply redialed their partner when this occurred,
typically chalking the issue up to a spotty wireless connection.
This error, however, was present in the user studies evaluating
both the original version of Signal and our redesign, so if this
bug did have an effect, it likely existed in both cases, and thus
is unlikely to have caused discrepancies in our results.
8 Conclusion
In this paper, we present the results of our experience redesign-
ing the risk communication surrounding Signal’s authentica-
tion ceremony for comprehension. Our three-part process re-
veals significant obstacles to understanding in Signal’s current
design, and demonstrates the effectiveness of applying risk
communication principles to system design. Our user studies,
which deliberately employ a non-sensitive communication
task, provide evidence that users’ decisions not to enact pro-
tective behaviors are actually conscious, informed decisions
that are the product of balancing response cost and risk assess-
ment. We further find that users rely on a host of protective
behaviors that exist beyond the scope of any particular app or
system, and that, consequently, responses to perceived threats
may similarly exist outside of system designers’ control.
148 Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
9 Acknowledgments
The authors thank the reviewers and our shepherd for their
helpful feedback. This material is based upon work supported
by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. CNS-
1528022 and CNS-1816929, and by the Department of Home-
land Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate,
Cyber Security Division (DHS S&T/CSD) via contract num-
ber HHSP233201600046C.
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A Signal authentication flow
Figure 4 shows a flow diagram of different screens in Signal
when the encryption key changes for a contact, along with the
transitions between screens based on user input. The top path
is the “message not delivered” flow, which appears to send
a message but shows a status indicating that the send failed.
The bottom path is the “message delivered” flow, which only
shows a notififcation but otherwise proceeds normally. The
middle path is the “message blocked flow”, which prevents
the user from sending a message initially.
B Redesigned Signal authentication flow
Figure 5 shows the redesigned authentication flow. There is
only a single path, using a blocked message dialog along with
a shield message in the conversation log.
Figure 6 shows the new notifications that correspond to this
flow. If the user attempts to send a message after the encryp-
tion keys have changed, the message is blocked and a privacy
check dialog is shown (upper left). From here, if the user
taps “Get Started”, they proceed to the privacy check screen
(top middle). They can use either the phone call (top right) or
QR code scanner (bottom right). They can choose “Not Now”
from either the privacy check dialog or the privacy check
screen, and they will proceed to the reminder dialog (bottom
left). The result of the privacy check (failure or success) is
shown in Figure 7.
Figure 8 shows the notifications in the conversation log.
First, when encryption keys change, a notification is displayed
that recommends a privacy check (Figure 8a). Later, if the
user completes the privacy check, a different notification is
shown if the identifiers match (Figure 8b) or don’t match
(Figure 8c). These notifications scroll as new messages are
added to the conversation.
C Privacy check indicators
Figure 9 shows the new privacy check indicators. Tapping
on the indicator brings up the correpsonding privacy check
screen, depending on the current state of the conversation, as
shown in Figure 10. These same screens are accessed if a user
taps of any the conversation log notifications.
150 Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
Figure 4: Flow diagram depicting the how Signal reacts to a safety number change.
Figure 5: Flow diagram depicting how our redesigned SIgnal reacts to a safety number change. The blue box encloses the elements and choices
with analogous equivalents in the original Signal client. The area contained by the dashed lines shows choices, elements, and state changes that
we added in our version that are expansions on the authentication ceremony and beyond.
USENIX Association Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 151
Figure 6: Privacy check notification flow
152 Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
(a) Phone call: matching identi-
(b) Phone call: non-matching
(c) QR-code: matching identi-
(d) QR-code: non-matching
Figure 7: Phone call and QR code privacy check results
(a) Notification after a key change
(b) Notification after matching identifiers
in privacy check
(c) Notification after non-matching identi-
fiers in privacy check
Figure 8: Conversation log notifications
(a) Default state (b) Matching identifiers (c) Non-matching identifiers
Figure 9: Privacy check indicator
(a) Default state (b) Matching identifiers (c) Non-matching identifiers
Figure 10: Privacy check screen
USENIX Association Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 153