Use of force by the
Toronto Police Service
Final report
Dr. Scot Wortley, PhD, Associate Professor
Centre of Criminology and Sociolegal Studies,
University of Toronto
Dr. Ayobami Laniyonu, PhD, Assistant Professor
Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies,
University of Toronto
Erick Laming, Doctoral Candidate
Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies,
University of Toronto
Use of force by the
Toronto Police Service
Final report
Dr. Scot Wortley, PhD, Associate Professor
Centre of Criminology and Sociolegal Studies,
University of Toronto
Dr. Ayobami Laniyonu, PhD, Assistant Professor
Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies
University of Toronto
Erick Laming, Doctoral Candidate
Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies,
University of Toronto
Submitted to the Ontario Human Rights Commission: July 2020
ISBN: 978-1-4868-4617-7 PRINT
978-1-4868-4618-4 PDF
© 2020, Government of Ontario
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3
Part A: ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Literature review: race and police use of force .................................................................. 5
Race and use of force: American research ................................................................................ 8
Race and use of force: Canadian research ................................................................................ 9
Racial disparity in context.......................................................................................................... 12
The results of multivariate analyses ........................................................................................ 22
Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 26
Part B: Community perceptions of racial bias .................................................................. 29
Part C: An examination of Special Investigations Unit cases involving
the Toronto Police Service .............................................................................................. 34
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 34
Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 35
Measuring racial disparity ......................................................................................................... 38
Findings ....................................................................................................................................... 40
The impact of sex ....................................................................................................................... 41
Cause of civilian injury ............................................................................................................... 44
Civilian injury not caused by police .......................................................................................... 46
Civilian injury caused by police-involved traffic accidents ..................................................... 46
Sexual assault cases ................................................................................................................... 47
Police use of force cases ............................................................................................................ 52
Police shooting cases ................................................................................................................. 56
Police use of force cases that resulted in civilian death ........................................................ 57
Police shooting deaths ............................................................................................................... 59
The context of police use of force ...................................................................................... 62
Civilian behaviour at time of use of force encounter
............................................................. 62
Possession of a weapon ............................................................................................................ 64
Possession of a weapon during police shootings ................................................................... 67
Civilian criminal history at time of police use of force incidents .......................................... 68
Civilian mental health at time of police use of force incidents ............................................. 69
Civilian impairment at time of police encounter .................................................................... 71
Type of police contact ................................................................................................................ 72
Community-level crime rates .................................................................................................... 74
Outcomes of SIU investigations ................................................................................................ 78
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Problems with police cooperation ........................................................................................... 80
Toronto-American comparisons ............................................................................................... 82
Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 84
Part D: An analysis of TPS “lower-level” use of force cases ............................................. 86
Coders’ process of identifying and coding lower-level use of force cases ......................... 88
Findings ....................................................................................................................................... 90
Representation in TPS use of force reports ............................................................................ 93
Type of force used by TPS officers ........................................................................................... 94
Type of civilian injury ................................................................................................................. 96
Involvement of paramedics ....................................................................................................... 97
Location of civilian medical treatment ..................................................................................... 98
Nature of police contact ............................................................................................................ 99
Civilian behaviour during use of force incident .................................................................... 101
Civilian weapons ....................................................................................................................... 102
How civilian weapon identified ............................................................................................... 103
Civilian arrests .......................................................................................................................... 104
Fled police custody ................................................................................................................... 105
Resisting arrest charges........................................................................................................... 106
Civilian criminal record ............................................................................................................ 107
Civilian substance use .............................................................................................................. 107
Civilian mental health .............................................................................................................. 109
Community-level crime rates .................................................................................................. 110
Summary ................................................................................................................................... 112
Part E Multivariate analysis of use of force cases ....................................................... 116
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 116
The data
Variables .................................................................................................................................... 117
Results ....................................................................................................................................... 118
Results from models that exclude patrol zones 51 and 52 ................................................. 122
Conclusion and limitations ...................................................................................................... 124
Part F: Explaining Black over-representation in police use of force statistics .......... 126
Explanatory models ................................................................................................................. 130
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 136
Appendix A: SIU case template: 2013 2017 data
.......................................................... 140
Appendix B: Lower-level use of force data collection template ................................... 151
References ........................................................................................................................... 170
..................................................................................................................................... 117
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Police use of force against Black people has emerged as one of the most controversial
issues facing the law enforcement community in North America. In the United States, high-
profile use of force incidents including the cases of Rodney King, Abner Louima, Amadou
Diallo, Timothy Thomas, Arthur McDuffie, Freddie Grey, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Tamir
Rice, Philando Castille, Ataliana Jefferson, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd serve to increase
tensions between the Black community and the police and solidify perceptions that the police
are racially biased (Walker 2005; Walker et al. 2004; Joseph et al. 2003). The negative impact of
police violence on community cohesion can be profound. For example, over the past 30 years,
specific incidents of police violence against Black civilians have sparked major urban riots in
several American cities including Ferguson (Missouri), Miami (Florida), Cincinnati (Ohio), Los
Angeles (California) and New York City (New York). Allegations of police brutality against people
of African descent have also directly contributed to large-scale urban unrest in both France and
England (Kawalerowicz et al. 2015).
As in the United States and Europe, police use of force against Black, Indigenous and other
minority civilians has emerged as a controversial issue in Canada. Over the past few decades,
well publicized police use of force cases in both Ontario and Quebec including the cases of
Dudley George, Lester Donaldson, Allen Gosset, Sophia Cook, Buddy Evans, Jeffrey Reodica,
Wade Lawson, Marlon Neal, Eric Osawe, Michael Elgin, Ozama Shaw, Tommy Barnett,
Raymond Lawrence, Sammy Yatim, Pierre Coriolan, Jermaine Carby, Andrew Loku, Abdirahman
Abdi, Olando Brown, Dafonte Miller, D’Andre Campbell and Ejaz Choudry have led to
community allegations of police discrimination, demonstrations, urban unrest and the rise of
the “Black Lives Matter” social movement.
Police use of force is a crucially important issue. It directly engages with issues of public
safety and the safety of law enforcement officers. However, when done improperly, police
use of force can cause the unnecessary death or serious injury of civilians, undermine public
trust in the police and compromise the legitimacy of the entire criminal justice system. Finally,
police use of force can erode social cohesion and contribute to radicalization, riots and other
social control issues. Unfortunately, despite its importance, police use of force has been
subject to surprisingly little empirical research especially in the Canadian context. The
following report attempts to address this gap. The authors of this report were retained by the
Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) to examine a sample of use of force cases involving
the Toronto Police Service (TPS) Canada’s largest municipal law enforcement agency. Details
about this sample are provided in the methodology section.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
The report is divided into six sections. Part A provides a review of previous academic
research on police use of force conducted in both the United States and Canada. Part B
explores public perceptions of police use of force, against the Black community, using
data from two surveys of Toronto residents. Part C examines TPS use of force cases that
resulted in the death or serious injury of civilians. The data for this analysis was derived
from the Ontario government’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU). Part D examines data on
“less serious,” lower-level use of force cases derived from internal TPS records. These are
cases that allegedly did not meet the injury threshold needed to trigger a SIU investigation.
Part E presents a variety of multivariate statistical models designed to examine the impact
of race on police use of force incidents after controlling for other theoretically relevant,
patrol zone-level variables. The final section of the report (Part F) summarizes major results
and presents a variety of explanatory models that might help explain the over-representation
of Black people in Toronto police use of force statistics. These explanatory models may help
guide future policy development.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Part A:
Literature review: race and police use of force
Both Canadian and American experts have identified that there is a dearth of high-quality
data on police use of force cases. During a 2015 speech, James B. Comey, the former
Director for the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), clearly articulated the extreme
challenges associated with conducting research on police use of force. Director Comey
stated that:
Not long after riots broke out in Ferguson late last summer, I asked my staff to
tell me how many people shot by police were African American in this country.
I wanted to see trends. I wanted to see information. They couldn’t give it to me,
and it wasn’t their fault. Demographic data regarding officer-involved shootings
is not consistently reported to us through our Uniform Crime Reporting Program.
Because reporting is voluntary, our data is incomplete and therefore, in the
aggregate, unreliable (Comey, 2015, paras 32-33).
The fact that in 2015, America’s top cop could not easily assess up-to-date, accurate
information on police use of force is both surprising and troubling. The failure to create
a national police use of force database, is an issue that exists in the United States and
Canada as well as many other Western nations (see Zimring 2017). Interestingly, most
developed nations consistently generate reliable national statistics on both minor and
serious criminal activityincluding minor theft, car theft, physical assaults and burglaries.
It is therefore disappointing that similar data collection practices have not been used to
produce accurate, reliable statistics on police use of force including information on cases
that involve the death or serious injury of civilians.
The lack of quality use of force data is a long-standing issue. In 1931, after confirming
allegations of widespread police brutality across the United States, the Wickersham
Commission recommended that all police agencies collect data on police use of force
incidents (Shane, 2016). Since then, several other American commissions and inquiries
have noted the poor quality of police use of force statistics and called for improved data
collection practices. For example, the 2015 President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing
argued that: “policies on use of force should require agencies to collect, maintain, and
report data to the Federal Government on all officer-involved shootings, whether fatal or
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
non-fatal, as well as any in-custody death” (cited in Shane, 2016: p. 3). Unfortunately, this
recommendation has not yet been translated into policy. In other words, U.S. law enforcement
agencies are still not legally required to report details about use of force incidents.
Zimring (2017) examines three U.S efforts to collect national data on police killings of civilians:
1) the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS); 2) the Uniform Crime Report’s Supplemental
Homicide Reporting System (which documents justifiable homicidesinvolving police officers);
and 3) the Bureau of Justice Statistics Arrest-Related Deaths Program. Drawing on insights from
an FBI data quality exercise, along with information from crowd-sourced and media-compiled
datasets, Zimring (2017) argues that the U.S. government typically undercounts the true
number of police killing by more than half. While government statistics estimate that the
annual number of civilians killed by police in the United States is approximately 500, the true
figure appears to be closer to 1,000 (Zimring, 2017).
This gap emerges because the reporting of police killings let alone less serious use of force
incidents is only voluntary. Some services provide data on all incidents, others provide data
on only some incidents, while others provide no data at all. Zimring also questions the validity
and completeness of the police data that is provided to federal agencies and laments that
there are no data quality assurance checks. He notes that some police services may not want
to provide information that could cause reputational damage or challenge the legitimacy of
officers’ use of force decision-making (see also Ross 2015; Nix 2017; Williams et al. 2016). In
other words, even when data is provided by American police services, there are concerns that
it is often incomplete and/or inaccurate.
The data situation in Canada is even worse than the United States. Currently there is no
Canadian effort voluntary or otherwise to create a national database on police killings
or other police use of force incidents. Statistics Canada only tracks cases involving the very
small number of police officers who have been criminally charged with killing a civilian (Gillis,
2015). As a general practice, local police agencies in Canada also do not release official
statistics on use of force cases (Carmichael & Kent, 2015; Wortley, 2006). Furthermore, the
methodologies used to collect use of force data vary greatly between jurisdictions (Kiedrowski
et al., 2015). In 2015, to counter these limitations, a Federal/Provincial/Territorial Use of Force
Working Group was given the mandate to share information on use of force reporting policies
and practices with the goal of improving the quality of Canadian use of force data (Kiedrowski
et al., 2015). However, this working group has yet to materialize and no apparent progress has
been made in establishing a national database on police use of force in Canada.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
For many years, both researchers and community advocates have been arguing for better
data collection and reporting on police use of force incidents (see Royal Commission on
the Donald Marshall, Jr. Prosecution 1989; Commission on Systemic Racism in the Ontario
Criminal Justice System 1996; Foster et al. 2016; United Nations 2017). For example, Kane
(2007: 773) argues that “all police departments should adopt as a collective professional
standard the practices of (1) collecting comprehensive data on all coercive activities,
including disciplinary actions, and (2) making those data available with minimal filtering
and justification to members of the polity. Hickman et al. (2008) note that local and
federal governments collect and report very little information about non-lethal (lower-level)
use of force cases. In the U.S., the only systematic, national-level indicator of police use of force
is the Police-Public Contact Survey (PPCS) administered by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).
Unfortunately, this survey may grossly underestimate the true extent of police use of force
because it excludes recently arrested and incarcerated persons (Hickman et al., 2008; Engel,
2008). Hickman et al. (2008) propose that using a Survey of Inmates in Local Jails (SILJ),
in combination with the PPCS, would provide a more sound and complete estimate of police
use of force incidents. However, they also note that the use of multiple sources can produce
data problems because of inconsistencies in collection and reporting practices (Klinger, 2008;
Williams, Bowman & Jung, 2016).
Researchers have also been vocal in highlighting that law enforcement agencies are often
uncooperative with respect to documenting use of force incidents. Smith (2008) reveals
that several attempts have been made to encourage police services to voluntarily report
use of force incidents for research and policy-development purposes. Little progress has
been made. Indeed, even when police services have been legislated to provide information
on use of force cases, resistance is common. For example, the Violent Crime Control and
Law Enforcement Act of 1994 required the Attorney General to collect data on police use
of excessive force and to publish annual reports from the data (McEwen, 1996). However,
the majority of police agencies failed to report cases of excessive force because they are
protected under the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (Hickman & Poore, 2015;
Shane, 2016). In other words, policing is the responsibility of state legislatures and the
federal government cannot mandate local police agencies to report use of force data. This
creates a significant challenge with respect to creating a national database on police use
of force. Similar obstacles exist in Canada since policing remains the responsibility of
provincial and territorial governments.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
The discussion above illustrates that, despite great public interest and policy relevance,
data collection and reporting on police use of force has been stalled, if not fiercely resisted,
by the policing community. As a result, in both the United States and Canada, research on
police killings and other use of force incidents is very limited. The research that does exist
has typically been conducted by individual researchers, special commissions of inquiry,
human rights agencies, local governments, police oversight agencies and media outlets.
Most academic researchers acknowledge the limitations of existing data and caution that
findings should be “interpreted with a grain of salt.” Others warn that, without a national
dataset, it is difficult, if not impossible, to compare use of force practices across jurisdictions or
draw broad conclusions about when the police are likely to use or refrain from using force
(Zimring 2017). The reader is thus advised to consider these data limitations while reviewing
the research results on the police use of force against members of the Black community
presented in the next section of this report.
Race and use of force: American research
Research on race and police use of force is much more prevalent in the United States than
Canada. The large racial disparities uncovered by these studies are not in dispute. Study
after study, conducted at different periods of time and in different regions of the country,
have found that African Americans are significantly over-represented in police shootings
and other cases involving police use of force (see reviews in Geller and Toch 1995; Rahtz
2003; Walker et al. 2004; Lersch and Mieczkowski 2005; Ross 2015; Zimring 2017; Menifield
et al. 2018). Importantly, research also suggests that the over-representation of African
Americans in use of force cases has declined significantly over the past 30 years. For
example, in the 1970s, American police shot and killed eight Black people for every one
White person. By 1998 that ratio had been reduced to 4:1 (see Walker 2005; Walker et al
2004). Nonetheless, by 2018, the available data suggest that Black Americans are still twice
as likely to be shot and killed by police than their White counterparts. Less is known about
other types of use of force.
Over the past several years, the Washington Post has carefully collected detailed data on all
police shooting deaths across the United States. These statistics are posted and updated
daily on their website
. In 2018, the Post recorded 992 police shooting fatalities. Twenty-
three percent of these shootings involved Black civilians, although Black people represent
only 13% of the American population. Furthermore, the Black police shooting rate (5.2 per
million) was 2.3 times greater than the White rate (2.3 per million). Findings based on the
Washington Post dataset are consistent. According to the Post, between 2015 and 2019, the
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
U.S. experienced between 967 and 998 police killings per year. Each year, between 22%
and 26% of all cases involved Black civilians. The rates are particularly high for Black males.
Over the past decade, studies using different local and national datasets have produced
very similar results (see Zimring 2017). It should be noted that, in approximately 10% of all
police shooting cases in the United States, the race of the civilian is listed as “unknown.”
If any of these “unknown” cases are, in fact, African American, racial disparities in police
shooting statistics could be even higher than documented by recent studies (Zimring 2017).
Finally, emerging American research further suggests that racial disparities exist with respect
to the police use of other use of force tactics including Conducted Energy Weapons (CEWs),
pepper spray, baton use and open/closed handed techniques (see Goff et al. 2016; Crow &
Adrion, 2011; Gau et al., 2009; Lin & Jones, 2010).
Race and use of force: Canadian research
Despite growing public concern and allegations of police racial bias with respect to the use
of physical force, very little Canadian research has actually addressed this issue. Although a
growing number of studies have documented possible discrimination in other areas of the
criminal justice process including racial differences in police surveillance practices (racial
profiling), racial differences in arrest decisions, racial differences in pre-trial outcomes and
racial differences in criminal sentencing detailed research has yet to be conducted on
racial differences in the police use of force (see Tator and Henry 2006; Tanovich 2006;
Wortley and Marshall 2005; Wortley 2004).
Early Canadian studies were plagued by methodological issues, including small sample
sizes and a reliance on newspaper coverage of police shooting incidents. For example,
using media sources, Gabriella Pedicelli (1998) examined police shootings in Toronto
and Montreal between 1994 and 1997. She found that although Black people represented
less than 2% of Montreal’s Black population in 1991, five of the 11 people shot and killed by the
police during the study period (45%) were Black males. Similarly, although African Canadians
represented only 3.3% of Toronto’s population in 1991, six of the 12 civilians (50%) shot and
killed by the police during the study period were Black males (Pedicelli 1998: 63). A case-
by-case analysis of particularly controversial cases led Pedicelli to conclude that police officials
are often able to legitimize police violence by claiming that it is a normal reaction when
dealing with ethnic groups that are prone to criminalityand violence.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Furthermore, police officer claims that they had to make split-second decisionsduring
violent, life and deathconfrontations with civilians are usually enough to have the incident
deemed a justifiable homicide. Police versions of shooting incidents are rarely challenged
by the media or government officials.
Phillip Stenning (1994) further explored the issue of police violence by interviewing 150
inmates from three provincial detention centers in the Greater Toronto Area. In contrast to
Pedicelli’s work, Stenning found little evidence of racial differences in experiences with police
use of force. While Black inmates were much more likely to report verbal abuse
and racial insults during arrest situations, they were not more likely to report police brutality.
However, the author cautions that these findings are far from conclusive because they are
based on interviews with a small, non-random sample of prison inmates. Indeed, only 51 Black
inmates were interviewed as part of this study. Furthermore, this study did not examine racial
differences in the use of deadly force or police violence that led to serious injury.
A 2006 study, conducted on behalf of the Ipperwash Inquiry, examined police use of force
cases documented by Ontario’s Special Investigations Unit. This study revealed that both
Black and Indigenous people were highly over-represented in Ontario police use of force
cases (Wortley 2006). By contrast, White people and members of other racial groups
including South Asians and Asians were significantly under-represented. The SIU
is a
civilian law enforcement agency that conducts investigations into incidents involving police
officers where there has been death, serious injury or allegations of sexual assault. The SIU
is independent of the police and is arm’s length to the Ministry of the Attorney General.
Between January 2000 and June 2006, the SIU conducted 784 investigations. While Black
people represented only 3.6% of the Ontario population, they represented 12% of all
civilians involved in SIU investigations, 16% of SIU investigations involving police use of
force, and 27% of all investigations into police shootings. Additional analysis indicates that
the police shooting rate for Black Ontario residents (4.9 per 100,000) was 7.5 times higher
than the overall provincial rate (0.65 per 100,000) and 10.1 times greater than the rate for
White civilians (0.48 per 100,000).
Finally, when examining cases where the death of a civilian was caused by police use of
force, the over-representation of Black people becomes even more pronounced: Black
people represent 27% of all deaths caused by police use of force and 34.5% of all deaths
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
caused by police shootings. The police shooting death rate for Black people (1.95 per
100,000) is 9.7 times greater than the provincial rate (0.20 per 100,000) and 16 times
greater than the rate for White people (0.12 per 100,000). The results for Indigenous people
were strikingly similar.
In another recent study, Carmichael and Kent (2014) examined variations in police killings
across 39 of Canada’s largest cities over a 15-year period. Information on police use of
force cases was derived from media accounts, not official statistics. The results of their
pooled time-series analysis are highly consistent with the ethnic threat hypothesis: police
killings are positively associated with the size of an urban centre’s racial minority population. In
other words, cities with high racial minority populations experience more cases of lethal police
activity than cities with small racial minority populations. This relationship persists even after
controlling for crime rate and various measures of socioeconomic disadvantage. Interestingly,
Carmichael and Kent (2014) also found that the greater the representation of female officers,
the lower the rate of police killing. The relationship between officer gender and use of force is
discussed further below. A limitation of this study is that it does not disaggregate the racial
minority category. In other words, the study cannot determine whether Canadian cities with
high Black populations have higher use of force rates than cities with high populations of other
racial minority groups.
The relationship between race and police use of force in Canada was further confirmed
by the release of a CBC report
in June 2018. A team of CBC researchers had scoured both
police reports and media accounts to compile a dataset of 461 individuals who had been
killed by police activity, in Canada, from 2000 to 2017. This is likely the first attempt at
establishing a national dataset of lethal use of force cases in Canada. The results strongly
indicate that both Indigenous and African Canadians are grossly over-represented in police
use of force incidents that result in death. For example, although Black people represented
less than 2.5% of Canada’s population during this period, they comprised almost 8% of all
police killings. Black over-representation was particularly large in certain urban centres. For
example, during this 17-year period, Black people in Toronto made up approximately 8.3%
of the city’s population. By contrast, they comprised nearly 37% of Toronto residents killed
Toronto data from this broader study of Ontario use of force cases will be explored in more detail
in Section C of this report.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
by police use of force. It is also important to note that in 22% of all cases, the CBC could
not identify the race of the civilian. In other words, if any of these missing cases involved
individuals of African Canadian background, Black over-representation in deadly force
incidents would actually be higher than the numbers above already indicate.
In sum, Canadian research on police violence has been greatly hindered by the fact that
police services in this country do not routinely collect or release official statistics on police
shootings or other use of force incidents.
Moreover, research on racial differences in
policing outcomes is equally difficult to conduct because there has traditionally been an
informal banon the dissemination of any type of information that breaks down criminal
justice statistics including police shootings by civilian racial background (see Wortley
1999). Nonetheless, the limited Canadian data that does exist strongly suggests that, as in
the United States, Black Canadians are over-represented in police use of force statistics.
This disparity is an issue that deserves more research and policy attention.
Racial disparity in context
While there is little debate in the U.S about the fact that Black people are over-represented
in police use of force statistics, there is considerable debate among criminologists, police
officials and politicians about the reasons for that over-representation. In summarizing the
American research on deadly force by police, Locke (1996: 135) observes that: “What every
single study of police use of fatal force has found is that persons of colour (principally Black
males) are a disproportionally high number of the persons shot by the police compared
to their representation in the general population. Where the studies diverge are the
reasons for that disproportionality.” On the one hand, some argue that racial disparities
are a product of bias. Others, however, maintain that racial disparities are a product of
legitimate police practices.
Some American scholars and social critics have argued that a combination of explicit,
implicit and systemic racism explains the fact that Black people are more likely to be the
victim of police violence than members of the White majority. In order to support this
There is some evidence that the willingness to collect and disseminate race-based data has
recently increased among some Canadian policing agencies. For example, over the past year, both
the Toronto Police Services Board and Ontario’s Special Investigation Unit have committed to
collecting data on the race of civilians involved in police use of force incidents. However, it appears
that this data will not be available for a couple of years.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
argument, these authors frequently highlight specific cases in which the police have clearly
used excessive force when dealing with Black citizens (the Rodney King case, the Abner Louima
case, the Amadou Diallo case, the Tamir Rice case, the Freddie Grey case, the Michael Brown
case, the George Floyd case, etc.). They note that almost all of the “questionable” police
shooting deaths in the United States have involved African American males. Others focus on
the fact that Black males are particularly over-represented in official statistics that document
unarmed citizens who have been shot and killed by the police (see Ross 2015). For example,
Nix and his colleagues (2017) found that, in 2015, 38 of the 99 unarmed persons killed by a
police shooting were described as Black (38%), even though Black people represent only 13%
of the U.S. population. Overall, this study found that Black people were twice as likely as White
people to have been unarmed when shot and killed by the police. Support for the racism
hypothesis is further supported by survey results which suggest that the majority of Black
police officers in the United States feel that White officers are more likely to use physical force
against Black citizens than White citizens (Mann 1993; Sparger and Glacopassi 1992; Locke
1995; Tagagi 1978; Locke 1996; Walker et al. 2004).
Recently, scholars have argued that the over-representation of Black people in use of force
statistics may be strongly associated with racial bias at earlier stages of the policing process.
Racial profiling research, for instance, indicates that young Black males are much more likely
to be stopped and searched by the police than their White counterparts (Tanovich 2006;
Wortley 2018). In other words, Black youths have many more antagonistic street encounters or
confrontations with the police than White youths. This fact alone increases the probability that,
compared to White people, Black people may eventually become involved in a police
encounter that will escalate into a use of force incident (Menfield et al. 2018).
Despite these compelling results, most American policing scholars have nonetheless
argued that the positive correlation between Black racial background and police use of
force does not prove that there is a problem with police racism or racial bias. They argue
that disparity does not prove discrimination. The argument is that other factors, besides
race, must be taken into account before the presence of racial bias can be established.
Some of the most important variables including civilian characteristics, officer characteristics
and situational factors are described below.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Civilian characteristics
Gender: Males are significantly over-represented in American use of force statistics.
For example, over the past decade, males have constituted 90% to 95% of civilians killed
by police shootings in the United States, although they represent only 50% of the U.S.
population. Several studies suggest that, controlling for situational factors, the police are
more likely to use force or greater levels of force against male than female suspects
(Garner, Maxwell, & Heraux, 2002; McCluskey, Terrill, & Paoline, 2005; Terrill & Mastrofski,
2002; Terrill & Reisig, 2003; Terrill, Paoline, & Manning, 2003; Crawford & Burns, 1998;
Schuck, 2004; Terrill, 2005; Kaminski, Digiovanni and Downs 2004). By contrast, only a
handful of studies have found that suspect gender has no impact on the use of force
decisions (Engel, Sobol, & Worden, 2000; Lawton, 2007; Morabito & Doerner, 1997).
Age: In general, American research suggests that age is negatively associated with police
use of force. A number of studies suggest that, controlling for situational factors, officers
are more likely to administer force against younger than older civilians (McCluskey & Terrill,
2005; Paoline & Terrill, 2007; Terrill & Mastrofski, 2002; Terrill & Reisig, 2003). However,
some studies found that age is not a significant predictor of the level of force used by the
police (Crawford & Burns, 1998; Engel et al., 2000; Kaminski et al., 2004; Terrill et al., 2008).
Since American Census estimates suggest that the Black population is significantly younger
than the White population, racial differences in age might help explain racial disparities in
police use of force.
Socio-economic status: Despite the strong bivariate correlation between race and police
violence, some critical criminologists have argued that the over-representation of African
Americans in use of force incidents is more about social class than race (Walker et al. 2004).
They maintain that, regardless of race, police tactics of control and coercion are focused on
poor, socially disadvantaged segments of society. As Klockars (1996: 13) notes, when it comes
to police abuse, lower-class people are “the persons who are the least likely to complain and
the least likely to be believed if they do.” Thus, the over-representation of African Americans
in use of force cases could be partially explained by their over-representation in poor, socially
disadvantaged communities. This explanation is far from comforting. In theory, police
discrimination against poor people is just as upsetting and unethical as police
discrimination against racial minorities. A policing focus on poverty also represents a
form of systemic racism since Black and other racialized groups are over-represented
within economically disadvantaged communities.
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Despite the theoretical relevance of social class, research findings with respect to civilian
social class and use of force are somewhat inconclusive (Klahm & Tillyer, 2010). While
several studies suggest that there is a negative relationship between socio-economic class
and use of force (Friedrich, 1980; McCluskey & Terrill, 2005; Terrill & Mastrofski, 2002; Terrill
& Reisig, 2003), other studies indicate only a weak, statistically insignificant relationship (Sun &
Payne, 2004; Paoline & Terrill, 2005). It is important, however, to interpret any findings related
to civilian socio-economic class with caution. Social class, at the individual level of analysis,
is difficult to measure. Some studies have been criticized for using unreliable observer
perceptions of civilian social class rather than self-reports (see Weitzer & Tuch, 2004;
Klahm & Tillyer 2010).
Criminal record: A number of scholars have argued that police use of force studies should
try to control for civilian criminal history. Indeed, previous research suggests that a high
proportion of civilians involved in use of force cases have a previous criminal record
(see reviews in Menifield et al. 2018, Zimring 2017). Previous criminality may increase
the likelihood that a civilian will draw legitimate police attention, resist arrest and act in
a violent or aggressive manner towards law enforcement officials. Police officers may
also become “vigilant” when dealing with known violent offenders. Hypervigilance, in
turn, could increase the likelihood that force will be used. Importantly, in the absence of
more precise situational information, criminal record has often been used as a “proxy”
measure for civilian behavior during police encounters. Civilian criminal record, in other
words, is often used to legitimize use of force decisions (i.e., the person had a criminal
record and therefore must deserve the force they received). Critics, however, maintain
that a criminal record does not justify police use of force. For example, a person cannot
be shot by the police just because they have a criminal record. These scholars argue
that it is much more important to measure situational factors including a civilian’s
actual behavior during police encounters than criminal history.
Situational factors
Civilian impairment: Some scholars have suggested that civilian impairment could increase
the likelihood of police use of force. The logic is that persons, intoxicated on drugs or alcohol,
may act in a more irrational, aggressive or violent manner towards the police and eventually
compel police action. However, the empirical evidence is mixed. While some studies suggest
that civilian impairment increases the likelihood of police use of force (Engel et al., 2000;
Friedrich, 1980; McCluskey & Terrill, 2005; McCluskey et al., 2005; Paoline & Terrill, 2007; Terrill
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& Mastrofski, 2002; Terrill et al., 2003; Terrill et al., 2008), other studies reveal no significant
relationship between intoxication and use of force decisions (Lawton, 2007; Morabito &
Doerner, 1997; Crawford & Burns, 1998). Doubt has also been raised about the validity of
“civilian intoxication” measures. Civilian intoxication measures are often based on officer
perceptions rather than self-reports and physiological testing. There are also concerns
that officers often conflate civilian intoxication with symptoms of mental illness.
Civilian mental illness: Civilian mental illness can be viewed as both an individual
characteristic and a situational variable. A growing body of American evidence suggests
that a large proportion of all police use of force cases involves civilians with mental
illness and/or experiencing a mental health crisis at the time of their interaction with
police (Morabito and Socia, 2015; Parent 2011). This includes cases of severe depression
in which civilians try to induce “suicide by cop.” It is hypothesized that, as with cases
of civilian intoxication, people in mental crisis may appear “irrational” during police
encounters, fail to obey police instructions, or act in a violent or threatening manner
towards police officers. All of these factors may increase fear and concerns about
officer safety and ultimately increase the likelihood of a use of force event.
Although a topic of growing public concern, empirical research on the relationship between
mental health and police use of force is quite limited. Most research on this topic has only
examined police perceptions of mental illness rather than official diagnoses or civilian self-
reports (Desmarais et al., 2014; Livingston et al., 2014; Watson, Corrigan & Ottati, 2004;
Wells & Schafer, 2006; Engel, 2015; Hails & Borum, 2003; Morabito, 2007; Morabito & Socia,
2015; Parent, 2007). It is estimated that approximately 10% of all police-civilian encounters
involve people with a mental illness (Hails & Borum, 2003; Morabito, 2007).
A number of studies have also produced findings that suggest a positive relationship between
mental illness and the likelihood of experiencing police use of force incidents. For example,
Bailey, Smock, Melendez and El-Mallakh (2016) found that the police are more likely to deploy
CEWs (Tasers) on mentally ill persons than on others. Similarly, Hall et al., (2013) found that
one in six use of force incidents involves a person exhibiting common signs of Excited Delirium
(often associated with a mental illness). Further, Parent (2011) examined all police killings in
British Columbia over a 10-year period and found that one-third of all cases involved a person
in mental health crisis.
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However, other studies suggest that mental illness has no impact on use of force decisions
(see Morabito & Socia, 2015). Moreover, in jurisdictions that have employed Crisis Intervention
Teams (CITs), use of force against persons with mental illness declines (Morabito et al., 2012).
CIT is a specialized police approach where officers are trained to effectively respond
and manage calls involving mentally ill persons and act as liaisons to the mental health
system (Morabito et al., 2012; see also Borum, Deane, Steadman, & Morrissey, 1998).
A major limitation of research on the policing of mentally ill populations involves the
identification of those with mental health problems. Data validity often depends on the ability
of individual police officers to identify the signs of mental illness and react accordingly.
As discussed above, officers often find it difficult to differentiate between people who are
impaired or intoxicated and people with mental health issues (Alpert, 2015; Morabito & Socia,
2015). As Morabito et al., (2012, p. 61) note: “police officers may encounter individuals who
have a mental illness and are also under the influence of drugs or alcohol increasing their
difficulty in managing the incident and perhaps making it difficult for the officer to recognize
the mental illness.” Such measurement challenges may contribute to inconsistent research
findings and impede efforts to determine the true relationship between mental health and
police use of force.
Civilian behaviour during encounters with the police: Technically, the police are only
permitted to use physical force including firearms when they or others are either
threatened or attacked by a suspect. In other words, officers must fear for their own safety,
the safety of fellow officers, or the safety of other civilians before they make the decision
to use force. This fear must be considered reasonable. In support of this general principle,
previous research consistently reveals that, in a high proportion of police shooting cases,
civilians were alleged to have been threatening, attacking or shooting at police officers
(Balko 2014; Haider-Markel et al. 2017; Klinger et al. 2017; Zimring 2017). Research also
suggests that a high proportion of use of force derives from police attempts to arrest
suspects accused of criminal behavior. In many cases it is alleged that force is justified
because civilians have actively tried to resist arrest or avoid apprehension (Klahm & Tillyer,
2010). Most research suggests that officers enforcing an arrest are much more likely to use
force than officers involved in other types of civilian interaction (McCluskey & Terrill, 2005;
Paoline & Terrill, 2007; Terrill & Mastrofski, 2002; Terrill et al., 2003).
It is important to note, however, that research on the temporal ordering of the arrest/use of
force relationship is limited. Most studies, for example, are unable to determine whether force
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was used before or after arrest initiation (Klahm & Tillyer, 2010). Furthermore, the
operationalization of “arrest” and “use of force” has been inconsistent across studies. Some
studies, in fact, classify arrests as a type of use of force regardless of whether physical force
was used or not (see Alpert & Dunham, 2004). By contrast, other empirical studies measure
police use of force in terms of physical strikes and blows or the use of weapons against
civilians (see Bazley, Lersch, & Mieczkowski, 2007).
Civilian demeanour: Police scholars have also argued that the demeanour of civilians may
have a major impact on police decision making including the decision to use force. Some
studies have observed that the police are more likely to use excessive force against citizens
who are argumentative, belligerent or defy their authority (Garner and Maxwell 2003;
Macdonald et al. 2003; Terrill 2003). It has been suggested that some police officers react
negatively to even legitimate questions from civilians. In other words, civilians who “flunk
the attitude test” or display “contempt of cop” may be more vulnerable to police violence
than those who are passive or compliant (see Worden 1995).
Other research has suggested that young Black males are more likely to be rude and
disrespectful towards the police than young White males (see Walker 2000). This has led
some to hypothesize that the poor or disrespectful demeanour some Black youth display
towards the police may partially explain their over-representation in police use of force
statistics. However, as with the social class hypothesis, the demeanour explanation
does not validate the over-representation of racial minorities in cases of police violence.
Poor civilian demeanour towards the police is not a legal justification for police use of
physical force.
Overall, the research record is mixed. Some studies indicate that police are more likely to
use force against suspects with poor demeanour towards the police (Brooks, 1993; Engel
et al., 2000; Garner et al., 2002), while other research suggests that civilian demeanour has
no impact (Paoline and Terrill, 2007; Terrill and Mastrofski, 2002; Terrill and Reisig, 2003).
Unfortunately, some scholars have questioned the measurement of civilian demeanour
and note that it has been operationalized inconsistently across studies (Klahm & Tillyer,
2010). Inconsistencies in the measurement of demeanour may, in fact, help explain
inconsistent results.
Previous research has also not explored the relationship between racial profiling and
civilian demeanour. This is an important oversight. For example, previous research (see
Wortley and Owusu-Bempah 2009; Wortley and Owusu-Bempah 2011) reveals that Black
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people are much more likely to be stopped and searched by the police than White people.
Research also suggests that those who are frequently stopped and searched by the police
are more likely to develop negative attitudes towards the police and are more likely to believe
that the police are racially biased. These negative attitudes may translate into a more hostile,
non-compliant or questioning demeanour towards the police during subsequent police
encounters. Negative demeanour, in turn, could increase the likelihood of police use of force.
This is an issue that should be the subject of future research.
It should be further noted that some critics have suggested that researchers have focused
far too much on citizen demeanour towards the police and not enough on police demeanour
towards civilians (see Walker 1992; Walker 2000). Indeed, civilians may sometimes display
disrespectful or defiant attitudes towards the police as a response to police mistreatment,
verbal abuse or incivility. Is it the demeanour of citizens that leads to violent police encounters,
or does the demeanour of the police officer set the tone for many civilian-police interactions?
Presence of bystanders: Previous research has also examined whether the presence
of other police officers and/or civilian bystanders influences police use of force decisions.
Several studies have found that police officers are more likely to use force when additional
officers are present (Garner et al., 2002; Paoline & Terrill, 2007; and Terrill & Mastrofski,
2002). Other research has found no relationship between use of force and the number of
officers present (Engel et al., 2000; McCluskey, et al., 2005). To date, most studies suggest
that the presence of civilian bystanders has no impact on police use of force decisions
(McCluskey et al., 2005; Paoline & Terrill, 2005; Schuck, 2004; Terrill & Mastrofski, 2002;
Terrill et al., 2008). However, there has been some speculation that, in the future, the
presence of civilians with cell phones might curb police brutality within some crowded
social settings.
Community characteristics: Research suggests that neighborhood characteristics may
have a major impact on police use of force. Several studies have found that use of force
rates are significantly higher in economically disadvantaged, high-crime communities than
wealthy, low-crime communities. Importantly, American research reveals that neighbourhood
crime especially violent crime typically emerges as a stronger predictor of police use of
force than neighborhood poverty. In many American cities, high-crime communities also
have large Black populations. Thus, some scholars have argued that Black people are over-
represented in police use of force statistics because they are more likely to live in poor, high-
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crime communities. Some American research, in fact, suggests that racial disparities in police
shootings are rendered statistically insignificant after controlling for community-level crime
rates (see review in Johnson et al. 2019).
However, critics warn that community-level crime rates should not be used to justify the
use of force against specific individuals. An individual’s presence in a high-crime community
does not justify police use of force. Indeed, many of the most celebrated cases of police
brutality have taken place in high crime neighborhoods. Nonetheless, many studies appear
to use community crime rates as a proxy measure for minority aggression against police
officers. The suggestion seems to be that if the police use force in high crime neighbourhoods
it is most likely “legitimate.” Others suggest that use of force may be more prevalent in high-
crime communities because of police deployment patterns (high-crime communities have a
greater police presence than low-crime communities) and more aggressive police strategies
(Menifield et al. 2018). Another possibility is that police officers are more vigilant (on edge) in
high-crime communities and more anxious about their personal safety. This fear or
apprehension could directly or indirectly impact use of force decisions.
Police officer characteristics
Officer gender: Some police scholars hypothesize that female police officers, due to
gender socialization norms and higher levels of empathy, are less aggressive and thus less
likely to use force than their male counterparts. However, research on the impact of officer
gender has been mixed. Most studies suggest that officer gender is not a significant predictor
of use of force (Klahm & Tillyer, 2010; Kaminski et al., 2004; Lawton, 2007; McCluskey & Terrill,
2005; Paoline & Terrill, 2007; Terrill & Mastrofski, 2002; Terrill, Leinfelt, & Kwak, 2008). Other
research, however, has found that, after controlling for situational factors, male officers are
more likely to use force especially deadly force than female officers (see reviews in Garner
et al., 2002; Alpert & Dunham, 1997; Charmichael & Kent, 2015).
Officer age and experience: Officer age and experience are highly correlated. Veteran
officers tend to be older than officers with little work experience. Some studies suggest that
officers with more experience are less likely to use force than younger, less experienced
officers (Worden 2015; McElvian and Kposawa 2008; Paoline & Terrill, 2007; Terrill & Mastrofski,
2002). However, other studies indicate that after controlling for rank and type of policing
assignment officer experience has no influence on use of force decisions (Lawton, 2007;
McCluskey & Terrill, 2005; Sun & Payne, 2004). Finally, other studies suggest that while officers
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with more years of experience are less likely to use deadly force than younger officers, they
are actually more likely to employ other, non-lethal, use of force techniques (Crawford & Burns,
1998; see also Kaminski et al., 2004; Morabito & Doerner, 1997; Klahm & Tillyer 2010).
One factor that might influence the relationship between officer experience and use of
force is the type of policing assignment. Younger officers are more likely than older officers
to be assigned to frontline patrol work that involves aggressive or proactive policing tactics
including stop, question and frisk practices (see Worden 2015). This type of work increases
the frequency of negative interaction with civilians and thus the probability of use of force.
By contrast, older, more experienced officers are more likely to be assigned to special units,
detective work or supervisory positions that will decrease their likelihood of experiencing a
use of force incident.
Officer racial background: A number of scholars have hypothesized that White police
officers, due to both explicit and implicit biases, should be more likely to use force against
Black civilians than Black police officers. However, a number of studies have found that
officer race is not a significant predictor of police shootings of Black civilians. In fact, a
few American studies have found the opposite that Black civilians are more likely be shot
by Black than White officers (see Menifield et al. 2019; Johnson et al. 2019). A number of
factors might explain this unexpected relationship including the fact that Black officers
are more likely to work in large urban centres and are more likely to be assigned to patrol
high-crime areas within those cities. Nonetheless, this finding has contributed to the argument
that increasing diversity will not necessarily decrease police use of force incidents. Importantly,
while research has focused on shootings in general it has not yet adequately explored
whether White officers are more likely to be involved in the shooting deaths of unarmed Black
civilians or other “illegitimate” use of force cases.
Officer education: The education of an officer and whether this has any impact on the use
of force has received considerable attention through general discussion, but relatively little
empirical research has focused on this issue. It is argued that those who have attained a
higher level of education possess better decision-making skills and should be less likely to
resort to violence (Worden, 1990; see also Paoline & Terrill, 2007). The empirical evidence
around this issue has produced mixed findings. Sun and Payne (2004) reported that an
officer’s level of education did not influence the likelihood of force being used. Conversely,
Paoline and Terrill (2007) found that officers with a post-secondary degree were less likely
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to use force compared to their colleagues with only a high school education (see also
McElvain & Kposowa, 2008). Similarly, Rydberg and Terrill (2010, p. 110) found that “officers
with some college exposure or a four-year university degree are significantly less likely to
use force relative to non-college-educated officers.”
The results of multivariate analyses
A growing number of studies have examined the impact of race on police use of force after
statistically controlling for other theoretically relevant factors. As with much of the research
on this controversial topic, the findings have varied. Some multivariate analyses have found
that race is a significant predictor of police use of force (see reviews in Shane 2018; Buehler,
2017; Nix et al. 2017; Goff et al. 2016; Ross 2015; Crow & Adrion, 2011; Gau, Mosher, & Pratt,
2009; Lin & Jones, 2010; Brown & Langan, 2001; Eith & Durose, 2011; Jacobs & O’Brien, 1998;
Smith, 2004; Terrill & Mastrofski, 2002), while others have found that the impact of race is
rendered statistically insignificant after controlling for other situational and community-level
variables (Tregle et al. 2019; Worrall et al. 2018; Engel et al., 2000; Garner et al., 2002; Lawton,
2007; McCluskey et al., 2005; Morabito & Doerner, 1997; Sun & Payne, 2004). The following
examples are illustrative of the range of research methodologies and findings that have
emerged within the American use of force literature over the last five years.
Ross (2015) examined the impact of race on police shootings using data from the U.S.
Public Shooting database. He used a geographically resolved, multilevel Bayesian analysis
to estimate county-level risk levels of being shot by the police. Ross (2015) found that, after
controlling for a wide variety of other factors, the median probability of being unarmed and
shot by the police was 3.5 times greater for Black civilians than White civilians. Furthermore,
this study found that the average risk of being shot by the police was the same for unarmed
Black suspects as it was for armed White suspects.
Other results indicate that police shootings were most likely to take place in larger urban
communities with high Black populations and high levels of poverty and socioeconomic
inequality. However, this study found no evidence to suggest that the observed racial
disparities in police shootings could be explained by county-level crime rates. Ross (2015)
concludes that these results support the argument that racial bias contributes to police-
related killings of unarmed Black men in the United States.
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In a similar study, Scott et al. (2017) examined deadly force cases, from 213 metropolitan
areas, over a 17-year period (1998-2015). The authors found evidence that American police
officers are more likely to shoot and kill Black suspects even after statistically controlling
for civilian behaviour, community characteristics and race-based measures of criminality.
Goff et al. (2016) examined use of force records for 12 large police services across the United
States. Their examination found that, even after statistically controlling for racial differences in
arrest patterns, participating departments still demonstrated racial disparities across multiple
levels of force severity. Second, even when controlling for the uncommon occurrence of
arrests for serious violent crime, “25%-55% of participating departments still revealed robust
racial disparities that disadvantaged Blacks” (Goff et al. 2016).
In another recent study, Menefield, Shin and Strother (2019) examined a dataset that captured
documented cases of police lethal use of force in the United States from 2014 to 2015. The
authors found that Black racial background still emerged as a significant predictor of lethal
force after controlling for various individual and situational factors, including whether the
civilian was armed at the time of the incident, had a criminal record, or if the police encounter
resulted from the commission of a violent crime. However, contrary to the racial bias
hypothesis, White police officers were no more likely to kill racial minority suspects than racial
minority police officers. Further analysis of the data revealed that lethal force is significantly
related to community racial composition (i.e., percentage Black), but not local rates of violent
crime. The authors conclude that the disproportionate killing of African Americans by police
officers does not appear to be driven by micro-level racism. It is more likely to be explained by
macro-level policing policies and practices that target predominantly Black communities.
In another recent study, Johnson, Tress, Burkel, Taylor and Cesario (2019) examined 2015
lethal police shootings in the United States. This study also found that officer race is
unrelated to the shooting of Black suspects. In other words, they found no evidence that
White officers were more likely to shoot and kill Black civilians than racial minority officers.
Furthermore, these authors argue that observed racial disparities in police use of force
statistics can be explained by race-specific, county-level crime rates. In other words, the
authors suggest that Black civilians are more involved in police shootings because, at the
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aggregate level, Black people have a higher rate of criminal involvement than White people
(see also Tregle, Nix and Alpert 2019).
It is important to highlight the potential limitations
of this interpretation. The authors are using aggregate racial data (race-specific crime rates)
to explain racial differences that emerge during micro-level police-civilian encounters. This
is often referred to as the ecological fallacy.It implies that the individuals involved in
police shooting deaths must have been involved in criminal activity because at the group
level Black people have higher crime rates. An alternative explanation might suggest that,
because Black people as a group have a higher crime rate, officers are more wary, anxious
or vigilant in their presence and this may contribute to biased use of force decisions (for an
additional critique of this article see Knox and Mummolo 2020).4
A note on simulation studies
A growing body of research has examined the relationship between race and police use
of force under controlled, experimental conditions (see James, James & Vila, 2016; James,
Klinger & Vila, 2014; James, Vila & Daratha, 2013). These studies use highly realistic
simulation technology to explore the conditions under which officers decide to discharge
their firearm. The results of these studies suggest that, contrary to the discrimination
hypothesis, officers are slower to shoot armed Black suspects than armed White suspects.
The data also suggest that officers are less likely to shoot unarmed Black suspects than
unarmed White suspects. Importantly, simulation studies have also demonstrated that implicit
racial bias as measured by the Harvard Implicit Association Test (IAT) does not appear to
increase the likelihood of shooting unarmed Black suspects (see James et al. 2016).
Using data from a national American sample of lethal police shootings, Tregle et al. (2019) found
that racial disparities in deadly police encounters varied dramatically by the type of benchmark
employed. Black civilians were significantly over-represented in lethal police shootings using Census
benchmarks and benchmarks predicting the likelihood of involuntary police contact. However,
according to the authors, Black civilians appear to be less likely to be shot when benchmarked
on aggregate violent crime arrests or weapons arrests.
In another recent study, Worrall et al. examined a sample of 300 cases in which officers had drawn
their firearms on a civilian. About half these cases involved a Black person. Controlling for other
situational factors, the authors found that officers were less likely to shoot Black civilians than White
civilians after they had drawn their firearm. However, this study did not control for racial differences
in the likelihood of police contact or the possibility that, due to bias, officers have a lower threshold
when it comes drawing firearms on Black civilians. In other words, it is possible that the results were
skewed by the possibility that officers more frequently draw their firearms without strong
justification -- when dealing with Black rather than White civilians.
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Critics, however, are quick to identify the potential limitations of simulation research. For
example, Fridell (2016) argues that, no matter how realistic, artificial laboratory settings
cannot truly replicate real worldconditions because officers know that there are no real
consequences (i.e., death, serious injury). This might cause officers to be “under-vigilant
when dealing with scenarios involving minority suspects. Furthermore, although the purpose
of simulation studies are never fully disclosed to participants, officers can easily detect that
they are being tested for their use of force decision-making under different conditions. Thus,
during simulation studies, officers may be particularly careful when confronted with Black
suspects because they do not want to be identified as racially biased. The same caution might
not apply on the street (Terrill 2016).
A note on police subcultures
A number of scholars have examined the impact that the police subculture may have on
the nature and extent of police violence (see reviews in Kappeler et al. 1997; Kelling and
Kliesmet 1996). The literature reveals that the police subculture may increase the likelihood
of police violence for the following five reasons:
1) The militaristic “war on crime” orientation that permeates most modern police
services creates an “us against them” mentality among police officers. To the
police officer, every citizen becomes a potential “enemy” or “symbolic assailant.
This ideology can create tensions with minority communities particularly in
departments with few racial minority officers. These tensions are further aggravated
when officers do not live in the same communities that they police.
2) The police culture can further reinforce racial stereotypes through the telling of
“war stories” that depict racial minorities as dangerous. This may increase the level
of fear or apprehension officers experience when they encounter racial minorities
on the street.
3) The police subculture puts emphasis on “toughness” and “courage.” New officers
are often not accepted until they have proven that they can handle a violent or
dangerous civilian encounter. This increases the likelihood that officers will want
to prove their courage and demonstrate their willingness to resort to physical
force. It also reduces the probability that officers will try to diffuse citizen
confrontations through non-violent methods.
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4) The police subculture places an emphasis on respect. A good officer demands
respect and is able to quickly establish their legal authority when dealing with
civilians. The subculture also reinforces the belief that it is sometimes okay for
officers to respond to citizen hostility, disrespect or disobedience with violence.
Within the police subculture, “contempt of cop” is an offence that deserves
5) Finally, the police subculture creates a code of silence among police officers. It is a
general subcultural dictate that a police officer should never “snitch” or “rat” on a
fellow officer. Officers who violate this general rule are often chastised by fellow
officers. They frequently become socially isolated, fear that they won’t receive
proper backup on the street and fear that their chances for promotion will be
damaged. This makes investigations into the illegitimate use of force difficult if
not impossible to conduct. In other words, the code of silence protects officers
who may use force in an illegitimate fashion and thus ensures that this type of
behaviour will continue.
Although scholars have recognized the potential importance of the local police subculture,
the idea of the subculture has rarely been incorporated into police use of force studies. This
likely reflects the fact that the concept of “the police subculture” is very difficult to measure or
quantify. For this reason it has been left out of all statistical analyses. Nonetheless, scholarship
suggests that the impact of the police subculture on use of force practices can be curtailed by
strong leadership and meaningful regulations. This will be discussed further in the
recommendations section of this report.
A large body of American research and a small but growing body of Canadian research
reveals that Black people are significantly over-represented in police shooting and use of
force statistics. While American researchers have tried to examine various individual,
situational and community-level factors that might explain these racial disparities, such
multivariate research is largely absent in the Canadian context. Overall, the results of
American research have been mixed. Divergent findings often reflect differences in
data collection strategies, the measurement of control variables and analytic strategies.
American researchers have also documented serious data quality issues. In fact, it is
believed that official government statistics in the United States capture only 50% of all
civilian deaths caused by police activity (Zimring 2017). The non-reporting rate is even
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lower for non-lethal police violence. There is growing evidence to suggest that the racial
disparities documented by government statistics are significantly less pronounced than
the figures captured by non-official data collection efforts. It is maintained that these non-
official data collection efforts capture a much higher proportion of use of force cases and
are less impacted by the self-interest of individual police agencies (see Beck and Uchida 2019;
Klinger and Slocum 2017; Williams et al. 2016; Alpert 2015). Nonetheless, the preponderance of
American evidence suggests that racial disparities with respect to lethal and non-lethal police
use of force are both large and statistically significant. These aggregate findings are consistent
with allegations of racial bias and public concern over this issue.
Although the discussion is nuanced, two major explanations have dominated American
conversations around Black over-representation in use of force statistics: 1) Racial bias or
discrimination; and 2) Black over-representation in violent criminal activity. It is possible
that both explanations hold some validity. For example, it is possible that some use of force
incidents are directly caused by police racism. It is also possible that the over-representation
of Black people in police shootings and use of force cases is driven by systemic racism and
macro-level police policies and practices that focus on the Black community. Finally, it is likely
that some use of force incidents are entirely precipitated by the violent, criminal behaviour of
individual civilians and thus have little to do with racial bias. These incidents, however, may
serve to reinforce racial stereotypes among the police and contribute to the belief that all
Black people are potentially violent or dangerous. These stereotypes may subsequently
increase the amount of fear or apprehension that police officers experience when they
come into contact with racial minorities and ultimately increase the likelihood that force
will be used during such encounters.
In conclusion, there is a growing consensus, especially in the United States, that Black
civilians are over-represented in police use of force incidents. Although debate over the
causes of this over-representation persist, there is also general agreement that better data
collection and data analysis are required before this debate can be resolved. The need for
additional research is even more pronounced in Canada. Finally, although police officials and
academics continue to debate the fundamental reasons behind the over-representation of
racial minorities in use of force incidents, the research literature on controlling police violence
is much less controversial. A number of studies have identified that specific use of force
regulations and training regimes can significantly reduce the frequency that the police resort to
physical force (see Zimring 2017). As stated in a recent report by the United States Department
of Justice: “Many of the recommendations listed elsewhere have the potential to reduce
the level and impact of bias on police behavior (e.g., increasing positive interactions
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
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between police and the community; increasing the collection and analysis of stop data; and
increasing oversight of the exercise of police discretion” (U.S Department of Justice 2016:
94). The OHRC will address this research in its final report and provide associated
recommendations. In the next three sections of this report, however, we present new
Canadian data on police use of force in Toronto, Ontario.
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Part B: Community perceptions of racial bias
A large and growing volume of research suggests that racial minorities particularly
Black people have less trust in the police and broader criminal justice system than White
people (see Hagan and Albonetti, 1982; Schafer, Huebner and Bynum, 2003; Weitzer and
Tuch, 2005a; Weitzer, Tuch, and Skogan, 2008; Wu, Sun and Triplett, 2009; O’Connor 2008;
Wortley 1996; Wortley, Hagan and Macmillan, 1997; Wortley and Owusu-Bempah 2009;
Wortley and Owusu-Bempah 2011). However, relatively little research has examined public
perceptions of police use of force.
A few American studies have established that White civilians are more likely to support police
use of force than Black civilians or people from other racial backgrounds (Elicker 2008;
Thompson and Lee 2004; Halim and Stiles 2001; Cullen et al. 1996). Weitzer (2002) examined
public opinion polls in New York City and Los Angeles over a 20-year-period. The results
consistently reveal that, compared to White people, Black people are more likely to believe that
the police unjustly use physical force against Black civilians. The findings further suggest that
high-profile incidents of police misconduct tend to shape citizens’ attitudes. Weitzer (2002: 406)
claims that: “the incidents involving Rodney King, Abner Louina, and Amadou Diallo are now
part of the cultural repertoire with which African Americans conceive of the police. As a result,
they might become less cooperative toward officers and more predisposed to accept
allegations of police misconduct, even when officers act properly.”
These results are echoed by research on police officers. For example, Weisburd and his
colleagues (2000) found that a higher proportion of Black than White police officers feel
that civilian race has an impact on police use of force decisions. In another study, Johnson
and Kuhns (2009) found that Black people were more approving of police use of force
when the offender was White than when the offender was Black. They conclude that, when
it comes to police use of force, “it is clear that race (whether in the form of racial prejudice
or perceived racial injustice) informs Whites’ and Blacks’ views on this issue” (Johnson and
Kuhns 2009: 616).
Despite extensive research on public perceptions towards the criminal justice system, there
is a significant lack of research on public perceptions of police use of force, particularly in
Canada. As Kuhns et al. (2011: 236) state:Our knowledge of citizen perceptions of police use
of force comes primarily from research conducted in the U.S.A.” (See also Silver & Pickett,
2015). The research presented in this section attempts to fill this void by presenting data from
two general population surveys of Toronto residents.
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The first survey, funded by the Commission on Systemic Racism in the Ontario Criminal
Justice System, was conducted in 1994 by York University’s Institute for Social Research.
The second survey, conducted in 2007 by the Hitachi Survey Research Centre at the
University of Toronto, was a replication of the 1994 survey. Combined, these surveys can
help document changes in public attitudes towards the police over a 13-year period. Both
surveys employed similar techniques to produce representative samples of the White,
Black and Chinese population of Toronto. For each survey, over 400 respondents from
each racial group were interviewed (see Wortley and Owusu-Bempah 2011 for further
methodological detail). Random samples of this size produce population estimates that
are accurate plus or minus 5% 95 times out of 100. The results of these two surveys
suggest that perceptions of anti-Black bias with respect to police use of force are
widespread and did not decline over the study period.
In both surveys, respondents were first asked the following question:
Sometimes the police must use PHYSICAL FORCE when arresting a person who
might have committed a crime or to keep that person from escaping. In general,
do you think the police are more likely to use physical force against Black people,
against White people, or do you think there is no difference?
The results suggest that, in 1994, the majority of Toronto’s Black community (55.4%)
believed that the police were more likely to use force against Black people than White
people. By contrast, only 26.3% of White respondents and 22.7% of Chinese respondents
had the same opinion. However, between 1994 and 2007, the proportion of White and
Chinese respondents who perceived that the police were more likely to use force against
Black people rose by 10 percentage points for each group. The perceptions of Black
respondents remained unchanged (See Figure B1).
In both surveys, respondents were then asked:
In your opinion, all things being equal, are the police more likely to unfairly shoot
a Black person than a White person?
In both 1994 and 2007, over three-quarters of Black respondents reported that the police
were more likely to unfairly shoot a Black person than a White person. By contrast, fewer
than half of the White and Chinese respondents shared the same opinion. However, the
proportion of White and Chinese respondents who did perceive anti-Black bias with respect
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
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police shootings increased by almost 10 percentage points between 1994 and 2007 (see
Figure B2). Why did perceptions of police discrimination increase between 1994 and 2007
but only among White and Chinese respondents? One possibility is that non-Black civilians
became more aware of police use of force issues because of greater media coverage and,
perhaps, the limited release of police use of force statistics. By contrast, the proportion
of Black respondents who perceive police discrimination remains high and unchanged
between 1994 and 2007. This may indicate that the Black community noticed relatively
few reforms in police use of force outcomes over this 13-year period.
Multivariate analysis reveals that these racial differences in perceptions of police bias remain
after controlling for racial differences in age, education, employment status, income,
immigration history and both direct and vicarious experiences with the police (see Wortley
and Laming 2017). In other words, racial differences in perceptions of police bias cannot be
completely explained by racial differences in social class position or personal experiences
with the police. Indeed, the survey results suggest that well-educated, high-income Black
citizens actually perceive more police discrimination than those who come from more
disadvantaged backgrounds. Neither can perceptions of bias be explained by racial
differences in place of birth.
In fact, Black people born in Canada are more likely to
perceive a problem with police discrimination than recent immigrants (Wortley et al. 1997;
Wortley and Owusu-Bempah 2009).
These survey findings are important. They reveal that the majority of Toronto’s Black
community perceive that the police are more likely to unjustly use physical force against
members of the Black community than others. This perception within the Black community
remained relatively unchanged between 1994 and 2007. However, the perception of police
racial bias appears to have increased among both White and Chinese people over this time
period. Have these perceptions changed between 2007 and 2010? This is a crucial question
that must be addressed by future research.
Some have argued that Black people are more likely to distrust the police because they have often
emigrated from countries where the police are violent and/or corrupt. Our research does not support
this hypothesis.
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However, there is some reason to believe that racial differences in perceptions of injustice
persist. For example, a 2018 survey, commissioned by the Toronto Police Services Board,
asked respondents whether they agreed or disagreed with the following statement:
Members of the Toronto Police Service may at times have to use physical force
against members of my community.
Almost half of the Black respondents to this survey (48%) disagreed with this statement,
compared to only 29% of White respondents (Fearon and Farrell 2019). Clearly, when it
comes to police use of force, racial differences in opinion remain widespread. This section
of the report briefly explored racial differences in perceptions of racial bias with respect to
police use of force. The fact that a significant proportion of Toronto’s population and the
majority of Toronto’s Black residents perceive bias in police use of force practices is, by
itself, a justification for further research. In the next two sections of the report we explore
whether public perceptions of racial bias are consistent with actual data on use of force
incidents. Our findings suggest that public concern is warranted.
Chinese White Black
Figure B1: Percentage of respondents who perceive that the
police are more likely to use force against Black civilians than
White civilians, by respondent race and year of survey
1994 2007
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
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Chinese White Black
Figure B2: Percentage of respondents who believe that the
police are more likely to unfairly shoot a Black person than a
White person, by respondent race and year of survey
1994 2007
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Part C: An examination of Special Investigations
Unit cases involving the Toronto Police Service
This section of the report provides an analysis of police use of force cases involving the
Toronto Police Service (TPS).
All cases included in this study were investigated by the
Government of Ontario’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU). The SIU is a civilian police
oversight agency with a mandate to investigate police-involved incidents that result in the
death or serious injury of a civilian and allegations of sexual assault. The study is designed to
address the following five research questions with respect to the TPS and use of force incidents:
1) To what extent are Black people represented in SIU investigations?
2) To what extent are Black people represented in police use of force cases
including police shootings?
3) To what extent are Black people involved in TPS lethal use of force incidents?
4) To what extent do SIU cases involving Black civilians differ from cases involving
civilians from other racial groups?
5) What proportion of SIU investigations result in criminal charges against
police officers?
6) What proportion of SIU cases experience problems with police cooperation?
This study is one of the first Canadian studies to provide a detailed examination of racial
differences with respect to police use of force. In this section of the report, we focus on the
bivariate relationship between race and various use of force outcomes. In the next section, we
provide a series of multivariate analyses designed to gauge the impact of race after statistically
controlling for other theoretically relevant factors (see the literature review in Section B).
A considerable proportion of the SIU findings presented in this section of the report were
previously reported in the interim report (see A Collective Impact). However, new findings are
presented pertaining to police shootings, civilian weapons use and neighbourhood crime. A
Toronto-American comparison in police shooting rates has also been added.
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Ontario Human Rights Commission
The current study examined SIU investigations related to the TPS over two periods of time:
1) January 1, 2000 to June 6, 2006; and 2) January 1, 2013 to June 30, 2017. The inclusion of
data over two time periods permits a trend analysis of how police use of force has changed
or not changed over time. During both time periods, the research team was not provided
with information about SIU investigations that were still open or cases that were before the
criminal courts at the time of data collection.
The 2000 to 2006 data was collected as part of a larger study on police use of force
commissioned by the African Canadian Legal Clinic and the Government of Ontario’s
Ipperwash Inquiry (see Wortley 2006). The 2000 to 2006 study is based on the examination
of data from SIU Director’s Reports. A Director’s Report provides detailed information
on each SIU investigation, including the time, date and location of the incident, the
personal characteristics of the civilian or civilians involved, the cause of civilian injury or
death, a description of the circumstances surrounding the incident, and the justification
behind the Director’s decision to either charge subject officers with a criminal offence
or clear them of any criminal wrongdoing.
During the 2000 to 2006 period the SIU completed 1,113 investigations across the province.
One data record was produced for each civilian involved in a SIU investigation. During this
period the SIU conducted 246 investigations involving the TPS. However, 59 of these TPS
cases were “closed by memo” soon after the file had been opened. SIU investigations are
“closed by memo” when, early in the investigation, it is determined that the civilian injury is
not serious enough to meet the SIU mandate or was not directly caused by police activity.
SIU cases can also be closed by memo if a civilian can’t be located or decides not to cooperate
with a SIU investigation. The final 2000 to 2006 sample includes 187 SIU investigations, all
involving the Toronto Police Service, that were completed over this six-and-a-half-year period.
By 2013, SIU investigation materials had been digitized. The research team was granted
access to these case materials including Director’s Reports, officer notes and witness
statements from January 1, 2013, to June 30, 2017. Between 2013 and 2017, the SIU
opened investigations into 319 incidents involving the TPS. However, 75 of these cases
were “closed by memo” shortly after the file had been opened. As a result, the 2013 to 2017
sample includes 244 SIU investigations, all involving the TPS, that were completed over this
four-year period.
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Ontario Human Rights Commission
The data template used to collect information about each investigation is provided in
Appendix A. Important variables include the time, date and location of the incident, the
cause of civilian death or injury, the nature of the injury, civilian characteristics (including
age, gender, race, mental health, criminal record, etc.), number of subject officers, number
of witness officers, the characteristics of subject and witness officers, the actions of the
civilian at the time of the incident, weapons use by civilians and case outcome.
Measuring civilian race
It should be noted that the racial background of civilians is not regularly recorded by SIU
investigators. That is, there was no intentional or organized effort by the SIU to collect
racial statistics per se. The research team, therefore, had to rely on a variety of other
methods to make this determination, including: 1) case photographs; 2) police records (i.e.,
general occurrence reports); 3) interviews with the SIU investigators; and 4) photographs of
the civilian that appeared in newspaper coverage of the incident. Using these methods, we
were able to identify the civilian’s racial background in 86.1% of the 2000 to 2006 cases and
87.3% of the 2013 to2017 cases.
Table C1 compares how civilian race was identified during both the 2000 to 2006 and 2013 to
2017 study periods. During the 2000 to 2006 time frame, the majority of racial identifications
(59.9%) were made from photographs taken directly from SIU case files. By contrast, during the
2013 to 2017 period, only 16.5% of racial IDs were made via SIU case photos. Unfortunately,
most of the digitized case materials received from the SIU did not contain photos.
During the 2013 to 2017 study period, civilian race was most likely to be derived from
official TPS documents (General Occurrence reports, Arrest reports, Injury reports, etc.)
or SIU investigator notes. By contrast, during the 2000 to 2006 period, only 12.3% of racial
identifications were made from SIU investigator notes and none (0%) were made through
TPS documents.
In 2000 to 2006, 9.6% of all racial identifications were made via interviews or discussions
with the SIU investigators responsible for the case. During the second time period, the
research team had broader access to SIU records including TPS General Occurrence
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Reports and thus did not have to consult directly with SIU investigators.
In a small number
of cases, during both time periods, civilian race was identified via media coverage of the SIU
investigation or through social media.
Table C1: How race of complainant was identified,
SIU investigations, 20002006 and 2013 – 2017 study periods
Method of
racial identification
study period
study period
Number % Number %
SIU photos 112 59.9 16 16.5
SIU investigator notes 23 12.3 75 30.7
Discussions with SIU investigators 18 9.6 0 0.0
TPS documents 0 0.0 114 46.7
Media coverage 8 4.3 6 2.5
Social media 0 0.0 2 0.8
Race not identified 26 13.9 31 12.7
Sample size 187 100.0 244 100.0
For the purposes of the current analysis, three major racial groups are identified for
analysis purposes: 1) White; 2) Black and 3) other racial minority. The number of cases in
the “other racial minority” category is too small to be disaggregated. In other words, the
number of Asian, South Asian, Hispanic and Indigenous people in the SIU dataset are too
small to provide a meaningful analysis of each group.
For the 2013 to 2017 study period, the “other racial minority” category includes civilians
who were identified as “Brown” or “Brown-skinned” in TPS reports. Although we know they
are not “White,” the exact racial identity of these individuals is impossible to determine.
Brown-skinned people could come from a number of different racial backgrounds including
South Asian, Hispanic, West Asian, mixed race, etc. Indeed, it is quite possible that some
civilians who self-identify as “Black” were incorrectly coded as “Brown-skinned” by the police.
If this is the case, the actual number of “Black” people appearing in SIU cases may be greater
We want to stress that, during the second time-period (2013 to 2017), the drop in consultation with
SIU investigators was more a function of methodology than a lack of SIU cooperation. Overall, the
SIU was very cooperative during both study periods.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
than the numbers presented below
For example, due to our conservative coding strategy,
all 13 of the civilians identified as “Brown-skinned” by TPS documents were put into the
“other racial minority” category. However, if we had placed them into the “Black” category,
the number of Black civilians appearing in 2013 to 2017 SIU cases would have jumped from
62 to 75 individuals or from 25.4% to 30.7% of the cases.
Measuring racial disparity
Tables C2 through C18 compare the representation of different racial groups in Toronto
with their representation in SIU investigations. For the 2000 to 2006 sample, population
estimates were derived from the 2006 Canadian Census. For the 2013 to 2017 sample,
estimates were derived from the 2016 Canadian Census (Statistics Canada 2016).
Estimates for the White population were calculated by taking the total population
estimate for Toronto and deducting the total racial minority population and the total
Indigenous population.
Odds ratios and SIU case rates were calculated to determine the representation of specific
racial groups in SIU investigations. Odds ratios were calculated by dividing the percentage
of all SIU cases involving a particular racial group by their percentage representation in the
general population. An odds ratio approaching 1.00 indicates that a racial group is neither
over- nor under-represented in SIU cases. An odds ratio less than 1.00 indicates that the
group is under-represented in SIU cases. An odds ratio greater than 1.00 indicates that the
group is over-represented. For example, an odds ratio of 2.00 indicates that a group is
twice as prevalent in SIU cases as they are in the general population. By contrast, an odds
ratio of 0.50 indicates that a group is 50% less represented in SIU investigations than their
proportion of the general population would predict.
My analysis of TPS street check data from 2008 to 2013, for example, reveals inconsistent coding
of Black and Brown individuals by TPS officers. For example, the same individual might be labelled
“Black” during some street checks, but “Brown” during others. We did not observe such inconsistencies
with respect to White civilians. Furthermore, we also found that immigrants from North Africa (Somalia,
Ethiopia, etc.), most of whom identify as Black or African, were often labeled “Brown” by TPS officers.
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There is no set standard for determining when racial disproportionality (i.e., the over- or
under-representation of a particular racial group with respect to a specific social outcome)
is cause for concern. For example, in the Ottawa Traffic Stop study, the authors used the
20% rule (or an odds ratio of 1.20 or higher) to determine when a group was significantly
over-represented with respect to involuntary police contact (Foster et al, 2016). For the
purposes of this study we have used a higher threshold of 50%. In other words, for the
purposes of the present analysis, an odds ratio of 1.50 or higher will be used to determine
whether racial disproportionality is noteworthy or not. At times we will discuss the notion
of “gross” racial disparity. For the purposes of this report, a gross racial disparity exists
when the level of over-representation is 200% or greater (i.e., as indicated by an odds
ratio of 3.00 or higher). In these cases, a particular racial group would be three times more
prevalent in SIU investigations than their presence in the general Toronto population
would predict.
A second disparity measure used in the current analysis was the SIU case rate. The SIU case
rate (per 100,000) was calculated by dividing the total number of SIU cases per racial group
by their population estimate and multiplying that figure by 100,000. The rate indicates the
number of people, per 100,000 population, that were involved in a SIU investigation during
the two study periods. This case rate allows us to directly compare the experiences of
different racial groups of varying size. For example, if Group A has a case rate of 10
per 100,000 and Group B has a rate of five per 100,000, we can accurately state that
the members of Group A are twice as likely to become involved in a SIU investigation
as the members of Group B.
We must stress that the figures presented in the following tables are based on Census
projections and the total population of SIU investigations over two study periods. These
are not figures based on a random sample and therefore are not subject to the rules
of probability theory. In other words, the observed racial differences do not have to be
tested for statistical significance. All the racial differences documented in these tables
should therefore be interpreted as “real” differences.
Finally, it should be noted that the odds ratios and SIU case rates presented below are
likely conservative. In other words, they may slightly under-estimate the true level of racial
disparity in police use of force cases. The issue involves the use of 2006 census estimates
for the entire 2000 to 2006 study period and the use of 2016 census estimates for the
entire 2013 to 2017 study period. Previous research suggests that Toronto’s Black and
other racial minority population is increasing at a faster rate than the White population.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
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Thus, using 2006 Census estimates to measure the Black/other minority population in 2000
may slightly over-estimate the population size of these groups for that year and slightly
under-estimate the size of the White population. This would serve to reduce the size of the
racial differences that appear in the SIU data. In other words, the racial disparities outlined
in this report may be smaller than the racial disparities that actually exist with respect to
SIU investigations.
Table C2 and Table C3 reveal that, during both study periods, Black people are significantly
over-represented in SIU cases involving the Toronto Police Service. From 2000 to 2006, Black
people were involved in 30.5% of all SIU investigations, even though they represented only
8.3% of Toronto’s population. These figures produce an odds ratio of 3.67. In other words,
during this period, Black people were 3.67 times more likely to appear in SIU investigations
than their presence in the general population would predict. By contrast, both White people
and other racial minorities are under-represented. From 2000 to 2006, the Black SIU
investigation rate (27.33 per 100,000) was 4.6 times greater than the White rate (5.95
per 100,000) and 10.6 times greater than the rate for other racial minorities (2.58 per 100,000).
The results suggest that little changed between 2000 to 2006 and 2013 to 2017. Overall, Black
representation in SIU investigations dropped slightly from 30.5% to 25.4%. Nonetheless, Black
people are still 2.58 times more likely to appear in SIU investigations than their representation
in the general population would predict. From 2013 to 2017, both White people and other
racial minorities were, once again, under-represented in SIU cases. From 2013 to 2017, the
Black SIU investigation rate (25.65 per 100,000) was 3.1 times higher than the White rate (8.17
per 100,000) and 6.9 times higher than the rate for other racial minorities (3.68 per 100,000).
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
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Table C2: Total SIU investigations involving the Toronto Police Service,
by race of civilian, January 1, 2000 June 6, 2006
% of
Number of SIU
% of SIU
SIU investigation
rate (per 100,000)
White 1,327,151 53.0 79 42.2 0.79 5.95
Black 208,555 8.3 57 30.5 3.67 27.33
Other racial
967,675 38.7 25 13.5 0.35 2.58
---- ---- 26 13.9 ---- ----
Total 2,503,381 100.0 187 100.0 ---- 7.47
TABLE C3: Total SIU investigations involving the Toronto Police Service,
by race of civilian, January 1, 2013 June 30, 2017
% of
Number of SIU
% of SIU
SIU investigation
rate (per 100,000)
White 1,322,656 48.4 108 44.3 0.91 8.17
Black 239,850 8.8 62 25.4 2.89 25.65
Other racial
1,169,065 42.8 43 17.6 0.41 3.68
---- ---- 31 12.7 ---- ----
Total 2,731,571 100.0 244 100.0 ---- 8.93
The impact of sex
Further analysis reveals that the vast majority of SIU investigations involved male civilians.
From 2000 to 2006, 84% of SIU investigations involved males. From 2013 to 2017 this figure
drops, but only slightly, to 83.6%. With respect to the intersection of race and gender, the
data reveal that Black males are especially over-represented in SIU cases. From 2000 to
2006, Black males represented only 3.8% of the Toronto population, but accounted for 27.8%
of all SIU investigations. In other words, during this period, Black males were 7.3 times more
likely to appear in a SIU investigation than their presence in the Toronto population would
predict. By contrast, between 2000 and 2006, Black females were under-represented in SIU
investigations (4.6% of the general population but only 2.7% of SIU investigations).
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
From 2013 to 2017, Black males represented only 4% of the Toronto population, but
23.7% of all SIU investigations. In other words, during this period, Black males were
5.9 times more likely to appear in a SIU investigation than their presence in the Toronto
population would predict. By contrast, between 2013 and 2017, Black females were
under-represented in SIU investigations (4.8% of the general population but only 1.6%
of SIU investigations).
The results reveal that Black males have, by far, the highest SIU investigation rates (see
Figures C1 and C2). From 2000 to 2006, the Black male SIU investigation rate (54.53 per
100,000) was 5.2 times greater than the rate for White males (10.44) and 12.7 times greater
than the rate for other racial minority males (4.29 per 100,000). Female SIU investigation
rates are much lower than the rates for men. However, from 2000 to 2006, the SIU rate
for Black females (4.42 per 100,000) was higher than the rate for White females (1.95 per
100,000) and females from other racial minority backgrounds (0.99 per 100,000). From
2013 to 2017, the Black male SIU investigation rate (52.78 per 100,000) remained 3.7 times
higher than the White male rate (14.14 per 100,000) and 7.7 times higher than the rate for
males from other racial minority backgrounds (6.81 per 100,000). During the 2013 to 2017
period, the SIU investigation rate for females remained much lower than the rate for men.
However, Black females continued to have a higher rate (3.07 per 100,000) than White
females (2.90 per 100,000) or females from other racial backgrounds (0.82 per 100,000).
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
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Other racial minority White Black
Figure C1: SIU investigation rates (per 100,000),
by race and gender, 2000 2006
Female Male
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Cause of civilian injury
A major part of the SIU mandate is to determine the exact cause of civilian injury. The SIU
determines cause of injury through interviews with subject and witness officers, interviews
with the complainant, interviews with civilian witnesses, video surveillance and collecting
physical evidence. It must be stressed that the data presented in Table C4 represent SIU
determinations or conclusions about cause of harm. These determinations are not without
conflict. For example, a civilian may claim that they were injured because of a police-related
assault. The police, by contrast, may claim that the person’s injury was the product of self-
harm. In the current study, if the SIU decided that the police version of events is valid, this
case would be categorized as “injury not caused by police” rather than “police use of force.”
From 2000 to 2006, 23.5% of all SIU cases involved civilian deaths or injuries that were
deemed not directly caused by police activity (see Table C4). This figure drops to 21.3%
from 2013 to 2017. In these cases, injuries could have been self-inflicted (i.e., suicide),
pre-existing (i.e., caused by a fight between civilians that occurred prior to police arrival)
or caused by civilian attempts to flee police (i.e., a civilian suffered a heart attack while
running from police).
Other racial minority White Black
Figure C2: SIU investigation rates (per 100,000),
by race and gender, 2013 2017
Female Male
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
From 2000 to 2006, 23% of all SIU investigations involved traffic accidents. A high proportion
of these accidents took place during police pursuits. From 2013 to 2017, this figure dropped
to only 12.7%. This noticeable decline in traffic accidents may reflect new regulations and
strategies governing how police conduct pursuits.
From 2000 to 2006, only 14 SIU investigations (7.5% of all cases) involved allegations of
sexual assault. This figure jumps to 36 investigations (14.8% of all cases) in 2013 to 2017.
It is unclear whether this increase represents an actual increase in police sexual assaults,
or an increased willingness of civilians to report allegations of sexual assault to the SIU.
From 2000 to 2006, 46% of all SIU investigations involved police use of force: 12.8% of
those cases involved police use of firearms and 33.2% involved other types of force
(including the use of Tasers, batons, pepper spray, etc.). From 2013 to 2017, 51.2% of all
SIU investigations involved police use of force: 10.2% involved a police firearm and 41%
involved other types of force, such as batons, Tasers and pepper spray. Thus, while the
data suggest that the proportion of SIU investigations involving TPS use of force incidents
increased between the two time periods (from 46% of all SIU investigations to 51.2%), the
proportion of cases involving police firearm use declined slightly (from 12.8% to 10.2%
of all SIU investigations). However, additional analysis suggests that, on an annual basis,
TPS shootings went up during the two study periods. For example, the SIU investigated
24 police shootings from 2000 to 2006 and 25 police shootings from 2013 to 2017. In other
words, the SIU investigated an average of four shootings per year from 2000 to 2006,
compared to an average of 6.25 shootings per year from 2013 to 2017.
Table C4: Cause of civilian harm, as determined by SIU investigations,
2000 2006 and 2013 2017 study periods
Cause of civilian
2000 2006 2013 2017
Number % Number %
Harm not caused by police 44 23.5 52 21.3
Traffic accident 43 23.0 31 12.7
Sexual assault 14 7.5 36 14.8
Police use of force 62 33.2 100 41.0
Police shooting 24 12.8 25 10.2
Total 187 100.0 244 100.0
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Civilian injury not caused by police
The data reveal that Black people are over-represented in SIU investigations that concluded
the police did not cause civilian injury or death (see Tables C5 and C6). From 2000 to 2006,
Black people were 2.73 times more likely to appear in these types of SIU investigations than
their presence in the general population would predict. Similarly, from 2013 to 2017, they
were 2.41 times more likely to be involved in “injury not caused by police” cases than their
presence in the general population would predict. Over both time periods, White and other
racial minority civilians are either under-represented in “injury not caused by police cases
or their representation in these types of SIU investigation approximates their
representation in the general population.
From 2000 to 2006, the Black rate of involvement in “injury not caused by police” cases
(4.79 per 100,000) was 4.2 times higher than the White rate (1.13 per 100,000) and 3.9
times higher than the rate for other racial minorities (1.24 per 100,000). Little changed
between the two study periods. By 2013 to 2017, the Black rate of involvement in “injury
not caused by police” cases (4.59 per 100,000) remained 2.3 times higher than the White
rate (1.96 per 100,000) and 7.65 times higher than the rate for other racial minorities.
Civilian injury caused by police-involved traffic accidents
Black people are also over-represented in SIU investigations in which civilian injuries were
caused by police-involved traffic accidents (see Tables C7 and C8). However, the level of
Black over-representation in these types of SIU investigations dropped noticeably between
2000 to 2006 and 2013 to 2017.
From 2000 to 2006, Black people were involved in 25.6% of “traffic accident” cases, even
though they represented only 8.3% of the general population. In other words, during this
time frame, Black people were 3.08 times more likely to appear in SIU “traffic” investigations
than their presence in the general Toronto population would predict. From 2013 to 2017, Black
people were involved in only 12.9% of SIU traffic-related investigations, even though
they represented only 8.8% of the general Toronto population. Thus, during this period,
Black people were 1.47 times more likely to appear in traffic-related SIU investigations
than their presence in the population would predict, compared to 3.08 times more likely
during the 2000 to 2006 period. During both time periods, White and other racial minority
citizens are significantly under-represented in SIU investigations that involve traffic accidents.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
From 2000 to 2006, the Black rate of “traffic-related” SIU investigations (5.27 per 100,000)
was 5.9 times greater than the White rate (0.90 per 100,000) and 6.3 times greater than the
rate for other racial minorities (0.83 per 100,000). By contrast, from 2013 to 2017, the Black
rate of “traffic-related” SIU investigation (1.47 per 100,000) was only 2.01 times higher
than the White rate (0.83 per 100,000) and 9.8 times greater than the rate for other racial
minorities (0.17 per 100,000).
Sexual assault cases
Black people are significantly over-represented in SIU sexual assault investigations (see
Tables C9 and C10). From 2000 to 2006, Black people were involved in 21.4% of sexual
assault investigations, even though they made up only 8.3% of the general Toronto
population. In other words, Black people were 2.58 times more likely to appear in SIU
sexual assault investigations than their presence in the population would predict. Similarly,
from 2013 to 2017, Black people were involved in 30.6% of sexual assault investigations,
even though they made up 8.8% of the general Toronto population. In other words, during
this period, Black people were 3.48 times more likely to appear in SIU investigations than
their presence in the general population would predict. During both time periods, other
racial minorities were significantly under-represented in SIU sexual assault investigations.
White civilians, on the other hand, were slightly over-represented in 2000 to 2006 sexual
assault cases (odds ratio = 1.21) and slightly under-represented in 2013 to 2017 cases
(odds ratio = 0.90).
From 2000 to 2006, the Black rate of SIU sexual assault investigations (1.44 per 100,000)
was 2.1 times greater than the White rate (0.68 per 100,000) and 6.9 times greater than the
rate for other racial minorities (0.21 per 100,000). These racial disparities appear to have
widened over time. Between 2013 and 2017, the Black rate of SIU sexual assault investigations
(4.57 per 100,000) rose to 3.8 times greater than the White rate (1.21 per 100,000) and 13.4
times greater than the rate for other racial minorities (0.34 per 100,000).
An interesting trend involves a dramatic rise in the number of Black males who have
made sexual assault allegations. Between 2000 and 2006, 11 of the 14 SIU sexual
assault investigations (78.6%) involved female civilians. Only three sexual assault
investigations (21.4%) involved males. By contrast, during the 2013 to 2017 period,
the majority of SIU sexual assault investigations (58.3%) involved male complainants
and only 41.7% involved females.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Between 2000 and 2006, Black males represented 3.8% of the Toronto population, but
accounted for 7.1% of all SIU sexual assault investigations. In other words, during this
period, Black males were only slightly more likely to appear in a SIU sexual assault
investigation than their presence in the Toronto population would predict. During this time
period, however, Black females were significantly over-represented in SIU sexual assault
investigations (4.6% of the general population, 14.2% of SIU sexual assault investigations).
By the 2013 to 2017 study period, Black males still represented only 4% of the Toronto
population. However, they were now involved in 25% of all SIU sexual assault investigations.
In other words, during this period, Black males were 6.3 times more likely to appear in a SIU
sexual assault investigation than their presence in the Toronto population would predict. By
contrast, by the second study period, Black female representation in sexual assault cases had
dropped significantly: from 14.2% of all sexual assault cases in 2000 to 2006, to only 5.5% of
SIU sexual assault investigations in 2013 to 2017). During the 2000 to 2006 period, Black
females had the highest SIU sexual assault investigation rate (1.77 per 100,000), followed
by White females (1.10), Black males (1.05) and White males (0.33). From 2013 to 2017,
however, Black males had by far the highest sexual assault investigation rate (see Figures
C3 and C4). During this period, the Black male sexual assault investigation rate (8.19 per
100,000) was 5.3 times greater than the rate for Black females (1.54 per 100,000), and 6.7
times greater than the rate for both White males (1.27 per 100,000) and White females
(1.22 per 100,000). As noted above, the number of SIU sexual assault investigations jumped
from 14 in 2000 to 2006 to 36 in 2013 to 2017. Much of this increase appears to be related
to Black male complainants who allege that they were sexually assaulted during police
frisks or strip-searches.
Table C5: SIU investigations involving the Toronto Police Service
in which civilian injuries were determined not to be caused by the police,
by race of civilian, January 1, 2000 June 6, 2006
% of
Number of SIU
% of SIU
SIU investigation
rate (per 100,000)
White 1,327,151 53.0 15 34.1 0.64 1.13
Black 208,555 8.3 10 22.7 2.73 4.79
Other racial
967,675 38.7 12 27.3 0.71 1.24
---- ---- 7 15.9 ---- ----
Total 2,503,381 100.0 44 100.0 ---- 1.76
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Table C6: SIU investigations involving the Toronto Police Service
in which Civilian injuries were determined not to be caused
by the police, by race of civilian, January 1, 2013 June 30, 2017
% of
Number of SIU
% of SIU
SIU investigation
rate (per 100,000)
White 1,322,656 48.4 26 50.0 1.03 1.96
Black 239,850 8.8 11 21.2 2.41 4.59
Other racial
1,169,065 42.8 7 13.5 0.32 0.60
---- ---- 8 15.4 ---- ----
Total 2,731,571 100.0 52 100.0 ---- 1.90
Table C7: SIU investigations of the Toronto Police Service
involving traffic accidents (including accidents caused by police
pursuits), by race of civilian, January 1, 2000 June 6, 2006
% of
Number of SIU
% of SIU
SIU investigation
rate (per 100,000)
White 1,327,151 53.0 12 27.9 0.53 0.90
Black 208,555 8.3 11 25.6 3.08 5.27
Other racial
967,675 38.7 8 18.6 0.48 0.83
---- ---- 12 27.9 ---- ----
Total 2,503,381 100.0 43 100.0 ---- 1.72
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Table C8: SIU investigations of the Toronto Police Service
involving traffic accidents (including accidents caused by police
pursuits), by race of civilian, January 1, 2013 – June 30, 2017
% of
Number of SIU
% of SIU
SIU investigation
rate (per 100,000)
White 1,322,656 48.4 11 35.5 0.73 0.83
Black 239,850 8.8 4 12.9 1.47 1.67
Other racial
1,169,065 42.8 2 6.5 0.15 0.17
---- ---- 14 45.2 ---- ----
Total 2,731,571 100.0 31 100.0 ---- 1.13
Table C9: SIU investigations of the Toronto Police Service involving
allegations of sexual assault, by race of civilian, January 1, 2000 June 6, 2006
% of
Number of SIU
% of SIU
SIU investigation
rate (per 100,000)
White 1,327,151 53.0 9 64.3 1.21 0.68
Black 208,555 8.3 3 21.4 2.58 1.44
Other racial
967,675 38.7 2 14.3 0.37 0.21
---- ---- 0 0.0 ---- ----
Total 2,503,381 100.0 14 100.9 ---- 0.56
Table C10: SIU investigations of the Toronto Police Service involving
allegations of sexual assault, by race of civilian, January 1, 2013 June 30, 2017
% of
Number of SIU
% of SIU
SIU investigation
rate (per 100,000)
White 1,322,656 48.4 16 44.4 0.92 1.21
Black 239,850 8.8 11 30.6 3.48 4.57
Other racial
1,169,065 42.8 4 11.1 0.26 0.34
---- ---- 5 13.9 ---- ----
Total 2,731,571 100.0 36 100.0 ---- 1.32
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Other racial minority White Black
Figure C3: SIU sexual assault investigation rates
(per 100,000), by race and gender, 2000 ̶ 2006
Female Male
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Police use of force cases
Consistent with previous Canadian and American research (see Part A of this report),
Black people are grossly over-represented in SIU investigations that involve police use
of force (see Tables C11 and C12). However, the data also suggest that the level of Black
over-representation dropped slightly over time.
From 2000 to 2006, Black people were involved in 38.4% of use of force cases, even though
they represented only 8.3% of Toronto’s general population. In other words, Black people
were 4.63 times more likely to appear in SIU use of force investigations than their presence
in the general population would predict. From 2013 to 2017, however, Black people were
involved in 28.8% of SIU use of force cases a decline of 10 percentage points during the two
time periods. In other words, Black people were now 3.27 times more likely to appear in SIU
use of force investigations than their presence in the general population would predict
compared to 4.63 times in the 2000 to 2006 period. By contrast, White and other racial
minority citizens are both under-represented in police use of force cases.
Other racial minority White Black
Figure C4: SIU sexual assault investigation rates
(per 100,000), by race and gender, 2013 ̶ 2017
Female Male
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
From 2000 to 2006, the Black use of force investigation rate (15.82 per 100,000) was
4.9 times greater than the White rate (3.24 per 100,000) and 51 times greater than the
rate for other racial minority groups (0.31 per 100,000). Similarly, from 2013 to 2017,
the Black use of force investigation rate (15.01 per 100,000) was 3.6 times higher than
the White rate (4.16 per 100,000) and 5.8 times greater than the rate for other racial
minorities (2.57 per 100,000).
The vast majority of SIU use of force investigations (over 90% during both time periods)
involve male civilians. The data suggest that Black males are particularly over-represented
in police use of force cases (see Figures C5 and C6). From 2000 to 2006, Black males were
involved in 34.9% of all SIU use of force cases, even though they represented only 3.8% of
Toronto’s population. In other words, Black males were 9.2 times more likely to be involved
in a SIU use of force investigation than their presence in the general population would predict.
Similarly, from 2013 to 2017, Black males were involved in 28.8% of all SIU use of force
investigations, even though they represented just 4% of the population. In other words, during
this period, Black males were 7.2 times more likely to appear in a SIU use of force investigation
than their presence in the general population would predict.
From 2000 to 2006, the Black male use of force investigation rate (31.46 per 100,000) was
five times greater than the rate for White males (6.32 per 100,000), 12 times greater than
the rate for Black females (2.65 per 100,000), and 71.5 times greater than the rate for White
females (0.44 per 100,000). Similarly, from 2013 to 2017, the Black male use of force
investigation rate (32.76 per 100,000) was 4.1 times greater than the rate for White
males (7.95 per 100,000) and 43.1 times greater than the rate for White females (0.76
per 100,000). Interestingly, during this second period, no Black females were involved
in a SIU use of force investigation (rate = 0.0 per 100,000).
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Table C11: SIU investigations of the Toronto Police Service involving
police use of force, by race of civilian, January 1, 2000 June 6, 2006
% of
Number of SIU
% of SIU
SIU investigation
rate (per 100,000)
White 1,327,151 53.0 43 50.0 0.94 3.24
Black 208,555 8.3 33 38.4 4.63 15.82
Other racial
967,675 38.7 3 3.5 0.09 0.31
---- ---- 7 8.1 ---- ----
Total 2,503,381 100.0 86 100.0 ---- 3.43
Table C12: SIU investigations of the Toronto Police Service involving police
use of force, by race of civilian, January 1, 2013 June 30, 2017
% of
Number of SIU
% of SIU
SIU investigation
rate (per 100,000)
White 1,322,656 48.4 55 44.0 0.91 4.16
Black 239,850 8.8 36 28.8 3.27 15.01
Other racial
1,169,065 42.8 30 24.0 0.56 2.57
---- ---- 4 3.2 ---- ----
Total 2,731,571 100.0 125 100.0 ---- 4.58
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Other racial minority White Black
Figure C5: SIU use of force investigation rates
(per 100,000), by race and gender, 2000 2006
Female Male
Other racial minority White Black
Figure C6: SIU use of force investigation rates
(per 100,000), by race and gender, 2013 2017
Female Male
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Police shooting cases
Black people are grossly over-represented in SIU shooting investigations that involve the
Toronto Police Service (see Tables C13 and C14). Between 2000 and 2006, Black people
were involved in 54.2% of shooting cases, even though they represent only 8.3% of the
population. In other words, during this time, Black people were 6.53 times more likely to
appear in SIU shooting investigations than their presence in the general Toronto
population would predict.
The over-representation of Black people in police shooting cases, however, appears to have
dropped somewhat between the first and second study periods. Between 2013 and 2017,
Black people were involved in 36% of TPS shooting casesdown from 54.2% during 2000
to 2006. According to the data, Black people were still 4.09 times more likely to appear in
SIU shooting investigations than their presence in the general population would predict
but this is down from 6.53 times during the 2000 to 2006 study period. By contrast, during
both time periods, White people and members of other racial minority groups are noticeably
under-represented in police shooting investigations.
Between 2000 and 2006, the Black shooting investigation rate (6.23 per 100,000) was
9.2 times higher than the White rate (0.68 per 100,000) and 29.7 times higher than the
rate for other racial minorities (0.21 per 100,000). Between 2013 and 2017, the Black
shooting investigation rate (3.75 per 100,000) was 4.9 times higher than the White rate
(0.76 per 100,000) and 7.3 times greater than the rate for other racial minorities (0.51
per 100,000). Although racial disparities in SIU shootings investigations declined between the
two studies, racial differences in the likelihood of being shot by the place are still large.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Table C13: SIU investigations of Toronto Police Service shootings,
by race of civilian, January 1, 2000 June 6, 2006
% of
Number of SIU
% of SIU
SIU investigation
rate (per 100,000)
White 1,327,151 53.0 9 37.5 0.71 0.68
Black 208,555 8.3 13 54.2 6.53 6.23
Other racial
967,675 38.7 2 8.3 0.21 0.21
---- ---- 0 0/0 ---- ----
Total 2,503,381 100.0 24 100.0 ---- 0.96
Table C14: SIU investigations of Toronto Police Service shootings,
by race of civilian January 1, 2013 June 30, 2017
% of
Number of SIU
% of SIU
SIU investigation
rate (per 100,000)
White 1,322,656 48.4 10 40.0 0.83 0.76
Black 239,850 8.8 9 36.0 4.09 3.75
Other racial
1,169,065 42.8 6 24.0 0.56 0.51
---- ---- 0 0.0 ---- ----
Total 2,731,571 100.0 25 100.0 ---- 0.91
Police use of force cases that resulted in civilian death
This section of the report provides an analysis of all police use of force cases that resulted
in the death of the civilian. The data presented include police shootings as well as deaths
that were caused by other types of force (i.e., Taser, baton, physical attacks, etc.). Black
people are, once again, grossly over-represented in SIU police use of force investigations
that resulted in civilian death (see Tables C15 and C16). From 2000 to 2006, Black people
were involved in 46.6% of all use of force cases that resulted in civilian death, even though
they represented only 8.3% of the Toronto population. In other words, Black people were
5.61 times more likely to be involved in a SIU death investigation than their representation
in the population would predict.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Black over-representation in lethal use of force cases increased during the two study periods.
Between 2013 and 2017, Black people were involved in 61.5% of all use of force cases that
resulted in civilian death, compared to 46.6% of these cases during the first study period. Black
people are now seven times more likely to be involved in a SIU death investigation than their
presence in the general population would predict up from 5.6 times during the 2000 to 2006
period. By contrast, over the two time periods, both White and other racial minority citizens
were under-represented in police use of force cases that resulted in civilian death.
Between 2000 and 2006, the Black use of force death rate (3.36 per 100,000) was 6.3 times
higher than the White rate (0.53 per 100,000) and 33.6 times greater than the rate for other
racial minorities. Similarly, between 2013 and 2017, the Black use of force death rate (3.34 per
100,000) was 11.3 times greater than the White rate (0.30 per 100,000) and 37.1 times greater
than the rate for other racial minorities. It is clear that, in Toronto, Black people are much more
likely to die as the result of police use of force than people from other racial backgrounds.
Table C15: SIU Investigations of civilian deaths caused by police use of force,
by race of civilian, Toronto Police Service, January 1, 2000 June 6, 2006
% of
Number of SIU
% of SIU
SIU investigation
rate (per 100,000)
White 1,327,151 53.0 7 46.6 0.88 0.53
Black 208,555 8.3 7 46.6 5.61 3.36
Other racial
967,675 38.7 1 6.7 0.17 0.10
---- ---- 0 0.0 ---- ----
Total 2,503,381 100.0 15 100/0 ---- 0.60
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Table C16: SIU investigations of civilian deaths caused by police use of force,
by race of civilian, Toronto Police Service, January 1, 2013 June 30, 2017
% of
Number of SIU
% of SIU
SIU investigation
rate (per 100,000)
White 1,322,656 48.4 4 30.8 0.64 0.30
Black 239,850 8.8 8 61.5 6.99 3.34
Other racial
1,169,065 42.8 1 7.7 0.18 0.09
---- ---- 0 0.0 ---- ----
Total 2,731,571 100.0 13 100/0 ---- 0.48
Police shooting deaths
Discharging a firearm at a civilian is widely considered the most serious form of police
use of force. Shootings also represent the use of force option that is most likely to result
in death. Indeed, over our two study periods, 19 of the 28 civilian deaths investigated
by the SIU (68%) were the result of a TPS shooting. Police shooting deaths also garner
significant media attention and thus likely have an impact on public attitudes. It can be
argued, therefore, that police shootings require extra research attention. This section of
the report includes an analysis of all civilian deaths that were caused by a police shooting
(i.e., police use of a firearm). It excludes cases where death was not caused by a firearm.
Black people are grossly over-represented in SIU investigations involving police shooting
deaths (see Tables 17 and 18). Between 2000 and 2006, Black people represented 77.8% of
all shooting deaths involving the Toronto Police Service, even though they represented only
8.3% of Toronto’s population at that time. In other words, according to SIU records, Black
people were 9.4 times more likely to be involved in a police shooting death than their
representation in the general population would predict. Similarly, between 2013 and 2017,
Black people represented 70% of all police shooting deaths, even though they made up
only 8.8% of Toronto’s population. In other words, during this period, Black people were
approximately eight times more likely to be involved in a police shooting death than their
presence in the general population would predict. Over both time periods, both White and
other racial minority civilians are under-represented in police shooting deaths.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Between 2000 and 2006, the Black police shooting death rate (3.36 per 100,000) was 48
times greater than the White rate (0.07 per 100,000) and 33.6 times higher than the rate
for other racial minorities (0.10 per 100,000). Similarly, between 2013 and 2017, the Black
police shooting death rate (2.92 per 100,000) was 19.5 times higher than the White rate
(0.15 per 100,000) and 32.4 times greater than the rate for other racial minority groups
(0.09 per 100,000).
Additional analysis reveals important racial differences in the percentage of police shootings
that result in death (see Table C19). From 2000 to 2006, the SIU conducted 24 investigations
into TPS shootings. Nine of those shootings (37.5%) resulted in the death of a civilian. However,
the shooting death rate for Black civilians (53.8%) was much higher than the shooting death
rate for White civilians (11.1%). Overall, during the first study period, seven of 13 Black shooting
victims died from their injuries, compared to only one of the nine White shooting victims.
During the 2000 to 2006 study period, seven of the nine TPS shooting deaths (77.8%) involved
Black civilians.
From 2013 to 2017, the SIU conducted 25 investigations into police shootings involving
the TPS. Ten of those shootings (41.7%) resulted in the death of a civilian. However, the
shooting death rate for Black civilians (77.8%) was much higher than the rate for White
civilians (15.8%) or other racial minorities (25%). Overall, during this period, seven of nine
Black shooting victims died from their injuries, compared to only two of 10 White shooting
victims. Furthermore, during this time period, seven of the 10 TPS shooting fatalities (70%)
involved a Black civilian.
During the entire study period, the SIU conducted 49 investigations into TPS shootings.
Nineteen of these 49 shootings (38.7%) resulted in the death of the civilian. Overall, the TPS
shooting death rate for Black civilians (63.6%) was more than four times higher than the
shooting death for White civilians (15.8%) or other racial minorities (25%). Overall, 14 of the
22 TPS shootings of Black civilians resulted in a fatality, compared to only three of the 19
shootings of White civilians. These racial differences are statistically significant (chi-square
= 10.596; df = 2; p > .01). During the entire study period, 14 of the 19 deaths that resulted
from police shootings (73.7%) involved Black civilians.
In sum, the data show that Black civilians are more likely to be involved in TPS shootings
cases than White civilians or civilians from other racial backgrounds. Furthermore, when
the police do discharge their firearms, they are more likely to kill Black civilians than
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
civilians from other racial backgrounds. The context of police shootings and other use
of force incidents including important situational factors may help explain some of
the gross racial disparities observed above. This issue is addressed in the next section.
Table C17: SIU investigations of civilian deaths caused by police shootings,
by race of civilian, Toronto Police Service, January 1, 2000 June 6, 2006
% of
Number of SIU
% of SIU
SIU investigation
rate (per 100,000)
White 1,327,151 53.0 1 11.1 0.21 0.07
Black 208,555 8.3 7 77.8 9.37 3.36
Other racial
967,675 38.7 1 11.1 0.29 0.10
---- ---- 0 0.0 ---- ----
Total 2,503,381 100.0 9 100.0 ---- 0.36
Table C18: SIU investigations of civilian deaths caused by police shootings,
by race of civilian, Toronto Police Service, January 1, 2013 June 30, 2017
% of
Number of SIU
% of SIU
SIU investigation
rate (per 100,000)
White 1,322,656 48.4 2 20.0 0.41 0.15
Black 239,850 8.8 7 70.0 7.95 2.92
Other racial
1,169,065 42.8 1 10.0 0.23 0.09
---- ---- 0 ---- ---- ----
Total 2,731,571 100.0 10 100.0 ---- 0.37
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Table C19: Percentage of police shootings that resulted in
civilian death, SIU investigations, by time period and race
of police
2000 2006 2013 2017 Total study period
White Black
Other racial
White Black
Other racial
White Black
Other racial
Injury 88.9 46.2 50.0 80.0 22.2 83.3 84.2 36.4 75.0
Death 11.1 53.8 50.0 20.0 77.8 16.7 15.8 63.6 25.0
Sample 9 13 2 10 9 6 19 22 8
The context of police use of force
As discussed in Part A of this report, previous research suggests that many other factors
in addition to race may impact police decisions to use force. These factors include civilian
characteristics (age, gender, etc.), officer characteristics (i.e., years of experience, etc.)
and situational factors (i.e., community setting, civilian behaviour, mental illness, civilian
impairment, the presence of a weapon, etc.). Using information from SIU cases files,
this section of the report examines how race intersects with other variables that may
predict the likelihood of police use of force.
Civilian behaviour at time of use of force encounter
As discussed above, civilian behaviour during encounters with law enforcement is crucial
to our general understanding of police use of force. Civilians who threaten or attack police
officers, or other civilians, are much more vulnerable to police use of force than others.
C20 and C21 present information on alleged civilian behaviour at the time of the encounter
that led to police use of force.
It should be noted that this information reflects SIU conclusions. Alternative interpretations
of events do exist. For example, in some cases, civilians claim that they were assaulted by
the police for “no reason.” The police, by contrast, claim that they only used force because
they were first threatened or assaulted by the civilian. In most cases, the SIU accepts the
police versions of events.
The results suggest that, in most use of force cases, the civilian either threatened or
assaulted the police officer or was resisting arrest. In a small minority of cases force was
used because the civilian was trying to flee from the police or avoid police apprehension.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
For example, between 2013 and 2017, 54.4% of TPS use of force cases involved civilian
threats or assaults against the police, 29.6% involved civilians resisting arrest and 7.2%
involved civilians trying to escape police apprehension. In 8.8% of all cases, details about
civilian behaviour at the time of the incident were missing. Nonetheless, if we take the
testimony of the police in the SIU case files as truthful, very few of the civilians involved
in TPS use of force cases can be considered passive or non-threatening.
Few racial differences emerge with respect to civilian behaviour. However, during the
2000 to 2006 period, a higher percentage of cases involving Black (18.2%) than White
civilians (9.3%) involved civilian flight from the police. Similarly, during the 2013 to 2017
period, cases involving White civilians were more likely to involve threats/assaults against
the police (61.8%) than cases involving Black civilians (44.4%). By contrast, cases involving
Black civilians were more likely to involve allegations of resisting arrest (41.7%) than cases
involving White (25.5%) or other racial minority civilians (20.0%).
Table C20: Civilian actions at the time of police encounter (as concluded by
the SIU), SIU use of force investigations, Toronto Police Service, 2000 2006
Civilian actions
at time of incident
White Black
racial minority
Threatened or attacked police 39.5 36.4 66.7 57.1
Resisted arrest 34.9 33.3 33.3 28.6
Flee police 9.3 18.2 0.0 14.3
Not determined 8.1 4.7 0.0 0.0
Sample size 43 33 3 7
Ch-square = 4.457; df = 9; p > .879
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Table C21: Civilian actions at the time of police encounter (as concluded by
the SIU), SIU use of force investigations, Toronto Police Service, 2013 2017
Civilian actions
at time of incident
White Black
racial minority
Threatened or attacked police 61.8 44.4 56.7 25.0
Resisted arrest 25.5 41.7 20.0 50.0
Flee police 5.5 8.3 10.0 0.0
Not determined 7.3 5.6 13.3 25.0
Sample size 55 36 30 4
Ch-square = 8.844; df = 9; p > .452
Possession of a weapon
In most TPS use of force cases, the civilian was not in possession of weapon at the time of
their encounter with police (see Tables C22 and C23). This situation exists across the two
study periods.
Between 2000 and 2006, White civilians involved in police use of force investigations (74.4%)
were more likely to be unarmed than their Black counterparts (54.5%). By contrast, Black
civilians were more likely than White civilians to be in possession of a gun (24.2% vs. 7%) or
a knife (15.2% vs. 4.7%).
However, from 2013 to 2017, Black civilians (66.7%) were slightly
more likely to be unarmed than their White counterparts (63.6%). However, compared to
White civilians, Black civilians were slightly more likely to be in possession of a gun (8.3%
vs. 3.6%) or a knife (16.7% vs. 14.7%). White civilians, by contrast, were more likely to be in
possession of other types of weapons (18.2%) than Black civilians (8.3%).
A deeper analysis of the 2013 to 2017 dataset reveals that very few SIU cases involve
armed attacks on TPS officers (see Table C24). For example, during this time period, only
three of 125 use of force cases (2.4%) involved a civilian firing a gun at a police officer. Two
of these cases involved a White person, one case involved a Black person. In one of these
three cases, the firearm was described as a pellet gun. An additional three cases (2.4%)
In this analysis, guns include pellet guns, replicas and authentic firearms. Officers stressed that
they could not tell whether the guns were real or not during their interactions with civilians.
A variety of devices were included in the “other” weapons category. For example, the 10 “other”
weapons documented in the 20132017 dataset include two hammers, one motor vehicle, a brick,
a rock, a piece of wood, an ashtray, a barbell, a fire extinguisher and a retractable baton.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
involve police officers being attacked by a civilian with another type of weapon (a hammer,
a brick and a piece of wood). Seven cases involve civilians threatening officers with a gun
or pellet gun (5.6%) and 11 cases (8.8%) involve officers being threatened by a civilian with
another type of weapon (a knife, hammer, fire extinguisher, ashtray, etc.). In other words,
only six use of force cases (4.8%) involve armed assaults on police officers and only 14.4%
involve citizens threatening police officers with a weapon.
Armed attacks on civilians are equally rare. Only one case (0.8%) involves shots being fired
at a civilian and only three cases (2.4%) involve civilians being attacked by civilianswith
another type of weapon. By contrast, civilians were unarmed in almost two-thirds of all
TPS use of force cases (64.8%) that resulted in a SIU investigation. Racial differences with
respect to the presence of weapons, and how weapons were used, are very small and
do not reach statistical significance.
Table C22: Civilian possession of a weapon at the time
of police encounter (as concluded by the SIU), SIU use of force
investigations, Toronto Police Service, 2000 2006
Civilian weapon
at time of incident
White Black
racial minority
No weapon 74.4 54.5 33.3 100.0
Gun 7.0 24.2 0.0 0.0
Knife 4.7 15.2 66.7 0.0
Other weapon 14.0 6.1 0.0 0.0
Sample size 43 33 3 7
Ch-square = 22.713; df = 9; p > .007
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
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Table C23: Civilian possession of a weapon at the time of
police encounter (as concluded by the SIU), SIU use of force
investigations, Toronto Police Service, 2013 2017
Civilian weapon
at time of incident
White Black
racial minority
No weapon 63.6 66.7 70.0 100.0
Gun 3.6 8.3 3.3 0.0
Knife 14.5 16.7 16.7 0.0
Other weapon 18.2 8.3 10.0 0.0
Sample size 55 36 30 4
Ch-square = 5.417; df = 9; p > .797
Table C24: Civilian weapons use documented by SIU
investigations into TPS use of force incidents, 2013 2017
Type of weapons used Number of cases %
Unarmed (no weapon involved) 81 64.8
Gun fired at police 3 2.4
Gun used to threaten police 7 5.6
Gun fired at civilians 1 0.8
Police suspected firearm but gun
not confirmed at time of arrest
2 1.6
Firearm present but only identified
after arrest
2 1.6
Other weapon used to attack police 3 2.4
Other weapon used to threaten police 11 8.8
Other weapon used to attack civilians 2 1.6
Other weapon used to threaten civilians 3 2.4
Police suspected other weapon but
weapon not confirmed at time of arrest
2 1.6
Other weapon identified after arrest 8 6.4
Total cases 125 100.0
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Possession of a weapon during police shootings
Civilian weapons possession was very common in cases where TPS officers decided to
discharge their firearm. According to SIU investigations, civilians were in possession of a
weapon in approximately 90% of all police shooting cases. This is consistent across the
two study periods (see Tables 25 and 26). During the 2000 to 2006 period, Black civilians
were more likely to be in possession of a firearm (53.8%) than White civilians (33.3%). Rates
of knife possession were almost identical between Black and White civilians (23.1% and 22.2%
respectively). However, White civilians (33.3%) were more likely to be in possession of “other
types” of weapon (33.3%) than Black civilians (15.4%). During the 2013 to 2017 period, White
civilians (20%) were slightly more likely to be in possession of a firearm than their Black
counterparts (11.1%). Black civilians, however, were more likely to be in possession of a knife
(44.4%) than White civilians (20.0%).
The data, however, further suggest that White people are more likely to survive TPS police
shootings, even when they do possess a weapon and use that weapon to threaten or
attack the police. Between 2013 and 2017, for example, White people were shot by TPS
officers on 10 occasions. Only two of these 10 shootings (20%) resulted in a fatality. In both
these cases, the White civilian had threatened police officers with a firearm. However, in four
other shooting cases, White civilians had either fired at the police (two cases), threatened the
police with a gun (one case) or shot at a civilian (one case). The civilians in these four cases
all survived the police encounter. In other words, White civilians survived four out of the six
shooting cases (66.6%) in which they had threatened or attacked police officers with a gun.
In the other four police shootings that involved White survivors, the civilian had either
threatened (three cases) or attacked the police (one case) with another type of weapon. None
of the White shooting victims were unarmed.
By contrast, the data suggest that Black civilians never survive police shootings in which they
have threatened or attacked the police. Between 2013 and 2017, the TPS shot nine Black
people. Seven of these shootings resulted in a fatality (77.8%). One of the Black shooting
survivors was unarmed and the other had threatened a civilian with a knife. Only one Black
shooting fatality involved a civilian firing a gun at police officers, two cases involved firearm
threats against the police, two involved other weapons threats against the police, and
two involved other weapons threats against civilians. These findings suggest that the high
police shooting death rate for Black civilians cannot be simply explained away by higher rates
of gun or weapons use during police shooting incidents.
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Table C25: Civilian possession of a weapon at the time of
police encounter (as concluded by the SIU), SIU shooting
investigations, Toronto Police Service, 2000 2006
Civilian weapon
at time of incident
White Black
Other racial
No weapon 11.1 7.7 0.0
Gun 33.3 53.8 0.0
Knife 22.2 23.1 100.0
Other weapon 33.3 15.4 0.0
Sample size 9 13 2
Ch-square = 6.734; df = 6; p > .346
Table C26: Civilian possession of a weapon at the time of
police encounter (as concluded by the SIU), SIU shooting
investigations, Toronto Police Service, 2013 2017
Civilian weapon
at time of incident
White Black
Other racial
No weapon 10.0 11.1 16.7
Gun 20.0 11.1 16.7
Knife 20.0 44.4 50.0
Other weapon 50.0 33.2 16.7
Sample size 10 9 6
Ch-square = 2.785; df = 6; p > .797
Civilian criminal history at time of police use of force incidents
When faced with data on racial disparities in policing, a common response is that enforcement
agents focus on known criminals and criminal behaviour not civilian race. If true, we might
expect a high proportion of those involved in police use of force cases to have a criminal
record. We might also expect that a higher proportion of Black civilians than White civilians
will have a criminal history. The results presented below do not support this contention.
Furthermore, while a criminal record may serve as a proxy measure of criminality it is not a
justification for police use of force. The police cannot use force on an individual just because
they have a criminal record. Only civilian behaviour at the time of the incident can be used
to justify force. This should be noted when interpreting the following results.
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Most civilians involved in police use of force investigations did not have a criminal record at
the time of their encounter with the police. This pattern exists for both study periods (see
Tables C27 and C28). During the 2000 to 2006 period, Black civilians involved in use of force
cases were only slightly more likely to have a previous criminal record (48.5%) than their White
counterparts (41.9%). During the 2013 to 2017 period, White civilians involved in police use of
force investigations were slightly more likely to have a previous criminal record (54.5%) than
Black civilians (44.4%) or civilians from other racial backgrounds (33.3%).
Table C27: Percentage of civilians with an existing criminal
record at the time of police encounter, by racial group,
SIU use of force investigations, Toronto Police Service, 2000 2006
Civilian criminal record
at time of incident
White Black
racial minority
No criminal record 58.1 51.5 66.7 57.1
Criminal record 41.9 48.5 33.3 42.9
Sample size 43 33 3 7
Ch-square = 0.490; df = 3; p > .921
Table C28: Percentage of civilians with an existing criminal
record at the time of police encounter, by racial group,
SIU use of force investigations, Toronto Police Service, 2013 2017
Civilian criminal record
at time of incident
White Black
racial minority
No criminal record 45.5 55.6 66.7 75.0
Criminal record 54.5 44.4 33.3 25.0
Sample size 55 36 30 4
Ch-square = 4.298; df = 3; p > .231
Civilian mental health at time of police use of force incidents
SIU investigations note whether the civilian was experiencing a mental health issue
or was in a mental health crisis during their encounter with the police. Most often this
information was found in TPS General Occurrence reports or in the statements of both
subject and witness officers. In most use of force cases, civilians were not exhibiting mental
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
health issues at the time of their encounter with police. This pattern persists during both
study periods. During the 2000 to 2007 study period, SIU case files reveal that a third of all
use of force investigations (34.9%) involved a civilian who was experiencing a mental health
crisis or issue at the time of their interaction with the police. This figure drops slightly, to
29.6%, during the 2013 to 2017 time period.
However, our analysis reveals that White civilians involved in SIU investigations were more
likely to be in mental health crisis than Black or other racial minority civilians (see Tables C29
and C30). During the 2000 to 2006 period, 37.2% of White civilians were exhibiting mental
health problems at the time of their encounter with the police, compared to 30.3% of Black
civilians. During the 2013 to 2017 period, 43.6% of White civilians were exhibiting mental
health issues at the time of their encounter with police, compared to only 16.7% of Black
civilians and 20% of civilians from other racial minority backgrounds.
Further analysis reveals that Black civilians are grossly over-represented in use of force
cases in which no mental health crisis was flagged. From 2013 to 2017, for example, Black
people represented only 8.8% of the general population, but 34.1% of civilians involved in
SIU use of force cases in which no mental health issues were noted (odds ratio = 3.87).
Black civilians are also over-represented in SIU use of force cases where mental health
issues were identified but not to the same magnitude. During the 2013 to 2017 period,
Black civilians represented only 8.8% of the general Toronto population, but were involved
in 16.2% of use of force cases in which a mental health issue was noted (odds ratio = 1.84);
White civilians, by contrast, are over-represented in use of force cases that involve civilians
who were identified as being in mental health crisis, and under-represented in cases in
which no mental health issues were noted. For example, during the 2013 to 2017 period,
White people represented 48.4% of Toronto’s general population, but were involved in
64.9% of use of force cases in which a mental health issue was noted (odds ratio = 1.34).
By contrast, White people were involved in only 35.2% of use of force cases in which there
was no apparent mental health crisis (odds ratio = 0.71). These results suggest that White
people are most often exposed to police use of force when experiencing a mental health
crisis. Indeed, in the majority of use of force cases involving White civilians, mental health
issues were cited by the SIU investigation. By contrast, mental health issues were not noted
in the majority of use of force cases involving Black civilians. In other words, the data
suggest that, compared to White people, Black people do not have to be experiencing a
mental health issue to be subject to police use of force.
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Ontario Human Rights Commission
Table C29: Percentage of civilians experiencing a mental
health crisis at the time of police encounter, by racial group,
SIU use of force investigations, Toronto Police Service, 2000 2006
Mental health
at time of incident
White Black
racial minority
No issues noted 62.8 69.7 66.7 57.1
Mental health issues noted 37.2 30.3 33.3 42.9
Sample size 43 33 3 7
Ch-square = 0.606; df = 3; p > .895
Table C30: Percentage of civilians experiencing a mental
health crisis at the time of police encounter, by racial group,
SIU use of force investigations, Toronto Police Service, 2013 2017
Mental health at
time of incident
White Black
racial minority
No issues noted 56.4 83.3 80.0 75.0
Mental health issues noted 43.6 16.7 20.0 25.0
Sample size 55 36 30 4
Ch-square = 9.457; df = 3; p > .024
Civilian impairment at time of police encounter
Most civilians involved in use of force cases were not impaired by alcohol or drugs at the
time of their encounter with police. However, SIU investigations reveal that White civilians
were more likely to be intoxicated than Black or other minority civilians (see Tables C31 and
C32). During the 2000 to 2006 period, 44.2% of White civilians were intoxicated or impaired
during their encounter with police, compared to only 12.1% of Black civilians. During the 2013
to 2017 period, 49.1% of White civilians were intoxicated or impaired by alcohol or drugs
during their encounter with police, compared to only 25% of Black civilians.
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Table C31: Percentage of civilians who were impaired by drugs
or alcohol at the time of police encounter, by racial group, SIU use
of force investigations, Toronto Police Service, 2000 2006
Impairment at time
of incident
White Black
Other racial
Not impaired 55.8 87.9 66.7 71.4
Impaired 44.2 12.1 33.3 28.6
Sample size 43 33 3 7
Ch-square = 9.124; df = 3; p > .028
Table C32: Percentage of civilians who were impaired by drugs
or alcohol at the time of police encounter, by racial group, SIU use
of force investigations, Toronto Police Service, 2013 2017
Impairment at time
of incident
White Black
Other racial
Not impaired 50.9 75.0 60.0 50.0
Impaired 49.1 25.0 40.0 50.0
Sample size 55 36 30 4
Ch-square = 5.439; df = 3; p > .143
Type of police contact
Our analysis next explores the type of police contact that led to SIU investigations. We
distinguish between reactive police activity (responding to civilian calls for service) and
proactive police activities (investigative stops of civilians). The literature suggests that
reactive policing involves very little police discretion – officers, for example, have no option
but to respond to a civilian call for service. Proactive police activities, however, are
discretionary and are thus more likely to expose bias. The results suggest that between
2003 and 2017, over half of all SIU investigations (52.9%) resulted from a civilian call for
service, 19.7% resulted from a proactive police stop, 16% resulted from the serving of a
search warrant or a police sting operation, 6.6% resulted from police investigation activities
and 3.7% emerged because a police officer witnessed a crime while on patrol.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
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The numbers are similar with respect to use of force cases. Fifty-five per cent of all use of
force cases resulted from a civilian call for service, 16% from a police stop, 16% from police
search warrants of sting operations, 8% from investigative activities and 4.8% from patrol-
related observations (see Table C33).
Table C33: Percentage of SIU investigations that resulted from
proactive and reactive police activity, 20132017 cases
Type of police activity
Use of force
Call for service 52.9 55.2
Police investigation 6.6 8.0
Proactive stop 19.7 16.0
Patrol activity 3.7 4.8
Warrant or sting operation 17.2 16.0
Sample size 244 125
Additional analysis reveals that SIU investigations involving Black civilians are more likely
to result from proactive than reactive policing activities (see Tables C34 and C35). For
example, over a quarter of Black cases resulted from proactive police stops, compared
to only 11.1% of White cases. By contrast, 59.3% of White cases resulted from a civilian call
for service, compared to only 46.8% of Black cases. This difference is statistically significant.
The results are similar with respect to use of force investigations. One-quarter of all Black
use of force cases (25%) emerged because of a proactive police stop, compared to only
10.9% of White cases. By contrast, 56.4% of White use of force cases emerged because of
a civilian call for service, compared to only 44.4% of Black cases. This finding is important
because it suggests a possible relationship between racial profiling and racial disparities in
police use of force statistics. Since Black people are more likely to be subjected to discretionary
police stops, they may also be more likely to experience a negative police encounter that
deteriorates into police use of force.
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Table C34: Percentage of use of force investigations that resulted from
proactive and reactive police activity, by civilian race, 20132017 cases
Type of police activity White Black
Other racial
Call for service 59.3 46.8 67.4
Police investigation 9.3 6.5 0.0
Proactive stop 11.1 27.4 14.0
Patrol activity 4.6 3.2 2.3
Warrant or sting operation 15.7 16.1 14.3
Sample size 108 62 43
Chi-square: 30.687; df = 12; p >.010
Table C35: Percentage of use of force investigations that resulted from
proactive and reactive police activity, by civilian race, 20132017 cases
Type of police activity White Black
Other racial
Call for service 56.4 44.4 70.0
Police investigation 12.7 5.6 0.0
Proactive stop 10.9 25.0 13.3
Patrol activity 5.5 2.8 3.3
Warrant or sting operation 14.5 22.3 13.3
Sample size 55 36 30
Chi-square: 16.927; df = 12; p >.152
Community-level crime rates
As discussed above, community crime level may be an important predictor of police use
of force. Although presence in a high crime community is not a justification for police use
of force, it is often used as a proxy measure of civilian criminality or the dangers police
officers might face within certain geographical locations. Others argue that the police may
be more aggressive or vigilant in high-crime communities and this may lead to more use
of force incidents.
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Ontario Human Rights Commission
The Toronto Police Service provided our research team with annual patrol zone-level
violent crime rates from 2013 to 2017. These figures were combined to produce the
average annual crime rate for each patrol zone during the study period. For presentation
purposes, patrol zones were divided into four equal groups or quartiles depicting their
crime rates relative to other patrol zones in the city. In other words, the low crime category
includes the 25% of patrol zones with the lowest crime rates. By contrast, the high crime
category includes the 25% of patrol zones with the highest crime rates. The results suggest
that, as anticipated, there is a positive relationship between community crime and the
number of SIU investigations. For example, almost 40% of use of force investigations
occurred in the patrol zones with the highest crime rates (see Table C36). However, it is
important to note that SIU investigations and use of force cases happen in low-crime as
well as high-crime patrol zones. In fact, according to the data, 22.3% of all TPS use of force
cases that resulted in a SIU investigation occurred within low-crime patrol zones.
Further analysis reveals no statistically significant relationship between the racial background
of those involved in SIU investigations and patrol zone crime rates (see Tables C37 and C38).
SIU investigations involving Black civilians are just as likely to emerge within high- and low-
crime communities as investigations involving White civilians. For example, 39.2% of use of
force cases involving White people took place in high-crime patrol zones, as did 32.6% of cases
involving Black civilians (see Table C37).
Finally, it is also important to stress that, regardless of patrol zone-level crime rates, Black
people are significantly over-represented in TPS use of force cases (see Tables C39 and
However, the data also reveal that the level of Black over-representation in SIU
investigations is greatest in low-crime rather than high-crime patrol zones. For example,
although Black people represent only 5.2% of the population of low-crime patrol zones,
they represent 22.2% of SIU investigations in these regions of the city (odds ratio = 4.50).
In other words, in low-crime patrol zones, Black people are 4.5 times more likely to end
up in a SIU investigation than their presence in the population would predict. By contrast,
Black people are only 2.1 times over-represented in SIU investigations that emerged within
high-crime patrol zones (see Table C39).
The racial demographics of specific TPS patrol zones was provided by the Toronto Star and is
based on 2016 Canadian Census projections.
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Similar results pertain to SIU use of force investigations (Table C40). Black over-representation
in SIU use of force cases is 4.3 times greater than the Black population residing in low-crime
patrol zones, compared to only 2.1 times greater within high-crime patrol zones. This finding
suggests that Black over-representation in SIU investigations cannot be explained by Black
over-representation in high-crime communities. We return to an analysis of the relationship
between race, community crime levels and police use of force in Section E of this report.
Table C36: Percentage of SIU investigations,
by patrol zone crime rates, 20132017 cases
Patrol zone
crime rate
Use of force
Low 22.2 22.3
Medium-low 19.7 14.0
Medium-high 21.4 24.0
High 36.8 39.7
Sample size 244 125
Table C37: Percentage of SIU investigations involving different racial groups
that took place in low and high crime patrol zones, 20132017 cases
Patrol zone crime rate White Black Other racial minority
Low 25.2 18.0 23.3
Medium-low 19.4 23.0 14.0
Medium high 15.5 26.2 30.2
High 39.8 32.8 32.6
Sample size 103 61 43
Chi-square: 7.078; df = 9; p >.629
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
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Table C38: Percentage of SIU use of force investigations
involving different racial groups that took place in low-
and high-crime patrol zones, 2013 2017 cases
Patrol zone crime rate White Black Other racial minority
Low 24.5 17.1 26.7
Medium-low 13.2 20.0 10.0
Medium-high 15.1 28.6 30.0
High 47.2 34.3 33.3
Sample size 53 35 30.0
Chi-square: 9.270; df = 9; p >.413
Table C39: Black representation in SIU
investigations, by patrol zone crime level
Black representation
patrol zones
crime patrol
crime patrol
patrol zones
% patrol zone population 5.2 7.8 11.3 12.4
% SIU investigations 23.4 35.0 35.5 26.0
Odds ratio 4.50 4.49 3.14 2.10
Table C40: Black representation in SIU use of
force investigations, by patrol zone crime level
Black representation
patrol zones
crime patrol
crime patrol
patrol zones
% patrol zone population 5.2 7.8 11.3 12.4
% use of force cases 22.2 41.2 37.0 25.5
Odds ratio 4.27 5.28 3.27 2.06
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Outcomes of SIU investigations
Very few SIU investigations result in criminal charges against police officers. Results do not
vary significantly by the race of the civilian (see Tables C41 to C44). Indeed, regardless of
race, over 90% of SIU cases result in the officers being cleared of wrongdoing.
During the 2000 to 2006 period, only 6.3% of all SIU cases involving White civilians resulted
in charges, compared to 1.8% of cases involving Black complainants and zero cases involving
civilians from other racial minority backgrounds (Table C41). Similarly, during the 2013 to 2017
period, only 3.7% of cases involving White civilians resulted in charges, compared to 1.6% of
cases involving Black and 4.7% of cases involving other racial minorities (Tables C42).
The results are similar with respect to SIU use of force investigations. During the 2000 to
2006 period, only two out of 43 use of force cases involving White civilians (4.7%) resulted
in charges against the officers. Likewise, only one out of the 33 use of force cases involving
Black civilians (3%) resulted in a charge (see Table C43). During the 2013 to 2017 period, only
two of the 55 use of force cases involving White civilians resulted in charges (3.6%). Similarly,
only one of the 36 cases involving Black civilians (2.8%) and two of the 30 cases involving other
minorities (6.7%) resulted in charges against the subject officers (see Table C44).
It should be noted that the 2013 to 2017 numbers, discussed above, do not include criminal
charges laid by the SIU that are still before the courts. At the time of the current analysis,
our records indicate that there are currently eight such cases. This would increase the total
number of charges laid by the SIU, during this time frame, from seven to 15.
Table C41: Outcome of all SIU investigations,
by racial group, Toronto Police Service, 2000 2006
Case outcome White Black
Other racial
Officers cleared (no charges) 93.7 98.2 100.0 100.0
Officers charged 6.3 1.8 0.0 0.0
Sample size 79 57 25 26
Ch-square = 4.556; df = 3; p > .207
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Table C42: Outcome of all SIU investigations,
by racial group, Toronto Police Service, 2013 2017
Case outcome White Black
Other racial
Officers cleared (no charges) 96.3 98.4 95.3 100.0
Officers charged 3.7 1.6 4.7 0.0
Sample size 108 62 43 31
Ch-square = 2.062; df = 3; p > .567
Table C43: Outcome of SIU use of force investigations,
by racial group, Toronto Police Service, 2000 2006
Case outcome White Black
Other racial
Officers cleared (no charges) 95.3 97.0 100.0 100.0
Officers charged 4.7 3.0 0.0 0.0
Sample size 43 33 3 7
Ch-square = 0.555; df = 3; p > .907
Table C44: Outcome of SIU use of force investigations,
by racial group, Toronto Police Service, 2013 2017
Case outcome White Black
Other racial
Officers cleared (no charges) 96.4 97.2 93.3 100.0
Officers charged 3.6 2.8 6.7 0.0
Sample size 55 36 30 4
Ch-square = 0.881; df = 3; p > .830
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Problems with police cooperation
Our analysis reveals that, in some investigations, the SIU Director noted problems with
police cooperation. Problematic investigations do not appear to be related to the race
of the civilians involved (see Tables C45 to C48).
During the 2000 to 2006 period, the Director noted problems with police cooperation
in 13.9% of all SIU investigations involving White civilians, compared to 10.5% of cases
involving Black civilians and 16% of cases involving people from other racial minority
backgrounds (see Table C45). During the 2013 to 2017 period, the Director noted problems
with police cooperation in 8.3% of cases involving White civilians, 9.7% of investigations
involving Black civilians and 7% of cases involving people from other racial minority
backgrounds (see Table C46).
The numbers are similar when we examine SIU use of force investigations in isolation.
During the 2000 to 2006 period, the Director noted problems with 20.9% of TPS use of
force investigations involving White civilians and 15.2% of cases involving Black civilians.
Problems were not noted with respect to any of the investigations involving other racial
minorities (Table C47). During the 2013 to 2017 period, the SIU Director noted problems
with 16.7% of the use of force investigations involving Black civilians, 10.9% of the cases
involving White civilians and 6.7% of the cases involving other minority civilians (Table C48).
Table C45: Percentage of all SIU investigations that experienced problems
with police cooperation, by racial group, Toronto Police Service, 2000 2006
Problems with SIU
White Black
Other racial
No problems noted 86.1 89.5 84.0 76.9
Problems noted 13.9 10.5 16.0 23.1
Sample size 79 57 25 26
Chi-square = 2.343; df = 3; p > .504
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Table C46: Percentage of all SIU investigations that experienced problems
with police cooperation, by racial group, Toronto Police Service, 2013 2017
Problems with SIU
White Black
Other racial
No problems noted 91.7 90.3 93.0 90.3
Problems noted 8.3 9.7 7.0 9.7
Chi-square = 0.291; df = 3; p > .962
Table C47: Percentage of SIU use of force investigations
that experienced problems with police cooperation,
by racial group, Toronto Police Service, 2000 2006
Problems with SIU
White Black
Other racial
No problems noted 79.1 84.8 100.0 85.7
Problems noted 20.9 15.2 0.0 14.3
Sample size 43 33 3 7
Ch-square = 01.166; df = 3; p > .761
Table C48: Percentage of SIU use of force investigations
that experienced problems with police cooperation, by racial group,
Toronto Police Service, 2013 2017
Problems with SIU
White Black
Other racial
No problems noted 89.1 83.3 93.3 100.0
Problems noted 10.9 16.7 6.7 0.0
Sample size 55 36 30 4
Ch-square = 2.211; df = 3; p > .530
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Toronto-American comparisons
In our consultations for this project, we found that Ontario residents tend to believe that
police use of force rates are much lower in Toronto than in the United States. We decided
to explore this hypothesis by comparing lethal police shooting rates (per million population)
for Toronto and the United States. The American data was drawn from the Washington Post’s
dataset on lethal police shootings from across the United States. The results reveal the United
States lethal police shooting rate is, in fact, three times greater than the corresponding rate
for Toronto. The data further reveal that the United States lethal police shooting rate for White
civilians (2.11 per million) is 5.5 times greater than the rate for White civilians (0.38 per million).
However, the data also reveal that the Toronto Police Service lethal shooting rate for Black
civilians is actually higher (7.29 per million) than the American lethal police shooting rate
for Black civilians (6.99 per million). In other words, our analysis reveals that, at least during
the study period, Black civilians are just as likely to be shot and killed by the police as Black
Americans (see Figure C7).
It must be stressed, however, that racial disparities in lethal police shootings vary dramatically
across American jurisdictions. As an example, Figure C8 compares police shooting rates for
Toronto and Chicago. Chicago is often compared to Toronto because they are both Great Lake
cities of similar size (approximately 2.7 million residents). The data reveal that, in both cities,
Black civilians are much more likely to be shot by the police than White civilians. However,
while Black civilians in Toronto are five times more likely to be shot by the police than White
civilians, Black Chicago residents are 24 times more likely to be shot by the police than their
White counterparts. Furthermore, the Chicago shooting rate for Black civilians (43.1 per million)
is four times greater than the Toronto rate (9.6 per million).
Overall, these data reveal that racial disparities in lethal police shootings are just as profound
in Toronto as in the United States. In fact, Black Toronto residents are slightly more likely to
be shot and killed by the police than Black Americans. Furthermore, while police shooting
rates may be significantly higher in some American cities, Black Toronto residents remain
grossly over-represented in the police shootings that have occurred in this city. These
findings underscore the urgent need to study patterns of police use of force in Canada.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
White Black Total population
Figure C7: Average annual lethal police shooting
rate (per million), by race, Toronto (2013 2017)
and United States (2015 2020)
Toronto United States
White Black Total population
Figure C8: Average annual police shooting rates
(per million), by race, Toronto (2013 2017) and
Chicago (2010 2015)
Toronto Chicago
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Black civilians are over-represented in all types of SIU investigation.
Black over-representation appears to increase with case seriousness. For example,
Black people are more over-represented in police shooting cases than cases involving
other types of force. Similarly, Black people are more over-represented in SIU death
investigations than SIU injury investigations.
Use of force cases involving Black people are more likely to result from proactive
policing practices (police stops/search warrants) than cases involving White people.
By contrast, use of force cases involving White people are more likely to emerge from
reactive policing activities (civilian calls for service) than cases involving Black people.
Use of force cases are slightly more likely to emerge in high-crime than low-crime patrol
zones. However, with respect to use of force cases, race and patrol zone crime rates are
unrelated. Furthermore, Black people are over-represented in TPS use of force cases
that take place in both low- and high-crime communities. In other words, the data suggest
that patrol zone crime cannot explain the over-representation of Black people in use of
force statistics.
The circumstances surrounding police use of force cases vary little by race. However,
according to the results of SIU investigations, White civilians are more likely to have
threatened or assaulted the police than Black civilians. Black civilians, on the other
hand, are more likely to have resisted arrest than their White counterparts.
In general, most civilians involved in police use of force cases were unarmed at the time
of their encounter with the police. However, Black civilians were slightly more likely to
have been found in possession of a gun or knife than White civilians. White civilians were
more likely to be in possession of other types of weapons (i.e., a bat, crowbar, etc.).
During both time periods, only half of the civilians involved in SIU use of force cases
had a criminal record at the time of the incident. Black civilians were less likely to have
a criminal record than White civilians. This finding contradicts the argument that
serious use of force incidents typically involve “known criminals” with a lengthy history
of involvement in violent offending.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
The police shooting death rate for Black civilians is much higher than the shooting death
rate for White people and other racial minorities. During police shooting incidents, the
police almost always kill Black civilians. By contrast, the majority of White civilians involved
in police shooting incidents survive. This discrepancy cannot be explained by racial
differences in civilian weapons use.
Use of force cases involving White civilians are more likely to involve a mental health
crisis than cases involving Black civilians.
Use of force cases involving White civilians are more likely to involve extreme
intoxication or impairment than cases involving Black civilians.
Police officers are cleared of wrongdoing in over 95% of all SIU investigations involving
the Toronto Police Service. Only a small minority of cases result in criminal charges
against subject officers. Investigation outcomes do not vary significantly by civilian race.
A minority of use of force cases experienced problems with TPS cooperation. Problematic
investigations appear to be unrelated to civilian race.
As discussed in Part B of this report, a high proportion of Toronto residents believe that
the police are more likely to use physical force against Black people than White people. The
results from an analysis of SIU use of force investigations suggests that these perceptions
are consistent with the empirical reality. The results presented above reveal that Black
civilians are grossly over-represented in SIU use of force cases that involve the Toronto
Police Service. Nonetheless, the cause of Black over-representation in police use of
force statistics will continue to be a topic of debate. While some may view the data as
evidence of overt, implicit or systemic racial bias, others will interpret it as evidence that
Black people are more likely to be engaged in criminal activity and thus more likely to
become subject to “legitimate” police use of force. We will return to this debate in the
conclusion of this report. Furthermore, additional analysis, to be presented in Part E of this
report, will use multivariate techniques to explore how other factors including geographic
location may help explain racial disparities in SIU use of force cases. In the next section,
however, we explore racial differences with respect to lower-level police use of force
incidents involving the Toronto Police Service.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Part D: An analysis of TPS “lower-level” use of force cases
In addition to an analysis of Special Investigation Unit (SIU) cases involving the Toronto
Police Service (TPS), the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) was also interested
in examining “lower-level” use of force cases involving the TPS. Lower-level use of force
cases refer to incidents in which physical force was used by TPS officers but did not result
in serious civilian injury or death. In other words, we wanted to examine cases that fell
below the high SIU investigative standard (see Part C of this report).
Our first plan was to explore data from TPS Use of Force Reports (UFRs). According to Ontario
Regulation 926/901 and the Toronto Police Service’s own procedures, TPS officers are
mandated to complete a Use of Force Report (UFR) any time they: 1) draw their firearm in
the presence of a civilian; 2) point their firearm at a civilian; 3) discharge their firearm; 4) use
a police weapon including a conducted energy weapon against a civilian; or 5) use physical
force that results in an injury to a civilian that requires medical attention. Unfortunately, the
data from these use of force reports are not compiled into a use of force dataset. Rather, after
being reviewed by supervisors, the hard copies of these forms are forwarded to the Toronto
Police College for training purposes.
TPS Use of Force Reports capture a great deal of information about police-civilian interactions.
This information includes the date, time and location of the incident, the type of force used,
the reason force was used, the number of civilians and officers involved, whether the civilian
was armed with a weapon, whether alternative conflict resolution strategies were employed
and whether injuries were suffered by either the police or civilians involved. The Use of Force
Report also contains information on environmental conditions included the quality of both
natural and artificial lighting. However, the Use of Force Reports contain absolutely
no information about the demographic characteristics of the civilians involved (see
Appendix B). In other words, these reports include no information on the civilians’
age, gender or racial background.
The current inquiry examined over 140 TPS Use of Force Reports. However, we did not identify
a single report where officers were recommended for additional training as a result of a specific
use of force incident.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Critics might argue that that the forms appear to have been explicitly designed to prevent
an analysis of how civilian characteristics impact use of force decisions and examine whether
racial minority citizens are over-represented in use of force cases.
Nonetheless, despite these
limitations, the OHRC requested scanned copies of each TPS Use of Force Report completed
from July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2017. The OHRC eventually retrieved 1,237 scanned Use of Force
Reports completed by TPS officers during that time frame.
Due to the limitations of the UFRs, it became clear that OHRC researchers were going to
have to use another strategy to identify the race and other demographic characteristics
of civilians involved in lower-level use of force cases. Fortunately, during our preliminary
investigations, we discovered that the TPS also fills out Injury Reports. Injury reports (IRs)
are to be completed every time the police identify the existence of an injury or illness
requiring medical attention during their interactions with a civilian. These injuries and
illnesses may have taken place prior to arrest, during arrest or after arrest. Injuries may
have been the result of police activity including use of force but could also have been
caused by non-police factors. For example, suppose the police arrive at a fight and arrest
the combatants. Suppose also that one of the combatants was injured in the fight and
requires stiches. Even though the police did not cause the injury an Injury Report should
be completed. It is important to note that Injury Reports are supposed to be completed
any time force is used regardless of the extent of the injury or the level of medical
treatment received.
As with the Use of Force Reports, Injury Reports include a wealth of information including
the date, time and location of the incident, whether the injury occurred before, during or after
arrest, the nature of the injury, the cause of the injury, whether paramedics were summoned
and the type of medical treatment received. The Injury Reports also include a synopsis of
the incident that led to the identification of civilian injury. Although Injury Reports contain
information on the gender and age of civilians, they do not provide information on civilian
racial background. However, the Injury Report also includes a General Occurrence
identification number which can be used to link the Injury Report to a General Occurrence
Report (GO). The General Occurrence Report does have information on civilian racial
background. The OHRC requested and eventually received over 2,000 TPS Injury Reports
covering the period from July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2017.
Importantly, the Toronto Police Services Board recently decided to measure civilian race with
respect to TPS use of force incidents. Data from this new data collection practice has not yet been
released to the public.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
General Occurrence Reports (GOs) arguably provide the most detailed information about
police-civilian interactions. They capture the date, time and location of the incident, a detailed
synopsis of the incident and the nature of police actions during the incident (i.e., whether
force was used, whether an arrest was made, criminal charges laid, etc.). Importantly, for the
purposes of the OHRC inquiry, General Occurrence Reports also include information on the
personal characteristics of the civilians involved including information on age, gender and
racial background as determined by TPS officers.
In sum, in order to conduct an examination
of race and lower-level use of force cases, the OHRC had to create their own dataset to extract
information from three different TPS data sources: 1) Injury Reports; 2) Use of Force Reports;
and 3) General Occurrence Reports. The process for compiling this dataset is described in the
next section.
Codersprocess of identifying and coding lower-level
use of force cases
The process for identifying and coding a single lower-level use of force case required a
close examination of three separate TPS reports: 1) an Injury Report (IR); 2) a Use of Force
Report (UFR); and 3) a General Occurrence Report (GO). The first stage of the process
began by examining Injury Reports for the purpose of identifying whether an incident was
in scope. A case was considered in scope if it was clear that the police had employed force
on the civilian at some time during the interaction. This included cases in which the injury
was directly caused by police use of force and cases in which the injury was caused by
other factors.
Once it was determined that a given Injury Report was in scope, the coders were then
tasked with finding a corresponding Use of Force Report. This was accomplished by going
through each of the scanned UFRs that the TPS provided to the OHRC. While each IR is
associated with the unique GO number the UFRs lack this form of identification. The
coders thus had to rely on other information to match an IR with a UFR including the
date and time of the incident. Once a potential match was made between an IR and UFR,
through the date and time filtering process, other information including type of police
assignment, the location of the incident, the names of the officers involved, the type of
force used and other details from the case synopsis were used to confirm the match.
It should be stressed that civilian race was identified by TPS officers in General Occurrence
Reports. We collapsed TPS racial designations into three major categories: White, Black and other
racial minority.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
It is important to note that there was often significant discrepancy in the data provided on
the IR and UFR. This rendered the matching process challenging. For instance, there were
a number of cases in which the ETF was recorded as affecting the arrest on the UFR,
but not disclosed on the IR. The coders also noted that despite R.R.O. 1990. Reg. 926:
Equipment and the Use of Force 14.5 stipulating that a UFR must be submitted when force
results in an injury requiring medical attention, it was difficult to use this as a predictive
factor in matching a UFR to an IR. This made it difficult to ascertain with a high degree of
certainty in cases where the IR did not indicate that medical attention was sought, but a
UFR with a similar time and location was found.
Furthermore, the coders noted significant difficulty in ascertaining a match with a high
degree of certainty when the type of incident was not explicitly identified in an IR. In these
cases, extensive investigation of the VDX_GO was necessary. This dataset provided both
the RIN# and the RUCR#, the latter of which linked the report to a specific offence
committed. After this re-tracing, it was possible to determine that the incident identified
through this dataset matched that of the IR. This incident was then used as a basis to
connect with the incident descriptors provided on the UFR to establish a match.
In a case where ambiguity persisted, despite examining these other avenues for possible
links, the IR was left unmatched. In other instances, IRs may have had no possible
corresponding UFRs. Overall, a very conservative matching strategy was employed. Unless
the information on the IR completely corresponded with the information on the UFR the two
reports were left unmatched.
In both scenarios, where an IR was matched with a UFR or remained unmatched, the third
stage of the process involved linking a GO Report to the IR. This process was much easier
in that the GO# associated with an IR, in almost every case, was identical to the one associated
with a GO report. To make certain of the match, the name of the individual, as well as
prosecution summary and/or initial officer report enclosed within the GO report was
compared to the information provided on the IR. In circumstances where there was a partial
match of the IR’s GO# with the one associated with GO report, or where no corresponding
match could be found, a system search was conducted using the civilian’s name. In these
cases, the GO report was thoroughly read before determining whether or not it was indeed a
match for the corresponding IR (as often times the same individuals have multiple GO reports
for different incidents). Unlike with the UFR matching, it was highly unlikely that an IR was left
without a corresponding GO report.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
After matching was completed, the final stage of the process involved consolidating all
reports into a single case of lower-level use of force using a detailed use of force template
(see Appendix B). This template was designed to collect information from all three types of
report. In the ideal scenario, an entry included information from all three reportsthe IR,
UFR, and GO report thus presenting a complete picture of an occurrence. However, in
many cases, due to the lack of corresponding UFRs, entries only included data from the IR
linked with the GO report.
The initial screening process led to the identification of 912 “in-scope” cases. However, a
further vetting procedure, comparing information from all data sources, eliminated cases
in which there was any ambiguity about whether police use of force had been used or not.
Thus, the final dataset includes a sample of 652 TPS cases. Information from the three
reports explicitly confirms that use of force was involved in each of the cases in the final
sample. Additional analysis reveals that civilian race was missing from 61 of the 652 GO
reports included in the dataset (9.3% of the sample). This leaves us with a sample of 591
cases in which race could be determined. We now turn to an analysis of these 591 cases.
Tables D1 and D2 compare the representation of different racial groups in Toronto with
their representation in our sample of lower-level use of force cases. Population estimates
were derived from the 2016 Canadian Census (Statistics Canada 2016). Estimates for the
White population were calculated by taking the total population estimate for Toronto and
deducting the total racial minority population and the total Indigenous population.
Odds ratios and case rates were calculated to determine the representation of specific
racial groups in lower-level use of force incidents. Odds ratios were calculated by dividing
the percentage of all use of force cases involving a particular racial group by their percentage
representation in the general population. An odds ratio approaching 1.00 indicates that a racial
group is neither over- nor under-represented. An odds ratio less than 1.00 indicates that the
group is under-represented in lower-level use of force cases. An odds ratio greater than 1.00
The SIU study, described in Section C of this report, included cases from 2013 to 2017. The
lower-level use of force study described in this section only includes cases from July 1, 2016 to
June 30, 2017. The research team attempted to identify and flag all cases that were subjected
to a SIU investigation and remove them from the lower-level use of force dataset. The possibility
of data overlap is thus trivial and should not impact study findings.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
indicates that the group is over-represented. For example, an odds ratio of 2.00 indicates
that a group is twice as prevalent in lower-level use of force cases as they are in the general
population. By contrast, an odds ratio of 0.50 indicates that a group is 50% less represented in
use of force cases than their proportion of the general population would predict.
There is no set standard for determining when racial disproportionality (i.e., the over- or
under-representation of a particular racial group with respect to a specific social outcome)
is cause for concern. For example, in the Ottawa Traffic Stop study, the authors used the
20% rule (or an odds ratio of 1.20 or higher) to determine when a group was significantly
over-represented with respect to involuntary police contact (Foster et al, 2016). For the
purposes of this study we have used a higher threshold of 50%. In other words, for the
purposes of the present analysis, an odds ratio of 1.50 or higher will be used to determine
whether racial disproportionality is noteworthy or not.
At times we will also discuss the notion of “gross” racial disparity. For the purposes of
this report, a gross racial disparity exists when the level of over-representation is 300%
or greater (i.e., as indicated by an odds ratio of 3.00 or higher). In these cases, a particular
racial group would be three times more prevalent in use of force cases than their presence
in the general Toronto population would predict.
A second disparity measure used in the current analysis was the lower-level use of force
case rate. The lower-level use of force case rate (per 100,000) was calculated by dividing the
total number of cases per racial group by their population estimate and multiplying that figure
by 100,000. The rate indicates the number of people, per 100,000 population, that were
involved in a use of force case during the 2013 to 2017 study period. This case rate allows us
to directly compare the experiences of different racial groups of varying size. For example, if
Group A has a case rate of 10 per 100,000 and Group B has a rate of five per 100,000, we can
accurately state that the members of Group A are twice as likely to become involved in a lower-
level use of force case as the members of Group B.
The results indicate that Black people are grossly over-represented in TPS lower-level use
of force cases (see Table D1). Although they represent only 8.8% of Toronto’s population,
Black people are involved in 38.9% of the cases included in the OHRC lower-level use of
force dataset. These results suggest that Black people are 4.42 times more likely to appear
in a lower-level use of force incidents than their presence in the general population would
predict. By contrast, White people and people from other racial minority groups are under-
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
represented. The results further suggest that Black people are even more over-represented
in lower-level use of force cases (odds ratio = 4.42) than use of force cases that resulted in
a SIU investigation (odds ratio = 3.27).
Overall, the lower-level use of force rate (95.9 per
100,000) for Black people is five times greater than the rate for White people (19.4 per
100,000) and 11 times greater than the rate for other racial minorities (8.9 per 100,000).
The data indicate that 88.3% of all lower-level use of force cases involved a male civilian.
Only 11.7% involved females (see Table D2). However, further analysis indicates that the
involvement of Black males in lower-level use of force cases is particularly high. Although
they represent only 4% of Toronto’s population, Black males were involved in more than
a third (34.5%) of all lower-level use of force cases documented by the OHRC dataset. In
other words, Black males are 8.6 times more likely to appear in the use of force data than
their presence in the general population would predict. White males are also slightly over-
represented in lower-level use of force cases (odds ratio = 1.57). By contrast, males from
other racial minority groups, and females from all racial backgrounds, are significantly
Overall, the Black male lower-level use of force rate (185.7 per 100,000) is 5.5 times greater
than the White male rate (33.9 per 100,000) and 10.5 times greater than the rate for males
from other minority groups (17.7 per 100,000). Although Black females are under-represented
in the lower-level use of force dataset, the Black female rate (20.0 per 100,000) is 3.6 times
greater than the rate for White females (5.6 per 100,000) and 25 times greater than the rate
for females from other racial minority backgrounds (0.8 per 100,000).
Table D1: Total lower-level use of force cases, by race
of civilian, Toronto Police Service, July 1, 2016 June 30, 2017
% of
Number of
% of cases
Case rate
(per 100,000)
White 1,322,656 48.4 257 43.5 0.90 19.4
Black 239,850 8.8 230 38.9 4.42 95.9
Other racial
1,169,065 42.8 104 17.6 0.41 8.9
Total 2,731,571 100.0 591 100.0 1.00 21.6
This figure was derived from the 2013 to 2017 SIU data presented in Table C12 above.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Table D2: Total lower-level use of force cases, by race and gender
of civilian, Toronto Police Service, July 1, 2016 June 30, 2017
Racial group
% of
of cases
% of cases
Case rate
(per 100,000)
White male 645,960 23.6 219 37.1 1.57 33.9
White female 676,690 24.8 38 6.4 0.26 5.6
Black male 109,870 4.0 204 34.5 8.63 185.7
Black female 129,980 4.8 26 4.4 0.92 20.0
Other racial
minority male
557,760 20.4 99 16.7 0.82 17.7
Other racial
minority female
611,315 22.4 5 0.8 0.03 0.8
Total 2,731,571 100.0 591 100.0 1.00 21.6
Representation in TPS use of force reports
As discussed above, the project coders identified 652 TPS use of force cases that were
considered “in scope” based on information provided by both the Injury and General
Occurrence Reports. However, the coders were only able to match these cases with 141
Use of Force Reports (or 21.6% of the sample). There are three possible reasons why the
matching rate is so low. First of all, it is possible that a corresponding Use of Force Report
does exist for each case but was just not located by the coders. As discussed above, the
matching process was difficult and complicated by the fact that: 1) the UFRs do not include
a General Occurrence number; and 2) the officers who filled out the Injury Reports were
often different than the officers who filled out the Use of Force Reports. The second possibility
involves the different thresholds for filling out Injury and Use of Force Reports. Use of Force
Reports must be filled out when, among other reasons, physical force causes an injury that
requires medical attention. Injury Reports, by contrast, must be filled out if the person sustains
any kind of injury even if that injury does not require medical attention. Finally, for whatever
reason, some use of force incidents may not be captured or documented by Use of Force
For example, our coding confirmed 47 cases in which the TPS deployed a Taser or
CEW on a civilian. However, a matching Use of Force Report could only be located for three of
these 47 cases (6.4%).
The data included in the above analysis includes only 141 of the 1,237 Use of Force Reports
(11.4%) acquired from the TPS. Some of these cases could not be matched to an Injury Report
because no injury occurred (i.e., as in cases where an officer points their firearm at a civilian but
does not cause injury).
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
The results reveal that Use of Force Reports were less likely to be located for cases involving
Black civilians (14.8%) than cases involving White civilians (24.5%) or civilians from other racial
minority backgrounds (26.9%). This difference is statistically significant (see Table D3).
However, it is important to note that Black people are still grossly over-represented in the
Use of Force Reports we were able to link to the General Occurrence reports. Although they
represent only 8.8% of the population, Black people represent 27.2% of the individuals
captured by the Use of Force reports included in the current study. In other words, they
are 3.1 times more likely to appear in a Use of Force report than their presence in the general
population would predict.
Table D3: Percentage of lower-use-of-force cases with a
corresponding TPS use of force report, by civilian race
TPS use of force
report completed
White Black Other race
No 75.5 85.2 73.1
Yes 24.5 14.8 26.9
Sample size 257 230 104
= 9.413; df = 2; p >.009
Type of force used by TPS officers
Table D4 documents the percentage of use of force incidents involving different police use
of force techniques. It should be noted that the figures do not add up to 100% because a
single incident could involve several different use of force tactics. The results suggest that
about half of all cases in the dataset involved “grounding” or ‘taking physical control” of a
civilian. Also included in this category are cases in which the exact nature of police force
was unclear. For example, in several synopses, the narrative only indicates that a “fight”
or “violent struggle” had taken place between the civilian and the police. Since the exact
nature of the force used by the police in these cases is undetermined, we placed these
cases in the “grounded/other force” category.
The second most prevalent category involves police “strikes” without a weapon. This
category includes cases in which the police punched, kicked, kneed, elbowed, slapped or
used other “hard empty handed” techniques on the civilian. Regardless of race, over 40%
of cases involved this type of force. One out of 10 cases (10%) involved an officer pointing
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
a firearm at a civilian. Other less prevalent use of force techniques identified by the data
include pepper (OC) spray, conducted energy weapons (CEWs), baton strikes, less than
lethalshotguns and police dogs. Only two statistically significant racial differences emerge
from the data. First of all, the data indicate that Black (8.7%) and other racial minority
civilians (13.5%) were more likely to be subjected to a Taser deployment than their White
counterparts (3.9%). In addition, it appears that other racial minority civilians were more
likely to be subjected to baton strikes (4.8%) than either Black civilians (0.4%) or White
civilians (1.2%).
Further analysis, however, suggests that Black people are grossly over-represented in most
use of force categories (see Table D4a). Although they represent only 8.8% of Toronto’s
population, they represent 32.2% of use of force cases involving a police firearm, 36% of
cases involving police use of pepper spray, 36.7% of cases involving police strikes, 41.1% of
cases involving police grounding/other force, 45.5% of cases involving police Taser use and
57.1% of cases involving a police dog. In other words, compared to their representation
in the general population, Black people are four times more likely to be involved in use of
force cases involving a police firearm, 4.1 times more likely to be involved in police pepper
spray cases, 4.2 times more likely to be involved in cases involving police strikes, 4.7 times
more likely to be involved in a case involving grounding or other force, 5.2 times more likely
to be involved in a case involving Taser use, and 6.5 times more likely to be involved in a case
involving a police dog. It appears that Black people are not significantly over-represented in
cases involving either baton use of a less than lethalshotgun.
Table D4: Percentage of cases involving different
types of police use of force, by civilian race
Type of
force used
White Black
Other racial
OC spray 5.1 3.9 2.9 NS
CEW (Taser) 3.9 8.7 13.5 **
Baton 1.2 0.4 4.8 **
Strikes (no weapon) 44.0 40.0 44.2 NS
Firearm pointed 10.5 8.3 12.5 NS
Less than lethal shotgun 1.6 0.4 3.8 NS
Police dog 0.8 1.7 1.0 NS
Grounding/other force 47.1 49.1 37.5 NS
Sample size 257 230 104 ----
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Table D4a: Percentage of cases involving
different racial groups, by type of force used
CEW Baton
Strikes (no
Less than
other force
White 52.0 22.7 33.3 45.2 45.8 44.4 28.6 44.3
Black 36.0 45.5 11.1 36.4 32.2 11.1 57.4 41.4
Other racial
12.0 31.8 55.6 18.4 22.0 44.4 14.3 14.3
Sample size 25 44 9 250 59 9 9 273
Type of civilian injury
Table D5 presents data on the type of injury that resulted from lower-level use of force
cases. Once again, the figures do not add up to 100% because a single use of force case
could result in more than one type of injury. The data reveal that, in over half of all cases,
the civilian received a head injury. Head injuries include bloody noses, split or swollen lips,
black or swollen eyes, bumps and lacerations to the head and concussions. The next most
common injury involved abrasions or scratches. Approximately 40% of civilians experienced
this type of injury. Body pain (soft tissue damage) and cuts/lacerations were experienced by
about 20% of the civilians in the sample. Less than 5% experienced a fracture or broken bone.
Other less common injuries include Taser-related issues, pepper spray discomfort, chest pain
and handcuff rub. Only one statistically significant racial difference emerged. In general, Black
(25.3%) and White civilians (23%) are more likely to report body pain or soft tissue damage
than civilians from other racial minority groups (13.5%).
Further analysis reveals that Black people are grossly over-represented within each
injury category. Although they represent only 8.8% of the Toronto population, Black people
represent 23.5% of people with broken bones, 33.3% of people with a pepper spray-related
injury, 36.8% of people suffering from abrasions or scratches, 38.5% of people with a head
injury, 40.2% of people experiencing body pain, 41.4% of people suffering from a Taser-related
injury, 41.4% of people suffering from cuts or lacerations, 50% of people suffering from
handcuff rub, and 58.3% of people suffering from chest pain. In other words, compared
to their representation in the general population, Black people are 2.7 times more likely to
suffer from broken bones related to a police use of force incident, 3.8 times more likely to
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
suffer an injury from police use of pepper spray, 4.2 times more likely to suffer abrasions
or scratches, 4.4 times more likely to suffer a head injury, 4.6 times more likely to experience
body pain or soft tissue damage, 4.7 times more likely to experience cuts or lacerations, 4.7
times more likely to experience a Taser-related injury and 6.6 times more likely to experience
chest pains as the result of a police use of force incident.
Table D5: Percentage of cases involving different
types of civilian injury, by civilian race
Type of injury White Black
Other racial
Eye pain from OC spray 1.2 1.3 2.9 NS
Injury from Taser (CEW) 3.1 5.2 8.7 NS
Body pain/soft tissue damage 25.3 23.0 13.5 *
Chest pains/breathing issues 0.8 3.0 2.9 NS
Broken bones/fractures 3.1 1.7 4.8 NS
Handcuff rub 5.8 8.7 4.8 NS
Cuts/lacerations 24.5 25.2 18.3 NS
Abrasions/scratches 41.6 38.3 42.3 NS
Head injury 54.9 53.0 51.9 NS
Injury details not provided 2.3 4.8 1.0 NS
Sample size 257 230 104 ----
Involvement of paramedics
Information drawn from the Injury Report was used to determine whether the injury to the
civilian was serious enough to warrant the involvement of paramedics (i.e., EMS services).
The results suggest that paramedics were involved in about one-quarter of the use of force
incidents documented by the current study. The use of paramedics did not vary significantly by
the racial background of the civilian (Table D6).
Further analysis reveals that Black people were grossly over-represented in both cases that
involved EMS services and cases that did not involve EMS services. Although Black people
represent only 8.8% of Toronto’s population, they were involved in 37% of the cases
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
that involved a paramedic and 39.6% of the cases that did not involve a paramedic. In
other words, compared to their representation in the general population, Black people were
4.2 times more likely to be involved in a TPS use of force case that involved a paramedic and
4.5 times more likely to be involved in a use of force case that did not involve EMS services.
Table D6: Percentage of lower-use-of-force cases that
involved a call for EMS Services, by civilian race
EMS called White Black
Other racial
No 73.2 73.9 68.3
Yes 26.8 26.1 31.7
Sample size 257 230 104
= 1.219; df = 2; p >.544
Location of civilian medical treatment
Information from the Injury Reports was used to determine the nature and location of the
medical treatment received by civilians following TPS use of force incidents (see Table D7).
The results suggest that, in almost half of the cases documented by the OHRC, the civilian
either did not receive medical treatment or the type of treatment was not specified. In
approximately 20% of all cases, the civilian was transported to a hospital by ambulance.
In 15% of cases, the civilian was transported to the hospital by the police. In one out of
10 cases, the civilian was either treated on the scene by paramedics (7.4%) or by the police
(1.5%). In about 9% of cases, it was noted that the civilian refused medical treatment.
Compared to White civilians, the data suggest that Black civilians were slightly more likely
to be treated by paramedics at the scene. They were also slightly more likely to refuse
medical treatment. By contrast, White civilians were slightly more likely to be transported
to hospital by ambulance. Importantly, none of these slight racial differences reach
statistical significance.
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It is also important to note that Black people are grossly over-represented in all treatment
categories. For example, although they represent only 8.8% of Toronto’s population, Black
people represent 32% of people taken to hospital by ambulance, 40.9% of people taken to
the hospital by the police and 43.2% of people treated at the scene by paramedics. Similarly,
Black people represent 38.6% of people with missing treatment information and 46.3% of
people who refused medical treatment.
Table D7: Location of civilian medical treatment, by civilian race
Location of medical treatment White Black
Other racial
No information provided 46.7 45.7 45.2
At scene by TPS officers 0.8 2.2 1.9
At scene by paramedics 6.2 8.3 8.7
Taken to hospital by ambulance 23.0 17.0 23.1
Taken to hospital by TPS officers 16.3 15.7 9.6
Went to hospital on own 0.0 0.4 1.0
Civilian refused treatment 7.0 10.9 10.6
Sample size 257 230 104
= 11.930; df = 12; p >.451
Nature of police contact
The research team examined the case synopses provided in the Injury, Use of Force and
General Occurrence reports to determine how contact between the police and civilians
involved in lower-level use of force cases was initiated. The results suggest that, compared
to their White counterparts, Black people are more likely to be involved in cases that involve
proactive rather than reactive policing. For example, 60.7% of the use of force cases involving
White civilians began as the result of a call for service, compare to only 48.3% of the cases
involving Black civilians. By contrast, compared to White people, Black civilians were more
likely to be involved in use of force cases that started with a traffic stop, warrant, follow-up
investigation or police raid (see Table D8). These racial differences are statistically significant.
This finding is important because it suggests a possible relationship between racial profiling
and racial disparities in police use of force statistics. Since Black people are more likely to be
subjected to discretionary police stops, they may be more likely to experience a negative police
encounter that eventually deteriorates into a use of force incident.
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Importantly, the data further suggest that Black people are grossly over-represented
in both reactive and proactive forms of police contact. However, the degree of Black
over-representation is higher for cases involving proactive rather than reactive policing.
Although they represent only 8.8% of Toronto’s population, Black people were involved
in 33.3% of use of force cases that stemmed from a pedestrian stop, 33.8% of cases that
stemmed from a call for service, 35.4% of cases that stemmed from police witnessing illegal
activity, 38.1% of cases that involved an offender already in custody, 47.4% of cases that
stemmed from a follow-up investigation, 51.9% of cases that stemmed from traffic stops,
54.8% of cases that stemmed from a police raid and 67.4% of cases than involved the
serving of a warrant. In other words, compared to their presence in the general population,
Black people are 3.8 times more likely to be involved in use force cases that stemmed from
a pedestrian stop, 3.8 times more likely to be involved in cases that stemmed from a call for
service, four times more likely to be involved in cases that involved the police witnessing illegal
activity, 4.3 times more likely to be involved in cases involving a civilian already in
custody, 5.4 times more likely to be involved in cases that stemmed from a follow-up
investigation, 5.9 times more likely to be involved in cases that stemmed from a traffic stop,
6.2 times more likely to be involved in cases that stemmed from a police raid, and 7.7 times
more likely to be involved in cases that involved a warrant.
Table D8: Type of police contact, by civilian race
Type of police contact White Black
Other racial
No details provided 6.6 2.6 2.9
Call for service 60.7 48.3 58.7
Traffic stop 3.9 6.1 2.9
Pedestrian stop 5.8 3.9 2.9
Police witnessed illegal activity 8.2 7.4 9.6
Serving warrant 3.1 12.6 5.8
Police raid 5.1 10.0 5.8
Civilian initiated contact 1.2 1.7 2.9
Civilian already in custody 3.5 3.5 3.8
Follow-up investigation 1.9 3.9 4.8
Sample size 257 230 104
= 36.673; df = 18; p >.006
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Civilian behaviour during use of force incident
The research team used information from the report synopses to determine the behaviour
of civilians prior to police use of force. Most cases (over 50%) involved civilian non-compliance
with police commands. In these cases, although the civilian was described as uncooperative,
there was no indication that they had threatened or assaulted the police prior to the decision
to use force. However, it should be noted that, in several cases, the civilian struggled with the
police after the police had initiated physical contact. In approximately one-third of all cases, the
synopsis indicated that the civilian had tried to physically assault the police without a weapon
and that this assault led the police to respond with force. Civilian threats and assaults with a
weapon were quite rare. Indeed, there were only three cases in which a civilian threatened the
police with a firearm. Racial differences with respect to civilian behaviour do not reach
statistical significance (see Table D9).
Black people are over-represented in most civilian behaviour categories. Although they
represent only 8.8% of Toronto’s population, they were involved in 39.4% of cases that
involved civilian non-compliance, 37.6% of cases than involved assaults against the police
and 37.5% of cases that involved resist arrest allegations. In other words, compared to their
presence in the general population, Black people were 4.5 times more likely to be involved
in a use of force case that involved civilian non-compliance, 4.3 times more likely to be
involved in a case that involves an alleged assault against the police, and 4.3 times more
likely to be involved in a case that involves an allegation of resist arrest.
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Table D9: Civilian behaviour prior to police
use of force interaction, by civilian race
Type of police contact White Black
Other racial
Uncooperative/noncompliant 53.7 54.3 51.9
Threatened police (no weapon) 3.5 3.5 2.9
Threatened police (weapon) 1.2 1.3 3.8
Threatened police (gun) 0.4 0.9 0.0
Threatened civilian (weapon) 0.4 0.0 1.0
Threatened civilian (gun) 0.0 0.0 1.0
Assault police (no weapon) 33.9 29.6 25.0
Assault police (weapon) 0.8 1.3 2.9
Resisted arrest 5.8 6.5 9.6
Damaged police property 0.4 1.7 1.0
Threatened self-harm 0.0 0.9 1.0
Sample size 257 230 104
= 32.726; df = 22; p >.110
Civilian weapons
The research team examined report synopses to determine whether civilians were armed
during the lower-level use of force cases identified by the OHRC inquiry. The results indicate
that, regardless of race, the majority of civilians were unarmed (Table D10). However, the
results also indicate that a slightly higher proportion of Black civilians (27.4%) were armed
than White civilians (19.1%) or civilians from other racial minority groups (26.0%). Furthermore,
8.3% of Black civilians possessed or were suspected of possessing a firearm, compared to only
2.7% of White civilians and 3.8% of civilians from other racial minority backgrounds. These
racial differences are statistically significant.
Importantly, the data further reveal that Black civilians are grossly over-represented in all
four weapons categories. Although they represent only 8.8% of Toronto’s population, they
represent 36.9% of use of force cases involving unarmed civilians, 33.3% of cases involving
a civilian armed with an “other” weapon (i.e., bat, brick, glass bottle, piece of wood, etc.),
47.3% of cases involving a knife and 63.3% of cases involving a firearm. In other words,
compared to their representation in the general population, Black people are 4.2 times
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
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more likely to be involved in use of force cases involving unarmed civilians, 3.8 times more
likely to be involved in cases involving “other” weapons, 5.4 times more likely to be involved
in cases involving a knife, and 7.2 times more likely to be involved in cases involving a firearm.
Table D10: Civilian weapons identified or suspected
during police interaction, by civilian race
Type of police contact White Black
Other racial
No weapons 80.9 72.6 74.0
Firearms 2.7 8.3 3.8
Knife/cutting edge weapon 8.2 11.3 7.7
Other weapons 8.2 7.8 14.4
Sample size 257 230 104
= 14.415; df = 6; p >.025
How civilian weapon identified
Many in the public believe that police use of force cases involve confrontations with violent,
armed civilians. Analysis reveals that this stereotype simply is not true. According to the
data compiled by the OHRC, eight out of 10 use of force cases (80%) involved unarmed
civilians (see Table D10). Furthermore, even when armed, civilians rarely use weapons to
threaten or assault police officers. For example, the current data identified 30 use of force
cases in which the civilian had or was suspected of having a firearm. In five cases (16.7%
of the sample), the police suspected that the civilian possessed a firearm but these
suspicions were unfounded. A firearm was not located post-arrest. In 15 cases (50% of the
sample), the police did not identify the firearm until a search had been conducted. In other
words, for 20 of the 30 gun-related use of force cases (66.7%) there is no evidence that the
civilian had brandished the weapon in front of officers. Of the remaining 10 cases, eight
involved gun-related threats or assaults on other civilians. Only two (6.7%) involved gun
threats against the police. Overall, racial differences in weapons use during police use of
force cases do not reach statistical significance (see Table D11). However, Black civilians
were slightly more likely to be involved in cases in which the weapon was not identified
until after arrest (9.6%) than both White (4.3%) and other minority civilians (2.9%).
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Table D11: How civilian weapon identified
during police interaction, by civilian race
Type of police contact White Black
Other racial
No weapon identified 81.7 73.9 76.9
Other weapon used to threaten civilian 5.8 4.8 2.9
Knife used to threaten civilian 0.8 0.4 0.0
Firearm used to threaten civilian 0.4 0.9 1.0
Other weapon used to assault civilian 1.9 3.0 5.8
Firearm discharged at civilian 0.4 0.9 1.0
Other weapon used to threaten police 0.0 0.9 1.9
Firearm used to threaten police 0.4 0.4 0.0
Other weapon used to assault police 1.6 2.6 2.9
Weapon used to threaten self-harm 0.4 0.4 0.0
Police suspected weapon none recovered 0.0 0.0 1.0
Police suspected firearm none recovered 1.6 1.3 1.9
Weapon only identified after arrest/search 4.3 9.6 2.9
Civilian tried to access officer’s firearm 0.4 0.0 1.0
Civilian holding weapon (no threats or assaults) 0.4 0.9 1.0
Sample size 257 230 104
= 30.099; df = 30; p >.446
Civilian arrests
Almost 90% of the lower-level use of force cases documented by the OHRC resulted in
a civilian arrest. Only 12.5% resulted in some other outcome (including mental health
apprehensions). Racial differences in arrest outcomes are not statistically significant (see
Table D12). Black people are grossly over-represented among both those who were and
were not arrested. For example, although they represent only 8.8% of the population,
Black people represent 36.5% of those not arrested and 39.3% of those arrested during
use of force altercations. In other words, compared to their representation in the general
population, Black people were 4.1 times more likely to appear in use of force cases that did
not result in arrest and 4.5 times more likely to be involved in cases that resulted in arrest.
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Table D12: Percentage of lower-use-of-force cases
that resulted in an arrest or charges, by civilian race
Civilian charged White Black
Other racial
No charges laid 13.2 11.7 12.5
Arrested/charges laid 86.8 88.3 87.5
Sample size 257 230 104
= 0.246; df = 2; p >.884
Fled police custody
The research team examined police report synopses to determine whether the civilians
involved in lower-level use of force cases had been reported as having tried to flee or
escape police custody (see Table D13). The results indicate that, regardless of race, most
civilians (64.8%) had not been reported as having tried to escape custody. However, the
results also suggest that a higher proportion of Black civilians (39.1%) had been reported
as having tried to escape custody than White civilians (29.6%). This difference is statistically
Importantly, Black civilians are over-represented among those who were and were not
reported as having tried to escape police custody. Although they represent only 8.8% of
Toronto’s population, Black people account for 43.3% of people who were reported as
having tried to escape custody and 36.6% of people who did not try to escape custody. In
other words, compared to their representation in the general population, Black people
are 4.9 times more likely to be involved in reported escape custody cases and 4.2 times
more likely to be involved in cases in which the civilian was not reported as having tried
to escape custody.
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Table D13: Percentage of lower-use-of-force cases that
involved a civilian fleeing police custody, by civilian race
Civilian fled custody White Black
Other racial
Did not flee 70.4 60.9 59.6
Fled custody 29.6 39.1 40.4
Sample size 257 230 104
= 6.353; df = 2; p >.042
Resisting arrest charges
The research team examined report synopses to determine whether the civilians involved
in lower-level use of force cases had been charged with resisting arrest (see Table D14).
The results reveal that although 35.2% of the civilians involved in lower-level use of force
cases had reportedly tried to escape police custody, only 14.3% were charged with resisting
arrest. This finding likely demonstrates that, regardless of civilian behaviour, individual
officers still wield considerable discretion when it comes to charge decisions. However, the
results reveal little evidence of racial bias when it comes to resist arrest charges. Although
Black civilians were slightly more likely to be charged with resist arrest (17%) than White
(15.2%) or other minority civilians (12.5%), these racial differences do not reach statistical
significance. Nonetheless, Black subjects are grossly over-represented among those
charged with resist arrest. Although they represent only 8.8% of the Toronto population,
they represent 42.9% of those involved in use of force cases that resulted in a resist arrest
charge (odds ratio = 4.90).
Table D14: Percentage of lower-use-of-force cases
that resulted in a resisting arrest charge, by civilian race
Civilian charged White Black
Other racial
Not charged with resisting arrest 84.8 83.0 87.5
Charged with resisting arrest 15.2 17.0 12.5
Sample size 257 230 104
= 1.109; df = 2; p >.574
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Civilian criminal record
The research team examined report synopses to determine whether the civilians involved
in lower-level use of force cases had a prior criminal record. The results reveal that Black
civilians were slightly more likely to have a prior criminal record (57.4%) than White civilians
(51.8%) or civilians from other racial minority backgrounds (41.3%). These racial differences
are statistically significant (see Table D15).
The results also reveal that Black civilians are grossly over-represented among both those
with and without a prior criminal history. Although they represent only 8.8% of the population,
they represent 34.6% of people without a previous criminal record and 42.9% of people with
a criminal record. In other words, compared to their representation in the general population,
Black people are 3.9 times more likely to appear in a use of force case involving civilians with
no criminal record. By contrast, they are 4.9 times more likely to appear in cases involving
civilians with a criminal record.
Table D15: Percentage of lower-use-of-force cases that involved
a civilian with a previous criminal record, by civilian race
Civilian criminal
White Black
Other racial
No record 48.2 42.6 58.7
Have criminal record 51.8 57.4 41.3
Sample size 257 230 104
= 7.412; df = 2; p >.025
Civilian substance use
The research team examined report synopses to determine whether the civilians involved
in lower-level use of force cases were intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol
at the time of the incident (see Table D16). The results suggest that Black civilians (22.6%)
were much less likely to be intoxicated or high than White civilians (44.7%) or those from
other racial minority backgrounds (31.7%). These racial differences are statistically significant.
The results further reveal that Black people are significantly over-represented in both cases
It is important to note that, if bias exists within the criminal justice system, it is likely that Black
people will be more likely to have a criminal record than their White counterparts.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
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that involve severe intoxication and cases in which intoxication was not noted. However,
the data also show that Black people are particularly over-represented in cases that did
not involve civilian intoxication. Although they represent only 8.8% of the population,
Black people were involved in 45.5% of cases in which the civilian was not intoxicated or
high (odds ratio = 5.2) and 22.6% of cases in which the civilian was intoxicated or high
(odds ratio = 2.6).
Additional analysis reveals that Black civilians were also less likely to have a noted substance
abuse history (18.3%) than either White (35.0%) or other minority civilians (24.0%). These racial
differences are statistically significant (see Table D17). However, further analysis reveals that
Black people are significantly over-represented among both people with and people without a
noted substance abuse problem. Compared to their representation in the general population,
Black people are 4.9 times more likely to be involved in use of force cases that involve civilians
without a history of substance abuse. By contrast, they are only three times more likely to be
involved in cases that involve civilians with a noted substance abuse problem.
Table D16: Percentage of lower-use-of-force cases that involved a civilian
who was intoxicated or high at the time of the incident, by civilian race
Civilian intoxication White Black Other racial
Not intoxicated or high 55.3 77.4 68.3
Intoxicated or high 44.7 22.6 31.7
Sample size 257 230 104
= 26.281; df = 2; p >.001
Table D17: Percentage of lower-use-of-force cases that involved a
civilian who had a noted substance abuse problem, by civilian race
Civilian substance
abuse problem
White Black Other racial
Problem not noted 65.0 81.7 76.0
Problem noted 35.0 18.3 24.0
Sample size 257 230 104
= 17.887; df = 2; p >.001
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Civilian mental health
Finally, the research team examined report synopses to determine whether the civilians
involved in lower-level use of force cases were experiencing a mental health crisis at the
time of the incident (see Table D18). The results suggest that Black civilians (10.9%) were
slightly less likely to be in a mental health crisis than White civilians (14.4%) or those from
other racial minority backgrounds (15.4%). However, these racial differences are not
statistically significant. The results further reveal that Black people are significantly
over-represented in both cases that involve a mental health crisis and cases in which a
mental health crisis was not noted. Although they represent only 8.8% of the population,
Black people were involved in 40% of cases in which the civilian was not in a mental health
crisis (odds ratio = 4.5) and 32.1% of cases in which the civilian was in a mental health crisis
(odds ratio = 3.6).
Additional analysis reveals that Black civilians were less likely to have a noted history of
mental health problems (16.5%) than either White (26.1%) or other racial minority civilians
(22.1%). These racial differences are statistically significant (see Table D19). However,
further analysis reveals that Black people are significantly over-represented among both
people with and people without a history of mental health problems. Compared to their
representation in the general population, Black people are 4.7 times more likely to be
involved in use of force cases that involve civilians without a history of mental health
problems. By contrast, they are only 3.4 times more likely to be involved in cases that
involve civilians with a noted history of mental health issues.
Table D18: Percentage of lower-use-of-force cases that involved a civilian
who was in a mental health crisis at the time of the incident, by civilian race
Civilian mental health
at time of the Incident
White Black
Other racial
Not in crisis 85.6 89.1 84.6
In crisis 14.4 10.9 15.4
Sample size 257 230 104
= 1.845; df = 2; p >.398
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Table D19: Percentage of lower-use-of-force cases that involved a
civilian who had a noted mental health problem, by civilian race
Civilian mental
health history
White Black
Other racial
Problem not noted 73.9 83.5 77.9
Problem noted 26.1 16.5 22.1
Sample size 257 230 104
= 6.537; df = 2; p >.038
Community-level crime rates
As discussed in the literature review, community crime level may be an important predictor
of police use of force. Although presence in a high-crime community is not a justification
for police use of force, it is often used as a proxy measure of civilian criminality or the
dangers police officers might face within certain geographical locations. Others argue that
the police may be more aggressive or vigilant in high-crime communities and this may lead
to more use of force incidents.
As discussed in Section C, the Toronto Police Service provided our research team with
annual patrol zone-level violent crime rates from 2013 to 2017. These figures were
combined to produce the average annual crime rate for each patrol zone during the study
period. For presentation purposes, patrol zones were divided into four equal groups or
quartiles depicting their crime rates relative to other patrol zones in the city. In other
words, the low crime category includes the 25% of patrol zones with the lowest crime rates.
By contrast, the high crime category includes the 25% of patrol zones with the highest
crime rates.
As with the SIU data, our analysis of lower-level use of force cases reveals that there is a
positive relationship between patrol zone crime levels and how often the police resort to
force. For example, almost 40% of lower-level use of force incidents, captured by our data,
occurred in the patrol zones with the highest crime rates. By contrast, only 14.7% took
place in low-crime patrol zones (see Table D20).
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Further analysis reveals that lower-level use of force cases involving Black civilians (45.9%)
are more likely to take place in high-crime patrol zones (45.9%) than cases involving White
(33.5%) and other minority civilians (36.5%). By contrast, cases involving White and other
racial minority civilians are more likely to take place in low-crime patrol zones. This racial
difference is statistically significant (see Table D21).
Additional analysis, however, reveals that Black people are grossly over-represented in
lower-level use of force cases that take place in both low-crime and high-crime patrol zones
(see Table D22). For example, although Black people represent only 5.2% of the population
of low-crime patrol zones, they represent 28.7% of lower-level use of force incidents that
took place in these areas. In other words, Black people are 5.5 times more likely to be
involved in a use of force incident that took place in a low-crime patrol zone than their
residence in such communities would predict. Similarly, although Black people represent
only 12.4% of the population residing in high-crime patrol zones, they were involved in
45.9% of the use of force cases that took place in these areas. In other words, Black people
were 3.7 times more likely to be involved in a lower-level use of force incident that occurred
in a high-crime patrol zone than their residence in these zones would predict. These findings
indicate that the over-representation of Black people in lower-level use of forces incidents
cannot be explained by their presence in high crime communities.
Table D20: Percentage of lower-level use of force cases,
by patrol zone crime rates, 20132017 cases
Patrol zone
crime rate
Lower-level use
of force incidents
Low 14.7
Medium-low 22.0
Medium-high 24.4
High 38.8
Sample size 591
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Table D21: Percentage of lower-level use of force cases,
involving different racial groups, that took place in low-
and high-crime patrol zones, 2013 2017 cases
Patrol zone crime rate White Black
Other racial
Low 16.0 10.9 20.2
Medium-low 25.3 18.3 22.1
Medium high 25.3 24.9 21.2
High 33.5 45.9 36.5
Sample size 257 229 104
Chi-square: 12.791; df = 6; p >.046
Table D22: Black representation in SIU
investigations, by patrol zone crime level
Black representation
patrol zones
crime patrol
crime patrol
High crime
patrol zones
% patrol zone population 5.2 7.8 11.3 12.4
% lower-level use of force cases 28.7 32.3 39.6 45.9
Odds ratio 5.52 4.14 3.50 3.70
The findings presented above are based on an analysis of 591 lower-level use of force cases
involving TPS officers. These are cases that fall below the threshold for a SIU investigation
(i.e., they do not involve civilian death or serious injury). The findings reveal that:
Black people are grossly over-represented in TPS lower-level use of force cases.
Although they represent only 8.8% of Toronto’s population, Black people are
involved in 38.9% of the cases included in the lower-level use of force dataset. These
results suggest that Black people are 4.4 times more likely to appear in a lower-level
use of force incidents than their presence in the general population would predict.
By contrast, White people and people from other racial minority groups are under-
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Overall, the results suggest that Black people are even more over-represented
in lower-level use of force cases (odds ratio = 4.42) than use of force cases that
resulted in a SIU investigation (odds ratio = 3.27).
Overall, the lower-level use of force rate for Black people (95.9 per 100,000) is five
times greater than the rate for White people (19.4 per 100,000) and 11 times greater
than the rate for other racial minorities (8.9 per 100,000).
The involvement of Black males in lower-level use of force cases is particularly high.
Although they represent only 4% of Toronto’s population, Black males were involved
in more than a third (34.5%) of all lower-level use of force cases documented by the
current study; Black males are 8.6 times more likely to appear in the use of force data
than their presence in the general population would predict.
White males are slightly over-represented in lower-level use of force cases (odds
ratio = 1.57). By contrast, males from other racial minority groups, and females
from all racial backgrounds, are significantly under-represented.
Overall, the Black male lower-level use of force rate (185.7 per 100,000) is 5.5 times
greater than the White male rate (33.9 per 100,000) and 10.5 times greater than the
rate for males from other racial minority groups (17.7 per 100,000).
Compared to their presence in the general population, Black females are under-
represented in the lower-level use of force dataset. However, the Black female rate
(20 per 100,000) is 3.6 times greater than the rate for White females (5.6 per 100,000)
and 25 times greater than the rate for females from other racial minority backgrounds
(0.8 per 100,000).
The results suggest that most minor use of force cases involved either the physical
restraint or grounding of a civilian or police strikes (punches, kicks, etc.). About
10% involved police officers pointing their firearm at a civilian.
In general, Black people are grossly over-represented within all use of force categories
including the use of pepper spray, Tasers, strikes without a weapon, grounding and
firearms deployment.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
The results suggest that, compared to White people, minor use of force cases
involving Black people were more likely to result from proactive policing efforts
(traffic stops, raids, follow-up investigations, etc.) than from reactive policing
efforts (calls for service).
The results suggest that the majority of TPS lower-level use of force cases involve
civilians described as non-compliant, cases involving civilians who attempted to
resist arrest or cases involving the physical assault of police officers.
Three-quarters of all minor use of force incidents involve unarmed civilians. Less
than 5% involved civilians in possession of a firearm.
While Black civilians were slightly more likely to be carrying a firearm than White
civilians, only 8% of Black civilians had a firearm at the time of the minor use of
force incident.
In general, civilians did not brandish firearms in front of the police. In most cases,
firearms were either incorrectly suspected by the police (i.e., a firearm was never
located) or only identified after an arrest had been made. This finding challenges the
notion that TPS officers only use physical force when they are involved in shootouts
with dangerous, armed offenders.
Regardless of race, almost half of all the minor use of force cases documented by
the study involved civilians without a criminal record.
Compared to their White counterparts, Black civilians were less likely to be
intoxicated or high at the time of their minor use of force incident.
Compared to their White counterparts, Black civilians were less likely to be
experiencing a mental health crisis at the time of their minor use of force incident.
Regardless of race, almost 90% of minor use of force incidents involved the arrest
of a civilian.
Black people are grossly over-represented in lower-level use of force cases that take
place in both low-crime and high-crime patrol zones.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Overall, the findings from this study of TPS lower-level use of force cases are highly
consistent with the results of our analysis of SIU investigations (see Part C of this report).
Both investigations found that Black people are grossly over-represented in incidents
involving use of force by TPS officers. In the next section of this report we combine data
from the SIU study with data from the lower-level use of force study to further examine
whether local demographics and crime rates can help explain these racial disparities.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Part E Multivariate analysis of use of force cases
This section of the report presents the results of several multi-level, negative binomial
regression models of police use of force. Negative binomial models are a type of “count”
regression model commonly used to model discrete police-citizen interactions (Edwards,
Lee, and Esposito 2019; Gelman, Fagan, and Kiss 2007; Geller and Fagan 2010).
the example of these previous studies, we set the race-specific population of each patrol
zone as the “offset” or underlying population at risk for use of force, reflecting the expectation
that use of force against particular racial groups will be higher in patrol zones where more
members of that racial group reside. Following past studies, we estimate these models in a
Bayesian framework.
The principal purpose of these models is to test whether the observed racial disparities in
the odds of experiencing police use of force persist after controlling for the independent
effects of aggregate patrol zone characteristics. As discussed, patrol zone-level characteristics
may affect the odds that an individual will experience force in a variety of ways (see section B).
For example, residents of Toronto patrol zones where the violent crime rate is high may be at
greater risk of experiencing use of force if officers are especially vigilante or concerned for
their safety in these areas and, as a result, are more aggressive towards local residents. Racial
disparities in use of force, in this scenario, may be explained by the disproportionate
representation of Black civilians in patrol zones where violent crime rates are high. The multi-
level models we employ here allow us to assess this potential and other potential explanations
for observed racial disparities.
This section of the report was prepared by Dr. Ayobami, Assistant Professor, Centre for
Criminology and Sociolegal Studies, University of Toronto.
Edwards, Frank, Hedwig Lee, and Michael Esposito. 2019. "Risk of being killed by police use of
force in the United States by age, raceethnicity, and sex." Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences 116.34: 16793-16798. Geller, Amanda, and Jeffrey Fagan. 2010. "Pot as pretext: Marijuana,
race, and the new disorder in New York City street policing." Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 7.4:
591-633. Gelman, Andrew, Jeffrey Fagan, and Alex Kiss. 2007. "An analysis of the New York City
police department's “stop-and-frisk” policy in the context of claims of racial bias." Journal of the
American Statistical Association 102.479: 813-823.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
The data
Our data on use of force by the Toronto Police Service (TPS) was derived from two sources.
The first set of data capture information from Special Investigation Unit (SIU) investigations
into use of force by the TPS. The sample includes 192 investigations that took place
between January 1, 2013, and June 30, 2017.
The second source of data capture details
regarding TPS lower-level use of force incidents. These police use of force incidents did not
result in the death of the civilian and were not considered serious enough to meet the
SIU’s investigative mandate. Information about lower-level incidents was extracted from
TPS Injury Reports, Use of Force Reports and GO reports. All incidents occurred between July 1
2016, and June 30, 2017. Examples of lower-level force include officer strikes (e.g. open-palm
techniques, punches and kicks), grounding, OC spray (e.g. pepper spray), or the application of a
conducted energy weapon (e.g. Taser). We limited our analysis to the 578 lower-level incidents
where it could clearly be determined that force had been used by the officers involved and the
patrol zone where the incident happened had been recorded. A full description of the SIU data
is provided in Section C of this report. A full description of the TPS “lower-level” use of force
data is provided in Section D.
The data used to control for the independent effect of patrol zone demographic
characteristics on police use of force was provided by Statistics Canada at the request of
the Toronto Star. This data is derived from 2006 Canadian Census and used as part of the
Star’s Race Matters series (Rankin 2010). Data on patrol zone-level crime rates from 2010
to 2017 were provided by the TPS at the request of the Ontario Human Rights Commission.
Our models control for the independent effect of several ecological variables characterized
in past research as potential explanations for use of force, including patrol zone-level
violent crime rate, median household income, and share of single-mother households
in the patrol zone. The patrol zone violent crime rate serves as a proxy for the potential
danger officers may face within particular regions of the city, as well as for how officers’
We were not able to use the SIU data from the 2000 to 2006 period. That study involved an
analysis of cases from across Ontario. Patrol zone information was not collected for specific police
services. Furthermore, TPS patrol zones changed between 2006 and 2013.
At the time of the current analysis, we were unable to acquire patrol zone-level data from the
2016 Canadian Census. However, we feel that the overall profile of these zones has likely not
changed dramatically over the last decade.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
concern for their personal safety may impact use of force decisions. Median household
income and proportion of single-mother households also allow for an estimate of how
economic disadvantage/social disorganization within patrol zones might impact the odds
that a resident of those patrol zones will experience police use of force. Past studies
suggest that if all else is held constant, police use of force will be higher in poorer areas
and areas characterized by higher levels of disadvantage, whether due to civilian or officer
behavior (Terrill and Reisig 2003).
Multi-level models also allow researchers to control for the impact that unmeasured patrol
zone-level characteristics may have on use of force rates. For example, the presence
of a public park, the density of public housing, and the share of young males who have not
completed high school in a patrol zone may all affect the odds that residents of a particular
patrol zone will experience police force. Our multi-level models control for systematic
variation in these (and other) characteristics across Toronto patrol zones, but do not allow
us to identify specifically the independent effect that they have on the odds that a resident
will experience force. What is important here, however, is testing the extent to which racial
disparities persist while controlling for these characteristics.
Our results suggest that the gross racial disparities in both serious and lower-level use
of force incidents, documented in Sections C and D of this report, cannot be explained
by patrol zone-level characteristics. In other words, we still view striking disparities in
the relative risk that Black civilians will experience serious and minor police use of force
relative to their White counterparts even after statistically controlling for patrol zone-
level characteristics.
Each table depicts the results of five different regression models. Model 1 simply estimates
the risk that Black civilians and civilians belonging to other racial minority groups
in a patrol
zone (relative to White civilians in that patrol zone) will experience police use of force, given
their share of the population. Model 2 estimates racial disparity while statistically controlling
for average violent crime rates over the study period. Model 3 estimates racial disparity while
controlling for (the log of) median household income. Model 4 estimates racial disparity while
controlling for the share of single-mother households in the patrol zone. Finally, Model 5
For the purpose of the following analysis and because of the relative infrequency of cases, civilians
who are not identified as either Black or White were coded as other racial minority
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
estimates racial disparity while controlling for violent crime rate, median household income
and single-mother households simultaneously.
This final model controls for other,
unmeasured characteristics of the patrol zone as well. For parsimony, for each analysis,
only the results from Model 5 are discussed.
Table E1 examines the impact of race on SIU investigations controlling for patrol zone
characteristics. White civilians are set as the referencegroup, so the model coefficients
can be interpreted as the effect that race has on the odds that a member of a particular
racial minority group will experience force, relative to the odds that a White civilian will
experience force. When looking at SIU cases in isolation, we estimate that the odds (relative
to their share of the population) that a Black civilian will experience injury or death related
to use of force resulting in a SIU investigation are 50 times the odds that White civilians will
experience an injury resulting in a SIU investigation (see Table E1). The odds that civilians
belonging to other racial minority groups will experience force resulting in an SIU
investigation (relative to their share of the population) are 14 times the odds that White
civilians will experience force. Note that an increase in the log of the mean violent crime
rate is also associated with an increase in the odds that a civilian will experience an injury
related to use of force resulting in a SIU investigation. In other words, people residing
in high-crime communities are more likely to experience a SIU investigation than people
residing in low-crime communities. However, race remains a significant predictor of SIU
investigations after statistically controlling for patrol zone characteristics. Furthermore, the
overall effect of patrol zone violent crime rates pale in comparison to the impact of race.
Single-mother households is often used as an alternative measure of social disadvantage.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Table E1: Predictors of SIU cases in Toronto
by race and patrol zone factors
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
Race (White set as reference group)
Black 49 48 49 51 50
Other racial minority 14 13 14 15 14
Patrol zone factors
Violent crime rate (log) 1.9 4.1
Median household income (log) 1 0.94
% Single mother households 0.96 0.89
Note: Negative binomial models of SIU cases in Toronto patrol zones. Effect of race is
relative to White reference group. Cell values give effect of a unit change on odds of force.
Values in bold Values in bold are those where 95% credible intervals do not overlap with 1.
Table E2 examines the impact of race on lower-level use of force incidents controlling for
patrol zone characteristics. The analysis identifies significant disparities in the relative risk
that Black civilians and civilians belonging to other racial minority groups will experience
lower-level police force. Model 5 estimates that, relative to their share of the population in
specific patrol zones, the odds that a Black civilian will experience force are 37 times the
odds that a White civilian will experience low-level force. The odds that civilians belonging to
other racial minority groups will experience force are six times the odds that a White civilian
will experience lower-level force. Patrol zone violent crime rates also predict the likelihood of
experiencing lower-level use of force as does median household income. In other words,
people who reside in poor, high-crime communities are more likely to experience lower-level
use of force than people residing in wealthy, low-crime communities. However, controlling for
these factors does not reduce the impact of civilian race.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Table E2: Predictors of lower-level use of force cases
in Toronto, by race and patrol zone factors
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
Race (White set as reference group)
Black 47 39 47 42 37
Other racial minority 7 5 7 8 6
Patrol zone factors
Violent crime rate (log) 5 5
Median household income (log) 0.29 0.67
% single mothers .94 .99
Note: Negative binomial models of lower-level use of force cases in Toronto patrol zones.
Effect of race is relative to White reference group. Cell values give effect of a unit change on
odds of force. Values in bold are those where 95% credible intervals do not overlap with 1.
Table E3 examines the impact of race on both SIU and lower-level use of force cases controlling
for patrol zone characteristics. The results reveal that, relative to their share of the general
population in a patrol zone, the odds that a Black civilian will experience force are 55
times the odds that a White civilian will experience force. The odds that civilians belonging
to other racial minority groups will experience force are 13 times the odds that White
civilians will experience force. Once again, patrol zone violent crime rate predicts the
likelihood of experiencing police use of force. Median household income does not, and
(interestingly) the odds of force decline as the share of single mothers in the patrol zone
increases. In other words, the odds that people who reside in high-crime communities will
experience force resulting in injury are greater than the odds that people who reside in
low-crime communities will experience force resulting in injury. However, crime rates do not
explain why Black people are over-represented in police use of force statistics. Indeed, the data
suggest that race is a stronger predictor of police use of force than crime.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Table E3: Predictors all use of force cases
in Toronto by race and patrol zone factors
Model 1 Model 2
Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
Race (White set as reference group)
53 45 53 47 55
Other racial minority
9 7 8 9 13
Patrol zone-level factors
Violent crime rate (log)
5 3.6
Median household income (log)
.94 0.90
Note: Negative binomial models of lower-level use of force cases in Toronto patrol zones.
Effect of race is relative to White reference group. Cell values give effect of a unit change on
odds of force. Values in bold are those where 95% credible intervals do not overlap with 1.
Results from models that exclude patrol zones 51 and 52
Tables E4, E5 and E6 present the results of the same models as above, but limit analysis to
patrol zones beyond the downtown core, which are serviced by 51 and 52 Divisions. Our
concern here is the potential that most use of force cases that occur in these divisions may
involve individuals who did not reside in these areas. However, the results presented in
these tables are highly consistent with results presented above. Relative to their share
of the population, the odds that Black civilians will experience injury resulting in an SIU
investigation are still 58 times the odds of White civilians. Similarly, the odds that Black
civilians will experience lower-level or any type of force are 30 times and 46 times the odds
what White civilians will experience force, respectively. Comparable rates for civilians
belonging to other racial minority groups are 15 times, five times and 13 times respectively.
As with the overall data, patrol zone crime rate is also a consistent and significant
predictor of police use of force. In other words, excluding patrol zones from 51 and 52
Divisions, the odds that people residing in high-crime communities will experience force
resulting in injury are still greater than the odds of people from low-crime communities.
However, patrol zone crime rates do not explain away racial disparities. In fact, the data
suggest that Black racial background is a much stronger predictor of police use of force
than patrol zone characteristics.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Table E4: Predictors of SIU cases in Toronto by race and
patrol zone factors, (patrol zones from 51 and 52 Divisions omitted)
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
Race (White set as reference group)
Black 69 57 69 67 58
Other racial minority 16 13 16 17 15
Patrol zone-level factors
Violent crime rate (log) 3.8 3.8
Median household income (log) 0.4 0.71
% single mother households 0.92 0.9
Note: Negative binomial models of low level use of force cases in Toronto patrol zones.
Effect of race is relative to White reference group. Cell values give effect of a unit change on
odds of force. Values in bold are those where 95% credible intervals do not overlap with 1.
Table E5: Predictors of lower-level use of force cases in Toronto by race
and patrol zone factors (patrol zones in 51 and 52 Divisions omitted)
Model 1 Model 2
Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
Race (White set as reference group)
33 32 32 34 30
6 5 5 5 5
Patrol zone-level factors
Violent crime rate (log)
2.6 2.5
Median household income (log)
.37 .81
% single mother households
1.5 .9
Note: Negative binomial models of low level use of force cases in Toronto patrol zones.
Effect of race is relative to White reference group. Cell values give effect of a unit change on
odds of force. Values in bold are those where 95% credible intervals do not overlap with 1.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Table E6: Predictors of all use of force cases in Toronto by race and
patrol zone factors (patrol zones in 51 and 52 Divisions omitted)
Model 1 Model 2
Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
Race (White set as reference group)
38 38 38 39 46
7 7 7 7 13
Patrol zone-level factors
Violent crime rate (log)
2.3 3.7
Median household income (log)
.53 1.02
% single mother households
1.01 .9
Note: Negative binomial models of low level use of force cases in Toronto patrol zones.
Effect of race is relative to White reference group. Cell values give effect of a unit change on
odds of force. Values in bold are those where 95% credible intervals do not overlap with 1.
Conclusion and limitations
The totality of the analysis suggests that Black people, and people belonging to other racial
minority groups, are markedly more likely to experience all types of police use of force relative
to their White counterparts. These gross racial disparities remain after statistically controlling
for patrol zone characteristics including violent crime rates. Our multi-level negative binomial
models explicitly control for the independent effect that the patrol zone violent crime rate,
average income, and percentage of single-mother households have on use of force incidents.
We find, consistent with expectations, that individuals living in neighborhoods with higher
violent crime rates are more likely to experience police use of force. Furthermore, individuals
living in patrol zones with higher average incomes are less likely to experience force in some
models. We did not uncover a statistically significant effect for the percentage of single-mother
households in most of our models. Most importantly, however, the sizeable effect of race
particularly Black racial background persists even after patrol zone characteristics have been
taken into statistical account.
Some important words of caution are warranted. Our results do not provide conclusive
evidence that individual police officers are engaged in individual acts of racial discrimination
in their decisions to apply force. Our results, more narrowly, demonstrate that racial disparities
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
in police use of force against Black civilians cannot be explained by the disparate distribution
of Black civilians in patrol zones with higher rates of violent crime or by other patrol
zone-level factors.
Our models are also limited in that we, in contrast with the majority of American studies,
cannot statistically control for race-specific arrest rates or race-specific police contact rates
(Gelman, Fagan, and Kiss 2007). The availability of such data would enable us to estimate
racial disparities in police use of force relative to arrest or the likelihood of police-citizen
contact. The availability of that type of information may further contextualize the findings
and help explain observed racial disparities (Tregle, Nix, and Alpert 2019). Accordingly, our
models in this section treat the share of the patrol zone that are Black, White, or belong to
other racial minority groups as the population at riskfor use of force, which in conjunction
with the inclusion of patrol zone-level factors explains why the disparities estimated here
exceed those reported elsewhere in the report. Other data, such as data on police-citizen
contacts that did not result in injury, would aid in our estimation of racial disparities. As noted,
the current TPS system of data collection lags behind peer police departments, such as those
in New York, Chicago and London, England. Nevertheless, the data gathered and analyzed here
clearly demonstrate the persistence of population-level disparities despite patrol zone-level
characteristics. Our findings are consistent with racial bias arguments and further underscore
the need for race-based police statistics.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Part F: Explaining Black over-representation
in police use of force statistics
The results of the research conducted in this report confirm that Black people are greatly
over-represented in police use of force incidents involving the Toronto Police Service (TPS).
Hopefully, this data can close the debate over whether Black people are more exposed to
police use of force than White people. They are. We must now turn our efforts to explaining
why this over-representation exists.
To begin with, the gross racial disparities in police use of force documented by this study are
strongly consistent with the argument that racial bias exists within the Toronto Police Service.
As stated in a document entitled Policy and guidelines on racism and racial discrimination,
the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) maintains that:
Numerical data that demonstrated that members of racialized groups
are disproportionately represented may be an indicator of systemic or
institutional racism. Numerical data can be evidence of the consequences
of a discriminatory system in the following ways: 1) Under-representation
in an organization relative to the availability of qualified individuals in the
population or in the applicant pool suggests systemic racism in hiring
practices or may be indicative of on-the-job discrimination resulting in a
failure to retain racialized persons; 2) Unequal distribution of racialized
persons in an organization, for example, high concentration in entry-level
positions and low representation in managerial positions, may demonstrate
inequitable training and promotion practices; and 3) Over-representation of
racialized persons in police stops, jails and other areas of the justice system may
be indicative of the practice of racial profiling or other forms of racial
discrimination (OHRC 2005: 32).
However, the OHRC cautions that: “Except in the most obvious circumstances, for example,
where data show gross disparities in treatment that are unlikely to be the result of random
selection, numerical data alone will not be proof of systemic discrimination.
However, it
It is somewhat difficult to determine whether the huge racial disparities observed in the current
SIU study reach the “gross disparity” standard highlighted by the Ontario Human Rights Commission.
At what level do racial disparities become large enough to indicate discrimination?
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
will constitute strong circumstantial evidence of the existence of inequitable practices.
An organization can challenge the statistics and their validity or can demonstrate a
non-discriminatory reason for disproportional representation” (OHRC 2005: 32).
In its new anti-racial profiling policy, the OHRC extends this conversation by stating that:
It is important to collect data using the best available methodological approaches.
Also, keep in mind that numbers cannot be interpreted by themselves, without
understanding the assumptions that underlie them, the lived experiences of
communities represented by the numbers, and analysis of relevant contextual
factors. Where the data reveals that there is a problem, even if it cannot reveal
the cause of a disparity, law enforcement organizations must be prepared to act.
In a recent case, the HRTO described the “critical secondary work” that is needed
when data reveals a problem. It said that “data collection is just a first step, albeit
a significant one, in addressing racial disproportionalities arising from policing
practices.” The HRTO strongly urged the police service to take the next steps in the
process “to identify to the best of its ability what is causing or contributing to these
disparities through conducting further research, and then based on the research
findings, to develop and implement specific strategies to reduce and hopefully
eliminate these disparities.”
The evidence, from the current study, that supports the biased policing argument includes
the following:
Black people are grossly over-represented in police use of force cases involving the
Toronto Police Service.
Black people are grossly over-represented in lower-level use of force cases as well
as use of force cases that resulted in a SIU investigation.
Depending on the specific measure used, the Black use of force rate is four to 19
times greater than the White rate. The more serious the police use of force, the
greater the racial disparity. For example, racial disparities are greater with respect
to police shootings, particularly shooting deaths, than other use force cases.
Police shooting cases involving the police are quite rare. However, when the police
do decide to shoot, they almost always kill Black people. By contrast, more than
70% of White people who were shot by the police survive.
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Ontario Human Rights Commission
The results suggest that, compared to White people, use of force cases involving
Black people were more likely to result from proactive policing efforts (traffic stops,
street checks, etc.) than reactive policing efforts (calls for service). This finding suggests
that racial bias with respect to police surveillance tactics (racial profiling) may increase
the probability of violent confrontations between the police and Black people.
Perhaps as a result of media depictions, citizens tend to believe that Toronto police
are often involved in violent confrontations with dangerous, armed criminals. The
data from this study paint a different picture. Regardless of race, most of the citizens
involved in the use of force cases documented by this study were unarmed.
Furthermore, regardless of race, approximately half of the civilians involved in the
TPS use of force cases had no previous criminal record.
Regardless of race, a high proportion of police use of force cases involve non-
compliance with police commands and resist arrest rather than physical assaults
or threats against the police.
While a significant proportion of cases involve civilians armed with a knife, bat,
hammer, piece of wood, brick or other weapon, very few cases involve civilians in
possession of a firearm. Even fewer cases involve civilians who have actually pointed
or fired a gun at a police officer or civilian. In some firearm cases, the gun was either
suspected (but never found) or only discovered after the arrest had been made.
This is not to say that Toronto police do not arrest dangerous, violent criminals or
gang members. However, to their credit, these arrests often involve coordinated
paramilitary operations, involving hundreds of officers, who overwhelm suspects
and dramatically reduce the likelihood of injury to both the suspects and the police.
Examples of such investigations and raids involving the Toronto Police Service include
Project Patton, Project Kraken, Project Traveller, Project Kronic and Project Marvel.
A high proportion of use of force cases involve individuals who are intoxicated or
high on drugs. However, compared to their White counterparts, Black civilians were
less likely to be intoxicated or high at the time of their use of force incident.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
A high proportion of police use of force cases involve individuals described as being
in a mental health crisis. However, compared to their White counterparts, Black
civilians were less likely to be experiencing a mental health crisis at the time of their
use of force incident.
In other words, the data suggest that intoxication and mental illness are variables
that seem to increase the likelihood that the police will use force against a White
person. However, race alone seems to increase the risks for Black people. A Black
person does not have to be intoxicated or in mental health crisis to be viewed as
potentially dangerous and thus a legitimate target for police use of force.
Finally, the analysis presented above reveals that racial disparities in police use of
force cannot be explained by patrol zone-level poverty, racial composition or crime
rates. After statistically controlling for these factors, Black people are still grossly
over-represented in TPS use of force incidents especially those that involve serious
injury or death. In fact, Black people are significantly over-represented in use of
force cases in both low and high crime patrol zones.
In the past, both police services and police associations have vigorously disputed the
argument that gross racial disparities in use of force statistics are evidence of overt, implicit
or systemic racial bias. They have previously argued, for example, that racial minority
criminality or aggressiveness during police encounters can explain this over-representation.
This argument is bolstered somewhat by the finding, presented above, that indicates that the
Special Investigations Unit rarely lays criminal charges against the police in use of force cases.
In other words, the data clearly indicate that SIU officials, as a result of their intensive and
detailed investigations, almost always conclude that there is not enough evidence to charge
police officers with a criminal offence. Furthermore, the data also show that the SIU Director
is not more likely to lay criminal charges against the police in cases involving Black civilians
a finding that suggests that police use of force against minorities is just as lawful as the use
of force against White people.
Of course, this finding will not necessarily convince members of the Black community that
racial bias does not exist within the TPS. In the past, for example, community advocates
have argued that SIU investigations are compromised by the fact that many SIU investigators
are ex-police officers and that subject officers do not have to give a statement explaining their
use of force decisions. Furthermore, community members have frequently expressed the
belief that, during any formal inquiry into police misconduct, investigators and adjudicators
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
are much more likely to believe the statements of police officers over the statements of civilian
victims and witnesses (especially racial minority victims and witnesses). In other words, SIU
investigations often develop into “our word against their word” scenarios, and in such cases,
civilians are often viewed as having less credibility than sworn police officers. Others have also
argued that, even when use of force against Black civilians is deemed technically legitimate,
alternative forms of conflict resolution should have been employed. In other words, just
because Black over-representation in police use of force cases may be technically “lawful,”
it does not make it any less “awful.”
To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies of its kind in Canada. Thus, as is the case
with most “first studies,” certain data limitations emerged. First of all, unlike most American
research, we were unable to statistically control for race-specific crime rates. To date
such race-crime data are not publicly available to Canadian researchers (see Wortley
1996; Wortley and McCalla 2003). Finally, although we made an attempt (see Appendix
B), we were often unable to gather information on other important case characteristics
(including the age, gender, race, education, rank and experience of the subject officers,
the number of police and civilian witnesses, whether the statements of civilians conflicted
with the statements of police officers, etc.). Such information would have permitted a
more detailed analysis of SIU and lower-level use of force cases.
Nonetheless, we do feel that this is a landmark study in the Canadian context. For the
first time, community allegations that certain racial groups are more vulnerable to police
violence than others have received empirical validation. Now we must try to explain this
vulnerability. We hope, therefore, that this study will be used as a catalyst and justification
for future research – research that will be help address the issues, debates and questions
that still remain. To begin this conversation, we must first consider the various explanations
that might account for why Black people in Toronto are so greatly over-represented in police
use of force incidents.
Explanatory models
Below we outline a number of different explanatory models or factors that might account
for the over-representation of Black people in TPS use of force cases. Each of these
explanatory variables has very different policy implications. In our opinion, the relative
validity or strength of any particular model or factor cannot be established with the
current data. This must be determined by future studies. However, we do believe
that each model may have validity under certain circumstances. In other words, the
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Ontario Human Rights Commission
appropriateness of each model may vary from case to case, situation to situation. Thus,
we strongly believe that it is the responsibility of police supervisors and policy-makers
to acknowledge that each of these models may hold some value and subsequently
develop programs, procedures and regulations that will provide an integrated approach to
the issue of police use of force.
The Racial Animus Model
The Racial Animus Model proposes that blatantly racist police officers (often referred to
as bad apples) sometimes deliberately abuse their legal authority and illegitimately use
coercive force against racial minority civilians often as an act of racial hatred or animus.
In other words, the overtly racist attitudes and beliefs of a relatively small number of police
officers may directly contribute to the over-representation of racial minority civilians in
police use of force incidents. Removing these officers from policing will dramatically reduce
observed racial disparities.
The Devaluation Model
The Devaluation Model maintains that, in general, racial minority citizens are devalued by
mainstream societyespecially if they reside in socially disadvantaged communities. The
roots of such devaluation are deeply rooted in our shared history of colonialism and slavery.
As a result, police use of force against racial minorities is less likely to be questioned or come
under state scrutiny. This devaluation ultimately puts racial minorities at greater risk of
becoming a victim of police violence. In other words, the police may be more reluctant
to use physical force against White people because they feel that the legitimacy of such
actions is more likely to be questioned by the White power structure. Furthermore, White
victims, or their family members, may have the power and resources needed to successfully
challenge the legal authority of the police. On the other hand, the police may be more likely
to use violence against certain racial minorities because they view them as less valued, and
less powerful, members of society. This is particularly true when racial minorities are more
likely to occupy positions of economic or social disadvantage.
Interestingly, several personal conversations with police officers have suggested that, if they had
to be involved in a police shooting, they would prefer that the shooting involve a White civilian than
a minority civilian. Several officers felt that, because of concerns over racism, incidents involving
racial minority civilians actually come under more public scrutiny than cases involving White civilians.
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Ontario Human Rights Commission
The Racial Stereotype Model
The Racial Stereotype Model proposes that racial stereotypes may lead to a belief among
some police officers that racial minorities, particularly racial minority males, are more
dangerous or violent than other members of society. Such racial stereotypes could develop
as a result of exposure to negative media images of racial minorities or through negative
contact with racial minority criminals in the course of a policing career (especially if such
negative contacts are not balanced with more positive interactions with non-criminals).
Negative racial stereotypes, in turn, may cause some police officers to become more
fearful, apprehensive or vigilant when they encounter racial minority males on the street.
This fear or apprehension, in turn, may increase the probability that the police will use
physical force against racial minority males compared to other groups. The stereotyping
of other groups as “dangerous,” including people with mental health disabilities, may
similarly increase their vulnerability to police use of force.
The Statistical Discrimination Model
The Statistical Discrimination Model is quite similar to the Racial Stereotype Model.
However, rather than rely on informal processes, the Statistical Discrimination Model
develops race-specific risk profiles using statistical information. Much like the actuarial
practices employed by insurance companies, statistics may reveal that Black people and
other racial minority groups are more involved in violent crime including firearm-related
homicides than others. These statistics, in turn, can be used to flag all individuals in this group
as “potentially more dangerous” than others. This empirically supported “dangerous” label may
impact officer fear and vigilance and how they interact with Black males in the community.
It should be stressed that even though risk profiles appear to be justified by empirical
data, they can still constitute a major source of racial bias. It must be remembered that,
regardless of race, the vast majority of people from the Black community never engage
in violence. Thus, using the violence of a few people to justify the differential treatment of
They argued that the “White community” rarely questions the legitimacy of police actions against
White civilians. White people, they claimed, generally feel that the person must have done something
to deserve it. On the other hand, it was felt that racial minority community organizations, the media
and civil rights groups will attempt to make a “race issue” in cases where police force is used against
racial minorities.
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Ontario Human Rights Commission
an entire group constitutes racial discrimination. Furthermore, the police can never justify
force against an individual because they belong to a group with a higher than average
violent crime rate. Only the behaviour of the individual, at the time of the incident, can
justify use of force.
The Minority Crime Model
The Minority Crime Model proposes that Black males are over-represented in police use
of force statistics because they are actually more involved in crime and violence than other
racial groups, and thus are more likely to have violent confrontations with police. In other
words, racial minorities are more involved in the types of violent or aggressive behaviors
(carrying firearms, threatening police, shooting at police, threatening or shooting at other
civilians, etc.) that ultimately result in the legitimate use of force by police. In sum, this model
maintains that the over-representation of racial minorities in police use of force incidents
has nothing to do with police racism or bias. The blame must be placed on the actions or
behaviours of individual Black citizens at the time of their encounters with the police.
The Neighbourhood Model
The Neighbourhood Model proposes that people who live in poor, socially disorganized,
high-crime neighbourhoods are at greater risk of police violence than people who live in
more affluent, low-crime communities. The idea is that some police officers may be more
wary, vigilant or fearful when working in such neighbourhoods, and are thus quicker to
resort to the use of physical force. To the extent that racial minorities are over-represented
in such socially disadvantaged communities, they will be at significantly greater risk of
becoming over-represented in police use of force statistics.
The Proactive Policing (Profiling) Model
As reviewed in other areas of the OHRC inquiry, data collected over the past two decades
has consistently revealed that Black people are more likely to be subjected to proactive
police surveillance practices than their White or other racial minority counterparts. Both
survey research and official police statistics, for example, reveal that Black people are much
more likely to be subjected to street checks. Compared to their White counterparts, Black
people are also much more likely to be report being stopped, questioned and searched by
the police for investigative purposes. These findings are consistent with allegations of racial
profiling. It should be stressed that frequency of police contact alone may increase the
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Ontario Human Rights Commission
likelihood or probability of experiencing police use of force. The greater a group’s involuntary
contact with the police, the greater the likelihood some of these encounters will escalate into
a dispute that results in police force being used. In other words, there may be a strong
correlation between racially biased police surveillance practices and racial disparities in police
use of force.
The Demeanour Model
The Demeanour Model proposes that people who are aggressive, belligerent or demonstrate
blatant disrespect to police authority are more vulnerable to police use of force than people
who are polite and compliant (Macdonald et al. 2003; Terrill 2003). This model is completely
consistent with the results of a recent American study, sponsored by the National Institute of
Justice, which found that, holding other legally-relevant factors constant, the police are much
more likely to use physical force when arresting verbally abusive suspects than compliant,
non-abusive suspects (see Garner and Maxwell 2003). This model therefore anticipates that
the over-representation of racial minorities in police use of force statistics may at least
partially be explained by the fact that some racial minority citizens may be less likely to show
respect to police than White civilians. In sum, this model assumes that police violence is
sometimes used to punish civilians who do not demonstrate appropriate deference
(the Contempt of Cop phenomena).
The Police Subculture Model
Finally, the Police Subculture Model argues that the police subculture may increase the
likelihood of police violence because it: 1) reinforces racial stereotypes through the telling
of “war stories” that depict minorities as dangerous; 2) increases the likelihood that young
officers will want to prove their courage and toughness on the street; this may reduce the
probability that officers will try to diffuse confrontations with citizens through non-violent
methods; 3) reinforces the belief that the police should respond to citizen hostility, disrespect
or disobedience with violence; and 4) creates a code of silence among police officers
that makes investigations into the illegitimate use of force difficult, if not impossible.
This code of silence serves to protect police officers who may use force in an illegitimate
fashion. Future research should explore the extent to which the TPS culture promotes or
de-emphasizes the use of force. This is a topic that is impossible to explore without
researcher access and the opportunity to both interview officers and observe police
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Ontario Human Rights Commission
activity. However, there is some reason for concern. For example, in his book, Alok
Mukherjee, former head of the Toronto Police Services Board, discussed how police
culture may impact how police treat non-compliant civilians:
Another thing that isn’t being talked about publicly that points to a cultural
factor is something I learned from Blair and Mike McCormack, the police
association president. They believed there was a generational factor. The new
generation of police officers, the young ones, just don’t know when to back
off, they said. During a conversation McCormick, Blair and I had in Blair’s office
some months before he stepped down as Chief, McCormick said, “You know,
this is a real problem.” He went on: “Bill, you and I were street cops and when
somebody swore at us or gave us lip, we would back off and say, ‘Okay, fine.’
But this generation of officers must have the last word.” So, if someone swears
at them, they get in their face with a “What did you say?” Rather than disengaging
and walking away, they tend to escalate confrontation to such an extent that
McCormick claimed he was going to division to division to talk to officers and
telling them to lay off” (Murherjee and Harper 2018: 94).
The Integrated “Fear” Model
The Integrated Fear Model combines elements of the Stereotype, Statistical Discrimination,
Neighbourhood, Minority Crime and Demeanor Models. This perspective maintains that the
police are most likely to use force when they fear for their own safety, the safety of fellow
officers or the safety of civilians. The greater the level of fear, the higher the probability that
physical force will be used. For example, a civilian carrying a gun may legitimately create “fear”
among responding police officers. However, if racial stereotypes exist, this fear may be greater
if it is a Black man carrying a gun rather than a White man. Similarly, fear may be even greater
if it is a Black man, carrying a gun in a poor, high-crime neighbourhood and yelling insults at
the police. Fear may be higher still if it is a Black man, displaying signs of mental illness, yelling
insults at the police and carrying a gun in a high-crime area.
The idea is that police use of force is most likely to occur when a high number of fear-
generating factors some of them legitimate (violent behaviour, weapons possession, etc.),
some of them illegitimate (racial stereotypes, disrespectful civilian demeanor, etc.) converge
at the same place and time. Use of force incidents, in other words, must be seen as part of a
fear quotient or equation. The higher the fear “score” attributed to a particular police-civilian
encounter, the higher the probability that physical force particularly deadly force
will be used.
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Ontario Human Rights Commission
The results of this study reveal that Black people are grossly over-represented in police
use or force incidents. The data also reveal that this gross racial disparity cannot be easily
explained away by racial differences in criminal history, civilian behaviour towards the
police at the time of the incident, civilian weapons use, civilian mental illness, civilian
intoxication or local crime rates. In our opinion, these findings are completely consistent
with allegations of racial bias. Nonetheless, a counter-narrative will inevitably emerge.
This counter narrative will hold that racial disparity does not mean racial discrimination.
In other words, it will be argued that racial disparities in police use of force tactics merely
reflect legitimate police practices and that data-driven allegations of police bias only serve
to damage police-community relations.
This is a difficult argument to resolve. One limitation with our findings is that the current data
was not able to statistically control for race-specific crime rates. However, the availability of
such data and the documentation of racial differences in criminal behaviour cannot alone
be used to justify police use of force in individual cases. The police cannot use force on an
individual just because they belong to a “high-crime” group. A second major limitation of this,
and the vast majority of other use of force studies, is that the sample only includes incidents
in which the police actually used force. The sample does not include other aggressive police-
civilian encounters in which the police could have used force but did not. Future research
needs to include such cases in order to determine whether controlling for other factors
the police are more likely to use violence against Black people than White people.
Nonetheless, the gross racial disparities documented by this study underscore the great
need for the continued, systematic collection of disaggregated racial data on police use of
force and other important police decisions. Such data is needed to monitor racial disparities
over time and examine how police policies, programs and tactics that may either reduce or
increase racial differences in exposure to coercive police actions.
Ultimately, police agencies must pursue the goal of reducing police use of force, reducing
racial disparities in use of force statistics and improving police-community relations. Strategies
that may help achieve this goal include:
Clearly articulated and enforced use of force policies and regulations
Clearly articulated use of force reporting and review requirements
Police recruiting procedures that screen for anti-racism, cultural competence
and non-violent tendencies
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Increased recruitment and promotion of both female and racial minority officers
Improved use of force training that promotes non-violent disengagement and
conflict resolution strategies. De-escalation strategies must challenge the police
“stand-your-ground” mentality especially with respect to encounters with unarmed
civilians or civilians not in possession of a firearm
Improved anti-bias, cultural competence training
Data-driven early warning systems that identify problematic officers and target
them for additional training, re-assignment or dismissal
Improved civilian oversight and independent investigation of police complaints and
use of force incidents
Improved assessment and evaluation through improved data collection and
dissemination practices.
With respect to data collection, at the very least, police services should be mandated to
collect data on the citizens they decide to stop and/or search, the citizens they arrest and
the citizens upon which they use physical force. At the very least, data collection efforts
should specify the racial background, gender and age of the civilian, along with their home
address, criminal history, the location of the incident, the reason for the encounter and
an explanation of how the situation was resolved (i.e., did the encounter result in an arrest,
a ticket, a warning, the use of force, etc.). A more detailed process would also include
information on the officers involved including officer age, gender, racial background, years
of experience and rank.
There are three important arguments in favour of the collection of race-based data. First
of all, from a social science perspective, such information would be valuable with respect
to determining whether racial bias exists within policing or not. Second, the collection and
dissemination of such data would demonstrate to the public that the police are transparent
in their operations that they have nothing to hide. Ultimately, such transparency could
help improve relationships with minority communities and increase confidence in the
criminal justice system. Finally, the official monitoring of police activities may actually
reduce or eliminate racial profiling and racial bias in the police use of physical force. If
police officers know that they must record and justify their decisions they may be less
likely to engage in racially-biased “fishing expeditions.”
A more detailed discussion of these and other policy recommendations is provided in other
documents related to the current OHRC inquiry.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
For example, one of the most common racial profiling complaints involves Black men who
claim that they were stopped and investigated by the police simply because they were
driving a nice car. These men often complain that they were targeted because the police
felt that their car might be stolen or that they fit the profile of a drug dealer. It could be
argued, however, that these types of stops would be largely eliminated if officers had to
officially record the encounter and justify their reasons for making the stop. In other words,
rather than an exercise to determine the mere existence or non-existence of racial profiling,
data collection should be seen as an effective monitoring strategy that may reduce racial
profiling in and of itself.
We should stress that in order for monitoring to be effective, data collection needs to be
on-going. Special studies that collect data on police activities over a limited time period are
of dubious value. For example, it is possible that some criminal justice agents may refrain
from stopping and searching racial minority citizens during the identified study period,
but return to normal racial profiling practices after the study has been completed. Without
longitudinal designs, the long-term impact of data collection efforts will be impossible
to determine.
Arguments against the official collection of race-criminal justice data range from
methodological difficulties (including issues related to the measurement of race and
the establishment of meaningful baseline population estimates) and how race-based
research might impact police effectiveness. For example, opponents of data collection
maintain that, if police officers are required to record the race of people that they stop
and question, many officers will refrain from initiating contact with minority citizens out
of fear of being labelled a racist. Indeed, in the past, the Toronto Police Association announced
that they would encourage their officers to adopt a “no contact, no complaint” philosophy if
required to collect data on stop and search encounters. Critics argue, therefore, that data
collection initiatives would permit racial minority criminals to roam free and that crime rates
would ultimately soar. Interestingly, there is no evidence to suggest that crime rates have
increased or that police productivity has diminished in American or British jurisdictions that
have adopted data collection procedures. Nonetheless, we do agree that such concerns should
be a focus of future research.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Accountability measures
Unfortunately, any anti-racism policy is likely doomed to failure unless specific accountability
mechanisms are put into place. These accountability measures include: 1) data collection; 2)
specific disciplinary consequences for criminal justice personnel found guilty of racial bias; and
3) a public complaints system that will encourage and empower citizens to report racial bias in
police encounters. We would also encourage a policy that would hold supervisors accountable
for the racially biased behaviour of those under their supervision. Such efforts would ensure
that supervisors take racial profiling and anti-racism regulations seriously and subsequently
increase the monitoring of criminal justice personnel in the field.
The need for evaluation
Finally, we strongly believe that any effective anti-racism policy must include a strong
evaluation component. Without objective evaluation research, how are we to determine
whether specific policy initiatives are effective or not? Research designed to evaluate anti-
profiling or anti-racism policies might include: 1) studies that examine police attitudes
towards racial minorities before and after race relations training; 2) studies that examine
official data on racial differences in stop and search activities and police use of force; 3) data on
public complaints about racial profiling and police brutality; 4) general population surveys that
measure public perceptions of discrimination within the criminal justice system and minority
attitudes towards the police and other criminal justice agents; and 5) surveys of police officers,
Customs officers and other security agents that examine how race-related issues are impacting
job performance and job satisfaction.
We strongly believe that without a strong evaluation effort, policies and programs designed
to eliminate racism within the criminal justice system are reduced to nothing more than
public relations endeavours. Racial minority groups can easily identify “window dressing”
when they see it and such efforts are unlikely to improve police-community relations. Without
collecting information on police stop and search activities how can we really determine
whether efforts to reduce racial profiling are working? Without collecting data on civilians killed
or injured by the police, how can we really determine the effectiveness of programs designed
to reduce racial bias in the police use of force? Clearly the time to face these issues in a
transparent and honest manner has arrived.
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Ontario Human Rights Commission
Appendix A: SIU case template: 2013 2017 data
Study case number: _______________________
SIU file number: ___________________________
Part A: Complainant information
Age at time of incident (in years): _________________
Other (specify): ___________________
Racial background:
White (European)
Black (African Canadian)
Asian (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.)
South Asian (Indian, Pakistani, Sri Lankan, Tamil, etc.)
Native Canadian (Indigenous/Aboriginal)
West Asian (Arab, Middle-Eastern, etc.)
Hispanic (Latin American)
Mixed Race (specify): ___________________________
Other (specify): _________________________________
Civilian race determined by:
SIU photos (from case files)
SIU notes (from case files)
TPS documents (specify) ________________________
Media coverage (specify) ________________________
Other (specify) __________________________________
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Employment history:
On social assistance
Other (specify): _________________________
Details of employment/social class position (i.e., type of job, income, financial problems,
any details noted in file):
Criminal history:
Has criminal record not under supervision at time of incident
Has criminal record under supervision at time of incident
Other known to police (specify): ____________________________________________________________
No criminal record
Details of criminal history (i.e., type of offences, type of mental health problem, etc.):
History of mental illness:
Mental health issues not noted
Suicidal Ideation
Bi-polar Disorder
Anxiety Disorder
Other (specify): ______________________________________________________________________________
Details of mental health history (i.e., type of mental health problems, etc.):
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Complainant’s residence:
Resident of Toronto
Resident of GTA (Peel Region, Durham, York, Halton, etc.)
Resident of Ontario
Other Canadian province/territory (specify): _____________________________________________
Resident of the United States
Resident of another country (specify): ____________________________________________________
Complainant’s home address (city or community, postal code, closest main intersection, etc.):
Immigration status:
Born in Canada
Canadian citizen born outside of Canada
Landed immigrant
Migrant worker (work visa)
Foreign visitor/tourist
Other (specify) ___________________________________________________________________________
Note: If born outside of Canada try to identify year of immigration to Canada ____________
Part B: Police information
Subject officer information
Number of subject officers: ________________
Rank of subject officers:
Gender of subject officers:
Both male and female (specify # from each gender) _____________________________________
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Age of subject officers:
Years of experience of subject officers: _____________________________________________________
Race of subject officers (if possible):
Platoon of the subject officers
Unit of the subject officers
Division of the subject officers
Did the subject officers belong to a special unit? 1. Yes 2. No
Name/description of special unit:
Did the subject officer(s) make a statement to the SIU? 1. Yes 2. No
Did the subject officer(s) provide their notes to the SIU? 1. Yes 2. No
Did the subject officer(s) provide the SIU with a General Occurrence Report? 1. Yes 2. No
Was there an arrest during the incident? 1. Yes 2. No
If yes, did the subject officer(s) provide the SIU with the Arrest Report?
Not applicable
Did the incident involve officer use of force (see part C) 1. Yes 2. No
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
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If yes, did the subject officer(s) provide the Use of Force Report?
Not Applicable
Did the subject officer(s) provide their disciplinary records? 1. Yes 2. No
Did the subject officer(s) provide their photos? 1. Yes 2. No
Details about the subject officer(s) statements:
According to the SIU case file, have any of the subject officers been the subject of a
previous SIU investigation?
According to the SIU case file, have any of the subject officers been subject to previous use
of force complaints/charges/internal investigations, etc.?
Details about previous SIU/use-of-force investigations provided to the SIU
Witness officer(s) information
Number of witness officers: _________________
Rank of witness officers (if possible):
Gender of witness officers:
Both male and female (specify # from each gender): ____________________________________
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
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Age of witness officers:
Years of experience of witness officers:
Race of witness officers (if possible):
Did the witness officers belong to a special unit? 1. Yes 2. No
Name/description of special unit:
Did the witness officer(s) make a statement to the SIU? 1. Yes 2. No
Did the witness officer(s) provide notes to the SIU? 1. Yes 2. No
Nature of witness officer(s) notes:
Nature of witness officer(s) statements:
Part C: Incident information
Date of incident (month/year only): _______________________________________________
Approximate time of incident: ____________________________________________________
Number of civilians involved in incident: __________________________________________
Number of civilian witnesses: _____________________________________________________
Location of incident (postal code or major intersection):
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Description of location (i.e., house, apartment, nightclub, street, park, housing project, etc.):
Patrol zone of incident: ________________________________________________
Type of harm to complainant
Sexual assault
Injury (specify):
Cause of harm to complainant
Police shooting
Police use of baton
Conducted energy weapon/CEW/Taser
Police vehicle used as a weapon
Traffic accident
Police physical assault (punching, kicking, holding, other impact, etc.)
Other police use of force (specify): ___________________________________________
Investigation found that injury not caused by police
Other (specify): _______________________________________________________________
Complainant involvement (check all that apply)
Complainant committing a crime (specify): ___________________________________
Complainant threatening police
Complainant threatening another citizen(s)
Complainant physically attacked police
Complainant physically attacked another citizen(s)
Complainant fleeing police on foot
Complainant fleeing police in a vehicle car chase
Complainant resisting arrest
Other (specify): ______________________________________________________________
Complainant’s use of weapons (check all that apply)
Complainant had a handgun
Complainant had a rifle/long gun
Complainant had a knife
Complainant had a bat/club (specify): _______________________________________
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Complainant used other weapon (specify): _____________________________________
Complainant used motor vehicle as a weapon
Complainant was unarmed
Other (specify): __________________________________________________________________
Mental health of civilian at time of incident
1. No mental health problems noted in Director’s Report
2. Mental health problem noted
3. Director’s Report notes that complainant was suicidal
Details about civilian’s mental state at time of incident
Complainant drug or alcohol use at time of incident
1. Alcohol use noted but not impairment
2. Complainant drunk/inebriated/impaired on alcohol at the time of incident
3. Drug use noted but not impairment
4. Complainant intoxicated (high or impaired) on drugs at time of the incident
5. No drug or alcohol use noted
Details about complainant drug/alcohol use noted in file (including type of drugs used)
Part D: Reporting to and investigation by the SIU
How was incident reported to the SIU?
Was reported to the SIU by the Toronto Police Service
Was reported to the SIU by another police service
Was reported to the SIU by the complainant
Was reported to the SIU by the complainant’s family
Was reported to the SIU by the complainant’s lawyer
SIU found out about the case through court proceedings
SIU found out about case through the media
Other (specify): ___________________________________________________________
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Date incident reported to the SIU: ___________________________________________
Time incident reported to the SIU: ___________________________________________
How soon was the SIU informed about the case?
Immediately (within an hour of the incident)
Two to four hours after the incident
Four to 10 hours after the incident
10 to 24 hours after the incident
From 24 to 48 hours
Between 48 hours and one week after the incident
Between one week and one month after the incident (specify): __________________________
More than a month after the incident (specify): __________________________________________
Reason for late reporting of the incident:
Brief description/synopsis of incident:
Length of SIU investigation (days): _____________________________________
Part E: Director’s Report
Page length of Director’s Report (# of pages): _______________________
Investigation terminated (indicate reasons for termination and length of memorandum):
Outcome of SIU investigation
Officer(s) cleared no criminal charges laid
Criminal charges laid
Nature of charges
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Issues noted in Director’s Report
Police service level of cooperation
No problems noted in Director’s Report
Problems noted
Problems with police service cooperation
Subject officer level of cooperation
No problems noted in Director’s Report
Problem with subject officers’ cooperation noted in Director’s Report
Nature of problems with subject officers’ cooperation
Police witness officer level of involvement and cooperation
1. No witness officers involved in case
2. No problems noted in Director’s Report
3. Problems with witness officers’ cooperation notes in Director’s Report
Nature of problems with witness officer cooperation
Complainant “victim” level of involvement and cooperation
1. Victim deceased
2. No problems noted in Director’s Report
3. Problem with complainant’s cooperation noted in Director’s Report
Nature of problems with complainant’s cooperation
Civilian witness level of involvement and cooperation
1. No civilian witnesses identified in case
2. No problems noted in Director’s Report
3. Problem with civilian witnesses’ cooperation noted in Director’s Report (specify)
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Nature of problems with civilian witnesses
Letter to the chief of police
No difficulties with investigation noted
Difficulties with investigation noted
Nature of difficulties highlighted in Director’s letter to chief
Letter to the chief of police
No request for a written response by chief of police to issues arising from investigation
Request for a written response by the chief of police to issues arising from investigation
Nature of request
Response letter from chief of police to SIU
No request made
Request made but no response received
Request made and response received
Details of response from police chief
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Appendix B: Lower-level use of force data collection
Study number: ____________________________________
GO (occurrence) number: _________________________
Part A: Data from TPS injury report
A1. Circumstances of the injury:
Sustained prior to arrest
Sustained during arrest
Sustained after arrest
No arrest: unintentional or indirect use of force application
No arrest: unintentional other (specify): ______________________________
A2. Causal factors:
Firearm discharge
Conducted energy weapon
Impact weapon
Other use of force (specify): __________________________________________
Self-inflicted injury
Accidental injury (specify): ____________________________________________
Prisoner taken to hospital
Other (specify): ________________________________________________________
A3a. Cause of injury/illness: Review both the response field and the synopsis for details
A3b. Was injury/illness caused by police use of force?
Not determined/not clear
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
A4. Description of injury/illness: Please review entire document, including both the specific
response field, the case synopsis and any other section of the report for details about the
A5. Date of incident: _______________________________________
A6. Time of incident: _______________________________________
A7. Occurrence no: _________________________________________
A8. Location of incident (address):
A9. Location of incident (zone):
A10. Address of injured party:
A11. Age of injured party: ___________________________
A12: Description of medical treatment received: Please review entire document, including
both the specific response field, the case synopsis and any other section of the report for
details about the nature of medical treatment received:
A13. EMS no. provided
A14. Location of treatment (review synopsis for details):
Treatment at scene by officers
Treatment at scene by paramedics
Other treatment at scene (specify): ______________________________________________________
Taken to hospital by officers
Taken to hospital by ambulance/EMS
Taken to hospital by other party (specify): ________________________________________________
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Visited hospital on own
Visited doctors office or medical clinic
Civilian refused medical treatment
Other treatment (specify): ________________________________________________________________
A15. Name of hospital (if applicable): _______________________________________________________
A16. Case synopsis from Injury Report (record as many details as possible):
A17. Details of officer(s) who completed Injury Report (name, rank, employee number and
unit). Note this information is for matching purposes only:
A18. Coder’s comments regarding Injury Report:
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Part B: Data from TPS use of force report
B1. Date of incident: ____________________________________________________
B2a. Time incident commenced: _________________________________________
B2b. Time incident terminated: __________________________________________
B3a. Type of report:
Team: specify team type: ______________________________________________
B3b. Officer length of service: ____________________________________________
B3c. Officer rank: _________________________________________________________
B4. Type of police assignment (circle all that apply):
General patrol
Foot patrol
Off duty
Other (specify): ________________________________________________________
B5. Type of incident (circle all that apply):
Break and enter
Domestic disturbance
Other disturbance:
Suspicious person
Serious injury
Weapons call
Other (specify): ___________________________________________________________________________
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
B6. Number of police officers present at incident: __________________________________________
B7. Attire of officers:
Civilian clothes
B8. Number of civilians (subjects) involved in the incident: _________________________________
Type of force used
if used
Sequence of use
B10. Was force effective?
Yes No
a) Firearm discharged
b) Firearm pointed
at person
c) Firearm drawn
d) Aerosol weapon used
e) Impact weapon (hard)
f) Impact weapon (soft)
g) Empty hand
techniques (hard)
h) Empty hand
techniques (soft)
i) Conducted energy
j) Other (specify):
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
B11. Reason for use of force (circle all that apply):
Protect self or other police officers
Protect public
Effect arrest
Prevent commission of offences
Prevent escape
Destroy animal
Other: (specify): __________________________________________________________________________
B12. Alternative strategies used:
Verbal interaction
Other (specify): ___________________________________________________________________________
B13. Type of police firearm used (circle all that apply):
Other (specify): ___________________________________________________________________________
Not applicable
B14. Total number of rounds fired: _____________________________________
B15. Distance:
Less than 2 metres
2-3 metres
3-5 metres
5-7 metres
7-10 metres
Greater than 10 metres
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
B16. Weapons in civilians’ possession (type and number). Check box if weapon was in
possession of the civilian:
Type of weapon
one (B16a)
two (B16b)
Civilian three
a) No weapon present
b) Unknown
c) Revolver
d) Semi-automatic
e) Rifle
f) Shotgun
g) Knife or edged weapon
h) Baseball bat/club
i) Other (specify):
B17. Location of civilian weapon (at the time use of force decision was made):
Location of weapon
two (B17b)
three (B17c)
a) In-hand
b) At-hand
c) Concealed
d) Not applicable
i) Other (specify):
B18. Number of rounds fired by civilian: __________________________________________________
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
B19. Location of incident:
Motor vehicle
Financial institution
Commercial site
Public institution
Other (specify): ___________________________________________________________________________
B20. Weather conditions:
Other (specify): ___________________________________________________________________________
B21a. Natural lighting conditions:
Other (specify): ___________________________________________________________________________
B21b. Artificial lighting conditions:
Good artificial lighting
Poor artificial lighting
Other (specify): ___________________________________________________________________________
Not applicable
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
B22. Did the subject police officer require medical attention?
B23. Did another police officer require medical attention?
B24. Did the civilian subject require medical attention?
B25. Did a third party (civilian) require medical attention?
B26. Nature of injuries to subject officer:
Not applicable
B27. Nature of injuries to other police officer(s):
Not applicable
B28. Nature of injuries to civilian subject:
Not applicable
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
B29. Nature of injuries to third party:
Not applicable
B30. Use of Force Report reviewed by supervisor:
Not known
B31. Use of Force Report reviewed by training analyst:
Not known
B32. Officer recommended for post-traumatic counselling?
Not known
B33. Officer recommended for other training?
Not known
B34. Date of review: ________________________________________________________________________
B35: Use of Force Report synopsis/narrative:
B36. Officer involved details (name, rank and badge number). For matching purposes only:
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
B37. Date of last use of force refresher training: ___________________________________________
B38. Would officer like to discuss the incident with a training sergeant/analyst?
B39. Additional training recommended by:
Training analyst
Other (specify): ___________________________________________________________________________
B40. Type of training recommended:
B41. Coder’s comments regarding Use of Force Report:
Part C: Data from General Occurrence (GO) report
Incident details
C1a. Date of incident (occurrence date): ____________________________________________________
C1b. Date of GO report (date incident was reported on): ___________________________________
C1c. Date report approved: _________________________________________________________________
C2. Time of incident: ___________________________
C3a. Location of incident (district): __________________________________________________________
C3b. Location of incident (zone): ______________________________
C4. Location of incident (atom): _____________________________________________________________
C5. Location of incident (address):
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
C6. Location of incident (X-Y coordinates to be extracted from access table):
X-coordinate: ______________________
Y-coordinate: ______________________
C7. Description of incident location:
Private residence house
Private residence apartment or condo
Hotel (public area)
Hotel room
Rooming house
On the street (vehicle involved)
On the street (no vehicle involved)
In the public area of a mall
Store in mall
Store outside mall
Restaurant or cafe
Nightclub or bar
In a park
At a school, college or university
At a bank or other financial institution
In a government building
Other (specify): ___________________________________________________________________________
C8. Incident synopsis: This can be ascertained from several sections of the General
Occurrence Report including: 1) Narrative: prosecution summary/synopsis for a guilty plea;
and 2) Narrative: initial officer report:
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
C9. Did the police use physical force? Circle all that apply.
No force used
Police discharged firearm did not hit civilian
Police discharged firearm hit civilian
Police pointed firearm at civilian
Police drew firearm but did not point it at civilian
Police used Taser (conducted energy weapon)
Police used pepper spray
Police used baton
Police engaged in empty-hand techniques (hard)
Police engaged in empty-hand techniques (soft)
Police vehicle used as a weapon
Other (specify): ___________________________________________________________________________
Information not provided
C10. Did the police attempt verbal resolution prior to use of force?
No information provided
C11. Did the officers warn the civilian that they would use force?
No information provided
C12. How was police contact with civilian initiated?
Call for service from member of the public (reactive)
Follow-up investigation (reactive)
Traffic stop (proactive)
Pedestrian stop (proactive)
Police witnessed crime in progress (proactive)
Police search warrant (proactive)
Police raid/sting operation (proactive)
Other (specify): ___________________________________________________________________________
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
C13. What were the actions of the civilian(s) during the encounter?
Civilian did not threaten or attack the police
Civilian threatened police (no weapon)
Civilian threatened police with a firearm
Civilian threatened police with another weapon
Civilian assaulted officers (no weapon)
Civilian discharged firearm at police
Civilian assaulted officers with another weapon
Other (specify): ___________________________________________________________________________
C14. Flee police custody:
The civilian did not try to flee police or escape police custody
The civilian tried to flee police to avoid apprehension
The civilian tried to escape police custody
No information provided
C15. Was the civilian charged with a crime as a result of this incident?
No information provided
C16. Was the civilian charged with resisting arrest?
No information provided
C17. Criminal charges. Please list all the charges against the civilian that emerged from
this incident.
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
C18. Was the civilian in the possession of a weapon at the time of this incident?
No weapons involved
Knife or another edged weapon
Bat or club
Other (specify): ___________________________________________________________________________
C19. When was the weapon or weapons identified (when did it emerge)?
No weapon associated with this case
Gun used to threaten police
Gunshots fired at police
Gun used to threaten civilians
Gunshots fired at civilians
Civilian suspected of firearm possession (did not view before arrest)
Presence of firearm only identified after arrest
Other weapon used to threaten police
Other weapon used to threaten civilians
Other weapon used to attack police
Other weapon used to attack civilians
Civilian suspected of “other” weapon possession
Weapon only identified after arrest
Other (specify): ___________________________________________________________________________
C20. Description of case disposition:
Civilian characteristics
C21. Civilian gender
Other (specify): ________________________________________________
Not provided
C22. Civilian age: __________________________________________________
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
C23. Civilian race/ethnicity
South Asian
West Asian/Arab
Other (specify): ___________________________________________________
Not provided
C24. Civilian address:
C25. Criminal history: Did the civilian have a criminal record prior to this incident?
Information not provided
C26. Details of prior criminal record:
C27. Prior to this incident, hade the civilian ever been convicted of the following types of
offences. Check all that apply:
Homicide, manslaughter or attempted murder
Armed robbery
Aggravated assault
Domestic assault
Firearms offences
Sexual assault
Assault police
Drug trafficking
Organized crime-related offences
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
C28. According to the file is the civilian a suspected gang member?
No information provided
C28a. How was gang membership determined by the coder?
C29. According to the file, does the civilian have a history of mental illness?
Information not provided
C29a. How was mental health history determined by the coder?
C30. According to the file, was the civilian experiencing a mental health crisis at the time of
the incident?
No information provided
C30a. How was “mental health crisis” determined by the coder?
C31. According to the file, was the civilian drunk or intoxicated on alcohol at the time of
the incident?
No information provided
C31a. How was intoxication on alcohol determined by the coder?
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
C32. According to the file, does the civilian have a history of alcohol abuse?
Information not provided
C32a. How was alcohol/drinking history determined by the coder?
C33. According to the file, was the civilian intoxicated or high on drugs at the time of
the incident?
No information provided
C33a. How was drug-related intoxication determined by the Coder?
C34. According to the file, what types of drugs had the civilian been using? Skip if no drugs
used. Indicate “drug not listed” if file says drugs were used but does not specify the types
of drugs used.
C35. According to the file, does the civilian have a history of drug abuse?
Information not provided
C35a. How was drug abuse history determined by the coder?
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
C36. Officer information (please see section of the General Occurrence Report on police
role involvement):
Officer characteristics Officer one (C36a) Officer two (C36b) Officer three (C36c)
a) Name
b) Rank
c) Badge number
d) Gender: (derive from
1. Male
2. Female
3. Can’t tell
e) Rank:
f) Years of service
g) Was officer deemed a
victim in this incident
h) Unit
C37. Coder’s comments regarding General Occurrence Report:
Use of force by the Toronto Police Service
Ontario Human Rights Commission
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