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Department of the Interior
Departmental Manual
Effective Date: 7/5/06
Series: Property Management
Part 412: Motor Vehicle Management
Chapter 1: General Program Policies
Originating Office: Office of Acquisition and Property Management
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1.1 Purpose. This chapter provides Department of the Interior (DOI) policy for Motor
Vehicle Management. This chapter supersedes any previous DOI directives, policies and
procedures pertaining to motor vehicle management.
1.2 Scope. The provisions of this chapter are applicable to all motor vehicles owned, leased or
otherwise managed by the bureaus and offices of the Department.
1.3 Authorities.
A. 31 U.S.C. 1344, “Passenger Carrier Use”
B. 40 U.S.C. Chapter 175, “Federal Motor Vehicle Expenditure Control” (PL 107-217)
C. 40 U.S.C. 483, “Property Utilitization”
D. 40 U.S.C. 491, “Motor Vehicle Pools and Transportation Systems”
E. 5 CFR 930.101, “Programs for Specific Positions and Examinations”, Subpart A,
Motor Vehicle Operators
F. 41 CFR Chapter 102, Federal Management Regulations (FMR) subparts 102-5 and
G. Executive Order 13149, “Greening the Government through Federal Fleet and
Transportation Efficiency, April 21, 2000”
H. Public Law 102-486, Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 1992
I. Public Law 101-194, Ethics Reform Act
J. IPMD-114-60.8, Survey Procedures
K. 31 U.S.C. 1349, “Adverse Personnel Actions”
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L. Public Law 109-58, Energy Policy Act of 2005
M. Department of the Interior Asset Management Plan
1.4 Definitions.
A. Motor Vehicle. A vehicle that is self-propelled, has two or more pneumatic,
hydraulic tires, and is designed primarily for transportation of personnel or material. Motorized
equipment shall be classified as a motor vehicle if it meets the minimum requirements identified
above, is not designed as a military motor vehicle, and is not covered by 41 CFR 102-34.
B. Motor Vehicle Acquisition. Purchasing or leasing a motor vehicle from a
commercial source, obtaining a General Services Administration (GSA) provided motor vehicle,
or obtaining a motor vehicle through transfer or excess for 60 continuous days or more.
C. Motor Vehicle Rental. Obtaining a motor vehicle by contract, schedule, or other
arrangement for less than 60 continuous days.
D. Motorized Equipment. The term “motorized equipment” includes construction and
maintenance equipment, materials handling equipment, forestry and agricultural equipment.
1.5 Policy. Departmental policy for the following major areas of motor vehicle management is
provided below:
A. Official Use. Government owned, leased, or otherwise managed motor vehicles, will
be obtained and utilized only to the extent required for the efficient and effective transaction of
official Government business.
B. Motor Vehicle Operators. Employees and supervisors who are entrusted with and
authorized to operate owned or leased vehicles are responsible for ensuring the lawful, safe, and
efficient control and operation of the vehicles they operate.
C. Motor Vehicle Acquisition and Utilization. Each bureau or office will acquire,
operate, and maintain only the minimum number and type of vehicles necessary to meet its
motor vehicle transportation requirements. Public transportation will be used whenever and
wherever possible. The Department may grant authority to the bureaus to commercially lease
vehicles if the GSA Fleet Management Center cannot provide the vehicle(s).
D. Motor Vehicle Identification. All DOI Government-owned or -leased motor vehicles
(unless exempted, i.e., undercover Law Enforcement vehicles) must display the legends “For
Official Use Only” and “U.S. Government,” official U.S. Government tags, and DOI
identification. If the Federal Prison Industries, i.e., UNICOR, “I” license tag is used, then
legends for “For Official Use Only” are not required.
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(1) Bureau Assistant Directors for Administration, or their equivalent, may
authorize the removal or substitution of license plates from Interior administrative vehicles if it is
determined that conspicuous identification would interfere with discharge of duties or endanger
the security of individuals or the United States Government.
(2) A certification to GSA for removal or substitution of license plates is necessary
when using a GSA leased vehicle. A copy of the certification, signed by the Bureau Assistant
Director for Administration, or their equivalent, must be provided to the Director, Office of
Acquisition and Property Management.
E. Motor Vehicle Registration and Inspection. For a motor vehicle owned or leased by
the Government, and displaying U.S. Government license plates and motor vehicle
identification, it is not necessary to register it in the District of Columbia, a State,
Commonwealth, territory or possession of the United States.
F. Home-To-Work Transportation. Use of a Government vehicle for transportation by
an employee between his/her residence and place of employment, other than official temporary
duty travel assignments, requires advance written approval by the Secretary.
G. Use and Replacement. Bureaus will follow the use and replacement standards set
forth in the FMR 102-34-280, Use and Replacement Standards.
H. Personal Use Prohibited. Authority will not be granted at any level of administrative
responsibility for the personal use of any Government-owned or -leased motor vehicle or heavy
equipment. This includes the use of space in a Government garage or repair shop, and
Government-owned tools, parts, and accessories in the maintenance or repair of privately owned
motor vehicles/equipment.
I. Penalties for Violations. The following law and regulation prescribe mandatory
penalties for the unofficial use of Government-owned or -leased motor vehicles. 31 U.S.C.
1349(b) provides that any officer or employee who willfully uses or authorizes the use of a
passenger motor vehicle or aircraft owned or leased by the United States Government (except for
an official purpose authorized under section 1344 of the title) or otherwise violates section 1344
will be suspended from duty by the head of the agency. The officer or employee will be
suspended for at least one month and when circumstances warrant, for a longer period or
summarily removed from office.
1.6 Responsibilities.
A. Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget has overall responsibility for
oversight, reporting, issuing directives, and establishing management improvements for motor
vehicle fleet management.
B. Director, Office of Acquisition and Property Management (PAM) has overall
responsibility for policy, management and oversight for the motor vehicle fleet and designating a
Departmental Fleet Manager.
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C. Departmental Fleet Manager is responsible for:
(1) Developing Departmental policies, procedures, and guidance for the
acquisition, assignment, use, maintenance, and disposition of DOI motor vehicles.
(2) Ensuring that DOI motor vehicle management programs meet the requirements
for effective control and accountability.
(3) Disseminating information and advice to bureaus and offices regarding motor
vehicle management.
(4) Monitoring bureau and office motor vehicle plans and reports to ensure
acquisitions and assignments are consistent with mission requirements and utilization standards.
D. Heads of Bureaus and Offices and the Director of the National Business Center, are
responsible for the overall management of the bureau/office motor vehicle fleet and designating
a Senior Bureau Asset Management Officer.
E. Senior Bureau Asset Management Officers are responsible for:
(1) Ensuring that acquisitions and assignments are consistent with mission
requirements and utilization standards.
(2) Exercising management and technical supervision to ensure effective and
efficient administration of the assignment, use, operation, and maintenance of vehicles.
(3) Managing vehicles using the least costly method for the acquisition, utilization,
and maintenance of vehicles.
(4) Establishing procedures for the acquisition, replacement, assignment, use and
disposal/lease termination of vehicles in conformance with the policies and procedures contained
in this chapter.
(5) Ensuring bureau and office motor vehicle plans and reports, OMB Circular A-
11 Agency Motor Vehicle Fleet Report (AMVFR) and FAST (SF 82) are prepared and
electronically submitted to the Office of Acquisition and Property Management in a timely
(6) Designating a Senior Fleet Manager and establishing a management hierarchy.
F. Senior Fleet Managers are responsible for:
(1) Implementing and ensuring compliance with motor vehicle management
policies and procedures consistent with the provisions of this chapter and other Federal
management rules and regulations.
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(2) Controlling the number of vehicles in the fleet by only acquiring the minimum
number of vehicles and size vehicles needed to accomplish the mission.
(3) Preparing and submitting motor vehicle plans and reports, OMB Circular A-11
AMVFR and FAST (SF 82).
(4) Ensuring that all officials are fully informed about policies.
(5) Ensuring that all employees are aware of the prohibition on personal use of
Government motor vehicles.
G. Accountable Officers are responsible for:
(1) Ensuring the safety, security, proper care and use of motor vehicles.
(2) Ensuring that operators operate vehicles in accordance with State and local
traffic safety laws and regulations.
(3) Ensuring that driver training is made available to operators as required by
agency, Federal and/or state laws and regulations.
(4) Reviewing and approving fleet charge card statements.
(5) Ensuring public and/or alternative means of transportation is used whenever
and wherever possible.
(6) Designating a Fleet Manager.
H. Fleet Managers are responsible for:
(1) Ensuring that motor vehicle operators have valid state or commonwealth
issued licenses appropriate to the vehicle they are operating.
(2) Ensuring that supervisors and operators are familiar with regulations governing
the use of Government motor vehicles.
(3) Ensuring the maintenance of records for identifying and analyzing data with
respect to motor vehicle assignment and costs in the acquisition, operation, maintenance, and
disposal/lease termination process.
(4) Maintaining motor vehicle records for inventory and cost reporting, usage,
home-to-work usage, maintenance, accidents, injuries, repairs, and other related requirements.
(5) Arranging for vehicle repairs, inspection and maintenance as needed.
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(6) Certifying fleet charge card statements.
(7) Coordinating with safety managers.
I. Motor vehicle operators are responsible for:
(1) Operating motor vehicles in a safe and prudent manner; and exercising a
reasonable degree of care, skill, and judgment in the performance of their duties.
(2) Having knowledge of and complying with applicable motor vehicle laws and
regulations of Federal, State, and local governments.
(3) Reporting vehicle malfunctions, failures, damages, and accidents to the
supervisor, and the responsible official for their respective fleet; in the case of damages and
accidents, presenting a written statement of facts surrounding the loss to the Board of Survey.
(4) Accomplishing vehicle repairs, inspection and maintenance as needed.
(5) Providing vehicle data on usage, maintenance, mileage, accidents, repairs, and
other information when required.
(6) Refraining from the use of cell phones while the vehicle is in motion.
(7) Ensuring that all vehicle occupants wear safety belts.
(8) Ensuring that all vehicle occupants refrain from the use of tobacco products
while in DOI provided vehicles.
(9) Notifying supervisors of any physical condition that may affect their ability to
operate the vehicle safely.
1.7 Reports and Forms.
A. Motor Vehicle Inventory - Report Control No. 1102-GSA-AN (FAST Report),
Standard Form 82, submitted to the Office of Acquisition and Property Management by
November 15.
B. Agency Motor Vehicle Fleet Report, submitted annually to the Office of
Management and Budget via the Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST) system.
C. Operator’s Report of Motor Vehicle Accident, Standard Form 91, submitted in
accordance with 485 DM 7, Incident/Accident Reporting/Serious Accident Investigation.
D. Statement of Witness, Standard Form 94, submitted in accordance with 485 DM 7,
Incident/Accident Reporting/Serious Accident Investigation.
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E. Form DI-103 (6/88), Report of Survey, or equivalent bureau/office form, plus any
additional forms or attachments deemed necessary, will be used to document the results of
Survey investigations, finding, and determinations.
F. Safety Management Information System (SMIS), Electronic Accident Reporting
Form. An automated system available to authorized DOI employees, supervisors, and safety
managers that can be used to report accidents that involve DOI employees, volunteers,
contractors or visitors to DOI facilities.
7/5/06 #3712
Replaces 4/14/86 #2676 and 11/26/97 IPMD #410-15