On Your Way to Preventing
Type 2 Diabetes
If you’re interested in preventing type 2 diabetes, this guide can help
you get staed. Congratulations on taking the first step! By reading this,
you’re already on your way.
Prediabetes puts you on the road to possibly geing
type 2 diabetes.
Find out now, in less than 1 minute, if you may have prediabetes by taking the
Prediabetes Risk Test: hps://www.cdc.gov/prediabetes/takethetest/
How did it go
If your result shows you’re at high risk for type 2 diabetes, talk to your doctor about geing
a simple blood sugar test to confirm it. Then, if you’re diagnosed with prediabetes, consider
joining a lifestyle change program offered by the National Diabetes Prevention Program
(National DPP). This program is proven to cut the risk for type 2 diabetes in half. You can find
out more at CDC’s Lifestyle Change Program website:
Not quite ready to join a lifestyle change program? Use this guide to help you
take the first steps toward preventing type 2 diabetes.
Why is prevention so impoant? Because type 2 diabetes is a serious, chronic health
condition that can lead to other serious health issues such as hea disease, stroke, blindness,
and kidney failure. If you can prevent or even delay geing type 2 diabetes, you can lower your
risk for all those other conditions. That’s a prey great deal.
This guide will help you take small, practical steps that add up to a
healthy lifestyle you can stick with and enjoy, including:
Staing point: What’s motivating you sta this journey? What new version of yourself
are you trying to create?
First stop: Set a weight loss goal.
Second stop: Make a nutrition plan for healthier eating.
Develop winning lifestyle habits.
Master the skills of food measurement.
Choose the best foods.
Make work, home, grocery stores, and restaurants work for you.
Keep moving: Set a physical activity goal for healthier movement.
Track your progress: Watch yourself succeed with a few easy steps.
Prepare for the long run: Recognize the suppo you have to keep you going.
By making some healthy changes, including eating healthier and
geing active, you can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes and improve
your physical and mental health overall.
And you don’t have to wait to feel the benefits—when you sta making healthy
changes, you get rewards right away. Aer taking just one walk, your blood sugar
goes down. Make physical activity a habit and see how your sleep improves. Enjoy
the taste of fresh, healthy food. Figure out what to do with all of your extra energy.
Maybe even get closer to friends and family if you invite them along for the ride!
A lile background.
About 37 million people have diabetes
and 96 million people have prediabetes.
Generally, people who get type 2
diabetes staed out with prediabetes.
But the good news is prediabetes can be
reversed! And this guide will help to teach
you the basics.
What is prediabetes?
If you have prediabetes, your blood
sugar is higher than normal but not high
enough yet to be diagnosed as type 2
diabetes. Prediabetes is really a wake-up
call to turn things around, get healthier,
and not get type 2 diabetes
down the road.
Considering joining a lifestyle change program?
A CDC-recognized National DPP lifestyle change program is the gold standard for
preventing type 2 diabetes. A trained lifestyle coach helps guide you to make healthy
changes that can cut your type 2 diabetes risk in half. You also have a suppo group of other
people who have similar goals and challenges. This guide can’t substitute for this lifestyle
change program. But if you can’t join one right now, or if you want a jumpsta before your
program begins, we can help you get going.
Staing Point: What’s motivating you to
take this journey? What new version of yourself
are you trying to create?
For example, you might say that you want to be more active so you can keep up with
your kids or grandkids. Now that you’ve reminded yourself of why you want to create new
habits, let’s review how to create an action plan to help you build a new helpful routine.
Step 1: Figure out what needs to change. The first step is finding a
routine to change for the beer.
Let’s assess where you stand right now when it comes to nutrition and
physical activity. Write down your answers to these questions to make it
easier for you to figure out which of your habits are helpful and which habits
you might want to work on.
Think About How You Eat
in a Typical Week
Think About How You Move
in a Typical Week
Do other people, such as friends, family, or
coworkers, influence what you eat?
How much of your commute is spent
walking or biking?
Do you prepare your meals ahead of time,
or decide in the moment what to eat?
How much time do you make for physical
activity around the house, such as walking
the dog, cleaning the house, or gardening?
How comfoable are you with reading a
nutrition label?
How oen do you dedicate 30 minutes
per day for physical activity, such as
walking, biking, or swimming?
Continued on next page
Think About How You Eat
in a Typical Week
Think About How You Move
in a Typical Week
How oen do you eat out and where? What are your favorite ways to be active?
What makes it easier for you to eat
What makes it easier or more enjoyable
for you to move more?
What makes it harder? What makes it harder?
Step 2: Plan a new routine. Staing a new routine helps you make a positive
change that will stick. Be specific and realistic. Plan small changes to your routines
instead of big changes that are hard to stick with.
Step 3: Find a cue or hint for when to use your new routine.
Your cue could be one of these:
A specific time or place
A feeling or emotion
Other people in your life
An action right before or right aer a
regular routine
Make your new routine easy and the old one harder.
Change your environment to suppo the new routine. Add or remove visual
hints, such as adding a picture of you walking the dog on your phone screen or
puing the kids’ snacks in the cupboard.
Decide how you can make this new routine more rewarding.
Connect a new routine to something fun, like only listening to your favorite band
when taking the stairs, keeping track of the number of floors climbed, or doing
your activity with a friend. Consider long-term rewards aer meeting goals, like
new walking shoes or a healthy meal out at your favorite restaurant.
Create oppounities to repeat and practice your new routine
until it becomes automatic.
I am going to add a stair climb every day just before my morning coffee break.
First Stop: Set a Weight Loss Goal
With your staing point in mind, set a weight loss goal. If you are
overweight and have prediabetes, shedding just 5% of your weight can
help reverse prediabetes.
You may not be able to lose 5% of your body weight, but by eating well and being more
active, you may be able to lower your HbA1C, or just A1C. You have options to be successful.
What is HbA1C? The A1C, or hemoglobin (Hb) A1C, test is one of the commonly used tests to
diagnose prediabetes and diabetes. It’s a simple blood test you get from a health care provider
that measures your average blood sugar levels over the past 3 months. A normal A1C level is
below 5.7%, a level of 5.7% to 6.4% indicates prediabetes, and a level of 6.5% or more indicates
diabetes. Within the prediabetes range, the higher your A1C, the greater your risk is for
developing type 2 diabetes. Ask your health care provider for more information about A1C.
Here’s an example to help calculate a weight loss goal of 5%.
Action Example
Weigh yourself first thing in the morning
for the most accurate results and record
the number.
240 pounds
Determine 5% of your current weight. Take off last digit of your weight:
24 Divide in half: 12
To lose 5%, a 240-pound person would
need to lose 12 pounds.
Subtract that number from your current
weight to determine your goal weight.
240 - 12 = 228
A 240-pound person’s goal weight would
be 228 pounds.
Now it’s your turn. Calculate your personal weight loss goal here:
My current weight is pounds.
5% of my weight is pounds.
My goal is to lose
pounds, for a goal weight of pounds.
Now that you’ve assessed your habits and preferences around eating and being
active and have set a healthy weight loss goal, you’re beer prepared to hit the
road on your way to wellness. The following pages will help you improve your current
habits, gain new ones, and set yourself up for success.
Second Stop: Make a Nutrition Plan for
Healthier Eating
Winning Habits: Make over your meals with a plan, the right
ingredients, and life hacks.
Make a plan. You’ve probably noticed that someone who follows a popular
diet plan might quickly lose weight, but has a hard time keeping it off long
term. This is common and discouraging, so let’s design a plan that you can
follow for life. It doesn’t need to be popular or have a name.
Your plan only needs two key ingredients to work:
1. It should be based on healthy eating.
2. It should be something you can keep doing.
People oen need to try different things to create a plan that works for them. Some may cut
back on sugar and eat more protein to stay fuller longer. Others may focus on crowding out
unhealthy food with extra fruits and vegetables. Still others take the guesswork and temptation
out of life by sticking to just a few breakfast and lunch choices that they know are nutritious.
The details will depend on what you like and what fits in best with your life.
Eat well. Good food in the right amounts does so much more for you than just helping you
lose the pounds; it helps you feel beer and even think beer. All good things!
Some basics to get staed:
Choose these foods and drinks more oen:
Non-starchy vegetables such as peppers,
mushrooms, asparagus, broccoli, and spinach
Lean protein such as fish, chicken, turkey, tofu,
eggs, and yogu
Whole grains such as quinoa, brown rice, and
steel cut oatmeal
Healthy fats in foods like olive oil and avocado,
that replace unhealthy ones
Water and unsweetened beverages
Choose these foods and drinks less oen:
Processed foods such as packaged snacks,
packaged meat, chips, granola bars, sweets,
and fast foods
Trans fat, found in things such as margarine,
snack food, packaged baked goods, and many
fried foods
Sugary drinks such as fruit juice, spos drinks,
and soda
Meaningful Changes That Take Minimal Effo:
Make time to cook. You’ll gain
impressive skills that you’ll keep for a lifetime,
save money, and take the guesswork out of
the ingredients.
Look online for recipes that meet
your skill level, time, and budget.
Many have user reviews to help you decide on
a recipe.
Plan a week’s woh of meals
before you go grocery shopping.
You’ll thank yourself later.
Swap boring veggie recipes for
exciting ones. Watch online cooking
videos to learn the secrets of making
vegetables tastier with different spices or
methods of cooking.
Add something fresh. Find ways to
add healthy sides to prepared meals when in
a hurry.
Check ingredients. Use food labels to
make the best choice possible between two
Make the same food for you and
your family. Healthy eating is good for
Try Meatless Monday. Beans and lentils
are cheap, tasty, and pack a protein punch.
Make family favorites with a twist.
Substitute veggies for grains or starchy
carbohydrates (zucchini noodles, anyone?)
or blend veggies and add to sauces.
Try not to drink your calories. They
won’t fill you up! Reduce fruit juice and spos
drinks, and limit alcohol.
Dress sma. Dress salads with oil (a
healthy one like olive oil) and vinegar, choose
low-fat or fat-free yogu over sour cream, and
mustard instead of mayonnaise.
Make spices your secret weapon.
They add flavor without adding calories.
Freeze! Freeze single servings of a big
batch of healthy food for work lunches or
when you’re too tired to cook.
Think ahead. Think about the times
you’re most likely to eat junk food, like aer a
stressful day at work. Make a plan in advance
to swap out the unhealthy snack you might
eat—such as a candy bar—with a healthy one,
like an apple.
Master the Skills of Food Measurement:
Poion Sizes and Food Labels
Size it up: get a handle on poion size. Most of us don’t know just how much
we’re eating. One way to help manage poion size is by using the plate method.
Using a basic 9-inch dinner plate:
Fill half of your plate
with non-starchy
vegetables, such as
leuce, tomatoes,
green beans, carrots, or
broccoli, and fruits, such
as apples, grapefruit, or
Fill one quaer with with
a lean protein, such as
chicken, turkey, beans,
nuts, tofu, or eggs.
Fill one quaer of
the plate with grains
and starchy foods like
potatoes and oatmeal.
Or skip the starch and
double up on non-starchy
veggies. You can have as
many non-starchy veggies
as you want as long as
they’re not covered with
sauces, buer, or cheese.
Choose water or a low-calorie drink such as
unsweetened iced tea to go with your meal.
We don’t always eat off a plate, right? We eat out of bowls, fast-food packaging, or takeout
boxes and containers. However, it’s really the same idea. You want to make sure your meal
has a good propoion of vegetables, not too much fat, and not too many starchy foods.
If you’re not using a plate, this “handy
guide will help you estimate poion size:
1. 3 ounces of meat, fish, or poultry
Palm of hand (no fingers)
2. 1 cup or 1 medium fruit
3. 1–2 ounces, ¼ cup of nuts
or pretzels
Cupped hand
4. 1 tablespoon
Thumb (tip to base)
5. 1 teaspoon
Thumb tip (tip to 1st joint)
Choose the Best Foods: Decoding Food
Labels, Eating a Healthy Variety, and Quality Calories
Put foods that don’t have labels first on your grocery list. Visit the produce
section to stock up on fresh veggies and fruit. (Just watch out for packaged
food tucked away between the apples and asparagus, such as salad toppings
and snack foods.) Then, shop the outside aisles of the store for dairy, eggs,
and lean meat. Some packaged food will be on your list. Use the Nutrition
Facts label to see how many calories and grams of carbs, sugars, and fat are
in the food you choose.
Check the serving size
first. All the numbers
on this label are for a
1-cup serving.
This package has 4
servings. If you eat the
whole thing, you are eating
4x the amount of calories,
carbs, fat, etc., shown on
the label.
Choose foods with lower
calories, saturated fat,
and added sugars. Avoid
trans fat.
This shows you types
of carbs in the food,
including sugar and fiber.
Choose foods with
more fiber, vitamins,
and minerals.
Eat a variety of healthy
foods. Eat all kinds of
different foods from the
major food groups: veggies,
fruits, grains, dairy or dairy alternatives
such as low-fat or fat-free milk, yogu,
and other products made from soy,
almonds, and cashews, and lean
protein. Eating a variety of foods helps
to make sure you get the vitamins and
minerals you need. You don’t need to
eat all food groups at each meal.
Count what counts.
Don’t get too hung up on calories, but definitely
count them in. Cuing calories from your meals and
adding physical activity to your routine can help you
lose weight. But don’t cut back too far. If you get too
hungry, you won’t stay on your plan. And remember, if
you’re more active, you’re burning more calories.
The National Institutes of Health offers an interactive
Body Weight Planner (hps://www.niddk.nih.gov/
bwp) that can help you determine the number of
calories you should eat each day to get you to your
goal weight and to maintain it.
Make Work, Home, Grocery Stores, and
Restaurants Work for You
Take the work out of eating at work.
From office pastries to aernoon snacks to
increase energy, the workplace can be a challenge
for staying on course to eat healthy. A lile food
preparation goes a long way.
Bring your lunch to work. This can oen be
healthier than buying it.
Keep fruit and vegetables in a plastic container
in the fridge at work for snacks.
Bring groceries in on Mondays and keep them in
a refrigerator to make your lunch at work if you
don’t want to bring lunch each day.
Package high-power snacks, such as nuts, in
small containers so you don’t get famished or
eat too much.
Make home your healthy place.
Sticking to a healthy plan is a lot easier when
you can rely on having nutritious food
available at home.
Avoid “hiding” treats. You’ll know where to find
Prepare a few healthy snacks and keep them on
hand as soon as you get home from the grocery
store. Chop strips of peppers or celery or fruit
so that healthy snacks are readily available
when you get a food craving.
Create a cooking ritual at home. Whether it’s
calling a friend, listening to music, or catching
up on a TV show while you cook, pairing cooking
with another rewarding activity makes it all the
more enticing and beneficial.
Create a grocery store game plan.
The grocery store is your key to success.
Plan before you go, and let an entire
healthy week unfold.
Make a shopping list based on your weekly meal
plan, and stick to it.
Focus on shopping the outer aisles where the
fresh food is located. The inner aisles contain a
lot of processed food and snacks that aren’t as
heathy. This also helps prevent temptation if you
bring your kids shopping with you.
You know this one: shop on a full stomach so
you’re not tempted to buy unhealthy processed
food or junk food.
Restaurants: Order with ease.
Look at the menu and nutrition info online
before you go.
If listed, compare calories of menu items to
help guide your decisions. Plan what you will eat
ahead of time and stick with it.
Decide what you’re going to order before you
go to a restaurant, so you’re not tempted by the
look and smell of less healthy choices.
Avoid buffets.
Ask your server how food is prepared before
deciding what to order.
Ask for veggies instead of fries or other high-
calorie side dishes.
Choose baked, steamed, grilled, or broiled
instead of fried.
Share your main dish with a friend or eat half of
it and wrap up the rest to take home to eat later.
Order sauces, salad dressing, or spreads on the
side, and use sparingly.
Avoid items that seem healthy but aren’t, such
as salads loaded with dressing, cheese, croutons,
and bacon.
If you plan to have desse, select a main course
that is smaller or lower in calories.
Keep Moving: Set an Activity Goal for
Healthier Movement
Get active. Our bodies are made to move, and we feel beer when we do.
That said, geing staed can be a challenge. One thing is for sure—you won’t
stick with something that you don’t like doing, and you shouldn’t have to.
There are lots of ways to get moving; for example, walking is a great physical activity, and just
about anyone can do it. Just be sure to check with your doctor about which activities are best
for you and if there are any you should avoid.
So, set a goal that works for you! And gradually work up to being active at a moderate intensity
at least 150 minutes per week. One way to do this is to aim for 30 minutes, 5 days a week.
In general, if you’re doing moderate-intensity activity, you can talk but not sing during the activity.
Goals Number of days
a week being
How many
active minutes
each time
Total number of
active minutes
each week
Goal date
My physical activity
goal for now
My intermediate
physical activity goal
My ultimate physical
activity goal
Make a Plan! Put it on the calendar and choose the same time or
location for your daily activity. The more regular you are physically active,
the quicker being active becomes a habit.
6:00 walk 6:00 swim
Some Pointers:
Make it easy. Put your walking shoes
and the dog’s leash by the door; lay out your
workout clothes the night before.
Sit less. Get up every hour and move.
Set a timer on your phone with movement
reminders. Walk around the room or stretch
when you’re watching TV or talking on the
phone. Go talk to a coworker instead of
sending an e-mail.
Try an activity tracker. Many of these
apps are free, and it feels great to watch your
steps add up.
Make goals specific. Instead of “I’m
going to get in shape,” think “I’m going to walk
aer dinner on weekdays.”
Find a physical activity that you
like, or you won’t keep doing it.
Physical activity should feel more like
summer camp than boot camp (unless you
like boot camp). Dance, hike, or play—do
what’s fun for you.
Sta small. Lile successes, like choosing
physical activity over TV, pave the way for taking
on bigger goals. Also, take it slow at first—you’re
still beating everyone on the couch!
Work out with a friend. When
someone else is counting on you to show up,
you’ll likely hit the trail or the treadmill more
oen. There’s nothing wrong with a lile
friendly competition.
Reward yourself. Think of a way to
reward yourself for your great work. Maybe
put a dollar in a jar every time you meet your
daily physical activity goal. At the end of the
month, treat yourself to a new ouit or a trip
to the movies (just skip the buery popcorn
and candy).
Write any other strategies you plan to use for keeping active here:
Track Your Progress: Watch Yourself
Succeed With a Few Easy Steps
The best way to stick with your goals and keep building on them is to
measure them! Research shows that people who keep track of their food,
activity, and weight reach their goals more oen than people who don’t.
There are lots of free tracking apps for your phone or tablet. Good old-
fashioned pen and paper work too. Some people swear by taking photos of
everything they eat and drink to keep them accountable.
Here’s an
example log:
Date: Monday, January 28
Walking 10 minutes
Stationary bike 20 minutes
Climbing stairs 10 minutes
Total 40 minutes
Staing weight 240
Week 1* 239
Week 2 236
Week 3 234
Goal weight 228
Date: Monday, January 28
Time Amount Food Item Calories
8:00 am 1 cup Oatmeal 160
½ cup Strawberries 25
7 oz. Greek yogu 150
1 cup Tea with sugar-free
11:00 am 10 Almonds 70
12:30 pm 1 piece Pita bread 190
2 pieces Falafel (baked) 80
¼ cup Hummus 160
2 leaves Romaine leuce 5
5 Cherry tomatoes 15
Single-serve bag Baked chips 120
1 cup Water with lemon 0
4:00 pm 2 cups Popcorn 60
6:30 pm 1 cup Shrimp scampi 230
1 cup Cooked broccoli with
1 tablespoon of
parmesan cheese
½ cup Brown rice 110
1 cup Nonfat milk 90
Total 1,565 calories
*Weighing yourself more or less oen is fine too if you prefer
Prepare for the Long Run: Get Suppo
and Look Ahead
Get suppo. Share your healthy goals and why they’re impoant with your
friends and family. Having their suppo and encouragement can help you
stay on track.
Consider these few examples of suppo:
Ask if a friend would like to walk with you aer dinner.
Invite your kids to cook a healthy meal with you or make a date night out of cooking
with a paner.
Talk to friends about struggles you’re having and ask if they have advice.
Share your successes with people you can trust to encourage you.
Who knows, you could even be helping someone you care about prevent
type 2 diabetes along with you.
Go online.
There are lots of free online resources that can boost your motivation and confidence
too. A quick Internet search will show you no-cost communities with people who share
your goals and challenges, and who could learn from your experience (and you from
theirs). If you share your health goals with others, you’ll be more likely to stick to them.
Remember, your doctor, physician assistant, or nurse
practitioner can help you meet your goals.
If you retake the risk test and find that you’re at a higher risk, or just feel like you’re struggling
and not seeing the results you want, consider asking for your health care provider’s advice
and direction. They could also refer you to specialists, such as a registered dietitian or mental
health counselor, who can help you deal with a specific challenge. If you have prediabetes, ask
your doctor if joining the National DPP might be a helpful step for you.
Look ahead.
We hope this guide has helped you get staed down the road to not only preventing
type 2 diabetes, but also having more energy, beer checkups, and beer mental health.
Making lifestyle changes can take time, but if you add in small
steps towards your goals every week, you can sta to make living
healthy a habit.