Regulatory Support
Liv Ellingsen
Lead Product Manager - Technical
eBay Connect 2023
© 2023 eBay. All rights reserved.2
Regulatory Overview
Listing Level
Account Level
Regulatory Overview
Active buyers worldwide
Approximate number of
live listings
Markets around the world
Of eBay revenue comes
from non-US operations
* As at Q1, 2023. https://www.ebayinc.com/company/4 © 2023 eBay. All rights reserved.
eBay Global Scale & Reach
Key Regulatory Changes
in 2023
The Digital Services Act expands:
Creating a safer digital space, protecting user rights and
establishing a level playing field for businesses
Provide key information about the products you sell
Provide key information about the manufacturer, supplier or
importer of products
Provide key information about you, the Seller, and your
© 2023 eBay. All rights reserved.
Product Releases
Q4 2023
Listing level:
Regional expansion
Energy Efficiency
EPR FR Repair Score
Take-back policy
Item (Seller) disclosures
Under discussion
Global return policy description
Account level:
Introduction (TBC)
FR EPR Numbers
DE EPR Numbers
Additional custom policies
Q3 2023
Listing level:
Regional expansion (Europe)
Energy Efficiency
EPR FR Repair Score
Take-back policy
Item (Seller) disclosures
Deprecate from listing level
FR EPR Numbers
Enabling Sellers to
Inform Buyers
Information that varies by listing helps buyers
compare items and find the product that is right
for them
Information specific to sellers gives buyers
confidence that they’re purchasing from a seller
that meets their needs and expectations
© 2023 eBay. All rights reserved.
Digital Services Act
Listing level
Energy Efficiency (EEK)
Supply details about the Energy Efficiency of certain durable goods like appliances and batteries.
Range and rating generate the icon, brand and MPN are used if
no documents are uploaded:
<Name>EEK Spektrum</Name>
<Value>A - G</Value>
Documents can be uploaded directly as images:
<Regulatory> RegulatoryType
<EnergyEfficiencyLabel> EnergyEfficiencyType
<ImageDescription> string </ImageDescription>
<ImageURL> anyURI </ImageURL>
<ProductInformationsheet> anyURI </ProductInformationsheet>
Range and rating generate the icon, brand and MPN are
used if no documents are uploaded:
"product" :
{ "aspects" :
"EEK Spektrum" : ["A - G"],
"Energieeffizienzklasse" : ["G"],
"Marke" : ["LG"],
"Herstellernummer" : ["OLED65B23LA"]
Documents can be uploaded directly as images:
"regulatory" :
{ "energyEfficiencyLabel" :
{ "imageDescription" : "string",
"imageURL" : "string",
"productInformationSheet" : "string"
Trading API:
Inventory API:
Buyer Experience
Help buyers understand if this product contains harmful chemicals or materials
Trading API:
Inventory API:
Buyer Experience
Only the regulatory container is used to upload the
Hazardous Materials details :
<Regulatory> RegulatoryType
<Hazmat> HazmatType
<Component> string </Component>
<Pictograms> PictogramsType
<Pictogram> string </Pictogram>
<!-- ... more Pictogram values allowed here ... -->
<SignalWord> string </SignalWord>
<Statements> StatementsType
<Statement> string </Statement>
<!-- ... more Statement values allowed here ... -->
Only the regulatory container is used to upload the
Hazardous Materials details :
"regulatory" :
{ "hazmat" :
{ "component" : "string",
"pictograms" : [
"signalWord" : "string",
"statements" : [
Use the getHazardousMaterialsLabels method in the
Metadata API to find supported values for a specific
marketplace/site. Refer to Pictogram sample values for
additional information.
Repair Score
A score from 1-10 indicating how easy it is to repair the product
Trading API:
Inventory API:
Buyer Experience
Only the regulatory container is used to provide Repair
<Regulatory> RegulatoryType
<RepairScore> double </RepairScore>
Only the regulatory container is used to provide Repair
"regulatory" :
{ "repairScore" : "number"
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) FR Fee
The fee paid by the manufacturer, importer, or distributor of a product to cover recycling /end-of-life cycle management
Trading API:
Inventory API:
Buyer Experience
Only the extendedProducerResponsibility container is used to
upload the eco Participation Fee :
<ExtendedProducerResponsibility> ExtendedProducerResponsibilityType
<EcoParticipationFee currencyID="CurrencyCodeType"> AmountType
(double) </EcoParticipationFee>
Only the extendedProducerResponsibility container is used
to upload the eco Participation Fee :
"extendedProducerResponsibility" :
{"ecoParticipationFee" :
{ /* Amount */
"currency" : "string",
"value" : "string"
Economic Operator (EO)
The contact details for the European manufacturer, importer, or distributor of a product
Trading API:
Inventory API:
Buyer Experience
Only the extendedProducerResponsibility container is used
to upload the eco Participation Fee :
<Regulatory> RegulatoryType
<CompanyName> string </CompanyName>
<AddressLine1> string </AddressLine1>
<AddressLine2> string </AddressLine2>
<City> string </City>
<Country> countryCodeEnum </Country>
<PostalCode> string </PostalCode>
<StateOrProvince> string </StateOrProvince>
<Phone> string </Phone>
<Email> string </Email>
Only the extendedProducerResponsibility container is used
to upload the eco Participation Fee :
"regulatory" :
{ "economicOperator" :
{ "companyName" : "string",
"addressLine1" : "string",
"addressLine2" : "string",
"city" : "string",
"country" : "countryCodeEnum",
"postalCode" : "string",
"stateOrProvince" : "string",
"phone" : "string",
"email" : "string"
Digital Services Act
Account Level
Custom Policies: Take-Back Policy
Custom policies are created at the account level and then applied to individual listings. Take-back covers the conditions under which the seller will take back
the item that their new purchase is replacing.
Trading API:
Inventory API:
Buyer Experience
Policies are created using the account API:
{"policyType": "TAKEBACK"
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"label": "string"
Policies can be applied globally or regionally:
Trading API
<CustomPolicies> CustomPoliciesType
<RegionalTakeBackPolicies> CountryPoliciesArrayType
<CountryPolicies> CountryPoliciesType
<Country> CountryCodeType </Country>
<PolicyID> long </PolicyID>
<!-- ... more PolicyID values allowed here ... -->
<!-- ... more CountryPolicies nodes allowed here ... -->
<TakeBackPolicyID> long </TakeBackPolicyID>
Inventory API
"listingPolicies" :
{ "regionalTakeBackPolicies" :
{ "countryPolicies" : [
{ "country" : "CountryCodeEnum :
"policyIds" : [
"takeBackPolicyId" : "string"
Custom Policies: Item (Seller) Disclosures
Custom policies are created at the account level and then applied to individual listings. Product Compliance Policies let sellers create custom
policies relating to warranties or other policies they may want to inform buyers of.
Trading API:
Inventory API:
Buyer Experience
Policies are created using the account API:
"name": "string",
"description": "string",
"label": "string"
Policies can be applied globally or regionally:
Trading API
<CustomPolicies> CustomPoliciesType
<ProductCompliancePolicyID> long </ProductCompliancePolicyID>
<!-- ... more ProductCompliancePolicyID values allowed here ... -->
<RegionalProductCompliancePolicies> CountryPoliciesArrayType
<CountryPolicies> CountryPoliciesType
<Country> CountryCodeType </Country>
<PolicyID> long </PolicyID>
<!-- ... more PolicyID values allowed here ... -->
<!-- ... more CountryPolicies nodes allowed here ... -->
Inventory API
"listingPolicies" :
{ "productCompliancePolicyIds" : [
"regionalProductCompliancePolicies" :
{ /* RegionalProductCompliancePolicies */
"countryPolicies" : [
{ /* CountryPolicy */
"country" : "CountryCodeEnum : [AD,AE,AF...]",
"policyIds" : [