Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit One: Animals
Reading One
Special Friends, pg. 4
Comprehension, pg. 5
1.1-2 Be: Simple Present Form & Contracons
Grammar, pg. 5
Handout—conjugaon of to be
Exercise 1-2, pg. 6
1.3 Be—Use
Grammar, pg. 7
Exercise 3, pg. 7
1.4 Be—Negave Statements
Grammar, pg. 8
Exercises 4-5, pg. 8-9
Present Tense To Be: In Touch Board Game
1.5 Yes/No Quesons & Short Answers with Be
Grammar, pg. 10
Exercise 6, pg. 10-11
1.6 WH- Quesons with Be
Grammar, pg. 12
Exercises 8-9, pg. 13-14
Queson Landall quesons should include a be verb
How is your day going?
Where are you going aer class?
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Two
Benecial Bugs, pg. 15
Comprehension, pg. 16
1.7 Simple Present Armave Statements—Form
Grammar, pg. 16
Simple Present Tense Handout
Exercise 10, pg. 17
1.8 The Simple Present—Use
Grammar, pg. 17
Exercise 11, pg. 18
1.9 The Simple Present—Negave Statements
Grammar, pg. 18
Exercises 12-13, pg. 18-19
Picture Prompts Game—state a simple present sentence about the picture
Even roll = posive sentence Odd roll = negave sentence
The zebras are running.
The bird does not know the cat is watching.
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Three
Lucy Cooke, Zoologist, pg. 20
Comprehension, pg. 21
1.10 The Simple Present—Quesons
Grammar, pg. 21
Exercises 14-16, pg. 22-23
Exercise 17, pg. 24-25
Simple Present Tense Grid Conquest Game
1.11 Wh- Quesons with a Preposion
Grammar, pg. 25
Exercise 18, pg. 26
1.12 Quesons about meaning, Spelling, Cost, and Time
Grammar, pg. 26
Exercise 19, pg. 26-27
Occupaons Board Game
Answer the queson asked by the previous player
Roll the number cube and move your piece
Pose a queson about the occupaon listed using the corresponding ? word
1=who, 2=what, 3=when, 4=where, 5=how, 6=why
Where do doctors work?
How many years of school does it take to become an engineer?
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Four
Bolenose Dolphins, pg. 28
Comprehension, pg. 29
1.13 Frequency Words with the Simple Present
Grammar, pg. 29
Frequency word poster/handout
Exercise 20, pg. 30
1.14 Posion of Frequency Words
Grammar, pg. 30
Exercise 22, pg. 31
How Oen Do You
I always drink coee in the morning.
I rarely watch TV in the aernoons.
1.15 Quesons About Frequency
Grammar, pg. 32
Exercise 23, pg. 32
1.16 Quesons with How Oen
Grammar, pg. 33
Exercise 24-25, pg. 33-35
Good and Bad Habits Board Game
Answer the queson asked by the previous player
Draw a new card and pose a queson with ever or how oen
Roll and move your piece
How oen do you exercise? I exercise twice a week.
Do you ever complain? I try not to complain too much.
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Summary, pg. 36
Unit Review, pg. 37
From Grammar to Wring
Eding Advice, pg. 38
Eding Pracce, pg. 39
Write at least one paragraph in response to prompt 2 in part 3 write: “Describe the behavior of
an animal you know about. This can be a pet or a wild animal.
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit Two: Across Generaons
Reading One
Iris Apfel: Sll Going Strong, pg. 42
Comprehension, pg. 43
2.1 The Present Connuous—Form
Grammar, pg. 43
Exercise 1-2, g. 44
2.2 The Present Connuous—Use
Grammar, pg. 45
Exercise 3, pg. 45
Present Connuous Tense Good and Bad Habits Board Game
make a sentence for the card and the pronoun
He is always exercising.
She is studying biology.
2.3 Quesons with the Present Connuous
Grammar, pg. 46
Exercises 5-7, pg. 46-49
Present Progressive Pronoun Pursuits
Answer the previous person’s queson
Make a present connuous queson about the card you draw
Roll & move
Are you checking a book out of the library? Yes, I am.
When are you leaving for the airport? I’m leaving in two hours.
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Two
Digital Naves and Digital Immigrants, pg. 50
Comprehension, pg. 51
2.4 Contrasng the Simple Present & the Present Connuous
Grammar, pg. 51
Exercise 8, pg. 52-53
What are you doing at….?—double tense version
Even = simple = I read books at the library.
Odd = connuous = I am checking a book out of the library.
2.5 Acon and Nonacon Verbs
Grammar, pg. 53-54
Exercises 9-10, pg. 54-56
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Three
The Future Populaon of the United States, pg. 57
Comprehension, pg. 58
2.6 The Future with Will
Grammar, pg. 58
Handout—simple future tense
Exercises 11-13, pg. 58-60
Decision Dominoes—Teach This
Make It Snappy—Games for Grammar Pracce
2.7 The Future with Be Going To
Grammar, pg. 60
Exercises 14-15, pg. 61-62
2.8 Choosing Will, Be Going To, or Present Connuous for Future
Grammar, pg. 62
Exercises 16-17, pg. 63-64
Future Board Game—Teach This
2.9 The Future + Time or If Clause
Grammar, pg. 64
Exercise 18, pg. 64-65
Simple Tense Traveling Pronouns--Include a me or if clause in answer
If I go to Thailand, I will help rescued elephants.
In two years, I am going to hike an acve volcano in Guatemala.
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit Summary, pg. 66
Review, pg. 67
From Grammar to Wring
Eding Advice, pg. 68
Eding Pracce, pg. 68-69
Write at least one paragraph in response to prompt one in Part 3 Write: “Write about the dierences in
generaons and their use of technology. Use examples from your own life or the lives of people you
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit Three: What is Success
Reading One
Failure and Success, pg. 72
Comprehension, pg. 73
3.1 The Simple Past—Form
Grammar, pg. 73
Handout—Simple Past Tense
Exercises 1-2, pg. 73-74
3.2 The Simple Past—Use
Grammar, pg. 74
Exercise 4, pg. 74
Escape! The Irregular Past Tense Verb Grid Game
state a sentence using the verb you claim
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Two
Never Too Lake to Learn, pg. 75
Comprehension, pg. 76
3.3 The Past of be
Grammar, pg. 76
Conjugaon of to be handout—unit one
Exercise 5, pg. 77
Was or Were: Past Tense of To Be Quadruple Play Game
3.4. The Simple past of Regular Verbs
Grammar, pg. 77
Grammar in Use—pronunciaon of -d/-ed ending, pg. 77
Pronunciaon of past tense verbs video
Pronunciaon of Regular Past Tense Verbs Handout
Regular Past Tense -d/-ed Pronunciaon Spoons
Regular Past Tense Verb Pronunciaon Packing Game
Sliding Sorts—blog post with direcons and downloads
Exercise 6, pg. 78
3.5 The Simple Past of Irregular Verbs
Grammar, pg. 78-79
Irregular Verb Rap—Fluency MC
Handout—Common Irregular Verbs
Exercises 7-8, pg. 80
Irregular Past Tense Verb Puzzles
Irregular Verb Clash—blog post with direcons & downloads
Fishing for Irregular Past Tense Verbs Card Game
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Three
If At First You Don’t Succeed, pg. 81
Comprehension, pg. 82
3.6 Negaves and Quesons with the Simple Past
Grammar, pg. 82
Exercises 9-10, pg. 83-84
Simple Past Tense Cover Up Game
I watched the movie Frozen with my kids last week.
Reading Four
Success in Changing Laws, pg. 85
Comprehension, pg. 86
3.7 The Habitual Past with Used To
Grammar, pg. 86
Exercise 11, pg. 86-87
Growing Up Board Game—Teach This
Unit Summary, pg. 88
Unit Review, pg. 89
From Grammar to Wring
Eding Advice, pg. 90
Eding Pracce, pg. 90-91
Write at least one paragraph in response to prompt number 1 under Part 3 Write, pg. 91.
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit Four: Weddings
Reading One
A Tradional American Wedding, pg. 94
Comprehension, pg. 95
4.1 Overview of Possessive Forms and Pronouns
Grammar, pg. 95
Pronoun Quick Reference Sheet handout
Exercises 1-2, pg. 95-96
4.2 Possessive Forms of Nouns
Grammar, pg. 96
Discuss the dierence between possessive ‘s and contracon ‘s
Possessive Noun or Contracon? Wash Sort Acvity
Exercises 3-4, pg. 97
Singular & Plural Possessives Matching
4.3 Possessive Adjecves
Grammar, pg. 98
Exercises 5-6, pg. 98-99
Possessive Adjecve Four Corners Acvity
4.4 Possessive Pronouns
Grammar, pg. 99
Exercise 7, pg. 100
Possessive Pronouns Robot Folder Game
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
4.5 Quesons with Whose
Grammar, pg. 101
Who’s or Whose Homophone Pracce
Exercise 8, pg. 101
Reading Two
A Desnaon Wedding, pg. 102
Comprehension, pg. 103
4.6 Object Pronouns
Grammar, pg. 103
Exercises 9-11, pg. 104-105
Subject and Object Pronoun Task Cards (bird)
4.7 Reexive Pronouns
Grammar, pg. 106
Exercises 12-13, pg. 106-107
Reexive Pronouns Card Match
Reading Three
New Wedding Trends, pg. 108
Comprehension, pg. 109
4.8 Direct and Indirect Objects
Grammar, pg. 109
Direct Object Idencaon Pracce Center
Exercise 14, pg. 110
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
4.9 Say and Tell
Grammar, pg. 110
Exercise 15, pg. 110-111
Reading Four
Quesons and Answers About American Weddings, pg. 112
Comprehension, pg. 113
4.10 Subject Quesons
Grammar, pg. 113
Exercise 16, pg. 113-114
Picture Prompts Queson Game
Answer the queson asked by the previous student
Ask a subject queson about the new picture
Who is giving the girl owers?
How many boys are carrying boxes?
4.11 Wh- Quesons
Grammar, pg. 114
Exercises 17-20, pg. 114-117
Family Quesons Board Game
Answer the previous person’s queson
Roll and move your piece
Ask a Wh- queson about the family member you land on
Where did your parents meet?
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit Summary, pg. 118
Unit Review, pg. 119
From Grammar to Wring
Eding Advice, pg. 120
Eding Pracce, pg. 120-121
Write at least one paragraph in response to one of the following prompts:
Think About It queson two on page 95 (“Describe the perfect wedding. It can be a wedding you
have been to or a wedding you imagine for yourself.”)
Think About It queson one on page 109 (“Do you like the idea of modern weddings with an
unusual theme, or do you prefer a more tradional celebraon? Why?”)
Think About It number one on page 113 (“Which details about American weddings surprise
Part 3 Write prompt number one on page 121 (“How is a typical wedding in your nave culture
dierent from a typical American wedding?”).
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit Five: American Heritage
Reading One
Thanksgiving, pg. 124
Comprehension, pg. 125
5.1 Noun Plurals—Form
Grammar, pg. 125-126
Plurals Rule Chart handout, pg. 1
Exercises 1-2, pg. 126-172
English is easy…right?! Twinkl ESL video
Exercise 3, pg. 127-128
Fishing for Irregular Plurals Game
Irregular Plural Noun Clash (blog post for direcons & download)
5.2-3 Using the Plural for Generalizaons & Special Cases of Singular and Plural
Grammar, pg. 128, 129
Exercise 4, pg. 129
Escape! The Irregular Plural Noun Grid Game
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Two
Cranberry Sauce, pg. 130
Comprehension, pg. 131
5.4 Count and Noncount Nouns
Grammar, pg. 131
Countable or Uncountable? Handout
Exercise 5, pg. 132
Countable/Uncountable Sliding Sorts
5.5 Nouns That Can be Both Count and Noncount
Grammar, pg. 132
The Countable Noun Song
Exercise 6, pg. 133
Count Noun or Non-Count Noun? It All Comes Out in the Wash Sort
5.6 Units of Measure with Noncount Nouns
Grammar, pg. 133
Quaners Chart—iSLCollecve
Exercises 7-8, pg. 134
Noun Category Acvies: Count/Non-Count
To get your point, must use noun in a sentence with a unit of measure or #
I have two dogs. I drank a cup of coee.
5.7 A Lot Of, Much, Many
Grammar, pg. 135
Much of Many? Aussie Style! Task Cards
Exercise 9, pg. 136
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Three
The First Americans, pg. 137
Comprehension, pg. 138
5.8 There + a Form of Be
Grammar, pg. 138
Exercises 10-12, pg.139-140
5.9 Some, Any, A, No
Review a vs. an—a/an sliding sorts
Grammar, pg. 141
Exercise 13, pg. 141
A or An Arcle Card games: Noun Cards
To get the point, must make a sentence with some, any, a/an, no
I have some crayons in my bag.
I don’t have any paper in my notebook.
Reading Four
Navajo Code Talkers, pg. 142
Comprehension, pg. 143
5.10 A Few, Several, A Lile
Grammar, pg. 143
Exercise 14, pg. 143
5.11 A Few vs. Few; A Lile vs. Lile
Grammar, pg. 143
Exercise 15, pg. 144
Quaner Race—Teach This
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
5.12 Too Much / Too Many vs. A Lot Of
Grammar, pg. 145
Exercise 16, p. 145
Arcle Jeopardy
Unit Summary, pg. 146
Unit Review, pg. 147
From Grammar to Wring
Eding Advice, pg. 148
Eding Pracce, pg. 149
Write at least one paragraph in response to one of these prompts:
Think About It #2, pg. 125: What things in your life are you thankful for?
Think About It #2, pg. 131: Describe your favorite recipe from your country. How is the dish
made? When do you eat it?
Part 3 Write #1, pg. 149: Write about a holiday celebraon in your country. You may write about
food, clothing, preparaons, customs, etc.
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit Six: A Healthy Planet, A Healthy Body
Reading One
Feeding the Planet, pg. 152
Comprehension, pg. 153
6.1 Modifying a Noun
Grammar, pg. 153
Exercises 1-2, pg. 153-154
6.2 Adjecves
Grammar, pg. 154
Discuss the order of adjecves, handout & video—Tolenno Teaching
Orderly Adjecve Descripons Card Game
Exercises 3-4, pg. 155-156
Appezing Adjecves Board Game
6.3 Noun Modiers
Grammar, pg. 157
Exercises 5-6, pg. 157-158
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Two
The Happiest City in the U.S., pg. 159
Comprehension, pg. 160
6.4 Adverbs
Grammar, pg. 160-161
Exercise 7. pg. 161
Adverbs of Manner Four In A Row Game
6.5 Adjecves vs. Adverbs
Grammar, pg. 162
Review good (adj.) vs. well (adv.)
Be Good and Do Well In School Task Cards
Exercise 8, pg. 163
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Three
A Good Nights Sleep, pg. 164
Comprehension, pg. 165
6.6 Too, Too Much, Too Many, and Enough
Grammar, pg. 165
Too or Enough? Commonly Confused Adverbs Task Cards
Exercise 9, pg. 166
6.7 Too and Very
Grammar, pg. 166
Exercise 10, pg. 167
Unit Summary, pg. 168
Unit Review, pg. 169
Grammar to Wring
Eding Advice, pg. 170
Eding Pracce, pg. 171
Write at least one paragraph in response to one of the two prompts in Part 3 Write, pg. 171.
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit Seven: A New Start
Reading One
Ellis Island, pg. 174
Comprehension, pg. 174
7.1-2 Time Words; When & Whenever
Grammar, pg. 175, 178
Exercises 1-3, pg. 176-177
Reading Two
Immigrants: Building Businesses and Communies, pg. 179
Comprehension, pg. 180
7.3 The Past Connuous—Form
Grammar, pg. 180
Past Connuous Tense Chart Handout
Exercise 5-7, pg. 181-182
What Were You Doing…Cover Up Game
7.4 The Past Connuous with a Specic Time
Grammar, pg. 182
Past Connuous World History BCE Board Game
7.5 The Past Connuous with a When Clause
Grammar, pg. 184
Exercise 8, pg. 184
Acve Pronoun Tenses Game—make a past connuous statement with “when”
I was washing my hands when the phone rang.
I was riding my bike when it started to rain.
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Three
Albert Einstein Refugee from Germany, pg. 185
Comprehension, pg. 185
7.6 The Past Connuous with a While Clause
Grammar, pg. 186
Exercises 9-10, pg. 186-187
Simple Tense Traveling Pronouns—make a past connuous sentence with “while”
While traveling in Thailand, I helped rescued elephants.
While vacaoning in Alaska, I drove a dog sled.
7.7 The Simple Past vs. The Past Connuous with When
Grammar, pg. 188
Exercise 11, pg. 188
7.8 Using the -ing Form aer Time Words
Grammar, pg. 189
Exercise 12, pg. 189
What Are You Doing At…?
Draw 2 cards & make a sentence that uses the -ing form aer a me word
Aer checking out a book from the library, I stopped at the coee shop to read it.
I withdrew some money from the bank before boarding my ight at the airport.
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit Summary, pg. 190
Unit Review, pg. 191
From Grammar to Wring
Eding Advice, pg. 192
Eding Pracce, pg. 192-193
Write at least one paragraph in response to one of these prompts:
Think About It #2, pg. 175
Part 3 Write #1, pg. 193
Part 3 Write #2, pg. 193
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit Eight: Where We Live
Reading One
An Apartment Lease, pg. 196
Comprehension, pg. 197
8.1-2 Overview of Modals & Phrasal Modals
Grammar, pg. 197
Modal Verbs—Khan Academy
Exercises 1-2, pg. 198
8.3 Obligaon/Necessity—Must and Phrasal Modals
Grammar, pg. 199
Exercise 4, pg. 199
8.4 Permission/Prohibion—May and Phrasal Modals
Grammar, pg. 200
Exercise 5, pg. 201
8.5 Expectaon—Be Supposed To
Grammar, pg. 201
Exercise 6, pg. 202
What are you doing at? Board Game
If you roll 1 or 4, give an example of something that is permissible to do at the locaon
You may check out a book at the library.
If you roll a 2 or 5, give an example of something that you are obligated to do at locaon
You must return your library books on me.
If you roll a 3 or 6, give an expectaon for the locaon
You are supposed to be quiet when in the library.
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
8.6 Ability/Permission—Can, Could, and Phrasal Modals
Grammar, pg. 202
Exercise 7, pg. 203
Acve Pronoun Tenses
State a sentence using the verb and either can, could, or be able to
You can wash your hands in the bathroom or kitchen.
Reading Two
Frequently Asked Quesons: Recycling Plasc in Your Home, pg. 204
Comprehension, pg. 205
8.7 Advice—Should, Ought To, Had Beer
Grammar, pg. 205
Exercises 8-10, pg. 205-206
Polite Suggesons Board Game
If you have a sunburn, you should put aloe on it.
You had beer put anbioc cream on that cut so it doesn’t get infected.
8.8 Negaves of Modals
Grammar, pg. 207
Exercises 11-12, pg. 208-210
Crime & Punishment Board Game
state a sentence that explains the law, then state what you should do
You must not throw plasc confe. You should use a biodegradable alternave.
You cannot sell margarine as buer. You must label it properly.
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Three
Starng Life in a New Country, pg. 211
Comprehension, pg. 212
8.9 Conclusions of Deducons—Must
Grammar, pg. 212
Exercise 13, pg. 212-213
Picture Prompts
State a sentence that gives a logical conclusion (inference) about the picture.
The lions must be red. They are resng in the grass.
8.10 Possibility—May/Might
Grammar, pg. 214
Exercise 15, pg. 241-215
Why In The World Board Game
Give a possible reason why someone could be doing the strange thing.
I might drive with the top down in the winter if it is broken.
I may wear a coat at the beach in the summer if I am sick.
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Four
How to Furnish Your New Apartment Cheaply, pg. 216
Comprehension, pg. 217
8.11 Using Modals for Politeness
Grammar, pg. 217
Exercise 17, pg. 218
Modal Verb Four In A Row
Make a polite request using the modal and pronoun for the square you’d like to claim
Could you please pass me the salt?
Would they like to have some cookies with their coee?
Unit Summary, pg. 220
Unit Review, pg. 221
Modal Verb Board Game
From Grammar to Wring
Eding Advice, pg. 222
Eding Pracce, pg. 222-223
Write at least one paragraph in response to one of the following prompts:
Think About It #2, pg. 197
Why should we reduce and recycle? What are some ways that you reduce and recycle in your
home? You may use the arcle on page 204 to help you.
Think About It #1, pg. 212
Part 3 Write #2, pg. 223
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit Nine: Virtual Communies
Reading One
Google, pg. 226
Comprehension, pg. 227
9.1 The Present Perfect—Forms
Grammar, pg. 227
Present Perfect Chart Handout
Exercise 1, pg. 228
9.2 The Past Parciple
Grammar, pg. 229 (handout of irregular in unit 3)
Irregular Verb Puzzles
Exercises 2-5, pg. 230-232
Fishing for Irregular Past Tense Verbs—have to state the past parciple form to keep
9.3 The Present Perfect with an Adverb
Grammar, pg. 233 (frequency adverb handout in unit 1)
Exercise 6, pg. 233
Present Perfect Pronoun Pursuits--State a sentence with an adverb to move your piece
He has oen checked a book out of the library.
She has probably visited the park at least once this summer.
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Two
Crowdfunding, pg. 234
Comprehension, pg. 235
9.4 The Present Perfect—Overview of Uses
Grammar, pg. 235
Presenng Perfectly rap—Fluency MC
Exercise 7, pg. 235
Present Perfect Cover Up
I have won a prize. I have been babysing since I was sixteen.
9.5 The Present Perfect with Connuaon from Past to Present
Grammar, pg. 236
Review the dierence between for/since—board game
Exercises 8-9, pg. 236-237
Good & Bad Habits Board Game
State a present perfect sentence that tells when you started doing the habit.
I have been doing yoga since I was in college.
He has never bien his ngernails.
9.6 The Simple Past, the Present Perfect, the Simple Present
Grammar, pg. 238
Exercise 10-11, pg. 238-239
Picture Prompts Game-- State a sentence in the target tense based on the roll
1, 4=simple past; 2, 5=present perfect; 3, 6=simple present
The lions rested in the grass aer eang lunch.
The lions have rested in that patch of grass for many years.
The lions rest in the grass during the day.
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Three
Khan Academy, pg. 240
Comprehension, pg. 241
9.7 The Present Perfect with Repeon from Past to Present
Grammar, pg. 241
Exercises 12-14, pg. 242-243
Acve Pronoun Tenses—make a present perfect sentence about the repeated acvity
I have carried boxes for mulple moves.
You have probably cooked thousands of dinners!
9.8 The Present Perfect with an Indenite Time in the Past
Grammar, pg. 243
Exercise 15, pg. 244-245
Simple Tense Traveling Pronouns
Answer the previous players queson.
Draw a card and ask a present perfect queson with ever or yet.
Have you ever slept in an ice hotel in Sweden?
No, I never have; but I have slept in one in Norway.
Have you seen the changing of the guard yet?
Yes, I have. I saw it yesterday.
9.9 The Present Perfect vs. the Simple Past
Grammar, pg. 246
Exercise 16, pg. 246-247
Past Perfect Travel Adventure Board Game
Answer the previous queson in the simple past with a denite me
Draw a card and ask a new present perfect queson
Have you worn a kimono? Yes, I wore one at a Japanese fesval last year.
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Four
Genealogy and the Genographic Project, pg. 248
Comprehension, pg. 249
9.10 The Present Perfect Connuous—Forms
Grammar, pg. 249
Present Perfect Connuous Chart handout
Exercises 17-19, pg. 249-251
9.11 The Present Perfect Connuous—Use
Grammar, pg. 251
Exercises 20-21, pg. 252-253
Present Perfect Connuous & Simple Dominoes—ELT Base
Unit Summary, pg. 254
Unit Review, pg. 255
From Grammar to Wring
Eding Advice, pg. 256
Eding Pracce, pg. 256-257
Write at least one paragraph in response to one of these prompts:
Think About It #1, pg. 227
Think About It #2, pg. 227
Think About It #2, pg. 235
Think About It #2, pg. 241
Write Part 3 #1, pg. 257
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit Ten: Jobs
Reading One
Finding a Job, pg. 260-261
Comprehension, pg. 261
10.1 Gerunds—An Overview
Grammar, pg. 261
Intro to Grammar Concepts PowerPoint (edited version included in unit PP)
House of Ing Gerunds handout
Verbs Followed by Gerunds handout
Exercises 1-2, pg. 262
10.2 Gerunds as Subjects
Grammar, pg. 263
Exercise 3, pg. 263
10.3 Gerunds as Objects
Grammar, pg. 265
Exercise 5, pg. 265
10.4 Preposion + Gerund
Grammar, pg. 267
Adjecve + Preposion Combinaons Followed by Gerunds Handout--englishpage
Exercises 7-8, pg. 268-269
Comparing Men and Women Using Gerunds acvity
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Two
Employee Engagement, pg. 270
Comprehension, pg. 271
10.5 Innives—An Overview
Grammar, pg. 271
Innives to Indicate—Fluency MC
Innive handout
Exercise 9, pg. 271-272
10.6 Innives aer Expressions with It
Grammar, pg. 272
Exercises 10-11, pg. 272-273
10.7 Innives aer Adjecves
Grammar, pg. 273
Adjecve followed by innive handout--englishpage
Exercises 12, pg. 274
Innives The Board Game
10.8 Innives aer Verbs
Grammar, pg. 274
Exercise 13, pg. 275
Innive Four in a Row
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
10.9 Objects before Innives
Grammar, pg. 276
Nouns Followed by Innives handout
Exercise 14, pg. 276
Innive Cover Up game
10.10 Innives to Show Purpose
Grammar, pg. 277
Exercise 15, pg. 277
Innive Cover Up
10.11 Innives or Gerunds aer Verbs
Grammar, pg. 278
How to use Gerunds and Innives--mmmEnglish
When to Use Gerunds and Innives---Fluentu
Gerund or Innive—Fluency MC
Exercise 16, pg. 278-279
Gerund or Innive Task Cards
Unit Summary pg. 280
Unit Review, pg. 281
From Grammar to Wring
Eding Advice, pg. 282
Eding Pracce, pg. 283
Write at least one paragraph in response to one of the following prompts:
Think About It #2, pg. 261
Part 3 Write #1 or #2, pg. 283
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit Eleven: Making Connecons
Reading One
Reconnecng With Old Friends, pg. 286
Comprehension, pg. 287
11.1 Adjecve Clauses—Overview
Grammar, pg. 287
Relave Clause PowerPoint (edited version included in unit PP) – Jason Wong
Exercises 1-2, pg. 187-188
11.2 Relave Pronouns as Subjects
Grammar, pg. 288-289
Exercise 3, pg. 289-290
11.3 Relave Pronouns as Objects
Grammar, pg. 291
Exercises 4-6, pg. 291-293
Fun With Grammar, pg. 294—Relave Clause Taboo
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Two
Making Connecons Using Meet Up, pg. 295
Comprehension, pg. 296
11.4 Relave Pronouns as Objects of Preposions
Grammar, pg. 296
Exercises 7-8, pg. 297
Relave Clause Memory
11.5 Whose + Noun
Grammar, pg. 298
Exercises 9-10, pg. 298-299
Reading Three
The Science of Friendship, pg. 300
Comprehension, pg. 301
11.6 Adjecve Clauses with Where and When
Grammar, pg. 301
Handout—Which Relave Pronoun Should I Use?
Exercises 11-12, pg. 301-302
Teach This—What’s the Word?
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit Summary, pg. 304
Unit Review, pg. 305
From Grammar to Wring
Eding Advice, pg. 306
Eding Pracce, pg. 306-307
Write at least one paragraph in response to one of the following prompts:
Think About It #1, pg. 296
Think About It #1 & 2, pg. 301
Part 3 Write, #1, pg. 307
Part 3 Write, #2, pg. 307
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit Twelve: Sports and Athletes
Reading One
Gregg Treinsish, pg. 310
Comprehension, pg. 311
12.1 The Superlave Forms of Adjecves and Adverbs
Grammar, pg. 311
Exercises 1-3, pg. 312-313
12.2 Superlaves—Use
Grammar, pg. 313
Comparave & Superlave Pracce, pg. 2—Teach This Handout
Exercise 4, pg. 314
Superlave Board Game
Reading Two
Americans’ Atude Toward Soccer, pg. 316
Comprehension, pg. 317
12.3 The Comparave Forms of Adjecves and Adverbs
Grammar, pg. 317
Fresh, Fresher, Freshest—Fluency MC
Exercises 5-6, pg. 318-319
12.4 Comparaves—Use
Grammar, pg. 319
Exercises 7-8, 10, pg. 319-320, 322
Big, Bigger, Biggest Game
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Three
An Amazing Athlete, pg. 323
Comprehension, pg. 324
12.5 As…As
Grammar, pg. 324
Exercises 11-12, pg. 324-325
12.6 As Many/Much…As
Grammar, pg. 326
Exercise 13, pg. 326
12.7 The Same…As
Grammar, pg. 327
Exercise 14, pg. 328
Making Comparisons with Adjecves and Adverbs Board Game
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Four
Football and Soccer, pg. 330
Comprehension, pg. 331
12.8 Showing Similarity with Like and Alike
Grammar, pg. 331
Exercises 16-17, pg. 332-333
Unit Summary, pg. 334
Unit Review, pg. 335
Comparave and Superlave Board Game
From Grammar to Wring
Eding Advice, pg. 336
Eding Pracce, pg. 337
Write at least one paragraph in response to one of these prompts:
Think About It #2, pg. 317
Think About It #1, pg. 324
Think About It #2, pg. 331
Part 3 Write #1, pg. 337
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit Thirteen: The Law
Reading One
The Supreme Court, pg. 340
Comprehension, pg. 340
13.1 Acve and Passive Voice—Overview
Grammar, pg. 341
Discuss how to change from acve to passive & vice versa
Acve Passive Voice Poster Handout
Exercises 1-2, pg. 341-342
13.2 The Passive Voice—Form
Grammar, pg. 342
Exercises 3-4, pg. 343
Acve or Passive Voice Task Cards
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Two
Jury Duty, pg. 344
Comprehension, pg. 344
13.3 The Passive Voice—Use
Grammar, pg. 345
Exercises 5-9, pg. 345-347
13.4 Negaves and Quesons with the Passive Voice
Grammar, pg. 347
Exercises 10-12, pg. 347-348
Acve & Passive Voice Board Game
Play passive voice only.
If roll a 1 or 4, make a passive sentence.
The apple was eaten.
If roll a 2 or 5, make a negave passive sentence
The apple was not eaten by me.
If roll a 3 or 6, ask a passive queson
What are you planning to do with the apple?
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Three
Who Owns the Photo? Pg. 349
Comprehension, pg. 350
13.5 Transive and Intransive Verbs
Grammar, pg. 350
Transive and Intransive Verb Handout—Perfect English Grammar
Transive and Intransive Verb List—eslwri
Transive and Intransive Verb Idencaon Pracce—Lynch’s Literacies
Included in unit PP---idenfy the object(s) where possible
Exercises 13-15, pg. 351-352
Unit Summary, pg. 354
Unit Review, pg. 355
From Grammar to Wring
Eding Advice, pg. 356
Eding Pracce, pg. 356-357
Write at least one paragraph in response to one of these prompts.
Think About It #1, pg. 341
Fun With Grammar, pg. 348
Part 3 Write #2, pg. 357
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Unit Fourteen: Money
Reading One
Millennials and Money, pg. 360
Comprehension, pg. 361
14.1 Arcles—An Overview
Grammar, pg. 361
Fun video: A, An and The! Just three lile words… Twinkl Resources
Exercises 1-2, pg. 361-362
A or An Arcle Card Games
A or An Sliding Sorts (blog post)
14.2 Making Generalizaons
Grammar, pg. 362
Exercises 3-4, pg. 362-363
14.3 Classifying or Dening the Subject
Grammar, pg. 363
Exercise 5, pg. 364
Exercise 6, pg. 364
Alternave: Diverng Descripve Denions Acvity
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Two
Kids and Money, pg. 365
Comprehension, pg. 366
14.4 Non-Specic Nouns
Grammar, pg. 366
Review quaners (unit 5) Quaners Chart—iSLCollecve
Exercise 7, pg. 366-367
14.5 Specic Nouns
Grammar, pg. 367-368
Exercises 8-10, pg. 368-370
14.6 Specic of Non-Specic Nouns with Quanty Words
Grammar, pg. 370
Arcle Jeopardy (includes some quaners)
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Reading Three
Billionaires, pg. 372
Comprehension, pg. 373
14.7 Other and Another
Grammar, pg. 373
Exercise 11, pg. 374
14.8 More about Other and Another
Grammar, pg. 374
Exercise 12, pg. 375
14.9 Denite and Indenite Pronouns
Grammar, pg. 376
Grammar Girl Indenite Pronouns—MsWowser99
Exercises 13-14, pg. 376-377
Find Someone Who…Indenite Pronouns (Teach This)
Naonal Geographic, Grammar In Context, Level 2 The Gaming Grammarian
Summary of Unit, pg. 378
Unit Review, pg. 379
From Grammar to Wring
Eding Advice, pg. 380
Eding Pracce, pg. 381
Write at least one paragraph in response to one of these prompts:
Think About It #2, pg. 361
Think About It #1, pg. 366
Think About It #2, pg. 366
Think About It #2, pg. 373
Part 3 Write #1, pg. 381
Part 3 Write #2, pg. 381