Module 7:
How to Develop A
Farm Food Safety Plan
Learning Objectives
Name the essential parts of a Farm Food Safety Plan
Describe why one qualified person should be
designated as the person responsible for the Farm
Food Safety Plan on every farm
Conduct a risk assessment of the farm’s practices
and environment
Describe management steps and practices
to reduce risks
List key steps involved in developing a traceability
system including establishing lots and clean breaks
Identify resources available to assist in developing
a Farm Food Safety Plan
Farm Food Safety Plans
The FSMA Produce Safety Rule does NOT require a
written Farm Food Safety Plan
However, writing a Farm Food Safety Plan was
identified by PSA Working Committees as a critical
component to implementing produce safety
practices effectively
This module will outline considerations when writing
a Farm Food Safety Plan by incorporating both GAPs
and FSMA Produce Safety Rule requirements
Reasons for a Farm Food Safety Plan
1. Gets you organized and focused on food safety
Describes risks you have identified and actions to
address those risks
Defines your practices, policies, and SOPs
Efficient and effective use of your time and resources
by prioritizing most important risk reduction steps
2. Best way to be prepared!
Buyer questions/requirements
Third party audits
Food safety regulations
Food Safety Plan
Policies: What to do
Procedures: How
Records: Proof of what
and when
YOU Can Identify and Reduce Risks!
Each farm is unique
Practices to reduce risks
will be specific to your farm
Best done by someone who knows
the farm and how it operates
Each commodity is different
Grows on the ground or in trees
Harvest by hand or by machine
Single vs. multiple harvests
Who Is YOUR Food Safety Person?
Each farm should have one person to lead
the development of the Farm Food Safety Plan
Will be supported by others on the farm
May need a back-up in case the person is unavailable
Should have food safety training and experience
to know how to assess risks and develop a plan
Should have the authority to make necessary changes and
invest in resources to reduce risks
Must make sure the plan is implemented
Should be willing to be the farm food safety contact
Knowledge Is Your Friend!
Writing a plan can be difficult
begin with information you know
Start with your general farm
information and what you do
Some basic food safety knowledge is key!
Assessing risks requires understanding risks and this
requires knowledge and information
For many growers, preparing a detailed, written Farm
Food Safety Plan may be a new practice
There are many resources available to help
Farm Food Safety Plan Parts
Farm name and address
Farm description
Commodities grown, farm size, etc.
Name and contact information for
farm food safety manager
Risk assessment of practices and environmental
conditions on your farm that impact food safety
Practices to reduce food safety risks
Records that document practices
Farm maps
Farm policies
Training records
Agricultural water test results
Emergency contact information
Supplier and buyer information
Traceability and recall plans
Contact info for contracted services
Other Items to Include In Your
Farm Food Safety Plan
Farm Mapping
Main farm site and one for each non-contiguous field site
Be sure to locate and identify on the map:
production areas (labeled according to traceback scheme)
field packing, and staging areas
field sanitation units
active wells
surface water sources
regular or recent flooding areas
manure or compost or chemical fertilizer storage sites
septic systems
any important residential/commercial/
other facilities adjacent to farm, such as sewage treatment
sites, landfills, dairy or animal farms, etc.
Step 1: Assessing Risks
Identify risks that are most likely to occur, noting the
ones that could happen often
Because time and money are limited, prioritize which risks
to address first
Review all farm operations to
identify practices that contribute
to or increase produce safety risks
Review the farm environment and adjacent land
Focus on microbial, chemical, and physical risks
Ranking Your Risks
Risks that can lead to whole crop contamination
Risks that have caused previous outbreaks
e.g., Contamination from postharvest water, wildlife fecal
New or modified farm production practices that may
increase risks
e.g., Hiring new people, changing processes, retrofitting
equipment, changing suppliers
Step 2: Develop Practices to
Reduce Risks
Develop practices that will reduce identified risks
Use resources and ask for help if you are not sure!
Know what resources are required to successfully
implement practices
Human resources (time and/or people)
Equipment or infrastructure (may require changes/upgrades)
Disposables (hand soap, paper towels, etc.)
Create a list of tasks/steps that need to be done
Designate a person(s) to be in charge of each task
Risk Assessment
Map out your process
Harvest Packing Storage
Adjacent Land
Irrigation water
source and type
Soil inputs
Adapted from presentation by Jim
Gormy 3/2014 workshop: ”Local
Grower Food Safety”
Risk Assessment: Lay out a plan
Questions to ask:
Are there potential sources of pathogens?
Could they get on or in your fruits or
What can you do to help manage or prevent
these risks?
Good risk assessment leads to
good risk management!
Adapted from presentation by Jim Gormy 3/2014 workshop:
”Local Grower Food Safety
Risk Assessment:
What should you be considering?
Type of Contamination (e.g. bacteria type)
Significance Is it high or low?
Risk Management Practices what are you
going to do to minimize risk
How are you going to measure the practice and
how often?
Verify and record
Anything new? Field? Commodity? Equipment?
Adapted from presentation by Jim Gormy 3/2014 workshop: ”Local Grower Food Safety
Risk Management Scheme:
Soil amendment Use
Risk/Hazard: Compost Use
Contamination: E. coli 0157:H7, Salmonella
Significance: High
Practice: 1) Purchase from vendors with
validated process
2) Validate own process if on-farm
(turns, temperature etc.)
3) Storage so no recontamination
What needed? 1) Certificate of Analysis each lot and log
2a) Temperature/Time over process and log
2b) Pathogen testing and log
3) Inspect piles and log
Adapted from presentation by
Jim Gormy 3/2014 workshop:
”Local Grower Food Safety
Risk Management Scheme:
Domestic Animals
What needed?
Domestic animals
E.Coli 0157:H7, Salmonella
1) Fences
2) Location down from produce
3) Ditch to prevent run off
4) Buffer zones
5) Do they have to be there
Visual inspection weekly and log
Testing when needed
Risk Management Scheme:
Workers and Hygiene
What needed?
Cross-contamination with E.Coli
0157:H7, Salmonella, viruses
1) Worker Training
2) Sanitation procedures
3) Location
4) Paper towels/toilet paper
5) Soap, water
Visual inspection daily, 3 times a
day, logs
Adapted from presentation by Jim Gormy 3/2014 workshop: ”Local Grower Food
Step 3: Document and Revise
Write a plan to guide implementation of practices
SOPs and policies will outline what needs to be done
for those who are responsible for completing the task
Build recordkeeping into the logical flow of activities
Revise your plan if it is not working or when practices
Review and update your plan at least annually, or
whenever practices, personnel, or equipment changes
Educational Resources
There are many educational resources available to
help you write a Farm Food Safety Plan
Resources are available through:
Land grant institutions and extension programs
Industry or commodity specific guidance
Produce trade associations
Federal guidance
Independent organizations
A list of educational resources are provided in your
training materials
Food Safety Plan Writing Resources:
Be sure to make them your own!
There are many available resources, including
templates pick which one works best for you
Tailor templates to meet YOUR needs
Template plans, recordkeeping logs, and SOPs give
you someplace to start and are easier than building
the plan from scratch
Be sure to make it your own, so you know what is
in the plan and that it will work for you
A Few Thoughts About Your Plan…
Only include practices you are doing on YOUR farm
Do NOT include things you wish you were doing
Does not need to be long or complicated
Pick practices and schedules you know you can do
Focus on risk reduction!
Food Safety Plan
Your grower information
Who are you?
Crops you grown, and site location
Person(s) responsible at your farm
Water source for your farm
Type of soil
amendments/handling/storage that you
Facilities available for your operation
Food Safety Plan
What are you going to do? What is
your policy?
How are you going to do it?
How often are you going to do it?
What records are you keeping?
Penn State:
Coalition of
industry, non-profit
and government
USDA created free
on-line tool to help
farmers create a
customized food
safety plan.
foodborne risks
whether or not
under FSMA
You have written your plan, your
practices are in place, records
are being kept, and delicious,
high quality, safe produce is
being grown and packed.
So now what?
Final Steps
Who am I?
Where do I belong?
Where have I been?
Where have I gone?
Traceability: ability to follow movement of food through
production, processing and distribution
Ability to track food through the food system
back to their source and forward to the next
DOES NOT prevent a foodborne outbreak
CAN quickly identify the source of a product
and speed an investigation
CAN limit damage to the consumer
CAN prevent damage to the innocent grower
Penn State Extension 2012
The Value of Traceability
Following quality
Identifying boxes that have quality issues
Keeping track of amount sold
Knowing what sold well and how much money you should
be making
Minimizing foodborne illness impacts
Recalling a contaminated load/lot/bin
Knowing how much was sold and in the marketplace
Knowing who may have purchased/consumed it
Product Tracing:
One Step Forward, One Step Back
Traceability means identifying where the produce
came from including inputs (one step back) and
where it went (one step forward)
For growers, this means knowing the field where it
was grown (step back) and the buyer (step forward)
This does not mean you are
responsible for the entire system,
especially if there are multiple
steps to the consumer
Understanding a “Lot
Product tracing requires defining and following a
distinct portion of the crop. This is called a lot.
A lot is a distinct and limited portion of a crop
e.g., all of the same commodity harvested on the same day
from the same field
It may require establishing a ‘clean break’
Difficult issue: How big should the lot be?
If there is a problem, the whole lot
will be recalled, so the bigger the lot,
the bigger the recall
Developing a Lot Code
Can be numbers or letters, or a combination of both
Should identify specific details about the lot
Farm, field of origin, harvest date, and more
Should be unique to a specific lot
Should follow the lot
Attached with a label, stamp, or sticker
to the sellable container (such as a box)
Steps to Developing a Lot Code
To begin developing a lot code, growers should
Field locations
Commodities and varieties
A method for indicating
harvest and/or pack date
Harvest/packing crews
How to make your products traceable
Step 1 - Map field production areas
Penn State Extension 2012
Field #1
Field #2
A Lot Code Could Identify
Commodity including type
(e.g., Empire apples)
Farm/field/block of origin
Agricultural inputs applied
Harvest date
Harvest crew
Packinghouse used (if any)
Packing date (if different from harvest date)
Packing crew (if different from harvest crew)
Traceability Example
Farm Location: 10
(Rose Farm)
Block: 01
Fruit Type: 01 (Apples)
Variety: 05 (Empire)
Harvest Date: 284
(Julian date)
Traceback: Finding the Source
Traceback is the ability to identify the source
of a productimportant if a foodborne
disease outbreak occurs and you need to find
out where the food came from
A good traceback system can:
Protect you from false association with an
Minimize consumer anxiety and bad
Give you a competitive advantage
Traceback: Summary
At the minimum, you should identify your product with
Date of harvest and/or date of packing
Farm identification
Document your handling chain from the farm to your
Document all aspects of your packinghouse
Get help from industry trade groups for
information on coding, labeling and tools
available to make the job easier
Write an SOP
Class I: Reasonable public health hazard for illness or death
Class II: Remote probability of adverse health consequences
Class III: Will not cause adverse health consequence
FDA Recalls are Mandatory
Importance of Recall
The ability to successfully recall a product can:
Prevent unnecessary consumer health effects
such as illnesses or deaths
Minimize negative publicity and the impact on
the firm’s reputation
Minimize the potential for civil and criminal
Chapter 17
Causes of a Recall
A number of product issues:
Allergens or other undeclared ingredients
Pathogenic microorganisms
Foreign objects
Chemical contamination
Packaging defects
Nutritional or content different from label
Each container/lot leaving the
farm should be identifiable
Attaching the lot code to the lot
Many ways to get it done
Stickers, stamps, bar codes
Boxes, clamshells, or individual pieces
Determine the best system for your farm
Size, markets, costs, infrastructure
Electronic or paper
“Must prominently and conspicuously display, at the
point of purchase, the name and complete business
address of the farm where the produce was grown, on
a label, poster, sign, placard…”
Labeling: FSMA Modified Requirements
for Growers Who May Be Exempt
Testing Your Traceability System:
Conducting a Mock Recall
Steps in a mock recall
1. Select a lot code for produce that has been sold
2. Call a buyer that received some or all of the lot
3. Tell them you are conducting a MOCK recall
4. Ask how much of the product is in stock and how much
has been sold. Document the response.
5. Trace the lot in your records
(e.g., field of origin, harvest crew, spray records)
6. Can you trace it backward and forward? Yes, good!
No, figure out the problem. Either way, document it!
The best person to write the plan is someone who knows
the farm and has food safety knowledge
Identify someone to be in charge of food safety
Farm Food Safety Plans should include assessing risks, any
actions taken to reduce risks, and recordkeeping
Simple is best: write what you do, not what you hope to do
Traceability = one step forward and one step back,
as well as inputs to the crop throughout production
Establishing lots, lot codes, and labeling are necessary for
developing a traceability system
Finally, follow the plan and update as necessary