Student Handbook
Medical Assistance Policy 13
Complaints and Their Resolution 14
Student Conduct Board and Administrative Hearings 14
Hearing Procedures 14
Use of Legal Counsel 16
Sanctions 16
Interim Suspension 17
Guide for Conduct Decisions 17
Student Conduct Board 18
Appeals Board 19
Assemblies 21
Attire 21
Catalog and Student Handbook 21
Financial Obligation to the College 21
Berry’s Refund Policy 21
Meal Plan Policies 22
Cashiers Office 22
Marketing & Communication 22
Substance Free Policy 23
ID Cards 23
Residency Requirements 24
Formal Grievance Policy 46
Academic Integrity 61
Grievance Policy 62
Student Complaint Policy 62
Intellectual Property Policy 63
Acceptable Use Policy 64
Family Education Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) 70
Academic Resources 71
Accessibility Resources 72
Students with Disabilities 74
Library Resources 75
Class Attendance Policies 76
Dropping/Adding Courses 76
Leave of Absence 76
Withdrawal from a Course 77
Withdrawal from College 77
Involuntary Withdrawal from College 77
Grade-Point Average 78
Study at Another Institution 78
Grade Appeals 78
Academic Appeal Process 78
Academic Freedom 79
Classification 79
Academic Standards 79
Good Academic Standing 79
Academic Probation and Suspension 79
Applications for Graduation 79
Study Abroad 80
Cultural Events Requirement Statement of Purpose 80
Diversity at Berry College 80
Freedom of Expression Limits/Abuse 80
Graduate Student Access to Programs 81
Hazing 81
Hunting, Fishing, and Camping 81
Off-Campus Guest Speakers 81
Emergency Numbers/Contact Information 84
Missing Student Policy 85
After Hours Access to Campus 87
Firearms, Fireworks, Explosives, or Weapons 87
Student Access to Berry Property 87
Bicycles 88
Motor Vehicle Accidents 88
Parking 89
Picnics 90
Personal safety 90
Severe Weather 91
Solicitation on Campus 92
Traffic Appeals 92
Traffic Fines 92
Academic Success Center 93
Athletics 93
David Shankles Student Emergency Relief Fund 94
Campus Recreation 94
Counseling Center 94
Student Well-being and Support 94
Health Center 95
Center for Personal & Professional Development 96
Chaplain’s Office and Religious Life 98
Financial Aid 98
Insurance 100
Krannert Center & Office of Student Involvement 100
Krannert Center Activities Board 105
Leadership Development Programs 106
Campus Information Desk 106
Lost and Found 106
Mail Services 107
On-Campus Transportation 109
The Shipyard 110
Office of Diversity and Belonging 110
Good Neighbor Culture and Pillars 111
Bias Response 111
International Student Services 112
Notaries Public 112
Orientation at Berry 112
Basic Policy on Student Life 114
Student Involvement on Berry College Councils and Committees 115
The Interfaith Council 115
Student Life Council 115
Student Government Association 116
Student Organizations 116
General Information 120
Residence Life Procedures and Practices 121
Residence Life Policies 125
Dear Students:
Welcome to the 2024-25 academic year! We look forward to your active participation in the life
of the campus.
A hallmark of a Berry education is a well-rounded experience. There are innumerable
opportunities for involvement through colloquia, speakers, organization activities, sports,
service, and college-wide events. We encourage you to make the most of your time at Berry by
taking full advantage of these programs and events.
We are glad you are here, and we look forward to working with you to make 2024-25 a great
Lindsey R. Taylor, EdD
Vice President for Student Affairs
Dean of Students
Fall Semester 2024
First payment due for fall semester courses
On-line add/drop for cleared returning students opens at 8 AM
Classes Begin
Final day to change schedules; on-line add/drop closes at 4 PM (courses on schedule after this
day apply towards HOPE)
Labor Day (no classes)
Last day to withdraw from 1st 7-week courses
Mountain Day activities, no classes after 2:00 pm
Mountain Day
First 7-week classes end
Online grading opens for 1
7-week courses @ 7 AM; closes Tue. 10/15 @ 10 AM
Fall Weekend, no classes
Second 7-week classes begin
Final day to add/drop a 2
7-week class
Senior exit examinations (major field)
Advisement, Week 1
Advisement, Week 2
Pre-registration (closes at 4 PM, Nov. 15)
Application to graduate in Spring, Summer, or Fall of 2025 open on VikingWeb
Last day to withdraw from full term and 2
7-week classes;
Deadline for Cultural Events for students graduating in December
Thanksgiving Holidays (no classes)
Last day of classes
Online grading opens @ 7:00 AM
Final examinations
First payment due for spring semester courses
All grades due to Registrar’s Office by 10:00 AM (online grading closes)
Conferral of diplomas for students completing all degree requirements during fall term
Spring Semester 2025
Online add/drop for cleared returning students opens at 8:00 am
Classes Begin
Final day to change schedules for full term and 1st 7-week; on-line add/drop closes at 4:00 pm;
(courses on schedule after this date apply towards HOPE)
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no classes)
Last day to withdraw from 1st 7-week courses
First 7-week classes end
Online grading for 1
7 week courses opens @ 7:00 AM; closes Wed, 3/5 @ 10 AM
Second 7-week classes begin
Senior Exit Examinations (major field) for Spring & Summer graduates
Last day to add/drop 2
7-week classes
Spring Break (no classes)
Advisement, Week 1
Advisement, Week 2
Pre-registration for Summer and Fall 2025 (Online or in-office)
Application to graduate in Summer/ Fall of 2025 or Spring 2026 open on VikingWeb
Symposium on Student Scholarship - classes suspended
Last day to withdraw from full term and 2
7-week classes;
Deadline for Cultural Events for May graduating students
Good Friday (no classes)
Last day of classes
Reading Day
Online grading opens @ 7 AM
Final Exams (Thursday-Wednesday)
Grades for graduating students due 10:00 AM
Graduate Student Commencement
Undergraduate Student Commencement
All grades due to Registrar’s Office by 10:00 AM (online grading closes)
Summer Semester 2025
Block A (UG and GR5 weeks) and Block C (UG and GR10 weeks) begin
Deadline to add/drop Block A & C Classes (4 PM)
Memorial Day (no classes)
Block D (GR6 weeks) begins
Deadline to add/drop Block D classes (4 PM)
Final day to withdraw from Block A classes
Juneteenth Holiday (no classes)
Block A ends (online grade entry for Block A opens for one week starting Saturday, June 21)
Block B (UG and GR5 weeks) begins
Deadline to add/drop Block B classes (4 PM)
Final day to withdraw from Block C
Final day to withdraw from Block D
Independence Day (no classes)
Final day to withdraw from Block B
Block D ends (online grade entry for Block D opens one week starting Saturday, July 19)
Blocks B and C end
Online grade entry opens for all Summer Blocks (all grades due by Friday, Aug 2 @ 10 AM)
Conferral of diplomas for students completing all degree requirements during summer term
(Psalm 121)
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved; He that keepeth thee will not slumber.
Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.
The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul.
The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth,
and even for evermore.
Far up in the hills of Georgia stands
Old Berry tried and true,
The Shrine of many a memory of
The Silver and the Blue.
Our loyalty and love we pledge,
God keep thee without fail,
Be thou the light that shines for right,
Alma Mater, Hail, All Hail!
O God our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come;
Our shelter from the stormy blast,
And our eternal home!
Before the hills in order stood,
Or earth received her frame,
From everlasting Thou art God,
To endless years the same.
O God our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come;
Be Thou our guard while life shall last,
And our eternal home!
School Colors Silver and Blue Mascot- Viking
Stephen Briggs, President
Andy Bressette, Vice President for Enrollment Management
Laura Croft, Vice President for Advancement
Brian Erb, Vice President for Finance
Casee Gilbert, Chief of Staff
Nancy Rewis, Vice President for Marketing & Communications
David Slade, Provost
Lindsey Taylor, Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
What was it about Berry that caught the interest of Andrew Carnegie, captured the enthusiasm of Theodore
Roosevelt, appealed to the practical mind of Henry Ford and earned his generous support? What is it about
Berry today that commands an equal measure of enthusiasm among leading Americans and thousands of
loyal friends?
The answers to these questions are found in the fascinating story of founder Martha Berry, her successors,
and the remarkable institution they have built from a cabin to a college. Berry is a college rich in heritage.
Many campus customs are deeply rooted.
Students celebrate the end of the academic year with an annual event called Finals Fest, which is a “spring
fling” type event that includes a concert, inflatables, novelties and food.
Honors Night is held during the spring semester. Awards and scholarships are given to students who have
excelled academically, provided leadership, or contributed to the Berry community. A Leadership & Service
Awards program and the Rollins Work Awards program are also annual spring recognition events.
Each year on the first weekend of October, Martha Berry is remembered in a traditional celebration, which
is called Mountain Day. This year Mountain Day Weekend will be October 4-6, 2024. The holiday, which
celebrates Miss Berry’s birthday, includes several Berry traditions.
The Mountain Day Olympics will be on Friday afternoon on the Evans Hall South Lawn.
A picnic lunch will be held on Saturday at the foot of Lavender Mountain (WinShape Campus).
The lunch is followed by the main event of the day, the Grand March. The music for the Grand March is
provided by the college wind ensemble. Students, led by the seniors, join hands, separate, and unite in ever
widening lines as they weave a march pattern on the gentle slope at the foot of Lavender Mountain. During
the march, students drop donations into the birthday basket, traditionally the number of cents equal to the
student’s age. These donations become a part of the Martha Berry Memorial Endowment Fund, established
by Miss Berry with gifts made to her to aid The Berry Schools. Traditionally, female students dress in a pastel
pink (blue, if senior) dress or skirt and blouse; the male students wear a light blue shirt (white, if senior) and
dark trousers. These colors reflect the uniforms worn by past Berry students when specific attire was
required. Today, Berry students are invited to wear whatever color and attire they feel best represents their
On the Saturday night of Mountain Day Weekend, students come together in the Clara Bowl to
participate in Marthapalooza, a late-night carnival with rides, food, booths and games, music, and a
Berry College is a residential academic community whose mission is to educate the head, heart and hands.
Berry College was founded on the principles of Good Neighbor Culture by our founder, Martha Berry. This
culture emphasizes how we value, treat, and serve one another, rooted in mutual respect, service, and a
commitment to community. It is about creating an environment where the heart is nurtured as much as
the head and hands, reflecting the values that have guided Berry College from the beginning.
Student education is at the heart of the Berry Code. Students are expected to learn and practice self-
discipline and community responsibility and to participate actively in both upholding and encouraging
others to uphold the highest standards of behavior. The code of conduct is a guide to the expectations of
this community to provide the best environment possible for the academic and personal success of
students. The code articulates standards and a process and sanctions for situations where responsibilities
are not met.
The purpose of our system is to promote and protect Berry’s mission by holding students accountable for
community expectations and help students correct and learn from unacceptable behavior. The college’s
conduct system does not replace nor replicate the legal system. As such, it is limited to the student and
his/her relationship with the college. Students are expected to follow local, state and federal laws at all
times and the college will not shield students from their responsibilities to follow the law nor the
consequences of violations.
Administrative and conduct authority rests with the college’s Board of Trustees. This authority has been
delegated to the President who has subsequently delegated this responsibility to the vice president for
student affairs and dean of students.
Code establishment
Updated July 6, 2017
The originating document was established in June 1979 by the president of Berry College to exercise
functions assigned to him into a student conduct process. The Code will be reviewed periodically by the
vice president for student affairs and dean of students, in consultation with the Student Conduct Board
and the Student Government Association, for changes to improve its role in setting appropriate
expectations and insuring fair and appropriate adjudication processes. Recommendations for change are
made to the president of the college who has final authority. The Berry College Code of Student Conduct
was revised in August of 2005.
Purpose of the Campus Conduct System
The code of student conduct and the campus conduct system exist to educate students about their
personal and community responsibilities at Berry College. The purposes of the campus conduct system
1. To uphold Berry standards of conduct.
2. To hold students accountable for violations of community standards.
3. To provide students an opportunity to learn from mistakes by taking responsibility for their
4. To protect the community when a student’s behavior calls for action by the community.
The campus conduct system includes all members of the Berry community with students, faculty and staff
participating on hearing and appeal boards and on committees that create and revise the code of conduct.
Expectations of Student Conduct
Students are expected to embody Good Neighbor Culture by treating others with respect, contributing
positively to the community, and fostering inclusivity and belonging. This approach ensures that our
campus remains a place of mutual care, shared responsibility, and positive engagement.
Berry students are expected to behave responsibly at all times, both on and off-campus. The college
reserves the right to hold students accountable for their off-campus behavior. Discretion rests with the
Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students to use the student conduct process for off-campus
incidents when the behavior or pattern of behaviors affects the reputation of the college or the safety or
well-being of an individual or others in the community.
As a Berry student, you are expected to:
1. Show respect for yourself and others.
2. Maintain integrity in personal and academic affairs.
3. Respect property, neighbors, and the environment.
4. Be responsible citizens.
Community Standard I. Respect Self and Others
Community members show lack of respect for themselves and others by engaging in the following
A. Inappropriate physical or verbal contact: assault; verbal abuse; intimidation; harassment, sexting;
cyber-bullying, understood as the deliberate use of communication methods (i.e. blogs, emails, social
networking sites, texting) to communicate harassing language.
B. Endangerment: tampering with safety alarms or equipment; making false alarms or inducing panic;
possession or use of explosives or fireworks; possession or use of a weapon, including but not limited
to knives with more than a 3” blade (except non-spring pocket knives), no switchblade knives, or
knives designed for the purpose of offense or defense, and devices that fire projectiles (for e.g., bb
guns, pellet guns, paint guns, sling shots).
C. Use, possession, provision or sale of alcohol or being in the presence of someone using, possessing,
providing or selling, alcohol.
D. Use and possession of drugs, which are either illegal or not prescribed to the individual in possession,
or possession of drug paraphernalia or being in the presence of someone using, possessing, providing,
or selling drugs.
E. Tobacco use and/or possession, including cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, e-cigarettes, vapors.
F. Failure to comply with the request of any college official, staff member, authorized contract agent, or
student employee acting in performance of their duties, including refusal to identify oneself when
requested to do so.
G. Disregard for the privacy of others.
H. Berry College expects its students to live up to community standards of decency in all areas of life
including sexual behavior. Because Berry students living on campus share intimately close and public
quarters with one another, on-campus sexual behavior by students that draws attention to
itself, disrupts the routines of others, or disregards the normal expectation of other people's privacy
from such behavior is a violation of this standard.
Community Standard II. Maintain Integrity in Personal and Academic Affairs
Community members jeopardize personal and academic integrity by engaging in the following behavior:
A. Disruption of academic activities including teaching and learning, research, programs, or classrooms.
B. Interference with the free speech and participation of community members.
C. Dishonesty, including provision of false information or testimony to a college official or conduct board,
alteration or misuse of documents or electronic technology as defined in the Berry College Policy on
the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources and Data, impersonation,
D. Academic dishonesty: misrepresentation or falsification of data; complicity with others engaged in
academic dishonesty.
E. Inappropriate use of technology.
Community Standard III. Respect Property, Neighbors, and the Environment
Community members demonstrate lack of respect for the property of others and for the environment by
engaging in the following behavior:
A. Theft, destruction or defacement, unauthorized use or possession of college or personal property.
B. Unauthorized entrance into college facilities or private residences.
C. Littering.
D. Disruptive or inconsiderate behavior.
E. Disruptive or damaging behavior towards animals.
F. Violation of contractual or policy statements such as residence hall or other facility policies, library
Community Standard IV. Be responsible citizens
Community members show a lack of responsible citizenship by engaging in the following behavior:
A. Failure to comply with, and to insure that your guests, including Berry students or guests from the
community, are in compliance with regulations governing campus facilities, programs, activities, and
services, as well as federal, state, and local laws.
B. Deliberate incitement of others to engage in prohibited acts, or involvement as an accessory.
C. Failure to separate from a group in which others are engaged in prohibited acts.
D. Gambling, personally or at organized student events.
E. Violation of local, state or federal laws.
F. Other behavior that is detrimental to the health, well-being and purposes of Berry College and the
G. Failure to notify relevant campus authority when there is a reasonable expectation that the health or
well-being of a student is endangered.
¢ Medical assistance policy
Berry College promotes responsibility and expects students to offer assistance to other students in need.
There are times when students are reluctant to offer assistance to their fellow students for fear that they
themselves may be charged with policy violations. For example, a student who has been drinking
underage might hesitate to get help from Campus Police or a Resident Assistant for someone suffering
from overconsumption of alcohol.
At the conclusion of an investigation, a student who has provided emergency assistance will not receive
charges under the student code of conduct if a) he or she is the first person to provide assistance and/or
contact Campus Police or Residence Life staff, b) he or she has not contributed to the endangerment of
the student needing emergency assistance, c) the assisting student has not moved or transported the
student, d) remains with the endangered student until Campus Police or Residence Life Staff arrives, and
e) cooperates with the responding staff.
¢ Complaints and their resolution
Complaint process
A complaint may be received from a variety of sources including but not limited to student/faculty or staff
members who witness inappropriate behavior, a resident assistant incident report, a police incident
report (either on or off campus). The associate dean of students serves as the college’s chief conduct
officer and is responsible for investigating all complaints. Residence hall violations may be referred to the
residence life area coordinators for investigation.
Resolution of complaints
The Berry conduct system provides three avenues for the resolution of behavioral complaints: by
summary disposition, through a hearing with a conduct board or with an administrative hearing officer.
Factors that may determine which avenue will be used for resolution of complaints are as follows:
Summary Disposition
When a respondent student agrees to the basic facts of a matter, he or she may choose to forego a
hearing, and accept a decision by the administrative hearing officer.
¢ Student Conduct Board and Administrative Hearings
A respondent student may also choose to resolve behavioral complaints through the conduct board or
administrative hearings. While students may choose how most behavioral matters are resolved, the vice
president for student affairs and dean of students or designee may refer a case to the conduct board
The seriousness of the behavior warrants a formal conduct process (e.g. sexual assault; drug
possession, sale or abuse; violations of state, local or federal law);
The significant facts of the matter are in dispute;
It is believed that the matter is best resolved through broader community involvement; or there
is a conflict of interest.
Beginning the last week of classes and between semesters (including summer), a student will be
automatically referred to an administrative hearing process.
Administrative hearing officers include the vice president for student affairs and dean of students, the
associate dean of students, and the residence life area coordinators. The vice president for student affairs
and dean of students may appoint additional hearing officers as needed.
Generally, complaints should be filed within two weeks of an incident. For reports received after two
weeks, the vice president for student affairs and dean of students will review the timeliness of the
complaint and determine the appropriate response.
Hearing Procedures
The following procedures are normally used for board and administrative hearings. The goal of a hearing
is to determine whether a student is responsible for violating the code of expected conduct. Formal rules
of evidence are not applicable, nor do small deviations from prescribed procedures necessarily invalidate
a decision or hearing unless significant prejudice to the student or College resulted. A student’s failure to
appear at a hearing does not preclude the hearing officer or hearing board from reaching a decision
regarding responsibility and/or sanction.
There are two types of hearings: administrative and board hearings.
Administrative hearings are generally reserved for minor infractions, or when the student and investigator
agree on administrative adjudication. Procedures include the respondent’s right to:
written notification of charges
an opportunity for the respondent student, hereafter referred to as respondent, and the
hearing officer to review documentation and discuss the alleged behavior
a fair and impartial consideration of the charges by the hearing officer
the right to present a defense including information about potential witnesses to be
interviewed by the investigative or hearing officer
the right to a written notification of finding
the right to appeal the decision
Administrative hearings are informal in nature and involve the hearing officer and the respondent.
Information from witnesses is received either in written form or interviews by the investigating officer.
Administrative hearings are not taped.
Board hearings are generally reserved for major infractions or cases where there is disagreement on the
facts supporting the charge. Procedures for board hearings include the respondent’s right to:
written notification of charges
fair notice of the time and date of adjudication
a fair and impartial hearing before a conduct board comprised of members of the
the right to present information including witnesses
the right to question testimony
the right to a written notification of finding
the right to appeal the decision
Board hearings include the respondent, witnesses for the respondent, the respondent’s support person, and
the student conduct board. The associate dean of students is also present as a hearing and deliberation
resource for the board. He/she does not participate in the hearing. In Title IX cases, the college’s Title IX
Coordinator will appoint a Title IX officer who was not one of the investigators in the case to serve in this
capacity. Support persons may be Berry faculty, staff, or students. In cases involving charges of sexual
misconduct, the support person may be any person of the student’s choosing. Additional witnesses may
appear as requested by the conduct board. The hearing is closed to all others. A respondent’s failure to
appear for a hearing or failure to respond to either the charges or requests for meetings in the investigatory
process will not prohibit an administrative hearing officer or the student conduct board from acting on a
The respondent has the right to know the nature of the charge and enter one of two responses:
“responsible” or “not responsible” for a violation of College policy. Charges shall be made in writing and
provide at least 4 days’ notice of a hearing (under extenuating circumstances, a student may request an
extension from the dean of students).
A support person may attend a hearing with a witness. In a sexual assault or harassment case, the student
or students who brought the initial complaint may also have a support person present. Support persons may
not speak at either administrative or conduct board hearings.
Conduct board hearings are audio taped. The purposes of the tape are to assist the hearing panel in their
deliberations (i.e. listening to portions of testimony for a second time if clarification is needed in the decision
phase) and for review by the appellate board in the event of an appeal. Upon completion of the appeal or
the date by which an appeal may be made, the tape will be destroyed. Only the hearing is recorded;
deliberations of the hearing panel are not recorded.
¢ Use of Legal Counsel
Campus disciplinary proceedings are not a court of law, and licensed attorneys are not permitted to be
present in any investigatory meetings, fact-finding or appeals hearings. Because of the nature of some
incidents, students may choose to be assisted by legal counsel outside of the college’s conduct process.
Any expense associated with retaining legal counsel for Berry College internal proceedings is solely the
responsibility of the person engaging such counsel.
Conduct cases that fall under the Sexual Misconduct Policy are exceptions. The reporter or respondent in
sexual misconduct cases may choose to have an attorney serve as their support person. The attorney
serves in a support and advisory role to the student and may not participate verbally in the investigation
or the hearing.
¢ Sanctions
Hearing officers and boards may use the following sanctions or a combination of sanctions for violations
of Community Standards:
Written warningwritten notice that further policy violations may result in more severe conduct action
Finea monetary sanction (students may choose to work off the amount of a fine by making
arrangements to do so with the chief conduct officer)
Restitutionmonetary compensation for damage to persons or property; generally restitution will
comprise of 150% of the cost of the damage
Educational taskactivity, reflection paper, letter of apology, work that benefits the student and the
Alcohol or other drug assessment or referral to counseling or behavior modification program
Residence Hall Transfera move from one residence hall to another
Probationa period of time during which another violation of policy will result in added restrictions or
consideration for suspension or dismissal. Students placed on disciplinary probation must live in
traditional residence halls and will be relocated by the Office of Residence Life as quickly as possible
following the conclusion of the case and any appeals.
Restrictionsadditional sanctions imposed that are appropriate for the offense. The imposition of a
restriction(s) carries a time frame for its duration and may take the form of revocation of campus
privileges or co-curricular participation in the life of the community. Restrictions are at the discretion of
the Dean of Students upon recommendation of the hearing officer or the conduct board.
Suspensionexclusion from the College campus, classes, and other privileges or activities for a finite
period of time, typically a year
Dismissalpermanent termination of your status as a student
Parental Notification -- a letter written by the student and sent to parents or legal guardians informing
them of disciplinary action. This letter is reviewed and forwarded by the associate dean of students. A
copy of the finding and sanction letter accompanies the student letter.
Interim Suspension
The vice president for student affairs and dean of students may impose an interim suspension if there is
reason to believe that a student presents a threat to persons (including self) or property. During this
suspension, a student will be denied access to any or all campus facilities, activities, or privileges granted
to students, unless permission is received by the Dean of Students Office.
Occasionally a student may face criminal charges in addition to college charges resulting from their
behavior. The vice president for student affairs and dean of students may choose to impose an interim
suspension and hold the college’s conduct process until the criminal charges are resolved. Imposition of
criminal charges does not automatically defer the college’s conduct process which will proceed as they
normally would unless the vice president determines otherwise.
Guide for Conduct Decisions
The following guide serves in deciding what type of action is appropriate, given the nature of the
infraction. It should be emphasized that when sanctioning, decisions reflect the attitude and situation of
the respondent student, as well as prior behavioral records. Therefore, while the following are
recommended sanctions, final action may be more or less severe, as deemed appropriate by the
administrative hearing officer or the Student Conduct Board.
Level I
Minor alcohol policy violation
Residence hall policies including those covered in the Expectations of Student Conduct and the
residence hall policy section of the Viking Code
Minor incidents that affect the health and safety of others
Failure to identify or comply
Possible sanctions: warning, fine, educational task, restitution, parental notification, a fine in the
range of $20-$120
Level II
Second “Level I” infraction
Disorderly conduct
Non-malicious damage
Fire safety
Major alcohol policy violation
Possible sanctions: warning, probation, restrictions, educational task, probation, restitution, parental
notification, a fine in the range of $50-$150
Level III
Minor theft
Disorderly conduct
Physical or emotional abuse
Inappropriate physical contact, intimidation
Sexual misconduct
Use, possession of drugs
Minor vandalism and criminal damage
Menacing (physical, verbal, or written threat)
Fire safety (fireworks, unauthorized or inappropriate use of fire extinguisher, false fire alarm)
Exhibiting a pattern of behavior that demonstrates a flagrant disregard for college policies, including
multiple infractions
Possible sanctions: probation, fine, educational task, restrictions, residence hall transfer, restitution,
parental notification, and a fine in the range of $80-$200
Level IV
Major theft
Disorderly conduct
Physical or emotional abuse
Major vandalism and criminal damage
Possession of a weapon
Sexual misconduct
Fire safety (false fire alarm, tampering with firefighting or safety equipment)
Exhibiting a pattern of behavior that demonstrates a flagrant disregard for college policies, including
multiple infractions
Possible sanctions: suspension, educational task, restitution, parental notification, and a fine in the
range of $100-$300
Level V
Any offense or series of infractions that indicate that the student is a threat to the College community
and/or him/herself
Possession of a weapon
Sale or distribution of illegal drugs
Sexual misconduct
Exhibiting a pattern of behavior that demonstrates a flagrant disregard for college policies, including
multiple infractions
Possible sanctions: disciplinary dismissal, suspension, parental notification
¢ Student Conduct Board
The Student Conduct Board provides a hearing board made up of members of the Berry community,
including faculty, staff and students with a majority being students, to adjudicate student or student
organization violations of college standards.
The Student Conduct Board shall consist of a faculty or staff chair and 13 voting members. Four faculty
and/or staff members are appointed by the president of the college and nine full-time students are
appointed by the vice president for student affairs and dean of students upon recommendation of the
president of the student government association. The selection of members will provide a gender balance
and equal class representation from the sophomore, junior and senior classes whenever possible. Faculty
and staff serve at the discretion of the president. Students are selected for the Board for the entirety of
their student experience, unless the student chooses to resign or is recommended for removal. Students
are eligible to serve if they are full-time students with a minimum of a 2.5 grade point average and may
not be one of the five selected officers of the SGA or a resident assistant. A student’s disciplinary history
will be taken into account in the selection process and a disciplinary record once on the board may be
grounds for removal from the board. The vice president for student affairs and dean of students may
remove a student upon recommendation of the board.
The president will appoint a chair from the faculty and staff members of the board. The chair does not
vote except in the event of a tie. A secretary shall be elected from the student members of the board. The
associate dean of students is responsible for overseeing the work of the Board.
Board procedures
Quorum consists of five members of the conduct board, of which three must be students, and the chair
or chair pro tem. The respondent has the right to object to a maximum of two student and one faculty or
staff member of the conduct board. All objections must be put in writing to the chair of the board at least
24 hours prior to the hearing. The Board chair will determine the members of the hearing panel.
The Board makes decisions based on the evidence introduced at the hearing and uses the standard of
preponderance of evidence. The Board will make a determination of responsibility prior to a review of the
records of the respondent. The review of records is used to determine appropriate sanctions.
Deliberations of the Board are private and will not be taped.
Appeals of Conduct Decisions
An appeal must be made in writing within five business days following written notification of the action
taken. When an appeal is submitted, any action taken by the student conduct board or hearing officer is
deferred until the appeal is resolved. At least one of the following three conditions must exist for an appeal
to be considered:
1. New and significant information can be introduced that was unavailable at the time of the hearing
and could have affected the outcome of the case.
2. There is reason to believe the sanction is not consistent with the seriousness of the behavior.
3. The respondent’s right to a fair hearing was violated. Procedural or process errors must be
significant enough to have affected the outcome of the case in order for the fair hearing standard
to have been violated.
It is the student’s responsibility to communicate specifically how a case may have been resolved
differently in light of the new information provided in the appeal.
The right to appeal does not entitle a student or student organization to a full rehearing of the entire case.
The appellate board reviews the appeal only if sufficient and appropriate grounds for appeal exist.
Appeals Board
The Student Appeals Board is comprised of three administrators, three faculty members and three
students appointed by the president upon recommendation of the provost and the vice president for
student affairs. Students selected for the appeals panel must meet the same eligibility requirements as
those selected for the conduct board. A panel of three members, including one administrator, one faculty
member and one student, will be convened to hear individual appeals. The panel will be chaired by one
of the faculty or administrator and a majority vote of the panel is necessary to change a decision by a
hearing officer or conduct board.
The Student Appeals Board hears appeals of decisions of the Student Conduct Board or of administrative
hearing officers. If in the opinion of the appeals board an appeal lacks merit, the board may refuse to
accept it. If the appeals board believes an appeal has merit, it shall review the record of the hearing and
meet with the respondent and the hearing officer or the chair of the Student Conduct Board. The board
may also call other witnesses as necessary.
After hearing an appeal, the Student Appeals Board may decide to:
a. Accept the report and decisions of the Student Conduct Board or administrative hearing officer;
b. Refer the case back to the original hearing officer or board to hear new evidence;
c. Reverse the decision of the Student Conduct Board or hearing officer and dismiss the case; or
d. Accept the decision of the Student Conduct Board or hearing officer but reduce the sanction.
The Student Appeals Board may not increase a sanction.
Conduct Records
Conduct records are maintained in a student’s personal file in the Dean of Students Office. Conduct action
is not recorded on an academic transcript. Hearing files are destroyed upon completion of the appeal
process. Outcomes regarding substantiated charges and sanctions are kept in the student’s electronic
Parents or guardians and College officials may receive notice of disciplinary action depending on the level
of severity of behavior or by sanction. College officials may also receive notice of disciplinary action when
it is deemed to be in the best interest of the student and the College to do so. No others shall have access
to, nor will the College disclose, any information from a student’s educational record without written
consent except as required or allowed under federal or state laws.
¢ Assemblies
On certain occasions, special assemblies may be called. All students are encouraged to attend. Examples
of these special assemblies are Opening Convocation and Honors Night near the end of the academic year.
¢ Attire
It is expected that shoes and clothes be worn in all campus buildings.
¢ Catalog and Student Handbook
Berry produces a college catalog every year that is available online at The
student handbook, The Viking Code, is available online at
life/_assets/Student-Handbook.pdf. These documents communicate important information for students.
Students are responsible for reading and following.
¢ Financial Obligation to the College
It is important to remain in good financial standing in regards to your tuition account. A student who is
delinquent in payment of any financial obligation to Berry College may be removed from classes; may not
be allowed to register at the college for another semester until such delinquency is satisfied; may not be
issued grades, transcripts, or a diploma; and may be subject to further action. In addition, in the event that
an unpaid obligation is submitted to a collection agency or an attorney at law, all costs of collection, including
reasonable attorney’s fees, will be paid by the student.
Payment due dates for the upcoming semester may be found at:
¢ Berry’s Refund Policy
All students who withdraw during fall or spring semester will be charged tuition, and room and board if
applicable, at the rate of 10 percent of the semester charge for each week or fraction thereof of enrollment.
If a recipient of financial aid withdraws and is scheduled to receive a refund, all or part of this refund will be
used to reimburse the financial-aid programs from which the student received funds. All students who
withdraw from a summer block on or before the add/drop day for the summer block will receive a full refund
for their courses. All other fees are not refundable.
Students with Title IV Federal Financial Aid (Stafford, Plus, Pell Grant, SEOG, Etc.) who withdraw during a
semester will be subject to the refunding of all or a portion of their financial aid to the respective loan or
grant, according to Federal Regulations. Students should consult with the Student Financial Services Office
before they withdraw if they have questions about how their withdrawal may impact their account.
Information on these withdrawal procedures and the Federal Regulations that apply are available in the
Student Financial Services Office.
Example of Withdrawal Credit and Return of Federal Funds
A student withdraws during the eighth week of the semester and is eligible for a 20% withdrawal credit:
Total charges $25,925 x 20% = $5,185.00 credit.
The student was enrolled 59 days of the 110-day semester; a Federal Pell Grant of $2,865.00 and a Stafford
Loan of $1,750.00 have been applied to the student’s account. Using the days enrolled, 59, and dividing
by the total number of days in the semester, 110, the percentage rate of 54% was determined to arrive at
the amount of Title IV Federal Funds the student earned for the semester. ($2,865.00 +
$1,750.00=$4,615.00 x 54% = $2,492.10, the portion of the Title IV Federal Funds the student would be
allowed to retain.) The total, $4,615.00, minus $2,492.10 (or $2,122.90) would be the amount of Title IV
Federal Funds to be returned.
If the student’s tuition account had a zero balance at the time of withdrawal, the account would be:
Tuition Account Balance $ 0.00
Withdrawal Credit (5,185.00)
Funds to be Returned 2,122.90_
Balance Due to Student $ (3,062.10)
¢ Meal Plan Policies
Meal plan options are as follows:
First-year students living on campus in a traditional residence hall must purchase the Unlimited Plan.
Second-year students living on campus in a traditional residence hall must purchase at least the Any 14
Plan. All other traditional residence hall occupants must purchase at least the Any 10 Plan. All other suite
residents and all full-time commuter students must purchase at least the Flex Bucks Plan. Meals not
included in a plan may be purchased on a casual basis. In addition, a la carte service is available in the
Viking Court dining area.
Meal plan charges cover only those meals and Flex Bucks that are made available within an academic
semester. Unused meals and Flex Bucks do not carry over from semester to semester.
Meal plans cannot be shared. Meal plans can only be used by the student who owns the plan.
We provide a variety of foods to satisfy the needs of students with special diets. We can accommodate
most special diets if recommended by the student’s physician. If, after receiving documentation and
having conversations with the student’s physician, it is determined by our dietician, the Academic Success
Center, and the Director of Dining Services that we are unable to meet the dietary need, the Academic
Success Center can exempt an individual from the meal plan rules above. Once meal plans are set
(approximately one week into a semester) no changes will be allowed.
Locations and hours of operation are found at
¢ Cashier’s Office
A student may deposit funds to his or her student bank account at the Cashier’s Window, located in the
Krannert Center. This is not an interest-bearing account and is strictly a cash deposit/cash withdrawal
account. The maximum withdrawal amount at one time is $300.00. Deposited funds become a part of
the student’s official account and may be withdrawn whenever the Cashier’s Office is open. The
Cashier’s Office is open from 10 a.m. to 2p.m., Monday through Friday. Any charges made to a student
are deducted from this account, if there are no funds available in the account and a student is working
on campus those charges will be deducted from their earnings. Students are urged not to keep large
sums of money on their person or in their rooms.
Berry College students are frequently featured in stories, news releases, photographs, audio clips and
video clips that may be distributed to the media, used in Berry publications or published to digital channels
including social media and websites. Students may be photographed or videoed on campus or at college-
related functions. The college has exclusive rights to these photographs/videos and may use them to
promote the institution. Accomplishments of students may also be used to promote Berry College.
Berry College has historically chosen to be alcohol-free and has since chosen to be a substance-free
campus. We continually strive to be a college that teaches respect and care for each other as a core value
of the campus community. We believe that a commitment to be free of alcohol, tobacco, and the non-
medical use of drugs provides an environment where students can thrive academically and socially. We
also believe this policy promotes healthy living and healthy relationships and reduces the individual and
second hand consequences of substance use and abuse.
Use of tobacco products including cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, e-cigarettes, and vapors are not
permitted anywhere, indoors or out, on Berry’s campus.
Possession or Use of Alcoholic Beverages
No alcohol is permitted on the Berry College campus. Any student on the campus who is in
possession of or under the influence of alcohol will be charged with a violation of college policy
and/or state law. The minimum legal drinking age in Georgia is 21 years old.
Possession, Sale and/or Use of Narcotics, Depressants, Stimulants, Hallucinogens, or
The college does not permit the possession, sale and/or use, consumption, ingestion, injection,
or inhalation (without prescription or medical authorization) of substances that have the
capacity to change a person’s mood, behavior, or mind, or modify and relieve pain, such as,
but not limited to marijuana, opiates, amphetamines, barbiturates, hallucinogens,
psychedelics, or solvents. Any student or students found to be in conflict with the above will
be referred to the Dean of Students office where the process defined in the Berry College Code
of Student Conduct will be followed. The sanction may result in suspension or expulsion from
Berry and/or referral to the criminal process. Any student or students found to be in violation
of local, state, and federal narcotics laws will be subject to arrest and prosecution through
the proper criminal process.
Parental Notification for Drug and Alcohol Violations
In accordance with the Higher Education Amendments of 1998 to the Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, Berry College may notify a parent or legal guardian of a
student under 21 years of age when the student has been found guilty through disciplinary
channels of violating any Berry College rule regarding alcohol or illegal drugs. Notification
decisions will be based on the severity of the incident and any prior incidents involving alcohol
or drugs.
Identification Cards (ID Card)
All students are required to have a Berry issued ID card. Campus Police, at the Welcome Center, is
responsible for making new and replacement cards. ID cards are used for identification, meal plan,
discounts in the local community, and access at residence halls. The ID card remains the property of Berry
College and must be returned on request. Replacement ID cards cost $30.00. Students will produce their
ID on request of any college official.
¢ Residency Requirements
Berry College is a residential college and students are expected to live on campus unless given permission
to do otherwise.
Eligibility requirements
Any person who has been admitted to the college and is enrolled as a full-time, undergraduate
student may enter into a housing contract with the college.
Students who are 25 years or older, married, or have already earned a degree are not eligible for
campus housing.
Any resident wishing to remain in housing while not maintaining a full load (12 credit hours) of
academic classes in the same term must notify the Office of Residence Life in advance and/or may
be required to vacate the premises within 48 hours of notification.
If a resident fails to enroll or to pay fees this results in a loss of status as an enrolled student, the
resident agrees to vacate the premises within 48 hours of notification.
A resident may not sublet or rent a room or permit another person to share a room assignment.
A resident may not use any facilities or areas of the residence halls, including the room assigned
to the resident, for any commercial purpose or activity.
Off Campus Application
Berry College is a residential college, and students are expected to live on campus unless given
permission to do otherwise.
Students who meet any of the following criteria may request permission to live off campus:
Students 25 years of age or older
Students who are married
Residing with their parents within a 40-mile drive of Berry College;
Part-time (less than 12 hours)
If you feel you meet one of these criteria, you must complete an Off Campus Application to request
permission and be granted permission to move off-campus. Permission must be granted before any lease
arrangements are made. Students enrolled in classes and not approved to live off-campus will be assigned
an on-campus space by the Office of Residence Life.
Married Student Housing
Berry College does not offer married student housing. It is assumed that once students marry they will
move off campus with their spouse.
I. Opening Statement and Purpose
Berry College is a residential academic community that is grounded in relationships built on trust and
respect. The College seeks to provide a learning and working environment conducive to thought,
creativity, and growth, where individuals are free to realize their full potential. Sexual harassment,
assault and other forms of sexual misconduct are fundamentally at odds with these goals and an affront
to human dignity. In both obvious and subtle ways, sexual misconduct harms students, faculty, and staff,
as well as the academic community as a whole.
Berry College will not tolerate sexual misconduct and will work diligently to prevent and eliminate sexual
misconduct at the College.
Berry prohibits sexual misconduct by faculty, staff, students and those who use Berry facilities. The
prohibition applies regardless of the gender of the reporter or of the respondent and includes sexual
relationships involving a status differential and those between peers, colleagues, and co-workers. This
policy applies to all members of the Berry community as they interact with one another in both on- and
off-campus settings. Acts of sexual assault by or against students, employees, visitors to the campus, or
other persons who use Berry facilities will not be tolerated and will be pursued under Berry’s sexual
misconduct policy without regard to whether they are pursued separately by law enforcement.
This Sexual Misconduct Policy serves as Berry’s overarching policy against sexual misconduct and
gender- or sex-based discrimination in all of its forms. The accompanying Formal Grievance Policy, which
is linked here and is found below as Appendix A to this Sexual Misconduct Policy, covers a narrower sub-
set of sexual harassment that must be addressed pursuant to a defined formal grievance process as
required by the U.S. Department of Education under new Title IX Regulations, effective August 14, 2020.
When sexual misconduct meets the criteria specified in the Title IX Regulations, it must be addressed
under the Formal Grievance Policy, and not this overarching Sexual Misconduct Policy, to the extent the
processes differ between the two policies. See 34 C.F.R. § 106.44-.45; see Sections I-II of each policy.
Otherwise, this overarching Sexual Misconduct Policy will apply (e.g., the definitions in this Policy apply
to the Formal Grievance Policy). Combined, Berry’s policies and procedures are intended to ensure that
all students impacted by an incident or complaint of sexual misconduct receive appropriate support and
fair treatment, and that allegations of sexual misconduct are handled in a prompt, thorough and
equitable manner.
Relevant terms are defined in Sections II below and XIII at the end of this Policy.
Nothing in this policy is to be construed to limit academic freedom and appropriately exercised free
expression within the College (see statement on Academic Freedom in the Faculty/Staff Handbook
located on VikingWeb (Employee Tab, Employee Handbook)
Written, auditory, or visual course materials which are used for educational purposes or which are part
of academic or cultural programs, do not necessarily constitute sexual misconduct, regardless of their
sexual, erotic, suggestive, or vulgar content and regardless of whether they may be offensive to some
Berry will review, evaluate, and make any revisions or amendments to its policies on an ongoing and as-
needed basis. This Policy and the accompanying Formal Grievance Policy shall apply to all Reports and
Complaints of sexual misconduct received by Berry’s Title IX Coordinator on or after August 14, 2020,
regardless of the date of the alleged incident. These policies will not be applied retroactively. The prior
iteration of this policy shall apply to Reports and Complaints received by the Title IX Coordinator prior to
August 14, 2020.
Inquiries about the application of this policy should be directed to Berry’s Title IX Coordinator:
Lindsey Taylor
Hermann Hall 208
P.O. Box 495009
Mount Berry, Georgia 30149-5009
(706) 236-2207
II. Scope of Policy
A. Scope
This Policy, its supplemental procedural guidance, and the Formal Grievance Policy are intended to
protect and guide individuals who have been affected by sex/gender discrimination and sexual
misconduct, whether as a Complainant, a Respondent, or as a witness, and to provide fair and equitable
procedures for investigation and resolution of Reports and Complaints.
As noted above, when sexual misconduct meets the criteria specified in new Title IX Regulations,
effective August 14, 2020, it must be addressed under the Formal Grievance Policy, and not this
overarching Sexual Misconduct Policy, to the extent the processes differ between the two policies. The
Formal Grievance Policy applies to “sexual harassment” in a Berry “education program or activity”
against a person in the United States. 34 C.F.R. § 106.44(a). “Sexual harassment” is defined in the
Regulations (§ 106.30) to be conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following:
1. A Berry employee conditioning the provision of an aid, benefit, or service on an individual’s
participation in unwelcome sexual conduct (“quid pro quo”);
2. Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and
objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to Berry’s education
program or activity; or
3. Sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking. (These terms are defined in the
Definitions section below, Section XIII.)
“Sexual misconduct,” which is addressed in this overarching Sexual Misconduct Policy, is a broader term
that covers sex-based conduct beyond the Title IX Regulations’ “sexual harassment” definition. Examples
may include sexual exploitation and many forms of verbal harassment that may not meet the
Regulations’ definition of “sexual harassment.”
Additionally, the Title IX Regulations’ jurisdictional criteria is narrower than this overarching Sexual
Misconduct Policy. The Formal Grievance Policy applies to a Berry “education program or activity,”
which is defined by the Regulations to include locations, events or circumstances over which Berry
exercises substantial control over both the respondent and the context in which the sexual harassment
occurs, and also includes any building owned or controlled by a student organization that is officially
recognized by Berry. Pursuant to the Regulations, it excludes any “education program or activity” that
does not occur in the United States. (§ 106.44(a).)
If sexual misconduct is alleged to have occurred that does not satisfy the Title IX Regulations’
jurisdictional criteria, such as off-campus sexual misconduct (including sexual harassment) alleged to
have an on-campus effect or occurring during a study abroad program, then it may be addressed
pursuant to this overarching Sexual Misconduct Policy.
Berry retains the right to utilize different processes for certain Title IX cases. For example, cases meeting
the criteria of the new Title IX Regulations will be governed by the accompanying Formal Grievance
Policy. Cases that are reported during the non-academic year or that extend into the non-academic year
may proceed under different processes in the discretion of the Title IX Coordinator as long as they do
not conflict with Berry’s policies. While the Formal Grievance Policy applies to alleged employee sexual
harassment per the Title IX Regulations, this overarching Sexual Misconduct Policy does not apply to
alleged employee sexual misconduct or discrimination that falls outside of the new Title IX Regulations;
such alleged misconduct between employees or between an employee and a non-student are governed
by the Employee Handbook, and Berry retains the right to apply modified processes for cases involving
such alleged misconduct in which a student is a party if an employee or faculty member is also a party to
the case.
B. Overview of Policy and Certain Key Definitions
Berry will investigate all reports received by the Title IX Coordinator of sex/gender discrimination and
sexual misconduct (“Reports”). Berry is authorized under this Sexual Misconduct Policy and its
accompanying Formal Grievance Policy to take certain actions to address or remedy sex/gender
discrimination and sexual misconduct after receiving a Report, during an investigation, and after an
investigation even if the matter does not proceed to a hearing or an informal resolution.
Anyone can report an incident of sex/gender discrimination and sexual misconduct to Berry under the
procedure described in Section VIII of this Policy. For example, a “Reporter” can be any individual who
reports to Berry that they are a victim or survivor of sex/gender discrimination or sexual misconduct or
that they have been affected by sex/gender discrimination or sexual misconduct (sometimes referred to
as a “First-Party Reporter”) or that they have knowledge of sex/gender discrimination or sexual
misconduct happening to or affecting someone else (sometimes referred to as a “Third-Party
A Report will become a “Complaint” if a First-Party Reporter files a written document with the Title IX
Coordinator describing an incident of sex/gender discrimination or sexual misconduct and indicating
that they want Berry to take further steps, such as a full investigation and possibly holding an
adjudication to resolve the alleged issue. Berry can also convert a Report to a “Complaint” if Berry
determines that, in order to meet its Title IX obligations to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory
environment for the broader Berry Community, it must take further steps to address and resolve the
matter. A Formal Complaint under the Formal Grievance Policy is a type of Complaint. See Formal
Grievance Policy, Section IV.A., regarding Formal Complaints.
A “Complainant” refers to an individual who is alleged to have been subjected to an incident of
sex/gender discrimination or sexual misconduct (i.e., a First-Party Reporter or a victim or person who
has otherwise been affected by sex/gender discrimination or sexual misconduct, or under the Formal
Grievance Policy governing sexual harassment, an individual who is alleged to be the victim of conduct
that could constitute sexual harassment). A Complainant has certain rights under this Policy, as
discussed below. A Reporter who reports witnessing sex/gender discrimination or sexual misconduct
happening to or affecting someone else (i.e., a Third-Party Reporter) can file a Report and request that it
be treated as a Complaint, but that does not make them a Complainant. Similarly, the fact that the Title
IX Coordinator may elevate a Report to a Complaint does not make the Title IX Coordinator a
A “Respondent” refers to an individual who has been accused of conduct that could constitute sexual
misconduct prohibited under this Policy (or, under the Formal Grievance Policy governing sexual
harassment, an individual who has been reported to be the perpetrator of conduct that could constitute
sexual harassment). A student Respondent has certain rights under this Policy, as discussed below, and
under the Formal Grievance Policy when that policy is applicable.
A “third party” refers to any other participant in the process, including a witness to the incident or an
individual who makes a Report on behalf of someone else.
As used throughout this Policy, references to the “Title IX Coordinator” shall include any Deputy Title IX
Coordinator and any other person expressly designated by the Title IX Coordinator to act on their behalf.
Additional definitions are contained in Section XIII at the end of this Policy.
III. Title IX and Nondiscrimination
Title IX is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally
funded education program or activity. Title IX prohibits use of federal money to support sex
discrimination in education programs and provides individuals effective protection against such
practices. Title IX applies, with a few specific exceptions, to all aspects of federally funded education
programs and activities. In addition to traditional education institutions such as colleges, universities,
and elementary and secondary schools, Title IX also applies to any education or training program
operated by a recipient of federal financial assistance.
Consistent with Title IX, as well as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and any related federal, state,
and local laws, Berry prohibits all unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation on the basis of
sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation in any employment decision,
education program or educational activity. This policy applies to all members of the Berry Community.
As required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Berry does not discriminate on the basis of
sex or gender in its educational, extracurricular, athletic or other programs and activities, or in the
context of admissions or employment at the College.
As part of its commitment to maintaining a community free of discrimination, and in compliance with
Title IX’s mandate, Berry will address allegations of sexual misconduct or harassment in a timely and
effective way, provide resources as needed for affected persons (Reporters, Complainants, Respondents
and third parties within the Berry Community), and not tolerate retaliation against any person who
reports sex/gender discrimination or sexual misconduct.
Any individual designated by Berry to have the duty to report alleged sex/gender-based discrimination,
sexual harassment and/or retaliation (known as a “Mandatory Reporter”) and who fails to report such
conduct may be subjected to sanctions by Berry.
Inquiries about the application of Title IX should be directed to Berry’s Title IX Coordinator. Additional
information can be found on Berry’s website:
Inquiries about the application of Title IX also can be directed to the U.S. Department of Education’s
Office for Civil Rights.
IV. Retaliation, Misuse of Confidential Information, and False Accusations
Berry expressly prohibits retaliation against anyone who: 1) in good faith, reports what they believe is
discrimination or sexual misconduct, 2) participates in any investigation or proceeding under this Policy,
or 3) opposes conduct that they believe to violate this Policy. Retaliation includes intimidation,
harassment, threats, or other adverse action or speech against the person who reported the
misconduct, the parties, and their witnesses.
Consistent with FERPA’s prohibition on re-disclosure of confidential information, any person who
receives another person’s confidential information solely as a result of participation in any investigation
or proceeding under this Policy, is prohibited from using or disclosing such confidential information
outside of such forums without express consent or for any improper purpose. This provision only applies
to other people’s confidential information, as a party is never restricted from discussing their own
experience. This provision does not apply to any information learned outside of an investigation or
proceeding under this Policy.
Berry will not only take steps to prevent retaliation, but it will also take strong corrective action if it
occurs. Anyone who believes they have been the victim of retaliation should immediately report it to
the Title IX Coordinator, who shall treat it as a Report. Any individual found to have retaliated against
another individual will be in violation of this Policy and will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and
potentially including termination for employees and expulsion for students.
Anyone who knowingly makes a false accusation of unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation
of any form will be subject to an investigation for a potential violation of this Policy and may be subject
to disciplinary action, up to and potentially including termination for employees and expulsion for
V. Time Considerations for Reporting and Filing Title IX Complaints of Sex/Gender Discrimination and
Sexual Misconduct
There is no time limit for reporting incidents of Sex/Gender Discrimination or Sexual Misconduct under
this Policy, although Berry encourages reports to be made as soon as possible. Any individual who has
been subjected to, or who knows of or has witnessed, an incident of Sex/Gender Discrimination or
Sexual Misconduct is encouraged to report the incident or file a Complaint immediately in order to
maximize Berry’s ability to obtain information and conduct an adequate, thorough, prompt, and
impartial investigation into the incident. A delayed Report of alleged Sex/Gender Discrimination or
Sexual Misconduct may result in the loss of relevant information, evidence, and reliable witness
testimony, and may impair Berry’s ability to fully investigate the incident.
VI. Medical Assistance Policy for Alcohol and Illegal Drug Use Violations for Individuals Who Report
Incidents of Sexual Misconduct
Berry strongly encourages individuals who have been involved in, or who know of, or have witnessed,
incidents of Sex/Gender Discrimination or Sexual Misconduct to report such incidents as soon as
possible. Berry recognizes that students involved (e.g. as witnesses, bystanders, third parties, or
Complainants) who may have violated drug and alcohol laws or policies may be hesitant to report out of
fear of sanction. Therefore, in order to encourage reporting in all situations, anyone who reports or
experiences Sex/Gender Discrimination or Sexual Misconduct may be granted reprieve for any violation
of Berry’s drug and alcohol policies that occurred in connection with the reported incident. Berry
intends to grant such amnesty for all but the most egregious violations of its drug and alcohol policies;
however, individuals may be provided with resources on drug and alcohol counseling and/or education,
as appropriate.
Other Viking Code policy violations discovered during a Title IX process may be referred to the
appropriate Berry office(s).
VII. Available Resources and Recommended Immediate Steps Following An Incident of Sex/Gender
Discrimination and/or Sexual Misconduct
Berry College Police Department
Emergency Assistance:
City of Rome Police Department:
Floyd Medical Center
304 Turner McCall Blvd.
Floyd County Police Department
Redmond Regional Hospital
501 Redmond Rd.
For additional off-campus support services, contact the Sexual Assault Center of Northwest Georgia at
(706) 292-9024.
Berry is aware that an individual who has been subjected to, or who knows of or who has witnessed a
sex offense may experience physical, mental and emotional trauma as a result of the incident. A victim
of sexual violence (e.g., sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking) is encouraged to
follow these procedures immediately following the occurrence, when possible:
1. Get to a safe place immediately and call someone you trust.
2. If sexual contact and/or penetration occurred, do not wash, shower, bathe, use the toilet or
change clothing or bedding. Preserve any evidence. Examples of such evidence include:
Clothing worn during the incident, including but not limited to undergarments;
Sheets, bedding, and condoms, if used;
A list of witnesses with contact information;
Text messages, emails, call history, and social media posts; and
Pictures of any injuries.
3. You are encouraged, but not required, to call the appropriate law enforcement agency. To
contact the City of Rome Police Department, call (706) 2238-5111. Berry College Police
Department, (706) 236-2262, can assist any student with reporting a crime to the City of Rome
Police Department. Even if you do not intend to pursue a criminal investigation immediately,
you may wish to speak with law enforcement resources or sex assault counsellors about
preserving evidence. This may allow you to proceed at a later time with a criminal complaint, if
you later decide to do so.
4. Get medical attention. Berry College Police will assist you in calling Emergency Medical Services
(911) if you ask them to. Berry also encourages you to go, or have someone else take you,
directly to a medical facility or medical provider of your choice. Any medical provider should be
instructed to collect and preserve relevant evidence, or if they are not experienced in doing so
themselves, to contact the Sexual Assault Center of Northwest Georgia at (706) 292-9024. For
additional off-campus support services, contact the Sexual Assault Center of Northwest Georgia
at (706) 292-9024. The Center has individuals who will provide support and, if desired, will
accompany victims of sexual assault to Floyd Medical Center or Redmond Regional Hospital and
will stay with them while they receive medical treatment.
5. Berry will assist an individual who has been subjected to, who knows of, or who has witnessed
an incident of sexual misconduct in obtaining the services of counseling professionals, if
requested. Berry encourages you to seek support services. For on-campus student counseling
services, contact the Counseling Center at (706) 236-2259. For off-campus counseling and
advocacy services, contact the Sexual Assault Center of Northwest Georgia at (706) 292-9024.
Berry will provide as much assistance as possible but cannot assume financial responsibility for
such services.
6. All members of the campus community are encouraged to seek resources and support related
to sex/gender discrimination and sexual misconduct proceedings, including Respondents,
witnesses and bystanders. For more information, see Berry’s Title IX website at
VIII. Options and Procedures for Reporting or Disclosing Title IX Incidents of Sex/Gender
Discrimination or Sexual Misconduct
A. Options for Reporting to Berry Under This Policy
Anyone can report an incident of sex/gender discrimination or sexual misconduct to Berry (a “Report”).
A Report can be made by any individual who is a victim or survivor of sex/gender discrimination or
sexual misconduct, who has been affected by sex/gender discrimination or sexual misconduct, or who
has knowledge of sex/gender discrimination or sexual misconduct happening to or affecting someone
else. A Report may be made anonymously.
Berry strongly encourages all individuals to report incidents of sexual misconduct and sex/gender
discrimination even if the individual does not intend to pursue a Complaint. Even if Berry does not
have jurisdiction over the Respondent, Berry may take prompt action to provide supportive measures
for the safety and well-being of any affected person and the broader Berry community. No person
should assume that an incident has already been reported by someone else or that Berry already knows
about a particular situation.
In order to make a Report to Berry, a reporting individual may do one or more of the following:
Report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator via email to [email protected], in person, by mail, or by
phone. See Section I for the Title IX Coordinator’s contact information. Reporters are encouraged, but
not required, to direct their Reports to the Title IX Coordinator. Reports may also be made to the Deputy
Title IX officers listed below:
Lindsay Norman, Associate Dean of Students, lnorma[email protected]
Wayne Phipps, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources,
Report the incident to any faculty or staff member. It is important to know that, with the exception of
the “confidential resources” staff listed below in Section VIII.B., all Berry faculty and staff are Mandatory
Reporters and are required by Berry to report any knowledge they receive of possible violations of this
Policy to the Title IX Coordinator. Mandatory Reporters must relay all known information about any
reported policy violation, including but not limited to: the names of involved individuals, the nature of
the incident, and the time and location of the incident.
All Resident Assistants are Campus Security Authorities under the Clery Act and are required to report
any knowledge of possible violations of the policy for Clery purposes. No other students are obligated to
report knowledge they may have of sexual misconduct, including student employees of Berry who are
considered students and not staff for purposes of this Policy and are not Mandatory Reporters.
Once the Title IX Coordinator learns of any Report of alleged sex/gender discrimination or sexual
misconduct, whether from a direct Report or from a Mandatory Reporter, they will implement
supportive measures as needed and initiate an investigation into the alleged incident. The form of the
investigation may vary, particularly if the conduct alleged is governed by the U.S. Department of
Education’s Title IX Regulations, in which case Berry’s Formal Grievance Policy at Appendix A will apply.
Following an investigation, the Title IX Coordinator has authority to resolve a Report, including the
implementation of any supportive measures, and close the case if the Report does not constitute or
become a Complaint.
After making a Report, an individual may choose to file or request a Complaint and pursue resolution
(under this policy or the Formal Grievance Policy, as applicable) or, if applicable, an Informal Resolution
involving the Respondent; may choose to be involved or not be involved in Berry’s investigation and any
related proceedings; or may choose to end involvement in the process.
B. Options Utilizing Confidential Resources
Rather than making a Report, individuals can confidentially discuss incidents of sex/gender
discrimination and sexual misconduct with one of the following Berry “confidential resources”:
Health Center staff Ladd Center (706) 236-2267
Counseling Center staff Ladd Center (706) 236-2259
College Chaplain Krannert Center (706) 236-2217
Michael McElveen Cage Center- (706) 365-5633
Ashley Demonbreun-Chapman Ladd Center (706) 238-7957
Disclosures made to these confidential resources will be held in strict confidence, and will not constitute
a Report to Berry under this Policy. These confidential resources may assist individuals with making
Reports or filing Complaints if, and only if, the Complainant requests that they do so or if there is an
emergency in which the Complainant cannot report the alleged sexual misconduct.
Additionally, in order to assist Berry in collecting data and identifying potential patterns or systemic
problems related to sexual violence on and off campus, the “confidential resources” staff will convey
general and non-personally-identifiable information about the incident (i.e. nature, time and location of
the incident) to the Title IX Coordinator. Because such communications will necessarily lack any
personally-identifying information, they will not constitute Reports and generally will not be
investigated unless a pattern or systemic problem is discovered. Again, Berry strongly encourages all
individuals to report incidents of sexual misconduct to the Title IX office, including with the assistance of
confidential resources, if they wish for the incident to be investigated; otherwise, Berry fully respects
the confidential resources’ strict confidence when the Reporter chooses not to report.
C. Options for Notifying Off-Campus Law Enforcement Authorities
Individuals can, but are not required to, notify off-campus law enforcement authorities about any
incident of alleged sex/gender discrimination and sexual misconduct, including by dialing (911), calling
the City of Rome Police Department at (706) 238-5111, and/or calling the Sexual Assault Center of
Northwest Georgia at (706) 292-9024. Individuals can also contact other law enforcement agencies,
depending on the location of the incident. Notifying off-campus law enforcement authorities will not
constitute a Report to Berry under this Policy, but it may or may not result in such authorities reporting
relevant information back to Berry which Berry will investigate.
Individuals can request assistance from Berry faculty and staff in notifying appropriate law enforcement
authorities, which Berry will encourage them to provide. Requesting such assistance from a Mandatory
Reporter will constitute a Report as described above.
D. Option to Not Report
Individuals can choose not to notify Berry or any law enforcement authorities about an alleged incident
of sex/gender discrimination or sexual misconduct.
IX. Filing a Complaint of Title IX Sex/Gender Discrimination or Sexual Misconduct
If an individual wishes to pursue an incident of Title IX sexual misconduct or sex/gender discrimination
beyond simply reporting it, they may file a Complaint. The filing of a Complaint means that the
individual is asking Berry to take further steps, such as a full investigation and possibly holding an
adjudication to resolve the alleged issue. Any Complainant (i.e., an alleged victim or survivor or someone
who has otherwise been directly affected by sex/gender discrimination or sexual misconduct) may file a
Complaint, and Berry will treat it as such. Any Third-Party Reporter may request that Berry treat their
Report as a Complaint, but that would not make the Third-Party Reporter into a Complainant, and Berry
shall have discretion on whether to treat the Third-Party Report as a Complaint.
In order to meet its Title IX obligations to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for the
broader Berry Community, Berry may convert a Report into a Complaint if Berry determines that it must
take additional steps to protect the Berry Community.
Depending on the conduct alleged and the location of the incident, a Complaint will be governed by
either this Policy or the accompanying Formal Grievance Policy. A Formal Complaint under the Formal
Grievance Policy is a type of Complaint. (See Formal Grievance Policy, Section IV.A., regarding Formal
Complaints, and Sections I-II of each policy for descriptions of the scope of each respective policy.)
A. Filing a Complaint
Anyone seeking to file a Complaint of individual or institutional Sex/Gender Discrimination or Sexual
Misconduct may do so with the Title IX Coordinator. Complaints must be in writing and include all
information that the filer believes to be relevant (e.g., time, location and nature of incident, names of
individuals involved in or witnesses to the incident, names of other persons affected by the incident,
etc.). Alternatively, an individual can also file a Complaint by meeting with the Title IX Coordinator and
providing a verbal description of the Sex/Gender Discrimination or Sexual Misconduct, which the Title IX
Coordinator will use to draft a written document that the individual will review, verify and sign to
constitute a Complaint.
B. Action Following the Filing of a Complaint
Berry will investigate all Complaints of Sex/Gender Discrimination or Sexual Misconduct. A Complaint
meeting the criteria of the Formal Grievance Policy (a “Formal” Complaint) will proceed according to
that Policy instead of the provisions below.
For a Complaint that does not meet the criteria of the Formal Grievance Policy, Berry’s process will
typically involve an investigation phase and then proceed to a Resolution Hearing before a Sexual
Misconduct Hearing Board to determine whether the Respondent is responsible or not responsible for
having violated this Policy, except in the circumstances described below. In some instances, an Informal
Resolution also may be an option for resolving a Complaint.
C. The Title IX Coordinator shall have discretion to resolve a Complaint without a Resolution Hearing in
the following circumstances:
1. if Berry lacks jurisdiction;
2. if a case involves a Berry employee (faculty, staff member or contract services employee), the
Title IX Coordinator shall coordinate with the Chief Human Resources Officer about appropriate
processes and/or resolution;
3. if the allegations could not constitute a Policy violation under any alleged circumstances;
4. if the Complaint is eligible for the Informal Resolution process;
5. if the Complaint was requested by a Third-Party Reporter who reported witnessing sex/gender
discrimination or sexual misconduct happening to or affecting someone else, the Title IX
Coordinator shall have discretion to resolve the Complaint or to provide modified hearing
procedures, particularly to account for the alleged victim’s wishes (e.g., if they do not wish to
pursue the Complaint as a first-party Complainant);
6. if the Complainant and Respondent both consent to an alternative resolution, with such consent
obtained independently from each person by the Title IX Coordinator to avoid a risk of coercion;
7. for matters that do not involve Berry employees (faculty, staff member or contract services
employee), if either Complainant or Respondent, or both, are not Berry students, or cease to be
Berry students prior to final resolution of the Complaint (e.g., a student withdrawal), the Title IX
Coordinator shall have discretion to resolve the Complaint or to provide modified hearing
8. or, if the Respondent admits responsibility for a violation, the Title IX Coordinator shall have
discretion to resolve the Complaint or to provide modified hearing procedures to help the
Hearing Board decide appropriate sanctions.
In all circumstances, the Title IX Coordinator shall have authority to impose supportive measures and
make accommodations consistent with Section XI below and take other measures consistent the Berry
Student Handbook; and for employee matters, the Director of Human Resources shall have authority to
take action consistent with the Berry Employee Handbook.
D. A person may withdraw a Complaint. If a Complaint is withdrawn, Berry will treat the withdrawn
Complaint as a Report and proceed accordingly.
X. Confidential and Anonymous Reporting
As discussed above in Section VIII.B., individuals can confidentially discuss incidents of sex/gender
discrimination and sexual misconduct with Berry’s “confidential resources” staff. Those discussions will
remain confidential and not be considered a Report to Berry.
Anonymous reports may also be made to the Title IX Coordinator. Berry will attempt to investigate
anonymous reports but often will be inhibited without being able to collect evidence from and ask
follow up questions to a complainant; thus, supportive measures and the potential for resolution may
be diminished.
A Reporter can make a Report disclosing their name but requesting confidentiality. An affected person
who is the subject of a Third-Party Report can also request confidentiality. In such instances, if they also
request that no investigation or disciplinary action be pursued, the Title IX Coordinator will respect the
request for confidentiality as long as only personal supportive measures are requested and grounds do
not exist to convert the Report into a Complaint. A request for confidentiality cannot be fulfilled in the
case of a Complaint. Further, in some instances, Berry may deny or modify a request for confidentiality
when weighed against Berry’s obligation to provide a safe, non-discriminatory environment for all
students, considering many factors, including:
The seriousness of the alleged misconduct;
Whether there have been other reports of Sex/Gender Discrimination or Sexual Misconduct
against the Respondent known by Berry;
Whether the Respondent has allegedly threatened further misconduct or violence;
Whether the alleged misconduct was committed by multiple perpetrators;
Whether the alleged misconduct involved use of a weapon;
The age of the individual subjected to the alleged misconduct;
Whether Berry possesses other means to obtain relevant evidence of the alleged misconduct;
Whether the Report reveals a pattern of misconduct at a particular location or by a particular
individual or group of individuals; and
The accused individual’s right to receive information about the allegations if the information is
maintained by Berry as an “education record” under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy
Act (FERPA), if applicable.
In an instance where Berry determines it must deny or modify a request for confidentiality, the Title IX
Coordinator will inform the requesting individual prior to making the disclosure to anyone beyond
necessary school officials. Any such disclosure will be limited to only individuals with a need to know
such information. Consistent with FERPA’s prohibition on re-disclosure of confidential information, any
recipient is prohibited from using or disclosing other people’s confidential information, learned as a
result of participation in any investigation or proceeding under this Policy, outside of such forums
without express consent or for any improper purpose. In all instances, members of the Berry Community
should understand that Title IX prohibits retaliation against anyone reporting a potential Title IX
incident, and that Berry officials will not only take steps to prevent retaliation but also take strong
responsive action if it occurs.
In all cases of alleged gender/sex discrimination or misconduct under this Policy reported to the Title IX
Coordinator, Berry will investigate and implement supportive measures. Please note that Berry’s ability
to investigate and respond fully to an incident may be limited because of requests for confidentiality or
to not proceed with disciplinary action.
XI. Supportive Measures
In cases of reported alleged Sex/Gender Discrimination or Sexual Misconduct involving students, Berry
may implement supportive measures immediately or at any time that Berry determines such measures
are necessary. The Title IX Coordinator shall have responsibility for determining such supportive
measures. Some of these supportive measures also may continue in effect after an investigation is
closed or as post-hearing sanctions or accommodations, depending on the outcome of the investigation
and hearing. Examples of supportive measures that Berry may consider and elect to implement include,
but are not limited to:
facilitating leaves of absence for impacted parties, to the extent practicable;
implementing a mutual “no contact” order to govern, and attempt to avoid, interaction
between affected individuals;
providing a campus safety escort to ensure a Complainant can move safely between buildings,
classes, dining halls, and activities on campus;
ensuring that the Complainant and the Respondent do not attend the same classes, seminars,
functions, meetings, etc.;
offering to provide or facilitate the provision of medical, counseling and mental health services,
but not necessarily covering the cost of such services;
providing education regarding gender discrimination, sexual misconduct, alcohol and drug use,
incapacitation and consent, etc.;
reviewing any academic challenges or any disciplinary actions taken against the Complainant to
see if there is a causal connection between the events that may have impacted the
changing on-campus living arrangements, when reasonable;
providing increased monitoring, supervision, or security at locations or activities where the
misconduct occurred;
limiting the access of the individual accused of the misconduct to certain Berry facilities until the
matter is resolved, including the possibility of an interim suspension if warranted;
Berry may also, upon request, arrange for the re-taking, changing, or withdrawing from classes,
and in such instances, Berry will make every reasonable effort to mitigate any academic or
financial penalty for providing such arrangements; and
Berry may also request for the extension of deadlines or other course-related adjustments
through the Provost’s Office.
Supportive measures shall be balanced based on the facts collected, seriousness of the allegations, and
the potential safety risks posed to the Berry Community. Supportive measures are designed to restore
or preserve equal access to Berry’s education program and activities without unreasonably burdening
the other party, including measures designed to protect the safety of all parties or Berry’s educational
environment, or deter sexual misconduct. Berry will maintain as confidential any personal supportive
measures provided to only the Complainant or only to the Respondent, to the extent that maintaining
such confidentiality would not impair its ability to provide the supportive measures (e.g., not applicable
to mutual no contact orders).
Berry may also consider and take supportive measures that affect the broader Berry Community and
which are aimed to eliminate occurrences of Sex/Gender Discrimination or Sexual Misconduct and to
promote academic and employment environments free of such conduct.
If a Respondent student withdraws from Berry while a Complaint is pending, supportive measures may
be continued. The Respondent may be required to notify the Title IX Coordinator if they intend to visit
any building owned or controlled by Berry or a student organization that is officially recognized by Berry,
or if they otherwise seek to attend any Berry education program or activity or event, so that the
Complainant may be given an opportunity to receive supportive measures if needed. The Respondent’s
student records also may be marked to indicate their departure during a disciplinary process (which may
resume if they return to Berry), but shall not indicate that such Respondent was found or assumed
responsible for any alleged misconduct pending at the time of departure.
XII. Investigation and Resolution Processes For Cases In Which Both Parties Are Students
This Section describes Berry’s investigation and resolution processes for cases in which both parties
are students and in which the conduct alleged does not trigger the Berry Formal Grievance Policy.
A. Investigation
Berry will investigate all Reports of sex/gender discrimination and sexual misconduct reported to the
Title IX Coordinator regardless of whether the Report becomes a Complaint. The investigation and
adjudication procedures (if needed) shall be prompt, fair, and impartial. The process typically will begin
with intake meetings conducted by the Title IX Coordinator. The investigation phase may include
interviewing the Complainant/ First-Party Reporter, the Respondent, and any witnesses; reviewing law
enforcement investigation documents if applicable; reviewing relevant student files; and gathering and
examining other relevant documents and evidence.
For Reports, the Title IX Coordinator or their designee will conduct an initial investigation. If that initial
investigation demonstrates that the case may implicate Berry’s Title IX obligations to provide a safe and
nondiscriminatory environment for the broader Berry Community, the Title IX Coordinator will/may
treat the Report as a Complaint and follow the Complaint processes outlined. If the Title IX Coordinator
determines that the Report does not implicate Berry’s Title IX obligations, then after the Title IX
Coordinator’s investigation, implementation of any supportive measures, and finalization of any
investigation memo, the Title IX Coordinator will be authorized to close the matter.
For Complaints, the Title IX Coordinator will appoint an investigator to handle the investigation. This
Investigator will be a different person than the Title IX Coordinator. Following the investigation, the
Investigator will draft an investigation report succinctly describing all collected information. The report
will be delivered to the Title IX Coordinator, who will analyze the report to ensure that the investigation
was prompt, fair, impartial, thorough, and consistent with this policy. The Investigator will not make any
recommendation as to whether a policy violation has occurred or potential sanctions. Depending on
how the Complaint proceeds, the investigation report and other materials related to the investigation
may be presented at a Resolution Hearing and/or may be presented during an Informal Resolution
Berry will make reasonable efforts to balance and protect the rights of the parties during any
investigation commenced under this Policy. Berry will respect the privacy of the parties and any
witnesses in a manner consistent with Berry’s obligations to investigate the alleged incident, and take
appropriate interim and/or corrective action. The Title IX Coordinator will keep the parties reasonably
informed of the status of the investigation.
Both Complainants and Respondents may utilize Advisors and Supporters throughout the investigation
process, including to accompany them to any hearing, meetings, or related disciplinary proceeding.
Neither Advisors nor Supporters are permitted to directly participate in Resolution Hearings or Informal
Resolution meetings; they may be present solely to advise or support the party and are prohibited from
speaking directly to the Investigator, the Hearing Board, other parties, or witnesses.
B. Informal Resolution
For Complaints with a student Respondent, at the discretion of the Title IX Coordinator, the parties may
opt to pursue an Informal Resolution as an alternative to a Resolution Hearing. An Informal Resolution
involves a remedies-based, non-judicial process designed to eliminate or address potential sexual
misconduct. This process aims to assure fairness, to facilitate communication, and to maintain an
equitable balance of power between the parties. Berry will not compel face-to-face confrontation
between the parties or participation in any particular form of Informal Resolution.
The Title IX Coordinator will make an initial decision about whether a case qualifies for an Informal
Resolution, and if both parties then agree to pursue that path, Berry will halt any investigation or
scheduled Resolution Hearing so that the parties can explore the possibility of informal resolution.
Participation in an Informal Resolution is voluntary, and either party can request to end the Informal
Resolution process at any time and return the investigation or proceeding to a resolution hearing.
Agreements reached in an Informal Resolution are final and not subject to appeal.
C. Resolution Hearing
A Resolution Hearing is Berry’s disciplinary proceeding through which a Sexual Misconduct Hearing
Board evaluates evidence related to a Complaint to determine whether a student Respondent is
responsible or not responsible for a violation of this Policy, based on the criteria of “a preponderance of
evidence.” Under this standard, the burden of proof is met and a Respondent may be found responsible
for a Policy violation if the Sexual Misconduct Hearing Board determines that it is more likely than not
that the Respondent committed the violation. If the Respondent is found in violation of the Policy, the
Respondent may be subjected to disciplinary action.
The Sexual Misconduct Hearing Board will consist of three trained faculty and/or staff members. None
of the members of the Sexual Misconduct Hearing Board will be the same as either the Title IX
Coordinator or the Investigator.
The parties will be provided notice of the date, time and location of the hearing. At least ten (10)
business days prior to a hearing, both parties and the Sexual Misconduct Hearing Board will be provided
access to a hearing packet containing the investigation report and other information pertinent to the
hearing. The hearing may consist of testimony by the parties, witnesses and the Investigator, and may
include the presentation of other evidence. Hearings, including those that occur during the non-
academic year, may be conducted via video conference and/or teleconference, as needed. The Sexual
Misconduct Hearing Board will be allowed to question each witness who appears, and the parties will be
allowed to ask questions through the Sexual Misconduct Hearing Board. Live, verbal, and direct cross-
examination of a party or witness is not permitted under this Policy by a party or that party’s Advisor
(unlike in the Formal Grievance Process required for addressing defined sexual harassment). The parties
will be provided notice of the outcome of the Board’s deliberations, including the determination of
whether the Respondent was found responsible or not responsible for the alleged violation(s) and
applicable sanction(s). Decisions made in a Resolution Hearing may be appealed. The Title IX
Coordinator will be authorized to delay sanctions pending appeal and/or make further accommodations
that are consistent with the Sexual Misconduct Hearing Board’s decision.
D. Appeals
Either Complainant or Respondent may appeal any Sexual Misconduct Hearing Board decision within
five (5) business days of delivery of the Hearing Board’s determination. Appeals can only be raised on
one or more of the following grounds: (1) a procedural irregularity that affected the outcome of the
matter; (2) to consider new facts or information that were not known or knowable to the appealing
party before or during the time of the hearing and that were sufficient to alter the decision; (3) the Title
IX Coordinator, Investigator, or adjudicator(s) had a conflict of interest or bias based on gender or
against the appealing party that affected the outcome of the matter; (4) that the decision reached was
not supported by a preponderance of evidence; or (5) the sanctions were disproportionate to the
findings. The appeal will be reviewed and determined by an Appeals Board, based on the grounds
contained in the appeal statement. Appeals decisions are final and not subject to further review.
XIII. Definitions
Please also refer to Section II.B. for more information about certain key definitions.
Advisor: Refers to an attorney or a non-attorney advisor who can provide assistance to the Complainant
or the Respondent during Resolution Hearings, Informal Resolution conferences, and any other stage of
the processes covered by this Policy, although they are not permitted to directly participate. Berry will
provide a list of faculty and staff who have received training to serve as Advisors, but parties retain the
right to select their own Advisor if they so choose.
Affirmative Consent: Means an affirmative, conscious decision by each participant to engage in mutually
agreed-upon sexual activity. The presence or absence of consent is determined by evaluating the
relevant facts and circumstances. All five of the following elements are essential in order to have
affirmative consent. If one or more of the following is absent, there is no affirmative consent.
A. Consists of Mutually Understandable Communication: Communication regarding consent
consists of mutually understandable words and/or actions that indicate an unambiguous
willingness to engage in sexual activity. In the absence of clear communication or outward
demonstration, there is no consent. Consent may not be inferred from silence, passivity,
lack of resistance or lack of active response. An individual who does not physically resist or
verbally refuse sexual activity is not necessarily giving consent. Relying solely upon non-
verbal communication can lead to an erroneous conclusion as to whether consent was
sought or given. Verbal communication is the best way to ensure all individuals are willing
and consenting to the sexual activity.
B. Informed and Reciprocal: All parties must demonstrate a clear and mutual understanding of
the nature and scope of the act to which they are consenting and a willingness to do the
same thing, at the same time, in the same way.
C. Freely and Actively Given: Consent cannot be obtained through the use of force, coercion,
threats, or intimidation, or by taking advantage of the incapacitation of another individual.
D. Not Unlimited: Consent to one form of sexual contact does not constitute consent to all
forms of sexual contact, nor does consent to sexual activity with one person constitute
consent to activity with any other person. Each participant in a sexual encounter must
consent to each form of sexual contact with each participant. Even in the context of a
current or previous intimate relationship, each party must consent to each instance of
sexual contact each time. The consent must be based on mutually understandable
communication that clearly indicates a willingness to engage in sexual activity. The mere
fact that there has been prior intimacy or sexual activity does not, by itself, imply consent to
future acts.
E. Not Indefinite: Consent may be withdrawn by any party at any time. Recognizing the
dynamic nature of sexual activity, individuals choosing to engage in sexual activity must
evaluate consent in an ongoing manner and communicate clearly throughout all stages of
sexual activity. Withdrawal of consent can be an expressed “no” or can be based on an
outward demonstration that conveys that an individual is confused, uncertain or is no
longer a mutual participant. Once consent is withdrawn, the sexual activity must cease
immediately and all parties must obtain mutually expressed or clearly stated consent before
continuing further sexual activity.
Berry prohibits romantic, sexual, and exploitative relationships between college employees and
students. (See Berry Handbook - Fraternization Policy For Faculty and Staff.)
Appeals Board: Refers to a group of trained Berry faculty and staff members that hears and decides
appeals of findings and sanctions imposed by the Sexual Misconduct Hearing Board (defined below). The
Appeals Board will consist of three members (one of whom will be designated as the board’s
chairperson), selected from a pool of trained faculty and staff who have had no prior involvement in the
case. This Appeals Board is authorized to affirm, alter, or reverse the original findings and/or sanctions
recommended by the Sexual Misconduct Hearing Board. Once issued, the Appeals Board’s decision is
Coercion: Means the use of pressure to compel another individual to initiate or continue activity against
their will, including psychological or emotional pressure, physical or emotional threats, intimidation,
manipulation, or blackmail. A person’s words or conduct are sufficient to constitute coercion if they
wrongfully impair another individual’s freedom of will and ability to choose whether or not to engage in
sexual activity. Examples of coercion include, but are not limited to threatening to “out” someone based
on sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression; threatening to harm oneself if the other
party does not engage in the sexual activity; and threatening to expose someone’s prior sexual activity
to another person and/or through digital media.
Complaint: Refers to a written complaint filed with the Title IX Coordinator alleging any action, policy,
procedure or practice that would be prohibited by Title IX, such as Sex/Gender Discrimination or Sexual
Misconduct, and indicating that they want Berry to take further steps, such as a full investigation and
possibly holding an adjudication to resolve the alleged issue. A Complaint may be filed by a
Complainant. A third-party who knows of or witnessed an incident of Sex/Gender Discrimination or
Sexual Misconduct but who did not suffer such misconduct themselves may request that Berry treat
their third-party Report as a Complaint. Berry can convert a Report to a Complaint if Berry determines
that, in order to meet its Title IX obligations to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for
the broader Berry Community, it must take further steps to address and resolve the matter. A Formal
Complaint under the Formal Grievance Policy is a type of Complaint. See Formal Grievance Policy,
Section IV.A., regarding Formal Complaints.
Complainant: Refers to an individual who is alleged to have been subjected to an incident of
Sex/Gender Discrimination or Sexual Misconduct (i.e., a First-Party Reporter or a victim or person who
has otherwise been affected by sex/gender discrimination or sexual misconduct, or under the Formal
Grievance Policy governing sexual harassment, an individual who is alleged to be the victim of conduct
that could constitute sexual harassment). A Reporter who reports witnessing sex/gender discrimination
or sexual misconduct happening to or affecting someone else (i.e., a Third-Party Reporter) can file a
Report and request that it be treated as a Complaint, but that does not make them a Complainant.
Similarly, the fact that the Title IX Coordinator may elevate a Report to a Complaint does not make the
Title IX Coordinator a Complainant.
Consent: See Affirmative Consent above.
Dating Violence: See Sexual Harassment below, Subsection B.
Domestic Violence: See Sexual Harassment below, Subsection C.
Formal Complaint: See Complaint above. See also Formal Grievance Policy, Section IV.A.
Formal Grievance Process: The process described in the Formal Grievance Policy for addressing and
resolving a Formal Complaint, as required by the new Title IX Regulations, effective August 14, 2020.
Incapacitation: Means the lack of ability to make rational, reasonable judgments as a result of alcohol
consumption, other drug use, sleep, the taking of any so-called “date-rape” drug, unconsciousness, or
blackout. An incapacitated person cannot make rational, reasonable decisions because that person lacks
the ability to fully understand the who, what, where, or how of their sexual interaction. Incapacitation is
a state beyond drunkenness or intoxication, in which alcohol, drugs, or other factors render one unable
to make fully informed judgments or have an awareness of consequences. While incapacitation may be
caused by drugs or alcohol, it also includes the state of being asleep, during which time a person is
unable to provide affirmative consent.
Informal Resolution: A process intended to allow the Complainant and the Respondent to provide
information about the alleged incident(s) of discrimination or harassment, and to reach a mutually
agreeable resolution. An Informal Resolution process may take many forms upon the agreement of the
parties and the Title IX Coordinator. This process aims to assure fairness, to facilitate communication,
and to maintain an equitable balance of power between the parties.
Investigator: Refers to an official(s) designated by the Title IX Coordinator to conduct an investigation of
alleged Sex/Gender Discrimination or Sexual Misconduct. The Investigator will be a trained individual
who objectively collects and examines the facts and circumstances of potential violations of this Policy
and documents them for review. The Investigator will be neutral and will not have a conflict of interest
or bias based on gender or against the Complainant or Respondent. The Investigator may act as a
witness in the event of a Resolution Hearing.
Mandatory Reporter: Refers to an individual who is obligated to report any knowledge they may have of
Sex/Gender Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct. If a Mandatory Reporter observes, is informed of, or
otherwise learns of an act of sexual misconduct, they must report it to the Title IX Coordinator. Berry
defines all faculty and staff as mandatory reporters except certain “confidential resources” staff. (See
Section VIII above.)
Non-Consensual Sexual Contact: See Sexual Misconduct below, Subsection A.
Non-Consensual Sexual Penetration: See Sexual Misconduct below, Subsection B.
Preponderance of Evidence: Refers to the standard by which it is determined at a hearing whether or
not a violation of this Policy has occurred, and means that an act of sex discrimination is “more likely
than not” to have occurred. This standard applies for all claims of sex discrimination, including sexual
harassment and other sexual misconduct.
Report: Refers to any communication that puts Berry on notice of an allegation that sex/gender
discrimination or sexual misconduct occurred or may have occurred. Anyone can report an incident of
sex/gender discrimination and sexual misconduct to Berry under the procedure described in Section VIII
of this Policy. Notice may be given directly to the Title IX Coordinator (“actual notice”) or to any
Mandatory Reporter who has a duty to report such information to the Title IX Coordinator. Once the
Title IX Coordinator learns of any Report of alleged sex/gender discrimination or sexual misconduct,
whether from a direct Report or from a Mandatory Reporter, they will implement supportive measures
as needed and initiate an investigation into the alleged incident. The form of the investigation may vary,
particularly if the conduct alleged is governed by the U.S. Department of Education’s Title IX
Regulations, in which case Berry’s Formal Grievance Policy at Appendix A will apply. Following an
investigation, the Title IX Coordinator has authority to resolve a Report, including the implementation of
any supportive measures, and close the case if the Report does not constitute or become a Complaint.
After making a Report, an individual may choose to end their involvement in the process; may choose to
be involved or not be involved in Berry’s investigation and related proceedings; or may choose to file or
request a Complaint and pursue resolution (under this policy or the Formal Grievance Policy, as
applicable) or, if applicable, an Informal Resolution involving the Respondent.
Berry strongly encourages all individuals to report incidents of sexual misconduct and sex/gender
discrimination even if the individual does not intend to pursue a Complaint.
Reporter: Refers to an individual who notifies the Title IX Coordinator or a Mandatory Reporter of an
alleged violation of this Policy. A Reporter can be any individual who reports to Berry that they are a
victim or survivor of sex/gender discrimination or sexual misconduct; that they have been affected by
sex/gender discrimination or sexual misconduct; or that they have knowledge of sex/gender
discrimination and sexual misconduct happening to or affecting someone else.
Resolution Hearing: Refers to Berry’s disciplinary proceeding through which the Sexual Misconduct
Hearing Board evaluates evidence related to a Complaint to determine whether a Respondent is in
violation of this Policy, based on the criteria of a preponderance of evidence. This process differs from
the Formal Grievance Process for sexual harassment required by the new Title IX Regulations, effective
August 14, 2020.
Respondent: Refers to an individual who has been accused in a Report or Complaint of conduct that
could constitute sexual misconduct prohibited under this Policy (or, under the Formal Grievance Policy
governing sexual harassment, an individual who has been reported to be the perpetrator of conduct
that could constitute sexual harassment).
Sex/Gender Discrimination: Refers to the unequal treatment of an individual based on their sex, gender
or sexual orientation in any employment decision, education program or educational activity receiving
Federal financial assistance. Such programs or activities include, but are not limited to, admission, hiring
and recruitment, financial aid, academic programs, student treatment and services, counseling and
guidance, discipline, classroom assignment, grading, vocational education, recreation, physical
education, athletics, housing and employment. The prohibition on sex discrimination also covers
unlawful discrimination based on gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, termination of
pregnancy, childbirth or related conditions. Also prohibited as sex discrimination is any act which is
based on parental, family, or marital status and which is applied differently based on sex.
Sexual Assault: See Sexual Harassment below, Subsection A.
Sexual Exploitation: See Sexual Misconduct below, Subsection C.
Sexual Harassment: “Sexual harassment” is defined in the new Title IX Regulations (34 C.F.R. § 106.30),
effective August 14, 2020, to be conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following:
1. A Berry employee conditioning the provision of an aid, benefit, or service on an individual’s
participation in unwelcome sexual conduct (“quid pro quo”);
2. Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively
offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to Berry’s education program or activity; or
3. Sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking.
A. Sexual Assault: An act of sexually-motivated physical contact directed towards another person
when the other person does not consent or is incapable of giving consent. This includes but is
not limited to rape, sodomy, sexual battery, fondling, incest, and statutory rape. See Title IX
Regulations, which cite to 20 U.S.C. § 1092(f)(6)(A)(v).
B. Dating Violence: The term “dating violence” is defined in the new Title IX Regulations by
reference to federal statute 34 U.S.C. § 12291(a)(10), which defines the term as violence
committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate
nature with the victim; and where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined
based on a consideration of the following factors: (i) the length of the relationship, (ii) the type
of relationship, and (iii) the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the
C. Domestic Violence: The term “domestic violence” is defined in the new Title IX Regulations by
reference to federal statute 34 U.S.C. § 12291(a)(8), which defines the term as felony or
misdemeanor crimes of violence committed between:
1. individuals who are current or former spouses or intimate partners,
2. persons who share a child in common,
3. persons who currently live together or have formerly lived together as spouses or
intimate partners,
4. a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family
violence laws of the school’s jurisdiction, or
5. any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person's
acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the school’s jurisdiction.
D. Stalking: The term “stalking” is defined in the new Title IX Regulations by reference to federal
statute 34 U.S.C. § 12291(a)(30), which defines the term as engaging in a course of conduct
directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety
or the safety of others, or suffer substantial emotional distress.
Types of stalking could include, but are not limited to:
Following the targeted person;
Approaching or confronting that person in a public place or on private property;
Persistent and unwelcome attempts to contact the person by phone, electronic
communication (including via the internet and cellphones), or regular mail, either
anonymously or non-anonymously;
Vandalizing the person’s property or leaving unwanted items for the person;
Persistently appearing at the person’s classroom, residence, or workplace without that
person's permission or other lawful purpose;
Cyber-stalking, in which a person follows, observes, monitors, or surveils another person
through the use of electronic media such as the Internet, digital media networks, blogs,
cell phones, texts or other similar devices; and
Using visual or audio recording devices or hidden or remote cameras used without the
subject’s consent.
It is important to note that the Title IX Regulations’ use of federal definitions of sexual assault, dating
violence, domestic violence, and stalking may differ from state law. Accordingly, any criminal proceeding
brought by state or local law enforcement authorities may use different definitions.
Sexual Misconduct: Is a broad term that includes “sexual harassment” defined by the Title IX
Regulations and also encompasses other sexually-motivated or gender-biased misconduct beyond
sexual harassment. Examples may include sexual exploitation and many forms of verbal harassment that
may not meet the Regulations’ definition of “sexual harassment.”
Additionally, if sexual misconduct is alleged to have occurred that does not satisfy the Title IX
Regulations’ jurisdictional criteria, such as off-campus sexual misconduct (including sexual harassment)
alleged to have an on-campus effect or occurring during a study abroad program, then it may be
addressed pursuant to this overarching Sexual Misconduct Policy. Such off-campus sexual harassment
may be referred to as Non-Consensual Sexual Contact (“NCSC”) or Non-Consensual Sexual Penetration
(“NCSP”) (defined below) to avoid confusion between charges brought under this Policy and its
procedures as compared to the Title IX Regulations’ “sexual harassment” definitions and requirements,
which are governed by Berry’s Formal Grievance Policy (following this policy).
Sexual misconduct is conduct that is unwanted or unwelcome and is sexual in nature. Experiencing
sexual misconduct may interfere with a Berry community member’s ability to perform a job, participate
in activities, and/or participate fully in Berry’s education programs. Sexual misconduct is demeaning to
others and undermines the integrity of the employment relationship and/or learning environment by
creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or academic environment through verbal or
physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual misconduct is prohibited regardless of whether it occurs
between or among members of any sex. Sexual misconduct may also consist of inappropriate gender-
based comments and gender stereotyping, even if the acts do not involve conduct of an overtly sexual
A. Non-Consensual Sexual Contact: “Sexual contact” includes the intentional touching of another
person's intimate parts, or the intentional touching of the clothing covering the other person's
intimate parts, for the purpose of sexual arousal or gratification. Such contact is non-consensual
if done without the other person's affirmative consent (see definition above).
B. Non-Consensual Sexual Penetration: “Sexual penetration” includes sexual intercourse, oral-
genital contact, anal intercourse, or any other intrusion, however slight, of any part of a person’s
body or of any object into the genital or anal openings of any other person’s body. Such contact
is non-consensual if done without the other person's affirmative consent (see definition above).
C. Sexual Exploitation: Occurs when a person takes non-consensual or abusive sexual advantage of
another for their own advantage or benefit, or the benefit of anyone other than the one being
exploited. Examples of sexual exploitation include, but are not limited to:
Non-consensual video or audio-taping of sexual activity or other private activity, even if that
activity occurs in a public or semi-public place;
Non-consensual dissemination of video, photographs, or audio of sexual activity or other
private activity, including dissemination by a third party or a person not involved in the
original conduct;
Exceeding the boundaries of consent (such as, permitting others to hide in a closet and
observe consensual sexual activity, videotaping of a person using a bathroom or engaging in
other private activities);
Engaging in voyeurism, exposing one’s breasts, buttocks, or genitals in a non-consensual
circumstance or inducing another to expose their breasts, buttocks, or genitals without
affirmative consent;
Prostituting another person;
Engaging in consensual sexual activity with another person while knowingly infected with
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or other sexually transmitted disease or infection (STD
or STI) and without informing the other person of such disease or infection; and
Sexually-based stalking and/or bullying.
Sexual Misconduct Hearing Board: Refers to the three-member decision-making body, composed of
trained Berry faculty and/or staff, which considers cases brought under this Policy. One of the three
Board members will be designated as the chairperson. The Hearing Board hears the facts and
circumstances of an alleged policy violation as presented by the Investigator, a Complainant, a
Respondent and/or witnesses at a Resolution Hearing. This body is responsible for determining if a
policy violation has occurred and whether/what sanctions are appropriate.
Stalking: See Sexual Harassment above, Subsection D.
Supporter: Refers to any person, regardless of their association with Berry, who a Reporter,
Complainant, or Respondent may want to support them through a portion of or the entire process. A
Supporter is not required, but is encouraged to help the party with emotional and personal support.
When present during interviews, hearings, and appeals, the Supporter cannot take an active role. A
supporter can be a friend, family member, or any trusted person who can provide needed care to a
Title IX: Refers to a comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any
federally funded education program or activity. Title IX prohibits the use of federal money to support
sex discrimination in education programs and provides individual citizens effective protection against
those practices. Title IX applies, with a few specific exceptions, to all aspects of federally funded
education programs or activities. In addition to traditional educational institutions such as colleges,
universities, and elementary and secondary schools, Title IX also applies to any education or training
program operated by a recipient of federal financial assistance.
Formal Grievance Policy
As Required by the U.S. Department of Education, 34 C.F.R. § 106.45,
Effective August 14, 2020
This Policy addresses certain types of sexual misconduct via a process required by the U.S.
Department of Education’s new Title IX Regulations, effective August 14, 2020. The scope of this
Policy is set forth in Section II, below. This Policy follows the requirements of the Regulations, and
contains citations to the applicable Title IX Regulations throughout. Many of the citations are
“links” which will take you directly to the actual text of the Regulations. See 34 C.F.R. Part 106.
The Formal Grievance Policy, along with the comprehensive Berry Sexual Misconduct Policy, are
intended to define, address and remedy sexual misconduct for Berry students and employees.
Berry prohibits sexual misconduct by faculty, staff, students and those who use Berry facilities. The
prohibition applies regardless of the gender of the individuals involved and includes sexual
relationships involving a status differential and those between peers, colleagues, and co-workers.
This Policy applies to all members of the Berry community, including students, faculty and staff.
This Formal Grievance Policy proceeds in four additional sections, summarized here. If you have
questions regarding how the comprehensive Policy and this Formal Grievance Policy work, or need
assistance regarding any of the defined terms or processes, please contact the Title IX
Section II defines what is covered by this Formal Grievance Policy. Under the new Title IX
Regulations, sexual harassment (a subset of sexual misconduct) must be investigated and
addressed according to the procedures set forth in this policy. Although the Regulations narrowly
define sexual harassment, Berry remains committed to providing a higher education environment
that is free from sexual discrimination, sexual misconduct, and gendered violence. Sexual
misconduct that does not rise to the level of sexual harassment as defined by the U.S. Department
of Education, or that does not meet Title IX’s jurisdictional requirements, will still be investigated
and addressed under the Berry Sexual Misconduct Policy.
Section III contains Berry’s Formal Grievance Process. This section contains information on filing a
Formal Complaint of sexual harassment, the investigation process, the role of the Title IX
Coordinator, the live hearing requirements, the appeals process, and other topics. Students,
faculty, and staff should consult this section to learn about the process Berry will use to investigate
and address allegations of sexual harassment.
Section IV contains the U.S. Department of Education’s statements regarding equitable treatment
under the Title IX Regulations, which are required to appear in this Formal Policy. The concepts of
equitable treatment include the provision of supportive measures and waiting until the grievance
process concludes to make conclusions.
Section V explains that Berry does not allow or condone retaliation against any person based on
that person’s involvement in the Title IX process.
Berry has designated a Title IX Coordinator to oversee the investigation and resolution of reports of
sexual misconduct and Berry’s compliance with Title IX. Any questions about this policy, Berry’s
processes under Title IX, or reports of alleged sexual misconduct should be directed to the Title IX
Lindsey Taylor
Hermann Hall 208
P.O. Box 495009
Mount Berry, Georgia 30149-5009
(706) 236-2207
The Title IX Coordinator, in conjunction with the Director of Human Resources, Deputy Title IX
Coordinator for faculty and staff matters, will oversee all Berry matters relating to sex
discrimination (including sexual harassment), including distribution of policies, investigations,
educational programs, policy enforcement, and follow-up with complainants and respondents in
This Formal Grievance Policy will apply to “sexual harassment” alleged to have occurred in a Berry
“education program or activity” against a person in the United States, per USDOE Regulations,
effective August 14, 2020. 34 C.F.R. § 106.44(a).
A. Definitions
“Sexual harassment” is defined by USDOE to be conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or
more of the following:
1. A Berry employee conditioning the provision of an aid, benefit, or service on an
individual’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct (“quid pro quo”);
2. Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and
objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to Berry’s education
program or activity; or
3. Sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking. (These terms are defined
in the Berry Sexual Misconduct Policy.)
“Sexual misconduct” is a broader term that covers other sex-based conduct beyond the USDOE’s
“sexual harassment” definition. If alleged sexual misconduct does not satisfy the USDOE’s
definitional requirement, then it may be addressed under the Berry Sexual Misconduct Policy
instead of this Policy.
The terms “Complainant” and “Respondent” are used throughout this Policy and the
comprehensive Berry Sexual Misconduct Policy.
Complainant: an individual who is alleged to be the victim of conduct that could constitute sexual
harassment for purposes of this Formal Grievance Policy.
Respondent: an individual who has been reported to be the perpetrator of conduct that could
constitute sexual harassment for purposes of this Policy. (§ 106.30.)
Other terms, like Supportive Measures and Formal Complaint, are defined below.
All relevant terms, including Consent and Incapacitation, are defined in a separate attachment to
the comprehensive Berry Sexual Misconduct Policy.
B. Reports to Which This Formal Policy Applies
For any allegation of sexual harassment to come within the scope of this Formal Grievance Policy,
it must fall within the scope of USDOE’s rules, as stated above.
An “education program or activity” includes locations, events, or circumstances that Berry
exercises substantial control over both the respondent and the context in which the sexual
harassment occurs, and also includes any building owned or controlled by a student organization
that is officially recognized by Berry. USDOE’s Regulations exclude any “education program or
activity” that does not occur in the United States. (§ 106.44(a).)
If a reported sexual misconduct does not satisfy the jurisdiction requirement, such as off-campus
behavior alleged to have an on-campus effect, then it may be addressed under the comprehensive
Berry Sexual Misconduct Policy instead of this Policy
This portion of the Policy outlines the steps taken to initiate a grievance, as well as USDOE’s
procedural requirements for investigation and adjudication of Formal Complaints.
A. Formal Complaint
The submission of a Formal Complaint triggers the Formal Grievance Process described in this
section when received by the Title IX Coordinator.
A Formal Complaint is defined as “a document filed by a complainant or signed by the Title IX
Coordinator alleging sexual harassment [as defined by the Title IX Regulations] against a
respondent and requesting that [Berry] investigate the allegation of sexual harassment.”
At the time a Formal Complaint is filed, “a complainant must be participating in or attempting to
participate in the education program or activity.” A Formal Complaint must be in writing and may
be filed with the Title IX Coordinator in person, by mail, or by email. The Formal Complaint must
contain the complainant’s physical or digital signature, or some other indication that the
complainant is the person filing it. (106.30.)
Berry strongly encourages complainants to file Formal Complaints to initiate the required
Formal Grievance Process described in this Policy. If the alleged conduct meets the
Regulations’ definitional and jurisdictional requirements, the law now requires a Formal
Complaint before Berry can pursue a full investigation or explore the possibility of an informal
or early resolution, which occur before holding a disciplinary hearing or issuing sanctions.
If Berry receives a report of sexual misconduct that falls within this Formal Grievance Policy’s
scope (see Section II) but no Formal Complaint is filed, then the new Title IX Regulations
prevent Berry from administering a formal grievance process that may impose disciplinary
sanctions or other actions against a respondent. Supportive measures, however, may still be
given. According to USDOE, the purpose of the Formal Complaint is to clarify that the
complainant (or the Title IX Coordinator) believes that the school should investigate the
allegations of sexual harassment against the respondent. 34 C.F.R. § 106.44(a); 34 C.F.R. §
106.45(b)(1)(i); see also 34 C.F.R. § 106.8(c).
i. After filing a Formal Complaint, a complainant may withdraw their Formal Complaint at any
time by providing written notice to the Title IX Coordinator. That withdrawal will result in
dismissal of the Formal Grievance Process unless the Title IX Coordinator elects to continue
the process by signing a Formal Complaint.
ii. A Title IX Coordinator may sign a Formal Complaint to initiate or continue the Formal
Grievance Process if necessary to fulfill the school’s responsibility to not be deliberately
indifferent to actual knowledge of sexual misconduct. Signing a Formal Complaint does not
make a Title IX Coordinator a complainant or otherwise a party.
iii. Berry may, but is not required to, consolidate Formal Complaints arising out of the same
factual circumstances:
a. Where there is more than one complainant or respondent;
b. Where a complaint has also been filed by the respondent against the complainant. In
such cases, the Formal Grievance Process for a later-filed complaint may be
consolidated into an earlier-filed process rather than re-start from the beginning (e.g.,
the new charges may be considered in the course of a pre-existing investigation).
iv. Mandatory Dismissal (106.45(b)(3)(i, iii).)
If a Formal Complaint is filed, Berry will investigate its allegations. If the conduct reported
does not meet the Formal Grievance Policy scope requirements for “sexual harassment”,
Berry MUST dismiss the Formal Complaint under this Policy. In such circumstance, the
complaint will be transferred into the Berry Sexual Misconduct Policy for review and
possible investigation and resolution. In such circumstance, Berry will promptly and
simultaneously send written notice to each party of the dismissal of the Formal
Complaint, the reasoning, and the transfer.
B. Responsibility of the Title IX Coordinator (106.44(a).)
Upon receipt of any report of alleged sexual misconduct, the Title IX Coordinator will promptly
contact the complainant to discuss the availability of supportive measures and explain the process
involved in filing a Formal Complaint. The Title IX Coordinator will inform the complainant of the
availability of supportive measures with or without the filing of a Formal Complaint, and will
consider the complainant’s wishes with respect to supportive measures.
Supportive measures will be assessed and may be offered as needed to complainants,
respondents and other members of the Berry community who may have been affected by the
alleged conduct. Supportive measures are discussed in Section XI of the comprehensive policy.
The Title IX Coordinator may conduct a limited, threshold investigation prior to the Formal process:
1. to determine if the alleged conduct meets the Formal Grievance Policy scope
2. to determine whether the college’s Title IX obligations require the Title IX Coordinator to
“sign” a Formal Complaint if the Complainant does not file one; and
3. for other limited purposes provided that if a Formal Complaint is filed or signed, the Title IX
Coordinator will fulfill the terms of this Formal Grievance Process, including the notice
provisions immediately below and the more thorough investigation process described
below even if it is somewhat duplicative of the threshold investigation.
The Title IX Coordinator may remove a respondent from the education program or activity on an
emergency basis if the Title IX Coordinator conducts an individualized safety and risk analysis and
determines that there is an immediate threat to the physical health or safety of any student or other
individual arising from the allegations of sexual harassment justifying removal. The respondent
must receive notice and an opportunity to challenge the decision immediately following such
removal. (106.44(c).)
The Title IX Coordinator, or the Director for Human Resources for faculty and staff matters, may
place a non-student employee respondent on administrative leave during the pendency of a
Formal Grievance Process. (106.44(d).)
C. Communication of Complaint (106.45(b)(2))
Upon receipt of a Formal Complaint, Berry will provide written notice to known parties of Berry’s
Formal Grievance Process by providing access to this policy. The notice must be given as soon as
practicable and with sufficient time to prepare a response before any initial investigation interview.
The notice will also include the allegations potentially constituting sexual harassment, including
sufficient details known at the time.
Sufficient details are defined in the Title IX Regulations to include:
The identities of the parties involved in the incident, if known;
The conduct allegedly constituting sexual harassment; and
The date and location of the alleged incident, if known.
The following statements are also required to be included in the written notice:
The respondent is presumed not responsible for the alleged conduct.
A determination regarding responsibility is made at the conclusion of the grievance
The parties may have an advisor of their choice who may be, but is not required to be, an
The parties may inspect and review evidence.
The parties are prohibited from knowingly making false statements or knowingly submitting
false information during the grievance process.
If, at any point during the course of the investigation, Berry determines it is necessary to investigate
additional conduct allegations not included in the original notice, it will provide supplemental
notice of any additional allegations to the parties.
D. Investigation Procedures
The Title IX Coordinator will appoint an Investigator, who will promptly investigate the allegations
subject to the Formal Grievance Process. The investigation may include, among other steps,
interviewing the complainant, the respondent, and any witnesses; reviewing law enforcement
investigation documents if applicable; reviewing relevant student or employment files; and
gathering and examining other relevant documents, social media and evidence.
The Investigator will attempt to collect all information and evidence relevant to the allegations.
While the Investigator will have the burden of gathering evidence, it is crucial that the parties
present evidence and identify witnesses to the Investigator so that they may be considered during
the investigation. As described below in Section III.E.ii., while all evidence presented at a hearing
by the parties will be considered, the hearing panel may, in their discretion, grant lesser weight to
last-minute information or evidence introduced at the hearing that was not previously presented
for investigation by the Investigator.
The investigation file should contain all information gathered during the investigation that is
potentially relevant to the alleged misconduct; the Investigator should not filter or exclude
evidence or decide the weight or credibility of evidence, unless the evidence is clearly irrelevant.
When investigating a Formal Complaint and throughout the grievance process, Berry will:
1. Ensure that the burden of proof and the burden of gathering evidence sufficient to reach a
determination regarding responsibility rest on the college and not on the parties. This
means that the college’s decision-makers will use the preponderance standard. See also
Subsection E below.
2. Provide an equal opportunity for the parties to present witnesses and relevant evidence.
3. Not restrict the ability of either party to discuss the allegations under investigation or to
gather and present relevant evidence.
a. Berry expects the parties to respect the sensitive nature of allegations of sexual
misconduct and to respect other parties’ sense of confidentiality.
b. While Berry cannot prevent a party from discussing the allegations under investigation,
the Title IX Regulations and this Policy prohibit retaliation against any person because
they participate or refuse to participate in any part of the school’s sexual misconduct
c. FERPA is a federal law that protects the confidentiality of student educational records.
Records generated under this Policy, including those shared with the parties, are
educational records covered by FERPA. Consistent with FERPA’s prohibition on re-
disclosure of confidential information, any person who receives another person’s
confidential information solely as a result of participation in any investigation or
proceeding under this Policy, is prohibited from using or disclosing such information
outside of such forums without express consent or for any improper purpose. This
provision only applies to other people’s confidential information, as a party is never
restricted from discussing their own experience. This provision does not apply to any
information learned outside of an investigation or proceeding under this Policy.
4. Provide the parties with the same opportunities to have others present during any grievance
proceeding, including the opportunity to bring an advisor of choice (who may be, but is not
required to be, an attorney) to any related meeting or proceeding. Berry will not limit the
choice or presence of an advisor for either the complainant or respondent in any meeting or
grievance proceeding; however, Berry will restrict the extent to which the advisor may
actively participate in the proceedings, which will apply equally to both parties’ advisors.
Advisors are not permitted to directly participate in any proceeding, except as specified in
Section III.E.iii. below related to hearings. Advisors may be present solely to advise or
support the party and are prohibited from speaking directly to the investigator, hearing
panel members, other parties, or witnesses in such proceedings.
5. Provide written notice to each party of the date, time, location, participants, and purposes
of each Formal Grievance Process meeting at which they are invited to participate, with
sufficient time for the party to prepare to participate:
a. For all hearings, Berry will provide 10 days’ notice;
b. For all non-hearing investigative interviews or meetings to which a party is invited or
expected at Berry’s discretion, Berry will provide 5 days’ notice.
Following the investigation, the Investigator will draft an investigation report succinctly
describing all collected information. The Investigator will not make any recommendation as to
whether a Policy violation has occurred or potential sanctions.
E. Evidentiary Considerations
While investigating the allegations of any Formal Complaint of sexual harassment, the Investigator
will conduct an objective evaluation of all relevant evidence. Relevant evidence is any evidence
that may tend to make the allegations at issue more or less likely to be true.
1. Standard of evidence
In assessing allegations of sexual harassment and conducting its Formal Grievance
Process, Berry will use a preponderance of the evidence standard. This standard means
determining whether the alleged sexual misconduct is “more likely than not” to have
occurred. This standard will apply to all Formal Complaints of sexual harassment,
regardless of whether the Formal Complaint is against a student or any employee, including
faculty. (106.45(b)(1)(vii).)
2. Provide both parties an equal opportunity to inspect and review any evidence Berry
obtained as part of the investigation, whether obtained from a party or other source that
is directly related to the allegations raised in a Formal Complaint. The provision of such
evidence is intended to help each party meaningfully respond to the evidence before
the investigation concludes.
Parties may elect to submit certain records of medical examinations, treatment, or mental
health services. Berry will not access, consider, disclose, or otherwise use a party’s
records that are made or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other
recognized professional or paraprofessional acting in the professional’s or
paraprofessional’s capacity, or assisting in that capacity, and which are made and
maintained in connection with the provision of treatment to the party, unless the party
voluntarily consents in writing to their use in a Formal Grievance Process. (106.45(b)(5)(i).)
E. Investigative Report (106.45(b)(5)(vi-vii).)
Prior to completion of the investigative report, Berry will send to each party, and the party’s advisor
if any, a draft investigative report and any relevant evidence. Such evidence will be available at any
hearing, to give each party equal opportunity to refer to such evidence during the hearing, including
for purposes of cross-examination.
Berry retains discretion to elect to send such materials in an electronic format or a hard copy. The
provision of such evidence may include data security safeguards that prevent it from being
downloaded, printed or forwarded.
The parties will have 10 calendar days to submit a written response. The investigator will consider
any such response prior to completion of the final investigative report. The investigator will then
create a final investigative report that fairly summarizes the relevant evidence. The final
investigative report will not make any recommendation as to whether a policy violation has
occurred or potential sanctions.
At least 10 days prior to a hearing, Berry will send the final investigative report to each party, and
the party’s advisor if any, for their review and written response. Any such response must be
received by the Title IX Coordinator within five days of when the final investigative report was
delivered to the party, so that the party’s response may be available for consideration by the
hearing panel. If warranted, the investigator may choose to update the final investigative report to
take a party’s response into account, in which case the hearing date may be postponed.
F. Permissive Dismissal
At any time during the investigation or hearing, Berry may dismiss the Formal Complaint or any of
its allegations if:
a. A complainant notifies the Title IX Coordinator in writing that he or she would like to
withdraw the Formal Complaint in whole or in part;
b. The respondent is no longer enrolled in or employed by the school; or
c. Specific circumstances prevent Berry from gathering evidence sufficient to reach a
determination as to the Formal Complaint, in whole or in part.
If a Formal Complaint is withdrawn, the Title IX Coordinator may choose in his or her discretion to
sign the Formal Complaint to continue the Formal Grievance Process.
If the respondent is no longer enrolled or employed at the school, Berry may take such action it
deems necessary to appropriately mark student or employment records regarding the departure
during a disciplinary process without a determination as to responsibility, or reasonably restrict a
respondent’s access to campus.
If permissive dismissal is granted under this section, the Formal Grievance Process will cease. Per
the Title IX Regulations, no further investigation will occur, and no disciplinary sanctions or actions
can be imposed against the respondent.
In all such circumstances, supportive measures may be continued.
E. Resolution Procedures
Berry’s Formal Grievance Process will then proceed to a live hearing before one or more hearing
panel members, who will consider all evidence presented (subject to the terms below) and
determine whether a respondent is or is not responsible for a violation of this Policy, based on the
standard of a preponderance of evidence. Under that standard, the burden of proof is met, and a
respondent may be found responsible for a policy violation, if the hearing panel determine that the
evidence proves it is more likely than not that the respondent committed the conduct alleged. If the
respondent is found responsible for a violation of this Policy, the respondent may be subjected to
disciplinary action. (106.45(b)(6)(i).)
1. The hearing panel members will be selected by the Title IX Coordinator and may vary based on the
enrollment or employment status of the respondent.
a. Student-respondent cases typically will be adjudicated by a three-member hearing
panel of trained Berry faculty and/or staff. One of the three panel members will be
designated as the chairperson. A separate hearing officer who is not a member of
the three-member panel is also permitted to preside as a hearing officer and make
evidentiary rulings at the hearing. Any such hearing officer will not play any active
role in deliberations by the hearing panel, or the determination as to whether the
Respondent is responsible for the conduct alleged.
b. Faculty-respondent cases typically will be resolved by the Provost.
c. Employee-respondent cases typically will be resolved by the Vice President for
The hearing panel members will not be the same person as the Title IX Coordinator or the
2. At the request of either party, Berry will conduct the live hearing with the parties located in separate
physical locations. Technology will be used to enable the hearing panel and parties to simultaneously
see and hear the party or witness answering questions.
3. Berry will transcribe or record (audio or audiovisual) any adjudicative hearing. It will be available to the
parties for inspection and review in compliance with FERPA.
i. Pre-hearing Procedures
1. The Title IX Coordinator will identify the hearing panel to the parties ten days in advance of
the hearing. Either party may recuse a named hearing panel member if believed to have a
conflict of interest or bias. A recusal must be delivered in writing to the Title IX Coordinator
at least seven days in advance of the hearing, specifying the reasons for such belief. The
Title IX Coordinator has sole discretion to keep or replace the challenged hearing panel
member, and if replaced, may postpone the hearing to allow for a replacement.
2. Five days in advance of the hearing, the parties will identify their expected attendees
(including any advisor), their expected witnesses (including themselves), and the
witnesses’ expected sequence, via writing to the Title IX Coordinator, who will supply the
disclosure to the other party so that they can be prepared. The parties will not be strictly
bound to their disclosures, but they should be submitted in good faith.
3. Generally, parties will be in charge of choosing and supplying their own witnesses at the
hearing. When necessary for fair resolution and to gather evidence sufficient to reach a
determination, the hearing panel will have discretion to ask the Title IX Coordinator to
request additional witnesses after receipt of the parties’ witness lists; recognizing,
however, that the school has no ability to compel any witness to attend. Any such
requested witness will be disclosed to the parties.
ii. Evidence
At the hearing, all relevant evidence will be objectively evaluated. Credibility determinations
will not be based on a person’s status as a complainant, respondent, or witness.
The Title IX Regulations (34 C.F.R. § 106.45(b)(6)(i)) state that questions and evidence about the
complainant’s sexual predisposition or prior sexual behavior are not relevant, unless:
a. “offered to prove that someone other than the respondent committed the
conduct alleged” or
b. “if the questions and evidence concern specific incidents of the complainant’s
prior sexual behavior with respect to the respondent and are offered to prove
While all relevant evidence presented at a hearing by the parties will be considered, the hearing
panel have discretion to grant lesser weight to last-minute information or evidence introduced
at the hearing that were not previously presented for investigation by the Investigator.
iii. Cross-examination
Each party may be accompanied to the hearing by the advisor of their choice who may be, but
is not required to be, an attorney. Advisors may be present solely to advise or support the party
and are prohibited from speaking directly to the investigator, hearing panel, other parties, or
witnesses during the hearing, except for conducting cross examination.
At the hearing, each party’s advisor is permitted to ask the other party and any witnesses all
relevant questions and follow-up questions, including those challenging credibility. Such cross
examination at the live hearing must be conducted directly, verbally, and in real time by the
party’s advisor of choice, and never by a party personally. (106.45(b)(6)(i).) The hearing panel
will typically ask questions before either advisor.
If a party does not have an advisor present at the live hearing, Berry will provide one without fee
or charge to conduct cross-examination on behalf of that party. The advisor provided may be,
but is not required to be, an attorney. (106.45(b)(6)(i).)
The hearing panel may consider and rely on, as appropriate, statements of any party or witness
in reaching a decision on responsibility, even if that party or witness does not appear or submit
to cross-examination. The members of the hearing panel have complete discretion in
determining the credibility and reliability of such statements, and what weight to give such
evidence in reaching a final determination. However, the hearing panel cannot draw an
inference about the determination regarding responsibility based solely on a party’s or
witness’s absence from the live hearing, refusal to submit to cross-examination, or respond to
any questions.
Only relevant cross-examination and other questions may be asked of a party or witness.
Before a party or witness answers a cross-examination or other question, the hearing panel or
hearing officer must first determine whether the question is relevant and explain any decision
to exclude a question as not relevant.
If a party or witness does not submit to cross-examination at the live hearing, the hearing panel
must not rely on any statement of that party or witness in reaching a determination regarding
responsibility. However, the hearing panel cannot draw an inference about the determination
regarding responsibility based solely on a party’s or witness’s absence from the live hearing or
refusal to answer cross-examination or other questions. (106.45(b)(6)(i).)
iv. Resolution Procedures
The hearing panel will issue a written determination following the hearing. Based on the
preponderance of the evidence standard, the hearing panel will decide if the respondent is
responsible for engaging in the conduct alleged, and if so, what disciplinary action may be
The written determination will include:
Identification of the allegations potentially constituting sexual harassment;
A description of the procedural steps taken from the receipt of the Formal Complaint
through the determination, including any notifications to the parties, interviews with
parties and witnesses, site visits, methods used to gather evidence, and hearings held;
Findings of fact supporting the determination;
Conclusions regarding the application of this Policy to the facts;
A statement of, and rationale for, the findings for each allegation, including:
a. A determination regarding responsibility;
b. Any disciplinary sanctions the hearing panel imposes on the respondent; and
c. Whether remedies designed to restore or preserve equal access to Berry’s
education program or activity will be provided to the complainant; and
d. Procedures and permissible grounds upon which the parties may appeal the
The written determination will be provided to the parties simultaneously.
Supportive measures also may be provided to the complainant that are designed to restore or
preserve equal access to Berry’s education program or activity, even if they are not listed in the
written determination. Remedies and supportive measures that do not impact the respondent
should not be disclosed in the written determination; rather, the determination should simply
indicate that “remedies will be provided to the complainant.” The Title IX Coordinator is
responsible for effective implementation of any remedies and supportive measures.
v. Range of Sanctions and Remedies (106.45(b)(1)(vi))
Sanctions and discipline upon a finding of responsibility may include any and all actions as
outlined in the Viking Code, up to and including, disciplinary probation, suspension or expulsion.
A list of those actions can be found in here.
vi. Finality
The determination regarding responsibility becomes final either:
1. if an appeal is filed, on the date that Berry provides the parties with the written
determination of the result of the appeal, or
2. if an appeal is not filed, the date on which an appeal would no longer be considered
timely. (106.45(b)(7)(iii).)
F. Appeal of Resolution
Both parties may appeal from a determination regarding responsibility, or from a dismissal of a
Formal Complaint or any allegations therein, only on the following grounds: In order to be
considered, appeals must meet one of four conditions:
1. The respondent’s right to a fair hearing was violated. Procedural or process errors must be
significant enough to have affected the outcome of the case in order for the fair hearing
standard to have been violated a procedural irregularity, meaning an alleged failure to
follow the process outlined in this Formal Policy, that affected the outcome of the matter;
2. New and significant information can be introduced that was not reasonably available at the
time of the hearing or dismissal and could have affected the outcome of the case;
3. The Title IX Coordinator, Investigator, or hearing panel had a conflict of interest or bias for or
against complainants or respondents generally or the individual complainant or respondent
that affected the outcome of the matter. The notice of appeal must describe specifically
the basis upon which such conflict of interest or bias is alleged and how it allegedly
affected the outcome.
4. Berry reserves the right to offer an appeal equally to both parties on additional grounds in
its discretion. (106.45(b)(8)(i-ii).)
Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Title IX Coordinator within 10 days of the date that the
written adjudication determination is provided to the parties. The written appeal must state the
grounds for the appeal, include the name of the appealing party, and establish that it is submitted
by the appealing party. The appeal statement must contain a sufficient description supporting the
grounds for appeal. If the grounds for appeal is to consider new evidence that could affect the
outcome of the matter that was not reasonably available to the appealing party before or during the
time of the hearing or the dismissal, then the written appeal must include such evidence and the
reasons why it was not available. The Title IX Coordinator retains discretion to verify and/or waive
minor procedural variations in the timing and content of the appeal submission.
Upon receipt of an appeal, Berry will
1. Notify the other party in writing when the appeal is filed and implement appeal procedures
equally for both parties;
2. Ensure that the decision-maker(s) for the appeal is not the same person as the decision-
maker(s) that reached the original determination regarding responsibility or dismissal, the
investigator(s), or the Title IX Coordinator;
3. Ensure that the decision-maker(s) for the appeal does not have a conflict of interest or bias
for or against complainants or respondents generally or an individual complainant or
respondent, and that the decision-maker(s) for the appeal has received the appropriate and
necessary training;
4. Give both parties a reasonable, equal opportunity to submit a written statement in support
of, or challenging, the outcome.
Berry will provide a copy of the appeal to the non-appealing party. The non-appealing party may
submit a written statement within 10 days that may seek to affirm the initial decision and/or
respond to the appeal statement. The Title IX Coordinator has discretion to impose or withhold any
applicable sanctions or supportive measures prior to the deadline for submitting an appeal or the
resolution of any appeal.
The appeals panel will issue a written decision describing the result of the appeal and the rationale
for the result within a reasonably prompt time frame following receipt of all appeals materials. The
appeal will determine whether the hearing panel made an error on the grounds alleged in the
appeal statement. The appeal is typically determined based on the existing record, but appeals
panel will have discretion to convene a limited or full hearing if needed.
The appeal decision will be given simultaneously to both parties. (106.45(b)(8)(iii)(E-F).)
G. Informal Resolution
At any time prior to reaching a determination regarding responsibility, Berry may facilitate an
informal resolution process, such as mediation, that does not involve a full investigation and
adjudication. Berry may not offer an informal resolution process unless a Formal Complaint is filed.
Both parties must agree to participate in an informal resolution process, and if they do, the Formal
Grievance Process stops. Either party may withdraw from the informal process and re-start the
Formal Grievance Process at any time before an informal resolution is reached. Berry will not
require the parties to participate in an informal resolution process, and will not require them to
waive their rights to a Formal Grievance Process. (106.45(b)(9).)
Berry will not offer or facilitate an informal resolution process to resolve allegations that an
employee sexually harassed a student. (106.45)(b)(9)(iii).)
Prior to facilitating an informal resolution process, Berry will:
1. Provide written notice to the parties disclosing the following:
a. The allegations;
b. The requirements of the informal resolution process, including the circumstances
under which it precludes the parties from resuming a Formal Complaint arising from
the same allegations;
c. The fact that, at any time prior to agreeing to an informal resolution, any party may
withdraw from the informal resolution process and resume the Formal Grievance
Process; and
d. Any consequences resulting from participating in the informal resolution process,
including the records that will be maintained or could be shared.
2. Obtain the parties’ voluntary, written consent to the informal resolution process.
If the parties agree to a resolution during an informal resolution process, the Formal Complaint will
be deemed withdrawn and the Formal Grievance Process will be terminated. However, the
informal resolution will be considered final.
As required by USDOE’s Regulations, Berry’s Formal Grievance Process will “treat complainants
and respondents equitably by [1] offering supportive measures … to a complainant, and [2] by
following a grievance process that complies with [the new Title IX Regulations] before the
imposition of any disciplinary sanctions or other actions that are not supportive measures …
against a respondent.” (106.44(a); 106.45(b)(1)(i).) Supportive measures also may be offered as
needed to respondents and other members of the Berry community who may be affected by sexual
The Title IX Regulations define “supportive measures” as “non-disciplinary, non-punitive
individualized services offered as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge
to the complainant or the respondent.” These measures are offered to support Complainants and
Respondents, where appropriate, as a way to assist affected persons in dealing with the conduct
alleged and to continue participating in the educational program (if possible), while proceeding
through the process outlined in this Policy. They may be sought or provided before or after a Formal
Complaint is filed, or where no Formal Complaint has been filed. “Such measures are designed to
restore or preserve equal access to the [school’s] education program or activity without
unreasonably burdening the other party, including measures designed to protect the safety of all
parties or the [school’s] educational environment, or deter sexual harassment.”
Supportive measures may include: counseling, extensions of deadlines or other course-related
adjustments, modifications of work or class schedules, campus escort services, mutual
restrictions on contact between the parties, changes in work or housing locations, leaves of
absence, increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus, and other similar
Berry will keep any supportive measures provided to the complainant or respondent confidential,
to the extent possible. However, supportive measures that impact other members of the Berry
community (e.g. mutual no-contact orders, where the other party must be informed of the order
and its implications) may be disclosed in order to enforce them. The Title IX Coordinator will
coordinate the implementation of supportive measures.
An individual’s status as a respondent will not be considered a negative factor during investigation
and consideration of the grievance. Respondents are entitled to, and will receive the benefit of, a
presumption that they are not responsible for the alleged conduct unless and until the grievance
process concludes and a determination regarding responsibility is issued. Similarly, a person’s
status as a complainant, respondent, or witness will not determine whether or not they are deemed
Berry’s Formal Grievance Process will provide remedies to a complainant only if the grievance
process described in this Policy results in a determination that the respondent is responsible for
sexual harassment. Remedies are designed to restore or preserve equal access to the school’s
education program or activity, and they may include the same individualized services as supportive
measures. Remedies may be disciplinary and punitive.
Title IX Coordinators, investigators, hearing panel members or decision-makers, and any person
who facilitates an informal resolution process (Title IX administrators) will not have a conflict of
interest or bias in favor of or against complainants or respondents generally, or an individual
complainant or respondent in the grievance process. Berry will provide necessary and appropriate
training to each administrator involved in the Title IX process. Training materials will not rely on sex
stereotypes and will promote impartial investigations and adjudications of Formal Complaints of
sexual harassment. (106.45(b)(1)(iii).)
No person may intimidate, threaten, coerce, or discriminate against any individual for the purpose
of interfering with any right or privilege secured by Title IX, its regulation, or this Policy, or because
the individual has made a report or complaint, testified, assisted, or participated or refused to
participate in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing. “Intimidation, threats,
coercion, or discrimination, including charges against an individual for code of conduct violations
that do not involve sex discrimination or sexual harassment, but arise out of the same facts or
circumstances as a report or complaint of sex discrimination, or a report or formal complaint of
sexual harassment, for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by Title IX or
this [Policy], constitutes retaliation.”
Berry will “keep confidential the identity of any individual who has made a report or complaint of
sex discrimination, including any individual who has made a report or filed a formal complaint of
sexual harassment, any complainant, any individual who has been reported to be the perpetrator of
sex discrimination, any respondent, and any witness, except as may be permitted” by Title IX,
FERPA, or as otherwise required by law, or to carry out Berry’s Title IX procedures.
The exercise of rights protected under the First Amendment does not constitute retaliation.
Charging an individual with a code of conduct violation for making a materially false statement in
bad faith in the course of a sexual misconduct grievance proceeding does not constitute
retaliation. A determination regarding responsibility alone, however, is not sufficient to conclude
that any party made a materially false statement in bad faith.
Complaints alleging retaliation may be filed with the Title IX Coordinator and will follow grievance
procedures either under this Policy or under the Berry Sexual Misconduct Policy.
In the event an individual alleges that the Title IX Coordinator retaliated against them, the individual
may file a complaint with the Human Resources Director, who will follow the grievance procedures
either under this Policy or under the Berry Sexual Misconduct Policy. The Title IX Coordinator will
not oversee the investigation or adjudication of a complaint alleging that they engaged in
¢ Academic Integrity
Academic Integrity is the foundation of college life and experience at Berry. All members of the Berry
College community are responsible for working together to establish and uphold an environment
conducive to honorable academic endeavor. In no case will academic dishonesty be tolerated.
In the event a faculty member suspects an instance of academic dishonesty, the faculty member will:
Discuss the suspected infraction directly with the student(s) involved and provide to the student
the materials or evidence related to the suspected infraction. At the faculty member’s or
student’s discretion, the school dean, department chair or a faculty colleague may be present
during this discussion as a witness.
Make copies of relevant materials before showing them to the student(s) for any approved
amendment or revision.
Discuss the suspected infraction and the documented evidence with the department chair, dean
or a colleague if collegial advice is desired. In all such cases, the privacy of the student(s)
involved must be protected.
Make a decision based on the evidence.
If the faculty member decides a student has violated the academic integrity policy, the faculty member
Determine appropriate sanctions; sanctions may include warning the student, or reducing an
assignment, exam, or course grade
Discuss the sanctions with the student and explain the appeals process.
Notify the Provost in writing of the incident. This document should include: information about
the course, the faculty involved, and the student(s) involved; the time and date of the incident,
and a description of the incident and any evidence that indicates an infraction of academic
integrity; any sanctions imposed by the faculty member in response to this incident; and a
confirmation that the faculty member has discussed with the student the incident, any sanctions
imposed, and the student’s right to appeal the faculty member’s decision.
The instructor’s decision and sanction will be reported to the Provost when the student is notified of the
instructor’s decision. Every student found in violation of the academic integrity standards will be
informed by the Provost of the decision and sanction and of their right to submit a written appeal of
either the finding and/or the sanction. Student appeals must be made in writing to the Provost within 10
days of the notification of the sanction by the Provost to the student.
Students appealing the finding and/or sanction(s) of an academic integrity violation will have their
appeal directed by the provost to a subcommittee of Academic Council. This committee will be
convened by an academic dean (who will vote on the appeal only in cases of a tie) and will consist of two
faculty members and two student members. If student members of Academic Council are not available,
student members of the Student Conduct Board or the Student Appeals Board may serve on the appeal
Only in case of a procedural error by the Appeals Committee or when new evidence is available may
students appeal the decision of the Appeals Committee. This last appeal in writing to the Provost must
be received within 10 days of the notification of the decision of the Appeals Committee. The decision of
the Provost in response to this appeal is final.
Students who are found to have violated the College's academic integrity policy more than once may
have a sanction imposed by the Provost in addition to the sanction levied by the course instructor. The
additional sanction imposed by the Provost may include (but is not limited to) academic probation,
academic suspension, or academic dismissal. Should the Provost impose an additional sanction, students
have the right to appeal the sanction to an appeal committee comprised of the College's Academic
Deans, the Dean of Students, and the chair of the Faculty Assembly. Students will be informed of their
right to appeal a sanction imposed by the Provost. Appeals must be made in writing to the Provost
within 10 days of the imposition of the sanction by the Provost.
¢ Grievance Policy
The college has established policies for dealing with grade appeals, academic standards, student
conduct, residence hall policies, sexual harassment and academic integrity, and students, faculty and
staff should follow the processes described in those policies. In other areas not covered by written
policies, students who believe they have been denied access to the programs and services of Berry
College may appeal these by contacting the Provost regarding academic grievances or the Vice President
for Student Affairs regarding non-academic or athletic grievances. The administrator will investigate the
complaint and respond promptly. Following this, decisions resulting from the investigation may be
appealed to the President of the college.
¢ Student Complaint Policy
As an institution committed to students and open dialogue surrounding issues of concern to students,
the college has implemented several policies to ensure student concerns are responded to quickly and
In addition to these policies, Berry College has a formal Student Complaint Policy. That policy is used in
cases where there is no published policy/appeals process or in cases where a student has exhausted the
published policy/appeals process. This policy is designed
To ensure consistency in the handling of complaints,
To provide a process for students to appeal when they believe the college did not follow
a written process/policy,
To provide a process for the resolution of complaints where no written process/policy
To track formal complaints and their resolution as required by federal regulation, and
To help students learn how to advocate for themselves through formal processes.
Procedures for Submitting a Written Formal Student Complaint
Before filing a Student Complaint:
1. Berry College has several written appeals processes delineated in the Berry College Catalog, the
Viking Code, and on the college website. In all cases, students should complete these processes
prior to lodging a written complaint. Among the policies in place:
The Berry College Catalog contains policies to address/appeal academic integrity violations,
grade appeals, and general academic/course-related concerns or appeals.
The Berry College Catalog contains policies regarding tuition charges and the payment of tuition,
eligibility for and awarding of financial aid, and the refund of tuition and fees.
The Viking Code contains policies to address/appeal student conduct violations and sanctions
imposed through the conduct process.
Berry College has a Title IX: Sexual Misconduct policy to address concerns related to sexual
assault and sexual harassment. The policy is located on the Student Life website
2. In most cases where there is not a written policy, concerns/complaints may be resolved by first
meeting with the office, faculty, staff or student directly. If that is not possible or if that meeting
does not resolve the complaint, students should meet with the supervisor of the office, faculty, or
staff directly. Students should speak with the appropriate person(s) to seek resolution prior to
lodging a written complaint.
Filing a Student Complaint:
3. All formal written complaints must be filed using the online Student Complaint Form, which may be
accessed on VikingWeb, Student tab, under Forms and Reports. The Associate Dean of Students or the
Dean of Undergraduate Experiences are available to assist any student needing help submitting a
4. All Student Complaint Forms and supporting documentation submitted through the online system will
be routed to the appropriate vice president for review and investigation. Complaints not designated for
a specific vice president will be sent to the chief of staff who will review the complaint and respond or
forward it as necessary to the appropriate vice president for review and investigation. The vice president
investigating the complaint may request additional documentation and personal visits with students,
faculty, staff, and administrators.
5. The appropriate vice president will respond to the complainant and strive to resolve the complaint
within ten business days. The student will receive written communication of the resolution of the
6. A student may appeal the decision of a vice president or chief of staff directly to the president by
letter delivered to the office. The president will respond to the student in writing, normally within ten
business days of receipt of the complaint. The decision of the president is final.
7. All student complaints will be kept on file for four years.
Berry College Intellectual Property Policy
Berry College (“College”) is dedicated to providing an environment that supports the creation and
development of Intellectual Property by Faculty, Employees and Students. Such activities contribute to
the academic and professional development of Faculty, Employees and Students; enhance the
reputation of the College; and provide additional educational opportunities for participating Students.
While Intellectual Property may, in some cases, be the product of a Creator and that Creator’s time and
resources, oftentimes, the creation and development of Intellectual Property depends not only on the
Creator’s ingenuity, time and resources but also on contributions (both monetary and otherwise) from
the College and third parties. It is important, therefore, to stimulate the development of Intellectual
Property by protecting the interests of all those involved in the creation and development of Intellectual
Property at the College or using College Resources.
Accordingly, Berry College does hereby establish this IP Policy with respect to the development,
protection, and transfer of rights to Intellectual Property resulting from the work of its Faculty,
Employees, Students, and other third parties.
The complete Berry College policy on Intellectual Property is online at VikingWeb > Community >
Group Management > Office of the Provost.
Berry College Policy on Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources and Data
I. Purpose
This policy provides guidelines for the appropriate use of technology resources at Berry College. Those
resources include information and data in electronic format and any hardware or software to create,
process, transmit, store or use such information/data. This may include computers, networking systems
(including wireless), databases, digital information/images, electronic mail, messaging, servers,
software, storage devices, telephones, wireless devices and web sites.
II. Scope
Berry College information technology resources as defined above are owned by the college and must be
used in support of the college’s mission. Users of those resources on campus or off campus, include, but
are not limited to, students, faculty, staff, contractors, visitors, visiting scholars, prospective students,
camps and conferences attendees, and guest speakers.
III. Policy
General Guidelines
In support of the College’s mission of teaching, service, and work, the Office for Information Technology
provides computing, networking, and information resources to the college community. Users are
responsible for seeing that these resources are used in an effective, efficient, ethical and lawful manner.
All existing laws (federal and state) and college regulations and policies apply, including not only those
laws and regulations specific to computers and networks, but also those that may apply generally to
personal conduct. Using Berry College's Internet access and electronic communications services means
that one has read the acceptable use policy and agrees to abide by the guidelines.
Acceptable and Ethical Use
The use of Berry resources is given to authorized users primarily for education, research, service and
administration. Berry College encourages an environment in which ideas can be freely exchanged along
with a commitment to academic freedom. It is the user’s responsibility, however, to practice the
Comply with all federal, state, and other applicable laws; college policies and procedures; and all
contracts and licenses.
Respect and honor the rights of others regarding intellectual property, privacy, freedom from
harassment, academic freedom, copyright and use of IT resources.
Properly store college data and documents only in appropriate, designated locations and on
college-owned and managed devices. The use of One Drive is strongly recommended over
computer hard drives or shared network drives. Data should never be stored on personal
devices or in personal cloud storage.
Make regular backups of information and files as appropriate and to store those backup files in a
secure location. The use of One Drive is encouraged which would reduce or eliminate the need
to backup your data.
Regularly delete unneeded files from one’s accounts on shared computing resources (i.e., file
servers or “shared drives” and One Drive). The college has the right to remove outdated and/or
duplicate files as needed.
Maintain the confidentiality, security and availability of computer systems and information on
all devices under their control to prevent loss, theft, damage or inappropriate disclosure.
Properly secure all mobile devices with sensitive data (FERPA, HIPPA, etc.) with a strong
password and encrypt all files per the guidelines in the Mobile Computing Policy.
Never share passwords with others and use only the passwords and privileges associated with
your account and for the authorized purpose. Users must respect the privacy of other users and
their accounts, regardless of whether those accounts are securely protected.
Monitor access to accounts. If unauthorized activity is suspected, users should report it to the
technical support desk and change the password immediately.
Use college provided software in a manner that abides by licensing provisions, including
installation, use, copying, number of simultaneous users, and other license terms.
Misuse of Resources
Users are accountable for their conduct under all applicable college policies and procedures. Misuse of
computing, networking, or information resources may result in the loss of computing privileges and
could result in prosecution under applicable statutes. Complaints alleging misuse of campus computing
resources will be directed to the Provost (faculty), Vice President of Student Affairs (students) or the
Vice President for Business and Finance (staff) for review. In each case the vice president will investigate
the alleged misuse and render a determination with sanctions, if appropriate. Illegal reproduction of
software protected by U.S. Copyright Law is subject to civil damages and criminal penalties including
fines and imprisonment. Activities will not be considered misuse when authorized by appropriate
college officials for security or performance testing.
Examples of misuse include, but are not limited to, the activities in the following list:
Using a computer account or password other than one’s own. Never share your computer
account or password.
Using the campus network to gain unauthorized access to any computer or network.
Performing an act which interferes with the normal operation of computers, peripherals, or
Knowingly running or installing on any computer system or network, or giving to another user, a
program intended to damage or to place excessive load on a computer system or network. This
includes but is not limited to programs known as computer viruses, Trojan horses, and worms.
Attempting to circumvent data protection methods or uncover security vulnerabilities.
Violating terms of applicable software licensing agreements or copyright laws. This includes the
downloading of copyrighted material such as audio and video files for which the copyright
owners have not granted rights.
Knowingly waste computer or network resources. Users should respect system limits and not
consume an unreasonable amount of those resources. While network/Internet capable video
game consoles are not prohibited, if they cause network performance degradation they may be
treated as if wasting computer resources. Cryptomining is forbidden on the campus network.
Intentionally accessing, downloading, uploading, receiving or sending materials that includes
sexually explicit content or other material using vulgar, sexist, racist, threatening, violent or
defamatory language, except for officially approved and/or legitimate academic purpose.
Masking the identity of an account or machine.
Attempting to monitor or tamper with another user’s electronic communications, or reading,
copying, changing, or deleting another user’s files or software without the explicit agreement of
the owner.
Using the college’s electronic mail and/or equipment for solicitation, political communication,
advertising, or for any commercial purpose unrelated to official college business.
Connecting and operating unauthorized wireless access points, switches and/or routers on the
campus network.
Email Use
Berry email is the official means of college correspondence. All students, faculty and staff should check
their email on a regular basis, preferably at least once per day. It is the responsibility of all faculty, staff
and students to properly maintain their email account so as not to exceed storage limits. The email
system will generate automatic notices when a mailbox is getting close to its limit. Once the limit is
exceeded, no new email can be received. The email box, however, can be managed by the user even
when full.
Email accounts may remain active for students for life. Employee accounts will be deactivated on the
last day of employment or at a later date if the employee has made special arrangements with the
Office for Information Technology. Retirees may request to keep email accounts; however, they are
encouraged to have personal email accounts to handle personal business and daily, non-Berry
For details about Berry College email, assistance in managing one’s email box or changing a password,
please go to: Berry Email
Texting Use
Berry College will use mass text messaging to effectively communicate while being a good steward of
information, respecting the privacy and wishes of the recipients, and adhering to the applicable state
and federal laws. The College may use text messaging to complement existing forms of communications
such as email, letters, social media sites and the college’s website. Mass text messaging will support
other forms of communication and not be the primary means of communication. Text messages will be
used for two types of communication:
Emergency Communications:
In Emergency Situations, as determined by college administrators, Berry may lawfully
send automated texts without consent.
Berry’s Department of Campus Safety may automatically enroll students and employees in the
emergency notification service, Berry Alert, which may include text messages solely for use in
Emergency Situations.
Non-Emergency Communications:
Berry may send non-emergency messages if the recipient has previously given express
consent when they provided their telephone number to Berry. These may include information
about upcoming general school activities.
Berry non-emergency text messages will:
Comply with applicable laws and regulations to reduce institutional risk (risks include
having the college blocked by the carriers and being sued);
Allow subscribers to opt-out of receiving non-emergency messages at any time;
Communicate that standard data and text messaging rates may apply;
Follow best practices outlined below; and
Members of the campus community will be provided with periodic opportunities to opt-
out of text communications.
Mass text messaging will not be used to communicate:
General information to large populations, i.e., “Fall classes start Monday!”;
Repeat reminders of messages already circulated;
Personal matters, e.g., items for sale, farewell messages, etc.;
Advertising or other commercial purposes; or
Personal or confidential information, including, but not limited to social
security numbers, passwords, financial information, or grades.
Cellular phone numbers may not be shared internally or externally by the college in order to maintain
Voice Mail Use
Berry College utilizes Unified Messaging for its voice mail system. Employees may access voice mail
within Berry email. Acceptable use policies also apply to voice mail. For information on setting up and
maintaining your voice mail account, please go to: Berry Voice Mail
Personal Use
Berry College permits occasional and reasonable personal use of its Internet and email services provided
that this does not interfere with work or educational performance. These services may be used outside
of normal work and academic scheduled hours, provided that such use is consistent with professional
conduct. Users are encouraged to not use their Berry email address for sensitive personal accounts like
banking or other financial services, medical services (except where possibly required based on
employment benefits), social media, or other types of services that are unrelated to college work.
Personal files should not be primarily or exclusively stored on college provided desktops and laptops.
Incidental storage related to temporary use or cloud synchronization is permissible.
Preservation of Electronic Data
Federal and state laws exist which mandate the preservation of any and all data, including
communications and documents stored or transmitted in electronic format, in certain circumstances.
The college may be legally obligated to preserve data when it is directly or indirectly related to a
subpoena, request for production, or relevant to any possible issues where litigation or court process
may be involved. This may include electronic communications, PDFs, and any other documents stored or
transmitted in electronic format. All users are required to comply with requests from the Office of
General Counsel, outside counsel, and/or the Office for Information Technology, by cooperatively
assisting in the identification and preservation of such data to the greatest extent possible. Failure to
comply and cooperate with such notices and requests, and/or willfully or knowingly obstructing or
hindering the gathering and preservation of such data in any fashion, may subject the College to
sanctions and increased liability. This will be considered a violation of this policy and subject the user or
users to discipline as outlined herein.
Berry College affirms that the mutual trust and freedom of thought and expression essential to the
academic mission of a college rests on an expectation of privacy, and that the privacy of those who
work, study, teach, and conduct research in a college setting will be respected. The college respects the
privacy of all electronic communications, but users should have limited expectations of privacy regarding
metadata while using Berry College owned or leased equipment and services. The normal operation and
maintenance of the college’s technology resources require backup and caching of data and
communications, logging of activity, monitoring of general use patterns, and other such activities
necessary to provide service. Furthermore, email and data stored on shared drives are inherently
insecure. Therefore, information technology administrators collect metadatasuch as file
storage/space allocation, bandwidth usage, and data and email statisticson an ongoing basis to ensure
the integrity and reliability of the college’s electronic network.
As is the case for information in non-electronic form stored in college facilities, the college’s need for
information will be met in most situations by simply asking the author or custodian for it. Consistent
with this policy, the college reserves the right to access, review and release electronic information
transmitted over or stored in college systems or facilities. Properly authorized college officials, following
the procedures below, may access relevant e-mail, voice mail, or electronic files without the consent of
the assigned user upon a good faith belief that such action:
1. Is necessary to comply with legal requirements or process, or
2. May yield information necessary for the investigation of a suspected violation of law or regulations,
or of a suspected serious infraction of college policy (for example alleged research misconduct,
plagiarism or harassment), or
3. May yield information needed to deal with an emergency, or
4. In the case of Staff, will yield information that is needed for the ordinary business of the college to
If a need arises to review or access electronic files of employees or students, requests must receive
approval from the Provost (faculty requests), the Vice President of Student Affairs (student requests), or
the Vice President of Business and Finance (staff requests). Procedure:
1. Requests should be directed to the Chief Information Officer (CIO).
2. The CIO will seek approval from the Provost or appropriate Vice President as designated above and
will advise the requestor as to the approval or denial.
3. If approved, the CIO will forward the request to the Assistant CIO/Director of Network Operations
for fulfillment.
4. The Assistant CIO may request other IT staff to fulfill the request but staff will be kept to a minimum
to maintain confidentiality.
5. It will be assumed that the request has been made without the knowledge of the subjects of the
request. When appropriate, an attempt will be made to notify the user of this access in advance.
6. The Assistant CIO will report the findings back to the requesting party. A summary of the findings
and any pertinent notes will be sent to the requesting party, the approving party and the CIO.
Except as may otherwise be dictated by legal requirements, individuals will be notified of access to, or
disclosure of, the contents of their e-mail, voice mail or their computer accounts as soon as practicable.
In cases where such notification might jeopardize an ongoing investigation of suspected wrongdoing, it
may be delayed until the conclusion of the investigation.
Copyright Policy and Notification Procedures
The owner of a copyright holds exclusive rights to the reproduction and distribution of the copyrighted
work. Duplication of any copyrighted work is prohibited unless specifically allowed for in a license
agreement. Unauthorized copying of intellectual work and/or software is illegal and punishable under
federal law.
As members of the academic community, we value the free exchange of ideas; however, respect for the
intellectual work and property of others is essential to the mission of all educational institutions.
Copyright Infringement NotificationAgent to Receive Notification of Claimed Infringement
This is to notify copyright owners that the agent to receive infringement statutory notices under the
Digital Millennium Copyright Act is Tom Hocut, Assistant CIO and Director of Network Operations.
A copyright owner needing to send such notice to Berry College should submit the notice in writing to:
Jason Murphine
Berry College
P.O. Box 495035
Mount Berry, GA 30149
Phone: 706-236-5099
For more information about copyright, see or
IV. Compliance/Sanctions
Any user of Berry College technology resources who violates the acceptable use or other college policies
or applicable local, state, or federal laws may be subject to appropriate disciplinary actions up to and
including termination of access, disciplinary review, expulsion, termination of employment, legal action
or other appropriate disciplinary action. Divisions and departments shall not adopt rules and
regulations that reduce full compliance with applicable local, state, or federal laws or the policies and
procedures of the college.
V. Approval and Review
This policy is periodically reviewed by Information Technology staff and the Information Technology
Committee. Recommendations for changes or additions to this policy will be referred to academic
council and administrative council for approval. Information technology resources and systems are
changing rapidly and the college reserves the right to amend this policy at any time.
Date issued: April 17, 2014
Review Dates: October 7, 2021
August 15, 2019
August 31, 2017
Access to Student Information
Under provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, students have the
right of access to official records maintained on them by Berry College. A student may inspect and review her
or his educational records by filing a written request with the registrar. Although access may be normally
obtained without undue delay, officials are permitted a 45-day period within which to respond to any
Directory Information
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, also provides that the following
categories of information may be released by the college as public unless the student chooses to have the
information withheld. Such information may be released routinely to certain inquirers and the news media
unless the student requests in writing the fall semester of each year that this list be withheld. Directory
information includes name, address (including home, residence hall and room number, and local off-campus
address), current telephone listing, place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized
activities and sports, weight and height (if a member of an athletic team), dates of attendance (including
current classification and year, matriculation and withdrawal dates), degrees, awards and honors received,
including dates granted, the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended, Berry e-mail
address, status (full-time/part-time), and identification photograph.
Release of Information
Without the student’s written consent, Berry College does not release confidential information to anyone
other than Berry College personnel requiring information for the proper performance of their duties;
organizations conducting studies for educational and governmental agencies; accrediting agencies;
appropriate persons in case of health or safety emergencies; agencies or offices in connection with the
student’s application for or receipt of financial aid; governmental officials, as identified in Public Law 93-380;
parents of dependent children, as defined in the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; and an appropriate official
in response to a court order. Students who wish to release to parents routine grade reports or other official
correspondence must complete a signed authorization form with the Office of the Registrar.
Berry College admits students of any race, creed, color, sex, national and ethnic origin or qualified handicap
to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the
college. Berry does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, national and ethnic origin or
handicap in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs,
and athletic and other college-administered programs. Under the provision of the Family Educational Rights
and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, Berry College permits the student access to educational information
maintained on him or her by the institution. These policies pertain to all students both undergraduate and
graduate except where noted.
¢ Academic Resources
Academic Success Center
The Academic Success Center’s mission is to enhance the academic success of all Berry College students
through services including peer tutoring (called ASC Sessions), academic consultations, workshops, and
coordination of accommodations for students with differences and disabilities. The ASC’s administrative
offices are located in Evans 106 and are open during normal business hours. However, many resources,
including tutoring and Academic Consultations can be accessed until 10:00 pm and are located in The
Commons on the first floor of the library.
ASC Sessions (Berry’s model for easy-to-access tutoring) are available Sunday through Thursday in The
Commons (first floor of the library), completely free, in a casual, small-group setting. Students can stop by,
work on assignments, meet fellow students, and work with a peer tutor as much or as little as they like.
Additional information about peer tutoring, including the days and times tutoring is available for this course,
can be found at
Individual Academic Consultations are an opportunity for students to meet one-on-one with an Academic
Consultant to build academic skills and strategies. The goal of these meetings is to help students study
smarter, not harder. Students can sign up for an individual academic consultation at;
just click the Individual Academic Consultation button at the top of the page.
Questions about these resources can be directed to Kinsey Farmer, Associate Director for Academic
Transitions, at [email protected].
The Office of Accessibility Resources provides accessibility resources for students with a documented need
for academic, housing, or dining in keeping with the Americans with Disabilities Act and its amendments and
the Fair Housing Act.
Questions about Accessibility Resources can be directed to Katrina Meehan, Associate Director for
Accessibility Resources, at [email protected].
The Commons
The Academic Success Center provides free peer tutoring and individual academic consultations to all Berry
College students in The Commons (located on the first floor of Memorial Library). ASC Sessions (drop in
question-and-answer sessions with our student staff) are available for many of your courses throughout the
week, completely free, in a casual, small-group setting. See ASC Session schedule on ASC Website: Students can stop by to work on assignments, meet fellow students, and work with
our student staffers as much or as little as they like. Additional information about ASC Sessions, including the
days and times sessions available for this course, can be found at Individual Academic
Consultations are an opportunity for students to meet one-on-one with an Academic Consultant to work on
study skills and strategies. The goal of these meetings is to help students study smarter, not harder. Students
can also sign up for an Individual Academic Consultation at Questions about these
resources can be directed to Kinsey Farmer, Associate Director for Academic Transitions,
¢ Accessibility Resources
Federal law guarantees all students with disabilities a learning environment that provides reasonable
accommodation of their ability. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 states:
No otherwise qualified individual…shall by reason of…handicap, be excluded from participation in, be
denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal
financial assistance.
Section 504, as well as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the Americans with Disabilities
Act Amendments of 2008 (ADAAA), prohibits discrimination in recruitment, admission or treatment of
students. Students with documented disabilities may request accommodations that will enable them to
participate in and benefit from all educational programs and activities. The ADA requires each academic
accommodation to be made on an individual or case-by-case basis. Under ADA, the College must ensure that
its programs and facilities are accessible to all qualified students.
The law states that some students with disabilities have a right to academic accommodations,
changes to how things are normally done, that provide an equal opportunity to participate in and
enjoy the benefits of an education.
Students must self-identify to the Office of Accessibility Resources by submitting an online intake
form requesting accommodations.
Students must provide recent professional documentation of the disability from a doctor or other
licensed professional.
Accommodations do not automatically carry over to the next semester. Students must make a
written request to renew accommodations each semester and submit it to Associate Director,
Katrina Meehan
Students must meet academic and conduct standards.
The laws do not require schools to lower academic standards.
Accommodations do not mean giving students easier work or changing the rules to make it easier for
Students must continually meet relevant academic and conduct standards to receive the protection of the
Accommodations do not automatically carry over from semester to semester, nor are they retroactive;
therefore, each semester, the student must submit a request to have accommodations activated for the
upcoming semester by completing the form sent to students each semester. The accommodation letter
serves as a tool to assist students in communicating with faculty about their accommodations. The letter
verifies that the student is registered with the office and outlines the approved accommodations.
Please refer to the Academic Success Center Website at for more complete
information about accessibility resources. Questions about Accessibility Resources can be directed to
Katrina Meehan, Associate Director for Accessibility Resources, at [email protected].
Berry College Student Disability Grievance Procedure
In the event that specific complaints arise regarding the College’s compliance with particular provisions of the
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, a student with a grievance is encouraged to work with the Berry
College personnel most closely involved to resolve the matter informally. If the complaint(s) cannot be
resolved informally, the following procedure has been developed for use by students and prospective
students to resolve the grievance pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990:
"Grievance” as used in this procedure means a written complaint by any student who believes he or she is a
qualified individual with a disability who has been adversely affected by an improper application of one or
more College rules, regulations, or policies, or by specified improper actions of any individual affiliated with
the College in the capacity of academic personnel, administrative or professional staff, or clerical or service
"Student” as used in this procedure includes persons (1) who are registered for classes at Berry College at the
time a grievance pursuant to this policy is initiated; (2) who were registered for classes at Berry College at the
time the adverse occurrence that gave rise to the grievance occurred; (3) who have an offer of admission to
Berry College; and (4) who have sought admission to Berry College. “Student” includes undergraduate and
graduate students at Berry College.
Step One
A. If informal discussion with appropriate College personnel does not resolve the complaint, the student
will submit a written grievance to the Dean for Student Success within thirty (30) working days of the
event(s) that triggered the grievance. The written grievance must include:
A clear and unequivocal statement of the College rules(s), regulation(s), policy(ies), and/or actions(s)
of which the student complains;
The date of any action of which the student complains;
The names of all the College employees involved; and
A summary of the action(s) the student has taken to resolve the matter informally.
B. The Dean for Student Success, which term for the purposes of this procedure includes an individual
designated in writing by the Dean for Student Success, will meet with the student within ten (10) working
days of the receipt of the grievance.
C. If this meeting does not resolve the grievance, the Dean for Student Success will conduct an informal
investigation of the subject of grievance with the objective of resolving the grievance. In those cases
where the grievance involves a dispute regarding the conduct or requirements of a course or of an
academic program, the Dean for Student Success will, in addition to consulting with the faculty member
responsible for the affected course or academic program, meet with and seek faculty advice from the
Associate Director for Accessibility Resources, two faculty representatives and one student. One of the
faculty participants must be the representative from the school responsible for the course or academic
program from which the grievance originated.
D. The Dean for Student Success will furnish the student with a written response to the grievance within
thirty (30) working days of meeting with the student. The written response will be mailed to the student
by certified mail, return receipt requested. If the grievance involves a dispute regarding the conduct or
the requirements of a course, or of an academic program, a copy of the written response issued by the
Dean for Student Success will be provided to the Associate Director for Accessibility Resources, to the
dean and the department head in the school responsible for the affected course or academic program,
and, when applicable, to the professor responsible for the course.
Step Two
A. If the student is not satisfied with the written response of the Dean for Student Success, the student may
present his/her grievance in written form to the Provost within ten (10) working days after receipt of the
response of the Dean for Student Success. The grievance presented to the Provost will be limited to
those matters raised in the student’s grievance to the Dean for Student Success pursuant to step one of
this procedure.
B. The Provost, which term for the purposes of this procedure includes an individual designated in writing
by the Provost, will meet with the student and any other person involved with the grievance within
fifteen (15) working days after the receipt of the grievance schedule.
When the subject of grievance is the responsibility of another vice president, academic dean, or senior
administrator, the Provost will invite the participation of that administrator in the meeting.
C. After discussing the facts and issues involved in the grievance with those appearing at the grievance
hearing, the Provost will issue to the complainant a written answer to the grievance within ten (10)
working days from the completion of the hearing. The answer or decision by the Provost will be final.
D. If the grievance involves a dispute regarding the conduct or the requirements of a course, or
of an academic program, a copy of the written decision issued by the Provost will be provided to the
Associate Director for Accessibility Resources, to the dean and the department head in the school
responsible for the affected course or academic program, and, when applicable, to the professor responsible
for the course.
Advising Program
Each student is assigned an academic advisor with whom to consult in selecting a schedule of classes each
semester, in planning a program of study leading to the chosen degree, and for guidance in their career
paths. Questions and concerns related to the student’s academic program and progress should be discussed
with the advisor, who is available for consultation on other matters as well. The advisor provides advice and
will help the student understand the ramifications of their choices, but the final responsibility of completing all
requirements for a degree rests with the student.
Academic Transitions Office
The office of Academic Transitions, which includes support for first-year students, is located in Memorial
Library 106. It offers a variety of support services to help new students adjust to the academic and social
demands of college life. In addition to supporting the transition to college for first-year students including
leadership of BCC 100: First-Year Seminar the office supports transfer students’ transition to Berry. In
conjunction with the Bonner Center for Community Engagement, the Academic Transition office organizes
First-Year service opportunities for new students to get to know each other and the community by serving in
Rome and Floyd County. The office provides support to any first-year or transfer student at Berry College.
¢ Students with Disabilities
Federal law guarantees all students with disabilities a learning environment that provides reasonable
accommodation of their ability. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 states:
No otherwise qualified individual…shall by reason of…handicap, be excluded from participation in, be
denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal
financial assistance.
Section 504, as well as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the Americans with Disabilities
Act Amendments of 2008 (ADAAA), prohibits discrimination in recruitment, admission or treatment of
students. Students with documented disabilities may request accommodations that will enable them to
participate in and benefit from all educational programs and activities. The ADA requires each academic
accommodation to be made on an individual or case-by-case basis. Under ADA, the College must ensure that
its programs and facilities are accessible to all qualified students.
Students are responsible for self-identifying their need for accommodations to the Academic Success Center
and providing adequate documentation of their disability. Students must submit a letter from their physician
that verifies the disability.
Students with learning differences and/or disabilities must submit a full psycho-educational report. The
assessment must be administered by a trained and qualified (i..e., certified and/or licensed) professional (e.g.
psychologist, school psychologist, neuropsychologist, educational diagnostician) and have been completed,
ideally, within the last three years. The diagnostic report must include:
Relevant historical information, past and current academic achievement, instructional foundation,
past performance in areas of difficulty, age at initial diagnosis, and history of accommodations used
in past educational settings and their effectiveness.
A diagnostic summary statement with the following information:
1. A clear and direct statement that a learning disability does or does not exist.
2. A clear statement specifying the substantial limitations to one or more major life activities.
3. Recommendations and a rationale for accommodations.
The signature, location, and license number of the diagnosing professional
A diagnosis of specific learning differences and/or disabilities without psychoeducational measures may not
be used for determining eligibility for academic accommodations. For example, school plans such as
Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) or 504 Plans often do not provide adequate information. However, they
may be included with the required evaluation, as they can prove helpful. Please read the complete Berry
College Documentation Criteria at Accommodations do not automatically carry
over from semester to semester, nor are they retroactive; therefore, each semester, the student must
submit a request to have accommodations activated for the upcoming semester. Requests should include a
class schedule and be emailed to Katrina Meehan, Associate Director for Accessibility Resources, at
[email protected]. Students can also come to the Office of Accessibility Resources located in Evans 106.
The accommodation letter serves as a tool to assist students in communicating with faculty about their
accommodations. The letter verifies that the student is registered with the office and outlines the approved
Please refer to the Academic Success Center Website at for more complete
information about accessibility resources.
¢ Library Resources
Balancing functional convenience with a comfortable working environment, Memorial Library offers various
spaces and tools for research and study. Further enriching the library-experience are the Commons, the
Writing Center, Java City Café, and the Berry College Archives, which retain the Martha Berry Papers, the
official college records, and a host of bygone publications and photographs. More information about the
Memorial Library is available at
Library Privacy Policy
Librarians’ professional ethics require that personally identifiable information about library users be kept
confidential. This confidentiality applies to information sought or received; materials consulted, borrowed or
acquired; and borrower-registration information.
Confidential records shall not be made available to any agency of state, federal or local government or any
other person unless a court order requiring disclosure has been entered by a court of competent jurisdiction.
Academic Policies and Requirements
The Berry College catalog provides details about academic policies, degree requirements, major and minor
requirements, and information about specific programs and course descriptions. The catalog is available
online at; students should consult the catalog for details about their chosen
degrees and programs of study.
Several academic policies are summarized below for convenience. In the cases of any discrepancies between
the academic policies published below and those in the official online Berry College catalog, the catalog shall
supersede the academic policies summarized below.
¢ Class Attendance Policies
Class attendance is vital to a student’s ability to succeed in any course. In all cases, attendance policies will be
detailed on course syllabi provided at the beginning of each course.
Students are expected to attend classes regularly. Each student is responsible to the instructor in matters
pertaining to class attendance. The student should explain the cause of each absence. If the absence is
deemed justifiable, the instructor may grant the student an opportunity to make up the work. Because the
college is concerned about the academic success of the student, instructors are encouraged to keep records
of class attendance. Instructors should explain to each of their classes at the beginning of every semester
what constitutes “excessive absences.” A student with excessive absences may be withdrawn from the class
at the request of the professor, in accordance with the policies explained on the course syllabus. Students
who fail to attend all courses regularly may be withdrawn from the college.
¢ Dropping/Adding Courses
Returning students may make changes to their schedules online during the Add/Drop period- typically the
first four class days of each term. Withdrawals, which are different from dropped courses in that the course
appears on the transcript as withdrawn, may continue after the fourth day until the end of the tenth week of
the term. Any class for which you are registered after the end of the add/drop period will count as hours
attempted for financial aid purposes.
¢ Leave of Absence
There are situations such as medical or family emergencies when a student must withdraw from classes for a
semester with every intention of returning the next semester. The student may, in these cases, request
approval of a Leave of Absence that, if granted, would mean that he or she would not have to complete the
withdrawal (from the institution) process and then reapply for admission. In applying, the student will be
asked to indicate the term of absence, the reason for the absence and to provide documentation of the
reason stated so that the Provost and/or Dean of Undergraduate Experiences may consider the request.
While students are encouraged to apply for the Leave of Absence prior to the beginning of a term or during
the drop/add period, students must complete the Leave of Absence form and turn it in to the Dean of
Academic Service’s office no later than the last day to withdraw from a class, for approval to be considered
for the current term. Students who have begun coursework during the term and who receive permission for
the leave after the drop/add period would be granted a W for all courses for which they are registered; these
hours would count, however, as hours attempted.
In cases where a student needs to withdraw from classes for medical reasons but anticipates returning in the
next semester, the student may be granted a Medical Leave of Absence. The leave must be requested no
later than the last day of the semester to withdraw. In rare circumstances, students can request a medical
Leave of Absence beyond the last date to withdraw from a class, which sufficient documentation. Upon
receipt of appropriate medical documentation, students will be granted a WS for all courses for which they
are registered; these hours would count, however, as hours attempted. Students who withdraw from classes
for medical reasons will be asked to provide documentation from the appropriate medical professionals
regarding the student’s readiness to return to a residential academic community.
A student approved for a Leave of Absence or Medical Leave of Absence will be eligible to preregister at the
same time he or she would if enrolled at Berry and will, upon returning to the college, be coded as a current
student. The student is responsible for meeting all fee deadlines, housing-application deadlines, etc., as is a
student in residence.
A Leave of Absence will be granted for no more than one term in duration. If students must be gone from the
institution longer than one term, they must formally withdraw and then apply for re-admission. Students
should be advised that an approved Leave of Absence may affect the student’s eligibility for financial aid and
grants; students seeking approval of a Leave should consult with financial aid.
¢ Withdrawal from a Course
To withdraw from a course, a student submit a One-Stop Registration form, with the student’s advisor’s
signature of approval, and submit it to the Registrar’s Office before the final day to withdraw from a course,
as published in the Academic Calendar.
Failure to withdraw properly will result in a grade of F. Applicable dates by which class withdrawals must be
accomplished are printed in the College Catalog, the college calendar, and The Viking Code.
¢ Withdrawal from College
To withdraw from Berry College as a degree-seeking student (undergraduate and graduate), a student must
complete the withdrawal form from the Office of the Provost, Dean of Undergraduate Experiences. The Dean
of Undergraduate Experiences is responsible for undergraduate and graduate degree-seeking Berry College
students. Students are encouraged to schedule an exit interview with the Dean of Undergraduate
Experiences. Refunds for which the student is entitled will be processed according to the Refund of Charges
section of the Berry College Catalog.
Students who will be absent from campus for at least one full semester but are not classified as full-time
transient students or who have not been granted a leave of absence will be considered withdrawn and must
complete the withdrawal form.
¢ Involuntary Withdrawal from College
Berry College may require at any time the withdrawal of any student whose conduct or academic standing it
regards as undesirable, either for the student’s sake or for the college’s.
If the undesirable conduct is unintentional but suggests that the student may be harmful to self or others or
is incompatible with the good order and operation of the college, the matter will be referred to the Dean of
Students. The Dean of Students will consult with health-care providers, professors, counselors, and other
individuals as appropriate. The Dean of Students may require interim, temporary, or permanent withdrawal
of such student.
If the undesirable conduct is deliberate, the student will be subject to the rules and procedures provided in
the Code of Student Conduct.
Students who leave the campus under the above conditions, either voluntarily or involuntarily, may be
readmitted to the college only after being cleared by the Dean of Students. Permission for readmission may
take into account the student’s demonstrating a period of stable behavior outside the college and may
require a statement from a physician, psychologist, or other qualified professionals that the student is ready
to return and cope successfully with college life. Follow-up services or special conditions may be required as
part of the readmission decision. In most cases, a letter from your doctor may be required before your
readmission may be considered.
¢ Grade-Point Average
The grade-point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the
total number of hours attempted, including any on which the student earned a grade of F. All attempts in a
course will be counted. The student will earn credit hours for a course only once, unless otherwise noted. The
following example illustrates a grade-point average of 2.85 obtained by dividing 39.9 by 14:
Semester Hours Grade Quality Points Grade
Course Attempted Received Earned Points
BIO 111 4 B- 2.7 10.8
RHW 102 3 B- 2.7 8.1
KIN 101 1 B 3.0 3.0
HIS 154 3 A- 3.7 11.1
PSY 101 3 C+ 2.3 6.9
14 39.9
¢ Study at another Institution
A student who wishes to take courses at another institution must request permission to do so in advance
from the Registrar. This is done by taking a signed transient-student permission form to one’s advisor, the
relevant department chair and Dean for each course for approval, and then to the Registrar, with a list of the
desired courses and the institution the student will be attending. Each department sets policies for transient
coursework equivalencies. Please be aware that deadlines at the host school may vary; students should apply
for transient permission well in advance of the host school’s deadlines. Students must request that official
transcripts be sent to the Registrar when the courses have been completed. Students must earn a C or better
on any course to be transferred to Berry. Students who have completed 60 hours or more may not be
transient students at two-year (lower division) institutions.
¢ Grade Appeals
A student who has a question about a grade should first discuss the matter with the professor of the class. If
understanding is not reached through this discussion, the student should make an appointment to discuss
the matter with the department chair and/or the chair and the professor together. If there is still a clear
question of the unfairness in the matter under discussion, it may be taken to the school Dean and then to the
Provost, at which level a resolution of the issue will be determined.
¢ Academic Appeal Process
Undergraduate students who wish to appeal an academic-related decision should first consult with the
professor of the course in which the issue has been raised. If the issue is not resolved at that consultation, the
student may then appeal to the department chair and then, if the issue is not resolved, in writing to the Dean
of the appropriate school and then to the Dean of Undergraduate Experiences and/or Provost. If the issue
continues to be at question, the student may then appeal to a subcommittee consisting of equal numbers of
faculty and students of Academic Council that will be convened by the Provost or Dean of Undergraduate
Experiences, and then to the President.
If the issue is program related, the student should consult first with the director of the department or office
in which the issue has been raised. If the issue is not resolved at that consultation, the student may then
appeal in writing to the appropriate school Dean. If the issue is not resolved, then the student may appeal to
the associate provost and/or provost. If the issue continues to be at question, the student may then appeal
to a subcommittee consisting of equal numbers of faculty and students of Academic Council that will be
convened by the Provost or Dean of Undergraduate Experiences, and then to the President.
¢ Academic Freedom
Faculty and students are free to examine all pertinent data, question assumptions, be guided by the evidence
of scholarly research, and teach and study the substance of a given discipline.
¢ Classification
Students are classified according to the number of hours of credit earned. The undergraduate student with
fewer than 30 hours is classified as a freshman. One with as many as 30 hours but fewer than 60 is a
sophomore. A junior is a student with at least 60 hours but fewer than 90, and a senior has 90 or more hours.
While these hours mark student progress toward graduation, there is no implied requirement that a
student earn 30 hours each year to make satisfactory progress toward graduation.
¢ Academic Standards
To earn a bachelor’s degree, a student must complete a minimum of 120 (starting in the Fall of 2020; 124
hours for students in previous catalog years) semester hours with at least a cumulative grade-point average
of 2.00, at least a grade-point average of 2.00 for all hours undertaken at Berry College, and a minimum 2.00
grade-point average within the major field(s). For determining the cumulative grade-point average, all
attempts in a course will be counted except as described in the Class Repeat Policy.
¢ Good Academic Standing
A student is in good Academic Standing at Berry College if his or her Berry cumulative grade point average is
at or above 2.00.
¢ Academic Probation and Suspension
Academic probation results when a student’s record calls into question his or her long-range chances for
academic success and eventual graduation. At the end of any semester in which his or her Berry cumulative
grade-point average is below 2.00, a student is placed on academic probation for the succeeding semester.
Policies for academic suspension take into account the total number of hours that a student has attempted.
See the Berry College Catalog for a complete description of the benchmarks for possible academic
suspension. Multiple infractions of the Academic Integrity Policy may also result in a student being placed on
academic probation or suspension.
¢ Applications for Graduation
Students who wish to be eligible as candidates for graduation must complete an online Application for
Graduation two semesters prior to graduation (typically the second semester of the junior year). Before the
beginning of the next term, the Registrar will provide a degree audit to the student and advisor indicating all
requirements remaining to earn the degree. Students who fail to complete an application for graduation by
the deadline may be withheld from graduation until the next term.
¢ Study Abroad
To enrich the education of students and the life of the college as a whole, Berry offers a variety of study
abroad options. Eligible students may attend semester and/or summer college-approved study abroad
programs offered at a variety of institutions. Each year Berry faculty lead Summer International Programs
(SIPs) to various countries. Students may participate in service learning, internships, volunteering and/or
teaching abroad. Institutional financial aid may be used toward studying abroad on affiliated programs, and
additional scholarships are available to eligible students. Berry College does not support travel to countries
with a level 4 travel advisory, according to the U.S. State Department. Students requesting to study abroad in
a level 3 country will have additional review. Students may not use any institutional aid to cover any costs,
including tuition, associated with activities taking place in a level 4 country.
All semester and summer participants on affiliated programs are required to hold a minimum grade point
average of 2.50 and must have completed at least 2 semesters in residence at Berry College before studying
abroad. Petitions for exceptions to these requirements are submitted to the Director of International
Experiences and the Dean of Undergraduate Experiences. Many programs have higher GPA requirements,
which students must meet. Berry does not specify a minimum GPA for its Summer International Programs,
although other pre-requisites may apply. Eligible students may participate in a summer program at any point
during their college career. Students not in good disciplinary standing at the time of application to any
program may reapply when they are no longer in this status.
For program and scholarship information, see
or contact International Experiences Office at 706-368-6753 or or stop
by the office in Krannert 302.
¢ Cultural Events Requirement Statement of Purpose
Full-time students must attend a minimum of 24 events (an average of 3 events for each semester of full-
time enrollment) from a list of officially approved cultural events to qualify for graduation. The program is
designed to expose students to events that faculty and administration believe best represent the literary,
philosophical, scientific and performing-arts traditions for which Berry as an institution is responsible; to
provide students an opportunity to make contact with the issues and personalities of contemporary America
as well as cross-cultural public discussion; and to enable students to participate as fully as possible in the
intellectual and spiritual tradition of Berry College. To be cleared for graduation, students must complete all
of their required cultural events before the twelfth week of the semester in which they will graduate.
¢ Diversity at Berry College
As a college that welcomes and values diversity, Berry seeks to foster a culture that is open, friendly, and
inviting to all members of the campus community. We welcome all students, faculty members, and staff
members who support Berry’s mission.
¢ Freedom of Expression Limits/Abuse
Freedom of expression does not include the right to intentionally and maliciously aggravate, intimidate,
ridicule, or humiliate another person. The Berry College community embraces both the goal of protecting its
members from harassment and the principle of free speech in a place of learning. In attempting to balance
the two sometimes conflicting values, Berry College expects community members to hold themselves to high
standards that are needed for a healthy community.
Harassment includes hostile or intimidating verbal or written statements or symbols, physical threats or
intimidating conduct that adversely affect the mental or emotional health of the individual or that interfere
with a person’s ability to function successfully in his or her academic work or social life at Berry College. It
also includes acts which are intended to insult or stigmatize an individual or group of individuals on the basis
of perceived or actual personal characteristics.
¢ Graduate Student Access to Programs
The policies and services described in the Viking Code generally pertain to both undergraduate and graduate
students. Services such as Academic Support Services, Counseling Services, Computer Labs, Food Services,
and Career Services, and Student Involvement are available to graduate students. Residence Life and cultural
event requirements are limited to undergraduates only.
¢ Hazing
Berry College does not condone hazing in any form. Berry defines hazing as any action taken or situation
created intentionally to produce physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Any student
group or organization that is found in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.
¢ Hunting, Fishing, and Camping
Hunting by students is prohibited on Berry property except in public hunting areas in accordance
with hunting laws and State Game and Fish Division regulations.
Weapons, firearms, and ammunition are prohibited in Berry’s residence halls and in automobiles on
A valid Georgia state fishing license is required of all persons fishing in any of the lakes owned by the
college. No fishing is allowed in the Old Mill Pond, Swan Lake, or Mirror Lake. All fishermen are
subject to state fishing laws.
Fishing at the Reservoir is prohibited by regulations issued by the Georgia Department of Natural
Resources, Environmental Protection Division (EPD). Limited exceptions may be made by the EPD.
Students desiring to fish at the Reservoir may contact the director of physical plant to determine if a
special permit is possible.
No swimming at any time by any person will be permitted in any of the lakes owned by the college.
Students may camp overnight at designated campus campsites by contacting the Assistant Dean of
Student Wellness. Specific guidelines and procedures must be followed and the appropriate campus
personnel will be notified to insure the safety of the campers.
Off-Campus Guest Speakers
Berry College has the responsibility to provide for the rights of all sectors of its academic community with
regard to the matter of off-campus guest speakers, lest the rights of the sector transgress those of another,
by guaranteeing procedure for securing guest speakers as outlined below:
All speakers invited to the campus of Berry College must be sponsored by one of the following:
1. a student group officially recognized by Berry College;
2. a department or administrative office of Berry College;
3. an officially recognized non-student group at Berry College;
4. a faculty member for his or her class taught at Berry College;
5. the chaplain for the religious life program at Berry College;
6. a non-Berry group permitted the use of facilities at Berry College.
In regard to a speaker sponsored by an officially recognized student group, before any invitation is given, the
student organization must consult the organization’s membership, consult the organization’s advisors, and
together with the advisors consult the dean of students or, when applicable, consult the appropriate
department head and the provost.
In addition to the above procedure, the following must be observed in regard to political speakers on
During an active political campaign, Berry College’s standing policy is to have bona fide candidates speak on
campus to students, faculty, and staff at an assembly only if all other bona fide candidates for the same office
receive an invitation to speak. However, when a candidate is sponsored or invited by a specifically partisan
Berry student organization, all candidates do not need to be invited to the event as long as an officer of the
sponsoring organization notifies the officers of the other partisan student organization through campus mail
or personal contact to give them an opportunity to sponsor an opposing candidate. Candidates are expected
to agree in advance on certain procedures. An exception to this policy will be made for the presidential
nominees of the major political parties.
Berry College takes the responsibility of providing life safety and property protection very seriously. To
meet these important responsibilities, the college maintains a force of state-certified police officers
whose duties are integrated to provide law enforcement, crime prevention and parking
control/enforcement. The department strives to contribute to the academic environment by performing
professional law enforcement tasks with a positive, service oriented and educational approach.
Our police officers receive their law enforcement authority through the Official Code of Georgia
Annotated, Title 20.
The Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Council certify all police officers after they successfully
complete the 408-hour basic mandate training course. The officers are then required to complete a
minimum of 20 hours of annual training to maintain their peace officer certification and arrest powers. As
of January 1, 2017, all peace officers have to complete a specified minimum of 7 hours for designated
topics within the 20-hour annual training requirement. The designated topics to be completed each year
within the 20 hours are:
Firearms Requalification 1 Hour
Use of Deadly Force 1 Hour
De-escalation training 1 Hour
Community Policing 2 Hours
Gang Investigations 1 Hour
Human Trafficking 1 Hour
Our officers typically receive a minimum of 40 hours of annual training in a wide range of topics that better
equip our personnel to serve the Berry community
Berry’s police officers are authorized full police powers, including the power of arrest, on all college
Officers patrol the campus, 24 hours a day, via marked patrol units, bicycles and by foot to deter acts of
crime and to detect and intervene when criminal activity occurs. They respond and follow-up on all
reported crimes. In addition to patrol duties, officers investigate traffic accidents and alleged crimes, assist
in medical emergencies, provide limited motorist assistance, enforce campus parking/traffic regulations,
and provide support to numerous campus activities and events.
The department maintains a twenty-four hour communications and dispatch office located in Berry
College’s Welcome Center. Call 706-236-2262 for emergencies (or dial 2262 from campus telephones).
The communications office and all Berry College Police officers have radio links with local emergency
response agencies.
The central fire and security alarm receiver is located in the communications office allowing constant
monitoring of these systems. Security cameras located throughout campus, campus emergency phones,
panic alarm buttons and the card access system are also monitored by the BCPD communications office.
The communications office is open and accessible for walk-in assistance year-round, twenty-four hours
per day.
The department maintains a close working and professional relationship with local emergency agencies
and their members. Local agencies come together through meetings, training and investigative follow-
ups and information is freely shared between these agencies.
Officers work closely with our Campus Residence Life partners in assigned buildings to provide training
and information to promote crime prevention awareness and to develop healthy relationships with the
residents of the buildings.
The Berry College Police Department strives to foster and encourage community-Campus Police
partnerships, both to aid in the prevention of crime, and to develop and maintain positive communication
and mutual understanding and trust between students, staff, faculty, and Campus Police personnel.
Partnerships between the community and the police are always stronger when the community
understands and supports the role of the police and when the community is confident the actions of the
police are fair and just. Students who fully understand the role of BCPD and our efforts to enhance the
quality of community life will be better prepared to provide advice to Campus Police to help shape policies
and initiatives. Personal safety and security must be a cooperative venture, and no police department can
be effective unless individuals exercise reasonable care and prudence. The officers and staff of BCPD need
your help in continuing to make Berry College a safer campus. The department welcomes the opportunity
to discuss safety issues and prevention methods. The police department and command staff are located
in Oak Grove Cottage. Due to the nature of our work, we encourage you to call ahead and schedule an
appointment if you would like to meet with an officer or member of the command staff. The police
department's dispatch center and community support staff are located at the Welcome Center which is
staffed 24 hours, 7 days a week. Parking and ID services are available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m., excluding college holidays.
Emergency Numbers/Contact Information
Berry College Police Dispatch Berry College Police Administrative Line
706-236-2262 or Ext. 2262 or 2507 706-368-6999 or Ext. 6999
[email protected] (M-F, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. excluding college holidays)
Chief’s Office Parking Services
706-368-6906 706-368-6999
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
The Clery Act requires all institutions of higher education to publish an annual report of institutional
security policies and crime statistics. The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 also requires an
annual report containing information on campus emergency response and evacuation procedures,
emergency notification, additional hate crime reporting and fire safety policies and statistics. This report
is made available to all current and prospective students and employees. Berry College sends an e-mail to
every enrolled student and current employee on an annual basis to notify that the report is available to
be viewed which includes a .PDF file containing the report’s direct link. Printed copies are available, at no
charge, upon request and are available in person at the Berry College Police Department (located at Oak
Grove Cottage) during regular open hours or by contacting the Berry College Police Department (Campus
Extension 6999 or 706-368-6999). This report is also linked to the Berry College Police website and may
be accessed there.
The purpose of this publication is to:
Provide the Berry College community with an overview of Berry College Police Department services
Share crime statistics required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus
Crime Statistics Act
Inform current and prospective students, staff, faculty, and visitors about the College’s policies and
programs designed to help keep them safe
Share information regarding emergency preparedness and planning
Share information regarding fire safety, fire statistics, and fire-related information
Comprehensive crime statistics for Berry College are also available online at the U.S. Department of
Education (
Rome, Georgia/ Floyd County area statistics are also available by accessing the Federal Bureau of
Investigation Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) (
The report is due by October 1 of each year and must contain certain crime statistics for the most recent
three-year reporting period. Students and parents are encouraged to contact Chief Ryan Chesley to
discuss specific concerns.
Berry College Missing Student Policy
The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures for Berry College, to respond to and assist with reports
of a missing student, as required under the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008. This policy applies
to students who reside on campus and are determined to be missing or absent from the college for 24
hours without any known reason or which may be contrary to usual patterns of behavior.
Procedure for designation of confidential emergency contact information
All residential students have the opportunity to identify an individual to be contacted no later than 24
hours after the time that the student is determined to be missing, hereafter referred to as an emergency
contact. The emergency contact designation will remain in effect until changed or revoked by the student.
This emergency contact information is confidential and will be available only to the officials at the Berry
College Police Department and Dean of Students leadership team.
Designation of Emergency Contact Information
Students age 18 and above and emancipated minors: Students will be given an opportunity during
the annual registration process to designate an emergency contact. The individual designated as the
emergency contact will be contacted for the purpose of locating the student no more than 24 hours
after the time the student is determined to be missing. The individual designated as the emergency
contact will remain in effect until changed or revoked by the student.
Students under the age of 18: If a student under the age of 18 is determined to be missing, the college
is required to notify a custodial parent or guardian no more than 24 hours after the student is
determined to be missing.
A student is determined to be missing when a report comes to the attention of the college and the college
determines the report to be credible. Circumstances may include, but are not limited to establishing that:
A student is out of contact after reasonable efforts to reach that student by phone calls, emails, text
messages and/or in-person attempts to establish contact
Circumstances indicate an act of criminality is involved, even lacking twenty-four (24) hours in time;
Circumstances indicate that physical safety is in danger, even lacking twenty-four (24) hours in time;
Circumstances become known that medicine dependence may threaten life or health, even lacking
twenty-four (24) hours in time;
Existence of a physical/mental disability indicates that the student’s physical safety is in danger, even
lacking the twenty-four (24) hours in time.
Any report of a missing student should be immediately directed to the Berry College Campus Police
Department, telephone number (706) 236-2262. An investigation will be initiated to determine the
validity and credibility of the missing person report.
Cooperative efforts may include
1. The Berry College Police Department with assistance of the Residence Life staff will investigate and
gather information about the missing student from the reporting person and other individuals who
may provide information that will assist with the investigation. These cooperative efforts may include:
Conducting a health and wellness check on the student,
Attempt to make contact via cellular phone, email, or other means to the student,
Determine activity of card access(if applicable), meal plan usage, class attendance
Identify other students who may be aware of the missing student‘s whereabouts (i.e.
roommate(s), friends, classmates, etc.).
2. No later than 24 hours after determining that a Berry College student is missing, the Dean of Students,
or designee, will notify the individual identified by the missing students as the emergency contact (for
students 18 and above and emancipated minors) or the parent/guardian (for students under the age
of 18 and not emancipated) that the student is believed to be missing.
3. If search efforts are unsuccessful in locating the student in a reasonable amount of time the Berry
College Police Department will continue with the investigation including the collaboration with other
law enforcement agencies and utilizing all resources available.
Missing Student Notification Protocol
As a requirement of the Higher Education Opportunity Act and in an effort to assist in ensuring the safety
of our residential students, Berry College has established a missing student notification protocol that
requires the college to alert an emergency contact designated by the student and/or the student’s parents
as well as local law enforcement if the student has been missing for more than 24 hours. This protocol is
established in compliance with Section 485(f) of the Higher Education Act, as amended by section 488(g)
of the Higher Education Opportunity Act. This protocol must be included in the annual security report.
This act and amendment requires institutions that maintain an on campus student housing facility to
establish, for students who reside in an on-campus student housing facility, both a missing student
notification policy that allows students to confidentially register a contact person, and procedures for
notifying a missing student’s contact person.
Students, employees and others may report a missing student to one of the following college officials:
Chief of Campus Police (706-368-6906 or Campus Extension 6906)
Dean of Students (706-236-2207 or Campus Extension 2207)
Assistant Dean of Students for Residence Life (706-236-2209) or Campus Extension 2209)
After normal business hours, Monday-Friday 8-5 excluding holidays, such reports should be made
immediately to Berry College Police Department at 706-236-2262 or Campus Extension 2262.
Following receipt of a missing student report, college officials will immediately notify the campus police
department, who will investigate to determine if the student is actually missing.
If the student has designated an emergency contact person, the college will notify that individual. Berry
College students can confidentially designate an emergency contact person with the Dean of Students
Office. This information will be confidentially maintained by the Dean of Students office. Regardless of
whether a student registers an emergency contact person, the campus police department will be notified
in the event that the student is determined to be missing.
By law, the parent/guardian of students who are under 18 and not legally emancipated will be notified in
the event that the student has been reported missing for 24 hours.
In conjunction with Campus Police, Dean of Students and Information Technology, an on-line reporting
feature has been added to VikingWeb. In addition to registering a general emergency contact, students
have the option to identify confidentially an individual to be contacted by Berry College in the event the
student is determined to be missing for more than 24 hours.
¢ After Hours Access to Campus
The Main Entrance gate will remain closed and access will be via electronic passes. All others will use the
Visitor Entrance of the Welcome Center. Campus closes to the public at 7pm daily. The Service Road,
Legacy Connector, and Spires Connector will be accessible only via electronic passes. This guidance
applies during normal circumstances. Berry College reserves the right to restrict access to the public at
any time.
Campus residents who expect guests can assure minimal delay for their guests by providing the Welcome
Center personnel with appropriate information (student name, visitor name, time of arrival, vehicle
description, and contact number) prior to their visit.
¢ Firearms, Fireworks, Explosives, or Weapons
Firearms, fireworks, explosives or explosive devices, including hoax devices, or weapons are not permitted
on campus, including storage in automobiles. The term “weapon” is defined as any object or substance
designed to inflict a wound, cause injury or incapacitate, and may include, but is not limited to all firearms,
pellet guns, paintball guns, crossbows, bows and arrows, martial arts devices, switchblade knives or knives
with a blade longer than three (3) inches, electronic shocking devices and clubs. The possession of
ammunition is also prohibited.
OCGA 25-10-2 prohibits the possession and use of any fireworks, even legal ones, without permission of
the property owner.
Student Access to Berry Property
The Berry College campus provides student opportunities to enjoy a distinctively unique area of natural
resources. Students are encouraged to enjoy the beauty of the environment. For safety reasons and
liability concerns, certain areas of campus property are restricted areas. All unpaved roads are restricted
access as posted. The forestry areas are designated as either wildlife management or wildlife refuge areas.
Hunting is allowed in the wildlife management areas, but not in the wildlife refuge areas. The wildlife
refuge areas create a safety buffer zone around campus buildings and facilities.
Hiking is permitted during daylight hours only, unless otherwise posted during certain hunting season
Access at other times is by special permission only. Berry police officers have authority to declare any
area unsafe and to further restrict access as necessary.
Non-vehicular traffic is not allowed on Lavender Mountain Road. Please use the Viking Trail.
Sunbathing is permitted in areas adjacent to residence halls.
To preserve the unique beauty of the Mountain Campus, all sporting activities are limited to the
athletic and intramural facilities in and around Henry Hall (WinShape Centre).
Students are restricted from accessing areas immediately surrounding the WinShape Retreat Center.
Please observe any signs and requests by staff indicating off limits areas.
The House o’ Dreams is available by appointment for students, faculty and staff to visit. To arrange to
go to the House o' Dreams, please contact 706-368-6789.
All vehicles must stay on roads maintained for normal vehicular travel. Vehicles are not allowed on
logging roads, trails, etc.
The office of public relations will notify the campus community of scheduled hunts in the Wildlife
Management Area.
Students are encouraged to use bicycles as their mode of travel during class time.
Register your bike via the Bicycle Registration Form which can be found under the Community tab on
Viking Web. There is no charge for this registration.
Always lock your bike with a high security-locking device.
Ride on the right side of the roadway.
Obey all traffic laws.
Do not ride on sidewalks.
Dismount and walk across roadways.
Use proper hand signals.
Always wear a helmet.
At night, have proper lighting on bicycle.
Never store your bike in any building other than your residence hall room.
Do not store in corridors, stairwells, or archways.
Any bike stored that creates a hazard will be impounded and the owner must pay $35.00 to reclaim
Impounded and unclaimed bikes will be held for one month after the semester during which they
were picked up. Unclaimed bicycles will be donated to a community non-profit.
Questions about impounded bicycles should be directed to the Berry College Office of Residence Life
as they manage the collection and storage process.
Motor Vehicle Accidents
The operator of any vehicle, including college vehicles, involved in a traffic accident on campus is required
to report the accident to the Campus Police Department immediately. The driver of any vehicle involved
in an accident on campus shall:
Render first aid to the injured or seek first aid treatment for them.
Exchange name, address, tag number, insurance information and vehicle information between
Exhibit driver’s license and proof of insurance to police officer making the accident report and others
directly involved in the accident.
Whenever possible, vehicle(s) should not be moved prior to the arrival of a police officer.
It is the responsibility of each driver to file the accident report with his or her respective insurance
Copies of Motor Vehicle Accident Reports may be requested by completing the form located on the
Berry College Police Department Website or by contacting BCPD Parking Services.
No Motor Vehicle Accident reports will be completed more than 24 hours after the time of the
accident. If you desire a report, we recommend that you contact BCPD immediately.
If there is a mutual decision by the involved parties at the time of the accident NOT to file a report,
no report will be made at a later time.
It is the desire and intention of Berry College to provide adequate parking for students, faculty, staff, and
camps guests. Priority has been placed on preserving the unique beauty of the campus. Resident students
are encouraged to ride the campus bus or walk during peak class times and during events on campus. The
Traffic Appeals Panel and the Campus Police Department are continually working to improve traffic and
parking facilities and conditions on campus. Any problems or suggestions should be directed to Parking
Services (extension 6999) where every effort will be made to correct these problems and improve parking
facilities. We hope, with student cooperation, traffic and parking on the Berry College campus will not be
a problem.
Student vehicles may be operated on the Berry College campus upon being properly registered and only
in accordance with the following provisions or the Berry College Traffic Code:
All students who operate and/or park a vehicle on campus are required to be registered with Parking
Services and must display an affixed current registration decal/permit on the driver’s side, front &
back windshields of the vehicle.
Vehicles can be registered online, via Viking Web. The Vehicle Pre-Registration Form can be found
under the Community tab, and is the third form under Community Forms. After submitting this form,
incoming freshmen can pick up decals during Viking Venture. The times and location will be
announced in the program brochure. All other students should email [email protected] to
schedule a time to pick up their decals at The Welcome Center.
By submitting this form and registering your vehicle, you agree to abide by all rules and regulations
for parking and operating a motor vehicle as stated by the Berry College Traffic Code . These rules are
applicable to ALL persons, including faculty, staff, students, and guests. A link to the Berry College
Traffic Code can be found at the bottom of the Vehicle Registration form. The form can also be found
at under the Decals tab.
Vehicle Registration Fee... $160.00/ Annually. Please note that this fee is assessed annually for all
actively registered vehicles and is charged even if no new decal is issued. Also note that this fee is not
prorated for mid-year or partial registration conditions. Registration decals/permits are not
transferable from one vehicle to another or one owner to another and remain the property of Berry
Vehicles not licensed for operation on the streets of Georgia may not be operated on campus.
Parking is permitted only in designated areas, lined spaces and zones, and within limits as designated
for that space (i.e., reserved spaces, time limits, etc.). Leaving a vehicle with hazard lights on in an
area not designated for parking does not excuse the violation of illegal parking.
Vehicles in violation of Berry's rules and regulations may be towed/booted away at the owner's
expense. Vehicles may be impounded/booted for the following reasons:
o Parked vehicle creates a fire / safety hazard or obstructs the free flow of traffic.
o Parking in designated tow-away zones, blocking a fire hydrant, unauthorized parking in a
handicap zone, or any violation over two hours.
o When a vehicle is presumed to be abandoned or is in a visible state of disrepair and the owner
cannot be contacted.
o Upon fifth parking violation within the school year.
o As deemed necessary by a campus police officer.
Motorcycles and related vehicles must be operated and parked in the same manner as other motor
vehicles and must display a current registration decal.
Speed limits posted on the campus are to be observed at all times; however, no person shall drive a
motor vehicle at speed greater than that which is “reasonable and prudent" under existing conditions.
The speed limit on campus is 25 mph unless otherwise posted.
Students operating college vehicles should comply with existing Berry College traffic regulations and
state laws.
Due to limited parking space, students residing on campus are limited to one vehicle. Commuting
students may register only those vehicles that are owned by their immediate family. A separate
vehicle registration fee may be assessed for each vehicle registered.
The college assumes no responsibility for damage to or loss of any vehicle, or its contents, at any time
it is operated or parked on the campus.
Children/dependents of Faculty/Staff attending classes at Berry must obtain the proper student
registration decal.
The Keown picnic pavilion, off Lavendar Mountain Road, can be reserved by calling 706-368-6789. Other
than for official events (e.g., Mountain Day), picnicking is not authorized at other locations.
Personal Safety
Personal safety and property security at Berry College is everyone’s responsibility. Our department urges
all members of the Berry community to participate in making our campus as safe as possible.
If you develop good security habits, you can assist us in safeguarding your property and college property.
In the event of suspicious or criminal activity, promptly call the Campus Police (706-236-2262 or Campus
Extension 2262). Officers are also available for educational programs.
To develop good safety habits, follow these security tips:
Residence Hall Safety
Lock your door when you leave the room, even if you will be gone only for a minute. It takes about
eight seconds for someone to walk into an open room and remove an item.
Notify police promptly of any suspicious persons loitering in the vicinity of your building or room.
Never leave purses, wallets, jewelry and other valuables unattended in laundry rooms, showers or
kitchen areas.
Mark your valuables for identification purposes
Record descriptions, serial numbers and other identifiable information about your property
Safety in Your Car
Always lock your car.
Check the back seat before you get in.
Have your keys in hand so you don’t have to linger before getting in, especially at night.
Safety Outside and at Night
Walk confidently, directly, at a steady pace.
Walk on the side of the street facing traffic.
Stay in well-lighted areas as much as possible.
Never work alone in an office or classroom on campus at night
Arrange a buddy system with someone with whom you work or study.
While sunbathing stay within designated areas near the residence halls.
Stay alert to your surroundings. Trust your instincts.
When you feel you are in danger, attract attention any way you can.
The college does not maintain a formal escort service, but if you ever feel uncomfortable in any situation
on campus call Berry College Police Department at 706-236-2262 or Campus Extension 2262 and an officer
will be dispatched to your location to give you a ride.
Severe Weather
Severe weather can occur in the Mount Berry, Rome and Floyd County area at any time. Thunderstorms
and tornadoes are most frequent during the months of March, April, May and June. An average of 20
tornadoes is reported annually in Georgia, with most occurring between 2:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.
BerryALERT is the opt-out emergency communication system for students, faculty and staff. Through a
contract agreement with OmniAlert, a nationally recognized emergency messaging company, college
officials can communicate time-sensitive information to the entire campus community via text message
and/or e-mail messaging. Students are automatically registered for BerryALERT with the cellphone
number that they provide to Berry College but may choose to opt out by using one of two ways: 1) Text
'optout' to 79516 or 2) Reply back to an alert with the word 'optout'.
In the event of threatening weather, the campus-wide emergency notification plan will be activated.
Under this plan, official statements from the National Weather Service are received through specially
designed weather radio alert monitors strategically located on campus. Upon receiving a severe weather
statement, the Emergency Notification Warning Sirens strategically placed throughout the campus will be
sounded. The siren warning will alert you to protect yourself by seeking shelter. The preferable place is a
first floor interior area that is directly supported and free from exterior windows and glass. Places to avoid
are: top floors of buildings, elevators (power may fail), food service areas, auditoriums, gymnasiums and
other structures with wide roof spans. If outdoor shelter is not available and there is not time for escape,
lie flat in a ditch or low spot.
To keep informed of local severe weather information, listen to radio station WRGA-AM 1470 or WSB-TV
Atlanta Channel 2, Weather Channel 53, or ION Channel 9.
For additional information on severe weather procedures in your specific area, contact your Resident
Assistant or the Campus Police Department.
During a tornado watch you should be aware of changing weather conditions and should be prepared to
move to a place of safety if the tornado watch should be upgraded to a tornado warning. Warnings are
issued for smaller areas and periods of time than watches. Generally, warnings cover county-sized areas
or less. Warnings indicate that a tornado has actually been sighted in the area or indicated by radar. The
outdoor sirens will be sounded ONLY upon notification by the National Weather Service of a tornado
warning or when a tornado has actually been sighted and moving toward the area. When a tornado
warning is issued it means TAKE COVER.
Winter storms may lead to the cancellation of classes or delay of classes. Viking Fusion, Rome radio
stations and Atlanta television stations will be informed of and asked to communicate changes in the class
schedule. You may also call 706-238-7830 for weather related class closings.
Community members are also encouraged to download the local Floyd County EMA app.
¢ Solicitation on Campus
Faculty, staff and students should refrain from soliciting on the campus. Solicitation for a humanitarian
cause or with special merit may be conducted upon application to and approval of the dean of students.
Except for the representatives of reputable textbook publishers, outside agents are not normally
permitted to solicit on campus.
“Solicitation” is interpreted to refer to any door-to-door residential solicitation of employees or students
at their places of work, in the dining hall, or elsewhere on the campus, including placing “flyers” on vehicle
windshields, posting flyers on or in any campus buildings, or the use of any donation receptacles. Any
student/group must have its solicitation approved by the director of student activities and the dean of
All unauthorized solicitors should be reported immediately to campus police.
Traffic Appeals
The Traffic Appeals Panel, composed of faculty, staff, and students, will be the sole body to hear appeals
for traffic violations. Written appeals MUST be submitted within five business days of the date of the
violation notice. The Appeals Form is located on Viking Web, under the Students tab, within Forms and
Reports. Persons desiring to present an oral appeal before the panel must schedule an appointment within
five days of the violation notice. Completed appeals should be emailed to [email protected] OR
can be turned in during regular business hours to the Parking Services Office, located in the Berry College
Welcome Center. Decisions by the Traffic Appeals Panel are final and cannot be re-appealed.
Traffic Fines
The nature of the traffic violation and the fine will be noted on the ticket. All fines will be assessed against
payroll checks or charged to the student’s account. Traffic fines will be charged as soon as they are
assessed. In the event that an appeal is upheld, the fine amount will be refunded to the student’s account.
Drivers receiving a fifth parking violation or three moving violations will be designated a Frequent
Violator. All Frequent Violator fines are a minimum of $100 each, and the driver will be subject to have
their privilege of operating a motor vehicle restricted, impounded, booted or possibly removed for the
remainder of the year and referred to the campus conduct system.
A student who is delinquent in payment of fines is subject to the following penalties:
Ineligibility for subsequent semester registration
Non-issuance of grades, transcripts or degrees
Revocation of campus driving privileges
Vehicle impoundment or immobilization (booting)
Further appropriate disciplinary action
The student in whose name the automobile is registered will be held responsible for all parking violations
charged to that vehicle.
¢ Academic Success Center
The Academic Success Center’s mission is to enhance the academic success of all Berry College students
through services including peer tutoring (called ASC Sessions), academic consultations, workshops, and
coordination of accommodations for students with differences and disabilities. The ASC’s administrative
offices are located in Evans 106 and are open during normal business hours. However, many resources,
including tutoring and Academic Consultations can be accessed until 10:00 pm and are located in The
Commons on the first floor of the library.
ASC Sessions (Berry’s model for easy-to-access tutoring) are available Sunday through Thursday in The
Commons (first floor of the library), completely free, in a casual, small-group setting. Students can stop by,
work on assignments, meet fellow students, and work with a peer tutor as much or as little as they like.
Additional information about peer tutoring, including the days and times tutoring is available for this course,
can be found at
Individual Academic Consultations are an opportunity for students to meet one-on-one with an Academic
Consultant to build academic skills and strategies. The goal of these meetings is to help students study
smarter, not harder. Students can sign up for an individual academic consultation at;
just click the Individual Academic Consultation button at the top of the page.
Questions about these resources can be directed to Kinsey Farmer, Associate Director for Academic
Transitions, at [email protected].
The Office of Accessibility Resources provides accessibility resources for students with a documented need
for academic, housing, or dining in keeping with the Americans with Disabilities Act and its amendments and
the Fair Housing Act.
Questions about Accessibility Resources can be directed to Katrina Meehan, Associate Director of
Accessibility Resources, at [email protected].
The intercollegiate athletic program at Berry complements the college’s institutional mission of preparing
its students for rewarding lives and useful careers. Berry provides a comprehensive educational program
committed to academic excellence, Christian values, and practical work experiences.
Athletics is an integral part of Berry College’s comprehensive educational program and is committed to
student success both in athletic competition and academic achievement. The department’s culture
emphasizes the role of coaches and staff as mentors, the role of personal development in sports, the
importance of building a diverse culture around sport, and the department’s involvement in the life of
the campus. The athletics program contributes to the student experience of athletes and serves a
greater good as well by building community, developing pride, and serving others at the college and in
the community.
Traditionally, Berry’s athletic programs fare well against conference, regional, and national competition.
Berry athletes have appeared on All-American lists for their performances on the field and in the
classroom. Berry College is a Division III member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
and a member of the Southern Athletic Association (SAA).
Intercollegiate varsity competition offers student-athletes opportunities in both men’s and women’s
sports. Programs for women include basketball, soccer, tennis, golf, volleyball, cross country, equestrian,
swimming & diving, lacrosse, track & field, beach volleyball, and softball. Programs for men include
basketball, football, soccer, tennis, cross country, baseball, swimming & diving, lacrosse, track & field, and
golf. Academic requirements must be met to be eligible for a varsity athletic team.
The Intercollegiate Athletic Office is located in the Cage Center’s Athletic Suite #316. More information
about Berry’s athletic department can be found on the Berry web page at:
¢ David Shankles Emergency Relief Fund
Students experiencing urgent, short-term personal financial need may seek a grant from the Berry
Emergency Relief Fund, a special fund that was established by Berry students. The fund is totally
dependent on contributions from groups and/or individuals. Disbursements are confidential and are made
through the Office of the Chaplain and Dean of Students Office.
Campus Recreation
The Department of Recreation within the Division of Student Affairs serves the mission of Berry College
by providing opportunities that promote student development and meet the recreational needs of the
Berry community. A wide range of programs includes intramural sports, outdoor recreation, outdoor
leadership development, fitness, nutrition services, and aquatics.
Intramural sports are offered in recreational and competitive settings with special events, tournaments,
leagues, and informal activities. Activities include basketball, flag football, softball, volleyball, and
soccer. Outdoor recreation offers a wide variety of programs that span all skill levels. On-campus
campsites, gear rental and training services, outdoor trips, and events are available. Berry's Outdoor
Leadership Development program designs custom leadership training and group development
experiences for on-campus and off-campus groups. The aquatic offerings include recreational and lap
swimming. The fitness program hosts various group fitness classes, personal training, nutrition coaching
services, and a fitness facility with an indoor track. Facilities include: Richards Gym; an expansive, well-
equipped weight training area; three sand volleyball courts; miles of running and hiking trails; ten tennis
courts; and two intramural fields are available for students, faculty, staff, and alums (membership
required) enjoyment. The Steven J. Cage Center provides 130,000 sq. ft. of athletic and recreation space.
Counseling Center
The Counseling Center provides students with personal growth and mental health services. In addition
to individual counseling, services include crisis resources, group counseling, educational and outreach
programs, and referral consultation. All services are free and confidential. The Counseling Center strives
to provide a safe, inclusive, and affirming environment that allows all students to reach their goals for
growth and change. The Counseling Center is committed to providing services that honor students’
unique needs, concerns, and personhoods.
The Counseling Center is located in the Ladd Center and is open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm., Monday
Friday. The Counseling Center staff includes Licensed Counselors and Master Level interns. Counseling
appointments are made in person or by calling (706) 236-2259.
Student Well-being and Support
The Office of Student Well-being and Support supervises a peer education program in which a select
group of specially trained students provide educational programs to student and community groups to
promote low-risk, high-enrichment choices and activities related to drugs and alcohol, and mental
health. The Peer Educators serve as consultants for students who want to research prevention-related
issues, and they can direct them to many published resources as well. Often collaborating with other
offices and campus groups, the Peer Educators promote discussion and awareness through speakers,
film, publications, and other creative methods to engage students in promoting healthy lifestyles.
The Office of Student Well-being and Support also provides case management support for students
seeking off-campus health care. Additionally, the Director of Student Well-being and Support offers
confidential advocacy and resources related to sexual misconduct.
Health Center
The mission of the Health Center is to promote student health through educational awareness,
assessment, treatment and referral. The use of these services at Berry College facilitates the individual’s
health care decision-making and contributes to academic success. Treatment choices within the scope of
practice of an acute care ambulatory health clinic provides the basic tools to realize optimal health and
well-being, and ensure personal privacy, confidentiality, honesty, and mutual respect. The Health Center
is located in the Kate Macy Ladd Center and is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through
Friday. Health issues out of this scope of practice are referred to a family physician, specialist, or
Emergency Services as appropriate. In addition to acute care services, the Health Center sponsors events
throughout the year to highlight prevention and awareness topics.
Registered Nurses and a nurse practitioner are available for assessment, treatment, and follow-up of
illness or injury during regular hours of operation. A physician is available once each week for additional
medical coverage. You may make an appointment from the homepage of the Health Center using your
Viking Web ID and password. You may also call the Health Center at 706-236-2267 for appointments.
Service Provided Include
GYN services, including Pap smear and physical assessment, are available by appointment. STI
testing is also available. All lab fees are charged to the student's account or insurance. Whichever is
preferred by the student.
Immunotherapy (Allergy injections) is administered to current undergraduate students from 8:00
a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, at no cost to the student. The
MD or Nurse Practitioner must to be present in the Health Center for students to receive an
injection. Students must provide their serum and are expected to remain in the Health Center at
least 30 minutes after injections. Failure to remain in the Health Center 30 minutes after injection
and to be checked by a nurse will terminate the privilege of that student to receive further
immunotherapy from the Health Center.
Seasonal influenza shots are provided at no cost to all students. Students will be notified via email
when the vaccine is available.
The Self Treatment Center offers over-the-counter medications for illnesses that do not require a
visit to the nurse or physician. The Health Center keeps generic brands of commonly used
medications for the common cold and other health problems. A staff member is available to help
you find what you need.
Medical Loan equipment includes crutches, wheelchairs, and other items loaned for student use as
All services for acute care needs are free of charge to current undergraduate students. All off-campus
health services, procedures, or medications are the student's financial responsibility. Students will be
responsible for communicating with their respective insurance companies for off-campus services such
as lab and x-ray testing, which may be ordered by medical providers at the Health Center. For
emergencies after hours, call extension 2262. When the Health Center is closed, the following facilities
are available for evaluation and treatment:
Atrium Floyd Medical Center Emergency Department
304 Turner McCall Blvd.
Rome, GA 30165
Phone: 706-802-2040
Advent Health Redmond Regional Medical Center Emergency Department
501 Redmond Rd.
Rome, GA 30165
Phone: 706-236-4950
Harbin Clinic Immediate Care
1825 Martha Berry Blvd. NE
Rome, GA 30165
Phone: 706-295-5331
Sunday-Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Atrium Floyd Urgent Care
302 Shorter Ave NW
Rome, GA 30165
Phone: 706-291-3700
Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Atrium Floyd Urgent Care (Armuchee)
4159 Martha Berry Blvd NW
Rome, GA 30165
Monday Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Piedmont Urgent Care (West Rome)
601 Shorter Ave
Rome, GA 30165
Sunday Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Piedmont Urgent Care (East Rome)
1810 Turner McCall Blvd
Rome, GA 30161
Sunday Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m
Information contained in the student's medical record is strictly confidential and may not be released to
anyone, including parents, faculty, or staff, without written permission from the student.
The Medical Statement of Visit is only granted if the Berry College medical professional staff performs a
physical exam and determines that a medical excusal is necessary because of a contagious disease,
major illness, or severe injury. The student will be responsible for reviewing this document with all
faculty/staff members. The Medical Statement of Visit will have a seal stamp so it cannot be duplicated.
The Medical Statement of Visit will not be replaced if lost. The Medical Statement of Visit will only be
issued when the student is seen at the Health Center. It is up to each faculty to set the attendance policy
for the respective class. The Medical Statement of Visit does not guarantee that the faculty or staff will
excuse the student. A student deemed unable to attend class by a private physician or the emergency
room physician should bring a note signed by that particular provider to their professor.
¢ Center for Personal and Professional Development
The Center for Personal and Professional Development (CPPD) includes the LifeWorks Program, Career
Development, and Employer Engagement. The CPPD staff provides programs, resources, and advisors to
help students to articulate purposeful personal and professional goals, and design college/career plans
that integrates mentorship, reflection, and hands-on learning.
Career Development Network:
Berry’s Career Development Network provides each student tailored resources and targeted
programming to support their professional development, whether they are exploring academic majors or
preparing for an interview. Students are encouraged to explore their interests and research options
available to them by meeting with their Career Consultant, throughout their time at Berry. Student
appointments are scheduled through Handshake with the student’s appropriate Career Consultant for
their major and school. Assessment tools, such as PathwayU, are available to help students identify their
purpose and explore career interests, skills and values. Career Consultants also collaborate with students
to help them consolidate their academic, co-curricular and work experiences into a robust and well-
articulated resume. A myriad of career and professional development programs are planned annually.
These programs provide both structure and support for students to safely take one step at a time, try a
few things, adjust their plans, and do it again as they work toward graduation.
LifeWorks Program:
Join one of the nation's premier student work experience programs, a program like no other! Our goal is
to provide every student meaningful and developmental work experiences in more than 180 departments
and locations. Each year, approximately 88% of the student body chooses to work in a variety of jobs. New
student workers start in entry-level positions and then have opportunities to progress to more advanced
positions. Many students eventually have the opportunity to lead major projects, supervise other
students, perform academic research or manage departments or one of our student-operated businesses.
These experiences help prepare students to achieve their personal, academic, and professional goals at
Berry and beyond.
Please visit the Virtual LifeWorks Resource Center (
resource-center) to find a wide range of tools and resources for student workers (e.g., FAQs, Timesheets,
Payroll schedule, etc.). The LifeWorks Program challenges students to "own" their jobs, personally and
socially through three key values: personal motivation, service attitude and trustworthiness. Staff and
faculty supervisors evaluate student workers on the key values using the following learning outcomes:
initiative taking, problems solving, customer service, team work, dependability and accountability. In
addition, there are recommended training opportunities available to students to build workplace skills,
such as LinkedIn Learning courses.
The LifeWorks Office assigns positions to incoming freshmen based on areas of interest, previous work
experiences, individual preferences and Berry's needs. Freshman are encouraged to remain in their initial
assignment for their first semester. Upperclassmen are encouraged to seek jobs that align with their
professional interests and goals. Off-campus jobs are also available to sophomores, juniors and seniors
through the Community and Industry Work (C&I) internship program, a partnership with local employers
providing part-time professional, career-oriented opportunities. Open jobs are posted at Handshake
( Incoming freshmen are limited to no more than 10 hours per week.
Upper-level students are allowed to work up to 12 hours per week. Gate Scholars and C&I workers can
work up to 16 hours per week. Financially eligible students may compete for the Gate Scholars or
LifeWorks Scholarship Programs as a way to reduce costs.
Employer Engagement:
There are also opportunities for students to expand their experiences through academic internships and
Community and Industry (C&I) internship with local employers. Internships allow students to clarify career
goals, learn specific job skills from professionals, apply classroom theories to practical, on-the-job
situations and gain valuable experience for future employment or graduate programs. Community and
Industry (C&I) internship offer work experiences not available on campus, such as in veterinary and health
care settings. Employer Engagement works with industry recruiters and helps students build alumni and
employer connections through on and off-campus employer networking events and career fairs. Full time,
part time and internship opportunities are posted daily for student and alumni access on the Center for
Personal and Professional Development’s job posting/career management database, Handshake -
The Center for Personal and Professional Development is located in 310 Krannert Center. We welcome
students to drop by to explore work opportunities and learn more about available programs and
¢ Chaplain’s Office and Religious Life
Berry College is dedicated to the furthering of Christian thought and values. The college holds that spiritual
development is essential in the lives of men and women. It also stands for moral integrity as a vital dimension
of enduring humanity. A number of opportunities are provided for students, faculty, and staff to seek out
and develop, individually and collectively, basic moral and spiritual foundations for living.
An interdenominational Christian campus chapel service, College Church,” provides regular Sunday
worship services with prayer, music, and communion. The service is led by student leaders and the
chaplains. Visitors to the campus for sermons, lectures, concerts and other programs offer a broad variety
of viewpoints for consideration. The Chaplain’s Office also offers weekly ministries including Bible Studies,
service opportunities, hospitality ministries, and fellowship.
Various religious life groups provide denominational and interdenominational programs, including:
Baptist Collegiate Ministries, Campus Outreach, Catholic Students Association, Canterbury Club, and the
Buddhist Students Group. The Religious Life Advisory Council (RLAC), composed mostly of students,
coordinates and facilitates the activities of the Religious Life groups.
The chaplains are available to all persons in the Berry community. Counseling resources are provided in
complete confidentiality. Cooperation with the counseling office assures a wide range of services. The
Berry Emergency Relief Fund is administered by the chaplain.
Information on any of Berry’s religious life groups as well as places of worship in Rome is available.
The Chaplain’s Office is located on the third floor of Krannert. More information about Berry’s Religious
Life can be found by selecting the Quick Link at
¢ Financial Aid
Berry College is committed to assisting students and their families in securing resources to attend the
college with institutional, federal and state funding. Every student is encouraged to apply for financial aid
by filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
The general eligibility requirements to be considered for financial aid are available in the Financial Aid
section of the school’s Catalog. The Berry Catalog also outlines the different applications for financial aid,
types of aid, and the policies and procedures in place for the continued qualification of aid.
Students are encouraged to contact the Office of Financial Aid if they have questions or need information
regarding financial aid opportunities, policies or procedures. The Office of Financial Aid is located in
Hermann Hall, 105 and open to the public Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. In-person and
virtual appointments with a financial aid counselor are available to students and parents regularly. To
request an appointment with a financial aid counselor, please contact the office via email at
[email protected] or by calling 706.236.1714.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) The FAFSA is available at The FAFSA is
a financial need analysis form required for the consideration of any type of need-based aid (federal, state,
or institutional), as well as for the participation in the Federal Direct Student Loan Program. The FAFSA
must be filed each year of enrollment. February 15 is Berry’s FAFSA priority filing deadline for the
following academic year. Students and parents must use the Berry College school code 001554 to ensure
that the school receives the results of their application.
Viking Web Students may review the status or their financial aid and upload any outstanding documents
that may require attention from the Financial Aid section of VikingWeb. Log into to
access your financial aid information directly within the portal. As soon as it is ready, your financial aid
offer (which may include scholarships, grants, federal work-study, and student loans) will become
available for review. Students must accept or decline their loan offer(s) from the Accept/Decline Loan(s)
option located in the Menu.
General Requirements - Listed below are general requirements for financial aid programs administered
by Berry College.
Financial Aid Offer Terms and Conditions
Your financial aid offer with the most recent date supersedes any previous financial aid offer.
All financial aid offers are subject to verification of eligibility. Financial aid offers may be
adjusted at any time.
Changes in financial, marital or academic status; change of academic program; change of
residence; or failure to comply with program guidelines and regulations could result in a
revision to or cancellation of your financial aid offer.
Named donor scholarships may replace previously offered Berry Grant from Alumni and
Your total financial aid from all sources may not exceed the total cost of attendance. You must
notify the Office of Financial Aid of other assistance not listed on this financial aid offer, such
as outside scholarships. Berry reserves the right to reduce offered institutional aid when you
receive outside assistance for an amount exceeding the cost of attendance.
Undergraduate, degree-seeking students receiving Berry College funds must enroll in at least
12 credit hours per semester (full-time). You must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours per
semester (half-time) to receive federal aid and most private student loans. Financial aid funds
may only be used towards financial aid eligible credit hours.
Graduate, degree-seeking students must enroll in at least 5 credit hours per semester (half-
time) in order to receive federal student loans. Financial aid funds may only be used towards
financial aid eligible credit hours.
Financial aid recipients must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards and be in
good academic standing. Refer to the Berry College Catalog at for the full
policy. Please consult with the Office of Financial Aid BEFORE dropping or withdrawing from a
Financial aid is offered on an annual (Fall/Spring) basis and cannot be used all in one semester.
Additional financial aid may be available to students enrolled at least half time during the
summer term according to eligibility.
Federal grants, loans and state aid (including Zell Miller, HOPE and GTEG) are subject to final
approval and funding by the Federal government and the state of Georgia.
Eligible Georgia residents may qualify for additional aid. To determine your eligibility and how
to apply for state aid visit
Federal Direct Loan recipients must sign a promissory note and complete Loan Entrance
Counseling before receiving a loan disbursement. Additionally, borrowers (including graduate
students and parents borrowing a PLUS loan) may be required to complete an Annual Student
Loan Acknowledgment each year they accept a new federal loan. Upon leaving the college or
dropping below half-time enrollment status, Federal Direct Loan recipients are required to
complete Exit Loan Counseling. Visit to complete all items.
Annual Federal Direct Loan Limits Undergraduate Dependent Students*
Freshman (0-29 hours): $5,500, maximum of $3,500 may be subsidized
Sophomore (30-59 hours): $6,500, maximum of $4,500 may be subsidized
Junior & Senior (60+ hours): $7,500, maximum of $5,500 may be subsidized
*Independent students, and students with a parent unable to obtain a PLUS loan, may qualify for
increased federal loan limits.
The federal government subsidizes the interest on federal subsidized loans while a student is enrolled
at least half-time in a degree-seeking program. Federal unsubsidized loans do not receive this subsidy.
Students eligible for Veteran benefits must notify the Berry College Office of the Registrar.
Receipt of Veteran assistance may result in an adjustment of your financial aid offer.
Adjustments may include a reduced offer of institutional aid up to educational direct costs
(tuition, fees, room and board).
All students are eligible to participate in the LifeWorks program. Earnings are available via
biweekly payroll and according to your participation in the program. You may contribute a
portion or all of your work earnings as part of your payment plan.
Recipients of Berry academic scholarships must achieve and maintain a minimum (local) grade
point average to continue receiving the scholarship. Your scholarship offer is contingent on the
successful completion of high school and meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
standards. Disciplinary probation or suspension may cause a scholarship to be revoked.
Scholarships are renewed annually until degree requirements are met or upon completion of
eight semesters, whichever occurs first.
You may find additional information regarding financial aid programs and regulations in the
Berry College Catalog,, and in the Viking Code Handbook.
Please contact the Office of Financial Aid with any questions or concerns. The office is located
in Hermann Hall 105. Office hours are Monday Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm. You may contact
the office by email at [email protected] or by phone at 706-236-1714.
¢ Insurance
A copy of your current health insurance card is required by the Health Center for your medical chart and
should be updated every year.
Personal Property - Berry College makes available to students on an optional basis student personal
property insurance. Information brochures and enrollment applications are available in the Dean of Students
Office, Hermann Hall 210.
Krannert Center & Office of Student Involvement
The Krannert Center serves as the main student center on campus, and the facility is managed by the
Office of Student Involvement, commonly referred to as OSI. The Krannert Center is open seven days a
week (except breaks and holidays). Hours of operation are Sunday through Thursday from 7 a.m. until 10
p.m. On Friday and Saturday, the building closes at 11 p.m.
During the academic year, the Office of Student Involvement, located in Krannert 202, is open Monday
through Thursday, 8 a.m.-10 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 8 a.m. 11 p.m. and Sunday from noon-10
p.m. The office may be open additional hours on the weekend based on events taking place in the building.
The Krannert Center includes the Campus Information Desk, lounges, meeting rooms, the Intercultural
Center, the Shipyard apparel and gift shop, post office, dining room, Viking Court snack bar, ATM, and the
following student and administrative offices:
Berry Catering & Dining Services
Center for Personal and Professional
Chaplain’s Office
Hospitality and Event Services
LifeWorks Program
International Experiences
Krannert Center Activities Board
Office of Diversity & Belonging
Office of Student Involvement
Student Government Association
Reservations for Krannert spaces, which includes inside the facility, the lawn and Kilpatrick Commons,
must be made through the campus on-line system EMS. Priority for use of Krannert Center shall be the
Krannert Center Activities Board, recognized student organizations, Berry departments and offices, and
alumni. Student organizations or other official groups may reserve available equipment for campus events
through EMS or by contacting the Office of Student Involvement directly.
All posters and notices that are to be displayed in Krannert should be dropped off at the Campus
Information Desk and must be approved by the Office of Student Involvement. The staff in Student
Involvement will be responsible for distributing the publicity in Krannert. No posters or notices will be
permitted on walls, doors or other surfaces of the building except when approved by the Director. If a
student organization or other official student group wants to reserve a lobby display case, lobby banner
space, or outdoor banner space, the group should contact the Office of Student Involvement to reserve a
date and area.
The Office of Student Involvement provides support or primary oversight for the Krannert Center Activities
Board, Marthapalooza and Finals Fest Committees, Student Leadership Programs, Student Organizations
and Involvement, Campus Transportation, and campus-wide programming and scheduling. Additional
services provided by the Office of Student Involvement include:
Publicity closet and lamination services for use by student organizations and other official student
Management of equipment and games for student events, including portable sound systems.
Management of the Stall Wall Weekly and Krannert Wall Calendar.
Management of the Presence online engagement platform.
Copies of the Krannert Center/Student Activities Office policies and procedures as well as reservation
information are available through the Office of Student Involvement or on the College website.
¢ Krannert Center Activities Board
The Krannert Center Activities Board, better known as KCAB, is comprised of a group of students who
coordinate and implement a variety of social, cultural and recreational activities and programs which
allow Berry students to interact and have fun. The board implements programs and activities that reflect
the Berry culture, respect existing policy and encourage a sense of community among diverse people.
KCAB’s goal is to support campus vibrancy and enhance the overall standard and quality of campus life.
Students interested in being a KCAB member must submit an application and interview with the board.
Students can also assist KCAB members with events by serving on the volunteer “KCAB Krew” team. Copies
of the KCAB constitution are available in the office. The Director of Student Involvement and Programming
Coordinator serve as the board’s primary advisors.
To find out the latest on upcoming events, stop by the KCAB Office, located on Krannert 1
floor across
from the Intercultural Center or check out KCAB on Presence.
¢ Leadership Development Programs
The Office of Student Involvement works collaboratively with campus offices and organizations to provide a
comprehensive leadership development program for students. Academic, experiential and service
opportunities are offered to prepare students for lifelong leadership responsibilities in college and in the
community. Through on- and off-campus programs, participants explore personal leadership styles, develop
basic skills, and network with students at Berry and from other colleges and universities. The academic year
ends with the annual Leadership and Service Awards program to recognize achievement in these two areas
by students, faculty, and staff.
In addition to general leadership programs, the Director oversees the Leadership and Service Fellows
Scholarship Program. The purpose of the Leadership and Service Fellows Program is to develop, through
theoretical exploration and practical application, a group of students who will lead in a variety of campus
life areas, serve the campus and Rome communities, and teach their peers a variety of leadership concepts.
This scholarship is awarded to approximately 12-15 incoming freshmen annually, and those selected
participate in a four-year program as long as program requirements are met.
Information on leadership programs is available through the Office of Student Involvement, Krannert 202.
¢ Campus Information Desk
Located in the Krannert Center lobby, the Campus Information Desk is a resource for Berry faculty, staff, and
students as well as campus guests and visitors. During the academic year, the Information Desk is open
MondayFriday, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., Saturday, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sunday
12 – 6 p.m. Holidays, breaks and summer hours will be posted at the desk area.
Additional services provided at the Information Desk include:
" Primary location for lost and found items on campus
" Campus maps and other campus information/brochures
" Ticket distribution and on-line payment options for campus events
Discount tickets to local cultural, social, and recreational activities (check with desk for availability
and price)
Printer and fax machine for student-use only
Board game check-out for student-use only
Route information for on-campus transportation
¢ Lost and Found
When unidentified items are found on campus, they should be turned in to the Campus Information Desk in
the Krannert Center lobby. Items will be logged and stored, and if the owner of the lost item can be
identified, the staff at the Information Desk will contact the individual to retrieve the item. Items will be kept
for a minimum of 60 days and then be discarded or donated.
If an individual has lost an item of personal value, they should notify the staff at the Campus Information
Desk. A description of the item, along with contact information, will be kept on file, and in the event the
item is turned in to the desk, the owner will be contacted. Any substantial theft or loss should be reported
to Campus Police immediately.
Mail Services
All undergraduate students are provided a post office box mailing address for the entire time you are a
student at Berry. Students can easily access their address on Viking Web.
The U. S. Postal Service recommends that Berry College residents use six-digit post office box addresses
beginning with the prefix 49 and followed by the four-digit box number. The correct mailing address is:
Student’s Name
Berry College
P. O. Box 49 _ _ _ _
Mount Berry, GA 30149 - _ _ _ _*
*The four-digit zip code add-on is the same as the box number.
Private delivery services such as Federal Express, UPS, and Amazon require a street address instead of a
post office box address. For these deliveries only, use the following address:
Student’s Name Box Number
Berry College
2277 Martha Berry Highway, NW
Mount Berry, GA 30149
USPS, UPS, and FedEx deliver Monday through Friday. You will be notified that you have received mail and
packages by means of an email from Mail Services. Your Berry College ID is required for mail and package
pick-up. Packages will either be available for pick-up at our customer service counter or will be placed in
a self-serve parcel locker. The package pick-up window is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. and parcel lockers are accessible 24 hours.
Large items, perishable items, and prescription medications will not be placed in lockers. These items will
be available for pick-up at the customer service counter during regular post office hours.
Students will not be allowed to pick up mail and packages for another student.
Students may choose to have Amazon orders delivered directly to Amazon Parcel Lockers “Avellino”.
Students request this service during the checkout process with Amazon. Certain restrictions apply and is
based on availability. Students will be notified directly by Amazon when those packages are available for
Students will receive an email from Mail Services when they receive a package delivered to the Berry
College Post Office.
Student packages will either be placed in a self-serve parcel locker or available for pick-up at the Mail
Services customer service counter, both of which are in the Krannert Center. The email will provide pick-
up instructions. Berry student IDs are required when picking up packages at the counter. Students may
not pick up packages for another student.
Parcel lockers are located in Krannert Center adjacent to the post office. The locker hallway is open 24
hours. The customer service counter is only open during normal business operating hours, as posted
online and at the windows.
Each locker bank has a self-service kiosk. The email notification will contain locker location (Krannert1 or
Krannert2) and one-time use access code. Parcels placed in lockers may be collected using the access
code from the email, a Berry Student ID card swipe, or the mobile app.
If students have multiple packages assigned to lockers, they will receive a separate email for each package.
If the packages are in the same locker, the access code will be the same. If the packages are assigned to
different lockers, there will be a different access code for each package.
Packages will remain in lockers for 24 hours at which time the student will be notified that the time in the
locker is about to expire. These packages will be removed from lockers on the next business morning and
students will receive an email instructing them to pick that package up at the customer service counter
using their Berry ID.
Students may choose to have Amazon orders delivered directly to Amazon Parcel Lockers “Avellino”.
Students request this service during the checkout process with Amazon. Certain restrictions apply and is
based on availability. Students will be notified directly by Amazon when those packages are available for
has a shipping weight less than 35 pounds
has product dimensions smaller than 19 x 12 x 14 inches
is sold or fulfilled by
is valued at less than $5,000 UDS
contains no hazardous materials
contains no perishable materials
contains no materials requiring identification (tobacco and liquor)
is not a Subscribe & Save item
does not contain items shipping from foreign countries
does not contain items for Release-Date Delivery
Amazon Business items are not eligible
Go to
Search by ZIP code 30149.
Choose a location - The name of the Amazon locker on campus is “Avellino”.
Select Add to my addresses to add the Avellino location to your address book.
Place an eligible item in your shopping cart and Proceed to Checkout.
To change your delivery address to the Amazon locker, select the “Change” link in the top right of
the screen.
If you’ve previously added the Avellino locker to your address book, select it from the Amazon
Pickup Locations section.
If you have not previously added the locker to your address book, select +Find a pickup location
near you” (bottom of screen) and search for the Avellino locker by zip code 30149.
Select Pick up herebeside your chosen location Avellino”. This name is physically located in
the top right corner of the locker on campus.
Complete your order.
When your package is ready for you to collect from a locker, you will receive an email from
This email will contain the information you need to collect your package either using the six-
digit pickup code or using the Amazon Shopping app.
Important: Once the locker is selected during checkout, under the “Review items and shipping”
step, you will be informed that items can stay in lockers for up to 3 days. After the 3
day your
item will be sent back to the Amazon fulfillment center and you will be refunded the cost of the
Stamps may be paid for by cash or check for the exact amount of purchase; Priority Mail shipping supplies
are available at no charge. Students may ship prepaid FedEx and UPS items.
Students may use the campus mail distribution system at no charge if the following guidelines are met:
All campus mail must be related to Berry College business or events, or may be personal correspondence
to other students, faculty, or staff. Campus mail not in an inter-office envelope should have a Berry return
address. Campus mail must be at least the size of a 3” x 5” index card, and should have box numbers and
be in numerical order. No food or other perishable items are accepted in campus mail.
It is the student’s responsibility to complete a temporary mail forwarding form prior to leaving campus
for Christmas and summer breaks. Students will receive an email from Mail Services providing instructions
and a link to the on-line mail forwarding form. The form may also be located on Viking Web. Mail is
forwarded in accordance with current postal regulations. This includes paychecks, grades, First-Class mail,
Express Mail, Priority Mail, periodicals, and standard mail for which forwarding service is requested by the
mailer. Private couriers do not provide forwarding service; any packages that cannot be forwarded will be
held for students to pick up upon return to school.
¢ On-Campus Transportation
Berry College is pleased to provide on-campus transportation to enhance student mobility both within and
beyond the campus. Transportation services are designed to ensure easy access to educational resources
and essential services.
From Monday to Friday, a student-operated shuttle traverses a route connecting residence halls, academic
buildings, and the mountain campus. Additionally, throughout the semester, students have the opportunity
to travel to off-campus destinations, such as grocery stores or the airport. For a complete schedule and map
of bus stops, please visit the Campus Transportation section under “Student Life” on the College’s website
or visit the Campus Information Desk in the Krannert Lobby.
Students with documented medical needs, there is additional support with the on-campus shuttles. To
arrange for on-campus transportation, please contact the Office of Accessibility Resources to discuss options
and necessary documentation.
¢ The Shipyard
The Shipyard, located in Krannert Center, is a convenient place for students to buy school supplies and
electronics. It also features Berry apparel, accessories, and gifts that are great for all Berry supporters.
The store is also a hub for Student Enterprises where you can buy items made by Berry students.
Textbook purchases and rentals can be ordered through and then picked up at The
Shipyard in 1-2 business days. We do not have any textbooks for sale in the store. eCampus ships them
to us in 1-2 business days and then we distribute them to students.
¢ Office of Diversity and Belonging
The Office of Diversity and Belonging serves the campus in envisioning and implementing how Berry’s Good
Neighbor Culture is accomplished sustainably at Berry and beyond the Gate of Opportunity.
We implement Good Neighbor Culture in the following ways:
• Policy & Procedure: Implementing institutional Good Neighbor Culture
• Programming and Education: Practicing Good Neighbor Culture at Berry
• Community Engagement: Mobilizing Good Neighbor Culture beyond the Gate of Opportunity
Our vision is to develop a community where every student, staff, and faculty member at Berry feels safe,
seen, & heard, are the keepers of each other’s dignity and worth, and are celebrators of each other’s
indispensable value to our greater community.
The Office of Diversity and Belonging offers the following programs and services:
Trainings and Workshops: Berry's Office of Diversity and Belonging and the Rome Floyd Chamber
of Commerce is happy to partner in offering Good Neighbor Trainings to Berry students, staff, and
faculty, as well as the greater Rome community. The trainings approach tough subjects in a
meaningful way that meets each participant where they are. They also lean on the wisdom and
knowledge of experts from the King Center, the Center of Justice and Peacebuilding, and other
restorative leaders in the field.
Community Programs: Our community has a robust number of opportunities to learn about and
celebrate each other. Between having world-renowned authors and speakers visit to present in our
Beloved Community Lecture Series, civic conversations, and several celebrations and experiences in
partnership with other departments and divisions, there is no shortage of opportunities to get
Solidarity Week: Solidarity Week is a student-led initiative that aims to acknowledge, educate, and
celebrate the diversity in the Berry College community and foster a greater sense of solidarity across
the campus.
Be Love Week: Consistent with Martha Berry's motto, "not to be ministered unto, but to minister,"
Be Love Week is a weeklong campaign where the Berry College community mobilizes our good
neighbor culture to serve in the Rome community. The week begins on MLK Day with a community
gathering that honors the life and mission of Dr. King and is followed by a week of service in the
Rome-Floyd community and partnership from various groups on campus.
Berry Impact: Berry Impact is Berry’s volunteer and service program. Berry Impact mobilizes Good
Neighbor Culture outside of the Gates of Opportunity by equipping and providing opportunities to
Berry College students and employees through intentional and meaningful service and
Year of Service: Year of Service is a living-learning community established to promote a direct link
between Berry students and the local Rome community. These themed houses contribute to the
welfare of others in Berry and the local Rome community and should be a true complement to
Berry's culture and mission. These living-learning communities are supported and managed by
Residence Life, the Office of Diversity and Belonging, and other members of the campus community.
The Office of Diversity and Belonging provides support to the following student organizations:
Black Student Association
AAPI Club (Asian American and Pacific Islander)
Orgullo (a community for LatinX students)
Listen (a community for LGBTQIA+ students)
UNITY (a community for women of color)
The Brotherhood (a community for men of color)
International Club
CNDR (a community for neurodiverse and allies)
The Office of Diversity and Belonging is located in the Amos Montgomery Suite on the third floor of the
Krannert Center and houses both professional and student work staff. In February of 2021, Berry College
opened its Good Neighbor Center, located on the first floor of the Krannert Center. The center exists to
create safe and brave spaces, to build inclusive community, foster cultural competencies, and present
opportunities to serve.
¢ Good Neighbor Culture and Pillars
Berry was founded on Good Neighbor Culture. Good Neighbor Culture Good Neighbor Culture prioritizes
the education of the heart as much as the head and hands and thoughtfully practicing how we value,
treat, and serve one another.
The following pillars are our community expectations in practicing Good Neighbor Culture. A good
Appreciates that sustainable impact in a community should be done in collaboration with rather
than unto the community
Values service and caring for the needs of others above self
Considers, includes, and empowers those in the margins
Believes that a rich variety of voices, ideas, and experiences makes Berry a dynamic place to live
and learn and prepares students for global contexts
Approaches and learns from conflicting perspectives by reaching out to our neighbors with
patience, humility, and generosity of spirit
Recognizes that relational restoration begins when the community admits its imperfections and
Understands that life is best lived in relationships and that we are stronger when we are an
active part of our community
Leaves places better than we found them
¢ Bias Response
Our Diversity and Belonging strategy is built on peace-building and restorative justice. Our office
partners with Student Affairs in addressing bias challenges and harms. While some behaviors may not
merit punitive action, the Diversity and Belonging office works with students in thinking through how
they can be better members of our community and restore the relationships that have been harmed.
If you have experienced or witnessed a dignity violation at Berry College, please make a report at the
following link:
¢ International Student Services
The Director of International Experiences serves as the Principal Designated School Officer (PDSO) to
international students studying at Berry College with an F-1 visa. Information on maintaining visa status,
working in the U.S., health insurance, cultural adjustment, and more is provided by International
International Experiences is located in Krannert Center 302. Should you have any questions, please contact
the office at 706-368-6753 or email:
¢ Notaries Public
There are several Berry staff members on campus that can provide Notary Public service. Their names and
locations are listed below:
Cindy Gillespie, Hoge Building 3
Sarah Jackson, Jones Building 212
April Allen, Ford 215
Noreen Salmon, Green 212A
Sylvia Howard, Hermann Hall 314
Anja Buckwalter, Hermann Hall 221
Leah Cobb, Hermann Hall 223
Kay Simms, Evans 140 D
¢ Orientation at Berry
Berry College’s required freshman student and transfer student orientation program is a three-part
process (SOAR, Viking Venture, and BCC100). The first part is called SOAR Student Orientation Advising
and Registration. SOAR is held during the summer to assist new students and their families with the
transition into the Berry community. SOAR sessions run approximately 24 hours and are overnight with
students staying in our residence halls and parents staying in area hotels. Students sign up for a SOAR
session on the Berry College website on a first-come first served basis in April after payment of their
enrollment deposit.
SOAR has sessions for both students and parents and will prepare you for your transition to Berry. You
will meet with your academic advisor and review your fall class schedule. You will also hear about the
housing assignment process and LifeWorks job assignment process. And, most certainly, you will have fun
meeting other members of your class along with 19 student SOAR leaders who will share their experiences
and answer your questions about Berry.
All incoming freshmen and transfers, including commuter students, are required to attend SOAR. The
cost for SOAR and Viking Venture is $150, which will be posted to your student account. International
students should attend a specialized orientation program in mid-August.
Prior to your SOAR session, you will need to complete your online enrollment forms on MyBerry Portal
under the “Admissions” tab. These include:
Class preference
Work preference
Health/Immunization forms
Housing preference
Viking Venture is a continuation of the orientation process and takes place the week prior to the beginning
of fall semester. All new students participate in activities designed to welcome them to campus, assist
them in the transition to Berry College, and help them connect with their new peers, faculty and staff.
Many of the activities during Viking Venture occur within first-year seminar (BCC 100) classes, and are
coordinated by the Office of the Academic Transitions.
The Associate Dean of Students is responsible for planning, evaluating and administering new student
orientation programs at Berry College.
The total college experience has been described under such headings as “academic,” “social,” “physical,”
and “religious.” Though convenient, these headings are not mutually exclusive, as an academic
experience certainly involves some degree of activity under each heading. The myriad of choices college
students make, daily social contacts they have with each other and with members of the faculty and staff,
and interaction in the residence halls are all examples of co-curricular education. The whole college
experience is a learning experience, and learning takes place both in and out of the classroom.
College life is exciting as students fully engage in the world’s largest living/learning laboratory. College life
is about both challenge and support and the college recognizes that there are times when students need
assistance in order to be successful here. Berry College provides facilities and staff to meet the needs of
students in their co-curricular experience. The dean of students, associate dean of students, and assistant
dean of student wellness, assisted by their staff, administer the following programs and services:
" Counseling and testing programs
" Health Services/Wellness Promotion
" Intramural/Recreation Sports
" New student orientation
" Family programs
" Peer Education
" Student Involvement (clubs,
organizations, and leadership
" Student conduct programs and
" Residence Life programs
Berry College strives to provide students opportunities to participate in the internal affairs and governance
of the college. Students are encouraged either individually or collectively to express their views on issues of
institutional policy and other matters of general interest to the student body. Students are represented on
most college committees and councils, and they serve as voting members. Students are directly represented
in the governance of the campus by the Student Government Association. The Student Government
Association is a group of elected students who serve as the voice of the students in making
recommendations to various campus officials. The official policy making authority of the college is a board
of trustees and the duly appointed administrator, the president of the college.
The following provides insight into student life at Berry College and opportunities students have to influence
institutional decision making.
¢ Basic Policy on Student Life
Berry College has longstanding policies and traditions regarding Student Life which define the College’s
relationship with students. The College accepts responsibility for directing the academic, work opportunity,
and religious programs for its students. At the same time, students are adults and are expected to comply
with the letter and spirit of Berry’s rules, regulations and directives from faculty and staff, and to
demonstrate responsibility for themselves and to others.
Berry College, like most other colleges, does not act “in loco parentis” for students or in its administration
of policies. However, the College strives to provide a supportive and sustaining environment for students
and to provide the means to make them successful in their college experience and in life. The College pledges
to provide this environment and maintain necessary and appropriate resources for assistance to students in
academic, personal and spiritual areas, both formally and informally. This pledge includes the Board of
Trustees, the President, and all faculty and staff. Berry College also strives to provide students with a caring,
concerned community in an atmosphere of mutual respect, and in an environment where rights and
responsibilities are handled by students with accountability and maturity.
Individual rights of every student, as well as faculty and staff, are to be mutually considered. These rights
include reasonable exercise of freedom of individuality, freedom from indignity, and freedom from control
by those except in proper authority. No faculty, staff member, or student, regardless of position or rank,
shall violate these rights. Every effort shall be made to eliminate unjust customs and practices in conflict
with these rights, and all students, faculty, and staff pledge their cooperation towards this objective. The
framework for these rights and this mutual respect is provided by the rules and regulations promulgated by
proper authorities at Berry College, which shall be observed by all parties. Those persons in violation of these
rules and regulations or of conduct contrary to the College’s policies shall be held personally responsible.
¢ Student Involvement on Berry College Councils and Committees
Berry College values student involvement on various councils and committees. Each year the president of
Berry approves students, the majority recommended by the SGA, to serve on various councils and
committees of the college. Students serve on the:
Academic Council
Athletic Committee
Bonner Scholars Advisory Committee
Budget Advisory Committee
Educational Land Management Committee
Endowed Lectureship Committee
Enrollment & Marketing Advisory Board
Graduate Council
Honors Program Committee
Information Technology Committee
Interfaith Council
International Experiences Committee
Krannert Center Activities Board
Libraries Committee
Orientation Advisory Committee
Student Conduct Appeal Panels
Student Conduct Judicial Board
Student Life Council
Traffic Violations Appeal Panel
Writing Across the Curriculum Committee
The Interfaith Council
Following in the steps of the Parliament for the World’s Religions, and Martha Berry’s vision for equal
education for all, Berry College has created its own small organization for the support of different religions.
Founded in the fall of 2003, the Interfaith Council is a group of faculty and students who work closely with
the Chaplain’s Office to help foster a welcoming environment at Berry College for people of all faiths. It
supports and promotes opportunities for people to learn about and participate in a variety of religious
opportunities, both on campus and in the surrounding community. The Interfaith Council seeks to foster an
appreciation of multi-faith awareness on Berry’s campus and throughout the Rome area.
The Interfaith Council events are mainly held at the Interfaith Center, which was created in 2003. Located in
the East Mary lobby of the Ford Buildings at Berry College, the Center is open to any person or group who
wishes to profess their faith. Open to all religions, the Center’s goal is to promote a greater understanding
and tolerance for the beliefs and practices of others. A key is always available at the East Mary RA desk for
students to use the room during the week. It can also be reserved for events through Campus Scheduling.
¢ Student Life Council
The Student Life Council advises with the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students on matters
coming within their area of responsibility. The council makes proposals about extra-curricular activities,
works closely with the Student Government Association, and makes recommendations to the president
about matters affecting student life. The Student Life Council is responsible to the president. Changes in
policy proposed by the Student Life Council are subject to approval of the president or by the Board of
Trustees if the policy concerns a jurisdictional area reserved by the board for its own action. Decisions of the
Student Life Council may be appealed to the president, and at the president’s discretion, to the Board of
The council consists of the vice president for student affairs and dean of students, who serves as chair, the
provost, the associate dean of students, the chaplain, the director or associate director of counseling, the
director of student involvement, chief of police, the director of student diversity initiatives, the director of
athletics, the director of health, wellness and recreation, the president of the Student Government
Association, the two vice presidents of the Student Government Association, the secretary of the Student
Government Association, the treasurer of the Student Government Association, one Head Resident, two
students nominated by the Student Government Association executive committee and appointed by the
president for two-year terms, the president of the Black Student Association, president of the Krannert
Activities Board, chair of the Student Athletic Advisory Committee, two faculty members, the president (ex
officio) and such other persons as may be appointed to the council by the president.
¢ Student Government Association
The Student Government Association has adopted the following mission statement:
We recognize our role in setting standards and goals for the Berry College community. We strive to
provide services for the enhancement of this community and offer the means to solve any problems
arising throughout the year.
Through effective leadership and representation, we commit ourselves to fulfill these responsibilities
with dedication and integrity for the purpose of creating a better college.
A copy of the SGA Constitution may be found at:
Student Government Association
SGA meets every other Tuesday in Krannert Spruill Ballroom at 7:30 p.m.
2024-2025 SGA Executive Officers
Sachal Denney, President
Anna Yard, Vice President for Administration
Daniel Argueta, Director of Finance
Kaylin Rezek, Director of Communication
Berry College Blood Donor Program
The Berry College Blood Donor Program was started by Berry students in 1974 as part of the American
Red Cross program. Four visits from Red Cross and/or Blood Assurance provide over 450 units of blood
per year and are sponsored by the Berry College Red Cross student organization.
Berry is one of the top institutions in Floyd County in the number of active blood donors each year. The
Berry College Red Cross provides volunteer assistance to staff the blood drive visits.
Berry students have the privilege to organize student organizations which meet the requirements
established by the College. There are three types of student groups defined and recognized by the
College: Student Organization, Special Interest Groups, and Club Sports. The Student Life Council
approves all recognized clubs and organizations, including student honorary organizations, with final
approval given by the college president. Honorary organizations must also meet with approval of the
related academic department and other appropriate academic channels. Student Interest Groups are
approved by the Director of Student Involvement, in consultation with the Vice President for Student
Affairs. The actions or positions of any recognized student organization, honor society or interest group
do not necessarily reflect a viewpoint or endorsement of the College.
This manual is designed to complement other existing school publications, such as the Viking Code. All
rules and regulations pertaining to the Berry College community, as listed in publications, are also
applicable to student clubs and organizations as well as their officers. Each organization is responsible
for complying with all policies outlined in the Berry College Viking Code Student Handbook, Student
Organization Handbook, and the organization’s constitution. Failure to uphold the college policies may
result in disciplinary action and loss of recognition and/or funding to your group.
Students desiring to form a new student group should first complete the New Student Group
Application, found on Berry Connect under the Student Activities page. Once the application is
reviewed, the Director of Student Activities will meet with the student to discuss the purpose of the
group and to determine what type of recognition is appropriate, as defined below.
All programs, events and services sponsored by student organization, honor societies and interest
groups must follow Berry College policy as outlined in the Viking Code, Faculty/Staff Handbook and the
Student Life Council. Student organizations and honor societies should refrain from any form of hazing.
Further details and policies concerning organizations and their operations may be found in the Student
Organization Officer Manual, available through the Student Involvement Office and on Berry Connect.
The three different types of recognized student groups are listed below, along with the benefits relative
to each type and requirements for maintaining recognition.
Student Organizations Required to have an updated constitution/bylaws (See section 4.3):
Department-supported organizations receives financial or direct staff support from a campus
Honor Society These groups are affiliated with a national chapter and Berry College.
Constitution requirements may differ depending on the national chapter requirements. These
organizations shall create an “Appendix” that will supplement their constitution/bylaws that will
list the required clauses and any clarification for terms or phrases not clearly defined.
Special Interest GroupsNo constitution requirement; only a statement of purpose. Must follow all
other campus policies and procedures and complete the transition process each spring. (See section 4.3
for structure and difference in yearly requirements).
Club Sports - No constitution requirement; only a statement of purpose. Must follow all other campus
policies and procedures and complete the transition process each spring. (See section 4.3 for structure
and difference in yearly requirements).
1. Performance Teams - Performance teams follow the same requirements as Club Sports including
the specific requirement differences mentioned in section 4.3 of this handbook.
A recognized student organization is defined as a group whose mission and programs enhance campus
life by providing campus-wide events or programs open to all students. The organization’s mission may
not conflict with Berry College’s mission and values. Organizations are expected to have a constitution
with an organizational structure (i.e. officers) and complete the requirements for recognition, which are
managed by the Student Involvement Office.
Having official recognition as a student organization includes the following benefits:
Ability to reserve facilities for meetings and events
Use of Berry College stationary and/or the name Berry College in connection with their
Promote and publicize on campus
Student organization account with the College
Have voting right as a member of the Student Government Association
Opportunity to apply for Student Activity Fee Funding
Recruit students for membership
A recognized student honor society is defined as a group whose mission is to recognize and encourage
high scholarship and/or leadership achievement in some broad or specialized field of study. The honor
society’s mission may not conflict with Berry College’s mission and values. Honor societies must be
affiliated with a national organization and have a constitution with an organizational structure (i.e.
officers), and complete the requirements for recognition, which are managed by the Student Activities
Office. . Honor societies receive the same benefits as a recognized student organization except in the
case of funding. If any recognized honor society wishes to receive student activity fee funding, the
group must meet the requirements for maintaining recognition as a student organization. If they do not
pursue student activity fee funding, then the honor society must meet the requirements for maintaining
recognition as an honor society.
A student interest group is defined as a group whose mission is to provide a forum for students with
similar interests to gather and share mutual activities which benefit them directly. The interest group’s
mission may not conflict with Berry College’s mission and values. The main factor distinguishing student
interest groups from a recognized student organization or honor society is that their programs are not
designed to directly impact the Berry community but are for members only. Therefore, student interest
groups are not eligible to sponsor campus events on their own.
Having official recognition as a student interest group includes the following benefits:
Ability to reserve facilities for meetings
Promote and publicize on campus
Recruit students for involvement
Opportunity to partner with a recognized student organization or department to host campus
In order to maintain recognition, student organizations and honor societies must have at least one full-
time faculty and/or staff advisor, maintain their group page on Berry Connect, submit annual
registration form and membership roster with at least 10 active members, demonstrate active
membership recruitment, and complete recognition requirements/status as outlined by SAO. Failure to
meet requirements may result in a recognized group being placed on probation. The student
organization or honor society will have up to three semesters to complete the steps to regain good
standing and recognition. If the requirements are not met, then the student organization or honor
society will no longer be recognized by the College and would have to pursue steps for recognition again
if students desire to revive the inactive group.
In addition to the steps for maintaining recognition, student organizations and honor societies must
receive approval from the Director of Student Activities or Involvement Coordinator for all campus-wide
events, fundraisers, off-campus trips and special activities by the group.
In order to maintain recognition, student interest groups must have at least one full-time faculty and/or
staff advisor along with a minimum of five interested students, as well as maintain their group page on
Berry Connect. At the end of the academic year, they will need to renew their registration and include a
list of activities held throughout the year, which indicates continued interest in the group. Student
interest groups are renewed on an annual basis. If a student interest group does not meet the
requirements to maintain recognition, the student interest group will be declared inactive and no longer
be recognized. In the event that this happens, the group would have to start at the beginning with the
Student Activities is responsible for the oversight and support of student interest groups. All meetings
should be reserved through this department, and all publicity and recruitment efforts must be
For a full list of recognized student clubs and organizations, please visit Berry Connect:
The Office of Residence Life
Mission: Residence Life fosters a safe and inclusive learning and living environment that promotes
personal and professional development. We are an engaged community of students and staff living
together to make the world better than we found it.
The Office of Residence Life is located in the Ladd Center. The office phone number is (706) 236-2209 and
email address is [email protected].
Residence Halls
The Office of Residence Life provides traditional, cottage-style, and apartment-style residential options
for students. All residence halls are air-conditioned and have Ethernet connection in the rooms; all
residence halls have wireless access as well. All residence halls have laundry rooms and laundry machines
which require no additional cost.
Furnishings, Utilities and Sanitation
Each resident shall be provided at a minimum with a bed, chest of drawers or dresser, closet space, desk
and chair.
Each resident is responsible for the condition of the assigned room and shall reimburse the college for all
damages to the room, and damage to, or loss of, fixtures or furnishings. Residents shall not move or
rearrange any stationary fixtures, or remove any college furnishings from their rooms or apartments.
Residents are prohibited from moving common area and lobby furniture or fixtures into their rooms or
apartments. This includes placing any indoor furniture outdoors. Any such removal of communal furniture
may be subject to disciplinary proceedings and/or criminal penalties. Additional furnishings brought into
the room must be freestanding and clear of all existing fixtures, furniture, window and/or walls and must
be removed at the end of occupancy. Students may not use or construct temporary walls, lofts, or any
other furnishings even if free-standing. Due to fire regulations, the mattress supplied by Berry College is
the only mattress that may be used in the residence hall room. Any property left in the room at the end
of occupancy is disposed of by the college and an appropriate fee assessed.
The college assumes no liability for loss or damage to a resident’s personal property for any reason. The
college encourages students to insure their belongings.
All repair needs should be reported via or to the Office of
Residence Life. Students may either call in requests (706-236-2209) or report requests online.
Resident Assistants
Resident Assistants (RAs) are students that live on each floor of the residence halls and in the Townhouse
and Cottage areas. They are employed by the college to assist the students in their living area. Their
responsibilities include peer counseling, residence hall programming, promoting a spirit of unity and
safety, and an atmosphere conducive to study and maintaining residence life policies and institutional
RA Desks
There are seven RA desks in the residence halls. The RA on duty assists residents with lockouts,
emergencies, and providing resources for other common resident concerns.
Ford RA Desk: East Mary Lobby
Morton/Lemley RA Desk: first floor of Lemley
Townhouse, Thomas Berry, and Centennial RA Desk: Townhouse F
Mountain and Cottage RA Desk: second floor of Pilgrim
Dana RA Desk: 2
Central Dana Lobby
Morgan and Deerfield RA Desk: Deerfield Lobby
Oak Hill Residences RA Desk: front left side glass office at entrance gate
For assistance during business hours, the Office of Residence Life is available at ext. 2209 (706-236-
Monday Friday, except Holidays -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
RA Desk Hours (Lemley, Townhouse, Deerfield, Pilgrim)
Sunday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m.
Monday - Thursday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m.
Friday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5:00 p.m.-2:00 a.m.
Saturday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12:00 p.m.-2:00 a.m.
RA Desk Hours (Dana, Ford)
Sunday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m.
Monday - Thursday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9:00 a.m.-1:00 a.m.
Friday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9:00 a.m.-2:00 a.m.
Saturday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12:00 p.m.-2:00 a.m.
RA Desk Hours (Oak Hill Residences)
Monday Friday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.
RAs and Head Residents are on-call after desk hours for emergencies.
Duration of the Housing Contract
This housing contract is binding for the entire academic year and may not be terminated by the
student. Students who withdraw from the college during the terms of this agreement are subject to
cancellation fees as follows:
Between Room Selection and May 1
: 100% of the $200 prepayment is refunded
After May 1
and before June 1
: 50% of the $200 prepayment deposit is refunded
After June 1
: the student forfeits the $200 prepayment
Period of Housing Contract
This housing contract, unless otherwise provided, shall be binding for the entire academic year.
Assigned rooms should be vacated, checkout procedures completed and all keys returned within
24 hours after a resident’s last final exam.
Failure to check out properly and/or return all keys shall result in charges and/or disciplinary
action. Improper check out charge is $100 and additional charges may be assessed if necessary.
Residents may not occupy or leave personal belongings in any room before their contract date
starts or after that date ends without permission from the Office of Residence Life
Assignments and occupancy
The college cannot guarantee a student a particular type of accommodation. Assignments to
specific halls and rooms are made in accordance with the established policy for priorities as space
The resident understands that the college makes all assignments without regard to race, creed,
religion, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or age.
The student agrees to provide the college with information and preferences requested on the
housing preference form for the purposes of hall, room and roommate assignments.
Mutual requests for assignment with a specific roommate are considered but not guaranteed.
If any resident unreasonably refuses to accept a roommate or hinders the college in the
assignment of a roommate, the college may, at its discretion, require that resident to be
reassigned or consolidated to a different room, and/or be subject to disciplinary action.
Where there is a vacant space, the room must be maintained by the occupant(s) in a manner that
allows for immediate occupancy. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action and/or charges
related to preparing the room for occupancy.
The college reserves the right to assign students to temporary accommodations in the event that
regular rooms are not available. Student who accept a temporary assignment do so with the
understanding that they may be given a short notice to relocate to a permanent or other
temporary space. Failure to relocate in the time allotted by the Office of Residence Life may result
in the loss of the assignment.
Any student with a disability or medical condition that may necessitate a special housing
assignment should complete the intake form and submit supporting documentation on the
Accessibility Resources website. Requests for housing accommodations are due May 1 for
incoming students and February each year for returning residents.
The college reserves the right to assign residents to any available space and, when deemed
necessary, consolidate spaces for maximum availability purposes.
Rooms may be occupied and vacated only in accordance with schedules published by the Office
of Residence Life. The college reserves the right to use rooms in any residence hall during periods
between academic semesters. The residence halls do not close for Thanksgiving break. The
residential facilities close during the period between the close of fall semester and the beginning
of spring semester.
Any student who fails to occupy his or her assigned space by the first day of classes is bound by
this contract but may lose his or her assigned space and can be assigned to a temporary space
unless prior arrangements have been made with the Office of Residence Life.
Check In/ Check Out
Every student is personally required to complete designated check in procedures at the beginning of
occupancy and complete designated check out procedures at the end of occupancy. The Room
Condition Report, obtained at check in, will become the basis for an assessment of charges due to
damage or loss. Failure to return a signed Room Condition Report results in the student’s acceptance
of the College’s pre-assessment as valid. Before moving out, a student is required to remove all trash
and remove all personal possessions, and leave the room or apartment clean.
Charges for additional cleaning required, removal of personal property, or for any damage or loss of
College property, normal wear and tear excepted, will be billed to the student(s). Trash and/or
possessions left in hallways, lounges, or other communal areas will result in additional charges that
will be distributed among all residents of the building and/or area.
Assignment changes
Rooms may be occupied only upon assignment by the Office of Residence Life, and all exchanges,
transfers and vacating of rooms must be approved in writing by that office
Students who fail to follow the proper check-in/check-out and/or room change procedures may
be assessed an improper check-out charge and are subject to disciplinary action that may include
termination of this housing contract with the forfeiture of the housing deposit and may incur the
entire year’s housing fee
Students may submit requests for room changes during published designated periods. All room
changes are at the discretion of the Office of Residence Life
Administrative room changes may be considered for approval during non-designated periods,
which are the first and last two weeks of each semester
The college reserves the right to modify room assignments in an effort to consolidate spaces
Consolidation may also occur due to disciplinary reasons, health, safety, catastrophe, closing of a
facility, or irresolvable incompatibility of roommates, and to cancel or terminate this contract for
disciplinary reasons
The college reserves the right to temporarily or permanently reassign a student for violation(s) of
the residence hall policies or of Viking Code. Students placed on disciplinary probation are not
permitted to live in Centennial, Thomas Berry, Townhouses, Cottages or other specialty housing.
Students living in the Cottage area or other specialty housing (including Gunby and Rollins) may
be relocated if behavior is counterproductive to those living environments
Students or their parents agree to assume additional fee/costs for voluntary hall changes and/or
disciplinary reassignment
Students must follow check-out procedures published by the Office of Residence Life
Early Arrivals
Students who return prior to stated hall openings for fall semester and/or spring semester must have
authorization from the Office of Residence Life as well as the place of on-campus employment
(supervisor must contact the Student Work Office), or athletic coach by the predetermined deadline.
Specific details (dates, deadlines, etc.) will be published by the Office of Residence Life. For students
arriving early, students should be prepared that is possible they will move into a temporary
assignment until their assignment is ready.
Care of room and communal areas
Rooms must be maintained in good sanitary condition, and upon checkout, the room must be in
the same condition as when possession was taken, ordinary wear and tear excepted
Damages to students’ rooms, including costs for special housekeeping or for replacing missing
furnishings, are charged to the resident responsible for such damages, if known, or to the last
known residents of that room. Residents shall advise the residence hall staff of any deteriorated
conditions of the room or its furnishings
Damages to the public areas of a residence hall, including costs for replacing missing furniture and
other furnishings, which cannot be attributed to specific individuals or groups, are divided equally
and charged to each resident of that building or area. This includes but is not limited to trash
and/or personal discarded possessions
Each resident is required to complete a room condition report online upon occupancy and return
it to the resident assistant
When occupancy is terminated, it is necessary for the room to be inspected by the resident
assistant. Any unacceptable cleaning or damages noted after occupancy are charged to the
resident(s). Failure to abide by proper checkout procedures results in an improper checkout
charge plus any appropriate additional charges
Lounges serve as a place for social gatherings, hall programs, and studying for the residents of the
residence halls and their guests. A resident should accompany guests at all times while in the
residence halls. Sleeping is prohibited in all lounges and common areas.
Keys are issued by the Office of Residence Life. For safety reasons, the Office of Residence Life
strongly advises students not to loan their room keys to anyone, including other students. Keys
must be returned when occupancy is terminated. If a key is lost or not returned after occupancy
is terminated, the cost ($50) of installing each new lock and making new keys is charged to the
resident. All keys are property of the college and shall not be duplicated. Existing locks may not
be altered and auxiliary locks are not allowed. The unauthorized use or possession of residence
hall key(s) other than the one(s) assigned is prohibited.
Lock outs: Each resident is expected to carry their keys at all time, even if they will be gone from
their room for only a short time. If, however, you become locked out, please go to your area office.
The person on duty, after confirming your identity and residence, will escort you to your room
and open your door. Residents will be given two free lock-outs per semester. After the first two
free lock-outs, the next four lock-outs will cost $5.00 per lock-out and will be charged to the
resident’s account. Locks will be changed at the expense of the resident after the fourth charged
lock-out. If you lose your keys, please report this immediately to your RA or the Office of
Residence Life. Your lock(s) will be changed and you will be assessed a fee of $50.00 per lock. Keys
that are broken or damaged should also be reported to your RA or to the Office of Residence Life.
Housing Pre-payment
The $200 housing pre-payment allows students to participate in Room Selection for the next academic
year. The pre-payment will be deducted from their fall room charges. After a student selects or is assigned
a room during the Room Selection Process, the housing pre-payment is not refundable in full.
Students who do not pay the housing pre-payment are not permitted to participate in Room Selection
and will be assigned a room by the Office of Residence Life.
This payment is different than the housing deposit students pay when they apply to the College.
Single Rooms
For students living in a room designed as a single room, an additional charge will apply as stated under
Tuition and Fees on the Business Office website.
Residents may not request rooms to be converted to lower occupancy (double to single).
Storage for student belongings is not provided on campus. The college suggests that students contact one
of the several storage facilities in Rome and Floyd County.
Study Rooms
Study rooms are provided in several locations in College housing. Quiet conditions should be maintained
at all times. Lobbies may be used for 24-hour study space. Students and/or guests may not sleep in study
rooms nor are study rooms a place of dwelling for residents’ guests.
General conduct
All resident students are expected to abide by residence life rules, policies and procedures, the Viking
Code and public law. As residence rules may be modified from time to time, it is the responsibility of each
student to remain informed about such changes. Students in violation of residence life policies may be
subject to disciplinary action. Sanctions for significant and/or repeated violation of residence hall policies
can include eviction and/or expulsion from the residence life program. Conduct history will be taken into
account when students desire to live in Centennial, Thomas Berry, Townhouses, Cottages, or other
specialty housing.
Items not Allowed in Residence Halls
While the Office of Residence Life reserves the right to make determinations about the appropriateness
of items within the residence community, in general, students are prohibited from possessing or using the
following items in the residence halls or on the Berry College campus unless otherwise authorized:
Candles, candle warmers, or incense
Cigarettes, chewing tobacco, or any other tobacco products
Empty and/or displayed alcohol-related containers, funnels
Dangerous and/or other flammable chemicals
Hookahs, E-cigarettes, vapors
Household items that include but are not limited to: Halogen lamps, sun lamps, space heaters
(including Pelonis fan type units), hot plates, clothes washers and dryers, external antennas, and
water beds
Kitchen appliances/items. This includes, but is not limited to: Toasters and toaster ovens (note:
these items are permitted in residence hall rooms that are equipped with full kitchens), Air Fryers,
InstaPot style cookers, electric skillets, George Foreman-style grilling machines, portable stove
burners, non-thermostat controlled coffee makers, open heating element appliances, and
refrigerators larger than 4.5 cubic feet
Non-U.L. approved power-strip extension cords
Pets (other than fish in a 20-gallon or smaller aquarium).
Stolen property (e.g. traffic signs, construction lights, traffic lights and other items)
Weapons. This includes, but is not limited to: Firearms, switchblade knives or knives (blades
longer than three inches), martial arts weapons, bows and arrows, crossbows, pellet guns,
paintball guns, electronic shocking devices, including tasers, clubs or life-like replica weapons
Cooking on cottage porches poses a fire hazard and can set off an alarm; therefore, grills may not
be used or stored on cottage porches.
Built-in outdoor grills are located around campus for resident use.
No other grills or fire pits should be used or stored within 50 feet of a college building (including
Townhouses and cottages).
Unacceptable behavior
While the Office of Residence Life reserves the right to make additional determinations about the
appropriateness of behavior within the residence community, in general, students are expected not to
engage in the following conduct in the residence halls:
Activities or action that present actual or possible danger or disturbance to the resident or
residence community
Alcohol possession or use, regardless of age
Blocking, hanging, tampering with, or attaching items to fire safety equipment (e.g. sprinklers,
smoke detectors, emergency horns, fire strobe lights)
Cooking in residence hall rooms and/or outside of an approved kitchen area
Covering room doors using nails, hot glue, or any permanent adhesive
Dangerous activity
Dropping or throwing things from windows or balconies
Entering window ledges and/or rooftops without authorization
Entering student rooms through windows
Passing items through residence hall windows
Scaling walls or ledges
Skateboarding, inline skating and/or riding bicycles or motorized vehicles in the residence halls
Drug possession or use (i.e. illegal or narcotic drugs). This includes the misuse of legal
pharmaceutical drugs and/or possession of drug-related paraphernalia
Hosting visitors of the opposite gender outside Residence Life approved visitation hours
Littering in communal areas and outside buildings
Loaning residence hall keys or your Berry ID card to any other person for any reason
Sales and solicitation
Smoking or use of tobacco products. This includes cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, E-
cigarettes and vapors.
Tampering with and/or misuse of life safety equipment, including but not limited to: Heat and
smoke detectors, emergency/fire pull stations, extinguishers, hoses, exit signs, and fire alarm
Use or storage of combustion engine vehicles in the residence halls
Vandalism. The intentional or unintentional abuse or misuse of college property may constitute
Violating residence life approved quiet hours and/or noisy or disturbing behavior
Abandoned property
Items left in residence hall rooms after the resident has moved from the hall or when there is no
ownership indicated on items will be disposed of at the end of each semester.
Electrical outlets
There are a limited number of electrical outlets in each room and these may not be altered for any reason.
Students are required to use heavy duty extension cords or adapters approved by the Underwriters
Laboratories (UL). Extension cords can be used for just one appliance at a time. Students must maintain a
one plug per one receptacle ratio at all times. Extension cords may not be placed under carpet or rugs at
any time.
A guest is defined as a nonresident who requires a room in which to sleep for the night. A resident may
have overnight guests, limited to two guests for two consecutive nights. Overnight guests must be of the
same gender and at least sixteen years of age. Guests should not have access to the residence hall and/or
room without the presence of the Berry student who the guest is visiting. Guests are required to abide by
all standards of conduct outlined by Berry College and are the responsibility of the Berry College student
hosting the guest.
Quiet hours
All residents are expected to maintain a reasonable sound level at all times. Minimum quiet hours for all
residents are from 11:00 pm to 8:00 am every day of the week. Twenty-four hour quiet hours begin at
6:00 pm on the last day of classes of each semester for the duration of the semester. Failure to abide by
the minimum or established floor quiet hours constitutes a violation of residence hall policy and could
result in conduct action. Floors designated as quiet/study floors are expected to maintain a reasonable
sound level that is conducive to a study/academic environment at all times.
Residence hall appearance
Appearance of the residence halls, both interior and exterior, must be attractive to residents and guests.
Signs or objects (e.g. towels, flags, posters, etc.) may not be placed in windows, on doors or
balconies/ledges except as approved by the Office of Residence Life.
Room décor
Use of nails, screws, tacks and adhesives that damage walls, doors, furniture or fixtures is prohibited.
Room entry
The college reserves the right to enter a room at any time to determine compliance with all safety and
health regulations and provisions of public law, college regulations and residence life policies, to provide
cleaning or maintenance work, conduct an inventory of college property, or if there is an indication of
danger to life, health or property.
In order to maximize building security and the safety of residents, the outside doors are locked 24-hours
a day. Residents are responsible for ensuring that exterior and interior doors are left in a locked position.
Residents are advised to lock their windows and doors at all times. Student ID cards and keys should be
carried at all times and should not be loaned for any reason. Residents should report anyone or anything
suspicious or any lost or stolen articles to Campus Safety. The college does not assume responsibility for
loss of, or damage to, personal items or for personal injury. Residents, or their parents, should arrange
their own insurance coverage.
Student ID cards
Students are required to carry their Berry student ID at all times. Students may gain access to all residence
halls during visitation hours with their Student ID card. In accordance with the Viking Code, students are
expected to present it to college officials including residence life staff upon request.
Visitation is defined as the period of time when it is acceptable for students of the opposite gender to visit
residence halls and rooms.
Visitation hours for all residence halls are as follows:
Sunday Thursday …………………………………….. 10:00 a.m. 1:00 a.m.
Friday & Saturday …………………………………..…. 10:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m.
Visitation policies may be temporarily adjusted or suspended to ensure the safety of residents in the case
of public health concern(s).
Visitation is a privilege of living in a community. At the beginning of each semester, resident assistants will
have meetings to discuss policies and procedures and how these policies and procedures impact
community. As a member of the Berry College community, it is your responsibility to respect and adhere
to the visitation policy.
Health and Safety Inspections
Berry College believes that residence halls should be a clean and safe environment in which to live. In an
effort to minimize chances of health problems, fire and/or bodily injury, health and safety inspections will
be conducted by Residence Life staff to identify potentially hazardous situations within the residence halls.
Normally, these inspections are conducted before the residence halls close for breaks.
If the room needs attention by the occupants, an inspection slip denoting the problem(s) will be left in the
room with copies to the Office of Residence Life. All problem areas should be corrected within twenty-
four hours. Health and Safety violations not corrected within the twenty-four hour period will be filed as
an incident report and referred to the campus conduct process.
Students who have non-approved animals in their room will be required to remove the animal
immediately and will be charged $250 for each instance.
In potentially dangerous safety violations, the Residence Life staff reserves the right to correct the safety
situation immediately.
Health and safety inspections may occur at any time between 10:00 AM 9:00 PM. Health and safety
inspections may be performed more often in the Centennial, Thomas Berry, and Townhouse areas as well
as Cottages and all other spaces with private bathrooms/kitchens.
Residents may request to be present for the inspection. Residents are responsible for contacting their RAs
to arrange a time. This must happen within 24 hours of the email notification of the health and safety
During the course of a health and safety inspection:
RAs are not permitted to open drawers, closets, or ask residents to do so
RAs are only permitted to open fridges if there is probable cause to do so (concern of spoiled
food or presence of alcohol-related items - such as alcohol residue in containers or empty
alcohol containers)
Some examples of health and safety violations include, but are not limited to the following:
Possession or use of an unauthorized appliance (These will be confiscated)
Possession or use of candles or incense
Leaving an unattended clothing or curling iron plugged in
Possession of a pet in college residence halls
Playing or possessing darts in the residence halls
Possession or use of alcohol
Smoking or possession of tobacco products (i.e., hookahs, E-cigarettes, and vaporizers) in the
residence halls. (All residence halls are substance free)
Overloaded extension cord. An overloaded extension cord is one that has more than one item
plugged into it
Failure to maintain a clean room or suite
Room Search and Confiscation
The College reserves the right to enter a student’s room when it has reason to believe an emergency
exists, the well-being of the occupant or other students is at stake, a College regulation is violated, or for
purposes of maintenance, health and safety inspection.
All residence hall room searches which are conducted by Berry College officials must be approved
in advance by one or more of the following: the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of
Students, the Assistant Dean of Students, or other college official designated by the Vice President
for Student Affairs.
A residence hall room may be searched by a Berry Residence Life officials (professional staff) and
a Head Resident as a witness only if there is “reasonable cause” to believe that the occupant(s) is
(are) using the room for purpose(s) which is (are) in violation of federal, state, or local laws, or
college regulations. Reasonable cause” is defined as facts and circumstances sufficiently strong
to warrant a reasonable person to believe that the room is being used in violation of federal, state,
or local laws, or college regulations.
If the appropriate administrative official believes that such “reasonable cause” does exist, an
administrative search authorization will be issued and executed.
An administrative search authorization will not be executed for any search which is to be made
by police authorities or for anyone other than for an appropriate, designated official of Berry
College. If a search is to be made for evidence which is to be used by police authorities for the
purpose of criminal prosecution, then such police officials are to obtain a search warrant from an
official authorized to issue such warrants. At no time should police officers be present for or
participate in a room search without a proper search warrant.
The occupant(s) of the room should be present whenever possible. If present, the occupant(s)
should be: (a) given the reason for the search, (b) presented a copy of the administrative search
authorization and (c) informed that any contraband or illegal materials found may be used in
internal administrative action, a College conduct hearing, and/or possibly in a court of law.
Should the search for any specified materials uncover other materials indicating illegal activity or
violation of College regulations, such material should also be seized.
When the search is completed, the Berry staff member(s) shall complete a search inventory form,
specifying the room searched, name of the occupant(s), staff member conducting the search, and
a detailed explanation of material seized. All drugs and/or drug paraphernalia confiscated should
be secured by campus safety
Fire marshal inspection of premises: (Georgia Safety Fire Law 92 A 723) Right of entry to inspect
premises. The commissioner and his delegated authorities have the right to enter all buildings and
premises subject to this chapter at any reasonable time for the purpose of examination or
Quick Reference
The area code 706 is required for all calls off campus.
Academic Success Center ..................... 233-4080
Accounting and Finance (CSOB) ........... 290-2687
Accounts Payable ................................. 236-1711
Accounts/Students .......... 236-2252 or 236-2235
Accounts Payable Manager .................. 236-1720
Admissions Office ................................. 236-2215
Advancement Office ............................. 236-2253
Advancement Services ............ 236-5642
Agricultural Operations ........................ 236-1737
Alumni Relations .................................. 236-2256
Animal Science Academic ..................... 236-1737
Anthropology Department (Evans School of
Humanities) .......................................... 236-2222
Art Department (Evans School of Humanities)
Athletic Department ............................. 236-2260
Auto Shop ............................................. 236-1741
Bean’ry (Krannert Center) .................... 368-6920
Biology Department ............................. 238-5856
Blackstone Hall (E.H. Young Theatre) ... 236-2263
BOLD. Berry Outdoor Leadership Dev .. 238-7806
Bonner Center for Community Service 238-7885
Bonner Scholars Program ..................... 290-2690
Bookstore/Shipyard .............................. 236-5499
Business, Campbell School of ............... 236-2233
Business, Graduate Studies .................. 238-5835
Business & Finance Office
Accounts Payable .................... 236-1711
Accounts Payable Manager ..... 236-1720
Accounting Specialist ............... 236-2239
Budget ..................................... 238-5907
Student Accounts ... 236-2235, 236-2252
Student Payroll ........................ 238-7927
Cage Center .......................................... 368-6358
Campus Carrier Office .......................... 236-2294
Campus Recreation and Intramurals .... 238-2937
Campus Scheduling .............................. 378-2880
Campus Switchboard ............................ 232-5374
Career Center ....................................... 236-2292
Center for Economic Eduacation .......... 368-6794
Center for Personal/Professional Dev. . 236-2244
Central Stores Warehouse ................... 236-2283
Chaplain’s Office ................................... 236-2217
Chemistry Department ......................... 368-6995
Chief Information Officer ..................... 802-6727
Child Development Center ................... 236-2247
Classic Fare Catering ............................. 238-7883
Comcast (Installation & Repair) .... 800-266-2278
Communication (Evans School of Humanities)
Computer Science Department ............ 238-5856
Computing Technical Support Desk ...... 238-5838
Cottages at Berry (The) ......................... 236-2241
Counseling Center, Director’s Office .... 236-2259
Dairy……………… ..................................... 236-2287
Dana Hall, RA Office .............................. 236-1709
Dance Department (Evans School of
Humanities) .......................................... 802-6733
Dean of Academic Services ................... 236-2229
Dean of Students (Student Affairs) ....... 236-2207
(Emergencies after 5 PM) ........ 236-2262
Dean, Campbell School of Business ...... 236-2233
Dean, Charter School of Education & Human
Sciences ................................................ 236-2202
Dean, Evans School of Humanities, Arts, SCocial
Sciences ................................................ 236-2297
Dean, Division of Nursing ..................... 368-6397
Dean, School of Mathematical & Natural
Sciences ................................................ 236-1756
Deerfield RA Office ............................... 368-5653
Dining Services ...................................... 368-6964
E-Communications Services .................. 368-6747
Economics (Campbell School of Business) .... 238-
Education, Graduate Studies ................ 368-5712
Education & Human Sciences, Charter School of
Elementary School ................................ 236-2242
Emergency (Welcome Center) .............. 236-2262
English, Rhetoric, & Writing, Department (Evans
School) ................................................. 236-2279
Enterprise Systems ............................... 236-7818
Environmental Studies Program (Evans School) ..
Equine Center, Gunby ........................... 236-2266
Faculty Research & Sponsored Programs ..... 378-
Famility Studies .................................... 290-2640
Finance, Vice President for ................... 236-2265
Fianancial Aid Office, Student ............... 236-1714
Fine Arts Department (Evans School of
Humanities) .......................................... 236-2289
First-Year Experience ............................ 236-1707
Geology Department ............................ 368-6995
Government & International Studies
Department (Evans) ............................. 236-2222
Graduate Studies in Business ............... 236-5896
Graduate Studies in Education ............. 236-1718
Greenhouse .......................................... 238-7454
Grounds Department (Main Campus) .. 238-7893
Grounds Department (Mountain Campus) .. 238-
Guest Cottages ..................................... 236-2241
Gunby Center ....................................... 238-7736
Gymnasium, Cage 236-2255 ... Reservations 238-
Health & Wellness ................................ 236-2267
Help Desk, Computing & Technology (Tech
Support) ................................................ 238-5838
History Department (Evans School of
Humanities) .......................................... 236-2222
Honors Porgram ................................... 233-4089
Horsemanship Center, Gunby .............. 236-2266
Horticultural Services ........................... 238-7454
House o’ Dreams Reservations ............. 368-6776
Housekeeping ....................................... 368-6922
Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences, Evans
School of ............................................... 236-2297
Human Resources ................................. 233-4062
Information Technology Help Desk & IT Dept. &
BITS ................................................. 238-5838
Institutional Research ........................... 290-2144
International Programs ........................ 233-4065
Intramurals Office ................................ 378-2937
Java City (Library) ................................. 368-6949
Kinesiology ........................................... 236-6379
Kinder Musik ........................................ 233-4091
Krannert Center Manager (Student Activities)
Krannert Center Info Desk .................... 368-6760
Land Resources ..................................... 368-6386
Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program
(Evans) ................................................. 802-6730
Laughlin Building Computer Laboratory ....... 238-
Lemley Hall, RA Office .......................... 236-1748
Library, Memorial, Circulation & Library Servs.
Desk ................................................. 236-1739
Archives ................................... 236-1738
Magnolia Cottage, RA Office ................ 238-7785
Mail Services ......................................... 236-2201
Management (Campbell School of Business)
Mary Hall East, RA Office ...................... 238-7788
Mathematical & Natural Sciences, School of 236-
Mathematics Department .................... 236-1756
MBA Programs ...................................... 238-5856
Middle School ....................................... 238-5896
Mountain Grounds ............................... 238-5882
Multicultural and International Sutdent
Programs .............................................. 368-6985
Museum, Martha Berry ....................... 368-6777
Music Department (Evans School of Humanities)
Newtwork Services, Director ................ 236-5099
Nurses Station (Health & Wellness) ..... 236-2267
Nursing, Divison of ................................ 368-6397
Oak Hill, RA Office ................................. 368-5691
Oak Hill & The Martha Berry Museum . 368-6789
Oak Hill, Director/Curator ........ 368-6705
Oak Hill, Gift Shop .................... 368-6778
Oak Hill, Receptionist & Office 368-6777
Office for Information Technology ....... 238-5838
Office of Marketing & Communications ....... 236-
Creative Services ...................... 236-2257
E-Communication Services ...... 368-6747
Parking Services .................................... 368-6999
Payroll ................................................. 238-7950
Peer Educators (Counseling) ................. 236-1758
Philosophy Department (Evans School of
Humanities) .......................................... 236-2222
Physical Plant Office ............................. 236-2231
Physics, Astronomy, and Geology Department
Pilgrim Hall, RA Office ........................... 238-7654
Police and Safety Office ........................ 368-6999
Post Office ............................................ 236-2201
Pre-Health Center ................................. 378-2931
President’s Office ................................. 236-2211
Chief of Staff ............................ 236-2227
Provost ................................................. 236-2216
Psychology Department ....................... 290-2660
Public Relations Office .......................... 236-2226
Purchasing Office .................................. 236-2272
Reistrar’s Office .................................... 236-2282
Religion Department (Evans School of
Humanities) .......................................... 236-2222
Research, Sponsored Programs ............ 378-2851
Residence Life Office ............................ 236-2209
Sociology Department (Evans School of
Humanities) .......................................... 236-2222
Sports Information ............................... 290-2146
Student Accounts (Business Office) ...... 236-2252
Student Government Association Office ...... 236-
Student Loans ....................................... 236-2235
Student Payroll ..................................... 238-7927
Study Abroad Programs ........................ 233-4065
Swimming Pool ..................................... 368-6357
Teacher Education Department ........... 238-7910
Technical Purchasing (Office for Info
Technology) .......................................... 238-5872
Theatre Department (Evans School of
Humanities) .......................................... 236-2289
Theatre Office/Ticket Sales .................. 236-2263
Townhouse, RA Office .......................... 236-1752
Undergraduate Experiences, Dean of .. 236-2229
Viking Fusion ........................................ 236-1731
Volunteer Services ................................ 238-5845
Water Plant .......................................... 238-7764
Web Manager ....................................... 368-6747
Welcome Center (For Emergencies) ..... 236-2262
WinShape Foundations ........................ 238-7717
Women Genders Studies Program ....... 236-5494
Worker’s Compensation ....................... 236-1722
World Languages & Cultures Department ... 236-
Writing Center ...................................... 238-5903
Meeting Rooms/Facilities Reservations
Request can be made at Contact Campus
Scheduling Office at Ext. 2880 with questions.
Campus Scheduling Office 378-2880
Alumni Center, Chapels, Krannert
Cener, Cook indoor & outdoor
Classrooms, Evans Auditorium
Classroom, Ford Auditorium & Dining
Hall, Green Hall, Classrooms & Multi-
Media Rooms, Science Build & outdoor
Oak Hill/Martha Berry Museum 368-6776
House o’ Dreams, Keown Pavilion,
Possum Trot
Office for Info Tech,
Computer labs
Guest Cottages 236-2241
Cottages at Berry (The)
Memorial Library 236-1739
WinShape Teams Event Planning Ext. 7715
Pavilion, Rec Fields, Hill Dining Hall