#Human Rights Day Essay competition#
By; JeanPaul Manikuze, 23
The right to freedom of expression is crucial in a democracy. Information and ideas help inform political
debate and are essential to public accountability and transparency in government. This includes the
right to communicate and express oneself in any medium, including through words, pictures, images,
and actions (including through public protest and demonstrations)
Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right. It also underpins most other rights and allows
them to flourish. The right to speak your mind freely on important issues in society, access information
and hold the powers that be account, plays a vital role in the healthy development process of a society.
International, regional and national standards also recognize that freedom of expression includes any
medium, be it orally, in written, in print, through internet or through art forms.
Freedom of expression in the modern world is a characteristic attribute of the social life as it allows
people to vent their thoughts and feelings without the fear of prosecution. Moreover, it helps people to
know the ideas of others and use their talent to accomplish complex tasks. In the present era, when
social media has percolated to all walks of life, freedom of expression has become an important voice
for the common people. It has immense benefits and they are as follows:
Responsibility; a person obtaining freedom of speech tends to become responsible and also aware of
liabilities. In addition, the power transforms the society making it more progressive with gradual
evolution. It is an amazing option to express the view however racism and offending speech should be
prohibited by the government in social media.
Improvement of self-confidence; people who are suppressed from low self-esteem and incapable of
taking decisions. Government around the world should encourage the common man to express dissent
verbally as it makes the democracy vibrant. It plays a very important role in opposing the rules that are
anti-people and only aid the rich.
Innovation; freedom of expression ensures he promotion of the spirit of innovation. Countries such US
and UK provide the amenable environment to people so that they can think freely and create new
products as well as services. Care should be taken by the various communities that fascism is not
promoted in the guise of freedom.
Development of a nation; freedom of expression is instrumental in facilitating the communication
channel between the government and public. An autocratic dictator may never be able to understand
the problems of the common individuals. Prior to implementing the social scheme or the plan, the
political leadership can take the feedback of people to make changes in their social and economic lives.
Democratic countries can easily manage the dissent as they provide an outlet in the form of free speech.
If the freedom is curbed, it can give rise to armed agitations that will not only harm the nation but also
destroy the social structure.
#Human Rights Day Essay competition#
Vibrant media; if freedom of speech is truly implemented in a country, it can lead to a creation of
powerful media capable of formulating the public opinion. Media is essential to voice the grievance of
general public compelling the government to take decisions in their interest. Authorities can also use
media to disseminate positive information about the strategic projects they wish to complete.
Nonviolent protests, a country with freedom of expression will rarely experience civil war or an armed
conflict because the problems of the society can be dealt in a free and transparent manner. Nonviolence
is the primary tool in the hands of the public to bring in far reaching changes. One of the most important
advantages of the freedom of speech is that it helps to bring in peaceful changes without muzzling the
government. People can mobilize support and protest on the street if their demands are justified and
Freedom of expression protections are positively related to increased economic growth because the
population is giving their ideas on what government is planning for them and say what they see not
going well in society. It is also related to increased democracy levels, sociopolitical stability, and
nonviolent method of conflict compared to violent methods.
Freedom of expression helps people rise their diverse and even controversial ideas and opinions which
lead to desirable and vetted sociopolitical solutions. The freedoms of press propositions closely link
media freedoms with democracy development, as well as sociopolitical stability.
The lack of access to freedom of expression is a problem that particularly affecting minorities facing
discrimination both in developed and developing countries. While their scale of struggles varies, these
groups face greater barriers to freedom of expression than the majority.
Impact of poverty, discrimination and cultural factors, governments and local authorities often put in
place more formal mechanisms which result in significant restrictions on access to freedom of
expression for minority groups. So that’s why we need freedom of expression protections by national,
regional and international standards.
Refugees are one of the hardest hit groups of people in terms of facing significant and basic restrictions
on freedom of expression. They need advocacy and special protection of human rights including
freedom of expression and other rights of refugees.
As a conclusion; barriers to free expression show why exercising our right to freedom of expression is
not as simple as living in a democratic society that broadly respects rights. Barriers that inhibit access to
freedom of expression exist all over the world, in various forms and to varying degrees. Through being
denied a voice, these groups are being denied a fundamental right, are facing barriers to their active
participation in society and in many cases, are facing additional limits on their ability and opportunity to
play a part in improving their own lives. Tackling the barriers from poverty to discrimination to laws that
limit access to freedom of expression is vital because it will lead to development and democracy of
those minorities’ people. A country with freedom of speech will develop because all people are taking
part in what is taking place in the country through giving ideas and their actions.