GIPSA Inspection Data Warehouse (IDW)
Aflatoxin Test Basis
Basis of the sample used for aflatoxin analysis (Composite, Sublot, Other, Both composite
and sublot)
Agency Field Office Code
Official agency or field office that performs the inspection or weighing service
Analysis Weighing Location
GIPSA-assigned number for the location where the sample analysis or weighing service is
Carrier Type
Type of carrier used to transport the commodity (Truck, Rail, Barge, Lash Barge, Container,
Ship, Other)
Cert Date
Date certificate is generated (cert number is assigned)
Cert Number
Serial number of certificate
Cert Signature Inspector Number
GIPSA-assigned number for the individual whose name appears on the certificate
Certification Location
GIPSA-assigned number for the location of the office that issues the certificate
City where the commodity is located at the time of sampling or other service or where the
stowage examination is performed
Commodity Class
Lowest level of agricultural commodity class or subclass as defined in the Agricultural
Product Standards
Commodity/Carrier Location
Location where the commodity is located at the time of sampling or other service or where
the stowage examination is performed (e.g. name of elevator, fleet, rail yard, or warehouse)
Components Infested
Number of infested components
Customer Number
GIPSA-assigned number for the customer. Required for a customer to access data from
Date of Service
Date inspection or weighing is completed
Date Sampled
Date sampling of the sublot or lot is completed
Date Started
Date weighing begins
Country of destination for export shipments based on Commerce Department codes
Destination Quantity
Weight or size of the lot inspected or weighed for export under the USGSA
Destination Quantity Unit of Measure
Description of how the lot is measured
Status of the commodity after sampling or inspection
Divide Type Code
Code to identify a record as the master or a divide when divided-lot certificates are issued
Dust Suppressant
Type of dust suppressant applied to a component, sublot, or lot (e.g. Oil)
Field for capturing if a dye is applied to a component, sublot, or lot
Factor Code
Analytical factor measured
Factor Remarks
Supplemental information related to an inspection result (e.g. 12% moisture basis for a
protein result)
Factor Test Equipment
Serial number or unique identifier of the equipment used in the factor analysis
Factor Test Location
GIPSA-assigned number for the location where the analysis is performed
File Sample ID
Identification assigned by the service provider to a file sample
Type of fumigant applied to a component, sublot, or lot (e.g. Aluminum Phosphide)
Field to indicate if record is to be used for computing supervision or administrative tonnage
GIPSA File Sample ID
Unique number automatically assigned by IDW to each incoming inspection record for
original service or review inspection service- basis new sample.
Level of quality or value as specified in the standards
Identification of the carrier, lot, or submitted sample
Type of insecticide applied to a component, sublot, or lot (e.g. Reldan)
Insects Per Lot
Total number of live insects in the lot
Inspection Result
Result from the analysis of a factor
Inspection Result Unit of Measure
Format for reporting inspection results as specified in the Agricultural Product Standards
Inspection Type
Level of inspection (Original, Reinspection, Appeal, Board Appeal, Supervision, New
Inspection Weighing Service
Classification of service as inspection only, weighing only, or inspection & weighing
Portion of the lot represented by the sample (Sublot, Component, Subsample)
License Number
GIPSA-assigned number for the individual who performs the inspection or weighing service
Load Order Number
Unique lot identifier for the inspection and/or weighing log
Lot Number
Unique alpha-numeric identifier assigned to a lot when Cusum, combined-lot, or round-lot
inspections are performed. Detail inspection records are assigned same lot number as
assigned to summary inspection/weighing records.
Moisture Load Order
Specified moisture load order requirement (Minimum, Maximum, or Average)
Moisture Load Order Percent
Specified moisture load order requirement (percent)
In, Out, Local, Export
Number of Carriers
Number of carriers comprising the lot
Number of Divides
Number of divided certificates issued for a lot
Oil Load Order
Specified oil load order requirement (Minimum, Maximum, Average, or Ordinary)
Oil Load Order Percent
Specified oil load order requirement (percent)
Old Cert Number
Serial number of a certificate that has been replaced by a duplicate, corrected, or
superseded certificate
Ordered By
Name of the customer requesting service
Protein Load Order
Specified protein load order requirement (Minimum, Maximum, Average, or Ordinary)
Protein Load Order Percent
Specified protein load order requirement (percent)
Purpose Code
Purpose of the record (Original, Void, Duplicate, Corrected)
Quantity/Official Weight
Volume, weight, or size of the lot or sample inspected or weighed
Quantity/Official Weight Unit of Measure
Description of how the lot or sample is measured
Record Type
Code that identifies type of record (Summary Inspection and/or Weighing, Detail Inspection)
Information from the remarks section of the certificate that is not reported in any other field
Sampling Method
Method used to obtain the official sample (Probe, Mechanical Diverter, Ellis Cup, Pelican,
Woodside, Mechanical Probe, Multiple, Other)
Sample Identification
Identification of the sample analyzed during the inspection of the lot (e.g. sublot #, material
portion #, railcar ID)
Sequence Number
Sequential number that indicates the sublot inspection order during a Cusum inspection
Service Request Number
Unique number assigned to each request for service that is used to link inspection &
weighing records to the request for service
Service Type
Type of service performed
Special Grade
Special factor or condition present in a commodity that is supplemental to the grade
Starch Load Order
Specified starch load order requirement (Minimum, Maximum, Average, or Ordinary)
Starch Load Order Percent
Specified starch load order requirement (percent)
State where the commodity is located at the time of sampling or other service or where the
stowage examination is performed
Stowage Area Examined
Indication as to whether or not a stowage area of a carrier has been examined
Sublots With Insects
Number of sublots containing one or more live insects
Superseded By
Certificate number of the superseding record. Populated by IDW
Time of Service
Time inspection or weighing is completed
Time Sampled
Time sampling of the sublot or lot is completed
Time Started
Time weighing begins
Top Feet Sampled
Depth that the probe is inserted into a commodity if the bottom of the carrier is not sampled
Type Shipment
Bulk or sack