THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the 26th day of June,
2019, by and between the Santa Ana Unified School District hereinafter
called "DISTRICT" and OC Transit, Inc., hereinafter called
WHEREAS, DISTRICT has selected CONTRACTOR to provide the pupil
transportation services described herein; and
WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR desires to provide such transportation services,
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants hereinafter
contained, the parties agree as follows:
The term of this Agreement shall commence July 1, 2019 and shall
continue through, June 30, 2021.
CONTRACTOR shall, during the term of this Agreement, supply and
maintain such number and type of school buses and personnel as are
required to fulfill DISTRICT's needs for "Home-to School
Transportation" and "Supplemental Transportation" as defined below and
as provided in the documentation supplied and agreed upon as part the
submission of Bid # 05-16.
"Basic Transportation" shall mean the safe and convenient
transportation of any and all pupils who are designated by DISTRICT to
be transported between school and a point reasonably close to the
pupils' homes. Such transportation shall be provided for each and
every day that school is convened and in accordance with bus routes
and schedules submitted by CONTRACTOR to DISTRICT and approved by
"Supplemental Transportation" shall mean the safe and convenient
transportation of any and all pupils or other authorized persons as
may be requested by DISTRICT for field trips, excursions, athletic
activities or any other purpose designated by DISTRICT both during and
outside of normal school hours.
In consideration for services rendered hereunder, DISTRICT shall pay
to CONTRACTOR all sums due and owing and calculated in accordance with
the rates set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part
hereof, as may be adjusted from time to time as provided herein. Not
later than the 10 working days after the end of each month during the
term of this Agreement, CONTRACTOR will submit to DISTRICT a statement
of its services rendered during the preceding month. After
verification of the statement, DISTRICT shall pay the amount due to
CONTRACTOR on or before the 30th day of the month in which the
statement has been submitted.
DISTRICT and CONTRACTOR recognize that certain of CONTRACTOR's costs
are subject to change during the term of this Agreement. Therefore, on
July 1, 2020the rate(s) of compensation payable hereunder during the
ensuing Contract Year shall be the result of the following
The rate(s) of compensation payable during the expiring Contract Year
shall be multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the
CPI for April of the expiring Contract Year and denominator of which
shall be the CPI for the April immediately preceding the commencement
of the expiring Contract Year.
For purposes of this agreement, "CPI" shall mean the Consumer Price
Index published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S.
Department of Labor, for All Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers,
U.S. Cities (1982-84=100), "All Items."
All requests for rate increases must be received by the District no
later than April 30
the current contracted year to be considered
during the contract renewal process.
In the event, DISTRICT's transportation needs materially change during
the term of this Agreement, including any extensions or renewals
hereof, then at the request of either party, the rate(s) of
compensation payable hereunder shall be renegotiated.
DISTRICT shall be responsible for planning all routes, stops and
schedules. DISTRICT will furnish CONTRACTOR a complete route map and
copies of all routes and corresponding Left/Rights, including a route
standard, on or before 10 days prior to the opening of school
preceding each Contract Year. CONTRACTOR shall work with DISTRICT's
designee in planning the routes and otherwise performing this
Agreement. All route standards shall be computed using the latest
version of TransTraks. The base Driving Speeds used shall be as
Interstate Highways 55 MPH
Limited-Access Highways 55 MPH
Other Highways 50 MPH
Arterial Roads 30 MPH
Streets 25 MPH
DISTRICT reserves the right to establish the routes, stops, and
schedules to be followed and to make changes therein from time to
time. DISTRICT shall notify CONTRACTOR whenever changes are necessary
in routes, stops, and schedules and CONTRACTOR shall make a reasonable
effort to adjust its operations to incorporate such changes within
three (3) business days after notice is received from DISTRICT.
CONTRACTOR shall provide those reports and records, which may be
reasonably requested by DISTRICT and necessary for proper payment for
or evaluation of CONTRACTOR's performance hereunder. All such records
shall be open to inspection by DISTRICT or its representative during
regular business hours in CONTRACTOR's office.
CONTRACTOR shall hold DISTRICT, its governing board, officers and
employees harmless and does hereby indemnify DISTRICT, its governing
board, officers and employees from and against every claim or demand
which may be made by any person, firm or corporation, or other entity
arising from or caused by any act of neglect, default or omission of
CONTRACTOR in the performance of this Agreement, except to the extent
that such claim or demand arises from or is caused by the negligence
or willful misconduct of DISTRICT, its agents or employees.
To the extent permitted by law, DISTRICT shall hold CONTRACTOR, its
officers, employees, agents, successors and assigns harmless and does
hereby indemnify CONTRACTOR, its officers, employees, agents,
successors and assigns from and against every claim or demand which
may be made by any act of neglect, default or omission of DISTRICT,
its governing board, officers, employees or agents, except to the
extent that such claim or demand arises from or is caused by the
negligence or willful misconduct of CONTRACTOR, its agents or
CONTRACTOR shall, at its expense, procure and keep in force during the
entire term of this Agreement, public liability and property damage
liability insurance protecting DISTRICT, its board, officers,
employees and agents, and CONTRACTOR, its drivers and other personnel.
CONTRACTOR shall, so long as available at reasonable prices form
standard markets in the property and casualty insurance industry,
provide limits of liability of not less than Five Million Dollars
($5,000,000)Combined Single Limit for bodily injury and damage to
property. CONTRACTOR agrees to provide DISTRICT a certificate of
insurance evidencing such coverage and designating DISTRICT as an
additional insured. Workers' compensation insurance shall be
maintained as required by law, or contractor shall undertake self-
insurance in accordance with applicable state law, as will protect the
contractor from claims, which may arise from its operation under the
contract. All insurance policies shall provide that no coverage shall
be canceled except by ten (10) days written notice to CONTRACTOR and
DISTRICT with evidence of Worker's Compensation coverage in the amount
required by law.
CONTRACTOR shall furnish DISTRICT with performance security in an
amount to be fixed by DISTRICT's Board (which shall not exceed
$750,000 to guarantee the faithful performance of CONTRACTOR's duties
under this Agreement. Such performance security may be in the form of
a performance bond or other security acceptable to DISTRICT and
CONTRACTOR. DISTRICT may waive this requirement for performance
security at any time.
In the event CONTRACTOR is unable to provide the transportation
services herein specified because of any act of God, civil
disturbance, fire, flood, riot, war, picketing, strike, lockout, labor
dispute, loss of transportation facilities, oil or fuel shortage or
embargo, governmental action or any condition or cause beyond
CONTRACTOR's control, DISTRICT shall excuse CONTRACTOR from
performance under this Agreement.
In the event of inclement weather or impassability of roads or
whenever school is canceled, delayed or is dismissed early, DISTRICT
shall notify CONTRACTOR not later than 6:00 a.m. on the day of such
cancellation or delay or not later than one (1) hour before early
dismissal or the cancellation of Supplemental Transportation.
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for implementing and maintaining a
comprehensive pupil transportation safety program. A summary of the
safety program shall be provided for review by DISTRICT upon request.
CONTRACTOR shall employ management personnel who shall be responsible
for the efficient operation of the transportation services furnished
hereunder and who shall be CONTRACTOR's liaison to DISTRICT.
CONTRACTOR shall inform DISTRICT of the name(s), address(s), and
emergency contact information of such management personnel. A manager
and mechanic shall be on duty at all times a school bus is being used
in the performance of this contract.
CONTRACTOR shall employ a sufficient number of drivers and support
personnel to assure DISTRICT of continuous and reliable service.
The CONTRACTOR shall, for the protection of pupils, take reasonable
steps to ensure its drivers and other persons who have contact with the
pupils and their families are of stable personality and high moral
character. The CONTRACTOR shall assure that all the CONTRACTOR’s
personnel meet these qualifications. The CONTRACTOR will not allow any
person to drive a school bus whose conduct might in any way expose a
child to any impropriety of word or conduct, nor shall CONTRACTOR allow
any person to drive a school bus who is not in a condition of mental and
emotional stability. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with Section 45125.1
of the Education Code of California.
CONTRACTOR shall not knowingly permit its drivers to smoke on the bus
nor to drink any intoxicating beverage or be under the influence of
alcohol or drugs, prescription and non-prescription drugs, which
impair the safe operation of the bus, while operating any bus.
In accordance with the gang intervention program, certain items of
clothing and accessories may be determined to be gang affiliated, and
therefore, not permitted at school sites. Drivers must also adhere to
this policy. It is therefore suggested that drivers avoid wearing
items with specific sport team or identified logos other than school,
school bus, or contractor related items. Any tattoos or body art that
may be deemed offensive must be covered during the course of the
driver performing their duties.
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for hiring and discharging personnel
employed by CONTRACTOR to perform its obligations hereunder; provided,
however, that DISTRICT shall have the right to require CONTRACTOR to
remove from service under this Agreement any employee who, in
DISTRICT's sole discretion, is deemed unsuitable for the performance
of transportation services for DISTRICT; and provided further that
DISTRICT shall make such request in writing and state the reasons
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the appropriate number of drivers are
scheduled to work during normal school hours even when their route may
not be running due to a school closure. Drivers scheduled for routes
where school may not be in session should be used as the primary pool
for the CONTRACTOR to backfill any open routes for operating school
CONTRACTOR shall provide qualified drivers, trained and licensed in
accordance with the laws of the State of California and the rules and
regulations of DISTRICT. Accordingly, CONTRACTOR agrees that each
driver shall:
(a) Possess a valid commercial license or permit issued by the State
of California and a Special Driver’s Certificate authorizing such
person to operate a school bus.
(b) Be certified by a duly licensed medical practitioner as medically
qualified and free of medical or physical conditions, which, absent
reasonable accommodation, would limit safe operation of a school bus.
The physical examination shall be conducted prior to employment and
periodically thereafter as required by law.
(c) Successfully complete a course of training, including instruction
in school bus safety, pupil discipline, human relations, defensive
driving, first aid, use of fire extinguisher, traffic laws, applicable
DISTRICT policies and regulations and behind-the-wheel school bus
driving instruction.
(d) Possess a satisfactory driving record and criminal history record,
after review of such records prior to employment and periodically
thereafter to the extent permitted or available, and as required, by
(e) In addition to federal and state regulations, a drug and alcohol
screen will be required of school bus drivers subsequent to any accident
where there has been an injury and/or an involved vehicle has needed to
be towed away that involves the van driver. The screens must be
performed by a reputable clinic and the results kept on file throughout
the duration of the employment with the CONTRACTOR and shall be subject
to inspection by the DISTRICT. The cost of the screen shall be the
responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. School bus drivers who test positive
for drugs or alcohol will not be eligible to work under this contract.
Prior to employment and from time to time thereafter, to the extent
permitted by law, all safety-sensitive personnel shall undergo such
tests as may reveal, within a reasonable degree of medical or
scientific certainty, the presence or absence of drugs or controlled
substances in the body and such tests as may clinically reveal
alcoholism or alcohol misuse. Negative findings for such tests shall
be a condition of employment.
(f) Satisfy all applicable requirements of the U.S. Department of
Transportation, Federal Highway Administration in rendering
transportation services regulated by that agency. (g) Meet any other
criteria required by law or by DISTRICT's policies, rules or
CONTRACTOR shall hold each driver responsible for:
(a) Supervising the loading and unloading of his or her bus at every
pick-up and delivery point.
(b) Keeping informed of all rules and regulations affecting the
operation of school buses and standards of conduct.
(c) Complying with all federal, state and local traffic laws while
operating buses under this Agreement.
(d) Carrying appropriate identification at all times while on duty.
(e) Carrying a timepiece while on duty so that the driver can maintain
established schedule times.
All school buses supplied by CONTRACTOR in performance of this
Agreement shall meet or exceed the standards established by the laws
and regulations of the State of California. CONTRACTOR shall maintain
the school buses used to provide transportation services under this
Agreement in accordance with all laws and accepted industry
maintenance standards.
Buses supplied by the CONTRACTOR shall be no older than:
Vans - Ten (10) model years.
Conventionals - twelve (12) model years.
Transit Style - fifteen (15) model years.
Unless CONTRACTOR receives written approved by DISTRICT.
CONTRACTOR shall provide buses in sufficient number to efficiently
transport all pupils for whom DISTRICT orders services, including a
ten percent ratio of spare buses to ensure continuous service without
interruption. Buses shall be of sufficient capacity to permit every
pupil transported to be seated. All busses assigned to the District
shall be fitted with both front and rear air conditioning units.
The ultimate responsibility and authority to suspend or expel any
pupil from transportation services hereunder shall rest with DISTRICT.
CONTRACTOR's drivers are responsible only for such discipline as is
required to safely and properly operate CONTRACTOR's buses. Each
driver shall handle all disciplinary matters in strict accordance with
DISTRICT policy. In no case will a driver eject a pupil from a bus for
misbehavior except in the event of an extreme emergency endangering
the safety of the pupil, other pupils, the driver or the bus
assistant, and then only after radio notice to CONTRACTOR's terminal
and to the pupil's building principal. All discipline problems shall
be reported in writing following completion of the route. Further
procedures and regulations for the administration of discipline shall
be established cooperatively between DISTRICT and CONTRACTOR.
Vandalism damages to CONTRACTOR's equipment or facilities shall be the
responsibility of CONTRACTOR. However, DISTRICT shall give CONTRACTOR
reasonable assistance in obtaining restitution for damaged equipment
or facilities. CONTRACTOR may, upon concurrence by DISTRICT, refuse to
provide a pupil with transportation services until vandalism damage
caused by such pupil are paid in full.
CONTRACTOR shall store, dispatch and maintain the equipment to be
utilized hereunder and shall maintain an office from which to manage
its operations hereunder at facilities located within or in convenient
proximity to DISTRICT. CONTRACTOR shall minimize driver park-outs as
to avoid possible delays in arrival to the District for their first
scheduled daily pickup.
The services contemplated under this Agreement are deemed to be in the
nature of personal services. This Agreement shall not be assigned by
CONTRACTOR without prior consent of DISTRICT. The parties agree that
assignment by CONTRACTOR of any sums due and owing CONTRACTOR under
this Agreement shall not constitute an assignment of the Agreement.
If either party shall willfully violate any of the covenants or duties
imposed upon it by this Agreement, such willful violation shall
entitle the other party to terminate this Agreement. The party
desiring to terminate for such cause shall give the offending party
thirty (30) days written notice to remedy the violation. If at the end
of such time the party notified has not removed the cause of complaint
or remedied the purported violation, then this Agreement shall be
deemed terminated.
The mutual obligations described in Sections 3, COMPENSATION; 8,
INDEMNIFICATION hereof shall survive the termination or expiration of
this Agreement.
In the interpretation of this Agreement and the relations between
CONTRACTOR and DISTRICT, CONTRACTOR shall be construed as being an
independent contractor employed to provide transportation services
only. Neither CONTRACTOR nor any of its employees shall be held or
deemed in any way to be an agent, employee or official of DISTRICT.
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for, and hold DISTRICT harmless from
any liability for unemployment taxes or contributions, payroll taxes
or other federal or state employment taxes.
This Agreement shall be deemed to be made in and shall be construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of California. All references in
this contract to the "State" shall mean the State of California.
In the event any provision specified herein is held or determined by a
court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, void or in
contravention of any applicable law, the remainder of the Agreement
shall remain in full force and effect.
DISTRICT may extend or otherwise modify the terms of this Agreement in
whole or in part, as circumstances may justify by mutual written
agreement executed by the duly authorized representatives of the
All notices to be given by the parties to this Agreement shall be in
writing and served by depositing same in the United States Mail,
postage prepaid, registered or certified mail.
Notices to DISTRICT shall be addressed to:
Santa Ana Unified School District
1601 E. Chestnut Ave.
Santa Ana, Ca., 92701-6322
Attn: Manoj Roychowdhury, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services
Notices to CONTRACTOR shall be addressed to:
Durham School Services, LP.
4300 Weaver Parkway
Warrenville, IL 60555
Either DISTRICT or CONTRACTOR may change its address of record for
receipt of official notice by giving the other written notice of such
change and any necessary mailing instructions.
This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between DISTRICT and
CONTRACTOR concerning the subject matter hereof. There are no
representations, either oral or written, between DISTRICT and
CONTRACTOR other than those contained in this Agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement in
duplicate the day and year first herein above written.
[CONTRACTOR] Santa Ana Unified School District
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By: _________________________ By: _________________________
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