Sample Letter of Certification of Eligibility.
[Applicant Letterhead]
Diane M. Stuart, Director
Office on Violence Against Women
Department of Justice
800 K Street, NW, Suite 920
Washington, DC 20530
Dear Ms. Stuart
As the Authorized Representative of [enter name of faith-based and/or community
organization], I submit this letter to certify that we are not a current OVW grantee and
certify to the following:
1. [Enter name of faith-based and/or community organization] is located in a
rural jurisdiction. The funds received through this grant will be used to serve
rural victims of domestic violence.
2. [Enter name of faith-based and/or community organization] is a small faith-
based and/or community organization with less then 10 full-time employees.
3. The overall existing annual budget for [enter name of faith-based and/or
community organization] is less then $350,000, which includes an annual
budget of $100,000 or less for domestic violence programs.
With this certification, we underscore our commitment to the goal of the Rural Pilot
Program, to increase the safety of and level of services available to rural victims of
domestic violence. To this end, we fully agree to abide by all reporting requirements.
[Name and Title of Authorized Representative]
Appendix - Letter of Certification of Eligibility
Quick Tips to Certification of Eligibility Letter
Potential grantees who do not meet all eligibility requirements at the time of
application will not be considered for funding.
If your jurisdiction is compliant with all statutory eligibility requirements, please
refer to the “Sample Letter of certification of Eligibility”
Have the authorized representative sign the letter and include their official title.