Bureau of Land Management
U.S. Forest Service
Developed by
the Interagency
and Monitoring
May 30, 2014
The Greater Sage-Grouse Monitoring Framework
Developed by the Interagency Greater Sage-Grouse Disturbance and Monitoring Subteam
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3
I. Broad and Mid Scales .................................................................................................................. 7
A. Implementation (Decision) Monitoring ..................................................................................... 7
B. Habitat Monitoring ..................................................................................................................... 8
B.1. Sagebrush Availability (Measure 1) ....................................................................................... 10
a. Establishing the Sagebrush Base Layer .......................................................................... 11
b. Monitoring Sagebrush Availability ................................................................................ 19
B.2. Habitat Degradation Monitoring (Measure 2) ................................................................. 22
a. Habitat Degradation Datasets and Assumptions ............................................................. 22
b. Habitat Degradation Threat Combination and Calculation ............................................ 26
B.3. Energy and Mining Density (Measure 3)......................................................................... 26
a. Energy and Mining Density Datasets and Assumptions ................................................. 28
b. Energy and Mining Density Threat Combination and Calculation ................................ 28
C. Population (Demographics) Monitoring .................................................................................. 29
D. Effectiveness Monitoring ......................................................................................................... 29
II. Fine and Site Scales ................................................................................................................. 35
III. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 37
IV. The Greater Sage-Grouse Disturbance and Monitoring Subteam Membership ...................... 37
Figure 1. Map of Greater Sage-Grouse range, populations, subpopulations, and Priority
Areas for Conservation as of 2013.................................................................................... 5
Table 1. Indicators for monitoring implementation of the national planning strategy,
RMP/LUP decisions, sage-grouse habitat, and sage-grouse populations at the
broad and mid scales. ........................................................................................................ 6
Table 2. Relationship between the 18 threats and the three habitat disturbance measures
for monitoring. ................................................................................................................ 9
Table 3. Datasets for establishing and monitoring changes in sagebrush availability. ................. 13
Table 4. Ecological Systems in BpS and EVT capable of supporting sagebrush vegetation
and capable of providing suitable seasonal habitat for Greater Sage-Grouse. ................ 13
Table 5. Ecological Systems with conifers most likely to encroach into sagebrush vegetation. .. 18
Table 6. Geospatial data sources for habitat degradation (Measure 2). ........................................ 27
Literature Cited .............................................................................................................................. 39
Attachment A: An Overview of Monitoring Commitments ......................................................... 43
Attachment B: User and Producer Accuracies for Aggregated Ecological Systems within
LANDFIRE Map Zones ....................................................................................... 45
Attachment C: Sagebrush Species and Subspecies Included in the Selection Criteria for
Building the EVT and BpS Layers ...................................................................... 47
The purpose of this U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS)
Greater Sage-Grouse Monitoring Framework (hereafter, monitoring framework) is to describe
the methods to monitor habitats and evaluate the implementation and effectiveness of the BLM’s
national planning strategy (attachment to BLM Instruction Memorandum 2012-044), the BLM
resource management plans (RMPs), and the USFS’s land management plans (LMPs) to
conserve the species and its habitat. The regulations for the BLM (43 CFR 1610.4-9) and the
USFS (36 CFR part 209, published July 1, 2010) require that land use plans establish intervals
and standards, as appropriate, for monitoring and evaluations based on the sensitivity of the
resource to the decisions involved. Therefore, the BLM and the USFS will use the methods
described herein to collect monitoring data and to evaluate implementation and effectiveness of
the Greater Sage-Grouse (GRSG) (hereafter, sage-grouse) planning strategy and the conservation
measures contained in their respective land use plans (LUPs). A monitoring plan specific to the
Environmental Impact Statement, land use plan, or field office will be developed after the
Record of Decision is signed. For a summary of the frequency of reporting, see Attachment A,
An Overview of Monitoring Commitments. Adaptive management will be informed by data
collected at any and all scales.
To ensure that the BLM and the USFS are able to make consistent assessments about sage-
grouse habitats across the range of the species, this framework lays out the methodologyat
multiple scalesfor monitoring of implementation and disturbance and for evaluating the
effectiveness of BLM and USFS actions to conserve the species and its habitat. Monitoring
efforts will include data for measurable quantitative indicators of sagebrush availability,
anthropogenic disturbance levels, and sagebrush conditions. Implementation monitoring results
will allow the BLM and the USFS to evaluate the extent that decisions from their LUPs to
conserve sage-grouse and their habitat have been implemented. State fish and wildlife agencies
will collect population monitoring information, which will be incorporated into effectiveness
monitoring as it is made available.
This multiscale monitoring approach is necessary, as sage-grouse are a landscape species and
conservation is scale-dependent to the extent that conservation actions are implemented within
seasonal habitats to benefit populations. The four orders of habitat selection (Johnson 1980) used
in this monitoring framework are described by Connelly et al. (2003) and were applied
specifically to the scales of sage-grouse habitat selection by Stiver et al. (in press) as first order
(broad scale), second order (mid scale), third order (fine scale), and fourth order (site scale).
Habitat selection and habitat use by sage-grouse occur at multiple scales and are driven by
multiple environmental and behavioral factors. Managing and monitoring sage-grouse habitats
are complicated by the differences in habitat selection across the range and habitat use by
individual birds within a given season. Therefore, the tendency to look at a single indicator of
habitat suitability or only one scale limits managers’ ability to identify the threats to sage-grouse
and to respond at the appropriate scale. For descriptions of these habitat suitability indicators for
each scale, see Sage-Grouse Habitat Assessment Framework: Multiscale Habitat Assessment
Tool (HAF; Stiver et al. in press).
Monitoring methods and indicators in this monitoring framework are derived from the current
peer-reviewed science. Rangewide, best available datasets for broad- and mid-scale monitoring
will be acquired. If these existing datasets are not readily available or are inadequate, but they are
necessary to inform the indicators of sagebrush availability, anthropogenic disturbance levels,
and sagebrush conditions, the BLM and the USFS will strive to develop datasets or obtain
information to fill these data gaps. Datasets that are not readily available to inform the fine- and
site-scale indicators will be developed. These data will be used to generate monitoring reports at
the appropriate and applicable geographic scales, boundaries, and analysis units: across the range
of sage-grouse as defined by Schroeder et al. (2004), and clipped by Western Association of Fish
and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) Management Zone (MZ) (Stiver et al. 2006) boundaries and
other areas as appropriate for size (e.g., populations based on Connelly et al. 2004). (See Figure
1, Map of Greater Sage-Grouse range, populations, subpopulations, and Priority Areas for
Conservation as of 2013.) This broad- and mid-scale monitoring data and analysis will provide
context for RMP/LMP areas; states; GRSG Priority Habitat, General Habitat, and other sage-
grouse designated management areas; and Priority Areas for Conservation (PACs), as defined in
Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) Conservation Objectives: Final Report
(Conservation Objectives Team [COT] 2013). Hereafter, all of these areas will be referred to as
“sage-grouse areas.
Figure 1. Map of Greater Sage-Grouse range, populations, subpopulations, and Priority Areas for
Conservation as of 2013.
This monitoring framework is divided into two sections. The broad- and mid-scale methods,
described in Section I, provide a consistent approach across the range of the species to monitor
implementation decisions and actions, mid-scale habitat attributes (e.g., sagebrush availability
and habitat degradation), and population changes to determine the effectiveness of the planning
strategy and management decisions. (See Table 1, Indicators for monitoring implementation of
the national planning strategy, RMP/LMP decisions, sage-grouse habitat, and sage-grouse
populations at the broad and mid scales.) For sage-grouse habitat at the fine and site scales,
described in Section II, this monitoring framework describes a consistent approach (e.g.,
indicators and methods) for monitoring sage-grouse seasonal habitats. Funding, support, and
dedicated personnel for broad- and mid-scale monitoring will be renewed annually through the
normal budget process. For an overview of BLM and USFS multiscale monitoring commitments,
see Attachment A.
Table 1. Indicators for monitoring implementation of the national planning strategy, RMP/LMP
decisions, sage-grouse habitat, and sage-grouse populations at the broad and mid scales.
(State Wildlife
Broad Scale:
From the
range of sage-
grouse to
National planning
strategy goal and
Distribution and
amount of
sagebrush within
the range
Distribution and
amount of
energy, mining,
Mid Scale:
Zone to
Distribution and
amount of
energy, mining,
facilities (Table 2
First-order habitat selection, the broad scale, describes the physical or geographical range of a
species. The first-order habitat of the sage-grouse is defined by populations of sage-grouse
associated with sagebrush landscapes, based on Schroeder et al. 2004, and Connelly et al. 2004,
and on population or habitat surveys since 2004. An intermediate scale between the broad and
mid scales was delineated by WAFWA from floristic provinces within which similar
environmental factors influence vegetation communities. This scale is referred to as the
WAFWA Sage-Grouse Management Zones (MZs). Although no indicators are specific to this
scale, these MZs are biologically meaningful as reporting units.
Second-order habitat selection, the mid-scale, includes sage-grouse populations and PACs. The
second order includes at least 40 discrete populations and subpopulations (Connelly et al. 2004).
Populations range in area from 150 to 60,000 mi
and are nested within MZs. PACs range from
20 to 20,400 mi
and are nested within population areas.
Other mid-scale landscape indicators, such as patch size and number, patch connectivity, linkage
areas, and landscape matrix and edge effects (Stiver et al. in press) will also be assessed. The
methods used to calculate these metrics will be derived from existing literature (Knick et al.
2011, Leu and Hanser 2011, Knick and Hanser 2011).
A. Implementation (Decision) Monitoring
Implementation monitoring is the process of tracking and documenting the implementation (or
the progress toward implementation) of RMP/LMP decisions. The BLM and the USFS will
monitor implementation of project-level and/or site-specific actions and authorizations, with
their associated conditions of approval/stipulations for sage-grouse, spatially (as appropriate)
within Priority Habitat, General Habitat, and other sage-grouse designated management areas, at
a minimum, for the planning area. These actions and authorizations, as well as progress toward
completing and implementing activity-level plans, will be monitored consistently across all
planning units and will be reported to BLM and USFS headquarters annually, with a summary
report every 5 years, for the planning area. A national-level GRSG Land Use Plan Decision
Monitoring and Reporting Tool is being developed to describe how the BLM and the USFS will
consistently and systematically monitor and report implementation-level activity plans and
implementation actions for all plans within the range of sage-grouse. A description of this tool
for collection and reporting of tabular and spatially explicit data will be included in the Record of
Decision or approved plan. The BLM and the USFS will provide data that can be integrated with
other conservation efforts conducted by state and federal partners.
B. Habitat Monitoring
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), in its 2010 listing decision for the sage-grouse,
identified 18 threats contributing to the destruction, modification, or curtailment of sage-grouse
habitat or range (75 FR 13910 2010). The BLM and the USFS will, therefore, monitor the
relative extent of these threats that remove sagebrush, both spatially and temporally, on all lands
within an analysis area, and will report on amount, pattern, and condition at the appropriate and
applicable geographic scales and boundaries. These 18 threats have been aggregated into three
broad- and mid-scale measures to account for whether the threat predominantly removes
sagebrush or degrades habitat. (See Table 2, Relationship between the 18 threats and the three
habitat disturbance measures for monitoring.) The three measures are:
Measure 1: Sagebrush Availability (percent of sagebrush per unit area)
Measure 2: Habitat Degradation (percent of human activity per unit area)
Measure 3: Energy and Mining Density (facilities and locations per unit area)
These three habitat disturbance measures will evaluate disturbance on all lands, regardless of
land ownership. The direct area of influence will be assessed with the goal of accounting for
actual removal of sagebrush on which sage-grouse depend (Connelly et al. 2000) and for habitat
degradation as a surrogate for human activity. Measure 1 (sagebrush availability) examines
where disturbances have removed plant communities that support sagebrush (or have broadly
removed sagebrush from the landscape). Measure 1, therefore, monitors the change in sagebrush
availabilityor, specifically, where and how much of the sagebrush community is available
within the range of sage-grouse. The sagebrush community is defined as the ecological systems
that have the capability of supporting sagebrush vegetation and seasonal sage-grouse habitats
within the range of sage-grouse (see Section I.B.1., Sagebrush Availability). Measure 2 (see
Section I.B.2., Habitat Degradation Monitoring) and Measure 3 (see Section I.B.3., Energy and
Mining Density) focus on where habitat degradation is occurring by using the footprint/area of
direct disturbance and the number of facilities at the mid scale to identify the relative amount of
degradation per geographic area of interest and in areas that have the capability of supporting
sagebrush and seasonal sage-grouse use. Measure 2 (habitat degradation) not only quantifies
footprint/area of direct disturbance but also establishes a surrogate for those threats most likely to
have ongoing activity. Because energy development and mining activities are typically the most
intensive activities in sagebrush habitat, Measure 3 (the density of active energy development,
production, and mining sites) will help identify areas of particular concern for such factors as
noise, dust, traffic, etc. that degrade sage-grouse habitat.
Table 2. Relationship between the 18 threats and the three habitat disturbance measures for monitoring.
Note: Data availability may preclude specific analysis of individual layers. See the detailed methodology
for more information.
USFWS Listing Decision Threat
Energy and
Conifer encroachment
Invasive Species
Energy (oil and gas wells and development
Energy (coal mines)
Energy (wind towers)
Energy (solar fields)
Energy (geothermal)
Mining (active locatable, leasable, and saleable
Infrastructure (roads)
Infrastructure (railroads)
Infrastructure (power lines)
Infrastructure (communication towers)
Infrastructure (other vertical structures)
Other developed rights-of-way
The methods to monitor disturbance found herein differ slightly from methods used in Manier et
al. 2013, which provided a baseline environmental report (BER) of datasets of disturbance across
jurisdictions. One difference is that, for some threats, the BER data were for federal lands only.
In addition, threats were assessed individually, using different assumptions from those in this
monitoring framework about how to quantify the location and magnitude of threats. The
methodology herein builds on the BER methodology and identifies datasets and procedures to
use the best available data across the range of the sage-grouse and to formulate a consistent
approach to quantify impact of the threats through time. This methodology also describes an
approach to combine the threats and calculate each of the three habitat disturbance measures.
B.1. Sagebrush Availability (Measure 1)
Sage-grouse populations have been found to be more resilient where a percentage of the
landscape is maintained in sagebrush (Knick and Connelly 2011), which will be determined by
sagebrush availability. Measure 1 has been divided into two submeasures to describe sagebrush
availability on the landscape:
Measure 1a: the current amount of sagebrush on the geographic area of interest, and
Measure 1b: the amount of sagebrush on the geographic area of interest compared with
the amount of sagebrush the landscape of interest could ecologically support.
Measure 1a (the current amount of sagebrush on the landscape) will be calculated using this
formula: [the existing updated sagebrush layer] divided by [the geographic area of interest]. The
appropriate geographic areas of interest for sagebrush availability include the species’ range,
WAFWA MZs, populations, and PACs. In some cases these sage-grouse areas will need to be
aggregated to provide an estimate of sagebrush availability with an acceptable level of accuracy.
Measure 1b (the amount of sagebrush for context within the geographic area of interest) will be
calculated using this formula: [existing sagebrush divided by [pre-EuroAmerican settlement
geographic extent of lands that could have supported sagebrush]. This measure will provide
information to set the context for a given geographic area of interest during evaluations of
monitoring data. The information could also be used to inform management options for
restoration or mitigation and to inform effectiveness monitoring.
The sagebrush base layer for Measure 1 will be based on geospatial vegetation data adjusted for
the threats listed in Table 2. The following subsections of this monitoring framework describe
the methodology for determining both the current availability of sagebrush on the landscape and
the context of the amount of sagebrush on the landscape at the broad and mid scales.
a. Establishing the Sagebrush Base Layer
The current geographic extent of sagebrush vegetation within the rangewide distribution of sage-
grouse populations will be ascertained using the most recent version of the Existing Vegetation
Type (EVT) layer in LANDFIRE (2013). LANDFIRE EVT was selected to serve as the
sagebrush base layer for five reasons: 1) it is the only nationally consistent vegetation layer that
has been updated multiple times since 2001; 2) the ecological systems classification within
LANDFIRE EVT includes multiple sagebrush type classes that, when aggregated, provide a
more accurate (compared with individual classes) and seamless sagebrush base layer across
jurisdictional boundaries; 3) LANDFIRE performed a rigorous accuracy assessment from which
to derive the rangewide uncertainty of the sagebrush base layer; 4) LANDFIRE is consistently
used in several recent analyses of sagebrush habitats (Knick et al. 2011, Leu and Hanser 2011,
Knick and Hanser 2011); and 5) LANDFIRE EVT can be compared against the geographic
extent of lands that are believed to have had the capability of supporting sagebrush vegetation
pre-EuroAmerican settlement [LANDFIRE Biophysical Setting (BpS)]. This fifth reason
provides a reference point for understanding how much sagebrush currently remains in a defined
geographic area of interest compared with how much sagebrush existed historically (Measure
1b). Therefore, the BLM and the USFS have determined that LANDFIRE provides the best
available data at broad and mid scales to serve as a sagebrush base layer for monitoring changes
in the geographic extent of sagebrush. The BLM and the USFS, in addition to aggregating the
sagebrush types into the sagebrush base layer, will aggregate the accuracy assessment reports
from LANDFIRE to document the cumulative accuracy for the sagebrush base layer. The
BLMthrough its Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring (AIM) program and, specifically, the
BLM’s landscape monitoring framework (Taylor et al. 2014)will provide field data to the
LANDFIRE program to support continuous quality improvements of the LANDFIRE EVT layer.
The sagebrush layer based on LANDFIRE EVT will allow for the mid-scale estimation of the
existing percent of sagebrush across a variety of reporting units. This sagebrush base layer will
be adjusted by changes in land cover and successful restoration for future calculations of
sagebrush availability (Measures 1a and 1b).
This layer will also be used to determine the trend in other landscape indicators, such as patch
size and number, patch connectivity, linkage areas, and landscape matrix and edge effects (Stiver
et al. in press). In the future, changes in sagebrush availability, generated annually, will be
included in the sagebrush base layer. The landscape metrics will be recalculated to examine
changes in pattern and abundance of sagebrush at the various geographic boundaries. This
information will be included in effectiveness monitoring (See Section I.D., Effectiveness
Within the USFS and the BLM, forest-wide and field officewide existing vegetation
classification mapping and inventories are available that provide a much finer level of data than
what is provided through LANDFIRE. Where available, these finer-scale products will be useful
for additional and complementary mid-scale indicators and local-scale analyses (see Section II,
Fine and Site Scales). The fact that these products are not available everywhere limits their utility
for monitoring at the broad and mid scale, where consistency of data products is necessary across
broader geographies.
Data Sources for Establishing and Monitoring Sagebrush Availability
There were three criteria for selecting the datasets for establishing and monitoring the change in
sagebrush availability (Measure 1):
Nationally consistent dataset available across the range
Known level of confidence or accuracy in the dataset
Continual maintenance of dataset and known update interval
Datasets meeting these criteria are listed in Table 3, Datasets for establishing and monitoring
changes in sagebrush availability.
LANDFIRE Existing Vegetation Type (EVT) Version 1.2
LANDFIRE EVT represents existing vegetation types on the landscape derived from remote
sensing data. Initial mapping was conducted using imagery collected in approximately 2001.
Since the initial mapping there have been two update efforts: version 1.1 represents changes
before 2008, and version 1.2 reflects changes on the landscape before 2010. Version 1.2 will be
used as the starting point to develop the sagebrush base layer.
Sage-grouse subject matter experts determined which of the ecological systems from the
LANDFIRE EVT to use in the sagebrush base layer by identifying the ecological systems that
have the capability of supporting sagebrush vegetation and that could provide suitable seasonal
habitat for the sage-grouse. (See Table 4, Ecological systems in BpS and EVT capable of
supporting sagebrush vegetation and capable of providing suitable seasonal habitat for Greater
Sage-Grouse.) Two additional vegetation types that are not ecological systems were added to the
EVT: Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana Shrubland Alliance and Quercus gambelii Shrubland
Alliance. These alliances have species composition directly related to the Rocky Mountain
Lower Montane-Foothill Shrubland ecological system and the Rocky Mountain Gambel Oak-
Mixed Montane Shrubland ecological system, both of which are ecological systems in
LANDFIRE BpS. In LANDFIRE EVT, however, in some map zones, the Rocky Mountain
Lower Montane-Foothill Shrubland ecological system and the Rocky Mountain Gambel Oak-
Mixed Montane Shrubland ecological system were named Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana
Shrubland Alliance and Quercus gambelii Shrubland Alliance, respectively.
Table 3. Datasets for establishing and monitoring changes in sagebrush availability.
Most Recent
Version Year
BioPhysical Setting
Denominator for
sagebrush availability
Existing Vegetation
Type v1.2
Numerator for
sagebrush availability
Cropland Data Layer
Statistics Service
Agricultural updates;
removes existing
sagebrush from
numerator of
sagebrush availability
National Land Cover
Dataset Percent
2011 (next
available in 2016)
Urban area updates;
removes existing
sagebrush from
numerator of
sagebrush availability
Fire Perimeters
< 1,000-acre fire
updates; removes
existing sagebrush
from numerator of
sagebrush availability
Burn Severity
Trends in Burn
2012 (2-year delay
in data
> 1,000-acre fire
updates; removes
existing sagebrush
from numerator of
sagebrush availability
except for unburned
sagebrush islands
Table 4. Ecological systems in BpS and EVT capable of supporting sagebrush vegetation and capable
of providing suitable seasonal habitat for Greater Sage-Grouse.
Ecological System
Sagebrush Vegetation that the Ecological System has
the Capability of Producing
Colorado Plateau Mixed Low Sagebrush
Artemisia arbuscula ssp. longiloba
Artemisia bigelovii
Artemisia nova
Artemisia frigida
Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis
Columbia Plateau Low Sagebrush Steppe
Artemisia arbuscula
Artemisia arbuscula ssp. longiloba
Artemisia nova
Columbia Plateau Scabland Shrubland
Artemisia rigida
Columbia Plateau Steppe and Grassland
Artemisia spp.
Great Basin Xeric Mixed Sagebrush
Artemisia arbuscula ssp. longicaulis
Artemisia arbuscula ssp. longiloba
Artemisia nova
Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis
Inter-Mountain Basins Big Sagebrush
Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata
Artemisia tridentata ssp. xericensis
Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana
Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis
Inter-Mountain Basins Big Sagebrush
Artemisia cana ssp. cana
Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata
Artemisia tridentata ssp. xericensis
Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis
Artemisia tripartita ssp. tripartita
Artemisia frigida
Inter-Mountain Basins Curl-Leaf Mountain
Mahogany Woodland and Shrubland
Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana
Artemisia arbuscula
Artemisia tridentata
Inter-Mountain Basins Mixed Salt Desert
Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis
Artemisia spinescens
Inter-Mountain Basins Montane Sagebrush
Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana
Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis
Artemisia nova
Artemisia arbuscula
Artemisia tridentata ssp. spiciformis
Inter-Mountain Basins Semi-Desert Shrub-
Artemisia tridentata
Artemisia bigelovii
Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis
Northwestern Great Plains Mixed Grass
Artemisia cana ssp. cana
Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana
Artemisia frigida
Northwestern Great Plains Shrubland
Artemisia cana ssp. cana
Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata
Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis
Rocky Mountain Gambel Oak-Mixed
Montane Shrubland
Artemisia tridentata
Rocky Mountain Lower Montane-Foothill
Artemisia nova
Artemisia tridentata
Artemisia frigida
Western Great Plains Floodplain Systems
Artemisia cana ssp. cana
Western Great Plains Sand Prairie
Artemisia cana ssp. cana
Wyoming Basins Dwarf Sagebrush
Shrubland and Steppe
Artemisia arbuscula ssp. longiloba
Artemisia nova
Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis
Artemisia tripartita ssp. rupicola
Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana
Shrubland Alliance (EVT only)
Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana
Quercus gambelii Shrubland Alliance (EVT
Artemisia tridentata
Accuracy and Appropriate Use of LANDFIRE Datasets
Because of concerns over the thematic accuracy of individual classes mapped by LANDFIRE, all
ecological systems listed in Table 4 will be merged into one value that represents the sagebrush
base layer. With all ecological systems aggregated, the combined accuracy of the sagebrush base
layer (EVT) will be much greater than if all categories were treated separately.
LANDFIRE performed the original accuracy assessment of its EVT product on a map zone
basis. There are 20 LANDFIRE map zones that cover the historical range of sage-grouse as
defined by Schroeder (2004). (See Attachment B, User and Producer Accuracies for Aggregated
Ecological Systems within LANDFIRE Map Zones.) The aggregated sagebrush base layer for
monitoring had user accuracies ranging from 57.1% to 85.7% and producer accuracies ranging
from 56.7% to 100%.
LANDFIRE EVT data are not designed to be used at a local level. In reports of the percent
sagebrush statistic for the various reporting units (Measure 1a), the uncertainty of the percent
sagebrush will increase as the size of the reporting unit gets smaller. LANDFIRE data should
never be used at the 30m pixel level (900m
resolution of raster data) for any reporting. The
smallest geographic extent for using the data to determine percent sagebrush is at the PAC level;
for the smallest PACs, the initial percent sagebrush estimate will have greater uncertainties
compared with the much larger PACs.
Agricultural Adjustments for the Sagebrush Base Layer
The dataset for the geographic extent of agricultural lands will come from the National
Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Cropland Data Layer (CDL)
( CDL data are generated
annually, with estimated producer accuracies for large area row crops ranging from the mid
80% to mid-90%, depending on the state
( Specific
information on accuracy may be found on the NASS metadata website
( CDL provided the only
dataset that matches the three criteria (nationally consistent, known level of accuracy, and
periodically updated) for use in this monitoring framework and represents the best available
agricultural lands mapping product.
The CDL data contain both agricultural classes and nonagricultural classes. For this effort, and in
the baseline environmental report (Manier et al. 2013), nonagricultural classes were removed
from the original dataset. The excluded classes are:
Barren (65 & 131), Deciduous Forest (141), Developed/High Intensity (124), Developed/Low
Intensity (122), Developed/Med Intensity (123), Developed/Open Space (121), Evergreen Forest
(142), Grassland Herbaceous (171), Herbaceous Wetlands (195), Mixed Forest (143), Open
Water (83 & 111), Other Hay/Non Alfalfa (37), Pasture/Hay (181), Pasture/Grass (62), Perennial
Ice/Snow (112), Shrubland (64 & 152), Woody Wetlands (190).
The rule set for adjusting the sagebrush base layer for agricultural lands (and for updating the
base layer for agricultural lands in the future) is that once an area is classified as agriculture in
any year of the CDL, those pixels will remain out of the sagebrush base layer even if a new
version of the CDL classifies that pixel as one of the nonagricultural classes listed above. The
assumption is that even though individual pixels may be classified as a nonagricultural class in
any given year, the pixel has not necessarily been restored to a natural sagebrush community that
would be included in Table 4. A further assumption is that once an area has moved into
agricultural use, it is unlikely that the area would be restored to sagebrush. Should that occur,
however, the method and criteria for adding pixels back into the sagebrush base layer would
follow those found in the sagebrush restoration monitoring section of this monitoring framework
(see Section I.B.1.b., Monitoring Sagebrush Availability).
Urban Adjustments for the Sagebrush Base Layer
The National Land Cover Database (NLCD) (Fry et al. 2011) includes a percent imperviousness
dataset that was selected as the best available dataset to be used for urban adjustments and
monitoring. These data are generated on a 5-year cycle and are specifically designed to support
monitoring efforts. Other datasets were evaluated and lacked the spatial specificity that was
captured in the NLCD product. Any new impervious pixel in NLCD will be removed from the
sagebrush base layer through the monitoring process. Although the impervious surface layer
includes a number of impervious pixels outside of urban areas, this is acceptable for the
adjustment and monitoring for two reasons. First, an evaluation of national urban area datasets
did not reveal a layer that could be confidently used in conjunction with the NLCD product to
screen impervious pixels outside of urban zones. This is because unincorporated urban areas
were not being included, thus leaving large chunks of urban pixels unaccounted for in this rule
set. Second, experimentation with setting a threshold on the percent imperviousness layer that
would isolate rural features proved to be unsuccessful. No combination of values could be
identified that would result in the consistent ability to limit impervious pixels outside urban
areas. Therefore, to ensure consistency in the monitoring estimates, all impervious pixels will be
Fire Adjustments for the Sagebrush Base Layer
Two datasets were selected for performing fire adjustments and updates: GeoMac fire
perimeters and Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS). An existing data standard in the
BLM requires that all fires of more than 10 acres are to be reported to GeoMac; therefore, there
will be many small fires of less than 10 acres that will not be accounted for in the adjustment and
monitoring attributable to fire. Using fire perimeters from GeoMac, all sagebrush pixels falling
within the perimeter of fires less than 1,000 acres will be used to adjust and monitor the
sagebrush base layer.
For fires greater than 1,000 acres, MTBS was selected as a means to account for unburned
sagebrush islands during the update process of the sagebrush base layer. The MTBS program
( is an ongoing, multiyear project to map fire severity and fire perimeters
consistently across the United States. One of the burn severity classes within MTBS is an
unburned to low-severity class. This burn severity class will be used to represent unburned
islands of sagebrush within the fire perimeter for the sagebrush base layer. Areas within the other
severity classes within the fire perimeter will be removed from the base sagebrush layer during
the update process. Not all wildfires, however, have the same impacts on the recovery of
sagebrush habitat, depending largely on soil moisture and temperature regimes. For example,
cooler, moister sagebrush habitat has a higher potential for recovery or, if needed, restoration
than does the warmer, dryer sagebrush habitat. These cooler, moister areas will likely be detected
as sagebrush in future updates to LANDFIRE.
Conifer Encroachment Adjustment for the Sagebrush Base Layer
Conifer encroachment into sagebrush vegetation reduces the spatial extent of sage-grouse habitat
(Davies et al. 2011, Baruch-Mordo et al. 2013). Conifer species that show propensity for
encroaching into sagebrush vegetation resulting in sage-grouse habitat loss include various
juniper species, such as Utah juniper (Juniperus osteosperma), western juniper (Juniperus
occidentalis), Rocky Mountain juniper (Juniperus scopulorum), pinyon species, including
singleleaf pinyon (Pinus monophylla) and pinyon pine (Pinus edulis), ponderosa pine (Pinus
ponderosa), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) (Gruell et
al. 1986, Grove et al. 2005, Davies et al. 2011).
A rule set for conifer encroachment was developed to adjust the sagebrush base layer. To capture
the geographic extent of sagebrush that is likely to experience conifer encroachment, ecological
systems within LANDFIRE EVT version 1.2 (NatureServe 2011) were identified if they had the
capability of supporting both the conifer species (listed above) and sagebrush vegetation. Those
ecological systems were deemed to be the plant communities with conifers most likely to
encroach into sagebrush vegetation. (See Table 5, Ecological systems with conifers most likely
to encroach into sagebrush vegetation.) Sagebrush vegetation was defined as including sagebrush
species or subspecies that provide habitat for the Greater Sage-Grouse and that are included in
the HAF. (See Attachment C, Sagebrush Species and Subspecies Included in the Selection
Criteria for Building the EVT and BpS Layers.) An adjacency analysis was conducted to identify
all sagebrush pixels that were directly adjacent to these conifer ecological systems, and these
pixels were removed from the sagebrush base layer.
Table 5. Ecological systems with conifers most likely to encroach into sagebrush vegetation.
EVT Ecological Systems
Coniferous Species and Sagebrush Vegetation that
the Ecological System has the Capability of
Colorado Plateau Pinyon-Juniper Woodland
Pinus edulis
Juniperus osteosperma
Artemisia tridentata
Artemisia arbuscula
Artemisia nova
Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata
Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis
Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana
Artemisia bigelovii
Artemisia pygmaea
Columbia Plateau Western Juniper Woodland and
Juniperus occidentalis
Pinus ponderosa
Artemisia tridentata
Artemisia arbuscula
Artemisia rigida
Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana
East Cascades Oak-Ponderosa Pine Forest and
Pinus ponderosa
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Artemisia tridentata
Artemisia nova
Great Basin Pinyon-Juniper Woodland
Pinus monophylla
Juniperus osteosperma
Artemisia arbuscula
Artemisia nova
Artemisia tridentata
Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana
Northern Rocky Mountain Ponderosa Pine
Woodland and Savanna
Pinus ponderosa
Artemisia tridentata
Artemisia arbuscula
Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana
Rocky Mountain Foothill Limber Pine-Juniper
Juniperus osteosperma
Juniperus scopulorum
Artemisia nova
Artemisia tridentata
Rocky Mountain Poor-Site Lodgepole Pine Forest
Pinus contorta
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Pinus ponderosa
Artemisia tridentata
Southern Rocky Mountain Pinyon-Juniper
Pinus edulis
Juniperus monosperma
Artemisia bigelovii
Artemisia tridentata
Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis
Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana
Southern Rocky Mountain Ponderosa Pine
Pinus ponderosa
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Pinus edulis
Pinus contorta
Juniperus spp.
Artemisia nova
Artemisia tridentata
Artemisia arbuscula
Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana
Invasive Annual Grasses Adjustments for the Sagebrush Base Layer
There are no invasive species datasets from 2010 to the present (beyond the LANDFIRE data)
that meet the three criteria (nationally consistent, known level of accuracy, and periodically
updated) for use in the determination of the sagebrush base layer. For a description of how
invasive species land cover will be incorporated in the sagebrush base layer in the future, see
Section I.B.1.b., Monitoring Sagebrush Availability.
Sagebrush Restoration Adjustments for the Sagebrush Base Layer
There are no datasets from 2010 to the present that could provide additions to the sagebrush base
layer from restoration treatments that meet the three criteria (nationally consistent, known level
of accuracy, and periodically updated); therefore, no adjustments were made to the sagebrush
base layer calculated from the LANDFIRE EVT (version 1.2) attributable to restoration
activities since 2010. Successful restoration treatments before 2010 are assumed to have been
captured in the LANDFIRE refresh.
b. Monitoring Sagebrush Availability
Monitoring Sagebrush Availability
Sagebrush availability will be updated annually by incorporating changes to the sagebrush base
layer attributable to agriculture, urbanization, and wildfire. The monitoring schedule for the
existing sagebrush base layer updates is as follows:
2010 Existing Sagebrush Base Layer = [Sagebrush EVT] minus [2006 Imperviousness Layer]
minus [2009 and 2010 CDL] minus [2009/10 GeoMac Fires that are less than 1,000 acres] minus
[2009/10 MTBS Fires that are greater than 1,000 acres, excluding unburned sagebrush islands
within the perimeter] minus [Conifer Encroachment Layer]
2012 Existing Sagebrush Update = [2010 Existing Sagebrush Base Layer] minus [2011
Imperviousness Layer] minus [2011 and 2012 CDL] minus [2011/12 GeoMac Fires < 1,000
acres] minus [2011/12 MTBS Fires that are greater than 1,000 acres, excluding unburned
sagebrush islands within the perimeter]
Monitoring Existing Sagebrush post 2012 = [Previous Existing Sagebrush Update Layer] minus
[Imperviousness Layer (if new data are available)] minus [Next 2 years of CDL] minus [Next 2
years of GeoMac Fires < 1,000 acres] minus [Next 2 years of MTBS Fires that are greater than
1,000 acres, excluding unburned sagebrush islands within the perimeter] plus
[restoration/monitoring data provided by the field]
Monitoring Sagebrush Restoration
Restoration after fire, after agricultural conversion, after seedings of introduced grasses, or after
treatments of pinyon pine and/or juniper are examples of updates to the sagebrush base layer that
can add sagebrush vegetation back into sagebrush availability in the landscape. When restoration
has been determined to be successful through rangewide, consistent, interagency fine- and site-
scale monitoring, the polygonal data will be used to add sagebrush pixels back into the broad-
and mid-scale sagebrush base layer.
Measure 1b: Context for Monitoring the Amount of Sagebrush in a Geographic Area of
Measure 1b describes the amount of sagebrush on the landscape of interest compared with the
amount of sagebrush the landscape of interest could ecologically support. Areas with the
potential to support sagebrush were derived from the BpS data layer that describes sagebrush
pre-EuroAmerican settlement (v1.2 of LANDFIRE).
The identification and spatial locations of natural plant communities (vegetation) that are
believed to have existed on the landscape (BpS) were constructed based on an approximation of
the historical (pre-EuroAmerican settlement) disturbance regime and how the historical
disturbance regime operated on the current biophysical environment. BpS is composed of map
units that are based on NatureServe (2011) terrestrial ecological systems classification.
The ecological systems within BpS used for this monitoring framework are those ecological
systems that are capable of supporting sagebrush vegetation and of providing seasonal habitat for
sage-grouse (Table 4). Ecological systems selected included sagebrush species or subspecies that
are included in the HAF and listed in Attachment C.
The BpS layer does not have an associated accuracy assessment, given the lack of any reference
data. Visual inspection of the BpS data, however, reveals inconsistencies in the labeling of pixels
among LANDFIRE map zones. The reason for these inconsistencies is that the rule sets used to
map a given ecological system will vary among map zones based on different physical,
biological, disturbance, and atmospheric regimes of the region. These variances can result in
artificial edges in the map. Metrics will be calculated, however, at broad spatial scales using BpS
potential vegetation type, not small groupings or individual pixels. Therefore, the magnitude of
these observable errors in the BpS layer will be minor compared with the size of the reporting
units. Since BpS will be used to identify broad landscape patterns of dominant vegetation, these
inconsistencies will have only a minor impact on the percent sagebrush availability calculation.
As with the LANDFIRE EVT, LANDFIRE BpS data are not designed to be used at a local level.
LANDFIRE data should never be used at the 30m pixel level for reporting.
In conclusion, sagebrush availability data will be used to inform effectiveness monitoring and
initiate adaptive management actions as necessary. The 2010 estimate of sagebrush availability
will serve as the base year, and an updated estimate for 2012 will be reported in 2014 after all
datasets become available. The 2012 estimate will capture changes attributable to wildfire,
agriculture, and urban development. Subsequent updates will always include new fire and
agricultural data and new urban data when available. Restoration data that meet the criteria for
adding sagebrush areas back into the sagebrush base layer will be factored in as data allow.
Given data availability, there will be a 2-year lag (approximately) between when the estimate is
generated and when the data used for the estimate become available (e.g., the 2014 sagebrush
availability will be included in the 2016 estimate).
Future Plans
Geospatial data used to generate the sagebrush base layer will be available through the BLM’s
EGIS web portal and geospatial gateway or through the authoritative data source. Legacy
datasets will be preserved so that trends may be calculated. Additionally, accuracy assessment
data for all source datasets will be provided on the portal either spatially, where applicable, or
through the metadata. Accuracy assessment information was deemed vital to help users
understand the limitation of the sagebrush estimates; it will be summarized spatially by map zone
and will be included in the portal.
LANDFIRE plans to begin a remapping effort in 2015. This remapping has the potential to
improve the overall quality of data products greatly, primarily through the use of higher-quality
remote sensing datasets. Additionally, the BLM and the Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics
Consortium (MRLC) are working to improve the accuracy of vegetation map products for broad-
and mid-scale analyses through the Grass/Shrub mapping effort. The Grass/Shrub mapping effort
applies the Wyoming multiscale sagebrush habitat methodology (Homer et al. 2009) to depict
spatially the fractional percent cover estimates for five components rangewide and West-wide.
These five components are percent cover of sagebrush vegetation, percent bare ground, percent
herbaceous vegetation (grass and forbs combined), annual vegetation, and percent shrubs. A
benefit of the design of these fractional cover maps is that they facilitate monitoring “within”
class variation (e.g., examination of declining trend in sagebrush cover for individual pixels).
This “within” class variation can serve as one indicator of sagebrush quality that cannot be
derived from LANDFIRE’s EVT information. The Grass/Shrub mapping effort is not a substitute
for fine-scale monitoring but will leverage fine-scale data to support the validation of the
mapping products. An evaluation will be conducted to determine if either dataset is of great
enough quality to warrant replacing the existing sagebrush layers. At the earliest, this evaluation
will occur in 2018 or 2019, depending on data availability.
B.2. Habitat Degradation Monitoring (Measure 2)
The measure of habitat degradation will be calculated by combining the footprints of threats
identified in Table 2. The footprint is defined as the direct area of influence of “active” energy
and infrastructure; it is used as a surrogate for human activity. Although these analyses will try to
summarize results at the aforementioned meaningful geographic areas of interest, some may be
too small to report the metrics appropriately and may be combined (smaller populations, PACs
within a population, etc.). Data sources for each threat are found in Table 6, Geospatial data
sources for habitat degradation. Specific assumptions (inclusion criteria for data, width/area
assumptions for point and line features, etc.) and methodology for each threat, and the combined
measure, are detailed below. All datasets will be updated annually to monitor broad- and mid-
scale year-to-year changes and to calculate trends in habitat degradation to inform adaptive
management. A 5-year summary report will be provided to the USFWS.
a. Habitat Degradation Datasets and Assumptions
Energy (oil and gas wells and development facilities)
This dataset will compile information from three oil and gas databases: the proprietary IHS
Enerdeq database, the BLM Automated Fluid Minerals Support System (AFMSS) database, and
the proprietary Platts (a McGraw-Hill Financial Company) GIS Custom Data (hereafter, Platts)
database of power plants. Point data from wells active within the last 10 years from IHS and
producing wells from AFMSS will be considered as a 5-acre (2.0ha) direct area of influence
centered on the well point, as recommended by the BLM WO-300 (Minerals and Realty
Management). Plugged and abandoned wells will be removed if the date of well abandonment
was before the first day of the reporting year (i.e., for the 2015 reporting year, a well must have
been plugged and abandoned by 12/31/2014 to be removed). Platts oil and gas power plants data
(subset to operational power plants) will also be included as a 5-acre (2.0ha) direct area of
Additional Measure: Reclaimed Energy-related Degradation. This dataset will include
those wells that have been plugged and abandoned. This measure thereby attempts to
measure energy-related degradation that has been reclaimed but not necessarily fully
restored to sage-grouse habitat. This measure will establish a baseline by using wells that
have been plugged and abandoned within the last 10 years from the IHS and AFMSS
datasets. Time lags for lek attendance in response to infrastructure have been documented
to be delayed 210 years from energy development activities (Harju et al. 2010).
Reclamation actions may require 2 or more years from the Final Abandonment Notice.
Sagebrush seedling establishment may take 6 or more years from the point of seeding,
depending on such variables as annual precipitation, annual temperature, and soil type and
depth (Pyke 2011). This 10-year period is conservative and assumes some level of habitat
improvement 10 years after plugging. Research by Hemstrom et al. (2002), however,
proposes an even longer periodmore than 100 yearsfor recovery of sagebrush habitats,
even with active restoration approaches. Direct area of influence will be considered 3 acres
(1.2ha) (J. Perry, personal communication, February 12, 2014). This additional
layer/measure could be used at the broad and mid scale to identify areas where sagebrush
habitat and/or potential sagebrush habitat is likely still degraded. This layer/measure could
also be used where further investigation at the fine or site scale would be warranted to: 1)
quantify the level of reclamation already conducted, and 2) evaluate the amount of
restoration still required for sagebrush habitat recovery. At a particular level (e.g.,
population, PACs), these areas and the reclamation efforts/success could be used to inform
reclamation standards associated with future developments. Once these areas have
transitioned from reclamation standards to meeting restoration standards, they can be
added back into the sagebrush availability layer using the same methodology as described
for adding restoration treatment areas lost to wildfire and agriculture conversion (see
Monitoring Sagebrush Restoration in Section I.B.1.b., Monitoring Sagebrush Availability).
This dataset will be updated annually from the IHS dataset.
Energy (coal mines)
Currently, there is no comprehensive dataset available that identifies the footprint of active coal
mining across all jurisdictions. Therefore, point and polygon datasets will be used each year to
identify coal mining locations. Data sources will be identified and evaluated annually and will
include at a minimum: BLM coal lease polygons, U.S. Energy Information Administration mine
occurrence points, U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement coal mining
permit polygons (as available), and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Mineral Resources Data
System mine occurrence points. These data will inform where active coal mining may be
occurring. Additionally, coal power plant data from Platts power plants database (subset to
operational power plants) will be included. Aerial imagery will then be used to digitize manually
the active coal mining and coal power plants surface disturbance in or near these known
occurrence areas. While the date of aerial imagery varies by scale, the most current data
available from Esri and/or Google will be used to locate (generally at 1:50,000 and below) and
digitize (generally at 1:10,000 and below) active coal mine and power plant direct area of
influence. Coal mine location data source and imagery date will be documented for each
digitized coal polygon at the time of creation. Subsurface facility locations (polygon or point
location as available) will also be collected if available, included in density calculations, and
added to the active surface activity layer as appropriate (if an actual direct area of influence can
be located).
Energy (wind energy facilities)
This dataset will be a subset of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Digital Obstacles
point file. Points where “Type_” = “WINDMILL” will be included. Direct area of influence of
these point features will be measured by converting to a polygon dataset as a direct area of
influence of 3 acres (1.2ha) centered on each tower point. See the BLM’s “Wind Energy
Development Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (BLM 2005). Additionally, Platts
power plants database will be used for transformer stations associated with wind energy sites
(subset to operational power plants), also with a 3-acre (1.2ha) direct area of influence.
Energy (solar energy facilities)
This dataset will include solar plants as compiled with the Platts power plants database (subset to
operational power plants). This database includes an attribute that indicates the operational
capacity of each solar power plant. Total capacity at the power plant was based on ratings of the
in-service unit(s), in megawatts. Direct area of influence polygons will be centered over each
point feature representing 7.3ac (3.0ha) per megawatt of the stated operational capacity, per the
report of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Land-Use Requirements for
Solar Power Plants in the United States (Ong et al. 2013).
Energy (geothermal energy facilities)
This dataset will include geothermal wells in existence or under construction as compiled with
the IHS wells database and power plants as compiled with the Platts database (subset to
operational power plants). Direct area of influence of these point features will be measured by
converting to a polygon dataset of 3 acres (1.2ha) centered on each well or power plant point.
Mining (active developments; locatable, leasable, saleable)
This dataset will include active locatable mining locations as compiled with the proprietary
InfoMine database. Aerial imagery will then be used to digitize manually the active mining
surface disturbance in or near these known occurrence areas. While the date of aerial imagery
varies by scale, the most current data available from Esri and/or Google will be used to locate
(generally at 1:50,000 and below) and digitize (generally at 1:10,000 and below) active mine
direct area of influence. Mine location data source and imagery date will be documented for each
digitized polygon at the time of creation. Currently, there are no known compressive databases
available for leasable or saleable mining sites beyond coal mines. Other data sources will be
evaluated and used as they are identified or as they become available. Point data may be
converted to polygons to represent direct area of influence unless actual surface disturbance is
Infrastructure (roads)
This dataset will be compiled from the proprietary Esri StreetMap Premium for ArcGIS. Dataset
features that will be used are: Interstate Highways, Major Roads, and Surface Streets to capture
most paved and “crowned and ditched” roads while not including “two-track” and 4-wheel-drive
routes. These minor roads, while not included in the broad- and mid-scale monitoring, may
support a volume of traffic that can have deleterious effects on sage-grouse leks. It may be
appropriate to consider the frequency and type of use of roads in a NEPA analysis for a proposed
project. This fine- and site-scale analysis will require more site-specific data than is identified in
this monitoring framework. The direct area of influence for roads will be represented by 240.2ft,
84.0ft, and 40.7ft (73.2m, 25.6m, and 12.4m) total widths centered on the line feature for
Interstate Highways, Major Roads, and Surface Streets, respectively (Knick et al. 2011). The
most current dataset will be used for each monitoring update. Note: This is a related but
different dataset than what was used in BER (Manier et al. 2013). Individual BLM/USFS
planning units may use different road layers for fine- and site-scale monitoring.
Infrastructure (railroads)
This dataset will be a compilation from the Federal Railroad Administration Rail Lines of the
USA dataset. Non-abandoned rail lines will be used; abandoned rail lines will not be used. The
direct are of influence for railroads will be represented by a 30.8ft (9.4m) total width (Knick et
al. 2011) centered on the non-abandoned railroad line feature.
Infrastructure (power lines)
This line dataset will be derived from the proprietary Platts transmission lines database. Linear
features in the dataset attributed as “buried” will be removed from the disturbance calculation.
Only “In Service” lines will be used; “Proposed” lines will not be used. Direct area of influence
will be determined by the kV designation: 1199 kV (100ft/30.5m), 200399 kV (150ft/45.7m),
400699 kV (200ft/61.0m), and 700-or greater kV (250ft/76.2m) based on average right-of-way
and structure widths, according to BLM WO-300 (Minerals and Realty Management).
Infrastructure (communication towers)
This point dataset will be compiled from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
communication towers point file; all duplicate points will be removed. It will be converted to a
polygon dataset by using a direct area of influence of 2.5 acres (1.0ha) centered on each
communication tower point (Knick et al. 2011).
Infrastructure (other vertical structures)
This point dataset will be compiled from the FAA’s Digital Obstacles point file. Points where
“Type_” = “WINDMILL” will be removed. Duplicate points from the FCC communication
towers point file will be removed. Remaining features will be converted to a polygon dataset
using a direct area of influence of 2.5 acres (1.0ha) centered on each vertical structure point
(Knick et al. 2011).
Other Developed Rights-of-Way
Currently, no additional data sources for other rights-of-way have been identified; roads, power
lines, railroads, pipelines, and other known linear features are represented in the categories
described above. The newly purchased IHS data do contain pipeline information; however, this
database does not currently distinguish between above-ground and underground pipelines. If
additional features representing human activities are identified, they will be added to monitoring
reports using similar assumptions to those used with the threats described above.
b. Habitat Degradation Threat Combination and Calculation
The threats targeted for measuring human activity (Table 2) will be converted to direct area of
influence polygons as described for each threat above. These threat polygon layers will be
combined and features dissolved to create one overall polygon layer representing footprints of
active human activity in the range of sage-grouse. Individual datasets, however, will be
preserved to indicate which types of threats may be contributing to overall habitat degradation.
This measure has been divided into three submeasures to describe habitat degradation on the
landscape. Percentages will be calculated as follows:
Measure 2a. Footprint by geographic area of interest: Divide area of the active/direct
footprint by the total area of the geographic area of interest (% disturbance in geographic
area of interest).
Measure 2b. Active/direct footprint by historical sagebrush potential: Divide area of the
active footprint that coincides with areas with historical sagebrush potential (BpS
calculation from habitat availability) within a given geographic area of interest by the
total area with sagebrush potential within the geographic area of interest (% disturbance
on potential historical sagebrush in geographic area of interest).
Measure 2c. Active/direct footprint by current sagebrush: Divide area of the active
footprint that coincides with areas of existing sagebrush (EVT calculation from habitat
availability) within a given geographic area of interest by the total area that is current
sagebrush within the geographic area of interest (% disturbance on current sagebrush in
geographic area of interest).
B.3. Energy and Mining Density (Measure 3)
The measure of density of energy and mining will be calculated by combining the locations of
energy and mining threats identified in Table 2. This measure will provide an estimate of the
intensity of human activity or the intensity of habitat degradation. The number of energy
facilities and mining locations will be summed and divided by the area of meaningful geographic
areas of interest to calculate density of these activities. Data sources for each threat are found in
Table 6. Specific assumptions (inclusion criteria for data, width/area assumptions for point and
line features, etc.) and methodology for each threat, and the combined measure, are detailed
below. All datasets will be updated annually to monitor broad- and mid-scale year-to-year
changes and 5-year (or longer) trends in habitat degradation.
Table 6. Geospatial data sources for habitat degradation (Measure 2).
Degradation Type
Data Source
Direct Area of
Energy (oil & gas)
5.0ac (2.0ha)
Power Plants
Platts (power plants)
5.0ac (2.0ha)
Energy (coal)
BLM; USFS; Office of Surface
Mining Reclamation and
Enforcement; USGS Mineral
Resources Data System
Polygon area
Power Plants
Platts (power plants)
Polygon area
Esri Imagery
Energy (wind)
Wind Turbines
Federal Aviation
3.0ac (1.2ha)
Power Plants
Platts (power plants)
3.0ac (1.2ha)
Energy (solar)
Platts (power plants)
3.0ac (1.2ha)
Power Plants
Platts (power plants)
Polygon area
Esri Imagery
Polygon area
Esri Imagery
Surface Streets
(Minor Roads)
Esri StreetMap Premium
40.7ft (12.4m)
Major Roads
Esri StreetMap Premium
84.0ft (25.6m)
Esri StreetMap Premium
Active Lines
Federal Railroad
30.8ft (9.4m)
(power lines)
1-199kV Lines
Platts (transmission lines)
100ft (30.5m)
200-399 kV Lines
Platts (transmission lines)
150ft (45.7m)
400-699kV Lines
Platts (transmission lines)
200ft (61.0m)
700+kV Lines
Platts (transmission lines)
250ft (76.2m)
Federal Communications
2.5ac (1.0ha)
a. Energy and Mining Density Datasets and Assumptions
Energy (oil and gas wells and development facilities)
(See Section I.B.2., Habitat Degradation Monitoring.)
Energy (coal mines)
(See Section I.B.2., Habitat Degradation Monitoring.)
Energy (wind energy facilities)
(See Section I.B.2., Habitat Degradation Monitoring.)
Energy (solar energy facilities)
(See Section I.B.2., Habitat Degradation Monitoring.)
Energy (geothermal energy facilities)
(See Section I.B.2., Habitat Degradation Monitoring.)
Mining (active developments; locatable, leasable, saleable)
(See Section I.B.2., Habitat Degradation Monitoring.)
b. Energy and Mining Density Threat Combination and Calculation
Datasets for energy and mining will be collected in two primary forms: point locations (e.g.,
wells) and polygon areas (e.g., surface coal mining). The following rule set will be used to
calculate density for meaningful geographic areas of interest including standard grids and per
1) Point locations will be preserved; no additional points will be removed beyond the
methodology described above. Energy facilities in close proximity (an oil well close
to a wind tower) will be retained.
2) Polygons will not be merged, or features further dissolved. Thus, overlapping
facilities will be retained, such that each individual threat will be a separate polygon
data input for the density calculation.
3) The analysis unit (polygon or 640-acre section in a grid) will be the basis for counting
the number of mining or energy facilities per unit area. Within the analysis unit, all
point features will be summed, and any individual polygons will be counted as one
(e.g., a coal mine will be counted as one facility within population). Where polygon
features overlap multiple units (polygons or pixels), the facility will be counted as one
in each unit where the polygon occurs (e.g., a polygon crossing multiple 640-acre
sections would be counted as one in each 640-acre section for a density per 640-acre-
section calculation).
4) In methodologies with different-sized units (e.g., MZs, populations, etc.) raw facility
counts will be converted to densities by dividing the raw facility counts by the total
area of the unit. Typically this will be measured as facilities per 640 acres.
5) For uniform grids, raw facility counts will be reported. Typically this number will
also be converted to facilities per 640 acres.
6) Reporting may include summaries beyond the simple ones above. Zonal statistics
may be used to smooth smaller grids to help display and convey information about
areas within meaningful geographic areas of interest that have high levels of energy
and/or mining activity.
7) Additional statistics for each defined unit may also include adjusting the area to
include only the area with the historical potential for sagebrush (BpS) or areas
currently sagebrush (EVT).
Individual datasets and threat combination datasets for habitat degradation will be available
through the BLM’s EGIS web portal and geospatial gateway. Legacy datasets will be preserved
so that trends may be calculated.
C. Population (Demographics) Monitoring
State wildlife management agencies are responsible for monitoring sage-grouse populations
within their respective states. WAFWA will coordinate this collection of annual population data
by state agencies. These data will be made available to the BLM according to the terms of the
forthcoming Greater Sage-Grouse Population Monitoring Memorandum of Understanding
(MOU) (2014) between WAFWA and the BLM. The MOU outlines a process, timeline, and
responsibilities for regular data sharing of sage-grouse population and/or habitat information for
the purposes of implementing sage-grouse LUPs/amendments and subsequent effectiveness
monitoring. Population areas were refined from the “Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus
urophasianus) Conservation Objectives: Final Report” (COT 2013) by individual state wildlife
agencies to create a consistent naming nomenclature for future data analyses. These population
data will be used for analysis at the applicable scale to supplement habitat effectiveness
monitoring of management actions and to inform the adaptive management responses.
D. Effectiveness Monitoring
Effectiveness monitoring will provide the data needed to evaluate BLM and USFS actions
toward reaching the objective of the national planning strategy (BLM IM 2012-044)to
conserve sage-grouse populations and their habitatand the objectives for the land use planning
area. Effectiveness monitoring methods described here will encompass multiple larger scales,
from areas as large as the WAFWA MZ to the scale of this LUP. Effectiveness data used for
these larger-scale evaluations will include all lands in the area of interest, regardless of surface
ownership/management, and will help inform where finer-scale evaluations are needed, such as
population areas smaller than an LUP or PACs within an LUP (described in Section II, Fine and
Site Scales). Data will also include the trend of disturbance within these areas of interest to
inform the need to initiate adaptive management responses as described in the land use plan.
Effectiveness monitoring reported for these larger areas provides the context to conduct
effectiveness monitoring at finer scales. This approach also helps focus scarce resources to areas
experiencing habitat loss, degradation, or population declines, without excluding the possibility
of concurrent, finer-scale evaluations as needed where habitat or population anomalies have been
identified through some other means.
To determine the effectiveness of the sage-grouse national planning strategy, the BLM and the
USFS will evaluate the answers to the following questions and prepare a broad- and mid-scale
effectiveness report:
1) Sagebrush Availability and Condition:
a. What is the amount of sagebrush availability and the change in the amount
and condition of sagebrush?
b. What is the existing amount of sagebrush on the landscape and the change in
the amount relative to the pre-EuroAmerican historical distribution of
sagebrush (BpS)?
c. What is the trend and condition of the indicators describing sagebrush
characteristics important to sage-grouse?
2) Habitat Degradation and Intensity of Activities:
a. What is the amount of habitat degradation and the change in that amount?
b. What is the intensity of activities and the change in the intensity?
c. What is the amount of reclaimed energy-related degradation and the change in
the amount?
3) What is the population estimation of sage-grouse and the change in the population
4) How are the BLM and the USFS contributing to changes in the amount of sagebrush?
5) How are the BLM and the USFS contributing to disturbance?
The compilation of broad- and mid-scale data (and population trends as available) into an
effectiveness monitoring report will occur on a 5-year reporting schedule (see Attachment A),
which may be accelerated to respond to critical emerging issues (in consultation with the
USFWS and state wildlife agencies). In addition, effectiveness monitoring results will be used to
identify emerging issues and research needs and inform the BLM and the USFS adaptive
management strategy (see the adaptive management section of this Environmental Impact
To determine the effectiveness of the sage-grouse objectives of the land use plan, the BLM and
the USFS will evaluate the answers to the following questions and prepare a plan effectiveness
1) Is this plan meeting the sage-grouse habitat objectives?
2) Are sage-grouse areas within the LUP meeting, or making progress toward meeting, land
health standards, including the Special Status Species/wildlife habitat standard?
3) Is the plan meeting the disturbance objective(s) within sage-grouse areas?
4) Are the sage-grouse populations within this plan boundary and within the sage-grouse
areas increasing, stable, or declining?
The effectiveness monitoring report for this LUP will occur on a 5-year reporting schedule (see
Attachment A) or more often if habitat or population anomalies indicate the need for an
evaluation to facilitate adaptive management or respond to critical emerging issues. Data will be
made available through the BLM’s EGIS web portal and the geospatial gateway.
At the broad and mid scales (PACs and above) the BLM and the USFS will summarize the
vegetation, disturbance, and (when available) population data. Although the analysis will try to
summarize results for PACs within each sage-grouse population, some populations may be too
small to report the metrics appropriately and may need to be combined to provide an estimate
with an acceptable level of accuracy. Otherwise, they will be flagged for more intensive
monitoring by the appropriate landowner or agency. The BLM and the USFS will then analyze
monitoring data to detect the trend in the amount of sagebrush; the condition of the vegetation in
the sage-grouse areas (MacKinnon et al. 2011); the trend in the amount of disturbance; the
change in disturbed areas owing to successful restoration; and the amount of new disturbance the
BLM and/or the USFS has permitted. These data could be supplemented with population data
(when available) to inform an understanding of the correlation between habitat and PACs within
a population. This overall effectiveness evaluation must consider the lag effect response of
populations to habitat changes (Garton et al. 2011).
Calculating Question 1, National Planning Strategy Effectiveness: The amount of sagebrush
available in the large area of interest will use the information from Measure 1a (I.B.1., Sagebrush
Availability) and calculate the change from the 2012 baseline to the end date of the reporting
period. To calculate the change in the amount of sagebrush on the landscape to compare with the
historical areas with potential to support sagebrush, the information from Measure 1b (I.B.1.,
Sagebrush Availability) will be used. To calculate the trend in the condition of sagebrush at the
mid scale, three sources of data will be used: the BLM’s Grass/Shrub mapping effort (Future
Plans in Section I.B.1., Sagebrush Availability); the results from the calculation of the landscape
indicators, such as patch size (described below); and the BLM’s Landscape Monitoring
Framework (LMF) and sage-grouse intensification effort (also described below). The LMF and
sage-grouse intensification effort data are collected in a statistical sampling framework that
allows calculation of indicator values at multiple scales.
Beyond the importance of sagebrush availability to sage-grouse, the mix of sagebrush patches on
the landscape at the broad and mid scale provides the life requisite of space for sage-grouse
dispersal needs (see the HAF). The configuration of sagebrush habitat patches and the land cover
or land use between the habitat patches at the broad and mid scales also defines suitability. There
are three significant habitat indicators that influence habitat use, dispersal, and movement across
populations: the size and number of habitat patches, the connectivity of habitat patches (linkage
areas), and habitat fragmentation (scope of unsuitable and non-habitats between habitat patches).
The most appropriate commercial software to measure patch dynamics, connectivity, and
fragmentation at the broad and mid scales will be used, along with the same data layers derived
for sagebrush availability.
The BLM initiated the LMF in 2011 in cooperation with the Natural Resources Conservation
Service (NRCS). The objective of the LMF effort is to provide unbiased estimates of vegetation
and soil condition and trend using a statistically balanced sample design across BLM lands.
Recognizing that sage-grouse populations are more resilient where the sagebrush plant
community has certain characteristics unique to a particular life stage of sage-grouse (Knick and
Connelly 2011, Stiver et al. in press), a group of sage-grouse habitat and sagebrush plant
community subject matter experts identified those vegetation indicators collected at LMF
sampling points that inform sage-grouse habitat needs. The experts represented the Agricultural
Research Service, BLM, NRCS, USFWS, WAFWA, state wildlife agencies, and academia. The
common indicators identified include: species composition, foliar cover, height of the tallest
sagebrush and herbaceous plant, intercanopy gap, percent of invasive species, sagebrush shape,
and bare ground. To increase the precision of estimates of sagebrush conditions within the range
of sage-grouse, additional plot locations in occupied sage-grouse habitat (Sage-Grouse
Intensification) were added in 2013. The common indicators are also collected on sampling
locations in the NRCS National Resources Inventory Rangeland Resource Assessment
The sage-grouse intensification baseline data will be collected over a 5-year period, and an
annual sage-grouse intensification report will be prepared describing the status of the indicators.
Beginning in year 6, the annual status report will be accompanied with a trend report, which will
be available on an annual basis thereafter, contingent on continuation of the current monitoring
budget. This information, in combination with the Grass/Shrub mapping information, the mid-
scale habitat suitability indicator measures, and the sagebrush availability information will be
used to answer Question 1 of the National Planning Strategy Effectiveness Report.
Calculating Question 2, National Planning Strategy Effectiveness: Evaluations of the amount of
habitat degradation and the intensity of the activities in the area of interest will use the
information from Measure 2 (Section I.B.2., Habitat Degradation Monitoring) and Measure 3
(Section I.B.3., Energy and Mining Density). The field office will collect data on the amount of
reclaimed energy-related degradation on plugged and abandoned and oil/gas well sites. The data
are expected to demonstrate that the reclaimed sites have yet to meet the habitat restoration
objectives for sage-grouse habitat. This information, in combination with the amount of habitat
degradation, will be used to answer Question 2 of the National Planning Strategy Effectiveness
Calculating Question 3, National Planning Strategy Effectiveness: The change in sage-grouse
estimated populations will be calculated from data provided by the state wildlife agencies, when
available. This population data (Section I.C., Population [Demographics] Monitoring) will be
used to answer Question 3 of the National Planning Strategy Effectiveness Report.
Calculating Question 4, National Planning Strategy Effectiveness: The estimated contribution by
the BLM or the USFS to the change in the amount of sagebrush in the area of interest will use
the information from Measure 1a (Section I.B.1., Sagebrush Availability). This measure is
derived from the national datasets that remove sagebrush (Table 3). To determine the relative
contribution of BLM and USFS management, the current Surface Management Agency
geospatial data layer will be used to differentiate the amount of change for each management
agency for this measure in the geographic areas of interest. This information will be used to
answer Question 4 of the National Planning Strategy Effectiveness Report.
Calculating Question 5, National Planning Strategy Effectiveness: The estimated contribution by
the BLM or the USFS to the change in the amount of disturbance in the area of interest will use
the information from Measure 2a (Section I.B.2., Monitoring Habitat Degradation) and Measure
3 (Section I.B.3., Energy and Mining Density). These measures are all derived from the national
disturbance datasets that degrade habitat (Table 6). To determine the relative contribution of
BLM and USFS management, the current Surface Management Agency geospatial data layer
will be used to differentiate the amount of change for each management agency for these two
measures in the geographic areas of interest. This information will be used to answer Question 5
of the National Planning Strategy Effectiveness Report.
Answers to the five questions for determining the effectiveness of the national planning strategy
will identify areas that appear to be meeting the objectives of the strategy and will facilitate
identification of population areas for more detailed analysis. Conceptually, if the broad-scale
monitoring identifies increasing sagebrush availability and improving vegetation conditions,
decreasing disturbance, and a stable or increasing population for the area of interest, there is
evidence that the objectives of the national planning strategy to maintain populations and their
habitats have been met. Conversely, where information indicates that sagebrush is decreasing
and vegetation conditions are degrading, disturbance in sage-grouse areas is increasing, and/or
populations are declining relative to the baseline, there is evidence that the objectives of the
national planning strategy are not being achieved. Such a determination would likely result in a
more detailed analysis and could be the basis for implementing more restrictive adaptive
management measures.
With respect to the land use plan area, the BLM and the USFS will summarize the vegetation,
disturbance, and population data to determine if the LUP is meeting the plan objectives.
Effectiveness information used for these evaluations includes BLM/USFS surface management
areas and will help inform where finer-scale evaluations are needed, such as seasonal habitats,
corridors, or linkage areas. Data will also include the trend of disturbance within the sage-grouse
areas, which will inform the need to initiate adaptive management responses as described in the
land use plan.
Calculating Question 1, Land Use Plan Effectiveness: The condition of vegetation and the
allotments meeting land health standards (as articulated in BLM Handbook 4180-1, Rangeland
Health Standards) in sage-grouse areas will be used to determine the LUP’s effectiveness in
meeting the vegetation objectives for sage-grouse habitat set forth in the plan. The field
office/ranger district will be responsible for collecting this data. In order for this data to be
consistent and comparable, common indicators, consistent methods, and an unbiased sampling
framework will be implemented following the principles in the BLM’s AIM strategy (Taylor et
al. 2014; Toevs et al. 2011; MacKinnon et al. 2011), in the BLM’s Technical Reference
Interpreting Indicators of Rangeland Health (Pellant et al. 2005), and in the HAF (Stiver et al.
in press) or other approved WAFWA MZconsistent guidance to measure and monitor sage-
grouse habitats. This information will be used to answer Question 1 of the Land Use Plan
Effectiveness Report.
Calculating Question 2, Land Use Plan Effectiveness: Sage-grouse areas within the LUP that are
achieving land health stands (or, if trend data are available, that are making progress toward
achieving them)particularly the Special Status Species/wildlife habitat land health standard
will be used to determine the LUP’s effectiveness in achieving the habitat objectives set forth in
the plan. Field offices will follow directions in BLM Handbook 4180-1, Rangeland Health
Standards, to ascertain if sage-grouse areas are achieving or making progress toward achieving
land health standards. One of the recommended criteria for evaluating this land health standard is
the HAF indicators.
Calculating Question 3, Land Use Plan Effectiveness: The amount of habitat disturbance in sage-
grouse areas identified in this LUP will be used to determine the LUP’s effectiveness in meeting
the plan’s disturbance objectives. National datasets can be used to calculate the amount of
disturbance, but field office data will likely increase the accuracy of this estimate. This
information will be used to answer Question 3 of the Land Use Plan Effectiveness Report.
Calculating Question 4, Land Use Plan Effectiveness: The change in estimated sage-grouse
populations will be calculated from data provided by the state wildlife agencies, when available,
and will be used to determine LUP effectiveness. This population data (Section I.C., Population
[Demographics] Monitoring) will be used to answer Question 4 of the Land Use Plan
Effectiveness Report.
Results of the effectiveness monitoring process for the LUP will be used to inform the need for
finer-scale investigations, initiate adaptive management actions as described in the land use plan,
initiate causation determination, and/or determine if changes to management decisions are
warranted. The measures used at the broad and mid scales will provide a suite of characteristics
for evaluating the effectiveness of the adaptive management strategy.
Fine-scale (third-order) habitat selected by sage-grouse is described as the physical and
geographic area within home ranges during breeding, summer, and winter periods. At this level,
habitat suitability monitoring should address factors that affect sage-grouse use of, and
movements between, seasonal use areas. The habitat monitoring at the fine and site scale (fourth
order) should focus on indicators to describe seasonal home ranges for sage-grouse associated
with a lek or lek group within a population or subpopulation area. Fine- and site-scale monitoring
will inform LUP effectiveness monitoring (see Section I.D., Effectiveness Monitoring) and the
hard and soft triggers identified in the LUP’s adaptive management section.
Site-scale habitat selected by sage-grouse is described as the more detailed vegetation
characteristics of seasonal habitats. Habitat suitability characteristics include canopy cover and
height of sagebrush and the associated understory vegetation. They also include vegetation
associated with riparian areas, wet meadows, and other mesic habitats adjacent to sagebrush that
may support sage-grouse habitat needs during different stages in their annual cycle.
As described in the Conclusion (Section III), details and application of monitoring at the fine and
site scales will be described in the implementation-level monitoring plan for the land use plan.
The need for fine- and site-scale-specific habitat monitoring will vary by area, depending on
proposed projects, existing conditions, habitat variability, threats, and land health. Examples of
fine- and site-scale monitoring include: habitat vegetation monitoring to assess current habitat
conditions; monitoring and evaluation of the success of projects targeting sage-grouse habitat
enhancement and/or restoration; and habitat disturbance monitoring to provide localized
disturbance measures to inform proposed project review and potential mitigation for project
impacts. Monitoring plans should incorporate the principles outlined in the BLM’s AIM strategy
(Toevs et al. 2011) and in AIM-Monitoring: A Component of the Assessment, Inventory, and
Monitoring Strategy (Taylor et al. 2014). Approved monitoring methods are:
BLM Core Terrestrial Indicators and Methods (MacKinnon et al. 2011);
The BLM’s Technical Reference Interpreting Indicators of Rangeland Health
(Pellant et al. 2005); and,
Sage-Grouse Habitat Assessment Framework: Multiscale Assessment Tool (Stiver
et al. in press).
Other state-specific disturbance tracking models include: the BLM’s Wyoming Density and
Disturbance Calculation Tool ( and the BLM’s White River Data
Management System in development with the USGS. Population monitoring data (in cooperation
with state wildlife agencies) should be included during evaluation of the effectiveness of actions
taken at the fine and site scales.
Fine- and site-scale sage-grouse habitat suitability indicators for seasonal habitats are identified
in the HAF. The HAF has incorporated the Connelly et al. (2000) sage-grouse guidelines as well
as many of the core indicators in the AIM strategy (Toevs et al. 2011). There may be a need to
develop adjustments to height and cover or other site suitability values described in the HAF;
any such adjustments should be ecologically defensible. To foster consistency, however,
adjustments to site suitability values at the local scale should be avoided unless there is strong,
scientific justification for making those adjustments. That justification should be provided.
WAFWA MZ adjustments must be supported by regional plant productivity and habitat data for
the floristic province. If adjustments are made to the site-scale indicators, they must be made
using data from the appropriate seasonal habitat designation (breeding/nesting, brood-rearing,
winter) collected from sage-grouse studies found in the relevant area and peer-reviewed by the
appropriate wildlife management agency(ies) and researchers.
When conducting land heath assessments, the BLM should follow, at a minimum, Interpreting
Indicators of Rangeland Health (Pellant et. al. 2005) and the BLM Core Terrestrial Indicators
and Methods (MacKinnon et al. 2011). For assessments being conducted in sage-grouse
designated management areas, the BLM should collect additional data to inform the HAF
indicators that have not been collected using the above methods. Implementation of the
principles outlined in the AIM strategy will allow the data to be used to generate unbiased
estimates of condition across the area of interest; facilitate consistent data collection and rollup
analysis among management units; help provide consistent data to inform the classification and
interpretation of imagery; and provide condition and trend of the indicators describing sagebrush
characteristics important to sage-grouse habitat (see Section I.D., Effectiveness Monitoring).
This Greater Sage-Grouse Monitoring Framework was developed for all of the Final
Environmental Impact Statements involved in the sage-grouse planning effort. As such, it
describes the monitoring activities at the broad and mid scales and provides a guide for the BLM
and the USFS to collaborate with partners/other agencies to develop the land use plan- specific
monitoring plan.
Gordon Toevs (BLM -WO)
Duane Dippon (BLM-WO)
Frank Quamen (BLM-NOC)
David Wood (BLM-NOC)
Vicki Herren (BLM-NOC)
Matt Bobo (BLM-NOC)
Michael “Sherm Karl (BLM-NOC)
Emily Kachergis (BLM-NOC)
Doug Havlina (BLM-NIFC)
Mike Pellant (BLM-GBRI)
John Carlson (BLM-MT)
Jenny Morton (BLM -WY)
Robin Sell (BLM-CO)
Paul Makela (BLM-ID)
Renee Chi (BLM-UT)
Sandra Brewer (BLM-NV)
Glenn Frederick (BLM-OR)
Robert Skorkowsky (USFS)
Dalinda Damm (USFS)
Rob Mickelsen (USFS)
Tim Love (USFS)
Pam Bode (USFS)
Lief Wiechman (USFWS)
Lara Juliusson (USFWS)
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Washington, D.C.
U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 2010. Endangered and threatened wildlife and
plants; 12-month findings for petitions to list the Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) as
threatened or endangered. Proposed Rule. Federal Register 75: 1391014014 (March 23, 2010).
U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 2013. Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus
urophasianus) conservation objectives: Final report. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver, CO.
Attachment A. An Overview of Monitoring Commitments
Broad and Mid Scales
Fine and Site
How will
the data be
Track and
of land use plan
decisions and
inform adaptive
Track changes
in land cover
(sagebrush) and
inform adaptive
Track changes in
(threats) to sage-
grouse habitat
and inform
Track trends in
(and/or leks; as
determined by
state wildlife
agencies) and
inform adaptive
Characterize the
actions, and
metrics and
inform adaptive
Measure seasonal
connectivity at
the fine scale, and
habitat conditions
at the site scale,
disturbance, and
inform adaptive
Who is
the data?
BLM FO and
USFS Forest
National datasets
FOs, and USFS
Forests as
State wildlife
Comes from
other broad- and
types, analyzed
by the NOC
BLM FO and SO,
USFS Forests and
RO (with
How often
are the
and made
Collected and
summary report
every 5 years
Updated and
report every 5
Collected and
changes reported
summary report
every 5 years
State data
annually per
summary report
every 5 years
Collected and
reported every 5
years (coincident
with LUP
Collection and
trend analysis
ongoing, reported
every 5 years or
as needed to
inform adaptive
What is
the spatial
Summarized by
LUP with
flexibility for
reporting by
other units
Summarized by
PACs (size
with flexibility
for reporting by
other units
Summarized by
PACs (size
dependent) with
flexibility for
reporting by
other units
Summarized by
PACs (size
with flexibility
for reporting by
other units
Summarized by
MZ and LUP
with flexibility
for reporting by
other units (e.g.,
Variable (e.g.,
projects and
seasonal habitats)
What are
and budget
capacity or re-
prioritization of
work and
At a minimum,
current skills
and capacity
must be
costs are TBD
At a minimum,
current skills and
capacity must be
maintained; data
management and
data layer
purchase cost are
No additional
personnel or
budget impacts
for the BLM or
the USFS
capacity or re-
prioritization of
monitoring work
and budget
capacity or re-
prioritization of
monitoring work
and budget
Who has
bilities for
& SO;
Forest &
2) BLM &
1) NOC
2) WO
1) NOC
2) BLM SO,
& state
2) BLM SO,
1) Broad and
mid scale at
the NOC,
LUP at
1) BLM FO &
USFS Forests
2) BLM SO &
What new
tools are
datasets and
analysis tools
Updates to
national land
cover data
Data standards
and rollup
methods for
these data
Standards in
Data standards
data storage; and
FO (field office); NIFC (National Interagency Fire Center); NOC (National Operations Center); RO
(regional office); SO (state office); TBD (to be determined); WO (Washington Office)
Attachment B. User and Producer Accuracies for Aggregated Ecological Systems within LANDFIRE
Map Zones
LANDFIRE Map Zone Name
% of Map Zone
within Historical
Wyoming Basin
Snake River Plain
Missouri River Plateau
Grand Coulee Basin of the Columbia Plateau
Wyoming Highlands
Western Great Basin
Blue Mountain Region of the Columbia Plateau
Eastern Great Basin
Northwestern Great Plains
Northern Rocky Mountains
Utah High Plateaus
Colorado Plateau
Middle Rocky Mountains
Cascade Mountain Range
Sierra Nevada Mountain Range
Northwestern Rocky Mountains
Southern Rocky Mountains
Northern Cascades
Mogollon Rim
Death Valley Basin
There are two anomalous map zones with 0% user and producer accuracies, attributable to no
available reference data for the ecological systems of interest.
User accuracy is a map-based accuracy that is computed by looking at the reference data for a class and
determining the percentage of correct predictions for these samples. For example, if I select any
sagebrush pixel on the classified map, what is the probability that I'll be standing in a sagebrush stand
when I visit that pixel location in the field? Commission Error equates to including a pixel in a class
when it should have been excluded (i.e., commission error = 1 user’s accuracy).
Producer accuracy is a reference-based accuracy that is computed by looking at the predictions produced
for a class and determining the percentage of correct predictions. In other words, if I know that a
particular area is sagebrush (I've been out on the ground to check), what is the probability that the digital
map will correctly identify that pixel as sagebrush? Omission Error equates to excluding a pixel that
should have been included in the class (i.e., omission error = 1 producers accuracy).
Attachment C. Sagebrush Species and Subspecies Included in the Selection Criteria for Building the
EVT and BpS Layers
Artemisia arbuscula subspecies longicaulis
Artemisia arbuscula subspecies longiloba
Artemisia bigelovii
Artemisia nova
Artemisia papposa
Artemisia pygmaea
Artemisia rigida
Artemisia spinescens
Artemisia tripartita subspecies rupicola
Artemisia tripartita subspecies tripartita
Tanacetum nuttallii
Artemisia cana subspecies bolanderi
Artemisia cana subspecies cana
Artemisia cana subspecies viscidula
Artemisia tridentata subspecies wyomingensis
Artemisia tridentata subspecies tridentata
Artemisia tridentata subspecies vaseyana
Artemisia tridentata subspecies spiciformis
Artemisia tridentata subspecies xericensis
Artemisia tridentata variety pauciflora
Artemisia frigida
Artemisia pedatifida