Science Education International
Vol. 27, Issue 1, 2016, 151-175
Literacy and Arts-Integrated Science Lessons Engage Urban
Elementary Students in Exploring Environmental Issues
ABSTRACT: This descriptive case study examined student attitudes, writing skills and
content knowledge of urban fourth and fifth graders (6 males, 9 female) during a six-week
literacy, thinking skill, and art-integrated environmental science unit. Pre- and post-test
questions were used to address knowledge of environmental problems and student
environmental actions. Students expressed knowledge and suggestions for positive action
of youth through four essays throughout the unit, the final essay being accompanied by a
pop-up construction. Writings showed steady growth in number of words, sentences,
suggested environmental actions for youth, and instances of discussing consequences and
sequels of actions. Students were engaged, collaborative, and reported implementing
positive environmental actions.
KEY WORDS: Environmental education; Writing in science, Thinking skills, Urban
students, Art integration into science
Today’s elementary students are soon to be adults shaping society through their
families’ attitudes and actions. The elementary years are particularly important
because, at this time, students are most receptive to messages and information
about human impact on the environment (Stohr, 2013). Engaging students early
in their educational studies in real world environmental issues may help to solve
the current crisis in science education of negative student attitudes toward
learning science and enrolment in science electives resulting in a shortage of
science-qualified workers and teachers (Tytler, 2007). Involving students in
community environmental projects that include analysis, problem-solving and
Department of Curriculum & Instruction, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA.
Department of Teaching, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA. E-mail:
Department of Curriculum & Instruction, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA.
(Corresponding Author), Department of Curriculum & Instruction and Center for Educational
Transformation, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA. E-mail:
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planning, as in the current project described here, may help children have agency
in affecting the welfare of the global environment and commit to lifelong
environmental stewardship (Strife, 2012), improving their overall attitude and
conscience regarding science education (Laughter & Adams, 2012).
Students in urban neighbourhoods have fewer opportunities to explore
natural places than students who live in the suburbs or in rural areas. Thus, the
positive environmental attitudes that arise when a child spends time outdoors
exploring nature are often lacking in urban students (White, 2006). However,
students in the current study had opportunities to observe nature. Homes close to
the school in which the study took place are two-story apartment buildings,
duplexes, or single family houses on small lots, often with large trees and bushes.
Additionally, the recently rebuilt elementary school has grassy areas and new tree
plantings on the grounds. The study drew participants from a high-poverty
community in which families moved frequently to seek employment or less
expensive living arrangements, resulting in a high turn-over rate in students
attending the school.
Ecologically informed concerns centred on cultural causes of pollution,
deforestation, climate change, and loss of habitat impacting species, coupled with
the need to develop an ecologically based consciousness as an alternative to the
modern, individually-centred structure of existence (Bowers, 2003) formed the
foundation of this project. Besides providing an awareness of environmental
issues, this project sought to provide resources that might inspire students to
implement positive changes in themselves, their families, and their community to
help solve these problems, thereby avoiding feelings of hopelessness, frustration,
and powerlessness (Barratt & Barratt Hacking, 2003; Sobel, 2008; Strife, 2012).
Offering opportunities for urban students to examine environmental issues and to
relate them to their community and own daily practices is seen as critical to the
health of the planet as cities grow and populations become more urban. More than
half of the world’s population is urban; three-fourths of Westerners live in urban
areas, with most of the world’s population growth for the next decades projected
to occur in cities (Cohen, 2004). Human interaction with the environment through
local community decisions, lifestyle choices, and consumption of resources has
strong effects necessitating that urban students develop an understanding of
environmental concepts, positive attitudes, and effective actions.
The way that environmental issues are approached in the science classroom
can determine whether students feel overwhelmed, helpless, and tuned-out,
resulting in eco-phobia (Strife, 2012); or engaged and excited about their projects
with potential impacts on the problem. Several aspects of environmental
education need to be addressed early for effective learning: valuing protection of
the environment, knowledge of environmental interactions, and belief that one
can make a difference (Hungerford & Volk, 1990).
The current study involved fifteen upper elementary students in an
interactive environmental protection unit, focusing on what elementary students
can do to help and documenting those ideas through essay writing. Facts about
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problems and solutions associated with various environmental facets were
presented through illustrated and captioned pop-up scenes (three-dimensional
displays in which images stand as the page or folder is opened), and also through
reading of juvenile non-fiction trade books to build a pertinent knowledge base.
Ideas were analysed and developed by using Edward de Bono’s (2000), Cognitive
Research Trust (CoRT) Breadth system of ten thinking skills. The small group
thinking skill work allowed students to develop a sense of personal and group
competency in evaluating environmental problems, as well as in creating
solutions they could implement. The students refined their expressed knowledge
and regard for the environment through four essays, spaced across the unit. The
final essay was accompanied by student-made, pop-up constructions that
highlighted each student’s chosen topic through images cut from magazines,
telling ways youth can positively affect the planet. These displays were
showcased in the school’s lobby to further impact parent and peer audiences. The
following section highlights previous work that supports the current project’s
approach to teaching elementary students about environmental science.
Nature Deficit Disorder
During the past century, as the American population migrated from farms to
cities, many people lost their connectedness to the environment, causing some to
be dismissive of the role that nature plays in keeping the planet alive. Discussion
of local environmental issues among families, valuing of nature, and actions to
help the environment have been seen as evidence of biophilia (Kahn & Lourenco,
2002), love of nature (Wilson, 1984). Unfortunately, youth separated from nature
by growing up in sanitized, air-conditioned homes spending their time engaged
in video games or playing sports on mowed grass fields may develop apathy
toward nature, viewing it as a commodity to be exploited (White, 2006).
The lack of connection between youth and nature has been called nature
deficit disorder’ (Louv, 2005). Educators can work to change this negative
attitude. Valuing of the environment can occur through educational programs that
have these three essential components (Malone & Tranter, 2003): learning about
environmental interrelationships; discussions of actions leading to environmental
stewardship, and having experiences with the environment. The current study
employed these three principles as students learned content about environmental
issues, used thinking skills to guide discussions of ecological solutions, and wrote
about how they were implementing the ideas in their communities. For example,
after reading about deforestation, planting trees, and providing habitats for
wildlife, students reported that they spent more time outdoors noticing the trees
and bushes in their neighbourhoods along with the squirrels and birds that inhabit
them. Students organized themselves to pick up litter at school and around their
neighborhoods. Students learned how plastics tend not to decompose, are blown
into streams, find their way to the ocean, are broken into small parts, and ingested
by sea life, leading to the animals’ demise. At the start of the next school year,
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students formed collection centres for recycled items at school to reduce
discarded plastics in the environment.
Studies about Elementary Students and the Environment
While many quantitative studies have investigated children’s knowledge about
environmental issues, few have examined youth’s feelings about environmental
problems, indicating a need for more research in empowering students to solve
these problems. A qualitative study involving in-depth interviews of 50, ten-to-
twelve-year-old students revealed that a majority expressed fear, sadness, anger,
and apocalyptic or pessimistic feelings about the Earth’s environment (Strife,
2012). Frustration and powerlessness can occur when the weight of the world’s
problems is given to children before they feel able to influence positive change
(Barratt & Barratt Hacking, 2003; Sobel, 2008). Environmental disaster films
and current news programs about tornado, flood and wildfire crises may scare
elementary children, who are not developmentally prepared to cope with more
abstract global issues (Sobel, 2008). Although most children’s knowledge of
environmental issues is derived from television, news media and movies,
information about solutions to those problems has been shown to originate from
parents and teachers (Strife, 2012). Elementary students’ attitudes toward the
environment are guided by enjoyment of nature, empathy for creatures, sense of
oneness with nature, and a sense of responsibility (Cheng & Monroe, 2012).
Teaching strategies that empower elementary students with solutions they can
implement are necessary to counter such negative effects of fear, guilt and regret
concerning environmental issues. These positive teaching strategies are
important, but many teachers find they have difficulty fitting them into an
already-crowded curriculum of required lessons, which, especially in the United
States, focuses on literacy.
Youth Literature and Writing Help Students Delve Deeply
A trend in solving today’s overcrowded school curriculum is to implement
subject integration addressing several concept areas in the same lesson, while
highlighting connections (Shoemaker, 1989). In the current study, environmental
science was integrated with language arts through essay writing, reading of trade
books, and discussions guided by a system of thinking skills. Participation in
scientific activities with integrated thinking skills was useful in enhancing logical
thinking (Abrami et al., 2008) and facilitating cognitive development in student
learners (Piaget, 1969). Using youth literature to suggest ways elementary
students could impact on the environment also introduced important vocabulary
(Kolstø, 2001).
Tang (2015) presented a three-part model of integrating new literacies with
science: “(a) harnessing youth cultural resources, (b) scaffolding multimodal
practices, and (c) hybridizing a third space” (p. 315). Tang advocated that youths
cultural experiences be leveraged as resources to connect their personal lives with
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school science. This was accomplished in the current project by incorporating
images and words from popular magazines and images of the students themselves
(“selfies”). The multimodal aspects of the project were the pop-up scenes students
made that incorporated popular nature images from the magazines and repurposed
found article titles, advertising slogans, and clichés to the environmental literacy
project. This repurposing of images and texts from the cultural environment to
serve the science classroom topic created Tang’s “third space,” thereby allowing
students to see symbolic representations from competing points of view. This
reinterpretation of aspects of popular culture utilizing environmental concepts
from the science classroom integrated both perspectives, making the learning
more meaningful.
The lessons, incorporating reading of juvenile trade book literature,
reinforced the Next Generation Science Standards (Achieve Inc., 2013), a recent
set of science standards being adopted by many United States school districts.
The lessons supported environmental education standards for fourth and fifth
grade students. The sources of many environmental problems were discussed,
such as the origin of petroleum and its transport through pipelines, ships, and
trucks, its use as a fuel and lubricant, and air or water pollutants resulting from its
use, supporting Standard 4-ESS3-1: “Obtain and combine information to describe
that energy and fuels are derived from natural resources and their uses affect the
environment” (Achieve Inc., 2013, p. 36). Many environmental issues addressed
in the lessons centred on fossil fuel energy sources and their effects on water, air
quality, and habitats. For example, the devastating effects of oil spills on marine
organisms and shore life were discussed, along with ways people have rescued
animals and helped in clean-up operations. Local actions that could reduce
pollution, such as riding bikes or walking to school rather than riding in a car, and
disposing of used oil at a car service facility rather than pouring it down a drain
or street sewer, were offered. Human Impacts on Earth Systems were considered
with this standard, “Human activities in agriculture, industry, and everyday life
have had major effects on the land, vegetation, streams, ocean, air, and even outer
space, but individuals and communities are doing things to help protect Earth’s
resources and environments (5-ESS3-1).” Students learned that prairies have
been reduced to a fraction of their former extent and many animal populations
dwindled as land was changed into agricultural fields. Local efforts, in which
students might participate to restore natural prairies, were highlighted. The essays
students wrote, and the pop-up scenes they made, identified environmental
problems and what youth could do to mitigate, or solve them.
Using CoRT Thinking Skills to Enhance Critical Thinking
Encouraging students to use critical thinking skills is currently being emphasized
in schools, as part of the 21
Century Skills movement (e.g., Partnership for 21
Century Skills, 2011). Critical-thinking lessons, in which students are encouraged
to think scientifically, allow students to be more active participants in their
learning (Torff, 2006). In a study conducted by Al-Shaibani and Daoud (2011),
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a course on thinking skills increased students’ academic self-efficacy and
improved confidence in problem solving.
The current study incorporated into lessons the CoRT (Cognitive Research
Trust) Breadth (the first of six thinking skill sets of the system) thinking skills,
designed by Edward de Bono (2000), to actively engage students in creating ways
to solve environmental problems. These thinking skills included Plus, Minus,
Interesting; Consider All Factors; Other People’s Views; and Consequence and
Sequel; among others to total ten distinct skills. These skills encouraged the
thinker to consider viewing the problem from a variety of perspectives “beyond
the obvious, immediate, and egocentric” (de Bono, 2013, para. 1).
De Bono’s thinking skills have been utilized worldwide to give participants
an outline for examining problems in unique and diverse ways. Other studies of
the CoRT Breadth set of skills with participants have been conducted: Rule and
Barrera (2006) found that the CoRT Breadth thinking skills encouraged
elementary students to elaborate on ideas, positively impacting on students
questioning skills. Well-designed integration of these thinking skills into
discussions creates opportunities for in-depth conversation (Rule & Stefanich,
2012). Using the thinking skills in the current study provided the researchers a
guide for discussing environmental problems with the students in a thorough,
thoughtful way and allowed these urban students to problem solve and work
together. A major goal of environmental education is improvement of
environmental literacy, meaning not just more knowledge, but an improved
attitude toward the environment with a higher incidence of pro-environmental
behaviours (Spínola, 2015); thinking skills can help students see aspects of the
situation they had not previously considered, allowing them to change attitudes
and actions.
Learning through Art: Pop-up Constructions Motivate Students
Arts integration, the incorporation of art into a non-art subject area (Eisner, 2002),
through pop-up constructions, was another component the researchers included
in the current study. Art integration across curriculum areas builds cognitive and
behavioural skills, while increasing content learning and achievement (Appel,
2006). Arts integration adds depth to the curriculum, while increasing student
engagement (Mason, Steedly & Thormann, 2008). Guiding students to take a
student-centred inquiry approach and to transform what they know into art,
encourages them to organize and make meaning of new knowledge as they
express their ideas in creative ways (Eisner, 2002). Additionally, Trnova (2014)
found that inquiry-based science education supported creativity for teachers and
their students by engaging them in connecting learned information to a
meaningful context, through exercising critical thinking, by advancing positive
attitudes towards science and through increasing motivation.
Pop-up constructions were used during the presentation of environmental
science content in the lessons and also as part of the culminating student product.
Pop-ups are three-dimensional representations with images that stand vertically
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as the page is opened, a type of moveable book (Montanero, 2005). The Figures
in appendix 1 show different views of pop-up boxes, made by the instructors, to
serve as examples of pop-up constructions, while teaching basic information
about several environmental problems. This arts integrated format was chosen to
allow students to represent their understandings of problems and youth solutions
in a unique manner. Olsen, Zhbanova, Parpucu, Alkouri, and Rule (2013) found
that pop-up creations motivated students, fostering a focused and collaborative
Research Question
The main research question addressed by this study is:
How do urban, upper elementary students’ regard their own
1) attitudes of their ability to positively impact the environment,
2) skills of writing about environmental issues, and
3) content knowledge evolving as they explore environmental problems
and their possible contributions to solving these issues through literacy-
and arts-integrated science lessons concerning the environment?
This study was a descriptive case study involving pre- and post-test measures,
repeated measures of student essay writing, teacher observation, and student pop-
up constructions.
This study was conducted with fifteen elementary students (6 males, 9 females; 4
African-American, 10 Euro-American, 1 Asian-American; 9 fourth graders, 6
fifth graders) who were attending an urban Midwestern elementary school in the
United States. This research investigation was approved by the Human Subjects
Committee of the overseeing university, the associate superintendent of the
school district and the school principal. All students and their parents gave written
consent to participate in the study.
Lesson Procedures
Eight, approximately one-hour lessons, occurred over a six-week period. Table
1 presents the main content of each lesson. Appendix 2 shows the order and
application of the de Bono CoRT thinking skills during the unit.
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Table 1 Outline of Lesson Activities during the Environmental
Education Unit
Pre-Assessment: Pre-test with content and attitude questions that included
writing an essay about environmental issues and what youth can do to help
was administered. Students were given an overview of the unit topic.
Pop-up Box Work: Each student was given a pop-up box focused on a
different environmental problem. After examining the different scenes of
the box, each student reported the most important information to the class.
Students then switched pop-up boxes to explore them all. Students began to
consider which environmental issue was most interesting for further
Second writing sample: Students reviewed what they learned from the pop-
up boxes. Students completed a writing sample about what can youth do to
help the environment. Students then practiced the first de Bono skill of
Consequence and Sequel.
Thinking skill work: The next four de Bono CoRT Breadth skills were
taught in relation to what kids can do for the environment.
Thinking skill work: Four additional de Bono thinking skills were used to
discuss environmental issues and what youth can do to help the Earth.
Third Writing Sample: Before engaging in writing, students used the final de
Bono skill to address environmental concerns. Then they wrote about “What
can kids do to help the environment.” After writing, students perused and
read juvenile trade books (Amsel, 2009; Earthworks Group, 2009;
O’Sullivan, 2009; Scott, 2004) that had suggestions of what youth can do to
solve environmental problems.
Final writing sample and pop-up constructions: Students began making a
pop-up construction in a folder to portray a chosen environmental issue and
what students can do to remedy it. They had access to the youth literature at
this time to gain additional ideas.
The final writing sample concerning “What can kids do to help the
environment” was written.
Students completed their pop-up constructions and responded to the post-
assessment. The post-assessment did not have a writing sample included, as
students completed the final essay during the previous lesson.
Data Collection
The data collected to evaluate this project came from several sources: a pre- and
post-test instrument, student essay writings, teacher observations of student
comments and behaviours, and student pop-up constructions. The pre- and post-
test contained content questions about environmental issues and questions about
environmental actions. Students wrote essays about environmental problems and
what youth can do to solve them on four occasions. These were typed into a
spreadsheet so that environmental issues and suggested youth actions could be
identified and tallied. The number of words and sentences in student writings
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were determined with the help of the spreadsheet. The number of instances of the
de Bono skill of stating a consequence, or sequel to an action was also counted
with the organizational help of the spreadsheet. Also graphs of the mean number
of instances per student of these measures of student essays were produced with
the spreadsheet.
The pre- and post-test had identical content questions:
List as many environmental problems as you can.
Underline the problems you listed above that occur in your
neighbourhood or city.
List as many things as you can that kids can do to help the environment.
Underline the things above that you are actually doing now to help the
Student responses to these questions were listed and tallied on the
The researchers kept notes on student behaviours and reactions during the
lessons. These were reviewed and discussed by the researchers after each lesson
and prior to composing this report. Student pop-up constructions were analysed
for instances of creative thinking skills.
Environmental Science Content Learning
Table 2 shows environmental issues of which students expressed awareness at the
times of the pre- and post-test. At first, students remarked mainly on litter/trash
issues and general environmental problems, but later changed to describing more
specific problems. Students independently stopped writing about issues
(kidnapping, snow in streets) that are not usually classed as environmental
concerns on the post-test, as they developed a better understanding through
readings and class discussions. New environmental issues that students addressed
on the post-test were: water pollution, polar ice cap melting, prairie loss, soil
contamination, and rainforest destruction.
Student Awareness and Agency Regarding the Environment
Table 3 shows pre- and post-test student responses to what students, such as
themselves, may be able to do to help the environment and the actual actions they
are taking in this regard. Most students list more than one action; sometimes
students list several actions that are grouped into one category. On the post-test,
students are able to identify a greater number of actions youth can take to solve
environmental problems and report an increase in the number of actions in which
they are currently engaged. This indicates that students are actually applying the
ideas learned in class to their daily lives.
Table 2 Student-Identified Environmental Issues on the Pre- and Post-test
Example Terms Used by Students
New Terms Used on Posttest
Pretest Issues
Posttest Issue
in the
in the
Littering, not recycling, not reducing, not reusing,
dumping, garbage, landfills, wasting stuff, throwing
stuff in lakes, too much electronics
Not reducing, not reusing, too
many electronic devices
Generic Pollution
Pollution, factories
Global Climate Change
Global warming, heat wave, greenhouse gasses
Greenhouse gases
Endangered Animals
Extinction, hunting, killing, destruction of wildlife
grasslands, not careful about running over,
endangered, loss of habitats, poaching
Loss of habitats, poaching
Air Pollution
Air pollution, chemicals in air, car exhaust, gas fumes,
people burning stuff, toxic air, too much
Too much transportation
Loss of Forests
Cutting down/ killing trees, less trees
Human Issues
Highways/streets, too much snow, kidnapping, not a
lot of help to people, less population
Wild fires
Wild fires
Oil spills
Oil spills
Energy Issues
Gasoline, too much energy used, energy usage, energy
Too much energy used, energy
usage, energy
Ice Age
Ice age
Water Pollution
Water Pollution
Water Pollution
Polar Ice Cap Melting
Polar Ice Cap Melting
Polar ice cap melting
Prairie Loss
Prairies disappearing, prairie farms disappearing
Prairies disappearing, prairie
farms disappearing
Soil Contamination
Soil Contamination
Soil contamination
Rainforest Destruction
Rainforest destruction
Rainforest destruction
Science Education International
Table 3 Ideas about What Kids Can Do to Solve Environmental Problems and What Actions Students Report They Are Doing
Specific Actions Identified by Students
Can Do
New Actions Identified by Students
Can Do
Help clean up litter and pick up trash,
don't dump stuff in lakes, eat healthier
food to reduce wrappers, help their
parents recycle, recycle, reduce, reuse,
kids use less paper
Generic Pollution
Don’t use toxic things,
Actions Unrelated to
a Specific
Do a service job, influence the laws,
inform people what they can do/what are
doing, learn more to know how to help,
tell other people what is happening and
what you notice
Ask to stop chemical factories, encourage parents,
friends, family not to smoke, enjoy nature, don’t ask
for/consume a lot, spread awareness, stop, teach
Adopt an arctic animal, don't make clothes of
animals, make/find animal homes, make bird
feeders, don't hunt or poach and raise awareness, kill
only animals needed like deer or ducks, save the
Do not burn stuff unless it is wood,
encourage parents not to smoke, not drive
as much
Don't smoke, walk or ride bikes instead of cars, use
your cars less often
Human Roads
Shovel more snow
Wild fires
Make sure that cigarette butts are not hot
enough to start a fire, try to make sure wild
fires stop, don't play with matches
Oil spills
Keep oil away from water
Energy Issues
Turn everything off when you are done,
use less gas, walk to school
Use less electronics, use energy wisely
Water Pollution
Stop polluting the water
Prairie Loss
Plant prairies
Soil Contamination
Don’t spray so many chemicals in the soil
The language used on the post-test becomes more specific; for example, the
generic word “stuff” appears several times on the pre-test in response to these
items, but not on the post-test. Example actions students start to take that are
inspired by the lessons include: teaching others about the environment, enjoying
nature, riding bikes rather than traveling in cars, walking to school, encouraging
adults not to smoke, and conserving energy.
This project took place near the end of the school year. The next fall,
students resumed their environmental protection efforts and initiated a recycling
program at the school.
Student Essays about How Youth Can Impact the Environment
Table 4 shows the development of student writing over the course of the unit from
general, shorter paragraphs to more detailed writings on varied topics with
specific actions students can implement. Figure 1 shows the trends for more
words, sentences, actionable ideas, and instances of the de Bono thinking skill of
Consequence & Sequel as the project unfolded.
Development of Students’ Ideas for Taking Action.
A dramatic increase in actionable ideas occurred in the last segment of the study.
On the pre-test, most students’ essay writings focused on helping the environment
by collecting litter. An example pre-test response was: “Help clean the earth by
picking up trash and trying to influence other kids to do it, too.” There were a few
other specific ideas. After students had gained knowledge from examination of
the teacher-made pop-up boxes, students again wrote essays. Instead of focusing
the writing on just one topic, students mentioned several environmental problems
such as factory pollution, poaching of endangered animals, deforestation and loss
of habitats. In this example excerpt, a student mentioned several issues i.e. “And
there are also problems such as tree cutting, smoking, air pollution, and energy
waste like leaving the light on when you’re not using it.” Students expanded their
ideas about litter to overflowing landfills, dumping, and plastic trash in the ocean.
The third student essay writing was made after the lesson in which the ten
de Bono Breadth skills had been applied to environmental issues. Students
concentrated their efforts by choosing one environmental topic and exploring it
more thoroughly. For example, one student focused on reducing the amount of
trash sent to landfills:
“Some things kids can do to help landfills is to start using your own grocery
bag to go shopping with and recycle old newspapers or magazines around
your home; take a soup can and clean it out to be used as a marker/pencil
holder in your room; use old paper to colour on and make a welcome sign to
greet visitors at your house.
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The last essay writing was completed to accompany pop-up constructions
the students had made and occurred after students had spent time reading the
environmental trade books. The tone of the final essays switched from
informational to persuasive, showing student passion for particular issues and
convincing others to help. For instance, a student remarked, “Some people don't
care about the Earth. Others really do. I know I care. Do you?” Another student
“… look on the Internet or in books to learn more of the problems so you
can know how to help or teach your family, classmates, and neighbours.
Look for ways to help. Ask your teacher if, when there's spare time, she/he
could talk about it. Start a nature club. Join groups that help the
environment, such as water pollution filtering clubs. Get others interested
to help. Create a project on ideas to help, including reasons.”
Students were motivated to seek additional sources of information about
Earth problems and what they might do to alleviate them. One student wrote about
the problem of too much packaging on products: “… [D]on't buy tiny, tiny
packages. Buy big ones and use them well because the longer you use stuff, the
longer you keep them out of landfills and bulk-buying reduces packaging and
often saves you money!”
Evidence of Growth in Student Thinking Skills
Evidence of several de Bono thinking skills that were taught during lessons 4, 5,
and 6 was found in the student writings: Plus, Minus, Interesting; First Important
Priorities; Other People’s Views; Alternatives, Possibilities, Choices; and
Consequence & Sequel. For example, a student considered the pluses of
conserving electricity and the interesting idea of having more time to explore
“Saving electricity helps sharpen the saw (Covey Habit 7), heart, mind,
body, and soul. We would probably use more sunlight, which you need.
Since I'm using less electricity, I could have more time to explore nature and
learn things about it.”
Another student applied First Important Priorities to determining an initial
key action: “I would save animal habitats by first of all persuading families to
save animal habitats with me. I would do that by making signs…” Students
applied Other People’s Views by considering the viewpoint of wildlife: “Without
prairies, a lot of animals like buffalo could lose their habitats. It is just as
important to them as our home is to us.” Many students used Alternatives,
Possibilities, Choices in their writing. For example, a student noted ways to
restore or preserve prairies: “To help with a comeback for prairies disappearing
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is: Plant your own prairie at home or school. Make a club to get people to work
as a group so we have prairies… Try to build fewer buildings…”
Table 4 Characteristics of Student Essays about What Kids Can Do
to Solve Environmental Problems
Number of
Words per
per Essay
Number of
Ideas of
What Kids
Can Do
per Essay
Number of
Instances of
and Sequel
per Essay
47.8 (12.9)
3.9 (1.0)
2.8 (1.2)
0.6 (0.9)
After examining
environmental pop-up
83.7 (36.0)
6.1 (3.0)
3.6 (2.7)
4.1 (2.1)
After practicing the 10
de Bono thinking skills
92.5 (38.5)
7.5 (2.3)
4.3 (1.4)
5.3 (3.3)
After making the pop-
up constructions and
reading juvenile trade
books on what youth
can do to help the
120.8 (57.2)
9.6 (5.1)
7.5 (3.7)
7.5 (5.2)
The thinking skill most heavily employed by students was Consequence and
Sequel. Many examples appeared in student writings, such as: “People should
stop throwing stuff out their windows, because it’s probably going to end up in
the rivers or lakes.” “Stop saying I want so much, because then the companies
make them and the factories dirty the air.”
Figure 1 (below) shows how use of Consequence and Sequel increased
dramatically over the duration of the project. This skill helped students organize
their thoughts into cause and effect arguments, making the persuasive aspects of
their writings more effective. The fact that very few students used this thinking
skill initially, but eventually almost all employed it many times in their work by
the end of the unit indicates important growth in logical thinking.
Teacher Observations
The teachers observed that students were most excited about being able to
complete a hand-made craft involving scissors and glue. The moment that
students saw the pop-up boxes made by teachers, they began asking for the
opportunity to make a pop-up construction. Once students began making the pop-
up scenes, they were reluctant to stop work for lunch, suggesting that lunch be
skipped while they continue to work. Students seldom did homework on other
Science Education International
projects, but reported that they had spent time at home looking for additional
images to enhance their pop-up constructions.
* The horizontal x axis shows the time of the writing sample: (1) pre-test, (2) second writing, (3)
third writing, and (4) final essay. The vertical y-axis shows the mean count of words, sentences,
action ideas, and number of instances of consequence of sequel for each of the graphs respectively.
Figure 1 Graphs of Changes in Number of Words, Sentences, Action
Ideas, and Instances of Consequences and Sequels in Student
Students developed scientific attitudes of stewardship of the environment as
they learned more information about interrelationships between human actions
and natural systems. They reported they felt empowered that they could influence
others’ behaviours and knowledge of the environment. Students expressed a
desire to continue projects such as organizing litter pick-up, planting trees, and
having an ecology club, showing their attitudes of believing they could positively
impact on the environment. In the next school year, they initiated a recycling
centre at the school. They were happy that their pop-up scenes would be put on
display for classmates and school visitors to see in the lobby.
Student Pop-up Constructions
Figure 2 and Figure 3 show student pop-up constructions. Figure 2a shows the
cover and inside scene of a construction about polar ice cap melting; Figure 2b
Science Education International
shows the cover and enclosed scene related to recycling, reducing and reusing.
The student who made the scene in 4a used magazine phrases in a new context.
He cut out a picture of a baby to voice concern for future generations. The student
who made the scenes in 2b used photos of herself to highlight her agency in
affecting the environment. She used an image of money to symbolize fundraising.
Figure 2 Student Pop-up Constructions Concerning Melting of Polar
Ice Caps and Recycling, Reducing, Reusing
Figure 3 shows the internal views of four different scenes. The student who
made 3a used talking animals to express the issues affecting them. The student in
Science Education International
3b chose negative images from around the world to illustrate his point. He
crowded the images around the words “No Room to Run” to show how animals
are losing their habitats. The student who made the display in 3c took appealing
images and used contrast to make her point. The work of a final student is shown
in 3d. He used humour and a mixture of photographs and cartoons to make his
work interesting.
Figure 3 Interior Scenes of Student Pop-up Constructions Concerning
Animal Habitats
Science Education International
Summary of Results
The first outcome of the study was that students became more aware of
environmental issues, especially specific problems with solutions youth can
implement. The traditional science classroom of urban schools follows a strict,
scripted, teacher-centred, outcome-based protocol in which students memorize
correct responses to prompts; students are denied the opportunity to devise
solutions to emerging problems through group work, a natural aspect of their
home culture (Emdin, 2010). The current project allowed students to demonstrate
their strengths in solving environmental problems through reading and group
interaction. Secondly, students expressed that they thought about the environment
more often, wanted to learn more through lessons concerning how they could
solve environmental problems, and actually implement the ideas they were
learning about, such as riding bikes to school, picking up trash, and initiating a
school recycling program. They believed they could positively affect people’s
actions for a healthier environment, supporting the views of many recent
investigators (Barratt & Barratt Hacking, 2003; Hungerford & Volk, 1990; Sobel,
2008; Strife, 2012) that students needed to know how to help solve environmental
problems or they might develop negative attitudes and tune out. Calabrese
Barton, Ermer, Burkett, & Osborne (2003, p. 25) called for science literacy in
urban schools in which students engaged in “deep thoughtful acquisition of key
concepts and ideas, habits of mind, attitudes toward science, and the scientific
skills necessary for individuals to be effective members of a technologically and
scientifically democratic society.” Developing a positive attitude toward being
part of environmental solutions, practicing thinking skills, and taking personal
actions, as nurtured through the current project, supported such thoughtful
engagement in science literacy.
Third, writing skills improved with students composing longer, detailed,
more specific essays. Writing about holistically integrated real-world topics that
students could impact through their actions was engaging (Shoemaker, 1989).
Students incorporated the thinking skill of consequence and sequel, showing
growth in critical thinking. Emdin (2010) stated that the culture of urban students
supported critical thinking, but teachers seldom recognized students’ ability to
problem solve and think logically. In our study, we supported students’ reasoning
process by directly teaching the de Bono thinking skills; students readily grasped
the concepts, incorporating many of the thinking skills in their writings,
especially consequence and sequel.
Finally, students were excited to make a pop-up construction as part of arts
integration with environmental science. Integration of the arts increased student
motivation and engagement with the project as seen in other studies (Mason, et
al., 2008; Olsen, et al., 2013). Students evidenced much creativity in their pop-up
constructions and scenes. Hursh (2007, p. 304) noted that in many urban schools,
“respect for students’ intelligence, creativity, and human individuality completely
disappeared.” The students in our study complained that they seldom had the
Science Education International
opportunity to construct creative works of art outside of their formal art class;
they especially enjoyed being creative in their pop-up constructions.
Urban students’ knowledge of environmental issues as exemplified in the pre-
and post-test responses, expanded environment-related vocabulary, and number
of environmental actions suggested in the essay writings, increased from the
beginning to end of the unit. Students chose environmental topics that related to
problems in their community. Students’ agency concerning their perceived ability
to positively impact on the environment was evidenced by persuasive remarks
made in later essays, during lessons, and in implementation of actions to help the
Although the study was limited in its duration and number of students
involved, participants showed an increase in the number of reported personal
activities to help the environment. The school at which this study took place
implemented a new student leadership program in the school year following the
study. Many students became involved in tackling local environmental, social,
and community problems as part of the curriculum through this new program. A
recycling project was implemented at the school connected to students’ concern
for the environment, sparked by the project described in this study.
The authors thank the Center for Educational Transformation at the University of
Northern Iowa for support of this research project.
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Appendix 1-a Instructor’s Pop-up Box Showing Problems Related to
Endangered Animals and What Kids Can Do to Help
Appendix 1-b Instructor’s Pop-up Box Showing Problems Related to
Greenhouse Gases and What Kids Can Do to Help
Appendix 2 Outline of Lesson Activities during the Environmental
Education Unit De Bono Thinking Skills Used in the Lessons
with Examples of Student Responses
De Bono Skill
Question for
Example Student Responses
Consequences and
Sequel (C&S)
What may be
and results of
continuing to
pollute our
effects; short-
(1-5 yrs.);
effects (5-25
yrs.); and long-
term effects
(more than 25
Animals are
could see
in the air.
Overflow and
spread across
town, cities,
Earth not in
good shape,
because some
animals that
are important
and help us
are gone.
We as
could die.
Animals could
eat garbage
they see and
get poisoned.
Population of
humans and
animals will
Few animals
Our state
would be
a landfill.
Places will
stink and no
wild life
would be
Plus, Minus,
Interesting Ideas
(PMI): Find the
good and bad
points along with
Rate a specific
idea about
helping the
environment by
listing the
plusses, the
minuses, and
ideas that are
Plus: Planting more trees at school will provide more
oxygen and homes for animals.
Minus: Planting trees at school will cost money.
Minus: Planting trees at school will mean someone
will need to take care of them such as watering.
Interesting Idea: We studied trees in another class.
Consider All
Factors: List all the
aspects or elements
affecting the
Tell all the
factors you
need to
consider related
to your pop-up
Newscasters would say that working on the
environment is amazing.
Ice caps are melting.
Saving electricity can save money and also encourage
people to exercise outside.
Whose habitat should we save?
Do we need money to do this?
First, Important,
Priorities (FIP)
Put components in
order according to
According to
you, what is the
most important
problem to
1. Deforestation; 2. Landfills; 3. Air pollution; 4. Save
animal habitats; 5.Water pollution; 6. Fields and
prairies disappearing
Other People’s
Views (OPV):
Explore the issue
What are
various human,
animal, or
Animals: Don’t hurt my home.
Sidewalk: Stop littering on me; don’t spray on me.
Elementary School: I need more trees!
Science Education International
from different
objects’ views
on how to help
Trash Can: Make sure all your litter gets inside me
except for reusable items.
Paper: Use both of my sides, recycle me, erase
mistakes on me; stop cutting down trees to make me; I
want to stay a tree.
School bus: I to run on cleaner fuel; walk to school
when you can.
Write guidelines
for implementation
If you could
make rules to
help the
what rules
would you
Stop poaching and hunting
No more oil rigs
Take your own grocery bag to the store
Factories must clean the air before they return it to the
Organize and tell
steps of project.
Create a plan of
how you could
work to solve
Educate classmates.
Inform people to start recycling.
Create billboards, flyers, brochures about the problem.
Have contests to raise money.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Aims, Goals, and
Objectives (AGO)
and criteria for
Determine the
aims, goals,
and objectives
you have for
creating a pop-
up picture.
To recycle and use things more than once.
My pop-up box will be really informative.
To teach how animal habitats disappear.
People will understand what I am saying.
Choices (APC):
Determine all
potential variables
Determine at
least two topic
choices for
your pop-up
and then list
alternatives or
Polar Ice Cap Melting: put a giant cork in the ice cap;
cut down on greenhouse gasses; plant more trees; stop
polluting the air; stop using coal.
Landfills: take your own grocery bag; post on Internet
how much garbage is in landfills; tell others about
landfill problems at local places such as the grocery
store; create a job where person goes through landfill
and removes harmful items; use computers more
instead of paper; make art out of trash.
Determine the best
course of action.
Decide what
ideas about
problem are
important to
include in your
Loss of prairies: Loss breaks the food chain.
Water Pollution: Most things people throw away can
be reduced or recycled rather than leaked into water.
Start an eco-friendly club.
Animal Habitat Destruction: Plant trees to save
habitats. We can’t live without some of the animals.