Thermo Scientific
Phire Tissue Direct
PCR Master Mix
#F-170S 100 rxns
Lot 00000000 Expiry Date ____
Hazard statements:
May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing
difficulties if inhaled.
Precautionary statements:
In case of inadequate ventilation wear respiratory
protection. Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. If
experiencing respiratory symptoms: Call a POISON CENTER or
doctor/physician. IF INHALED: If breathing is difficult, remove victim to
fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Dispose
of contents/container in accordance with
local/regional/national/international regulations.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics UAB, V.A. Graiciuno 8, LT-02241 Vilnius,
Lithuania, tel. +370 700 55131.
Store at -20°C
Extended version of product information is available online
50 rxns x 20 µL
100 rxns x 50
1250 rxns x 20
500 rxns x 50
2X Phire Tissue Direct
PCR Master Mix
2 × 1.25 mL 10 × 1.25 mL
Dilution Buffer 5 mL 2 × 12.5 mL
DNARelease Additive 3 × 100 µL 1.3 mL
Universal Control
Primer Mix
(25 µM each)
40 µL 40 µL
Water, nuclease- free 2 × 1.25 mL 10 × 1.25 mL
O’GeneRuler Express
DNA Ladder
100 applications
(50 µg)
Shipping and storage
Upon arrival, store the components at 20 °C. The
Dilution Buffer can also be stored at 4 °C once it is
1. Introduction
Thermo Scientific™ Phire™ Tissue Direct PCR Master
Mix is designed to perform PCR directly from tissue
samples with no prior DNA purification. Tissues such as
mouse ear and tail, zebrafish fin, Drosophila, human hair
are suitable starting materials. The samples can either
be fresh or stored at 70 °C. A list of tissues tested with
this Master Mix is available at
The Phire Tissue Direct PCR Master Mix contains
reagents for two alternative protocols: Direct and Dilution
& Storage protocols. The Master Mix is recommended for
end point PCR protocols and it contains premixed gel
loading dye which allows direct sample loading on the
gel. The loading dye in the Master Mix does not interfere
with PCR performance and is compatible with
downstream applications such as DNA sequencing,
ligation and restriction digestion.
2. Important Notes
Detailed protocols for specific tissue samples are
available on
Primer annealing temperatures with Phire are
different from many common DNA polymerases
(such as Taq DNA polymerases). Read Section 7.3
Add the sample directly into a PCR reaction instead
of an empty tube.
The Dilution & Storage protocol is recommended:
When working with new sample materials or a
new primer pair.
With difficult samples or long amplicons.
When performing multiple reactions from the
same sample.
3. PCR Protocol
Before starting read all Important notes (Section 2) and
Sample handling guidelines (Section 4). The PCR setup
can be performed at room temperature. Always add the
sample last to the reaction. Read Section 4 carefully
for sampling guidelines.
Table 1. Pipetting instructions (add items in this order)
Component 20 µL rxn 50 µL rxn*
O add to 20 µL add to 50 µL
2X Phire Tissue
Direct PCR Master
10 µL 25 µL 1X
Primer A X µL X µL 0.5 µM
Primer B X µL X µL 0.5 µM
Direct Protocol:
Dilution & Storage
0.5 -1 μL
Amount depends
on the sample**
1.25 - 2.5 μL
* 50 μL reaction volume is recommended for the Direct protocol.
** 0.5 mm punch or a small sample of tissue (see
Table 2. Cycling protocol
Cycle step
2-step 3-step
Temp. Time Temp. Time
98 °C 5 min 98 °C 5 min 1
(see 6.3)
(see 6.4)
98 °C
72 °C
5 s
20 s 1
20 s/kb >1
98 °C
72 °C
5 s
5 s
20 s 1
20 s/kb >1
72 °C
+4 °C
1 min
72 °C
+4 °C
1 min
Gel electrophoresis
2X Phire Tissue Direct PCR Master Mix contains a
premixed gel loading dye. After PCR samples can be
directly loaded on the electrophoresis gel for analysis.
Positive control reaction with purified DNA
When optimizing the direct PCR protocol, it is
recommended to perform a positive control with purified
DNA to ensure that the PCR conditions are optimal. If the
positive control with purified DNA fails, the PCR
conditions should be optimized until the control PCR
gives a desired result. For troubelshooting refer to
extended product information available online.
Negative control
It is recommended to use a no-template control with all
Direct PCR assays to control contamination. To monitor
the efficiency of cleaning the sampling tool, the cleaned
tool can be dipped into the negative control sample. A
second negative control performed without dipping the
sampling tool is recommended to control for other
sources of contamination.
4. Guidelines for Sample Handling
To obtain small and uniform samples, we recommend
using 0.35 – 0.50 mm diameter puncher. If the puncher
is to be reused, it is very important to clean the cutting
edge properly to prevent cross-contamination between
samples. Use 2% NaClO solution for cleaning and cross
contamination prevention.
Other ways to take a sample is by cutting with scalpel to
obtain 0.35 – 0.50 mm sample. Scalpel must be cleaned
properly to prevent cross-contamination between
5. Choosing the Protocol
This Master Mix is optimized for various tissue samples.
Please visit to
see a list of tested tissues. With a few exceptions, both
Direct and Dilution & Storage protocols are compatible
with all sample types and applications. However, when
amplifying longer fragments (e.g. > 500 bp from fish fin
tissue or > 1 kb from other tissues) the Dilution &
Storage protocol is recommended.
5.1 Direct Protocol
Direct Protocol: Take a sample of 0.5 mm in diameter
from tissue by using the puncher or use a sterile scalpel
to cut a very small piece of tissue (e.g. one Drosophila
leg). Place the sample directly into the PCR reaction
(50 μL of volume). It is recommended to place the
sample into the liquid rather than into an empty tube.
Make sure that you see the sample in the solution.
5.2 Dilution & Storage protocol
Before beginning, warm a heat block to 98 °C. Place the
tissue sample into 20 μL of Dilution Buffer. Add 0.5 μL of
DNARelease Additive. Mix by vortexing the tube briefly,
and spin down the solution. If a larger sample is used,
adjust the volume of the Dilution Buffer and DNARelease
Additive accordingly. Make sure the sample is covered
with the solution. Incubate the reaction for 25 minutes
at room temperature and then place the tube into the
pre-heated (98°C) block for 2 minutes. Spin down the
remaining tissue and store the supernatant at 20 °C if
not used immediately.
Usually 1 μL of supernatant is sufficient for a 20 μL PCR
reaction. In some cases the supernatant may have to be
diluted 1:10 or 1:100, or the PCR reaction performed in a
50 μL volume.
6. Notes About Reaction Components
6.1. Phire Tissue Direct PCR Master MIx
2X Phire Tissue Direct PCR Master Mix contains the
dNTPs and provides 1.5 mM MgCl
concentration in the
final reaction. The Master Mix employs Phire Hot Start II
DNA Polymerase, that possesses the following activities:
3´ DNA polymerase activity and a weak 3´
exonuclease activity. When cloning DNA fragments
amplified with Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymerase blunt
end cloning is recommended.
6.2. Dilution & Storage Buffer
The Dilution & Storage Buffer has been optimized to
release DNA from a wide variety of different tissues
when supplemented with DNA Release Additive (see
Section 6.3.). Samples in Dilution Buffer can be stored
for up to 4 weeks in different temperatures (-20 °C,
+4 °C and room temperature) before using in PCR. For
long term storage, it is recommended to transfer the
supernatant into a new tube and store at 20 °C.
6.3. DNARelease Additive
DNARelease Additive is required when PCR is
performed directly from certain tissue samples using the
Direct protocol. Cell debris present in these PCR
products can cause DNA fragments to get trapped in the
agarose gel wells. DNARelease Additive eliminates this
problem. DNARelease Additive is also used in the
Dilution & Storage protocol to improve the release of
DNA from the tissue sample.
Add 1.5 μL of DNARelease
Additive into a 50 μL PCR reaction.
6.4. Primers
The recommendation for the final primer concentration is
0.5 μM. The results from primer Tm calculations can vary
significantly depending on the method used. Always use
the Tm calculator and instructions on our website to determine the
Tm values of primers and optimal annealing temperature.
7. Notes About Cycling Conditions
7.1. Initial denaturation
In Direct PCR protocols, the initial denaturation step is
extended to 5 minutes to allow the lysis of cells, making
genomic DNA available for PCR.
7.2. Denaturation
Keep the denaturation time as short as possible. Usually
5 seconds at 98 °C is enough for most templates. Note
that the denaturation time and temperature may vary
depending on the ramp rate and temperature control
mode of the thermal cycler.
7.3. Primer annealing
Note that the optimal annealing temperature for Phire
Hot Start II DNA Polymerase may differ significantly from
that of Taq-based polymerases. Always use the Tm
calculator and instructions on Thermo Scientific
website to
determine the Tm values of primers and optimal
annealing temperature. As a basic rule, for primers
>20 nt, anneal for 5 seconds at a Tm +3 °C of the lower
Tm primer. For primers 20 nt, use an annealing
temperature equal to the Tm of the lower Tm prime.
Two-step cycling without an annealing step is
recommended for high-Tm primer pairs (Tm at least
6972 °C).
7.4. Extension
The extension is performed at 72 °C. The recommended
extension time is 20 seconds for amplicons 1 kb, and
20 s/kb for amplicons >1 kb.
8. Control Reactions
8.1. Direct PCR control reaction using the control
primer mix
When using mammalian tissue samples (e.g. mouse,
human tissue), we recommend performing Direct PCR
control reactions with both Direct and Dilution & Storage
protocols using the control primers supplied with this
Master Mix. As a template, use the same tissue material
as in the actual experiment. The universal control primer
mix contains degenerate primers that amplify a 237 bp
fragment of mammalian genomic DNA. The amplified
region is a highly conserved non-coding region upstream
of the SOX21 gene
and the primers are designed to
amplify this region from a wide range of vertebrate
Each primer concentration is 25 μM.
Primer #1 (24-mer)
Melting point: 73.5 °C
Primer #2 (27-mer)
Melting point: 72.2 °C (R=A), 75.3 °C (R=G)
Please note that these control primers are not compatible
with fish or insect samples. The recommended control
primer sequences for Drosophila and zebrafish are
available at
Table 3. Pipetting instructions for control reactions.
Component 20 µL rxn 50 µL rxn*
O add to 20 µL add to 50 µL
2X Phire Tissue Direct
PCR Master Mix
10 µL 25 µL
Universal control primer
0.4 µL 1 µL
Direct Protocol:
Dilution & Storage
1 μL
Amount depends
on the sample**
2.5 μL
*50 μL volume is recommended for Direct protocol.
**0.5 mm punch or a small sample of tissue (see
Table 4. Cycling instructions for control reactions using
primers included.
Cycle step Temp. Time Cycles
Initial denaturation 98 °C 5 min 1
98 °C
72 °C
5 s
20 s
Final Extension
72 °C
4 °C
1 min
Performance in PCR is tested by the amplification 7.5 kb
fragment from human genomic DNA.
Absorption measured at 424 nm and 614 nm.
Quality authorized by: Jurgita Zilinskiene
1. Woolfe A. et al.(2005) PLoS Biology3: 116–130.
To optimize Direct PCR three key steps have to be
considered: dilution protocol, sample size and optimal
primer annealing temperature.
Troubleshooting information is available in the extended
version of the protocol. See for more details.
DNARelease Additive
Hazard statements:
H334 May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing
difficulties if inhaled.
Precautionary statements:
P285 In case of inadequate ventilation wear respiratory
P261 Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray.
P342+P311 If experiencing respiratory symptoms: Call a
POISON CENTER or doctor/physician.
P304+P341 IF INHALED: If breathing is difficult, remove
victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable
for breathing.
P501 Dispose of contents/container in accordance with
local/regional/national/international regulations.
Use of this product is covered by US Patent No.
6,127,155. The purchase of this product includes a
limited, non-transferable immunity from suit under the
foregoing patent claims for using only this amount of
product for the purchaser’s own internal research. No right
under any other patent claim, no right to perform any
patented method and no right to perform commercial
services of any kind, including without limitation reporting
the results of purchaser's activities for a fee or other
commercial consideration, is conveyed expressly, by
implication, or by estoppel. This product is for research
use only. Diagnostic uses under Roche patents require a
separate license from Roche. Further information on
purchasing licenses may be obtained by contacting or Out Licensing, Life
Technologies Inc., 5791 Van Allen Way, Carlsbad,
California 92008.
The purchase price of this product includes a limited, non-
transferable license under U.S. and foreign patents owned
by BIO-RAD Laboratories, Inc., to use this product. No
other license under these patents is conveyed expressly
or by implication to the purchaser by the purchase of this
LIMITED USE LABEL LICENSE: Internal Research and
Development Use Only.
The purchase of this product conveys to the buyer the
limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable right (without the
right to resell, repackage, or further sublicense) to use this
product for internal research and development purposes.
No other license is granted to the buyer whether expressly,
by implication, by estoppel or otherwise. In particular, the
purchase of the product does not include or carry any right
or license to use, develop, or otherwise exploit this product
commercially and no rights are conveyed to the buyer to use
the product or components of the product for purposes
including but not limited to provision of services to a third
party, generation of commercial databases or clinical
diagnostics. This product is sold pursuant to authorization
from Thermo Fisher Scientific and Thermo Fisher Scientific
reserves all other rights. For information on purchasing a
license for uses other than internal research and
development purposes, please contact or Out Licensing, Life
Technologies Inc., 5791 Van Allen Way, Carlsbad, California
This product is developed, designed and sold exclusively for
research purposes and in vitro use only. The product was
not tested for use in diagnostics or for drug development,
nor is it suitable for administration to humans or animals.
Please refer to for
Material Safety Data Sheet of the product.
© 2015 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. All rights reserved. All
trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
and its subsidiaries.