Court Appearances and Court Compensation Pay
(Amends DGO 3.08 & Re-issue DB 13-210, DB
and DB 16-13 1)
As outlined by DGO
a subpoena, whether civil, criminal or traffic, mandates your
appearance Appearing in court, whether in Criminal Court or Traffic Court, is your duty.
Department General Order 3.08 speaks to the member's responsibility to honor all subpoenas
mandating your appearance as directed from a competent authority.
Members appearing in court as a result of a subpoena shall, sign in at Court Liaison prior to
appearing in the assigned courtroom. Members shall check-in with the assigned District
Attorney, Defense Attorney (in the case of a. defense ubpoena), and/or Traffic' Court officer to
confirm your attendance and check your case status.
A member is not relieved from his/her subpoena appearance obligation until one of the following
actions are completed:
Dismissal of your case by a judge or court commissioner
Excused by the District Attorney or Defense Attorney (in the case of a defense subpoena)
Completion of your court testimony
Signing the roll sheet at Court Liaison does not meet the member's court appearance obligation.
An 'appearance' has not been satisfied until the member has personally signed into Court Liaison
and one or more of the above have been met.
Criminal and Traffic Courts monitor the attendance of officers under subpoena to court. Failure
to appear in court after being subpoenaed is a violation of DGO 3.08 and California Civil Code
Sections 1211 and 1212 and may result in a "body attachment" with accompanying fine and
disciplinary action. The responsibility to resolve any/all issued body attachments and any
accompanying fine rests with the member, personally. If unable to appear in court for any
reason, the member shall complete SFPD
Court Case Response Form (Rev. 02/18), and
forward through the chain of command to the Court Liaison Unit (refer to Department General'
Order:3.08). Jn.the case of a Defense or Civil Subpoena, the member is to call the subpoenaing
party directly at the number provided on the subpoena regarding scheduling conflicts (SFPD
Court Case. Response form is not to be used'for Defense or Civil Subpoenas).
It is often the case that officers are required to appear 'in court outside their regularly' scheduled
tour of duty. In such cases, members are entitled to court premium compensation (overtime). In
order for court premium compensation requests to be processed, and compensation granted, the
following policies and procedures must be followed.
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Morning court compensation requests are limited to no more than
(3) hours in duration
(depending on the time on the subpoena and the member's duty status). Each morning court
compensation request card shall be signed and dated by the attorney handling the case. If a
morning court case is continued to the afternoon, the member shall sign in again at the Court
Liaison Unit before going to the courtroom for the afternoon session. The member shall
complete a second court compensation request card which will be hour-for-hour until he/she is
released by the court.
Members will not be compensated for meal breaks. Members shall have the subpoenaing
attorney sign, date, and record the ending time on the back of the second court compensation
request card. The member shall then bring the morning and afternoon court compensation
request cards and the subpoena to the Court Liaison Unit where the afternoon card will be time-
stamped by Court Liaison staff member.
In the event that a member is subpoenaed to a DMV hearing, a Parole Board hearing or a
criminal case held outside of the San Francisco Hall of Justice, the above procedures shall be
followed except that members will not be required to sign in at the Court Liaison Unit before
court attendance, nor will they be required to have their second court compensation request card
time stamped at the Court Liaison Unit. However, members shall have the subpoenaing party
sign and date their court compensation request cards and/or subpoena and record the ending time
on the cards and/or the subpoena. The Court Liaison Unit will follow up with outside
jurisdictions to confirm times and appearances.
A member subpoenaed to court for just the afternoon hours shall sign in at the Court Liaison
Unit before going to the courtroom. Such court compensation requests shall be limited to no
more than three (3) hours in duration (depending on the time on the subpoena and the member's
duty status). If the afternoon court appearance runs longer than three hours, the member shall
complete a second court compensation request card which will be hour-for-hour until he/she is
released by the court.
Members shall have the subpoenaing attorney sign, date and record the ending time on the back
of the second court compensation request card. The member shall then bring both court
compensation request cards and the subpoena to the Court Liaison Unit where the second card
will be time-stamped by a Court Liaison staff member.
A member may have morning court and afternoon court subpoenas on different cases.
Regardless of whether the morning and afternoon appearances are for the same or different
cases, the above policies still apply.
If a member is held over in court while appearing during a regular on-duty shift, and the court
appearance exceeds the regularly scheduled ending time of the member's tour-of-duty, then the
member is eligible for court compensation pay for the time beginning at his/her normal sign-off
time until the return time back to the Court Liaison Unit. Such cards require a time stamp from
the Court Liaison Unit and the signature, date and ending time from the attorney, bailiff, or court
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clerk. Members are not eligible for compensation for travel time to return to their assigned
station or unit.
Members shall not sign in at the Cowl; Liaison Unit for one another, nor shall they submit court
compensation requests for one another. When applicable, each member must sign in and submit
his/her requests in person.
Members are required to sign in on the Court Liaison "sign-in" sheet for all traffic court
appearances. Members shall make sure that the citation number is on the back of their submitted
Court Compensation Request card for all traffic court appearances.
Members requesting dismissal of their traffic court ease shall do so using SFPD
Court Case
Response Form (Rev. 02/18). Members will not be compensated for their appearance in Traffic
Court when they request dismissal of the case due to the inability recalling the incident.
If unable to appear in court for any reason, the member shall complete SFPD
Court Case
Response Form, and forward through the chain of command to the Court Liaison Unit at least ten
days prior to the court date. Effective immediately, SFPD
256 SFPD Dismissal Request,
discontinued. All paper copies shall be recycled.
A member receiving a jury trial standby subpoena shall follow the instructions on the subpoena
regarding check-in times and whether his/her appearance is required.
Members receiving a jury trial standby subpoena will now check the status of the case via the
CCSF District Attorney's website:
using a CCSF internet
connection or department issued mobile device. Off duty members can use department issued
mobile device or any device of your choosing such as a home internet connection. The website
will provide instructions as to whether the case has been continued or trailing.
The stand-by & check-in procedures do not allow members to check-in for other members except
for those off-duty and without .access to an internet, department issued mobile phone or any other
method Of checking into the DA website. For those, the procedure for status & check-in will
require members to call their assigned district station and request status or check-in, as stated
above, through the on-duty Station Duty Officer. Members not assigned to a district station shall
contact DOC at
and make a request through the on-duty officer at DOC.
If the case has been continued, if the defendant has plead guilty, or if a bench warrant has been
issued, the member shall receive two (2) hours of standby compensation provided that he/she is
off-duty during the entire time frame for call in as printed on the subpoena. If the case is trailing,
the member shall follow the instructions on the DA website. These instructions will tell the
member the next date and time when they are required to check the case status on the DA
website again or when they are to call the specific attorney handling the case and leave contact
information. Trailing case subpoenas are valid for five
court days unless otherwise instructed
by the SF District Attorney's Office or the Court Liaison Unit. The subpoenaing party will issue
a new subpoena if necessary.
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Members placed on court standby without appearing in court will receive two (2) hours of court
premium pay only if they are off-duty during the entire call in period listed on the subpoena.
On-duty time includes any regular time or overtime worked (lOb overtime and on-call pay are
also included).
The instructions on the "Law Enforcement 'Subpoena Check-in" on the DA website will direct
members to leave their name and star number, the defendant's name, court date, and the police
incident number to verify their standby check-in. Members who fail to leave this information are
subject to disciplinary action for failing to honor the subpoena in accordance with Department
General Order 3.08 (Court Appearances by Members). The DA's
Unit will audit the check-
in records to verify that members have met the requirements of the standby subpoena and are
eligible for compensation. Members who fail to leave the required information will not receive
court compensation (This is Step
in the B-subpoena guideline, after checking the case status in
Step 4).
For the purposes of court premium pay compensation, the only standby time period shall be from
1630 hours to 0900 hours the following day. The court compensation request card shall be
written for the exact time frame for check-in as printed on the subpoena.
To account for
legal holidays or court closure days, the standby period will begin at 1630 hours on the last day
that the court is open and end at 0900 hours on the next day that the court is open. Weekend
standby times are Friday 1630 hours to Monday 0900 hours (if the Monday is a legal holiday or a
court closure day, see above).
Members shall not make agreements with subpoenaing parties for any other standby time frame
(i.e. 0900-1100).
Members are cautioned when agreeing to be placed on standby status for the District Attorney
when their original subpoena is for an appearance as their eligibility for compensation may be
affected. Members must have a subpoena that matches the type of compensation requested on
their card (i.e standby or appearance). Members shall not be compensated for telephone calls
with a District Attorney.
Members will not receive compensation for standby agreements made with any outside agency
or attorney (e.g., out of county, federal case, and civil case), unless approved by the Court
Liaison Unit.
For defense subpoenas, members shall call the voice mailbox at
during the
designated dates between
hours and 0900 hours for instructions. If the case has been
continued or if it is not mentioned, the member shall receive two (2) hours of standby
compensation provided that they are off-duty during the entire time frame for call in printed on
the subpoena. Members shall follow theinstructions on the voice recording.
Per DGO 3.08, Section H. D. 7, any member who receives a defense subpoena for a criminal
proceeding, either from the Public Defender's Office or a private attorney, shall immediately
notify his/her commanding officer by completing SFPD form 251, Defense Subpoena Form.
Members shall complete the form in its entirety and attach a copy of the subpoena to the form.
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Commanding Officers shall forward the completed form through the chain of command to the
Court Liaison Unit.
Note that Defense subpoenas can be served upon Court Liaison with as little as
court days to
notify the member of the appearance or call in date (in the case of a standby subpoena). Prompt
service of these subpoenas ensures that members have adequate time to plan for their appearance
and prevents Defense Attorneys from attempting personal service.
The court compensation request card shall be written for
the exact time frame for call in as
printed on the subpoena.. Defense trailing case subpoenas are valid for fourteen (14) court days
after the date on the subpoena, but can be extended if the case goes to trial. The defense attorney
will issue a new subpoena, if necessary.
Compensation requests for conferenees,with an Assistant DA shall be submitted on SFPD form
#289 which is the salmon colored card, rather than on SFPD form
vihich is the pink
compensation request. This SFPD form #289 is submitted to the member's OIC at the home unit
for approval.
If the DA conference is on the same day as the member's appearance in court for the same case,
the compensation request is submitted on a pink court compensation request (SFPD
to the
Court Liaison Unit. This court compensation request requires the date, time and signature of the
Assistant DA and must be attached to the same day subpoena. Members shall not be
compensated for telephone calls with a District Attorney.
There shall be no compensation for members attending conferences on a criminal matter with
any Attorney other than an attorney from the S.F. District Attorney's Office.
Government Code section 68097.2 states that peace officers are entitled to court overtime
compensation only if obliged by subpoena to actually attend as a witness. Members are not
entitled to court compensation premium pay in civil matters when the officer has agreed with a
private attorney to be placed on standby status. Members may refuse standby status and demand
anew subpoena be issued that compels attendance at a specific time.
If a Court Compensation Request card is improperly completed, the Court Liaison Unit shall
return the card to the submitting member with a written explanation for the card's rejection,
along with the corrective measures required for the card to be accepted. Court Compensation.
Request cards that do not and will not qualify for compensation will be denied and retained at the
Court Liaison Unit. A written explanation for the denial shall be sent to the submitting member
with a photocopy of the denied Court Compensation Request card attached.
No court premium compensation will be approved for any subpoena cancelled by the
subpoenaing party or by the DA's IPP Unit prior to the court date. When the Court Liaison Unit
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is notified that a subpoena is cancelled, the unit will fax a court cancellation form to the affected
member's unit and confirm its receipt.
Upon receipt of the
cancellation notification, Platoon Commanders and Officers-in-Charge
shall promptly comply with DGO 3.08 ILD.2.b which requires the following:
"If a court cancellation form is received, but the member is off duty and will not return to duty
prior to the court date, the Lieutenant will attempt to notify the member at home. If the
notification is made by telephone, the Lieutenant will indicate on the cancellation form that the
member was notified along with the date and time of notification. Notified officers will not
receive compensation for attending canceled court cases."
Members are required to attach a copy of the subpoena to the Court Compensation Request card.
Any card turned into Court Liaison without an attached subpoena shall be returned to the
submitting member and not certified until it is received with a copy of the subpoena. The name
and star number listed on the Court Compensation Request card
match the name and the
star number listed on the subpoena in order to be certified.
Members assigned to the Airport Bureau shall follow San Mateo County procedures where
Chief of Police
Per DB 17-080, both sworn and non-sworn members are required to electronically acknowledge
receipt and review of this Department Bulletin in
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