Osama bin Laden’s Declaration of Jihad against Americans 1817
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Osama bin Laden’s Declaration of Jihad
against Americans
Expel the Polytheists from the Arabian peninsula.
A Letter from Sheikh Osama bin Muhammad bin
Laden to his Muslim Brothers across the world, and
particularly those in the Arabian peninsula.
Praise be to God. We beseech Him for help and
forgiveness. We seek refuge in God from the evil of
our souls and our bad deeds. He whom God guides
will not go astray, and he whom He leads astray can
have no guide. I testify that there is no god but God
alone, who has no partners. And I testify that
Muhammad is His Servant and Prophet.
“You who believe, be mindful of God, as is His
due, and make sure you devote yourselves to Him, to
your dying moment.”
“People, be mindful of your Lord, who created
you from a single soul, and from it created its mate,
and from the pair of them spread countless men and
women far and wide; be mindful of God, in whose
name you make requests of one another. Beware of
the severing of ties of kinship: God is always watch-
ing over you.”
“Believers, be mindful of God, speak in a direct
fashion and to good purpose, and He will put your
deeds right for you and forgive you your sins. Who-
ever obeys God and His Messenger will truly achieve
a great triumph.”
Shu’ayb said: “I cannot succeed without God’s
help: I trust in Him, and always turn to Him.”
Thanks be to God, who said: “[Believers], you are
the best community singled out for people: you order
what is right, forbid what is wrong, and you believe
in God.”
And blessings and peace upon His Servant and
Prophet, who said: “The people are close to an all-
encompassing punishment from God if they see the
oppressor and fail to restrain him.”
It is no secret to you, my brothers, that the peo-
ple of Islam have been afflicted with oppression, hos-
tility, and injustice by the Judeo-Christian alliance
and its supporters. This shows our enemies’ belief
that Muslims’ blood is the cheapest and that their
property and wealth is merely loot. Your blood has
been spilt in Palestine and Iraq, and the horrific
images of the massacre in Qana in Lebanon are still
fresh in people’s minds. The massacres that have
taken place in Tajikistan, Burma, Kashmir, Assam,
the Philippines, Fatani, Ogaden, Somalia, Eritrea,
Chechnya, and Bosnia-Herzegovina send shivers
down our spines and stir up our passions. All this has
happened before the eyes and ears of the world, but
the blatant imperial arrogance of America, under the
cover of the immoral United Nations, has prevented
the dispossessed from arming themselves.
So the people of Islam realised that they were the
fundamental target of the hostility of the Judeo-Cru-
sader alliance. All the false propaganda about the
supposed rights of Islam was abandoned in the face
of the attacks and massacres committed against
Muslims everywhere, the latest and most serious of
which—the greatest disaster to befall the Muslims
since the death of the Prophet Muhammad—is the
occupation of Saudi Arabia, which is the corner-
stone of the Islamic world, place of revelation,
source of the Prophetic mission, and home of the
Noble Ka’ba where Muslims direct their prayers.
Despite this, it was occupied by the armies of the
Christians, the Americans, and their allies.
I meet you today in the midst of this gloomy sce-
nario, but also in light of the tremendous, blessed
awakening that has swept across the world, and par-
ticularly the Islamic world. After the scholars of
Islam underwent an enforced absence—enforced
due to the oppressive Crusader campaign led by
America in the fear that these scholars will incite our
Islamic umma against its enemies, in the same way
as did the pious scholars of old (God bless their
souls) such as ibn Taymiyya and al-Izz ibn Abd al-
Salam—this Judeo-Crusader alliance undertook to
kill and arrest the righteous scholars and hardwork-
ing preachers. May God sanctify who He wishes.
They killed the mujahid Sheikh Abdallah Azzam, they
arrested Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in Jerusalem, and they
killed the mujahid Sheikh Omar Abd al-Rahman in
America, as well as arresting—on the advice of
America—a large number of scholars, preachers and
youth in Saudi Arabia. The most prominent of these
were Sheikh Salman al-Auda and Sheikh Safar al-
Hawali and their brothers.
This injustice was inflicted on us, too, as we were
prevented from talking to Muslims and were hound-
ed out of Saudi Arabia to Pakistan, Sudan, and then
Afghanistan. That is what led to this long absence of
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Source: Salem Press
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mine, but by the grace of God there became available
a safe base in Khurasan, high in the peaks of the
Hindu Kush, the very same peaks upon which were
smashed, by the grace of God, the largest infidel mil-
itary force in the world, and on which the myth of
the great powers perished before the cries of the holy
warriors: God is greatest!
And today, in the same peaks of Afghanistan, we
work to do away with the injustice that has befallen
our umma at the hands of the Judeo-Crusader
alliance, especially after its occupation of Jerusalem
and its appropriation of Saudi Arabia. We pray to
God that He might bless us with victory—He is our
protector and is well capable of doing so.
And so here we are today, working and discussing
with each other to find ways of rectifying what has
happened to the Islamic world generally and Saudi
Arabia in particular. We need to study the appropri-
ate paths to take in order to restore things to good
order, and to restore to the people their rights after
the considerable damage and harm inflicted on their
life and religion. This has afflicted every section of
society, whether civilian or military or security per-
sonnel, whether employees or merchants, young or
old, university students, graduates or the unem-
ployed, who now represent a broad section of socie-
ty numbering hundreds of thousands. The situation
in Saudi Arabia has begun to resemble a huge vol-
cano that is about to explode and destroy unbelief
and corruption, wherever it comes from. The two
explosions in Riyadh and Khobar are merely warning
signs pointing to this destructive torrent which is
produced by bitter repression, terrible injustice, and
the humiliating poverty that we see today.
People are struggling even with the basics of
everyday life, and everyone talks frankly about eco-
nomic recession, price inflation, mounting debts,
and prison overcrowding. Low-income government
employees talk to you about their debts in the tens or
hundreds of thousands of riyals, whilst complaining
that the riyal’s value is declining dramatically.
Domestic debts owed by the government to its citi-
zens have reached 340 billion riyals, and are rising
daily due to usurious interest, let alone all the for-
eign debt. People are wondering: are we really the
biggest source of oil in the world? They feel that God
is bringing this torture upon them because they have
not spoken out against the regime’s injustice and ille-
gitimate behaviour, the most prominent aspects of
which are its failure to rule in accordance with God’s
law, its depriving of legal rights to its servants, its
permitting the American occupiers into Saudi Ara-
bia, and its arresting of righteous scholars—inheri-
tors of the Prophet’s legacy—and unjustly throwing
them in prison. The regime has desecrated its legiti-
macy through many of its own actions, the most
important being:
1. Its suspension of the rulings of the Islamic law
and replacement thereof with man-made laws, and
its entering into a bloody confrontation with the
righteous scholars and pious youth. May God sancti-
fy whom He pleases.
2. Its inability to protect the land and its allowing
the enemies of God to occupy it for years in the form
of the American Crusaders, who have become the
principal reason for all aspects of our land’s disas-
trous predicament.
The voices of the shadows have spoken up, their
eyes uncovering the veil of injustice and their noses
smelling the stench of corruption. The voices of
reform have spoken up, calling for the situation to be
put right: they have sent petitions, testimonies, and
requests for reform. In the year 1411
AH, at the time
of the Gulf War, a petition was sent to the king with
around 400 signatures calling for reform in the
country, but he made a mockery of them by com-
pletely ignoring their advice, and the situation went
from bad to worse.
Brother Muslims in Saudi Arabia, does it make
any sense at all that our country is the biggest pur-
chaser of weapons from America in the world and
America’s biggest trading partner in the region, while
at the very same time the Americans are occupying
Saudi Arabia and supporting—with money, arms, and
manpower—their Jewish brothers in the occupation
of Palestine and their murder and expulsion of Mus-
lims there? Depriving these occupiers of the huge
returns they receive from their trade with us is a very
important way of supporting the jihad against them,
and we expect you to boycott all American goods.
Men of the radiant future of our umma of Muham-
mad, raise the banner of jihad up high against the
Judeo-American alliance that has occupied the holy
places of Islam. God told his Prophet: “He will not let
the deeds of those who are killed for His cause come
to nothing; He will guide them and put them in a
good state; He will admit them into the Garden He
has already made known to them.” And the Prophet
said: “There are one hundred levels in Heaven that
God has prepared for the holy warriors who have died
for Him, between two levels as between the earth and
the sky.” And the al-Jami al-Sahih notes that the
Prophet said: “The best martyrs are those who stay in
the battle line and do not turn their faces away until
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Osama bin Laden’s Declaration of Jihad against Americans 1819
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they are killed. They will achieve the highest level of
Heaven, and their Lord will look kindly upon them.
When your Lord looks kindly upon a slave in the
world, He will not hold him to account.” And he said:
“The martyr has a guarantee from God: He forgives
him at the first drop of his blood and shows him his
seat in Heaven. He decorates him with the jewels of
faith, protects him from the torment of the grave,
keeps him safe on the day of judgment, places a
crown of dignity on his head with the finest rubies in
the world, marries him to seventy-two of the pure vir-
gins of paradise and intercedes on behalf of seventy of
his relatives,” as related by Ahmad al-Tirmidhi in an
authoritative hadith.
I say to the youth of Islam who have waged jihad in
Afghanistan and Bosnia-Herzegovina, with their
financial, spiritual, linguistic, and scholarly resources,
that the battle is not yet over. I remind them of what
Gabriel said to the Prophet, after the battle of Ahzab:
“When the Messenger of God, prayers and peace be
upon him, departed to Medina and laid down his
sword, Gabriel came to him and said: ‘You have laid
down your sword? By God, the angels have not yet laid
down their swords. Get up and go with whoever is
with you to the Bani Qorayza, and I will go ahead of
you to shake their fortresses and strike fear into them.’
So Gabriel went off, accompanied by his pageant of
angels, the Prophet, and his holy warriors and
helpers.” This is as it was told by al-Bukhari.
I say to our Muslim brothers across the world:
your brothers in Saudi Arabia and Palestine are call-
ing for your help and asking you to share with them
in the jihad against the enemies of God, your ene-
mies the Israelis and Americans. They are asking you
to defy them in whatever way you possibly can, so as
to expel them in defeat and humiliation from the
holy places of Islam. God Almighty has said: “If they
seek help from you against persecution, it is your
duty to assist them.”
Cavalry of Islam, be mounted! This is a difficult
time, so you yourselves must be tough. You should
know that your coming-together and cooperation in
order to liberate the holy places of Islam is the right
step towards unification of the word of our umma
under the banner of God’s unity. At this point we can
only raise our palms humbly to ask God Almighty to
provide good fortune and success in this matter.
Lord, bless your slave and messenger Muham-
mad, and his family and companions. Our final
prayer is praise to God, Lord of the worlds.
Your brother in Islam,
Osama bin Muhammad bin Laden
al-Bukhari Sahih al-Bukhari (810–870); compiler of one of the six canonical hadiths of Sunni Islam,
the branch to which Bin Laden adheres
al-Jami al-Sahih the work of Sahih al-Bukhari
Gulf War in this context, the conflict often called the Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990–February
28, 1991)
place of the the cave, located in present-day Saudi Arabia, where the Qur’an is said to have been
revelation revealed to Muhammad
Shu’ayb a Muslim prophet of the
BH (before hegira) period
umma in this context, the community of Islamic believers; the Muslim world
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