Scope and Sequence
This version intended for online viewing or download.
Printed Scope and Sequence available for purchase.
Editorial Council
Pastor Mickey Carter, D.Th.
Pastor of Landmark Baptist Church
Robert A. Ossewaarde, D.Min.
Curriculum Administrator
Seamus Pautz, B.S.
Production Management, Graphic and Content Editing
Scope and Sequence Copyright © 2014 by
Landmark’s Freedom Baptist Curriculum (LFBC).
Revised 2019
LFBC is a ministry of Landmark Baptist Church, Haines City, Florida.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording,
or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without
permission in writing from the publisher, except as provided by United States
copyright law.
Landmark’s Freedom Baptist Curriculum
2222 East Hinson Avenue
Haines City, Florida 33844
800-700-LFBC (5322)
All Scripture quotes are from the Authorized King James Bible.
Table of Contents - click to go directly to page
Introduction 5
LFBC Listing of Course Titles 7
Statement of Faith 8
Pre-Kindergarten (K3) 9
Champion Baptist Kindergarten (K4/K5) 11
Introduction to the LFBC Bible Program 14
B105 – Old Testament Characters 15
B110 – Stories of Israel 16
B115 – New Testament Characters 17
B120 – Miracles of Christ 18
B125 – The Book of Acts 19
B130 – Bible Survey: Book-by-Book 20
B135 – The Book of Proverbs 21
B140 – The Book of Genesis 22
B145 – Bible Survey 23
B150 – Bible Doctrines 24
B155 – The Local Church 25
B160 – The Inspiration of the Scriptures 26
B250 – Romans, Corinthians, and Galatians (Elective) 27
Introduction to the LFBC English Program 28
E105 – English and Spelling 1 29
E110 – English and Spelling 2 30
E115 – English and Spelling 3 31
E120 – English and Spelling 4 32
E125 – English and Spelling 5 33
E130 – English and Spelling 6 34
E135 – English and Spelling 7 35
E140 – English and Spelling 8 36
E145 – English I 37
E150 – English II 38
E155 – English III 39
E160 – English IV 40
Introduction to the LFBC History Program 41
H110 – The U.S. Presidents 42
H115 – Great American Heroes 43
H120 – Our Fifty United States 44
H125 – The Beginner’s American History 45
H130 – U. S. Geography 46
H135 – World Geography 47
H140 – Introduction to World History 48
H145 – U. S. History 49
H150 – World History 50
H155 – Culture War/Current Issues 51
H160 – U.S. Government/Economics 52
H250 – Baptist History (Elective) 53
Introduction to the LFBC Literature Program 54
L105 – Literature 1 55
L110 – Literature 2 56
L115 – Literature 3 57
L120 – Literature 4 58
L125 – Literature 5 59
L130 – Literature 6 60
L135 – Character-Building Stories & Legends 61
L140 – Character-Building Biographies 62
L145 – Character-Building Favorites 63
L150 – The Pilgrim's Progress 64
L155 – The Holy War 65
L160 – Literature Classics 66
Introduction to the LFBC Math Program 67
M105 – Mathematics 1 68
M110 – Mathematics 2 69
M115 – Mathematics 3 70
M120 – Mathematics 4 71
M125 – Mathematics 5 72
M130 – Mathematics 6 73
M135 – Math 7 74
M140 – Math Foundations/Pre-Algebra 75
M145 – Algebra I 76
M150 – Geometry 77
M155 – Algebra II 78
M160 – Business Math 79
Introduction to the LFBC Science Program 80
S105 – God's Wonderful Creations 81
S110 – Nature Science 82
S115 – Creation Day-by-Day 83
S120 – Our World: Scientific Facts 84
S125 – Beginner's Physiology & Health 85
S130 – Earth Science 86
S135 – Biological Science 87
S140 – General Science 88
S145 – Physical Science 89
S150 – Biology 90
S155 – Health/Dynamic Biblical Living 91
S160 – Scientific Creationism 92
S255 – Chemistry (Elective) 93
LFBC Electives 94
V702 – Penmanship 95
V730 – Principles of Music 96
V736 – Home Economics 97
V737 – Shop 98
V738 – Personal Development for Young Ladies 99
V739 – Personal Development for Young Men 100
V740 – Spanish I 101
V741 – Computer Literacy 102
V742 – Computer Keyboarding 103
V750 – Spanish II 104
Landmark’s Freedom Baptist Curriculum is the
most unique, Biblical, and educationally sound
curriculum available today. LFBC is the only
curriculum owned and operated as an integral
ministry of a local, fundamental Baptist
church; in fact, as far as we can tell, we are
the first full-line curriculum for Christian day
schools and homeschools to ever hold this
LFBC is a full-line curriculum. By this we
mean that we provide all grades from pre-
kindergarten through high school with all
subjects: Bible, English & Spelling,
History/Geography, Literature, Math, and
This educationally sound and Biblically true
program has proven itself in hundreds of
Christian day schools and homeschools
throughout America and Canada, and in
several foreign countries. At the same time, it
has maintained an economical cost below
other publishing companies.
Bible Curriculum
The LFBC Bible program has been designed
to lay a foundation for a lifetime of learning the
Bible and following Christ. We do not try to
appeal to every sector of Christianity since all
our writers are fundamental Baptists. Bible-
based doctrinal positions shine through all of
our material, especially the Bible program.
Unique but practical and important courses
like The Inspiration of the Scriptures (B160),
teaching on the preservation of the King
James Bible, and The Local Church (B155),
teaching on the institution which is God’s plan
for planet earth, give our high school students
an important foundation which will prepare
them for life as faithful proponents of the
fundamental Baptist position.
Bible Memorization
You will find numerous examples of Bible
memory work throughout the curriculum.
Please note that the verses to be memorized
are usually related to the material being
studied. We have not dropped Bible verses
into each book to impress people. The
purpose is to help the students relate God’s
Word to the subject content.
Scripture used in Landmark’s Freedom Baptist
Curriculum is only from the Authorized King
James Bible (KJV), that God has preserved
for the English-speaking world. When a quote
is given from a corrupted version to expose its
error, it will always be properly identified as to
the text used.
Spiral Curriculum
The spiral design is one of the reasons LFBC
users have had outstanding success in their
long-term results and achievement testing.
Our material introduces the students to a new
concept, then repeats the same concept from
a broader base at a later time in the year. In
English and math, the same concept is
introduced in the following school year from
an even broader base for a deeper
educational experience.
Communication Skills
Christians must be able to communicate
effectively whether they are preachers,
lawyers, salesmen, writers, or clerks. They
must be able to tell the “old story” in a
convincing manner that will result in changed
lives since, Lord willing, many of them will
become Sunday school teachers, preachers,
bus workers, and personal witnesses. LFBC
places a heavy emphasis upon writing and
speaking with the emphasis becoming greater
in the upper grades.
Analytical Thinking
Some Christian curricula have been
characterized as “light,” “quick,” and “easy,”
but LFBC demands a better quality work from
each student. Not satisfied with simply “filling
in the blanks,” we require analytical and
original thinking. Essays, thought questions,
reports, term papers, etc. are the norm in this
5 Scope and Sequence
program. (Of course, the Teacher/Parent is
the key to the results.)
Social Relationships
LFBC recognizes the need for social
interaction and the material is designed to
accomplish this aim. Projects such as
interviews, observations, outside research,
etc. provide opportunities for students in
Christian day schools and homeschools to
combine academics with social activity.
Character Development
LFBC maintains that while academic
knowledge and skills are important, character
development is vital. Most students will
eventually learn to do math, but if they are
deficient in morals and principles, their whole
lives will be affected adversely. It is more
important to be honest and dependable than
to be able to explain the Pythagorean
Theorem or be an expert on the Middle Ages.
We challenge students to become people with
character and ability, but we teach that
character is more important. Kindness,
generosity, fairness, love, helpfulness,
respect, and obedience are traits that are
interwoven throughout the LFBC material.
Separate Literature Program
LFBC has taken the position that Christian
young people should be exposed to the great
literature of the past. This is done, not as a
weak part of the English program, but as a
separate program in itself. After reading a
great story, the student often memorizes a
Bible verse that is applicable to the truth
taught in the story.
LFBC is the only full-line program which can
be used in an individualized (self-paced)
setting or in a traditional mode. It is the most
flexible curriculum available today.
The 36-Week Concept
The LFBC curriculum for grades 1 through 12
has been developed on a 36-week concept.
Each Studyguide is divided into 36 weeks of
lessons. The student completes one week’s
work in each of the 36 weeks of the school
year. The student then takes a quiz each
week in each subject. The lesson-planning is
already done making LFBC ideal for the
homeschooling parent or the Christian Day
School teacher! Each quarter has nine weeks
which compose the four grading periods for
the year. This concept allows a totally
traditional, totally individualized, or a
combination of the two instructional modes to
be utilized by large schools or small
The Teachers Kits in the Pre-Kindergarten
and Kindergarten programs come with daily
lesson plans which help with the scheduling of
work on a daily basis.
Scope and Sequence 6
LFBC Listing of Course Titles
LFBC Listing of Course Titles
PLEASE NOTE: Certain elementary courses have not been titled and are not listed here.
B105 Old Testament Characters
B110 Stories of Israel
B115 New Testament Characters
B120 Miracles of Christ
B125 The Book of Acts
B130 Bible Survey: Book by Book
B135 The Book of Proverbs
B140 The Book of Genesis
B145 Bible Survey
B150 Bible Doctrines
B155 The Local Church
B160 The Inspiration of the Scriptures
B250 Romans, Corinthians, and Galatians
E145 English I
E150 English II
E155 English III
E160 English IV
H110 The U.S. Presidents
H115 Great American Heroes
H120 Our Fifty United States
H125 The Beginner’s American History
H130 U.S. Geography
H135 World Geography
H140 Introduction to World History
H145 U.S. History
H150 World History
H155 Culture Wars/Current Events
H160 U.S. Government/Economics
H250 Baptist History (Elective)
L135 Character-Building Stories & Legends
L140 Character-Building Biographies
L145 Character-Building Favorites
L150 The Pilgrim’s Progress
L155 The Holy War
L160 Literature Classics
M140 Math Foundations/Pre-Algebra
M145 Algebra I
M150 Geometry
M155 Algebra II
M160 Business Math
S105 God’s Wonderful Creations
S110 Nature Science
S115 Creation Day-by-Day
S120 Our World: Scientific Facts
S125 Beginner’s Physiology & Health
S130 Earth Science
S135 Biological Science
S140 General Science
S145 Physical Science
S150 Biology
S155 Health/Dynamic Biblical Living
S160 Scientific Creationism
S255 Chemistry (Elective)
V702 Penmanship
V741 Computer Literacy
V742 Computer Keyboarding
V730 Principles of Music
V740 Spanish I
V750 Spanish II
V736 Home Economics
V737 Shop
V738 Personal Development
for young ladies
V739 Personal Development
for young men
7 Scope and Sequence
Statement of Faith
Statement of Faith
Landmark’s Freedom Baptist Curriculum is owned and operated by the Landmark Baptist Church of
Haines City, Florida. Landmark Baptist Church is proud to be known as an old-fashioned,
independent, King James, Baptist ministry.
Doctrinal Statement
We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the
only infallible, authoritative Word of God and
that He has preserved it for the English-
speaking world in the Authorized King James
We believe that there is one God, the source,
support, and end of all things, eternally
existent in three persons: Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit.
We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus
Christ; in His Virgin Birth; in His sinless life; in
His miracles; in His vicarious and atoning
death; in His shed blood; in His bodily
resurrection; in His ascension to the Father’s
right hand; and in His personal, premillenial
return for His saints and with His saints at the
We believe that man is totally depraved, a
sinner (lost) by nature and by divine decree,
therefore in need of the convicting and
regenerating ministry of the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the personality of Satan; in his
power and kingdom; in His wiles; and in his
judgment at the cross and his eternal
destruction in Hell.
We believe in the present ministry of the Holy
Spirit; that He convicts the sinner; regenerates
the one who believes; indwells, seals,
instructs, reproves, and guides the believer;
that He fills and controls every life that is
wholly yielded to Him.
We believe that salvation is the gift of God
offered to man by His grace and received by
personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe in the bodily resurrection of the
saved unto “life” and the unsaved unto
“judgment” and everlasting damnation.
We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in
the Lord Jesus Christ, not in the organized
unity sought by the “ecumenical” movement.
We believe in the special creation of the
existing space-time universe and all its basic
systems and kinds of organisms in the six
literal days of the creation week and in the full
historicity and perspicuity of the Biblical record
of primeval history. This includes the literal
existence of Adam and Eve as the progenitors
of all people, the literal fall and resultant divine
curse on the creation, the world-wide
cataclysmic deluge, and the origin of nations
and languages at the tower of Babel.
King James Version
At Landmark Baptist Church, we take the
stand that the King James Version is the Bible
which God has preserved for the English-
speaking people. God has blessed the King
James Version for more than 400 years. It is
the Bible of every revival among the English-
speaking peoples of the world.
Scope and Sequence 8
Pre-Kindergarten (K3)
Pre-Kindergarten (K3)
PKTK – Teacher’s Kit Includes:
Lesson Plans Manual with daily lesson
PKSK – Student’s Kit Includes:
Daily Worksheets to correspond with lesson
Additional Notes
The Pre-Kindergarten program is made up of
two major components: the Teacher/Parent’s
Kit, and the Student’s Kit. The
Teacher/Parent’s Kit may be reused from year
to year. The Student’s Kit is consumable,
meaning one will have to be purchased for
each student each year.
The main academic areas of the Pre-
Kindergarten program are as follows:
Bible Students are taught a Bible verse
beginning with each letter of the alphabet.
The Teacher/Parent is encouraged to teach
the Creation story and to read character-
building stories based on figures in the Bible.
Reading Readiness While not specifically
designed to teach reading, the student who
completes this program will be thoroughly
prepared to learn to read the following year.
Reading Readiness incorporates colors,
shapes, vocabulary-building pictures, as well
as presenting each letter of the alphabet with
its phonics sound(s).
Language Concepts Students’
vocabularies will be developed through these
activities. Most of the concepts deal with
synonyms, antonyms, and prepositions
enabling the student to communicate more
proficiently, and to be ready to read and
understand common words found in many
Numbers Students will learn to count by
rote, recognize numerals, count objects, and
write numbers.
Special Activities These activities make
the LFBC Pre-Kindergarten program flexible
and fun. Different activities take place each
day in areas such as manners, story rug,
music appreciation, art, table play, show and
tell, health/safety, literature appreciation, and
exercise activities to build coordination.
Material Covered
Week 1 Training week
Week 2 A Verse: John 1:3
Aa: ant, acorn, Adam
top/bottom, black/white
the numbers 1 and 2
Week 3 E Verse: Proverbs 20:11
Ee: elephant, eagle, egg, Eve
left/right, in/out, into/out of
the numbers 2 and 3
Week 4 I Verse: I Thessalonians 5:18
Ii: igloo, ice cream, Isaac, Indians
the number 3
Week 5 O verse: Psalms 31:19
Oo: owl, orange, Onesimus
open/close, daytime/night-time
the number 4
Week 6 U verse: Psalms 75:1
Uu: unicorn, Uriah, umbrella
over/under, above/below
the number 5
Week 7 Verses review
vowels review
off/on, back/front, put on/take off
the number 5
Week 8 B Verse: Acts 16:31
Bb: bones,banana,bread,Benjamin
1 – 5
Week 9 C Verse: Ephesians 6:1
Cc: can, cat, corn, Cain
1 – 5
Week 10 D Verse: Psalms 34:14
Dd: donut, dog, duck, Dorcas
in front of/in back of/behind
9 Scope and Sequence
Pre-Kindergarten (K3)
the number 6
Week 11 F Verse: Isaiah 43:5
Ff: fish, fly, football, Felix
on top of/underneath/beneath
the number 6
Week 12 G Verse: I John 4:8
Gg: grapes, girl, gum, Gabriel
the number 7
Week 13 H Verse: Exodus 20:12
Hh: hand, hammer, hippo, Hannah
in between/next to/at the side (of)
the numbers 7 and 8
Week 14 J Verse: John 14:6
Jj: jacket, jam, jug, Jonah
the number 8
Week 15 K Verse: Psalms 34:13
Kk: key, kite, king, King Saul
move/not moving/still
the numbers 8 and 9
Week 16 L Verse: Isaiah 45:22
Ll: lion, light bulb, leaf, Luke
the number 9
Week 17 M Verse: Proverbs 23:26
Mm: mouse, milk, mittens, Mary
the number 10
Week 18 Verses review
1 – 10
Week 19 Review week
Week 20 N Verse: Matthew 6:24
Nn: nuts, nail, nest, Noah
1 – 10
Week 21 P Verse: James 5:16
Pp: pig, pineapple, pie, Paul
the number 11
Week 22 Q Verse: I Corinthians 16:13
Qq: quarter, quilt, question mark,
Queen Esther
the number 12
Week 23 R Verse: Ecclesiastes 12:1
Rr: rabbit, rake, ring, Ruth
the number 13
Week 24 S Verse: Isaiah 55:6
Ss: sun, sock, saw, Samson
the numbers 13 and 14
Week 25 T Verse: Genesis 16:13
Tt: turtle, tie, tent, Timothy
the number 14
Week 26 V Verse: John 6:47
Vv: vest, valentine, vase, Vashti
the number 15
Week 27 W Verse: Psalms 56:3
Ww: whale, watermelon, watch
Week 28 X Verse: II Peter 1:4
Xx: x-ray, xylophone
big/small, bigger(est)/smaller(est)
the number 16
Week 29 Y Verse: Matthew 5:14
Yy: yo-yo, yarn, yardstick
the number 17
Week 30 Z Verse: Titus 2:14
Zz: zebra, zipper, zero, Zaccheus
the numbers 17 and 18
Week 31 Review N – X Verses
Review Nn – Xx
the numbers 18 and 19
Week 32 Our sense of sight
1 – 19
Week 33 Our sense of hearing
the number 20
Week 34 Our sense of smell
Writing 1 – 5
Week 35 Our sense of touch
our sense of taste
Writing 6 – 10
Week 36 Review of the senses
Writing 1 – 10
Scope and Sequence 10
Champion Baptist Kindergarten (K4/K5)
Champion Baptist Kindergarten (K4/K5)
CBKT – Teacher/Parent’s Kit
Daily Lesson Plans manual
The Beginner’s Champion Phonics Reader
McGuffey’s Eclectic Primer
“Teaching Phonics Sounds” CD
Alphabet Flashcards (31)
Number Flashcards (20), plus 0-100 Chart
Bible Memory Verse Cards (36)
Phonogram Towers Flashcards (19)
Phonics Charts (5)
CBKS – Student’s Kit Includes:
Report Card
ABC Bible Memory Verse Chart
Letters and Numbers Pads (3 red, white,
& blue)
Letters Writing Tablet (Green)
Numbers Writing Tablet (Yellow)
“Small” Numbers Cards (0-9)
The Beginner’s Champion Phonics Reader
McGuffey’s Eclectic Primer
Additional Notes
LFBC is proud to present this first-class,
academically sound, easy-to-use
Kindergarten program, written and published
by fundamental Baptists through the ministry
of a fundamental Baptist church.
The Champion Baptist Kindergarten is made
up of two major components: the
Teacher/Parent’s Kit, and the Student’s Kit.
The Teacher/Parent’s kit may be reused from
year to year. The Student’s Kits are
consumable, meaning one is needed for each
student each year.
The main academic areas of the Champion
Baptist Kindergarten program are as follows:
Phonics/Reading/Writing This section is a
complete, phonics-based reading and writing
program. Students are taught the phonetic
sounds of each letter, phonograms (letter
blends of consonants and vowels), and rules
to remember phonics sounds. Sight Words
and McGuffey “Tuffeys,” (tricky spellings found
in English) which are essential for building the
child’s reading vocabulary, are introduced
throughout the entire year. Recognizing
spoken phonics sounds is very important and
much dictation work is done throughout the
program, allowing the students to write what
they hear. This section would not be complete
without spelling, and the students are required
to reproduce dictated words, spelled correctly,
at an appropriate level.
Finally, The Beginners Champion Phonics
Reader teaches students how to develop
speed in their phonics reading. This
introductory edition of the larger Champion
Phonics Reader (also published by
Landmark’s Freedom Baptist Curriculum)
enables the Teacher/Parent to determine a
reading mastery level for each student and to
test and develop that child’s mastery level to
improve speed in reading.
Numbers — We start with the basics and take
students up through addition of sums of 10.
Old-fashioned rote and drill are combined with
games, activities, and first-class worksheets
for an exciting introduction to arithmetic.
Bible The alphabet verses are different
from the ones learned in the Pre-Kindergarten
program. In Weeks 27-36 the students will
learn verses containing “precious promises”
from God’s Holy Word. In addition, instruction
is given to the Teacher/Parent for developing
the verse into a Bible lesson. Each student
will be taught God’s plan of salvation during
the year.
Daily Topics These activities make the
LFBC Champion Baptist Kindergarten totally
unique. Brief lessons are presented (on a
different subject each day) in safety, health,
science, history, and fine arts. During these
lessons, the Teacher/Parent may use a wide
range of discretion for what would be
appropriate with the class or individual student
being taught. Many Biblical truths are brought
11 Scope and Sequence
Champion Baptist Kindergarten (K4/K5)
out and the Bible-believing, pro-family,
character-building truths of the traditional
Judeo-Christian heritage will be introduced to
our students at this young age. The result of
these foundational lessons will be familiarizing
students with many ideas they will need in
future years giving them a real head start in
their Christian education.
Material Covered
Week 1 Letters: Aa and Ee
Introduction: vowels
Count: by 1’s, 1 – 10
Number Recognition: 1 – 3
A Verse: Isaiah 53:6
Week 2 Letters: Ii, Oo, and Uu
Number Recognition: 1 – 7
Write: 1 – 3
B Verse: Revelation 3:20
Week 3 Letters: Mm and Dd
Introduction: consonants,
Number Recognition: 1 – 8
Write: 1 – 10
C Verse: Jeremiah 33:3
Week 4 Letters: Ss and Bb
Count: by 1’s, 1 – 20
Number Recognition: 1 – 10
D Verse: Psalms 37:4
Week 5 Letters: Tt and Gg
Sight Word: a
Number Recognition: 1 – 12
Money: Penny
E Verse: Proverbs 30:5
Week 6 Letters: Rr and Kk
Sight Word: the
Number Recognition: 1 – 14
F Verse: Romans 3:23
Week 7 Letters: Cc and Nn
Sight Word: I
Count: by 1’s, 1 – 29
Number Recognition: 1 – 16
G Verse: Psalms 48:1
Week 8 Letters: Ll and Pp
Sight Word: of
Number Recognition: 1 – 18
H Verse: Proverbs 1:8
Week 9 Letters: Hh and Jj
Count: by 1’s, 1 – 39
Number Recognition: 1 – 19
I Verse: Psalms 32:8
Week 10 Letters: Vv and Zz
Sight Words: do, to, give, live, love,
Count: by 1’s, 1 49; by 10s: 10
Number Recognition: 1 – 29
J Verse: John 14:6
Week 11 Letters: Ff and Ww
Sight Word: one
Count: by 1’s, 1 – 59
Number Recognition: 1 – 49
K Verse: Proverbs 7:2
Week 12 Letters: Yy, Qq, and Xx
Sight Words: two, you
Count: by 1’s, 1 – 79
Number Recognition: 1 – 69
Number Words: one, two
Write: by 10’s to 100
L Verse: Psalms 25:5
Week 13 Consonant Blends: ct, ft, lb, lf
Count: by 1’s, 1 – 100
Number Recognition: 1 – 89
M Verse: Psalms 121:2
Week 14 Consonant Blends: lk, lm, lp, lt, mp
Number Recognition: 1 – 99
Before/After Numbers
N Verse: II Corinthians 5:20
Week 15 Consonant Blends: nd, ng, nk, nt
Sight Words: of, son, ton, won, was
Write: 0 – 19
O Verse: Psalms 8:9
Week 16 Consonant Blends: pt, sk, sp, st, xt
Sight Words: one, Bible
Larger/Smaller Numbers
Number Sequences: 1 – 9
Sums of 1 and 2
Write: 20 – 39
P Verse: I Thessalonians 5:17
Week 17 Consonant Blends: bl, br, cl, cr
Sums of 3
Write: 30 – 49
Q Verse: Psalms 119:88
Week 18 Consonant Blends: dr, fl, fr
Story Problems
Scope and Sequence 12
Champion Baptist Kindergarten (K4/K5)
Money: Dime
Sums of 4
Write: 60 – 79
R Verse: Philippians 4:4
Week 19 Consonant Blends: gl, gr, pl, pr
Number Words: one, two, three
Sums of 5
Write: 80 – 100
S Verse: Psalms 139:23
Week 20 Consonant Blends: sc, sk, sl, sm, sn
More/Less Numbers
T Verse: Romans 3:10
Week 21 Consonant Blends: sc, sk, sl, sm, sn
Number Words: one, two, three,
four, five, six
Sums of 6
U Verse: Psalms 75:1
Week 22 Consonant Blends: scr, spl, spr, str,
Count: by 5’s, 5 – 100
Number Words: seven, eight
Tell Time: to the hour
Write: 0 – 100
V Verse: John 6:47
Week 23 Review: The Beginner’s Champion
Phonics Reader charts 2 and 3
Number Words: nine, ten
W Verse: Mark 8:34
Week 24 Diphthongs: ch, tch, sh, ph
Sums of 7
Money: Nickel
Tell Time: to the half-hour
X Verse: Luke 13:3
Week 25 Diphthongs: two sounds for th, thr,
wh, shr
Money: Half-dollar
Number Sequences: by 1’s, 5’s, and
Write: by 5’s to 100
Y Verse: John 3:7
Week 26 Long Vowels: Aa, Ee, Ii
Sight Words: are, there, were,
where, climb, said
Count: by 2’s, 2 – 50
Sums of 8
Number Words: one – ten
Z Verse: Psalms 97:8
Week 27 Long Vowels: Oo, Uu
Sight Words: glove, love, come,
sure, door, pour, four, floor
Tell Time: to 15 minutes after the
Precious Promises: Psalms 27:14
Week 28 Reading and Comprehension
McGuffey “Tuffeys” tch in match
Write: by 2’s to 50
Precious Promises: Isaiah 41:10
Week 29 McGuffey “Tuffeys” old in gold; ind
in rind; y in baby
Numbers: Review
Precious Promises: John 15:7
Week 30 McGuffey “Tuffeys” g in giant; ir in
bird; ew in new; er in fern; oy in boy;
ay in pray; oo in boot
Sums of 9
Write: by 2’s from 50 – 100
Precious Promises: I Corinthians
Week 31 McGuffey “Tuffeys” ow in owl; ight in
night; ar in star; ou in out; sight
word: their
Money: One Dollar
Precious Promises: Philippians 1:6
Week 32 McGuffey “Tuffeys” all in ball; c in
ice; oo in book; or in horse; oor in
door; ould in should; ur in nurse
Sums of 10
Precious Promises: Isaiah 43:2
Week 33 McGuffey “Tuffeys” aw in saw; or in
worm; oi in coin; alk in walk; u in
Numbers: Review
Precious Promises: I Peter 5:7
Week 34 McGuffey “Tuffeys” wa in watch; sch
in school; ow in bowl; kn in knee
Numbers: Review
Precious Promises: Revelation 21:4
Week 35 McGuffey “Tuffeys” wr in wreath; ea
in bread
Numbers: Review
Precious Promises: Jeremiah 33:3
Week 36 (w)ar in warm
Numbers: Review
Precious Promises: Hebrews 13:5
13 Scope and Sequence
Introduction to the LFBC Bible Program
Introduction to the LFBC Bible Program
The LFBC Bible program is a high-quality, fundamental Baptist, exciting program that provides a total
view of the King James Bible during the school years.
The LFBC Bible courses are as follows:
B105 Old Testament Characters
B110 Stories of Israel
B115 New Testament Characters
B120 Miracles of Christ
B125 The Book of Acts
B130 Bible Survey: Book-by-Book
B135 The Book of Proverbs
B140 The Book of Genesis
B145 Bible Survey
B150 Bible Doctrines
B155 The Local Church
B160 The Inspiration of the Scriptures
B250 Romans, Corinthians, and Galatians (Elective)
Scope and Sequence 14
B105 – Old Testament Characters
B105 – Old Testament Characters
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Additional Notes
Each week begins with vocabulary and
contains review activities from previous
weeks. Each week also includes a Bible
verse appropriate to the text for memorization.
Material Covered
Week 1 The Beginning
Genesis 1:1
Week 2 Adam and Eve
I Timothy 2:14
Week 3 Cain and Abel
Colossians 1:14
Week 4 Noah
Genesis 7:1
Week 5 Job
Job 13:15
Week 6 Abraham, Part 1
I John 2:25
Week 7 Lot
Acts 5:29
Week 8 Abraham, Part 2
Hebrews 11:17
Week 9 Isaac
Psalms 27:11
Week 10 Jacob and Esau
I John 3:7
Week 11 Joseph, Part 1
Romans 12:10
Week 12 Joseph, Part 2
Ephesians 4:32
Week 13 Moses, Part 1
Hebrews 11:24
Week 14 Moses, Part 2
Hebrews 11:25
Week 15 Moses, Part 3
Deuteronomy 31:6
Week 16 Joshua
Joshua 1:9
Week 17 Rahab and Achan
Galatians 6:7
Week 18 Gideon
Judges 7:18
Week 19 Samson
I John 1:6
Week 20 Ruth
Proverbs 31:30
Week 21 Samuel
Proverbs 4:10
Week 22 Saul
Proverbs 6:21
Week 23 David, Part 1
Philippians 4:13
Week 24 David, Part 2
Proverbs 17:3
Week 25 David, Part 3
Numbers 32:23b
Week 26 Absalom
Proverbs 16:18
Week 27 Solomon
Ecclesiastes 9:18
Week 28 Ahab and Jezebel
Proverbs 14:34
Week 29 Elijah
Proverbs 15:16
Week 30 Elisha
Proverbs 24:10
Week 31 Naaman
Proverbs 23:12
Week 32 Jonah
Psalms 121:2
Week 33 Daniel
Proverbs 7:2
Week 34 Shadrach, Mesach, and Abednego
Psalms 136:1
Week 35 Esther
Psalms 56:3
Week 36 Nehemiah
Psalms 7:1
15 Scope and Sequence
B110 – Stories of Israel
B110 – Stories of Israel
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Additional Notes
Each week begins with vocabulary and
includes a Bible verse appropriate to the text
for memorization.
Material Covered
Week 1 Abraham
I Corinthians 10:11
Week 2 Abraham and Isaac
Genesis 22:8
Week 3 Isaac
Genesis 24:4
Week 4 Jacob and Esau
Genesis 27:29a
Week 5 Joseph and His Brothers
Genesis 37:3
Week 6 Joseph in Prison
Genesis 41:38
Week 7 Joseph as Governor
Genesis 46:30
Week 8 Egyptian Bondage & Birth of Moses
Exodus 2:10a
Week 9 Moses
Exodus 3:6a
Week 10 “Let My People Go”
Exodus 8:16
Week 11 The Parting of the Sea
Exodus 14:30
Week 12 The Ten Commandments
Memorize the 10 Commandments
Week 13 From Egypt to Canaan
Numbers 13:30
Week 14 The Death of Moses
Deuteronomy 34:10
Week 15 Rahab and the Spies
Joshua 1:5b
Week 16 The Crossing of Jordan
Joshua 3:11
Week 17 The Battle of Jericho
Joshua 6:27
Week 18 The Defeat of Ai
Joshua 7:20
Week 19 Joshua the Leader
Joshua 24:15b
Week 20 Ehud the Judge
Judges 3:28a
Week 21 Gideon the Judge
Judges 7:18b
Week 22 Samson the Judge
Judges 13:24
Week 23 Eli the Judge & His Wicked Sons
I Samuel 4:11
Week 24 Samuel the Judge and Prophet
I Samuel 3:10
Week 25 King Saul
I Samuel 15:23
Week 26 King David
I Samuel 17:45b
Week 27 David, Bathsheba, and Absalom
II Samuel 18:33b
Week 28 Solomon
I Kings 3:9
Week 29 The Division of the Kingdom
I Kings 12:19
Week 30 Elijah and the False Prophets
I Kings 18:39
Week 31 Elisha
II Kings 6:16
Week 32 The Reasons for Bondage
II Kings 17:12
Week 33 Jerusalem Restored
Nehemiah 8:8
Week 34 The Promised Saviour
Matthew 1:21
Week 35 God’s Promise Fulfilled
Revelation 20:6
Week 36 Comprehensive review
Scope and Sequence 16
B115 – New Testament Characters
B115 – New Testament Characters
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Additional Notes
Each week begins with vocabulary. Questions
and activities are based on the Studyguide
text and a passage of Scripture. The weekly
Bible memorization comes from this passage.
Thought questions are included each week.
Material Covered
Week 1 John, the One Jesus Loved
John 13:23
Week 2 Thomas the Doubter
John 20:28
Week 3 Matthew
Luke 5:28
Week 4 Nicodemus
John 3:7
Week 5 Philip
John 1:43
Week 6 John the Baptist
Luke 1:17
Week 7 Timothy
II Timothy 1:7
Week 8 Judas Iscariot
Matthew 27:4
Week 9 Review: Weeks 1 – 8
Week 10 Peter on the Water
Matthew 14:33
Week 11 Paul
Acts 9:6
Week 12 Andrew
Matthew 4:19
Week 13 Ananias and Sapphira
Acts 5:3
Week 14 Stephen
Acts 7: 56
Week 15 Zacchaeus
Luke 19:5
Week 16 Barnabas
Acts 4:37
Week 17 Titus
II Corinthians 2:12
Week 18 Review: Weeks 10-17
Week 19 The Parable of Wheat and Tares
Matthew 13:30
Week 20 The Parable of the Sower
Matthew 13:23
Week 21 The Prodigal Son
Luke 15:24
Week 22 Workers in the Vineyard
Matthew 20:16
Week 23 The Two Foundations
Matthew 7:24
Week 24 The Rich Fool
Luke 12:20
Week 25 The Lost Sheep
Luke 15:7
Week 26 The Lost Coin
Luke 15:10
Week 27 Review: Weeks 19 – 26
Week 28 The Good Samaritan
Luke 10:37
Week 29 The Pharisee and the Publican
Luke 18:14
Week 30 The Hidden Treasure
Matthew 13:34
Week 31 The Parable of the Net
Matthew 13:49
Week 32 The Unfaithful Servant
Matthew 24:50
Week 33 The Ten Virgins
Matthew 25:13
Week 34 The Parable of the Talents
Matthew 25:30
Week 35 The Parable of the Great Supper
Luke 14:23
Week 36 Review: Weeks 28-35
17 Scope and Sequence
B120 – Miracles of Christ
B120 – Miracles of Christ
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Each week begins with vocabulary. Questions
and activities are based on the Studyguide
text and a passage of Scripture. The weekly
Bible memorization comes from this passage.
Thought questions are included each week.
Material Covered
Week 1 Water to Wine
John 2:5
Week 2 Nobleman’s Son Healed
John 4:50
Week 3 First Draught of Fishes
Luke 5:4
Week 4 The Storm Calmed
Mark 4:39
Week 5 Demons Cast Out at Gadara
Luke 8:39
Week 6 Jairus’ Daughter Raised
Matthew 9:22
Week 7 Two Blind Men Given Sight
I Peter 1:8-9
Week 8 The Paralytic Healed
Matthew 9:6
Week 9 Review of Weeks 1-8
Week 10 Cleansing of the Leper
Mark 1:41
Week 11 The Centurion’s Servant Healed
Matthew 8:13
Week 12 An Evil Spirit at Capernaum
Luke 4:36
Week 13 Peter’s Mother-in-law Healed
Luke 4:39
Week 14 Widow’s Son Raised from Dead
Revelation 21:4
Week 15 Healing of Impotent Man
John 5:8-9
Week 16 Jesus Feeds Five Thousand &
Walks on Water
Matthew 14:33
Week 17 Man Born Blind – Given Sight
John 9:4
Week 18 Review of Weeks 10-17
Week 19 A Withered Hand Restored
Luke 6:10
Week 20 Woman Restored
Luke 14:3-4
Week 21 Ten Lepers Cleansed
Luke 17:15
Week 22 The Syro-Phoenician Woman’s
Daughter Healed
Romans 1:16
Week 23 Deaf and Dumb Man of Decapolis
Mark 7:37
Week 24 Feeding of Four Thousand
Matthew 19:21
Week 25 Blind Man of Bethsaida Healed
Mark 8:25
Week 26 Lunatic Child Healed
Mark 9:23
Week 27 Review of Weeks 19-26
Week 28 The Tax-Paying Fish
Matthew 17:27
Week 29 Lazarus Raised from the Dead
John 11:25-26
Week 30 Blind Man of Jericho Healed
Mark 10:52
Week 31 The Barren Fig Tree Cursed
Matthew 21:22
Week 32 Healing of Malchus’ Ear
John 18:11
Week 33 The Second Draught of Fishes
John 21:6
Week 34 Birth of Jesus
Luke 1:30-32
Week 35 Resurrection & Ascension of Jesus
Acts 1:8
Week 36 Review of Weeks 27-35
Scope and Sequence 18
B125 – The Book of Acts
B125 – The Book of Acts
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Each week begins with vocabulary. Questions
and activities are based on the Studyguide
text and a passage of Scripture. The weekly
Bible memorization comes from this passage.
Thought questions are included each week.
Material Covered
Week 1 Acts 1
Acts 1:8
Week 2 Acts 2
Acts 2:21
Week 3 Acts 3
Acts 3:6
Week 4 Acts 4
Acts 4:12
Week 5 Acts 5
Acts 5:29
Week 6 Acts 6
Acts 6:4
Week 7 Acts 7:1-29
Acts 7:3
Week 8 Acts 7:30-60
Acts 7:55
Week 9 Review of Acts 1 – 7
Week 10 Acts 8
Acts 8:37
Week 11 Acts 9:1-22
Acts 9:6
Week 12 Acts 9:23-43
Acts 9:34
Week 13 Acts 10
Acts 10:34
Week 14 Acts 11
Acts 11:18
Week 15 Acts 12
Acts 12:5
Week 16 Acts 13:1-26
Acts 13:3
Week 17 Acts 13:27-52
Acts 13:47
Week 18 Review of Acts 8 – 13
Week 19 Acts 14
Acts 14:3
Week 20 Acts 15
Acts 15:11
Week 21 Acts 16
Acts 16:31
Week 22 Acts 17
Acts 17:11
Week 23 Acts 18
Acts 18:28
Week 24 Acts 19
Acts 19:10
Week 25 Acts 20
Acts 20:24
Week 26 Acts 21
Acts 21:13
Week 27 Review of Acts 14 – 21
Week 28 Acts 22
Acts 22:14-15
Week 29 Acts 23
Acts 23:1
Week 30 Acts 24
Acts 24:16
Week 31 Acts 25
Acts 25:11
Week 32 Acts 26
Acts 26:28-29
Week 33 Acts 27
Acts 27:22-23
Week 34 Acts 28
Acts 28:30-31
Week 35 Review of Acts 22 – 28
Week 36 Review of Acts
19 Scope and Sequence
B130 – Bible Survey: Book-by-Book
B130 – Bible Survey: Book-by-Book
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Each week begins with vocabulary. Questions
and activities are based on the Studyguide
text and a passage of Scripture. The weekly
Bible memorization comes from this passage.
Thought questions are included each week.
Material Covered
Week 1 Introduction
Books of the Old Testament
Week 2 Genesis & Exodus
Genesis 3:15
Week 3 Leviticus – Deuteronomy
Deuteronomy 6:5-6
Week 4 Joshua – Ruth
Joshua 1:8-9
Week 5 I and II Samuel
I Samuel 15:22
Week 6 I and II Kings
I Kings 3:9
Week 7 I and II Chronicles
II Chronicles 7:14
Week 8 Ezra – Esther
Esther 4:14
Week 9 Review: Genesis – Esther
Week 10 Job
Job 19:25-26
Week 11 Psalms
Psalm 117
Week 12 Proverbs – Song of Solomon
Proverbs 1:7-8
Week 13 Isaiah – Lamentations
Isaiah 53:4-5
Week 14 Ezekiel and Daniel
Daniel 3:17-18
Week 15 Hosea – Obadiah
Amos 9:15
Week 16 Jonah – Habakkuk
Jonah 2:9
Week 17 Zephaniah – Malachi
Zechariah 12:10
Week 18 Review: Job – Malachi
Week 19 Matthew & Mark
Matthew 6:33
Week 20 Luke & John
John 3:16-18
Week 21 Acts
Acts 1:8
Week 22 Romans
Romans 12:1-2
Week 23 I and II Corinthians
I Corinthians 15:3-4
Week 24 Galatians & Ephesians
Galatians 5:22-23
Week 25 Philippians & Colossians
Philippians 4:8
Week 26 I & II Thessalonians
I Thessalonians 4:16-17
Week 27 Review: Matthew – II Thessalonians
Week 28 I & II Timothy
II Timothy 3:16-17
Week 29 Titus & Philemon
Titus 3:5
Week 30 Hebrews
Hebrews 13:17
Week 31 James
James 1:21-22
Week 32 I & II Peter
I Peter 5:7-8
Week 33 I John
I John 2:15-16
Week 34 II John – Jude
Jude 24-25
Week 35 Revelation
Revelation 3:20
Week 36 Review: I Timothy – Revelation
Books of the New Testament
Scope and Sequence 20
B135 – The Book of Proverbs
B135 – The Book of Proverbs
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 35 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Each week begins with vocabulary. The
students are asked to list ten major thoughts
from each passage. Questions and activities
are based on the Studyguide text and a
passage of Scripture. The weekly Bible
memorization comes from this passage.
Thought questions are included each week.
Material Covered
Week 1 Proverbs 1
Proverbs 1:7-8
Week 2 Proverbs 2
Proverbs 2:21-22
Week 3 Proverbs 3
Proverbs 3:33-34
Week 4 Proverbs 4
Proverbs 4:5-6
Week 5 Proverbs 5
Proverbs 5:21-22
Week 6 Proverbs 6
Proverbs 6:32-33
Week 7 Proverbs 7
Proverbs 7:1-3
Week 8 Proverbs 8
Proverbs 8:10-11
Week 9 Review: Proverbs 1 – 8
Week 10 Proverbs 9
Proverbs 9:10-11
Week 11 Proverbs 10
Proverbs 10:27-28
Week 12 Proverbs 11
Proverbs 11:4-5
Week 13 Proverbs 12
Proverbs 12:4-5
Week 14 Proverbs 13
Proverbs 13:20-21
Week 15 Proverbs 14
Proverbs 14:21-22
Week 16 Proverbs 15
Proverbs 15:1-2
Week 17 Proverbs 16
Proverbs 16:16-17
Week 18 Review: Proverbs 9 – 16
Week 19 Proverbs 17
Proverbs 17:27-28
Week 20 Proverbs 18
Proverbs 18:24
Week 21 Proverbs 19
Proverbs 19:27-29
Week 22 Proverbs 20
Proverbs 20:11-13
Week 23 Proverbs 21
Proverbs 21:2-3
Week 24 Proverbs 22
Proverbs 22:7-9
Week 25 Proverbs 23
Proverbs 23:13-14
Week 26 Proverbs 24
Proverbs 24:1-2
Week 27 Review: Proverbs 17 – 24
Week 28 Proverbs 25
Proverbs 25:9-10
Week 29 Proverbs 26
Proverbs 26:20-21
Week 30 Proverbs 27
Proverbs 27:10
Week 31 Proverbs 28
Proverbs 28:13-14
Week 32 Proverbs 29
Proverbs 29:1-2
Week 33 Proverbs 30
Proverbs 30:11-12
Week 34 Proverbs 31
Proverbs 31:10-12
Week 35 Review: Proverbs 25 – 31
21 Scope and Sequence
B140 – The Book of Genesis
B140 – The Book of Genesis
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Each week begins with vocabulary. Questions
and activities are based on the Studyguide
text and a passage of Scripture. The weekly
Bible memorization comes from this passage.
Thought questions are included each week.
Material Covered
Week 1 The Book of Beginnings
I Corinthians 15:20-22
Week 2 The Sin of Man & God’s Judgment
Genesis 3:15
Week 3 The Flood of Noah
Genesis 6:5-6
Week 4 The Flood of Noah (cont’d)
Genesis 7:32
Week 5 After the Flood
Hebrews 11:7
Week 6 Tower of Babel & Table of Nations
Genesis 12:2-3
Week 7 Bethel, Kings of East, Methuselah
Philippians 2:3
Week 8 God’s Covenant with Abram
Genesis 15:1
Week 9 Review
Week 10 A New Name
Genesis 17:7-8
Week 11 Sodom & Gomorrah
Genesis 19:16
Week 12 Abraham Proves Faithful
Genesis 22:11-12
Week 13 A Wife for Isaac
Genesis 24:27
Week 14 Abraham’s Family
Genesis 26:3-4
Week 15 Jacob & Esau
Genesis 28:22
Week 16 A Family for Jacob
Genesis 29:20
Week 17 Jacob Returns to Canaan
Genesis 31:24
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Jacob Becomes Israel
Genesis 33:5
Week 20 The Family of Jacob
Genesis 35:2
Week 21 Esau
Galatians 5:16
Week 22 Joseph
Genesis 37:3-4
Week 23 Judah’s Sin
Luke 1:32
Week 24 Joseph in Egypt
Genesis 39:2-3
Week 25 Joseph & the Dreams
I Corinthians 4:2
Week 26 Joseph Becomes Governor
Genesis 41:40-42
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Joseph & His Brethren
James 1:3
Week 29 Joseph Tests His Brothers
Genesis 43:30
Week 30 Joseph’s Revelation
II Corinthians 5:21
Week 31 Joseph the Deliverer
Genesis 45:4-5
Week 32 Israel Moves to Egypt
Genesis 47:27
Week 33 Israel Blesses Joseph & His Sons
I Corinthians 15:22
Week 34 Israel & His Sons
Genesis 49:10
Week 35 Death of Israel & Joseph
Genesis 50:19-20
Week 36 Review
Scope and Sequence 22
B145 – Bible Survey
B145 – Bible Survey
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Each week begins with vocabulary. Questions
and activities are based on the Studyguide
text and a passage of Scripture. The weekly
Bible memorization comes from this passage.
Thought questions are included each week.
Material Covered
Week 1 The Creation & the Fall
Genesis 1:26-27
Week 2 The Flood & the Tower of Babel
Genesis 6:5-8
Week 3 Lives of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob
Genesis 12:1-3
Week 4 The Life of Joseph – the 10 Plagues
Exodus 6:6
Week 5 The Passover – 10 Commandments
The Ten Commandments
Week 6 Tabernacle & Levitical Priesthood
Hebrews 7:24-25
Week 7 Offerings & Feasts, From Sinai to
Numbers 14:8-9
Week 8 Reviewing the Law, Conquering the
Land, & the Judges
Deuteronomy 6:4-5
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Ruth & Samuel
I Samuel 3:19
Week 11 Saul & David
I Samuel 8:19-20
Week 12 Solomon & the Divided Kingdom
I Kings 4:29
Week 13 Ezra – Nehemiah
Ezra 7:10
Week 14 Esther – Job
Job 23:10
Week 15 Psalms – Proverbs
Proverbs 3:5-7
Week 16 Ecclesiastes – Isaiah
Isaiah 53:5-6
Week 17 Jeremiah – Daniel
Lamentations 3:22-25
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Hosea – Obadiah
Hosea 4:6
Week 20 Jonah – Zephaniah
Micah 7:18
Week 21 Haggai – Malachi
Galatians 4:4
Week 22 Gospels
John 1:1-3
Week 23 Gospels: Jesus’ Birth & Ministry
Matthew 1:23
Week 24 Gospels: Triumphal Entry, Betrayal
Matthew 23:37
Week 25 Gospels: Death & Resurrection
John 14:19
Week 26 Acts: The Spread of Christianity
Acts 1:8
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Romans – I Corinthians
Romans 1:16-17
Week 29 II Corinthians – Ephesians
Galatians 5:22-24
Week 30 Philippians – II Thessalonians
Philippians 3:13-14
Week 31 I Timothy – Philemon
I Timothy 4:12
Week 32 Hebrews – James
James 1:5-6
Week 33 I II Peter – I John
I John 5:11-13
Week 34 II III John – Jude
Jude 24-25
Week 35 Revelation
Revelation 22:17
Week 36 Review
23 Scope and Sequence
B150 – Bible Doctrines
B150 – Bible Doctrines
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Each week begins with vocabulary. Questions
and activities are based on the Studyguide
text and a passage of Scripture. The weekly
Bible memorization comes from this passage.
Thought questions are included each week.
Material Covered
Week 1 The Existence of God
Romans 10:17
Week 2 The Bible as the Word of God
II Timothy 2:15
Week 3 The Trinity
Matthew 28:19-20
Week 4 The Attributes of God
Romans 5:8
Week 5 The Creation
John 1:3
Week 6 The Fall of Man
John 6:37
Week 7 A Study of Angels
Matthew 13:49
Week 8 A Study of Satan
I Peter 5:8
Week 9 Review
Week 10 The Person of Jesus Christ – I
Hebrews 10:12
Week 11 The Person of Jesus Christ – II
John 15:26
Week 12 The Work of Christ in Salvation
I Peter 1:18-19
Week 13 The Holy Spirit
Ephesians 5:18
Week 14 The Work of the Holy Spirit of God
John 16:13
Week 15 Ye Shall Receive Power
Acts 1:8
Week 16 The New Testament Church
Ephesians 5:23
Week 17 Establishment of the N.T. Church
Matthew 16:18
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Two Ordinances of the N.T. Church
I Peter 3:21
Week 20 Pastors and Deacons
I Timothy 3:1
Week 21 Church Government
Acts 5:29
Week 22 Public Worship Services
Hebrews 10:25
Week 23 The Grace of Christian Giving
I Corinthians 16:2
Week 24 The Pattern for Prayer
I Corinthians 10:13
Week 25 Battleground of the Mind
Philippians 4:8
Week 26 Christian Character
Proverbs 22:1
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Heaven
Revelation 21:4
Week 29 Hell
John 3:36
Week 30 The Return of Christ
John 14:1
Week 31 The Judgment Seat of Christ
John 14:2
Week 32 The Great White Throne
John 14:3
Week 33 The Tribulation Period – I
Matthew 24:30
Week 34 The Tribulation Period – II
I Thess. 5:3 & Rev. 19:11
Week 35 Turning the World Upside Down
Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, & 10:13
Week 36 Review
Scope and Sequence 24
B155 – The Local Church
B155 – The Local Church
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Each week begins with vocabulary. Questions
and activities are based on the Studyguide
text. Bible memorization and thought
questions are included each week.
Material Covered
Week 1 Why Study About the Local Church?
I Timothy 3:14-15
Week 2 Characteristics of Local Church – I
Acts 2:41-42
Week 3 Characteristics of Local Church – II
II Corinthians 6:14-16a
Week 4 3 Groups Found in the N.T. Church
II Timothy 3:12-14
Week 5 Saved Membership
Ephesians 1:7
Week 6 Baptized Membership
I Peter 3:21
Week 7 The Lord’s Supper
I Corinthians 11:23-26
Week 8 N.T. Church – A Praying Church
Philippians 4:6
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Pure Membership
I Corinthians 10:13
Week 11 Separated Members – I
II Corinthians 11:13-15
Week 12 Separated Members – II
I Timothy 4:1-2
Week 13 Understanding Membership – I
Ephesians 4:31-32
Week 14 Understanding Membership – II
James 3:14-16
Week 15 Church Leadership Positions
Titus 1:7-8
Week 16 Soulwinners Membership – I
II Corinthians 4:13-14
Week 17 Soulwinners Membership – II
Romans 1:14-16
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Missionary Minded Membership
Acts 1:8
Week 20 Persecuted Membership
“Am I A Soldier of the Cross?”
Week 21 The Primacy of The Local Church
Ephesians 5:25-27
Week 22 God’s Only Program for Earth
Ephesians 5:28-29
Week 23 Identified Membership
Acts 11:25-26
Week 24 Faithful Membership
Hebrews 10:24-25
Week 25 Generous Membership
Malachi 3:8-10
Week 26 Beyond the Tithe: Calvary Giving
Galatians 2:20
Week 27 Review
Week 28 The Power of the Holy Spirit
Zechariah 4:6
Week 29 You Will Be What Your Church Is
Acts 17:10-11
Week 30 Finding the Right Church
Ephesians 4:14-15
Week 31 “The Work of the Ministry”
Ephesians 4:11-12
Week 32 Rebuilding the Foundations – I
Hebrews 10:22-23
Week 33 Rebuilding the Foundations – II
Hebrews 10:26-28
Week 34 Becoming a “Local Church Person”
Hebrews 10:29-31
Week 35 Survey
Week 36 Review
25 Scope and Sequence
B160 – The Inspiration of the Scriptures
B160 – The Inspiration of the Scriptures
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Test
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Each week begins with vocabulary. Questions
and activities are based on the Studyguide
text. Bible memorization and thought
questions are included each week.
Material Covered
Week 1 “What Think Ye of Christ?”
Hebrews 1:5 & 8
Week 2 The Word of God, Part I
Psalms 12:6
Week 3 The Word of God, Part II
Psalms 12:6-7
Week 4 Presumption of the Bible
II Peter 1:19-21
Week 5 Protection of the Bible
Matthew 24:35
Week 6 Perfection of the Bible
Psalms 119:128-130
Week 7 Prophecy of the Bible
Matthew 22:29
Week 8 Power of the Bible
Romans 1:16 & Hebrews 4:12
Week 9 Fun and Review
Week 10 The Older Preacher
Proverbs 30:5
Week 11 The Younger Preacher
Hosea 4:6
Week 12 The Preservation Promise
Isaiah 40:8
Week 13 King James Version, Part I
Matthew 5:18
Week 14 King James Version, Part II
II Timothy 3:16-17
Week 15 Things That Are Different Are Not
The Same
Psalms 119:140
Week 16 So Where Is the Word of God?
John 8:31-32
Week 17 The Global Bible
Mark 7:7-9
Week 18 Fun and Review
Week 19 The Polluted Stream
Deuteronomy 8:3
Week 20 The Pure Stream
Deuteronomy 12:32
Week 21 Levitical Priesthood & the O.T.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Week 22 The Apocrypha
Hebrews 1:1-2
Week 23 Priesthood of Believers & the N.T.
I Peter 2:9
Week 24 Attack on the Deity of Christ, Part I
John 10:37-38
Week 25 Attack on the Deity of Christ, Part II
Romans 1:23-25
Week 26 Coffers and Copyrights
Psalms 19:7-10
Week 27 Fun and Review
Week 28 The Translators’ Treachery, Part I
II Corinthians 11:4, 14-15
Week 29 The Translators’ Treachery, Part II
Jeremiah 23:30-31
Week 30 The Translators’ Treachery, Part III
Deut. 4:2, Prov. 30:6, Rev. 22:19
Week 31 Westcott and Hort
Galatians 1:6-7
Week 32 The Real Issue: Purity of Doctrine
II Corinthians 4:4
Week 33 Cornering the Critics
Matthew 4:4, the books of the O.T.
Week 34 Version Comparisons, Part I
Psalms 119:133-136
Week 35 Version Comparisons, Part II
Psalms 119:138-142
Week 36 Education or Wisdom
Psalms 119:89
Scope and Sequence 26
B250 – Romans, Corinthians, and Galatians (Elective)
B250 – Romans, Corinthians, and Galatians (Elective)
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 32 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Each week begins with vocabulary. Questions
and activities are based on the Studyguide
text and a passage of Scripture. The weekly
Bible memorization comes from this passage.
Thought questions are included each week.
Material Covered
Week 1 Romans 1
Romans 1:14-16
Week 2 Romans 2
Romans 2:1-2
Week 3 Romans 3
Romans 3:23-25
Week 4 Romans 4 and 5
Romans 5:8-9
Week 5 Romans 6 and 7
Romans 7:18-19
Week 6 Romans 8
Romans 8:37-39
Week 7 Romans 9 and 10
Romans 10:9-11
Week 8 Romans 11
Romans 11:32-33
Week 9 Romans 12
Romans 12:1-2
Week 10 Romans 13 and 14
Romans 13:12-14
Week 11 Romans 15
Romans 15:5-6
Week 12 Romans 16
Romans 16:17-18
Week 13 I Corinthians 1
I Corinthians 1:18-19
Week 14 I Corinthians 2 and 3
I Corinthians 3:16-18
Week 15 I Corinthians 4 and 5
I Corinthians 4:5
Week 16 I Corinthians 6
I Corinthians 6:19-20
Week 17 I Corinthians 7
I Corinthians 7:1-2
Week 18 I Corinthians 8 and 9
I Corinthians 9:25-27
Week 19 I Corinthians 10
I Corinthians 10:12-13
Week 20 I Corinthians 11
I Corinthians 11:14-15
Week 21 I Corinthians 12 and 13
I Corinthians 13:8-10
Week 22 I Corinthians 14
I Corinthians 14:34-35
Week 23 I Corinthians 15 and 16
I Corinthians 15:51-53
Week 24 II Corinthians 1 and 2
II Corinthians 1:9-10
Week 25 II Corinthians 3 and 4
II Corinthians 4:3-5
Week 26 II Corinthians 5 and 6
II Corinthians 6:17-18
Week 27 II Corinthians 7 and 8
II Corinthians 8:9
Week 28 II Corinthians 9 and 10
II Corinthians 9:6-7
Week 29 II Corinthians 11, 12 and 13
II Corinthians 11:14-15
Week 30 Galatians 1 and 2
Galatians 2:20-21
Week 31 Galatians 3 and 4
Galatians 3:13-14
Week 32 Galatians 5 and 6
Galatians 6:7-9
27 Scope and Sequence
Introduction to the LFBC English Program
Introduction to the LFBC English Program
The LFBC English curriculum is a back-to-basics program with a heavy emphasis on learning the
parts of speech, diagramming, research papers, essays, and composition. The student’s literacy
skills are an absolute must in the LFBC program.
Spelling is included in Grades 1 – 8 providing “two-for-one” convenience and value.
The high school level English courses are titled as follows:
E145 English I
E150 English II
E155 English III
E160 English IV
Scope and Sequence 28
E105 – English and Spelling 1
E105 – English and Spelling 1
Complete Subject Set includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Additional Notes:
This Complete Subject Set is specifically
designed to follow the Champion Baptist
Kindergarten. The student’s learning is guided
by the original cartoon character, “Spencer
Sparrow,” who teaches important facts along
the way.
Material Covered
Week 1 Sentences, Part 1
Week 2 Sentences, Part 2
Week 3 Nouns, Part 1
Week 4 Nouns, Part 2
Week 5 Nouns, Part 3
Week 6 Words That Rhyme
Week 7 Plural Nouns
Week 8 Sentences That State a Fact
Week 9 Review of Weeks 1 – 8
Week 10 Verbs: Action
Week 11 Verbs: Adding -ing
Week 12 Verbs: Adding -ed
Week 13 Verbs: State of Being
Week 14 Adjectives
Week 15 Antonyms
Week 16 Sentences That Ask a Question
Week 17 Sentences That Show Excitement
Week 18 Review of Weeks 10 – 18
Week 19 Prepositions
Week 20 Contractions
Week 21 Plural Words
Week 22 Alphabetical Order
Week 23 Synonyms
Week 24 Homonyms
Week 25 Review
Week 26 Alphabetical Order, Part 2
Week 27 Review of Weeks 19 – 26
Week 28 Addresses
Week 29 The Period
Week 30 Suffixes: -er, -est
Week 31 Review
Week 32 Review
Week 33 Review
Week 34 Review
Week 35 Review
Week 36 Review
29 Scope and Sequence
E110 – English and Spelling 2
E110 – English and Spelling 2
Complete Subject Set includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Words and Sentences
Week 2 Sentences and Verbs
Week 3 Prepositions
Week 4 More Words; Verbs; Use of Periods
Week 5 Up, Down; Periods; Larger, Smaller
Week 6 Sentences
Week 7 Suffixes
Week 8 Questions
Week 9 Compound Words
Week 10 Alphabetical order
Week 11 More Than One
Week 12 Sentences
Week 13 Exclamation Points
Week 14 Old Glory; Capital Letters
Week 15 Who, Where, What; Contractions
Week 16 Fact and Opinion
Week 17 Nouns
Week 18 Complete Thoughts
Week 19 Alphabetical Order
Week 20 Abbreviations
Week 21 Writing a Story
Week 22 Synonyms; Antonyms
Week 23 Writing Questions; Adding a Suffix
Week 24 Nouns
Week 25 Scrambled Sentences
Week 26 Words Almost the Same; Syllables
Week 27 Dividing Words; Consonants
Week 28 Correct Order
Week 29 Sentences
Week 30 Suffixes; Root Words
Week 31 Root Words
Week 32 Sit, Set; Their, There; Teach, Learn
Week 33 Two, Too, and To
Week 34 Review
Week 35 Review
Week 36 Review
Scope and Sequence 30
E115 – English and Spelling 3
E115 – English and Spelling 3
Complete Subject Set includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Sentences
Week 2 Sentences
Week 3 Sentences
Week 4 Nouns
Week 5 Plural Nouns
Week 6 Adjectives
Week 7 Action Verbs
Week 8 Non-Action Verbs
Week 9 Alphabetical Order
Week 10 Run-On Sentences
Week 11 Capitalization
Week 12 Commas
Week 13 Contractions
Week 14 Quotation Marks
Week 15 Antonyms
Week 16 Synonyms
Week 17 Helping Verbs
Week 18 Review of Previous 18 Weeks
Week 19 Using a Dictionary
Week 20 Words to Watch
Week 21 Homonyms
Week 22 Writing Letters
Week 23 Subject
Week 24 Predicate
Week 25 Possessive Nouns
Week 26 Recognizing Word Groups
Week 27 Subject and Predicate
Week 28 Building Better Sentences
Week 29 Pronouns
Week 30 Pronouns as Subjects
Week 31 Words to Watch
Week 32 Nouns without Signals
Week 33 Better Sentences
Week 34 Words That Need Helpers
Week 35 Words to Watch
Week 36 Review
31 Scope and Sequence
E120 – English and Spelling 4
E120 – English and Spelling 4
Complete Subject Set includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Sentences
Week 2 Sentences
Week 3 Sentences
Week 4 Capitalization Rules
Week 5 Punctuation
Week 6 Punctuation
Week 7 Action Verbs
Week 8 Non-action Verbs
Week 9 Review of Weeks 1 – 9
Week 10 Nouns
Week 11 Plural Nouns
Week 12 Adjectives
Week 13 Subjects and Predicates
Week 14 Compound Subjects and Predicates
Week 15 Diagraming Subjects & Predicates
Week 16 Pronouns, Part 1
Week 17 Pronouns, Part 2
Week 18 Review of Weeks 10 – 17
Week 19 Prepositions
Week 20 Adverbs
Week 21 Adverbs and Adjectives
Week 22 Using Verbs Correctly
Week 23 Using Words Correctly
Week 24 Direct Objects
Week 25 Letter Writing
Week 26 Business Letter
Week 27 Review of Weeks 19 – 26
Week 28 Conjunctions and Interjections
Week 29 Agreement of Subject and Verb
Week 30 Principal Parts of Verbs
Week 31 Simple and Compound Sentences
Week 32 Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms
Week 33 Dictionary Usage
Week 34 Research Paper
Week 35 Review
Week 36 Review
Scope and Sequence 32
E125 – English and Spelling 5
E125 – English and Spelling 5
Complete Subject Set includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Sentences
Week 2 Sentences
Week 3 Subjects and Predicates
Week 4 Capitalization
Week 5 Punctuation
Week 6 Apostrophes
Week 7 Verbs
Week 8 Helping Verbs
Week 9 Review of Weeks 1 – 8
Week 10 Nouns
Week 11 Plural Nouns
Week 12 Adjectives
Week 13 Prepositions, Compound Subjects,
Verbs, Sentences
Week 14 Linking Verbs, Subj. Complements
Week 15 Diagraming, Part 1
Week 16 Pronouns, Part 1
Week 17 Pronouns, Part 2
Week 18 Review of Weeks 10 – 17
Week 19 Adverbs
Week 20 Prepositional Phrases
Week 21 Diagraming, Part 2
Week 22 Using Words Correctly, Part 1
Week 23 Using Words Correctly, Part 2
Week 24 Direct and Indirect Objects
Week 25 Letter Writing
Week 26 Business Letter
Week 27 Review of Weeks 19 – 26
Week 28 Conjunctions and Interjections
Week 29 Agreement of Subject and Verbs
Week 30 Principal Parts of Verbs
Week 31 Diagraming and Outlining
Week 32 Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms
Week 33 Dictionary Skills
Week 34 Research Paper
Week 35 Looking Back: Review
Week 36 Looking Back: Review
33 Scope and Sequence
E130 – English and Spelling 6
E130 – English and Spelling 6
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Sentences
Week 2 Sentences
Week 3 Subjects and Predicates
Week 4 Capitalization
Week 5 Punctuation
Week 6 Apostrophes
Week 7 Verbs
Week 8 Linking Verbs
Week 9 Review of Weeks 1 – 8
Week 10 Nouns
Week 11 Nouns
Week 12 Plural Nouns
Week 13 Adjectives
Week 14 Using Adjectives Correctly
Week 15 Prepositions
Week 16 Pronouns
Week 17 Pronoun Agreement
Week 18 Review of Weeks 10 – 17
Week 19 Adverbs
Week 20 Adjectives and Adverbs
Week 21 Prepositional Phrases
Week 22 Using Verbs Correctly
Week 23 Troublesome Words
Week 24 Verbals
Week 25 Letter Writing
Week 26 Review
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Conjunctions, Interjections
Week 29 Subject–Verb Agreement
Week 30 Principal Parts of Verbs
Week 31 Verb Tenses
Week 32 Outlining, Synonyms, Antonyms,
Week 33 Preparing for Research Paper
Week 34 Research Paper
Week 35 Review
Week 36 Review
Scope and Sequence 34
E135 – English and Spelling 7
E135 – English and Spelling 7
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Sentences
Week 2 Subjects and Predicates
Week 3 Capitalization
Week 4 Punctuation
Week 5 Underlining, Hyphens, Apostrophes
Week 6 Verbs; Verb Phrases
Week 7 Verbs
Week 8 Irregular Verbs
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Principal Parts of Verbs
Week 11 Verb Tenses
Week 12 Nouns
Week 13 Nouns
Week 14 Plural Nouns
Week 15 Subject-Verb Agreement
Week 16 More Troublesome Words
Week 17 Dictionary Usage
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Pronouns
Week 20 Pronoun Agreement
Week 21 Adjectives
Week 22 Using Adjectives Correctly
Week 23 Adverbs
Week 24 Verbals
Week 25 Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots
Week 26 Book Report
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Prepositions
Week 29 Conjunctions and Interjections
Week 30 Prepositional Phrases, Part 1
Week 31 Prepositional Phrases, Part 2
Week 32 Sentence Structure
Week 33 Preparing for the Research Paper
Week 34 The Research Paper
Week 35 Review
Week 36 Review
35 Scope and Sequence
E140 – English and Spelling 8
E140 – English and Spelling 8
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Sentences
Week 2 Subjects and Predicates
Week 3 Capitalization Rules
Week 4 Punctuation
Week 5 Underlining, Hyphens, Apostrophes
Week 6 Verbs; Verb Phrases
Week 7 Linking Verbs
Week 8 Irregular Verbs
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Principal Parts of Verbs; Irregular
Week 11 Verb Tenses
Week 12 Nouns
Week 13 Nouns
Week 14 Noun Phrases
Week 15 Noun Clauses
Week 16 Plural Nouns
Week 17 Subject-Verb Agreement
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Pronouns
Week 20 Pronoun Agreement
Week 21 Adjectives
Week 22 Using Adjectives Correctly
Week 23 Adverbs
Week 24 Verbals
Week 25 Adjective Phrases and Clauses
Week 26 Adverb Phrases and Clauses
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Prepositions
Week 29 Prepositional Phrases, Part 1
Week 30 Prepositional Phrases, Part 2
Week 31 Conjunctions and Interjections
Week 32 Sentence Structure
Week 33 Preparing for the Research Paper
Week 34 The Research Paper
Week 35 Review
Week 36 Review
Scope and Sequence 36
E145 – English I
E145 – English I
Complete Subject Set Includes:
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Since Literature becomes an elective course
for high school, we have recently introduced
supplementary literature incorporated into our
required English Grammar and Composition.
This is designed to keep students active in
reading and appreciating selected classic
titles. E145 includes weekly spelling, as well
as a review of the parts of speech, verb
usage, etc. Composition begins with
sentences and develops into a critical book
review and a comprehensive research paper.
Material Covered
Week 1 Complements
Week 2 Parts of Speech I
Week 3 Parts of Speech II
Week 4 Writing and Editing a Paragraph
Week 5 Verb Tenses
Week 6 Letter Writing
Week 7 Verb Forms and Usage
Week 8 Complements
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Gerunds/Participles
Week 11 Infinitives
Week 12 Sentence Types
Week 13 Description of an Event
Week 14 Phrases
Week 15 Clauses I
Week 16 Summary
Week 17 Clauses II
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Topic Selection, Brainstorming
Week 20 Thesis, Tentative Outline
Week 21 Bibliography Cards
Week 22 Note Cards
Week 23 Note Cards
Week 24 Final Outline, First Draft
Week 25 First Draft
Week 26 First Draft
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Second Draft
Week 29 Title Page, Pledge Page
Week 30 Third Draft
Week 31 Works Consulted
Week 32 Final Draft, Final Project
Week 33 Capitalization
Week 34 Critical Book Review
Week 35 Critical Book Review
Week 36 Review
37 Scope and Sequence
E150 – English II
E150 – English II
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Collected Works of Leo Tolstoy
Collected Works of O. Henry
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Tenth grade English covers parts of speech,
punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and
composition. Literature includes reading and
answering questions from the collected works
of Leo Tolstoy and O. Henry.
Material Covered
Week 1 The Sentence
Week 2 Parts of Speech I
Week 3 Parts of Speech II
Week 4 Writing and Editing a Paragraph
Week 5 Verb Tenses
Week 6 Letter Writing
Week 7 Verb Forms and Usage
Week 8 Complements
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Verbals
Week 11 Sentence Structure, Composition
Week 12 Phrases
Week 13 Clauses
Week 14 Sentence Structure, Composition
Week 15 Capitalization
Week 16 Punctuation, Commas
Week 17 Semicolons, Colons,
Quotation Marks, Italics, Hyphens
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Topic Selection, Brainstorming
Week 20 Thesis, Tentative Outline
Week 21 Bibliography Cards
Week 22 Note Cards
Week 23 Note Cards
Week 24 Final Outline
Week 25 Verb Forms and Usage
Week 26 Research Paper First Draft
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Research Paper Second Draft
Week 29 Research Paper Title and Pledge
Week 30 Research Paper Third Draft
Week 31 Research Paper Works Consulted
Week 32 Research Paper Final Draft
Week 33 Critical Book Review
Week 34 Critical Book Review, Poetry I
Week 35 Poetry II, III, IV
Week 36 Review
Scope and Sequence 38
E155 – English III
E155 – English III
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Robinson Crusoe
The Scarlet Letter
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
This course covers grammar, usage, writing,
and literature. During the third quarter the
student is taught the procedure for writing a
formal term paper.
Material Covered
Week 1 Vocabulary
Week 2 Parts of Speech I
Week 3 Parts of Speech II
Week 4 Writing and Editing a Paragraph
Week 5 Verb Tenses
Week 6 Letter Writing
Week 7 Verb Forms and Usage
Week 8 Complements
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Verbals
Week 11 Sentence Structure, Composition
Week 12 Phrases
Week 13 Clauses
Week 14 Sentence Structure, Composition
Week 15 Capitalization
Week 16 Writing Summaries
Week 17 Literature
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Topic Sentence, Brainstorming
Week 20 Thesis, Tentative Outline
Week 21 Bibliography Cards
Week 22 Note Cards
Week 23 Note Cards
Week 24 Final Outline
Week 25 Critical Book Review
Week 26 Critical Book Review
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Commas
Week 29 Semicolons, Colons
Week 30 Quotation Marks
Week 31 Italics and Hyphens
Week 32 Apostrophes, Poetry I
Week 33 Final Draft
Week 34 Poetry II, III, IV
Week 35 Poetry V, VI, VII
Week 36 Review
39 Scope and Sequence
E160 – English IV
E160 – English IV
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Pilgrim’s Progress Part 1
In His Steps
Pride and Prejudice
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
The student is taught the procedure for writing
a formal research paper over the course of
several weeks. Each week covers a specific
step in the building process of putting together
a high quality finished paper. Comprehension
exercises are provided in the Studyguides for
improving the student’s good understanding.
Material Covered
Week 1 The Sentence & Complements
Week 2 Parts of Speech I
Week 3 Parts of Speech II
Week 4 Writing & Editing a Paragraph
Week 5 Verb Tenses; The Critical Book
Week 6 Writing & Editing the Critical Book
Week 7 Personal Testimony
Week 8 Verb Forms and Usage; Personal
Testimony, cont.
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Verbals; Description of a Place
Week 11 Sentence Structure I; Type Sketch
Week 12 Phrases; Character Sketch
Week 13 Clauses
Week 14 Sentence Structure II; Summary
Week 15 Capitalization
Week 16 Poetry
Week 17 Poetry
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Topic Selection & Brainstorming
Week 20 Thesis & Tentative Outline
Week 21 Bibliography Cards
Week 22 Note Cards I
Week 23 Note Cards II
Week 24 Final Outline
Week 25 First Draft
Week 26 Second Draft
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Title Page & Pledge Page
Week 29 Third Draft
Week 30 Commas; Works Consulted Page
Week 31 Final Project
Week 32 Semicolons, Colons, Quotation
Marks; The Critical Book Review 2
Week 33 Italics & Hyphens; Writing & Editing
the Critical Book Review 2
Week 34 Apostrophes & Contractions; Poetry
Week 35 Poetry
Week 36 Review
Scope and Sequence 40
Introduction to the LFBC History Program
Introduction to the LFBC History Program
No more “social studies,” but old-fashioned history and geography. (Social studies was a product of
the secular humanists in the late 1930’s.) The root of the word history means “knowing.” It actually
is a record of the affairs of mankind down through the ages of time. History provides us with
examples of success and failure, of victories and defeats, and of great men with courage and
character, as well as inhumane tyrants with cowardice and cruelty.
One responsibility of a good history program is to teach students to apply the lessons of history so
that we are not doomed to repeat the mistakes of history.
History is a record that reveals the sovereignty of God in the affairs of man. It is a record of the
human knowledge of the development in time and space of God’s divine plan for the universe. This
concept recognizes that the universe was planned, created, sustained, and ordered by an infinite
God. This we try to impress upon each student who studies one of our history courses.
The LFBC History courses are as follows:
H110 The U.S. Presidents
H115 Great American Heroes
H120 Our Fifty United States
H125 The Beginner’s American History
H135 World Geography
H140 Introduction to World History
H145 U.S. History
H150 World History
H155 Culture Wars/Current Events
H160 United States Government/Economics
H250 Baptist History (Elective)
41 Scope and Sequence
H110 – The U.S. Presidents
H110 – The U.S. Presidents
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Additional Notes
Every entry about every President includes
biographical information, such as birth date,
date of death, and period served as President.
Also included are sections about each
President’s heritage, background, and family,
as well as accomplishments and significant
items as president and afterwards. Each
President’s religion is discussed and special
interesting notes are given. Finally a famous
saying and an important quote are included.
Material Covered
Week 1 The Presidency
Week 2 George Washington
Week 3 John Adams
Week 4 Thomas Jefferson
Week 5 James Madison
Week 6 James Monroe
Week 7 John Quincy Adams
Week 8 Andrew Jackson
Week 9 Martin Van Buren
Week 10 William Henry Harrison,
John Tyler
Week 11 James K. Polk
Week 12 Zachary Taylor,
Millard Fillmore
Week 13 Franklin Pierce,
James Buchanan
Week 14 Abraham Lincoln
Week 15 Andrew Johnson
Week 16 Ulysses S. Grant
Week 17 Rutherford B. Hayes
Week 18 James A. Garfield,
Chester A. Arthur
Week 19 Grover Cleveland,
Benjamin Harrison
Week 20 William McKinley
Theodore Roosevelt
Week 21 William Howard Taft
Week 22 Woodrow Wilson
Week 23 Warren Harding,
Calvin Coolidge
Week 24 Herbert Hoover
Week 25 Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Week 26 Harry S. Truman
Week 27 Dwight D. Eisenhower
Week 28 John F. Kennedy
Lyndon B. Johnson
Week 29 Richard M. Nixon,
Gerald R. Ford
Week 30 Jimmy Carter
Week 31 Ronald Reagan
Week 32 George H. W. Bush
Week 33 Bill Clinton
Week 34 George W. Bush
Week 35 Barack H. Obama
Week 36 Donald J. Trump
Scope and Sequence 42
H115 – Great American Heroes
H115 – Great American Heroes
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Additional Notes
Each week begins with vocabulary. Each
week contains Bible memorization appropriate
to the subject discussed in the text. Thought
questions are included each week and in most
weeks a report is assigned.
Material Covered
Week 1 Christopher Columbus
Week 2 The Indians and Their Home
Week 3 Different Kinds of Indians
Week 4 The Pilgrims
Week 5 The Pilgrims in the New World
Week 6 Government and Self Rule in the
New World
Week 7 More Persecution in England
Week 8 Roger Williams
Week 9 Review of Weeks 1 – 8
Week 10 John Clarke
Week 11 Benjamin Franklin, Part 1
Week 12 Benjamin Franklin, Part 2
Week 13 Daniel Boone
Week 14 George Washington, Part 1
Week 15 George Washington, Part 2
Week 16 Thomas Jefferson, Part 1
Week 17 Thomas Jefferson, Part 2
Week 18 Review of Weeks 10 – 17
Week 19 Patrick Henry
Week 20 Colonial Fathers and Mothers
Week 21 Nathan Hale
Week 22 The Longest Day in the Week
Week 23 Noah Webster
Week 24 School in Pioneer Days
Week 25 Betsy Ross and the Flag
Week 26 Francis Scott Key
Week 27 Review of Weeks 19 – 26
Week 28 Eli Whitney
Week 29 Abraham Lincoln, Part 1
Week 30 Abraham Lincoln, Part 2
Week 31 Robert E. Lee
Week 32 Frances Jane “Fanny” Crosby
Week 33 Thomas Edison, Part 1
Week 34 Thomas Edison, Part 2
Week 35 William Ashley “Billy” Sunday
Week 36 Review of Weeks 28 – 36
43 Scope and Sequence
H120 – Our Fifty United States
H120 – Our Fifty United States
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Each week involves map activities. Maps are
provided for each region of the United States
as well as for each individual state. The
student will learn to identify and label major
geographical points on the maps. During the
last three weeks of the year, the student will
complete an outlined project on his/her own
home state. This research project will expand
upon the important historical and geographical
material studied throughout the year.
Material Covered
Week 1 New England; Maine
Week 2 Vermont; New Hampshire
Week 3 Massachusetts; Connecticut
Week 4 Rhode Island; Review
Week 5 Mid-Atlantic; New Jersey; New York
Week 6 Delaware; Maryland
Week 7 Pennsylvania; Review
Week 8 Upper South; Virginia; West Virginia
Week 9 Review
Week 10 North Carolina; South Carolina
Week 11 Kentucky; Tennessee
Week 12 Lower South; Georgia; Florida
Week 13 Alabama; Mississippi
Week 14 Louisiana; Arkansas
Week 15 Great Lake; Ohio; Indiana
Week 16 Illinois; Michigan
Week 17 Wisconsin; Review
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Heartland; Minnesota; Iowa
Week 20 Missouri; Kansas
Week 21 Nebraska; South Dakota
Week 22 North Dakota; Review
Week 23 Southwestern; Oklahoma; Texas
Week 24 New Mexico; Arizona
Week 25 Rocky Mtn; Montana; Wyoming
Week 26 Colorado; Utah
Week 27 Nevada; Idaho
Week 28 Review
Week 29 Pacific; California; Oregon
Week 30 Washington; Alaska
Week 31 Hawaii; Review
Week 32 Nation’s Capital: Washington D.C.
Week 33 Review
Week 34 PROJECT: Your State’s History
Week 35 PROJECT: Your State’s History
Week 36 PROJECT: Your State’s History
Scope and Sequence 44
H125 – The Beginner’s American History
H125 – The Beginners American History
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
The text for H125 was written in the early
years of the 20
Century. It deals with early
American heroes from a vantage point much
nearer in time than we live today. Each week
begins with vocabulary and many end with a
report. Bible memorization is also included
each week.
Material Covered
Week 1 Christopher Columbus
Week 2 John Cabot
Week 3 Ponce De Leon, Balboa, Desoto
Week 4 Sir Walter Raleigh
Week 5 Captain John Smith
Week 6 Captain Henry Hudson
Week 7 Captain Myles Standish
Week 8 Lord Baltimore
Week 9 Roger Williams
Week 10 King Phillip
Week 11 William Penn
Week 12 General James Oglethorpe
Week 13 Benjamin Franklin
Week 14 George Washington, Part 1
Week 15 George Washington, Part 2
Week 16 George Washington, Part 3
Week 17 Daniel Boone
Week 18 James Robertson & John Sevier
Week 19 General George Rogers Clark
Week 20 General Rufus Putnam
Week 21 Eli Whitney
Week 22 Thomas Jefferson, Part 1
Week 23 Thomas Jefferson, Part 2
Week 24 Robert Fulton
Week 25 General William Henry Harrison
Week 26 Andrew Jackson, Part 1
Week 27 Andrew Jackson, Part 2
Week 28 Professor Samuel F.B. Morse
Week 29 General Sam Houston
Week 30 Captain Robert Gray
Week 31 Captain J. A. Sutter
Week 32 Abraham Lincoln, Part 1
Week 33 Abraham Lincoln, Part 2
Week 34 Abraham Lincoln, Part 3
Week 35 After The Civil War, Part 1
Week 36 After The Civil War, Part 2
45 Scope and Sequence
H130 – U. S. Geography
H130 – U. S. Geography
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Each week has varied projects pertaining to
material covered. Vocabulary is required in
the first nine weeks; following this, the
students concentrate on memorizing the
states and capitals.
Material Covered
Week 1 Introduction to Geography
Week 2 Areas of the United States
Week 3 Agricultural and Natural Resources
Week 4 Waterways
Week 5 Landforms
Week 6 The Indians
Week 7 American People and their Work
Week 8 Government of These United States
Week 9 First Quarter Review
Week 10 The New England States
Week 11 Northern New England
Week 12 Southern New England
Week 13 The Middle Atlantic States
Week 14 New York; Pennsylvania; New
Week 15 The Southern States
Week 16 Delaware; Maryland; West Virginia;
Week 17 Virginia; North Carolina; South
Week 18 Second Quarter Review
Week 19 Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and
Week 20 Louisiana, Arkansas, and
Week 21 The Midwestern States
Week 22 Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan
Week 23 Wisconsin, Illinois, and Missouri
Week 24 North Dakota, South Dakota, and
Week 25 Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa
Week 26 The Southwestern States
Week 27 Third Quarter Review
Week 28 Oklahoma and Texas
Week 29 Arizona and New Mexico
Week 30 The Rocky Mountain States
Week 31 Northern Mountain States
Week 32 Southern Mountain States
Week 33 The Pacific States
Week 34 California, Oregon, and Washington
Week 35 Outlying States and Territories
Week 36 Fourth Quarter Review
Scope and Sequence 46
H135 – World Geography
H135 – World Geography
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Each week has varied projects pertaining to
material covered.
Material Covered
Week 1 The Earth, Man’s Home
Week 2 The Earth’s Surface
Week 3 The Earth’s Resources
Week 4 The Earth’s Climate
Week 5 Christian Geography
Week 6 The People of North America
Week 7 Canada
Week 8 The United States
Week 9 First Quarter Review
Week 10 Latin America
Week 11 Mexico
Week 12 Central America
Week 13 West Indies
Week 14 South America, Part 1
Week 15 South America, Part 2
Week 16 South America, Part 3
Week 17 Introduction to Europe
Week 18 Second Quarter Review
Week 19 British Isles
Week 20 The Scandinavian Countries
Week 21 Western Europe
Week 22 South Europe
Week 23 Central Europe
Week 24 Southeast Europe
Week 25 Asia, Part 1
Week 26 Asia, Part 2
Week 27 Third Quarter Review
Week 28 Southeast Asia
Week 29 East Asia
Week 30 North Africa
Week 31 Western and Central Africa
Week 32 Southern and Eastern Africa
Week 33 Australia and the Pacific Islands
Week 34 The Pacific Islands
Week 35 Antarctica
Week 36 Fourth Quarter Review
47 Scope and Sequence
H140 – Introduction to World History
H140 – Introduction to World History
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
This Complete Subject Set emphasizes the
relationship of Biblical principles to the
introductory study of World History. Bible
memorization is assigned each week and
thought questions and reports are assigned
Material Covered
Week 1 Introduction to the Study of History
Week 2 “In the Beginning God”
Week 3 A New Beginning
Week 4 One God
Week 5 Egypt: Land of the Nile
Week 6 Ancient Empires
Week 7 Early Greece
Week 8 Sparta and Athens
Week 9 Greece, Part 1
Week 10 Greece, Part 2
Week 11 Greece, Part 3
Week 12 Alexander the Great
Week 13 Early Rome
Week 14 Rome, Part 1
Week 15 Rome, Part 2
Week 16 His Name Shall Be Called Jesus
Week 17 Rome, Part 3
Week 18 Rome, Part 4
Week 19 Middle Ages and the Roman Church
Week 20 The Eastern Roman Empire
Week 21 The Rise of Islam
Week 22 Early Civilizations in America
Week 23 Feudalism and Late Middle Ages
Week 24 Crusades and End of Middle Ages
Week 25 Renaissance: a New Birth
Week 26 Reformation: Back to God
Week 27 Reason and Revolution
Week 28 Reaction to Revolution
Week 29 The Industrial Revolution
Week 30 Nationalism and Patriotism
Week 31 Imperialism
Week 32 Social Change
Week 33 Socialism/Materialism/Naturalism
Week 34 World War I
Week 35 Steps to World War II
Week 36 World War II
Scope and Sequence 48
H145 – U. S. History
H145 – U. S. History
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
This course covers American history from
exploration to the current culture war. Lessons
are covered from a Biblical viewpoint and
include vocabulary, memorization, and
essays. Each Quarter Test is preceded by a
comprehensive review.
Material Covered
Week 1 Before European Colonization
Week 2 Settling the 13 Colonies, Part 1
Week 3 Settling the 13 Colonies, Part 2
Week 4 Government in the Colonies
Week 5 The Road to Independence
Week 6 Declaration of Independence, Part 1
Week 7 Declaration of Independence, Part 2
Week 8 The War for Independence
Week 9 From Freedom to the Constitution
Week 10 The United States Constitution
Week 11 Mechanics of Government, Part 1
Week 12 Mechanics of Government, Part 2
Week 13 The Bill of Rights
Week 14 The Federalist Years
Week 15 The Jeffersonian Democracy
Week 16 The Jacksonian Era
Week 17 Manifest Destiny
Week 18 The Disunited States
Week 19 Outbreak of the Civil War
Week 20 The Civil War
Week 21 The Reconstruction Era
Week 22 Expansion Westward
Week 23 Immigration & Urban Development
Week 24 The U.S. Becomes a World Power
Week 25 The Progressive Era
Week 26 Woodrow Wilson Era
Week 27 The Roaring Twenties
Week 28 The Great Depression
Week 29 FDR and the Birth of Leviathan
Week 30 World War II
Week 31 Truman and the Cold War
Week 32 The Eisenhower Years
Week 33 The New Frontier
Week 34 The Nixon Era
Week 35 The Reagan Revolution
Week 36 The Challenges of the Future
49 Scope and Sequence
H150 – World History
H150 – World History
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
This high school level World History course is
written from a Biblical world view. This history
begins with Creation and works up to the
present. It includes several reports that will
help the high school student develop personal
opinions on important topics. The course also
includes Weekly Quizzes and Quarter Tests,
as well as Scripture to memorize.
Material Covered
Week 1 The Study of History
Week 2 Creation – Post-Flood Civilization
Week 3 Paganism and World Religions
Week 4 The Nation of Israel
Week 5 Ancient Egypt
Week 6 Ancient Greece, Part 1
Week 7 Ancient Greece, Part 2
Week 8 Ancient Rome
Week 9 Review
Week 10 The Roman Empire
Week 11 Jesus Christ: The Center of History
Week 12 Asian Civilization
Week 13 The Early Church
Week 14 The Middle Ages
Week 15 The Western Hemisphere
Week 16 The Rise of Islam and the Crusades
Week 17 The Roman Catholic Church
Week 18 Review
Week 19 The Byzantine Empire and Russia
Week 20 The Renaissance
Week 21 The History of England
Week 22 The Reformation
Week 23 The British Empire
Week 24 European Exploration
Week 25 The Concept of a New World Order
Week 26 The French Revolution
Week 27 Review
Week 28 The Industrial Revolution
Week 29 World War I
Week 30 The Orient
Week 31 The Nazis
Week 32 World War II
Week 33 The Rise of Communism
Week 34 Collapse of European Communism
Week 35 Globalism
Week 36 Review
Scope and Sequence 50
H155 – Culture War/Current Issues
H155 – Culture War/Current Issues
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Each week will contain Bible memorization
and thought questions, essays, and/or
Material Covered
Week 1 America’s Christian Heritage
Week 2 The U.S.: A Christian Nation
Week 3 Our Christian Culture
Week 4 The Culture War
Week 5 The New Paganism
Week 6 A Culture in Rebellion Against God
Week 7 Characteristics of Anti-God Culture
Week 8 Spiritual Warfare
Week 9 Christians and Public Policy
Week 10 Christians as Salt and Light
Week 11 The Bible and Abortion
Week 12 Twelve Myths of Abortion, Part 1
Week 13 Twelve Myths of Abortion, Part 2
Week 14 Violence in America
Week 15 Restoring Law and Order
Week 16 The Death Penalty
Week 17 Personal Responsibility
Week 18 Outcome Based Education
Week 19 Importance of Christian Education
Week 20 The Bible and Homosexuality
Week 21 The Myths of Homosexuality
Week 22 Abstinence – True Love Waits
Week 23 Divorce and American Life
Week 24 Rock Music
Week 25 New Age Religion
Week 26 The Christian Family
Week 27 The War Against the Family
Week 28 Militant Feminism
Week 29 Alcohol in American Life
Week 30 The Pornography Plague
Week 31 The Drug Menace
Week 32 The Occult in American Society
Week 33 The Entertainment Media
Week 34 Gun Control and Freedom
Week 35 Gambling
Week 36 Environism
51 Scope and Sequence
H160 – U.S. Government/Economics
H160 – U.S. Government/Economics
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Semester 1 presents the principles of the
Biblical philosophy of government as originally
established by the Founding Fathers and as
practiced in the American system. Semester 2
presents Biblical principles of economics that
are applicable to national economies as well
as individual finances.
Semester 1 – U.S. Government
Week 1 Christian Doctrine of Government
Week 2 The Declaration of Independence
Week 3 The U.S. Constitution, Part 1
Week 4 The U.S. Constitution, Part 2
Week 5 The Bill of Rights, Part 1
Week 6 The Bill of Rights, Part 2
Week 7 The Bill of Rights, Part 3
Week 8 The Bill of Rights, Part 4
Week 9 The Bill of Rights, Part 5
Week 10 Additional Amendments
Week 11 The Executive Branch, Part 1
Week 12 The Executive Branch, Part 2
Week 13 Legislative Branch
Week 14 The Federal Judicial System
Week 15 State and Local Governments
Week 16 The Judgment of God Upon Nations
Week 17 Citizenship and Elections
Week 18 Civics
Semester 2 – Economics
Week 1 Why Do Some Nations Prosper?
Week 2 What is Economics?
Week 3 The Bible and Economics
Week 4 The Nature of Man and Economics
Week 5 Supply and Demand
Week 6 The Factors of Production
Week 7 The Free Market
Week 8 The History of Money
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Banking
Week 11 Taxes, Part 1
Week 12 Taxes, Part 2
Week 13 Business Organization
Week 14 The Business Cycle
Week 15 Personal Economics
Week 16 Financial Planning
Week 17 The Love of Money
Week 18 Review
Scope and Sequence 52
H250 – Baptist History (Elective)
H250 – Baptist History (Elective)
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes:
In the tradition of The Trail of Blood this study
traces the history of Baptists from the New
Testament, through the early church age, the
Middle Ages, the Reformation, the Industrial
Revolution, and into the modern era.
Material Covered
Week 1 Sole Authority of Scripture
Week 2 Other Baptist Distinctives
Week 3 Was the N.T. Church Baptist?
Week 4 Were the Early Churches Baptist?
Week 5 A History of the Doctrine of Baptism
Week 6 Comparison with Other Movements
Week 7 Persecution of the Early Church
Week 8 Good/Bad Dvlpmnts in Early Church
Week 9 Montanists/Donatists/Novatians
Week 10 The Paulicians
Week 11 The Celtic Christians
Week 12 Separation of Church and State
Week 13 The Dark Ages
Week 14 Baptist Heroes of the Dark Ages
Week 15 Pre-Reformation English Baptists
Week 16 The Waldenses
Week 17 Rise of the Anabaptists
Week 18 Baptist Ideas & the Reformation
Week 19 The Faithful Baptist Witness
Week 20 The Reformation
Week 21 Swiss Anabaptists
Week 22 German Anabaptists
Week 23 Baptists in Holland
Week 24 English Baptists
Week 25 Baptist Ideas Throughout Europe
Week 26 Developments Among Eng. Baptists
Week 27 Baptists and the American Colonies
Week 28 Foundation of the Amer. Republic
Week 29 Baptists from Coast to Coast
Week 30 The Modern Missionary Movement
Week 31 Baptist Controversies
Week 32 The Rise of Fundamentalism
Week 33 Other Baptist Developments
Week 34 Baptist Expansion
Week 35 Baptist Organizations
Week 36 Summary
53 Scope and Sequence
Introduction to the LFBC Literature Program
Introduction to the LFBC Literature Program
LFBC has developed a complete literature series for Christian day schools and homeschoolers. Our
students are exposed to the greatest literature in the past 300 years starting with the McGuffey’s
Readers in kindergarten through the sixth grade. The McGuffey’s recall an America where honesty,
hard work, kindness, patience, obedience to authority, fairness, gentleness, and frugality were traits
to be admired. This we emphasize in our literature program. The upper grades study The Pilgrim’s
Progress and The Holy War by John Bunyan, and other classics.
The LFBC Literature courses with titles are as follows:
L135 Character-Building Stories and Legends
L140 Character-Building Stories and Biographies
L145 Character-Building Favorites
L150 The Pilgrim’s Progress
L155 The Holy War
L160 Literature Classics
Scope and Sequence 54
L105 – Literature 1
L105 – Literature 1
Complete Subject Set Includes:
McGuffey’s First Eclectic Reader
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Additional Notes
The following items are included for the
Teacher/Parent in the Studyguide:
Games, Drill Ideas
Daily lesson plans for 36 weeks of work
Illustrated short and long vowel chart
Illustrated consonant chart
Material Covered
Week 1 Review: short and long vowel sounds, consonant sounds, phonograms
Week 2 Review: consonant and vowel sounds, phonograms, one-vowel words, consonant blends
Week 3 McGuffey’s Reader, Lessons I – III
Week 4 McGuffey’s Reader, Lessons IV – V; intro ch and tch, two-vowel words
Week 5 McGuffey’s Reader, Lesson VI; intro oo, ou, ow sounds; “The Cow” (poem)
Week 6 McGuffey’s Reader, Lesson VII; intro “c, k, and ck” rule
Week 7 McGuffey’s Reader, Lesson VIII; intro o as in love, ea as in head
Week 8 McGuffey’s Reader, Lessons IX – X; “Thank You, Jesus” (poem)
Week 9 McGuffey’s Reader, Lesson XI; intro wh, ang, ing, ong, and ung; soft g /j/; y as a vowel
Week 10 Review
Week 11 Er, ur, ir sounds; u in jump, ou in touch; syllables
Week 12 Th, sh sounds
Week 13 Compound words; old, olt, oll, o spellings for long o/ sound
Week 14 Ar sound
Week 15 All, al, wa, wh sounds; “The First Thanksgiving;” “Jesus and Me”
Week 16 Intro igh, ey in obey sounds; homonyms; “Christmas”
Week 17 Intro or as in thorn, au and aw; plurals
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Contractions; soft c /s/; changing y to i rule
Week 20 -ed suffix; ought in thought
Week 21 Intro air in chair; long u /ū/ sounds; oi and oy; when s says /z/; ordinal number words
Week 22 Intro or as in worm; are as in hare; “Snowflakes;” “The White Kitten;” “Our Flag”
Week 23 Ould in could; -ing suffix
Week 24 Ear sounds; -es in peaches; “My Grandma;” “Abraham Lincoln”
Week 25 Adding suffixes to words ending in silent e; eigh in eight
Week 26 -er suffix; ue in glue, ew in screw, le in Bible
Week 27 “George Washington;” y in happy; “The Rain;” review
Week 28 Introduce augh in laugh; review
Week 29 Review
Week 30 -en in broken
Week 31 Ea sounds
Week 32 Poem; silent letters: t in whistle, w in write, k in knot, t in listen; review
Week 33 Doubling final consonants before adding a suffix
Week 34 Review
Week 35 Review
Week 36 Review
55 Scope and Sequence
L110 – Literature 2
L110 – Literature 2
Complete Subject Set Includes:
McGuffey’s Second Eclectic Reader
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 “Evening at Home”
Week 2 “Bubbles;” “The Swing;” “Robert Louis Stevenson”
Week 3 “The Little Star;” “Two Dogs;” “Afraid in the Dark”
Week 4 “My Shadow;” “Baby Bye;” “Puss and Her Kittens”
Week 5 “His Home;” “The Cow;” “Singing;” “R. L. Stevenson’s Childhood;” “Robert’s School Days”
Week 6 “Robert at Grandfather’s;”“Whole Duty of Children;”“Land of Story-books;”“Kitty & Mousie”
Week 7 “At Work;” “What a Bird Taught;” “Susie Sunbeam;” “If I Were A Sunbeam”
Week 8 “Henry the Bootblack;” “A Kind Brother;” “The Kingbird;” “Evening Hymn
Week 9 “The Quarrel;” “The Rabbit and the Turtle”, “The Race”
Week 10 “The Bee;” “The Song of the Bee;” “The Seed”
Week 11 “The Child’s World;” “The Wind;” “The Little Nut;” “Boats Sail on the Rivers”
Week 12 “The Fir-Tree and the Bramble;” “The Magpie’s Nest;” “The Torn Doll”
Week 13 “Sheep Shearing;” “The Clouds;” “Patty and the Squirrel”
Week 14 “The Sparrow;” “Sam and Harry”
Week 15 “Boat Upset;” “Miss Clara Barton;” “Clara Becomes a Teacher;” “Clara Works Among
Week 16 “Red Cross;”“Friend of Kings, Helper of Everyone;”“Women Who Went to the Field;”“Tiger”
Week 17 “The Fireside;” “Birdie’s Morning Song”
Week 18 “Willie and Bounce;” “The Kitchen Clock”
Week 19 “The New Scales;” “What the Leaf Said;” “The Lion and the Mouse”
Week 20 “The Lion Caught;” “The Sunbeam;” “The Stag”
Week 21 “Old English Song;” “Village Blacksmith;” “Bear and Children;” “Little Harebell;” “Fishhawk”
Week 22 “The Wind and the Leaves;” “Mamma’s Present;” “Mary’s Story”
Week 23 “Ralph Wick;” “The Town Musicians;” “Henry Wadsworth Longfellow;” “Snowflakes”
Week 24 “Longfellow’s School Days;” “My Lost Youth;” “Emperors Bird’s Nest;” “Chorus of Birds;”
“Mr. Longfellow’s Children;” “Coasting Down the Hill”
Week 25 “The Fox and the Ducks;” “Pretty Is That Pretty Does;” “The Story-Teller”
Week 26 “The Story-Teller” (concluded); “The Owl”
Week 27 “Grandfather’s Story;” “God Is Great and Good;” “A Good Old Man;” “Greedy Little Girl”
Week 28 “A Place for Everything;” “My Mother;” “The Bell of Atri;” “The Old Horse and the Bell”
Week 29 “Arm Chair;” “Little Indian Boy, Hiawatha;” “Hiawatha’s Childhood;” “Young Man, Hiawatha”
Week 30 “William Tell”
Week 31 “The Broken Window;” “Frank and the Hourglass;” “March”
Week 32 “Jenny’s Call;” “Poor Davy”
Week 33 “Alice’s Supper;” “A Snowstorm”
Week 34 “Bessie”
Week 35 “Cheerfulness;” “Lullaby;” “Sir Joshua Reynolds” and “Joshua Reynolds’ Boyhood;” “Father
in Heaven, We Thank Thee”
Week 36 “Master Reynolds in London;” “Mr. Reynolds and the Children;” “A Quaint Little Girl;” “Our
Little Echo;” “Sleep, Little Baby, Sleep;” “The Angels’ Heads;” “What Robin Told”
Scope and Sequence 56
L115 – Literature 3
L115 – Literature 3
Complete Subject Set Includes:
McGuffey’s Third Eclectic Reader
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Review – Alphabetical Order, Glossary, Dictionary Skills
Week 2 “The Shepherd Boy;” “Johnny’s First Snowstorm”
Week 3 “Let It Rain;” “Castle-Building”
Week 4 “Castle-Building;” “Lend a Hand;” “The Truant;” “The White Kitten”
Week 5 “Eugene Field-The Boy;” “The Duel;” “Eugene Field’s Schooldays;” “Good-Children
Street;” “Eugene Field and the Children;” “Eugene Field and His Friends”
Week 6 “The Beaver;” “The Young Teacher;” “The Blacksmith”
Week 7 “A Walk in the Garden;” “The Wolf;” “The Little Bird’s Song;” “Harry and Annie”
Week 8 “Louisa May Alcott;” “Last Years Doll;” “The Lark and the Whippoorwill”
Week 9 “The Emigrant’s Wagon;” “Other Birds’ Feathers;” “The Umbrella Brigade”
Week 10 “Bird Friends;” “What the Minutes Say;” “The Widow and the Merchant”
Week 11 “The Birds Set Free;” “A Moment Too Late;” “Humming Birds;” “The Wind and the Sun”
Week 12 “Beautiful Hands;” “Things to Remember;” “Three Little Mice”
Week 13 “Edwin Landseer The Boy;” “The Landseer Children;” “The Boy Artist;” “Edwin Landseer
at Maida Vale;” “Edwin Landseer and the Dogs;” “Two Dogs”
Week 14 “Jack in Office;”“Paul Pry;”“Princess and the Pea;”“Hans Christian Andersen’s Childhood”
Week 15 “The Candles;” “Hans Christian Andersen–How He Became Famous;” “The Ugly Duckling”
Week 16 “The New Year;” “The Clock and the Sundial;” “Remember;” “Courage and Cowardice”
Week 17 “Weighing an Elephant;” “The Soldier;” “The Echo”
Week 18 “The Feast;” “The Lord’s Prayer;” “An Evening Prayer;” “Finding the Owner”
Week 19 “Bats;” “A Summer Day;” “Charlie and Rob”
Week 20 “The Corn Song;” “Speak Gently;” “The Seven Sticks;” “The Mountain Sister”
Week 21 “The Daisy;” “Celia Thaxter;” “Wild Geese”
Week 22 “Bergetta’s Misfortunes;” “Laura E. Richard’s Early Home;” “The Lazy Robin”
Week 23 “Harry & Guidepost;”“Money Amy Didn’t Earn;”“Who Made the Stars;”“Deeds of Kindness”
Week 24 “The Alarm Clock;” “Spring;” “True Courage”
Week 25 “The Old Clock;” “The Waves;” “Don’t Kill the Birds;” “When to Say No”
Week 26 “John Carpenter;” “The Contented Boy;” “Little Gustava”
Week 27 “The Insolent Boy;” “We Are Seven;” “Mary’s Dime;” “Mary Dow”
Week 28 “The Little Loaf;” “Susie and Rover;” “The Violet;” “No Crown for Me”
Week 29 Young Soldiers;” “An Episode of the Fourth;” “Wall-Paperville”
Week 30 “When Lucy Larcom Was a Little Girl;”“Brown Thrush;”“Jack-In-Pulpit;”“Sir Robin;”“March”
Week 31 “Thomas Gainsborough The Boy;” “Thomas Gainsborough In London;” “Mr.
Gainsborough and the Stage Coach Driver;” “A Secret;” “The Blue Boy;” “Georgiana”
Week 32 “John Greenleaf Whittie His Childhood;” “In School Days;” “The Barefoot Boy;” “Mr.
Whittier at Amesbury;” “The Fishermen”
Week 33 “The Little Blind Friend;” “How Willie Got Out of the Shaft;” “The Pert Chicken”
Week 34 “Indian Corn;” “The Snowbird’s Song;” “Mountains”
Week 35 “The Colt and Old Gray;” “The Watch-dog”
Week 36 “A Child’s Hymn;” “Holding the Fort;” “The Little People;” “Good Night”
57 Scope and Sequence
L120 – Literature 4
L120 – Literature 4
Complete Subject Set Includes:
McGuffey’s Fourth Eclectic Reader
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Additional Notes
Comprehension exercises are provided in the
Studyguide for improving student’s good
understanding. The quizzes are based solely
on the vocabulary-building portion of the
material covered in the Studyguide. The
student is taught how to prepare a book
report, and forms and examples are provided.
Bible memorization is assigned throughout the
year with Bible verses pertaining to the moral
or practical lesson taught in the week’s
reading assignments.
Material Covered
Week 1 “Perseverance;” “Try, Try Again”
Week 2 “Why the Sea is Salt”
Week 3 “Smiles;” “Lazy Ned”
Week 4 “The Monkey;” “The Good Son”
Week 5 “Where There is a Will There is a
Way;” “True Manliness”
Week 6 Book Report: Your favorite book
Week 7 “True Manliness;” “A Ship in a
Week 8 “Two Ways of Telling a Story;”
“Waste Not, Want Not”
Week 9 “Jeannette and Jo;” “The Lion”
Week 10 “Harry’s Riches;” “Harry & His Dog”
Week 11 “The Eagle;” “The Old Eagle Tree”
Week 12 Book Report: A Biography
Week 13 “Circumstances Alter Cases;” “The
Noblest Revenge”
Week 14 “How Margery Wondered;” “Susie’s
Week 15 “Consequences of Idleness;”
“Advantages of Industry”
Week 16 “Coffee;” “The Nettle”
Week 17 “The Tempest;” “The Creator”
Week 18 Book Report: Adventure Story
Week 19 “The Horse;” “Emulation”
Week 20 “The Right Way;” “The Golden Rule”
Week 21 “Robinson Crusoe’s House;”
“Robinson Crusoe’s Dress
Week 22 “Somebody’s Darling;” “Knowledge
is Power”
Week 23 “Good Will;” “The Way to be Happy”
Week 24 Book Report: A True Story
Week 25 “The Giraffe, or Camelopard;” “The
Lost Child”
Week 26 “The Pet Fawn;” “The Elephant”
Week 27 “Dare to do Right”
Week 28 “Wreck of the Hesperus;” “The
Rainbow Pilgrimage”
Week 29 “The Sermon on the Mount;” “The
Young Witness”
Week 30 Book Report: A Fiction Story
Week 31 “Alfred the Great;” “Hugh Idle and
Mr. Toil”
Week 32 “Hugh Idle and Mr. Toil;” “Burning
the Fallow”
Week 33 “The Attack on Nymwegen;”
“Brandywine Ford”
Week 34 “Brandywine Ford;” “My Mothers
Week 35 “A Mother’s Gift – the Bible”
Week 36 Book Report: Animal Story
Scope and Sequence 58
L125 – Literature 5
L125 – Literature 5
Complete Subject Set Includes:
McGuffey’s Fifth Eclectic Reader
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Additional Notes
Comprehension exercises are provided in the
Studyguide for improving student’s good
understanding. The quizzes are based solely
on the vocabulary-building portion of the
material covered in the Studyguide. The
student is taught how to prepare both a
written and an oral book report, and forms and
examples are provided. Bible memorization is
assigned throughout the year with Bible
verses pertaining to the moral or practical
lesson taught in the week’s reading
Material Covered
Week 1 “The Good Reader”
Week 2 “The Gentle Hand”
Week 3 “A Boy on a Farm”
Week 4 “Do Not Meddle”
Week 5 “The Maniac”
Week 6 “The Fish I Didn’t Catch”
Week 7 “Respect For Sabbath Rewarded”
Week 8 Selected Paragraphs from the Bible
Week 9 “The Venomous Worm”
Week 10 “I Pity Them”
Week 11 “King Charles II and William Penn”
Week 12 “The Righteous Never Forsaken”
Week 13 “Lucy Forester”
Week 14 “The Town Pump”
Week 15 “The Tea Rose”
Week 16 “The Bobolink”
Week 17 “Rebellion in Mass. State Prison”
Week 18 “The Generous Russian Peasant”
Week 19 Book Report: Your Favorite Book
Week 20 “The Relief of Lucknow”
Week 21 “Behind Time”
Week 22 “The Goodness of God”
Week 23 “About Quail”
Week 24 Oral Book Report
Week 25 “The English Skylark”
Week 26 “Supposed Speech of John Adams”
Week 27 “Control Your Temper”
Week 28 “William Tell”
Week 29 “William Tell” (concluded)
Week 30 Book Report: A Fiction Story
Week 31 “The Crazy Engineer”
Week 32 “No Excellence Without Labor”
Week 33 “The Boston Massacre”
Week 34 “Capturing the Wild Horse”
Week 35 “The Best Kind of Revenge”
Week 36 “Religion the Only Basis for Society”
59 Scope and Sequence
L130 – Literature 6
L130 – Literature 6
Complete Subject Set Includes:
McGuffey’s Sixth Eclectic Reader
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Additional Notes
Vocabulary and comprehension exercises are
provided in the Studyguide for improving
student’s good understanding. The student is
taught how to prepare a book report, and
forms and examples are provided. Numerous
selections of poetry are also included
throughout the year’s work.
Material Covered
Week 1 “Anecdote of Duke of Newcastle”
Week 2 “Schemes of Life Often Illusionary”
Week 3 “The Artist Surprised;” Book Report
Week 4 “Death of Little Nell”
Week 5 “Tact and Talent”
Week 6 “Speech Before the Virginia
Convention;” Book Report
Week 7 “Ironical Eulogy on Debt;” “Try, Try
Week 8 “The Memory of Our Fathers;”
“Jeannette and Jo”
Week 9 “The Teacher and Sick Scholar;”
Oral Book Report
Week 10 “Character of Napoleon Bonaparte;”
“The Tempest”
Week 11 “War;” “Somebody’s Darling”
Week 12 “Lafayette and Robert Raikes;”
Book Report
Week 13 “The Philosopher;” “Which”
Week 14 “The Baptism;” “The Wreck of the
Week 15 “Observance of the Sabbath;” Book
Week 16 “Character of Columbus;” “The
Dying Soldiers”
Week 17 “Description of a Siege;” “The
Inchcape Rock”
Week 18 “On Happiness of Temper;” Oral
Book Report
Week 19 “The Fortune Teller;” “A Mothers
Gift – The Bible”
Week 20 “Character of the Puritan Fathers of
New England;” “Work”
Week 21 “Necessity of Education;” Book
Week 22 “Rip Van Winkle;” “About Ben
Week 23 “Sorrow for the Dead;” “The Reaper
and the Flowers”
Week 24 “Political Toleration;” Book Report
Week 25 “Church Scene from Evangeline;”
“Cataract of Lodore”
Week 26 “Diamond Cut Diamond;” “Faithless
Nelly Gray”
Week 27 “The English Character;” Oral Book
Week 28 “The Song of the Potter;” “Forty
Years Ago”
Week 29 “Death of Samson;” “The Blue and
The Gray”
Week 30 “Surrender of Granada;” Book
Week 31 “Speech on the Trial of a Murderer;”
“The Blind Men and the Elephant”
Week 32 “Importance of the Union;” “My
Mother’s Bible”
Week 33 “Colloquial Powers of Franklin;”
Book Report
Week 34 “Destruction of the Carnatic;” “Elegy
in a Country Churchyard”
Week 35 “Origen of Property;” “The Epitaph”
Week 36 “Franklin’s Entry in to Philadelphia;”
Oral Book Report
Scope and Sequence 60
L135 – Character-Building Stories & Legends
L135 – Character-Building Stories & Legends
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Additional Notes
Each week contains Bible memorization of a
verse pertinent to the moral or practical lesson
presented in the reading selection. The
student will summarize each story in his/her
own words and will answer essay questions
expressing thoughts and opinions on subjects
relevant to the topic.
Material Covered
Week 1 “The Place of Deliverance;” Titus 3:5
Week 2 “The Wind is Free;” Colossians 3:20
Week 3 “Run, Boy, Run;” Isaiah 40:31
Week 4 “The Boy Patriot;” Joshua 10:25
Week 5 “Wyoming Massacre;” Proverbs 28:1
Week 6 “Kari Goes to the City;” essays on the Hindu plan of salvation by works; Ephesians 2:8-9
Week 7 “Little Red;” II Timothy 2:3
Week 8 “Sailing West to Find the East;” Psalms 19:9-10
Week 9 “The First Winter;” II Corinthians 3:17
Week 10 “Paul Revere’s Ride;” Galatians 5:13
Week 11 “The First Frontier;” I Timothy 4:12
Week 12 “He Loved Me Truly;” “To Be True”
Week 13 “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi;” Matthew 10:16
Week 14 “One Minute Longer;” Psalms 56:13
Week 15 “Fair Trader;” I Peter 1:18-19
Week 16 “Magician of the Bow;” Colossians 3:16
Week 17 “The Coming of the Teacher;” Psalms 139:14
Week 18 “Old Johnny Appleseed;” Proverbs 22:1
Week 19 “He Journeyed into a Far Country;” I Thess. 4:11
Week 20 “Jo Makes a Call;” Colossians 3:12
Week 21 “The Kiskis;” Ephesians 4:32
Week 22 “The Cock and the Fox;” Proverbs 13:3
Week 23 “Massacree!”; Proverbs 28:1
Week 24 “G-Man Meets Danger;” Proverbs 28:13
Week 25 “Robinson Crusoe Finds a Companion;” I Corinthians 9:27
Week 26 “The Dog of Pompeii;” I Timothy 5:6
Week 27 “Kentucky Belle;” Matthew 5:44
Week 28 “The Adventure of the Mason;” I Timothy 6:17
Week 29 “A Race Against Death;” Galatians 6:9
Week 30 “Which of the Nine?”; Ephesians 5:19
Week 31 “The Three Golden Apples;” Psalms 55:22
Week 32 “Thor’s Wonderful Journey;” Romans 5:6
Week 33 “Stories of King Arthur;” Proverbs 18:22
Week 34 “The Shooting Match at Nottingham Town;” Ephesians 4:28
Week 35 “Paul Bunyan’s Great Flapjack Griddle;” I Corinthians 10:31
Week 36 “Rip Van Winkle;” Proverbs 21:23
61 Scope and Sequence
L140 – Character-Building Biographies
L140 – Character-Building Biographies
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Additional Notes
Each week contains Bible memorization of a
verse pertinent to the moral or practical lesson
presented in the reading selection. The
student will summarize each story in his/her
own words and will answer essay questions
expressing thoughts and opinions on subjects
relevant to the topic.
Material Covered
Week 1 “The House by the Sea;” Proverbs 14:21
Week 2 “The Duster;” I Peter 3:8
Week 3 “Maggie Tulliver and the Gypsies;” Proverbs 20:1
Week 4 “Turkey Red;” Hebrews 13:2
Week 5 “Michael O’Rourke – 1846;” II Timothy 2:3
Week 6 “The Struggle for an Education;” II Timothy 2:15
Week 7 “Mama and the Occasion;” Exodus 20:12
Week 8 “The Story of a ‘First American;’” II Corinthians 5:17
Week 9 “The Man Without a Country;” Proverbs 29:20
Week 10 “The Courtship of Miles Standish;” Proverbs 17:17
Week 11 “Boma;” I Peter 5:8
Week 12 “Doubting Castle;” I Peter 3:9
Week 13 “The Pony Express Rider;” Proverbs 24:10
Week 14 “Miss Hinch;” Proverbs 29:1
Week 15 “The Good River;” Psalms 37:19
Week 16 “The Silver Mine;” Proverbs 22:1
Week 17 “A Borneo Boy Comes to America;” Proverbs 27:6
Week 18 “Chief of the F.B.I.;” Romans 13:1
Week 19 “Gettysburg;” I Peter 4:13
Week 20 “He Gave Them ‘Windows;’” I John 2:11
Week 21 “Child Pioneer;” Proverbs 24:16
Week 22 “The Legend of Kate Shelley;” John 15:13
Week 23 “The Battle on the Breakwater;” Ecclesiastes 12:13
Week 24 “A Nation United;” Proverbs 11:14
Week 25 “A Secret for Two;” Proverbs 12:10
Week 26 “Where Love Is, There is God Also;” I John 4:7
Week 27 “Obedience” (poem)
Week 28 “Valiant Comrades;” Proverbs 27:1
Week 29 “The Dollard Sextant;” Proverbs 19:8
Week 30 “Explorer of the Stars;” Psalms 19:1
Week 31 “The Wizard of Menlo Park;” I John 1:7
Week 32 “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow;” I John 4:18
Week 33 “William Tell and the Apple;” Proverbs 29:2
Week 34 “The Czar and the Angel;” Proverbs 16:18
Week 35 “The Wooden Horse;” Proverbs 12:15
Week 36 “Ulysses and the Cyclops;” Proverbs 11:17
Scope and Sequence 62
L145 – Character-Building Favorites
L145 – Character-Building Favorites
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Additional Notes
Each week contains Bible memorization of a
verse pertinent to the moral or practical lesson
presented in the reading selection. The
student will summarize each story in his/her
own words and will answer essay questions
expressing thoughts and opinions on subjects
relevant to the topic.
Material Covered
Week 1 “In The Beginning All Things Are Difficult;” Proverbs 8:10
Week 2 “Gontoosy Sees It Through;” Psalms 37:25
Week 3 “The Battle of the Ants;” Psalms 37:4
Week 4 “A Spark Neglected;” Matthew 6:14
Week 5 “The Forest People;” Proverbs 12:1
Week 6 “A Start in Life;” Romans 8:28
Week 7 “Prisoner of the Sand;” Job 4:14
Week 8 “A Messenger;” Hebrews 1:14
Week 9 “Fire at the Sea;” Proverbs 26:21
Week 10 “The Whistle Blows;” Psalms 46:9
Week 11 “The Sinking of the Titanic;” I Thessalonians 5:3
Week 12 “The Citizner;” Ephesians 2:19
Week 13 “Duty, Honor, and Country;” Romans 12:1
Week 14 “Give Me Liberty;” Joshua 1:9
Week 15 “The Holy City;” Hebrews 11:10
Week 16 “The Black Hero of the Ranges;” Proverbs 3:3
Week 17 “Quality;” Proverbs 31:18
Week 18 “The Revolt of Mother;” Proverbs 14:1
Week 19 “Split Cherry Tree;” Romans 12:17
Week 20 “The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle;” Proverbs 10:9
Week 21 “A Mother in Mannville;” Proverbs 11:4
Week 22 “Escape Across the Border;” Hebrews 2:3
Week 23 “Abe Lincoln Grows Up” – I; II Corinthians 1:9
Week 24 “Abe Lincoln Grows Up” – II; I Timothy 4:13
Week 25 “Alone;” Proverbs 25:13
Week 26 “Student Days in Warsaw;” Proverbs 25:19
Week 27 “The Living Sea;” Proverbs 20:5
Week 28 “Jean Henri Fabre: Uncommon Thrills from Common Things;” Psalms 53:1
Week 29 “The Discoverer of Radium;” Luke 11:10
Week 30 “How I Killed a Bear;” Proverbs 17:12
Week 31 “The Last Lesson;” Proverbs 9:9
Week 32 “Talks With Friday;” Acts 4:12
Week 33 “The Gifts of Wisdom”
Week 34 “The Stuff of Dreams;” I Timothy 5:14
Week 35 “Evangeline” – I; James 4:14
Week 36 “Evangeline” – II; Romans 12:9
63 Scope and Sequence
L150 – The Pilgrim's Progress
L150 – The Pilgrim's Progress
Complete Subject Set Includes:
The Pilgrim’s Progress
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
LFBC students are privileged to read and
study John Bunyan’s incomparable classic
Christian allegory, The Pilgrim’s Progress.
Read by more people than any other book
throughout history (except the Bible), the
student’s spiritual insights will grow as a result
of this year’s experience. The writing style and
vocabulary also develop the student’s ability
to read and understand the classic English of
the King James Bible period.
The book is divided into weekly segments with
review every nine weeks.
Bible memorization assignments are included
in each week to correspond with the gist of
the lesson from that portion of the allegory.
Scope and Sequence 64
L155 – The Holy War
L155 – The Holy War
Complete Subject Set Includes:
The Holy War
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
The Holy War is another classic allegory by
John Bunyan. In it Bunyan describes the
battle of the ages for the souls of mankind.
LFBC considers it of utmost importance to
allow our students to develop their reading
skills by studying classic Christian English
literature of the King James Bible period. The
spiritual truths taught in Bunyan’s book are
rich treasures.
There are thirty-five weeks in a continuing
story with review sections every nine weeks.
Bible memorization assignments are included
in each week to correspond with the gist of
the lesson from that portion of the allegory.
65 Scope and Sequence
L160 – Literature Classics
L160 – Literature Classics
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 “The North and South – One in Their Origin” by John Fiske
Week 2 “The Puritans” by Thomas B. Macaulay
Week 3 “The First Landing at Plymouth” by William Bradford
Week 4 “New England Civilization” by James Russell Lowell
Week 5 “The Character of Washington” by Henry Cabot Lodge
Week 6 “Love of Country” by Sir Walter Scott
Week 7 “Sayings of Lincoln” by L. Lamprey
Week 8 “Lincoln, a Typical American” by Phillips Brooks
Week 9 Review: Weeks 1 – 8
Week 10 “Abraham Lincoln” by R.G. Ingersoll
Week 11 “The Gettysburg Address” by Abraham Lincoln
Week 12 “Characteristics of America” by Benjamin Franklin
Week 13 “Liberty or Death” by Patrick Henry
Week 14 “Cub Sawbones” by Sydney Reid
Week 15 “The American Republic” by George W. Curtis
Week 16 “Peculiarity of American Liberty” by Daniel Webster
Week 17 “Democracy” by James Russell Lowell
Week 18 Review: Weeks 10 – 17
Week 19 “Americanism” by Theodore Roosevelt
Week 20 “O Captain! My Captain! by Wait Whitman
Week 21 “The Homes of the People” by Henry W. Grady
Week 22 “A Message to Garcia” by Elbert Hubbard
Week 23 “The Man Without a Country” by Edward E. Hale
Week 24 “The Moral Quality in Patriotism” by George William Curtis
Week 25 “I am an American” by Elia S. Lieberman
Week 26 “The Story of the Flag”
Week 27 Review: Weeks 19 – 26
Week 28 “How ‘The Star Spangled Banner Was Written” by Henry Watterson
Week 29 “The Symbol of our Nation” by Henry Ward Beecher
Week 30 “A Song for Flag Day” by Wilbur Dick Nesbit
Week 31 “A Far Journey” by Abraham M. Rihbany
Week 32 “America First” by Woodrow Wilson
Week 33 “The Freedom of the Land” by L. Lamprey
Week 34 “Our Responsibilities” by Theodore Roosevelt
Week 35 “Obedience” by George MacDonald
Week 36 Review: Weeks 28 – 34
Scope and Sequence 66
Introduction to the LFBC Math Program
Introduction to the LFBC Math Program
This solid program begins with the knowledge that God created everything and, because of this,
order has resulted. It teaches that students can expect exactness, preciseness, and completeness
in arithmetic/mathematics, just as they can expect it in God’s creation. We start with the basic facts
and proceed to the more complicated and abstract concepts in the upper grades.
The LFBC Math courses with titles are as follows:
M140 Math Foundations/Pre-Algebra
M145 Algebra I
M150 Geometry
M155 Algebra II
M160 Business Math
67 Scope and Sequence
M105 – Mathematics 1
M105 – Mathematics 1
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Addition to 2; Say Numbers 1-10; Number Words 1-10; Counting 1-100
Week 2 Addition to 4; Numbers in Order 0-9; Solving Story Problems
Week 3 Addition to 5; After Numbers
Week 4 Addition to 6; Larger Than/Smaller Than; Penny
Week 5 Before/After Numbers; Counting by 10’s
Week 6 Addition to 7; Dime
Week 7 Review
Week 8 Addition to 8
Week 9 Counting by 5’s
Week 10 Nickel
Week 11 Addition to 9; Counting by 2’s; Telling Time: on the Hour
Week 12 Addition to 10; Counting to 150; Place Value; Using a Ruler
Week 13 Telling Time: Half-Past
Week 14 Addition to 11; Using a Thermometer
Week 15 Quarter; Dozen
Week 16 Counting to 200; One-Half
Week 17 Addition to 12; Calendar; Number Words 1-12; Adding Three Numbers
Week 18 Half Dollar; One-Fourth
Week 19 More Than/Less Than
Week 20 Addition to 13; Telling Time: 15 Minutes Before/After Hour; Counting by 3’s; Months
Week 21 Days of the Week
Week 22 Fractions; Subtraction from 1-3; Measurement
Week 23 Subtraction from 4; Counting to 250
Week 24 Adding to 10; Adding 5
Week 25 Subtraction from 5; Adding Two-Digit Numbers
Week 26 Adding Long Combinations
Week 27 Subtraction From 6
Week 28 Subtraction From 7
Week 29 Subtraction From 8; Subtracting Two-Digit Numbers
Week 30 Subtraction From 9
Week 31 Subtraction From 10
Week 32 Review
Week 33 Review
Week 34 Review
Week 35 Review
Week 36 Review
Scope and Sequence 68
M110 – Mathematics 2
M110 – Mathematics 2
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Review: Counting, Adding, Subtracting
Week 2 Review: Telling Time; Even and Odd Numbers
Week 3 Review: Measurement, Place Value to Hundreds, Fractions
Week 4 Addition and Subtraction: 14-15; Checking Addition
Week 5 Addition and Subtraction 16-18, 3-Digits
Week 6 Telling Time: To Nearest Five Minutes
Week 7 Fractions – Finding a Fraction of a Group
Week 8 Checking in Subtraction; Writing Larger Numbers
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Addition: Money; Telling How Much Time Has Passed
Week 11 Addition: Carrying to Tens’ Place
Week 12 Reading Calendars; Counting by 25’s and 100’s
Week 13 Addition and Subtraction: 4-Digit Numbers; Place Value to Thousands
Week 14 Roman Numerals to 12; Writing Fractions As Words
Week 15 Carrying from the Tens’ Place to the Hundreds’ Place
Week 16 Addition: Money over $1.00
Week 17 Subtraction: Borrowing from the Tens’ Place; Five Digit Numbers
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Multiplication: 2 and 3 Families
Week 20 Subtraction: Borrowing from the Hundreds’ Place
Week 21 Multiplication: 0 and 1 Families; Liquid Measures; Measures of Weight
Week 22 Division: 2 and 3 Families
Week 23 Division: Fractions; Writing Money Correctly
Week 24 Division: 0 and 1 Families; Checking Division
Week 25 Multiplication: 4 and 5 Families
Week 26 Division: 4 and 5 Families
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Shapes; Perimeter of a Square and Rectangle
Week 29 Pictographs
Week 30 Measurement to One Quarter Inch; Scale Drawings
Week 31 Telling Time: To Nearest Minute
Week 32 Addition: 5-Digit Numbers; Numbers to Hundred Thousands’ Place
Week 33 Rounding Numbers
Week 34 Multiplication: Two Digits
Week 35 Abbreviations; Reviewing Ordinals
Week 36 Review
69 Scope and Sequence
M115 – Mathematics 3
M115 – Mathematics 3
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Place Value to Thousands, Addition and Subtraction Terminology; Money
Week 2 Telling Time; Three-Digit Addition with Carrying, Three-Digit Subtraction with Borrowing,
Measurements of Length
Week 3 Terms for Multiplication; Division- Opposite of Multiplication
Week 4 Terms for Fractions; Division Table to 3
Week 5 Roman Numerals 1 – 20; Clue Words for Solving Problems; Division Table to 5
Week 6 Commas in Larger Numbers; Place Value to Ten Thousands; Liquid Measures; Greater
Than, Less Than Signs
Week 7 Addition and Subtraction with Larger Numbers; Borrowing with Zeros; Finding Fractions of
a Number
Week 8 Two-Digit and Three-Digit Multiplication; Multiplication with Carrying
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Checking Addition; Two-Digit Division; Measuring to One-Half Inch
Week 11 Multiplication & Division Tables to 6; Using Parenthesis; Regrouping Addends & Factors
Week 12 Money; Adding Money; Rounding to the Nearest Dollar
Week 13 Multiplication and Division Tables to 7; Division with a Remainder
Week 14 Multiplication with Four Digits; Reading Thermometers
Week 15 Multiplication and Division Tables to 8; Liquid Measures; Measures of Weight
Week 16 Measurement Problems; Word Problems
Week 17 Multiplication and Division Tables to 9; Long Division with Checking
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Geometric Shapes
Week 20 Multiplication and Division Tables to 10
Week 21 Rounding and Estimating Numbers
Week 22 Multiplication and Division Tables to 11
Week 23 Metric Measures
Week 24 Multiplication and Division Tables to 12
Week 25 More Geometric Shapes
Week 26 Time
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Fractions – Equal and Reducing
Week 29 Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
Week 30 Mixed Numbers
Week 31 Averaging Numbers; Ordinals
Week 32 Bar Graphs and Pictographs
Week 33 Two-Digit and Three-Digit Multipliers
Week 34 Two-Digit Divisors with Checking
Week 35 Review of Weeks 1-18
Week 36 Review of Weeks 19-34
Scope and Sequence 70
M120 – Mathematics 4
M120 – Mathematics 4
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Place Value to Millions; Review of Addition, Subtraction
Week 2 Review of Multiplication, Two-Digit Multipliers; Division: Checking Division
Week 3 Money: Adding, Subtracting, and Multiplying; Division with Remainders
Week 4 Fractions: Equivalent/Unequivalent, Reducing, Parts of Groups, Mixed Numbers
Week 5 Measurements: English Liquid, Weight, and Linear; Measures of Time
Week 6 Rounding Numbers; Rounding Money; Estimating Quotients
Week 7 Averaging; Division with Two-Digit Divisor
Week 8 Fractions: Adding and Subtracting, Mixed Numbers, Remainders as Fractions in Division
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Measurements: Metric Length, Weight, and Liquid; Two-Step Measurement Equations
Week 11 Factoring
Week 12 Fractions: Reducing, Proper and Improper
Week 13 Multiples: Least Common Multiples; Least Common Denominators
Week 14 Scale Drawings; Pictographs; Bar Graphs; Changing Improper Fractions
Week 15 Fractions: Subtracting from a Whole Number
Week 16 Fractions: Subtraction with Uncommon Denominators; Roman Numerals to 1000
Week 17 Fractions: Multiplying with Cancellation, Multiplying with Whole Numbers
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Multiplying Fractions and Whole Numbers; Multiplying Three-Digit Factors
Week 20 Time: Subtracting and Adding; Time Lapse
Week 21 Introduction to Geometry; Geometric Shapes
Week 22 Perimeter of Squares, Rectangles, Parallelograms, and Polygon
Week 23 Concept of Area: Area of Rectangles and Squares; Points on a Grid
Week 24 Divisibility Rules
Week 25 Five Steps in Division; Checking Two-Digit Multiplication
Week 26 Measuring Temperature; Line Graphs
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Decimals: Introduction
Week 29 Decimals: Comparing, Adding and Subtracting
Week 30 Decimals: Metric Measures
Week 31 Decimals: Rounding
Week 32 Money: Decimals and Fractions; Decimal Point in Division and Multiplication
Week 33 Probability
Week 34 Review: Place Value, 4 Processes; English and Metric Review; Rounding Whole Numbers
Week 35 Review: Factoring; Fractions; Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication of Fractions
Week 36 Review: Perimeter and Area; Geometric Figures; Decimals; Money
71 Scope and Sequence
M125 – Mathematics 5
M125 – Mathematics 5
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Place Value to Billions; Review of Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication
Week 2 5 Steps of Division, Two-Digit Divisor, Checking Division
Week 3 Fractions: Adding and Subtracting, Mixed Numbers, Equivalent
Week 4 Factoring; Fractions: Reducing, Proper, Improper
Week 5 Multiples, Least Common Multiple, Addition and Subtraction with Uncommon
Week 6 Fractions: Improper, Subtracting with Borrowing
Week 7 Averaging; Roman Numerals; Division with a Remainder
Week 8 Rounding to Nearest 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000; Estimating Money Amounts
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Measurements: English Linear, Weight, Liquid, Measures, Time; and Metric Measures
Week 11 Simple Measurement Equations, 3 Digit Divisors, and 4 Digit Multiplication
Week 12 Decimals: Comparing, Reading and Writing
Week 13 Decimals: Rounding
Week 14 Decimals: Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication
Week 15 Multiplication: Fractions, Fractions and Whole Numbers, and Mixed Numbers Fractions
Week 16 Divisibility Rules, and Comparing with Greater Than/Less Than/Equal to Symbols
Week 17 Algebraic Equations with Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Division: Whole Numbers by Fractions, Fractions by Fractions, Mix Numbers & Fractions
Week 20 Division: Fractions by Whole Numbers, Fractions by Mixed Numbers, and Mixed by Mixed
Week 21 Line Graphs, Bar Graphs, Grids, and Scale Drawings
Week 22 Geometric Ideas and Shapes
Week 23 Perimeter and Area
Week 24 Square Units, Convert: km to mi, in to cm, Order of Operations, and Temperatures below 0
Week 25 Convert: Celsius to Fahrenheit, Fahrenheit to Celsius
Week 26 Ratio, Probability, Making Change, and Time with Centuries and Millenniums
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Division: Decimals by Whole Numbers, Annexing 0’s to Dividends, Rounding off Quotient
Week 29 Repeating Decimals, Fractions as Decimals, and Multiplying by 100 and 1,000
Week 30 Division: Decimal Divisor, by 100 and 1,000
Week 31 Introduction to Percent, Decimals with Percent, and Percent as Fractions
Week 32 Finding Percent of a Number
Week 33 Finding Distance Using a Formula
Week 34 Review
Week 35 Review
Week 36 Review
Scope and Sequence 72
M130 – Mathematics 6
M130 – Mathematics 6
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Whole Numbers, Place Value, Rounding, Addition and Subtraction
Week 2 Multiplication, Division, Divisibility Rules, and Roman Numerals
Week 3 English and Metric Measures
Week 4 Converting English & Metric Measures; Addition & Subtraction of Compound Measures
Week 5 Prime and Composite Numbers, Factoring, Greatest Common Factors
Week 6 Multiples, Least Common Multiples, Averaging
Week 7 Fractions: Equivalent, Changing, Addition and Subtraction
Week 8 Fractions: Borrowing with Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Ratio, Proportion, Rates, and Problem Solving with Proportion
Week 11 Decimals: Comparing, Rounding, Addition and Subtraction
Week 12 Decimals: Multiplication and Division
Week 13 Decimals: Powers of 10, Fraction Equivalents, Measures
Week 14 Percents: Percents as Fractions, Percents as Decimals, and Simplifying Fractions
Week 15 Percents: With Fractions, Less Than 1, Of a Number, Over 100
Week 16 Discounts, Simple Interest, Percent by Comparison, Comparing Measures
Week 17 Percent of Increase or Decrease, Rate of Discount, Finding an Unknown Number
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Bar Graphs, Line Graphs, Circle Graphs, Finding Percent of Circle Graphs
Week 20 Geometric Ideas and Shapes, Transformation of Shapes
Week 21 Perimeter of a Square, Rectangle, and Other Polygons
Week 22 Exponents and Area of a Square, Rectangle, and Triangle
Week 23 The Circle – Radius, Diameter, Circumference, and Area
Week 24 Using a Compass to Construct Congruent Lines and Angles
Week 25 Using a Protractor to Measure Angles
Week 26 Solid Figures, Volume of Rectangular Prisms, Triangular Prisms, and Cylinders
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Order of Operations, Changing Temperature of Fahrenheit or Celsius
Week 29 Algebraic Equations
Week 30 Introduction to Integers with Addition and Subtraction
Week 31 Integers on a Coordinate Plane; Graphing: Shapes on a Coordinate Plane and Functions
Week 32 Expressions and Equations with Integers, Multiplication and Division with Integers
Week 33 Tithe, Faith Promise Missions Offering, Saving, Budgets
Week 34 Review
Week 35 Review
Week 36 Review
73 Scope and Sequence
M135 – Math 7
M135 – Math 7
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Place Value
Week 2 Comparing Numbers, Estimation
Week 3 Divisibility Rules, Powers of 10
Week 4 Prime and Composite Numbers
Week 5 Fractions
Week 6 Fractions
Week 7 Fractions to Decimals, Ratio, Proportion, Solving Ratio
Week 8 Percent
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Measures
Week 11 Time
Week 12 Frequency Tables
Week 13 Graphs
Week 14 Geometric Symbols
Week 15 Polygons
Week 16 Polyhedrons, Square Roots, Exponents
Week 17 Polyhedrons, Roman Numerals, Biblical Measures
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Circles
Week 20 Measuring Angles
Week 21 Angles and Lines
Week 22 Banking
Week 23 Interest
Week 24 Insurances
Week 25 Comparative Shopping
Week 26 Tithe and Budgets
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Expressions
Week 29 Integers
Week 30 Equations
Week 31 Coordinate Planes
Week 32 Inequalities
Week 33 Trigonometry
Week 34 Review
Week 35 Review
Week 36 Review
Scope and Sequence 74
M140 – Math Foundations/Pre-Algebra
M140 – Math Foundations/Pre-Algebra
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Number System; Place Value
Week 2 Review of Basic Functions
Week 3 Prime and Composite Numbers
Week 4 Fractions
Week 5 Fractions
Week 6 Decimals
Week 7 Decimals; Ratios
Week 8 Percent
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Graphs
Week 11 Measurement
Week 12 Geometry
Week 13 Area
Week 14 Surface Area
Week 15 Volume
Week 16 Angles
Week 17 Triangles
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Algebra
Week 20 Order of Operations; Algebraic Expressions
Week 21 Integers
Week 22 Integers
Week 23 Equations
Week 24 One-Step Equations
Week 25 Multiple-Step Equations
Week 26 Word Problems and Equations
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Inequalities
Week 29 Exponents
Week 30 Square Roots; Trigonometry
Week 31 Calculating Square Roots
Week 32 Trigonometry
Week 33 Banking
Week 34 Review
Week 35 Review
Week 36 Review
75 Scope and Sequence
M145 – Algebra I
M145 – Algebra I
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 What is Algebra?
Week 2 Fractions
Week 3 Operators; Exponents; Order of Operations
Week 4 Sets; Number Lines
Week 5 Multiplying Positive and Negative Numbers; Distributive Property
Week 6 Properties
Week 7 Open Sentences; Solution Sets
Week 8 Compound Sentences; Graphing
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Using Properties
Week 11 Algebraic Expressions; Words; Sentences; Inequalities
Week 12 Finding Solution Sets
Week 13 Using Properties of Multiplication
Week 14 Simplifying Expressions
Week 15 Multiplicative Inverses; Multiplication Property of Equality
Week 16 Solving Equations; Multiplication Property of Zero
Week 17 Review; Word Problems; Solving Equations
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Properties of Order
Week 20 Subtraction of Real Numbers
Week 21 Division of Real Numbers
Week 22 Simplifying
Week 23 Multiplication of Terms; Monomials and Polynomials
Week 24 Working with Monomials
Week 25 Binomials and Trinomials
Week 26 Factoring Patterns
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Solving Equations with Factoring Patterns; Application of Equations
Week 29 Fractions and Ratios
Week 30 Sums and Mixed Fraction
Week 31 Fractional Equations; Ratio; Percent; Proportions; Applications
Week 32 Graphing Functional Relationships
Week 33 Open Sentences in Two Variables
Week 34 The Slope-Intercept Form; Direct Variation and Proportions
Week 35 Linear Equation Systems
Week 36 Review
Scope and Sequence 76
M150 – Geometry
M150 – Geometry
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Geometric Terms
Week 2 Angles
Week 3 Introduction to Postulates
Week 4 Geometric Terms
Week 5 Geometric Proof
Week 6 Introduction to Theorems
Week 7 Additional Postulates
Week 8 Line Relationships and Conditionals
Week 9 Parallel Lines
Week 10 Introduction to Polygons
Week 11 Preparation for Congruent Triangles
Week 12 Proving Triangles Congruent
Week 13 Using Congruent Triangles
Week 14 Quadrilaterals
Week 15 Beginning Geometric Constructions; Use of a Compass
Week 16 Using Basic Geometric Constructions
Week 17 Exterior and Interior Angles of Polygons
Week 18 Ratio; Proportion; Similar Polygons
Week 19 Similar Triangles
Week 20 Segments Divided Proportionally
Week 21 Radicals and Quadratics
Week 22 The Right Triangle
Week 23 The Pythagorean Theorem
Week 24 Special Right Triangles
Week 25 Introduction to Trigonometry
Week 26 Introduction to Circles
Week 27 Intercepted Arcs; Inscribed Angles
Week 28 Advanced Construction
Week 29 Introduction to Measurement
Week 30 Areas of Plane Figures
Week 31 Introduction to Solids
Week 32 Surface Area of Solids
Week 33 Volumes of Solids
Week 34 Coordinate Geometry
Week 35 Coordinate Geometry
Week 36 Coordinate Geometry
77 Scope and Sequence
M155 – Algebra II
M155 – Algebra II
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Set Relationship; Variables
Week 2 Real Numbers; Axioms; Identity and Inverse Elements
Week 3 Axiom Application; Adding, Subtracting Real Numbers; Multiplying, Dividing Real Numbers
Week 4 Calculating Equations: Algebraic Equalities
Week 5 Equations That Are Equal; Unions and Intersections
Week 6 Using Algebra to Work Problems; Converting Story Problems to Numerical Expressions
Week 7 Polynomials: Definitions; Factoring; Sums and Differences
Week 8 Polynomials: Products and Quotients; Factoring Monomials from Polynomials
Week 9 Factoring Polynomials
Week 10 Using Fractions in Polynomials; Lowest Terms
Week 11 Advanced Fractions: Dividing Polynomials; Building Fractions; Sums and Differences
Week 12 Products and Quotients; Complete Fractions
Week 13 Laws of Exponents; Zero and Negative Rational Exponents
Week 14 Scientific Notation; Products and Factors; Radicals
Week 15 Changing Forms of Radicals; Expanding Radicals
Week 16 Complex Numbers: Products and Quotients of Complex Numbers
Week 17 Equations; Conditional Equations
Week 18 Solving Equations: Identities; Inequalities
Week 19 Review: Solving Equations; Absolute Value
Week 20 Review: Inequalities; Word Problems
Week 21 Quadratic Equations: Completing the Square
Week 22 The Quadratic Formula: Equations with Radicals; Equations in Quadratic Form
Week 23 Two Variable Graphs: Graphing Ordered Pairs; Relations
Week 24 Limited Distance Formulas: Determining Points from Slopes; Graphs of Inequalities
Week 25 The Graphing of Quadratic Functions, Equations, and Inequalities: Conic Sections
Week 26 Graphs and Functional Relationships
Week 27 Equational Systems
Week 28 Determinants
Week 29 Applying Determinants to Real Equations; Other Methods of Solution
Week 30 Sequences, Series, and Progressions
Week 31 Progressions and Expansion; Scientific Notation; Exponents As Rational Numbers
Week 32 Functions and Logarithms
Week 33 Logarithms and Linear Interpolation
Week 34 Logarithms in Action
Week 35 Why Have We Been Studying Math?; Math History; Principles of Math
Week 36 Review of First and Second Semester
Scope and Sequence 78
M160 – Business Math
M160 – Business Math
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Business Math may be used during any year
in high school. This practical course includes
important information on Scriptural principles
of personal finances including local church
tithing, Faith Promise Missions giving, and
conservative views of taxes and financial
Material Covered
Week 1 Percentages
Week 2 Percentages
Week 3 Percentages
Week 4 Owning Your Own Car
Week 5 Business Math Applied to Income
Week 6 Business Math Applied to Income
Week 7 The Christian’s Financial Obligations to God
Week 8 Banking
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Banking
Week 11 Budgets and Credit
Week 12 Budgets
Week 13 Insurances
Week 14 Insurances
Week 15 Taxes
Week 16 Real Estate
Week 17 Utilities
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Taxes
Week 20 Federal Income Tax Returns
Week 21 Trade Discounts
Week 22 Cash Discount, Prices and Bank Loan Notes
Week 23 Filling Out Sales and Purchase Forms
Week 24 Businesses and Their Operations
Week 25 Businesses and Their Operations
Week 26 Businesses and Their Operations
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Business Operating Expenses
Week 29 Retail Gross Profit
Week 30 Profit and Mark-Up
Week 31 Mark-Up
Week 32 Investments, Promissory Notes, and Bankruptcy
Week 33 Making Wise Consumer Decisions
Week 34 Auto Insurance
Week 35 New Development in Business
Week 36 Review
79 Scope and Sequence
Introduction to the LFBC Science Program
Introduction to the LFBC Science Program
This refreshing program gives a student a basic understanding of science from the Christian Biblical
viewpoint as presented in the Word of God. A proper study of these concepts helps familiarize the
student with the basic body of knowledge necessary to being an informed Christian in a world of
The LFBC Science courses are as follows:
S105 God’s Wonderful Creations
S110 Nature Science
S115 Creation Day-By-Day
S120 Our World: Scientific Facts
S125 Beginner’s Physiology & Health
S130 Earth Science
S135 Biological Science
S140 General Science
S145 Physical Science
S150 Biology
S155 Health/Dynamic Biblical Living
S160 Scientific Creationism
S255 Chemistry (Future Course)
Scope and Sequence 80
S105 – God's Wonderful Creations
S105 – God's Wonderful Creations
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Crab: Male, Female, Design
Week 2 Crab: Home
Week 3 Crab: Body
Week 4 Crab: Shell
Week 5 Crab: Designed for Protection
Week 6 Crab: Feeding
Week 7 Crab: Protection
Week 8 Hermit Crab
Week 9 By the Sea in Review
Week 10 Ant
Week 11 Fly and Bee
Week 12 Queen Bees
Week 13 Work Bees
Week 14 Other Bees
Week 15 Wasp
Week 16 Spider
Week 17 Spiders at Home
Week 18 Insect World in Review
Week 19 Air and Wind
Week 20 Rain and Snow
Week 21 Mouse
Week 22 Cat and Dog
Week 23 Chicken and Duck
Week 24 Pig
Week 25 Bull and Cow
Week 26 Horse
Week 27 Reviewing “On the Farm”
Week 28 Bat
Week 29 Chipmunk and Squirrel
Week 30 Beaver
Week 31 Turtle and Tortoise
Week 32 Frog and Snake
Week 33 Hooters and Hoppers
Week 34 Elephant
Week 35 Hippo and Rhino
Week 36 Reviewing “Animals in the Wild”
81 Scope and Sequence
S110 – Nature Science
S110 – Nature Science
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Wasp and Mud Wasp
Week 2 Digger Wasp and Spider
Week 3 Spiders As Bridge Builders
Week 4 More About Spiders
Week 5 White Butterfly, Honey Bee, Harvest
Week 6 Moth, Caddis Worm, Mosquito
Week 7 Housefly, Tracker Fly, Leafcutter
Week 8 Butterfly, Gallfly
Week 9 Grasshoppers, Moths
Week 10 Owl, Squirrel, Beaver, Chicken, and
Week 11 Coats: Fish, Bird, Mussel, Moth
Week 12 Spring; Cocoon, Moth; Description,
Week 13 Kingbird, Robin, Ant
Week 14 Flea, Beetles, Mayfly
Week 15 Tumble Bugs, Bee, Praying Mantis
Week 16 Lady Bug, Quail, Measuring Worm
Week 17 Firefly, Bee, Earthworm
Week 18 Humming Bird, Hawkmoth, Snail,
Dragon-fly, Earwig
Week 19 Human Babies
Week 20 Hookwing Family of Insects
Week 21 Ant: At Home
Week 22 Slave Ants, Wonder Ants
Week 23 Ant, Worm
Week 24 Worm: At Work and At Home
Week 25 Housefly
Week 26 Fly
Week 27 Beetles
Week 28 Rose Beetle, Stag Beetle
Week 29 Stag Beetle, Water Beetles
Week 30 Whirligig Beetle, Barnacles
Week 31 Barnacles, Sea Plants
Week 32 Jellyfish, Starfish
Week 33 Sea-urchin, Dragon-fly
Week 34 Dragon-Fly: Stages Of Growth
Week 35 Dragon-Fly: Types, Food,
Description of Wings
Week 36 Review
Scope and Sequence 82
S115 – Creation Day-by-Day
S115 – Creation Day-by-Day
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 The Creation
Week 2 Day 1: Light Waves and Particles
Week 3 Day 1: Time; Matter
Week 4 Day 1: The Physical Laws
Week 5 Day 2: The Atmosphere
Week 6 Day 2: Water
Week 7 Day 2: The Sea
Week 8 Day 2: Weather; Climates
Week 9 Review of the First Two Days
Week 10 Day 3: Dry Land
Week 11 Day 3: Plants
Week 12 Day 4: Inner Planets
Week 13 Day 4: Outer Planets
Week 14 Day 5: Fish
Week 15 Day 5: Sea Mammals
Week 16 Day 5: Sea Animals
Week 17 Day 5: Birds
Week 18 Review of Days 1 – 5
Week 19 Day 6: Reptiles
Week 20 Day 6: Amphibians
Week 21 Day 6: Insects
Week 22 Day 6: Mammal Characteristics
Week 23 Day 6: Carnivores
Week 24 Day 6: Primates
Week 25 Day 6: Mammals of the Bible
Week 26 Day 6: Mammals of the Bible
Week 27 Review of Days 1 – 6
Week 28 Day 6: Man
Week 29 Circulatory & Respiratory Systems
Week 30 Digestive System
Week 31 Skeletal System
Week 32 Nervous System
Week 33 Sight and Hearing
Week 34 Touch, Taste, and Smell
Week 35 Day 7: God Rested
Week 36 Review of Days 1 – 7
83 Scope and Sequence
S120 – Our World: Scientific Facts
S120 – Our World: Scientific Facts
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional notes
Each week’s work begins with vocabulary. A
Glossary allows the students easy access to
definitions. Bible memory assignments are
part of each week’s work.
Material Covered
Week 1 What Is Science?
Week 2 What Is Light?
Week 3 What Is Sound?
Week 4 Ultrasonics
Week 5 What Is an Atom?
Week 6 What Is a Molecule?
Week 7 Basic Chemistry
Week 8 Putting Chemistry to Work
Week 9 Review of Weeks 1 – 9
Week 10 Simple machines
Week 11 Magnets
Week 12 Electricity
Week 13 Putting Energy to Work
Week 14 Nuclear Energy
Week 15 What Is Water?
Week 16 The Atmosphere and Weather
Week 17 Forecasting Weather and Storms
Week 18 Review of Weeks 10 – 17
Week 19 The Solar System
Week 20 Our Moon
Week 21 Space Travel
Week 22 Soil
Week 23 Plants
Week 24 Plants and Fungi
Week 25 Insects
Week 26 Animal Growth and Development
Week 27 Review of Weeks 19 – 26
Week 28 Conservation of Natural Resources
Week 29 Protecting Our Wildlife
Week 30 The Skeletal and Muscle Systems
Week 31 The Circulatory System
Week 32 Your Senses
Week 33 The Nervous System
Week 34 The Respiratory System
Week 35 Your Behavior
Week 36 Review of Weeks 28 – 35
Scope and Sequence 84
S125 – Beginner's Physiology & Health
S125 – Beginner's Physiology & Health
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Most weeks begin with vocabulary and end
with outside activities or a report.
Material Covered
Week 1 Introduction To Physiology
Week 2 The Skeleton, Part 1
Week 3 The Skeleton, Part 2
Week 4 The Skeleton, Part 3
Week 5 The Brain and Nerves
Week 6 Breathing, Part 1
Week 7 Breathing, Part 2
Week 8 Hygiene of the Lungs
Week 9 Review of Weeks 1 – 8
Week 10 The Blood
Week 11 Hygiene of Circulation
Week 12 Food
Week 13 Digestion
Week 14 How We Move
Week 15 The Covering of the Body
Week 16 Special Senses, Part 1
Week 17 Special Senses, Part 2
Week 18 Review of Weeks 10 – 17
Week 19 The Real You
Week 20 Know Yourself
Week 21 Living with Others
Week 22 Making and Keeping Friends
Week 23 Good Grooming
Week 24 Hygiene
Week 25 A Good Social Appearance
Week 26 Good Health
Week 27 Review of Weeks 19 – 26
Week 28 Nutrition
Week 29 Exercise
Week 30 Caring for Your Teeth
Week 31 Safety
Week 32 What to Do In an Emergency
Week 33 Enemies of Good Health
Week 34 Community Health
Week 35 Your Responsibility as an Individual
Week 36 Review of Weeks 27 – 35
85 Scope and Sequence
S130 – Earth Science
S130 – Earth Science
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Each week begins with vocabulary and ends
with a report or an activity based on material
covered during that week. Bible memory
assignments are also included in each week.
Material Covered
Week 1 Introduction to Earth Science
Week 2 Energy
Week 3 Fire and Heat
Week 4 Magnetism
Week 5 Electricity
Week 6 Light
Week 7 Colors
Week 8 Sound
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Compostion of the Earth
Week 11 Inner structure of the Earth
Week 12 Rocks
Week 13 Minerals
Week 14 Fossil Fuels
Week 15 Soil
Week 16 Land forms
Week 17 Volcanoes
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Water
Week 20 Oceans and Seas
Week 21 Fresh Water
Week 22 Water Cycle
Week 23 Conservation of Water
Week 24 Winds
Week 25 Weather
Week 26 Severe Weather
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Climate
Week 29 Polar Climate Zone
Week 30 Temperate Zone
Week 31 Tropic Zone
Week 32 Rain Forests
Week 33 Grasslands
Week 34 Deserts
Week 35 Temperate Forests
Week 36 Review
Scope and Sequence 86
S135 – Biological Science
S135 – Biological Science
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Each week begins with vocabulary. Reports
are required on material covered in certain
weeks. Several experiments that can be done
at home are included in different weeks. A
verse is learned each week having to do with
the information given.
Material Covered
Week 1 Introduction to the Life Sciences
Week 2 Non-Vascular Plants
Week 3 Lichens and Bryophytes
Week 4 Vascular Plants
Week 5 Gymnosperms
Week 6 Angiosperms
Week 7 Flowers and Reproduction
Week 8 Flowering Plant Processes
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Invertebrates
Week 11 Simple Worms
Week 12 Mollusks and Echinoderms
Week 13 Arthropods
Week 14 Fish, Part 1
Week 15 Fish, Part 2
Week 16 Amphibians, Part 1
Week 17 Amphibians, Part 2
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Reptiles, Part 1
Week 20 Reptiles, Part 2
Week 21 Birds, Part 1
Week 22 Birds, Part 2
Week 23 Mammals, Part 1
Week 24 Mammals, Part 2
Week 25 Mammals, Part 3
Week 26 Mammals, Part 4
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Introduction to the Human Kingdom
Week 29 Skeletal System
Week 30 Muscular System
Week 31 Circulatory System
Week 32 Respiratory System
Week 33 Digestive and Excretory Systems
Week 34 Nervous System
Week 35 Endocrine System
Week 36 Review
87 Scope and Sequence
S140 – General Science
S140 – General Science
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Each week begins with vocabulary. Reports
are required on material covered in certain
weeks. Bible memory assignments are also
included in each week.
Material Covered
Week 1 Movement of the Planets
Week 2 The Solar System
Week 3 The Moon
Week 4 Time and Position
Week 5 Stars
Week 6 Constellations
Week 7 Galaxies
Week 8 Telescopes
Week 9 Explorations in Space
Week 10 Man in Space
Week 11 The Atmosphere
Week 12 Heating the Earth
Week 13 Properties of the Air
Week 14 Composition of Air
Week 15 Properties of Water
Week 16 Sources of Water
Week 17 Importance of Water
Week 18 Wind
Week 19 Clouds
Week 20 Storms
Week 21 Weather Forecasting
Week 22 Climate
Week 23 Composition of the Earth
Week 24 The Earth’s Crust
Week 25 Minerals
Week 26 Oceanography
Week 27 The Ocean
Week 28 How Does the Ocean Affect Us?
Week 29 Conservation of Soil
Week 30 Conservation of Water
Week 31 Conservation of Minerals
Week 32 Green Plants
Week 33 Flowering Plants: Structure
Week 34 Flowering Plants: Reproduction
Week 35 Flowering Plants: Other Functions
Week 36 Study habits
Scope and Sequence 88
S145 – Physical Science
S145 – Physical Science
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Most weeks begin with vocabulary and end
with an activity and a lab report. Each activity
provides step-by-step instructions and a list of
supplies needed with any of the activities and
lab assignments requiring scientific
equipment. Much of this material is easily
obtained through school supply stores or
scientific equipment outlets.
Material Covered
Week 1 Physical Science
Week 2 The Scientific Method
Week 3 Standards of Measurement
Week 4 Force
Week 5 Mechanical Advantage
Week 6 Motion
Week 7 Laws of Motion
Week 8 Properties of Motion
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Physical Properties of Matter
Week 11 Chemical Properties of Matter
Week 12 Atomic and Their Properties
Week 13 Periodic Table of the Elements
Week 14 The Periodic Table Continued
Week 15 Metals
Week 16 Gases and Nonmetals
Week 17 Carbon Chemistry
Week 18 Organic Compounds
Week 19 Fluids and Their Forces
Week 20 Waves
Week 21 The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Week 22 Chromatic Light
Week 23 Light and Its Application
Week 24 Sound
Week 25 Heat Energy
Week 26 Heat and Application
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Electricity
Week 29 Electricity and Its Application
Week 30 Electronics
Week 31 Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy
Week 32 Radioactivity and Its Applications
Week 33 Alternative Energy Resources
Week 34 Conservation
Week 35 Thinking God’s Thoughts After Him
Week 36 Review
89 Scope and Sequence
S150 – Biology
S150 – Biology
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 35 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Most weeks begin with vocabulary and end
with an essay or report.
Material Covered
Week 1 The Basis of Life
Week 2 Organic Chemistry
Week 3 The Cell
Week 4 Cellular Functions
Week 5 Classification of Organisms
Week 6 Kingdom Protista
Week 7 Bacteria and Viruses
Week 8 Introduction to the Animals
Week 9 The Worms
Week 10 Phylum Mollusca
Week 11 Phylum Arthropoda, Part 1
Week 12 Phylum Arthropoda, Part 2
Week 13 Phylum Chordata: Fish
Week 14 Phylum Chordata: Amphibians
Week 15 Phylum Chordata: Reptiles
Week 16 Class Aves: Birds
Week 17 Class Mammalia
Week 18 Introduction to the Human Body
Week 19 Digestive System
Week 20 Respiratory System
Week 21 Circulatory System
Week 22 Excretory System
Week 23 Nervous System
Week 24 Sense Organs
Week 25 Muscular System
Week 26 Skeletal System
Week 27 Endocrine System
Week 28 Genetics
Week 29 Introduction to Plants
Week 30 Anatomy of Plants
Week 31 Physiology of Plants
Week 32 Reproduction of Plants
Week 33 Kingdom Fungi
Week 34 Ecology
Week 35 Creation Accepted by Faith
Scope and Sequence 90
S155 – Health/Dynamic Biblical Living
S155 – Health/Dynamic Biblical Living
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Two sets of Studyguide Answers
Two sets of 18 Weekly Quizzes
Two sets of Weekly Quiz Answers
Two sets of Quarter Tests
Two sets of Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
Semester 1 includes very practical
presentations of the human body. Special
emphasis is given to the importance of moral
purity, including a study of God’s moral code
as found in the Scriptures. Semester 2 deals
with issues vital to enabling our Christian
young people to develop into solid and mature
Bible-knowing and God-loving Christians. It
progressively teaches how to correctly
interpret Scripture and to practically apply its
teachings to our lives.
Semester 1 – Health
Week 1 None Of These Diseases
Week 2 Circulatory & Respiratory Systems
Week 3 Skeletal & External Systems
Week 4 Digestive & Excretory Systems
Week 5 Brain & the Nervous System
Week 6 Body Chemistry, Hormones, Germs,
and Disease
Week 7 Nutrition
Week 8 Hygiene
Week 9 Dental Care
Week 10 Hard Work, Exercise, and Weight
Week 11 Sleep, Energy, and Fatigue
Week 12 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs
Week 13 A Healthy Social Life
Week 14 Human Reproduction
Week 15 Purity: Health’s Highest Ideal
Week 16 Additional Principles about Purity
Week 17 Physical and Emotional Reasons for
Moral Purity
Week 18 Mental Attitudes and Good Health
Sem 2 – Dynamic Biblical Living
Week 1 Intro to Dynamic Biblical Living
Week 2 The Biblical Living Process
Week 3 What Is the Heart?
Week 4 Prepare Your Heart
Week 5 The Wisdom Process
Week 6 The 4 Stages of Wisdom Process
Week 7 Interrelationship of the 4 Stages
Week 8 Skills for the Wisdom Process
Week 9 Words and Their Power
Week 10 Meditation, The Eight Steps of
Week 11 Benefits of & Obstacles to
Week 12 Thinking Skills and Question Asking
Week 13 Observing for Knowledge
Week 14 Interpreting for Understanding
Week 15 The Purpose of Scripture
Week 16 Plan of Application Stage
Week 17 Activating for Practice, Part I
Week 18 Activating for Practice, Part II
91 Scope and Sequence
S160 – Scientific Creationism
S160 – Scientific Creationism
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 33 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Material Covered
Week 1 Special Creation, Part 1
Week 2 Special Creation, Part 2
Week 3 The Gap Theory
Week 4 Other Theories of Origin
Week 5 Bible Problems, Part 1
Week 6 Bible Problems, Part 2
Week 7 Bible Proof for Creation
Week 8 More Bible Proof for Creation
Week 9 Review Weeks 1 – 8
Week 10 Charles Darwin
Week 11 More About Charles Darwin
Week 12 Organic Evolution, Part 1
Week 13 Organic Evolution, Part 2
Week 14 Hopeful Monsters
Week 15 Creator’s Design, Part 1
Week 16 Creator’s Design, Part 2
Week 17 Where Are the Missing Links?
Week 18 Review Weeks 10 – 17
Week 19 The Genesis Flood, Part 1
Week 20 The Genesis Flood, Part 2
Week 21 The Genesis Flood, Part 3
Week 22 Noah’s Ark
Week 23 The Geological Column, Part 1
Week 24 The Geological Column, Part 2
Week 25 Spontaneous Generation
Week 26 Natural Selection and Mutations
Week 27 Review Weeks 19 – 26
Week 28 Ape Men, Part 1
Week 29 Ape Men, Part 2
Week 30 Problems with Dating, Part 1
Week 31 Problems with Dating, Part 2
Week 32 What Happened to the Dinosaurs?
Week 33 Review Weeks 27 – 32
Scope and Sequence 92
S255 – Chemistry (Elective)
S255 – Chemistry (Elective)
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
This course is being developed for future
availability. A thorough study of the many
facets of Chemistry from a Biblical viewpoint.
Video support including lab experiments will
be included.
Material Covered
Week 1 Introduction, Scientific Method
Week 2 Mass, Energy, Measurements
Week 3 Laws, Properties, Changes
Week 4 The Elements
Week 5 Stoichiometry I
Week 6 Stoichiometry II
Week 7 Stoichiometry III
Week 8 Reactions
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Gas Laws I
Week 11 Gas Laws II
Week 12 Chemical Thermodynamics I
Week 13 Chemical Thermodynamics II
Week 14 Atomic Structure
Week 15 Electron Configuration
Week 16 The Periodic Table
Week 17 Periodic Trends
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Covalent, Ionic, and Metallic Bonds
Week 20 Chemical Bonds
Week 21 Bond Length, Energy, Shape, and
Intermolecular Forces
Week 22 Intermolecular Forces and States of
Matter I
Week 23 Intermolecular Forces and States of
Matter II
Week 24 Introduction to Solutions
Week 25 Solution Concentration
Week 26 Chemical Kinetics
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Acids-Base Chemistry
Week 29 Acids, Bases, and Salts
Week 30 Redox Reactions
Week 31 Nuclear Chemistry
Week 32 Synthetic Elements, Nuclear
Fission, & Nuclear Fusion
Week 33 Organic Chemistry
Week 34 Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry
Week 35 The Periodic Table
Week 36 Review
93 Scope and Sequence
LFBC Electives
LFBC Electives
At the present time the following electives courses are offered:
V702 Penmanship
V730 Principles of Music
V736 Home Economics
V737 Shop
V738 Personal Development for Young Ladies
V739 Personal Development for Young Men
V740 Spanish I
V741 Computer Literacy
V742 Computer Keyboarding
V750 Spanish II
Scope and Sequence 94
V702 – Penmanship
V702 – Penmanship
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Quarter Tests
Complete Subject Set does not
Weekly Quiz Answers*
Quarter Test Answers*
*These are not necessary as the
Teacher/Parent will simply grade students’
cursive writing on the Weekly Quizzes and
Quarter Tests.
Additional Notes
This course is not suitable for high school
credit, although it has been used successfully
with teenagers to teach proper cursive
handwriting skills. LFBC’s Penmanship
(cursive handwriting) curriculum is unique. It is
a totally complete program. Beginning with
step-by-step instructions for forming all
cursive lower- and upper-case letters,
students are led progressively through writing
on dotted lines, copying cursive letters,
copying printed letters in cursive, to learning
how to write on notebook-ruled paper.
Material Covered
Week 1 Letters: u, i
Week 2 Letters: e, l
Week 3 Letters: w, b
Week 4 Letters: t
Week 5 Letters: r, s
Week 6 Letters: j, p
Week 7 Letters: h, k
Week 8 Letters: f
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Letters: n
Week 11 Letters: m
Week 12 Letters: v, x, y
Week 13 Letters: z
Week 14 Letters: a; Capitals: A
Week 15 Letters: d, c
Week 16 Letters: o; Capitals: O
Week 17 Letters: g, q
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Capitals: C, E
Week 20 Capitals: P, R, B
Week 21 Capitals: N, M
Week 22 Capitals: K, H
Week 23 Capitals: V, U, Y
Week 24 Capitals: W, X, Z
Week 25 Capitals: Q, L
Week 26 Capitals: T, F
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Capitals: S, G
Week 29 Capitals: I, J
Week 30 Capitals: D
Week 31 Copying: Cursive to Cursive
Week 32 Large Lines, Not Dotted
Week 33 Writing: Print to Cursive
Week 34 Notebook Paper Lines
Week 35 Copying: Print to Cursive
Week 36 Copying: Print to Cursive
95 Scope and Sequence
V730 – Principles of Music
V730 – Principles of Music
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
This course is for use as a high school
elective and is the equivalent of one full credit.
It covers music history, music theory, reading
music, and other aspects of music. No
previous musical knowledge is necessary on
the part of the student or the Teacher/Parent.
Material Covered
Week 1 God’s Creation & Purpose of Music
Week 2 Music is Art!
Week 3 Classic Period
Week 4 Medieval Period
Week 5 Renaissance Period
Week 6 Baroque Period
Week 7 Neo-Classic, Romantic, Impression
Week 8 Avant-Garde Period
Week 9 Fun Facts and Review
Week 10 The Treble Staff
Week 11 The Bass Staff
Week 12 The Grand Staff
Week 13 Notes
Week 14 Rests
Week 15 Measures
Week 16 Time Signatures
Week 17 More about Time Signatures
Week 18 Fun Facts and Review
Week 19 Sharps and Accidentals
Week 20 Flats and the Natural Sign
Week 21 Scales and Chords
Week 22 Key Signatures
Week 23 Dynamics and Tempo
Week 24 Other Signs and Symbols
Week 25 Treble Staff Voice Parts
Week 26 Bass Staff Voice Parts
Week 27 Fun Facts and Review
Week 28 Melody
Week 29 Harmony
Week 30 Rhythm
Week 31 Volume
Week 32 Form
Week 33 Text
Week 34 Performance
Week 35 A Message from Russia
Week 36 Fun Facts and Review
Scope and Sequence 96
V736 – Home Economics
V736 – Home Economics
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Additional Notes
This course is for use as a high school
elective and is the equivalent of one full credit.
Our main thought for the Home Economics
course is that everything in the home should
center around God and be Christ-honoring.
Most lessons begin with vocabulary study.
Material Covered
Week 1 Creating a Cookbook
Week 2 Measures, Weights & Substitutions
Week 3 Setting Table/Etiquette/Entertaining
Week 4 Smart Grocery Shopping
Week 5 Cooking with a Crock Pot
Week 6 Vitamins and Minerals
Week 7 Let’s Cook Italian!
Week 8 Mexican Cooking
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Buying and Cooking Meat
Week 11 Food and Nutrition
Week 12 Planning a Meal
Week 13 Baking
Week 14 Cooking & Entertaining for Holidays
Week 15 Packing a Lunch
Week 16 Canning and Preserving
Week 17 Chatting about Chocolate
Week 18 Review
Week 19 The Basics of First Aid, Part 1
Week 20 The Basics of First Aid, Part 2
Week 21 Personal Hygiene
Week 22 Caring for Your Hair
Week 23 Basics in Babysitting
Week 24 Child Care: Birth to 6 Months
Week 25 Child Care: 7 Months to 1 Year
Week 26 Working on Your Cookbook
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Basic Sewing Tips
Week 29 Crafts
Week 30 Cleaning House
Week 31 Life with the Laundry
Week 32 Conquering and Controlling Clutter
Week 33 Making a Budget
Week 34 General Household Hints
Week 35 Relationships
Week 36 Review
97 Scope and Sequence
V737 – Shop
V737 – Shop
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 18 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Additional Notes
This course is for use as a high school
elective and is the equivalent of one-half
credit (a one semester course). The various
subjects covered within the study of shop will
give, in most cases, a simple, elementary view
of the subject covered. This course deals with
electricity, plumbing, machine shop,
automotive maintenance, and carpentry. Much
of the basic information given will be needed
for home use or as an introduction to the field
you may work in someday. An applicable
Scripture verse is included in each week.
Material Covered
Week 1 Project
Week 2 Safety; Work Habits
Week 3 Hobby; Home Use, and Profit
Week 4 Basic Electricity
Week 5 Electrical: Tools, Material, Supplies
Week 6 Electrical: Repairs and Installations
Week 7 Plumbing: Tools and Uses
Week 8 Plumbing: Materials and Supplies
Week 9 Plumbing: Problems and Repairs
Week 10 Heating and Air Conditioning
Week 11 Basic Machine Shop: Hand Tools and Uses
Week 12 Basic Machine Shop: Power Tools and Uses
Week 13 Machine Shop: Materials, Supplies
Week 14 Welding
Week 15 Basic Automotive Maintenance
Week 16 Carpentry: Tools and Uses
Week 17 Carpentry: Material and Supplies
Week 18 Carpentry: Walls, Ceilings, and Floors
Scope and Sequence 98
V738 – Personal Development for Young Ladies
V738 – Personal Development for Young Ladies
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 18 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
This course is for use as a high school
elective and is the equivalent of one-half
credit (a one semester course). This course
will benefit young ladies for the remainder of
their lives. In fact, it will help make ladies out
of girls if the material is studied, believed, and
applied. Being a Christian affects every area
of one’s life; therefore, girls should use the
Bible as their guide to dating, dressing, family
relationships, etc.
Each lesson begins with vocabulary work and
ends with an essay to be written.
Material Covered
Week 1 Essence of Beauty
Week 2 What Beauty Is Not: Fear and Anger
Week 3 Dispelling Beauty Through Jealously, Indifference, Immorality
Week 4 The Essential Element of Inner Beauty; the Love of God
Week 5 Three Most Becoming Attitudes: Quiet Charm, Appreciative Outlook, Servant’s Attitude
Week 6 The Beauty of Loving Yourself
Week 7 The Ideal Woman: God’s Wonderful Creation
Week 8 The Essence of Womanhood: Femininity
Week 9 Understanding Men
Week 10 Satan’s Attack on God’s Creation Through Unisex
Week 11 Satan’s Attack on God’s Creation Through ERA and the Sensuality Movement
Week 12 How Diet Dictates Health and Beauty
Week 13 Making the Most of Me with Makeup
Week 14 The Importance of Politeness, Poise, and Polish
Week 15 How to Make My Life Be What It Should Be
Week 16 The Role of the Christian Young Lady in Dating
Week 17 Finding the Man of Your Dreams
Week 18 Pulling It All Together
99 Scope and Sequence
V739 – Personal Development for Young Men
V739 – Personal Development for Young Men
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 18 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
This course is for use as a high school
elective and is the equivalent of one-half
credit (a one semester course). This course
will benefit young men for the remainder of
their lives. In fact, it will help make men out of
boys if the material is studied, believed, and
applied. Being a Christian affects every area
of one’s life; therefore, boys should use the
Bible as their guide to dating, dressing, family
relationships, etc.
Each lesson begins with vocabulary work and
ends with an essay to be written.
Material Covered
Week 1 Essence of Manhood
Week 2 What Manhood Is Not: Fear and Anger
Week 3 Dispelling Beauty Through Jealously, Indifference, Immorality
Week 4 The Essential Element of Inner Strength; the Love of God
Week 5 Three Most Becoming Attitudes: Quiet Spirit, Appreciative Spirit, Servant’s Spirit
Week 6 The Beauty of Loving Yourself
Week 7 The Ideal Man: God’s Wonderful Creation
Week 8 The Essence of Manhood: Masculinity
Week 9 Understanding Women
Week 10 Satan’s Attack on God’s Creation Through Unisex
Week 11 Satan’s Attack on God’s Creation Through ERA and the Sensuality Movement
Week 12 How Diet Dictates Health and Beauty
Week 13 Skin Care
Week 14 The Importance of Politeness and Courtesy
Week 15 How to Make My Life Be What It Should Be
Week 16 The Role of the Christian Young Man in Dating
Week 17 Finding the Girl of Your Dreams
Week 18 Pulling It All Together
Scope and Sequence 100
V740 – Spanish I
V740 – Spanish I
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
2 CDs
Additional Notes
This course is for use as a high school
elective and is the equivalent of one full credit.
Spanish I is designed to give the student an
introduction to Spanish, and to help the
student be able to present the plan of
salvation to a Spanish-speaking person.
Material Covered
Week 1 Alphabet, Pronunciation
Week 2 Nouns, Gender, Definite/Indefinite
Week 3 Nominative Case Pronouns, Ser vs.
Week 4 Numbers, Telling Time
Week 5 Days of Week, Months of Year
Week 6 De, Possessive Adjectives
Week 7 Y”, -AR Verbs
Week 8 IR”, Sentences with Two Verbs
Week 9 Review
Week 10 -ER Verbs, Descriptive Adjectives
Week 11 Querer, Poder, Tener (que)
Week 12 -IR Verbs, Adjectives of Nationality
Week 13 Hay vs. Ser/Estar, Quantitative
Week 14 Hacer, Dar, Adjective Clauses with
Week 15 Saber vs. Conocer, A with Direct
Objects, Que
Week 16 Comparative Degree of Adjectives,
Tan (Como)
Week 17 Demonstrative Adjectives,
Combining Sentences
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Irregular Verbs: -G, “Shall I”
Week 20 Irregular Verbs: -Z
Week 21 Irregular Verbs: -I, Pedir vs.
Preguntar, Direct Object Pronouns
Week 22 Irregular Verbs: -IE, Double Object
Week 23 Irregular Verbs: “-UE
Week 24 Indefinite Words and Their
Opposites, Double Object
Pronouns: Irregular -G Verbs
Week 25 Lo Que, Gerunds, Double Object
Pronouns: Irregular -Z Verbs
Week 26 Objects of Prepositions: Gerunds,
Pronouns; Double Object Pronouns:
Irregular -I Verbs
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Preterite Tense: Regular -AR Verbs
Week 29 Preterite Tense: Regular -ER and
-IR Verbs
Week 30 Preterite Tense: Regular Ser, Ir, and
Week 31 Preterite Tense: Irregular Ver, Dar,
Oir, Leer, and Creer
Week 32 Preterite Tense: Using Necesitar
Week 33 Preterite Tense: Irregular -I Verbs,
Irregular -IE Verbs and -UE Verbs
Week 34 Preterite Tense: Irregular Stem
Change Verbs
Week 35 Review
Week 36 Plan of Salvation
101 Scope and Sequence
V741 – Computer Literacy
V741 – Computer Literacy
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
This course is for use as a high school
elective and is the equivalent of one full credit.
Material Covered
Week 1 Introduction to Computers
Week 2 Computers at Work
Week 3 How Do Computers Work?
Week 4 The History of Computers
Week 5 History of the Personal Computer
Week 6 Computer Hardware
Week 7 Computer Peripherals
Week 8 Storage: Secondary Memory
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Software
Week 11 Databases
Week 12 Building a Database
Week 13 Working with Data in a Database
Week 14 Spreadsheets
Week 15 Using Spreadsheets
Week 16 Using Spreadsheets (continued)
Week 17 Charting with the Spreadsheet
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Financial Software
Week 20 Word Processing
Week 21 Word Processing (continued)
Week 22 Word Processing Tools
Week 23 Formatting a Word Processing File
Week 24 Page Layout Software
Week 25 Paint and Photo Editing Software
Week 26 Draw Programs
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Microsoft Windows
Week 29 Using Microsoft Windows
Week 30 Communications Software
Week 31 Networks
Week 32 Programming
Week 33 Programming Styles
Week 34 Educational Software
Week 35 Where Do We Go From Here?
Week 36 Review
Scope and Sequence 102
V742 – Computer Keyboarding
V742 – Computer Keyboarding
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Studyguide with 36 weeks of work
Practice Activity Book
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
This course is for use as a high school
elective and is the equivalent of one full credit.
It includes a separate practice book, from
which the student types practice activities and
works on building typing speed. Typing speed
is built up towards the end of the course to at
least 30 words per minute.
Material Covered
Week 1 Home Row: f, j
Week 2 Home Row: d, k, s, l, a, ;
Week 3 Keys: g, f, h, j, r, u, t, y, ., Capitals
Week 4 Keys: e, I, w, o, ,, ?
Week 5 Keys: q, p, b, n
Week 6 Keys: v, m, c, x, z
Week 7 Keys: ’, Backspace, Tab, Caps Lock
Week 8 Keys: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 0, 5, 6
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Keys: !, @, #
Week 11 Keys: $, %, ^
Week 12 Keys: &, ’, (, ), -, _, =, +
Week 13 Keys: [ ], { }, /, |, `, ~
Week 14 Practice: Right & Left Hand Combos
Week 15 Practice: Special Characters
Week 16 Practice Activities
Week 17 Speed and Accuracy Drills
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Numeric Keypad: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Week 20 Numeric Keypad: 1, 2, 3, +, -
Week 21 Numeric Keypad: /, ’, .
Week 22 Num Lock
Week 23 Del Key, Typing Columns
Week 24 Insert/Overtype Modes, Alt Keys
Week 25 Ctrl Key, PageUp, PageDn
Week 26 Scroll Lock, Directional/Arrow Keys
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Spell Check, Type Ahead, Macros,
Automatic Capitalization, Margins
Week 29 Moving Text in a Word Processor
Week 30 Spreadsheets
Week 31 Alternative Input Systems
Week 32 Alternative Keyboard Arrangements
Week 33 Pointing Devices
Week 34 Practice
Week 35 Practice
Week 36 Review
103 Scope and Sequence
V750 – Spanish II
V750 – Spanish II
Complete Subject Set Includes:
Two Studyguides with 36 weeks of work
Studyguide Answers
Weekly Quizzes
Weekly Quiz Answers
Quarter Tests
Quarter Test Answers
Additional Notes
This course is for use as a high school
elective and is the equivalent of one full credit.
Spanish II continues to build on the solid
foundation of Spanish I and to help the
student be able to present the plan of
salvation to a Spanish-speaking person.
Material Covered
Week 1 Review: Present Tense Verbs
Week 2 Review: Nouns, Adjectives
Week 3 Review: Past Tense Verbs
Week 4 Double Object Pronouns
Week 5 Nominalization
Week 6 Nominalization, cont.
Week 7 Imperfect Tense
Week 8 Adjective Placement, Superlative
Week 9 Review
Week 10 Imperfect Tense, cont.
Week 11 Reflexive Object Pronouns
Week 12 Imperfect Tense, cont.
Week 13 Reflexive, cont.
Week 14 Neuter Articles
Week 15 Reflexive, cont.
Week 16 Compound Interrogatives
Week 17 Indefinite and Negative Words
Week 18 Review
Week 19 Present Perfect Tense
Week 20 Compound Relative Pronouns
Week 21 Relative Pronouns & Past Tense
Week 22 The Verb Gustar
Week 23 Para vs. Por
Week 24 Adverbs
Week 25 Future Tense
Week 26 Irregular Future Tense
Week 27 Review
Week 28 Conditional Tense
Week 29 Irregular Conditional Tense
Week 30 Passive Voice & Exclamations
Week 31 True Passive Tense & Diminutives
Week 32 Passive & Infinitives
Week 33 Present Progressive Tense
Week 34 Commands & Subjunctive Mood
Week 35 Review
Week 36 Plan of salvation
Scope and Sequence 104