LB&I Transaction Unit
Knowledge Base International
Library Level Number Title
Shelf Individual Inbound
Book 15 Withholding (Individual Inbound)
Chapter 15.2 Nonresident Alien FIRPTA Issues
Unit Name Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Primary UIL Code 9442.02 Nonresident Alien FIRPTA Income and Withholding
Document Control Number (DCN) WIT/T/15_02-01
Date of Last Update 09/19/17
Note: This document is not an official pronouncement of law, and cannot be used, cited or relied upon as such. Further, this document may not contain a
comprehensive discussion of all pertinent issues or law or the IRS's interpretation of current law.
Table of Contents
(View this PowerPoint in “Presentation View” to click on the links below)
General Overview
Issue and Transaction Overview
Transaction and Fact Pattern
Summary of Potential Issues
Audit Steps
Index of Referenced Resources
Training and Additional Resources
Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
Index of Related Practice Units
Issue and Transaction Overview
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Foreign persons are liable for U.S. income tax on a sale or other taxable disposition of U.S. real property. U.S. income tax treaties
generally allow for such U.S. taxation of a foreign person’s taxable disposition of U.S. real property (such as the 2006 U.S. Model
Income Tax Convention, Article 6). In order to ensure payment of tax on such real property dispositions by foreign persons, a
withholding tax is imposed on specified withholding agents involved in the transaction (for example, the purchaser). The general rules
of this withholding mechanism are covered in this Practice Unit.
Under the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980 (FIRPTA), a foreign person who disposes of a U.S. real property
interest is subject to the income tax withholding on the transaction. FIRPTA gives the United States the authority to tax foreign persons
on the disposition of U.S. real property interests. For FIRPTA purposes, a disposition means a “disposition” for any purpose of the
Internal Revenue Code (IRC). Therefore, dispositions include but are not limited to sales or exchanges, liquidations, redemptions,
gifts, transfers, etc.
Persons, whether U.S. or foreign, purchasing U.S. real property interests from foreign persons, certain purchasers' agents, and
settlement officers are generally required to withhold 10 percent of the amount realized on dispositions prior to February 17, 2016, and
withhold 15 percent on dispositions after February 16, 2016. The general rate has been increased from 10 percent to 15 percent due
to the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 (the PATH Act) which was signed into law on December 18, 2015. In most
transactions, the buyer or purchaser is the withholding agent. The buyer is required to determine if the seller is a foreign person or not.
If the buyer fails to withhold when the seller is a foreign person, the buyer may be liable for the tax required to be withheld.
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Transaction and Fact Pattern
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Diagram of Transaction Facts
A foreign person (transferor) disposes, transfers, sells, etc. a
U.S. real property interest (USRPI) to either a U.S. person or a
foreign person.
The buyer (transferee) of the USRPI is generally required under
FIRPTA to withhold an amount equal to 10 percent of the
amount realized by the transferor on dispositions prior to
February 17, 2016, and withhold 15 percent on dispositions after
February 16, 2016.
Effect on Tax
If there is any gain on the sale of USRPI by a foreign person, the
gain is considered effectively connected income. Therefore, the
foreign person is required to file a Form 1040NR and report the
gain which is taxable by the U.S. If the transferee does not
withhold as required, then the U.S. is relying on the foreign person
to file the Form 1040NR to report the gain and pay the tax due.
Disposition of Property
Foreign Person
Disposes of
U.S. or Foreign
Purchases USRPI
Sales Proceeds
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U.S. or Foreign
Person Purchases
Summary of Potential Issues
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Issue 1 Determine if the transferor is a foreign person.
Issue 2 Determine if the property disposed of is a U.S. real property interest.
Issue 3 Determine if the transferee properly withheld, filed appropriate forms and paid the tax withheld.
Issue 4 Determine if one of the exemptions to FIRPTA withholding applies.
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All Issues, Step 1: Initial Factual Development
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
In general under FIRPTA, any person, whether a U.S. or foreign person, who acquires a USRPI from the seller who is a foreign person
must withhold a tax of 10 percent of the amount realized by the transferor on dispositions prior to February 17, 2016, and withhold 15
percent on dispositions after February 16, 2016.
Fact Element Resources
Determine if a foreign person (transferor) disposes of an interest either in real property or an
entity that owns real property located in the U.S.
Determine whether the real property disposed of by the transferor is a USRPI.
Determine whether the interest in the U.S. entity which owns U.S. real property is a U.S.
real property holding corporation.
Determine whether the transferee, who may be a U.S. person or a foreign person, is
required to withhold on the amount realized and if so, at which withholding rate.
Determine whether the transferee withheld amounts and submitted the amounts withheld
within 20 days of the date of the disposition to the IRS by using Forms 8288 and 8288-A
and provided a copy of Form 8288-A to the transferor. - FIRPTA Withholding -
Withholding of Tax on Dispositions of
United States Real Property Interests
IRC 897
IRC 1445
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-1
IRC 897(c)
IRM 4.61.12 - Foreign Investment in
Real Property Tax Act
IRM 2.3.59 - Command Codes
Form 8288
Form 8288-A
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All Issues, Step 1: Initial Factual Development (cont’d)
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Fact Element Resources
Determine status of transferor foreign or U.S. person.
Identify property disposed of including contracts, attachments, exhibits, addendums, etc.
Determine steps of the transaction.
Identify any exemptions for required withholding.
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Issue 1, Step 2: Review Potential Issues
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Issue 1
Determine if the transferor is a foreign person.
Explanation of Issue Resources
The FIRPTA rules generally require a transferee to withhold on the amount realized when a
transferor who is a nonresident alien or a foreign corporation (foreign person) disposes a U.S.
real property interest unless there is an exemption. The first determination to be made is
whether the transferor is a foreign person.
A foreign person is defined for FIRPTA purposes to mean any person other than a United
States person. Additionally, a foreign person includes a foreign government.
A foreign person includes a nonresident alien which is defined as neither a U.S. citizen nor a
resident of the U.S.
A United States person is defined in the IRC to be U.S. citizens, resident aliens, U.S.
corporations, U.S. partnerships, U.S. estates and trusts. A resident alien is defined as 1) one
who has lawful permanent resident status (green card holder), 2) meets the substantial
presence test (183 day test), or 3) made a first year election to be taxed as U.S. resident. See
IRC 7701(b)(4).
A United States person also includes a nonresident alien who makes an election to be treated
as a resident of the United States under IRC 6013(g) or (h).
IRC 897(a)
IRC 1445(a)
Treas. Reg. 1.897-9T(c)
IRC 1445(f)(3)
Treas. Reg. 1.897-9T(e)
IRC 7701(b)(1)(B)
IRC 7701(a)(30)
IRC 7701(b)(1)(A)
IRC 7701(b)(4)
IRC 6013
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Issue 1, Step 3: Additional Factual Development
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Issue 1
Fact Element Resources
Transferor is a foreign person, or not a:
U.S. citizen
Resident alien by meeting one of the following:
Lawful permanent resident (green card holder)
Substantial presence test
First year election
Election under IRC 6013(g) or (h)
IRC 7701(b)(1)(A)
IRC 7701(b)(1)(A)(i)
Treas. Reg. 301.7701(b)-1(b)
IRM 2.3.32 - Command Code
IRM - United States
Passport Office
IRM 2.3.80 Command Code
IRC 7701(b)(1)(A)(ii)
IRC 7701(b)(3)
Treas. Reg. 301.7701(b)-1(c)
IRM 2.3.51 - Command Code IMFOL
IRM 2.3.35 - Command Code IRPTR
Not a U.S. entity IRC 7701(b)(1)(A)(III)
IRC 7701(b)(4)
IRC 6013
IRC 7701(a)(30)(A)
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Issue 1, Step 4: Develop Arguments
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Issue 1
Explanation of Adjustment Resources
The first fact to determine in the issue of whether FIRPTA withholding under IRC 1445 is
required is to verify that the transferor is a foreign person. This is done by confirming the
transferor, who is not a U.S. citizen, is also not a U.S. person. In most cases, this means the
foreign citizen is not a resident alien.
Therefore, the three tests should be applied to the facts of the transferor to confirm he/she is
not a resident alien. These tests are:
1) Lawful permanent resident (green card) test,
2) Substantial presence (183 day) test, and
3) The first year election test
IRC 7701(b)(1)(A)
IRC 7701(b)(3)
IRC 7701(b)(4)
DECISION POINT: If the transferor is not a foreign person, FIRPTA does not apply and
withholding under IRC 1445 is not required.
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Issue 2, Step 2: Review Potential Issues
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Issue 2
Determine if the property disposed of is a U.S. real property interest.
Explanation of Issue Resources
IRC 897(c) defines a U.S. real property interest as any interest in:
1) Real property located in the United States or the U.S. Virgin Islands including:
Land and unsevered natural products of the land (crops, timber, mines, wells, etc.)
Improvements (buildings or other permanent structures or components of either)
Personal property (movable walls, furnishings, etc.) associated with use of the real
2) A domestic corporation that is a U.S. real property holding corporation (USRPHC) is a
U.S. corporation in which the fair market value of its USRPI equals or exceeds 50 percent
of the fair market value of the USRPI plus interests in real property outside the U.S. plus
any other assets used or held for use in the trade or business adjusting for all exceptions.
IRC 897(c)
Treas. Reg. 1.897-1
Treas. Reg. 1.897-1(b)
Treas. Reg. 1.897-2(b)
Treas. Reg. 1.897-2(d)
Dispositions include but are not limited to:
Sales or exchanges
Liquidation or redemption
Like kind exchanges under IRC 1031
Involuntary conversions
Treas. Reg. 1.897-1(g)
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Issue 2, Step 3: Additional Factual Development
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Issue 2
Fact Element Resources
Verification of real property disposed of through internal and external databases including
Review any Form 1099-S issued for the disposition by the transferor (Doc. Code 75)
Review of Form 8288-A
Review of Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) command code Information Returns
Processing Transcript Request Payee Online (IRPTRO) (Doc. Code 41)
Review of sales contract and attachments and HUD statement
Review of title documents
Review of court documents (deeds)
Review internet public records
IRM 2.3.35 - Command Code IRPTR
Verification that interest in a domestic corporation is a USRPHC:
Review of internal information for domestic corporation (books, records, tax returns)
Review of other public information (internet)
Third party contact with domestic corporation
IRM 2.3 - IDRS Terminal Responses
IRM 4.11.57 - Examining Officers
Guide (EOG), Third Party Contacts
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Issue 2, Step 4: Develop Arguments
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Issue 2
Explanation of Adjustment Resources
Determining whether a nonresident alien disposes of a USRPI is a fact-intensive issue.
First, there must be a disposition of property. Typically, taxpayers will identify sales of their
property as dispositions on their tax returns but might not identify gifts, liquidations,
redemptions and foreclosures as dispositions.
Treas. Reg. 1.897-1(g)
DECISION POINT: If there was a disposition, FIRPTA related withholding under IRC
1445 may be required. If not, FIRPTA related withholding does not apply.
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Issue 3, Step 2: Review Potential Issues
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Issue 3
Determine if the transferee properly withheld, filed appropriate forms and paid the tax withheld.
Explanation of Issue Resources
IRC 1445 requires a transferee to withhold on the amount realized when a transferor who is a
foreign person disposes, transfers, sells, etc. a USRPI unless there is an exemption.
For dispositions of USRPI prior to February 17, 2016, a transferee is generally required to
withhold 10 percent of the amount realized.
For dispositions of a USRPI after February 16, 2016, a transferee is generally required to
withhold 15 percent of the amount realized, per the PATH Act change.
An exception to the 15 percent withholding rate for dispositions of USRPI after February 16,
2016, is when the amount realized is in excess of $300,000 but does not exceed $1,000,000
and the transferee is going to use the USRPI as a personal residence. Then the rate is 10
IRC 1445
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-1
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-1(h)
IRC 1445(c)(4)
IRC 1445(b)(5)
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Issue 3, Step 2: Review Potential Issues (cont’d)
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Issue 3
Explanation of Issue Resources
A transferee is required to report and pay the amount withheld within 20 days of the date of
the disposition by completing and filing a Form 8288 with the IRS. Attached to the Form 8288
is the Form 8288-A.
A transferee sends copies A and B of the Form 8288-A to the IRS with Form 8288 and keeps
copy C. The IRS stamps copy B of the Form 8288-A, if it is complete, and sends it to
IRC 1445
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-1
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-1(d)(1)
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Issue 3, Step 3: Additional Factual Development
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Issue 3
Fact Element Resources
Verification of amount realized on sale:
Review Form 1099-S
Review IDRS command code IRPTRO Doc. Code 75
Review public records
Review sales contract to ensure all assets noted
Verify any additions to basis of the property disposed of
IRM 2.3.35 - Command Code IRPTR
Verification of withholding:
Review IDRS command code Information Returns Processing Transcript Request
Selected Documents Payer Summary (IRPTRI) of transferee for Form 8288 (MFT 17)
Review Form 8288 and Form 8288-A filed by transferee
IRM 2.3.35 - Command Code IRPTR
IRM - Form 8288 and Form
CCA 201028040 - IRC 1445
Verification of filing by transferee:
Review IDRS command code BMFOL “T” and “R” for Form 8288 (MFT 17) filed by
Review IDRS command code IRPTRO of transferor for Form 8288-A (Doc. Code 41)
IRM 2.3.59 Command Code
IRM 2.3.35 - Command Code IRPTR
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Issue 3, Step 4: Develop Arguments
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Issue 3
Explanation of Adjustment Resources
If it is determined that the transferee did withhold under IRC 1445, it is imperative that the
amount realized on the sale of the USRPI is verified. This is to ensure that the correct amount
was withheld by the transferee. Review Forms 8288 and 8288-A to ensure correctness,
timeliness and completeness and determine the amount withheld was paid by the transferee
within 20 days of the date of the transaction.
If the transferee did not withhold, file Forms 8288 and 8288-A and pay the required tax to the
IRS, the transferee should be pursued for the appropriate amount which should have been
withheld. Transferee may request relief from penalties. - Reporting and Paying Tax
on U.S. Real Property Interests FIRPTA Withholding -
Withholding of Tax on Dispositions of
United States Real Property Interests - ITIN Guidance for Foreign
Property Buyers/Sellers
Rev. Proc. 2008-27 Penalty Relief
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Issue 4, Step 2: Review Potential Issues
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Issue 4
Determine if one of the exemptions to FIRPTA withholding applies.
Explanation of Issue Resources
IRC 1445 provides that a transferee is not required to withhold under IRC 1445(a) if the
transaction meets one of the following exemptions:
Transferor furnishes nonforeign affidavit
Non-publicly traded domestic corporation furnishes affidavit
Transferee receives qualifying statement from IRS
Amount realized does not exceed $300,000 on new residence of transferee
USRPHC Stock sold is regularly traded on established markets
Applicable wash sales transactions
Transferor furnishes nonforeign affidavit to qualified substitute who furnishes it to transferee
Exceptions for when affidavits are furnished
IRC 1445(b)
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-2
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-3
IRC 1445(b)(5)
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Issue 4, Step 3: Additional Factual Development
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Issue 4
Fact Element Resources
Transferor furnishes nonforeign affidavit
Exception transferee knows it to be false
Nonpublicly traded U.S. corporation furnishes affidavit
Exception transferee knows it to be false
Transferor furnishes nonforeign affidavit to qualified substitute who furnishes it to transferee
Exception transferee knows it to be false
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-2(b)(2)
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-2(b)(4)(iii)
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-2(c)(3)
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-2(c)(3)(ii)
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-2(c)(3)
Treas. Reg. 1-1445-2(b)(4)(iii)
Transferee receives qualifying statement from IRS
Amount realized from disposition does not exceed $300,000 on new residence of transferee
Stock sold is regularly traded on established markets
Applicable wash sales transactions
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-3(a)
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-2(d)
IRC 1445(b)(5)
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-2(c)(2)
IRC 1445(b)(8)
IRC 897(h)(5)
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Issue 4, Step 4: Develop Arguments
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Issue 4
Explanation of Adjustment Resources
Although a transferor, who appears to be a foreign person, disposes of a USRPI, there are
situations where the transferee is exempted from the required withholding under IRC 1445. - Exceptions from FIRPTA
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-2(b) thru (d)
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-3(a)
DECISION POINT: In these situations, when either claimed by the transferee or
initiated by the IRS, verification and confirmation is required to ensure either the
transferee was correct in applying one of the exemptions or the IRS was correct in
determining one of the exemptions was allowable.
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Index of Referenced Resources
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
IRC 897
IRC 1031
IRC 1445
IRC 6013
IRC 7701
Treas. Reg. 1.897-1
Treas. Reg. 1.897-2
Treas. Reg. 1.897-9T(c)
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-1
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-2
Treas. Reg. 1.1445-3
Treas. Reg. 301.7701(b)-1
Rev. Proc. 2008-27 - Penalty Relief
CCA 201028040 IRC 1445
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Index of Referenced Resources (cont’d)
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
IRM 2.3 - IDRS Terminal Responses
IRM 4.11.57 - Examining Officers Guide (EOG), Third Party Contacts
IRM 4.61.12 - Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act
IRM - United States Passport Office
IRM - Form 8288 and Form 8288-A - Exceptions from FIRPTA Withholding - FIRPTA Withholding - Withholding of Tax on Dispositions of United States Real Property Interests - ITIN Guidance for Foreign Property Buyers/Sellers - Reporting and Paying Tax on U.S. Real Property Interests
Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) of 1980
Form 8288
Form 8288-A
Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015
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Training and Additional Resources
Overview of Withholding under FIRPTA for Sales by Individuals
Type of Resource Descriptions
Saba Meeting Sessions IIC Withholding 2012 Centra
IIC Treaties and Jurisdiction to Tax 2012 Centra
Reference Materials Treaties International Tax Topics (FIRPTA)
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Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
Term/Acronym Definition
FIRPTA Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act of 1980
Foreign Person Any person other than a United States person
IDRS Integrated Data Retrieval System
IRPTRI Information Returns Processing Transcript Request Selected Documents Payer Summary
IRPTRO Information Returns Processing Transcript Request Payee Online Transcript
ITIN Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
Nonresident Alien Neither a U.S. citizen nor a resident of the U.S.
PATH Act Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015
Transferee Purchaser or buyer of USRPI
Transferor Seller of USRPI
United States
U.S. citizens, resident aliens, U.S. corporations, U.S. partnerships, U.S. estates and trusts; includes a foreign
person who makes an election to be treated as a resident of the U.S. under IRC 6013(g) or (h)
USRPI U.S. real property interest
USRPHC U.S. real property holding corporation
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Index of Related Practice Units
Associated UILs Related Practice Unit DCN
9424.04 Taxation on the Disposition of USRPI by Foreign Persons RPW/C/08_04-01 (formerly
9442.02 Verifying Refund Request of IRC 1445 Withholding on Dispositions of
U.S. Real Property Interests
WIT/P/15_02-02 (formerly
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