Infant-Toddler CDA Renewal Checklist
Please feel free to use this handy checklist to keep track of your completed steps as you
prepare and apply for your CDA renewal:
Preparing for your CDA Renewal
Complete professional educaon training courses or connuing educaon (4.5 CEUs, a 3
credit-hour course or 45 clock hours).
Achieve First Aid and Infant/Child (Pediatric) CPR cercaon.
Work with young children ages birth-36 months (80 hours minimum within the past
Choose an ECE professional to write your recommendaon.
Join or renew your membership in a naonal or local ECE professional organizaon.
Applying & Demonstrang for your CDA Renewal
A. Finalize your ECE Reviewer Recommendaon.
If applying online: Ask your ECE Reviewer for his/her email address. You will be
prompted by the online applicaon system to send the ECE Reviewer recommendaon
If applying on paper: Ask your ECE Reviewer to complete Secon D of your CDA
Renewal Applicaon and the Recommendaon Form on page 19. Your ECE Reviewer
may also choose to type a leer of recommendaon for you to aach with your renewal
applicaon. (Note: Please see the Recommendaon Form in the Early Childhood
Educaon Reviewer secon for complete instrucons.)
B. Make a copy and submit your professional educaon training documentaon
(transcript, leer or Training Vericaon Form)
C. Make a copy of your current First Aid and Infant/Child (Pediatric) CPR cercaon.
D. Make a copy of your proof of membership in a naonal or local ECE associaon.
If applying online: Once you have uploaded your documents to the YourCDA online
applicaon, submit the $125 payment step of the online applicaon process, this will
transmit your applicaon to the Council for review.
If applying on paper: Mail the above documents, A-D, along with your credit card
informaon, check or money order for $150, payable to the Council for Professional
**All documents including payment (includes scholarships, vouchers, agency checks) should
be mailed together.
MAIL TO: Council for Professional Recognion
2460 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009