Term Sheet
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New South Wales Treasury Corporation
1.00% due 08 February 2024
Term Sheet
New South Wales Treasury Corporation (“TCorp”)
The Crown in Right of New South Wales
Issue Rating:
Aaa (Stable) by Moody’s Investor Services
AAA (Stable) by Standard & Poor’s
AUD Fixed Rate Senior Notes
A$ 1,750,000,000
Direct, unconditional and unsecured obligations of the Issuer
Pricing Date:
05 September 2019
Settlement Date:
12 September 2019 (T+5)
Maturity Date:
08 February 2024
1.00% paid semi-annually in arrears
3YR SFE Commonwealth Government Bond Futures / ACGB 2.75% April 2024
Offer Price:
99.635% (plus accrued interest of 0.095%)
Offer Spread to Benchmark:
EFP + 31 bps | ACGB 2.75% 21 April 2024+ 31.3bps
Coupon Payment Dates:
Payable semi-annually in arrears on 08 February 2020 and each following 08
August and 08 February each year up to and including the maturity date.
Day Count:
RBA Bond Basis (Act / Act)
Business Days:
Business Day Convention:
Following Unadjusted Business Day Convention
Governing Law:
The notes will be governed by, and interpreted in accordance with, the laws of
New South Wales
Denominations of A$100
The minimum consideration payable when issued in Australia will be
Record Date:
Close of Business 7 Calendar days prior to the coupon payment date
Settlement System:
Austraclear and via the bridge to Euroclear / Clearstream
Not Listed
The Notes are issued in a manner intended to ensure that payments of interest
are not subject to Australian withholding tax
Calculation Agent:
Link Market Services Limited
Link Market Services Limited
Lead Managers:
ANZ, Westpac
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ANZ’s Disclaimer
This term sheet (“Term Sheet”) is produced by Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (“ANZ”), a company incorporated in Australia,
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WESTPAC Disclaimer:
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