Sentro Knitting Machine Instructions
Before You Start
Suggested yarns: 2 - Fine weight (sport, baby) to 4 - Medium weight (worsted,
afghan, aran).
Yarn with a fur or fuzzy texture can get stuck in the machine and is not
Yarn that is outside of the recommended weight can get stuck in the
Press the machine’s suction cups onto the table to stabilize it before knitting
While knitting, keep one hand on the top of the machine to keep it steady.
Rolling your yarn into a ball before knitting is recommended so it unrolls easily. If
knitting from a skein, pull long sections from the skein every so often to maintain
If using Tube knitting, reset the row counter by pressing the small black button
1. Setting Up
1) Use the switch on the side of the knitting machine to your preferred knitting
P = Panel knitting. Knits flat panels and alternates back and forth along the circle.
T = Tube knitting. Knits in a continuous circle without stopping.
2) Turn the handle until you see the white hook raised to the right of the yarn guide.
3) Now you will thread the machine. Leaving a tail of yarn about six inches long,
hook your yarn onto the white hook and slowly turn the handle clockwise until the
hook is completely lowered, locking the yarn in place. Skip the next hook, and
hook your yarn onto the hook after it. Continue alternating your yarn onto the
hooks while slowly turning the handle until the machine completes the row.
4) Pull your yarn through the opening in the yarn guide so it is all the way in the
5) Thread your yarn through the tension arm to your desired tension (see diagram
2. Knitting
Based on which knitting mode you are using, continue to the appropriate set of
instructions in this section
a. Tube Knitting
1) Thread onto the white hook again and begin slowly turning the handle, watching
carefully to avoid skipping any hooks. Continue slowly for 3-4 rows.
2) Once the first 3-4 rows are completed, continue turning the handle to increase
the length of your fabric. The row counter can be used to keep track of rows knit.
3) Periodically pull down gently on the knitted fabric to prevent the fabric bunching
as it gets longer. Bunching can cause the machine to skip hooks.
b. Panel Knitting
1) Finish threading the machine until the machine comes to a complete stop. Then
turn the handle in the opposite direction (counterclockwise) to knit your first row.
2) Continue slowly for 3-4 rows, alternating the direction in which you turn the
handle each time the white hook is back in front of the yarn guide.
a) As the rows are knitted, there will be some hooks, including the white
hook, at the ends of the panel that do not hook the yarn and will be empty.
This is normal.
3) Periodically pull down gently on the knitted fabric to prevent the fabric bunching
as it gets longer. Bunching can cause the machine to skip hooks.
3. Binding off your project
1) Once your piece is at the desired length, stop cranking when the white hook is to
the right of the yarn guide.
2) Remove your yarn from the tension lever and yarn guide and cut a length about
20 inches long. This will be used to weave through the remaining loops in Step 4.
3) Hold the yarn vertically and crank one row without any yarn.
4) Thread the yarn onto a plastic sewing needle. Use the needle to weave the yarn
through the final row of loops around the machine, removing them from the
machine as you go. Continue until all the stitches are off the machine.
5) Using the needle, weave the tail end of your yarn back through several of your
loops and tie off. Done!
NOTE: This machine knits yarn in a stockinette stitch, which has a tendency to curl in
on itself. Steam can be used to relax the fabric by using a steamer or the steam setting
on an iron WITHOUT touching the iron to the fabric.