Includes all amendments approved up to and including
the 47
General Assembly, in Dallas, Texas
June 24-28, 2019
Published by
The Office of the Stated Clerk
of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America
Distributed by
Committee on Discipleship Ministries
1700 North Brown Road, Suite 102
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043-8143
Amendments finally adopted by the General Assembly in the current year are
indicated in The Book of Church Order (BCO) by a bullet in the margin beside
the line where the change was made. New wording is underlined. In
subsequent BCO reprints, marginal bullets and underlining for previous years
are deleted. See the following page for a listing of changes in the BCO, the
Rules of Assembly Operations (RAO), the Operating Manual for the Standing
Judicial Commission (OMSJC), and the Corporate Bylaws.
The Stated Clerk will appreciate receiving notice of any needed corrections to
this 2019 update of the BCO.
Editorial Note:
For a chronological history of changes to the BCO, RAO, and OMSJC from 1982 to
the present, see the list following the title page of the BCO. For a topical (chapter by
chapter) listing of BCO changes, go to
Copyright 2019
by the Office of the Stated Clerk
of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America
All rights reserved
This publication is intended for the work and mission of the Church. It may not be
republished in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the
publisher. Publication of any commentary or other reference work must include written
permission for use of text from this document.
NOTE: The following amendments to The Book of Church Order (BCO), Rules of Assembly
Operations (RAO), Operating Manual of the Standing Judicial Commission (OMSJC), and
Corporate Bylaws were adopted by the General Assembly in:
1982 8-7; 13-5; 14-1-12; 21-4; 23-2; 26-4; Index
1983 8-4; 10-3; 13-2; 23-1; Index
1984 Chapter 5; 13-2; 14-1-12; 24-9; Chapter 42; Chapter 43; Index
1985 5-9; 13-2; New 15-4; 20-1; 23-1; Index
1986 Pref. II, 1; 8-3; 12-5; 13-10; New 14-7; 18-2; 19-7; 19-8; 19-11; 19-16; 20-12; 20-13; 21-4;
24-1; 38-2; Index
1987 42-4; 43-2; 3; Chapter 45; Index
1988 Pref. III; 8-3; 12-5; 13-8; 13-10; 14-3; 19-6; 19-10; 20-5; 20-9; 21-4; 22-3; 22-4; 24-6; 25-2;
26-1; 28-4; 32-2; 35-5; Index
1989 Pref. II, 1; III; 13-6; 14-1-12; 18-2; 19-2,b, 2; 19-5; 21-1; 21-4; 23-2; 23-3; 26-1; 30-1; 30-3;
31-1; 33-1; 34-1; 34-8; 34-9; 56-4; (also 15-1; 15-3; 15-4; 15-5 adopted in 1988)
1990 BCO 14-1.14; 19-10; 30-1,3; 34-7,8; 36-4,5; 37-1,2,3,7,8; 42-6; 45-1,4,5; 46-5
1991 BCO 14-1.11; 14-1.12; 14-2; 15-2
1992 BCO 10-3; 42-11; 43-3; 43-7
1993 BCO 14-1.15; 15-4; 24-5
1994 BCO 15-1; 21-4.d; 24-1; 37-9; RAO 4-3; 4-6; 5-1; 13-1; 13-6; 13-13.c.6; 13-14.d; 14-9.c;
Corporate Bylaws Article VI, p. R-39 and Certificate of Incorporation, pp. R-29-31
1995 BCO 13-10; 14-1.12; 32-18; RAO 15-3 and Corporate Bylaws Article IV,4 and VII,1
1996 BCO 35-14; 42-5; 42-6; RAO 14 and Corporate Bylaws Article VI,5
1997 BCO Preface II, 15-1, 15-4, 15-5, 19-1, 19-6, 38-4, 39-3, 46-2, 46-5
1998 BCO 13-6; 15-5c; 38-3; RAO 14-7; Corporate Bylaws Article VI,5
1999 BCO 13-5; 13-12; 20-2; 32-6; 33-2; 33-3; 34-4; RAO 4-18 [editorial changes to 15-3 and
16-3]; SJC Manual 6.2d; 8.3b; 19.10c; and 19.11 [editorial changes to 11.9a.2 and 18.7b]
2000 BCO 13-12; 15-1; 24-1; 38-1; 43-5
2001 BCO 14-1.12; Appendix B; Appendix H; RAO 4-5, 9-6, 15-2; Corporate Bylaws Article
VI,1; VI,4; VI,5
2002 BCO 12-5.e, 13-1, 14-1.12, 32-3, 32-4, 32-18, 35-7, 43-1, Appendix I; RAO 4-2, 4-3, 4-8, 4-
9, 5-1, 6-4, 7-5.c, 13-1; SJC Manual 13.8.c.5, 6, 16, 18, 19-22 renumbered; Corporate
Bylaws Article V,E; V,F; V,G; Article VI,1; VI,5
2003 BCO 14-1.12b.4, 21-4, 21-5.6; RAO 13-1.6, 13-2, 13-5d, 13-6.e, 13-6.f-j renumbered; 14-
3.e.5, 14-8; SJC Manual 13.10, 14.7, 15.7, 19.8.j, 19.8.k, 20.12, 21.2.f; Corporate Bylaws
Article VI,1
2004 BCO 58-5; SJC Manual 3.1, 11.7b, 12.3.b
2005 BCO 24-3; 24-5; 24-6-9 relettered; 24-9 (now 24-10)
2006 BCO 15-4; 24-1.b; 40-5; RAO 2006 revised edition
2007 RAO 4-11; 11-1; 14-8.d; 19-2; SJC Manual 21-3
2008 BCO 2-1, 12-2; RAO 14-6.k; 14-9.e, g; 14-9.f relettered; 15-8.c, e; 15-8.f-g relettered.
[Editorial note added RAO 14-6.d and 15-6.i; editorial changes SJC 10.5; 11.6; 16.2;
17.2.(d); 18.1.(a); 21.5; 22.1]]
2009 21-4 (editorial numeration); 59-1, 6; RAO 14-9.h (3); 15-8.g (3); 19-4.d; SJC Manual 3.2;
8.4 (a), (b); 11.10; 11.11; 13.10; 14.7; 15.7; 16; 19.6; 19.7 (a), (c); 20.6
2010 No BCO changes; no RAO changes; SJC Manual new Section 2 added with renumbering there-
after; 3.1; Sections 6 & 7 deleted; Section 17 moved to replace original 11:8; 13.8; 14.2;
15.2; 19.5
2011 BCO 5-2; 5-3; 5-4; 5-8; 5-9; 5-10; 5-11; add new 5-5 & renumber as needed; 9-7; 13-6;
15-2; 37-7; RAO 16-3.e.5; SJC Manual 10.7.a; 12.10; 13.7; 14.7; 17.8.k; 18.2.
2012 BCO 19-11; RAO 5-4; 8-3; 10-8; 11-5; 12-1; 14-6.h; 15-1; OMSJC 8.1.a, b; 8.4; 18:12;
2013 BCO 19-2; 20-3; 24-2; 25-4; 42-4; 43-2; 43-3; Appendix J added; RAO 8-5.b; 10-9
added; 16-10.a; OMSJC 3.7; 9.1; 10.7
2014 BCO 34-8; 37-6; 43-10; [editorial corrections: BCO 13-6; 39-3]; RAO 16-3.e.6;
16-3.e.7, 8 (renumbered); 16-6.c.1; [editorial corrections: RAO 11-5; 11-8]; [OMSJC
editorial corrections: 18.11; 18.12.b.(4)]; References to Committee on Christian
Education and Publications (CEP) changed to Committee on Discipleship Ministries
(CDM) BCO 14-1.12; RAO 4-2; 5-1.b.1); 6-1; 14-1.2
2015 BCO 5-2; 8-6; 18-7; 43-3, 8, 9; RAO 14-6.a; 14-6.e; OMSJC 4.l; 7.4; 9.2.e; 10.3.d; 10.6
2016 [editorial correction: BCO 58-5]; RAO 8-4.i; OMSJC 7.2.b; 7.4.d; 7.4 (add 7.4.b. and re-
letter); 10.9; 18.12.b, c
2017 BCO 5-3; 13-2; editorial BCO 55-1; RAO 7-3.c; 9-2 (added and renumbering); 13-2; 13-
6 (added); 14-8; 17-4; OMSJC 8.2; 8.4.a; 10.11.a (6) and (7); 17.5; 17.7; Reformed
University Ministries (RUM) name changed to Reformed University Fellowship (RUF):
BCO 14-1.12; RAO 4-2, 5-1, 6-4, 14-1.10; Bylaws Article V.
2018 BCO [editorial additions/corrections: 42-6, parenthetical reference; Appendices, introductory
note; Appendix C, Scripture references; Appendix I, preface]; RAO 8-4.i; 13-2; 16-7.h; 16-10.c;
formatting corrections: 6-1; 14-7.c; OMSJC 4.1; 10.11.a(2); 12.10; 13.7; 14.7; 15.9; 17.8.k;
18.10.b; 18.12.c; 19.2.f
2019 BCO 8-1; 8-3; 25-11; 35-11; Preface to Directory for Worship; 59-3; RAO 11-5; 11-12; 13-2;
13-6 (struck); 16-4.a; 16-4.c.1; 16-4. d.
May the Lord, the King and Head of the Church, bless and honor these efforts to make clearer
our form of governance.
L. Roy Taylor
Stated Clerk of General Assembly
I. The King and Head of the Church
II. Preliminary Principles
III. The Constitution Defined
CHAPTER 1 The Doctrine of Church Government
CHAPTER 2 The Visible Church Defined
CHAPTER 3 The Nature and Extent of Church Power
CHAPTER 4 The Particular Church
CHAPTER 5 The Organization of a Particular Church
CHAPTER 6 Church Members
CHAPTER 7 Church Officers - General Classification
CHAPTER 8 The Elder
CHAPTER 9 The Deacon
CHAPTER 10 Church Courts in General
CHAPTER 11 Jurisdiction of Church Courts
CHAPTER 12 The Church Session
CHAPTER 13 The Presbytery
CHAPTER 14 The General Assembly
CHAPTER 15 Ecclesiastical Commissions
CHAPTER 16 Church Orders - The Doctrine of Vocation
CHAPTER 17 Doctrine of Ordination
CHAPTER 18 Candidates for the Gospel Ministry
CHAPTER 19 The Licensure of Candidates for the
Gospel Ministry and Internship
CHAPTER 20 The Election of Pastors
CHAPTER 21 The Ordination and Installation of Ministers
CHAPTER 22 The Pastoral Relations
CHAPTER 23 The Dissolution of the Pastoral Relation
CHAPTER 24 Election, Ordination and Installation of
Ruling Elders and Deacons
CHAPTER 25 Congregational Meetings
CHAPTER 26 Amending the Constitution of the Church
CHAPTER 27 Discipline - Its Nature, Subjects and Ends
CHAPTER 28 Discipline of Non-communing Members
CHAPTER 29 Offenses
CHAPTER 30 Church Censures
CHAPTER 31 The Parties in Cases of Process
CHAPTER 32 General Provisions Applicable to all Cases of Process
CHAPTER 33 Special Rules Pertaining to Process Before Sessions
CHAPTER 34 Special Rules Pertaining to Process Against a Minister
(Teaching Elder)
CHAPTER 35 Evidence
CHAPTER 36 The Infliction of Church Censures
CHAPTER 37 The Removal of Censure
CHAPTER 38 Cases Without Process
CHAPTER 39 Modes in Which the Proceedings of Lower Courts
Come Under the Supervision of Higher Courts
CHAPTER 40 General Review and Control
CHAPTER 41 References
CHAPTER 42 Appeals
CHAPTER 43 Complaints
CHAPTER 44 Vacated
CHAPTER 45 Dissents, Protests and Objections
CHAPTER 46 Jurisdiction
CHAPTER 47 The Principles and Elements of Public Worship
CHAPTER 48 The Sanctification of the Lord's Day
CHAPTER 49 The Ordering of Public Worship
CHAPTER 50 The Public Reading of the Holy Scripture
CHAPTER 51 The Singing of Psalms and Hymns
CHAPTER 52 Public Prayer
CHAPTER 53 The Preaching of the Word
CHAPTER 54 The Worship of God by Offerings
CHAPTER 55 Confessing the Faith
CHAPTER 56 The Administration of Baptism
(The Baptism of Infants and Children)
CHAPTER 57 The Admission of Persons to Sealing Ordinances
CHAPTER 58 The Administration of the Lord's Supper
CHAPTER 59 The Solemnization of Marriage
CHAPTER 60 The Visitation of the Sick
CHAPTER 61 The Burial of the Dead
CHAPTER 62 Days of Fasting and Thanksgiving
CHAPTER 63 Christian Life in the Home
[NOTE: The following documents are for information.
They are not part of the Constitution of the PCA.]
Appendix A Marriage Service
Appendix B A Second Marriage Service
Appendix C A Funeral Service
Appendix D A Child's Funeral
Appendix E Service at the Grave
Appendix F The Dedication of a Church Building
Appendix G Suggested Forms for Use in Discipline
I. Charge and Specifications
II. Citation of Accused
III. Citation of Witness
IV. Notice of Intention to Appeal
V. Appeal
VI. Complaint
Appendix H Suggested Procedures for Presbytery Judicial
Commissions Acting as Appellate Courts
Appendix I Biblical Conflict Resolution
Appendix J Sample Form for Terms of Call
Jesus Christ, upon whose shoulders the government rests, whose name
is called Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the
Prince of Peace; of the increase of whose government and peace there shall be
no end; who sits upon the throne of David, and upon His kingdom to order it
and to establish it with judgment and justice from henceforth, even forever
(Isaiah 9:6-7); having all power given unto Him in heaven and in earth by the
Father, who raised Him from the dead and set Him at His own right hand, far
above all principality and power, and might, and dominion, and every name
that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come, and has
put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the Head over all things to
the Church, which is His body, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all
(Ephesians 1:20-23); He, being ascended up far above all heavens, that He
might fill all things, received gifts for His Church, and gave all offices
necessary for the edification of His Church and the perfecting of His saints
(Ephesians 4:10-13).
Jesus, the Mediator, the sole Priest, Prophet, King, Saviour, and Head
of the Church, contains in Himself, by way of eminency, all the offices in His
Church, and has many of their names attributed to Him in the Scriptures. He
is Apostle, Teacher, Pastor, Minister, Bishop and the only Lawgiver in Zion.
It belongs to His Majesty from His throne of glory to rule and teach
the Church through His Word and Spirit by the ministry of men; thus mediately
exercising His own authority and enforcing His own laws, unto the edification
and establishment of His Kingdom.
Christ, as King, has given to His Church officers, oracles and
ordinances; and especially has He ordained therein His system of doctrine,
government, discipline and worship, all of which are either expressly set down
in Scripture, or by good and necessary inference may be deduced therefrom;
and to which things He commands that nothing be added, and that from them
naught be taken away.
Since the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven, He is present with the
Church by His Word and Spirit, and the benefits of all His offices are
effectually applied by the Holy Ghost.
The Presbyterian Church in America, in setting forth the form of
government founded upon and agreeable to the Word of God, reiterates the
following great principles which have governed the formation of the plan:
1. God alone is Lord of the conscience and has left it free from any
doctrines or commandments of men (a) which are in any respect
contrary to the Word of God, or (b) which, in regard to matters of
faith and worship, are not governed by the Word of God. Therefore,
the rights of private judgment in all matters that respect religion are
universal and inalienable. No religious constitution should be
supported by the civil power further than may be necessary for
protection and security equal and common to all others.
2. In perfect consistency with the above principle, every Christian
Church, or union or association of particular churches, is entitled to
declare the terms of admission into its communion and the
qualifications of its ministers and members, as well as the whole
system of its internal government which Christ has appointed. In
the exercise of this right it may, notwithstanding, err in making the
terms of communion either too lax or too narrow; yet even in this
case, it does not infringe upon the liberty or the rights of others, but
only makes an improper use of its own.
3. Our blessed Saviour, for the edification of the visible Church,
which is His body, has appointed officers not only to preach the
Gospel and administer the Sacraments, but also to exercise
discipline for the preservation both of truth and duty. It is
incumbent upon these officers and upon the whole Church in whose
name they act, to censure or cast out the erroneous and scandalous,
observing in all cases the rules contained in the Word of God.
4. Godliness is founded on truth. A test of truth is its power to
promote holiness according to our Saviour's rule, "By their fruits ye
shall know them" (Matthew 7:20). No opinion can be more
pernicious or more absurd than that which brings truth and
falsehood upon the same level.
On the contrary, there is an inseparable connection between
faith and practice, truth and duty. Otherwise it would be of no
consequence either to discover truth or to embrace it.
5. While, under the conviction of the above principle, it is necessary
to make effective provision that all who are admitted as teachers be
sound in the faith, there are truths and forms with respect to which
men of good character and principles may differ. In all these it is
the duty both of private Christians and societies to exercise mutual
forbearance toward each other.
6. Though the character, qualifications and authority of church
officers are laid down in the Holy Scriptures, as well as the proper
method of officer investiture, the power to elect persons to the
exercise of authority in any particular society resides in that society.
7. All church power, whether exercised by the body in general, or by
representation, is only ministerial and declarative since the Holy
Scriptures are the only rule of faith and practice. No church
judicatory may make laws to bind the conscience. All church courts
may err through human frailty, yet it rests upon them to uphold the
laws of Scripture though this obligation be lodged with fallible
8. Since ecclesiastical discipline must be purely moral or spiritual in
its object, and not attended with any civil effects, it can derive no
force whatever, but from its own justice, the approbation of an
impartial public, and the countenance and blessing of the great
Head of the Church.
If the preceding scriptural principles be steadfastly adhered to, the
vigor and strictness of government and discipline, applied with pastoral
prudence and Christian love, will contribute to the glory and well-being
of the Church.
The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in America, which is
subject to and subordinate to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments,
the inerrant Word Of God, consists of its doctrinal standards set forth in the
Westminster Confession of Faith, together with the Larger and Shorter
Catechisms, and the Book of Church Order, comprising the Form of
Government, the Rules of Discipline and the Directory for Worship; all as
adopted by the Church.
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The Doctrine of Church Government.
1-1. The scriptural form of church government, which is representative or
presbyterian, is comprehended under five heads: a. The Church; b. Its
members; c. Its officers; d. Its courts; e. Its orders.
1-2. The Church which the Lord Jesus Christ has erected in this world for
the gathering and perfecting of the saints is His visible kingdom of grace, and
is one and the same in all ages.
1-3. The members of this visible Church catholic are all those persons in
every nation, together with their children, who make profession of their faith
in the Lord Jesus Christ and promise submission to His laws.
1-4. The officers of the Church, by whom all its powers are administered,
are, according to the Scriptures, teaching and ruling elders and deacons.
1-5. Ecclesiastical jurisdiction is not a several, but a joint power, to be
exercised by presbyters in courts. These courts may have jurisdiction over one
or many churches, but they sustain such mutual relations as to realize the idea
of the unity of the Church.
1-6. The ordination of officers is ordinarily by a court, except in the case
of ordination by a presbytery's evangelist (see BCO 8-6).
1-7. This scriptural doctrine of Presbytery is necessary to the perfection of
the order of the visible Church, but is not essential to its existence.
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The Visible Church Defined
2-1. The Visible Church before the law, under the law, and now under the
Gospel, is one and the same and consists of all those who make profession of
their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, together with their children.
2-2. This visible unity of the body of Christ, though obscured, is not
destroyed by its division into different denominations of professing Christians;
but all of these which maintain the Word and Sacraments in their fundamental
integrity are to be recognized as true branches of the Church of Jesus Christ.
2-3. It is according to scriptural example that the Church should be divided
into many individual churches.
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The Nature and Extent of Church Power
3-1. The power which Christ has committed to His Church vests in the
whole body, the rulers and those ruled, constituting it a spiritual
commonwealth. This power, as exercised by the people, extends to the choice
of those officers whom He has appointed in His Church.
3-2. Ecclesiastical power, which is wholly spiritual, is twofold. The
officers exercise it sometimes severally, as in preaching the Gospel,
administering the Sacraments, reproving the erring, visiting the sick, and
comforting the afflicted, which is the power of order; and they exercise it
sometimes jointly in Church courts, after the form of judgment, which is the
power of jurisdiction.
3-3. The sole functions of the Church, as a kingdom and government
distinct from the civil commonwealth, are to proclaim, to administer, and to
enforce the law of Christ revealed in the Scriptures.
3-4. The power of the Church is exclusively spiritual; that of the State
includes the exercise of force. The constitution of the Church derives from
divine revelation; the constitution of the State must be determined by human
reason and the course of providential events. The Church has no right to
construct or modify a government for the State, and the State has no right to
frame a creed or polity for the Church. They are as planets moving in
concentric orbits: "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God
the things that are God's" (Matthew 22:21).
3-5. The Church, with its ordinances, officers and courts, is the agency
which Christ has ordained for the edification and government of His people,
for the propagation of the faith, and for the evangelization of the world.
3-6. The exercise of ecclesiastical power, whether joint or several, has the
divine sanction when in conformity with the statutes enacted by Christ, the
Lawgiver, and when put forth by courts or by officers appointed thereunto in
His Word.
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The Particular Church
4-1. A particular church consists of a number of professing Christians, with
their children, associated together for divine worship and godly living,
agreeable to the Scriptures, and submitting to the lawful government of
Christ's kingdom.
4-2. Its officers are its teaching and ruling elders and its deacons.
4-3. Its jurisdiction, being a joint power, is lodged in the church Session,
which consists of its pastor, pastors, its associate pastor(s) and its ruling elders.
4-4. The ordinances established by Christ, the Head, in His Church are
prayer; singing praises; reading, expounding and preaching the Word of God;
administering the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper; public solemn
fasting and thanksgiving; catechizing; making offerings for the relief of the
poor and for other pious uses; and exercising discipline; the taking of solemn
vows, and the ordination to sacred office.
4-5. Churches without teaching elders ought not to forsake the assembling
of themselves together, but should be convened by the Session on the Lord's
Day, and at other suitable times, for prayer, praise, the presenting and
expounding of the Holy Scriptures, and exhortation, or the reading of a sermon
of some approved minister. In like manner, Christians whose lot is cast in
destitute regions ought to meet regularly for the worship of God.
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The Organization of a Particular Church
A. Mission Churches
5-1. A mission church may be properly described in the same manner as
the particular church is described in BCO 4-1. It is distinguished from a
particular church in that it has no permanent governing body, and thus must be
governed or supervised by others. However, its goal is to mature and be
organized as a particular church as soon as this can be done decently and in
good order.
5-2. Ordinarily, mission churches are established by Presbyteries within
their boundaries.
a. Initiatives to which the Presbytery may respond in establishing a
mission church include, but are not limited to, the following:
i. The Presbytery establishes a mission church at its own initiative.
ii. The Presbytery responds to the initiative of a Session of a
particular church.
iii. The Presbytery responds to the petition of an independent
gathering of believers who have expressed their desire to become
a congregation by submitting to the Presbytery a written request.
b. In the event an existing non-PCA church is interested in coming into
the PCA, the Presbytery shall work with the church leadership to
determine whether the church should come into the PCA as a mission
church or seek Presbytery approval to be received under the provisions
of BCO 13-8.
c. Should it become necessary, the Presbytery may dissolve the mission
church. Church members enrolled should be cared for according to
the procedures of 13-10.
d. If the mission church is located outside the bounds of a Presbytery, the
responsibility may be exercised through the General Assembly’s
Committee on Mission to North America or Committee on Mission to
the World, as the case may be, according to the Rules of Assembly
Operations. In such a case the powers of the Presbytery in the
following provisions shall be exercised by the General Assembly
through its appropriate committee.
5-3. The mission church, because of its transitional condition, requires a
temporary system of government. Depending on the circumstances and at its
own discretion, Presbytery may provide for such government in one of several
a. Appoint an evangelist as prescribed in with BCO 8-6.
b. Cooperate with the Session of a particular church in arranging a
mother-daughter relationship with a mission church. The Session may
then serve as the temporary governing body of the mission church.
c. Appoint a BCO 15-1 commission to serve as a temporary Session of
the mission church. When a minister of the Presbytery has been
approved to serve as pastor of the mission church, he shall be included
as a member of the commission and serve as its moderator.
The temporary system of government shall record and submit its records to
Presbytery for annual review in the same manner as Sessions of particular
5-4. Pastoral ministry for the mission church may be provided:
a. by a minister of the Presbytery called by Presbytery to serve as pastor,
b. by stated, student, or ruling elder supply (BCO 22-5, -6), or
c. by a series of qualified preachers approved by the temporary
government (BCO 12-5.e).
5-5. The temporary government shall receive members (BCO 12-5.a) into
the mission church according to the provisions of BCO 57 so far as they may
be applicable. As members of the mission church those received are
communing or non-communing members of the Presbyterian Church in
a. If there is a minister approved by Presbytery to serve the mission
church as its pastor (BCO 5-4.a), each member so received shall be
understood to assent to the call of that minister and to affirm the
promises made to the pastor in BCO 21-10.
b. Meetings of the members of the mission church shall be governed
according to the provisions of BCO 25 so far as they may be
5-6. Mission churches and their members shall have the right of judicial
process to the court having oversight of their temporary governing body.
5-7. Mission churches shall maintain a roll of communicant and non-
communicant members, in the same manner as, but separate from, other
particular churches.
5-8. It is the intention of the Presbyterian Church in America that mission
churches enjoy the same status as particular churches in relation to civil
B. The Organization of a Particular Church
5-9. A new church can be organized only by the authority of Presbytery.
a. A Presbytery should establish standing rules setting forth the
prerequisites that qualify a mission church to begin the organization
process, e.g., the minimum number of petitioners and the level of
financial support to be provided by the congregation. The number of
officers sufficient to constitute the quorum for a session shall be
necessary to complete the organization process.
b. The temporary government of the mission church shall oversee the
steps necessary for organization.
c. When the temporary government determines that among the members
of the mission congregation there are men who appear qualified as
officers, the nomination process shall begin and the election conclude
following the procedures of BCO 24 so far as they may be applicable.
d. The election of officers shall normally take place at least two weeks
prior to the date of the organization service. However, the effective
date of service for the newly elected officers shall be upon the
completion of the organization service.
e. If deacons are not elected, the duties of the office shall devolve upon
the session, until deacons can be secured.
f. If there is a minister approved by Presbytery to serve the mission
church as its pastor, and members of the mission church have been
received according to BCO 5-5, the temporary session shall call a
congregational meeting at which the congregation may, by majority
vote, call the organizing pastor to be their pastor without the steps of
BCO 20. If no such minister has been appointed, or the minister or
congregation choose not to continue the pastoral relationship of the
newly organized church, a pastor shall be called as follows:
(1) The temporary government shall oversee the election of a pastor
according the provisions of BCO 20 so far as they are applicable.
If a candidate is to be proposed before the organization, the
congregational meeting to elect a pastor shall take place early
enough for Presbytery to consider and approve the pastor’s call
prior to the service of organization. This may be the same meeting
called for the election of other officers.
(2) The ordination and/or installation shall be according to the
provisions of BCO 21 so far as they are applicable. The service
may take place at the service of organization.
g. In order to proceed to organization as a particular church the members
of the mission church shall sign a petition to Presbytery requesting the
h. Upon Presbytery’s approval of the petition, Presbytery shall appoint
an organizing commission and shall set the date and time of the
organization service.
i. At the service of organization the following elements shall be included
in the order deemed by the organizing commission to be appropriate:
(1) The organizing commission shall ordain and/or install ruling
elders and/or deacons according to the provisions of BCO 24-6 so
far as they may be applicable.
(2) If a pastor is being ordained and/or installed at the service, the
organizing commission shall act according to the provisions of
BCO 21 so far as they may be applicable.
(3) A member of the organizing commission shall require
communicant members of the mission church present to enter into
covenant, by answering the following question affirmatively, with
uplifted hand:
Do you, in reliance on God for strength, solemnly
promise and covenant that you will walk together
as a particular church, on the principles of the faith
and order of the Presbyterian Church in America,
and that you will be zealous and faithful in
maintaining the purity and peace of the whole body?
(4) A member of the organizing commission shall then say:
I now pronounce and declare that you are
constituted a church according to the Word of God
and the faith and order of the Presbyterian Church
in America. In the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
5-10. Upon organization, the newly elected session should meet as soon as
is practicable to elect a stated clerk and formulate a budget. If there is no pastor,
the session may elect as moderator one of their own number or any teaching
elder of the Presbytery with Presbytery’s approval. Further, if there is no
pastor, action shall be taken to secure, as soon as practicable, the regular
administration of Word and Sacraments.”
Church Members
6-1. The children of believers are, through the covenant and by right of
birth, non-communing members of the church. Hence they are entitled to
Baptism, and to the pastoral oversight, instruction and government of the
church, with a view to their embracing Christ and thus possessing personally
all benefits of the covenant.
6-2. Communing members are those who have made a profession of faith
in Christ, have been baptized, and have been admitted by the Session to the
Lord's Table. (See BCO 46-4 for associate members).
6-3. All baptized persons are entitled to the watchful care, instruction and
government of the church, even though they are adults and have made no
profession of their faith in Christ.
6-4. Those only who have made a profession of faith in Christ, have been
baptized, and admitted by the Session to the Lord's Table, are entitled to all
the rights and privileges of the church. (See BCO 57-4 and 58-4)
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Church Officers-General Classification
7-1. Under the New Testament, our Lord at first collected His people out
of different nations, and united them to the household of faith by the ministry
of extraordinary officers who received extraordinary gifts of the Spirit and who
were agents by whom God completed His revelation to His Church. Such
officers and gifts related to new revelation have no successors since God
completed His revelation at the conclusion of the Apostolic Age.
7-2. The ordinary and perpetual classes of office in the Church are elders
and deacons. Within the class of elder are the two orders of teaching elders
and ruling elders. The elders jointly have the government and spiritual
oversight of the Church, including teaching. Only those elders who are
specially gifted, called and trained by God to preach may serve as teaching
elders. The office of deacon is not one of rule, but rather of service both to the
physical and spiritual needs of the people. In accord with Scripture, these
offices are open to men only.
7-3. No one who holds office in the Church ought to usurp authority
therein, or receive any official titles of spiritual preeminence, except such as
are employed in the Scriptures.
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The Elder
8-1. This office is one of dignity and usefulness. The man who fills it has
in Scripture different titles expressive of his various duties. As he has the
oversight of the flock of Christ, he is termed bishop or pastor. As it is his duty
to be spiritually fruitful, dignified, and prudent, an example to the flock, and
to govern well in the house and Kingdom of Christ, he is termed presbyter or
elder. As he expounds the Word, and by sound doctrine both exhorts and
convinces the gainsayer, he is termed teacher. These titles do not indicate
different grades of office, but all describe one and the same office.
8-2. He that fills this office should possess a competency of human
learning and be blameless in life, sound in the faith and apt to teach. He should
exhibit a sobriety and holiness of life becoming the Gospel. He should rule
his own house well and should have a good report of them that are outside
the Church.
8-3. It belongs to those in the office of elder, both severally and jointly, to
watch diligently over the flock committed to his charge, that no corruption of
doctrine or of morals enter therein. They must exercise government and
discipline, and take oversight not only of the spiritual interests of the particular
church, but also the Church generally when called thereunto. They should visit
the people at their homes, especially the sick. They should instruct the ignorant,
comfort the mourner, nourish and guard the children of the Church. They should
set a worthy example to the flock entrusted to their care by their zeal to
evangelize the unconverted, make disciples, and demonstrate hospitality. All
those duties which private Christians are bound to discharge
by the law of love are especially incumbent upon them by divine vocation, and
are to be discharged as official duties. They should pray with and for the people,
being careful and diligent in seeking the fruit of the preached Word among the
8-4. As the Lord has given different gifts to men and has committed to
some special gifts and callings, the Church is authorized to call and appoint
some to labor as teaching elders in such works as may be needful to the
Church. When a teaching elder is called to such needful work, it shall be
incumbent upon him to make full proof of his ministry by disseminating the
Gospel for the edification of the Church. He shall make a report to the
Presbytery at least once each year.
8-5. When a man is called to labor as a teaching elder, it belongs to his
order, in addition to those functions he shares with all other elders, to feed the
flock by reading, expounding and preaching the Word of God and to
administer the Sacraments. As he is sent to declare the will of God to sinners,
and to beseech them to be reconciled to God through Christ, he is termed
ambassador. As he bears glad tidings of salvation to the ignorant and
perishing, he is termed evangelist. As he stands to proclaim the Gospel, he is
termed preacher. As he dispenses the manifold grace of God, and the
ordinances instituted by Christ, he is termed steward of the mysteries of God.
8-6. When a teaching elder is appointed to the work of an evangelist in
foreign countries or where there are no other PCA churches within a reasonable
distance, he is commissioned for a renewable term of twelve months to preach
the Word, to administer the Sacraments, to receive and dismiss members of
mission churches, and to train potential officers. By separate actions the
Presbytery may in extraordinary situations commission him to examine, ordain
and install ruling elders and deacons and organize churches.
8-7. A Presbytery may, at its discretion, approve the call of a teaching elder
to work with an organization outside the jurisdiction of the Presbyterian
Church in America, provided that he be engaged in preaching and teaching the
Word, that the Presbytery be assured he will have full freedom to maintain and
teach the doctrine of our Church, and that he report at least annually on his
work. As far as possible, such a teaching elder shall be a member of the
Presbytery within whose bounds he labors. (See BCO 20-1.)
8-8. As there were in the Church under the law, elders of the people for the
government thereof, so in the Gospel Church, Christ has furnished others
besides ministers of the Word with gifts and commission to govern when
called thereunto, who are called ruling elders.
8-9. Elders being of one class of office, ruling elders possess the same
authority and eligibility to office in the courts of the Church as teaching elders.
They should, moreover, cultivate zealously their own aptness to teach the
Bible and should improve every opportunity of doing so.
The Deacon
9-1. The office of deacon is set forth in the Scriptures as ordinary and
perpetual in the Church. The office is one of sympathy and service, after the
example of the Lord Jesus; it expresses also the communion of saints,
especially in their helping one another in time of need.
9-2. It is the duty of the deacons to minister to those who are in need, to
the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress. It is their duty
also to develop the grace of liberality in the members of the church, to devise
effective methods of collecting the gifts of the people, and to distribute these
gifts among the objects to which they are contributed. They shall have the care
of the property of the congregation, both real and personal, and shall keep in
proper repair the church edifice and other buildings belonging to the
congregation. In matters of special importance affecting the property of the
church, they cannot take final action without the approval of the Session and
consent of the congregation.
In the discharge of their duties the deacons are under the supervision
and authority of the Session. In a church in which it is impossible for any
reason to secure deacons, the duties of the office shall devolve upon the ruling
9-3. To the office of deacon, which is spiritual in nature, shall be chosen
men of spiritual character, honest repute, exemplary lives, brotherly spirit,
warm sympathies, and sound judgment.
9-4. The deacons of a particular church shall be organized as a Board, of
which the pastor shall be an advisory member. The Board shall elect a
chairman and a secretary from their number and a treasurer to whom shall be
entrusted the funds for the current expenses of the church. It shall meet
separately at least once a quarter, and whenever requested by the Session. The
Board of each church shall determine the number necessary for a quorum.
The Board shall keep a record of its proceedings, and of all funds and
their distribution, and shall submit its minutes to the Session regularly, and at
other times upon request of the Session.
It is desirable that the Session and the Board of Deacons meet in joint
session once a quarter to confer on matters of common interest.
9-5. Deacons may properly be appointed by the higher courts to serve on
committees, especially as treasurers. It is suitable also that they be appointed
trustees of any fund held by any of the Church courts. It may also be helpful
for the Church courts, when devising plans of church finance, to invite wise
and consecrated deacons to their councils.
9-6. The deacons may, with much advantage, hold conference from time
to time for the discussion of the interests committed to them. Such conferences
may include representatives of churches covering areas of smaller or larger
extent. Any actions taken by these conferences shall have only an advisory
9-7. It is often expedient that the Session of a church should select and
appoint godly men and women of the congregation to assist the deacons in
caring for the sick, the widows, the orphans, the prisoners, and others who may
be in any distress or need. These assistants to the deacons are not officers of
the church (BCO 7-2) and, as such, are not subjects for ordination (BCO 17).
Church Courts in General
10-1. The Church is governed by various courts, in regular gradation, which
are all, nevertheless, Presbyteries, as being composed exclusively of
10-2. These courts are church Sessions, Presbyteries, and the General
10-3. The pastor is, for prudential reasons, moderator of the Session. The
moderator of the Presbytery may be elected at each stated meeting of the court,
or for a period of time up to one year. The moderator of the General Assembly
shall be chosen at each stated meeting; he, or in case of his absence the last
moderator present or the oldest minister longest a member of the court, shall
open the next meeting with a sermon unless it is impracticable, and shall hold
the chair until a new moderator be chosen.
The moderator has all authority necessary for the preservation of order
and for the proper and expeditious conduct of all business before the court, and
for convening and adjourning the court according to its own ruling. In any
emergency, he may by circular letter change the time or place, or both, of
meeting to which the court stands adjourned, giving reasonable notice thereof.
10-4. A clerk or clerks shall be elected by the Session, Presbytery, and
General Assembly to serve for a definite period as determined by the court.
It is the duty of the clerk, besides recording the transactions, to
preserve the records carefully, and to grant extracts from them whenever
properly required. Such extracts under the hand of the clerk shall be evidence
to any ecclesiastical court, and to every part of the Church.
10-5. Every meeting of the Session, Presbytery and General Assembly shall
be opened and closed with prayer, and in closing the final session a psalm or
hymn may be sung and the benediction pronounced.
10-6. The expenses of ministers and ruling elders in their attendance on the
courts shall be defrayed by the bodies which they respectively represent.
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Jurisdiction of Church Courts
11-1. These assemblies are altogether distinct from the civil magistracy, and
have no jurisdiction in political or civil affairs. They have no power to inflict
temporal pains and penalties, but their authority is in all respects moral or
11-2. The jurisdiction of Church courts is only ministerial and declarative,
and relates to the doctrines and precepts of Christ, to the order of the Church,
and to the exercise of discipline.
First, they can make no laws binding the conscience; but may frame
symbols of faith, bear testimony against error in doctrine and immorality in
practice, within or without the Church, and decide cases of conscience.
Secondly, they have power to establish rules for the government,
discipline, worship, and extension of the Church, which must be agreeable to
the doctrines relating thereto contained in the Scriptures, the circumstantial
details only of these matters being left to the Christian prudence and wisdom
of Church officers and courts.
Thirdly, they possess the right to require obedience to the laws of
Christ. Hence, they admit those qualified to sealing ordinances and to their
respective offices, and they exclude the disobedient and disorderly from such
offices or from sacramental privileges. The highest censure to which their
authority extends is to cut off the contumacious and impenitent from the
congregation of believers. Moreover, they possess all the administrative
authority necessary to give effect to these powers.
11-3. All Church courts are one in nature, constituted of the same elements,
possessed inherently of the same kinds of rights and powers, and differing only
as the Constitution may provide. When, however, according to Scriptural
example, and needful to the purity and harmony of the whole Church, disputed
matters of doctrine and order arising in the lower courts are referred to the
higher courts for decision, such referral shall not be so exercised as to impinge
upon the authority of the lower court.
11-4. For the orderly and efficient dispatch of ecclesiastical business, it is
necessary that the sphere of action of each court should be distinctly defined.
The Session exercises jurisdiction over a single church, the Presbytery over
what is common to the ministers, Sessions, and churches within a prescribed
district, and the General Assembly over such matters as concern the whole
Church. The jurisdiction of these courts is limited by the express provisions
of the Constitution.
Every court has the right to resolve questions of doctrine and
discipline seriously and reasonably proposed, and in general to maintain truth
and righteousness, condemning erroneous opinions and practices which tend
to the injury of the peace, purity, or progress of the Church. Although each
court exercises exclusive original jurisdiction over all matters especially
belonging to it, the lower courts are subject to the review and control of the
higher courts, in regular gradation. These courts are not separate and
independent tribunals, but they have a mutual relation, and every act of
jurisdiction is the act of the whole Church performed by it through the
appropriate organ.
The Church Session
12-1. The church Session consists of the pastor, associate pastor(s), if there
be any, and the ruling elders of a church. If there are four or more ruling elders,
the pastor and two ruling elders shall constitute a quorum. If there are fewer
than four ruling elders, the pastor and one ruling elder shall constitute a
quorum. Assistant pastors, although not members of the Session, may be
invited to attend and participate in discussion without vote.
When a church has no pastor and there are five or more ruling elders,
three shall constitute a quorum; if there are less than five ruling elders, two
shall constitute a quorum; if there is only one ruling elder, he does not
constitute a Session, but he should take spiritual oversight of the church,
should represent it at Presbytery, should grant letters of dismission, and should
report to the Presbytery any matter needing the action of a Church court.
Any Session, by a majority vote of its members, may fix its own
quorum, provided that it is not smaller than the quorum stated in these
12-2. The pastor is, by virtue of his office, the moderator of the Session. In
the pastor’s absence, if any emergency should arise requiring immediate
action, the Session may elect one of its members to preside, the quorum for
such emergency meeting being as in the case of a church with no pastor in 12-
1. Should prudential reasons at any time make it advisable for a minister other
than the pastor to preside, the pastor may, with the concurrence of the Session,
invite a minister of the same Presbytery to perform this service.
12-3. When a church is without a pastor, the moderator of the Session may
be either a minister appointed for that purpose by the Presbytery, with consent
of the Session, or one invited by the Session to preside on a particular occasion,
or one of its own members elected to preside. In judicial cases, the moderator
shall be a minister of the Presbytery to which the church belongs.
12-4. Associate or assistant pastors may substitute for the pastor as
moderator of the Session at the discretion of the pastor and Session.
12-5. The church Session is charged with maintaining the spiritual
government of the church, for which purpose it has power:
a. To inquire into the knowledge, principles and Christian conduct of the
church members under its care; to censure those found delinquent; to
see that parents do not neglect to present their children for Baptism; to
receive members into the communion of the Church; to remove them
for just cause; to grant letters of dismissal to other churches, which
when given to parents, shall always include the names of their non-
communing, baptized children;
b. To examine, ordain, and install ruling elders and deacons on their
election by the church, and to require these officers to devote
themselves to their work; to examine the records of the proceedings of
the deacons; to approve and adopt the budget;
c. To approve actions of special importance affecting church property;
d. To call congregational meetings when necessary; to establish and
control Sunday schools and Bible classes with special reference to the
children of the church; to establish and control all special groups in
the church such as Men in the Church, Women in the Church and
special Bible study groups; to promote world missions; to promote
obedience to the Great Commission in its totality at home and abroad;
to order collections for pious uses;
e. To exercise, in accordance with the Directory for Worship, authority
over the time and place of the preaching of the Word and the
administration of the Sacraments, over all other religious services,
over the music in the services, and over the uses to which the church
building and associated properties may be put; to take the oversight of
the singing in the public worship of God; to ensure that the Word of
God is preached only by such men as are sufficiently qualified (BCO
4-4, 53-2, 1 Timothy 2:11-12); to assemble the people for worship
when there is no minister; to determine the best measures for
promoting the spiritual interests of the church and congregation;
f. To observe and carry out the lawful injunctions of the higher courts;
and to appoint representatives to the higher courts, who shall, on their
return, make report of their diligence.
12-6. The Session shall hold stated meetings at least quarterly. Moreover,
the pastor has power to convene the Session when he may judge it requisite;
and he shall always convene it when requested to do so by any two of the ruling
elders. When there is no pastor, it may be convened by two ruling elders. The
Session shall also convene when directed so to do by the Presbytery.
12-7. Every Session shall keep an accurate record of its proceedings, which
record shall be submitted at least once in every year to the inspection of the
12-8. Every Session shall keep an accurate record of baptisms, of
communing members, of non-communing members, and of the deaths and
dismissions of church members.
12-9. Meetings of the Sessions shall be opened and closed with prayer.
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The Presbytery
13-1. The Presbytery consists of all the teaching elders and churches within
its bounds that have been accepted by the Presbytery. When the Presbytery
meets as a court it shall comprise all teaching elders and ruling elders as elected
by their Session. Each congregation is entitled to two (2) ruling elder
representatives for the first 350 communing members or fraction thereof, and
one additional ruling elder for each additional 500 communing members or
fraction thereof.
13-2. A minister shall be required to hold his membership in the Presbytery
within whose geographical bounds he resides, unless there are reasons which
are satisfactory to his Presbytery why he should not do so. When a minister
labors outside the geographical bounds of, or in a work not under the
jurisdiction of his Presbytery, at home or abroad, it shall be only with the full
concurrence of and under circumstances agreeable to his Presbytery, and to the
Presbytery within whose geographical bounds he labors, if one exists. When
a minister shall continue on the rolls of his Presbytery without a call to a
particular work for a prolonged period, not exceeding three years, the
procedure as set forth in BCO 34-10 shall be followed. A minister without call
shall make or file a report to his Presbytery at least once each year.
[EDITORIAL COMMENT: The provision for a minister to hold his
membership in the presbytery within whose geographical bounds he resides
does not apply to the non-geographical Korean Language Presbyteries as long
as the General Assembly mandates their existence.]
13-3. Every ruling elder not known to the Presbytery shall produce a
certificate of his regular appointment from the Session of the church which he
13-4. Any three ministers belonging to the Presbytery, together with at least
three ruling elders, being met at the time and place appointed, shall be a
quorum competent to proceed to business.
However, any Presbytery, by a majority vote of those present at a
stated meeting, may fix its own quorum provided it is not smaller than the
quorum stated in this paragraph.
13-5. Ordinarily, only a minister who receives a call to a definite ecclesiastical
work within the bounds of a particular Presbytery may be received as a
member of that Presbytery except in cases where the minister is already
honorably retired, or in those cases deemed necessary by the Presbytery,
subject to the review of the General Assembly. In such cases deemed
necessary, which may include the case of a minister without call whose
circumstances appear to require relocation within the bounds of that
Presbytery, the time allotment of BCO 13-2 shall be counted from the day the
minister was first continued on the roll without call in any Presbytery.
13-6. Ministers seeking admission to a Presbytery from other Presbyteries
in the Presbyterian Church in America shall be examined on Christian
experience, and also touching their views in theology, the Sacraments, and
church government. If applicants come from other denominations, the
Presbytery shall examine them thoroughly in knowledge and views as required
by BCO 21-4 and require them to answer in the affirmative the questions put
to candidates at their ordination. Ordained ministers from other denominations
being considered by Presbyteries for reception may come under the
extraordinary provisions set forth in BCO 21-4. Presbyteries shall also require
ordained ministers coming from other denominations to state the specific
instances in which they may differ with the Confession of Faith and
Catechisms in any of their statements and/or propositions, which differences
the court shall judge in accordance with BCO 21-4 (see BCO 21-4.e,f).
13-7. The Presbytery shall cause to be transcribed, in some convenient part
of the book of records, the obligations required of ministers at their ordination,
which shall be subscribed by all admitted to membership, in the following
I, _______________, do sincerely receive and subscribe to the above
obligation as a just and true exhibition of my faith and principles,
and do resolve and promise to exercise my ministry in conformity
13-8. The Presbytery, before receiving into its membership any church, shall
designate a commission to meet with the church's ruling elders to make certain
that the elders understand and can sincerely adopt the doctrines and polity of
the Presbyterian Church in America as contained in its Constitution. In the
presence of the commission, the ruling elders shall be required to answer
affirmatively the questions required of officers at their ordination.
13-9. The Presbytery has power to receive and issue
appeals, complaints,
and references brought before it in an orderly manner. In cases in which the
Session cannot exercise its authority, it shall have power to assume original
jurisdiction. It has power:
* Editor's note: "Issue" means "settling the issue of the case."
a. To receive under its care candidates for the ministry; to examine and
license candidates for the holy ministry; to receive, dismiss, ordain,
install, remove and judge ministers;
b. To review the records of church Sessions, redress whatever they may
have done contrary to order and take effectual care that they observe
the Constitution of the Church;
c. To establish the pastoral relation and to dissolve it at the request of
one or both of the parties, or where the interest of religion imperatively
demands it;
d. To set apart evangelists to their proper work; to require ministers to
devote themselves diligently to their sacred calling and to censure the
e. To see that the lawful injunctions of the higher courts are obeyed;
f. To condemn erroneous opinions which injure the purity or peace of
the Church; to visit churches for the purpose of inquiring into and
redressing the evils that may have arisen in them; to unite or divide
churches, at the request of the members thereof; to form and receive
new churches; to take special oversight of churches without pastors;
to dissolve churches; to dismiss churches with their consent;
g. To devise measures for the enlargement of the Church within its
bounds; in general, to order whatever pertains to the spiritual welfare
of the churches under its care;
h. And, finally, to propose to the Assembly such measures as may be of
common advantage to the Church at large.
13-10. When a Presbytery determines to dissolve a church, it shall give no
less than sixty (60) days notice of such dissolution to the local church. With
such notice, Presbytery shall communicate to the members their responsibility
to transfer their membership to other particular or mission churches. In
addition, Presbytery shall:
1. transfer membership to existing churches, with the consent of the
individuals and the Sessions of the receiving churches; or
2. grant a letter of dismissal to an individual so requesting, testifying that
the individual was a member in good standing of the local church at
the date of dissolution (see BCO 46-7). Until such time as the person
is received by a church the Presbytery shall continue to provide
pastoral oversight; or
3. place individuals under the oversight of a commission of Presbytery
acting as a session (BCO 15-2), for up to one year, renewable, until
such time as either a new congregation can be formed or such persons
are dismissed to membership in another church.
13-11. The Presbytery shall keep a full and accurate record of its proceedings,
and shall send it up to the General Assembly annually for review. It shall
report to the General Assembly every year, all the important changes which
may have taken place, such as licensures, ordinations, the receiving or
dismissing of members, the removal of members by death, the union and the
division of churches, and the formation of new ones.
13-12. The Presbytery shall meet at least twice a year on its own adjournment.
The Moderator shall call a special meeting at the request or with the
concurrence of three teaching elders and three ruling elders from at least three
different churches. Should the Moderator be for any reason unable to act, the
Stated Clerk shall, under the same requirements, issue the call. If both
Moderator and Stated Clerk are unable to act, any three teaching elders and
three ruling elders of at least three different churches shall have power to call
a meeting. However, any Presbytery may prescribe in its rules its own
requirements for calling a special meeting, provided that those requirements
are not less than those stated in this section. Notice of the special meeting shall
be sent not less than ten days in advance to each teaching elder and to the Clerk
of Session of every church. In the notice, the purpose of the meeting shall be
stated, and no business other than that named in the notice is to be transacted.
The Presbytery also shall convene when directed to do so by the General
Assembly, for the transaction of designated business only.
13-13. Ministers in good standing in other Presbyteries, or in any evangelical
church, being present at any meeting of Presbytery, may be invited to sit as
visiting brethren. It is proper for the moderator to introduce these brethren to
the Presbytery. This provision shall also apply to the General Assembly.
The General Assembly
14-1. The General Assembly is the highest court of this Church, and
represents in one body all the churches thereof. It bears the title of The General
Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America, and constitutes the bond of
union, peace and correspondence among all its congregations and courts.
Principles for the Organization of the Assembly:
1. The Church is responsible for carrying out the Great Commission.
2. The initiative for carrying out the Great Commission belongs to the
Church at every court level, and the Assembly is responsible to
encourage and promote the fulfillment of this ministry by the various
3. The work of the Church as set forth in the Great Commission is one
work, being implemented at the General Assembly level through
equally essential committees.
4. It is the responsibility of every member and every member
congregation to support the whole work of the denomination as they
be led in their conscience held captive to the Word of God.
5. It is the responsibility of the General Assembly to evaluate needs and
resources, and to act on priorities for the most effective fulfillment of
the Great Commission.
6. The Church recognizes the right of individuals and congregations to
labor through other agencies in fulfilling the Great Commission.
7. The Assembly's committees are to serve and not to direct any Church
judicatories. They are not to establish policy, but rather execute policy
established by the General Assembly.
8. The committees serve the Church through the duties assigned by the
General Assembly.
9. The Assembly's committees are to include proportionate
representation of all presbyteries, wherever possible.
10. The committees are to be established on the basis of an equal number
between teaching and ruling elders.
11. A Nominating Committee shall be comprised of one representative
elected by each Presbytery in the following manner. Each Presbytery
shall be assigned to a class by the stated clerk based on its date of
formation. The members shall serve in classes of three year terms,
alternating between ruling and teaching elders. When necessary,
unexpired terms shall be filled by an elder of the same class, teaching
or ruling.
This committee is to present all nominations for which it is
responsible to the next meeting of the Assembly from a slate of men
nominated by the Presbyteries. Presbyteries shall utilize the
nominating forms provided by the stated clerk for their nominations.
Each presbytery may present one teaching elder and one ruling elder
for each committee or agency.
In addition to nominees for expired terms, the Committee
shall nominate for each permanent committee one ruling and one
teaching elder as alternates to fill any vacancies that may occur during
the year. Each alternate should attend each meeting and fill any
vacancy necessary to meet a quorum. In addition to the new nominees
from the Presbyteries, alternates not assuming any vacancies during a
year will be automatically considered by the Nominating Committee
as candidates for nomination to that same committee.
12. The Assembly permanent committees are the Administrative
Committee of General Assembly, Committee on Discipleship
Ministries, Committee on Mission to North America, Committee on
Mission to the World, and Committee on Reformed University
The Administrative Committee of General Assembly (AC)
shall consist of twenty (20) members:
a. Eleven members in classes elected through the standard
nomination and election procedure,
b. One member each from the following program
committees or agencies:
1. Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM);
2. Covenant College (CC);
3. Covenant Theological Seminary (CTS);
4. Mission to North America (MNA);
5. Mission to the World (MTW);
6. PCA Foundation (PCAF);
7. PCA Retirement & Benefits, Inc. (RBI);
8. Reformed University Fellowship (RUF);
9. Ridge Haven Conference Center (RH).
The eleven members at large shall serve a term of four years.
The chairman of the Administrative Committee shall be one of its
members at large.
Each program committee and agency shall designate its
member each year at the last meeting of the committee or board before
the meeting of General Assembly. The chief administrative officers
of the program committees and agencies may attend any meeting of
the Administrative Committee. They shall be entitled to the privilege
of the floor but shall not have a vote and must be excluded when an
executive session is called.
Committee on Discipleship Ministries, Committee on Mission
to North America, Committee on Mission to the World, and
Committee on Reformed University Fellowship shall consist of fifteen
(15) men divided into five classes of three men each, with two men
being TEs and one RE or two men being REs and one TE on alternate
years, elected to serve five-year terms. Committees on Discipleship
Ministries, Mission to North America, Mission to the World, and
Reformed University Fellowship shall have one ruling and one
teaching elder as alternates to fill any vacancy that may occur during
the year.
Persons who have served for a full term, or for at least two
years of a partial term, on one of the Assembly’s permanent
committees or agencies shall not be eligible for re-election to an
Assembly committee until one year has elapsed. (Exceptions may be
permitted in agency bylaws approved by the Assembly.)
13. The General Assembly establishes personnel salaries after hearing
recommendations from the appropriate committee.
14. The Assembly shall elect a six-man Theological Examining
Committee (three teaching elders and three ruling elders of three
classes of two men each). Nominations for this Committee will be
presented by the Assembly’s Nominating Committee.
This committee shall examine all first and second level
administrative officers of committees, boards and agencies, and those
acting temporarily in these positions who are being recommended for
first time employment. They are to be examined in the areas of:
a. Christian experience,
b. Theology,
c. The Sacraments,
d. Church government,
e. Bible content,
f. Church history, and the
g. History of the Presbyterian Church in America.
No person will begin work or move on the field without prior
examination and approval by the General Assembly’s Theological
Examining Committee. No first level administrative officer will be
presented to the Assembly for election who has not met the approval
of this committee.
15. All business shall ordinarily come to the floor of the Assembly for
final action through committees of commissioners, except reports of
the Standing Judicial Commission, the Committee on Constitutional
Business, the Committee on Review of Presbytery Records, the
Nominating Committee and Ad Interim committees, which shall come
directly to the Assembly.
14-2. The General Assembly, which is a permanent court, shall meet at least
annually upon its own adjournment. It shall consist of all teaching elders in
good standing with their Presbyteries, and ruling elders as elected by their
Session. Each congregation is entitled to two ruling elder representatives for
the first 350 communing members or fraction thereof, and one additional
ruling elder for each additional 500 communing members or fraction thereof.
14-3. When an emergency shall require a meeting of the General Assembly
earlier than the time to which it stands adjourned, the moderator shall issue a
call for a special meeting at the request or with the concurrence of ten percent
(10%) of the commissioners who had seats in the Assembly at its preceding
meeting, of whom at least ten shall be teaching elders and at least ten ruling
elders, representing at least one-third (1/3) of the Presbyteries. Should the
moderator be for any reason unable to act, the stated clerk shall under the same
requirements issue the call.
The members of the special meeting shall be the commissioners elected to the
preceding meeting of the Assembly or their alternates. A Session, however,
shall have the right to elect a commissioner or alternate in the stead of one who
had died since the last meeting of the Assembly, or of one who has notified the
moderator of the Session of his inability to serve. Notice of the special meeting
shall be sent not less than twenty (20) days in advance to each commissioner
and to the moderator of each Presbytery. In the notice the purpose of the
meeting is to be stated and no other business is to be transacted.
14-4. Each commissioner, before his name shall be enrolled as a member of
the Assembly, shall produce appropriate credentials.
14-5. Any one hundred (100) of these commissioners, of whom half shall be
teaching elders and half ruling elders, representing at least one-third (1/3) of
the Presbyteries, being met on the day and at the place appointed, shall be a
quorum for the transaction of business.
14-6. The General Assembly shall have power:
a. To receive and issue
all appeals, references, and complaints
regularly brought before it from the lower courts; to bear
testimony against error in doctrine and immorality in practice,
injuriously affecting the Church; to decide in all controversies
respecting doctrine and discipline;
b. To give its advice and instruction, in conformity with the
Constitution, in all cases submitted to it;
c. To review the records of the Presbyteries, to take care that the
lower courts observe the Constitution; to redress whatever they
may have done contrary to order;
d. To devise measures for promoting the prosperity and enlargement
of the Church;
e. To erect new Presbyteries, and unite and divide those which were
erected with their consent;
f. To institute and superintend the agencies necessary in the general
work of evangelization; to appoint ministers of such labors as fall
under its jurisdiction;
g. To suppress schismatical contentions and disputations, according
to the rules provided therefor;
Editor's note: "Issue" means "settling the issue of the case".
h. To receive under its jurisdiction, with the consent of three-fourths
(3/4) of the Presbyteries, other ecclesiastical bodies whose
organization is conformed to the doctrine and order of this
Church; to authorize Presbyteries to exercise similar power in
receiving bodies suited to become constituents of those courts, and
lying within their geographical bounds respectively;
i. To superintend the affairs of the whole Church;
j. To correspond with other churches; to unite with other
ecclesiastical bodies whose organization is conformed to the
doctrines and order of this Church, such union to be effected by a
mode of procedure defined in BCO 26; and
k. In general to recommend measures for the promotion of charity,
truth and holiness through all the churches under its care.
14-7. Actions of the General Assembly pursuant to the provision of BCO
14-6 such as deliverances, resolutions, overtures, and judicial decisions are to
be given due and serious consideration by the Church and its lower courts
when deliberating matters related to such action. Judicial decisions shall be
binding and conclusive on the parties who are directly involved in the matter
being adjudicated, and may be appealed to in subsequent similar cases as to
any principle which may have been decided. (See BCO 3-5 and 6, and WCF
14-8. The whole business of the Assembly being finished, and the vote taken
for final adjournment, the moderator shall say from the chair:
By virtue of the authority delegated to me by the Church, I do now
declare that the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in
America is adjourned, to convene at __________ on the _________
day of __________________A. D.
After which he shall pray and return thanks, and pronounce or cause to be
pronounced on those present the apostolic benediction.
Ecclesiastical Commissions
15-1. A commission differs from an ordinary committee in that while a
committee is appointed to examine, consider and report, a commission is
authorized to deliberate upon and conclude the business referred to it, except
in the case of judicial commissions of a Presbytery appointed under BCO 15-3.
A commission shall keep a full record of its proceedings, which shall be
submitted to the court appointing it. Upon such submission this record shall
be entered on the minutes of the court appointing, except in the case of a
presbytery commission serving as a session or a judicial commission as set
forth in BCO 15-3. When a commission is appointed to serve as an interim
Session, its actions are the actions of a Session, not a Presbytery. Every
commission of a Presbytery or Session must submit complete minutes and a
report of its activities at least once annually to the court which commissioned
15-2. Among the matters that may be properly executed by commissions are
the taking of the testimony in judicial cases, the ordination of ministers, the
installation of ministers, the visitation of portions of the church affected with
disorder, and the organization of new churches.
Every commission appointed by Presbytery shall consist of at least
two teaching elders and two ruling elders, and the quorum shall be one more
than half its membership unless otherwise determined by the Presbytery.
However, should a Presbytery clothe a commission with judicial powers and
authority to conduct judicial process, or with power to ordain or install a
teaching elder of the Gospel, the quorum of such commission shall not be less
than two teaching elders and two ruling elders. The quorum for a commission
appointed as an interim session need not conform to the requirements of a
judicial commission, but only to those of a session (BCO 12-1). When the
ordination of a minister is committed to a commission, the Presbytery itself
shall conduct the previous examination.
15-3. Presbytery as a whole may try a judicial case within its jurisdiction
(including the right to refer any strictly constitutional issue to a study
committee with options listed below), or it may of its own motion commit any
judicial case to a commission. Such a commission shall be appointed by the
Presbytery from its members other than members of the Session of the church
from which the case comes up. The commission shall try the case in the
manner presented by the Rules of Discipline and shall submit to the Presbytery
a full statement of the case and the judgment rendered. The Presbytery without
debate shall approve or disapprove of the judgment, or may refer, (a debatable
motion), any strictly constitutional issue(s) to a study committee. In case of
referral, the Presbytery shall either dismiss some or all of the specific charges
raised in the case or decide the case only after the report of the study committee
has been heard and discussed. If Presbytery approves, the judgment of the
commission shall be final and shall be entered on the minutes of Presbytery as
the action. If Presbytery disapproves, it shall hear the case as a whole, or
appoint a new commission to hear the case again.
15-4. The General Assembly shall elect a Standing Judicial Commission to
which it shall commit all matters governed by the Rules of Discipline, except
for the annual review of Presbytery records, which may come before the
Assembly. This commission shall consist of twenty-four (24) members
divided into four classes of three teaching elders and three ruling elders in each
class. Each class shall serve a four-year term and each subsequent Assembly
shall declare the Standing Judicial Commission as a whole to be its
commission. Nominations and vacancies shall be filled according to BCO 14-
1(11), with nominations allowed from the floor. No person may be elected if
there is already a member of the commission from the same Presbytery; but if
a person is elected and changes Presbytery, he may continue to serve his full
term. No person may serve concurrently on the General Assembly’s Standing
Judicial Commission and any of the General Assembly’s permanent
15-5. a. In the cases committed to it, the Standing Judicial Commission shall
have the judicial powers and be governed by the judicial procedures of the
General Assembly. The decision of the Standing Judicial Commission shall
be the final decision of the General Assembly except as set forth below, to
which there may be no complaint or appeal. Members of the Standing Judicial
Commission may file concurring or dissenting opinions, or a minority report
as set forth in (c) below. The General Assembly may direct the Standing
Judicial Commission to retry a case if upon the review of its minutes
exceptions are taken with respect to that case.
b. In each case the Standing Judicial Commission shall issue a
summary of the facts, a statement of the issues, its judgment and its reasoning,
together with any concurring or dissenting opinions, all of which shall be
entered on the minutes of the General Assembly and shall be reported by the
Stated Clerk to the next General Assembly. The judgment shall be effective
from the time of its announcement to the parties.
c. (1) If, within twenty-four (24) hours of the time of adjournment
of a Standing Judicial Commission meeting at which a final decision was
rendered in a case, at least one-third (1/3) of the voting members of the
Standing Judicial Commission file written notice of their intention to file a
minority decision with the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly, and within
twenty (20) days from the adjournment do file such a minority decision, such
minority decision shall be considered a minority report and shall be referred,
with the report of the Standing Judicial Commission, to the General Assembly.
In each instance “file” shall be understood as defined by the Operating Manual
for Standing Judicial Commission.
(2) No such reference* from the Standing Judicial Commission
shall be considered by the General Assembly unless the report of the Standing
Judicial Commission and the minority report have been mailed to the clerk of
Session of each church at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting of the
General Assembly.
(3) The Assembly shall act upon such a reference* from the
Standing Judicial Commission, in each case without question, discussion,
debate, or amendment, as follows:
(a) The Standing Judicial Commission shall have 30 minutes
to present its decision to the Assembly.
*NOTE: It was the opinion of the 26
General Assembly that “reference” is NOT
to be understood as the technical term “referencein BCO 41-1.
(b) The minority shall have 30 minutes to present its decision
to the Assembly.
(c) The Standing Judicial Commission shall have 10 minutes
to reply to the minority report.
(d) The decision of the minority shall be proposed and the
General Assembly shall, without question, discussion,
debate, or amendment approve or disapprove of the
minority report.
(e) If the General Assembly disapproves the minority report,
the General Assembly shall take up the decision of the
Standing Judicial Commission and without question,
discussion, debate, or amendment, approve or disapprove
of the decision of the Standing Judicial Commission.
(4) If the General Assembly approves of a proposed decision, it
shall be the decision of the General Assembly, and printed in its minutes.
There may be no complaint or appeal from such a final decision of the General
Assembly. If the General Assembly finally disapproves of both proposed
decisions, it must set the case for hearing before the General Assembly or a
special commission appointed by it, and in either instance the case shall be
tried on the record as delivered to the Stated Clerk. Any such special
commission shall then proceed to consider the case and shall report its
decision, in like manner, to the General Assembly for its approval or
disapproval. In any event, the full record of the case, including written
testimony of witnesses, all documents, exhibits and papers shall be delivered
to the Stated Clerk for permanent preservation.
15-6. The General Assembly shall have power to commit to a commission,
consisting of not less than three elders, the task of forming a provisional
Presbytery in a foreign country where there exists no compatible indigenous
presbyterian and reformed Church. Such a commission shall have authority to
act as the Presbytery in all matters pertaining to the establishment and ordering
of a national Church and shall report annually to the General Assembly. The
commission shall be dissolved when there are at least three national teaching
elders and three organized churches under its care, and these shall then
constitute a separate national Church.
Church Orders The Doctrine of Vocation
16-1. Ordinary vocation to office in the Church is the calling of God by the
Spirit, through the inward testimony of a good conscience, the manifest
approbation of God’s people, and the concurring judgment of a lawful court of
the Church.
16-2. The government of the Church is by officers gifted to represent Christ,
and the right of God’s people to recognize by election to office those so gifted
is inalienable. Therefore no man can be placed over a church in any office
without the election, or at least the consent of that church.
16-3. Upon those whom God calls to bear office in His Church He bestows
suitable gifts for the discharge of their various duties. And it is indispensable
that, besides possessing the necessary gifts and abilities, natural and acquired,
every one admitted to an office should be sound in the faith, and his life be
according to godliness. Wherefore every candidate for office is to be approved
by the court by which he is to be ordained.
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Doctrine of Ordination
17-1. Those who have been called to office in the Church are to be inducted
by the ordination of a court.
17-2. Ordination is the authoritative admission of one duly called to an
office in the Church of God, accompanied with prayer and the laying on of
hands, to which it is proper to add the giving of the right hand of fellowship.
17-3. As every ecclesiastical office, according to the Scriptures, is a special
charge, no man shall be ordained unless it be to the performance of a definite
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Candidates for the Gospel Ministry
18-1. A candidate for the ministry is a member of the Church in full
communion who, believing himself to be called to preach the Gospel, submits
himself to the care and guidance of the Presbytery in his course of study and
of practical training to prepare himself for this office.
18-2. Every applicant for the ministry must put himself under the care of
Presbytery, which should ordinarily be the Presbytery that has jurisdiction of
the church of which he is a member. The endorsement of his Session must be
given to the Presbytery, consisting of testimonials regarding his Christian
character and promise of usefulness in the ministry. The endorsement should
also describe the activities of ministry the applicant has participated in with
brief evaluation.
Every applicant for care shall be a member of the congregation whose
session provides an endorsement for at least six months before filing his
application, except in those cases deemed extraordinary by the Presbytery.
Every applicant must file his application with the clerk of the
Presbytery at least one month before the meeting of the Presbytery. An
applicant for care may not be received under care and examined for ordination
at the same meeting of the Presbytery, since he must serve a period of at least
one year of internship prior to ordination (see BCO 19-7 and 21-4). An
applicant for internship is obliged to be under care and may be licensed to
preach the Gospel; further, one who is not already under care may be taken
under care, be licensed to preach the Gospel, and become an intern at the same
meeting of Presbytery.
18-3. The applicant shall appear before the Presbytery in person, and shall
be examined by the Presbytery on experiential religion and on his motives for
seeking the ministry.
If the testimonials and the examination prove satisfactory, the
Presbytery shall receive him under its care after the following manner:
The moderator shall propose to the applicant these questions:
1. Do you promise in reliance upon the grace of God to maintain
a becoming Christian character, and to be diligent and faithful
in making full preparation for the sacred ministry?
2. Do you promise to submit yourself to the proper supervision
of the Presbytery in matters that concern your preparation for
the ministry?
If these questions be answered in the affirmative, the moderator, or
someone appointed by him, shall give the candidate a brief charge; and the
proceeding shall close with prayer.
The name of the applicant is then to be recorded on the Presbytery’s
roll of candidates for the ministry.
18-4. The candidate continues to be a private member of the church and
subject to the jurisdiction of the Session, but as respects his preparatory
training for the ministry he is under the oversight of the Presbytery. It shall be
the duty of the Presbytery to show a kindly and sympathetic interest in him,
and to give him counsel and guidance in regard to his studies, his practical
training, and the institutions of learning he should attend. In no case may a
candidate omit from his course of study any of the subjects prescribed in the
Form of Government as tests for ordination without obtaining the consent of
Presbytery (see BCO 21-4); and where such consent is given the Presbytery
shall record the fact and the reasons therefore.
18-5. For the development of his Christian character, for the service he can
render, and for his more effective training, the candidate, when entering on his
theological studies, should be authorized and encouraged by the Presbytery to
conduct public worship, to expound the Scriptures to the people, and to engage
in other forms of Christian work. These forms of service should be rendered
under the direction of Presbytery, and also with the sanction and under the
guidance of the candidate’s instructors during the time of his being under their
instruction. A candidate should not undertake to serve a church which is
without a pastor as regular supply unless he has been licensed and approved
for that supply by the Presbytery having jurisdiction of the church (see BCO
18-6. The Presbytery shall require every candidate for the ministry under its
care to make a report to it at least once a year; and it shall secure from his
instructors an annual report upon his deportment, diligence, and progress in
18-7. The Presbytery may, upon application of the candidate, give a
certificate of dismission to another Presbytery. The candidate may be allowed
to retain membership in his home church upon the request of his Session and
the approval of both Presbyteries involved. A candidate shall, at his request or
at the request of his Session, be allowed to withdraw from the care of the
Presbytery. But in such a case sufficient reasons (and any actions taken) must
be reported to the Presbytery. The Presbytery may also, for sufficient reasons,
remove the name of the candidate from its roll of candidates; but in such a case
it shall report its actions and the reasons therefore to the candidate and to the
Session of his church. In all cases of a removal or withdrawal of a candidate,
the sufficient reason for the action shall be recorded in the minutes of
18-8. An applicant coming as a candidate from another denomination must
present testimonials of his standing in that body and must become a member
of a congregation in the Presbyterian Church in America. He shall then fulfill
the requirements of applicants listed under BCO 18-2, as well as requirements
placed upon those desiring to be licensed or to become an intern as set forth in
BCO 19.
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Licensure and Internship
A. Licensure
19-1. To preserve the purity of the preaching of the Gospel, no man is
permitted to preach in the pulpits of the Presbyterian Church in America on a
regular basis without proper licensure from the Presbytery having jurisdiction
where he will preach. An ordained teaching elder who is a member in good
standing of another Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in America may be
licensed after being examined as to his views, according to the provision of
BCO 13-6. This license shall immediately become void if the minister’s own
Presbytery administers against him a censure of suspension from office or the
sacraments, or deposition from office, or of excommunication (in the event of
such censures, the Presbytery with jurisdiction shall always notify the
licensing Presbytery). A ruling elder, a candidate for the ministry, a minister
from some other denomination, or some other man may be licensed for the
purpose of regularly providing the preaching of the Word upon his giving
satisfaction to the Presbytery of his gifts and passing the licensure
examination. (See also BCO 22-5 and 22-6.)
19-2. Examination for Licensure.
The examination for licensure shall be as follows:
a. Give a statement of his Christian experience and inward call to
preach the Gospel in written form and/or orally before the
Presbytery (at the discretion of the Presbytery):
b. Be tested with a written and/or oral examination by the Presbytery
(at the discretion of the Presbytery) for his:
1. basic knowledge of Biblical doctrine as outlined in the
Confession of Faith and Larger and Shorter Catechisms of the
Presbyterian Church in America.
2. practical knowledge of Bible content.
3. basic knowledge of the government of the Presbyterian
Church in America as defined in The Book of Church Order.
c. Be examined orally before Presbytery for his views in the areas
outlined in part b above.
d. Provide his written sermon on an assigned passage of Scripture
embodying both explanation and application, and present orally
his sermon or exhortation before Presbytery or before a committee
of Presbytery.
e. While our Constitution does not require the applicant’s
affirmation of every statement and/or proposition of doctrine in
our Confession of Faith and Catechisms, it is the right and
responsibility of the Presbytery to determine if the applicant is out
of accord with any of the fundamentals of these doctrinal
standards and, as a consequence, may not be able in good faith
sincerely to receive and adopt the Confession of Faith and
Catechisms of this church as containing the system of doctrine
taught in the Holy Scriptures (cf. BCO 19-3, Q.2).
f. Therefore, in examining an applicant for licensure, the Presbytery
shall inquire not only into the candidate’s knowledge and views
in the areas specified above, but also shall require the candidate to
state the specific instances in which he may differ with the
Confession of Faith and Catechisms in any of their statements
and/or propositions. The court may grant an exception to any
difference of doctrine only if in the court’s judgment the
applicant’s declared difference is not out of accord with any
fundamental of our system of doctrine because the difference is
neither hostile to the system nor strikes at the vitals of religion.
No Presbytery shall omit any of these parts of examination except in
extraordinary cases; and whenever a Presbytery shall omit any of these parts,
it shall always make a record of the reasons therefor, and of the trial parts
19-3. Questions for Licensure.
If the Presbytery be satisfied with the trials of the applicant, it shall
then proceed to license him in the following manner:
The moderator shall propose to him the following questions, namely:
1. Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments,
as originally given, to be the inerrant Word of God, the only
infallible rule of faith and practice?
2. Do you sincerely receive and adopt the Confession of Faith and
the Catechisms of this Church as containing the system of
doctrine taught in the Holy Scripture?
3. Do you promise to strive for the purity, peace, unity and
edification of the Church?
4. Do you promise to submit yourself, in the Lord, to the
government of this Presbytery, or of any other into the bounds
of which you may be called?
19-4. The applicant having answered these questions in the affirmative, the
moderator shall offer a prayer suitable for the occasion, and shall address the
applicant as follows:
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by that authority
which He has given to the Church for its edification, we do
license you to preach the Gospel in this Presbytery wherever
God in His providence may call you; and for this purpose may
the blessing of God rest upon you, and the Spirit of Christ fill
your heart. Amen.
Record shall be made of the licensure in the following or like form:
At_____________, the __________day of_______________, the
____________________Presbytery, having received
testimonials commending _________________________,
proceeded to submit him to the prescribed examination for
licensure, which was met to the approval of the Presbytery.
Having satisfactorily answered the questions for licensure,
_____________________ was licensed by the Presbytery to
preach the Gospel within the bounds of this Presbytery.
19-5. When any licentiate shall have occasion to remove from the bounds of
his Presbytery into those of another, the latter Presbytery may, at its discretion,
on his producing proper testimonials from the former, repeat any portion of
the previous Presbytery’s examination it desires. The Presbytery into whose
bounds the licentiate is moving, however, must at least examine the man
a. his Christian experience,
b. his call to preach the Gospel,
c. his views in theology,
d. Bible content,
e. church government.
This Presbytery then may license him to preach within its bounds.
19-6. The license to preach the Gospel shall expire at the end of four years.
The Presbytery may, if it thinks proper, renew it without further examination.
The licentiate must apply for renewal prior to expiration. If the license expires,
the stated clerk shall report the expiration to the Presbytery and to the
individual’s Session, and such action shall be recorded in the minutes. The
procedures of BCO 19-2 must be followed for re-licensure and such fact
shall be recorded in the minutes. The license may be terminated at any time
by a simple majority vote of the issuing Presbytery. The Presbytery shall
always record its reasons for this action in its minutes.
B. Internship
19-7. The Holy Scriptures require that some trial be previously made of
those who are to be ordained to the ministry of the Word, both concerning their
gifts and concerning their ability to rule as teaching elders, in order that this
sacred office may not be degraded by being committed to weak or unworthy
men, and that the Church may have an opportunity to form a better judgment
respecting the gifts of those to whom this sacred office is to be committed.
To provide for such a period of trial, a candidate for ordination must
serve an internship. This period of internship shall be at least one year in
length, and may be longer at the discretion of the Presbytery so as to give
sufficient time for the Presbytery to judge the candidate’s qualifications and
service. This period of internship may occur during or after the candidate’s
formal theological education. When it occurs during his formal theological
education, it may include an intern year in addition to his time of academic
training or it may run concurrent with his academic training.
The nature of the internship shall be determined by the Presbytery, but
it should involve the candidate in full scope of the duties of any regular
ministerial calling approved by the Presbytery. It is to be both a time of
practical instruction and testing by the Presbytery, and may be in any work
which the Presbytery deems to be a suitable ministry to test the intern’s gifts.
The intern should be closely supervised by the Presbytery throughout this trial
19-8. An applicant for internship must be a candidate and may be a licentiate
in the Presbytery in which he is seeking to become an intern. He may,
however, become a candidate, and an intern at the same meeting of Presbytery.
If an applicant for internship is already a candidate in another Presbytery, that
Presbytery should dismiss him as a candidate to the Presbytery in which he is
seeking to become an intern.
19-9. Examination for Internship.
Before the applicant begins his period of internship, he shall give to
the Presbytery a written and/or an oral statement (at the discretion of the
Presbytery) of his inward call to the ministry of the Word.
19-10. When an applicant is approved for internship, the moderator of the
Presbytery shall offer a prayer suitable for the occasion, and shall address the
applicant, if present, as follows:
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by that authority
which He has given to the Church for its edification, we do
declare you to be an intern of this Presbytery as a means of
testing your gifts for the holy ministry wherever God in His
providence may call you; and for this purpose may the blessing
of God rest upon you, and the Spirit of Christ fill your heart.
Record shall be made of the internship in the following or like form,
At ______________, the ________ day of
_____________________, the _____________________
Presbytery, having received testimonials commending
___________, having received him as a candidate for the
ministry, has placed him under internship at his request in
order to test his gifts for the holy ministry.
19-11. When any intern shall have occasion, while his internship is in
progress, to remove from the bounds of his own Presbytery into those of
another, the latter Presbytery may, at its discretion, on his producing proper
testimonials from the former, take up his internship at the point at which it was
left, and conduct it to a conclusion in the same manner as if it had been
commenced by itself. Presbytery may repeat any portion of the previous
Presbytery’s examination it desires.
When God gives the intern the providential opportunity to serve the
Church and to receive part of his training within the bounds of a Presbytery
other than the one in which he has been declared an intern, the Presbyteries
involved may develop a cooperative agreement to assure the proper training of
the intern. In such cases the home Presbytery retains the final responsibility
for and authority over the internship, but may rely to any extent considered
necessary and proper in the circumstances, on the assistance of the sister
Presbytery. When regular preaching of the Word is involved, care must be
taken to comply with BCO 19-1.
19-12. Presbyteries should require interns to devote themselves diligently to
the trial of their gifts; and no one should be ordained to the work of the ministry
of the Word until he has demonstrated the ability both to edify and to rule in
the Church. Reports on every intern in the Presbytery should be presented at
each stated meeting of the Presbytery by the committee of Presbytery charged
with the oversight of interns, and these reports shall become a part of the
minutes of Presbytery. The Presbytery shall also require every intern himself
to make a report to it at least once a year describing his ministerial experiences.
If the intern is still in school, the
Presbytery shall secure from his instructors an annual report upon his
deportment, diligence, and progress in study.
19-13. At the end of the period of time set by the Presbytery for his internship,
an intern shall have his internship either approved or disapproved. Even if it
is approved, he cannot be ordained without a call to some specific work. If the
internship is disapproved, the Presbytery may either extend it for another
definite period of time or it may completely rescind his intern status and may
revoke his internship. If the intern shall devote himself unnecessarily to such
pursuits as interfere with a full trial of his gifts, it shall be the duty of the
Presbytery to rescind his intern status, and to record its reasons therefor in the
Minutes of Presbytery.
19-14. An intern, who, during his internship, is to serve a congregation in the
capacity of the minister of the Word must be called by the congregation in the
same way that a regular minister is called. A congregation may later call such
a man as its pastor. This call must be approved by Presbytery prior to the time
of ordination. In the event a congregation does not desire to call such a man
as its pastor as determined by a congregational vote, notice should be given as
early as possible. Interns may be called to serve as assistants to ministers
during their internship, by the Session of a church with approval of the call by
19-15. Restrictions.
The intern may be asked by the moderator of a Session temporarily to
chair the meeting of the Session. In such cases the moderator shall supervise
this activity and may overrule the intern or re-assume the chair at will. The
intern is not a member of Session and may not vote in the meetings unless he
has previously been ordained a Ruling Elder and elected to the Session by the
congregation. Normally, he shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Session
and Diaconate when he has been called to work out his internship by a
congregation. He shall have the right to conduct funerals. An intern may not
administer the Sacraments. He may serve on committees of the church he
19-16. Where circumstances warrant, a Presbytery may approve previous
experience which is equivalent to internship. This equivalency shall be
decided by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of Presbytery at any of its regular
meetings. Such equivalent experience shall be decided only after the
Presbytery’s internship committee has determined and reported that the
candidate has met the following requirements:
a. he has had at least one (1) year of experience in comparable ministry;
b. he has satisfactorily performed the full scope of ministerial duties;
c. he has the manifest approbation of God’s people in a local church as
having the requisite gifts for the pastoral ministry.
The Election of Pastors
20-1. Before a candidate, or licentiate, can be ordained to the office of the
ministry, he must receive a call to a definite work. Ordinarily the call must
come from a church, Presbytery, or the General Assembly of this
denomination. If the call comes from another source, the Presbytery shall
always make a record of the reasons why it considers the work to be a valid
Christian ministry. (See also BCO 8-7 and 21-1).
A proper call must be written and in the hands of the Presbytery prior
to being acted upon by a Presbytery. It must include financial arrangements
(such as salary, vacation, insurance, retirement, etc.) between those calling and
the one called, and assurance that the definite work will afford the liberty to
proclaim and practice fully and freely the whole counsel of God, as contained
in the Scriptures and understood in the Westminster Confession of Faith. It
shall be in accord with the BCO 8.
20-2. Every church should be under the pastoral oversight of a minister, and
when a church has no pastor it should seek to secure one without delay.
A church shall proceed to elect a pastor in the following manner: The
Session shall call a congregational meeting to elect a pulpit committee which
may be composed of members from the congregation at large or the Session,
as designated by the congregation (see BCO 25). The pulpit committee shall,
after consultation and deliberation, recommend to the congregation a pastoral
candidate who, in its judgment, fulfills the Constitutional requirements of that
office (e.g., BCO 8, 13-6 and 21) and is most suited to be profitable to the
spiritual interests of the congregation (cf. BCO 20-6).
The Session shall order a congregational meeting to convene at the
regular place of worship. Public notice of the time, place, and purpose of this
meeting shall be given at least one week prior to the time of the meeting.
20-3. When a congregation is convened for the election of a pastor it is
important that they should elect a minister or ruling elder of the Presbyterian
Church in America to preside, but if this be impracticable, they may elect any
male member of that church. The Session shall appoint one of their number
to call the meeting to order and to preside until the congregation shall elect
their presiding officer. All communing members in good and regular standing,
but no others, are entitled to vote in the churches to which they are respectively
20-4. Method of voting: The voters being convened, and prayer for divine
guidance having been offered, the moderator shall put the question:
Are you ready to proceed to the election of a pastor?
If they declare themselves ready, the moderator shall call for nominations, or
the election may proceed by ballot without nominations. In every case a
majority of all the voters present shall be required to elect.
20-5. On the election of a pastor, if it appears that a large minority of the voters
are averse to the candidate who has received a majority of votes, and cannot be
induced to concur in the call, the moderator shall endeavor to dissuade the majority
from prosecuting it further; but if the electors be nearly or quite unanimous, or if the
majority shall insist upon their right to call a pastor, the moderator shall proceed to
draw a call in due form, and to have it subscribed by them, certifying at the same
time in writing the number of those who do not concur in the call, and any facts of
importance, all of which proceedings shall be laid before the Presbytery, together
with the call.
20-6. Form of call: The terms of the call shall be approved by the
congregation in the following or like form:
The ____________________ Church being on sufficient grounds well
satisfied of the ministerial qualifications of you, ____________, and having
good hopes from our knowledge of your labors that your ministrations in the
Gospel will be profitable to our spiritual interests, do earnestly call you to
undertake the pastoral office in said congregation, promising you, in the
discharge of your duty, all proper support, encouragement and obedience in
the Lord. That you may be free from worldly cares and avocations, we hereby
promise and oblige ourselves to pay you the sum of $___________ a year in
regular monthly (or quarterly) payments, and other benefits, such as, manse,
retirement, insurance, vacations, moving expenses etc., during the time of your
being and continuing the regular pastor of this church.
In testimony whereof we have respectively subscribed our names this
___________day of____________________, A.D.________.
Attest: I, having moderated the congregational meeting which
extended a call to ______________ for his ministerial services, do certify that
the call has been made in all respects according to the rules laid down in the
Book of Church Order, and that the persons who signed the foregoing call were
authorized to do so by vote of the congregation.
Moderator of the Meeting
20-7. If any church shall choose to designate its ruling elders and deacons,
or a committee to sign its call, it shall be at liberty to do so. But it shall, in
such case, be fully certified to the Presbytery by the minister or other person
who presided, that the persons signing have been appointed for that purpose
by a public vote of the church, and that the call has been in all other respects
prepared as above directed.
20-8. Prosecution of call: One or more commissioners shall be appointed
by the church to present and prosecute the call before their Presbytery.
20-9. When a pastor desires to accept a call to another Presbytery, he must
be examined and approved by the Presbytery for the pastorate to which he is
being called, and must be released for transfer by his present Presbytery from
his pastorate.
20-10. A congregation desiring to call a pastor from his charge, shall, by its
commissioners to the Presbytery, prosecute the call before its Presbytery. The
Presbytery, having heard all the parties, may, upon viewing the whole case,
either recommend them to desist from prosecuting the call; or may order it to
be delivered to the minister to whom it is addressed, with or without advice;
or may decline to place the call in his hands; as it shall appear most beneficial
for the peace and edification of the Church at large.
No pastor shall be transferred without his own consent, if the parties
are not ready to have the matter decided at the meeting then in progress, a
written citation shall be given the minister and his church to appear before the
Presbytery at its next meeting, which citation shall be read from the pulpit
during a regular service, at least two weeks before the intended meeting.
20-11. If the congregation or other field of labor to which a minister,
licentiate, or candidate is called, be under the jurisdiction of a different
Presbytery, on his acceptance of a call he shall be furnished with the proper
testimonials, and required to repair immediately to the Presbytery, in order that
he may be regularly inducted into his office. (See BCO 21).
20-12. A candidate or licentiate found fit and called (in accordance with BCO
20-1) for missionary service by a missionary agency or Presbytery shall be
examined by Presbytery for ordination. If approved the Presbytery shall
proceed to his ordination.
20-13. A missionary who is an ordained teaching elder in another
denomination found fit and called (in accordance with BCO 20-1) for
missionary service by a missionary agency or Presbytery shall be examined by
Presbytery for admission to Presbytery in accordance with BCO 13-6. If
approved he shall be enrolled as a member of Presbytery.
The Ordination and Installation of Ministers
21-1. No minister, licentiate or candidate shall receive a call from a church
but by the permission of his Presbytery. When a call has been presented to the
Presbytery, if found in order and the Presbytery deems it for the good of the
Church, they shall place it in the hands of the person to whom it is addressed.
Ordinarily a candidate or licentiate may not be granted permission by
the Presbytery to move on to the field to which he has been called, prior to his
examination for licensure or ordination. Likewise an ordained minister from
another Presbyterian Church in America Presbytery or another denomination,
ordinarily shall not move on to the field to which he has been called until
examined and received by Presbytery.
21-2. When an intern has completed his internship to the satisfaction of the
Presbytery, and has accepted a call, the Presbytery shall take immediate steps
for his ordination.
21-3. No Presbytery shall ordain any intern to the office of minister of the
Word with reference to his laboring within the bounds of another Presbytery,
but shall furnish him with the necessary testimonials, and require him to repair
to the Presbytery within whose bounds he expects to labor, that he may submit
himself to its authority, according to the Constitution of the Church.
21-4. Ordination Requirements and Procedures
a. An intern applying for ordination shall be required to present a
diploma of Bachelor or Master from some approved college or
university, and also a diploma of Bachelor or Master from some
approved theological seminary or authentic testimonials of having
completed a regular course of theological studies, or a certificate of
completion of and endorsement from a theological study program as
approved by the General Assembly and one of the Presbyteries of the
Presbyterian Church in America. No Presbytery shall omit any of
these educational requirements except in extraordinary cases, and then
only with a three-fourths (3/4) approval of the Presbytery. Whenever
a Presbytery shall omit any of these educational requirements, it shall
always make a record of the reasons for such omission and the parts
omitted. The intern shall also present satisfactory testimonials as to
the completion and approval of his internship in the practice of the
b. Every candidate for ordination shall ordinarily have met the requirements
of the Assembly's approved curriculum. Ordinarily, the intern shall have
been examined in most of the following trials when he was licensed.
If the Presbytery previously approved all parts of the licensure
examination, it need not re-examine the intern in those areas at this time.
If there were areas of weakness, which the Presbytery noted, or if any
member of the Presbytery desires to do so, the intern may be examined
on particular points again. Additionally, the intern shall be examined
on any parts required for ordination which were not covered in his
examination for licensure. In all cases, he should be asked to indicate
whether he has changed his previous views concerning any points in the
Confession of Faith, Catechisms, and Book of Church Order of the
Presbyterian Church in America.
c. Trials for ordination shall consist of:
(1) A careful examination as to:
(a) his acquaintance with experiential religion, especially his
personal character and family management (based on the
qualifications set out in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, and Titus 1:6-9),
(b) his knowledge of the Greek and Hebrew languages,
(c) Bible content,
(d) theology,
(e) the Sacraments,
(f) Church history,
(g) the history of the Presbyterian Church in America, and
(h) the principles and rules of the government and discipline of
the church.
A Presbytery may accept a seminary degree which includes study
in the original languages in lieu of an oral examination in the
original languages.
(2) He shall prepare a thesis on some theological topic assigned by
(3) The candidate shall prepare an exegesis on an assigned portion of
Scripture, requiring the use of the original language or languages.
(4) He shall further be required to preach a sermon before the
Presbytery or committee thereof, upon three-fourths (3/4) vote.
No Presbytery shall omit any of these parts of trial for ordination
except in extraordinary cases, and then only with three-fourths (3/4)
approval of Presbytery.
d. Whenever a Presbytery shall omit any of these parts, it shall always make
a record of the reasons for such omissions and of the trial parts omitted.
e. While our Constitution does not require the candidate’s affirmation of
every statement and/or proposition of doctrine in our Confession
of Faith and Catechisms, it is the right and responsibility of the Presbytery
to determine if the candidate is out of accord with any of the fundamentals
of these doctrinal standards and, as a consequence, may not be able in
good faith sincerely to receive and adopt the Confession of Faith and
Catechisms of this Church as containing the system of doctrine taught
in the Holy Scriptures (cf. BCO 21-5, Q.2; 24-6, Q.2).
f. Therefore, in examining a candidate for ordination, the Presbytery
shall inquire not only into the candidate’s knowledge and views in the
areas specified above, but also shall require the candidate to state the
specific instances in which he may differ with the Confession of Faith
and Catechisms in any of their statements and/or propositions. The
court may grant an exception to any difference of doctrine only if in
the court’s judgment the candidate’s declared difference is not out of
accord with any fundamental of our system of doctrine because the
difference is neither hostile to the system nor strikes at the vitals of
g. The Presbytery, being fully satisfied of his qualifications for the sacred
office, shall appoint a day for his ordination, which ought, if
practicable, to be in that church of which he is to be the pastor.
h. The extraordinary clauses should be limited to extraordinary
circumstances of the church or proven extraordinary gifts of the man.
Presbyteries should exercise diligence and care in the use of these
provisions in order that they not prevent the ordination of a candidate for
whom there are truly exceptional circumstances, nor ordain (nor receive
from other denominations (BCO 13-6) a person who is inadequately
prepared for the ministry.
21-5. The day appointed for the ordination having come, and the Presbytery
being convened, a sermon suitable for the occasion shall be preached by a
person appointed or invited by the Presbytery. The Presbytery member
appointed to preside shall afterwards briefly recite from the pulpit the
proceedings of the Presbytery preparatory to the ordination; he shall point out
the nature and importance of the ordinance, and endeavor to impress the
audience with a proper sense of the solemnity of the transaction.
Questions for Ordination
Then, addressing himself to the candidate, he shall propose to him the
following questions:
1. Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments,
as originally given, to be the inerrant Word of God, the only
infallible rule of faith and practice?
For an assistant minister, only questions 1-7 shall be used.
2. Do you sincerely receive and adopt the Confession of Faith and
the Catechisms of this Church, as containing the system of
doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures; and do you further
promise that if at any time you find yourself out of accord with
any of the fundamentals of this system of doctrine, you
will on your own initiative, make known to your Presbytery the
change which has taken place in your views since the
assumption of this ordination vow?
3. Do you approve of the form of government and discipline of
the Presbyterian Church in America, in conformity with the
general principles of Biblical polity?
4. Do you promise subjection to your brethren in the Lord?
5. Have you been induced, as far as you know your own heart, to
seek the office of the holy ministry from love to God and a
sincere desire to promote His glory in the Gospel of His Son?
6. Do you promise to be zealous and faithful in maintaining the
truths of the Gospel and the purity and peace and unity of the
Church, whatever persecution or opposition may arise unto
you on that account?
7. Do you engage to be faithful and diligent in the exercise of all
your duties as a Christian and a minister of the Gospel, whether
personal or relational, private or public; and to endeavor by the
grace of God to adorn the profession of the Gospel in your
manner of life, and to walk with exemplary piety before the flock
of which God shall make you overseer?
8. Are you now willing to take the charge of this church,
agreeable to your declaration when accepting their call? And
do you, relying upon God for strength, promise to discharge
to it the duties of a pastor?
Questions to Congregation
21-6. The candidate having answered these questions in the affirmative, the
presiding minister shall propose to the church the following questions:
1. Do you, the people of this congregation, continue to profess
your readiness to receive _________________, whom you have
called to be your pastor?
2. Do you promise to receive the word of truth from his mouth
with meekness and love, and to submit to him in the due
exercise of discipline?
3. Do you promise to encourage him in his labors, and to assist
his endeavors for your instruction and spiritual edification?
For assistant minister, address the Session omitting the last phrase of questions 1 and 2.
4. Do you engage to continue to him while he is your pastor that
competent worldly maintenance which you have promised, and
to furnish him with whatever you may see needful for the honor
of religion and for his comfort among you?
21-7. The people having answered these questions in the affirmative, by
holding up their right hands, the candidate shall kneel, and the presiding
minister shall, with prayer and the laying on of hands of the Presbytery,
according to the apostolic example, solemnly set him apart to the holy office
of the Gospel ministry. Prayer being ended, he shall rise from his knees; and
the minister who presides shall first, followed by all members of the
Presbytery, take him by the right hand, saying, in words to this effect:
We give you the right hand of fellowship, to take part in
this ministry with us.
The presiding minister shall then say:
I now pronounce and declare that __________________
has been regularly elected, ordained, and installed pastor of this
congregation, agreeable to the Word of God, and according to the
Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in America; and that as
such he is entitled to all support, encouragement, honor, and
obedience in the Lord: In the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
After which the minister presiding, or some other teaching or ruling
elder appointed for the purpose, shall give a solemn charge to the pastor and
to the congregation, to persevere in the discharge of their reciprocal duties, and
then after prayer and the singing of a psalm, or hymn, the congregation shall
be dismissed with the benediction. The Presbytery shall duly record its
21-8. After the installation, the heads of families of the congregation then
present, or at least the ruling elders and deacons, should come forward to their
pastor, and give him their right hand, in token of cordial reception and
affectionate regard.
For assistant minister, add the word 'assistant' before 'pastor', and charge the Session rather than
the congregation.
Questions for Installation
21-9. In the installation of an ordained minister, the following questions are
to be substituted for those addressed to a candidate for ordination, namely:
1. Are you now willing to take charge of this congregation as
their pastor, agreeable to your declaration in accepting its
2. Do you conscientiously believe and declare, as far as you know
your own heart, that, in taking upon you this charge, you are
influenced by a sincere desire to promote the glory of God and
the good of the Church?
3. Do you solemnly promise that, by the assistance of the grace
of God, you will endeavor faithfully to discharge all the duties
of a pastor to this congregation, and will be careful to maintain
a deportment in all respects becoming a minister of the Gospel
of Christ, agreeable to your ordination engagements?
Questions to Congregation
21-10. The candidate having answered these question in the affirmative, the
presiding minister shall propose to the church the following questions:
1. Do you, the people of this congregation, continue to profess
your readiness to receive ________________, whom you have
called to be your pastor?
2. Do you promise to receive the word of truth from his mouth
with meekness and love, and to submit to him in the due
exercise of discipline?
3. Do you promise to encourage him in his labors, and to assist
his endeavors for your instruction and spiritual edification?
4. Do you engage to continue to him while he is your pastor that
competent worldly maintenance which you have promised,
and to furnish him with whatever you may see needful for the
honor of religion and for his comfort among you?
For assistant minister, substitute the word 'serve' for 'take charge of', and add the word
'assistant' before 'pastor'.
For assistant minister, address the Session omitting the last phrase of questions 1 and 2.
21-11. In the ordination of interns as evangelists the same questions are to be
propounded as in the ordination of pastors, with the exception of the eighth,
for which the following shall be substituted:
Do you now undertake the work of an evangelist, and do
you promise, in reliance on God for strength, to be faithful in the
discharge of all the duties incumbent on you as a minister of the
Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ?
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The Pastoral Relations
22-1. The various pastoral relations are pastor, associate pastor, and
assistant pastor.
22-2. The pastor and associate pastor are elected by the congregation using
the form of call in BCO 20-6. Being elected by the congregation, they become
members of the Session.
22-3. An assistant pastor is called by the Session, by the permission and
approval of Presbytery, under the provisions of BCO 20-1 and 13-2, with
Presbytery membership being governed by the same provisions that apply to
pastors. He is not a member of the Session, but may be appointed on special
occasions to moderate the Session under the provisions of BCO 12-4.
22-4. The relationship of the associate pastor to the church is determined by
the congregation. The relationship of the assistant pastor to the church is
determined by the Session. The dissolution of the relationship of both is
governed by the provision of BCO 23.
22-5. In order to provide necessary changes in pastorates, a temporary
relation may be established between a church and a minister called Stated
Supply. If a church is unable to secure a regular pastor or a Stated Supply,
then the Session with approval of Presbytery may establish a temporary
relation between the church and a licentiate called Student Supply or Ruling
Elder Supply.
22-6. Such temporary relationships can take place at the invitation of the
church Session to the minister of the Word, the licentiate, or the ruling elder.
The length of the relationship will be determined by the Session and the
minister, the licentiate, or the ruling elder, with the approval of the Presbytery.
Stated supply, student supply, or ruling elder supply relationships will be for
no longer than one year, renewable at the request of the Session and at the
review of the Presbytery. (See also BCO 19-1).
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The Dissolution of the Pastoral Relation and
The Procedure for Honorable Retirement
23-1. When any minister shall tender the resignation of his pastoral charge
to his Presbytery, the Presbytery shall cite the church to appear by its
commissioners, to show cause why the Presbytery should or should not accept
the resignation. If the church fails to appear, or if its reasons for retaining its
pastor be deemed insufficient, his resignation shall be accepted and the
pastoral relation dissolved.
If any church desires to be relieved of its pastor, a similar procedure
shall be observed. But whether the minister or the church initiates proceedings
for a dissolution of the relation, there shall always be a meeting of the
congregation called and conducted in the same manner as the call of the pastor.
In any case, the minister must not physically leave the field until the Presbytery
or its commission empowered to handle uncontested requests for dissolution
has dissolved the relation.
The associate or assistant pastors may continue to serve a congregation
when the pastoral relation of the senior pastor is dissolved, but they may not
normally succeed the senior pastor without an intervening term of service in a
different field of labor. However a congregation by a secret ballot with four-
fifths (4/5) majority vote may petition Presbytery for an exception which by a
three-fourths (3/4) majority vote Presbytery may grant. Presbytery needs to
determine if the dissolution of the pastoral relationship with the senior pastor
was brought about in Christian love and good order on the part of the parties
23-2. The Presbytery may designate a minister as honorably retired when
the minister by reason of age wishes to be retired, or as medically disabled
when by reason of infirmity is no longer able to serve the church in the active
ministry of the Gospel. A minister medically disabled or honorably retired
shall continue to hold membership in his Presbytery. He may serve on
committees or commissions if so elected or appointed.
23-3. A minister, being medically disabled or honorably retired, may be
elected pastor emeritus by a congregation which seeks to honor his past earnest
labors among them.
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Election, Ordination and Installation of Ruling Elders and Deacons
24-1. Every church shall elect persons to the offices of ruling elder and deacon
in the following manner: At such times as determined by the Session,
communicant members of the congregation may submit names to the Session,
keeping in mind that each prospective officer should be an active male member
who meets the qualifications set forth in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. After the
close of the nomination period nominees for the office of ruling elder and/or
deacon shall receive instruction in the qualifications and work of the office.
Each nominee shall then be examined in:
a. his Christian experience, especially his personal character and family
management (based on the qualifications set out in 1 Timothy 3:1-7
and Titus 1:6-9),
b. his knowledge of Bible content,
c. his knowledge of the system of doctrine, government, discipline
contained in the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in America
(BCO Preface III, The Constitution Defined),
d. the duties of the office to which he has been nominated, and
e. his willingness to give assent to the questions required for ordination.
(BCO 24-6)
If there are candidates eligible for the election, the Session shall report to
the congregation those eligible, giving at least thirty (30) days prior notice of
the time and place of a congregational meeting for elections.
If one-fourth (1/4) of the persons entitled to vote shall at any time
request the Session to call a congregational meeting for the purpose of electing
additional officers, it shall be the duty of the Session to call such a meeting on
the above procedure. The number of officers to be elected shall be determined
by the congregation after hearing the Session’s recommendation.
24-2. The pastor is, by virtue of his office, moderator of congregational
meetings. If there is no pastor, the Session shall appoint one of their number to
call the meeting to order and to preside until the congregation shall elect their
presiding officer, who may be a minister or ruling elder of the Presbyterian
Church in America or any male member of that particular church.
24-3. All communing members in good and regular standing, but no others, are
entitled to vote in the election of church officers in the churches to which they
respectively belong. A majority vote of those present is required for election.
24-4. The voters being convened, the moderator shall explain the purpose of
the meeting and then put the question:
Are you now ready to proceed to the election of additional ruling
elders (or deacons) from the slate presented?
If they declare themselves ready, the election may proceed by private
ballot without nomination. In every case a majority of all the voters present
shall be required to elect.
24-5. On the election of a ruling elder or deacon, if it appears that a large
minority of the voters are averse to a candidate, and cannot be induced to concur
in the choice, the moderator shall endeavor to dissuade the majority from
prosecuting it further; but if the electors are nearly or quite unanimous, or if the
majority insist upon their right to choose their officers, the election shall stand.
Ordination and Installation
24-6. The day having arrived, and the Session being convened in the
presence of the congregation, a sermon shall be preached after which the
presiding minister shall state in a concise manner the warrant and nature of the
office of ruling elder, or deacon, together with the character proper to be
sustained and the duties to be fulfilled. Having done this, he shall propose to
the candidate, in the presence of the church, the following questions, namely:
1. Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as
originally given, to be the inerrant Word of God, the only infallible
rule of faith and practice?
2. Do you sincerely receive and adopt the Confession of Faith and the
Catechisms of this Church, as containing the system of doctrine
taught in the Holy Scriptures; and do you further promise that if
at any time you find yourself out of accord with any of the
fundamentals of this system of doctrine, you will, on your own
initiative, make known to your Session the change which has taken
place in your views since the assumption of this ordination vow?
3. Do you approve of the form of government and discipline of the
Presbyterian Church in America, in conformity with the general
principles of biblical polity?
4. Do you accept the office of ruling elder (or deacon, as the case may
be) in this church, and promise faithfully to perform all the duties
thereof, and to endeavor by the grace of God to adorn the
profession of the Gospel in your life, and to set a worthy example
before the Church of which God has made you an officer?
5. Do you promise subjection to your brethren in the Lord?
6. Do you promise to strive for the purity, peace, unity and
edification of the Church?
The ruling elder or deacon elect having answered in the affirmative, the
minister shall address to the members of the church the following question:
Do you, the members of this church, acknowledge and
receive this brother as a ruling elder (or deacon), and do you
promise to yield him all that honor, encouragement and obedience
in the Lord to which his office, according to the Word of God and
the Constitution of this Church, entitles him?
The members of the church having answered this question in the
affirmative, by holding up their right hands, the candidate shall then be set
apart, with prayer by the minister or any other Session member and the laying
on of the hands of the Session, to the office of ruling elder (or deacon). Prayer
being ended, the members of the Session (and the deacons, if the case be that
of a deacon) shall take the newly ordained officer by the hand, saying in words
to this effect:
We give you the right hand of fellowship, to take part in
this office with us.
The minister shall then say:
I now pronounce and declare that ____________________
has been regularly elected, ordained and installed a ruling elder (or
deacon) in this church, agreeable to the Word of God, and
according to the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in
America; and that as such he is entitled to all encouragement, honor
and obedience in the Lord: In the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
After which the minister or any other member of the Session shall give
to the ruling elder (or deacon) and to the church an exhortation suited to the
24-7. Ordination to the offices of ruling elder or deacon is perpetual; nor can
such offices be laid aside at pleasure; nor can any person be degraded from
either office but by deposition after regular trial; yet a ruling elder or deacon
may have reasons which he deems valid for being released from the active
duties of his office. In such a case the Session, after conference with him and
careful consideration of the matter, may, if it thinks proper, accept his
resignation and dissolve the official relationship which exists between him and
the church.
The ruling elder or deacon, though chargeable with neither heresy nor
immorality, may become unacceptable in his official capacity to a majority of
the church which he serves. In such a case the church may take the initiative
by a majority vote at a regularly called congregational meeting, and request
the Session to dissolve the official relationship between the church and the
officer without censure. The Session, after conference with the ruling elder or
deacon, and after careful consideration, may use its discretion as to dissolving
the official relationship. In either case the Session shall report its action to the
congregation. If the Session fails or refuses to report to the congregation
within sixty (60) days from the date of the congregational meeting or if the
Session reports to the congregation that it declined to dissolve such
relationship, then any member or members in good standing may file a
complaint against the Session in accordance with the provisions of BCO 43.
24-8. When a ruling elder or deacon who has been released from his official
relation is again elected to his office in the same or another church, he shall be
installed after the above form with the omission of ordination.
24-9. When a ruling elder or deacon cannot or does not for a period of one
year perform the duties of his office, his official relationship shall be dissolved
by the Session and the action reported to the congregation.
24-10. When a deacon or ruling elder by reason of age or infirmity desires to
be released from the active duties of the office, he may at his request and with
the approval of the Session be designated deacon or elder emeritus. When so
designated, he is no longer required to perform the regular duties of his office,
but may continue to perform certain of these duties on a voluntary basis, if
requested by the Session or a higher court. He may attend Diaconate or
Session meetings, if he so desires, and may participate fully in the discussion
of any issues, but may not vote.
Editorial Comment: The General Assembly explicitly provided that those
Elders and Deacons granted emeritus status prior to June 22, 1984, retain the
privilege of vote. (By order of the Fifteenth General Assembly 15-83, III, 31).
Congregational Meetings
25-1. The congregation consists of all the communing members of a
particular church, and they only are entitled to vote.
25-2. Whenever it may seem for the best interests of the church that a
congregational meeting should be held, the Session shall call such meeting and
give public notice of at least one week. No business shall be transacted at such
meeting except what is stated in the notice. The Session shall always call a
congregational meeting when requested in writing to do so:
a. by one-fourth (1/4) of the communing members of a church of not
more than one hundred (100) such members,
b. by one-fifth (1/5) of the communing members of a church of more
than one hundred (100) and not more than three hundred (300)
such members,
c. by one-sixth (1/6) of the communing members of a church of more
than three hundred (300) and not more than five hundred (500)
such members,
d. by one-seventh (1/7) of the communing members of a church of
more than five hundred (500) members but not more than seven
hundred (700) such members,
e. by one hundred (100) of the communing members of a church of
more than seven hundred (700) such members.
Upon such a proper request, if the Session cannot act, fails to act or
refuses to act, to call such a congregational meeting within thirty (30) days
from the receipt of such a request, then any member or members in good
standing may file a complaint in accordance with the provisions of BCO 43.
25-3. The quorum of the congregational meeting shall consist of one-fourth
(1/4) of the resident communing members, if the church has not more than one
hundred (100) such members, and of one-sixth (1/6) of the resident
communing members if a church has more than one hundred (100) such
25-4. The pastor shall be the moderator of congregational meetings by virtue
of his office. If it should be impracticable or inexpedient for him to preside,
or if there is no pastor, the Session shall appoint one of their number to call the
meeting to order and to preside until the congregation shall elect their presiding
officer, who may be a minister or ruling elder of the Presbyterian Church in
America, or any male member of that particular church.
25-5. A clerk shall be elected by the congregation to serve at that meeting
or for a definite period, whose duty shall be to keep correct minutes of the
proceedings and of all business transacted and to preserve these minutes in a
permanent form, after they have been attested by the moderator and the clerk
of the meeting. He shall also send a copy of these minutes to the Session of
the church.
25-6. A particular church which is not incorporated, desiring to elect
trustees, may select from among its membership trustees or officers of like
nature who shall have the power and authority:
a. to buy, sell, or mortgage property for the church,
b. to accept and execute deeds as such trustees,
c. to hold and defend titles to the same, and
d. to manage any permanent special funds entrusted to them for the
furtherance of the purposes of the church.
In the fulfillment of their duties, such trustees shall be subject always
to the authority, and shall act solely under the instructions of the congregation
which they serve as trustees. The powers or duties of such trustees must not
infringe upon the powers or duties of the Session or of the Board of Deacons.
Such trustees shall be elected in regularly constituted congregational meetings.
25-7. If a particular church is incorporated, the provisions of its charter and
bylaws must always be in accord with the Constitution of the Presbyterian
Church in America. All the communing members on the roll of that church
shall be members of the corporation. The officers of the corporation, whether
they be given the title trustee or some other title, shall be elected from among
the members of the corporation in a regularly constituted congregational
meeting. The powers and duties of such officers must not infringe upon the
powers and duties of the Session or the Board of Deacons.
All funds collected for the support and expense of the church and for
the benevolent purposes of the church shall be controlled and disbursed by the
Session and the Board of Deacons as their relative authorities may from time
to time be established and defined.
To the officers of the corporation may be given by the charter and
bylaws of the corporation any or all of the following responsibilities:
a. the buying, selling and mortgaging of property for the church,
b. the acquiring and conveying title to such property, the holding and
defending title to the same,
c. the managing of any permanent special funds entrusted to them
for the furtherance of the purposes of the church, provided that
such duties do not infringe upon the powers and duties of the
Session or of the Board of Deacons.
In buying, selling, and mortgaging real property such officers shall act
solely under the authority of the corporation, granted in a duly constituted
meeting of the corporation.
25-8. The corporation of a particular church, through its duly elected
trustees or corporation officers, (or, if unincorporated, through those who are
entitled to represent the particular church in matters related to real property)
shall have sole title to its property, real, personal, or mixed, tangible or
intangible, and shall be sole owner of any equity in any real estate, or any fund
or property of any kind held by or belonging to any particular church, or any
board, society, committee, Sunday school class or branch thereof. The
superior courts of the Church may receive monies or properties from a local
church only by free and voluntary action of the latter.
25-9. All particular churches shall be entitled to hold, own and enjoy their
own local properties, without any right of reversion whatsoever to any
Presbytery, General Assembly or any other courts hereafter created, trustees
or other officers of such courts.
25-10. The provisions of this BCO 25 are to be construed as a solemn
covenant whereby the Church as a whole promises never to attempt to secure
possession of the property of any congregation against its will, whether or not
such congregation remains within or chooses to withdraw from this body. All
officers and courts of the Church are hereby prohibited from making any such
25-11. While a congregation consists of all the communing members of a
particular church, and in matters ecclesiastical the actions of such local
congregation or church shall be in conformity with the provisions of this Book
of Church Order, nevertheless, in matters pertaining to the subject matters
referred to in this BCO 25, including specifically the right to affiliate with or
become a member of this body or a Presbytery hereof and the right to withdraw
from or to sever any affiliation of connection with this body or any Presbytery
hereof, action may be taken by such local congregation or local church in
accordance with the civil laws applicable to such local congregation or local
church; and as long as such action is taken in compliance with such applicable
civil laws, then such shall be the action of the local congregation or local
It is expressly recognized that each local congregation or local church
shall be competent to function and to take actions covering the matters set forth
herein as long as such action is in compliance with the civil laws with which
said local congregation or local church must comply, and this right shall never
be taken from said local congregation or local church without the express
consent of and affirmative action of such local church or congregation.
Particular churches need remain in association with any court of this
body only so long as they themselves so desire. The relationship is voluntary,
based upon mutual love and confidence, and is in no sense to be maintained
by the exercise of any force or coercion whatsoever. A particular church may
withdraw from any court of this body at any time for reasons which seem to it
sufficient, provided, however, the congregation is given at least thirty-days’
notice of any meeting where the congregation is to vote on a proposed
withdrawal from the Presbyterian Church in America.
25-12. If a church is dissolved by the Presbytery at the request of the
congregation and no disposition has been made of its property by those who
hold the title to the property within six months after such dissolution, then
those who held the title to the property at the time of such dissolution shall
deliver, convey and transfer to the Presbytery of which the church was a
member, or to the authorized agents of the Presbytery, all property of the
church; and the receipt and acquittance of the Presbytery, or its proper
representatives, shall be a full and complete discharge of all liabilities of such
persons holding the property of the church. The Presbytery receiving such
property shall apply the same or the proceeds thereof at its discretion.
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Amending the Constitution of the Church
26-1. The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in America, which is
subject to and subordinate to the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments,
the inerrant Word of God, consists of its doctrinal standards set forth in the
Westminster Confession of Faith, together with the Larger and Shorter
Catechisms, and the Book of Church Order, comprising the Form of
Government, the Rules of Discipline and the Directory for Worship; all as
adopted by the Church.
26-2. Amendments to the Book of Church Order may be made only in the
following manner:
1. Approval of the proposed amendment by majority of those present
and voting in the General Assembly, and its recommendation to
the Presbyteries.
2. The advice and consent of two-thirds (2/3) of the Presbyteries.
3. The approval and enactment by a subsequent General Assembly
by a majority of those present and voting.
26-3. Amendments to the Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter
Catechisms may be made only in the following manner:
1. Approval of the proposed amendment by three-fourths (3/4) of
those present and voting in the General Assembly, and its
recommendation to the Presbyteries.
2. The advice and consent of three-fourths (3/4) of the Presbyteries.
3. The approval and enactment by a subsequent General Assembly
by three-fourths (3/4) of those present and voting.
This paragraph (BCO 26-3) can be amended only by the same method
prescribed for the amendment of the Confession of Faith and Catechisms of
the church.
26-4. In voting upon an amendment to the Constitution of the Presbyterian
Church in America, the Presbyteries may not divide the parts of the
amendment except as directed by the General Assembly which has
recommended its adoption.
26-5. Full organic union and consolidation of the Presbyterian Church in
America with any other ecclesiastical body can be effected only in the
following manner:
1. The approval of the proposed union by three-fourths (3/4) of those
present and voting in the General Assembly and its
recommendation to the Presbyteries.
2. The advice and consent of three-fourths (3/4) of the Presbyteries.
3. The approval and consummation by a subsequent General
Assembly by three-fourths (3/4) vote of those present and voting.
This paragraph (BCO 26-5) can be amended only by the same method
prescribed for the amendment of the Confession of Faith and Catechisms of
the church.
26-6. If by reason of the failure of a number of Presbyteries to act, or to
report action, on any proposed amendment to the Standards and the response
of the Presbyteries is not satisfactory to the succeeding General Assembly, it
may defer action for one year. In that event the General Assembly shall urge
the delinquent Presbyteries to report their judgment to the next Assembly,
which shall take final action on the proposed amendment.
Discipline Its Nature, Subjects and Ends
27-1. Discipline is the exercise of authority given the Church by the Lord
Jesus Christ to instruct and guide its members and to promote its
purity and welfare.
The term has two senses:
a. the one referring to the whole government, inspection, training,
guardianship and control which the church maintains over its
members, its officers and its courts;
b. the other a restricted and technical sense, signifying judicial process.
27-2. All baptized persons, being members of the Church are subject to its
discipline and entitled to the benefits thereof.
27-3. The exercise of discipline is highly important and necessary. In its
proper usage discipline maintains:
a. the glory of God,
b. the purity of His Church,
c. the keeping and reclaiming of disobedient sinners. Discipline is
for the purpose of godliness (1 Timothy 4:7); therefore, it demands
a self-examination under Scripture.
Its ends, so far as it involves judicial action, are the rebuke of offenses, the
removal of scandal, the vindication of the honor of Christ, the promotion of the
purity and general edification of the Church, and the spiritual good of offenders
27-4. The power which Christ has given the Church is for building up, and not
for destruction. It is to be exercised as under a dispensation of mercy and not of
wrath. As in the preaching of the Word the wicked are doctrinally separated from
the good, so by discipline the Church authoritatively separates between the holy and
the profane. In this it acts the part of a tender mother, correcting her children for
their good, that every one of them may be presented faultless in the day of the Lord
Jesus. Discipline is systematic training under the authority of God’s Scripture. No
communing or non-communing member of the Church should be allowed to stray
from the Scripture’s discipline. Therefore, teaching elders must:
a. instruct the officers in discipline,
b. instruct the congregation in discipline,
c. jointly practice it in the context of the congregation and church
27-5. Scriptural law is the basis of all discipline because it is the revelation
of God’s Holy will.
Proper disciplinary principles are set forth in the Scriptures and must
be followed. They are:
a. Instruction in the Word;
b. Individual’s responsibility to admonish one another (Matthew
18:15, Galatians 6:1);
c. If the admonition is rejected, then the calling of one or more
witnesses (Matthew 18:16);
d. If rejection persists, then the Church must act through her court
unto admonition, suspension, excommunication and deposition
(See BCO 29 and 30 for further explanation).
Steps (a) through (d) must be followed in proper order for the exercise
of discipline.
Disciplining of Non-communing Members
28-1. The spiritual nurture, instruction and training of the children of the
Church are committed by God primarily to their parents. They are responsible
to the Church for the faithful discharge of their obligations. It is a principal
duty of the Church to promote true religion in the home. True discipleship
involves learning the Word of God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit both
at home and in the Church. Without learning there is no growth and without
growth there is no discipline and without discipline there is sin and iniquity (1
Timothy 4:7).
28-2. The home and the Church should also make special provision for
instructing the children in the Bible and in the church Catechisms. To this end
Sessions should establish and conduct under their authority Sunday schools
and Bible classes, and adopt such other methods as may be found helpful. The
Session shall encourage the parents of the Church to guide their children in the
catechising and disciplining of them in the Christian religion.
28-3. The Church should maintain constant and sympathetic relations with
the children. It also should encourage them, on coming to years of discretion,
to make confession of the Lord Jesus Christ and to enter upon all privileges of
full church membership. If they are wayward they should be cherished by the
church and every means used to reclaim them.
28-4. Adult non-communing members, who receive with meekness and
appreciation the oversight and instruction of the Church, are entitled to special
attention. Their rights and privileges under the covenant should be frequently
and fully explained, and they should be warned of the sin and danger of
neglecting their covenant obligations.
28-5. All non-communing members shall be deemed under the care of the
church to which their parents belong, if they live under the parental roof and
are minors; otherwise, under that of the church where they reside, or with
which they ordinarily worship.
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29-1. An offense, the proper object of judicial process, is anything in the
doctrines or practice of a Church member professing faith in Christ which is
contrary to the Word of God. The Confession of Faith and the Larger and
Shorter Catechisms of the Westminster Assembly, together with the
formularies of government, discipline, and worship are accepted by the
Presbyterian Church in America as standard expositions of the teachings of
Scripture in relation to both faith and practice. Nothing, therefore, ought to be
considered by any court as an offense, or admitted as a matter of accusation,
which cannot be proved to be such from Scripture.
29-2. Offenses are either personal or general, private or public; but all of
them being sins against God, are therefore grounds of discipline.
29-3. Personal offenses are violations of the divine law, considered in the
special relation of wrongs or injuries to particular individuals. General
offenses are heresies or immoralities having no such relation, or considered
apart from it.
29-4. Private offenses are those which are known only to a few persons.
Public offenses are those which are notorious.
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Church Censures
30-1. The censures, which may be inflicted by church courts, are
admonition, suspension from the Sacraments, excommunication, suspension
from office, and deposition from office. The censures of admonition or
definite suspension from office shall be administered to an accused who, upon
conviction, satisfies the court as to his repentance and makes such restitution
as is appropriate. Such censure concludes the judicial process. The censures
of indefinite suspension or excommunication shall be administered to an
accused who, upon conviction, remains impenitent.
30-2. Admonition is the formal reproof of an offender by a church court,
warning him of his guilt and danger, and exhorting him to be more circumspect
and watchful in the future.
30-3. Suspension from Sacraments is the temporary exclusion from those
ordinances, and is indefinite as to its duration. There is no definite suspension
from the Sacraments.
Suspension from office is the exclusion of a church officer from his
office. This may be definite or indefinite as to its duration. With respect to
church officers, suspension from Sacraments shall always be accompanied by
suspension from office. But suspension from office is not always necessarily
accompanied with suspension from Sacraments.
Definite suspension from office is administered when the credit of
religion, the honor of Christ, and the good of the delinquent demand it, even
though the delinquent has given satisfaction to the court.
Indefinite suspension is administered to the impenitent offender until
he exhibits signs of repentance, or until by his conduct, the necessity of the
greatest censure be made manifest. In the case of indefinite suspension from
office imposed due to scandalous conduct, the procedure outlined in BCO 34-
8 shall be followed.
30-4. Excommunication is the excision of an offender from the communion
of the Church. This censure is to be inflicted only on account of gross crime
or heresy and when the offender shows himself incorrigible and contumacious.
The design of this censure is to operate on the offender as a means of
reclaiming him, to deliver the church from the scandal of his offense, and to
inspire all with fear by the example of his discipline.
30-5. Deposition is the degradation of an officer from his office, and may or
may not be accompanied with the infliction of other censure.
The Parties in Cases of Process
31-1. Original jurisdiction (the right first or initially to hear and determine)
in relation to ministers of the Gospel shall be in the Presbytery of which the
minister is a member, except in cases as provided in BCO 34-1. Such original
jurisdiction in relation to church members shall be in the Session of the church
of which he/she is a member, except in cases as provided in BCO 33-1.
31-2. It is the duty of all church Sessions and Presbyteries to exercise care
over those subject to their authority. They shall with due diligence and great
discretion demand from such persons satisfactory explanations concerning
reports affecting their Christian character. This duty is more imperative when
those who deem themselves aggrieved by injurious reports shall ask an
If such investigation, however originating, should result in raising a
strong presumption of the guilt of the party involved, the court shall institute
process, and shall appoint a prosecutor to prepare the indictment and to
conduct the case. This prosecutor shall be a member of the court, except that
in a case before the Session, he may be any communing member of the same
congregation with the accused.
31-3. The original and only parties in a case of process are the accuser and
the accused. The accuser is always the Presbyterian Church in America, whose
honor and purity are to be maintained. The prosecutor, whether voluntary or
appointed, is always the representative of the Church, and as such has all its
rights in the case. In appellate courts the parties are known as appellant and
31-4. Every indictment shall begin: “In the name of the Presbyterian
Church in America,” and shall conclude, “against the peace, unity and
purity of the Church, and the honor and majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ,
as the King and Head thereof.” In every case the Church is the injured and
accusing party, against the accused.
31-5. An injured party shall not become a prosecutor of personal offenses
without having tried the means of reconciliation and of reclaiming the
offender, required by Christ.
“Moreover, if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him
his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained
thy brother but if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more,
that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established”
(Matthew 18:15-16).
A church court, however, may judicially investigate personal offenses
as if general when the interest of religion seem to demand it. So, also, those
to whom private offenses are known cannot become prosecutors without
having previously endeavored to remove the scandal by private means.
31-6. When the offense is general, the case may be conducted either by any
person appearing as prosecutor or by a prosecutor appointed by the court.
31-7. When the prosecution is instituted by the court, the previous steps
required by our Lord in the case of personal offenses are not necessary. There
are many cases, however, in which it will promote the interests of religion to
send a committee to converse in a private manner with the offender, and
endeavor to bring him to a sense of his guilt, before instituting actual process.
31-8. Great caution ought to be exercised in receiving accusations from any
person who is known to indulge a malignant spirit towards the accused; who
is not of good character; who is himself under censure or process; who is
deeply interested in any respect in the conviction of the accused; or who is
known to be litigious, rash or highly imprudent.
31-9. Every voluntary prosecutor shall be previously warned, that if he fail
to show probable cause of the charges, he may himself be censured as a
slanderer of the brethren.
31-10. When a member of a church court is under process, all his official
functions may be suspended at the court’s discretion; but this shall never be
done in the way of censure.
31-11. In the discussion of all questions arising in his own case, the accused
shall exercise the rights of defendant only, not of judge.
General Provisions Applicable to all Cases of Process
32-1. It is incumbent on every member of a court of Jesus Christ engaged in
a trial of offenders, to bear in mind the inspired injunction:
“Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual
restore such a one in the spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest
you also be tempted” (Galatians 6:1).
32-2. Process against an offender shall not be commenced unless some
person or persons undertake to make out the charge; or unless the court finds
it necessary, for the honor of religion, itself to take the step provided for in
BCO 31-2.
32-3. It is appropriate that with each citation the moderator or clerk call the
attention of the parties to the Rules of Discipline (BCO 27 through 46) and
assist the parties to obtain access to them. When a charge is laid before the
Session or Presbytery, it shall be reduced to writing, and nothing shall be done
at the first meeting of the court, unless by consent of parties, except:
1. to appoint a prosecutor,
2. to order the indictment drawn and a copy, along with names of
witnesses then known to support it, served on the accused, and
3. to cite the accused to appear and be heard at another meeting which
shall not be sooner than ten days after such citation.
At the second meeting of the court the charges shall be read to the
accused, if present, and he shall be called upon to say whether he be guilty or
If the accused confesses, the court may deal with him according to its
discretion; if he plead and take issue, the trial shall be scheduled and all parties
and their witnesses cited to appear. The trial shall not be sooner than fourteen
(14) days after such citation.
Accused parties may plead in writing when they cannot be personally
present. Parties necessarily absent should have counsel assigned to them.
32-4. The citation shall be issued and signed by the moderator or clerk by
order and in the name of the court. He shall also issue citations to such
witnesses as either party shall nominate to appear on his behalf. Indictments
and citations shall be delivered in person or in another manner providing
verification of the date of receipt. Compliance with these requirements shall
be deemed to have been fulfilled if a party cannot be located after diligent
inquiry or if a party refuses to accept delivery.
32-5. In drawing the indictment, the times, places and circumstances should,
if possible, be particularly stated, that the accused may have an opportunity to
make his defense.
32-6. a. When an accused person shall refuse to obey a citation, he shall be
cited a second time. This second citation shall be accompanied with a notice
that if he does not appear at the time appointed (unless providentially hindered,
which fact he must make known to the court) he shall be dealt with for his
contumacy (cf. BCO 33-2; 34-4).
b. When an accused person shall appear and refuse to plead, or
otherwise refuse to cooperate with lawful proceedings, he shall be dealt with
for his contumacy (cf. BCO 33-2; 34-4).
32-7. The time which must elapse between the serving of the first citation
on the accused person, and the meeting of the court at which he is to appear,
shall be at least ten (10) days. The time allotted for his appearance on the
subsequent citation shall be left to the discretion of the court, provided that it
be quite sufficient for a seasonable and convenient compliance with the
32-8. When the offense with which an accused person stands charged took
place at a distance, and it is inconvenient for the witnesses to appear before the
court having jurisdiction, that court may either appoint a commission of its
body, or request the coordinate court contiguous to the place where the facts
occurred to take the testimony for it. The accused shall always have reasonable
notice of the time and place of the meeting of this commission or coordinate
32-9. When an offense, alleged to have been committed at a distance, is not
likely otherwise to become known to the court having jurisdiction, it shall be
the duty of the court within whose bounds the facts occurred, after satisfying
itself that there is probable ground for accusation, to send notice to the court
having jurisdiction, which shall at once proceed against the accused; or the
whole case may be remitted for trial to the coordinate court within whose
bounds the offense is alleged to have been committed.
32-10. Before proceeding to trial, courts ought to ascertain that their citations
have been duly served.
32-11. In every process, if deemed expedient there may be a committee
appointed, which shall be called the Judicial Committee, and whose duty it
shall be to digest and arrange all the papers, and to prescribe, under the
direction of the court, the whole order of the proceedings. The members of
this committee shall be entitled, notwithstanding their performance of this
duty, to sit and vote in the case as members of the court.
32-12. When the trial is about to begin, it shall be the duty of the moderator
solemnly to announce from the chair that the court is about to pass to the
consideration of the case, and to enjoin on the members to recollect and regard
their high character as judges of a court of Jesus Christ, and the solemn duty
in which they are about to engage.
32-13. In order that the trial may be fair and impartial, the witnesses shall be
examined in the presence of the accused, or at least after he shall have received
due citation to attend. Witnesses may be cross-examined by both parties, and
any questions asked must be pertinent to the issue.
32-14. On all questions arising in the progress of a trial, the discussion shall
first be between the parties; and when they have been heard, they may be
required to withdraw from the court until the members deliberate upon and
decide the point.
32-15. When a court of first resort proceeds to the trial of a case, the following
order shall be observed:
1. The moderator shall charge the court.
2. The indictment shall be read, and the answer of the accused heard.
3. The witnesses for the prosecutor and then those for the
accused shall be examined.
4. The parties shall be heard: first, the prosecutor, and then the
accused, and the prosecutor shall close.
5. The roll shall be called, and the members may express their
opinion in the case.
6. The vote shall be taken, the verdict announced and judgment
entered on the records.
32-16. Either party may, for cause, challenge the right of any member to sit
in the trial of the case, which question shall be decided by the other members
of the court.
32-17. Pending the trial of a case, any member of the court who shall express
his opinion of its merits to either party, or to any person not a member of the
court; or who shall absent himself from any sitting without the permission of
the court, or satisfactory reasons rendered, shall be thereby disqualified from
taking part in the subsequent proceedings.
32-18. Minutes of the trial shall be kept by the clerk, which shall exhibit the
charges, the answer, record of the testimony, as defined by BCO 35-7, and all
such acts, orders, and decisions of the court relating to the case, as either party
may desire, and also the judgment.
The clerk shall without delay assemble the Record of the Case which
shall consist of the charges, the answer, the citations and returns thereto, and
the minutes herein required to be kept.
The parties shall be allowed copies of the Record of the Case at their
own expense if they demand them.
When a case is removed by appeal or complaint, the lower court shall
transmit “the Recordthus prepared to the higher court with the addition of
the notice of appeal or complaint, and the reasons therefor, if any shall have
been filed.
Nothing which is not contained in this “Record” shall be taken into
consideration by the higher court. On the final decision of a case in a higher
court, the judgment shall be sent down to the court in which the case
32-19. No professional counsel shall be permitted as such to appear and plead
in cases of process in any court; but an accused person may, if he desires it, be
represented before the Session by any communing member of the same
particular church, or before any other court, by any member of that court. A
member of the court so employed shall not be allowed to sit in judgment in the
32-20. Process, in case of scandal, shall commence within the space of one
year after the offense was committed, unless it has recently become flagrant.
When, however, a church member shall commit an offense, after removing to
a place far distant from his former residence, and where his connection with
the church is unknown, in consequence of which process cannot be instituted
within the time above specified, the recent discovery of the church
membership of the individual shall be considered as equivalent to the offense
itself having recently become flagrant. The same principle, in like
circumstances, shall also apply to ministers.
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Special Rules Pertaining to Process Before Sessions
33-1. Process against all church members, other than ministers of the
Gospel, shall be entered before the Session of the church to which such
members belong, except in cases of appeal. However, if the Session refuses
to act in doctrinal cases or instances of public scandal and two other Sessions
of churches in the same Presbytery request the Presbytery of which the church
is a member to initiate proper or appropriate action in a case of process and
thus assume jurisdiction and authority, the Presbytery shall do so.
33-2. When an accused person is found contumacious (cf. 32-6), he shall
be immediately suspended from the sacraments (and if an officer from his
office) for his contumacy. Record shall be made of the fact and of the charges
under which he was arraigned, and the censure may be made public, should
this be deemed expedient by the Session. The censure shall in no case be
removed until the offender has not only repented of his contumacy, but has
also given satisfaction in relation to the charges against him.
33-3. If after further endeavor by the court to bring the accused to a sense of
his guilt, he persists in his contumacy, he shall be excommunicated from the
33-4. When it is impracticable immediately to commence process against an
accused church member, the Session may, if it thinks the edification of the
Church requires it, prevent the accused from approaching the Lord’s Table
until the charges against him can be examined.
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Special Rules Pertaining to Process Against a Minister
(Teaching Elder)
34-1. Process against a minister shall be entered before the Presbytery of
which he is a member. However, if the Presbytery refuses to act in doctrinal
cases or cases of public scandal and two other Presbyteries request the General
Assembly to assume original jurisdiction (to first receive and initially hear and
determine), the General Assembly shall do so.
34-2. As no minister ought, on account of his office, to be screened in his
sin, or slightly censured, so scandalous charges ought not to be received
against him on slight grounds.
34-3. If any one knows a minister to be guilty of a private offense, he should
warn him in private. But if the offense be persisted in, or become public, he
should bring the case to the attention of some other minister of the Presbytery.
34-4. a. When a minister accused of an offense is found contumacious (cf.
32-6), he shall be immediately suspended from the sacraments and his office
for his contumacy. Record shall be made of the fact and of the charges under
which he was arraigned, and the censure shall be made public. The censure
shall in no case be removed until the offender has not only repented of his
contumacy, but has also given satisfaction in relation to the charges against
b. If after further endeavor by the court to bring the accused to a sense
of his guilt, he persists in his contumacy, he shall be deposed and
excommunicated from the Church.
34-5. Heresy and schism may be of such a nature as to warrant deposition;
but errors ought to be carefully considered, whether they strike at the vitals of
religion and are industriously spread, or whether they arise from the weakness
of the human understanding and are not likely to do much injury.
34-6. If the Presbytery find on trial that the matter complained of amounts
to no more than such acts of infirmity as may be amended, so that little or
nothing remains to hinder the minister’s usefulness, it shall take all prudent
measures to remove the scandal.
34-7. When a minister, pending a trial, shall make confession, if the matter
be base and flagitious, such as drunkenness, uncleanness, or crimes of a greater
nature, however penitent he may appear to the satisfaction of all, the court shall
without delay impose definite suspension or depose him from the ministry.
34-8. A minister under indefinite suspension from his office or deposed for
scandalous conduct shall not be restored, even on the deepest sorrow for his
sin, until he shall exhibit for a considerable time such an eminently exemplary,
humble and edifying life and testimony as shall heal the wound made by his
scandal. A deposed minister shall in no case be restored until it shall appear
that the general sentiment of the Church is strongly in his favor, and demands
his restoration; and then only by the court inflicting the censure, or with that
court’s consent. The removal of deposition requires a three-fourths (3/4) vote
of the court inflicting the censure, or a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the court to
which the majority of the original court delegates that authority.
34-9. When a minister is deposed, his pastoral relation shall be dissolved;
but when he is suspended from office it shall be left to the discretion of the
Presbytery whether the censure shall include the dissolution of the pastoral
34-10. Whenever a minister of the Gospel shall habitually fail to be engaged
in the regular discharge of his official functions, it shall be the duty of the
Presbytery, at a stated meeting, to inquire into the cause of such dereliction
and, if necessary, to institute judicial proceedings against him for breach of his
covenant engagement. If it shall appear that his neglect proceeds only from
his lack of acceptance to the Church, Presbytery may, upon the same principle
upon which it withdraws license from a licentiate for lack of evidence of the
divine call, divest him of his office without censure, even against his will, a
majority of two-thirds (2/3) being necessary for this purpose.
In such a case, the clerk shall under the order of the Presbytery
forthwith deliver to the minister concerned a written note that, at the next stated
meeting, the question of his being so dealt with is to be considered. This notice
shall distinctly state the grounds for this proceeding. The party thus notified
shall be heard in his own defense; and if the decision pass against him he may
appeal, as if he had been tried after the usual forms. This principle may apply,
with any necessary changes, to ruling elders and deacons.
35-1. All persons of proper age and intelligence are competent witnesses, except
such as do not believe in the existence of God, or a future state of rewards and
punishments. The accused party may be allowed, but shall not be compelled to
testify; but the accuser shall be required to testify, on the demand of the accused.
Either party has the right to challenge a witness whom he believes to be incompetent,
and the court shall examine and decide upon his competency. It belongs to the court
to judge the degree of credibility to be attached to all evidence.
35-2. A husband or wife shall not be compelled to bear testimony against one
another in any court.
35-3. The testimony of more than one witness shall be necessary in order to
establish any charge; yet if, in addition to the testimony of one witness,
corroborative evidence be produced, the offense may be considered to be proved.
35-4. No witness afterwards to be examined, unless a member of the court, shall
be present during the examination of another witness on the same case, if either
party object.
35-5. Witnesses shall be examined first by the party introducing them; then cross-
examined by the opposite party; after which any member of the court, or either party,
may put additional interrogatories. No question shall be put or answered except by
permission of the moderator, subject to an appeal to the court. The court shall not
permit questions frivolous or irrelevant to the charge at issue.
35-6. The oath or affirmation to a witness shall be administered by the
Moderator in the following or like terms:
Do you solemnly promise, in the presence of God, that you will declare the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, according to the best of
your knowledge in the matter in which you are called to witness, as you shall
answer it to the great Judge of the living and the dead?
If, however, at any time a witness should present himself before a court, who for
conscientious reasons prefers to swear or affirm in any other manner, he should
be allowed to do so.
35-7. All testimony shall be recorded (transcription, audiotape, videotape, or
some other electronic means) and witnesses informed of such prior to testifying.
Such recording becomes part of the Record of the Case. However, in order to be
referenced in written or oral briefs, such recording must be transcribed and the
transcription authenticated by the trial court. The court of final appeal may assess
the cost of transcription equitably among the parties.
35-8. The records of a court or any part of them, whether original or
transcribed, if regularly authenticated by the moderator and clerk, or by either of
them, shall be deemed good and sufficient evidence in every other court.
35-9. In like manner, testimony taken by one court and regularly certified shall
be received by every other court as no less valid than if it had been taken by itself.
35-10. When it is not convenient for a court to have the whole or perhaps any
part of the testimony in any particular case taken in its presence, a commission
shall be appointed, or coordinate court requested, to take the testimony in question,
which shall be considered as if taken in the presence of the court.
Due notice of the commission or coordinate court, and of the time and
place of its meeting, shall be given to the opposite party, that he may have an
opportunity of attending. If the accused shall desire on his part to take testimony
at a distance for his own exculpation, he shall give notice to the court of the time
and place at which it shall be taken, in order that a commission or coordinate court,
as in the former case, may be appointed for the purpose. Testimony may be taken
on written interrogatories by filing the same with the clerk of the court having
jurisdiction of the case, and giving two weeksnotice thereof to the adverse party,
during which time he may file cross-interrogatories, if he desire it. Testimony
shall then be taken by the commission or coordinate court in answer to the direct
and cross-interrogatories, if such are filed, and no notice need be given of the time
and place of taking the testimony.
35-11. A member of the court shall not be disqualified from sitting as a judge
by having given testimony in the case, unless a party makes an objection, and
the court subsequently determines that such member should be disqualified.
The elder against whom the objection has been made shall retain the right to
vote in the determination of qualification. A member of the court who is the
prosecutor in the case (BCO 31-2) is disqualified from sitting as a judge.
35-12. An officer or private member of the church refusing to testify may be
censured for contumacy.
35-13. If after trial before any court new testimony be discovered, which the
accused believes important, it shall be his right to ask a new trial and it shall
be within the power of the court to grant his request.
35-14. If, in the prosecution of an appeal, new evidence be offered which, in the
judgment of the appellate court, has an important bearing on the case, it shall be
competent for that court to refer the case to the lower court for a new trial; or, with
the consent of parties, to admit the evidence and proceed with the case.
The Infliction of Church Censures
36-1. When any member or officer of the Church shall be found guilty of an
offense the court shall proceed with all tenderness and shall deal with its
offending brother in the spirit of meekness, the members considering
themselves lest they also be tempted.
36-2. Church censures and the modes of administering them should be
suited to the nature of the offenses. For private offenses, censure should be
administered in the presence of the court alone, or in private by one or more
members of the court. In the case of public offenses, the degree of censure and
mode of administering it shall be within the discretion of the court, acting in
accordance with paragraphs below which deal with particular censures.
36-3. The Censure of Admonition should be administered in private by one
or more members of the court if the offense is known only to a few and is not
aggravated in character. If the offense is public the Admonition should be
administered by the moderator in presence of the court and may also be
announced in public should the court deem it expedient.
36-4. Definite suspension from office should be administered in the
presence of the court alone or in open session of the court, as it may deem best,
and public announcement thereof shall be at the court’s discretion.
36-5. Indefinite suspension from office or the Sacraments should be
administered after the manner prescribed for definite suspension, but with
added solemnity, that the indefinite suspension may be the means of
impressing the mind of the delinquent with a proper sense of his danger.
Indefinite suspension should also be administered under the blessing of God
of leading him to repentance. When the court has resolved to pass this
sentence, the moderator shall address the offending brother to the following
Whereas, you, ___________________ (here describe the
person as a teaching elder, ruling elder, deacon, or private
member of the church) are convicted by sufficient proof (or are
guilty by your own confession) of the sin of ______________ (here
insert the offense), we the _______________________ Presbytery
(or Church Session) in the name and by the authority of the Lord
Jesus Christ, do now declare you suspended from the Sacraments
of the Church (and from the exercise of your office), until you give
satisfactory evidence of repentance.
To this shall be added such advice or admonition as may be judged
necessary, and the whole shall be concluded with prayer to almighty God that
He would follow this act of discipline with His blessing.
36-6. Excommunication is to be administered according to one or other of
the two modes laid down for indefinite suspension, or to be inflicted in public
as the court may decide. In administering this censure the moderator of the
Session shall make a statement of the several steps which have been taken with
respect to the offending brother, and of the decision to cut him off from the
communion of the church. He shall then show from Matthew 18:15-18 and 1
Corinthians 5:1-5 the authority of the church to cast out unworthy members,
and shall explain the nature, use and consequences of this censure. He shall
then administer the censure in the words following:
Whereas, _________________________, a member of this
church has been by sufficient proof convicted of the sin of
_______________________, and after much admonition and
prayer, obstinately refuses to hear the Church, and has
manifested no evidence of repentance: Therefore, in the name and
by the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, we, the Session of
________________________ church do pronounce him to be
excluded from the Sacraments, and cut off from the fellowship of
the Church.
Prayer shall then be made that by God’s blessing this solemn action of
the court may issue in the repentance and restoration of the offender, and in
the establishment of all true believers.
36-7. The censure of deposition shall be administered by the moderator in
the words following:
Whereas, ____________________, a teaching elder of this
Presbytery (or ruling elder or deacon of this church), has been
proved, by sufficient evidence to be guilty of the sin of
____________________, we, the ____________________
Presbytery (or Church Session), do adjudge him disqualified for
the office of the Christian ministry (or ruling eldership, or
deaconship), and therefore we do hereby, in the name and by the
authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, depose from the office of a
teaching elder (or ruling elder or deacon) the said
____________________, and do prohibit him from exercising any
of the functions thereof.
If the censure includes suspension or excommunication, the moderator
shall proceed to say:
We do moreover, by the same authority, suspend the said
____________________ from the Sacraments of the Church, until
he shall exhibit satisfactory evidence of sincere repentance,
We do moreover, by the same authority, exclude the said
____________________ from the Sacraments, and cut him off
from the fellowship of the Church.
The sentence of deposition ought to be inflicted with solemnities
similar to those already prescribed in the case of excommunication.
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The Removal of Censure
37-1. A person who has been definitely suspended from office shall be
restored by the court at the end of the term of his suspension by declaring
words of the following import to him:
Whereas, you ____________________ have been debarred
from the office of teaching elder, (or ruling elder, or deacon), but
have now fulfilled the time of your censure, we, of the
__________________ Presbytery (or Church Session) do hereby,
in the name and by the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, absolve
you from the sentence of suspension and do restore you to the
exercise of your said office, and all the functions thereof.
37-2. After any person has been indefinitely suspended from the
Sacraments, it is proper that the rulers of the church should frequently converse
with him as well as pray with him and for him, that it would please God to give
him repentance.
37-3. When the court shall be satisfied as to the reality of the repentance of
an indefinitely suspended offender, he shall be admitted to profess his
repentance, either in the presence of the court alone or publicly. At this time
the offender shall be restored to the Sacraments of the Church, and/or to his
office, if such shall be the judgment of the court. The restoration shall be
declared to the penitent in the words of the following import:
Whereas, you, ______________, have been debarred from
the Sacraments of the Church (and/or from the office of teaching
elder, or ruling elder, or deacon), but have now manifested such
repentance as satisfies the church, we, the _______________
Church Session (or Presbytery), do hereby, in the name and by
the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, absolve you from the said
sentence of suspension from the Sacraments (and/or your office)
and do restore you to the full communion of the Church (and/or
the exercise of your said office, and all the functions thereof).
After which there shall be prayer and thanksgiving.
37-4. When an excommunicated person shall be so affected with his state as
to be brought to repentance, and to desire to be readmitted to the communion
of the church, the Session, having obtained sufficient evidence of his sincere
penitence, shall proceed to restore him. This may be done in the presence of
the court, or of the congregation as seems best to the Session.
On the day appointed for his restoration, the minister shall call upon
the excommunicated person and propose to him in the presence of the court or
the congregation the following questions:
1. Do you, from a deep sense of your great wickedness, freely
confess your sins in thus rebelling against God, and in refusing
to hear His Church; and do you acknowledge that you have
been in justice and mercy cut off from the communion of the
Answer, I do.
2. Do you now voluntarily profess your sincere repentance and
contrition for your sin and obstinacy; and do you humbly ask
the forgiveness of God and His Church?
Answer, I do.
3. Do you sincerely promise, through divine grace, to live in all
humbleness of mind and circumspection; and to endeavor to
adorn by a holy life the doctrine of God our Saviour?
Answer, I do.
Here the minister shall give the penitent a suitable exhortation,
encouraging and comforting him. Then he shall pronounce the sentence of
restoration in the following words:
Whereas, you ____________________, have been shut out from
the communion of the church, but now have manifested such
repentance as satisfies the Church; in the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ, and by His authority, we, the Session of this church, do
declare you absolved from the sentence of excommunication
formerly pronounced against you, and we do restore you to the
communion of the Church, that you may be a partaker of all the
benefits of the Lord Jesus to your eternal salvation.
The whole shall be concluded with prayer and thanksgiving.
37-5. The restoration of a deposed officer, after public confession has been
made in a manner similar to that prescribed in the case of the removal of
censure from an excommunicated person, shall be announced to him by the
Moderator in the following form, namely:
Whereas, you, ______________ , formerly a teaching elder of this
Presbytery (or a ruling elder or deacon of this church), have been
deposed from your office, but have now manifested such
repentance as satisfies the Church; in the name of the Lord Jesus
Christ, and by His authority, we, the _______________ Presbytery
(or Church Session) do declare you absolved from the said
sentence of deposition formerly pronounced against you; and we
do furthermore restore you to your said office, and to the exercise
of all the functions thereof, whenever you may be orderly called
After this there shall be prayer and thanksgiving, and the members of
the court shall extend to him the right hand of fellowship.
37-6. When a ruling elder or deacon has been absolved from the censure of
deposition, he cannot be allowed to resume the exercise of his office in the
church without re-election by the people. The removal of deposition requires
a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the court inflicting the censure, or a three-fourths
(3/4) vote of the court to which the majority of the original court delegates that
37-7. When a person under censure shall reside at such a distance from the
court by which he was sentenced as to make the continued exercise of spiritual
oversight impractical (cf. BCO 37-2), it shall be lawful for the court, with the
acquiescence of the offender and the concurrence of the receiving court, to
transmit a certified copy of its proceedings to the court where the delinquent
resides, which shall assume jurisdiction, take up the case, and proceed with it
as though it had originated with itself.
37-8. In the restoration of a minister who is under indefinite suspension from
the Sacraments, and/or his office, or has been deposed, it is the duty of the
Presbytery to proceed with great caution. It should first admit him to the
Sacraments, if he has been debarred from them. Afterwards it should grant
him the privilege of preaching on probation for a time, so as to test the sincerity
of his repentance and prospect of his usefulness. When satisfied in these
respects, the Presbytery shall take steps to restore him to his office. But the
case shall always be under judicial consideration until the declaration of
restoration has been pronounced.
37-9. In the case of the removal of censures from, or the restoration of, a
minister, jurisdiction shall be as follows:
a. If the censure(s) does not include excommunication, the presbytery
inflicting the censure(s) shall retain the authority to remove the
censure(s) and, at its discretion, restore him to office. This authority
is retained by the presbytery even when a divested or deposed minister
is assigned, under the provisions of BCO 46-8, to a session.
b. If the censure includes excommunication, the penitent may only be
restored to the communion of the church through a session (BCO 1-3;
6-4; 57-4; 57-5; 57-6). Once the penitent is restored, and therefore a
member of a local church, the authority to remove any other censure(s)
in respect to office, concurrently imposed with that of
excommunication shall belong to the court originally imposing such
Cases Without Process
38-1. When any person shall come forward and make his offense known to
the court, a full statement of the facts shall be recorded and judgment rendered
without process. In handling a confession of guilt, it is essential that the person
intends to confess and permit the court to render judgment without process.
Statements made by him in the presence of the court must not be taken as a
basis of a judgment without process except by his consent. In the event a
confession is intended, a full statement of the facts should be approved by the
accused, and by the court, before the court proceeds to a judgment. The
accused has the right of complaint against the judgment.
38-2. A minister of the Gospel against whom there are no charges, if fully
satisfied in his own conscience that God has not called him to the ministry, or
if he has satisfactory evidence of his inability to serve the Church with
acceptance, may report these facts at a stated meeting of Presbytery. At the
next stated meeting, if after full deliberation the Presbytery shall concur with
him in judgment, it may divest him of his office without censure. This
provision shall in like manner apply with any necessary changes to the case of
ruling elders and deacons; but in all such cases the Session of the church to
which the ruling elder or the deacon who seeks demission belongs shall act as
the Presbytery acts in similar cases where a minister is concerned.
38-3. a. When a member or officer in the Presbyterian Church in America
shall attempt to withdraw from the communion of this branch of the visible
Church by affiliating with some other branch (BCO 2-2), if at the time of the
attempt to withdraw he is in good standing, the irregularity shall be recorded,
his new membership acknowledged, and his name removed from the roll. But
if at the time of the attempt to withdraw there is a record of an investigation in
process (BCO 31-2), or there are charges (BCO 32-3) concerning the member
or minister, the court of original jurisdiction may retain his name on the roll
and conduct the case, communicating the outcome upon completion of the
proceedings to that member or minister. If the court does not conduct the case,
his new membership shall be acknowledged, his name removed from the roll,
and, at the request of the receiving branch, the matters under investigation or
the charges shall be communicated to them.
b. When a member or minister of the Presbyterian Church in America
shall attempt to withdraw from the communion of this branch of the visible
Church by affiliating with a body judged by the court of original jurisdiction
as failing to maintain the Word and Sacraments in their fundamental integrity
(BCO 2-2), that member or minister shall be warned of his danger, and if he
persists, his name shall be erased from the roll, thereby, so far as the
Presbyterian Church in America is concerned, he is deemed no longer to be a
member in any body which rightly maintains the Word and Sacraments in their
fundamental integrity, and if an officer, thereby withdrawing from him all
authority to exercise his office as derived from this Church. When so acting
the court shall make full record of the matter and shall notify the offender of
its action.
38-4. When a member of a particular church has willfully neglected the
church for a period of one year, or has made it known that he has no intention
of fulfilling the church vows, then the Session, continuing to exercise pastoral
discipline (BCO 27-1a and 27-4) in the spirit of Galatians 6:1, shall remind the
member, if possible both in person and in writing, of the declarations and
promises by which he entered into a solemn covenant with God and His
Church (BCO 57-5, nos. 3-5), and warn him that, if he persists, his name shall
be erased from the roll.
If after diligently pursuing such pastoral discipline, and after further
inquiry and due delay, the Session is of the judgment that the member will not
fulfill his membership obligations in this or any other branch of the Visible
Church (cf. BCO 2-2), then the Session shall erase his name from the roll. This
erasure is an act of pastoral discipline (BCO 27-1a) without process. The
Session shall notify the person, if possible, whose name has been removed.
Notwithstanding the above, if a member thus warned makes a written
request for process (i.e., BCO Chapters 31-33, 35-36), the Session shall grant
such a request. Further, if the Session determines that any offense of such a
member is of the nature that process is necessary, the Session may institute
such process.
Modes in Which the Proceedings of Lower Courts Come
Under the Supervision of Higher Courts
39-1. The acts and decisions of a lower court are brought under the
supervision of a higher court in one or another of the following modes:
1. Review and Control;
2. Reference;
3. Appeal; and
4. Complaint.
39-2. When the proceedings of a lower court are before a higher court, the
members of the lower court shall not lose the right to sit, deliberate and vote
in the higher court, except in cases of appeal or complaint.
39-3. While affirming that the Scripture is “the supreme judge by which all
controversies of religion are to be determined” (WCF 1.10), and that the
Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in America is “subordinate to the
Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, the inerrant Word of God” (BCO
Preface, III), and while affirming also that this Constitution is fallible (WCF
31.3), the Presbyterian Church in America affirms that this subordinate and
fallible Constitution has been “adopted by the church” (BCO Preface, III) “as
standard expositions of the teachings of Scripture in relation to both faith and
practice” (BCO 29-1) and as setting forth a form of government and discipline
“in conformity with the general principles of biblical polity” (BCO 21-5.3).
To insure that this Constitution is not amended, violated or disregarded in
judicial process, any review of the judicial proceedings of a lower court by a
higher court shall be guided by the following principles:
1. A higher court, reviewing a lower court, should limit itself to the
issues raised by the parties to the case in the original (lower) court.
Further, the higher court should resolve such issues by applying the
Constitution of the church, as previously established through the
constitutional process.
2. A higher court should ordinarily exhibit great deference to a lower
court regarding those factual matters which the lower court is more
competent to determine, because of its proximity to the events in
question, and because of its personal knowledge and observations of
the parties and witnesses involved. Therefore, a higher court should
not reverse a factual finding of a lower court, unless there is clear
error on the part of the lower court.
3. A higher court should ordinarily exhibit great deference to a lower
court regarding those matters of discretion and judgment which can
only be addressed by a court with familiar acquaintance of the events
and parties. Such matters of discretion and judgment would include,
but not be limited to: the moral character of candidates for sacred
office, the appropriate censure to impose after a disciplinary trial, or
judgment about the comparative credibility of conflicting witnesses.
Therefore, a higher court should not reverse such a judgment by a
lower court, unless there is clear error on the part of the lower court.
4. The higher court does have the power and obligation of judicial
review, which cannot be satisfied by always deferring to the findings
of a lower court. Therefore, a higher court should not consider itself
obliged to exhibit the same deference to a lower court when the issues
being reviewed involve the interpretation of the Constitution of the
Church. Regarding such issues, the higher court has the duty and
authority to interpret and apply the Constitution of the Church
according to its best abilities and understanding, regardless of the
opinion of the lower court.
General Review and Control
40-1. It is the right and duty of every court above the Session to review, at
least once a year, the records of the court next below, and if any lower court
fails to present its records for this purpose, the higher court may require them
to be produced immediately, or at any time fixed by this higher court.
40-2. In reviewing records of a lower court the higher court is to examine:
1. Whether the proceedings have been correctly recorded;
2. Whether they have been regular and in accordance with the
3. Whether they have been wise, equitable and suited to promote the
welfare of the Church;
4. Whether the lawful injunctions of the higher court have been
40-3. It is ordinarily sufficient for the higher court merely to record in its
own minutes and in the records reviewed whether it approves, disapproves or
corrects the records in any particular; but should any serious irregularity be
discovered the higher court may require its review and correction by the lower.
Proceedings in judicial cases, however, shall not be dealt with under review
and control when notice of appeal or complaint has been given the lower court;
and no judgment of a lower court in a judicial case shall be reversed except by
appeal or complaint.
40-4. Courts may sometimes entirely neglect to perform their duty, by which
neglect heretical opinions or corrupt practices may be allowed to gain ground;
or offenders of a very gross character may be suffered to escape; or some
circumstances in their proceedings of very great irregularity may not be
distinctly recorded by them. In any of these cases their records will by no
means exhibit to the higher court a full view of their proceedings. If, therefore,
the next higher court be well advised that any such neglect or irregularity has
occurred on the part of the lower court, it is incumbent on it to take cognizance
of the same, and to examine, deliberate and judge in the whole matter as
completely as if it had been recorded, and thus brought up by review of its
40-5. When any court having appellate jurisdiction shall receive a credible
report with respect to the court next below of any important delinquency or
grossly unconstitutional proceedings of such court, the first step shall be to cite
the court alleged to have offended to appear before the court having appellate
jurisdiction, or its commission, by representative or in writing, at a specified
time and place, and to show what the lower court has done or failed to do in
the case in question.
The court thus issuing the citation may reverse or redress the
proceedings of the court below in other than judicial cases; or it may censure
the delinquent court; or it may remit the whole matter to the delinquent court
with an injunction to take it up and dispose of it in a constitutional manner; or
it may stay all further proceedings in the case; as circumstances may require.
40-6. In process against a lower court, the trial shall be conducted according
to the rules provided for process against individuals, so far as they may be
41-1. A reference is a written representation and application made by a
lower court to a higher for advice or other action on a matter pending before
the lower court, and is ordinarily to be made to the next higher court.
41-2. Among proper subjects for reference are matters that are new, delicate
or difficult; or on which the members of the lower court are very seriously
divided; or which relate to questions involving the Constitution and legal
procedures respecting which the lower court feels the need of guidance.
41-3. In making a reference the lower court may ask for advice only, or for
final disposition of the matter referred; and in particular it may refer a judicial
case with request for its trial and decision by the higher court.
41-4. A reference may be presented to the higher court by one or more
representatives appointed by the lower court for this purpose. It should be
accompanied with so much of the record as shall be necessary for proper
understanding and consideration of the matter referred.
41-5. Although references are sometimes proper, in general it is better that
every court should discharge the duty assigned it under the law of the Church.
A higher court is not required to accede to the request of the lower, but
it should ordinarily give advice when so requested.
41-6. When a court makes a reference, it ought to have all the testimony and
other documents duly prepared, produced and in perfect readiness, so that the
higher court may be able to fully consider and handle the case with as little
difficulty or delay as possible.
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42-1. An appeal is the transfer to a higher court of a judicial case on which
judgment has been rendered in a lower court, and is allowable only to the party
against whom the decision has been rendered. The parties shall be known as
the appellant and appellee. An appeal cannot be made to any court other than
the next higher, except with its consent.
42-2. Only those who have submitted to a regular trial are entitled to an
42-3. The grounds of appeal are such as the following: any irregularity in
the proceedings of the lower court; refusal of reasonable indulgence to a party
on trial; receiving improper or declining to receive proper evidence; hurrying
to a decision before all the testimony is taken; manifestation of prejudice in
the case; and mistake or injustice in the judgment and censure.
42-4. Notice of appeal may be given the court before its adjournment.
Written notice of appeal, with supporting reasons, shall be filed by the
appellant with both the clerk of the lower court and the clerk of the higher
court, within thirty (30) days of notification of the last court’s decision.
Notification shall be deemed to have occurred on the day of mailing (if
certified, registered or express mail of a national postal service or any private
service where verifying receipt is utilized), the day of hand delivery, or the day
of confirmed receipt in the case of e-mail or facsimile. Furthermore,
compliance with such requirements shall be deemed to have been fulfilled if a
party cannot be located after diligent inquiry or if a party refuses to accept
delivery. No attempt should be made to circularize the courts to which appeal
is being made by either party before the case is heard.
42-5. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the lower court to file with the clerk
of the higher court, not more than thirty (30) days after receipt of notice of
appeal, a copy of all proceedings in connection with the case, including the
notice of appeal and reasons therefor, the response of the lower court, the
evidence, and any papers bearing on the case, which together shall be known
as “the Record of the Case”, and the higher court shall not admit or consider
anything not found in this “Record” without the consent of the parties in the
case. Should new evidence come to light the case shall be remanded to the
lower court from which the appeal was made, unless both parties consent to
admit the new evidence and proceed with the case.
42-6. Notice of appeal shall have the effect of suspending the judgment of
the lower court until the case has been finally decided in the higher court.
However, the court of original jurisdiction may, for sufficient reasons duly
recorded, prevent the appellant from approaching the Lord’s Table, and if an
officer, prevent him from exercising some or all his official functions, until the
case is finally decided (cf. BCO 31-10; 33-4). This shall never be done in the
way of censure.
42-7. If a lower court shall neglect to send up “the Record of the Case” or
any part of it, to the injury of the appellant, it shall receive a proper rebuke
from the higher court, and the judgment from which the appeal has been taken
shall be suspended until “the Record” is produced upon which the issue can be
fairly tried.
42-8. After a higher court has decided that an appeal is in order and should
be entertained by the court, the court shall hear the case, or in accordance with
the provisions of BCO 15-2 and 15-3, appoint a commission to do so. At the
hearing, after the Record has been read, each side should be allotted not over
thirty (30) minutes for oral argument, the appellant having the right of opening
and closing the argument. After the hearing has been concluded, the court or
commission should go into closed session, and discuss the merits of the case.
The vote then should be taken, without further debate, on each
specification in this form:
Shall this specification of error be sustained?
If the court or commission deem it wise, it may adopt a minute
explanatory of its action, which shall become a part of its Record of the Case. The
court or commission shall designate one of its members to write the opinion, which
opinion shall be adopted by the court or commission as its opinion.
42-9. The decision of the higher court may be to affirm in whole or in part;
to reverse in whole or in part; to render the decision that should have been
rendered; or to remand the case to the lower court for a new trial. In every
case a written opinion shall be prepared, and a copy of the opinion and
judgment entered will be delivered personally or mailed to the lower court and
the appellant, with a written receipt required.
42-10. An appellant may represent himself or be represented as provided in
BCO 32-19.
42-11. An appellant shall be considered to have abandoned his appeal if he
fails to appear before the higher court, in person or by counsel, for a hearing
thereof, after he has been properly notified; but an appellant may waive, in
writing, his right to appear with permission of the court and not be considered
to have abandoned his case. In case of such failure to appear, the judgment of
the lower court will stand unless the appellant gives to the court a prompt and
satisfactory explanation.
42-12. If an appellant manifests a litigious or otherwise un-Christian spirit in
the prosecution of his appeal, he shall receive a suitable rebuke by the appellate
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43-1. A complaint is a written representation made against some act or
decision of a court of the Church. It is the right of any communing member of
the Church in good standing to make complaint against any action of a court
to whose jurisdiction he is subject, except that no complaint is allowable in a
judicial case in which an appeal is pending.
43-2. A complaint shall first be made to the court whose act or decision is
alleged to be in error. Written notice of complaint, with supporting reasons,
shall be filed with the clerk of the court within sixty (60) days following the
meeting of the court. The court shall consider the complaint at its next stated
meeting, or at a called meeting prior to its next stated meeting. No attempt
should be made to circularize the court to which complaint is being made by
either party.
43-3. If, after considering a complaint, the court alleged to be delinquent or
in error is of the opinion that it has not erred, and denies the complaint, the
complainant may take that complaint to the next higher court. If the lower
court fails to consider the complaint against it by or at its next stated meeting,
the complainant may take that complaint to the next higher court. Written
notice thereof shall be filed with both the clerk of the lower court and the clerk
of the higher court within thirty (30) days of notification of the last court’s
decision. Notification shall be deemed to have occurred on the day of mailing
(if certified, registered or express mail of a national postal service or any
private service where verifying receipt is utilized), the day of hand delivery,
or the day of confirmed receipt in the case of e-mail or facsimile. Furthermore,
compliance with such requirements shall be deemed to have been fulfilled if a
party cannot be located after diligent inquiry or if a party refuses to accept
43-4. Notice of complaint shall not have the effect of suspending the action
against which the complaint is made, unless one-third (1/3) of the members
present when the action was taken shall vote for its suspension, until the final
decision in the higher court.
43-5. The court against which complaint is made shall appoint one or more
representatives to defend its action before the higher court, and the parties in
the case shall be known as complainant and respondent. The complainant
himself may present his complaint, or he may obtain the assistance of a
communing member of the Presbyterian Church in America, who is in good
standing, in presenting his complaint.
43-6. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the lower court to file with the clerk
of the higher court, not more than thirty (30) days after receipt of notice of
complaint, a copy of all its proceedings in connection with the complaint
including the notice of complaint and supporting reasons, the response of the
lower court, if any, and any papers bearing on the complaint. If the clerk of
the lower court shall neglect to send up the proceedings on the complaint, he
shall receive a proper rebuke from the higher court, and the act or decision
complained against shall be suspended until the proceedings are produced so
that the higher court can fairly consider the complaint.
43-7. The complainant shall be considered to have abandoned his complaint
if he fails to appear before the higher court, in person or by counsel, for a
hearing thereof, after he has been properly notified; but a complainant may
waive, in writing, his right to appear with permission of the court and not be
considered to have abandoned his case. In case of such failure to appear, the
judgment of the lower court will stand unless the complainant gives to the
court a prompt and satisfactory explanation.
43-8. Subject to the provisions below, after the higher court has decided that
the notice filed with its clerk was timely and that the complaint is otherwise in
order for it to be heard by the higher court, it shall hear the complaint, or in
accordance with the provision of BCO 15-2 and 15-3, appoint a commission to
do so. Ordinarily the court or its commission shall schedule a hearing in a manner
that reasonably accommodates the schedules of the respective parties and affords
each party a prior opportunity to file a written brief upon such terms and in
accord with a briefing schedule established by the court or its commission in
the reasonable exercise of its discretion.
43-9. At the hearing, after all the papers bearing on the complaint have been
read, the complainant and respondent will be given the opportunity to present
argument, the complainant having the right of opening and closing the
argument. After the hearing has been concluded, the court or the commission
should go into closed session, and discuss and consider the merits of the
complaint. The vote should then or later be taken as to what disposition should
be made of the complaint, and the complainant and respondent notified of the
court’s decision.
43-10. The higher court has power, in its discretion, to annul the whole or any
part of the action of a lower court against which complaint has been made, or
to send the matter back to the lower court with instructions for a new hearing.
If the higher court rules a lower court erred by not indicting someone, and the
lower court refers the matter back to the higher court, it shall accept the
reference if it is a doctrinal case or case of public scandal (see BCO 41-3).
Dissents, Protests, and Objections
45-1. Any member of a court who had a right to vote on a question, and is
not satisfied with the action taken by that court, is entitled to have a dissent or
protest recorded.
None can join in a dissent or protest against an action of any court
except those who had a right to vote in the case.
Any member who did not have the right to vote on an appeal or
complaint (see BCO 39-2), and is not satisfied with the action taken by the
court, is entitled to have an objection recorded.
A dissent, protest or objection shall be filed with the clerk of the lower
court within thirty (30) days following the meeting of the lower court or with
the clerk of the General Assembly before its adjournment.
45-2. A dissent is a declaration on the part of one or more members of a minority,
expressing a different opinion from the majority in its action on any issue before the
court, and may be accompanied with the reasons on which it is founded.
45-3. A protest is a more solemn and formal declaration by members of a
minority, bearing their testimony against what they deem an improper or
erroneous action on any issue before the court, and is generally accompanied
with the reasons on which it is founded.
45-4. An objection is a declaration by one or more members of a court who
did not have the right to vote on an appeal or complaint, expressing a different
opinion from the decision of the court and may be accompanied with the
reasons on which it is founded.
45-5. If a dissent, protest, or objection be couched in temperate language, and be
respectful to the court, it shall be recorded; and the court may, if deemed necessary,
put an answer to the dissent, protest, or objection on the records along with it. Here
the matter shall end, unless the parties obtain permission to withdraw their dissent,
protest, or objection absolutely, or for the sake of amendment.
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46-1. When a church member shall remove his residence beyond the bounds
of the congregation of which he is a member, so that he can no longer regularly
attend its services, it shall be his duty to transfer his membership by presenting
a certificate of dismission from the Session of the church of which he is a
member to the church with which he wishes to unite.
When the church of which he is a member has no Session, or for other
good reasons it seems impossible for the member to secure a certificate of
dismission, he may be received by the Session upon other satisfactory
testimonials, in which case the church of which he was a member shall be duly
46-2. When a church member shall remove his residence beyond the bounds
of the church of which he is a member into the bounds of another, it shall be
the duty of the teaching and ruling elders of the church of which he is a
member, as far as possible, to continue pastoral oversight of him and to inform
him that according to the teaching of our Book of Church Order it is his duty
to transfer his membership as soon as practicable to the church in whose
bounds he is living.
It shall also be the duty of the church from whose bounds the member
moved to notify the teaching and ruling elders of a church into whose bounds
he has moved and request them to take pastoral oversight of the member, with
a view of having him transfer his membership, unless BCO 18-7 applies.
If a member, after having thus been advised, shall neglect for one (1)
year to have his membership transferred, the Session shall then proceed,
according to BCO 38-4, except in special cases such as: servicemen, students,
The name of any member whose residence has been unknown for one
year to the Session shall be removed from the roll and such names are not to
be counted in the annual statistical reports, though act of removal should be
recorded in the Session’s minutes. If such a person at a later date should appear
or desire transfer of his or her letter, the Session will inform the governing
body of the inquiring church of their action in removing said person from their
46-3. Members of one church dismissed to join another shall be held to be
under the jurisdiction of the Session dismissing them until they form a regular
connection with that to which they have been dismissed.
46-4. Associate members are those believers temporarily residing in a
location other than their permanent homes. Such believers may become
associate members of a particular church without ceasing to be communicant
members of their home churches. An associate member shall have all the
rights and privileges of that church, with the exception of voting in a
congregational or corporation meeting, and holding an office in that church.
46-5. (Vacated) [see 38-4]
46-6. When a Presbytery shall dismiss a minister, licentiate or candidate, the
name of the Presbytery to which he is dismissed shall be given in the
certificate, and he shall remain under the jurisdiction of the Presbytery
dismissing him until received by the other.
46-7. No certificate of dismission from either a Session or a Presbytery shall
be valid testimony of good standing for a period longer than one (1) year,
unless its earlier presentation be hindered by some providential cause; and
such certificates given to persons who have left the bounds of the Session or
Presbytery granting them shall certify the standing of such persons only to the
time of their leaving those bounds.
46-8. When a Presbytery shall divest a minister of his office without
censure, or depose him without excommunication, it shall assign him, to
membership in some particular church, subject to the approval of the Session
of that church.
Temporary statement adopted by the Third General Assembly to preface the
Directory for Worship: The Directory for Worship is an approved guide and
should be taken seriously as the mind of the Church agreeable to the Standards.
However, it does not have the force of law and is not to be considered
obligatory in all its parts. BCO 56, 57 and 58 have been given full
constitutional authority by the Eleventh General Assembly after being
submitted to the Presbyteries and receiving the necessary approval of two-
thirds (2/3) of the Presbyteries. BCO 59-3, as amended, has been given full
constitutional authority by the Forty-seventh General Assembly after being
submitted to the Presbyteries and receiving the necessary approval of two-
thirds (2/3) of the Presbyteries.
The Principles and Elements of Public Worship
47-1. Since the Holy Scriptures are the only infallible rule of faith and
practice, the principles of public worship must be derived from the Bible, and
from no other source.
The Scriptures forbid the worshipping of God by images, or in any
other way not appointed in His Word, and requires the receiving, observing,
and keeping pure and entire all such religious worship and ordinances as God
hath appointed in His Word (WSC 51, 50).
47-2. A service of public worship is not merely a gathering of God’s
children with each other, but before all else, a meeting of the triune God with
His chosen people. God is present in public worship not only by virtue of the
Divine omnipresence but, much more intimately, as the faithful covenant
Savior. The Lord Jesus Christ said: “Where two or three are gathered together
in My name there I am in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20).
47-3. The end of public worship is the glory of God. His people should
engage in all its several parts with an eye single to His glory. Public worship
has as its aim the building of Christ’s Church by the perfecting of the saints
and the addition to its membership of such as are being saved -- all to the glory
of God. Through public worship on the Lord’s day Christians should learn to
serve God all the days of the week in their every activity, remembering,
whether they eat or drink, or whatever they do, to do all to the glory of God (1
Corinthians 10:31).
47-4. Public worship is Christian when the worshippers recognize that
Christ is the Mediator by whom alone they can come unto God, when they
honor Christ as the head of the Church, who rules over public worship, and
when their worship is an expression of their faith in Christ and of their love for
47-5. Public worship must be performed in spirit and in truth. Externalism
and hypocrisy stand condemned. The forms of public worship have value only
when they serve to express the inner reverence of the worshipper and his
sincere devotion to the true and living God. And only those whose hearts have
been renewed by the Holy Spirit are capable of such reverence and devotion.
47-6. The Lord Jesus Christ has prescribed no fixed forms for public
worship but, in the interest of life and power in worship, has given His Church
a large measure of liberty in this matter. It may not be forgotten, however, that
there is true liberty only where the rules of God’s Word are observed and the
Spirit of the Lord is, that all things must be done decently and in order, and
that God’s people should serve Him with reverence and in the beauty of
holiness. From its beginning to its end a service of public worship should be
characterized by that simplicity which is an evidence of sincerity and by that
beauty and dignity which are a manifestation of holiness.
47-7. Public worship differs from private worship in that in public worship
God is served by His saints unitedly as His covenant people, the Body of
Christ. For this reason the covenant children should be present so far as
possible as well as adults. For the same reason no favoritism may be shown
to any who attend. Nor may any member of the church presume to exalt
himself above others as though he were more spiritual, but each shall esteem
others better than himself.
47-8. It behooves God’s people not only to come into His presence with a
deep sense of awe at the thought of His perfect holiness and their own
exceeding sinfulness, but also to enter into His gates with thanksgiving and
into His courts with praise for the great salvation, which He has so graciously
wrought for them through his only begotten Son and applied to them by the
Holy Spirit.
47-9. The Bible teaches that the following are proper elements of worship
service: reading of Holy Scripture, singing of psalms and hymns, the offering
of prayer, the preaching of the Word, the presentation of offerings, confessing
the faith and observing the Sacraments; and on special occasions taking oaths.
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The Sanctification of the Lord’s Day
48-1. “The fourth commandment requireth the keeping holy to God such set
times as he hath appointed in his word; expressly one whole day in seven, to
be a holy sabbath to himself.” (WSC 58).
48-2. God commanded His Old Testament people to keep holy the last day
of the week, but He sanctified the first day as the Sabbath by the resurrection
of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. For this reason the Church of the new
dispensation has from the time of the apostles kept holy the first day of the
week as the Lord’s Day.
48-3. It is the duty of every person to remember the Lord’s Day; and to
prepare for it before its approach. All worldly business should be so ordered,
and seasonably laid aside, as that they may not be hindered thereby from
sanctifying the Sabbath, as the Holy Scriptures require.
48-4. The whole day is to be kept holy to the Lord; and to be employed in
the public and private exercises of religion. Therefore, it is requisite, that there
be a holy resting, all the day, from unnecessary labors; and an abstaining from
those recreations which may be lawful on other days; and also, as much as
possible, from worldly thoughts and conversation.
48-5. Let the provisions for the support of the family on that day be so
ordered that others be not improperly detained from the public worship of God,
nor hindered from sanctifying the Sabbath.
48-6. Let every person and family, in the morning, by secret and private
prayer, for themselves and others, especially for the assistance of God to their
minister, and for a blessing upon his ministry, by reading the Scriptures, and
by holy meditation, prepare for communion with God in his public ordinances.
48-7. Let the time not used for public worship be spent in prayer, in
devotional reading, and especially in the study of the Scriptures, meditation,
catechising, religious conversation, the singing of psalms, hymns, or spiritual
songs; visiting the sick, relieving the poor, teaching the ignorant, holy resting,
and in performing such like duties of piety, charity, and mercy.
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The Ordering of Public Worship
49-1. When the congregation is to meet for public worship, the people
(having before prepared their hearts thereunto) ought all to come and join
therein; not absenting themselves from the public ordinances through
negligence, or upon pretence of private meetings.
49-2. Let the people assemble at the appointed time, that all being present at
the beginning they may unite with one heart in all the parts of public worship.
Let none unnecessarily depart until after the blessing be pronounced.
49-3. Let the people upon entering the church take their seats in a decent and
reverent manner, and engage in a silent prayer for a blessing upon themselves,
the minister, and all present, as well as upon those who are unable to attend
49-4. All who attend public worship are expected to be present in a spirit of
reverence and godly fear, forbearing to engage in any conduct unbecoming to
the place and occasion. Since the family, as ordained by God, is the basic
institution in society, and God in the Covenant graciously deals with us, not
just as individuals but also as families, it is important and desirable that
families worship together.
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The Public Reading of the Holy Scriptures
50-1. The public reading of the Holy Scriptures is performed by the minister
as God’s servant. Through it God speaks most directly to the congregation,
even more directly than through the sermon. The reading of the Scriptures by
the minister is to be distinguished from the responsive reading of certain
portions of Scripture by the minister and the congregation. In the former God
addresses His people; in the latter God’s people give expression in the words
of Scripture to their contrition, adoration, gratitude and other holy sentiments.
The psalms of Scripture are especially appropriate for responsive reading.
50-2. The reading of the Holy Scriptures in the congregation is a part of the
public worship of God and should be done by the minister or some other
50-3. The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments shall be read from
a good translation, not a paraphrase, in the language of the people, that all may
hear and understand.
50-4. How large a portion shall be read at once is left to the discretion of
every minister; and he may, when he thinks it expedient, expound any part of
what is read; always having regard to the time, that neither reading, singing,
praying, preaching, nor any other ordinance, be disproportionate the one to the
other; nor the whole rendered too short, or too tedious.
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The Singing of Psalms and Hymns
51-1. Praising God through the medium of music is a duty and a privilege.
Therefore, the singing of hymns and psalms and the use of musical instruments
should have an important part in public worship.
51-2. In singing the praises of God, we are to sing in the spirit of worship,
with understanding in our hearts.
51-3. It is recommended that Psalms be sung along with the hymns of the
Church, but that caution be observed in the selection of hymns, that they be
true to the Word. Hymns should have the note of praise, or be in accord with
the spirit of the sermon.
51-4. The leadership in song is left to the judgment of the Session, who
should give careful thought to the character of those asked to lead in this part
of worship, and the singing of a choir should not be allowed to displace
congregational singing.
51-5. The proportion of the time of public worship given to praise is left to
the judgment of the minister, and the singing of psalms and hymns by the
congregation should be encouraged.
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Public Prayer
52-1. It is proper to begin the public worship in the sanctuary with the
Doxology followed by a short prayer, in which the minister shall lead the
people, humbly adoring the infinite majesty of the living God, expressing a
sense of our distance from Him as creatures, and our unworthiness as sinners;
and humbly imploring His gracious presence, the assistance of His Holy Spirit
in the duties of His worship, and His acceptance of us through the merits of
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is appropriate that this prayer conclude
with the Lord’s Prayer in which all may unite.
52-2. Then, after singing a psalm, or hymn, it is proper that, before the
sermon, there should be a full and comprehensive prayer:
a. Adoring the glory and perfections of God, as they are made known to
us in the works of creation, in the conduct of Providence, and in the
clear and full revelation He has made of Himself in His written words;
b. Giving thanks to Him for all His mercies of every kind, general and
particular, spiritual and temporal, common and special; above all, for
Christ Jesus, His unspeakable gift, the hope of eternal life through
Him, and for the mission and work of the Holy Spirit;
c. Making humble confession of sin, both original and actual,
acknowledging, and endeavoring to lead the heart of every worshipper
with a deep sense of the evil of all sin, as such, as being a departure
from the living God; and also taking a particular and affecting view of
the various fruits which proceed from this root of bitterness; as sins
against God, our neighbor and ourselves; sins in thought, in word, and
in deed; sins secret and presumptuous; sins accidental and habitual.
Also, the aggravations of sin, arising from knowledge, or the means
of it; from distinguishing mercies; from valuable privileges; from
breach of vows, etc.;
d. Making earnest supplication for the pardon of sin, and peace with God,
through the blood of the atonement, with all its important and happy
fruits; for the Spirit of sanctification, and abundant supplies of the
grace that is necessary to the discharge of our duty; for support and
comfort, under all the trials to which we are liable, as we are sinful
and mortal; and for all temporal mercies that may be necessary in our
passage through this valley of tears; always remembering to view them
as flowing in the channel of covenant love, and intended to be
subservient to the preservation and progress of the spiritual life;
e. Pleading from every principle warranted in Scripture; from our own
necessity; the all-sufficiency of God; the merit and intercession of our
Saviour; and the glory of God in the comfort and happiness of His
f. Intercession and petition for others, including the whole world for
mankind; for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh; for the
peace, purity, and extension of the Church of God; for ministers and
missionaries in all lands; for all who are persecuted for righteousness’
sake; for the particular church then assembled, and all other churches
associated in one body with it; for the sick, dying, and bereaved; for
the poor and destitute; for strangers, for prisoners, the aged and the
young; for those who travel; for the community in which the church is
situated; for civil rulers; and for whatever else may seem to be
necessary or suitable to the occasion.
The prominence given each of these topics must be left to the
discretion of the minister.
52-3. Ordinarily there should be prayer after the sermon having relation to
the subject that has been treated in the discourse; and all other public prayers
should be appropriate to the occasion.
52-4. Ministers are not to be confined to fixed forms of prayer for public
worship, yet it is the duty of the minister, previous to entering upon his office,
to prepare and qualify himself for this part of his work, as well as for preaching.
He should, by a thorough acquaintance with the Holy Scriptures, by the study
of the best writers on prayer, by meditation, and by a life of communion with
God, endeavor to acquire both the spirit and the gift of prayer. Moreover,
when he is to offer prayer in public worship, he should compose his spirit, and
so order his thoughts, that he may perform this duty with dignity and propriety,
and with profit to the worshippers, lest he disgrace this important service by
coarse, undignified, careless, irregular or extravagant expressions.
52-5. All prayer is to be offered in the language of the people.
The Preaching of the Word
53-1. The preaching of the Word is an ordinance of God for the salvation of
men. Serious attention should be paid to the manner in which it is done. The
minister should apply himself to it with diligence and prove himself a “worker
who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2
Timothy 2:15).
53-2. The subject of a sermon should be some verse or verses of Scripture,
and its object, to explain, defend and apply some part of the system of divine
truth; or to point out the nature, and state the bounds and obligation, of some
duty. A text should not be merely a motto, but should fairly contain the
doctrine proposed to be handled. It is proper also that large portions of
Scripture be sometimes expounded, and particularly improved, for the
instruction of the people in the meaning and use of the sacred Scriptures.
53-3. Preaching requires much study, meditation, and prayer, and ministers
should prepare their sermons with care, and not indulge themselves in loose,
extemporary harangues, nor serve God with that which costs them naught.
They should, however, keep to the simplicity of the Gospel, and express
themselves in language that can be understood by all. They should also by
their lives adorn the Gospel which they preach, and be examples to believers
in word and deed.
53-4. As a primary design of public ordinances is to unite the people in acts
of common worship of the most high God, ministers should be careful not to
make their sermons so long as to interfere with or exclude the important duties
of prayer and praise, but should preserve a just proportion in the several parts
of public worship.
53-5. By way of application of the sermon the minister may urge his hearers
by commandment or invitation to repent of their sins, to put their trust in the
Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, and to confess him publicly before men.
53-6. No person should be invited to preach in any of the churches under
our care without the consent of the Session.
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The Worship of God by Offerings
54-1. The Holy Scriptures teach that God is the owner of all persons and all
things and that we are but stewards of both life and possessions; that God’s
ownership and our stewardship should be acknowledged; that this
acknowledgement should take the form, in part, of giving at least a tithe of our
income and other offerings to the work of the Lord through the Church of Jesus
Christ, thus worshipping the Lord with our possessions; and that the remainder
should be used as becomes Christians.
54-2. It is both a privilege and a duty, plainly enjoined in the Bible, to make
regular, weekly, systematic and proportionate offerings for the support of
religion and for the propagation of the Gospel in our own and foreign lands,
and for the relief of the poor. This should be done as an exercise of grace and
an act of worship, and at such time during the service as may be deemed
expedient by the Session.
54-3. It is appropriate that the offerings be dedicated by prayer.
Confessing the Faith
55-1. It is proper for the congregation of God’s people publicly to confess
their faith, using creeds or confessions that are true to the Word, such as, the
Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, or the Westminster Standards.
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The Administration of Baptism
The Baptism of Infants and Children
56-1. Baptism is not to be unnecessarily delayed; not to be administered, in
any case, by any private person; but by a minister of Christ, called to be the
steward of the mysteries of God.
56-2. It is not to be privately administered, but in the presence of the
congregation under the supervision of the Session.
56-3. After previous notice is given to the minister, the child to be baptized
is to be presented, by one or both the parents, or some other responsible person,
signifying the desire that the child be baptized.
56-4. Before baptism, the minister is to use some words of instruction,
touching the institution, nature, use, and ends of this sacrament, showing:
a. That it is instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ;
b. That it is a seal of the Covenant of Grace, of our ingrafting into Christ,
and of our union with Him, of remission of sins, regeneration,
adoption, and life eternal;
c. That the water, in baptism, represents and signifies both the blood of
Christ, which taketh away all guilt of sin, original and actual; and the
sanctifying virtue of the Spirit of Christ against the dominion of sin,
and the corruption of our sinful nature;
d. That baptizing, or sprinkling and washing with water, signifies the
cleansing from sin by the blood and for the merit of Christ, together
with the mortification of sin, and rising from sin to newness of life, by
virtue of the death and resurrection of Christ;
e. That the promise is made to believers and their children; and that the
children of believers have an interest in the covenant, and right to the
seal of it, and to the outward privileges of the Church, under the
Gospel, no less than the children of Abraham in the time of the Old
Testament; the Covenant of Grace, for substance, being the same; and
the grace of God, and the consolation of believers, more plentiful than
f. That the Son of God admitted little children into His presence,
embracing and blessing them, saying, “For of such is the kingdom of
g. That children by Baptism, are solemnly received into the bosom of the
Visible Church, distinguished from the world, and them that are
without, and united with believers; and that all who are baptized in the
name of Christ, do renounce, and by their Baptism are bound to fight
against the devil, the world, and the flesh;
h. That they are federally holy before Baptism, and therefore are they
i. That the inward grace and virtue of Baptism is not tied to that very
moment of time wherein it is administered; and that the fruit and
power thereof reaches to the whole course of our life; and that outward
baptism is not so necessary, that through the want thereof, the infant
is in danger of damnation;
j. By virtue of being children of believing parents they are, because of
God’s covenant ordinance, made members of the Church, but this is
not sufficient to make them continue members of the Church. When
they have reached the age of discretion, they become subject to
obligations of the covenant: faith, repentance and obedience. They
then make public confession of their faith in Christ, or become
covenant breakers, and subject to the discipline of the Church.
In these or the like instructions, the minister is to use his own liberty
and godly wisdom, as the ignorance or errors in the doctrine of Baptism, and
the edification of the people, shall require.
He is also to admonish all that are present to look back to their
Baptism, to repent of their sins against their covenant with God; to stir up their
faith; to improve and make right use of their Baptism, and of the covenant
sealed between God and their soul.
He is to exhort the parent to consider the great mercy of God to him
and his child; to bring up the child in the knowledge of the grounds of the
Christian religion, and in the nurture and admonition of the Lord; and to let
him know the danger of God’s wrath to himself and child, if he be negligent;
requiring his solemn promise for the performance of his duty.
The minister is also to exhort the parents to the careful performance
of their duty, requiring:
a. That they teach the child to read the Word of God;
b. that they instruct him in the principles of our holy religion, as
contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, an
excellent summary of which we have in the Confession of Faith,
and in the Larger and Shorter Catechisms of the Westminster
Assembly, which are to be recommended to them as adopted by
the Church, for their direction and assistance, in the discharge of
this important duty;
c. that they pray with and for him;
d. that they set an example of piety and godliness before him; and
endeavor, by all the means of God’s appointment, to bring up their
child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
56-5. The minister shall then read the covenant promises:
For to you is the promise, and to your children, and to all
that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call unto
him. And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and
thy seed after thee throughout their generations for an everlasting
covenant, to be a God unto thee and to thy seed after thee. Believe
on the Lord Jesus, and thou shalt be saved, thou and thy house.
(Acts 2:39; Gen. 17:7; Acts 16:31)
The minister shall then propose the following questions:
1. Do you acknowledge your child’s need of the cleansing blood
of Jesus Christ, and the renewing grace of the Holy Spirit?
2. Do you claim God’s covenant promises in (his) behalf, and do
you look in faith to the Lord Jesus Christ for (his) salvation,
as you do for your own?
3. Do you now unreservedly dedicate your child to God, and
promise, in humble reliance upon divine grace, that you will
endeavor to set before (him) a godly example, that you will
pray with and for (him), that you will teach (him) the doctrines
of our holy religion, and that you will strive, by all the means
of God’s appointment, to bring (him) up in the nurture and
admonition of the Lord?
To the congregation (optional):
Do you as a congregation undertake the responsibility of
assisting the parents in the Christian nurture of this child?
56-6 Then the minister is to pray for a blessing to attend this ordinance,
after which, calling the child by name, he shall say:
I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
As he pronounces these words, he is to baptize the child with water,
by pouring or sprinkling it on the head of the child, without adding any other
ceremony; and the whole shall be concluded with prayer.
The Admission of Persons to Sealing Ordinances
57-1. Believers’ children within the Visible Church, and especially those
dedicated to God in Baptism, are non-communing members under the care of
the Church. They are to be taught to love God, and to obey and serve the Lord
Jesus Christ. When they are able to understand the Gospel, they should be
earnestly reminded that they are members of the Church by birthright, and that
it is their duty and privilege personally to accept Christ, to confess Him before
men, and to seek admission to the Lord’s Supper.
57-2. The time when young persons come to understand the Gospel cannot
be precisely fixed. This must be left to the prudence of the Session, whose
office it is to judge, after careful examination, the qualifications of those who
apply for admission to sealing ordinances.
57-3. When unbaptized persons apply for admission into the Church, they
shall, ordinarily, after giving satisfaction with respect to their knowledge and
piety, make a public profession of their faith, in the presence of the
congregation, and thereupon be baptized.
57-4. It is recommended, as edifying and proper, that baptized persons,
when admitted by the Session to the Lord’s Supper, make a public profession
of their faith in the presence of the congregation. But in all cases, there should
be a clear recognition of their previous relation to the church as baptized
57-5. The time having come for the making of a public profession, and those
who have been approved by the Session having taken their places in the
presence of the congregation, the minister may state that:
Of the number of those who were baptized in infancy as
members of the Church of God by birthright, and as heirs of the
covenant promises, the Session has examined and approved (call
them by name), who come now to assume for themselves the full
privileges and responsibilities of their inheritance in the
household of faith.
If there be present any candidates for Baptism, the minister may state that:
As applicants for admission into the Church of God by
Baptism, which is a sign and seal of our engrafting into Christ,
and of our engagement to be the Lord’s, the Session has examined
and approved (call them by name), who are cordially welcomed
into the fellowship of the household of faith.
The minister may then address those making a profession in the
following terms:
(All of) you being here present to make a public profession
of faith, are to assent to the following declarations and promises,
by which you enter into a solemn covenant with God and His
1. Do you acknowledge yourselves to be sinners in the sight of
God, justly deserving His displeasure, and without hope save
in His sovereign mercy?
2. Do you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and
Savior of sinners, and do you receive and rest upon Him alone
for salvation as He is offered in the Gospel?
3. Do you now resolve and promise, in humble reliance upon the
grace of the Holy Spirit, that you will endeavor to live as
becomes the followers of Christ?
4. Do you promise to support the Church in its worship and work
to the best of your ability?
5. Do you submit yourselves to the government and discipline of
the Church, and promise to study its purity and peace?
The minister may now briefly admonish those making a profession of
faith as to the importance of the solemn obligations they have assumed; then
baptism may be administered, if there be present any candidates for the
ordinance, and the whole concluded with prayer.
57-6. Persons received from other churches by letters of dismissal as well as
those being received by reaffirmation of faith should give a testimony of their
Christian experience to the Session. Their names are to be announced to the
congregation with a recommendation of them to its Christian confidence and
The Administration of the Lord's Supper
58-1. The Communion, or Supper of the Lord, is to be observed frequently;
the stated times to be determined by the Session of each congregation, as it
may judge most for edification.
58-2. The ignorant and scandalous are not to be admitted to the Lord's
58-3. It is proper that public notice should be given to the congregation, at
least the Sabbath before the administration of this ordinance, and that, either
then, or on some day of the week, the people be instructed in its nature, and a
due preparation for it, that all may come in a suitable manner to this holy feast.
58-4. On the day of the observance of the Lord's Supper, when the sermon
is ended, the minister shall show:
a. That this is an ordinance of Christ; by reading the words of
institution, either from one of the Evangelists, or from 1 Corin-
thians 11, which, as to him may appear expedient, he may explain
and apply;
b. That it is to be observed in remembrance of Christ, to show forth
His death till He come; that it is of inestimable benefit, to
strengthen His people against sin; to support them under troubles;
to encourage and quicken them in duty; to inspire them with love
and zeal; to increase their faith, and holy resolution; and to beget
peace of conscience, and comfortable hopes of eternal life.
Since, by our Lord's appointment, this Sacrament sets forth the
Communion of Saints, the minister, at the discretion of the Session, before the
observance begins, may either invite all those who profess the true religion,
and are communicants in good standing in any evangelical church, to
participate in the ordinance; or may invite those who have been approved by
the Session, after having given indication of their desire to participate. It is
proper also to give a special invitation to non-communicants to remain during
the service.
58-5. The table, on which the elements are placed, being decently covered,
and furnished with bread and wine, and the communicants orderly and gravely
sitting around it (or in their seats before it), the elders in a convenient place
together, the minister should then set the elements apart by prayer and
The bread and wine being thus set apart by prayer and thanksgiving,
the minister is to take the bread, and break it, in the view of the people, saying:
That the Lord Jesus Christ on the same night in which He
was betrayed took bread; and when He had given thanks, He
broke it, gave it to His disciples, as I, ministering in His name, give
this bread to you, and said, "Take, eat; this is My body which is
for you; do this in remembrance of Me." (Some other biblical
account of the institution of this part of the Supper may be substituted
Here the bread is to be distributed. After having given the bread, he
shall take the cup, and say:
In the same manner, He also took the cup, and having
given thanks as has been done in His name, He gave it to the
disciples, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood,
which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Drink from it,
all of you."
While the minister is repeating these words, let him give the cup.
58-6. Since believers are to act personally in all their covenanting with the
Lord, it is proper that a part of the time occupied in the distribution of the
elements should be spent by all in silent communion, thanksgiving,
intercession and prayer.
58-7. The minister may, in a few words, put the communicants in mind:
Of the grace of God, in Jesus Christ, held forth in this
sacrament; and of their obligation to be the Lord's; and may
exhort them to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith they are
called; and, as they have professedly received Christ Jesus the
Lord, that they be careful so to walk in him, and to maintain good
It may not be improper for the minister to give a word of exhortation
also to those who have been only spectators, reminding them:
Of their duty, stating their sin and danger, by living in
disobedience to Christ, in neglecting this holy ordinance; and
calling upon them to be earnest in making preparation for
attending upon it at the next time of its celebration.
Then the minister is to pray and give thanks to God,
For His rich mercy, and invaluable goodness, vouchsafed
to them in that Sacred Communion; to implore pardon for the
defects of the whole service; and to pray for the acceptance of their
persons and performances; for the gracious assistance of the Holy
Spirit to enable them, as they have received Christ Jesus the Lord,
so to walk in Him; that they may hold fast that which they have
received, that no man take their crown; that their conversation
may be as becomes the Gospel; that they may bear about with
them, continually, the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of
Jesus may be manifested in their mortal body; that their light may
so shine before men, that others, seeing their good works, may
glorify their Father who is in heaven.
An offering for the poor or other sacred purpose is appropriate in
connection with this service, and may be made at such time as shall be ordered
by the Session.
Now let a psalm or hymn be sung, and the congregation dismissed,
with the following or some other Gospel benediction:
Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead
our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the
blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good
work to do His will, working in you that which is well pleasing in
His sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and
ever. Amen.
58-8. As past custom has been found in many parts of the Presbyterian
Church, our congregations are urged to have a service of spiritual preparation
for the Lord’s Supper during the week previous to the celebration of the
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The Solemnization of Marriage
59-1. Marriage is a divine institution though not a sacrament, nor peculiar
to the Church of Christ. It is proper that every commonwealth, for the good of
society, make laws to regulate marriage, which all citizens are bound to obey
insofar as they do not transgress the laws of God (Acts 5:29).
59-2. Christians should marry in the Lord; therefore it is fit that their
marriage be solemnized by a lawful minister, that special instruction be given
them, and suitable prayers offered, when they enter into this relation.
59-3. Marriage is only to be between one man and one woman only (Gen.
2:24,25; Matt. 19:4-6, 1 Cor. 7:2), in accordance with the Word of God.
Therefore, ministers in the Presbyterian Church in America who solemnize
marriages shall only solemnize marriages between one man and one woman.
59-4. The parties should be of such years of discretion as to be capable of
making their own choice; and if they be under age, or live with their parents,
the consent of the parents or others, under whose care they are, should be
previously obtained, and well certified to the minister before he proceeds to
solemnize the marriage.
59-5. Parents should neither compel their children to marry contrary to their
inclinations, nor deny their consent without just and important reasons.
59-6. Marriage is of a public nature. The welfare of civil society, the
happiness of families, and the credit of Christianity, are deeply interested in it.
Therefore, the purpose of marriage should be sufficiently published a proper
time previously to the solemnization to it. It is enjoined on all ministers to be
careful that, in this matter, they obey the laws of the community to the extent
that those laws do not transgress the laws of God as interpreted by the
Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in America; and that they may not
destroy the peace and comfort of families, ministers should be assured that,
with respect to the parties applying to them, no just objections lie against their
59-7. The minister should keep a proper register of the names of all persons
whom he marries, and of the time of their marriage, for the perusal of all whom
it may concern.
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The Visitation of the Sick
60-1. The power of the prayer of faith is great, and Christians therefore
should make entreaty for the sick at the throne of heavenly grace, and should
also seek God’s blessing upon all proper means which are being employed for
their recovery. Moreover, when persons are sick, their minister, or some
officer of the church, should be notified, that the minister, officers and
members may unite their prayers in behalf of the sick. It is the privilege and
duty of the pastor to visit the sick and to minister to their physical, mental, and
spiritual welfare. In view of the varying circumstances of the sick, the minister
should use discretion in the performance of this duty.
The Burial of the Dead
61-1. The services proper for such an occasion are:
a. The singing of appropriate psalms or hymns;
b. The reading of some suitable portion or portions of Scripture, with
such remarks as it may seem proper to the minister to make;
c. Prayer, in which the bereaved shall be especially remembered, and
God’s grace sought on their behalf, that they may be sustained and
comforted in their sorrow, and that their affliction may be blessed
to their spiritual good.
61-2. The funeral services are to be left largely to the discretion of the
minister performing them, but he should always remember that the proper
object of the service is the worship of God and the consolation of the living.
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Days of Fasting and Thanksgiving
62-1. The observance of days of fasting and of thanksgiving, as the
dispensations of Divine Providence may direct, is both scriptural and rational.
62-2. Fasting and thanksgiving may be observed by individual Christians;
by families; by particular congregations; by a number of congregations
contiguous to each other; by the congregations under the care of a Presbytery;
or by all the congregations of our Church.
62-3. It should be left to the judgment and discretion of every Christian and
family to determine when it is proper to observe a private fast or thanksgiving;
and to the church Sessions to determine for particular congregations; and to the
Presbyteries, to determine for larger districts. When it is deemed expedient that
a fast or thanksgiving should be general, the call for it should be issued by the
General Assembly. If at any time the civil power should appoint a fast or
thanksgiving, in keeping with the Christian faith, it is the duty of the ministers
and people of our communion to pay all due respect to it.
62-4. Public notice should be given a sufficient time before the appointed
day of fasting or thanksgiving, that persons may so order their affairs as to
allow them to attend properly to the duties of the day.
62-5. There should be public worship upon all such days; and the prayers,
psalms or hymns, the selection of Scripture, and sermons, should all be in a
special manner adapted to the occasion.
62-6. On days of fasting, the minister should point out the authority and
providences calling for the observance; and he should spend more than the
usual time in solemn prayer, particular confession of sin, especially for the sins
of the day and place; and the whole day should be spent in prayer and
62-7. On days of thanksgiving, he should give information respecting the
authority and providences which call for the observance; and he should spend
more than the usual time in giving thanks, agreeably to the occasion, and in
singing psalms or hymns of praise. On these days, the people should rejoice
with holy gladness of heart; but their joy should be tempered with reverence,
that they indulge in no excess or unbecoming levity.
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Christian Life in the Home
63-1. In addition to public worship, it is the duty of each person in secret,
and of every family in private, to worship God.
63-2. Secret worship is most plainly enjoined by our Lord. In this duty
everyone, apart, should spend some time in prayer, reading the Scriptures, holy
meditation, and serious self-examination. The many advantages arising from
a conscientious performance of these duties are best known to those who are
found in the faithful discharge of them.
63-3. Family worship, which should be observed by every family, consists
in prayer, reading the Scriptures, and singing praises; or in some briefer form
of outspoken recognition of God.
63-4. Parents should instruct their children in the Word of God, and in the
principles of our holy religion. The reading of devotional literature should be
encouraged and every proper opportunity should be embraced for religious
63-5. Parents should set an example of piety and consistent living before the
family. Unnecessary private visits on the Lord’s Day and indulgence in
practices injurious to the spiritual life of the family, should be avoided.
63-6. In the supreme task of religious education, parents should co-operate
with the Church by setting their children an example in regular and punctual
attendance upon the sessions of the church school and the services of the
sanctuary, by assisting them in the preparation of their lessons, and by leading
them in the consistent application of the teachings of the Gospel in their daily
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Editorial Note: None of these Appendices has constitutional authority. They
are provided for information.
These forms were approved by the General Assembly, to be printed
with the Book of Church Order, but not to be a part of the Constitution. They
were derived from the PCUS Book as approved in 1893, and from the OPC
Book as approved in 1940. Appendix G was adapted from forms used by the
Whether the marriage is in the church or in a private house, the betrothed shall
present themselves attended by witnesses, the man having the woman at his
left hand, before the minister, who shall say:
The Lord bless you, and keep you; the Lord make His face
shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His
countenance upon you, and give you peace (Numbers 6:24-26).
If any here present can show just cause why these persons
may not lawfully be joined together in marriage, let them now
speak, or hereafter forever hold their peace.
Marriage is a divine ordinance instituted for the promotion
of man’s happiness and the glory of God. The sacredness of the
relation is revealed by the fact that the Holy Spirit has selected it as
an apt emblem of the union existing between our Lord and His
bride, the Church. Hence, beloved friends, take heed to the
exhortation of the inspired apostle, “Husbands, love your wives,
just as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it”
(Ephesians 5:26). “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the
Lord” (Ephesians 5:22). The happiness contemplated by this union
is realized only by those who fully appreciate its sacredness and are
faithful in the performance of the mutual obligations growing out
of it, and seek daily God’s blessing.
And now as you enter into this new relation, consecrated by
heaven’s benediction and hallowed by all that is tenderest and
truest in human affection, I entreat you both to join with me in the
prayer that God may bless this union, and sanctify it to the
furtherance of your good and to the glory of His most holy Name.
The Prayer
Most gracious God, fountain of life and love and joy, look
with merciful favor upon these your servants now to be joined in
holy wedlock, and enable them ever to remember and truly keep
the vows which they make as they enter into covenant with one
another and with you, in accordance with the Holy Word, through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Covenant
Here the parties join their right hands, and the minister says:
Do you, M--, take N--, whom you now hold by the hand to
be your lawful and wedded wife, and do you promise in the
presence of God and these witnesses to be to her a faithful, loving
and devoted husband, so long as you both shall live?
The man answers:
I do.
The minister shall say:
Do you, N--, take M--, whom you now hold by the hand to
be your lawful and wedded husband and do you promise in the
presence of God and these witnesses to be to him a faithful, loving
and obedient wife, so long as you both shall live?
The woman answers:
I do.
If a ring is given and received, the minister shall say:
Let this ring be the token of your plighted faith, and the
memorial of your mutual and unending love.
Then the minister, addressing himself to the company present, says:
Forasmuch as these persons have covenanted together in
marriage in accordance with the laws of the commonwealth, I do
now pronounce them husband and wife, after the ordinance of
God. “Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man
separate” (Matthew 19:6).
The Prayer
Almighty and ever blessed God, our heavenly Father,
place the seal of your loving approval upon the union of these two
hearts and lives in the sacred bonds of matrimony. Enable your
servants, by the gift of thy sufficient grace to be faithful in keeping
the vows they have now assumed. Whether in prosperity or in
adversity, in sickness or in health, in sorrow or in joy, may their
love and sympathy for each other never fail. Into your holy
keeping we now commit them, praying that they may ever live “as
being heirs together of the grace of life” (1 Peter 3:7). For Jesus’
sake. Amen.
Then the married pair standing, or kneeling, the minister shall pronounce the
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, bless,
preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favor look
upon you, and so fill you with his grace that you may live faithfully
together in this life and in the world to come may have life
everlasting. Amen.
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At the time and place appointed for the solemnization of matrimony, the
persons to be married shall take their places before the minister, the man
having the woman at his left hand, and all present reverently standing.
The minister shall say:
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the presence of God
to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony.
Marriage was instituted by God himself in the time of man’s
innocency and uprightness. The Lord God said, “It is not good that
man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him
(Genesis 2:18). Thereupon God created woman of man’s own
substance and brought her to the man. Our Lord Jesus Christ
honored marriage by His presence at the wedding in Cana of Galilee.
And He confirmed it as a divine ordinance and a union not to be
severed when He declared, “Therefore, what God has joined
together, let not man separate” (Matthew 19:6). Moreover, the
apostle Paul set forth the sacred and exalted nature of marriage when
he likened it to the mystical union that subsists between Christ and
His Church.
The purpose of marriage is the enrichment of the lives of
those who enter into this estate, the propagation of the race, and the
extension of Christ’s Church to the glory of the covenant God.
Let us reverently hear what the Holy Scriptures teach
concerning the duty of husbands to their wives and of wives to their
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the
church, and gave Himself for it; that He might sanctify, and cleanse
it with the washing of water by the Word. ...So husbands ought to
love their own wives as their own bodies” (Ephesians 5:25-28).
“Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For
the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is the head of the
church, and He is the Savior of the body (Ephesians 5:22-23).
These two persons are come to be joined in this holy estate of
marriage. If any man can show just cause why they may not lawfully
be wedded, let him now declare it, or else hereafter forever hold his
I require and charge you both that, if either of you knows
any cause why you may not be lawfully joined together in
matrimony, you do now confess it.
Let us pray:
Most holy and most merciful Father, at once the God of
nature and of grace, creator, preserver and redeemer of mankind,
fill these, your servant and your handmaiden, with a sense of the
solemnity of the vows they are about to make. May they look to
you for your assistance, and enter into these sacred obligations in
humble dependence upon your enabling grace. Grant this, O
Father, with the forgiveness of our sins, through Jesus Christ,
your Son. Amen.
After prayer the minister shall say:
Who gives this woman to be married to this man?
The father of the woman, or someone in his stead, shall place her right hand in
that of the minister, and the minister shall cause the man to take with his right
hand the right hand of the woman.
The minister shall then say:
M--, will you have this woman to be your wedded wife, to
live with her after God’s commandments in the holy estate of
marriage? And will you love her, honor and cherish her, so long
as you both shall live?
The man shall answer:
I will.
Then the minister shall say:
N--, will you have this man to be your wedded husband, to
live with him after God’s commandments in the holy estate of
marriage? And will you love him, cherish and obey him, so long
as you both shall live?
The woman shall answer:
I will.
The man shall say:
I, M--, take you, N--, to be my wedded wife, and I do
promise and covenant before God and these witnesses to be your
loving and faithful husband in sickness and in health, in plenty
and in want, in joy and in sorrow, as long as we both shall live.
The woman shall say:
I, N--, take you, M--, to be my wedded husband, and I do
promise and covenant before God and these witnesses to be your
loving and faithful wife in sickness and in health, in plenty and in
want, in joy and in sorrow, as long as we both shall live.
The man shall then put the ring on the third finger of the woman’s left hand,
and shall say after the minister:
This ring I give you as a symbol and pledge of constant
faith and abiding love.
The minister shall say to the woman:
Do you, N--, receive this ring as a token of your pledge to
keep this covenant and perform these vows?
The woman shall say:
I do.
The minister shall say:
Let us pray.
After prayer the minister shall say:
By virtue of the authority committed unto me by the church of
Christ and the law of the state, I now pronounce you, M--, and N--,
husband and wife, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit. Amen.
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Let the service begin with the reading of the whole or a part of the following
selections from Scripture:
I am the resurrection and the life; He who believes in Me,
though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes
in Me, shall never die (John 11:25-26).
Man who is born of woman is of few days, and full of
trouble. He comes forth like a flower, and fades away; he flees
like a shadow, and does not continue (Job 14:1-2).
For we are aliens and pilgrims before You, as were all our
fathers; our days on the earth are as a shadow, and without hope
(1 Chronicles 29:15).
We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we
can carry nothing out (1 Timothy 6:7).
The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away: blessed be
the name of the Lord (Job 1:21).
Prayer of Invocation:
O God, You who are our God, and our fathers’ God; You
whose compassions fail not, but who are the same yesterday,
today, and forever, grant us now your presence, we beseech you,
that our souls may be strengthened, and that we faint not under
your afflicting providence, but that through your condescension
we may find all grace to help in this our time of need, which we
ask in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, to whom,
with You and the Holy Ghost, we will ascribe all honor, majesty
and might, world without end. Amen.
Then let the whole or a part of the following selections of Scripture be read:
Psalm 39:4-13:
Lord, make me to know my end, and what is the measure of
my days, that I may know how frail I am.
Indeed, You have made my days as handbreadths, and my age
is as nothing before You; certainly every man at his best state is but
vapor. Selah.
Surely every man walks about like a shadow; surely they busy
themselves in vain; he heaps up riches, and does not know who will
gather them.
And now, Lord, what do I wait for? My hope is in You.
Deliver me from all my transgressions; do not make me the
reproach of the foolish.
I was mute, I did not open my mouth, because it was You who
did it.
Remove Your plague from me; I am consumed by the blow of
Your hand.
When with rebukes You correct man for iniquity, You make
his beauty melt away like a moth; surely every man is vapor. Selah
Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear to my cry; do not be
silent at my tears; for I am a stranger with You, a sojourner, as all my
fathers were.
Remove Your gaze from me, that I may regain strength,
before I go away and am no more.
Psalm 90:1-12:
Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations.
Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever You had
formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting,
You are God.
You turn man to destruction, and say, Return, O children of
For a thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it
is past, and like a watch in the night.
You carry them away like a flood; they are like a sleep. In the
morning they are like grass which grows up:
In the morning it flourishes and grows up; in the evening it is
cut down and withers.
For we have been consumed by Your anger, and by Your
wrath we are terrified.
You have set our iniquities before You, our secret sins in the
light of Your countenance.
For all our days have passed away in Your wrath; we finish
our years like a sigh.
The days of our lives are seventy years; and if by reason
of strength they are eighty years, yet their boast is only labor and
sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.
Who knows the power of Your anger? For as the fear of
You, so is Your wrath.
So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart
of wisdom.
1 Corinthians 15:20-58:
But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the
firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since by man came
death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in
Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. But each
one in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, afterward those who
are Christ’s at His coming. Then comes the end, when He delivers
the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule
and all authority and power. For He must reign till He has put all
enemies under His feet. The last enemy that will be destroyed is
death. For “He has put all things under His feet.” But when He
says “all things are put under Him,” it is evident that He who put
all things under Him is excepted. Now when all things are made
subject to Him, then the Son Himself will also be subject to Him
who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all.
Otherwise, what will they do who are baptized for the
dead, if the dead do not rise at all? Why then are they baptized
for the dead? And why do we stand in jeopardy every hour? I
affirm, by the boasting in you which I have in Christ Jesus our
Lord, I die daily. If, in the manner of men, I have fought with
beasts at Ephesus, what advantage is it to me? If the dead do not
rise, “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.” Do not be
deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.” Awake to
righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge
of God. I speak this to your shame.
But someone will say,How are the dead raised up? And with
what body do they come? Foolish one, what you sow is not made alive
unless it dies. And what you sow, you do not sow that body that shall be,
but mere grain -- perhaps wheat or some other grain. But God gives it
a body as He pleases, and to each seed its own body. All flesh is not the
same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts,
another of fish, and another of birds. There are also celestial bodies and
terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the
terrestrial is another. There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the
moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another
star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown
in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is
raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a
natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and
there is a spiritual body. And so it is written, The first man Adam
became a living being. The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.
However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the
spiritual. The first man was of the earth, made of dust; the second Man
is the Lord from heaven. As was the man of dust, so also are those who
are made of dust; and as is the heavenly Man, so also are those who are
heavenly. And as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall
also bear the image of the heavenly Man. Now this I say, brethren, that
flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption
inherit incorruption.
Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall
all be changed -- in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last
trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised
incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put
on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this
corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on
immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written:
Death is swallowed up in victory.
O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your
The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. But
thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus
Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is
not in vain in the Lord.
Instead of the foregoing passage from 1 Corinthians 15, one or more of the
following may be substituted as the occasion may require:
Ecclesiastes 12:1-7:
Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before
the difficult days come, and the years draw near when you say,I have no
pleasure in them”: While the sun and the light, the moon and the stars,
are not darkened, and the clouds do not return after the rain; in the day
when the keepers of the house tremble, and the strong men bow down;
when the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look through
the windows grow dim; when the doors are shut in the streets, and the
sound of grinding is low; when one rises up at the sound of a bird, and all
the daughters of music are brought low; also when they are afraid of
height, and of terrors in the way; when the almond tree blossoms, the
grasshopper is a burden, and desire fails. For man goes to his eternal
home, and the mourners go about the streets.
Remember your Creator before the silver cord is loosed, or the
golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher shattered at the fountain, or the
wheel broken at the well. Then the dust will return to the earth as it was,
and the spirit will return to God who gave it.
Psalm 27:
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The
Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the
wicked came against me to eat up my flesh, my enemies and foes, they
stumbled and fell. Though an army should encamp against me, my heart
shall not fear; though war should rise against me, in this I will be confident.
One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may
dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty
of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple. For in the time of trouble He
shall hide me in His pavilion; in the secret place of His tabernacle He shall
hide me; He shall set me high upon a rock.
And now my head shall be lifted up above my enemies all around
me; therefore I will offer sacrifices of joy in His tabernacle; I will sing, yes,
I will sing praises to the Lord.
Here, O Lord, when I cry with my voice! Have mercy also upon
me, and answer me. When You said, “Seek My face,my heart said to
You, Your face, Lord, I will seek.” Do not hide Your face from me; do
not turn Your servant away in anger; You have been my help; do not leave
me nor forsake me, O God of my salvation. When my father and my
mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me.
Teach me Your way, O Lord, and lead me in a smooth path,
because of my enemies. Do not deliver me to the will of my adversaries;
for false witnesses have risen against me, and such as breathe out violence.
I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness
of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; be of good courage,
and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!
Revelation 22:1-5:
And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal,
proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the middle of
its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore
twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves
of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no
more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and
His servants shall serve Him. They shall see His face, and His name
shall be on their foreheads. And there shall be no night there: they
need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light.
And they shall reign forever and ever.
Almighty and most merciful God, our heavenly Father, the
consolation of the sorrowful and the support of the stricken, who does
not willingly afflict the children of men, look in pity, we beseech you,
on all upon whom You have laid your afflicting hand, and, in the
multitude of Your tender mercies, be pleased to uphold and comfort
them in the day of their trial and distress. Grant us all grace that we
may lay to heart the lesson of this solemn providence, and work while
the day lasts, knowing that the night comes, when no man can work;
and that we may set our affections on things that are in heaven, and
not on things that are on the earth. Enable us to live by faith in the Son
of God, that when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, we also may
appear with Him in glory.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Lamb of God, which takes
away the sin of the world, to whom shall we go but to You? You have
the words of eternal life. You who were a Man of Sorrows and
acquainted with grief, have pity upon those who cry unto You. When
our eyes grow dim in the shadows of death, and we pass through the
deep waters, by Your agony and bloody sweat, and by Your death on
Calvary, we beseech You to remember us. O You who have saved us
forsake us not in the trying hour; You who has vanquished death, give
us the victory, and bring us to Your own everlasting rest in the
assembly of Your saints on high.
O God, the Holy Ghost, author of light and life and truth,
inspire our souls with hope through the Gospel of our Lord Jesus
Christ, imparting the benefits of His atonement, and the power of His
all-sufficient grace. Release us from our sins; fill us with the fruits of
Your own indwelling, and form us anew in the image of God. Help us
now, O blessed Comforter; heal our wounded spirits and do not
despise our broken and contrite hearts.
O God the Father, God the Son, and god the Holy Spirit,
Triune Jehovah, have mercy upon us, Your servants, as we wait
before You: and hear our prayer. Be pleased graciously to attend
to our humble requests, and to do for us all that we need,
glorifying Yourself by us both in this present world, and in that
which is to come: all of which we ask through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.
Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your
kingdom come. Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we
forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but
deliver us from the evil one: For Yours is the kingdom, and the
power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God,
and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Amen.
After which the service may be concluded with a hymn. For service at the
grave, see Appendix E.
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Let the service begin with the reading of the whole or a part of the following
selections from Scripture:
May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble; may the
name of the God of Jacob defend you; may He send you help from
the sanctuary, and strengthen you out of Zion (Psalm 20:1-1).
Man who is born of a woman is of few days, and full of
trouble. He comes forth like a flower, and fades away; he flees like
a shadow and does not continue (Job 14:1).
The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be
the name of the Lord (Job 1:21).
Come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and
I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).
Father of mercies, God of all grace, ever comforting us by the
tender assurance of Your love for all those whom you chasten, be near
to us now in this hour of sorrow, as we come to cast our care upon You,
and seek the strength and consolation You only can impart.
As a father pities His children, so do You pity those who sit
before You, smitten and afflicted. As one whom his mother comforts,
do You comfort them, and so sanctify to them this sorrow that theirs
may be everlasting consolation.
O You who leads Joseph like a flock, who knows Your own
sheep by name as they follow You, carrying the lambs in Your arms and
folding them in Your bosom, it is not Your will that one of these little
ones should perish. When You do send your messenger, like a gentle
shepherd, to lead them into the heavenly pastures, may bereaved
parents hear the voice which says, Let the little children come to Me
and do not forbid them” (Matthew 19:14). Fill them with resignation
to Your will; give them the consolations of Your Spirit, and grant that,
through Your grace, this chastening may be for their profit, that, being
made partakers of Your holiness, they may be prepared for everlasting
blessedness in that world where, after the separations and sorrows of
this life, they may be forever with one another and with the Lord,
through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Savior.
The minister may read the whole or a part of the following selections:
Psalm 23:
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie
down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores
my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His names sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear
no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You
anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy
shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the
Lord forever.
2 Samuel 12:16-23:
David therefore pleaded with God for the child, and David
fasted and went in and lay all night on the ground. So the elders of his
house arose and went to him, to raise him up from the ground. But he
would not, nor did he eat food with them. Then on the seventh day it
came to pass that the child died. And the servants of David were afraid
to tell him that the child was dead. For they said, Indeed, while the
child was still alive, we spoke to him, and he would not heed our voice.
How can we tell him that the child is dead? He may do some harm!
When David saw that his servants were whispering, David perceived
that the child was dead. Therefore David said to his servants, Is the
child dead? And they said, “He is dead. So David arose from the
ground, washed and anointed himself, and changed his clothes; and he
went into the house of the Lord and worshiped. Then he went to his own
house; and when he requested, they set food before him, and he ate.
Then his servants said to him, “What is this that you have done? You
fasted and wept for the child while he was alive, but when the child died,
you arose and ate food?” So he said, While the child was still alive, I
fasted and wept; for I said, Who can tell whether the Lord will be
gracious to me, that the child may live?’ But now he is dead; why
should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he
shall not return to me.
Isaiah 51:12, 66:13:
I, even I, am He who comforts you. . . .As one whom his mother
comforts, so I will comfort you.
John 13:7:
What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know
after this.
Hebrews 12:5-7, 11-12:
My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be
discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; for whom the Lord loves
He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives. If you endure
chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom
a father does not chasten? . . . Now no chastening seems to be joyful for
the present, but grievous; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable
fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Therefore
strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees.
Romans 8:15-18:
For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but
you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, Abba,
Father.” The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are
children of God, and if children, then heirs--heirs of God and joint heirs
with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified
together. For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not
worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
John 14:1-2:
Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also
in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I
would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and
prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that
where I am, there you may be also.
Isaiah 40:1, 11:
Comfort, comfort My people, says your God. . . .He shall feed
his flock like a shepherd; He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and
carry them in His bosom.
Mark 10:13-16:
Then they brought young children to Him, that He might touch
them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But when
Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little
children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom
of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom
of God as a little child will by no means enter it. And He took them up
in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them.
Matthew 18:10-14:
Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say
to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is
in heaven. For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. What
do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray,
does he not leave the ninety-nine and go to the mountains to seek the one
that is straying? And if he should find it, assuredly, I say to you, he rejoices
more over that sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray.
Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these
little ones should perish.
Revelation 7:15-17:
Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve Him day
and night in His temple. And He who sits on the throne will dwell among
them. They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore; the sun
shall not strike them, nor any heat; for the Lamb who is in the midst of
the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters.
And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
O God, our heavenly Father, who through the blood of Your Son
has provided redemption for all Your own, we would render to You most
hearty thanks, in this our time of grief, for the sure confidence we have
that the soul of this dear child whose loss we mourn is at rest in You. Not
a sparrow falls to the ground without our Father, and those who are of
more value than many sparrows cannot die until You, who regards with
tender compassion the weakest of Your creatures, call them to Yourself.
We would not sorrow as those who have no hope, but bow in humble
submission to Your sovereign decree, and by divine grace would say,
Your will be done.
Vouchsafe unto Your servants, we beseech You, the consolations
of Your Spirit, giving us beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and
the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. May this chastisement
which now seems so grievous yield us the peaceable fruits of righteousness,
by drawing us into closer fellowship with You, that we may not set our
affections on the things of this world; but upon that blessed home above,
where all who have departed in Christ await us beyond the reach of
Shine upon our darkness, O Lord; pardon all our sins; build us
up and strengthen us in our most holy faith; and at last give us the victory
over death, bringing us in holiness and joy to Your own eternal rest.
Hear now our prayer, O God, and be pleased mercifully
to bestow the blessings which we need, for the love of Jesus Christ,
Your well-beloved Son, to whom, with You and the Holy Spirit, be
all dominion, glory and praise, world without end. Amen.
Lord’s Prayer:
Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your
kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we
forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but
deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the
power and the glory forever. Amen.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and
the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Amen.
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After the body has been lowered into the grave (or to sea), the following words
may be said:
Forasmuch as it has pleased Almighty God, in His wise
providence, to take out of this world the soul of our deceased (brother),
we therefore commit (his) body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to
ashes, dust to dust: awaiting the hour when all who are in the graves
will hear the voice of the Son of God, and come forth,those who have
done good, to the resurrection of life and those who have done evil, to
the resurrection of condemnation (John 5:29).
But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning
those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have not
hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will
bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus (1 Thessalonians 4:13-14).
Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me,Write:
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ Yes, says
the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow
them(Revelation 14:13).
Almighty God, who has sanctified the grave by Your Sons rest
therein, and by His glorious resurrection has brought life and immortality
to light, accept, we pray, our unfeigned thanks for the victory which He
has obtained for us and for all who sleep in Him, and keep us who are still
in the body, in everlasting fellowship with all that wait for You on earth,
and with all that are around You in heaven, in union with Him who is the
resurrection and the life, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy
Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
O Merciful God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the
resurrection and the life; in whom whosoever believes, shall live, though
he die; and whosoever lives and believes in Him, shall not die eternally;
who also has taught us, by His holy Apostle Paul, not to be sorry, as men
without hope, for those who sleep in Him; we humbly beseech You, O
Father, to raise us from the death of sin unto the life of righteousness; that
when we shall depart this life, we may rest in Him; and that, at the general
resurrection in the last day, we may be found acceptable in Your sight;
and receive that blessing, which Your well-beloved Son shall then
pronounce to all who love and fear You, saying, Come, blessed children
of my Father, receive the kingdom prepared for you from the beginning
of the world. Grant this, we beseech You O merciful Father, through
Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Redeemer. Amen.
This prayer is from John Knox's Liturgy.
Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus
from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the
blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every
good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in
His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and
ever. Amen (Hebrews 13:20-21).
The congregation shall stand, and the following portions from the Psalter shall
be read by the presiding minister and the people responsively, or, if desired,
by the minister alone.
Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the Lord with
gladness; come before His presence with singing. Know that the Lord, He
is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people
and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and
into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For
the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all
generations (Psalm 100).
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go into the house of the Lord.”
Our feet have been standing within your gates, O Jerusalem! Jerusalem is
built as a city that is compact together, where the tribes go up, the tribes of
the Lord, to the Testimony of Israel, to give thanks to the name of the Lord.
For thrones are set there for judgment, the thrones of the house of David.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you. Peace
be within your walls, prosperity within your palaces. For the sake of my
brethren and companions, I will now say, “Peace be within you.” Because
of the house of the Lord our God I will seek your good (Psalm 122).
How lovely is Your tabernacle, O Lord of Hosts! My soul longs, yes,
even faints for the court of the Lord; my hear and my flesh cry out for the
living God. Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest
for herself, where she may lay her young -- even Your altars, O Lord of
hosts, my King and my God. Blessed are those who dwell in Your house;
they will still be praising You. ... For a day in Your courts is better than a
thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than
dwell in the tents of wickedness (Psalm 84:1-4, 10).
The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who
dwell therein. For He has founded it upon the seas, and established it upon
the waters. Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand
in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not
lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing
from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is
Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, who seek Your face. Selah.
Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors!
And the King of glory shall come in. Who is the King of glory? The Lord
strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you
gates! And lift them up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall
come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of
glory. Selah (Psalm 24).
The minister shall say:
Beloved in the lord, we are gathered to consecrate and set
apart this house for the worship of the one living and true God.
Let us therefore dedicate this place to its proper and sacred uses.
Then the minister and the people shall say responsively:
To You, God and Father of Jesus Christ, our Lord:
We dedicate this house.
To You, eternal Son of God, Redeemer of Your people and
Head of they church:
We dedicate this house.
To You, Spirit of God, lord and giver of life, our teacher,
sanctifier and comforter:
We dedicate this house.
For the worship of God in praise and prayer;
For the preaching of the gospel of the grace of God;
For the celebration of the holy Sacraments:
We dedicate this house.
For the diffusion of sacred knowledge;
For the promotion of righteousness;
For the extension of the kingdom of God:
We dedicate this house.
For release of the captives;
For recovering of sight to the blind;
For rest to the heavy laden:
We dedicate this house.
For comfort to those who mourn;
For strength to those who are tempted;
For assurance to those of little faith:
We dedicate this house.
For the sanctifying of the family;
For the nurture of the young;
For the perfection of believers:
We dedicate this house.
In gratitude for the gracious keeping of the divine
covenant throughout past generations;
In reliance upon the promise that the gates of hell shall not
prevail against the church;
In the hope of the eternal glory of the Church Triumphant:
We dedicate this house.
Then the minister shall say:
Beloved in the Lord, seeing that it has pleased Almighty
God to prosper us in our undertaking to build (or secure) a house
for His worship, let us now invoke upon it His abiding blessing, to
the end that pure apostolic doctrine and order may be maintained
herein, and that the Holy Spirit may make His own ordinances
effectual. In so doing let us reverently set this house apart for
these sacred uses with prayer and supplication.
Let us pray:
Almighty and everlasting God, maker of heaven and earth,
who dwells in the high and holy place, with Him also who is of contrite
and humble spirit, we adore You for Your manifold perfections, for
the infinite majesty and glorious beauty of Your being, and for the
truthfulness and sanctity of Your divine revelation.
We give thanks unto You for Your infinite mercies to us, and,
in particular, for the gift of Your Son to be our Saviour. We praise
You for the Church of God, of which He is the only Head and King
and of which we are humble and unfaithful members. We
acknowledge that we are not worthy to receive from Your hand the
blessings of Your common grace; and especially do we recognize the
abundance of Your great goodness in granting to us, through Your
particular grace, membership in the Church Universal, the mystical
Body of Christ.
You have put it into our hearts to prepare this house of
worship where men may gather in Your service. We earnestly beseech
You that You will watch over and protect this place which we have
dedicated in Your name. We ask that here may be preached only the
pure Gospel of the free grace of God. May all that is proclaimed be
firmly grounded upon the unchanging foundation of Holy Scripture.
Grant that no portion of Your sacred revelation to man may be
neglected but that Your servants who minister here shall give to all its
parts that due regard which will exhibit its majesty and scope. We
pray that by the favor of Your Spirit sinners may in this house be
converted unto You, and that the saints of God, the members of Your
holy body, may be built up and edified by the proclamation of Your
matchless Word.
May the Holy Spirit of God, the third person of the blessed
Trinity ever be present to guide, illumine and inform those who teach
here. May He prepare the hearts of the hearers to receive with
meekness the instruction which is presented, so that their lives may
show forth the wonders of His grace and truly adorn the doctrine of
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Bless this Your house that it may serve without surcease
the extension of the kingdom of God. Teach us to look for the
return of the Lord of glory that we shall be quickened day by day
in our present service of Him, and shall be always prepared to
greet Him and to enter in with Him to the marriage supper of the
Lamb, forever to dwell in that holy city where there is no candle
neither light of the sun for the Lamb is the light thereof.
Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who
alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen (1
Timothy 1:17).
An offering to the Lord may then be received.
After the singing of an appropriate psalm or hymn, a sermon shall be preached.
In the name of the Presbyterian Church in America
____________________ (title of the trial judicatory) charges
___________________ with ______________ (name the alleged offense):
_________________________ (give references to applicable portions of the
Word of God, and, where pertinent, to relevant provisions of the Constitution),
against the peace, unity and purity of the Church, and the honor and majesty
of the Lord Jesus Christ, as the King and Head thereof.
Specifications: That on or about _____________ the said
___________________ did __________________ (set forth briefly the place
and circumstances of the alleged offense).
Witnesses and/or Documents: ____________________________
(set forth the names of witnesses and/or titles of documents to be produced in
support of the charge and specifications).
Date: ___________________________
You are hereby cited to appear before ________________, meeting
on ______ at _____ o’clock at _________, then and there to hear and receive
certain charges and specifications which have been preferred against you by
___________________ (here insert the title of the trial judicatory) of the
Presbyterian Church in America.
(In the case of a second citation, add the appropriate warning
prescribed by BCO 32-6.)
By order of ______________ (insert the title of the trial judicatory) of
the Presbyterian Church in America.
Date: ____________________
To __________:
You are hereby cited to appear before _____________, meeting on
_______ at ________ o’clock, at ______________, then and there to give
evidence in the trial of ____________ (here insert the name of the accused.)
(In the case of a second citation of a witness who has failed to appear
after one citation, add the warning prescribed in BCO 32-6.)
By order of ___________ (here insert the title of the trial judicatory)
of the Presbyterian Church in America.
_____________________________________ (Moderator)
Date: ___________________
To __________, Clerk of __________________ (here insert the title
of the judicatory form which the appeal is to be taken) of the Presbyterian
Church in America.
And now, this _______________ day of ____________, A.D.
___________, comes _________________________ and gives notice of
intention to appeal to ___________________ from the judgment of
_________________ in the case of ___________________ (here insert the
name of the accused).
Date: ___________________
To _________________, Clerk (or Moderator) of
__________________ (here insert the title of the judicatory to which the
appeal is taken) of the Presbyterian Church in America.
And now, this _____________ day of _____________, A.D.
__________________________, comes __________________________ and
appeals from the judgment of ________________________________ in the
case of _________ (here insert the name of the accused), and in support of said
appeal sets forth the following specifications of error:
__________________________ (Here insert the title of the judicatory
from which the appeal is taken) of the Presbyterian Church in America erred
in ____________________________________________(here state concisely
the error alleged to have been made).
(Additional specifications of error may be filed).
_______________________________________ Appellant
Date: ________________________________
To _____________, Clerk of _______________(here insert the title
of the judicatory to which the complaint is taken) of the Presbyterian Church
in America.
And now, this ___________ day of _____________, A.D.
_________, comes ____________________ and complains against the action
(or delinquency) of _____________ in connection with ___________ (here
state briefly the matter of which complaint is made), and in support of said
complaint sets forth the following reasons:
(Here set forth concisely in numbered paragraphs the reasons for the
__________________________________, Complainant
Date: ____________________________
1. These procedures are suggested when a Presbytery, as an appellate
court, decides that an appeal or complaint arising from a Session is in order,
and in accordance with BCO 15, chooses to appoint a Judicial Commission to
hear the case. The Presbytery Stated Clerk shall promptly notify the parties of
the names of the Commission members and the initial contact information.
(See flowchart.)
2. A hearing shall not be conducted until the Commission determines that
the Record of the Case is complete (perfected), the parties have had
opportunity to file briefs, and the members of the Commission have had
adequate time to read the Record and all briefs.
3. The convener or chairman of the Commission shall convene the first
meeting within 10 days of the Presbytery meeting at which the Commission
was appointed. This meeting may be held the same day Presbytery appoints
the Commission. At this convening meeting the Commission shall elect its
chairman and secretary, unless Presbytery had previously appointed them. In
addition to other preliminary matters, the Commission may discuss potential
dates for a hearing and the current status of the Record. The chairman shall
promptly notify the parties of all addresses necessary for filing purposes.
4. Conference calls are acceptable for all Commission meetings other
than the hearing. This includes the meetings to: 1) convene the Commission,
2) resolve disputes on the Record, 3) adopt a Judgment, and 4) adopt a written
decision and approve minutes.
5. At its discretion and with the consent of both parties, the Commission
may decide to accept email, fax or similar means for filings after establishing
procedures to confirm the date that a document is filed and received.
6. Record of the Case After the Commission is appointed, the Presbytery Stated
Clerk shall promptly ensure delivery of the Record to each Commission member and
to all parties to the case. It shall be delivered to the appellant/ complainant in person or
in some other manner providing verification of the date of receipt. If the
appellant/complainant believes the Record is incomplete or incorrect,
he shall, within 14 days of receiving such Record, file written notice with the
Commission and with the Session (clerk or respondent). Such notice shall
specify the alleged defects and suggestions for corrections. Failure to file a
timely objection will constitute acceptance of the Record. Within 14 days of
receiving such written notice, the Session shall file a written response with the
Commission and with the appellant/complainant. The chairman shall
promptly send to the commissioners the notice of objection and the Session’s
response. If no objection is filed, the parties are considered to have received
the perfected Record on the day they received the original Record.
7. Resolving Disputes on the Record - If the Session agrees to any
suggested correction, the Record shall be revised accordingly. If the Session
does not agree to a suggested correction, the Commission shall consider the
written arguments of both parties and rule whether the change(s) should be
made. This ruling shall be made within 14 days of when the Commission
received the Session’s response and the chairman shall promptly notify the
parties of the ruling. If the original Record is revised, the chairman shall
ensure both parties receive the perfected Record and the date of its receipt shall
be recorded. In this event, the chairman shall also ensure the commissioners
receive copies of the revision.
8. Filing Briefs - After the Record has been perfected, the parties may
file briefs with the Commission. Such briefs are optional and additional to the
notice of appeal/complaint (BCO 42-4, 43-3) and to the Session’s initial
response (BCO 42-5, 43-6).
1. The appellant/complainant’s brief shall be filed no later than 14
days after he receives the perfected Record (or the original Record
if undisputed.) The Commission will immediately send this brief
to the Session and the delivery date shall be recorded. The
chairman will promptly send this brief to the commissioners.
2. The Session’s brief shall be filed no later than 28 days after it
receives the perfected Record (or the original Record if
undisputed) or 14 days after it receives the
appellant/complainant’s brief, whichever is later. The
Commission will immediately send this brief to the
appellant/complainant. The chairman will promptly send this
brief to the commissioners.
3. The Commission should not schedule the hearing for sooner than
42 days after the date the parties receive the perfected Record (or
the original Record if undisputed), unless both parties, in writing,
waive their right to file briefs.
4. The briefs shall include the party’s position with regard to: a
summary of the facts, a summary of the proceedings before the
Session, a proposed statement of the issue(s), the proposed
judgment & relief, and the argument in favor of judgment & relief.
5. No brief shall make reference to any evidence not already part of
the perfected Record. The Commission may, at its discretion,
strike the part of any brief that makes such reference. Parties may
petition the Commission to strike any alleged new evidence from
a brief. At the same time, briefs may mention and the Commission
may take judicial notice of facts not subject to reasonable dispute.
6. A brief is limited to 10 pages. It must be typewritten on 8 ½ x 11-
inch paper, with 1-inch margins on all sides, and no smaller than
10-point type. Any brief that does not meet these standards of
form shall be returned to the sending party with reasons. If this
occurs, a revised brief may be submitted, provided such brief is
filed with the Commission within 5 days of when the party
received notification that the brief did not meet the standard of
9. Before the hearing begins, the chairman shall call the members of the
Commission to order and he shall:
1. Open the meeting with prayer and certify a quorum is present.
2. Ask each member individually if he has read the Record and all
briefs. Any member who cannot affirm such is disqualified from
deliberating and voting.
3. Remind the members to disregard all evidence not in the Record,
even though such evidence may be found in the briefs of the
parties or in oral argument.
4. Read to the members the four principles adopted as Standards of
Review in BCO 39-3.
10. During the hearing:
1. Before arguments begin, commissioners may question the parties
on any matter before the court.
2. The arguments shall be heard in the following order: 1) the
appellant/complainant opens, 2) the Session responds, and 3) the
appellant/complainant closes. Each party should be present to
hear the arguments of the other.
3. A party shall have a maximum of 30 minutes to argue his case.
For the appellant/complainant, these 30 minutes are inclusive of
both his opening and closing arguments. He may divide that time
as he chooses.
4. At any time during which a party is presenting an argument, a
commissioner may ask questions of that party. The time taken for
such questions shall not form a part of the argument time of the
party questioned.
11. Judgment - As soon as possible after hearing oral arguments, the
Commission shall go into closed session and discuss the issues in the case. In
that discussion, the Commission may frame the issues and vote on a Judgment.
Or, the Commission may adjourn and reconvene within the next 10 days, as
often as necessary, to do so.
12. Written Decision - After the Judgment is adopted, the chairman shall
designate a member who voted with the majority to draft the written decision.
If the chairman did not vote in the majority, the majority will select their own
drafter. The decision shall contain four parts:
1. Summary of Facts (chronological summary of relevant history and
facts bearing on case)
2. Statement of the Issue(s) (concise framing by the court of specific
issue(s) being judged in case)
3. Judgment (definite conclusion rendered on the specific issue(s)
being adjudged)
4. Reasoning and Opinion (reasons for judgment rendered and
resolution of any disputed facts)
The drafter of the decision shall send it to the commissioners promptly enough
so that within 21 days of adopting the Judgment, the Commission shall adopt
a written decision and approve the minutes of its meetings. Any Commission
member may file a concurring or dissenting opinion.
13. Reporting Within 42 days after the hearing, the Commission shall
file its report with the Presbytery Stated Clerk. In addition, any commissioner
writing a concurring or dissenting opinion shall file it with the Presbytery
Stated Clerk within 42 days after the hearing. The Commission’s report shall
include the following:
1. Commission’s written decision, including the vote.
2. Minutes of the meetings of the Commission.
3. Briefs of the Parties
4. Record of the Case as perfected
14. Distribution The Presbytery Stated Clerk shall promptly forward to
both parties a copy of the Commission’s decision and any concurring or
dissenting opinions. The Stated Clerk shall send the same to the members of
the Presbytery, in sufficient time for them to review prior to voting on the
Commission’s judgment.
15. For the purposes of computing times, the day of the act or event from
which a designated period of time begins shall not be included. The last day
of the period shall be included, unless it is a Saturday, Sunday or postal
holiday, in which case the period extends until the end of the next day which
is not a Saturday, Sunday or postal holiday. “Filing” shall not be timely unless
the documents are received by the appropriate party within the time fixed for
such filing. “Received” shall be when the documents are actually delivered to
the party.
16. The Commission may extend any of the deadline dates in this
Appendix, or page limits for briefs, upon its determination that so doing is
required in the interest of justice.
SUMMARY This procedure would only apply to a Presbytery Judicial
Commission acting as an appellate court. This procedure does not apply if a
Presbytery chooses to hear any case as a whole body. Furthermore, Presbytery
would still need to vote on adopting any judgment of its Judicial Commission.
These procedures provide three distinct six-week (42 day) periods:
1. Resolving any disputes on the Record
2. Filing, distributing and reading briefs
3. Conducting hearing, deliberating and filing full report with Stated
Long Process If the Record is disputed, and the parties choose to file briefs,
and the full time is taken for all deadlines, the Commission might not file its
final report with the Stated Clerk until four months (126 days) after the
Presbytery meeting at which it was appointed. However, if the full time is not
taken for all deadlines, the Commission may be able to file its report in time
for consideration at the next Presbytery meeting, even if the Record is disputed
and briefs are filed.
Medium Process If either the Record is not disputed or the parties waive their
right to file briefs, and the full time is taken for all deadlines, a Commission
should file its final report within 84 days (12 weeks). In most Presbyteries,
this should be in time for the next meeting.
Short Process If the Record is not disputed, and the parties waive their right
to file briefs, the Commission should file its report within 42 days of the
hearing, which could be held as soon as the Commissioners have read the
Record. This scenario would also result in Presbytery considering the
Commission’s report at the next Presbytery meeting.
Commission Rules on Disputed Record
Concurring/Dissenting Opinions
Filed with Stated Clerk
Presbytery Clerk Forwards Decision to Parties and Presbyters
Parties Receive Original Record from Presbytery Clerk
Presbytery Appoints Commission
Session Files Response
If desired, Session Files Brief
14 days
14 days
14 days
If desired, Appellant Files Brief
If desired, Session Files Brief
14 days
14 days
14 days
10 days
42 days
84 days
Appendix H Chapter 44 Procedures
Commission Adopts W ritten Decision
21 days
14 days
14 days
Commission Adopts Judgment
42 days 42 days
10 days
Appellant Accepts Record
& if desired, Files Brief with
Presbytery and Session
If desired, Appellant Files
Objection to Record with
Presbytery and Session
Commission Files Full
Report with Stated Clerk
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When the 30
General Assembly approved including Appendix I, Biblical
Conflict Resolution, in the BCO, it was approved “as a non-binding
informational Appendix to the BCO(M30GA, 2002, page 297, item 30-62,
recommendation 14). Appendix I, has no binding constitutional authority.
As we continue to seek to become a church holy before God, the manner in
which we respond to sin and conflicts in the body, and gently shepherd those
caught in sin, will reflect our commitment to the authority of God’s Word and
the spirit of love, which should define all of our actions and relationships.
Biblical peacemaking is one of God’s highest priorities (Matt. 5:23-24; Rom.
12:18; Gal. 6:1); therefore, it must be one of our highest priorities. The Book
of Church Order (BCO) reflects our commitment to following God’s
procedure for reclaiming those going astray. It says, “Scriptural law is the
basis of all discipline because it is the revelation of God’s Holy will. Proper
disciplinary principles are set forth in the Scriptures and must be followed”
(BCO 27-5). It also says, “An injured party shall not become a prosecutor of
personal offenses without having tried the means of reconciliation and of
reclaiming the offender, required by Christ” (BCO 31-5). The purpose of this
Appendix is to provide guidance through the steps of biblical peacemaking
required as pre-conditions to judicial process in cases of personal offense (BCO
31-5), and for use whenever possible in cases of general offense (BCO 31-7).
Each presbytery should endeavor to have several elders trained in the methods
of “Christian conciliation” (including mediation and arbitration), and available
to serve as Christian conciliators in cases that could and should be resolved
privately before judicial process is initiated. We would do well to follow the
wisdom of those who have considered the importance of this matter. For
example, Elder Edmund Clowney states, “ not first an exercise
of negative judgment, a matter of church courts and censures. It begins with
the care of friends with whom we strive to follow Christ” (Clowney, E.P., The
Church, IVP, 1995).
BCO 27-5 outlines the proper principles for the exercise of church discipline.
This BCO section emphasizes that the steps indicated, (a) through (d), must be
followed in proper order. The steps are:
a) Instruction in the Word;
b) An individual’s responsibility to admonish one another (Matt. 18:15; Gal.
c) If the admonition is rejected, then the calling of one or more witnesses
(Matt. 18:16);
d) If rejection persists, then the church must act through her court unto
admonition, suspension, excommunication and deposition.
This Appendix addresses the first three steps, (a) through (c), by providing an
expanded discussion of the implications raised by Scriptural direction for a
complete process at each step. Step (d), formal church discipline, is addressed
by Part II of the Book of Church Order, The Rules of Discipline.
1. The first step - Instruction in the Word.
Many Christians do not fully understand the emphasis God places on living at
peace and in unity with others (Eph. 4: 3). Preaching and teaching should
regularly address this emphasis and the purposes for church discipline as set
forth in BCO 27-3 and BCO 27-4. Attention should be drawn to the fact that
the main procedural passage related to church discipline, Matthew 18:15-20,
is set forth in the context of two powerful parables teaching the extent and
depth of God’s love in reclaiming those who have strayed (Matt. 18:10-14),
and the vast measure of His forgiveness and the expansive forgiveness He
expects from His children toward one another (Matt. 18:21-35). The extent of
instruction on reconciliation provided to church members in “new member
classes” and regular preaching from the pulpit will have a significant bearing
on the extent to which a church member understands the benefits of church
discipline and has consented to ecclesiastical jurisdiction (which is helpful for
the church if it is to avoid legal liability for the proper exercise of church
Teaching God’s Word concerning sin, and conflicts that result from it, and
how Christians should respond biblically to conflict, will equip church
members to become peacemakers themselves. Peacemaking has always been
one of a Christian’s most important ministries. As we are reminded in 2
Corinthians 5:18, God “reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us
the ministry of reconciliation.” One of the most powerful ways that we can
encourage reconciliation with God is to model reconciliation among people.
When others see us resolve our differences in a loving and biblical manner,
they are inclined to give more weight to what we say about the Lord (John
13:34-35; 17:20-23). On the other hand, when they see Christians embroiled
in disputes, they tend to write God’s people off as hypocrites and dismiss the
claims of Christ (Rom. 2:21-24; 1 Cor. 6:1-8).
The Bible sets forth a process for resolving personal and substantive disputes
in a constructive manner. This process is sometimes referred to as “Christian
conciliation” and it may be used to resolve everything from minor personal
differences to church divisions or lawsuits involving church members. As
indicated in passages such as Proverbs 19:11, Matthew 5:23-25 and 18:15-20,
1 Corinthians 6:1-8, and Galatians 6:1, conciliation involves three basic steps:
(1) when Christians are involved in a conflict that is too serious to
overlook, the first thing that they should do is meet together privately and in
person to try to resolve their differences; (2) if this effort is unsuccessful, they
should ask one or more other Christians to meet with them and help them to
seek reconciliation and a voluntary settlement of their differences (a process
sometimes referred to as mediation); and (3) if they cannot arrive at a voluntary
settlement, they should ask one or more other Christians to hear both sides of
the matter and render a biblically based decision that both sides are obligated
to accept (a process sometimes referred to as arbitration).
There are many benefits to resolving disputes through Christian conciliation.
It prevents a public quarrel that would dishonor the Lord Jesus Christ and
diminish the credibility and witness of His Church. Conciliation also allows
Christians to demonstrate their faith in Christ and their confidence in His
teachings (John 13:34; 14:15; 17:20-23). In addition, conciliation encourages
forgiveness and promotes reconciliation, which can help to preserve valuable
relationships and strengthen the Church (Eph. 4:29-32; Col. 3:12-17).
Conciliation also helps people to identify and deal with the root causes of
conflict, which may include such things as pride, selfishness, fear, vengeance,
greed, bitterness, or unforgiveness (see Matt. 7:3-5). This allows people to
make changes in their lives so that they will enjoy more peaceful relationships
in the future (Eph. 4:1-3, 22-24).
Christian conciliation is especially beneficial for people who sincerely want to
do what is right and are open to learning where they have been wrong (Prov.
15:31-32). Conciliators can help them to identify improper attitudes or unwise
practices, to understand more fully the effects of their decision and actions,
and to make improvements in their lives that will help them to honor and serve
the Lord more effectively in the future (1 Peter 2:12).
Teaching and Ruling elders are encouraged to learn all they can about
Christian conciliation and develop local ministries that will equip members
under their care to respond to conflicts in a manner that reflects the power of
Christ working in their lives. The more church members understand these
concepts and benefits, the more likely they will be to apply biblical principles
when conflicts occur.
2. The second step - An individual’s responsibility to admonish another
(Matt. 18:15; Gal. 6:1).
Scripture warns against making a premature judgment about a matter (Matt.
7:1-5). By first going personally and in private to those who have offended,
we provide the opportunity for clarification of misunderstandings and avoid
premature judgment. This step includes the three responses of personal
peacemaking as follows:
Overlook an offense: An individual may overlook an offense of another if it
is minor in nature and it has not significantly dishonored God, damaged a
personal relationship, or hurt other people (including the offender). “A man’s
wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense” (Prov.
Discussion: When personal wrongs are too serious to overlook, the parties are
required to seek to resolve them privately through loving confrontation and
confession. “If your brother has something against you...go and be reconciled”
(Matt. 5:23-24). “If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault,
just between the two of you” (Matt. 18:15).
Negotiation: When a substantive issue related to money, property, or other
material issues or rights divides Christians, a process of biblical negotiation
should be followed that will meet the interests of all those involved. “Each of
you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of
others” (Phil. 2:4).
Privately responding to conflict early, before it escalates, through the means
of these three forms of personal peacemaking will often result in reconciliation
and no need for further peacemaking attention. Successful personal
peacemaking is usually based on at least one parties’ willingness to accept
responsibility for how they have contributed to the conflict and by being
willing to humble themselves for the greater goal of God’s glory through
“making every effort” (Eph. 4:3) to keep the unity of the spirit.
3. The third step - If private admonition is rejected, then calling of one or
more witnesses (Matt. 18:16; 1 Cor. 6:1-9).
Involving others is a serious escalation of a conflict and should be considered
only after the elements of step two have been fully exhausted. Step three
includes the three assisted peacemaking responses as follows:
Mediation: If a dispute cannot be resolved through personal peacemaking, the
parties should ask one or more other Christians to meet with them to help the
parties communicate more effectively and explore possible solutions. The
mediators may give advice but have no power to impose solutions. They may
later act as witnesses in formal church disciplinary proceedings, should
mediation fail due to hardness of heart or the unrepentant sin of one or both
parties. “If he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that every matter
may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” (Matt. 18:16).
Arbitration: When two parties to a conflict cannot come to a voluntary
agreement on a substantive issue, one or more arbitrators may be appointed to
listen to the arguments and evidence of each side and render a binding
decision. “If you have disputes about such matters, appoint as judges even
men of little account in the church” (1 Cor. 6:1-8).
Church Discipline: Formal church discipline, pursuant to the procedures of
BCO Part II, is reserved for those cases where the person who professes to be
a Christian refuses to be reconciled, repent of personal sin, and do what is right.
Church leaders bearing ecclesiastical jurisdiction over such persons should
formally intervene to promote justice, repentance, and forgiveness. “If he
refuses to listen, tell it to the church” (Matt. 18:17-20).
Judicial cases that come to the attention of church courts frequently begin as
personal disputes between two or more individuals. Typically, when one side
feels they are not getting what they want, they bring charges of sin against the
other side. In this manner, sessions and presbyteries are drawn into conflicts
that would better be resolved at a personal level through Christian conciliation.
Of course, when conflicted parties refuse to be reconciled, the accountability
afforded by formal church discipline should be used to further the goals of
purity in the Church, the rebuke of offenses, the removal of scandal, and the
spiritual good of offenders (1 Cor. 5:5). Every effort should be made,
however, to resolve the conflict through repentance, confession, forgiveness
and reconciliation before formal charges are entertained by a church court.
The intent of the relevant BCO provisions is to encourage Christian unity
before the formal provisions of church discipline are brought to bear on a
situation. Of course, not every situation will lend itself to Christian
conciliation. However, every effort should be made to utilize private
confrontation, mediation, and arbitration in order to
reserve the use of formal church discipline, and the time of church courts, for
those matters related to the purity of the Church and the keeping and
reclaiming of disobedient sinners (BCO 27-3). Many of these ends will be
realized through the processes of Christian conciliation and, therefore, should
be viewed as prerequisite procedures to the formal disciplinary process.
Churches unwilling or unable to instruct their members completely in the full
breadth of the steps of conciliation and discipline encourage resorting to
unbiblical, worldly responses to conflict. The escape responses of denial,
flight, and even suicide can be expected if church members are not positively
directed to the biblical processes of Christian conciliation. Others, when not
given the hope of having matters responded to within the body of Christ, will
resort to civil litigation, verbal and physical attack, and possibly even murder
to remove an opponent where there is no avenue for a just resolution.
Moving a case too quickly to formal church discipline can build barriers that
could otherwise be dealt with in mediation or arbitration. Every church and
presbytery is encouraged to equip elders and mature members with the skills
of Christian conciliation, and to exhaust conciliation processes and remedies
before moving to formal church discipline.
One significant way church members can be educated and prepared for biblical
conflict resolution is through the use of a conciliation clause in the membership
covenant or other agreement signed by new members when they join the
church. The recommended language for this clause is set forth below. It
should be noted that signing this clause cannot be made a condition for
membership, but may be encouraged as a voluntary biblical commitment. It
should be clearly offered as an optional statement for the resolution of any
disputes that may arise.
Christian Conciliation
Members are encouraged but not required to make this additional
If I ever have a dispute with the church that cannot be resolved
through its own internal procedures, I agree to resolve the dispute
according to biblical principles (such as those set forth in Matthew
5:23-25 and 18:15-20, and 1 Corinthians 6:1-8) by submitting the
matter to mediation and, if necessary, arbitration, according to the
Bylaws of this church and the Rules of Procedure of the Institute for
Christian Conciliation. I understand that arbitration is a legally
binding process, and that judgment upon an arbitration award may
be entered in any court otherwise having jurisdiction.
Dated this day of , 20____
Name (Printed) Signature
Name (Printed) Signature
Parent’s or Guardian’s Name Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature
(for minors)
The following clause is recommended for inclusion in local church bylaws to
allow the continuing ecclesiastical jurisdiction over a member who may
otherwise simply flee from the church to avoid biblical discipline:
Members may be removed from membership at their own request following
the steps of appropriate pastoral care as set forth in BCO 38-4. If a member
requests to withdraw because of specific problems or disappointments with the
church, the Session shall attempt to resolve those matters so that the member
may remain in the church and enjoy greater fruitfulness and personal spiritual
growth. If the Session is unable to resolve those matters, it shall offer to assist
the member in locating a church of like faith and practice that can respond
more effectively to his gifts and needs. If it appears to the Session that a
member has requested removal merely to avoid church discipline, that request
shall not be given effect until the disciplinary process has been properly
Use of this clause will also help the church avoid serious legal liability for
following through with all of the steps of church discipline. Members should
be informed of its provisions and carefully taught the Scriptural basis for
continuing shepherding and pastoral care especially when caught in sin (see
also BCO 38-3 and 38-4).
The courts of the church are encouraged to employ the means of
Christian conciliation whenever possible. That is, churches and presbyteries
are encouraged to defer judicial action until all other remedies have been
exhausted. Peace, unity, and the mission of the Church can be furthered
through careful and complete attention to every step of the process as set forth
in BCO 27-5 as understood through the expanded guidance concerning
Christian conciliation as set forth above.
Subject to the approval of the _______________ Presbytery, the __________ (Session, or Congregation, or Session on
behalf of the congregation) of _____________________Church in ________________________ earnestly calls you,
__________________, to undertake the office of ___________________ in our congregation, promising you, in the
discharge of your duty, all proper support, encouragement and obedience in the Lord. That you may be free from worldly
care and avocations, we hereby promise and oblige ourselves to provide you with the following:
Annual Cash Salary & Housing Allowance, paid _________ (semi-monthly,
etc.) $ __________
The amount/portion dedicated to housing allowance will be determined by
the Minister and approved by the Session before employment with the
church in this new position and shall be reviewed prior to each fiscal year.
Primary Benefits
Social Security/Medicare Allowance: ____ % of salary + housing $ __________
Medical Insurance &/or Medicare Supplement Insurance (specific $ amount) $ __________
Retirement Savings: ___ % of salary + housing $ __________
Long Term Disability Insurance: enough to replace ___% of salary + housing $ __________
Life Insurance: amount equal to ____ x (salary + housing) $ __________
Equity Allowance if Minister living in a manse $ __________
Other _______________ $ __________
Secondary Benefits
Dental Insurance $ __________
Vision Insurance $ __________
Long Term Care Insurance $ __________
Temporary Benefits
Relocation expenses reimbursed up to a maximum of: $ __________
Other _______________ __________
Miscellaneous Paid Leaves per year. (Any specific church policies are described in a separate document.)
Vacation ___ days Sick Leave ___ days
Educational Leave ___ days Paternity Leave ___ days
Sabbatical Leave accrual ___ days Funeral Leave ___ days
Any reimbursement of reasonable and necessary business expenses shall be in accord with a Session-adopted
Accountable Reimbursement Plan, with a maximum amount specified in the annual church budget.
I, having moderated the ________________________ (Session or Congregational) meeting which extended a call
to______________________________ for his ministerial services, do certify the call has been made in all respects
according to the rules in the PCA Book of Church Order and the persons who signed the call were authorized to do
so by vote of the _______________ (Session or Congregation).
(Check if applicable) ___ Authority to approve these Terms was delegated by the Congregation to the Session at a
congregational meeting on __________________ (date).
Meeting Moderator (sign) __________________________ Print name _______________________________
Position ________________________________________ Phone or e-mail ____________________________
Date of Meeting _________________________________ Vote: # Yes = ______ # No = ______
Minister-Elect (sign) ______________________________ Print name _______________________________
Send a copy to the Presbytery Clerk.
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Absentee Church Members 46-2
Accusation Cautions ...................... 31-8
Barred from the Lord’s Table .. 33-4
New testimony, new trial ....... 35-13
Not compelled to testify ........... 35-1
Original party in case of process 31-3
Plead in writing ........................ 32-3
Protection of ............................ 31-8
Refusal to appear .................... 33-2
Refusal to plead ...................... 33-2
Challenge to witness ................ 35-1
Church as accuser .................... 31-4
Original party in case of process 31-3
Testimony required .................. 35-1
Adjournment, General Assembly ... 14-8
Administration of the Lord’s Supper
............................ 58-1 thru 58-8
Administrative Committee ...... 14-1(12)
Admission to Sealing
Ordinances ............... 57-1 thru 57-6
Administered ........................... 36-3
Church censure ........................ 30-1
Definition of ........................... 30-2
Adult Non-communing Members
Oversight of church ......... 6-3, 28-4
Under care of church................ 28-5
Requested of higher courts by lower
........................................... 41-1
Subjects for reference .............. 41-2
Advisory member ........................... 9-4
Amending Constitution
Book of Church Order ............. 26-2
Confession and Catechisms ..... 26-3
Presbytery action ..................... 26-6
Abandoned ............................. 42-11
Circularizing the court ..............42-4
Decisions of higher court ......... 42-9
Definition of appellant
and appellee ....................... 42-1
Forms .......................... Appendix G
Grounds ................................... 42-3
Hearing by higher court ........... 42-8
Appeals (continued)
Litigious spirit by appellant .. 42-12
Lodging with higher court ....... 42-5
New testimony, new trial ...... 35-14
Notice of ................................. 42-6
Notice within 30 days ............. 42-4
Records of case .... 42-5, 42-7, 42-9
Who can appeal ....................... 42-2
Counsel for ................. 32-19, 42-10
Defined.................................... 42-1
Failure to appear ................... 42-11
Litigious spirit ....................... 42-12
Lodge appeal within 30 days ... 42-4
Appellate Court . (see also Appendix H)
.......................................... 40-5
Appellee Defined .......................... 42-1
Assistant pastor
Called by Session .................... 22-3
Dissolution of relationship ...... 22-4
Moderator of Session ..... 12-4, 22-3
Succeed senior pastor .............. 23-1
When senior pastor leaves ....... 23-1
Associate Membership Defined .... 46-4
Associate pastor
Called by congregation ........... 22-2
Dissolution of relationship ...... 22-4
Moderator of Session .............. 12-4
Succeed senior pastor .............. 23-1
When senior pastor leaves ....... 23-1
Adults ...................................... 57-3
Infants and children .. 56-1 thru 56-4
Record kept by Session ........... 12-8
Baptized Persons
Cared for ................................... 6-3
Disciplined .............................. 27-2
Bible Instruction for Children ....... 28-2
Biblical Conflict Resolution
................................. Appendix I
Binding Conscience ...................... 11-2
Bishop or Pastor .............................. 8-1
Book of Church Order
Amending ................................ 26-2
Composition of........................ 26-1
Budgets ................................... 9-2, 12-5
Burial Service
............ Appendices C, D and E
Call to Pastor ...................... 20-1, 20-6
Without Call ........................... 34-10
Called Meetings
Congregation .................. 20-2, 24-1
General Assembly ................... 14-3
Presbytery .............................. 13-12
Candidates for Gospel Ministry
Academic requirements ........... 21-4
Call to a definite work ............. 20-1
Christian service ...................... 18-5
Declaration and form of license 19-4
Definition ................................ 18-1
Different Presbytery may complete
examination ..................... 19-11
Dismissed to another Presbytery
.................................. 18-7, 46-6
Examination by Presbytery ..... 18-3
Examination for
licensure ............ 19-2 thru 19-4
Missionary Service ............... 20-12
Ordination .................. 19-13, 19-14
Procedure of receiving ............ 18-3
Questions for licensure ............ 19-3
Report to Presbytery yearly ..... 18-6
Supervised by Presbytery ........ 18-4
Trials for licensure .................. 19-7
Under care of Presbytery ......... 18-2
Under jurisdiction of Session .. 18-4
Cases of Process
Absence from court ............... 32-17
Accusation caution .................. 31-8
Answer to charge ............. 32-15
Confession ....... 32-3, 34-7, 38-1
Defendant only ................ 31-11
Testimony not required ..... 35-1
Accuser ........................... 31-3, 35-1
Against Lower Court ................ 40-6
Appeals .................................. 34-10
Appellant defined ........... 31-3, 42-1
Appellee defined ............ 31-3, 42-1
Attitude of court ...................... 32-1
Official functions ............ 31-10
Sacraments ............... 33-2, 33-4
Slight ................................. 34-2
Challenges .................... 32-16, 35-1
Character investigation ............ 31-2
Forms ...................... Appendix G
Gross crime or heresy ........ 33-3
Origination................ 31-2, 32-2
Read ........................ 32-3, 32-15
To the court ..................... 32-15
Written ............................... 32-3
Contumacy................ 33-2, 34-4
Forms ..................... Appendix G
General .............. 32-3 thru 33-7
Committee, Judicial ............... 32-11
Confession ...................... 32-3, 34-7
Counsel ......................... 32-3, 32-19
Deposed minister ............ 34-8, 34-9
Dereliction of duty ................. 34-10
Discussions during trial ......... 32-14
Disqualification .. 32-16, 32-17, 32-19,
33-4, 35-11, 39-2
Divestiture ............................. 34-10
Excommunication .................... 34-4
Failure to act, or to consider . 33-1, 43-2
Heresy ...................................... 34-5
Content .............................. 32-5
Drawn and served .............. 32-3
Form ............ 31-4, Appendix G
Read ................................. 32-15
Instituted ............... 31-2, 31-7, 32-2
Judgment recorded ................. 32-15
Judicial Committee ................ 32-11
Members of court ....... 32-15, 32-17
Minutes of trial ...................... 32-18
Oath of witness ........................ 35-6
General .............................. 31-6
Distant .......... 32-8, 32-9, 32-20
Public or private ....... 31-5, 34-3
Time limit for accusation . 32-20
Original jurisdiction 31-1, 33-1, 34-1
Refusal to .................. 32-6, 33-2
Written ............................... 32-3
Presbytery vs. ministers
.......................... 34-1 thru 34-10
Appointed ................. 31-2, 32-3
Heard first ........................ 32-15
Prosecutor (continued)
Represents church .............. 31-3
Voluntary ................. 31-3, 31-9
Reconciliation, reclaiming …31-5, 32-1
Copies .............................. 32-18
Of charges .......................... 34-4
Other court’s use .... 32-18, 35-8
Testimony of witness ......... 35-7
Appeal or complaint ........ 32-18
Of scandal .......................... 34-6
Private ...................... 31-5, 31-7
Repentance ............................... 33-2
Restoration of minister............. 34-8
Roll call ................................. 32-15
Schism ..................................... 34-5
Sessions vs. members 33-1 thru 33-4
Spouse, testimony .................... 35-2
Statute of Limitation ............... 32-20
Suspension of Judgment . 42-6, 43-4
Sacraments ........................ 33-2
Official function
.............. 31-10, 34-4, 34-7, 34-8
Testimony .............. 35-9 thru 35-14
Trial ..................... 32-12 thru 32-18
Challenge of ....................... 35-1
Distant .................................32-8
Examined ... 32-13, 32-15, 35-1,
................................. 35-4, 35-5
Number of .......................... 35-3
Oath ................................... 35-6
Verdict ................................... 32-15
Vote ....................................... 32-15
Cases without process
Communing member or officer
with charge .............. 38-2, 38-3
Demitting without censure ....... 38-2
Joining other church/
denomination ..................... 38-3
Voluntary statement ................. 38-1
Catechism (Larger and Shorter)
Amending ................................ 26-3
Children’s instruction .............. 28-2
Part of Constitution . Preface III, 26-1
Censures of Church
Admonition administered ........ 36-2
Admonition defined ................. 30-2
Censures of Church (continued)
Censure administered ............. 36-2
Deposition defined .................. 30-5
Deposition administered
................................. 36-7, 38-2
Excommunication defined ...... 30-4
Excommunication administered
.......................................... 36-6
Removal of censures
........................... 37-1 thru 37-7
Suspension defined ................. 30-3
Suspension administered
................................. 36-4, 36-5
Certificate of Dismission
Baptized children .................... 12-5
Presbytery to minister ............. 46-6
Secured by candidate .............. 18-7
Secured by interns ................... 19-8
Session to member .................. 12-5
Session to members in good
standing ............................. 46-1
Valid for one year .................. 46-7
Challenge (in Case of Process)
Member of the court .............. 32-16
Witness.................................... 35-1
Charge Against Offender
Caution in receiving
charges .................... 31-8, 34-2
Form ............................ Appendix G
Made by some person or
persons .............................. 32-2
Written .................................... 33-3
Baptism of ............................... 56-4
Church instructs ...................... 28-2
Members of visible Church
................................... 2-1, 56-4
Pastoral oversight ...................... 6-1
Profession of faith ................... 28-3
Responsibility of parents and
church ............................... 28-1
Under care of church ............... 28-5
Doctrine, government, discipline
and worship ................ Preface I
King and Head of Church Preface I
Names in Scriptures ......... Preface I
Officers in church ............ Preface I
Present .............................. Preface I
Christian Life in Home 63-1 thru 63-6
Agency Christ ordained ............. 3-5
Associate member ................... 46-4
Building dedication ..... Appendix F
Calling a pastor ..... 20-2 thru 20-11
Catholic, defined ....................... 1-3
Courts in general ..... 10-1 thru 10-6
Duties of officers ................ 7-2, 7-3
Incorporation of ...................... 25-7
Members of ........ 1-3, 6-1,6-4, 46-4
New church organization.. 5-1, 13-8
Officers of .......................... 4-2, 7-2
Ordinances ................................ 4-4
Particular, definition .................. 4-1
Polity consists of ....................... 7-2
Property .......................... 25-8, 25-9
Reception of, examination ....... 13-8
Unity ......................................... 2-2
Visible, definition ............... 1-3, 2-1
Withdrawal ............................ 25-11
Worship without teaching elder. 4-5
Church Courts
Authority moral or spiritual ..... 11-1
Binding conscience, may not ... 11-2
Clerks, duties .......................... 10-4
Expenses of members .............. 10-6
General Assembly ................... 14-1
Jurisdiction limited by
Constitution ....................... 11-4
Jurisdiction ministerial/
declarative ......................... 11-2
Moderators of .......................... 10-3
Names of ................................. 10-2
One in nature ........................... 11-3
Open and close with prayer ..... 10-5
Presbyteries composed of ........ 10-1
Presbytery .............. 13-1 thru 13-12
Referrals, lower courts to higher
........................................... 11-3
Rights of courts ....................... 11-4
Sessions ................... 12-1 thru 12-9
Sphere of action defined ......... 11-4
Church Government
Joint, not several ....................... 1-5
Officers ............................. 1-4, 16-2
Purpose of ................................. 1-2
Representative ........................... 1-1
Scriptural form .......................... 1-1
Church Organization of Particular
............... (see Particular Church)
Church Power
Divine sanction .......................... 3-6
Ecclesiastical power Preface II-7, 3-2
Functions .................................. 3-3
Joint power in Session ............... 4-3
Limitation of Pref. II-1 and 7, 3-4,11-4
Representative ........................... 3-1
Spiritual exclusively .......... 3-1, 3-4
Vested in rulers and ruled .......... 3-1
Church Property
Buying and selling .......... 25-6, 25-7
Civil law ................................ 25-11
Dissolved churches ................ 25-12
Funds controlled and disbursed . 25-7
Ownership ............................... 25-8
Seizure of ............................... 25-10
Church Growth ....... 13-9g, 14-6d, 47-3
Circularizing ..........................42-4, 43-2
Citation (in Cases of Process)
Duly served ............................ 32-10
Form ............................ Appendix G
Issued and signed .................... 32-4
Refusal to obey ..... 32-6, 33-2, 34-4
Time lapse ............................... 32-7
Unconstitutional proceedings .. 40-5
Civil Authority Preface II-1, 25-6, 25-11
Congregational meeting ........... 25-5
Courts ...................................... 10-4
Duties of ....................... 10-4, 32-18
Closed Session ...................... 42-8, 43-9
Commissions (Ecclesiastical)
................(see also Appendix H)
Appointed authority ............... 35-10
Authority ................................. 15-1
Consists of ............... 15-2 thru 15-4
Defined .................................... 15-1
Judicial cases ........................... 15-3
Provisional national churches .. 15-6
Quorum of ...................... 15-2, 15-3
Records .................................... 15-1
Standing Judicial ... 15-1,15-4, 15-5
Commissioners to General Assembly
Expenses, how paid ................. 10-6
Credentials ............................... 14-4
Congregational representation . 14-2
Quorum .................................... 14-5
Called meetings representation 14-3
Committees of General Assembly . 14-1
Communion ................... 58-1 thru 58-8
Complainant Defined ..................... 43-3
Abandoned ............................... 43-7
Circularizing the court .... 42-4, 43-2
Commission appointed ............ 43-8
Definition of ............................ 43-1
Denial of error ......................... 43-3
Form ........................... Appendix G
Hearing .................................... 43-9
Higher court ................. 43-6, 43-10
Representatives ........................ 43-5
Respondent .............................. 43-5
Suspension of action ................ 43-4
Time requirements ......... 43-2, 43-3
Written ..................................... 43-1
Confessing Faith as Part of Worship
........................................... 55-1
Confession of Faith
Amending ...................... 26-3, 26-5
Part of Constitution . Preface III, 26-1
Confession of Offense
Any person ..................... 32-3, 38-1
Minister .................................... 34-7
Confessional Subscription
Differences/Exceptions ...21-4.b, e, f
Questions for ordination .......... 21-5
Presbytery affiliation ............. 25-11
Pastor selection .............. 20-2, 23-1
Property rights ....... 25-9 thru 25-12
Ordination/installation of
officers ............................ 24-6
Installation of minister ..... 21-10
Ordination of minister ........ 21-6
Congregational Meetings
Absentee voting prohibited ......20-4,
.................................. 24-3, 24-4
Clerk of .................................... 25-5
Members request ...................... 25-2
Trustees elected ....................... 25-6
Moderator elected . 20-3, 24-2, 25-4
Notice of one week .................. 25-2
Quorum for .............................. 25-3
Session calls .......... 12-5, 20-2, 25-2
Pastor elected ........... 20-2 thru 20-4
Ruling elders and deacons
elected ................ 24-1 thru 24-5
Voters ............................ 24-3, 25-1
Conscience .............. Preface II-1 and 7
............................ 11-2, 14-1(4)
Constitution of PCA
Definition ............. Preface III, 26-1
Amending ................. 26-2 thru 26-6
Principles applied ........ 32-20, 34-10
................................. 38-2, 40-6
Control (oversight) .............. 11-4, 13-9f
Contumacy ................... 32-6, 33-2, 34-4
Assigned to necessarily absent 32-3
Professional not allowed ....... 32-19
Right of appellant to ................ 42-9
Who may represent the accused
........................................ 32-19
Court of Jurisdiction ... 11-4, 32-8 and 9
Assistance from godly men or
women ................................. 9-7
Conferences .............................. 9-6
Definition of office ................... 9-1
Dissolve relationship against
their will ........ 24-7, 24-9, 34-10
Divested without censure
................................ 34-10, 38-2
Duties of ...................... 7-2, 7-3, 9-2
Election .... 3-1; 16-2; 24-1, 3 thru 8
Emeritus ................................. 24-10
Gifts of .................................... 16-3
Ordination by a court .............. 17-1
Ordination, questions .............. 24-6
Organized as board .................. 9-4
Pastor, advisory member ........... 9-4
Qualifications of ........................ 9-3
Resignation or dissolving
of office .......... 24-7 thru 9; 38-3
Session ordains and installs ..... 12-5
Session oversight .................... 12-5
Special assignments .................. 9-5
Definite Suspension
Administered ........................... 36-4
Church censure ........................ 30-1
Definition ................................ 30-3
Demission ...................................... 38-2
Deposed Minister
Conditions for restoration ....... 34-8
Restoration ..................... 37-5, 37-7
Administration ........................ 36-7
Appeal ..................................... 42-6
Deposition (continued)
Church censure ........................ 30-1
Confession by minister ............ 34-7
Defined .................................... 30-5
Disobeying citations ................ 34-4
Heresy and schism ................... 34-5
Restoration of minister or
officer ................................ 37-5
Destitute Regions ............ 4-5, 8-6, 15-6
[cf. MTW Policy Manual 2.02.1(5)]
Differences to WCF ............ 21-4.b, e, f
Administrative & judicial .. 27-1
Duty of Presbytery and
Session .............................. 32-1
Grounds for ............................. 29-2
Ordained by Christ ........... Preface I
Power of .................................. 27-4
Principles of ............................ 27-5
Purpose of ............................... 27-3
Who is subject to ..................... 27-2
... (see Certificate of Dismission)
Definition of ............................ 45-2
Time limitation ........................ 45-1
Treatment by court .................. 45-5
Who may join ................. 45-1, 45-5
Withdrawal .............................. 45-5
Dissolution of Pastoral Relation
Congregational initiative ......... 23-1
Deposition as cause ................. 34-9
Procedure of ............................ 23-1
Resignation of pastor ............... 23-1
Succeeding senior pastor ......... 23-1
Suspension of minister ............ 34-9
Divestiture from Office
Membership of divested minister 46-8
Minister against his will ........ 34-10
Minister at his request ............. 38-2
Officer against his will .. 24-7, 9; 34-10
Officer at his request ............... 38-2
Ecclesiastical Commission
..................... (see Commissions)
Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
Church courts .......... 11-1 thru 11-4
Joint power .......... 1-5, 3-6, 4-3, 8-3
Ecclesiastical Power .......... (see Church
........................... 46-1 thru 46-8
Defined .............................. 7-2, 8-8
Duties ................................ 7-2, 8-3
Election ................ Preface II-6, 3-1
......... 16-2, 24-1 thru 24-5, 24-8
Emeritus ................................ 24-10
Gifts ........................................... 8-4
Inactive ..... 13-2, 24-7 thru 10, 37-6
Installation of ........................... 24-6
Ordination of .................. 24-6, 24-7
Parity ......................................... 8-8
Qualifications ............................ 8-2
Resignation ..................... 24-7, 24-9
Ruling elders ...................... 8-8, 8-9
............. (see also Ruling Elders)
Titles .......................................... 8-1
Teaching Elders ........... 8-4 thru 8-7
.................... (see also Ministers,
................. and Teaching Elders)
Election of Pastor
Call ..................................20-1, 20-6
Installation service . 21-8 thru 21-11
Minority refusal to concur ....... 20-5
Moderator, congregational
meeting .............................. 20-3
Presbytery approval ............... 20-10
Procedure of local church ........ 20-2
Prosecution of call .......... 20-8, 20-9
Pulpit committee ...................... 20-2
Subscription of call .................. 20-7
Voting ............................. 20-3, 20-4
Election of Ruling Elders and Deacons
Congregational meeting ........... 24-4
Electing additional officers ...... 24-1
Examination of nominees ........ 24-1
Moderator of congregational
meeting ..................... 24-2, 25-4
Number of officers .................. 24-1
Ordination and installation 24-6, 24-7
Public notice given .................. 24-1
Quorum of congregational
meeting .............................. 25-3
Re-elected, installed, not ordained 24-8
Voting ...................................... 24-3
Election of Officers
By congregation .. Preface II-6, 3-1,
........................ 16-2, 24-1, 24-4
Inalienable right of church ....... 16-2
Emeritus ............................. 23-3, 24-10
Evangelism Duty of Elders .............. 8-3
Called and appointed ................ 8-5
Minister of the Word ................ 8-5
Ordination questions .............. 21-11
Organize churches/ordain
officers ................................ 8-6
Receive and dismiss members .. 8-6
Accused not compelled to testify 35-1
Accuser required to testify ....... 35-1
Certified testimony valid ........ 35-9
Challenge of witnesses............. 35-1
Commission appointment ...... 35-10
Competency of witnesses ......... 35-1
Court judges evidence .............. 35-1
Examination of witnesses 35-4, 35-5
More than one witness
necessary ............................ 35-3
New testimony, new trial ...... 35-13,
............................... 35-14, 42-5
Oath of witness ........................ 35-6
Questions asked witness ..........35-7
Records authenticated .............. 35-8
Refusing to testify .................. 35-12
Spouse testimony ..................... 35-2
Taking testimony ......... 15-2, 35-10
Witness disqualified as judge, if
challenged ........................ 35-11
Admission to sealing ordinances 57-2
Candidate for Gospel ministry . 18-3
Candidate for internship ........... 19-9
Candidate for licensure ............ 19-2
Elders of congregation being
received .............................. 13-8
Intern for ordination ....... 21-4, 21-5
Minister from another
denomination/Presbytery ... 13-6
Officer nominees ........ 5-9(2), 12-5,
................................. 16-3, 24-1
Exceptions/Differences to WCF .... 21-4
Form for administering ............ 36-6
Appeal ...................................... 42-6
Church censure ........................ 30-1
Contumacy ............................... 34-4
Defined .................................... 30-4
Disobeying citations ................ 34-4
Purpose of ................................ 30-4
Restoration of person ............... 37-3
Expenses Attending Church Court
Paid ................................... 10-6
Extraordinary Case
Candidates ................................ 18-2
Licensure trials ........................ 19-2
Ordination trials ...................... 21-4
Fasting and Thanksgiving 62-1 thru 62-7
Baptism, infant ........................ 56-6
Call to a pastor ........................ 20-6
Censures .................. 36-5, thru 36-7
Communion ................... 58-5, 58-7
Dedication of Building . Appendix F
Funeral ...... Appendices C, D and E
General Assembly adjournment
.......................................... 14-8
Indictment ............................... 31-4
Internship ................................ 19-8
Judicial Discipline ....... Appendix G
Licensure ................................. 19-4
Marriage ......... Appendices A and B
Ministerial Obligation ............. 13-7
Ordination of minister ............. 21-7
Ordination/installation of officers 24-6
Organization of particular church 5-8
Restoration from
censures .. 37-1, 37-3, 37-4, 37-5
General Assembly
Actions, effect of ..................... 14-7
Adjournment ........................... 14-8
Called meeting of .................... 14-3
Committees of ......................... 14-1
Consists of ............................... 14-2
Definition of ............................ 14-1
Examining committee ....... 14-1, 14
Expenses of commissioners .... 10-6
Judicial cases to commission .. 15-3
Jurisdiction over whole church 11-4
Meets annually ........................ 14-2
Nominating committee ....... 14-1.11
Opens and closes with prayer .. 10-5
Organization ............................ 14-1
Permanent court ...................... 14-2
Powers of ................... 14-6, 7, 15-6
Quorum of ............................... 14-5
Quorum of Judicial Commission 15-3
Visiting brethren ................... 13-13
General offenses .......... 29-2, 29-3, 31-6
Government of Church
......... (see Church Government)
Heresy and Schism ........................ 34-5
Higher Court
Advice to lower court ..... 41-4, 41-5
Citation to lower court ............. 40-5
Complaints .............. 43-1 thru 43-5
Hearing an appeal ................... 42-8
Jurisdiction of .......................... 11-4
Limits of jurisdiction
....... Preface II-1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 11-4
Neglect of lower court ............. 42-7
Process against lower court ..... 40-6
References ............... 41-1 thru 41-6
Review of lower courts ........... 11-4
Subjects for reference .............. 41-2
Holy Spirit, Application of Benefits
.................................... Preface I
Christian life in ........ 63-1 thru 63-6
Church to promote religion in . 28-1
Honorably Retired ............... 23-2 and 3
Inactive Elders .................... (see Elders)
Incorporation ................................. 25-7
Indefinite Suspension
Administered ........................... 36-5
Defined .................................... 30-3
Removal of censure ................. 37-3
Baptism of ........ 6-1, 56-1 thru 56-6
Membership in church 1-3, 2-2, 6-1
Infliction of Church Censures
Private and public offenses ...... 36-2
Spirit of meekness ................... 36-1
Suited to offense ...................... 36-2
Interim Pastors ...... (see Stated Supply)
Intern, Internship
Applicant for ........................... 19-8
Approval of ........................... 19-13
Approval of call of ................ 19-14
Called by congregation .......... 19-14
Changing Presbyteries ........... 19-11
Cooperative agreements ........ 19-11
Disapproval of ....................... 19-13
Establishment of ...................... 19-7
Examination for ....................... 19-9
Previous Experience .............. 19-16
Relation of to Session ............ 19-15
Report on ............................... 19-12
Restrictions on ....................... 19-15
Testing gifts ............................. 19-7
Installation of Minister
Procedure ................. 21-1 thru 21-9
Questions asked congregation
......................................... 21-10
Questions asked minister ......... 21-9
Personal offenses by court
.................................. 31-5, 31-7
Requested by aggrieved ........... 31-2
Irregular(ity) ......................... 34-5, 40-3
Joint Power ......... 1-5, 3-6, 4-3, 7-2, 8-3
Judicial Case .. (see Appeals, Complaint
......................... and References)
Judicial Commissions
Matters executed by ................. 15-2
Quorum in Presbytery .............. 15-2
Record of Case ............... 15-1, 15-5
Standing Judicial
Commission .... 15-1, 15-4, 15-5
Taking of testimony ................. 15-2
Judicial Committee
................(see also Appendix H)
......................................... 32-11
Jurisdiction of Church Courts
Defined for each court ............. 11-4
Divested minister assigned church
membership ....................... 46-8
Joining another denomination . 38-3
Joint power ................................ 1-5
Limited by constitution ............ 11-4
Ministerial and declarative ...... 11-2
Moral or spiritual ..................... 11-1
Original: Session and
Presbytery .......... 46-1 thru 46-8
Persons under censure who move 37-7
Presbytery over minister, licentiate
or candidate 5-1, 13-2, 19-1, 46-6
Session over members ............. 12-5
Laboring Out of Bounds 8-7, 13-2, 13-5
Licensure, Licentiates
Candidates for the ministry ...... 19-1
Examination for ....................... 19-2
Ministers from other denominations
........................................... 19-1
Missionary Service ................ 20-12
Necessity .........................18-5, 19-1
Procedure for ........................... 19-2
Questions for ........................... 19-3
Renewal procedures ................. 19-6
Licensure, Licentiates (continued)
Ruling elders ............................ 19-1
Terms ....................................... 19-6
Transfer to another Presbytery
................................. 19-5, 46-6
Litigious Spirit ................... 31-8, 42-12
Lord’s Day
Sanctification of ....... 48-1 thru 48-7
Lord’s Supper
Administration ......... 58-1 thru 58-8
Lower Court
Advice from higher court 41-1, 41-5
Cited by higher court ............... 40-5
Discharge of duty ..................... 41-5
Jurisdiction ...... 11-4, 46-1 thru 46-8
Neglect to send record of case . 42-7
Preparation of case ................... 41-6
Process against ......................... 40-6
Reference representatives ........ 41-4
References to higher court ....... 41-3
Review and control .................. 11-4
Subjects for reference .............. 41-2
Supervision of higher court ...... 39-1
Service ........... Appendices A and B
Solemnization of ...... 59-1 thru 59-7
Members of Church
Associate, defined .................... 46-4
Baptized persons ...................... 6-3
Certificate of dismission .......... 46-7
Children of believers ................. 6-1
Communing, defined ................ 6-2
Corporation members .............. 25-7
Discipline ................................. 27-2
Erasure/dismissal 38-3, 38-4, (46-5)
Joining another denomination .. 38-3
Membership .............................. 1-3
Non-communing defined . 6-1, 56-4
Privileges of .............................. 6-4
Process against ......... 33-1 thru 33-4
Professing Faith ........................ 6-4
Questions to new members ...... 57-5
Received on profession of
faith .......................... 46-1, 57-6
Removal from roll .................... 46-2
Session jurisdiction
of transfers ............... 46-2, 46-3
Session, court of original
jurisdiction ......................... 31-1
Transferring membership ......... 46-1
Admission to Presbytery 13-5, 13-6
Call, terms and form ............... 20-5
Cases of process
. 31-1 thru 31-20, 34-1 thru 34-10
Demission ................................ 38-2
Deposing, demitting ....... 38-2, 46-8
Dissolving relationship ........... 23-1
Divested against his will 34-10, 46-8
Divested at his request ............ 38-2
Election of ... 16-2, 20-1 thru 20-11,
........................................ 23-1
Emeritus .................................. 23-3
Evangelist ................................. 8-6
From other denominations
.... 13-6, 19-1, 20-13, 21-1, 21-4
Gifts .......................................... 8-4
Installation of ......... 21-9 thru 21-11
Laboring out of bounds ........... 13-2
Laboring outside of PCA .......... 8-7
Membership in Presbytery
................................. 13-2, 46-6
Ministerial Obligation ............. 13-7
Missionary of another
denomination .................. 20-13
Ordination of ............ 21-1 thru 21-8
Organizing pastor ...................... 8-6
Other fields of service ........ 8-4, 8-7
Presbytery, court of
original jurisdiction ........... 31-1
Qualifications of ........................ 8-2
Questions for ordination .......... 21-5
Restoration after
censure ..... 34-8, 37-1 thru 37-9
Retirement ............................... 23-2
Transfer ......... 13-6, 20-9, 21-4, 46-6
Voting in Session .............. 4-3, 12-1
Without call .................. 13-2, 34-10
Minister, Process Against
Accusation cautioned .............. 34-2
Church of deposed minister .... 34-9
Citations disobeyed ................. 34-4
Confession .............................. 34-7
Deposed for heresy and schism
.......................................... 34-5
Deposed without excommunication
................................. 38-2, 46-8
Divested without censure
...................... 34-10, 38-2, 46-8
Minister, Process Against (continued)
Neglect of duty ...................... 34-10
Presbytery jurisdiction ............. 34-1
Removal of scandal ................. 34-6
Restoration after censure 34-8, 37-7
Warning in private ................... 34-3
Case of trial ........................... 32-18
Presbytery .............................. 13-10
Session .................................... 12-7
Mission Church
Civil government, relationship .. 5-7
Defined ...................................... 5-1
Establishment of ......................... 5-2
Government ............................... 5-3
Judicial Process of ..................... 5-5
Members received ..................... 5-4
Particular church, distinction ..... 5-1
Ordination ............................. 20-12
Other denomination ............... 20-13
Authenticates records of court . 35-8
Authority of ............................. 10-3
meetings .......... 20-3, 24-2, 25-4
Duties of ............ 10-3, 13-11, 13-12
General Assembly ................... 10-3
Presbytery ................................ 10-3
Session .................................... 10-3
Session when pastor is absent . 12-2
Session with associate or assistant
pastor ................................. 12-4
Session with no pastor ............. 12-3
Mutual Love and Confidence ...... 25-11
National Church Provisional
Presbytery ................................ 15-6
Neglect of Lower Court to
Send up Record ....................... 42-7
New Trial/New Evidence . 35-13, 35-14
Nominating Committee ............ 14-1.11
Nominating Procedures ......... 5-9, 16-2,
......................... 24-1, 24-3, 24-4
Non-communing Member of Church
Adult ....................... 6-3, 28-4, 28-5
Become communing members 28-3
Children .... 5-4, 6-1, 6-3, 28-1, 28-2
Discipline ................ 28-1 thru 28-5
Under care of church ............... 28-5
Non-Resident Members ................. 46-2
Notice of Appeal
Effects ...................................... 42-6
Form ............................ Appendix G
Within 30 days ................ 42-4, 42-5
Written ..................................... 42-4
Objection Defined ......................... 45-4
Obligation Subscription ................. 13-7
Offenses Defined ........... 29-1 thru 29-4
Charges .................................... 32-2
Reconciliation ....... 30-4, 31-5, 31-7
Restoration...... 34-8, 37-1 thru 37-7
Offerings, Worship of God
............................ 54-1 thru 54-3
Ordination and Installation of Ministers
Call to a work required ............ 21-2
Commission ............................. 15-2
Definition of ............................ 17-2
Differences to Standards ........... 21-4
Doctrine of ............... 17-1 thru 17-3
Presbytery jurisdiction over
church ................................ 21-3
Procedure of .......... 21-1 thru 21-11
Questions to
congregation ........... 21-6, 21-10
Questions to minister ...... 21-5, 21-9
Requirements for trials ............ 21-4
Ordination and Installation of Ruling
Elders and Deacons
Inducted by a court ........... 1-6, 17-1
Perpetual office ........................ 24-7
Procedure ................................. 24-4
Questions to congregation ....... 24-6
Questions to officers-elect ....... 24-6
Organic Union with Other Bodies . 26-4
Organization of Particular Church
By a commission ....................... 5-8
Deacons elected ....................... 5-10
Pastor elected ........................... 5-11
Presbytery authority only ........... 5-8
Procedure ................................... 5-8
Ruling Elders elected ................. 5-9
Original Jurisdiction ............ 11-4, 31-1,
.................................. 33-1, 34-1
Out of Bounds .................................. 8-7
Particular Church
Definition of .............................. 4-1
Examination of Session ........... 13-8
Particular Church (continued)
Incorporation ........................... 25-7
New church organized . 5-1 thru 5-3
Officers of ................................. 4-2
Presbytery affiliation ... 13-8, 25-11
Property ownership .................. 25-9
Session jurisdiction ................... 4-3
Unincorporated, power of
trustees ............................... 25-6
Withdrawal ............................ 25-11
Parents Responsible for Children
........................................... 28-1
Parties in Cases of Process
........ (see also Cases of Process)
Accused and accuser ................ 31-3
Accused defendant only ......... 31-11
Challenge of member ............. 32-16
Copies of proceedings ............ 32-18
Withdrawal while court
deliberates ........................ 32-14
Witnesses examined ............... 32-13
Parts of Trials for
Licensure ................................. 19-7
Ordination ................................ 21-4
Pastor ............... (see also Minister, and
.......... Minister, Process against)
Call prosecuted ...... 20-8 thru 20-11
Dissolution of relationship ....... 23-1
Divestiture .......... 34-10, 38-2, 46-8
Duties ........................................ 8-5
Election of ............ Preface II-6, 3-1,
........................ 16-2, 20-2, 23-1
Emeritus ................................... 23-3
Expenses paid to church courts
........................................... 10-6
Installation service . 21-5 thru 21-10
Moderator of congregational
meetings ................... 24-2, 25-4
Moderator of Session ..... 12-3, 12-2
Non-PCA calls ......................... 20-1
Ordination ................ 21-1 thru 21-8
Power to convene Session ........ 12-6
Qualifications ............................ 8-2
Refusal by minority to concur .. 20-5
Testimonials furnished by his
Presbytery ........................ 20-11
Transferal ............................... 20-10
Voting ............. 4-3, 12-1, 20-4, 22-2
Personal Offenses Defined ... 20-2, 29-3
Polity .......... (see Church Government,
and Church Power) 7-2
Power ................... (see Church Power)
Powers of
Church judicatories Preface II-2, 7, 8
........................ 11-1, 11-2, 11-4
General Assembly .......... 14-6 and 7
Presbytery ............................... 13-9
Session ..................... 12-5 thru 12-8
Preaching of The Word ............. 12-5(e),
............................ 53-1 thru 53-6
Bounds, boundary ................... 13-1
Commission appointed by
................................. 15-2, 15-3
Consists of ............................... 13-1
Court of original jurisdiction for
minister ............................. 31-1
Dissolves pastoral relation ...... 23-1
Divest minister against his
will .................................. 34-10
Divest minister on
his request ................ 38-2, 46-8
Judicial Commission acting as
Appellate Court ...... Appendix H
Jurisdiction of.......................... 11-4
Jurisdiction over dismissed minister,
licentiate, or candidate ...... 46-6
Labor in bounds, out of
bounds ...................... 13-2, 13-5
Meetings, called and stated ... 13-12
Minister’s membership in ....... 13-2
Open and close with prayer ..... 10-5
Ordains ministers .................... 21-2
Powers of ....................... 12-6, 13-9
Process against minister .......... 34-1
Quorum of ............................... 13-4
Records ................................. 13-10
Reports to General Assembly 13-10
Visiting brethren ................... 13-13
Principles of Public
Worship .................... 47-1 thru 47-9
Private Offenses ................... 29-2, 29-4
Process, Cases of
............... (see Cases of Process)
Process Against Lower Court
........................... 40-4 thru 40-6
Process Against Minister
. (see Minister, Process Against)
Process Before Session
Against church member .......... 33-1
Barred from Lord’s Table........ 33-4
Censure for crime or heresy .... 33-3
Citations disobeyed ................. 33-2
Refusal to plead ....................... 33-2
Professional Counsel Not
Permitted ............................... 32-19
Prosecution of Call ...... 20-8 thru 20-11
Care of ........................................ 9-2
Civil law ................................ 25-11
Covenant on property rights .. 25-10
Dissolved church ................... 25-12
Ownership ............... 25-7 thru 25-9
Prosecutor in Judicial Cases
Communing member ............... 31-2
Member of the court ................ 31-2
Professional counsel not
permitted ......................... 32-19
Reconciliation tried first .......... 31-5
Voluntary or appointed ... 31-2, 31-6
Warning to voluntary prosecutor
........................................... 31-9
Definition of ............................ 45-3
Time limitation ........................ 45-1
Treatment by court .................. 45-5
Who may ........................ 45-1, 41-5
Withdrawal .............................. 45-5
Provisional Presbytery Foreign
Country .................................... 15-6
Public Offenses .................... 29-2, 29-4
Public Prayer ................. 52-1 thru 52-5
Public Worship
Confessing the faith ................. 55-1
Offering ................... 54-1 thru 54-3
Ordering of ..................... 49-1, 49-2
Prayer ...................... 52-1 thru 52-5
Preaching of the Word
........................... 53-1 thru 53-6
Scripture Reading .... 50-1 thru 50-4
Singing .................... 51-1 thru 51-5
Questions to
Bride and groom
................. Appendices A and B
Candidates ............................... 18-3
Questions to (continued)
Baptism of infant ............... 56-5
Dedication of building
.................................. Appendix F
Election of officers ............ 24-4
Installation of minister ..... 21-10
Ordination/installation of
officers ........................ 24-6
Ordination of minister ....... 21-6
Evangelist .............................. 21-11
Licentiate ................................. 19-3
Minister .......................... 21-5, 21-9
Parents at infant baptism.......... 56-5
Person professing faith ............ 57-5
Restored person ....................... 37-4
Witnesses ................................. 35-6
Commissions (ecclesiastical)
........................................... 15-2
Congregational Meetings ......... 25-3
General Assembly ................... 14-5
Judicial Commission ............... 15-2
Presbytery ................................ 13-4
Session ............................ 12-1, 15-2
Reading of Scriptures .... 50-1 thru 50-4
Reception of Church ...................... 13-8
Reception of Members
Certificate ....................... 46-1, 57-6
Profession of faith............12-5, 28-3
........................... 57-1 thru 57-5
Reconciliation Attempted by
Injured Party ............................ 31-5
Record of Case, of Process
Appeal or complaint ....... 15-5, 42-5
Definition of ................. 32-18, 42-5
Filing with higher court ......... 32-18,
...................................42-5, 43-6
Lower court rebuked for
failure ....................... 42-7, 43-6
Records of a Court
Annual review by higher court
.................................. 40-1, 40-3
Clerk’s duties ........................... 10-4
Examination by higher court ... 40-2
Evidence in all courts .............. 35-8
Sessional ......................... 12-7, 12-8
Records of Board of Deacons .......... 9-4
Advice only on final disposition
........................................... 41-3
Definition of ............................ 41-1
Duty of higher court ................. 41-5
How and by whom presented ... 41-4
Mode for bringing proceedings
........................................... 39-1
Preparation of case by lower
court ................................... 41-6
Response by higher court ......... 41-5
Subjects for .............................. 41-2
Refusal of Accused to
Appear ..................................... 33-2
Plead ........................................ 33-2
Refusal of Witness to Testify ....... 35-12
Removal of Censure
By court ......................... 34-8, 37-7
Cautions ................................... 37-8
Converse with suspended person 37-2
Deposed person ........................ 37-5
Excommunicated person .......... 37-4
Offender has moved ................. 37-7
Suspended offender . 37-1 thru 37-3
Removal of Membership
Certificate ................................ 46-1
Duty of Sessions when
neglected ............................ 46-2
Willful neglect ......................... 38-4
Renouncing Jurisdiction ................ 38-4
Of Pastor ...................................23-1
Of Elder/Deacon .......................24-7
Respondent Appointed to Answer
Complaint ................................ 43-3
Restoration of Censured
.................. 34-8, 37-1 thru 37-9
Retirement of Ministers ................. 23-2
Review of Records
Failure to follow
constitutional procedure ..... 40-5
Neglect on part of lower court
........................................... 40-4
Proceedings of lower
court before higher ... 11-4, 39-1
Process against lower court ...... 40-6
Record of approval,
disapproval or correction ... 40-3
Review of Records (continued)
Records of lower
court ................ 13-9, 12-7, 40-1
Subject of reviews ........ 11-4, 13-10,
............................... 14-6c, 40-2
Roll of Members ........................... 12-8
Ruling Elders
Authority and eligibility ............ 8-8
Certificate of appointment....... 13-3
Dissolving relationship
against their will 24-7, 24-9, 34-10
Dissolving relationship upon
request ............................... 38-2
Divested without censure 34-10, 38-2
Duties of ...................... 7-2, 7-3, 8-3
Duties to members who move . 46-2
Duties when there are no deacons 9-2
Election ............... Preface II-6, 3-1,
........ 16-2, 24-1 thru 24-5, 24-8
Emeritus ................................ 24-10
Examination of ........... 5-9(2), 12-5,
................................. 16-3, 24-1
Expense of church courts paid 10-6
Gifts of .................................... 16-3
Inactive................... 24-7 thru 24-10
Joining another denomination . 38-3
Licensure to preach ........ 19-1, 19-2
Officer of church ....................... 8-1
Ordination and installation of .. 24-6
Ordination by a court .............. 17-1
Process against . 33-1 thru 33-4, 34-10
Questions asked ruling elders-elect
and members ..................... 24-6
Qualifications of ........................ 8-2
Re-election to office ................ 24-8
Represents church in higher
Courts ............. 12-5f, 13-1, 14-2
Resignation or dissolving of
office ........................ 24-7, 24-9
Restoration of censured .......... 34-8,
........................... 37-1 thru 37-9
Teaching aptitude ...................... 8-9
Without call .............. 24-7 thru 24-9
Ruling Elder Supply
Defined.................................... 22-6
Length of service ..................... 22-6
Session oversight with
Presbytery approval .......... 22-6
Sabbath, Sanctification of 48-1 thru 48-7
Schism and Heresy ........................ 34-5
Sealing Ordinances ........ 57-1 thru 57-6
Bar accused from Lord’s Table 33-4
Censure for gross crime/heresy 33-3
Certificates of dismission to
members in good standing . 46-1
Consists of ............................... 12-1
Contumacious member ............ 33-2
Court of original
jurisdiction ............... 31-1, 33-1
Delete names from roll ............ 46-5
Divest officer at his request . 24-7, 38-2
Divest officer against his
will ................ 24-7, 24-9, 34-10
Duties and power of 12-5 thru 12-8
Examines officers-elect ........... 24-1
Joint meetings with deacons ...... 9-4
Jurisdiction over dismissed member
until received ..................... 46-3
Jurisdiction over single church 11-4
Meetings .................................. 12-6
Open and close meetings ......... 12-9
Quorum ................................... 12-1
Records ........................... 12-7, 12-8
Records examined by Presbytery 40-2
Records to Presbytery annually . 12-7
Spiritual government ............... 12-5
Stated meetings held quarterly 12-6
Temporary or Interim ........ 5-3, 15-1
Singing of Psalms/Hymns 51-1 thru 51-5
Standing Judicial Commission . 14-1(15),
.......................... 15-1, 15-4, 15-5
Stated Meetings
Board of Deacons ....................... 9-4
Congregation ............................ 49-2
General Assembly .................... 14-2
Presbytery ............................... 13-12
Session ..................................... 12-6
Stated Supply
Defined .................................... 22-5
Length of service ..................... 22-6
Ruling elder .................... 22-5, 22-6
Session oversight with Presbytery
approval .. 18-5, 19-1, 22-5, 22-6
Student Supply . 18-5, 19-1, 22-5, 22-6
Suspended Minister
................. (see also Suspension)
Suspended Minister (continued)
Pastoral relation dissolved ....... 34-9
Restored ....... 34-8, 37-1, 37-3, 37-8
Suspended Person ................. (see also
Restoration of ......... 37- 1 thru 37-5
Session to visit ......................... 37-2
Administered .................. 36-4, 36-5
Church censure ........................ 30-1
Citations disobeyed ................. 34-4
Contumacy............................... 34-4
Defined .................................... 30-3
Definite and indefinite ............. 30-3
Minister making confession ..... 34-7
Official functions ................... 31-10
Removal of and from . 37-1 thru 37-3
System of doctrine Preface I-4, 19-3(2),
........................ 21-5(2), 24-6(2)
Teaching Elders
........... (see also Elder, Minister,
Class of office ............................ 7-2
Duties ........................................ 8-5
Emeritus .................................. 23-3
Evangelists................................. 8-6
Gifts ........................................... 8-4
Other works ....................... 8-4, 8-7
Titles .......................................... 8-5
Transfer ................................... 46-6
Without call .................. 13-2, 34-10
Commission ............................. 32-8
Coordinate court ........... 32-8, 35-10
More than one witness ............. 35-3
New testimony, new trial ....... 35-13
Of member of court ............... 35-11
Records for all courts ............... 35-8
Refusal ................................... 35-12
Valid in every court if certified 35-9
Transfer of membership...... 12-5a, 13-6,
....... 20-10, 46-1 thru 46-3, 46-6
Treasurer ........................................... 9-4
For Licensure ........................... 19-7
For Ordination ......................... 21-4
Of Offenders (see Cases of Process)
Duties of .................. 25-6 thru 25-8
Elected ..................................... 25-6
Powers ..................................... 25-7
Union With Other Bodies ..... 26-4, 26-5
Usurpation of Authority .................. 7-3
Visible Church
Kingdom of Grace ............. 1-2, 2-1
Unity Defined ............................ 2-2
Visitation of the Sick ..................... 60-1
Vitals of Religion ................. 21-4, 34-5
Doctrine of ............................... 16-1
Gifts ......................................... 16-3
Voluntary Prosecutor
Accepted by court .................... 31-6
Probable cause of charges ........ 31-9
Voluntary Relationship ................ 25-11
Voter Qualifications ..... 20-4, 24-3, 25-1
Voting on Call to Minister ............. 20-4
Voting Percentages (Quorums) 12-1, 13-4
Wedding Services Appendices A and B
Challenge to ............................ 35-1
Citation.................................... 32-4
Distant from court ................... 32-8
Examination ........ 32-13, 35-4, 35-5
Form of citation ........... Appendix G
Member of court ................... 35-11
Oath of .................................... 35-6
Questions, written ................... 35-7
Refusing to testify ........ 32-6, 35-12
Spouses ................................... 35-2
Who is competent ................... 35-1
Women in the Church
Assist deacons ........................... 9-7
Sessional oversight of ................. 12
Please use the remainder of this page for notes
and additional index entries that are of assistance to you.
Communicating these entries to the Stated Clerk’s Office would be appreciated.
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With revisions adopted through the 47
General Assembly (2019)
Revisions to the following section were adopted in 2019:
RAO 11-5; 11-12; 13-2; 13-6 (struck); 16-4.a; 16-4.c.1; 16-4.d
Published by
The Office of the Stated Clerk
of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America
Distributed with The Book of Church Order by
Committee on Discipleship Ministries
1700 North Brown Road, Suite 102
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043-8143
In keeping with the concept that the Bylaws are designed for the conduct
of Presbyterian Church in America (A Corporation) in regard to civil
matters, the Rules of Assembly Operations (RAO) is designed to serve the
General Assembly itself as an ecclesiastical organization. Therefore, care
should be taken that these Rules contain only that which is essential for
the biblical and efficient operation of the General Assembly
Copyright 2019
by the Office of the Stated Clerk
of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America
All rights reserved
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1-1. The General Assembly shall be called to order at the designated time
by the Moderator, and shall begin with a worship service, including a season
of prayer, a sermon or exhortation by the retiring Moderator, and the
celebration of the Lord’s Supper.
1-2. The Stated Clerk shall present a report on the enrollment of
commissioners, and declare if a quorum is present. If it is present, then the
Assembly shall be declared to be properly constituted for the transaction of
1-3. The first order of business shall be the election of a Moderator. There
shall be only one nominating speech not to exceed five minutes for each
nominee. No seconding speeches shall be permitted.
1-4. If more than one commissioner is nominated, election shall be by
ballot, on ballots provided by the Stated Clerk. Tellers appointed by the Stated
Clerk shall gather and count the ballots, and report the tabulation to the Stated
Clerk. If no nominee receives a majority of the votes cast, a second ballot shall
be called on the two nominees who received the highest number of votes on
the first ballot. The Moderator shall declare an election when a nominee
receives a majority of the votes cast by the commissioners present and voting.
1-5. As soon as a Moderator shall have been declared elected he shall
assume his constitutional duties as Moderator
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2-1. The Moderator shall preside at all sessions of the Assembly except
when he may invite another commissioner to act temporarily as the presiding
2-2. The Moderator shall call the succeeding Assembly to order and
preside over its sessions until a successor has been elected. Ordinarily he shall
present a retiring Moderator’s sermon or exhortation. If the Moderator is
unable to act, the Stated Clerk shall call the Assembly to order and preside
over its sessions until a Moderator has been elected.
2-3. Any former moderator attending a General Assembly shall have the
privilege of the floor.
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3-1. The Stated Clerk shall perform the duties assigned by the Book of
Church Order, the Rules of Assembly Operations, and the Bylaws of the
Presbyterian Church in America, (A Corporation). The Stated Clerk shall
serve as chief administrative officer of the Administrative Committee of
General Assembly. As such, he shall be responsible, under the supervision and
subject to the direction of the Administrative Committee of General Assembly,
for carrying out and executing the appropriate duties and responsibilities of
said Committee. The Stated Clerk shall be authorized to employ, with the
approval of the Administrative Committee of General Assembly, a Business
Administrator. All other staff personnel for said Committee shall then be
employed by the Business Administrator with the approval and consent of the
Stated Clerk.
3-2. The Stated Clerk shall have the following responsibilities to the
General Assembly:
a. In his office as an elder he may, as appropriate, advise and
counsel, and upon invitation, preach and teach.
b. His duties are clerical, and as an ordained elder in the
denomination he has no special role as spiritual leader or teacher
to the denomination.
c. He shall be responsible for the recording of the transactions of
each General Assembly.
d. He shall carefully preserve all of the records of each General
e. He shall obtain and grant abstracts from the Assembly records
whenever properly required or requested.
f. He shall prepare and distribute a Commissioner Handbook so as
to reach commissioners one month prior to the convening of each
General Assembly.
g. He shall gather and assemble the items of business that come
before each Assembly and refer such items of business to the
proper committee or committees.
h. He shall be responsible for publishing the minutes and statistical
reports of the Presbyterian Church in America and periodically
updating the digest of the minutes.
i. He shall be the parliamentarian of the General Assembly but may
fulfill this function through the use of assistant parliamentarians
whom he recommends to the Moderator for his appointment.
j. He shall be an ex officio member of the Committee on Interchurch
k. He shall be available to give advice to the Boards and Agencies of
the Presbyterian Church in America if, as, and when so requested.
l. He shall be responsible for the oversight of the PCA Historical
Center for the preservation of the archives of the Presbyterian
Church in America.
m. Under the supervision of the Administrative Committee of
General Assembly, he shall propose the docket of the General
Assembly and shall be available to advise the General Assembly
on means to expedite and complete the business of the General
n. He shall be responsible for notifying all appropriate persons of the
decisions of the General Assembly.
o. He shall serve as the secretary and treasurer of the Presbyterian
Church in America (A Corporation).
p. He shall receive progress reports and/or minutes from the
committees appointed by the General Assembly, including special
q. He shall have the privilege of the floor in all matters pertaining to
his office at the General Assembly, to present necessary
information on business before the meeting concerning the work
and report of any committee on which he serves, and at such times
when the Moderator, the coordinators, the executive directors,
chairmen of Assembly Committees and Agencies (or their
designated representative), or any commissioner may request that
he clarify matters before the court.
r. He shall serve as custodian of the rolls of each General Assembly.
s. He shall be the correspondent with the lower courts of the church.
t. He shall be authorized to make public statements for and on behalf
of the denomination only insofar as such statements are warranted
on the basis of specific actions of the General Assembly.
3-3. The Stated Clerk shall have responsibility to the Administrative
Committee of General Assembly as follows:
a. He shall work under the supervision of the Administrative
Committee of General Assembly between the meetings of General
b. He shall perform such duties as the Administrative Committee of
General Assembly shall direct.
c. He shall recommend a person to fill the office of business
administrator, such recommendation to be made to the
Administrative Committee of General Assembly. He shall
employ such business administrator, with the prior approval of
this Administrative Committee. The person filling the office of
business administrator shall be responsible directly to the Stated
Clerk, and through the business administrator the necessary
personnel and equipment shall be obtained and utilized -- all under
the overall oversight of the Administrative Committee of General
d. He shall make a full report to the Administrative Committee of
General Assembly each year pertaining to his assessment of and
evaluation of the performance by himself and those under his
supervision and control during the year, which full report shall be
submitted by this Administrative Committee to the General
Assembly. This Administrative Committee shall have the
responsibility of adding its comments, recommendations and
suggestions to such report which shall include an evaluation of the
performance of the person filling the office of the Stated Clerk.
3-4. The Administrative Committee of General Assembly has the
responsibility of nominating to the General Assembly the person to fill the
office of the Stated Clerk. Additional nominations may be made from the floor
of the Assembly through the regular process for additional nominations.
3-5. The qualifications for the person to fill the office of the Stated Clerk
shall be as follows:
a. He must be either a teaching or ruling elder in the Presbyterian
Church in America.
b. He must be conversant with the history and distinctives of the
Presbyterian and Reformed tradition and in particular of the
history and distinctives of the Presbyterian Church in America.
c. He must possess a competent knowledge of the Book of Church
Order of the Presbyterian Church in America.
d. He must have demonstrated managerial and organizational skills.
e. He must be loyal to the standards of the Presbyterian Church in
America and be able to fairly represent the actions of each General
Assembly. He must be conversant with the breadth of Reformed
thinking in the Presbyterian Church in America and be able to
communicate with the members of the Presbyterian Church in
America and with representatives of other Reformed
f. He must be able to work in a capable, sensitive manner with
persons who are in positions of responsibility in the Presbyterian
Church in America organization structure.
g. He must understand and be committed to the proposition set out
in BCO 14-1, 3: "The work of the Church as set forth in the Great
Commission is one work. . ." Therefore, such person must
recognize and be committed to implementing the important
principle of the interdependency of each court, Committee, and
Agency of the PCA.
h. He must have an appreciation of the whole church of the Lord
Jesus Christ as defined in BCO 1-3 and thus be able to work with
the leaders of all branches of this true Church.
4-1. The affairs and programs of the General Assembly shall be conducted
primarily through its permanent Committees and Agencies.
4-2. The permanent Committees are those specifically created by the Book
of Church Order:
Administrative Committee (AC)
Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM)
Mission to the World (MTW)
Mission to North America (MNA)
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF)
The Administrative Committee shall function as a service committee to the
General Assembly and the denomination. The Committees on Discipleship
Ministries, Mission to North America, Mission to the World, and Reformed
University Fellowship shall be known as program Committees.
4-3. The Agencies are:
Covenant College (CC)
Covenant Theological Seminary (CTS)
PCA Foundation (PCAF)
PCA Retirement & Benefits, Inc. (RBI)
Ridge Haven Conference Center (RH)
The relationship of the Agencies to the Assembly remains as a Committee,
although they may be incorporated separately for civil purposes. The
composition and responsibilities of the Agencies are set forth in the Bylaws.
4-4. The Special Committees are:
Constitutional Business, Committee on (CCB)
Cooperative Ministries Committee (CMC)
Interchurch Relations Committee (IRC)
Nominating Committee (NC)
Review of Presbytery Records, Committee on (RPR)
Theological Examining Committee (TEC)
4-5. The membership of Committees or Agencies shall be limited to the
constitutional provisions for the permanent Committees or Agencies (BCO 14-
1.12): namely, that those who have served for at least a full term, or at least
two years of a partial term on one of the Assembly’s permanent Committees
or Agencies shall not be eligible for re-election to an Assembly Committee or
Agency until one year has elapsed, unless provision has been approved by the
Agency bylaws. Nominations shall be handled according to the BCO 14-1.11.
These provisions shall not apply to ad interim committees, study committees
or other committees appointed.
4-6. No individual shall serve on more than one Assembly committee or
agency at one time, except those who serve as permanent Committee or
Agency representatives on the Administrative Committee of General
Assembly and those who serve on ad interim committees.
4-7. Employees of the Assembly’s Committees and Agencies are not
eligible for office on an Assembly’s Committee or Agency which administers
matters directly related to their area of employment.
4-8. The chief administrative officer of the Administrative Committee of
General Assembly shall be the Stated Clerk. The chief administrative officer
of the four program Committees shall be the coordinators and of the Agencies
shall be the executive directors or presidents.
4-9. The four program Committees shall nominate annually a coordinator
for election by the General Assembly. The Administrative Committee shall
nominate annually a Stated Clerk for election by the General Assembly. If the
nominee has not been examined by the Theological Examining Committee,
such an examination must take place prior to the election when it is a first time
employment. A new coordinator shall assume office at the end of the
Assembly meeting, or at such time thereafter as designated by the General
4-10. Permanent Committees and Agencies may appoint subcommittees for
specific tasks or areas of responsibility assigned by the General Assembly,
according to the following guidelines:
a. Membership of subcommittees may include persons not elected to
the permanent Committee or Agency, provided the subcommittee
chairman is a permanent Committee or Agency member.
b. All policies and procedures of a subcommittee must be approved
by the permanent Committee or Agency prior to implementation.
c. The staff of a subcommittee is controlled by the permanent
Committee or Agency through its chief administrative officer.
4-11. The budget for each permanent Committee and Agency shall be
submitted to the Administrative Committee of General Assembly, which shall
independently evaluate the proposed budget of each permanent Committee and
Agency and report to the Assembly its considered opinion on the adoption. To
protect the ministry and fiduciary responsibilities of the Committees and
Agency Boards, the financial coordination and independent evaluation of the
budgets by the Administrative Committee shall be for review, discussion, and
recommendation to the Assembly.
Should modifications in budgets be deemed necessary by the Assembly,
special care shall be taken that changes not be made in such a way as to
threaten the continuity or effectiveness of the Committee’s or Agency’s
ministry. Budgets of permanent Committees and Agencies that are agreed
upon by the Administrative Committee may be changed only by a two-thirds
vote of the Assembly commissioners present and voting at the time the budget
is submitted for adoption. In the event the Administrative Committee
disagrees with the budget submitted by one of the Committees or Boards, in
whole or any item thereof, the General Assembly may adopt either the
Committee’s or Board’s budget or the Administrative Committee’s
recommended budget by simple majority. The requirement of a two-thirds
vote of the General Assembly applies only to changes not recommended by
the Administrative Committee, initiated on the floor of the Assembly. With
respect to the Committees and Agencies, financial coordination is through the
Administrative Committee to the Assembly and from the General Assembly
to the Committees and Agencies. The Administrative Committee is a “filter
upward” and has no downward authority.
The Administrative Committee shall annually provide and publish
guidelines for the Partnership Share Giving Program of the PCA, including the
Ministry Ask. These guidelines shall include statistical information expressed
both in per capita giving terms and in proportional (percentage) giving terms
to demonstrate the giving necessary to attain full funding for budgets of the
General Assembly Committees and Agencies.
The Committees and Agencies receiving support through the PCA
Partnership Share Giving Program shall present their financial needs and their
Ministry Ask to the Administrative Committee for review and
recommendation in the course of the regular budgeting process. Each
Committee and Agency shall then be free to request from the PCA churches
and constituency the contributions necessary to fund its approved budget.
While all churches remain free to give their contributions as they by
God’s guidance determine, all churches are encouraged to give, as they are
able, at least ten percent (10%) of their tithes and offerings to the PCA causes
of presbyteries and General Assembly.
The Administrative Committee shall maintain a manual containing the
Affirmation of Core Financial Standards. This information, by which each PCA
General Assembly ministry (Committee or Agency) shall function and by
which the budget process is governed for each Committee and Agency, shall
be available to all constituencies.
4-12. All funds received by the Corporation that are designated for the
benefit of any particular permanent Committee or Agency shall be disbursed
by the treasurer to the proper Committee or Agency. There shall be no
equalization of funds so designated. Any funds received by the Corporation
not designated as being for the benefit of a particular permanent Committee or
Agency shall be distributed by the treasurer as directed by the General
4-13. Each permanent Committee or Agency, by resolution adopted by a
majority of its Committee or Board members, may designate the place, date,
and time for its regular meetings, which should be held as needed, but no less
than twice a year. Written or printed notice of such resolution should be given
to all Committee or Board members within a reasonable time after the adoption
thereof. Notice of the time, place or purpose of such regular meetings of the
permanent Committee or Board shall not be required to be given.
4-14. Special meetings of the permanent Committees and Agencies may be
called at any time or place by the chairman of the Committee or Board, or by
a majority of the Committee or Board members. Written notice stating the
place, date, and hour of such special meeting shall be delivered by the
chairman of the Committee or Board to each Committee or Board member at
least ten days prior to the date of such meetings, and such notice should specify
the purpose of such special meetings. Attendance of a Committee or Board
member at such a meeting will constitute a waiver of notice of such meeting.
The act of the majority of the Committee or Board members present at a
meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Committee or
4-15. A majority of a permanent Committee or Board shall constitute a
4-16. The chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, and any other officers of each
permanent Committee or Agency shall be elected annually at the last regular
meeting of the Committee or Board prior to the meeting of the General
Assembly. Notice of this meeting shall include notice to the effect that these
elections shall take place.
4-17. In the event any administrative personnel employed by a Committee
or Agency and approved by the General Assembly resigns, dies, or is unable
to act, such Committee or Agency may employ a provisional replacement, who
has been examined and approved by the Assembly's Theological Examining
Committee, and who shall serve until the next General Assembly.
4-18. Chairmen of special committees (4-4), subcommittees, commissions
including the SJC, ad interim committees, and study committees (9-1 9-4 )
that are funded through the Administrative Committee or whose funds are
administered by the Administrative Committee, have the authority to call,
postpone, or cancel meetings. The Stated Clerk has the authority and
responsibility to notify the chairman that a meeting(s) to be held between
Assemblies will not be funded if the resources are not sufficient to meet the
General Assembly defined spending requirements. These requirements dictate
that Committee and Agency expenses not exceed income and reserve levels.
4-19. Copies of all permanent Committee and Agency meeting agendas and
minutes shall be sent, in a timely manner, to all chairmen and chief
administrative officers of the General Assembly permanent Committees and
4-20. All chairmen and chief administrative officers of the General
Assembly permanent Committees and Agencies (or their designees) shall be
given the opportunity to attend (at the expense of their respective permanent
Committee or Agency) any meeting of any permanent Committee or Agency.
4-21. Guidelines for Keeping Minutes of Permanent Committees and
Agencies of the General Assembly
a. The minutes of Assembly Committees and Agencies should be
kept either in a lock-type record book, with numbered pages, or
be printed, mimeographed, or otherwise reproduced.
b. The minutes should be typewritten or printed, or reproduced from
typewritten masters, and should be neat and legible.
c. The opening paragraphs of the minutes should contain the
following information (which need not, however, be divided into
numbered or separate items):
1) The kind of meeting: regular, called, adjourned regular, or
adjourned called;
2) The name of the Committee or Agency;
3) The date and time of the meeting, and the place;
4) The name of the chairman, and if someone other than the
regular secretary served as a clerk pro-tem, his name should
be indicated;
5) If the minutes of the previous meeting were not approved at
that meeting, a record of their having been read and approved
by this session should be indicated, including the date of the
minutes being so approved.
6) The names of those present at the meeting should be recorded,
indicating whether they were teaching elders or ruling elders,
and the presbytery represented in each case. The names of
alternate elders and their respective churches should also be
included, and the names of visitors should be included.
d. The contents of the minutes should include the following items:
1) The names of persons leading in opening and closing prayers
at all sessions;
2) In the event of a called meeting, the portion of the call stating
the purpose of the meeting should be recorded verbatim in the
3) A recording of the actions of the Committee or Board,
including all motions adopted and business transacted,
together with such additional information as the Committee or
Board deems desirable for historical purposes. Ordinarily in
church courts, motions that are lost are not included in the
record unless an affirmative vote for the lost motion is
recorded, in which case the lost motion must be shown. Each
main motion should normally be recorded in a separate
paragraph. Subsidiary and procedural motions may be
recorded in the same paragraph with the main motion to which
they pertain. Main motions may be recorded in the same
paragraph, if they are closely related and pertain to the same
item of business.
e. It may be desirable to number these paragraphs consecutively, and
to give a title over each paragraph indicating succinctly the
content of business included. This is not mandatory, but is
desirable for the later reading of the minutes. For historical
purposes, some notes as to the extent and kind of debate may be
included, but minutes should never reflect the secretary’s opinion,
favorable or otherwise, on anything said or done.
f. The minutes of the Committees and Boards should appear in the
minute book in the order in which the meetings occur. When a
previous action of the Committee or Board is cited, the date should
be given, and the volume and page and paragraph number.
g. The minutes of each meeting should be signed by the secretary.
h. The chief administrative officer, if there be one, and if not, the
chairman, shall be responsible for the custody of the minutes of
the Committee or Agency. He is responsible for the presentation
to the General Assembly for approval of all minutes of the
Committee or Agency which have been approved by the
Committee or Agency not previously approved by the General
Assembly. All other minutes of the Committee or Agency to
which specific reference is made in the minutes submitted to the
General Assembly for approval shall be submitted for purposes of
i. A copy of the Guidelines for Keeping Committee or Agency
Minutes should be kept with the minutes of the Committee or
j. An up-to-date copy of the bylaws and manual of the Committee
or Agency, if such exist, should be kept with the minutes.
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5-1. The Administrative Committee of General Assembly (AC) shall
consist of twenty (20) members:
a. Eleven members in classes elected through the standard
nomination and election procedure;
b. One member each from the following program Committees or
1) Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM);
2) Covenant College (CC);
3) Covenant Theological Seminary (CTS);
4) Mission to North America (MNA);
5) Mission to the World (MTW);
6) PCA Foundation (PCAF);
7) PCA Retirement & Benefits, Inc (RBI);
8) Reformed University Fellowship (RUF);
9) Ridge Haven Conference Center (RH).
5-2. The eleven members at large shall serve a term of four years. The
chairman of the Administrative Committee shall be one of its members at
5-3. Each program Committee and each Agency shall designate its member
each year at the last meeting of the Committee or Board before the meeting of
General Assembly. The chief administrative officers of the program
Committees and Agencies may attend any meeting of the Administrative
Committee. They shall be entitled to the privilege of the floor but shall not
have a vote and must be excluded when an executive session is called.
5-4. In order to support the ministry of the Administrative Committee in
its unique role as a service committee to the to the General Assembly and to
the entire denomination, and in order to express financially a mutual
commitment to the theology of a spiritually connectional Church, Committees
and Agencies are directed, and particular churches and Teaching Elders are
encouraged, to contribute to the support of the Administrative Committee in
the following manner:
a. Each Committee and Agency of the General Assembly shall annually
contribute at an equal share to the operating budget of the
Administrative Committee. The General Assembly shall annually
determine the specific contribution to be given by each Committee or
Agency based on a recommendation from the Administrative
Committee, not to exceed (in total) 5% of the budget of the
Administrative Committee. In a given year, should a Committee or
Agency have difficulty contributing its share, the Administrative
Committee may recommend to the Assembly a reduction for that
Committee or Agency, and so reduce the total contribution for that
b. Particular churches are encouraged to contribute to the
Administrative Committee on an annual basis a percentage of their
operating budget. The General Assembly shall annually determine
the percentage of congregational operating budgets requested,
based on a recommendation from the Administrative Committee.
For the purpose of this provision, the operating budget shall be
defined as all funds received excepting those for capital campaign
c. All Teaching Elders are encouraged to pay an annual
“Administration Fee for Ministers.” The General Assembly shall
annually determine the Administration Fee for Ministers, based on
a recommendation from the Administrative Committee.
6-1. The Committee on Discipleship Ministries. The affairs of the
church in the areas of Christian education and publications are assigned to the
Committee on Discipleship Ministries, whose duties and authority shall be
designated by the General Assembly.
6-2. The Committee on Mission to North America. The affairs of the
church involved in its extension in the United States and Canada are assigned
to the Committee on Mission to North America, whose duties and authority
shall be designated by the General Assembly.
6-3. The Committee on Mission to the World. The affairs of the church
in the area of world missions outside of the United States and Canada are
assigned to the Committee on Mission to the World, whose duties and
authority shall be designated by the General Assembly.
6-4. The Committee on Reformed University Fellowship. The affairs
of the church in the area of campus ministry are assigned to the Committee on
Reformed University Fellowship, whose duties and authority shall be
designated by the General Assembly.
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7-1. Membership
a. The members of the Cooperative Ministries Committee shall be
the chairmen and chief administrative officers of the General
Assembly permanent Committees and Agencies.
b. The current Moderator and immediate past five moderators of the
General Assembly shall be advisory members, having six-year
7-2. Terms of office
a. The chairmen of the General Assembly permanent Committees
and Agencies shall serve as elected by their respective
Committees or Boards.
b. The chief administrative officers of the General Assembly
permanent Committees shall serve as elected by the General
Assembly and the chief administrative officers of Agencies shall
serve as elected by their respective Boards.
c. The Moderator shall begin service during the year he is elected by
the Assembly as Moderator.
d. Past moderators shall serve during six years following their
election by the Assembly as Moderator.
7-3. Responsibilities
a. Consider only such matters as enumerated below or such matters
as referred to it by the Committees and Agencies of the General
b. Meet together to foster cooperative ministry among Committees
and Agencies in accordance with the PCA purpose statement
adopted by the 10
Assembly in 1982, upon recommendation of
the Committee on Mission to the United States:
It is the purpose of the PCA to bring glory to God as a
worshipping and serving community until the nations in
which we live are filled with churches that make Jesus
Christ and His Word their chief joy, and the nations of the
world, hearing the Word are discipled in obedience to the
Great Commission.
c. Facilitate integrated long-range planning that supports progress
toward the overall mission and ministry of the PCA. Such
planning shall be with respect to matters that fall within the
ordinary scope of the respective responsibilities of the PCA’s
Committees and Agencies, particularly with a view toward the
mission of the PCA as a whole. Any matters requiring General
Assembly action shall come to the General Assembly through
overtures from the lower courts.
d. Keep minutes of the meetings and distribute them to all chief
administrative officers and chairmen.
e. Establish appropriate subcommittees to deal with specific issues
as they are identified.
f. Send recommendations to chief administrative officers and their
respective Committees or Boards. Encourage them to deal with
the issues presented to them, and if necessary, for them to meet
together to resolve issues.
g. Monitor and evaluate the standards of effectiveness and efficiency
of permanent Committees and Agencies in light of the unique
ministry of each Committee or Agency, with particular attention
to inter-Committee-and-Agency communication, collaboration,
and cooperation.
h. Serve as a forum for resolving issues of inter-agency cooperation,
collaboration or conflict.
7-4. Meetings
a. Frequency The committee shall have an annual meeting in
January, and other called meetings as necessary. The moderator
of the Cooperative Ministries Committee shall call a special
meeting of the committee when requested by the chief
administrative officers or chairmen of two Committees or
Agencies. There shall be thirty days advance notice of called
meetings. The moderator of the Cooperative Ministries
Committee shall call an emergency meeting of the committee
when requested by the chief administrative officers or chairmen
of three Committees or Agencies. There shall be seven days
advance notice of emergency meetings.
b. Moderator The current Moderator of the General Assembly or
his designee shall moderate the meetings of the Cooperative
Ministries Committee.
c. Docket The Stated Clerk shall be the secretary of the committee
for the purposes of maintaining the committee’s records, receiving
matters for the agenda from all committee members, working with
the moderator of the committee to
propose the agenda at each meeting of the committee, and to
prepare the annual informational report to the General Assembly.
7-5. Appeal to the Administrative Committee for Unresolved Matters
In the event any matter considered by the Cooperative Ministries
Committee has not been satisfactorily resolved within the committee,
the matter may be referred to the Administrative Committee.
a. Any member of the Cooperative Ministries Committee may
request the advisory members to refer a matter arising from the
committee to the Administrative Committee.
b. A request shall be referred to the Administrative Committee only
if a majority of the advisory members of the Cooperative
Ministries Committee agree to make the reference to the
Administrative Committee by:
1) Giving notice of an intent to make the reference to the
chairman within three (3) business days after adjournment
2) Submitting the reference signed and in writing to the Office
of the Stated Clerk at least thirty-five (35) business days prior
to the spring meeting of the Administrative Committee.
c. The committee by its own action may bring a matter arising from
the committee to the Administrative Committee.
d. Matters referred from the committee or the majority of advisory
members shall be considered by the Administrative Committee
only at its stated spring meeting.
e. The six advisory members of the Cooperative Ministries
Committee may attend the Administrative Committee meeting or
Administrative Committee subcommittee meetings when issues
referred to the Administrative Committee from the Cooperative
Ministries Committee are being addressed.
f. The chairmen, chief administrative officers, and immediate past
chairmen of the General Assembly permanent Committees and
Agencies or their designees may attend the Administrative
Committee meeting or Administrative Committee subcommittee
meetings when issues referred to the Administrative Committee
from the Cooperative Ministries Committee are being addressed.
g. The Administrative Committee may not act upon matters that are
solely within the specified areas of responsibility of the
Cooperative Ministries Committee until such matters are properly
referred to the Administrative Committee in order for the
Administrative Committee to facilitate discussion and resolution
of such matters.
7-6. Reporting Process The Cooperative Ministries Committee shall
submit an annual report to the General Assembly, but any recommendations
to the Assembly must come as set forth in 7-3.c.
7-7. Funding The funding of the committee shall be as follows:
a. All travel and other expenses for each chief administrative officer
and chairman shall be borne by the respective Committee or
b. All travel and other expenses of the advisory members shall be
shared equally by the Committees and Agencies.
8-1. Interchurch Relations Committee
There shall be an Interchurch Relations Committee composed of three teaching
elders and three ruling elders who may serve two consecutive, three-year terms
of office. There shall be a ruling elder and a teaching elder to serve as
The committee shall serve as liaison between the Presbyterian Church in
America and other denominations and church councils as approved by the
8-2. The Committee on Constitutional Business
a. There shall be a Committee on Constitutional Business composed
of eight members divided into four classes of two members each
serving four-year terms. Each class shall be composed of one
teaching elder and one ruling elder. There shall be one teaching
elder and one ruling elder to serve as alternates.
b. The Committee on Constitutional Business shall:
1) Function as advisor to the Stated Clerk when requested by
him. Such advice shall be for information only and without
binding authority.
2) Receive from the Stated Clerk all non-judicial references
submitted by presbyteries under BCO 41-1 and 41-4, and, if it
accedes to the request, give its advice to the presbytery
sending the non-judicial reference. Such advice shall be for
information only and without binding authority or precedent
but shall be included as a part of the annual report of the Stated
Clerk to the General Assembly.
3) Provide advice concerning the effect of any proposed
amendment to the Constitution or to the Rules of Assembly
Operations. Such advice shall be included in the report of the
committee as printed in the Commissioner Handbook, and
shall be presented orally to the Overtures Committee at the
time the proposed amendment is considered by the Overtures
Committee. Upon so advising the Overtures Committee, the
Committee on Constitutional Business’s responsibility with
respect to such proposed amendment shall cease.
4) Advise the Overtures Committee on any constitutional inquiry
submitted to it by the Overtures Committee.
5) Report directly to the General Assembly on all constitutional
inquiries submitted to it by the General Assembly.
c. The Committee on Constitutional Business shall not be separately
funded but administratively shall operate as a subcommittee of the
Administrative Committee of General Assembly.
8-3. Theological Examining Committee
In accordance with BCO 14-1.14 there shall be a Theological Examining
Committee composed of three teaching elders and three ruling elders of three
classes of two men each. There shall also be one teaching elder and one ruling
elder as alternates to fill any vacancy that may occur during the year.
This committee shall conduct its work as specified in BCO 14-1.14.
Furthermore this committee shall record all nominees’ differences to our
denominational standards in their own words, as set forth in RAO 16-3.e.5.
Those differences shall be included in this committee’s annual report which is
submitted to the General Assembly for approval.
8-4. Nominating Committee
The Assembly’s Nominating Committee shall operate under the following
a. Every member of the Nominating Committee should make a
reasonable effort to attend the next General Assembly.
b. The Nominating Committee should be reminded of paragraph
BCO 14-1.9 regarding proportionate representation wherever
c. No presbytery shall ordinarily be represented by more than one
person nominated for any given Committee or Agency. This
includes alternates.
d. A typed biographical form must accompany each name submitted
to the Nominating Committee. All nominees should be contacted
by their presbyteries to ascertain their availability and willingness
to serve prior to submission of names to General Assembly’s
Nominating Committee.
e. Presbyteries should send names of nominees on forms to the
Stated Clerk’s office no later than four months prior to the General
Assembly. The Stated Clerk will then make the forms available
to the convener of the Nominating Committee.
f. A list of members, by presbytery, currently serving on the
permanent Committees and Agencies should be furnished to the
convener of the Nominating Committee by the Stated Clerk. The
Directory of the current Assembly Committees should indicate the
presbytery of each Committee or Agency member.
g. “In addition to the new nominees from presbyteries, alternates not
assuming any vacancies during a year will be automatically
considered by the Nominating Committee as candidates for
nomination to that same committee” (BCO 14-1.11).
h. The committee shall present its nominations to the Assembly
through the Commissioner Handbook or Supplement. This
presentation shall include a brief statement regarding each
i. Additional nominations may be submitted either (1) in writing or
(2) electronically, in either case on forms supplied by the Stated
Clerk, which shall include consent of the nominee to serve, if
elected, and a brief statement regarding the nominee. In the event
that a nomination is submitted electronically, the nominator
should be aware that responsibility for such nomination rests with
the nominator and that non-delivery is the sole responsibility of
the nominator. Because the nominator has sole responsibility for
delivery of a nomination, the nominator should obtain a receipt
verifying successful electronic delivery of the nomination. The
nominee is to give consent to only one nomination. In the event
that the nominee is nominated for more than one position, the
nominee may indicate to which nomination the nominee consents.
The deadline for these nominations is the close of the afternoon
session of the first day of the Assembly. The Clerk’s office shall issue
a supplement to the Assembly’s Nominating Committee report
during the second day’s business sessions.
j. The time for the election shall be docketed as a special order. Only
those commissioners present or on the floor of the Assembly shall
be eligible to vote. The voting procedures may be conducted
either by voice vote or by standing vote, or by use of ballots as
determined by the General Assembly.
k. In the event of the resignation of any member of an Assembly
elected Committee or Agency, such resignation should be
presented to the Office of the Stated Clerk of the General
Assembly. The Stated Clerk, shall, after consultation with the
chairman of the respective Committee or Board, be authorized to
accept such resignation on behalf of the Assembly. He is to report
such actions to the next General Assembly, and arrange for the
nomination of a replacement by the Assembly’s Nominating
Committee, where such replacement is appropriate.
8-5. Committee on Review of Presbytery Records
a. The Committee on Review of Presbytery Records shall be
comprised of one representative from each presbytery elected by
the presbytery in the manner set forth in BCO 14-1.11 for the
election of the Nominating Committee. A person who is serving
as a member of or on the staff of one of the permanent or special
committees, or boards of the General Assembly shall be eligible
to serve on this committee.
b. The committee shall be scheduled to meet prior to the opening
session of the Assembly.
c. A chairman and vice-chairman for the following year shall be
elected by the committee from members who shall be serving in
at least the second year of their term.
9-1. The Assembly may elect or appoint ad interim or study committees of
a temporary character to handle particular matters of business as designated by
the Assembly.
9-2. Recommendations for the appointment of ad-interim or study
committees shall arise only by way of overtures from Presbyteries, which shall
be submitted to the Overtures Committee for recommendations to the General
9-3. Only two (2) ad interim study committees may be appointed or
continued in any given year, (with no committee continuing with undesignated
Administrative Committee funding beyond the third year of its inception and
no more than two [2] committees existing in any one [1] year), and any
additional committees would have to be approved by a two-thirds vote of
commissioners, with financing provided from outside the Administrative
Committee budget.
9-4. The total number of committee members per committee is not to
exceed seven (7) members. Each committee’s appointment and/or extension
must be ratified by a majority vote of the commissioners.
9-5. All ad interim and study committees shall be considered by the
General Assembly for appointment or extension at the time during the General
Assembly docket of the Administrative Committee’s report so that due
consideration be given as to their priority and their effect on the budgets.
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10-1. There shall be a General Assembly Local Arrangements Committee,
which shall function under the Administrative Committee. Final approval of
all decisions regarding the Assembly shall rest in the Administrative
Committee. The Assembly’s Administrative Committee and the Local
Arrangements Committee shall operate under a Manual approved by the
Administrative Committee.
10-2. The Local Arrangements Committee shall be composed of the
a. The chairman of the Local Arrangements Committee, who is
appointed by the host presbytery.
b. The treasurer of the local committee
c. Other members of the local committee as set forth in the General
Assembly Arrangements Manual.
d. The Stated Clerk of the General Assembly.
e. The business administrator of the Administrative Committee.
10-3. Worship services shall be included as approved by the Assembly. The
Administrative Committee must approve any non-PCA speaker.
10-4. The Administrative Committee shall set a suitable registration fee,
subject to the approval of the General Assembly.
10-5. The Administrative Committee must approve any non-PCA exhibitors
in accordance with the following:
Guidelines for Displays at the Assembly.
Subject to space available, priorities for exhibitors will be as follows:
a. Committees and Agencies of the Presbyterian Church in America,
including agencies or institutions with which they have formally,
through their minutes, established a working relationship;
b. Agencies or institutions with which the General Assembly,
through its minutes has established a working relationship;
c. Agencies and institutions which in the opinion of the Committee
have objectives, policies, or programs in general conformity with
those of the Presbyterian Church in America;
A disclaimer statement should be printed in the Commissioner
Handbook distributed to all commissioners, stating in effect that
permission granted to place an exhibit does not mean the Presbyterian
Church in America necessarily fully endorses the exhibitor’s product,
services, or objectives. These guidelines are to serve as the ordinary
guidelines. If the Administrative Committee feels that an exception
must be made, it has the authority to do so, and is to report such actions
and the reasons to the next Assembly.
10-6. In case of extraordinary events occurring or unusual circumstances
arising that make it impractical for the General Assembly to hold its annual
stated meeting on the dates or at the site previously approved by the Assembly,
the Moderator with the Administrative Committee shall be authorized, upon
the recommendation of the Stated Clerk and Moderator, to make alternative
10-7. The Administrative Committee shall be authorized to take the
initiative to investigate and recommend to the General Assembly sites for the
annual meeting of the General Assembly, and to that end, the Administrative
Committee shall be authorized to suggest to presbyteries their hosting the
annual meeting of the General Assembly.
10-8. Ordinarily the Administrative Committee will bring General
Assembly sites before the Assembly for approval before any contracts are
finalized. However, the Administrative Committee shall be authorized to
finalize contracts with hotels and convention centers before obtaining General
Assembly approval when circumstances arise wherein the Administrative
Committee approves the site, the presbytery (or presbyteries) has/have agreed
to host the Assembly, good facilities at favorable rates are available, and the
opportunity may be lost if a delay in finalizing the contract must await
approval at the next General Assembly.”
10-9. In order to assist more Presbyteries to host the annual meeting of the
General Assembly, each Presbytery is encouraged to contribute to the
Administrative Committee annually an amount determined by the General
Assembly. The Administrative Committee shall annually recommend to the
Assembly the amount of the requested Presbytery contribution. The
Administrative Committee will make such designated gifts available to the
Local Arrangements Committee of host Presbyteries.
11-1. A communication to the General Assembly is formal correspondence
received by the Stated Clerk from other churches, from interchurch agencies
to which this church may be related, from committees of this church on matters
which can not be included in regular reports, from presbyteries, and from
organized bodies outside the Church proper having business with the General
11-2. Communications from individuals shall not be received by the General
Assembly, unless they originate with persons who have no other access to the
Assembly. If the Assembly desires to receive and consider any such
communications, other than as information, the Stated Clerk shall recommend
reference to the proper Assembly committee. Letters, telegrams, or telephone
calls from communicants or congregations of the Presbyterian Church in
America are not proper communications, and are not to be received by the
11-3. The Stated Clerk shall recommend to the Assembly reference for all
proper communications.
11-4. An overture ordinarily is the request of a presbytery for action by the
General Assembly upon a specific matter.
11-5. Upon receipt the Stated Clerk shall refer all overtures requesting
amendment of the Book of Church Order or the Rules of Assembly Operations
to the Committee on Constitutional Business for its advice to the Overtures
Committee. Upon receipt, the Stated Clerk shall forward all overtures
concerning presbytery boundaries or a new presbytery to the permanent
Committee on Mission to North America. Any overture, other than an overture
proposing amendment to the Constitution (which shall be referred to the
Committee on Constitutional Business for its advice to the Overtures
Committee), having to do with the nature or responsibilities of a permanent
Committee or Agency shall be referred by the Clerk to the appropriate
permanent Committee or Agency or ad interim committee. All other overtures
shall be referred to the Overtures Committee. An overture proposing
amendment to the Constitution shall be referred only to the Overtures
Committee for consideration and recommendation; such an overture, however,
may be referred to other Committees of Commissioners, other permanent
Committees or Agencies, or other ad interim committees for advice only, to
the Overtures Committee. All overtures shall be published in the
Commissioner Handbook with reference for consideration indicated.
11-6. All overtures requiring references to the Committee on Constitutional
Business shall be delivered by at least sixty (60) days prior to the opening of
the General Assembly to the Stated Clerk in order to be referred to the
committee. No overture requiring reference to the permanent Committee on
Constitutional Business received later than sixty (60) days prior to the opening
of the General Assembly by the Stated Clerk shall be referred or considered
by the General Assembly convening in that year.
11-7. All other overtures shall be delivered to the Stated Clerk at least ninety
(90) days prior to the opening of the General Assembly in order to be included
in the Commissioner Handbook for the next meeting of the General Assembly.
11-8. Overtures received after the Commissioner Handbook is published,
and at least one (1) month (31 days) prior to the opening of the General
Assembly shall be reported to the Assembly by the Stated Clerk, together with
11-9. No overtures received by the Stated Clerk less than one month prior
to the opening of the meeting of the General Assembly shall be referred to or
considered by the General Assembly convening in that year. An overture
proposed by a commissioner to the General Assembly during its proceedings
shall be treated as new business (cf. 13-1, 13-2).
11-10. No overture will be considered by the General Assembly until it first
has been presented to a presbytery. If approved by the presbytery, it will come
before the Assembly as the overture of that court. An overture requested by
an individual communicant, a teaching elder, or a session, but rejected by the
presbytery, may be presented to the Assembly, provided the fact that it was
rejected by the presbytery is clearly stated with the overture.
11-11. All communications or overtures which propose or request that
General Assembly appoint a study committee for any purpose shall contain as
a part of the request or proposal a statement of the maximum amount to be
budgeted for the study committee (see 9-2).
11-12. No communication or overture shall be received that seeks to
memorialize someone.
12-1. The permanent Committees and Agencies, special committees, and ad
interim committees of the Assembly shall make annual reports, which shall be
transmitted to the Stated Clerk by at least ninety (90) days prior to the opening
of the General Assembly. The Stated Clerk shall refer these reports to the
relevant committee of commissioners for their review and recommendation to
the General Assembly (cf. 14-6; 14-7). The Nominating Committee, the
Committee on Review of Presbytery Records, the Standing Judicial
Commission, the Committee on Constitutional Business, and ad interim
committees shall report directly to the General Assembly without reference to
a committee of commissioners. However, all recommendations proposing
amendment to the Constitution shall be referred to the Overtures Committee for their
review and recommendation to the General Assembly under the rules governing a
committee of commissioners as applicable (RAO 14-6.d.-k.; 14-7.c.-d.; 14-9.d.-h.).
12-2. Presentations informing the Assembly of the work reported by the
permanent Committees and Agencies shall be limited to fifteen (15) minutes.
12-3. All other business brought to the General Assembly shall be referred
to a committee of commissioners.
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13-1. Any matter presented in any form which has not been received by the
Stated Clerk prior to the opening of the General Assembly shall be treated as
new business.
13-2. New business must be presented to the General Assembly before the
recess of the afternoon session on the first day of business, and if it was not
first presented as an overture to a Presbytery, the proposal must include an
explanation for why it was not. If received by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the
commissioners present and voting, it shall be referred by the Stated Clerk to
the appropriate committee of commissioners. No proposed amendment to the
Constitution shall be received as new business. No proposal that seeks to
memorialize someone shall be received as new business.
13-3. The appropriate committee shall receive and consider all such
references, deliberate, and report to the Assembly in compliance with the
directions of these Rules.
13-4. All matters introduced as new business, if received, and touching on
constitutional matters, including requested rulings by the Moderator on
questions of order involving constitutional questions, shall be referred in
writing to the Committee on Constitutional Business for consideration.
13-5. The Committee on Constitutional Business shall consider each such
constitutional matter referred to it, and make recommendation directly to the
13-6. [Struck in its entirety]
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14-1. Committees of commissioners shall review the report and
recommendations of their assigned permanent Committees or Agencies or
special committee:
Title Committee/Agency Review Matters
1. Administrative Permanent Committee Administration
2. Committee on Permanent Committee Christian education
Discipleship Ministries and publications
3. Covenant College Agency Covenant College
4. Covenant Seminary Agency Covenant Seminary
5. Interchurch Relations Special Committee Comity, cooperation,
relations to other churches
6. Mission to North Permanent Committee Home missions
7. Mission to the World Permanent Committee World missions
8. PCA Foundation Agency PCA Foundation
9. PCA Retirement & Agency Retirement, insurance, &
Benefits, Inc. ministerial relief
10. Reformed University Permanent Committee Reformed University
Fellowship Fellowship
11. Ridge Haven Agency Ridge Haven
14-2. Each presbytery shall, prior to the meeting of the Assembly, elect one
of its commissioners to each of these committees of commissioners (cf. 14-1),
dividing them as to ruling and teaching elders by a formula established by the
Stated Clerk. In the event that presbytery does not have sufficient teaching
elders to supply the committees thus assigned, the presbytery may, at its own
discretion, elect ruling elders to these committees (or vice versa, may elect
teaching elders for insufficient ruling elders). In the event that presbytery is
not able to supply members for all the committees, the presbytery may select
the committees to which they wish to appoint representatives. Commissioners
serving on permanent Committees or Agencies or sub-committees of the
Assembly or the staffs thereof are not eligible to serve on any of these
committees of commissioners. For the purpose of defining those ineligible for
service in committees of commissioners, permanent Committee or Agency
“staff” is to be understood as persons required to be examined by the
Theological Examining Committee (BCO 14-1.12.) and all permanent
Committee and Agency support personnel. All commissioners should bear in
mind Robert’s Rules of Order regarding abstaining from voting on a question
of direct personal interest (RRO § 45).
14-3. Minutes of the permanent Committee or Agency shall be submitted to
the committee of commissioners for review. Copies of the minutes shall be
sent by the Stated Clerk to the members of committees of commissioners one
month prior to the opening of the General Assembly.
14-4. The conveners of the committees shall be designated by the Moderator.
14-5. Committees may be scheduled to meet prior to the opening session of
the Assembly to handle the business referred by the Stated Clerk, as published
in the Commissioner Handbook.
14-6. The committees of commissioners shall proceed as follows:
a. At the proper time each committee shall assemble in its assigned
room, elect a chairman and a secretary, review material in hand,
appoint sub-committees as may be necessary, and begin its work.
Before the work of the committee begins, the committee of
commissioners chairman shall call on the Coordinator or Chairman
of the permanent Committee or Agency or his designee to report
on the work of that body and field questions or discussion from
the committee of commissioners.
b. Each committee shall be available to reconvene to consider
additional references that may come from the floor of the
c. Meetings of a committee of commissioners shall ordinarily be
open to the public as non-participating visitors, to the extent made
possible by the physical facilities of the available meeting room.
If such visitors desire the committee to consider a proposal on
some item of business that is before the committee, this must be
presented in writing.
d. Only business referred to a committee of commissioners by the
Stated Clerk may be considered. Proposed amendments to
recommendations must be germane according to Robert’s Rules.
[Editor’s Note: This rule defines germane according to the
definition stated in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 10th
ed., §12 (pp. 129-30).]
e. The chairman and representatives of the permanent Committees
and Agencies, and the coordinator and appropriate staff members
shall be available for consultation with the committee of
commissioners reviewing their work. If a substitute recom-
mendation is made by the committee of commissioners during its
work of review, the permanent Committee or Agency staff
members should be consulted before the committee's report is
adopted and shall remain available for consultation throughout the
committee of commissioners meeting, including when the
committee goes into executive session.
f. After a committee of commissioners has received input from the
permanent Committee, coordinator, staff members, and visitors, it
should then go into executive session as it frames and adopts its
report to the General Assembly. It must be in executive session
when it actually adopts the report.
g. When necessary for the performance of its duties, a committee of
commissioners may, by a majority of those present and voting,
invite other persons to address the committee.
h. A committee of commissioners may, by a majority of those
present and voting, adopt a recommendation to be offered to the
Assembly as a substitute (cf. Robert’s Rules of Order, §12, pp.
149-54) for a recommendation of a permanent Committee or
Agency (cf. RAO 14-8.g). Should a recommendation of a
permanent Committee or Agency be properly liable to division, a
committee of commissioners may, by a two thirds (2/3) vote of
those present and voting, divide the recommendation. A minority
report from a committee of commissioners shall not be permitted.
i. Upon the adoption of a proposed substitute recommendation, the
chairman of a committee of commissioners shall provide written
notice to the Office of the Stated Clerk within one hour of any
recess or adjournment of the committee following the adoption of
said recommendation. The Office of the Stated Clerk shall inform
the chairman of the permanent Committee or Agency of such
notice as soon as practicable. The printed substitute
recommendation must be presented to the chairman of the
permanent Committee or Agency as soon as practicable, but in no
case less than fifteen (15) minutes before the recommendation in
question is brought to the floor.
j. Any recommendation affecting the budgets of the Assembly or the
Assembly’s Committees and Agencies shall be referred to the
committee of commissioners on Administrative Committee.
k. By majority vote the committee of commissioners may adopt
recommendations commending coordinators, staff, Committees
and/or Agencies for their efforts.
14-7. The report of a committee of commissioners shall be brief and concise.
It shall include the following:
a. A list of all items referred to and considered by the committee.
b. A statement of the issues discussed.
c. A report of all recommendations contained in a Committee or
Agency report under consideration, and any recommendation to
be offered as a substitute for the permanent Committee or
Agency’s recommendation, with any rationale approved by the
committee of commissioners.
d. A statement of the division of the vote on every recommendation
made by the committee.
e. Reference to overtures by number with brief statement of content
and recommended answer. Amendments to the original overture
shall be reported and explained. Deference should be shown to
the intent of the body presenting the overture.
f. Reference to communications by number with brief statement of
content and recommended answer.
g. Only such portions of narrative sections of the printed reports as
are necessary to make the report of the committee of
commissioners intelligible.
h. A note that the audit of the reporting Committee or Agency has
been received and that the Committee or Agency is taking any
necessary action on any recommendation of its audits.
i. Where a study committee is proposed in any communication or
overture, a statement of the maximum amount that is to be
budgeted for the study committee.
j. The findings of the committee with respect to the minutes of the
relevant permanent Committee or Agency (cf. 14-11).
14-8. The completed report of a committee of commissioners shall contain
the full text of the report and shall be handled as follows:
a. Committee of commissioners sends report to Stated Clerk’s Office
in the manner prescribed by the Clerk.
b. Stated Clerk’s Office staff processes report for publication.
c. Committee of commissioners’ chairman or his designee presents
report to the Assembly, the text having been made available in
sufficient time that commissioners may read the entire report
before acting upon it. Any change ordered by the Assembly shall
be noted in the permanent records of the Assembly.
d. The full report, as adopted by the Assembly, shall be included in
the permanent records of the Assembly.
14-9. Presentation of the Report of Permanent Committees and Agencies
through Their Respective Committees of Commissioners, to the
General Assembly
a. The informational report or portions of that report of a permanent
Committee or Agency shall be presented to the General Assembly
by the permanent Committee or Agency chairman or his designee.
b. No report printed in the Commissioner Handbook shall be read in
full to the Assembly.
c. After whatever informational presentation there may be (cf. 12-2),
the chairman of the committee of commissioners shall be called
upon to present the committee of commissioners’ report.
d. The chairman of the committee of commissioners or his designee
shall move each recommendation in turn, offering an explanation
of the motion and the committee’s rationale. The Moderator may
put to the Assembly in gross all recommendations passed by the
committee, unless there is objection from the floor to the inclusion
of specific recommendation(s), in which case such
recommendation(s) shall be voted upon separately.
e. A recommendation shall be considered under the standard rules
governing debate, but Subsidiary Motions (RRO VI) to Postpone
Indefinitely, to Amend, to Commit, and to Limit Debate; and
Incidental Motions (RRO VIII) to Divide a Question, to Consider
Seriatim, and Constitutional Inquiries, shall not be permitted. A
motion to Recommit shall be permitted, but a motion to Recommit
With Instructions shall not be permitted.
f. Recommendations recommitted may be considered and reported
by the committee of commissioners to that General Assembly, or
may be referred to the permanent Committee or Agency for report
to the following General Assembly (cf. 12-1).
g. Should a recommendation proposing an answer to an overture in
the affirmative fail to be adopted, the overture shall be considered
to have been answered in the negative. Should a recommendation
proposing an answer to an overture in the negative fail to be
adopted, the overture by that action shall be recommitted to the
committee of commissioners.
h. If a committee of commissioners offers a substitute for a
recommendation of a permanent Committee or Agency, the
substitute shall be presented to the Assembly as follows:
1) The chairman of the permanent Committee or Agency or his
designee shall have ten (10) minutes to move the
recommendation and present the argument of the Committee;
the chairman of the committee of commissioners or his
designee shall have fifteen (15) minutes to move the substitute
and present the argument of the committee; the same
representative of the permanent Committee or Agency shall
have five (5) minutes to reply to the committee of
2) Consideration of the substitute and the main motion shall be as
above (d-e).
3) Debate on the main motion and the substitute shall be limited
to a total of sixty (60) minutes unless extended. When the
allotted time has elapsed the Moderator shall put the question
to the Assembly: "Will the Assembly extend the time on the
question ten (10) minutes?" A simple majority shall extend
the time; otherwise the Moderator shall put the question or
questions as the case may be. If time is extended, the question
of extension shall again be put every succeeding ten (10)
minutes until the matter is concluded. Each Commissioner
shall be limited to five (5) minutes on the same question unless
the Court by a simple majority grants additional time.
14-10. No partial report of a committee of commissioners shall be presented
without the consent of the Assembly.
14-11. Guidelines for Examining Committee and Agency Minutes
a. Minutes of Assembly Committees and Agencies shall be
examined for conformity to:
1) The primary and secondary standards of the church, as to
substance of the actions recorded;
2) The Assembly’s Guidelines for Keeping Minutes of
Permanent Committees of the General Assembly, as to form,
structure, and minimum content (4-21); and
3) Appropriate standards as to the use of the English language.
b. Each set of Committee or Agency minutes should be read by at
least two members of the committee of commissioners;
c. The committee may divide its work so that two or more members
examine them primarily as to form, and two or more members
may examine them primarily as to substance.
d. The findings of the committee with respect to the minutes of each
permanent Committee or Agency shall be reported under the
following categories as appropriate:
1) Notations: Typographical errors, misspellings, improper
punctuation, non-prejudicial misstatements of fact, etc., may
be reported under this category. Also failures to provide
proper or sufficient information or identification, etc., may be
reported under this category.
2) Exceptions: Violations of the Assembly’s Guidelines for
Keeping Minutes of Permanent Committees of the General
Assembly, prejudicial misstatements of fact, and actions
which in substance appear not to conform to the Standards of
the Presbyterian Church in America, or to be out of accord
with the deliverances of the General Assembly, should be
reported under this category.
e. The committee shall prepare a report concerning the minutes of
the permanent Committee or Agency. The filling out of a form,
designed for the purpose for each committee, shall meet the
requirement for this section. After action by the Assembly, one
copy of the report shall be sent by the Stated Clerk to the
permanent Committee or Agency. A second copy shall be
retained by the Stated Clerk in a permanent file. A third copy shall
be kept in the records of the committee of commissioners, which
shall be maintained in a suitable binder. The custody of the
records of the committee shall be the responsibility of the Stated
Clerk in the period between the General Assemblies.
f. Notations and exceptions in a Committee’s or Agency’s report
shall be disposed of as follows:
1) Notations shall normally be sent to the Committee or Agency
by the Stated Clerk without being read before the General
Assembly or recorded in its Minutes.
2) Exceptions shall be read before the Assembly, recorded in its
Minutes, and disposed of as the Assembly determines.
3) The Assembly shall adopt an appropriate motion with respect
to the minutes of each permanent Committee or Agency, the
following being examples:
a) That the minutes of the Committee of be
approved without exception (show dates of minutes being
b) That the minutes of the Committee of be approved
with the exceptions noted (show dates of minutes being
g. The permanent Committee or Agency shall take note in its
minutes of exceptions taken by the Assembly, together with the
corrections or explanations adopted by the committee to rectify
them. Committees or Agencies shall advise the next General
Assembly of the disposition they have made of the exceptions.
h. Reports to the Assembly from the permanent Committees and
Agencies concerning disposition of exceptions taken by the past
Assembly shall normally be referred to the relevant committee of
15-1. The Overtures Committee shall consider and make recommendation
upon all overtures or recommendations (cf. RAO 12-1.) proposing amendment
to the Constitution, and all other overtures referred by the Stated Clerk.
15-2. Each presbytery shall, prior to the meeting of each General Assembly,
elect to the Overtures Committee one teaching elder and one ruling elder from
among its registered commissioners to the General Assembly. Unless
approved by a two thirds (2/3) vote of his presbytery, no commissioner shall
serve on the Overtures Committee for more than two (2) consecutive
Assemblies. It is recommended that, where necessary, the presbytery
underwrite the expenses of its representatives to the Overtures Committee.
15-3. The Overtures Committee shall meet immediately preceding the
General Assembly in sufficient time, as determined by the Stated Clerk, for
the committee to complete its work before the convening of the Assembly.
Should the committee fail to finish before the convening of the Assembly, or
should the committee be called into session during the meeting of the
Assembly, the committee’s sessions shall be held during non-business sessions
of the Assembly, unless by majority vote the Assembly directs otherwise.
15-4. The Moderator shall designate a convener for the Overtures
Committee, and the Stated Clerk shall provide a meeting room large enough
for committee members, interested commissioners to the General Assembly,
and others to observe the proceedings of the committee.
15-5. The committee shall elect from among its number a chairman and
vice-chairman. The Stated Clerk shall be an advisory member of the
committee, and he, or his designee, shall serve as secretary and
parliamentarian. The chairman of the committee may appoint assistant
15-6. Special Rules of Procedure for the Overtures Committee.
a. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of
Order Newly Revised, § 50 and other relevant sections, shall
govern the Overture Committee in all cases to which they are
applicable, except as provided below.
b. A quorum shall consist of fifteen (15) teaching elder members of the
committee and fifteen (15) ruling elder members of the committee.
c. Only business referred to the committee by the Stated Clerk may
be considered.
d. The chairman may not enter debate or make motions without
leaving the chair, and ordinarily should not vote on a question.
e. Members of the committee must obtain the floor before making
motions or speaking.
f. Motions must be seconded.
g. A motion to Limit or Extend Limits of Debate shall not be
permitted, but there shall be permitted a motion to order the
Previous Question, which motion shall be adopted upon three-
quarters (3/4) of the members present and voting.
h. Informal discussion of a subject shall not be permitted.
i. Proposed amendments to overtures must be germane according to
Robert’s Rules. [Editor’s Note: This rule defines germane
according to the definition stated in Robert’s Rules of Order
Newly Revised, 10th ed., §12 (pp. 129-30).]
j. Commissioners to the General Assembly shall have the right to be
present throughout the committee’s proceedings.
k. Commissioners to the General Assembly from a presbytery
sending an overture shall be permitted to appear before the
committee in order to present their views and respond to questions
but may not enter into debate.
l. The chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Business or his
designee shall be permitted to appear before the Overtures
Committee to present the Committee on Constitutional Business’s
advice on any proposed amendment to the Constitution and
respond to questions but may not enter into debate.
m. When necessary for the performance of its duties, the committee
may, by a majority of those present and voting, invite other
persons to address the committee.
n. Amendments adopted by the committee to proposed amendments
to the Constitution may be recommended to the General Assembly
without further consideration by the Committee on Constitutional
Business unless one-fifth (1/5) of the members of the Overtures
Committee request further consultation.
o. Upon majority vote a constitutional inquiry may be submitted to
the Committee on Constitutional Business.
p. The committee may go into executive session only upon three-
quarters (3/4) vote of the members present and voting, and such
executive session shall not exclude visiting General Assembly
q. Each recommendation by the committee to the General Assembly
must be approved by a majority of members of the committee
present and voting.
r. Any recommendation affecting the budget of the Assembly shall
be referred to the Committee of Commissioners on Administrative
s. Minority Reports.
1) With respect to any recommendation, prior to a recess or
adjournment of the Overtures Committee following the
adoption of said recommendation, any member of the
committee may indicate an intention to file a minority report
by giving notice to the chairman.
2) Written notice of intent to file a minority report, signed by at
least three teaching elder members of the committee and three
ruling elder members of the committee, must be delivered to
the Office of the Stated Clerk within one hour of any recess
or adjournment following the adoption of said
recommendation. The Office of the Stated Clerk shall inform
the chairman of the Overtures Committee of such notice as
soon as practicable.
3) The printed minority report, signed by at least three (3)
teaching elder members of the committee and three (3) ruling
elder members of the committee, must be presented to the
chairman of the committee as soon as practicable, but in no case
less than fifteen (15) minutes before the recommendation in
question is brought to the floor.
15-7. The written report of the Overtures Committee shall include the
a. A list of all items referred to and considered by the committee.
b. A statement of the division of the vote on every recommendation
made by the committee.
c. Reference to overtures by number with brief statement of content
and recommended answer.
d. In the case of overtures requesting amendment of the Book of
Church Order, explicit indication of any language that would be
added or deleted from the Book of Church Order through adoption
of the overture. Such overture shall be sent to the presbyteries, if
approved by the General Assembly, in this particular form.
e. Reference to communications by number with brief statement of
content and recommended answer.
f. Where a study committee is recommended, a statement of the
maximum amount to be budgeted for the study committee.
15-8. Presentation of the Report of the Overtures Committee to the General
a. The report or portions of the report shall be presented to the General
Assembly by the chairman of the committee or his designee.
b. The chairman or his designee shall move each recommendation in
turn, offering an explanation of the motion and the committee’s
rationale. The Moderator may put to the Assembly in gross all
recommendations passed by the committee, unless there is
objection from the floor to the inclusion of specific
recommendation(s), in which case such recommendation(s) shall
be voted upon separately.
c. A recommendation shall be considered under the standard rules
governing debate, but Subsidiary Motions (RRO VI) to Postpone
Indefinitely, to Amend, to Commit, and to Limit Debate; and
Incidental Motions (RRO VIII) to Divide a Question, to Consider
Seriatim, and Constitutional Inquiries, shall not be permitted. A
motion to Recommit shall be permitted, but a motion to Recommit
With Instructions shall not be permitted.
d. Recommendations recommitted may be considered and reported
by the Overtures Committee to that General Assembly, or may be
referred to a subsequent Overtures Committee for report to the
following General Assembly.
e. Should a recommendation proposing an answer to an overture in
the affirmative fail to be adopted, the overture shall be considered
to have been answered in the negative. Should a recommendation
proposing an answer to an overture in the negative fail to be
adopted, the overture by that action shall be recommitted to the
Overtures Committee.
f. A member of the Overtures Committee may not participate in
debate unless he is the designee of the chairman with respect to
the presentation of a particular recommendation, or presenting a
minority report. With respect to any recommendation, this
restriction may be removed for a particular member of the
Overtures Committee upon the adoption of a non-debatable
motion to that effect by majority vote.
g. If there is a minority report (cf. 15-6.s), that report shall be
presented to the Assembly as follows:
1) The chairman or his designee shall have ten (10) minutes to
move the recommendation and present the argument of the
committee; the minority shall have fifteen (15) minutes to
move the substitute and present the argument of the minority;
the same representative of the committee shall have five (5)
minutes to reply to the minority;
2) Consideration of the substitute and the main motion shall be as
above (c-d).
3) Debate on the main motion and the substitute shall be limited
to a total of sixty (60) minutes unless extended. When the
allotted time has elapsed the Moderator shall put the question
to the Assembly: "Will the Assembly extend the time on the
question ten (10) minutes?" A simple majority shall extend
the time; otherwise the Moderator shall put the question or
questions as the case may be. If time is extended, the question
of extension shall again be put every succeeding ten (10)
minutes until the matter is concluded. Each Commissioner
shall be limited to five (5) minutes on the same question
unless the Court by a simple majority grants additional time.
15-9. The completed report of the Overtures Committee, and any duly filed
minority report, in which case the provisions below shall be understood to
apply to a minority representative, shall contain the full text of the report and
shall be handled as follows:
a. Typed original by Assembly stenographers or committee secretary.
b. Proofread and signed by the chairman of the committee; and then
delivered to the Stated Clerk when duplicated copies are available
for the commissioners.
c. Docketed as agreed by the Moderator and Stated Clerk for
consideration by the Assembly.
d. Presented to the Assembly by the chairman or his designee, the
text having been made available by electronic means, or by copies
distributed, such that commissioners may read the entire report
prior to acting upon it. Any change ordered by the Assembly shall
be noted and included by the chairman with the assistance of the
Stated Clerk on the original copy.
e. The report, as adopted by the Assembly, shall be filed with the
Recording Clerk for the permanent record.
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16-1. It is the right and duty of the General Assembly to review, at least once
a year, the records of the presbyteries of the Presbyterian Church in America
(BCO 40-1 and 2).
16-2. General Assembly carries out this review through its Committee on
Review of Presbytery Records. The operation of this committee shall be
considered a General Assembly expense.
16-3. Guidelines for Keeping Presbytery Minutes
a. The stated clerk of each presbytery is responsible for the custody
of the minutes of presbytery.
b. The minutes should be neat and legible. Minutes should be dated,
and the pages numbered. An official copy of the minutes should
be printed and either bound or kept in a good binder.
c. The minutes should contain the following information:
1) The kind of meeting: stated, called, adjourned stated, or
adjourned called. In the case of a called meeting the portion
of the call stating the purpose of the meeting should be
recorded verbatim in the minutes.
2) The name of the presbytery.
3) The date, time and place of the meeting.
4) The name of the moderator, and if someone other than the
regular stated clerk served as a clerk pro-tem, his name should
be indicated.
5) That sessions were opened and closed with prayer (BCO 10-5).
6) The names of those present at the meeting, indicating whether
they were teaching elders, or ruling elders and the church they
represented. The names of alternate ruling elders and their
respective churches should also be included, and the names of
visitors may be included.
7) Teaching elders not attending and churches not represented
should be listed as excused or unexcused.
8) Approval of current or previous minutes.
d. The minutes should be signed by the clerk.
e. Additional guidelines:
1) Points of order ruled against by the chair and appeals from the
decision of the chair, whether sustained or lost, together with
the reason given by the chair for his ruling, should be included
for the sake of any case that may be carried to a higher court
and for the protection of a minority. The record of the
presbytery’s actions should be recorded.
2) When a count has been ordered, or the vote is by ballot, the
number of votes on each side should be entered.
3) The proceedings of a committee of the whole should not be
entered in the minutes, but the fact that the assembly went into
the committee as a whole. The committee report should be
4) When a commission is charged with carrying out a task
prescribed in the Constitution (such as organizing a church or
ordaining or installing a teaching elder), the minutes of
presbytery should reflect the completion of each action prescribed
in the respective constitutional provision. This may be
accomplished by reporting the work of the commission using
a form provided by the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly,
which should be included in or appended to the minutes.
5) Minutes of presbytery relating to examinations must list all
specific requirements and trials for licensure and/or ordination
which have been accomplished, including that each candidate
being examined for ordination was required to “state the
specific instances in which he may differ with the Confession
of Faith and Catechisms in any of their statements and/or
propositions” (BCO 21-4). This does not mean that a separate
vote on each item must be recorded. Presbytery minutes shall
record ministers’ and ministerial candidates’ stated
differences with our Standards in their own words. Each
presbytery shall also record whether:
a) the candidate stated that he had no differences; or
b) the court judged the stated difference(s) to be merely
semantic; or
c) the court judged the stated difference(s) to be more than
semantic, but “not out of accord with any fundamental of
our system of doctrine” (BCO 21-4); or
d) the court judged the stated difference(s) to be “out of
accord,” that is, “hostile to the system” or “strik[ing] at
the vitals of religion” (BCO 21-4).
6) Minutes of presbytery relating to ministerial calls shall record
that the specific arrangements (BCO 20-1) and the call were
found to be in order.
7) Minutes of executive sessions are not exempt from the general
requirement that presbytery’s actions shall be recorded in the
presbytery’s minutes and that these minutes (even if kept in a
separate section on executive sessions) shall be submitted to
the General Assembly for review (BCO 13-11; 14-6.c; 40-1).
Presbytery may ask that the Committee on Review of
Presbytery Records deal with these minutes confidentially.
However, any exceptions to these minutes must be submitted
to the General Assembly through the normal procedures.
8) Minutes of presbytery dealing with judicial cases shall not be
dealt with by Committee on Review of Presbytery Records
(BCO 40-3) when notice of appeal or complaint has been
given the lower court, but still must be submitted for review
as part of the record.
f. The following suggestions are made to clerks and presbyteries for
the keeping of minutes:
1) The minutes should record the actions of the presbytery,
including all motions adopted and business transacted,
together with such additional information as the presbytery
deems desirable for historical purposes.
2) Ordinarily in church courts, motions that are lost are not
included in the record, unless an affirmative vote for the lost
motion is recorded, in which case the lost motion must be shown.
3) Each main motion should normally be recorded in a separate
paragraph. Subsidiary and procedural motions may be
recorded in the same paragraph with the main motion to which
it pertains.
16-4. Guidelines for Submitting of Presbytery Records:
a. The stated clerk of each presbytery is to provide the Stated Clerk
of the General Assembly with copies of all minutes to be reviewed,
in one of two formats: (1) four bound, paginated hard-copies or
(2) two bound, paginated hard-copies and one paginated digital
copy (preferably as a single document).
b. The minutes to be reviewed shall include the unreviewed minutes
of all presbytery meetings that have been held through the end of
the previous calendar year (BCO 40-1).
c. In addition to the minutes themselves, the presbytery shall submit
three (3) copies of the following items:
1) A current Directory of Presbytery, including (1) a list of all
teaching elders, with their addresses; and of all churches and
missions with the address of the church, and the name and
address of the Clerk of Session, (2) a listing of all officers and
committee members of the regular committees of presbytery,
and (3) a list identifying all candidates under care, interns, and
licentiates of the presbytery with their addresses and their
2) An up-to-date copy of the Standing Rules of the presbytery.
3) A letter stating presbytery’s response to the Assembly
concerning disposition of any exceptions of substance taken
by the past Assembly.
d. The minutes are to be reviewed and the items listed under 16-4.c
shall be mailed to the office of the Stated Clerk of the General
Assembly by March 15 each year.
e. If a presbytery repeatedly fails to submit its minutes, or its
responses to exceptions of substance, the Committee on Review
of Presbytery Records may recommend to the General Assembly
that the provisions of BCO 40-1, 4, & 5 be applied.
16-5. The stated clerk of each presbytery, or his representative, should be
prepared to meet with the committee to answer questions and to clarify any
possible discrepancy. The committee should make every reasonable effort to
consult with the clerk of the presbytery (or his designee) on any questions
before finalizing the report to the General Assembly.
16-6. Guidelines for Examining Presbytery Records:
a. Presbytery minutes shall be examined for conformity to:
1) The Scriptures and the Constitution of the Presbyterian
Church in America as to the substance of the actions recorded
(BCO 40-2), and
2) The Assembly Guidelines for Keeping Presbytery Minutes, as
to form, structure, and minimum content (RAO 16-3).
b. Each set of presbytery minutes and other materials submitted
under RAO 16-4c should be read by at least two members of the
Committee on Review of Presbytery Records.
c. The findings of the committee with respect to the minutes of each
presbytery shall be noted under the following categories as
1) Exceptions of substance: Apparent violations of the Scripture
or serious irregularities from the Constitution of the
Presbyterian Church in America, actions out of accord with
the deliverances of the General Assembly, and matters of
impropriety and important delinquencies, and any non-
compliance with RAO 16-3.e.5 should be reported under this
2) Exceptions of form: Violations of the Assembly's Guidelines
for Keeping Presbytery Minutes (RAO 16-3), rules of order,
etc. should normally be reported under this category. When a
minor irregularity from a BCO provision or requirement is
noted, it may be treated as an exception of form (BCO 40-3).
If subsequent minutes continue to reflect the same particular
exception of form, it may become an exception of substance.
3) Notations: The committee may report to the clerk of
presbytery any typographical errors, misspellings, improper
punctuation and other minor variations in form and clarity.
These are to be given as advice for the respective clerks.
16-7. Guidelines for Reporting on Presbytery Records: The report of the
committee shall be concise. It shall include the following:
a. A list of the minutes, by presbyteries, received by the committee.
b. A list of the presbyteries which have not submitted minutes, if any.
c. A recommendation concerning the minutes of each presbytery,
which shall include:
1) Minutes approved without exception;
2) Minutes approved with exceptions of form, which shall be
reported directly to the presbytery;
3) Minutes approved with exceptions of substance which shall
be presented to the General Assembly, which presentation
shall include citation of any relevant scriptural and/or
constitutional references, and provide the committee’s
rationale for finding the exception of substance;
4) Responses to exceptions of previous Assemblies, if any;
5) Recommendations concerning all responses to exceptions taken
by previous Assemblies that have not been disposed of suitably.
d. Any other recommendation to the Assembly.
e. A statement of the division of the vote on each recommendation.
f. Any recommendation which may affect the budget of the
Assembly shall be referred to the Committee of Commissioners
on Administrative Committee.
g. A list of members present.
h. Minority Reports
1) With respect to any recommendation, prior to a recess
or adjournment of the Review of Presbytery Records
Committee following the adoption of said recom-
mendation, any member of the committee may
indicate an intention to file a minority report by giving
notice to the chairman.
2) The minority report, from at least six (6) members of
the committee, must be filed with the chairman of the
committee and the office of the Stated Clerk of
General Assembly not more than seven (7) days after
the adjournment of the RPR Committee meeting.
16-8. The report of the committee shall be prepared and handled in the same
manner as reports of committees of commissioners as set forth in RAO 14-8.
Neither the report of the committee nor the General Assembly’s approval or
disapproval of this report establishes doctrinal precedent.
16-9. No partial report of the committee shall be presented without the
consent of the Assembly.
16-10. Guidelines for Responding to General Assembly
a. Presbyteries shall be advised of exceptions of form; however, they
shall take note in their minutes of exceptions of substance taken
by the Assembly, together with their responses adopted by the
presbytery to these exceptions. These responses should normally
be adopted by Presbytery in the same calendar year as the
exceptions were taken by the Assembly. Regardless, responses
must be filed no less than one month prior to General Assembly.
b. Presbyteries shall correspond with the next General Assembly the
disposition they have made of the exceptions of substance
(including general), with specific reference to presbytery’s action
as recorded in its minutes. Responses shall be in one of the
following forms:
1) Presbytery agrees with the exceptions and corrects its record
(if possible), corrects its actions (if possible) and promises to
be more careful in the future. Or,
2) Presbytery respectfully disagrees with the exception, states its
grounds and refers the exception back to the Assembly.
c. If, in responding to an exception of substance, a presbytery reports
that it disagrees with the conclusion of the Assembly and/or has not
corrected or redressed the identified problem; and, the committee
(after reviewing the presbytery’s response and rationale, and, if a
majority so desires, consulting with the Committee on
Constitutional Business) continues to believe that the presbytery
has persisted in an error that is significant enough to require an
Assembly response; then, the committee shall notify the
Assembly of the continuing exception, and shall make
recommendation as to whether the Assembly should again seek a
more acceptable response from the presbytery, or should appoint
a representative to present its case and refer the matter to the
Standing Judicial Commission to cite the presbytery to appear for
proceedings according to BCO 40-5.
17-1. There shall be a Standing Judicial Commission composed of twenty-
four members in accordance with BCO 15-4. Upon election, each new
member of the Standing Judicial Commission, before entering upon the duties
of this office, shall sign a printed copy of the following vows; further, if the
newly elected member is present, he shall affirm these vows in the presence of
the Assembly electing him:
“I do solemnly vow, by the assistance of the grace of God, in my
service as a judge in this branch of the church of our lord Jesus
Christ, that
1. I will act as before God, my Judge and the Searcher of
2. I will judge without respect to persons, and if so tempted,
will recuse myself from judgment;
3. I will judge not according to appearances, but judge
righteous judgment;
4. I will judge according to the Constitution of the
Presbyterian Church in America, through my best efforts
applied to nothing other than the record of the case and
other documents properly before me; and
5. If in a given case I find my view on a particular issue to be
in conflict with the Constitution of the Presbyterian
Church in America, I will recuse myself from such case, if
I cannot conscientiously apply the Constitution.”
The Standing Judicial Commission shall have oversight of appeals, complaints
and judicial references from lower courts. The Standing Judicial Commission
will report directly to the General Assembly.
The Standing Judicial Commission shall not be separately funded but
administratively will operate as a subcommittee of the Administrative
Committee of General Assembly.
The minutes, but not the judicial cases, decisions, or reports, of the Standing
Judicial Commission shall be reviewed annually by the Committee on
Constitutional Business. The minutes shall be examined for conformity to the
“Operating Manual for Standing Judicial Commission” and RAO 17,
violations of which shall be reported as “exceptions” as defined in
RAO 14-11.d.(2). With respect to this examination, the Committee on
Constitutional Business shall report directly to the General Assembly. If
exceptions are taken with respect to a case, the Assembly may find this a
ground to direct the Standing Judicial Commission to retry the case.
17-2. With respect to the Rules of Discipline, any reference (BCO 41),
appeal (BCO 42), complaint (BCO 43), BCO 40-5 proceeding, or request to
assume original jurisdiction (BCO 34-1) made to the General Assembly shall
be assigned to the Standing Judicial Commission for adjudication.
17-3. The Standing Judicial Commission may appoint a judicial panel of not
less than three of its members to hear the case in accordance with the
provisions of the Rules of Discipline in the BCO and these Rules of Assembly
Operations. Such panels shall be chosen as follows:
a. A pool with the names of teaching elder members shall be
established, and another pool with the names of ruling elder
members shall be established. The chairman of the Standing
Judicial Commission shall draw by lot names of panel members
and alternates from each pool and notify the Stated Clerk of the
General Assembly, who shall notify, immediately, those so
b. If a panel member so selected shall be disqualified under Section 2
of the Operating Manual for Standing Judicial Commission, he
shall be replaced by the alternate drawn from the pool.
c. The names of those panel members selected and qualified shall
not be returned to the pool until all names therein have been
exhausted. The name of an alternate, who does not serve as a
panel member, shall be returned to the pool. The names of those
members whose terms expire at the next General Assembly shall
be withdrawn from the pool on March 1 of that year. Immediately
after each General Assembly the name of each new member
selected at such General Assembly shall be added to his respective
d. If a case is pending and a judicial panel has been appointed as set
out above, and another case is filed from the same presbytery, the
officers of the commission may elect to assign the second case to
the same panel without resort to the pools. The officers of the
commission may assign the additional case or cases to the same
panel without resort to the pools only if: (1) the facts of the cases
are so interconnected that assignment to different panels
reasonably appears to require repetitious consideration of the
same factual circumstances; or (2) assignment of unrelated cases
to the same panel is agreed to by all parties to all of the cases.
17-4. Proposed decision(s) of any judicial panel shall be circulated to the
entire Standing Judicial Commission. It shall act upon the recommended
decision(s) without further hearings unless a party to the case, or a commission
member, requests a rehearing of the case by the Standing Judicial Commission
as a whole. The commission may or may not grant such a rehearing; except
such rehearing must be granted when requested by a voting member of the
panel or by at least seven qualified members of the commission. If granted,
such rehearing shall be only on the record of the case; but the commission may
allow oral arguments by the parties.
17-5. The Standing Judicial Commission shall be governed by the
provisions of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in America and the
Rules of Assembly Operations. Specific directions governing the
implementation of these provisions shall be set forth in an Operating Manual
for Standing Judicial Commission, as adopted by the General Assembly.
Amendments to this Manual may be proposed to the General Assembly by
overture from a presbytery (cf. Article XI), or by recommendation from the
Standing Judicial Commission. Proposed amendments from either source
shall be reported to the Assembly by the Standing Judicial Commission, and
shall be adopted upon a two-thirds vote of those voting, which must be a
majority of the total enrollment of commissioners. This Manual shall be
printed as an appendix to the Rules of Assembly Operations.
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18-1. Each congregation of the denomination shall be encouraged each year
to make a specific subscription donation to assist in defraying the expenses of
the General Assembly, whether a commissioner is sent to the Assembly or not.
Such subscription donation shall cover the registration for one representative
from the congregation. All other commissioners shall be encouraged to make
a similar donation. A copy of the Minutes and the Commissioner Handbook
will be sent to the donors and those paying the subscription
donation/registration fee without additional charge.
Churches are encouraged to make this annual donation, whether or not they
send a commissioner to the Assembly. The General Assembly shall set the
amount of the subscription donation/registration for the next General
18-2. The expenses of the recording clerks of the General Assembly will be
borne by the Assembly.
18-3. All other expenses of the General Assembly shall be divided among
the five major permanent Committees on the percentage basis of distributing
undesignated gifts.
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19-1. Except as otherwise specifically provided in these Rules, Robert’s
Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall be the standard in parliamentary
19-2. Each chairman shall lead the Assembly in a brief prayer before making
his report.
When a minority of a committee wishes to present a minority report, the
member reporting for the minority shall have the privilege of presenting the
minority report and moving it as a substitute for the portion of the majority
report affected.
19-3. Each recommendation in each report must be read, considered, and
acted upon separately.
a. The chairman moves the adoption; no second is necessary for a
committee recommendation.
b. The Moderator asks: “Is there objection or question?”
c. Hearing no objection or question, the Moderator states: “It is
adopted.” (The above procedure is known as the “Short Form of
d. When it is necessary to postpone action on the completion of a
report for some subsequent action of the Assembly, such as the
approval of the budgets, or other special items, the report shall be
approved as a whole pending the completion of these other items.
At the time that the other items come to the floor, only these
matters may be considered by the Assembly, since the report as a
whole will have already been adopted.
19-4. Procedure in debating a question:
a. The chairman or his designate may answer questions concerning
the report addressed to him through the Moderator.
b. With respect to any recommendation, the representative of any
Committee or Agency shall have the right to make the final speech
in support of the Committee’s motion before the question is put
on a substitute, or on the Committee or Agency’s main motion, as
the case may be, even upon the expiration of time on the question,
the failure of a motion to extend the time, or the adoption of a
motion to order the Previous Question.
c. No commissioner may speak on the same question more than once
until all desiring to speak have done so.
d. Unless otherwise provided, debate on the main motion shall be
limited to ten (10) minutes unless extended. When a main motion
has been debated for ten (10) minutes, the Moderator shall put the
question to the Assembly: “Does the Assembly desire to extend
the time an additional five (5) minutes?” A simple majority will
decide the question. If the majority decides not to extend debate,
the Moderator will call the question. If an amendment of a
substitution is on the floor, the question of extending time on the
main motion shall be repeated after the vote on the amendment or
substitute. If time is extended, the question of extension will again
be put every succeeding five (5) minutes until the motion is
concluded. Unless otherwise provided, each commissioner shall
be limited to three (3) minutes on the same question unless the
court by a simple majority grants additional time.
e. Debate shall be free and open, with equal time being given to
proponents and opponents insofar as possible.
19-5. Special Provisions
a. The assistants to the Stated Clerk shall have the privilege of the
floor when requested by the Moderator to render some specific
service to the court.
b. All motions shall be presented in writing and read before being
voted upon.
The Rules of Assembly Operations may be amended or suspended only by a
two-thirds vote of those voting, which must also be a majority of the total
enrollment of commissioners. A motion to amend is debatable. A motion to
suspend is not debatable.
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With revisions adopted through the 47
General Assembly (2019)
No amendments to the OMS JC were adopted
by the 47
General Assembly
This Manual is subordinate to the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in
America and to the Rules of Assembly Operation. If there is any conflict
between the provisions of this Manual and the Constitution or Rules of
Assembly Operation, the Constitution or Rules of Assembly Operation shall
take precedence.
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1.1 Membership shall be determined by the General Assembly in
accordance with BCO 15-4.
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2.1 A member shall, at all times, keep in mind his high calling as an
officer of the church of the Lord Jesus Christ and shall in all
endeavors conduct himself in accordance with that calling.
Further, since “ecclesiastical discipline . . . can derive no force
whatever but from its own justice, the approbation of an impartial
public, and the countenance and blessing of the great Head of the
Church” (BCO, Preface, II. Preliminary Principles, 8), the
members of the Standing Judicial Commission must maintain the
highest standards of integrity, independence, impartiality, and
2.2 All members of the commission, including officers, shall be
entitled to participate in the discussion and to vote on any matter
pending before the commission for which they are qualified.
2.3 A “qualified” member under these Rules is any member of the
commission who:
a. in a hearing (OMSJC 10.8.a (2)) has read the Record of
the Case and all briefs timely filed by the parties;
b. in a review or rehearing OMSJC 17.8.b has read the
Judicial Panel’s proposed decision, all briefs timely filed
by the parties, and that portion of the Record of the Case
the member feels necessary to understand the issues of the
c. heard the arguments of the parties (if such arguments are
presented) and the discussion as to the merits of the
matters in controversy; and
d. is not disqualified for one or more of the reasons stated in
Sections 2.4-2.12 below.
2.4 A member shall not render judgment in any matter pending before
the commission on the basis of anything other than the
Constitution of the Church and the facts presented by the Record
of the Case and the other materials properly before him. If he
finds himself subject to any other influence, or if he finds himself
unable to render the judgment so required, he shall recuse himself
from further proceedings in that matter.
2.5 A member of the Commission shall not make any public or private
statement that might reasonably be expected to affect the outcome
of a pending matter or impending matter in any court of the church
(BCO 11-4; 39-3).
a. A pending matter is a matter with respect to which process
(BCO 31-2, ¶ 2) has commenced or which has been filed
under the Rules of Discipline with the appropriate court.
A matter continues to be pending through any appellate
process. (BCO 39-1).
b. An impending matter is a matter that is reasonably
expected to (a) become a case of process or (b) otherwise
be brought before an appropriate court for consideration.
“Reasonably” refers to the judgment of one in possession
of all the relevant facts, which facts are subject to a fair-
minded assessment.
2.6. So long as he complies with Section 2.5 above, a member may
make public or private statements in the course of his duties as a
presbyter or Session member with respect to biblical teaching,
confessional interpretation, the principles of the form of
government and discipline, the requirements of the BCO, the
Rules of Assembly Operation, Robert's Rules, and may explain
Commission procedures.
2.7. A member of the Commission shall not discuss or comment on a
pending or impending case with any party in the case or any
person other than a Commission member, except as otherwise
provided in the Manual or in the BCO.
2.8. Notwithstanding Section 2.5 above, a member of the Commission
may fully participate in a judicial matter before the Presbytery or
Session of which he is a member and advise his Presbytery or
Session in judicial matters.
2.9. A member of the Commission shall not represent himself or any
other party before the Commission.
2.10. A member of the Commission shall perform the duties of his
office with impartiality and shall be diligent to maintain the
impartiality of the Commission.
a. A member must be objective and open-minded with
respect to all issues and parties.
b. A member shall not, in connection with cases,
controversies, or issues that are likely to come before the
court, make pledges, promises, or commitments that are
inconsistent with the impartial performance of the duties
of his office.
c. A member shall not initiate, permit, or consider ex parte
communications, or consider other communications made
to the member outside the presence of the parties or their
representatives, concerning a pending or impending
matter, except as follows:
(1) When circumstances require it, ex parte
communication for scheduling, administrative, or
emergency purposes, which does not address
substantive matters, is permitted to a Commission
officer, or panel convener, chairman, or secretary.
(2) If a member receives an unauthorized ex parte
communication bearing upon the substance of a
matter, the member shall promptly notify the
Officers of the substance of the communication
in writing. The Officers shall promptly notify the
parties of the substance of the communication in
(3) A member shall not investigate facts in a matter
independently, and shall consider only the
evidence presented and any facts that may
properly be judicially noticed.
d. A member shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in
which the member’s impartiality might reasonably (see
Section 2.5.b) be questioned, including but not limited to
the following circumstances:
(1) The member has a personal bias or prejudice
concerning a party or a party’s representative, or
personal knowledge of facts that are in dispute in
the proceeding, which is inconsistent with the
impartial performance of the duties of his office.
(2) The member, while a member or after nomination
to membership, has made a public statement,
other than in a court proceeding, judicial
decision, or opinion, that commits or appears to
commit the member to reach a particular result or
rule in a particular way in the proceeding or
(3) The member, the member’s spouse, or a person
within the third degree of relationship to either of
them, or the spouse of such a person:
i served as a representative in the matter in
ii was a witness concerning the matter; or
iii is a member of a court which is party to
the case or is a member of a congregation
in the bounds of a presbytery party to a
e. A member subject to disqualification under this chapter
shall disclose on the record the basis of the member’s
2.11. A member of the Commission shall conduct his extra-
Commission activities to minimize the risk of conflict with the
obligations of office thereby ensuring that he is available to fulfill
his duties. A member shall not participate in activities that require
the frequent disqualification of the member.
2.12. The enforcement of the Commission’s standards of conduct shall
be as follows:
a. Concerns with respect to a member’s conduct as a
member of the Commission shall be directed to the
Officers of the Commission who shall respond to those
concerns, after consulting with the member.
b. If the eligibility of a member is questioned, the chairman
shall rule on the member’s eligibility. By majority vote
the Commission may reverse the ruling of the chairman
on the member’s eligibility.
c. To maintain order and decorum at meetings the
procedures and sanctions of RONR (10
ed.), p. 625, l. 10
through p. 629, l. 29, shall be available to the
Commission, except that the Commission may not
suspend the rights of membership or expel a member from
the Commission.
d. By a two-thirds vote the Commission may recommend to
the General Assembly that a Commission member be
removed from the Commission for cause. The
recommendation shall include a brief statement of the
grounds for the recommendation.
e. Should the conduct leading to a recommendation that a
member be removed from the Commission be potentially
liable to censure under the Rules of Discipline, the
Commission may include in its recommendation to the
General Assembly a further recommendation that the
grounds for removal be forwarded to the appropriate court
of original jurisdiction for consideration under BCO 31-
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3.1 Officers of the Commission shall be elected from its membership
and shall be a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Assistant
3.2 These officers shall be elected annually at the March stated
meeting and shall take office at the adjournment of the General
3.3 After a member has served in the same office for three consecutive
years, he is not eligible for election to the same office in the fourth
year, but later may be elected to serve in the same office.
3.4 The Chairman shall preside at meetings and perform other duties
assigned by the Commission.
3.5 The Vice-Chairman shall assist the Chairman and in his absence
or incapacity shall fulfill his duties.
3.6 The Secretary shall record the minutes of the meetings and the
votes of SJC and maintain the records of the Commission and
perform other duties specified in this Manual and/or assigned by
the Commission.
3.7 The Assistant Secretary shall assist the Secretary and in his
absence or incapacity shall fulfill his duties. The Assistant
Secretary shall report to the full SJC every other month the status
of all cases.
3.8 Under the supervision of the Chairman and Secretary, the Stated
Clerk of the General Assembly shall be the Clerk of the
Commission. The Clerk of the Commission shall perform the
following functions on behalf of the Commission:
a. keep the records of the Commission;
b. perform the administrative functions required under the
c. keep the records of and process all the regular
correspondence and notices required by this Manual;
d. as requested by the SJC Officers or by the Clerks of the
Presbyteries, advise the Stated Clerks of Presbyteries on
matters of proper form and procedures in the preparation
of the Record of the Case;
e. on behalf of the Officers, initially review the Record of
the Case for each case before the Commission and make
inquiries of the lower court in relation to any obvious
technical errors or corrections; and
f. perform such other functions as directed by this Manual
or the Officers of the Commission.
3.9 The Clerk shall send a copy of the Manual to each new member
of the Commission elected by the General Assembly; and he shall
also send copies of any pending cases and papers presently before
the Commission.
3.10 The Minutes of the Officers’ Meetings are to be reported for
review to each meeting of the full Commission.
4.1 The stated meetings of the Commission shall begin on the
first Thursday of February and on the third Thursday of
October in each year. The stated meetings may be held by
telephone conference call if, in the unanimous judgment of
the officers and the Panel Chairmen prepared to report a
Panel decision, if any, there is insufficient business to
warrant a face-to-face meeting. By the same standard, a
stated meeting may be canceled. The duration of these
meetings shall be set by the Chairman in consultation with
the other officers, as guided by the need to make the most
efficient use of time, while not slighting the right of parties
appearing to a fair hearing, and not restricting full and free
deliberation on the part of the Commission. Ordinarily these
stated meetings shall be scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. on
Thursday and to conclude no later than noon on Friday.
Other business to be considered shall be governed by the
procedure set out in Section 4.2.
4.2 In addition to the stated meetings specified in Section 4.1 , the
Commission may hold special meetings, provided such special
meetings shall be called by one of the following methods, to-wit:
a. The Officers of the Commission may call a special
meeting at any time upon at least 30 days’ notice.
b. The Commission, at any stated meeting, may announce a
call of a special meeting, provided the time and place is
specified in the call. A notice of the call of the special
meeting shall be sent immediately by the Stated Clerk to
all absent Commission members.
c. If at least six Commission members request, in writing, a
special called meeting, the Chairman and Secretary shall
issue a call within 10 days from receipt of the request.
The call of a special meeting shall specify the business to
be considered at the meeting, and no other business may be
considered except by an affirmative vote of three-fourths of those
members present and voting, which in no case shall be less than
13 affirmative votes of members of the Commission. Further, no
action may be taken on any case not specified in the
call. The Officers may amend the call for the consideration of
additional business if notice thereof is sent by mail or electronic
means to the Commission members no less than 14 days before
the date of the meeting.
No special meeting of the SJC shall be scheduled less than
30 days after the date on which the call is issued.
Any special called meeting under this Section 4.2 may be
held by telephone conference call.
4.3 If under the Rules of this Manual a review or rehearing by the full
Commission of a proposed decision by a Judicial Panel is
required, the Officers shall place it on the docket at the next stated
5.1 The expenses incurred by the Commission, its panels, and its
members shall be borne by the Administrative Committee of
General Assembly. All expenses (including travel expenses)
incurred by a party or by the witnesses called by that party shall
be borne by that party.
5.2 The parties shall be responsible for the notification and expenses
of their own witnesses.
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6.1 A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the
Commission shall be 13 qualified members, composed of at least
5 teaching elders and at least 5 ruling elders.
6.2 A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of a
Judicial Panel appointed hereunder shall be the number of the
members of the Judicial Panel appointed as principals.
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7.1 The Record of the Case shall be prepared by the Clerk of the lower
court and shall be submitted to the Office of the Stated Clerk.
7.2 Content
a. The Record of the Case in an Appeal shall be prepared in
accordance with BCO 32-18 and 42-5 which shall
(1) a copy of all proceedings in connection with the
case, such as the Minutes of the trial before the
lower court, the charges, answers, citations and
(2) the notice of appeal and reasons therefor;
(3) all transcribed testimony actually taken before the
lower court (BCO 35-7). Audio and/or video
recordings shall not be admissible or be made a
part of the Record of the Case unless the same
have been transcribed and authenticated by the
Moderator and Stated Clerk of the lower court
(BCO 35-8);
(4) the response of the lower court in its actions,
orders, decisions and judgment;
(5) any papers bearing on the case.
b. The Record of the Case in a Complaint shall be prepared
in accordance with BCO 43-6 which shall include:
(1) a copy of all the lower court’s proceedings in
connection with the complaint, including the
notice of complaint and supporting reasons and
Minutes of any hearing;
(2) the response of the lower court, its acts, orders,
decisions and judgment;
(3) all transcribed testimony actually taken before the
lower court (BCO 35-7). Audio and/or video
recordings shall not be admissible or be made a
part of the Record of the Case unless the same
have been transcribed and authenticated by the
Moderator and Stated Clerk of the lower court
(BCO 35-8);
(4) any papers bearing on the complaint.
7.3 The Stated Clerk shall send a copy of the Record of the Case to
a. the members of the Commission if the case is to be heard
by the Commission, or to the members of the Judicial
Panel and to the alternate members of the Judicial Panel
if the case is to be heard by a Judicial Panel; and
b. the parties to the case. The Stated Clerk shall notify the
parties that the SJC Manual is printed as an appendix to
the Book of Church Order.
7.4 The parties shall have the right to examine the Record of the Case.
Corrections to the Record of the Case shall be considered as
a. The Panel Chairman, or the Chairman of the Commission
if the case is to be heard by the Commission, shall serve
as mediator between the parties with respect to the
perfection of the Record. The Convener of a Panel may
initiate this process (cf. OMSJC 10.3)
b. The hearing body may delete any portions of the Record
as submitted that violate justice or due process, a
provision of the BCO or Roberts Rules of Order, or that
are extraneous to the matter before the Commission. The
hearing body may also require the addition of material to
the Record that is relevant to the Case. Deletions and
additions shall always be recorded in the minutes of the
hearing body, with the approved rationale for the change.
Any deletions or additions shall be reported to the parties,
and may be addressed in argument from the parties in any
hearing requested by a party on the ROC.
c. If a party objects to the Record as being incorrect or
incomplete, such party shall notify: (i) the Stated Clerk,
(ii) the Panel Chairman or the Chairman of the
Commission if the case is to be heard by the Commission,
and (iii) the other party, by mail or electronic means
within 15 days of the date of receiving of such Record of
the Case from the Stated Clerk. Any party so objecting
shall specify, in writing, the alleged defect(s) and
proposed remedy(ies). Failure to lodge a timely objection
to the Record of the Case shall constitute acceptance of
the Record of the Case by the parties.
d. If the other party shall accede to the objection, it shall be
so stipulated in writing and made a part of the Record of
the Case. Such stipulation shall be filed by mail or
electronic means with the Stated Clerk and the Panel
Chairman, or the Chairman of the Commission if the case
is to be heard by the Commission, not more than 30 days
after the date the last party received such Record of the
Case from the Stated Clerk.
e. If the other party does not accede to the objection, the
Judicial Panel, or the Commission if the case is to be
heard by the Commission, shall hold a hearing by
electronic conference with respect to the objection.
(1) In preparation for the hearing the Chairman shall:
(a) Set a date and time for the hearing, making
every reasonable effort to obtain such date
and time as may be agreeable to the parties.
(b) Notify the parties of such date and time for
the hearing by electronic means not less than
14 days prior to the date of hearing, obtaining
a receipt of acknowledgement from each
party. Such 14 day period may be shortened
if the parties agree in writing.
(c) Notify the parties of their right to submit
briefs according to the standard set forth in
OMSJC 8.4.a. of not more than 5 pages in
(2) The hearing shall proceed as follows:
(a) After the hearing has been opened, but before
any arguments are presented, the members of
the Panel or Commission shall have the
opportunity to question the parties with
respect to the matter at hand. The same shall
be true after the conclusion of the time for
(b) A party shall have a maximum of 20 minutes
to address the question, the time divided
between opening arguments by the parties in
turn, and rebuttal arguments by the parties in
(c) At any time during which a party is
presenting an argument, a member of the
Panel or Commission may ask questions of
that party; the time taken for such questions
shall not form a part of the time of the party
(3) After oral argument the parties shall be dismissed
and the Panel or Commission shall make a
decision as to whether in fairness and justice the
Record of the Case should be corrected.
f. The Judicial Panel, or the Commission if the case is to be
heard by the Commission, may extend any of the deadline
dates in this section if it determines that so doing is in the
interest of justice.
8.1 Preliminary Briefs
a. Once the Record of the Case is established only one
preliminary brief may be submitted through the Stated
Clerk before the initial hearing by a Panel or the Full
Commission, whichever is hearing the case. Any
preliminary brief from a Complainant or Appellant shall
be filed after the Panel has declared the case judicially in
order and no later than 14 days after he receives the
established (perfected) ROC. The Stated Clerk
immediately shall mail a copy of this brief to the
Respondent or Appellee. Any preliminary brief from a
Respondent or Appellee must be filed no later than 14
days prior to the date set for the hearing of the case.
b. Such a preliminary brief should include the party’s
position with regard to the following:
(1) A summary of the facts.
(2) A summary of the proceedings in the lower
(3) A statement of the issues.
(4) The proposed judgment and relief.
(5) Argument in support of judgment and relief.
8.2 Supplemental Briefs
A supplemental brief may be filed only when the case initially has
been heard by a panel. Within 14 days after a party has received
a proposed and recommended decision of a Judicial Panel under
OMSJC 17.5 of this Manual, that party may file with the Stated
Clerk a supplemental brief which shall be limited to setting forth
errors the party believes were made in the proposed and
recommended decision of the Panel or Commission in accordance
with OMSJC 17.9.a. In the event of a rehearing before the full
Commission, each party may file a supplemental brief in accord
with a briefing schedule to be established by the officers of the
8.3 No brief of a party shall make any reference to any fact not a part
of the Record of the Case. The Panel or Commission may, at its
discretion, strike all or part of a brief that makes such reference.
8.4 a. Any brief filed hereunder must be typewritten or printed
on 8-1/2 x 11 inch paper, with no smaller than 10 point
type, with 1 inch margin on all sides, line numbering that
restarts on each page, and may be single spaced.
b. The preliminary brief filed by a party shall not exceed 10
pages in length. Any supplemental brief filed by a party
shall not exceed 5 pages in length.
c. Any brief timely filed which does not meet these
standards of form shall be returned to the sending party
with reasons. In this case a revised brief may be
submitted provided that such brief is filed with the Stated
Clerk within 5 days of notification that the brief does not
meet the standard of form.
8.5 Failure to file a brief by a party shall not be considered to be an
abandonment of the case.
9.1 When a judicial case is submitted to the Commission, the Officers
shall make an initial determination as to whether the case is
administratively in order.
a. A case is administratively in order if the relevant
provisions of BCO 41, 42, and 43 have been followed. If
the Chairman and Secretary cannot agree, it shall be
submitted to the Officers. If a majority of the Officers
cannot agree, then it shall be submitted to the full
Commission at its next meeting.
b. A case is judicially in order when a Panel or the
Commission determine that the relevant provisions of
BCO 41, 42, and 43 have been followed and the
documents for the Record of the Case are in order in
accordance with OMSJC 7.2.
9.2 a. If a case is initially found not to be administratively in
order, the Stated Clerk shall contact the relevant parties or
clerks and request that the case be put in order.
b. If a case cannot be put in order within the Rules of
Discipline of the BCO and the requirements of this
Manual, or
c. If the parties fail to put the case in order within 30 days
after notification under this Section of the Manual,
d. Then the Officers of the Commission may make a
determination that the case not be found in order and take
no further action in relation to the case other than to
recommend to the next meeting of the Commission that
the case be dismissed on the ground that the case was not
found in order.
e. That recommendation shall include a brief statement of the
grounds for the determination that the case is not in order
and either an explanation as to why it cannot be put in order
or a report that the parties have failed to do so.
9.3 When the case is administratively in order, the Officers shall
determine whether the case is of such significance that it should
be heard by the full Commission or submitted to a Judicial Panel.
Ordinarily, it will be submitted to such a Judicial Panel.
9.4 If it is determined that the case should be heard by the Full
Commission, the parties shall be notified and a full copy of the
Record of the Case shall be sent to each member of the
Commission. When the Record of the Case has been perfected
under OMSJC 7, and when the parties have had opportunity to file
briefs under OMSJC 8.1, the case shall be docketed for hearing by
the Full Commission at its next stated meeting, or at a called
meeting set to hear the case.
9.5 If it is determined that the case should be heard by a Judicial Panel,
the Officers shall immediately appoint such a Judicial Panel in
accordance with RAO 17.3.
10.1 Ordinarily, a Judicial Panel should consist of three qualified
members of the Commission, which should include at least one
teaching elder and one ruling elder. In more serious cases, larger
panels may be appointed with an approximately equal balance
between teaching and ruling elders.
10.2 At least one ruling elder and at least one teaching elder shall be
named as alternates for each Judicial Panel. An alternate will not
be expected to attend the meeting of the Judicial Panel unless he
is needed to meet the quorum.
10.3 When a Judicial Panel is appointed, one member thereof shall be
designated as “Convener.” The Convener may make initial
contact with the parties:
a. to obtain information for the initial meetings of the Panel;
b. to answer initial questions by the parties;
c. to answer questions of the parties concerning the
preparation and submission of written briefs.
d. to begin the process of considering corrections to the
Record of the Case, if any (see OMSJC 7-4).
10.4 CONSTITUTING MEETING. Within 10 days of the date of the
receipt of the Record of the Case from the Stated Clerk, the
Convener shall call a meeting of the Judicial Panel members. This
first meeting may be held by telephone conference call. At this
first meeting, the Judicial Panel shall organize itself by:
a. the election of a Chairman;
b. the election of a Secretary;
c. the selection of a tentative time and place for hearing the
d. such other organizational matters as would speed the time
of hearing without prejudicing the rights of any of the
10.5 INITIAL MEETING. Not later than 30 days after the receipt of
the Record of the Case under OMSJC 7.3, and subject to the
requirements of OMSJC 7.4, the Chairman of the Panel may call
a second meeting of the Judicial Panel members, which meeting
may also be held by a telephone conference call. This second
meeting may form part of the first organizational meeting of the
Judicial Panel referred to under OMSJC 10.4 if the requirements
of OMSJC 7.4 have been met. The purpose of this second meeting
shall be to determine if the case is judicially in order and ready for
hearing. This review shall include:
a. that the case was timely filed as provided in BCO 42-3
and 43-2;
b. in the case of a complaint, that the complaint was first
filed with the Court whose act or decision is alleged to be
in error (BCO 43-2);
c. that a ground or reason has been specified as required by
BCO 42-3 and 43-2;
d. that the parties have complied with the Rules of Discipline
of the BCO and this Manual;
e. that the Record of the Case appears to be complete and
sufficiently documented.
10.6 If the Judicial Panel determines that a case is not judicially in
order, the Panel through the Stated Clerk shall notify the parties
and give them an opportunity to cure the defect, if it can be cured
within the Rules of Discipline of the BCO and the requirements of
this Manual. If the defect is cured within 30 days from receipt of
such notice, the Panel shall proceed to hear and adjudicate the
case. Except as noted below, if significant defects are not cured
within 30 days from the receipt of notice then the Panel may make
a determination that the case not be found in order and take no
further action in relation to the case other than to recommend to
the next meeting of the Commission that the case be dismissed on
the ground that the case was not found in order. If, however, the
defect is due to the neglect or failure of the lower court to provide
a Record of the Case that is “complete and sufficiently
documented” as defined in BCO 32-18, 42-5, and OMSJC 7, then
the Panel shall apply BCO 42-7 or 43-6 as appropriate. If the
decision of the Panel is not confirmed by the Commission, the
Commission may return the case to the Panel, or may appoint a
new Panel in accordance with RAO 17.3 to hear and adjudicate the
case, or may decide to hear the case as the Full Commission.
10.7 When the Judicial Panel determines that the case is judicially in
order, the Chairman of the Judicial Panel shall take the following
a. Set a date and time and, if necessary, a place for a hearing
of the case, making every reasonable effort to obtain such
date and time and or place as may be agreeable to all
parties. A panel hearing will normally be held by
electronic conference unless a member of the panel
determines that the nature of the case warrants a face-to-
face hearing.
b. Notify all parties of such time and place of hearing by
letter with return receipt requested or by electronic means.
If by letter, such notice shall be mailed not less than 40
days prior to the date of hearing. If by electronic means,
such notice shall be sent not less than 40 days prior to the
date of hearing and there must be a receipt of
acknowledgement in the file from each party. Such 40
day period may be shortened if the parties to the case
agree in writing.
c. Notify all parties of their right to submit written briefs, in
accordance with OMSJC 8. A written brief must comply
with OMSJC 8.3 and following.
d. Notify all parties of their right to represent themselves or
to be represented at the hearing in accordance with BCO
32-19, 42-10 or 43-5, as the case may be.
10.8 Initial Procedures for Hearings before a Judicial Panel or Full
a. At the time and place set for a hearing of the case, the
Chairman shall call the Judicial Panel or the Full
Commission to order and proceed as follows:
(1) Prayer should be offered by a member of the
Panel or Commission.
(2) All Panel or Commission members shall be
polled to certify that they have read the Record of
the Case and all briefs timely filed.
Any member who cannot so certify shall
not participate in any aspect of the proceedings,
including deliberations and voting on the case,
unless such member can become qualified after a
postponement of the hearing.
(3) The Chairman shall enjoin the Panel or
Commission members to recollect and regard
their high character as judges of a court of Jesus
Christ and the solemn duty in which they are
about to engage (BCO 32-12).
b. Furthermore, the Chairman shall:
(1) Remind the Panel or Commission Members that
they should disregard all evidence not in the
Record of the Case (BCO 32-18); even though
such evidence may be found in the briefs of the
parties or in oral argument (See OMSJC 8.3).
(2) Read to the Panel or Commission members the
principles of Review set forth in BCO 39-3.
(3) Read to the Panel or Commission members the
vows each affirmed when elected to the Standing
Judicial Commission (RAO 17-1).
10.9 ORAL ARGUMENT. A Judicial Panel shall hear oral argument
as follows: in an Appeal in accordance with OMSJC 13.3; in a
Complaint in accordance with OMSJC 14.3; and in a Report
Arising Out of General Review and Control in accordance with
OMSJC 15.4.
10.10 AFTER THE ORAL ARGUMENTS. A Judicial Panel
immediately after hearing the oral arguments of the parties, shall
go into closed session and discuss the issues in the case. In that
discussion, the Panel may (1) frame the issues, (2) vote on a
judgment and (3) announce these to the parties. Or, the Panel may
take all these matters under advisement and reconvene within the
next 20 days, as often as necessary, to frame the issues and render
a judgment. This "reconvening" may be held by telephone
conference call. The Chairman of the Panel shall designate a
Panel member voting with the majority to prepare a written
decision. This decision shall be mailed or sent by electronic
means to the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly within 40 days
from the date the Panel heard the oral arguments. Any Panel
member may file, within said 40 day period, a concurring or
dissenting opinion which shall be appended to the decision.
10.11 a. When a Judicial Panel has reached a decision in a case,
the Chairman or Secretary of the Judicial Panel shall
prepare a full report of the case and mail or send by
electronic means the same to the Stated Clerk, who shall
forward, immediately, a copy of the full report to each
member of the Commission. This report shall include the
(1) The Record of the Case.
(2) The proposed and recommended decision in the
following format:
I. A Summary of the Facts. (A presentation
in chronological order of the relevant
history and facts that bear on the case.)
This Summary, and the summaries of
facts mentioned elsewhere in this Manual,
may also include a separate Case
Summary” paragraph summarizing the
Case and Decision.)
II. A Statement of the Issues. (A concise
framing by the Court of the specific
issues being judged in the case.)
III. The Judgment. (A definite conclusion
rendered on the specific issues being
IV. The Reasoning and Opinion of the Court.
(The explanation by the court of the
resolution of disputed facts and reasons for
the judgment rendered.)
(3) Any timely filed written briefs of the parties
meeting the requirements of OMSJC 8.
(4) A copy of the minutes of the meetings of the
Judicial Panel.
(5) Any concurring or dissenting opinion of a Panel
(6) Any voting Panel member's request for rehearing
by the full Commission, appending reasons
therefor which must be submitted to the Stated
Clerk within 20 days after the Panel’s decision is
transmitted to the parties.
(7) Any request for a rehearing by a party (OMSJC
b. Any audio tape of the oral arguments of the parties is not
a part of this report; but any Commission member may
obtain a copy thereof from the Stated Clerk, if available.
Any such tapes are for the sole use of SJC.
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11.1 Where it is determined under OMSJC 9.3 that a judicial case
should be heard by the full Commission, the officers of the
Commission shall first determine whether the case is judicially in
order and ready for hearing. This review may be done by a
telephone conference call and shall include:
a. that the case was timely filed as provided in BCO 42-3
and 43-2;
b. in the case of a complaint, that the complaint was first
filed with the Court whose act or decision is alleged to be
in error (BCO 43-2);
c. that a ground or reason has been specified as required by
BCO 42-3 and 43-2;
d. that the parties have complied with the Rules of Discipline
of the BCO and this Manual;
e. that the Record of the Case appears to be complete and
sufficiently documented.
11.2 a. If the Officers of the Commission determine that a case is
not judicially in order, they through the Stated Clerk shall
notify the parties and give them an opportunity to cure the
defect, if it can be cured within the Rules of Discipline of
the BCO and the requirements of this Manual.
b. If the defect is cured within 30 days from the receipt of
such notice the Commission shall proceed to adjudicate
the case.
c. If significant defects cannot be cured within 30 days of
receipt of such notice, then the Officers may make a
determination that the case not be found in order and take
no further action in relation to the case other than to
recommend to the next meeting of the Commission that
the case be dismissed on the ground that the case was not
found in order.
d. If the decision of the Officers in finding the case not in
order is not confirmed by the Commission, the
Commission shall proceed to adjudicate the case.
11.3 If it is determined that the appeal or complaint is judicially in
order, the Chairman of the Commission shall take the following
a. Set a time and place for a hearing of the appeal or
complaint, making every reasonable effort to obtain such
time and place as may be agreeable to both the parties.
b. Notify the parties of such time and place of hearing by
letter with return receipt requested or by electronic means.
If by letter, such notice shall be mailed not less than 30
days prior to the date of hearing. If by electronic means,
such notice shall be sent not less than 30 days prior to the
date of hearing and there must be a receipt of
acknowledgement in the file from each party.
c. Notify the parties of their right to submit written briefs, in
accordance with OMSJC 8. A written brief must comply
with OMSJC 8.3 and following.
d. Notify all parties of their right to represent themselves or
to be represented at the hearing in accordance with BCO
32-19 or 42-10, as the case may be.
11.4 For initial procedures for hearings before the Full Commission see
OMSJC 10.8.
11.5 After the initial procedures have been followed, the Commission
shall proceed with an appeal in accordance with OMSJC 13.3 and
following, or if it is a complaint, it shall proceed in accordance
with OMSJC 14.3 and following.
(BCO 41)
12.1 The only reference which the Commission may entertain is the
reference of an appeal or a complaint received by the lower court
and referred by that lower court to the Commission for final
disposition, or of a reference of “a judicial case with request for
its trial and decision by the higher court” (BCO 41-3).
a. Where such a reference is received by the Stated Clerk, a
determination shall be made under OMSJC 10.1 as to
whether or not the case is administratively in order.
b. If the case is found to be administratively in order, the
Officers of the Commission shall determine whether or
not the Commission should accede to the request of the
lower court (BCO 41-5), remembering the admonition of
BCO 41-5 that “in general it is better that every court
should discharge the duty assigned to it under the law of
the church.”
c. Where the Officers decide that the Commission should
not accede to the request of the lower court to hear the
case, the question shall be placed on the docket of the next
stated or called meeting of the Commission for final
12.2 Where a judicial case referred to and accepted by the Commission
under Section 12.1 above is an appeal under BCO 42, that appeal
shall be heard by a Panel or the Full Commission
in accordance with the provisions of Section 14, and where such
a case is a complaint under BCO 43, that complaint shall be heard
by a Panel or by the Full Commission in accordance with the
provisions of OMSJC 14, and where it is an initial trial of an issue
or charges, such a case shall be heard de novo by a Panel or the
Full Commission in accordance with the provisions of OMSJC
13.2 or 14.2 and following as the case may be.
12.3 The Clerk of the lower court making the reference shall submit to
this Commission all documents through the Stated Clerk which
should become a part of the Record of the Case.
12.4 The lower court making the reference shall assist this Commission
as provided in BCO 41-6.
12.5 The Commission shall be organized as in any other case, except
the trial of such a case shall be conducted under the “General
Provisions Applicable To All Cases Of Process” as set out in BCO
32, and in accordance with rules of evidence as set out in BCO 35.
12.6 The testimony of the witnesses in any case so referred and
accepted shall be taken and transcribed as part of the Record of
the Case. (Note the provisions of BCO 41-6)
12.7 The parties shall be responsible for the notification and expenses
of their own witnesses. When a party requests that a witness be
cited to testify, the Chairman of the Commission shall promptly
cite, by personal service or by certified mail, the witness to appear
and testify as provided in BCO 32-4.
12.8 When the trial hearing is convened the following procedures will
a. The initial proceedings set out in OMSJC 10.8, as applicable,
shall be followed, and at the close of the proceedings
prayer shall be offered in accordance with OMSJC 18.1.
b. The requirements of BCO 32 shall apply.
c. The procedures of BCO 32-15 shall be followed, namely:
(1) The Chairman shall charge the court.
(2) The indictment shall be read, and the answer of
the accused shall be heard.
(3) The witnesses for the prosecutor and then those
for the accused shall be examined.
(4) The arguments of the parties shall be heard:
(a) the Prosecutor; then
(b) the Accused; and
(c) the Prosecutor shall close.
(5) The Commission shall go into closed session
and the roll shall be called and the members of
the Commission may express their opinion in
the case. After discussion:
(a) the vote shall be taken; and
(b) the preliminary verdict shall be
(6) The Commission shall rise from closed session
and announce the preliminary verdict. Since
there is no higher court of appeal to which written
briefs may be submitted, each party (or the
minister in a trial arising from BCO 34-1) may
submit a written supplemental brief in accordance
with OMSJC 8.2. If the parties state to the court
that they all waive their right to submit written
briefs, the judgment shall be entered on the
d. The Record of the Case and the report of the Commission
shall be prepared in accordance with the relevant
provisions of this Manual.
12.9 Unless the parties waive their rights to submit a written brief, no
decision shall be made until the time periods specified in OMSJC
8.1 have expired. If briefs are filed, copies shall be sent to all
members of the Panel or Commission as the case requires. Then
the Chairman shall convene the Panel or Commission where
further discussion of the case may take place. This may be done
by telephone conference call. After discussion, the vote shall be
taken on each issue.
After a decision has been reached, the decision shall be
processed in accordance with OMSJC 17.
12.10 After a decision has been reached by the full Commission,
any member may file by mail or electronic means, within
14 days after the date the text of the decision is sent by the
Secretary to the members of the Commission, a
concurring or dissenting opinion, which, if it conforms
with the requirements of OMSJC 18.12, shall be promptly
sent to the parties as an appendix to the decision.
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13.1 At the hearing of an appeal the procedures outlined in BCO 42-8
will apply whether heard by a Judicial Panel or by the full
13.2 At the time and place set for a hearing of the case, the Chairman
shall call the Judicial Panel to order and proceed in accordance
with the initial procedures set forth in OMSJC 10.8, as applicable.
a. The arguments of the parties shall be heard in the
following order:
(1) the Appellant makes the opening argument;
(2) the Appellee then replies;
(3) the Appellant makes the closing argument.
b. After the hearing shall have been opened and the initial
requirements of BCO 42-8 met, but before any arguments
of the parties have been presented the members of the
Panel or Commission shall have the opportunity to
question the parties on any matter before the court.
c. A party shall have a maximum of 30 minutes to argue his
case before the Panel or Commission (and in the case of
the Appellant, this 30 minutes is inclusive of both his
opening and closing arguments).
d. At any time during which a party is presenting an
argument to a Panel or the Commission, a member of the
Panel or Commission may ask questions of that party; the
time taken for such questions shall not form a part of the
argument time of the party questioned.
a. After the oral arguments have been completed and if the
appeal is being heard by a Judicial Panel, the Panel shall
proceed under OMSJC 10.10.
b. After the oral arguments have been completed and if the
appeal is being heard by the full Commission rather than
by a Judicial Panel, the Commission shall go into closed
session to discuss the case and consider its merits.
c. When the Judicial Panel acting under OMSJC 10.10 is
ready to vote or when the full Commission has completed
its discussion under Section 13.4.b above, and is ready to
vote, the vote shall then be taken without further debate,
on each specification, in this form:
"Shall this specification of error be sustained?"
The decision may be to affirm the lower court's
decision, in whole or in part. If the lower court's decision
is not sustained, the decision will be to:
(1) reverse the lower court's decision, in whole or in
part; or,
(2) render the decision that should have been
rendered; or,
(3) remand the case to the lower court for a new trial.
13.5 As soon as the judgment is thus rendered, when the appeal is heard
by a Judicial Panel, the Judicial Panel shall proceed under OMSJC
13.6 As soon as the judgment is thus rendered, when the appeal is heard
by the full Commission rather than by a Judicial Panel, the
Chairman shall designate a member or committee of members
voting with the majority to prepare a proposed written decision.
13.7 After a decision has been reached by the full Commission, any
member may file by mail or electronic means, within 14 days after
the date the text of the decision is sent by the Secretary to the
members of the Commission, a concurring or dissenting opinion,
which, if it conforms with the requirements of OMSJC 18.12, shall
be promptly sent to the parties as an appendix to the decision.
14.1 At the hearing of a Complaint the following procedures will apply
whether the Complaint be heard by a Judicial Panel or by the full
14.2 At the time and place set for a hearing of the case, the Chairman
shall call the Judicial Panel to order and proceed in accordance
with the initial procedures set forth in OMSJC 10.8, as applicable.
a. The arguments of the parties shall be heard in the
following order:
(1) the Complainant makes the opening argument;
(2) the Respondent then replies;
(3) the Complainant makes the closing argument.
b. After the hearing shall have been opened and the initial
requirements of BCO 43-9 met, but before any arguments
of the parties have been presented, the members of the
Panel or Commission shall have the opportunity to
question the parties on any matter before the court.
c. A party shall have a maximum of 30 minutes to argue his
case before the Panel or Commission (and in the case of
the Complainant, this 30 minutes is inclusive of both his
opening and closing arguments).
d. At any time during which a party is presenting an
argument to a Panel or the Commission, a member of the
Panel or Commission may ask questions of that party; the
time taken for such questions shall not form a part of the
argument time of the party questioned.
a. After the oral arguments have been completed and if the
complaint is being heard by a Judicial Panel, the Panel
shall proceed under OMSJC 10.10.
b. After the oral arguments have been heard and if the
complaint is being heard by the full Commission rather
than by a Judicial Panel the Commission shall go into
closed session to discuss the complaint and consider its
c. When the Judicial Panel acting under OMSJC 10.10 is
ready to vote or when the full Commission has completed
its discussion under Section 14.4.b, above, the vote shall
be taken, without further debate, as to what disposition
should be made of the complaint. The decision may be to
affirm the lower court's decision, in whole or in part. If
the lower court's decision is not sustained the decision
will be to:
(1) annul the whole or any part of the action of the
lower court against which the complaint has been
made; or,
(2) send the matter back to the lower court with
instructions for a new hearing.
14.5 As soon as the judgment has been rendered when the complaint is
heard by a Judicial Panel, the Judicial Panel shall proceed under
OMSJC 10.10.
14.6 As soon as the judgment is rendered, when the complaint is heard
by the full Commission rather than by a Judicial Panel, the
Chairman shall designate a member or committee of members
voting with the majority to prepare a proposed written decision.
14.7 After a decision has been reached by the full Commission, any
member may file by mail or electronic means, within 14 days after
the date the text of the decision is sent by the Secretary to the
members of the Commission, a concurring or dissenting opinion,
which, if it conforms with the requirements of OMSJC 18.12, shall
be promptly sent to the parties as an appendix to the decision.
15.1 A Report arising out of General Review and Control is one which
purports to demonstrate an important delinquency or grossly
unconstitutional proceeding of a lower court (BCO 40-5). When
such a Report is submitted to the Commission, it shall be first
handled according to OMSJC 9, as applicable.
15.2 If the Report is found administratively in order, any representative
of the Report (cf. RAO 16-10.c) and court alleged to have offended
shall be cited to appear, the latter by representative or in writing,
providing such documents as bear on the alleged important
delinquency or grossly unconstitutional proceedings (BCO 40-5).
The Stated Clerk shall collate these documents which shall be
deemed equivalent to a Record of the Case and dealt with
according to Section 8 of this Manual as applicable.
15.3 At the time and place set for a hearing of the Report, the Chairman
shall call the Judicial Panel or Commission to order and proceed
in accordance with the initial procedures set forth in OMSJC 10.8
as applicable.
15.4 The hearing shall be conducted as follows:
a. The members of the Panel or Commission shall have the
opportunity to question the representatives present on any
matter before the court.
b. The Panel or Commission shall then proceed to hear oral
arguments, if there be any, in the following order:
(1) the representative of the Report shall make the
opening argument;
(2) the representative of the court alleged to have
offended shall reply;
(3) the representative of the Report shall make the closing
c. A representative shall have a maximum of 30 minutes to
argue his case before the Panel or Commission. With
respect to the representative of the Report, this 30 minutes
is inclusive of both the opening and closing arguments.
d. At any time during which a representative is presenting
an argument to a Panel or the Commission, a member of
the Panel or Commission may ask questions of that
representative; the time taken for such questions shall not
form a part of the argument time of the representative
15.5 After arguments have been heard, the Panel or Commission shall
go into closed session to discuss the Report and consider its
15.6 If heard by a Panel, the Panel shall then make a full report to the
Commission including such recommendations as
a. to reverse or redress the proceedings of the court below in
other than judicial cases; or
b. to censure the delinquent court; or
c. to remit the whole matter to the delinquent court with an
injunction to take it up and dispose of it in a constitutional
manner; or
d. to stay all further proceedings and declare that all matters
relating to the Report, presently or previously pending
before the General Assembly, are ended, concluded and
15.7 When the full Commission has completed its discussion and is
ready to vote, the vote shall be taken on each recommendation.
The report as a whole shall then be voted on by roll call without
change or amendment. All qualified members present shall
participate in the vote.
15.8 If heard by the full Commission, the Commission shall proceed to
deliberate the merits of the matter and make a determination as
provided in Sections 15.6.a, b, c, and d. A vote shall be taken on
the decision(s). The report as a whole shall then be voted on by
roll call. All qualified members present shall participate in the
15.9 After a decision has been reached by the Full Commission, any
member may file, within 20 days after the day the decision is
reached, a concurring or dissenting opinion, which, if it conforms
with the requirements of OMSJC 18.12, shall be promptly sent to
the parties as an appendix to the decision.
15.10 When a report with its recommendations on the Report has been
adopted, a copy thereof shall immediately be sent by mail or
electronic means to the Representatives and shall be included in
the final report of the SJC to the General Assembly.
16.1 Upon proper receipt of a case filed against a minister under BCO
34-1, the SJC shall in accordance with the provisions set out
a. Appoint a panel in accordance with RAO 17.3 to
investigate the matter and determine whether or not that
the case is in order, i.e., that the provisions of BCO 34-1
have been followed.
b. If the case is determined to be in order, the panel shall
conduct an investigation of allegations against the
minister under the provisions of BCO 31-2.
c. The panel’s findings and recommendation shall be mailed
to the full SJC, said minister and the stated clerks of the
involved presbyteries that instituted this action under
BCO 34-1. The matter shall be scheduled for review at
the SJC’s next stated meeting or a meeting called under
the provisions of OMSJC 4.2.
d. Within 14 days of receipt of the panel’s findings and
recommendation said minister and the stated clerks of the
involved presbyteries may submit a brief citing reasons as
to whether the panel’s recommendations should be
approved or rejected. Such brief must comply with the
requirement of OMSJC 8.
e. Briefs under these paragraphs shall comply with the
requirements for briefs in OMSJC 8.4 but shall not exceed
5 pages.
16.2 At its next stated meeting or meeting called to hear the matter
under the provision of OMSJC 4.2, the SJC in closed session shall
discuss the panel’s findings and recommendation. The SJC shall
vote to accept or reject the panel’s findings and recommendation.
16.3 The SJC decision shall be mailed to said minister and stated clerks
of the involved presbyteries. Within 14 days of receipt of the
decision a party may request a reconsideration of the decision by
filing a supplemental brief as set forth in OMSJC 8.2. This
supplemental brief shall state the reasons for requesting
reconsideration of the decision. Copies of the supplemental brief
and the SJC decision shall be mailed to members of the SJC.
Reconsideration of the judgment shall be granted only by majority
vote of the full Commission either by mail or by conference call,
as determined by the officers
If reconsideration is granted, the Officers shall call a
special meeting, under OMSJC 4.2.a and b, to discuss the case,
consider its merits, and render a final judgment. If reconsideration
is not granted, the previous judgment shall become final in
accordance with BCO 15.5 (a).
16.4 If the SJC’s final judgment is that the above investigation does not
raise “a strong presumption of the guilt of the party involved,”
(BCO 31-2) the SJC shall dismiss the case and advise the parties
to the case.
16.5 If, however, the SJC’s final judgment is that the above
investigation raises “a strong presumption of the guilt of the party
involved,” (BCO 31-2) it shall institute process under BCO 31. In
such event, the SJC shall conduct a trial in accordance with the
provisions of BCO 32, BCO 35 and OMSJC 12.5 through 12.10.
17.1 Each decision shall be in the following format:
a. A summary of the facts. (A presentation in chronological
order of the relevant history and facts that bear on the
b. A statement of the issues. (A concise framing by the Court
of the specific issues being judged in the case.)
c. The judgment. (A definite conclusion rendered on the
specific issues being adjudged.)
d. The reasoning and opinion of the court. (The explanation
by the court of the resolution of disputed facts and reasons
for the judgment rendered.)
17.2 A judgment of the Standing Judicial Commission shall be
effective from the time of its announcement to the parties in
accordance with BCO 15-5(b). except in the case of a minority
report in accordance with BCO 15-5(c).
17.3 Judicial decisions shall be binding and conclusive on the parties.
Judicial decisions are to be given due and serious consideration by
the Church and its lower courts when deliberating matters related
to such action, and may be appealed to in subsequent, similar cases
as to any principle which may have been decided (BCO 14-7).
17.4 Each decision of the Commission and a Judicial Panel shall show
the name of the member(s) who wrote the opinion, together with
the names of all members as to their concurrence, dissent,
abstention or disqualification.
17.5 Proposed judgments of a Judicial Panel are not binding on the
parties, but the Stated Clerk shall transmit to the parties a copy of
the panel’s proposed decision and inform the parties of their right
to request a rehearing before the full Standing Judicial
Commission. If any party desires a rehearing by the full
Commission, such request must be filed with the Stated Clerk
within 14 days after receipt of said Panel’s proposed and
recommended decision. Said party filing such a request for
rehearing may attach a brief giving such party’s reasons and
arguments for this request. Such brief must comply with the
requirement of OMSJC 8.3-8.4 of this Manual as it relates to
supplemental briefs.
17.6 If no member of the Judicial Panel shall request a rehearing but a
party shall have timely requested under Section 17.5 a rehearing
by the full Commission, the Stated Clerk shall mail or send by
electronic means a ballot to each Commission member which shall
have a place for each member to indicate his vote in favor of or
against such party’s request. Each member shall complete and file
such ballot with the Stated Clerk within 15 days of the receipt of
the mailing or electronic notice. If any member fails to file such
ballot by mail or electronic means within said 15 days, or shall file
the ballot without completing it, that member’s vote shall be
recorded as a vote against the request for such a rehearing.
17.7 A rehearing of the case by the full Standing Judicial Commission
shall be had only in the following circumstances:
a. Where, within 15 days of the receipt of the ballot from the
Stated Clerk under Section 17.6 at least seven qualified
members of the full Commission shall request by mail or
electronic means (including any requests made under
OMSJC 17.7.d), by ballot or by separate written notice to
the Stated Clerk or the Secretary of the Commission, that
the case be reheard by the full Commission; or
b. In the case of a Panel of three voting members or less,
where one voting member of the Judicial Panel hearing
the case shall so request under OMSJC 10.11.a; or
c. In the case of a Panel of four voting members or more,
where two voting members of the Judicial Panel hearing
the case shall so request under OMSJC 10.11.a; or
d. Where seven members of the Standing Judicial
Commission shall file by mail or electronic means written
request for such rehearing within 15 days of the receipt of
the proposed decision under Section 17.5.
17.8 a. Every Judicial Panel’s proposed and recommended
decision shall be reviewed by the full Commission. In
addition, those cases approved under Section 17.7 shall be
reheard. A “review” means that the full Commission shall
consider, discuss and debate each decision. A “rehearing”
means that in addition to a “review”, the full Commission
shall hear the oral arguments of the parties.
b. After hearing the oral arguments in a case where a
rehearing is granted under Section 17.7, or immediately
when a case is called for review if there is no rehearing,
the presiding officer of the full Commission shall poll
each member present as to whether or not they have read
the following:
(1) the Judicial Panel’s proposed and recommended
(2) all briefs timely filed by the parties;
(3) those portions of the Record of the Case such
member feels is necessary to understand the
issues of the case.
Any member who is not able to certify
affirmatively to these inquiries shall not be
eligible to participate in discussion or vote on this
c. After the completion of (b) above, the Court shall go into
closed session but may permit the Stated Clerk and his
assistant(s) to remain to assist with the taking of the
d. Then the consideration and discussion of the proposed
and recommended decision of the Panel shall begin with
members of the Panel briefing the full Commission on the
facts of the case, the Panel’s statement of the issues, the
Panel’s proposed judgment and the Panel’s Reasoning and
Opinion. Any dissenting member of the Panel may then
present his reasons for dissent. The full Commission will
then enter upon a regular parliamentary procedure to
perfect, revise, change or approve any part of the Panel’s
proposed and recommended decision.
e. In this procedure, each of the 4 parts of the proposed and
recommended decision shall be perfected.
(1) The Summary of the Facts
(2) The Statement of the Issues
(3) The Judgment
(4) The Reasoning and Opinion of the Court.
f. After all 4 parts have been approved individually then the
decision as a whole shall be voted on by roll call without
change or amendment.
g. All qualified members present should participate in the
vote and the vote of each member shall be included in the
written decision.
h. After the vote on the decision on the whole, the Chairman
of the Commission will communicate the judgment to the
parties; and the Stated Clerk shall mail a copy of the
decision to the parties.
i. Upon such review, if parts 1, 2 and 3 of the decision have
been perfected but part 4 - the Reasoning and Opinion of
the Court -- needs to be rewritten and cannot be done at
that meeting of the Commission, the Chairman of the
Commission shall designate a member or a committee of
members voting with the majority on the other 3 parts to
write the proposed reasoning and opinion based on the
decisions on the other 3 parts. The Chairman, upon
consulting with the members of the Commission present,
(1) set a date and time for a telephone conference call
for the perfecting and voting on the “Reasoning
and Opinion” part of the decision;
(2) this date shall be at least 30 days in advance and
not more than 45 days in advance;
(3) the members or committee of members appointed
to write “The Reasoning and Opinion” shall agree
to have a proposal in the hands of the Stated Clerk
of the General Assembly within 15 days;
(4) the Stated Clerk shall mail the proposal to each
member of the Commission at least 10 days
before the date set for such telephone conference
(5) the Stated Clerk shall in the same mail send to
each Commission member a written ballot;
(6) if any Commissioner cannot participate in the
telephone conference call, his vote on the
decision as a whole will be counted so as to be
consistent with his vote on the other parts. If he
wishes to change his vote, he may fax a copy of
his signed written ballot to the Stated Clerk at or
before the time of the telephone conference call;
(7) when “The Reasoning and Opinion” part of the
decision has been perfected, then the Chairman
shall call for a roll call vote on the decision as a
whole and announce the decision;
(8) the other 3 portions of the decision previously
approved may not be altered or revised on this
telephone conference call.
(9) After all 4 parts have been approved individually,
then the decision as a whole shall be voted on by
roll call without change or amendment.
j. When a decision has been approved under this Manual by
the Full Commission, a copy thereof shall be mailed
immediately to the parties and shall then be public.
k. After a decision has been reached by the Full Commission,
any member may file, within 14 days after the date the
text of the decision is sent by the Secretary to the members
of the Commission, a concurring or dissenting opinion,
which, if it conforms with the requirements of OMSJC
18.12, shall be promptly sent to the parties as an appendix
to the decision.
17.9 a. In the event of a hearing by the Full Commission where
the case was not heard by a judicial panel, the
Commission shall issue to the parties a preliminary
judgment. Within 14 days after receiving the preliminary
judgment, a party may request reconsideration of the
judgment by filing a supplemental brief as set forth in
OMSJC 8.2. This supplemental brief shall state the
reasons for requesting reconsideration of the preliminary
judgment. The commission at its next meeting shall
consider the request for reconsideration. Reconsideration
of the preliminary judgment shall be granted only by
majority vote of the Full Commission.
b. If reconsideration is granted, the Commission shall
immediately go into closed session to discuss the case,
consider its merits, and render a final judgment. If
reconsideration is not granted, the preliminary judgment
shall become final in accordance with BCO 15-5(a).
This page intentionally left blank.
18.1 Any meeting of the Commission or a Judicial Panel shall be
opened and closed with prayer.
18.2 All oral arguments by the parties before the Commission or a
Judicial Panel thereof shall be electronically recorded. No other
recordings are authorized without the consent of all of the parties
and the approval of the Panel/Commission. SJC recordings shall
be kept by the Stated Clerk for the use of the SJC until the case
has been finally determined, and then such recordings may be
destroyed. Upon request, the Officers may authorize the use of
SJC recordings.
18.3 a. Multiple complaints against the same act or decision of a
lower court may be combined into one case but each
complainant shall receive individual notices issued under
this Manual. However, such multiple complainants may
designate one of their number to be representative of the
multiple complainants, and in such a case notices issued
under this Manual shall be sent to that complainant.
b. A single complaint signed by more than one person
against the same act or decision of a lower court shall be
treated as a single complaint and all notices issued under
this Manual shall be sent to the first named complainant.
c. In either of the cases under OMSJC 12.8.a or b where a
hearing is held under this Manual the multiple
complainants shall be treated as one complainant and:
(1) be granted the same total amount of time to
present oral arguments as would have been given
to a single complainant to present oral arguments;
(2) be permitted to present one combined brief and
supplemental brief (if the circumstances permit a
supplemental brief) and such brief or supplemental
brief shall meet the same requirements as would
be imposed upon a single complainant presenting
a brief or supplemental brief.
18.4 a. If at any time up to 15 days prior to the date set for a
Judicial Panel or the Commission to hear a judicial
reference, appeal or complaint, a party asserts that new
evidence has been obtained, which was not available or
was not made available because of justifiable
circumstances at the time the Record of the Case was put
together, said new evidence shall be put in writing and
sent within 5 days to the Stated Clerk and shall be
received as part of the Record of the Case only when all
the parties stipulate in writing agreeing to the new
evidence. If the parties do not agree to this stipulation,
and the party presenting the new evidence insists that it is
material to the case, the proceedings shall be suspended
and the matter docketed at the next meeting of the Panel
or the Commission to make a determination as to whether
the new evidence to be offered has an important bearing
on the case. At that next meeting, the Panel or
Commission may decide:
(1) that the new evidence does not have an important
bearing on the case and proceed with the case; or
(2) that the new evidence does have an important
bearing on the case and refer the case to the lower
court for a new trial (BCO 35-14).
b. If at any time during the 15 days immediately prior to the
date set for a Judicial Panel or the Commission to hear the
case, a party asserts that new evidence has been obtained,
which was not available or was not made available
because of justifiable circumstances, at the time the
Record of the Case was put together, said new evidence
shall be put in writing and be presented to the Panel or
Commission before any oral arguments are presented on
the substance of the case. Under these circumstances, the
Panel or Commission before proceeding to hear oral
arguments, shall receive the new evidence into the Record
of the Case only if all parties stipulate in writing agreeing
to such new evidence. If the parties cannot agree to this
stipulation, and the party presenting the new evidence
insists that it is material to the case, the Panel or
Commission shall make a determination as to whether the
new evidence to be offered has an important bearing on
the case. The Panel or Commission may then decide:
(1) that the new evidence does not have an important
bearing on the case and proceed with the case; or
(2) that the new evidence does have an important
bearing on the case and refer the case to the lower
court for a new trial (BCO 35-14).
18.5 All issues before the Standing Judicial Commission, or a Judicial
Panel thereof, shall be decided by a majority vote of those
qualified members voting. There shall be no proxy voting.
18.6 The minutes of the meetings of the SJC must be approved by mail
or electronic ballot within 20 days after receipt of such minutes.
If any member fails to file with the Stated Clerk the ballot within
20 days, that member’s vote shall be recorded as approval of the
If an appellant, complainant or party initiating a case referred to
the Commission fails to appear, in person or by a qualified
representative, after receiving proper notice, at any meeting of the
Standing Judicial Commission, or a Judicial Panel thereof, such
party shall be deemed to have abandoned the case. The Stated
Clerk shall immediately notify the party that the case has been
dismissed because of the failure to appear, and the party shall have
10 days from the receipt of such notice to present, in writing, a
satisfactory explanation of the failure to appear and prosecute the
case. If the explanation is deemed sufficient by the Officers of the
Commission, or members of the Judicial Panel, the case shall be
reinstated and reset for another hearing; otherwise, it shall stand
abandoned and dismissed.
a. Any party may upon a showing of good cause waive his
right to appear before the higher court and present oral
argument. This waiver shall be accomplished by a written
notice to the higher court, mailed not less than 14 days
prior to the scheduled hearing, stating the reasons for the
waiver. A party’s waiver has no effect upon the other
party’s right of appearance.
b. The higher court, if it fails to find good cause for the
waiver, may refuse to accept a waiver of appearance. If
the requested waiver is rejected by the higher court, it
shall promptly notify the party who requested the waiver.
The party shall then be required to appear before the
higher court at the scheduled time and place.
c. Failure to so appear shall constitute an abandonment of
the case by that party, unless within 10 days after the date
of the scheduled hearing that party provides satisfactory
explanation of the failure to appear. If this explanation is
deemed sufficient by the higher court and if the higher
court believes the interests of justice will be
served thereby, the case shall be reset for another hearing.
If no further hearing is required, the case may be decided
forthwith. If the party’s explanation for not appearing is
not deemed sufficient by the higher court, the case shall
stand abandoned and dismissed.
18.9 In computing any period of time prescribed by this Manual, the
day of the act or event from which the designated period of time
begins to run shall not be included. The last day of the period shall
be included, unless it is a Saturday, Sunday or postal holiday, in
which event the period extends until the end of the next day which
is not a Saturday, Sunday or postal holiday.
18.10 When a provision of the Manual requires a computation of time
under Section 18.9, above, such period of time shall be computed
with the following construction of certain terms used herein, to-
a. A mailing by the Commission or Panel shall be computed
from the day after the document is posted or delivered to
an overnight carrier.
b. Documents required or permitted to be filed by a party
shall be filed with the Stated Clerk. Such filing shall not
be timely unless the documents are received in the office
of the Stated Clerk within the time fixed for such filing,
except that papers shall be deemed filed on the day of
mailing if sent by certified, registered, priority, or express
mail of the United States Postal Service or any delivery
service where verifying receipt is utilized. Neither
facsimiles nor E-mail will be allowed for purposes of
filing. Interested parties should be aware that
responsibility for such filings rests with them and that
delays in delivery or non-delivery are the sole
responsibility of the filing party.
c. "Notice," "notification," "from receipt," "after the receipt"
shall be when the papers are actually delivered to the
party. For all papers requiring such, the
Commission shall be responsible for obtaining
verification of date of delivery. However, compliance
with such requirements shall be deemed to have been
fulfilled in any of the following instances, to wit:
(1) If a party changes his/her address without
notifying the Office of the Stated Clerk.
(2) If a party cannot be located after diligent inquiry.
(3) If a party refuses to accept delivery of materials
or notice.
(4) If materials or notice are returned by the carrier
with a notation that delivery could not be
18.11 The Record of the Case, Briefs, Arguments, and all proceedings
before a Panel or the Commission shall be presented in the English
a. The right of a Commission member to file a Concurring
or Dissenting Opinion (see 17.8.k) is an essential element
of the work of the Commission, in that it preserves the
unity of the Commission by allowing a member in the
minority to submit to the Commission’s judgment, while
declaring, and thus clearing, his conscience in a particular
decision. An Objection (BCO 45-1, 4) is only permissible
in the case of an otherwise qualified member of the
Commission (cf. OMSJC 2.2-.3) who could not vote due
to being a member of the presbytery or a member of a
congregation in the bounds of the presbytery from which
the case arose (cf. BCO 39-2).
b. That right notwithstanding, in order to preserve the
primacy of, the authority of, and respect for Commission
decisions, any Concurring or Dissenting opinion, which
does not qualify as a minority decision under the terms of
BCO 15-5, shall meet the following standards:
(1) Concurring or Dissenting opinions shall set forth
concisely, as the case may be, the alternate grounds
upon which the Commission’s decision ought to have
been rendered; or, the alleged error of the
Commission’s decision, a statement of the decision
that should have been rendered, and the grounds
(2) Ordinarily Concurring or Dissenting opinions should
set forth positions or employ arguments that were
offered in the course of the Commission’s
proceedings on a case.
(3) Concurring or Dissenting opinions shall be couched
in temperate language conducive to maintaining
respect for the Commission, vigorous expression of
disagreement with the decision notwithstanding.
(4) Concurring or Dissenting opinions shall conform to the
specifications for a preliminary brief (OMSJC 8.4.a-
c. At the request of four SJC members within 14 days after
the date the text of the Concurring or Dissenting Opinion
is sent by the Secretary to the members of the SJC, the
Chairman shall call a special meeting of the Commission,
upon at least fourteen (14) days’ notice, by telephone or
video conference to consider either (1) a motion to adopt
an Answer to any Concurring or Dissenting Opinion or (2)
a motion to strike the Opinion for failing to meet the
standards in 18.12.b. With respect to (1) above, although
all members may participate in discussion, only those
members voting with the prevailing side may vote on the
adoption of an Answer. Upon the adoption of an Answer
to a Concurring or Dissenting Opinion by the
Commission, no further Concurring or Dissenting
Opinion shall be permitted; neither shall any amendment
to the Concurring or Dissenting Opinion in question be
permitted. A Concurring or Dissenting Opinion may be
18.13 An Executive Session shall be understood to be a meeting or a
portion of a meeting wherein only Commissioners, and others
specifically invited by the Commission, are present. On the
cessation of the Session, only the conclusion, judgment, or decision
shall be made public. The proceeding shall be secret unless the
Commission shall vote to remove the injunction of secrecy.
(Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised § 9, page 92.)
A Closed Session shall be understood as a meeting or portion
of a meeting wherein only Commissioners, and others specifically
invited by the Commission, are present.. Unlike an Executive
Session, however, the proceedings shall not be secret, but rather
discussion of such matters outside of the meeting shall be at the
discretion of each commissioner, and the minutes of such a closed
session may be read and approved in open session. However, no
person present at a closed session shall later identify in any
manner the views, speeches or votes of a member of the
commission during the closed session, apart from that member’s
written permission.
19.1 The Standing Judicial Commission shall prepare a report to the
General Assembly each year.
19.2 The Standing Judicial Commission shall make a full report of each
case directed to the General Assembly, which report shall consist
of the following:
a. A summary of the facts.
b. A statement of the issues.
c. The judgment of the Standing Judicial Commission
d. The reasoning and opinion of the Standing Judicial
e. The vote of the Standing Judicial Commission.
f. Any concurring and/or dissenting opinions of any
members of the Standing Judicial Commission, and any
SJC answer to them, which have been received under
OMSJC 18.12.
19.3 a. A copy of the report (see Section 19.2, above) of each case
decided subsequent to the previous annual General
Assembly shall be included in the Commissioner
Handbook for the next following General Assembly.
b. The briefs (see OMSJC 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4) shall be made
available by electronic means or by inclusion in the
Commissioner Handbook for the next following General
19.4 A minority decision may be filed in accordance with BCO 15-5(c)
within 20 days of the adjournment of the Standing Judicial
Commission making a decision, provided also that written notice
by 1/3 of the voting members of the Commission file such notice
within 24 hours of the adjournment.
19.5 The minutes, but not the judicial cases, decisions, or reports, of
the Standing Judicial Commission shall be reviewed annually by
the Committee on Constitutional Business. The minutes shall be
examined for conformity to this Manual of the Standing Judicial
Commission and RAO 17, violations of which shall be reported as
“exceptions” as defined in RAO 14-11.d.(2). With respect to this
examination, the Committee on Constitutional Business shall
report directly to the General Assembly.
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20.1 This Manual may be amended as provided in RAO 17-5.
20.2 If any member asserts that this Manual has been violated in any
case, such member may file a written objection citing the alleged
violation. This written objection shall be included by the
Secretary in the report of the case to the General Assembly filed
under OMSJC 19.2.
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RAO 17-1. There shall be a Standing Judicial Commission composed of
twenty-four members in accordance with BCO 15-4. Upon election, each new
member of the Standing Judicial Commission, before entering upon the duties
of this office, shall sign a printed copy of the following vows; further, if the
newly elected member is present, he shall affirm these vows in the presence of
the Assembly electing him:
“I do solemnly vow, by the assistance of the grace of God, in my
service as a judge in this branch of the church of our Lord Jesus
Christ, that
1. I will act as before God, my Judge and the Searcher of hearts;
2. I will judge without respect to persons, and if so tempted, will
recuse myself from judgment;
3. I will judge not according to appearances, but judge righteous
4. I will judge according to the Constitution of the Presbyterian
Church in America, through my best efforts applied to
nothing other than the record of the case and other documents
properly before me; and
5. If in a given case I find my view on a particular issue to be in
conflict with the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church in
America, I will recuse myself from such case, if I cannot
conscientiously apply the Constitution.”
SIGN: ____________________________________________
Print Name: ________________________________________
Date ______________________________________________
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FIRST. -- The name of this corporation is Presbyterian Church in America
(A Corporation).
SECOND. -- Its registered office in the State of Delaware is to be located
at 229 South State Street, in the City of Dover, County of Kent. The registered
agent in charge thereof is The Prentice-Hall Corporation System, Inc., at 229
South State Street, Dover, Delaware.
THIRD. -- The purpose of the corporation is to engage in any lawful act
or activity for which corporations may be organized under the general
Corporation Law of Delaware.
All assets of the corporation shall be principally and directly dedicated
exclusively to religious and educational work. The corporation shall not
engage in business activities for profit and no part of any net earnings of the
corporation shall inure to the benefit of any member, director or officer of the
corporation, or any private individual, save and except that reasonable
compensation may be paid for services rendered to or for the corporation
affecting one or more of its purposes, and no member, director or officer of the
corporation, or private individual, shall be entitled to share in the distribution
of any of the corporate assets on dissolution of the corporation. No substantial
part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of secular
propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation.
Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall
not conduct or carry on any activities not permitted by an organization exempt
under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its regulations as
they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended, or by any organization
contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (c)(2) of such Code
and regulations.
Upon the dissolution or liquidation or other winding up of this corporation,
all of its assets, principal and income, subject to the payment of its debts, shall
be distributed to an organization which is exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code.
FOURTH. -- The corporation shall not have any capital stock, and the
conditions of membership shall be as stated in the By-Laws.
FIFTH. -- The names and places of residence of the incorporators are as
W. Jackson Williamson 701 Fort Dale Road
Greenville, Alabama 36067
Leon F. Hendrick 1424 Pinehurst
Jackson, Mississippi 39202
Gordon Kenworthy Reed 105 River Street
Greenville, South Carolina 29601
Cecil Williamson, Jr. 221 Cone Drive
Selma, Alabama 36707
Harry Norval Miller, Jr. 52 Adams Avenue
Montgomery, Alabama 36104
Morton Howison Smith 5422 Clinton Boulevard
Jackson, Mississippi 39209
Donald Bray Patterson 4611 Trawick Drive
Jackson, Mississippi 39211
SIXTH. -- The civil activities and affairs of the corporation shall be
managed by a board of directors. The number of directors which shall constitute
the whole board shall be such as from time to time shall be fixed by, or in the
manner provided in, the By-Laws, but in no case shall the number be less than
three. The directors need not be members of the corporation unless so required
by the By-Laws. The board of directors shall be elected by the members at the
annual meeting of the corporation to be held on such date as the By-Laws may
provide, and shall hold office until their successors are respectively elected
and qualified. The By-Laws shall specify the number of directors necessary
to constitute a quorum. The board of directors may, by resolution or
resolutions, passed by a majority of the whole board, designate one or more
committees, which to the extent provided in said resolution or resolutions or
in the By-Laws of the corporation shall have and may exercise all the powers
of the board of directors in the management of the activities and affairs of the
corporation and may have power to authorize the seal of the corporation to be
affixed to all papers which may require it; and such committee or committees
shall have such name or names as may be stated in the By-Laws of the
corporation or may be determined from time to time by resolution adopted by
the board of directors. The directors of the corporation may, if the By-Laws
so provide, be classified as to term of office. The Corporation may elect such
officers as the By-Laws may specify, who shall, subject to the provision of the
Statute, have such titles and exercise such duties as the By-Laws may provide.
This corporation may in its By-Laws confer powers upon its board of
directors in addition to the foregoing, and in addition to the powers and
authorities expressly conferred upon them by the Statute, provided that the
board of directors shall not exercise any power of authority conferred herein
or by Statute upon the members.
SEVENTH. -- Meetings of members may be held without the State of
Delaware, if the By-Laws so provide. The books of the corporation may be
kept (subject to any provision contained in the Statutes) outside the State of
Delaware at such place or places as may be from time to time designated by the
board of directors.
EIGHTH. -- The corporation reserves the right to amend, alter, change or
repeal any provision contained in this Certificate of Incorporation, in the
manner now or hereafter prescribed by the Statute, and all rights conferred
upon members herein are granted subject to this reservation.
We, The Undersigned, being each of the incorporators hereinbefore
named, for the purpose of forming a corporation pursuant to Chapter I of Title
8 of The Delaware Code, do make this Certificate, hereby declaring and
certifying that the facts herein stated are true, and accordingly have hereunto
set our hands and seals this 21st day of September, A.D. 1973.
W. Jackson Williamson Leon F. Hendrick
Gordon K. Reed Cecil Williamson, Jr.
Harry Norval Miller, Jr. Morton Howison Smith
Donald B. Patterson
1. In 1974 the original Certificate of Incorporation was amended to change
the name.
2. In 1980, the General Assembly amended Article Sixth by adding the word
“civil” in the first line, and deleting the last sentence of the first paragraph,
namely: “The board of directors is expressly authorized to make, alter or
repeal the Bylaws of this corporation.”
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For the purpose of conducting civil matters, Presbyterian Church in
America is a civil corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State
of Delaware. As in any civil corporation, the Presbyterian Church in America
has a certificate of incorporation and bylaws under which it is to operate in
regard to these civil matters. These bylaws should never be amended to include
procedures for conducting ecclesiastical business but only for the conduct of civil
business in our society.
Section 1. The name of this corporation shall be Presbyterian Church
in America (A Corporation).
Section 2. The registration of the corporation of the Presbyterian
Church in America will be designated by the Board of Directors and reported
annually in the corporate minutes. The official business address of the
corporation is the office of the Administrative Committee.
Other offices for transaction of business shall be located at such places
as the General Assembly or its Permanent Committees shall designate.
Section 1. The members of the corporation shall be those duly
ordained Teaching Elders (Ministers) enrolled in a Presbytery affiliated with
the Presbyterian Church in America, and those Ruling Elders representing
local congregations, which congregations are affiliated with Presbyteries
affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America who have been designated
or commissioned to attend the next General Assembly of the Presbyterian
Church in America. Such Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders shall be
designated or commissioned by Presbyteries or Congregations in accordance
with rules and regulations prescribed by the Book of Church Order (14-2).
Such individuals shall be the members of the corporation until the next meeting
of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America at which time
the members of the Corporation shall be those individuals designated or
commissioned as hereinabove set forth to attend such General Assembly.
Section 2. The annual meeting of the Corporation shall be at such
time and such place as designated by the General Assembly.
Section 3. Special meetings of the membership of Corporation in
General Assembly may be called in accordance with the Book of Church Order
Section 4. A quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of
the membership in General Assembly shall be that prescribed in the Book of
Church Order (14-5).
Section 5. The Moderator shall call all meetings to order and shall
preside until his successor has been selected and takes office. If the Moderator
is unable to act, the Stated Clerk shall call the Assembly to order and preside
over its sessions until a Moderator has been elected.
Section 6. Proxies shall not be allowed at General Assembly meetings
of the membership.
Section 1. The business affairs of the Corporation, as distinguished
from the ecclesiastical matters, shall be managed by the Board of Directors,
which shall have such powers and duties as are set forth in the charter of the
Corporation and the Bylaws.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall consist of the members of the
Administrative Committee of General Assembly. Each director shall hold office
as a director as long as he remains a member of the Administrative Committee
of General Assembly.
Section 3. The Board of Directors may establish such subcommittees
as may be deemed necessary or desirable and vest such subcommittees with
such authority as may be deemed proper.
Section 4. A Stated Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held
during each General Assembly. Notice shall not be required for this Stated
Meeting. A regular meeting, without notice, may be held at each regular
meeting of the Administrative Committee.
Section 5. Special Meetings of the Board of Directors may be called
by the Chairman or by a majority of the Board. Written notice stating the
place, date and hour of such special meeting shall be delivered by the Secretary
at least 10 days prior to the date of the meeting. Such notice should specify
the purpose of the meeting. A director may waive such notice; and attendance
at such a meeting shall constitute a waiver of such notice.
Section 6. A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a
Section 7. There shall be no voting by proxy.
Section 1. The officers of the Corporation shall be the Chairman of
the Board and President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and such assistant
secretaries and treasurers as may be deemed desirable by the Board of
Directors. The Board of Directors may elect assistant secretaries and
treasurers. In the event that the Secretary or the Treasurer is unable to act, the
Board of Directors shall be authorized to appoint a provisional Secretary or a
provisional Treasurer to serve until a regular Secretary or Treasurer may be
elected by the next General Assembly.
Section 2. The Chairman of the Administrative Committee shall serve
as Chairman of the Board of Directors and as the President of the Corporation.
The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and shall
appoint the members of all subcommittees of the Board. He shall sign such
instruments as may be required and shall perform such duties as may be
assigned by the Board of Directors of the members of the Corporation in
General Assembly.
Section 3. The Stated Clerk of the General Assembly shall serve as
the Secretary of the Corporation. The Secretary shall have such duties and
responsibilities as set forth in the Book of Church Order and the Rules of
Assembly Operations for the Stated Clerk. He shall be immediately
responsible to the Administrative Committee. The Secretary shall prepare and
forward all notices required by law or by these Bylaws, and shall have general
charge of the corporate books and records. He shall sign such instruments as
may be required, and perform the duties incident to the office of Secretary, and
such duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors or the members of
the Corporation in General Assembly.
Section 4. The Stated Clerk of the General Assembly shall serve as
the Treasurer of the Corporation. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the
funds and securities belonging to the Corporation, and not otherwise
designated to one of the four Program Committees. He shall receive, deposit
and disburse such funds as directed by the General Assembly, including any
provisions set forth in the Book of Church Order. He shall keep an accurate
account of the finances of the Corporation and of the funds in his custody. He
shall prepare, or have prepared, such reports of the financial condition of the
Corporation as may be required, and, in general, perform all of the duties
incident to the office of Treasurer. He shall be bonded in an amount to be
determined by the Administrative Committee.
A. The Administrative Committee of General Assembly.
The business affairs of the Corporation as distinguished from the
ecclesiastical matters, and those not specifically assigned to one of the other
permanent committees by these Bylaws or an act of the General Assembly,
shall be managed by the Administrative Committee, which serves as the
Board of Directors provided in the Charter of Incorporation, subject to
such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the General Assembly,
including all applicable provisions of the Book of Church Order.
B. The Committee on Discipleship Ministries.
The affairs of the Church in the areas of Christian education and
publications are assigned to the Committee on Discipleship Ministries,
whose duties and authority shall be designated by the General Assembly.
C. The Committee on Mission to North America.
The affairs of the Church involved in its extension in the United States
and Canada are assigned to the Committee on Mission to North America,
whose duties and authority shall be designated by the General Assembly.
D. The Committee on Mission to the World
The affairs of the Church in the area of world missions outside of the
United States and Canada are assigned to the Committee on Mission to the
World, whose duties and authority shall be designated by the General
E. The Committee on Reformed University Fellowship
The affairs of the Church in the area of campus ministries on college
and university campuses are assigned to the Committee on Reformed
University Fellowship, whose duties and authority shall be designated by
the General Assembly.
F. Other Committees
The Assembly may elect or appoint other committees of either a
permanent or temporary character to handle particular matters of business
as designated by the Assembly. The business handled by such committees
shall be limited to those matters assigned by the Assembly.
G. Boards of Agencies
When it is necessary for the handling of civil matters, the General
Assembly may authorize one of its committees or agencies to incorporate
and to form a board. The relationship of the board to the Assembly
remains as a committee, and the provisions of the corporation charter and
bylaws shall be in conformity with the constitution of the Church.
The Assembly has authority to make exceptions to the above
guidelines for some boards, agencies and committees not specifically covered
by the BCO, by making amendments to these bylaws spelling out the specific
exceptions, as well as approving corporation bylaws in conformity with these
1. PCA Retirement & Benefits, Inc., hereinafter referred to as “RBI,”
shall provide such services in furtherance of the religious purposes of
this Corporation as may be agreed between RBI and the corporation
from time to time. Specifically, but not in limitation thereof, RBI
shall administer and serve as the trustee of the assets of the
Retirement plans, the group insurance plans and the ministerial relief
programs of the Corporation.
No action of the General Assembly, the Corporation, or RBI
shall conflict with provisions of the “Trust Agreement for the Tax-
Sheltered Annuity Plan of the Presbyterian Church in America,” and
the “Presbyterian Church in America Health and Welfare Benefit
Trust” without amendment of said Trust Agreements as provided in
the Trust Agreements. RBI shall serve as the trustee under the Trust
Agreements until replaced in accordance with their terms.
RBI will make a report to each General Assembly through the
Committee of Commissioners on PCA Retirement & Benefits, Inc.
The Board of Directors of RBI shall be twelve (12) in number,
divided into four (4) classes of three (3) men each serving for four (4)
year terms. Directors will be eligible for re-election to a second four-
year term after which there must be a one-year interval before further
re-election. The Board may make requests to the Presbyteries to
nominate specific men to the Board and may submit to the General
Assembly Nominating Committee letters of recommendation
concerning particular nominees from the Presbyteries. The General
Assembly shall elect at each Assembly a class of Directors to begin
service immediately following the conclusion of the Assembly. Each
member of the Directors must be either a Teaching Elder, Ruling
Elder or Deacon in the Presbyterian Church in America. The
Directors are not subject to the provisions of the BCO, Chapter 14
relating to proportionate representation of all Presbyteries or for
equal representation of Teaching and Ruling Elders. A vacancy on
the Board of Directors because of death, resignation, removal,
disqualification or otherwise, may be filled by the directors for the
unexpired portion of the term subject to the approval of the next
General Assembly.
2. The Board of Trustees of Covenant College shall consist of twenty-
eight members each elected to a four-year term. The Board is
divided into four classes of seven men each such that the terms of
one-fourth of the Board members expire each year. There is no
required formula for dividing the members of a class between
teaching and ruling elders. A Trustee shall be eligible at the end of
any full four-year term for re-election to a second four-year term,
after which there must be a one-year interval before re-election.
The General Assembly of the PCA may choose to elect Trustees to
fill unfinished terms of Trustees who vacated their office before
their term expired.
The Trustee who is elected to fill the unfinished term is eligible,
if reelected, to serve one additional successive term, after which a
one-year period must elapse before he is eligible for re-election.
Up to four men of denominations with which the PCA is in
ecclesiastical fellowship may be elected, one to each class. In
addition, the Board may make requests to the Presbyteries to
nominate specific men to the Board and may submit to the Assembly
Nominating Committee letters of recommendation concerning
particular nominees from the presbyteries. Furthermore, the Board
may recommend one nominee per class from another NAPARC
member denomination for consideration by the Assembly
Nominating Committee, with a maximum of two such members
permitted on the Board at one time.
3. The Board of Trustees of Covenant Theological Seminary shall consist
of not less than twelve and not more than thirty-two members
[currently twenty-four]. The members of the Board of Trustees are
each elected to a four-year term. The Board is divided equally into
four classes, the terms of one-fourth of the Board members expiring
each year. A Trustee shall be eligible at the end of any full four-year
term for re-election to a second four-year term, after which there must
be a one-year interval before re-election. The General Assembly of
the PCA may choose to elect Trustees to fill unfinished terms of
Trustees who vacated their office before their term expired. The
Trustee who is elected to fill the unfinished term is eligible, if
reelected, to serve one additional successive term, after which a one-
year period must elapse before he is eligible for re-election.
Each Trustee shall be an ordained teaching or ruling elder of the
Presbyterian Church in America and elected by the General Assembly,
except that up to two members of each class may be elders of
denominations with which the PCA is in ecclesiastical fellowship.
There is no required formula for dividing the members of a class
between teaching and ruling elders. In addition, the Board may make
requests to the Presbyteries to nominate specific men to the Board and
may submit to the Assembly Nominating Committee letters of
recommendation concerning particular nominees from the
presbyteries. Furthermore, the Board may recommend one nominee
per class from another NAPARC member denomination for
consideration by the Assembly Nominating Committee, with a
maximum of two such members permitted on the Board at one time.
4. The Directors of Ridge Haven, Inc. shall consist of ten (10) members,
divided into five (5) classes of two (2) men each serving five (5) year
terms. The General Assembly shall elect at each Assembly a Class
of Directors to begin service immediately following the conclusion
of the Assembly. In addition, the Ridge Haven Board may make
request to presbyteries to nominate specific men to the Board and
may submit to the Assembly Nominating Committee letters of
recommendation concerning particular nominees from presbyteries.
Each member of the Board of Directors must be either a
Teaching or Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church in America.
The members of the Board of Directors of Ridge Haven are not
subject to the BCO Chapter 14 relating to proportionate
representation of all Presbyteries or for equal representation of
Teaching and Ruling Elders. Directors shall be eligible for re-
election to a second five-year term after which there must be a one
year interval before further re-election.
5. The Board of Directors of Presbyterian Church in America
Foundation, Inc., shall consist of ten (10) members in classes
elected through the standard nomination and election
The Directors shall serve for four (4) year terms, and
shall be divided into four (4) classes, each class being as
nearly equal in number as possible, so that the terms of
approximately one-fourth of the Directors shall expire each
year. Directors shall be eligible for re-election to a second
four-year term after which there must be a one-year interval
before further election.
As stated above, the Directors shall be elected
through the standard nomination and election procedures,
except that the Board of Directors may make requests to the
Presbyteries to nominate specific men for election as
Directors, and may submit to the Assembly Nominating
Committee letters of recommendation concerning particular
nominees for election as Directors from the Presbyteries.
All of the members of the Board of Directors shall be either
Teaching Elders, Ruling Elders or Deacons, and at least one-
half of such members shall be Ruling Elders and Deacons.
Section 1. The fiscal year of the Corporation shall be from January 1
through December 31 of each year, commencing January 1, 1991. The
General Assembly shall annually designate the auditors of the Corporation on
recommendation from the Administrative Committee, which auditing firm(s)
shall make an audit of the financial affairs of the Corporation and of each
permanent committee promptly following the close of each fiscal year. The
expenses of such audit shall be prorated among the Corporation and each
permanent committee.
Section 2. All funds of the Corporation shall be deposited from time
to time to the credit of the Corporation in such banks, savings and loan
institutions, trust, or other depositories as the permanent committees by
resolution may select. Committees, boards and agencies of the General
Assembly may maintain their own separate bank accounts.
Section 3. All checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of
money, notes, or other evidences of debtedness issued in the name of the
Corporation shall be signed by such officer or officers of the Corporation as
the Administrative Committee shall designate. All checks, drafts, or other
orders for the payment of money, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness
issued in the name of any of the permanent committees shall be signed by such
representative of the committee as the committee by resolution shall designate.
Section 1. The ecclesiastical Constitution of the Church is defined in
the Book of Church Order, Preface III. The provisions of the Constitution
shall control over any provisions of these Bylaws that may be in conflict
These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote at any annual or
special meeting of the General Assembly.
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(*North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council)
NOTE: “Amendments to the BCO are unnecessary to enable
Sessions and Presbyteries to be guided by the NAPARC
AGREEMENT, and the Assembly [will] communicate the
NAPARC AGREEMENT to Sessions and Presbyteries for
guidance” (M17GA, 17-82, III, 10, p.152).
NAPARC Golden Rule Comity Agreement
(For the Information of Sessions and Presbytery MNA Committees)
1. We will be sensitive to the presence of existing churches and missions
ministries of other NAPARC churches and will refrain from enlisting
members and will take care in receiving members of these existing
2. We will communicate with the equivalent or appropriate agency
(denominational missions committee or board, Presbytery missions or
church extension committee, or session) before initiating church planting
activities in a community where NAPARC churches or missions exist.
3. We will provide information on at least an annual basis describing
progress in our ministries and future plans.
4. We will encourage our regional home missions leadership to develop good
working relationships.
M15GA, 15-80, III, 6, p. 165
NAPARC Agreement on Transfer of Members
Recognizing that the churches of NAPARC have on occasion unintentionally
received members or ordained officers who were under various states of
discipline in another NAPRC church, thus creating tension between the
churches, and at the same time recognizing the need for mutual freedom and
openness on the part of the churches, we agree to respect the procedures of
discipline and pastoral concern of other denominations as follows:
1. Regular Transfer of Membership
That in the regular transfer of membership between NAPARC churches, the
session/consistory or presbytery/classis not receive a member until the
appropriate document of transfer is in the hands of the receiving church.
2. Transfer with Irregularities
a. That upon request for transfer of membership by a person under
discipline, the sending session/consistory or presbytery/classis inform
the receiving body of the nature and extent of the disciplinary procedure
before implementing the requested transfer, thus enabling informal
consultation between the pastors and elders of both churches.
b. That such a person not be received officially until the judicatory/
assembly of the receiving church has taken into serious account the
discipline of and the information supplied by the sending church.
c. That such a person not be received officially until the judicatory/
assembly of the receiving church is satisfied that proper restitution has
been made and/or reconciliation has been seriously attempted.
d. That a “fugitive from discipline” who no longer is a member of a
church or who is no longer on the roll of a presbytery shall not be
received until the former judicatory/assembly has been contacted to
determine if proper restitution has been made and/or reconciliation has
been seriously attempted.
3. Recourse and Appeal
Where communication or action regarding the sending/receiving of a
member or ordained officer/office bearer does not satisfy either the
dismissing or receiving judicatory/assembly, communication may be
submitted to the interchurch relations committees of the denominations
involved with a view to mediation of the problem. If this proves
unsatisfactory, the session/consistory or presbytery/classis may register its
concern to the appropriate judicatory/assembly of the other denomination.
4. Congregational Transfer
That a congregation seeking to leave a NAPARC church to become
affiliated with another NAPARC denomination be received only after it
has complied with the requirements of the form of government of the
church from which it is separating, and the receiving church shall be
responsible to see that it is done.
M16GA, 16-25, III, 5a, p. 116.
Order Form for Book of Church Order Change Packets
The loose-leaf format of the Book of Church Order is designed to enable you
to update your copy of the BCO from year to year without having to replace
the whole book.
The current General Assembly year’s Change Packet (with changed pages
only) is available for a nominal cost from the PCA Bookstore. You may
place an order by phone or mail (see below), or at the bookstores secure web
Please indicate whether you are placing a standing order* or an order for the
current General Assembly year’s changes only. [*Standing orders are sent
automatically each year as soon as the BCO Change Packet is printed.]
Date: _________________________________________________________
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