e Child Development Associate® (CDA)
National Credentialing Program
Renewal Procedures Guide
This Guide Book contains complete instrucons for CDA Renewal
Infant-Toddler Edion
e Child Development Associate® (CDA)
National Credentialing Program
Renewal Procedures Guide
Infant-Toddler Edion
e Council for Professional Recognition
2460 16th Street, NW Washington, DC 20009-3547
Local: 202-265-9090 Toll Free: 800-424-4310
Visit the Councils Website at www.cdacouncil.org.
Copyright © 2015 by the Council for Professional Recognition.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unless otherwise noted on a specic page, no part of this book may be reproduced
in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including but not limited to photocopying, recording,
scanning web distribution, information networks, information storage and retrieval systems without the prior
written permission from the Council for Professional Recognition.
Renewal Procedures Guide - Infant-Toddler Edition
Available online for download
December 2015
Table of Contents
Before You Renew ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 1
1. When should you start preparing for CDA renewal? ............................................... 1
2. When do I apply for CDA renewal? .......................................................................... 1
Prepare to Renew Your CDA ���������������������������������������������������������� 2
1. Aend connuing educaon or training courses .................................................... 2
Educaon Requirements .......................................................................................... 2
a. What are Connuing Educaon Units? .......................................................... 2
b. What is a 3 Credit- hour course? .................................................................... 2
c. What are clock hours? ................................................................................... 2
d. What are clock hours? ................................................................................... 2
The Council accepts three (3) forms of vericaon of coursework specic to the
Infant-Toddler seng ............................................................................................... 3
2. Choose an ECE professional to write your recommendaon ................................... 4
3. Achieve First Aid and Infant/Child (Pediatric) CPR cercaon ............................... 4
4. Work with young children ........................................................................................ 5
5. Join or renew your membership in a naonal or local early childhood professional
organizaon.............................................................................................................. 5
Apply & Demonstrate �������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
1. Apply Online ............................................................................................................. 6
Online Renewal Tips ................................................................................................. 6
The Council’s Online Renewal Process ..................................................................... 6
Online Payment ........................................................................................................ 7
2. Apply on Paper ......................................................................................................... 7
CDA Renewal Checklist ������������������������������������������������������������������ 9
CDA Renewal Applicaon �������������������������������������������������������������10
Table of Contents (connued)
Informaon for the Early Childhood Educaon (ECE) Reviewer �����13
Wring the Recommendaon ................................................................................ 14
Infant-Toddler ECE Reviewer Eligibility Requirements �������������������15
Educaon and Experience ...................................................................................... 15
Conict of Interest .................................................................................................. 16
CDA Competency Standards At-A-Glance ............................................................... 17
Recommendaon Form ����������������������������������������������������������������19
Frequently Asked Quesons ���������������������������������������������������������21
Appendices ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������25
A. Training Vericaon Form - Completed by Center/Program Director or other
Authorized Sta ..................................................................................................... 27
B. Training Agency Leer Template ........................................................................ 29
C. Sample College Transcript .................................................................................. 31
Renewal Procedures Guide 10/15
Before You Renew
When should I begin preparing for CDA renewal?
You can begin preparing for your CDA renewal as soon as you earn your CDA Credential. You
should be preparing for your renewal well in advance of your application submission date.
When do I apply for CDA renewal?
Check to see when your current credential expires.
• Your CDA is valid for three years from the award date (See note below)
You can apply for CDA renewal six months before your credential expires. Please remember
to complete the ve preparatory steps outlined on pages 2-6, before you begin the application
Please Note: CDA Credentials with an award and renewal date on or after July 1, 2013 are
valid for three years from the date of award. is means you must renew your CDA Credential
before it expires in order to remain an active CDA, no exceptions or extensions. If your CDA
Credential expires, you will have to reapply as a new/rst-time CDA Candidate. With an
active email address you can receive notices to let you know ahead of time before your CDA
Credential expires.
Before you can renew your CDA, you will need to complete ve steps,
check each box as you complete them:
Attend continuing education or training courses in the Infant-Toddler setting
(ages birth-36 months)
Choose an early childhood education (ECE) professional to write your
Achieve First Aid and Infant/Child (Pediatric) CPR certication
Work with young children in the Infant-Toddler setting (ages birth-36 months)
Join or renew your membership in a national or local early childhood professional
Please Note: All of the above items should be completed before applying for CDA
2 Council for Professional Recognion | www.cdacouncil.org
Prepare to Renew Your CDA
1� Aend connuing educaon or training courses
Educaon Requirements
In order to renew your CDA Credential you must provide documented proof of early
childhood/child development training. You can gain additional education through
participation in a wide variety of training courses available in the eld, including training
from in-service workshops and association-sponsored events that oer continuing education
units, course credit or clock hours. You should not re-take the exact same courses you
studied when applying for your original credential. To meet the minimum requirements
for CDA renewal, you may choose one of the following types of training for the Infant-
Toddler setting (children ages birth-36 months):
4.5 Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
One 3 credit-hour course (College Credit)
45 clock hours of training in early childhood development
CEUs and college credit coursework may be obtained at career and technical community
colleges, (2-year and 4-year colleges) and universities. Many other organizations also oer
CEUs. CEUs and/or college credits may be earned from a single training agency/institution
or a combination of agencies/institutions.
a. What are continuing education units (CEUs)?
CEUs are educational units of measure that equal 10 clock/training hours of
participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible
sponsorship, capable direction, and qualied instruction. erefore: 4.5 CEUs = 45
clock/training hours of instruction. Learn more here: www.cdacouncil.org/renewal.
b. What is a 3 credit-hour course?
A 3 credit-hour course is a semester-long class at an accredited 2- or 4-year College
or University.
c. What are clock hours?
A clock hour is equivalent to 60 minutes (1 hour). erefore: 45 clock hours of
training instruction = 4.5 CEUs or a 3 credit-hour course.
Renewal Procedures Guide 10/15
Please keep in mind:
All professional education hours must be awarded by an agency or organization with
expertise in early childhood teacher preparation. Education may be completed through
a wide variety of training organizations, including two and four year colleges, private
training organizations, vocational technical schools, resource and referral agencies and early
childhood education programs that sponsor training (such as Head Start and the U.S.
You may accumulate the hours from a single training agency or from a combination of
programs. Agencies or organizations may provide verication of your education in the form
of a college or university transcript, ocial certicate, or a letter on the agencys ocial
letterhead. In-service hours are acceptable.
e Council for Professional Recognition requires that Candidates submit one document
to verify their professional education training:
All coursework must have been completed since you obtained your previous CDA
Credential (training attended before your previous CDA may not be used to
meet the renewal requirement).
• For CDAs with a Infant-Toddler credential, All coursework must be in early
childhood education and/or child development for ages birth to 36 months.
The Council accepts three (3) forms of vericaon of coursework specic to
the Infant-Toddler seng:
a. College or University transcript (Transcript must include the college or universitys
name and the renewal Candidates name. In addition, the course must reect successful
b. Verication letter on the training agencys ocial letterhead, which includes original
signature, title and contact information of person verifying training.
c. Training Verication Form (ocial form included in this packet) - is form should
be used by CDA Candidates with training certicates and/or training obtained from
multiple sources.
Please Note: All training is subject to audit at any time of the CDA Renewal, which means
the Council may request all training documentation at any time.
4 Council for Professional Recognion | www.cdacouncil.org
2� Choose an ECE professional to write your recommendaon
You will need to choose an ECE Professional to serve as your ECE Reviewer. Choose
someone you know who meets the experience and education requirements included in the
Information for the Early Childhood Education Reviewer.
is person must have current (within the past year) knowledge of your skills and abilities
working with young children in the Infant-Toddler setting (ages birth-36 months).
e ECE Reviewer can be an education coordinator, a co-worker, a center director, or a
member of an early childhood organization to which you belong.
In addition, the ECE Reviewer must be an individual with training in early childhood
education or child development and have direct experience with programs for young
children and their families.
Please refer to the Information for the Early Childhood Education Reviewer section of this
guide for a complete list of eligibility requirements.
Please Note: To apply online, you will need to have your ECE Reviewers email address.
3� Achieve First Aid and Infant/Child (Pediatric) CPR cercaon
You will need to provide proof of valid and current certicate(s) and/or card(s) of
completion from both: a) Any First Aid course and b) An Infant/Child (Pediatric) CPR
Courses must be oered by a nationally recognized training organization (such as the
American Red Cross or the American Heart Association). e Council will accept training
provided through smaller training agencies. However, documentation of training must
include the following to be accepted:
Training agencys name
Training agencys ocial seal or logo and/or mailing address
Renewal Candidates name
Issue date and expiration date (“or valid for” timeframe)
Instructors Signature
Instructors certication number
Please Note: Online training and training provided by an individual consultant is not
Renewal Procedures Guide 10/15
4� Work with young children
Within one year prior to your renewal, you must have worked a minimum of 80 hours with
children in the Infant-Toddler (ages birth-36 months) setting.
If your employment does not include 80 hours during the past year, there are other ways
to meet the requirement. For example, you could visit and volunteer in an early childhood
setting to participate in a special project, organize and implement a family-oriented event,
or sponsor a hands-on activity or eld trip with children . You may show proof of this type
of work (volunteer or paid) to your ECE Reviewer who will verify your 80 hours of service.
A valid CDA Credential indicates you have maintained your competence in educating and
caring for young children in the Infant-Toddler setting (ages birth-36 months). erefore,
it is necessary to maintain a current relationship with young children, even if you no longer
work directly with them.
5� Join or renew your membership in a naonal or local early
childhood professional organizaon
You need to be a current member of a national or local early childhood professional
organization. Your membership must be active/current at the time the Council receives
your renewal information. is may be an individual or agency membership.
e eld of early childhood education includes an abundance of organizations that support
the professional development of early childhood educators and promote improvements in
services to young children. ECE professionals become members of these associations to
help them grow professionally, stay current on early childhood issues, and participate in
group eorts to promote positive change.
If your organization does not provide a membership card, you may submit their letter
thanking you for becoming a member. We will also accept proof of payment receipt of your
Please Note: e Council does not accept the following types of early childhood organization
membership to fulll the renewal requirements:
State Registry organization membership
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) membership
Magazine subscription membership
For more information, the Council has a list of ECE membership associations that you may
join on our website, here: www.cdacouncil.org/ece-organizations.
6 Council for Professional Recognion | www.cdacouncil.org
Apply and Demonstrate
1� Apply Online
Once you have prepared for your renewal, you can submit your application and payment
online using the YourCDA online application system.
To get started follow these 3 easy steps:
1. Register for a YourCDA online account here: www.cdacouncil.org/yourcda. In
the YourCDA Login box, click “New User Registration(Note: Make sure to select
“Yes” when asked, “Have you ever applied for a CDA Credential?”)
2. You will receive a conrmation email, use the username and temporary
password to login to YourCDA. You will be prompted to change your password.
3. Follow the instructions online to complete your application and submit your
payment. Note: You will be asked to upload using YourCDA the renewal documents
verifying that you have met all renewal requirements.
Please Note: e ECE Reviewer email address is required to complete the online renewal
process. You will be prompted by the online application system to send your ECE Reviewer
a recommendation request. e ECE Reviewer will send the electronic recommendation
directly to the Council.
Online Renewal Tips
What will I need in order to renew online?
Internet access
A valid email address
Your ECE Reviewers email address
Full payment of $125 online renewal processing fee
All required renewal documents, including training, choosing an early childhood
professional to write your recommendation, rst aid, infant/child (pediatric) CPR,
work experience and membership in an early childhood professional organization.
The Council’s Online Review Process
You will be asked to upload directly to YourCDA the documents verifying that you have met
all renewal requirements, including professional education training, your early childhood
reviewers email address, rst aid, infant/child (pediatric) CPR, and membership in an
early childhood professional organization. You will them be prompted to make the renewal
payment. Documents that are postal mailed, emailed, or faxed are not acceptable and
will not be reviewed.
Renewal Procedures Guide 10/15
Online Payment
e Council oers several methods to pay online. e online processing fee is $125, which
you can pay by:
Credit card
Money order*
Personal check*
Payment authorization letter
*If paying by money order or check you must mail-in your payment, along with the
YourCDA cover letter.
2� Apply on Paper
If you need to renew using a paper application, you can do so by lling out the paper
application enclosed in this CDA Renewal Procedures Guide.
Please note that with a paper application, you will need to send in the completed ocial
ECE Reviewer Recommendation Form or a letter of recommendation from the ECE Reviewer
(Please refer to page 19 in the ECE Reviewer section for details).
Along with your completed paper application, please collect the following documents and
mail to the Council:
Check, money order, or scholarship voucher for $150 (If paying with a credit card,
please complete the Section C on the application.)
Training documentation
h College or University transcript
h Agency/training organization verication letter
h Training Verication Form
Your ECE Reviewer recommendation (Includes verication of 80 hours work
experience with young children in the Infant-Toddler setting (ages birth-36 months)
A copy of your First Aid certication and Infant/Child (Pediatric) CPR
Proof of membership in an early childhood educational professional
Tips about Paper (mail-in) Renewal
Use the Checklist located on page 9 to ensure that all steps are followed for the
paper renewal process
Write clearly and legibly on the paper application
Renewal Procedures Guide 10/15
CDA Renewal Checklist
Please feel free to use this handy checklist to keep track of your completed steps as you
prepare and apply for your CDA renewal:
Preparing for your CDA Renewal
Complete professional educaon training courses or connuing educaon (4.5 CEUs, a 3
credit-hour course or 45 clock hours).
Achieve First Aid and Infant/Child (Pediatric) CPR cercaon.
Work with young children ages birth-36 months (80 hours minimum within the past
Choose an ECE professional to write your recommendaon.
Join or renew your membership in a naonal or local ECE professional organizaon.
Applying & Demonstrang for your CDA Renewal
A. Finalize your ECE Reviewer Recommendaon.
If applying online: Ask your ECE Reviewer for his/her email address. You will be
prompted by the online applicaon system to send the ECE Reviewer recommendaon
If applying on paper: Ask your ECE Reviewer to complete Secon D of your CDA
Renewal Applicaon and the Recommendaon Form on page 19. Your ECE Reviewer
may also choose to type a leer of recommendaon for you to aach with your renewal
applicaon. (Note: Please see the Recommendaon Form in the Early Childhood
Educaon Reviewer secon for complete instrucons.)
B� Make a copy and submit your professional educaon training documentaon
(transcript, leer or Training Vericaon Form)
C. Make a copy of your current First Aid and Infant/Child (Pediatric) CPR cercaon.
D. Make a copy of your proof of membership in a naonal or local ECE associaon.
If applying online: Once you have uploaded your documents to the YourCDA online
applicaon, submit the $125 payment step of the online applicaon process, this will
transmit your applicaon to the Council for review.
If applying on paper: Mail the above documents, A-D, along with your credit card
informaon, check or money order for $150, payable to the Council for Professional
**All documents including payment (includes scholarships, vouchers, agency checks) should
be mailed together.
MAIL TO: Council for Professional Recognion
2460 16th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
CDA Renewal Applicaon - PART 1 of 3
The Child Development Associate
National Credentialing Program
Infant-Toddler Renewal Application
Please print legibly and be sure to retain a photocopy for your records. Your CDA credenaling me will be signicantly increased
if your applicaon is not legible.
Instead of using this applicaon, consider applying online for faster results!
To ll out this Applicaon online please visit, www.cdacouncil.org/YourCDA.
B. Seng of your current Credenal: Infant-Toddler seng (birth-36 months)
You are only permied to renew in the seng of your current credenal. If your current CDA Credenal seng is
not Infant-Toddler, please download the correct Renewal Procedures Guide for your current credenal seng.
A. Candidate Informaon (As it appears on current CDA Credenal)
First Name*: Middle Name:
Last Name*:
Name Change (oponal): If your name is dierent from how it appears on your current CDA
Credenal, please complete the name elds below and aach ocial documentaon to show proof of
this change Example: Marriage cercate or divorce decree.
Update First Name:
Update Last Name:
Mailing Address*:
Address Connued:
: State
: Zip Code
Primary Phone #*: - - Alternate Phone #: - -
Last 4 digits of Social Security Number *: Date of Birth*:
* Indicates required eld
Please indicate if your Credenal has a language specializaon: (Check one)
Bilingual: ________________________ Monolingual: ________________________
Month Date Year
C. Payment
Applicaon Fee: $150.00
Please note that the Applicaon fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. Applicaons sent without payment will not
be processed. Only check, money order or credit card payments will be accepted. Cash will not be accepted.
Enclosed is a non-refundable check or money order made payable to the Council for Professional Recognion.
An agency is paying all or part of my applicaon fee. I have enclosed my payment authorizaon leer as a
substuon for my payment.
I would like to pay with a credit card. (Complete credit card secon on next page)
CDA Renewal Applicaon - PART 2 of 3
If you have selected to pay with credit card, please complete all of the elds below:
Select form of payment: VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER
Card Number:
EXP Date: / CVC Code:
Dollar Amount: $ ________________________
Name on Card: _______________________________________________________________________
Billing Address: _______________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ State: _________ Zip Code: __________________
Authorized Signature: __________________________________________________________________
D. Early Childhood Educaon (ECE) Reviewer Informaon:
(To be completed and signed by ECE Reviewer only. Please print legibly.)
First Name ______________________________________________________________ Middle Inial ______
Last Name ________________________________________________________________________________
Title _____________________________________ Agency/Aliaon ________________________________
Street Address ___________________________________________________________ Apt. # ___________
City: _______________________________________ State: _________ Zip Code: _______________________
Home Phone ( ) ______________________________ Work Phone ( ) ____________________
Email ____________________________________________________________________________________
Please Read and Sign Below:
“I tesfy that I have read the requirements of the CDA Renewal System and for Early Childhood Educaon
Reviewers and have met all requirements, including current knowledge of CDA Renewal Candidate’s skills and
abilies working with young children.
_____________________________________________________ _____________________________
Early Childhood Educaon Reviewers Signature Date
CDA Renewal Applicaon - PART 3 of 3
E. Please Read and Acknowledge each statement below.
I have completed Secon C with my credit card informaon and authorized signature.
I have completed Secon C indicang my method of payment and have enclosed a check, money
order or authorizaon leer from paying agency.
Inial beside each statement and sign:
I tesfy that I have read the requirements of the CDA Renewal System and I have met all
I understand that individuals convicted of a crime involving child abuse or neglect are not
eligible to apply for or hold the CDA Credenal.
If I am awarded a CDA Renewal Credenal and the right to use the tle Child Development
Associate and its abbreviaon, CDA, in connecon with my name, I agree to meet the
standards of the Child Development Associate to the best of my ability, to conduct myself in a
professional manner, and to abide by the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct.
I tesfy that all answers to all quesons on the applicaon are true to the best of my
Renewal Candidate’s Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________
Information for the
Early Childhood Education (ECE)
Wring the Recommendaon ............................................................14
Infant-Toddler ECE Reviewer
Eligibility Requirements ���������������������������������������� 15
Educaon and Experience ..................................................................15
Conict of Interest ............................................................................. 16
CDA Competency Standards At-A-Glance ..........................................17
Recommendaon Form ����������������������������������������� 19
14 Council for Professional Recognion | www.cdacouncil.org
Informaon for the Early Childhood Educaon
is section of the guide book contains information you will need as an Early Childhood
Education Reviewer, including:
1. A list of the requirements to serve as an Early Childhood Education Reviewer for
CDA Renewal Candidates.
2. e CDA Competency Standards and 13 Functional Areas, to be used as you consider
your recommendation and comments about the Child Development Associate® for
whom you are preparing a recommendation.
3. A Recommendation Form for Candidates who will submit a paper application. (Note:
Do not ll out this form if your Candidate is applying online.) e recommendation
must include verication that the Candidate has at least 80 hours of work experience
with young children ages birth to 36 months, all acquired within the past year.
Wring the Recommendaon
Candidates Applying Online
If the Candidate is applying online, you will need to provide the Candidate with your email
address. e Recommendation Form will be sent to you via email. You will then access the
Candidates recommendation request and submit it directly into our online renewal system.
You will receive a conrmation “pop-up” message upon successful submission of your
Feel free to write your recommendation in advance as you will be able to upload it once you
receive the recommendation request.
Candidates Applying using a Paper Application
Please complete the Recommendation Form on page 19 and give it to the Candidate.
15Informaon for the ECE Reviewer
Infant-Toddler Early Childhood Educaon Reviewers
Eligibility Requirements
e Early Childhood Education Reviewer must meet the following eligibility requirements
and provide verication on the Renewal Candidates application form. e reviewer must
meet all of the requirements in one of the three combinations of education and experience,
outlined in Sections I, II, and III below.
Educaon and Experience
Secon I
1. B.A., B.S., or advanced degree in early childhood education/child development or
home economics/child development from an accredited college or university. Must
include 12 college credits covering children ages birth to 5 years.
2. Two years of experience in a child care setting serving children ages birth to 5 years,
• One year of working directly with children in the same age range as the children
in Renewal Candidates setting as a caregiver, teacher, child life worker, social
worker, or similar role; and
• One year of responsibility for the professional growth of another adult.
Secon II
1. Associate level (2-year) degree in early childhood education/child development or
home economics/child development from an accredited college or university. Must
include 12 college credits covering children ages birth to 5 years.
2. Four years of experience in a child care setting in a program serving children ages birth
to 5 years, including:
• Two years of experience working directly with children in the same age range as
the children in Renewal Candidates setting as a caregiver, teacher, child life worker,
social worker, or similar role; and
• Two years of responsibility for the professional growth of another adult.
16 Council for Professional Recognion | www.cdacouncil.org
Secon III
1. A valid (indicating active status) National CDA Credential.
2. Twelve college credits or 180 hours of training in early childhood education or
child development at an accredited college or university, covering children ages
birth to 5 years.
3. Six years of experience in a child care setting serving children ages birth to 5 years,
• Four years working directly with children in the same age range as the children
in Renewal Candidates setting as a caregiver, teacher, child life worker, social
worker, or similar role; and
• Two years of responsibility for the professional growth of another adult.
Conict of Interest
To promote objectivity and credibility, an individual serving as the CDA Renewal
Candidates Early Childhood Education Reviewer:
1. Must not be working as a co-teacher with the Renewal Candidate on a daily basis in
the same room or group.
2. Must not be the relative of a child in the Renewal Candidates care at any time during
the renewal process.
3. Must not be related by blood or marriage or other legal relationship to the Renewal
Please Note: ECE Reviewers must meet all eligibility requirements.
17Informaon for the ECE Reviewer
Competency Standard
Functional Area
I. To establish and
maintain a safe,
healthy learning
1. Safe
Candidate provides a safe environment and teaches children safe
practices to prevent and reduce injuries.
2. Healthy
Candidate provides an environment that promotes health and prevents
illness, and teaches children about good nutrition and practices that
promote wellness.
3. Learning
Candidate organizes and uses relationships, the physical space, materials,
daily schedule, and routines to create a secure, interesting, and enjoyable
environment that promotes engagement, play, exploration, and learning of
all children including children with special needs.
II. To advance physical
and intellectual
4. Physical
Candidate uses a variety of developmentally appropriate equipment,
learning experiences and teaching strategies to promote the physical
development (ne motor and gross motor) of all children.
5. Cognitive
Candidate uses a variety of developmentally appropriate learning
experiences and teaching strategies to promote curiosity, reasoning, and
problem solving and to lay the foundation for all later learning. Candidate
implements curriculum that promotes children’s learning of important
mathematics, science, technology, social studies and other content goals.
6. Communication
Candidate uses a variety of developmentally appropriate learning experiences
and teaching strategies to promote children’s language and early literacy
learning, and help them communicate their thoughts and feelings verbally and
non-verbally. Candidate helps dual-language learners make progress in
understanding and speaking both English and their home language.
7. Creative
Candidate uses a variety of developmentally appropriate learning experiences
and teaching strategies for children to explore music, movement, and the
visual arts, and to develop and express their individual creative abilities.
III. To support social
and emotional
development and
to provide positive
8. Self
Candidate develops a warm, positive, supportive, and responsive
relationship with each child, and helps each child learn about and take
pride in his or her individual and cultural identity.
9. Social
Candidate helps each child function effectively in the group, learn to
express feelings, acquire social skills, and make friends, and promotes
mutual respect among children and adults.
10. Guidance
Candidate provides a supportive environment and uses effective strategies
to promote children’s self-regulation and support acceptable behaviors, and
effectively intervenes for children with persistent challenging behaviors.
IV. To establish positive
and productive
relationships with
11. Families
Candidate establishes a positive, responsive, and cooperative relationship
with each child’s family, engages in two-way communication with families,
encourages their involvement in the program, and supports the child’s
relationship with his or her family.
V. To ensure a well-run,
purposeful program
that is responsive to
participant needs
12. Program
Candidate is a manager who uses observation, documentation, and planning
to support children’s development and learning and to ensure effective
operation of the classroom or group. The Candidate is a competent organizer,
planner, record keeper, communicator, and a cooperative co-worker.
VI. To maintain a
commitment to
13. Professionalism
Candidate makes decisions based on knowledge of research-based early
childhood practices, promotes high-quality in child care services, and takes
advantage of opportunities to improve knowledge and competence, both for
personal and professional growth and for the benet of children and families.
Infant-Toddler CDA Competency Standards At-A-Glance
Recommendaon Form - Completed by ECE Reviewer
*Please print/type legibly and be sure to retain a photocopy for your records.
Renewal Candidate’s Name: _____________________________________________________________
Last four digits of the Renewal Candidate’s Social Security Number: _____________________________
___________ I verify that the Candidate has at least 80 hours of work experience with young children
ages birth to 36 months in a center-based Infant-Toddler seng, all acquired within the past year
(Please Inial).
There are two opons to complete the CDA Renewal Recommendaon:
Opon 1: In the space provided below please describe this CDAs performance with children in
relaon to the six CDA Competency Goals and 13 CDA Funconal Areas, as outlined in the Competency
Standards included in this booklet. Return completed form to Renewal Candidate.
Opon 2: Provide a leer of recommendaon for the Renewal Candidate to aach with their renewal
applicaon. If you choose to type a leer of recommendaon, it must include the date completed, the
name of the Renewal Candidate, the last four digits of the Renewal Candidate’s social security number,
your full name and signature, AND vericaon that the Renewal CDA Candidate has at least 80 hours of
work experience with young children ages birth to 36 months, all acquired within the past year.
ECE Reviewers Name: _________________________________________________________________
ECE Reviewers Signature: ______________________________________ Date: __________________
Recommendation Form
To Be Completed by the Early Childhood Educaon Reviewer
Renewal Procedures Guide 10/15
Frequently Asked Quesons
1. How long is my CDA Credential valid for? e CDA Credential is valid for a period of
three years.
2. Why did the renewal policy change from ve years to three? After doing a study of
industry standards for credential and certication renewals, the Council concluded three
years is an ecient amount of time to reevaluate the continued professional development
and performance of early educators. e early care and education profession is very
delicate and it is imperative for early educators to stay up to date with the latest theories,
research/studies, appropriate practices and latest trends in the early childhood education
eld. e continuous professional development of CDA Credential holders is a must to
ensure the quality of care and education provided to our nations youngest children.
3. Where can I obtain training? e Council for Professional Recognition does not provide
training nor do we specically endorse any training program or CDA curriculum. It
is entirely the Candidates responsibility to evaluate and select a training organization,
agency or institution to complete their training. We have provided a National Training
Directory on our website of state-recognized, by their own admission, a list of U.S.
colleges, universities and other post-secondary teacher preparation institutions to assist
Candidates their search.
While formal education hours can be for credit or noncredit, they must be earned
through an agency or organization with expertise in early childhood teacher preparation.
e Council does not accept training provided by individual consultants.
4. What are CEUs? Continuing Education Units (CEUS) are units of education awarded
for participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible
sponsorship, capable direction, and qualied instruction. CEUs are noncredit educational
experiences. While the Council does not require agencies to receive approval from e
International Association for Continuing Education Training (IACET), it is strongly
recommended their training guidelines are followed when issuing CEU credits.
One Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is equal to ten (10) contact hours of study.
5. What are clock hours and how do I earn them? A clock hour is equivalent to 60
minutes (1 hour). You can gain clock hours by participating in a wide variety of training
courses available in the eld, including in-service workshops and association-sponsored
events that oer continuing education units, course credit, or clock hours.
6. What are credit hours? Credit hours are semester long classes at an accredited 2- or
4-year college or university.
22 Council for Professional Recognion | www.cdacouncil.org
7. How can I ensure my training will be accepted by the Council? All training must have
been taken under the auspices of an early childhood training agency that has expertise in
teacher preparation. Ocial documentation of the training must be provided in the form
of a certicate, letter on ocial letterhead or a college transcript.
Training documentation should include the following: Training agencys name and
address (seal/logo), Candidates name, date of the training session(s), content area,
number of hours successfully completed, and an authorized signature.
8. What is the Early Childhood Education (ECE) Reviewer? e ECE Reviewer is an
early childhood professional who meets the proper educational and work experience
qualications provided in the CDA Renewal Procedures Guide. To download the CDA
Renewal Procedures Guide please visit our website www.cdacouncil.org/renewal.
1. What is the process to renew your CDA Credential? Please visit the following link with
a detailed description of the CDA renewal process: www.cdacouncil.org/renewal.
2. I have more than one CDA Credential, can I renew online? Unfortunately, our online
system will only allow you to renew the rst CDA Credential that you were awarded.
Your second CDA Credential will have to be renewed by submitting a paper application.
For example, if you received a center-based Preschool CDA Credential on June 1, 2012
and received a center-based Infant and Toddler CDA Credential on October 1, 2012 you
will only be able to renew your center-based Preschool CDA Credential online.
3. I have more than one CDA Credential, do I have to send in two separate
applications? Yes, because documentation must be specic to the credential type.
Candidates renewing more than one CDA Credential must submit a separate paper
application per credential type. Each application must be accompanied by the renewal
processing fee.
4. I have more than one CDA Credential, can I renew them at the same time? You may
submit a renewal application as early as six months prior to the expiration of your CDA
Credential. If you have two or more CDA Credentials that expire within the same six
month timeframe, yes you can renew both CDA Credentials at the same time.
5. I no longer work in the setting of my CDA Credential, can I renew in a dierent
setting? You can only renew in the setting of the CDA Credential for which you were
awarded, renewing in a dierent setting is not permitted. If you are working in a dierent
setting other than the one for which you received your CDA Credential, and would like
to obtain a second credential in that new setting, you must apply for an initial CDA
23Renewal Procedures Guide 10/15
6. I would like to renew in a dierent setting than my CDA Credential, what do I need
to do? You can only renew in the setting of the CDA Credential for which you were
awarded, renewing in a dierent setting is not permitted. If you would like to obtain a
second credential in a dierent setting, you must apply for an initial CDA Credential in
the new setting.
7. How do I nd an Early Childhood Education Reviewer? e ECE Reviewer should be
someone you know who meets the eligibility requirements provided in the CDA Renewal
Procedures Guide and has knowledge of your work with children. Your ECE reviewer can
be your Director, Education Specialist or even a teacher that works in another classroom.
8. How can I submit my renewal documentation? If you are applying online you must
upload your renewal documents directly to your application.
If you applying by mail you must mail all of your documents along with your application
and renewal fee.
1. How long does it take to process the renewal application? ere is no set timeframe
for the Council to process CDA Renewal applications, as there are a number of factors
that may delay the process. Generally, once a Candidate has successfully submitted
their renewal application, if the information is accurate and free of errors or missing
information the credentialing decision may take 2-4 weeks. However, this greatly depends
on the volume of applications we have at the time your application is received.
If you are applying online, you will be able to log into the YourCDA online application
system to check your status at any time. Please allow a minimum of 2-4 weeks from the
time your documents are submitted for a credentialing decision.
If you are applying by mail, please allow a minimum of 4-6 weeks from the time your
application is mailed for a credentialing decision.
2. Will I be notied when it is time to renew my CDA Credential? e Council will send
a courtesy email reminder when it is time to renew your CDA credential. However, this
email is a courtesy and is not guaranteed, nor should it be the sole reminder for renewing
your CDA Credential. To help ensure you do not miss these courtesy reminders, please
make sure the Council always has your current email on le.
3. Can I get a refund on the renewal assessment fee? e renewal fee is a processing fee.
Once you have submitted payment, the fee cannot be refunded.
24 Council for Professional Recognion | www.cdacouncil.org
A. Training Vericaon Form - Completed by Center/Program Director
or other Authorized Sta ................................................................... 27
B. Training Agency Leer Template .................................................... 29
C. Sample College Transcript .............................................................. 31
Use this form only: If the CDA Renewal Candidate has cercates as proof of training or received training
from mulple sources. *Please print/type legibly and be sure to retain a photocopy for your records.
Renewal Candidate’s Name: ____________________________________________________________
Renewal Candidate’s Credenal Type: _____________________________________________________
Candidate’s Current Posion: ____________________________________________________________
I, _________________________________________________ (Authorized Sta), verify that I have
reviewed the above named Renewal Candidate’s training record and have veried all of the following:
Training was in the form of: 3 college credits, 4.5 CEUS, or 45 clock hours
Training documentaon is either in the form of a college transcript, ocial cercates, or a leer
on leerhead from the training agency. All training documentaon contained the training agency
name, agency ocial seal/logo, Candidate Name, Training Topic, credits/hours/CEUS awarded,
Date of Training, and Ocial Signature.
Training was taken aer the issue date on the Candidate’s most current credenal (not to exceed
ve years).
Training was in Early Childhood Educaon and/or Child Development and was specic to the age
range of the Candidate’s original credenal endorsement.
I verify that I am the authorized person idened or named in this form and I aest to the accuracy of
the above Statements. I understand that the Council will conduct random audits and may contact me
regarding the contents of this form.
Directors Signature ____________________________________________ Date ___________________
Title _______________________________________________________________________________
The Council reserves the right to request training documentaon be submied directly to the Council.
A - Training Vericaon Form
CDA Renewal Candidate Training Verication Form
To Be Completed by the Center/Program Director or other Authorized Sta
B - Training Agency Leer Template
Includes training agency seal/logo
Phone number
To Whom It May Concern:
This is to verify that (Insert Renewal Candidate’s First and Last Name) has
received (Insert number of hours or CEUs) of early childhood training through our
agency. The training was specic to (Insert age group). Training was taken from
(Insert date range).
(Must include ofcial signature)
John Doe
C - Sample College Transcript
2460 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009
(800) 424- 4310 | www.cdacouncil.org