DOEHRS-IH Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Last Updated: December 2019
Q: How do I get an account for DOEHRS-IH?
A: Requesting an Account in DOEHRS-IH:
CAC Card is necessary
Go to
Choose the Request Account link
Accept Privacy Act and HIPAA Warning Logon and DoD Notice and Consent Banners
Use CAC card
Fill out the requested required information
User Identification
Required data fields First Name, Last Name, SSN, Mother’s Maiden Name, Email
Personnel Information
Required data fields – Work Address, City, State/APO, Zip Code, Country, Organization,
Office/Department, Job Title/Function, Grade/Rank, Installation Name, Commercial
Phone, DSN, Current Privacy Act Training Date, Current HIPAA Certification Date,
Current Information Awareness Training Date, Security Clearance, Security Manager
Name, Security Manager Phone, Supervisor Name, Supervisor Phone
Account Information
Required data fields
Service Branch – Choose Navy
Program Office (often referred to as Industrial Hygiene Program Office (IHPO))
Choose Appropriate Program Office
Permissions – Choose Appropriate Permissions based on User Role
Most roles are approved by the Program Office’s User Security
Administrator (USA). There are a few global or restricted roles that are
approved by the Service Level Administrator (SLA). Checking those roles
will prevent the USA from seeing the access request. The USA should
approve access to the Program Office as they should be familiar with all
users in their Program Office and the SLA will not be.
Please request basic roles initially so that the program Office
access can be seen and approved by the USA. These industrial
hygiene (IH) roles include: Create/edit IH samples and
surveys/Manage IH data; QA IH samples and surveys; Create/edit
SEG Analysis; Maintain data, lab information and notifications;
Maintain Program Office Equipment and Equipment vendors;
Administer shops.
Other global or restricted roles that require SLA approval can be
requested as a role update after initial access to the Program
Office. These IH roles include: Deletion (Delete IH Data; Delete
Program Office Equipment Data), Parent/Child Location, and
System Administration (Administer local Program Office users
(USA role); Administer mobile device security for a site (Site
System Administrator)) permissions, and Mobile Synchronization
accounts. (Mobile accounts and permissions are no longer in use.)
Quality Assurance (QA) Only Program Office personal performing QA
approval functions in DOEHRS-IH should have this permission. Contract
industrial hygienists (IHs) should not have this permission.
Deletion The Program Office should decide who will have Deletion
permissions. Deletion Roles are restricted roles that are granted by the
SLAs rather than the USA, but when a request is received the SLA will
usually contact the USA.
System Administration Permissions should only be requested by personnel
assigned USA or Tablet Security Administrator (TSA) roles. Each
Program Office should have one or more USAs. Once tablets are
deployed, each Program Office should have one or more TSAs.
Environmental Health (EH), Food Protection and Facilities permissions
are typically only for EH users and not IH users
Permissions Generally Not Used by Navy IH or EH -
Import/Export IH Lab Data
Incident Reporting
o Enter Justification Must be 30 characters long
Submit account request
You will receive an email when the Program Office USA approves or denies your request.
Other Account Types – Often requested separately
Oracle Discoverer® (no longer available)
Data Warehouse (discussed more in the document below)
Standard/View On Demand roles at the Program Office level - Most civilian or
military Navy IH or EH personnel have Standard/View roles at the Program Office
Power/Create roles at the Program Office level – Often one or two users at an Program
Office, that are knowledgeable of DOEHRS-IH and computer databases, have
Power/Create roles at the Program Office level. The Power/Create role is required to
create reports and is limited because it requires some knowledge of Business Common
Services (BCS) 4.2 reporting tool and also requires knowledge of the DOEHRS-IH data
structure and relationships. Any reports created by Power Users need to be validated prior
to sharing out the reports.
Standard/ View On Demand or Power/Create roles at the Region level only a few
users, designated by the Region Head, have roles at the Region level.
Standard/ View On Demand or Power/Create roles at the Service level – only the
SLAs or others working with them have roles at the Service level.
Transactional Reporting (discussed more in the document below)
Does not restrict access based on level (Program Office, Region or Service). (i.e. – All
users have access to all levels of data) Contract IHs should not have access to
Transactional Reporting
Standard/ View On Demand roles - Most civilian or military Navy IH or EH
personnel have Standard/ View On Demand roles
Power/Create roles – Only a few users, designated by the Region Head and
knowledgeable of DOEHRS-IH and computer databases, have Power/Create
roles. The Power/Create role is required to create reports and is limited because it
requires some knowledge of BCS 4.2 reporting tool and also requires knowledge
of the DOEHRS-IH data structure and relationships. Any reports created by
Power Users need to be validated prior to sharing out the reports.
Mobile Synchronization
This account type is only needed by Navy IH or EH or information technology (IT)
personnel involved in synchronizing DOEHRS-IH Mobile tablets. (Mobile accounts and
permissions are no longer in use.)
Q: How do I get the required HIPAA, Privacy Act, Exposure Assessment, and Information Awareness
training to request a DOEHRS-IH account?
A: Training required in order to request an account
HIPAA and Privacy Act available on Swank or Joint Knowledge Online
DOEHRS – DoD Industrial Hygiene Exposure Assessment Model on JKO DHA-US050
DoD Cyber Awareness Challenge V4 available on Swank or JKO DoD-
Q: How do I get an account in another Program Office? I have an account at my previously assigned
Program Office, but I moved, and need an account in my newly assigned Program Office.
A: The user can log in DOEHRS-IH and request access to a new Program Office.
Log into DOEHRS-IH production application.
Open My Profile in the left navigation menu under Resources
Scroll to the bottom of your profile and open the hyperlink Request Access to New Program Office.
Complete the request form and submit.
The Program Office USA at the new Program Office will be prompted by system e-mail to approve the
new account request. In small and remote Program Offices, you may need to notify the Help Desk for
account approval. Help Desk contacts are located within the application under the Resources in the left
navigation menu.
After you have a new account, you should open your profile My Profile and set the new Program Office
(under Preferences in your profile) as your default Program Office and click SAVE. (Failing to perform
step (6) may result in your entry of data into the wrong Program Office.)
Remind your previous Program Office USA to Stop Date your account as a user after you are reassigned
Program Offices and USAs: It is important to remove employees who have left (reassigned, retired,
etc…) from your Program Office promptly.
Users: If you are Stop Dated in your only DOEHRS-IH Program Office before you have access to a
new one, your DOEHRS-IH account will be Stop Dated and you will have to apply for a new
DOEHRS-IH account.
Q: How do I register for Business Common Services (BCS 4.2) account?
A: New users must go through Enterprise CAC Registration Service (ECRS).
Use this
Request-v2.pptx tutorial on the NMCPHC website on how to register for BCS 4.2 account for
Transactional Reporting in DOEHRS-IH production or using DOEHRS-IH Data Warehouse.
For Data Warehouse, you need to have data warehouse access level permissions requested in DOEHRS-
IH prior to requesting BCS 4.2 account through ECRS process.
ECRS workflow only allows for requests to remain for 20 days at each approval step. If a request is not
approved or rejected within 20 days, the request is automatically rejected by the system. If this occurs
and the user still requires access, the user would need to resubmit their access request through ECRS.
You must access DOEHRS-IH Transactional Reporting or Data Warehouse using the BCS 4.2 URL https://dha- Users will see a DoD banner; click ok; it will be followed by CAC authentication screen. After
selecting a CAC certificate and entering your pin, users with a BCS 4.2 account will be directed to the BI
launch pad home screen.
If the BCS account is expired or does not exist, you will see the below message with a link to the iAS
ECRS automated access request form (AARF).
You can log on to the url below using your CAC to check the request status.
Q: How often do I need to update My Profile in DOEHRS-IH?
A: All your My Profile information should be periodically checked and updated both in DOEHRS-IH
production and DOEHRS-IH demo If your
email or other contact information changes, that should be updated immediately. Your HIPAA, Privacy Act,
and Information Awareness (HIPAA, PII, and CyberAwareness) training should be updated each year as you
complete them.
Q: Who are all these people in my Program Office? I am the USA and I didn’t approve them.
A: The Program Office’s USA should approve all access to their Program Office, even for contract IHs.
However, you may see a few people as part of your Program Office that a USA did not approve, who were
granted access to your Program Office by the SLA. These individuals include the Navy SLAs, and also a few
contractors working for BUMED, NAVMED EAST, NAVMED WEST and Navy and Marine Corps Public
Health Center (NMCPHC) , that deal at a higher level to provide DOEHRS-IH training, over the shoulder help,
troubleshooting and report writing services for Navy IH/EH. You might see these people in your Program
Offices or making requests, as they need to often be in multiple Program Offices to perform their tasks. They
are OK, and listed at the bottom of this document under DOEHRS-IH POCs.
You need a valid BCS Account to access this
Please visit the Access Request Page to learn more.
Q: What is a USA for DOEHRS-IH?
A: A USA is a DOEHRS-IH User Security Administrator. The USA is the gate keeper to the Program Office.
The USA Approves, Locks, Unlocks, Stop Dates personnel accounts in the Program Office, and ensures the
Program Office personnel’s permissions and profiles are kept up to date. (Profiles include the user's annual
HIPAA, PII, and Cyber Awareness training dates, email, location, supervisor, clearance, roles, etc...) As a USA,
you can see the profiles of personnel in your Program Office by going to the Program Office Personnel link
under Administration in the left hand navigation menu in DOEHRS-IH.
As a USA, DO verify that the roles a person requests are valid and appropriate for their duties in the Program
Navy IHs do not currently use the Lab Import/Export, Environmental Health, Food Protection,
Facilities, Incident Reporting, Radiation, and Registry roles.
Only civilian and military IH personnel should typically be given Data Warehouse or Transactional
Reporting permissions. Contractors generally should not need or have these permissions.
Only certain civilian and military IH personnel, experienced in IH and DOEHRS-IH, should be given
QA permissions. Contractors generally should not need or have these permissions.
As a USA, DO periodically check Program Office Personnel (under Administration on your left navigation
menu). Check the personnel with access to your Program Office - their status, and user roles/permissions and
ensure they are appropriate.
You should recognize the personnel in your Program Office, with perhaps the exception of the BUMED,
NAVMED EAST, NAVMED WEST and NMCPHC personnel mentioned in the previous question. If
users are in your Program Office that you do not know, you need to check with NMCPHC or your
Region to find out who they are, their purpose, etc...
If personnel have erroneous or no longer needed roles/permissions, there are some permissions that you,
as a USA, can update by pulling up their record in Program Office Personnel (under Administration on
your left navigation menu), and unchecking boxes.
If new permissions are needed, generally, it is better for the user to Request Permission Updates
(in My Profile, under Resources on the left navigation menu) if their work has changed and they
need different roles.
Some roles/permission changes (such as Global System Administration permissions, or Data
Warehouse or Transactional Reporting accounts) can only be made by either that person
requesting a permission or account update (in My Profile, under Resources on the left navigation
menu), or by the Program Office submitting a Help Desk Ticket for a Maintenance Change
Request (MCR).
Remind the personnel in your Program Office to check and update their profiles (in My Profile, under
Resources on the left navigation menu) for their current information, email address, and training dates.
The users should check and update their information at least annually.
HIPAA, PII, and Cyber Awareness training dates should be updated by the users, in their
profiles, annually as they are done. If they are out of date in the profile, any new role or account
requests cannot be approved.
Users need to ensure their email addresses are current in their profile. Users with outdated emails
may not receive the email notifications the system sends out.
Users need to ensure any changes in location, supervisor, clearance, etc... are updated in
their profile.
As a USA, DO stop date Program Office personnel no longer active in current Program Office.
If the user is moving to another Program Office, have the person apply for the new Program Office
BEFORE stop dating the user in current Program Office. If users are Stop Dated in their only DOEHRS-
IH Program Office before they have access to a new one, their DOEHRS-IH accounts will be Stop
Dated and they will have to apply for new DOEHRS-IH accounts.
DO NOT lock the account of an user no longer active in your Program Office Locking a user's
DOEHRS-IH account will prevent the person from accessing DOEHRS-IH at their future Program
Office. If the user has left the Program Office and will not be using DOEHRS-IH at their next location,
the person’s account should be Stop Dated rather than locked. (Please keep in mind that if someone’s
account is locked due to inactivity, the USA or even the SLA cannot unlock it; a Help Desk Ticket must
be submitted.)
When you, as a USA, leave (retire/separate from service or move to new Program Office), notify
another USA in your Program Office or a Navy SLA at the NMCPHC so they can Stop Date you in that
Program Office. Also, let the other USA or SLA know who any new replacement USA will be.
Q: Throughout DOEHRS-IH there is a lot of data that can be Stop Dated or Close Dated. What is the
A: Typically, data items that were once there and are now gone or obsolete and ready to archive are Stop Dated.
This applies to many data items in DOEHRS-IH. (e.g. DOEHRS-IH accounts and Program Office access,
Program Office Equipment, Shops, Personnel (at all levels), Processes, Hazards, Shop Equipment, Controls,
Similar Exposure Groups (SEGs), Assessments, etc…) However, Master Schedule tasks which are performed
and completed do not get Stop Dated but are instead Close Dated. (i.e. – The scheduling tasks may be one time
or reoccurring, but it is not that they have gone away or become obsolete, it is more that they are a snapshot in
time and get completed, and so the completed scheduling task record is Close Dated rather than Stop Dated. The
Close Dating archives the Master Schedule task, but not any actual data associated. (e.g. When the actual
Sampling Task is completed, the Master Schedule Sampling Task entry needs to be Close Dated. Close Dating
the Master Schedule Sampling Task entry, archives the completed Master Schedule Sampling Task, but DOES
NOT archive or Outdate the completed Samples or Results that were part of the actual Sampling Task data.))
Please keep in mind that when you enter Stop Dates or Close Dates (or even other dates) in DOEHRS-IH,
please make sure that you are entering in the actual dates for the item you want to use. Some dates default to
"today's date". So make sure the date entered is reflective of when (or the closest estimate of when) the event
actually occurred. (e.g. - the date the item actually stopped or became closed, etc... - as opposed to just using the
date that the data entry was done)
Q: Throughout DOEHRS-IH there is data that can be marked Invalid or Outdated. What is the
A: Some data items in DOEHRS-IH can be marked Invalid or Outdated. This is not a date, like Stop Date or
Close Date, but just a flag on the data item so that it does not show up on lists of current data for use. However,
Invalidating or Outdating an item does not really delete an item. Outdated denotes that the item was correct, but
now obsolete, and archives the item. (In that fashion it is rather like a Stop Date, except that it is just a flag on
the data rather than an actual date denoted for when the data was no longer current.) Invalid denotes that the
item was somehow nullified. (e.g. – A Sample was submitted to the lab, but something happened to it that
invalidated the Sample’s Results.) Truly erroneous or duplicate data is probably best deleted. DOEHRS-IH has
recently expanded the deletion capability. Users with deletion permissions, can now delete many erroneous or
duplicate data items, as long as the items do not have dependent data associated and are not Approved by QA.
(If they do have dependent data, you might need to delete the dependent data first). If there is erroneous or
duplicate data that still cannot be deleted, an MCR can be put in through the Help Desk to delete an item. Help
Desk contacts are located within the application under the Resources in the left navigation menu.
However, some areas only have Invalid as a choice, and some areas only have Outdated as a choice. (e.g.
Sampling Tasks can be Outdated from the appropriate Sample Form screen, and all the associated individual
Samples and their results would then be Outdated. Time Weighted Averages (TWAs) on appropriate TWA tab
can be marked Outdated. Sample Results at the Measurement Information tile on Individual Sample ID
Information screen can be marked Invalid, and if all the result measurements for an individual Sample are
marked Invalid, the individual Sample will be Invalid.) So, at times, a person might use Invalid or Outdated
when they really need to use the other. Also, if you have erroneous or duplicate data, and Outdated is the only
choice (e.g. Same Samples entered twice as separate, duplicate, Sampling Tasks, or multiple duplicate or
erroneous TWAs being calculated for a Sample or Sample set), it would be better to delete the items, so that
later, when you want to include Outdated archived data in a report, it does not seem like it was correct data that
just became obsolete. DOEHRS-IH has recently expanded the deletion capability. Users with deletion
permissions, can now delete many erroneous or duplicate data items, as long as the items do not have dependent
data associated and are not Approved by QA. (If they do have dependent data, you might need to delete the
dependent data first). If there is erroneous or duplicate data that still cannot be deleted, an MCR can be put in
through the Help Desk to delete an item. Help Desk contacts are located within the application under the
Resources in the left navigation menu.
Though it does not appear on the active lists, Outdated sampling data or TWAs can be queried in DOEHRS-IH
from the Other Actions Samples drop down, under Search for Samples or Search for TWAs, with Include
Outdated Samples. When the Outdated Sampling Task or Outdated TWAs are retrieved, they can be “un-
Outdated” by removing the Outdated mark on the appropriate Sample Form screen or TWA tab.
Invalid data, though still in the database, cannot be retrieved like Outdated data. However, invalid data can
show up in reports of DOEHRS-IH production using Transactional Reporting or in reports of DOEHRS-IH
Data Warehouse.
There is a System Change Request (SCR) being worked on to give greater functionality and more flexible in
marking various records as Invalid or Outdated, with business rules regarding the effects on subordinate data.
Also, there is an SCR being worked on to allow the user more capability in deleting some erroneous or
duplicate data so that MCRs will not need to be submitted as often.
Q: Why do I see Start Dates from 1900 in DOEHRS-IH? What dates should I use?
A: Legacy data that was migrated to DOEHRS-IH, whether for Shops, Processes, SEGs, picklist entries, etc…,
generally had a default Start Date like 1900/01/01 or 1970/01/01. This was because the Start Dates were not
captured in the legacy data system and the actual Start Dates for those data fields were unknown. When entering
new data into DOEHRS-IH, the actual dates should be used for any date fields (e.g. – Start Dates, Stop Dates,
Close Dates, etc…) Data is entered into DOEHRS-IH where the date is unknown (e.g. - If historical information
is entered, such as for Shops or Processes or picklist entries that have existed a long time and the actual Start
Date is unknown, estimate the Start Date if possible or enter a default Start Date if necessary.) (e.g. – If a Shop
or Process stops and the actual Stop Date is unknown, estimate the Stop Date as close as possible.)
For Sample Date, DOEHRS-IH defaults to filling the Sample Date field with today’s date rather than having it
blank; so please ensure that you take care to enter the actual Sample Date.
Q: When I let the Help Desk know that there is a problem in DOEHRS-IH, I get emails from the Help
Desk saying the problem is resolved, but when I check the problem is still there. This is not helpful. What
is going on?
A: Often when someone enters a Help Desk Ticket that ends up requiring:
a data maintenance request/MCR (e.g. -please delete this sample, etc...), or
a system change request (SCR) (e.g. - please add this functionality to DOEHRS-IH), or
fixing a defect/system incident report (SIR) (e.g. DOEHRS-IH is supposed to do this but doesn't),
the user will get an email back saying something to the effect that the incident was resolved or the ticket is
closed in the system.
This does not mean it was already fixed, nor does it mean that it is just being dropped. These are system
messages from the Help Desk's Remedy system. What it really means is that the issue is being sent on as an
MCR, SCR, or SIR to be approved by the services and queued for fixing. It is only being closed out of the Help
Desk Remedy system, and has been added to the DOEHRS-IH Tier III internal defect tracking system.
Existing defects change requests or data maintenance requests are evaluated and corrected based on their
severity and available resources. You will be notified via email when the correction is completed. Additionally,
for system changes from SCRs or SIRs that are corrected in future DOEHRS-IH releases, the DOEHRS-IH
release notes (published with each software release) are available within the DOEHRS-IH application under the
Release Information link in the left navigation. The release notes provide the status of all defects or change
requests corrected/included in the release.
Q: One of our commands is now showing up on the Organization Tree in a subfolder under another
Command. What is going on?
A: This usually indicates that a Parent Organization was added for your Command (Organization) on its
Organization picklist entry. Changes to most picklists in DOEHRS-IH are done under the particular picklist by
the picklist request procedure. You want to be very careful making such picklist changes. Typically, there is no
need to add a Parent Organization to a Command (Organization) on the Organization Picklist. If you added a
Parent Organization to the picklist entry by mistake, you would need to submit an MCR to change it back to a
blank Parent Organization on the Organization picklist entry.
Q: One of our commands was deactivated. Should I remove this command from the system?
A: The Supported Organization section of DOEHRS-IH is only used to build your Organization Tree View of
the Shops in your Program Office. The Supported Organization section is built manually and maintained
manually by IHs in the Program Office. This means that when you set up your Program Office, you should
build your Supported Organizations section to cover all of the Organizations (Commands) that your Program
Office supports. This will allow the Program Office to use the Organization Tree View to help navigate their
Shops. The IHs will have to maintain this list manually as well. If all the Shops under an Organization are Stop
Dated, the Organization will not be removed from the Supported Organization list automatically but must be
removed manually by IHs in the Program Office. The Supported Organization section also allows you to keep
track of the Safety Contact personnel for each Organization.
In the past, training classes have taught that if a Shop is added to the Program Office from the Supported
Organization Detail page, removing that Organization from the Supported Organization list would remove the
Shop from the Program Office. However, according to the Help Desk, this is no longer the case (apparently
resolved by a previous DOEHRS-IH release) and you can safely add and remove Organizations from the
Supported Organizations list without any repercussions to your Shop list.
The Supported Organization functionality only serves one purpose, and that is to build your Organization Tree
view list, and thus giving you another method of navigating your Shops in your Program Office. It must be built
and maintained manually and has no other effect on your DOEHRS-IH data.
When to Stop Date affected Shops and SEGs and Remove closed Organizations.
Please be careful Stop Dating Shops, Processes, SEGs, or any of the subordinate information. It is much more
difficult to un-Stop Date and recover the information. There is no cascade effect for Un-Stop Dating. Each item
needs to be found and Un-Stop Dated or re-added.
When an Organization closes, you should first Stop Date the subordinate SEG Processes and SEG Personnel for
the particular Shops of the closed Organization, individually, for each affected SEG. If an affected SEG is
comprised solely of Shop/Processes from that closed Organization, you should also Stop Date the SEG itself,
after Stop Dating those subordinate SEG records. (Note: There is no cascade effect to Stop Date subordinate
records when Stop Dating a SEG, so you have to do it manually.) If an affected SEG is comprised of
Shop/Processes from multiple Organizations, not all of which are closing, only Stop Date the subordinate SEG
Processes and SEG Personnel for the particular Shops of the closed Organization, but do not Stop Date the SEG
itself if it is still active for Other Organizations’ Shop/Processes. (Note: SEGs or Shop/Processes in SEGs will
not be automatically Stop Dated by Stop Dating a Shop. (That is why it is best to Stop Date the affected SEG
records first so that you can more easily identify the Shop/Processes from the Shop being Stop Dated.) You
must Stop Date the SEGs or Shop/Processes in SEGs manually.)
Next, when an Organization closes, you should Stop Date all the Shops for that Organization. (Note: Stop
Dating a Shop will cascade and Stop Date all the subordinate Locations, Shop Personnel, Processes, Process
Personnel, Process Hazards, Process Controls, Ventilation Components, and Observations & Notes. It also
removes the Shop and any subordinate Locations from the Organization Tree View. So, make sure you verify
that all subordinate entries in the Shop/Location tree for Shops in the Organization are ones to be stopped before
setting a Stop Date.) Also, please keep in mind that when you Stop Date a Shop, there is no cascade effect to
Close Date existing one time or reoccurring Master Schedule Task entries (Survey or Sampling or other )
related to that Shop. These existing Master Schedule Task entries need to be manually Close Dated. If manually
Close Dated without being completed, you must enter a Reason Task Not Completed. (Note: For reoccurring
Master Schedule Task entries, you would also change the Master Schedule Task Frequency to one time before
Close Dating the Master Schedule Task entries, so that another Master Schedule Task entry is not automatically
created. Review Master Schedule Usage Tutorial on the NMCPHC DOEHRS-IH website.
Then, you should remove that closed Organization from the Supported Organization list. (Removing the
Organization from Supported Organizations section earlier just would make it so that you could not use the
Organization Tree View to help find your Shops and their SEGs for that command.)
Please keep in mind that if an Organization realigns, reorganizes, or moves, you might not want to just Stop
Date the affected Shops and SEGs (and their subordinate records) or remove the closed Organizations as done
above for closed Organizations. Each particular situation might vary depending on how you want to handle the
data. In those cases, please discuss the individual situation and outcome desired with the SLA and you might
need to submit a Help Desk Ticket for an MCR. (Note: For moving an Organization from one Program Office
to another, it is best to move the Organization and all of its associated Shops, Processes, SEGs, Samples, etc…
by MCR, while they are still active (not Stop Dated or removed) in the original Program Office. This keeps
from having to Un-Stop Date information. See Un-Stop Dating question below.) Help Desk contacts are located
within the application under the Resources in the left navigation menu.
Q: What if the command now comes under another Program Office?
A: If both Program Offices agree, request an MCR through a Help Desk Ticket to move or copy the
Organization and all of its associated Shops, Processes, SEGs, Samples, etc… (Unless there is a
Memorandum of Agreement to share the Organization and the IH responsibilities by joining the other
Program Office).
In the case of copying data to a new Program Office, it is best to copy the Organization and any or all of its data
associated Shops, Processes, SEGs, Samples, etc… to the new Program Office, while they are still active (not
Stop Dated) in the original Program Office. This keeps from having to Un-Stop Date information. See Un-Stop
Dating question below.
(Note: If an Organization is mobile - where the entire Organization moves (e.g. – ships, etc.…), so the facility is
the same (just in a new location), moving the data is likely a better option than copying the data and then Stop
Dating the data in the original Program Office. However, keep in mind, if the data is moved, there is no longer
any historic/archived record of the data in the original Program Office and the only record of the move is the
MCR. Additionally, there might be complications if the moved data was used in SEG assessments in the
original Program Office together with other Organizations’ Shop/Processes.)
Help Desk contacts are located within the application under the Resources in the left navigation menu.
Q: I need to Stop Date a Shop. Will that Stop Date everything associated with that Shop Personnel,
Processes, SEGs, Master Schedule Task entries, etc…?
A: Stop Dating a Shop will cascade and Stop Date all the subordinate Locations, Shop Personnel, Processes,
Process Personnel, Process Hazards, Process Controls, Ventilation Components, and Observations & Notes. It
also removes the Shop and any subordinate Locations from the Organization Tree View. So, make sure you
verify that all subordinate entries in the Shop/Location tree for Shops in the Organization are ones to be stopped
before setting a Stop Date.
However, when you Stop Date a Shop, there is no cascade effect to Stop Date the Shop/Processes in associated
SEGs. You would need to first Stop Date the subordinate SEG Processes and SEG Personnel for the particular
Shop being Stop Dated, for each affected SEG. If an affected SEG is comprised solely of Processes from that
particular Shop being Stop Dated, you should also Stop Date the SEG itself, after Stop Dating those subordinate
SEG records. (Note: There is no cascade effect to Stop Date subordinate records when Stop Dating a SEG, so
you have to do it manually.) If an affected SEG is comprised of Processes from multiple Shops, not all of which
are being Stop Dated, only Stop Date the subordinate SEG Processes and SEG Personnel for the particular Shop
being Stop Dated, but do not Stop Date the SEG itself if it is still active for other Shop’s Processes. (Note:
SEGs or subordinate SEG Processes and SEG Personnel will not be automatically Stop Dated by Stop Dating a
Shop. (That is why it is best to Stop Date the affected SEGs records first so that you can more easily identify the
records from the Shop being Stop Dated.) You must Stop Date the SEGs or subordinate SEG Processes and
SEG Personnel manually.)
When you Stop Date a Shop, there is no cascade effect to Close Date existing one time or reoccurring Master
Schedule Task entries (Survey or Sampling or other ) related to that Shop. These existing Master Schedule Task
entries need to be manually Close Dated. If manually Close Dated without being completed, you must enter a
Reason Task Not Completed. (Note: For reoccurring Master Schedule Task entries, you would also change the
Master Schedule Task Frequency to one time before Close Dating the Master Schedule Task entries, so that
another Master Schedule Task entry is not automatically created. Review Master Schedule Usage Tutorial on
the NMCPHC DOEHRS-IH website.
Please be careful Stop Dating Shops, SEGs, or any of the subordinate information. It is much more difficult to
un-Stop Date and recover the information. There is no cascade effect for Un-Stop Dating. Each item needs to be
found and Un-Stop Dated or re-added. See Un-Stop Dating question below.
Q: I need to Stop Date a Process. Will that Stop Date everything associated with that Process – Personnel,
Hazards, Controls, SEGs, Master Schedule Sampling Task entries, etc…?
A: Stop Dating a Process will cascade and Stop Date all the subordinate Locations, Process Personnel, Process
Hazards, Process Controls, Ventilation Components, and Observations & Notes.
However, when you Stop Date a Process, there is no cascade effect to Stop Date the Shop/Processes in
associated SEGs. You would need to first Stop Date the subordinate SEG Processes and SEG Personnel for the
particular Process being Stop Dated, for each affected SEG. If an affected SEG is comprised solely of the
Process being Stop Dated, you should also Stop Date the SEG itself, after Stop Dating those subordinate SEG
records. (Note: There is no cascade effect to Stop Date subordinate records when Stop Dating a SEG, so you
have to do it manually.) If an affected SEG is comprised of multiple Processes, not all of which are being Stop
Dated, only Stop Date the subordinate SEG Processes and SEG Personnel for the particular Process being Stop
Dated, but do not Stop Date the SEG itself if it is still active for other Processes. (Note: SEGs or subordinate
SEG Processes and SEG Personnel will not be automatically Stop Dated by Stop Dating a Process. (That is why
it is best to Stop Date the affected SEGs records first so that you can more easily identify the records from the
Process being Stop Dated.) You must Stop Date the SEGs or subordinate SEG Processes and SEG Personnel
When you Stop Date a Process, there is no cascade effect to Close Date existing one time or reoccurring Master
Schedule Task entries (Sampling or other ) related to that Process. These existing Master Schedule Task entries
would need to be Deleted (if there is no dependent data associated) or manually Close Dated with a Reason
Task Not Completed entered. (Note: For reoccurring Master Schedule Task entries, you would also change the
Master Schedule Task Frequency to one time before Close Dating the Master Schedule Task entries, so that
another Master Schedule Task entry is not automatically created. Review Master Schedule Usage Tutorial on
the NMCPHC DOEHRS-IH website.
Please be careful Stop Dating Processes, SEGs, or any of the subordinate information. It is much more difficult
to un-Stop Date and recover the information. There is no cascade effect for Un-Stop Dating. Each item needs to
be found and Un-Stop Dated or re-added. See Un-Stop Dating question below.
Q: I need to Un-Stop Date information that I Stop Dated and now want back. How do I do that?
A: There is no cascade effect for Un-Stop Dating. Each item needs to be found and Un-Stop Dated or re-added.
It is important to be careful Stop Dating Shops, Processes, SEGs, or any of the subordinate information. It is
much more difficult to un-Stop Date and recover the information.
Finding Stop Dated Shops can be done by doing a Shop search including archived records. Stop Date is
not on the display screen so you have to find the Shop you want. Then, you can Un-Stop Date the Shop.
Finding Stop Dated Shop Personnel can be done by doing a Shop Personnel search including archived
records. Stop Date is on the display screen making it easier to find the Shop Personnel you want. Then,
you can Un-Stop Date the Shop Personnel.
Finding Stop Dated Processes can be done by doing a Process search including archived records. Stop
Date is not on the display screen so you have to find the Process you want. Then, you can Un-Stop Date
the Process.
Finding Stop Dated Hazards can be done by doing a Hazard search including archived records. Stop
Date is not on the display screen so you have to find the Hazard you want. Then, you can Un-Stop Date
the Hazard.
Finding Stop Dated Controls can be done by doing a Control search including archived records.
However, it is a little different. Neither Start Date not Stop Date is on the display screen and when you
look at the record no Stop Date is entered, so it cannot just be removed. You must click Continue and
associate it with a Hazard to make it active. However, even after made active again, it will show both as
an active record and also as an archived record.
There is no method to search for and Un-Stop Date Process Personnel. You have to re-add personnel to
the Process from scratch from the Shop Personnel.
Finding Stop Dated SEGs can be done by doing a SEG search including archived records. Stop Date is
not on the display screen so you have to find the SEG you want. Then, you can Un-Stop Date the SEG.
The good thing is Un-Stop Dating an entire SEG restores the subordinate Shop/Processes and SEG
Personnel associated to the SEG.
If you just Stop Date a Shop/Process from an existing SEG, there is no method to search for and Un-
Stop Date or re-associate that Shop/Process. You have to re-add the Shop/Process to the SEG from
If you just Stop Date a SEG Personnel from an existing SEG, there is no method to search for and Un-
Stop Date or re-associate that SEG Personnel. You have to re-add the personnel to the SEG from
DOEHRS-IH Transactional Reporting can potentially be used to help identify particular Stop Dated
If you have to recover a large amount of information and all of it and all of its subordinate or associated records
are going to be Un-Stop Dated, it is possible that an MCR can be sent to the Help Desk to Un-Stop-Date, all the
information. This might be used in a situation such as when an Organization was removed and all the Shops and
SEGs were Stop Dated, and then that Organization and all its associated data needs to be made active.
Q: As we understand it, IH Periodic Survey frequency is set for the command. Now, in DOEHRS-IH, can
we set sections (Shops) of a command to a different periodicity - such as some of the Shops at 1 or 2 years
and other administrative ones at 4 years?
A: Yes. Reassessment frequency based on hazard categories per OPNAVINST 5100.23 Series is based on
command types. However, DOEHRS-IH was built on a shop-centric basis. Therefore, the priority values will be
associated to individual Shops (e.g. - Administrative spaces in a shipyard would be a Priority 3 and the welding
shop a Priority 1).
The Industrial Hygiene Field Operations Manual (IHFOM) Chapter 2, Appendix 2-D, discusses IH surveys and
Shop Priorities in DOEHRS-IH. IHFOM -
Shop Priorities are set and can be changed in the Shop Detail screen. Please keep in mind that there is also a
Shop Visit Frequency field on the Shop Detail screen. This Shop Visit Frequency field is a pull down list and
the choices vary based on the Shop Priority picked. You need to pick the proper Shop Visit Frequency if more
than one choice is available – Priority 1 Shops have Shop Visit Frequency of Yearly. Priority 2 Ashore Shops
have Shop Visit Frequency of Every 2 Years. Priority 2 Shops for Ships have a Shop Visit Frequency of Every
3 Years. Priority 3 Shops have Shop Visit Frequency of Every 4 Years. (Note: For Master Schedule Periodic
Survey entries, the Task Frequency chosen should typically match the Shop’s Shop Visit Frequency.) Please
take care in choosing the appropriate Shop Priorities, Shop Visit Frequencies, and Master Schedule Task
Frequencies. There are other frequencies available in the pulldown lists, but those are used by other services.
Q: I have long Shop and Process names currently in the system, but I can no longer enter a name of equal
length. What happened?
A: For DOEHRS-IH Navy legacy (Navy Industrial Hygiene Information System (IHIMS)) data migration data,
since the default algorithms were created before DOEHRS-IH went online and since the data went in behind the
scenes, they accommodated having Shop Names and SEG Names greater than 50 characters. Entering new
Shop Names or SEG Names, normally through DOEHRS-IH, only allows 50 characters to be entered. The
actual Shop Name and SEG Name data field sizes are larger (155 and 150 characters, respectively), but
DOEHRS-IH restricts the data entry of Shop Names and SEG Names to just 50 characters to support readability
in the left navigation menu.
Currently, the only issue, with the migrated Shop Names or SEG Names over 50 characters in length, is when
the users want to edit these Shops or SEGs (e.g. - to add Personnel, etc…) , the system then complains of the
name length and makes the user change it in order to save any changes to the Shop or SEG.
It has also been asked if having the longer Shop Names or SEG Names from data migration will create a
problem when the DOEHRS-IH production data is sent over to the DOEHRS-IH Data Warehouse. Since the
data field sizes are greater (155 and 150 characters, respectively), the Shop Names and SEG Names will be
transferred over to the Data Warehouse as is, without the 50 character size restriction imposed for data entry.
Q: I have Stop Dated Shops, Equipment, Processes, etc..., and they disappeared. Did they get Stop Dated?
What happened?
A: When you put in a Stop Date, the item will no longer appear on the screen. If you want to see Stop Dated
Shops, Equipment, Processes, Personnel, etc..., you need to check the Include Archived Records check box on
the particular search screens.
Please do not reenter the Stop Dated data thinking that it has disappeared. That just creates duplicate entries in
the system. Such duplicate entries would need to be deleted from the system. DOEHRS-IH has recently
expanded the deletion capability. Users with deletion permissions, can now delete many erroneous or duplicate
data items, as long as the items do not have dependent data associated and are not Approved by QA. (If they do
have dependent data, you might need to delete the dependent data first). If there is erroneous or duplicate data
that still cannot be deleted, an MCR can be put in through the Help Desk to delete an item. Help Desk contacts
are located within the application under the Resources in the left navigation menu.
Overall, please remember to use the Include Archived Records check box when searching for Stop Dated
Shops, Equipment, Processes, Personnel, etc…, and avoid creating duplicate entries in the first place.
Q: I need some Processes moved to different Shops in DOEHRS-IH. Is a Help Desk Ticket the only way
to do this? Do you have any advice on how to best make this happen?
A: Yes. Moving Processes to another Shop would be a Help Desk Ticket for an MCR request. Help Desk
contacts are located within the application under the Resources in the left navigation menu.
However, exactly what you do may depend on the situation. For example:
Do you really want to move the data, or do you want to Stop Date the Processes in the old Shops and
duplicate them in the other Shops with a new Start Date? Stop Dating the Processes in the old Shops and
Start Dating the Processes in the other Shops archives and preserves the history of data and change. (The
moving or duplication (adding and Start Dating them in the other Shops and Stop Dating them in the old
Shops) of the Processes can also be done with an MCR.)
What about subordinate data under the Process Hazards, Process Personnel, Samples, etc..? If you are
Start Dating an existing Process under a different Shop, you need to decide whether you want to start
fresh with new data for the “new” Shop/Process, or whether you want the data from the old
Shop/Process duplicated and added in.
What about SEGs? If a Process is Stop Dated in a Shop, that old Shop/Process should also be Stop
Dated in any existing associated SEGs. If you are Start Dating an existing Process under a different
Shop, you need to decide whether you want to add the “new” Shop/Process to the same existing SEGs as
the old Shop/Process, or whether you want to create a new SEG.
Essentially, how the data it is handled and what you describe in the Help Desk Ticket, all depends on what you
are trying to do in the particular situation, as illustrated above.
Q: Where are the OPCODEs?
A: Operations Codes (OPCODEs) were originally developed as a picklist for the Navy legacy IHIMS.
DOEHRS-IH does not use OPCODEs, but a user defined Process Name and a series of Process picklists -
DOEHRS-IH Process Category, Common Process and Process Method. The Process Name is user defined and
is what the user typically sees. Since Process Name is user defined, care must be taken to use a business practice
that ensures accurate and consistent Process Names are created. The DOEHRS-IH Process Category/Common
Process/Process Method picklists are in the form of a three tiered Process pull-down picklist. The DOEHRS-IH
Process Methods from the picklist are the equivalent of the old OPCODEs. It is very important that proper
selections are made from these DOEHRS-IH picklists and they are accurate and consistent for the Process under
consideration in order to facilitate future data mining.
The IHFOM Chapter 3, Appendix 3-A, discusses OPCODEs and DOEHRS-IH Processes and provides an
updated table with suggestions on which DOEHRS-IH Process Category/Common Process/Process Method
choices match up closest with the old OPCODEs. IHFOM -
Q: I am entering Shop personnel that do not have a Social Security Number (SSN) or CAC EDIPN and
DOEHRS will not accept the entry, how should I enter the personnel?
A: This is a known issue with DOEHRS that when entering personnel that do not have a SSN or an EDIPN, it is
unclear how to enter the personnel. This happens more often with foreign nationals in our OCONUS supported
MTFs. For now, please use the personnel number provided to them by the local Human Resources or Security
office and enter that number in the EDIPN field. The identification number must have 9 characters; if there are not
9 characters, please place zeros in front of the number until the ID is 9 characters in length.
Q: We have been told that we need to put in our IH Survey Start and Close Dates into DOEHRS-IH, even
though we create the survey outside of DOEHRS. Why are we doing this, and is this going to be a
reoccurring tasker?
A: DOD and BUMED are following the use of DOEHRS-IH. One of the metrics is the percent of DOD high
risk workplaces (Priority 1 Shops) with an annual characterization within the past 12 months (based on Shop
Visit Frequency). This metric is used as an indicator to ensure the appropriate workplaces are being assessed.
(Similar metrics are also being used for Priority 2 and 3 Shops.)
In order to improve on this metric for the Navy, Program Offices must ensure Priority 1 Shops have a Survey
Task (Baseline or Periodic Survey) in the Master Schedule, complete the survey and then enter a Close Date.
This will need to be done as the Priority 1 Shop surveys are completed annually. (This also needs to be done for
Priority 2 and 3 Shops for their survey periodicities.)
Please keep in mind, when Master Schedule Survey Tasks are created, a Task Frequency is required to be
entered. If Master Schedule Survey Tasks were previously created and then closed for a Shop (even for a
previous year), a Survey Task for this year may already be present for the Shop in Master Schedule, depending
on the Task Frequency entered the previous time. Therefore, first, you will want to check Master Schedule
and/or Work Basket for any Survey Tasks already present. The easiest way to do that is to go into Master
Schedule and do a search on all Shops with a Projected Start Date range of the current year (e.g. – 2015/01/01
through 2015/12/31). For Master Schedule Survey Tasks already present, if the survey for that Shop has
already been completed (even if done not using DOEHRS-IH), enter a Close Date for that Survey Task.
If a Master Schedule Survey Task for a Shop has never been created (or the Task Frequency entered the
previous time was One Time), a Master Schedule Survey Task will need to be created and a Close Date for the
completed survey entered.
Some important points to remember about Master Schedule are that any reoccurring Master Schedule tasks
work in the following manner:
Enter an appropriate reoccurring Task Frequency. (Note: For Master Schedule Periodic Survey entries,
the Task Frequency chosen should typically match the Shop’s Shop Visit Frequency.)
The next reoccurring task does not get scheduled until the first task is closed (Close Date entered).
When the first task is closed, it will only show up if Include Archived Records is checked on the Master
Schedule search screen.
Regulations and task Equipment should be carried forward to the new reoccurring task; Assigned Program
Office Personnel should not. Please be aware that tasks that are set up with a reoccurring frequency will
automatically generate a new task but will not carry forward the Assigned Program Office Personnel. It
will be up to the Responsible Program Office Personnel (identified in the Program Office Personnel tile
at the bottom of the task Master Schedule Detail screen) to assign a IH or IH Tech to the task.
Please keep in mind that when creating a new Master Schedule reoccurring task, entering in Projected
Start Date, and Actual Start Date and Close Date, all at the same time when creating a new Master
Schedule task, will not create a reoccurring task, regardless of if the Task Frequency is set properly (to
something other than One Time depending on the required periodicity). You need to initially create the
Master Schedule reoccurring task, enter the Projected Start Date, and ensure the Task Frequency is set
correctly. Later when the task is actually started, go into that Master Schedule reoccurring task entry and
enter the Actual Start Date. Once the task is completed, go into the Master Schedule reoccurring task entry
and enter the Close Date. This ensures that a new Master Schedule reoccurring task is automatically
Master Schedule task creation is a part of DOEHRS-IH training. IH users can review this training as follows:
Review Master Schedule Usage Tutorial on the NMCPHC DOEHRS-IH website.
Review automated scenario to Add Master Schedule Periodic Survey (located in the DOEHRS-IH
applications in Classroom Training Presentations under DOEHRS Documentation in the left
navigation menu.)
Review Chapter 14 in the Student Guide (located in the DOEHRS-IH applications under
DOEHRS Documentation in the left navigation menu.)
Review the Computer Based Training (CBT) DOEHRS CBT 09-Master Schedule Guide (located in the
DOEHRS-IH applications under DOEHRS Documentation in the left navigation menu.) (Note: To run
CBT, please ensure that you are saving the CBT file to your desktop prior to running it, by right clicking
on the link and selecting Save Target As option.)
Q: What do I do if I have active Shops that I cannot survey because they are in the shipyard or deployed
for an extended period? They are counting against me in the metrics because I cannot Close Date the
surveys in Master Schedule.
A: If you have Organizations that are unavailable for an extended period, and you cannot complete your Shop
Periodic Surveys or other tasks (e.g. – if there are also any reoccurring periodic Sampling Tasks) on time, you
should go into the Master Schedule Task entries and manually Close Date them without being completed. The
Close Date should be when the Shop became unavailable (and hopefully before the current due dates). Also,
you must enter a Reason Task Not Completed, and explain in the Comments. You should leave the Master
Schedule Task Frequency at the appropriate reoccurring periodicity. However, to realign the next Master
Schedule Task due date with when the Shop will be available, you should go into the new future Master
Schedule Task entries, and change the Projected Start Date and Projected Due Date to align with the Shop
availability. While not specifically addressed, review Master Schedule Usage Tutorial on the NMCPHC
DOEHRS-IH website.
Q: I have Close Dated Baseline and Periodic Survey Tasks in the Master Schedule and they disappeared.
Did they get Close Dated? What happened? Should I reenter it?
A: When you put in a Close Date, the item will no longer appear on the screen. If you want to see Close Dated
surveys or other closed Master Schedule tasks, you need to check the Include Archived Records check box on
the search screens. (See example screen shot below.)
Example of a Search for Closed Periodic Surveys within the Last 12 Months (4/11/2011-4/11/2012)
Please do not reenter the Close Dated data thinking that it has disappeared (e.g. – Do not recreate and reclose a
Periodic Survey in the Master Schedule). That just creates duplicate entries in the system. Such duplicate entries
would need to be deleted from the system. DOEHRS-IH has recently expanded the deletion capability. Users
with deletion permissions, can now delete many erroneous or duplicate data items, as long as the items do not
have dependent data associated and are not Approved by QA. (If they do have dependent data, you might need
to delete the dependent data first). If there is erroneous or duplicate data that still cannot be deleted, an MCR
can be put in through the Help Desk to delete an item. Help Desk contacts are located within the application
under the Resources in the left navigation menu.
Overall, please remember to use the Include Archived Records check box when searching for Close Dated
Master Schedule tasks, and avoid creating duplicate entries in the first place.
Q: I have Close Dated Baseline and Periodic Survey Tasks in the Master Schedule, but the survey status
does not change from In Progress to Closed in the Survey section under Shop. How can I get my surveys
marked Closed? Does this affect my metrics? Also, I have seen some surveys with statuses of Approved
by QA, but I don’t see where you can QA a Baseline and Periodic Survey in the Survey section under
A: When a Baseline or Periodic Master Schedule Survey Task is created in in the Master Schedule, a Baseline
or Periodic Survey entry is automatically created in the Survey section under Shop. At this Survey entry, you
can Create or Import a Survey Report. However, please keep in mind that it is not a form; you are not entering
any information for “doing the Shop survey”. It does allow you to generate a report in DOEHRS-IH, by picking
and choosing current information for a date range for that Shop (data that has already been entered into
DOEHRS-IH from all the other data entry areas for that Shop) covering Shop, Process, Hazard, Sampling,
Assessment, Recommendations, etc…information. Choosing Import allows you to upload a survey report file
written outside of DOEHRS-IH to attach to that Survey entry.
Creating or Importing a report does not close the Survey entry.
Entering a Close Date in the associated Master Schedule Survey Task did not usually close the Survey entry in
the Survey section under Shop. This was a known defect. However, it was just recently fixed. Entering a Close
Date in the associated Master Schedule Survey Task now changes the survey status from In Progress to Closed
in the Survey section under Shop.
There is no way to mark Survey entries in the Survey section under Shop as QA Approved. The Survey entry is
just a place to generate or import a report. The data was entered and QA’d in the other data entry areas in
DOEHRS-IH. You will see some Survey entries marked as Approved by QA. However, that is a side effect of
business rules to cover past data that had Close Dates in their Master Schedule Survey Tasks that were
developed when QA functionality was added to DOEHRS-IH in 2011.
The survey status for the Survey entries in the Survey section under Shop, do not affect you metrics. The
metrics on Shop Survey completion are calculated based on Close Dates in the Master Schedule Survey Tasks.
Q: Why are all these Master Schedule Sampling Tasks listed in my Master Schedule?
A: Master Schedule Sampling Tasks can be entered into Master Schedule in a few ways. These scheduled tasks
may be one time or reoccurring. Master Schedule Sampling Tasks can be entered directly into Master Schedule
to schedule Sampling Tasks in advance. When sampling data is entered into DOEHRS-IH, a Master Schedule
Sampling Task is automatically created. When workplace monitoring (WPM)/exposure monitoring is
designated in the IH Assessment section (Create WPM Sampling Task), a Master Schedule Sampling Task is
automatically created. However, these Master Schedule Sampling Tasks are not automatically closed when
sampling data is entered. A Master Schedule Sampling Task is automatically closed only when the actual
Sampling Task has been Approved by QA. Otherwise, the Master Schedule Sampling Task would have to be
closed manually by entering a Close Date in the actual Master Schedule Sampling Task entry. However, please
keep in mind that manually closing a Master Schedule Sampling Task does not mark the actual Sampling Task
as Ready for \QA or Approved by QA. (Note: Closing a Master Schedule Sampling Task (either automatically
or manually) archives the completed Master Schedule Sampling Task entry, but DOES NOT archive or Outdate
the completed Samples or Results that were part of the actual Sampling Task data.)
For reoccurring Master Schedule Sampling Tasks, the next Master Schedule Sampling Task entry should be
triggered and generated automatically when the Sampling Task is marked Ready for QA or closed manually.
However, there is a known defect that has been reported to the developer for correction - where marking a
Sampling Task Ready for QA or even Approved by QA (which will close the current Master Schedule
Sampling Task) does not generate the next reoccurring Master Schedule Sampling Task entry.
These Master Schedule Sampling Tasks need to be closed. It is best to keep up with them on a regular basis as
sampling is completed. Currently, for non-scheduled Sampling Tasks (Master Schedule Sampling Task created
automatically as one-time task when the sample is input) or scheduled one-time Sampling Tasks (scheduled
manually in Master Schedule or automatically through WPM), it is suggested you close out the Master Schedule
Sampling Tasks automatically using the QA approval process on the actual Sampling Tasks. However, for
reoccurring Sampling Tasks (most likely scheduled in manually in Master Schedule or automatically through
WPM), Master Schedule Sampling Tasks should be closed manually in Master Schedule (before the actual
Sampling Task is Approved by QA), so that the next reoccurring Master Schedule Sampling Task entry is
The review, management, maintenance, and update of these open Master Schedule Tasks do affect certain
annual metrics.
Q: How do I close Master Schedule Ventilation Survey Tasks? I cannot enter a Close Date in the Master
Schedule entry.
A: Unlike other Master Schedule Tasks (e.g. - Master Schedule Survey Tasks, Master Schedule Sampling
Tasks, etc…), for Ventilation Survey Master Schedule Tasks, the Close Date cannot be manually entered but is
automatically entered when the actual Ventilation Survey is marked as Approved by QA. Once this happens, the
Ventilation Survey Master Schedule Task will show a Close Date of the Approved by QA Date. For reoccurring
Ventilation Survey Master Schedule Tasks, the next Ventilation Survey Master Schedule Task entry is triggered
and generated automatically when the current Ventilation Survey is marked Ready for QA.
Q: DOEHRS-IH does not display the worksite Location for individual Samples. How do you suggest that
we capture the Sample’s site Location?
A: All Locations need to be loaded before they can be associated to sampling information. Then, they will be
available for selection in the Air Breathing Zone Sample Form or Noise Dosimetry Sample Form, etc...
Locations can be added by using the Location link in the left navigation menu. Sample Location Type and
Location Name for Shops, buildings, etc..., as entered under Locations in the Administrative tile, can be
associated with the Samples on the various Sample Forms.
All Sample Types (Air Breathing Zone, Noise Dosimetry, Direct Reading Dosimetry, General Area Air, Direct
Reading, Bulk, Wipe, etc...) now have a Location Information tile for individual Samples on their Sample Form
Individual Sample ID Information screens. (This was a change that was made in DOEHRS-IH, in response to
previous user requests.)
Q: What is Inspirability in DOEHRS-IH for air sampling?
A: Particulate or aerosol Samples may represent the total, or the respirable, thoracic, or inhalable fractions of
the particulate or aerosol Hazard. Each particulate or aerosol fraction requires a different sampling device. (e.g.
cyclones and filters for respirable or inhalable samplers for inhalable, etc…) The Inspirability (total,
respirable, thoracic, or inhalable) in DOEHRS-IH for a Sample reflects the specific fraction for which the
Sample was collected. (For non-particulate or non-aerosol sampling in DOEHRS-IH, usually the “empty” value
should be chosen from the picklist.) Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) for these types of particulate or
aerosol Hazards are specific to the Inspirability of the Hazard being sampled. Care should be taken to determine
which particulate or aerosol Inspirability an OEL refers and to ensure that the correct sampling device is used.
Please keep in mind that the Inspirability of a Sample needs to match the Inspirability of the OEL to which it is
being compared.
Please do not mistake the Inspirability (total, respirable, thoracic, or inhalable) designated for a particulate or
aerosol Hazard Sample or OEL, with the Exposure Route (inhalation, ingestion, skin absorption, or skin and/or
eye contact) associated with a Hazard.
Q: How do I enter Media and Blank Samples that are associated with Breathing Zone Air Samples?
A: Blank or Media Samples do not necessarily need to be entered into the system. Blank or Media Samples
entered into DOEHRS-IH will receive a Sample Number (Sample Barcode ID). They will be reported as
Samples for possible selection in an IH Assessment, UNLESS you change the Sample Blank Category under
the Individual Sample ID Information screen of the particular Sample Form. If Blank or Media Samples are
entered into DOEHRS-IH, you need to ensure that this Sample Blank Category is changed to Field Blank or
Lab Blank or Trip Blank.
However, regardless of whether Blank or Media Samples are entered into DOEHRS-IH, actual Sample Results
should be blank corrected and entered in the Measurement Information tile on Individual Sample ID
Information screen as necessary.
Blank or Media Sample Results can be imported and associated with a Breathing Zone Air Sample as a scanned
Q: How do I enter Passive Dosimetry air sampling? Should I enter Passive Dosimeters as Equipment?
What Flow Rate and Volume do I use?
A: Passive dosimetry should be entered as Air Breathing Zone (for personal) or General Area Air sampling, as
the case may be. However, passive dosimeters are typically used for personal air sampling. They should not be
entered as Direct Reading Dosimetry.
Do not enter passive dosimeters as equipment, as they are consumables. Also, on the air sampling forms, if
equipment is entered in the Program Office Equipment Information tile, calibration equipment is also required
to be entered. For air sampling using passive dosimeters, no equipment would be entered on the air sampling
For pertinent Hazards, Sampling Methods with passive dosimeter as Sampling Media are available choices
when the Air Sample is created in DOEHRS-IH. When these Sampling Methods are chosen, passive dosimeter
then shows up as the Sampling Media on the Sample Form. If there is no listing for the appropriate Sampling
Method with passive dosimeter as Sampling Media for the needed Hazard, please enter a picklist request for the
The passive dosimeters have a set sampling rate based on the particular model of dosimeter and the chemical
being sampled. This sampling rate (sometimes included as part of a calculation constant), along with the
recovery coefficient, contaminant weight, and sampling time, is used by the lab to calculate the concentration.
Therefore, you would not have a flow rate or volume to enter.
If the lab does not calculate the concentration for you, they should be able to give the sampling rate (or any
calculation constants), and recovery coefficient, which you can use, in conjunction with the sampling time and
contaminant weight, to calculate the concentration in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions for the
particular model of passive dosimeter.
Q: I entered Noise Dosimetry Samples and Results, but DOEHRS-IH does not produce a TWA value. On
the display screen it shows 0.0 dBA values. What is wrong?
A: The noise dosimetry samples used in the TWA were not completely finished. The individual samples were
missing measurement information. In DOEHRS–IH, you must have measurements both in the Lavg field and
the Dose % field. Users must enter a value in either field and then click the corresponding calculator icon for
the other value. Once there are measurements (entered or calculated) in both fields for the individual noise
dosimetry samples, save the record. You can then successfully accomplish the TWA calculation.
Q: For my Noise Dosimetry Samples what do I enter into DOEHRSIH Measurement Information tile on
Individual Sample ID Information screen from my dosimeter – L
, Dose%, L
8hour - TWA
, projected
A: In DOEHRS-IH for the Noise Dosimetry Sample Result, you can enter L
and/or Dose
%. If you enter
one you can calculate the other with the calculator icon in DOEHRS-IH, or you can enter both.
Be careful not to enter the TWA adjusted values from the dosimeter into the DOEHRS–IH Measurement
Information tile on Individual Sample ID Information screen as a result. TWAs, in dBA and Dose %, are
calculated in DOHERS-IH by choosing a Sample from the Noise Dosimetry Samples search screen under the
SEG and choosing to “Calculate TWA”. Please ensure that you calculate or enter the noise dosimetry TWA
using the “Calculate TWA”, because Noise Dosimetry TWAs need to be entered in those data fields in order to
perform IH Assessments comparing Noise Dosimetry to TWA OELs.
Q: When entering results under DOEHRSIH Measurement Information tile on an Individual Sample,
should I enter Mass Result or Concentration Result?
A: If the lab reports the result as a concentration, you can just enter that concentration under Concentration
Result. (If it is a numeric < Limit of Detection (LOD) result, use the “<” qualifier.) Also, take care in picking
the correct Units of Measure (UOM).
If the lab reports the result as a mass, you can enter that mass under Mass Result. (If it is a numeric < LOD
result, use the “<” qualifier.) However, you will need to still calculate the concentration using the reported Mass
Result and Volume for that Sample, and then enter that concentration under Concentration Result. If it is a
numeric < LOD result, use the “<” qualifier.) Also, take care in picking the correct Units of Measure (UOM).
Q: When entering < LOD results under DOEHRSIH Measurement Information tile on an Individual
Sample, I see a Not Detected box. Should I check that box?
A: The Not-Detected box should only be checked if you have non-numeric results from the lab saying that the
Hazard was Not Detected. A Not Detected entry will not display or be available in DOEHRS-IH
If the lab reports numerical < LOD results concentrations, enter those under the concentration result using the
“<” qualifier. If the lab report has “< LOD” listed and provides the LOD concentration (or you can get the LOD
concentration from the lab), enter those numerical results under the concentration result using the “<” qualifier
and the LOD provided by the lab. Do not use the Not-Detected box and also enter numerical results for the
same Sample result entry, since it will cause DOEHRS-IH not to display or make available the numerical result
for that Hazard for that Sample.
Q: How can I delete a Sample entered in DOEHRS-IH?
A: DOEHRS-IH has recently expanded the deletion capability. Users with deletion permissions, can now delete
many erroneous or duplicate data items, as long as the items do not have dependent data associated and are not
Approved by QA. (If they do have dependent data, you might need to delete the dependent data first). If there is
erroneous or duplicate data that still cannot be deleted, an MCR can be put in through the Help Desk to delete
an item. Help Desk contacts are located within the application under the Resources in the left navigation menu.
Q: Should we have separate result entries in DOEHRS-IH for quartz and cristobalite for a sample, the
same way the lab has reported them to us, or should we add the concentrations for quartz and
cristobalite and report it as one entry for silica?
A: - You would want to enter the sampling results in DOEHRS-IH to document the data and reflect and support
the way you do your assessments. If you were doing the assessment based on an OEL for just respirable
crystalline silica (not specific for cristobalite or quartz or tridymite), you should still enter the results for the
specific silica hazards to document them and also enter the result for the complete respirable crystalline silica.
The assessment could then be done using the respirable crystalline silica TWAs as compared to the chosen OEL
for non-specific respirable crystalline silica.
Q: Where are my Time Weighted Average (TWA) values for my Breathing Zone Air and Noise
Dosimetry Samples? I searched down to the individual Sample and just see the raw Results. Can you
please tell me where to see the TWA values for my Samples?
A: For personal sampling, such as Breathing Zone Air and Noise Dosimetry, in DOEHRS-IH, you need to go
into the SEG, then to Samples, then to Air Breathing Zone. The TWAs for the Samples can be viewed by
clicking the Air Breathing Zone TWAs tab hyperlink. (See example screen shot below.)
Q: Why is the TWA Time Period sometimes prefilled and sometimes not when I calculate a TWA. Also,
when a TWA Time Period is not prefilled, why does the TWA calculation sometimes not produce the
expected values if I choose Unsampled Period = 0?
A: During TWA calculations, DOEHRS-IH also calculates an Upper Confidence Limit (UCL) for the TWA, as
well as calculating the TWA itself. This TWA UCL is only used for compliance. (Navy practice looks at
statistics for population data sets (95th percentiles, UCL 95/95, etc...), not for just one TWA, so Navy IHs are
not really even utilizing the individual TWA UCLs.) In order to calculate the TWA UCL, DOEHRS-IH requires
you to choose a particular OEL (or No OEL) for the TWA.
If you choose an 8 hour TWA OEL, DOEHRS-IH prefills the TWA Time Period with 8.0 hours and
uses that time (480 minutes) as the denominator of the TWA calculation, to calculate an 8 hour TWA.
Similarly, if you choose an OEL with another time frame, DOEHRS-IH prefills the TWA Time Period
with that time and uses that time as the denominator of the TWA calculation.
If you choose No OEL, though DOEHRS-IH defaults the TWA Time Period entry to the Sample
Duration, it does allow you to overwrite it and enter a TWA Time Period.
In this case, if you want to calculate an 8 hour TWA, you need to enter 8.0 hours or 480 minutes
as the TWA Time Period.
Also, in this case, if you want to calculate an 8 hour TWA, but mistakenly leave the TWA Time
Period defaulted to the Sample Duration, it will use the Sample Duration as the denominator of
the TWA calculation. So, if you choose Unsampled Period = 0, it will be the same as choosing
Unsampled Period = Sampled Period and not what you expect. (i.e. – To calculate an 8 hour
TWA in DOEHRS-IH, always make sure that the TWA Time Period is 8 hours or 480 minutes.)
Q: What do I put in for SAE/ CVt when calculating TWAs?
A: What it is. - Standard Analytical Error (SAE) is calculated from Coefficient of Variation (CV or CV
) or
Precision Relative Standard Deviation (Sr or Sr
). According to National Institute of Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH): Sr was previously CV - "Estimate of the relative standard deviation, equal to S divided by the
mean of a series of measurements. A measure of precision. Previously called CV (coefficient of variation)." Sr
was previously CV
- "Estimate of overall precision including pump error. Formerly CV
." Sr or CV relates to
analytical precision, and lab and analyst error. Sr
and CV
relates to overall precision, and lab and analyst error
and additionally to sampling error and other biases.
Where it is found. - The NIOSH sampling and analytical methods list them as Sr and Sr
. The Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sampling and analytical methods still have them listed as CV and
. However, please keep in mind that Srs or CVs can also vary by individual lab, instrumentation, and also
vary over time. The Comprehensive Industrial Hygiene Laboratories (CIHL) can be contacted for specific CVs.
The CIHL Guide discusses their policy for reporting CV:
Why it is being requested to be entered at times. - SAE or CV
or CV/Sr is a required data field in
DOEHRS-IH when calculating TWAs. There are times DOEHRS-IH does not ask for one because a SAE or
or CV/Sr is already associated to the Hazard. When a SAE or CV
or CV/Sr is not already
associated, DOEHRS-IH will require that one be entered for that Hazard during the TWA calculation. So, if
DOEHRS-IH asks you for it, look up the information or call the lab doing the analysis; if you have a CV or Sr,
choose the Sr radio button; and if you have a published CV
or Sr
, choose the Sr
radio button. (Note:
DOEHRS-IH has recently fixed the issue where a SAE or CV
or CV/Sr was erroneously being required for
noise dosimetry TWA calculations. This data field no longer appears during noise dosimetry TWA calculations.
How it is used. - Please keep in mind, though required in DOEHRS-IH when calculating TWAs, the SAE or
or CV/Sr does not affect the actual TWA calculation. It only affects the individual TWA UCL (making
it broader or narrower depending on the precision), which is only used for compliance. Navy practice looks at
statistics for population data sets (95th percentiles, UCL 95/95, etc...), not for just one TWA. Therefore, Navy
IHs are not really even utilizing the individual TWA UCLs that are being calculated using the SAE or CV
or CV/Sr.
Q: Why are exposure limits incorporated in the TWA calculations?
A: The OEL and the SAE/CV
/Sr input at the time of TWA calculation are used to calculate the individual
TWA UCL and to compare against the OEL input at the time of TWA calculation. This individual TWA UCL
and OEL are only used for evaluation of compliance, which is not what is typically done in Navy IH. Navy
practice looks at statistics for SEG population data sets (95th percentiles, UCL 95/95, etc...), not for just one
TWA. Therefore, Navy IHs are not really even utilizing the individual TWA OEL and UCL.
However, one thing to note, there is a known defect that has been reported to the developer for correction,
where the OEL input at the time of TWA calculation for the TWA UCL calculation affects the running of
statistics later for SEG population data sets in the IH Assessments section of DOEHRS-IH. If you define the IH
Assessment choosing a TWA OEL or No OEL, quantitative assessment statistics will not run for the chosen
TWAs unless all the selected TWAs have the same (as each other) OEL (or No OEL) chosen at the time of
TWA calculation. (If all these TWA UCL Calculation OELs do match for all the TWAs chosen for use in the
SEG population dataset for IH Assessment, the statistics will run even if the IH Assessment definition TWA
OEL is different.**Update: this defect is due to be corrected in CY 2020**
Q: It is more critical to evaluate group (i.e. - SEG) exposures so that exposure histories and protection
strategies are developed for all workers exposed similarly to workers who are sampled. What tools exist
in DOEHRS-IH to help select measurements for SEG evaluations? What statistical models are used in
DOEHRS-IH for SEG exposure assessments?
A: Regarding SEG statistics and DOEHRS-IH modeling, DOEHRS-IH provides a variety of modeling tools at
the Shop and SEG level and also an entire picklist of statistical calculations/tools from which to choose for
Exposure Evaluation Rationale during IH Assessment. The decision as to which calculations/tools should be
used is generally based on the situation, and business practice of the Program Office or Service. (Navy IH
typically uses 95
percentiles and UCL 95/95 for SEG IH exposure assessments).
Q: I am trying to do a quantitative IH Assessment for a Hazard in a SEG with multiple Shops/Processes.
However, all my Processes and their Samples for this Hazard are not showing up to pick from for the
assessment. All these Processes are named the same but are from different Shops. What is the problem?
A: This was a known defect. However, it was just recently fixed. You should now be able to include multiple
processes with the same Process Name in a SEG and perform an IH Assessment and have all the valid samples
available for use in the assessment as long as they meet the assessment definition, including matching the OEL
type chosen.
Q: I am trying to do a quantitative IH Assessments for a Hazard in a SEG. There is only one
Shop/Process in the SEG. However, all my Samples for this Hazard are not always showing up to pick
from for the assessment. The number of Samples that show up sometimes differs, depending on which
OEL I choose when defining the assessment. Also, whether the Sample Results or TWAs show up differs
depending on which OEL I choose when defining the assessment. Finally, sometimes when I choose 6+
different Samples to do a quantitative assessment, I get an error message when I “Calculate All
Statistics” – “Validation Error: The selected TWAs must have the same OEL.” How does all this work?
A: In IH Assessments, for a SEG with at least 6 different Samples associated, where you can do a quantitative
If you defined the assessment choosing a STEL/Ceiling OEL, DOEHRS-IH:
Will display and allow you to choose only from the actual Sample Results for the Samples to use in the
If you defined the assessment choosing an 8 hour TWA OEL, DOEHRS-IH:
Will display and allow you to choose only from the TWAs for the Samples where the TWA was
calculated using a TWA time of 8 hours or 480 minutes, or the Sample Results but only if the Sample
had a Sample Duration of exactly 480 minutes and no TWA was calculated for the Sample. (If you
chose an adjusted TWA OEL (like an adjusted 12 hour TWA OEL), it would similarly only display and
allow you to choose TWAs that had been calculated using a matching TWA time or Sample Results
with a matching Sample Duration and no TWA.)
Additionally, to be able to actually run the quantitative assessment on multiple Samples, the
selected Sample IDs must be unique (i.e. – if you calculated multiple TWAs for a particular
Sample, and if you then select multiple TWAs with the same Sample ID for the assessment data
set, you will get an error message when you try to run the quantitative assessment statistics.)
Also, to be able to actually run the quantitative assessment on multiple Samples, all the selected
TWAs must have had the same OEL (or No OEL) chosen at the TWA calculation. (i.e. – Even
though the assessment displays and allows you to select TWAs where different OELs were
chosen at TWA calculation, you will get an error message when you try to run the quantitative
assessment statistics.) This is a known defect that has been reported to the developer for
However, it is OK if the OEL chosen for the IH Assessment is different than the OELs chosen
for the Samples at the TWA calculation, as long as all the OELs chosen for the Samples at the
TWA calculation match each other (or are No OEL).
If you defined the assessment choosing No OEL, DOEHRS-IH:
Will display and allow you to choose the TWA values for the all Samples where a TWA was calculated
using any TWA time.
Additionally, to be able to actually run the quantitative assessment on multiple Samples, the
selected Sample IDs must be unique (i.e. – if you calculated multiple TWAs for a particular
Sample, and if you then select multiple TWAs with the same Sample ID for the assessment data
set, you will get an error message when you try to run the quantitative assessment statistics.)
Also, to be able to actually run the quantitative assessment on multiple Samples, all the selected
TWAs must have had the same OEL (or No OEL) chosen at the TWA calculation. (i.e. – Even
though the assessment displays and allows you to select TWAs where different OELs were
chosen at TWA calculation, you will get an error message when you try to run the quantitative
assessment statistics.) This is a known defect that has been reported to the developer for
However, it is OK if the No OEL chosen for the IH Assessment is different than the OELs
chosen for the Samples at the TWA calculation, as long as all the OELs chosen for the Samples
at the TWA calculation match each other (or are No OEL).
This is the only situation that you could conceivably do a quantitative assessment using 15
minute TWAs. However, some of the statistics that are dependent on comparison to an OEL will
not be valid since there is No OEL chosen for the assessment.
Q: I am trying to do an IH Assessment for Noise in a SEG. This SEG contains Shops/Processes that have
both Noise and chemical Hazards. When defining the IH Assessment, only some of the chemical Hazards
show up as a Hazard choice. Where is the Noise Hazard and where are the other chemical Hazards?
A: In DOEHRS-IH on the Define IH Assessment Select Hazard screen (Step 1 of 3), there are tabs at the top of
the screen (Ingestion, Inhalation, Skin Absorption, and Physical Hazards). The screen defaults to the Ingestion
tab (if all are shown). The Noise Hazard for the SEG would be available on the Physical Hazards tab. The
chemical Hazards of interest (assigned to a Shop’s Process and available in the SEG) should be listed on the
Inhalation tab. (Note: Not all the chemical Hazards are necessarily listed on the Ingestion, Inhalation, or Skin
Absorption tabs, depending on the Exposure Routes available on the Hazard picklist and chosen when the
Hazard was added to the Shop Process. It is important to pick the appropriate Exposure Route involved when
adding a chemical Hazard to a Shop’s Process.)
Q: Somethings show up in Work Basket and some do not. What is going on?
A: There are several types of Workbasket notifications:
The ones currently functional are –
Master Schedule task Projected to Start
Master Schedule task Overdue
Program Office Equipment Due for Manufacturer Calibration
Program Office Equipment Being Calibrated by Manufacturer is Overdue Back to Owner
Routine Monitoring – Untreated/Treated Water
The ones not yet functional are
Lab Results Are Overdue from Lab
IH Personnel Training/Certification Due Soon
Worker Has Been Added to a Shop
IH Personnel Quantitative Fit Test Due
IH Personnel Qualitative Fit Test Due
Default Notifications for Workbasket Types –
Master Schedule task Projected to Start and Master Schedule task Overdue notifications default to the
Assigned IH personnel.
Program Office Equipment Due for Manufacturer Calibration and Program Office Equipment Being
Calibrated by Manufacturer is Overdue Back to Owner - notifications default to the Program Office
Equipment Administrators user role.
Lab Results Are Overdue from Lab, Worker Has Been Added to a Shop, and Routine Monitoring
Untreated/Treated Water, - notifications default to the IH Responsible for that item.
IH Personnel Training/Certification Due Soon – notifications default to the IH Personnel and Supervisor
IH Personnel Quantitative Fit Test Due and IH Personnel Qualitative Fit Test Due - notifications default
to the IH Personnel and Supervisor and the IH Responsible for that item.
Of the notifications currently functional, all the notifications rules are listed below:
Master Schedule task Projected to Start
Sampling-IH task / Ergo task / Model task/ Other Master Schedule tasks
Notifications for Assigned IH
One for the Assigned IH (for Sampling-IH tasks)
One for the Assigned IH (for Ergo tasks)
One for the Assigned IH (for Model tasks)
One for the Assigned IH (for Other tasks where the Master Schedule task is for a Shop)
If the Master Schedule task is for a survey, notifications include only status that
indicates that work still needs to be done by the assigned personnel, excluding
Sampling-IH tasks and Ergo Survey tasks
One for the Assigned IH (for Other Tasks where the Master Schedule task is not for a
If the Master Schedule task is for a survey, notifications include only status that
indicates that work still needs to be done by the assigned personnel, skipping
Ventilation Survey since the description info is different
One for the Assigned IH for Ventilation Surveys only (Master Schedule task is not for a
Notifications do not show up in assigned IH workbasket if survey's status is
'Ready for QA'
Master Schedule Task Overdue
Other Master Schedule tasks / Sampling-IH Task / Location-based Sampling task/ Ergo task
Notifications for Assigned IH or Individuals for Notification
One for the Assigned IH (for Other Master Schedule tasks)
One for each person indicated individually in Notification (for Other Master Schedule
Update the personnel indicated individually using the Notification link in the
application (for Master Schedule tasks notifications)
One for the Assigned IH (for Sampling-IH tasks)
One for each person indicated individually in Notification (for Sampling-IH tasks)
Update the personnel indicated individually using the Notification link in the
application (for Master Schedule tasks notifications)
One for the Assigned IH (for Location-based Sampling tasks)
Note that the "overdue" criterion is defined differently for the Location-based
sampling tasks: it is overdue if the sample is not created by the due date.
One for the Assigned IH (for Ergo tasks)
One for each person indicated individually in Notification (for Ergo tasks)
Update the personnel indicated individually using the Notification link in the
application (for Master Schedule tasks notifications)
Program Office Equipment Due for Manufacturer Calibration to Owner and Borrower
Notifications for Program Office Equipment Administrator user role or Individuals for
Notification, (Two cases: Calibration/Maintenance Record w/ Actual Calibration Date, & No
Calibration/Maintenance Record w/ Actual Calibration Date)
One for each person in Program Office Equipment Administrator user role, if there is a
Calibration/Maintenance Record w/ Actual Calibration Date set
One for each person indicated individually in Notification, if there is a
Calibration/Maintenance Record w/ Actual Calibration Date set
Update the personnel indicated individually using the Notification link in the
application (for Calibration notifications)
One for each person in Program Office Equipment Administrator user role, if there is no
Calibration/Maintenance Record w/ Actual Calibration Date set
One for each person indicated individually in Notification, if there is no
Calibration/Maintenance Record w/ Actual Calibration Date set
Update the personnel indicated individually using the Notification link in the
application (for Calibration notifications)
Borrowing IHPO: One for each person in Program Office Equipment Administrator user
role, if there is a Calibration/Maintenance Record w/ Actual Calibration Date set
Borrowing IHPO: One for each person indicated individually in Notification, if there is a
Calibration/Maintenance Record w/ Actual Calibration Date set
Update the personnel indicated individually using the Notification link in the
application (for Calibration notifications)
Borrowing IHPO: One for each person in Program Office Equipment Administrator user
role, if there is no Calibration/Maintenance Record w/ Actual Calibration Date set
Borrowing IHPO: One for each person indicated individually in Notification, if there is
no Calibration/Maintenance Record w/ Actual Calibration Date set
Update the personnel indicated individually using the Notification link in the
application (for Calibration notifications)
Program Office Equipment Being Calibrated by Manufacturer is Overdue Back to Owner or Borrower
Notifications for Program Office Equipment Administrator user role or Individuals for
One for each person in Program Office Equipment Administrator user role
One for each person indicated individually in Notification
Update the personnel indicated individually using the Notification link in the
application (for Calibration notifications)
Borrowing IHPO: One for each person in Program Office Equipment Administrator user
Borrowing IHPO: One for each person indicated individually in Notification
Update the personnel indicated individually using the Notification link in the
application (for Calibration notifications)
Routine Monitoring - [Untreated|Treated] Water
Notifications for Monitoring Task Responsible IH or Individuals for Notification
One for Environmental Health (EH) Monitoring task Responsible IH
One for each person indicated individually in Notification
Update the personnel indicated individually using the Notification link in the
application (for Water Sample notifications)
Q: How does being the Last Edited By person affect Work Basket notifications?
A: Last edited by person does not affect Work Basket notifications at all.
Q: For Sampling or Survey Master Schedule tasks (reminder to close an open task), does Actual Start
Date need to be filled in Master Schedule to trigger the Work Basket notification?
A: The Master Schedule task Overdue notification looks at the Actual Start Date field where Closed Date is
Q: For Sampling or Survey Master Schedule tasks (reminder to start a scheduled task), is any Work
Basket notification supposed to show up based on the Projected Start Date passing to remind you to start
the survey or to start/complete the sampling?
A: Master Schedule task Projected to Start notification starts appearing 30 days before the Projected Start Date
and only stops showing once the Stop Date is set. This type of notification will still show if the Actual Start
Date is not entered prior to the Projected Start Date. The notification will not move to the Master Schedule Task
Overdue notification type until after an Actual Start Date is entered and the current date is greater than or equal
to 30 days after the Actual Start Date.
Q: Is there a way to remove entries from Work Basket?
A: Depending on what type of notifications you want to remove from your Work Basket, there are various
procedures (below). Updates made in the Work Basket are refreshed every 24 hours and will be reflected the
next day.
If you have Work Basket notifications for past due personnel fit test records, you may utilize any of the
following options to remove these notifications:
Have the person take the fit test and enter results
Change the fit test Due Date to a date in the future
Archive the record if no longer needed
To remove Master Schedule Sampling Task notifications from your Work Basket, enter a Close Date in the
Master Schedule Sampling Task. Notifications resulting from other Master Schedule Tasks should be able to be
handled similarly.
For Ventilation Survey Master Schedule Tasks, the Close Date cannot be manually entered but is automatically
entered when the actual Ventilation Survey is marked as Approved by QA. Once this happens, the Ventilation
Survey Master Schedule Task notification should drop off your Work Basket.
Personnel appear in the Work Basket when they are added to a Shop but not assigned to a Process. If you have
Personnel that you would like to remove from your Work Basket, you may utilize any of the following options
to remove these notifications:
Assign the person to a Process
Remove the person (if no longer needed) from the Shop by adding a Stop Date to the person's Shop
Personnel Detail screen.
Disable those types of notifications altogether by selecting the Notification link in the Administration
section of the left navigation menu. At the bottom of the Timeframe column on the Notifications screen,
insert a 0 (zero) next to the Shop Personnel added to Shop by Shop Supervisor item and uncheck the
notifications for Work Basket. This will not have any impact on the current entries in the Work Basket,
but it will prevent future entries.
To remove past due Program Office Equipment Calibration notifications from your Work Basket, you may utilize
any of the following options:
If it is Equipment that you no longer have, select the Program Office Equipment link in the Administration
section of the left navigation menu and perform a search to bring up the Equipment in question. Select the
link for the piece of Equipment and make it Unavailable on the Program Office Equipment Information
tile of the Program Office Equipment Detail screen. Then, enter a Stop Date for the piece of Equipment
on the Cost Summary tile of the Program Office Equipment Detail screen.
If it is current Equipment, have the Equipment calibrated and enter the Actual Calibration Date in the
Calibration and Maintenance History tile of the Program Office Equipment Detail screen. Then, enter the
Next Calibration Date in the Calibration Summary tile of the Program Office Equipment Detail screen.
Disable those types of notifications altogether by selecting the Notification link in the Administration
section of the left navigation menu. At the bottom of the Timeframe column on the Notifications screen,
insert a 0 (zero) next to the Program Office Equipment Due for Manufacturer Calibration item and uncheck
the notifications for Work Basket. This will not have any impact on the current entries in the Work Basket,
but it will prevent future entries.
Other types of Program Office notifications (Samples not returned from the lab; Master Schedule Survey Tasks
not closed on time; Program Office Equipment not returned from manufacturer calibration; Program Office
Personnel training due, Program Office Personnel fit test due, etc…) also can be managed or prevented. Select
the Notification link in the Administration section of the left navigation menu. Parameters can be adjusted on
the Notifications screen for the various Notifications. Typically, to prevent these particular Notifications, insert
a 0 (zero) in the Notification item’s Timeframe and uncheck the Notifications for Work Basket. This will not
have any impact on the current entries in the Work Basket, but it will prevent future entries.
Q: When a Periodic Survey for a Shop is added to the Master Schedule with a frequency of yearly and
after the current Survey Task is closed, when will the following year’s Shop Master Schedule Survey
Task re-populate in the Work Basket (e.g. - 8 months, 9 months, 10 months, 11 months, 12 months,
etc…)? Will it re-populate in the Assigned Program Office Personnel Work Basket annually with enough
advance warning to allow completion of the survey on time? Or, will it repopulate when the annual
survey is overdue?
A: The Work Basket is designed to notify the Assigned Program Office Personnel of associated Master
Schedule tasks. Typically, the Notification will populate the Work Basket when the task is within 30-days of the
scheduled Start Date.
Q: How can I print out an Employee Exposure Notification Letter?
A: Employee Notification Letters can be printed from the DOEHRS-IH application from the IH section, SEG,
Samples, Air Breathing Zone, Air Breathing Zone TWA tab. (See example screen shot below.)
Review Employee Notification Letter
Below is an example Notification Letter pulled from the DOEHRS-IH. It is recommended that the font be
increased from 7 to 10 after exporting the letter in rich text format (rtf). The letter can also be exported as .pdf.
Though shown on screen, currently, the exported Employee Notification Letter only lists the first two Controls
in the system. Additional Controls can be added to the exported file by the user. This is a known defect that has
been reported to the developer for correction.
Though shown on screen, currently, the exported Employee Notification Letter only lists the first two samples
in the system. Additional samples can be added to the exported file by the user. This is a known defect that has
been reported to the developer for correction.
Q: Are there differing QA functions within DOEHRS-IH (i.e. - one for exposure monitoring and another
for SEGs or another sub category of data? If I recall, there is only one QA function that is assigned by
UIC or command???
A: QA is a role based permission in DOEHRS-IH. There are various QA roles in EH, Food Protection, Incident
Reports, Radiation, and Registry, etc…. However, for DOEHRS-IH Surveys and Sampling, there is only one
QA role. A Program Office can assign multiple people with that role. However, once someone QAs the item, it
cannot be QAed again by others. Once a user marks an item as Ready for QA, if it requires editing, it has to be
either fixed by the QA person or the QA person must mark the item Return to In Progress. Once the QA person
marks the item as Approved by QA, it cannot be edited or marked Return to In Progress.
Q: How do I make Picklist Requests? Do I put in a Help Desk Ticket? I want to add a Command to the
DOEHRS-IH Organization picklist.
A: A number of the DOEHRS-IH picklists can now have update requests for additions, deletions or edits to the
picklists submitted directly within DOEHRS-IH. On the left navigation menu under Administration is a choice
for Pick Lists. That link takes to a list of various picklists as well as search screens for Pick List Requests. By
going to any of those picklists, you can then search for items in the picklist. If the item is not found, you can
request additions to the picklist (usually a link at the bottom of initial search screen). If the item is found, you
can open the detail record (usually a link on the ID field) and review and make edits to information, if needed,
and then submit the request. Keep in mind not all information can be edited.
Before you request a new picklist item, please search to make sure it is not already there. Some items, you may
need to search multiple ways or by synonyms.
For Organizations, you can search by UIC or partial UIC, but also please search by partial Organization Names
or potential abbreviations to check, since another UIC may have been used. Please keep in mind the
Organization picklist is a little different than the others, as many of the entries are provided by a data load from
Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC). Please keep in mind, DOEHRS-IH does not control DMDC data.
Data from DMDC (e.g. – UICs, Organizations Names, Addresses, etc…) cannot be edited on the picklist though
DOEHRS-IH Picklist Requests. Not all Organizations are included in the DMDC data load but most should be.
If an Organization is a brand new Organization, it may take time for it to show up in the DMDC data load. If an
Organization is not present on the picklist, you can request an addition to the Organization picklist within
DOEHRS-IH, but it will be entered as a non-DMDC Organization and will not automatically have personnel
associated (available for choosing) through DMDC. We try to avoid adding non-DMDC Organizations when an
Organization may show up later in the DMDC data load as that can cause issues having near duplicate picklist
DMDC gets the information in their Organization data load supposedly from the Organizations themselves. We
have asked about this before and we (IH) cannot generally submit changes for Organizations to DMDC. The
Organization needs to report the change. DMDC uses the information in NAVACTSTAT in ARIS to create the
Organization data load. To add Organizations to the DMDC data load or to edit Organization information in the
DMDC data load or to ask questions: John Doss, Pers-4013 is the functional lead, 901-874-4568,
Q: Why do adjusted OEL’s show up in the picklist request?
A: For a picklist Hazard update request, the OEL tile is populated with all OELs for the Hazard, without any
filtering. OELs that are adjusted cannot be modified or deleted, and do not have a hyperlink to make
modifications. They are being shown on the Hazard picklist page for completeness, and are not being modified
as part of the picklist request. In the picklist administration OEL area, there is filtering being done to prevent
editing of user adjusted OELs.
Q: While DOEHRS-IH does not make policy for individual military services, it is clear that the DoD
policy for implementing a hearing conservation program and managing workers' noise exposures is
based on an 8 hour TWA OEL of 85 dBA with a 3 dB exchange rate (reference DoD Instruction 6055.12,
dated 3 December 2010). I would expect DOEHRS-IH to reflect this DoD policy.
A: As far as Noise OELs, DOEHRS-IH originally made provisions for the Navy's 8 hour TWA OEL of 84 dBA
with 4dB doubling, as well as the DOD 8 hour TWA OEL of 85 dBA with 3dB doubling. Now that BUMED is
using the DOD Noise OEL, the old Navy Noise OEL is there just for historic legacy sampling data.
Q: What is Inspirability in DOEHRS-IH for the OEL and in the OEL picklist request screen?
A: OELs for certain particulate or aerosol Hazards are specific to the total, or the respirable, thoracic, or
inhalable fractions of the particulate or aerosol Hazard. The Inspirability (total, respirable, thoracic, or
inhalable) in DOEHRS-IH for an OEL reflects the specific fraction for which the OEL was set. (For non-
particulate or non-aerosol OELs in DOEHRS-IH, usually the “empty” value should be chosen from the
picklist.) Care should be taken to determine which particulate or aerosol Inspirability an OEL refers and to
ensure that the correct sampling device is used. Each particulate or aerosol fraction requires a different sampling
device. (e.g. cyclones and filters for respirable or inhalable samplers for inhalable, etc…) Please keep in mind
that the Inspirability of a Sample needs to match the Inspirability of the OEL to which it is being compared.
Please do not mistake the Inspirability (total, respirable, thoracic, or inhalable) designated for a particulate or
aerosol Hazard OEL or Sample, with the Exposure Route (inhalation, ingestion, skin absorption, or skin and/or
eye contact) associated with a Hazard.
Q: How do you choose existing OELs or request OELs for Hazards where the Analyte is different from (a
component of) the Hazard, and the Analyte is what is actually being compared to the OEL (e.g. - Metal
compounds like Hazard - Antimony Trichloride, Analyte – Antimony, OEL - Antimony (Antimony and
Compounds as Sb - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold
Limit Value (TLV) or Antimony and Compounds as Sb OSHA)?
A: Key points to remember:
Hazards should be defined with all applicable Analytes
Metal compound Hazards should include all component metal Analytes:
e.g. - LEAD CHROMATE (Hazard):
LEAD (Analyte)
CHROMIUM(VI) (Analyte)
OELs created directly on such components as Hazards will be available for those other Hazards
(compounds) that define that component as an Analyte; create OELs on the Hazards that are also
Analytes of other Hazards (compounds):
LEAD (Hazard) (but also an Analyte of LEAD CHROMATE and other compounds):
0.05 mg/m3
CHROMIUM METAL(Hazard) (but also an Analyte of LEAD CHROMATE and other
CHROMIUM(VI) (Hazard) (but also an Analyte of LEAD CHROMATE and other
OELs for Hazard/Analyte pairs (Hazards with other associated Analytes) should ONLY be created IF
the OEL is different and specific for that Hazard/Analyte pair:
LEAD CHROMATE (Hazard) as CHROMIUM (CHROMIUM(VI) defined as the
OEL - ACGIH 8 hr TWA (LEAD CHROMATE (AS CR)) 0.012 mg/m3
This LEAD CHROMATE as CHROMIUM OEL is specific for the Hazard with
that Analyte, rather than just being the OEL for the actual Analyte.
OELs for Hazard/Analyte pairs should not be created IF the OEL is actually the OEL for the Analyte
ANTIMONY TRICHLORIDE (Hazard) (ANTIMONY defined as an Analyte):
OELs should only be created directly on ANTIMONY, and not on ANTIMONY
ANTIMONY (Hazard) (but also an Analyte of ANTIMONY
TRICHLORIDE and other compounds)
OEL OSHA 8 hr TWA (ANTIMONY) 0.5 mg/m3
OEL ACGIH 8 hr TWA (ANTIMONY) 0.5 mg/m3
Because these OELs are on ANTIMONY and ANTIMONY is an
Analyte for ANTIMONY TRICHLORIDE, these OELs will be
There is no need to create an OEL on ANTIMONY TRICHLORIDE if it is just
restating the OEL on ANTIMONY:
Such as erroneously creating an OEL for ANTIMONY TRICHLORIDE
(Hazard) as ANTIMONY (ANTIMONY defined as Analyte)
This OEL is really the same OSHA 8 hr TWA OEL on
ANTIMONY, expressed in a different way.
created/found, it should be removed from the system and replaced
with the ANTIMONY OEL wherever it is used.
In real life, multiple different Hazards might share the same OEL. (e.g. - Different ANTIMONY Hazard
compounds share the same OSHA 8 hr TWA ANTIMONY OEL)
In DOEHRS-IH, you cannot associate multiple different Hazards with the same OEL; it will create a
new individual OEL named for the particular Hazard. In DOEHRS-IH that real life relationship is
satisfied only through the specification of Analytes on the Hazard. (e.g. - If you create an OEL for
ANTIMONY, anything that uses the Analyte ANTIMONY has access to that OEL. There is no need to
recreate that OEL for every Hazard compound that includes ANTIMONY. – Those Hazard compounds
are already associated by virtue of having the Analyte ANTIMONY specified.)
Q: I have not had any follow-up training after the original training I completed several years ago. I am
now just getting started, but keep getting stuck in many places. Is there any follow-up training available?
A: There is some on-line help in the DOEHRS-IH production and demo applications.
Both the DOEHRS-IH production and demo applications have training presentations, under Computer Based
Training, Student Guides, and Classroom Training Presentations, under DOEHRS Documentation in the left
navigation menu.
Additionally in the DOEHRS-IH production application, under DOEHRS Documentation in the left navigation
menu, under Classroom Training Presentations, are Automated Scenarios that may be very helpful to you.
(Direct links are also provided below, but you must be already logged into DOEHRS-IH production
application.) These include:
1 - Automated Scenario to Add Shop to Program Office
2 - Automated Scenario to Add Process to Shop
- Automated Scenario to Add SEG
- Automated Scenario to Add Master Schedule Periodic Survey
5 - Automated Scenario to Add Sample to Process
6 - Automated Scenario to Add Personal Sample to SEG
7 - Automated Scenario to Calculate TWA
8 - Automated Scenario to Conduct IH Qualitative Assessment
9 - Automated Scenario to Conduct IH Quantitative Assessment
Log into DOEHRS-IH production application
Click on the above Document names,
Click on RUN, the file will load,
Click on RUN and the presentation will start.
You can control the presentation by using the buttons (similar to video player) at the bottom of the screen.
Also in the DOEHRS-IH production application, under DOEHRS Documentation in the left navigation menu,
under Classroom Training Presentations, is the Student Exercise Scenarios document. (To use the hyperlink,
you must be already logged into DOEHRS-IH production application.) Reviewing and using the Student
Exercise Scenarios can help you to practice in the DOEHRS-IH demo application.
The DOEHRS-IH Refresher Training power point presentations are available in the DOEHRS-IH production
application, under DOEHRS Documentation in the left navigation menu, under Monthly Web-Based Training.
The NMCPHC DOEHRS-IH website has Information and Resources such as the new BCS 4.2 ECRS Request,
DOEHRS-IH FAQs, Dos and Don’ts, Process Picklist, Master Schedule Usage Tutorial, and Ergonomic SEGs
and Assessment Tutorial. DOEHRS-IH Navy Transactional Reports Tutorial is currently being updated for BCS
and will be posted once completed.
Q: Where can we get Oracle Discoverer® for DOEHRS?
A: DOEHRS-IH Oracle Discoverer® is no longer operations and that reporting functionality transitioned to
DOEHRS-IH Transactional Reporting now using BCS 4.2.
Q: What is Business Common Services (BCS) 4.2? What is DOEHRS-IH Data Warehouse? What is
DOEHRS-IH Transactional Reporting How do they fit in with DOEHRS-IH?
A: BCS 4.2 is a reporting tool for querying data and creating reports. DOEHRS-IH BCS 4.2 migration FAQ’s,
known issues, and corrective actions are located in the DOEHRS-IH Production application by navigating to the
DOEHRS Documentation tile in the left hand navigation menu and selecting the System Documentation link.
There will be separate links for each item on the System Documentation page.
DOEHRS-IH is the term used typically for the actual application and production database.
DOEHRS-IH Data Warehouse is a separate database where some data from DOEHRS-IH production database
is stored. Data Warehouse is no longer accessible from the DOEHRS-IH Business Objects link on the left side
menu. Access the new BCS 4.2 at Data Warehouse was created with a different
data structure and a subset of DOEHRS-IH production database data fields to make it more easily queriable.
(Ad-Hoc queries of DOEHRS-IH production database directly, at that time, could only be done using Oracle
Discoverer® and it was extremely difficult unless you were a seasoned Oracle® user. Data Warehouse was
created to help with that.) Data Warehouse has some prebuilt reports; custom reports can also be created using
BCS 4.2 by Data Warehouse Power Users. There are a few caveats:
Data Warehouse only contains QAed data (for particular data fields that go through the QA process in
With Data Warehouse, you need to be careful that the prebuilt reports may be missing the proper filters
and parameters for what you really want to search, and you may need additional filters or customization.
Also, unfortunately as was discovered after the fact, because DOEHRS-IH was mandated to store actual
deleted data from DOEHRS-IH production database somewhere, the designers stored it in Data
Warehouse. This issue is that the invalid deleted data stored in Data Warehouse is indistinguishable to
queries from the good but Stop Dated/Outdated data; so this can cause problems with data retrieval for
queries that involve historic data. This is a known defect in DOEHRS-IH that has been reported to the
developer for correction. A request has been put in so that the flags for this deleted data are available to
include as filters for reports in BCS 4.2.
DOEHRS-IH Transactional Reporting is not a separate database. It uses the BCS 4.2 reporting tool to create
reports from the actual DOEHRS-IH production database. Transactional Reporting is no longer accessible from
the DOEHRS-IH Business Objects link on the left side menu. Access the new BCS 4.2 at https://dha- It replaced the previous Oracle Discoverer® functionality.
With the sunsetting of Oracle Discoverer®, DOEHRS-IH reworked the DOEHRS-IH capability so that
Transactional Reporting can be used to query DOEHRS-IH production database directly, now using
BCS 4.2. This is more user friendly than Oracle Discoverer® for Power Users to create adhoc reports
and to share validated reports to Standard Users. Transactional Reporting also does not have caveats
listed for Data Warehouse.
When Business Objects was updated to BCS 4.2, the Business Objects Transactional Reporting reports
existing at that time were migrated to BCS 4.2.
NMCPHC is continuing to develop Transactional Reporting reports, in BCS 4.2 for DOEHRS-IH, to
benefit BUMED and the field IHs. If there are desired reports that will benefit Navy IH as a whole,
please provide a desired format (specific data elements and parameters) that the user wants to be pulled
that would be useful for the Program Offices. Any report developed will have to be validated by the end
user to ensure the correct elements are pulled from the DOEHRS-IH production database (Program
Office to validate).
In Transactional Reporting, some Navy reports have already been shared. Go to the BCS 4.2 link - Document List - Public Folders - Transactional Reports - TR-Shared IH -
TR Navy folders. These include various reports for BUMED DOEHRS-IH Metrics, Master Schedule, IH
Supported Organizations and Shops by Program Office, basic Breathing Zone Air Sampling and Noise
Dosimetry, Equipment Inventory, QA Status reports, etc.….
If you see a report marked "Detail", it is subordinate to another report. If you run the main report (that
the detail report is paired with), the main report will have a count or another data field that is
hyperlinked. When you click the hyperlink, it will automatically run the detail report, giving more
information. (If you try to run the detail report separately, it might ask you to input IDs for prompts or
other information you might not readily have. This is why it is run automatically from the main report
Any reports created by Power Users need to be validated prior to sharing out the reports.
When running a report, always click the Refresh Data button on the toolbar. Some reports automatically
refresh but some will “run” and display the data from the last time the report was refreshed. Clicking the
Refresh Data button ensures that the report is displaying current data.
Transactional Reporting reports can easily be exported as an Excel® spreadsheet for data manipulation.
Standard Users can utilize established reports and customize them using input prompts and filters, but
cannot develop them. Power users can develop reports in BCS 4.2.
Points of contact for requests for reports or information are:
David Koch
DSN 377-0752
Kathryn Moffitt
DSN 377-0741
Kathryn.s.moffitt.c[email protected]
Erik Badeau
DSN 377-0867
Andrews Garcia
DSN 377-0993
Andrews.o.garcia[email protected]
Q: How does DOEHRS-IH Data Warehouse handle Sample Blanks?
A: The Sample Blanks are stored in the DOEHRS-IH Data Warehouse. However, the Sample Blanks are
excluded from all the IH Samples standard reports. Sample Blanks are not included in the sampling result count
or in the displayed results in the standard reports. (Note: In order to be recognized as Blanks, the Sample Blank
Category of Field Blank or Lab Blank or Trip Blank for the individual Sample would need to have been chosen
on the Individual Sample ID Information screen of the particular Sample Form.)
Q: I have had problems with DOEHRS-IH Data Warehouse reports not matching what I see in
DOEHRS-IH production. Why is that?
A: DOEHRS-IH Data Warehouse and DOEHRS-IH production are actually separate databases.
Data Warehouse is updated multiple times a day with data from DOEHRS-IH production. So if data has just
been entered, it may take a little while to show up in Data Warehouse.
Data Warehouse only contains QAed Sample Results, TWAs, assessments, models, surveys, etc…; so if those
items have not been QAed, they will show up in DOEHRS-IH production but not Data Warehouse.
Also, the prebuilt /reports may be missing the proper filters and parameters for what you really want to search.
Additionally, it was found that Data Warehouse has been used to store information deleted from DOEHRS-IH
production. The storage of that deleted data was mandated, and the designers decided to store that data in Data
Warehouse. Currently in Data Warehouse reports, this deleted data is not differentiated from Outdated archived
data for reports written to include Stop Dated information. Therefore, for reports including historic data, you
cannot tell if the Stop Dated information is duplicate or erroneous deleted data or valid but Outdated archived
data. As mentioned above, this is a known defect in DOEHRS-IH that has been reported to the developer for
Q: What are these DOEHRS-IH metrics being sent out OMB, BUMED, etc…? How are they different?
What do they mean?
A: The various DOEHRS-IH metrics are sent to BUMED and the Regions on a periodic basis. Though some are
very similar they have differences in parameters. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) are metrics
reported tri-service by the DOEHRS-IH Program. The OMB metrics have been discontinued as a required
metric. The BUMED metrics are specific DOEHRS-IH metrics requested by BUMED and they are run monthly
for BUMED and the Regions. The DOD In-Progress Review (IPR) metrics are yearly metrics reported tri-
service by the DOEHRS-IH Program to meet DODI 6055.05 requirements. The BUMED DOEHRS-IH metrics
are shared in DOEHRS-IH Transactional Reporting and available for DOEHRS-IH Program Offices to run
themselves whenever they want.
Q: How do I find the shared reports in Business Common Services (BCS) 4.2 DOEHRS-IH Transactional
Reporting reports?
A: In DOEHRS-IH Transactional Reporting, some Navy reports have already be shared - Go to the BCS 4.2
link - Document List - Public Folders - Transactional Reports - TR-Shared IH - TR
Navy folders. These include various reports for BUMED DOEHRS-IH Metrics, Master Schedule, IH Supported
Organizations and Shops by Program Office, basic Breathing Zone Air Sampling and Noise Dosimetry,
Equipment Inventory, QA Status reports, etc.….
Some reports might have prompts where you enter information to filter the data before you run the query. Some
reports have input controls where you can filter the data after you run the query.
After running a query, the report can be exported to your computer in Excel®.
DOEHRS-IH Navy Transactional Reports Tutorial is currently being updated for BCS 4.2 and will be posted
once completed. When done, it will be available the NMCPHC DOEHRS-IH website.
Q: Where can I find user guides and job aides to assist me with BCS 4.2 functionality?
A: Effective 11 Aug 2017, BCS 4.2 job aides are available inside BCS 4.2 within Public Folders/BCS/BCS 4.2
Documentation. See screenshot below:
Q: Will the link to Business Objects still work in DOEHRS-IH?
A: The link is currently disabled even though you still see it on the left hand side navigation menu. Please use
this link for BCS 4.2 system
Q: Is DOEHRS-IH integrated in any way with the Enterprise CAC Registration Service (ECRS)
Automated Access Request Form (AARF) process or is the ECRS AARF independent of DOEHRS-IH?
A: The ECRS is independent of DOEHRS-IH and is located at a different web site. When users access BCS 4.2
via its specific URL, they will be redirected to ECRS to request an account if they do not have an existing
Business Objects account.
Q: Is it anticipated that the ECRS AARF is done before or after the DOEHRS-IH application process?
A: The ECRS AARF process is independent of the DOEHRS-IH application process; however, it is
recommended that you complete the DOEHRS-IH application process first.
Q: What is the approval process for DOEHRS-IH ECRS application?
A: The ECRS request will go through the following approval process: Commander/Supervisor Approval, BCS
Role Validator, SDD Access and BCS Application Approver. After each approval step is complete, the user
receives a notification indicating who approved their request.
Q: Does the supervisor approving the ECRS account need to be the user's direct supervisor or a
DOEHRS’ supervisor?
A: The requestor will enter either their direct supervisor’s email or their DOEHRS User Security
Administrator’s (USA) email in the ECRS AARF.
Q: Does a user with an account in BO 3.1 need to request access to BCS 4.2?
A: Users who have access to BO 3.1 have been migrated to BCS 4.2. These users can access BCS 4.2 using
their CAC credentials without having to request a new account.
Q: What is ECRS the process to request access to DW and TR reports?
A: ECRS has 4 Roles for DW and TR reports. Based on the business function, users can request for standard or
power user access to view or develop reports. Standard users can run and edit prebuilt reports in DW and TR
corporate folders. There are 2 roles available for Standard users: View and View On-Demand, but the View On-
Demand is recommended for DOEHRS users.
Q: When will ECRS be available for DOEHRS-IH user to request new accounts for BCS 4.2?
A: ECRS became available on 14 Jul 2017. From the main BCS 4.2 web page (,
new users will be redirected to ECRS to request an account.
Q: Will one ECRS AARF application work both Demo and Production environments?
A: The ECRS AARF application is for access to the BCS 4.2 Production system at this time. Once information
regarding access to the BCS 4.2 DemoTrain environment is available we will provide access information for
new and existing users.
Q: Now that I have my BCS 4.2 account, why can’t I refresh the reports or save as a CVS, Excel or PDF
and copy the documents to my personal folders?
A: There are 3 different functional roles with separate permission.
You must have at least View On-Demand Access to refresh, save as CVS, excel or PDF and copy documents to your
personal folder.
Q: How do I make a change to my current access in BCS 4.2?
A: If you have BCS access and needs to modify their BCS access the applicant should access the following
From this page, users can select the Application Access Type (New, Change, Reactivate, Deactivate),
select change.
In the Applications box select BCS in the drop down.
In the BCS Applications 1 tile choose DOEHRS IH DW or TR application if not already preselected.
Select the functional role(s) (view, view on demand, reporter)
Select the content role(s)
In the access tile, select the access rights for PII and unlimited rows.
Update your DoD Information Assurance Awareness Training in the tile.
Then submit your request.
Q: Will BCS 4.2 have a DemoTrain environment?
A: Yes, the BCS 4.2 DemoTrain environment is scheduled for Go-Live on 20 Oct 2017. The cutover to the
Capacity Services DOEHRS-IH DemoTrain environment is scheduled for 28 Aug 2017 and will not have
Business Objects reporting. Training for Business Objects Reporting in a DemoTrain environment will NOT be
available until the BCS 4.2 DemoTrain environment becomes operational.
Q: Will the DW-Activity Universe be available in BCS 4.2?
A: No, reports that use this Universe will not work in the BCS 4.2 environment.
Q: Will the queries we have under “My Favorites” be migrated to BCS 4.2?
A: Yes, reports under the 'My Favorites' folder will be migrated if they existed before the DOEHRS IH report
freeze date of 14 Jun 2017.
Q: Will the queries in the shared drives that aren’t specifically within “My Favorites” be migrated to
BCS 4.2?
A: Yes, all reports under the DW-Shared EH, DW-Shared IH, TR-Shared EH and TR-Shared IH folders will be
migrated to BCS 4.2. Additionally, all reports under the DW-Power EH, DW-Power IH, TR-Power EH and TR-
Power IH will be migrated if they existed before the DOEHRS IH report freeze date of 14JUN17.
Q: Do users within BCS 4.2 have the same functionality as the Java tools used in DOEHRS IH 3.1?
A: HTML tools within BCS4.2 have been enhanced to match the functionality provided by the Java report
editor in 3.1. A quick guide to the differences has been produced by the new BCS team and can be found in the
Public folders/BCS/BCS Migration folder in BCS 4.2.
Q: Will BCS 4.2 contain both transactional and data warehouse reports?
A: Yes, the new BCS 4.2 environment supports both transactional and data warehouse reports.
Q: Will BCS 4.2 support IH vs EH, PO vs Region vs Service and specific PO access like the current
system does? Will users see all data?
A: Yes, the new BCS 4.2 environment will support IH vs EH users. Content roles have been established in the
new ECRS system that differentiate an IH vs EH user. Data restrictions (Program Office vs Region vs Service)
are completely defined within each of the universes and will be migrated with the universes.
No, users will not be able to see all data.
Q: What are the Business Objects configuration changes between the current DOEHRS-IH system and
BCS 4.2?
A: Due to security concerns and protection of PHI, two DOEHRS-IH Business Objects report features will not
be available in the BCS 4.2 environment. These features include “send to email” and “schedule to email.” As an
alternative option, the “schedule to inbox” will remain available.
Q: Will BCS 4.2 require a locally installed Java applet on the user’s computer?
A: In the BCS 4.2 environment, the features and functional performance are equivalent between the HTML
viewer and the Java Applet. Due to the improved cybersecurity posture and requirement to meet security
mandates, the Java Applet will be no longer be available in the SDD BCS 4.2 SP4 environment.
Q: When did Business Objects end?
A: The DOEHRS-IH Business Objects (BO) 3.1 environment for the Data Warehouse and Transactional
Reporting migrated to the Business Objects Common Services (BCS) 4.2 system and became operational
effective 11 Aug 2017.
Q: How do I access BCS 4.2?
A: BCS 4.2 can be accessed at the following link:
We encourage you to run and review your personal and Service-Level reports in BCS 4.2 to ensure data is
presented as expected. Certain reports are not functioning the same way they did in BCS 3.1 which will require
resolution. For example, the microgram symbol "μ" displays as "?" and Multi Value errors are presented.
If you are unable to access reports or all data is not displayed in a report (empty columns), please log out and
log back in. This issue does not need to be reported as the BCS team is working to correct this instability issue.
In the event an issue is encountered with a report that is required to perform a daily task, BO 3.1 will remain
live until 25 Aug 2017. After this date, the link in DOEHRS-IH BO 3.1 will be turned off and will no longer
Updated BCS Migration FAQs, known issues, and corrective actions are located in the DOEHRS-IH Production
application by navigating to the DOEHRS Documentation tile in the left-hand navigation menu and selecting
the System Documentation link. There will be separate links for each item on the System Documentation page.
If you experience any issues with reports, you should submit a HelpDesk ticket through the DHA Global
Service Center at [email protected]. You may also contact the HelpDesk at 1-800-600-9332 and follow the
voice prompts. For DOEHRS-IH, say "DOEHRS" then select the option for Industrial Hygiene Issues.
Please note that any role changes or additions, and content changes made in BCS 3.1 will not be migrated to
BCS 4.2.
DHA Remedy Global Service Center [email protected] - 800-600-9332
Hotline for users who may experience account/access issues with the new Remedy system: 210-338-3336
(Note: The old e-mail address ( will not work for creating new incidents. It will work
for updating existing incidents if the incident number is in the subject line. Please use the new e-mail address
for any new incident requests.)
Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center (NMCPHC)
Kathryn Moffitt
Industrial Hygiene
DSN 377-0741
kathryn.s.moffitt.c[email protected]
David Koch
Industrial Hygiene
DSN 377-0752
EH and Food Protection
Anthony Carotenuto
Programs and Policy Support
DSN 377-0712
Michael McIlroy
Industrial Hygiene
DSN 377-1610
michael.b.mcilroy.[email protected]
Christin Carter
Industrial Hygiene
DSN 377- 0723
christin.d.carter.c[email protected]il
Kori Jowhar
Industrial Hygiene
DSN 377- 1904
Glorille Jackson
Industrial Hygiene
619 556-0141
glorille.e.jackso[email protected]