United States
Government and Politics
Sample Student Responses
and Scoring Commentary
Set 1
Free Response Question 4
Scoring Guideline
Student Samples
Scoring Commentary
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AP® United States Government and Politics
2021 Scoring Guidelines
Question 4: Argument Essay 6 points
© 2021 College Board
Scoring Criteria
Row A
(01 points)
0 points
Does not meet the criteria for one point.
1 point
Responds to the prompt with a defensible claim or thesis that establishes a line of
Decision Rules and Scoring Notes
Responses that do not earn this point:
Only restate the prompt.
Do not make a claim that responds to the prompt.
Responses that earn this point:
Respond to the prompt rather than restating or rephrasing the prompt and
establish a line of reasoning.
Provide a defensible claim or thesis that establishes a line of reasoning about
whether the federal government should be primarily responsible for managing
environmental policy or if it should be the responsibility of the states.
Examples that do not earn this point:
Restate the prompt
“There is a debate about whether the national or state governments should
take the lead in environmental policy.”
Do not respond to the prompt
“There are times when states do things that help their citizens out better
than the national government.”
Examples that earn this point:
“State governments are better at making environmental policy because they
are closer to the people.”
“State governments can customize policy better because they act as
laboratories of democracy.”
“The federal government is better at making environmental policy because
environment issues in one state can impact other states.”
“The federal government is better at making environmental policy because
policy needs to be the same nationwide.
“The federal government is better at making environmental policy
because the federal government has more resources (financial or
Additional Notes:
The claim or thesis must consist of one or more sentences that may be located anywhere in the response.
A claim or thesis that meets the criteria can be awarded the point whether or not the rest of the response successfully supports that line of reasoning.
AP® United States Government and Politics 2021 Scoring Guidelines
© 2021 College Board
Scoring Criteria
Row B
(0-3 points)
0 points
Does not meet the criteria
for one point.
1 point
Provides one piece of evidence
that is relevant to the topic of the
2 points
Uses one piece of specific and relevant
evidence to support the claim or thesis.
3 points
Uses two pieces of specific and relevant evidence
to support the claim or thesis.
Decision Rules and Scoring Notes
Responses that do not
earn points:
Do not provide any
accurate evidence.
Provide evidence that
is not relevant to the
Responses that earn 1 point:
Provide one piece of
evidence relevant to the
topic of the prompt.
May or may not have a claim
or thesis.
Responses that earn 2 points:
Provide one piece of specific and
relevant evidence that supports the
claim or thesis. This evidence can come
from one of the foundational
documents listed in the prompt, any
other foundational document, or from
knowledge of course concepts.
Responses that earn 3 points:
Provide two pieces of specific and relevant
evidence that support the claim or thesis. One
of these pieces of evidence must come from a
foundational document listed in the prompt.
The other piece of evidence can come from a
different foundational document or from
knowledge of course concepts.
Examples that do not
earn points:
Provide evidence that is
not specific
“Parts of the
Constitution support
the idea of states
taking the lead.”
Provide evidence that is
not relevant to the topic
of the prompt
“The First Amendment
gives protesters the
right to speak out
against bad
environmental policy.”
Examples of evidence that are
relevant to the topic of the
Necessary and proper clause
Laboratories of democracy
Federal bureaucracy
Supremacy Clause
Examples of acceptable specific and relevant evidence that support the claim or thesis (one
example is one piece of evidence):
“The federal government can make treaties on environmental issues.”
“The necessary and proper clause allows the federal government to take action.”
“The federal government has institutions resources for implementation.”
“Policy diffusion/laboratories of democracy allow state innovation.”
Examples of acceptable specific and relevant evidence from the foundational documents that
support the claim or thesis (one example is one piece of evidence):
“Brutus I opposes giving the national government more power over the states.”
“The Preamble to the Constitution’s clause ‘to promote general welfare’ connects to the
necessity for government to address issues such as the environment.”
“The Federalist 10 says that competing interests within a large republic require federal
government to mediate between these interests.”
Additional Notes:
To earn two or three points in Row B, the response must have a defensible claim or thesis (earned the point in Row A).
To earn three points, the response must use one of the foundational documents listed in the prompt.
AP® United States Government and Politics 2021 Scoring Guidelines
© 2021 College Board
Scoring Criteria
Row C
(0-1 points)
0 points
Does not meet the criteria for one point.
1 point
Explains how or why the evidence supports the claim or thesis.
Decision Rules and Scoring Notes
Responses that do not earn this point:
Include evidence but offer no reasoning to connect the evidence to the
claim or thesis.
Restate the prompt without explaining how the evidence supports the
claim or thesis.
Responses that earn this point:
Explain the relationship between the evidence provided and the claim or thesis.
Examples of reasoning that explains how the evidence supports the claim or thesis:
“Brutus I would support the idea that states should be in charge of
environmental policy because too much federal power will curtail liberty/fail to
address local concerns.”
“Because the environment is central to promoting general welfarethrough the
health and well-being of citizens, the federal government should address issues
such as the environment.”
“Competing interests within a large republic require the federal
government to mediate between these interests because this competition
can result in improvement to policy overall.”
“The federal government can make treaties on environmental issues. As
environment policy requires international cooperation, the federal government
should have the authority over environmental policy.”
“The necessary and proper clause allows the federal government to take
action, making policy uniform and expedient.”
“Policy diffusion/laboratories of democracy allow state innovation on the
environment to spread to other states or the federal government.”
The supremacy clause establishes that federal laws and treaties made in line
with the Constitution constitute thesupreme law of the landand take priority
over conflicting state laws.
Additional Notes:
To earn this point, the response must have a defensible claim or thesis (earned the point in Row A) and support that argument with at least one piece of specific
and relevant evidence (earned at least two points in Row B).
The explanation of the relationship between one piece of evidence and the claim or thesis is sufficient to earn this point.
AP® United States Government and Politics 2021 Scoring Guidelines
© 2021 College Board
Scoring Criteria
Row D
Responds to
(0-1 points)
0 points
Does not meet the criteria for one point.
1 point
Responds to an opposing or alternate perspective using refutation, concession, or
Decision Rules and Scoring Notes
Responses that do not earn this point:
Restate the opposite of the claim or thesis.
May identify or describe an alternate perspective but do not refute,
concede, or rebut that perspective.
Refute a foundational document rather than an alternate perspective to
the provided claim or thesis.
Responses that earn this point:
Must describe an alternate perspective AND refute, concede, or rebut that
Examples of responses that do not earn the point:
Restate the opposite of the claim or thesis
“Some argue that states should control environmental policy.”
Describe an alternate perspective but do not refute, concede, or rebut
that perspective
“Some people say that the federal government is better in developing
environmental policy.”
Examples of acceptable responses to an alternate perspective may include:
“Some people say that the federal government is better, but federal policies are
‘one size fits all’ and do not always meet local needs.”
“While some argue that states should control environmental policy, the federal
government has better resources/mediates competition to improve policy/can
interact with foreign nations on the issue.”
Additional Notes:
To earn this point, the response must have a defensible claim or thesis (earned the point in Row A).
Responses that demonstrate an incorrect understanding of the alternate perspective do not earn this point.
4A 1 of 4
4A 2 of 4
4A 3 of 4
4A 4 of 4
4B 1 of 2
4B 2 of 2
4C 1 of 1
United States Government and Politics 2021 Scoring Commentary
© 2021 College Board.
Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org.
Question 4
Note: Student samples are quoted verbatim and may contain spelling and grammatical errors.
This question expected students to demonstrate an understanding of federalism and its impact on environmental
olicymaking, as well as an understanding of foundational documents (Brutus 1, The Federalist 10, and the
Preamble of the United States Constitution) related to the concept of federalism all while taking a position on the
topic of the prompt.
Students were expected to articulate a defensible claim/thesis and establish a line of reasoning, support the
hesis with evidence from a foundational document or the course, use reasoning to explain why the evidence
provided supports the thesis, and respond to an alternate perspective using refutation, concession, or rebuttal.
Students were expected to write in the form of an argumentative essay, demonstrating each of the skills
mentioned above.
Sample: 4A
Claim/Thesis: 1
Evidence: 3
Reasoning: 1
Alternative Perspectives: 1
The response earned the thesis point for taking a position: it is imperative that the federal government is
held primarily responsible for managing environmental policyand by establishing a line of reasoning: In
order to support the health, safety, and sustainability of the American people in the future.
B. The response earned 2 evidence points for accurately describing Federalist 10 by stating, “Federalist 10
introduces the necessity of a large republic in order to get all voices and points of view considered in
legislation.” These points were earned because the description supports the thesis that the federal government
should be responsible for environmental policymaking. The response earned a third evidence point for
providing a second piece of evidence that supports the thesis by accurately describing the Necessary and
Proper Clause: The Necessary and Proper clause ... mandates that Congress can expand its authority outside
of its enumerated powers.
C. The response earned the reasoning point for explaining how the evidence supports the thesis by stating that
it is clear that a unified approach is necessary in order to maintain a sense of consistency in protecting all
people and their planet and its resources.
The response earned the alternate perspective point by describing an alternative perspective: Some may
argue ... it may take away discretion from the statesand by rebutting the claim: However, it is abundantly
clear that the federal government has the resources and the platform.”
Sample: 4B
Claim/Thesis: 1
Evidence: 2
Reasoning: 1
Alternative Perspectives: 0
A. The response earned the thesis point for taking a position: The federal government should take the
United States Government and Politics 2021 Scoring Commentary
Question 4 (continued)
primarily lead on environmental regulationand by establishing a line of reasoning: because of funding, and a
better delogation of resources.
B. The response earned 2 evidence points for accurately describing resources by stating, “Congress controlls
he finaces of the US. These points were earned because the description supports the thesis that the federal
government should have more responsibility on environmental policymaking. The response did not earn the
third evidence point because it does not present a second piece of evidence that supports the thesis. Although
Federalist 10 is mentioned, it is used incorrectly.
C. The response earned the
reasoning point by explaining how the evidence (resources) supports the thesis by
stating, “As the federal gov tackles enviromental issues the funding and other bills have to be approved for
them to work.
D. The response did not earn the alternative perspective point because it does not describe an alternate
perspective and respond with refutation, concession, or rebuttal.
Sample: 4C
Claim/Thesis: 1
Evidence: 0
Reasoning: 0
Alternative Perspectives: 0
A. The response earned the thesis point for taking a position: the federal government should be primarily
esponsibleand by establishing a line of reasoning: because they should be the ones to handle the big
problems that address everyone.
B. The response did not
earn the evidence points because it does not provide correct evidence from one of the
provided documents or course concepts.
C. The response did no
t earn the reasoning point because it does not provide any evidence that supports the
D. The response did not earn the alternative perspective point. Although the response attempts to introduce an
posing viewpoint, “Some people would say that it should be the responsibility of the states because it only
addresses some states not all states,this is not clear enough to describe an alternate perspective. While the
response does respond to an alternate perspective, it could not earn a point for alternate perspective without
first providing an accurate description.
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