Wise Use of Herbs and Vitamins during Pregnancy
by Linda B. White, M.D.
To make love with the goal of creating a child represents longing incarnate. It is an
act both wonderfully irrational and a bit reckless. Once the child within takes hold,
you are no longer one, even after the birth. Being pregnant reminded me of those
Russian Matrushka dolls with tiny women nestled one inside the other--only in
pregnancy, the figures are strung together by umbilical cords. Motherhood can evoke
feelings that run the gamut from profound to mundane, rapturous to maddening.
A woman and her fetus are literally connected--spiritually, emotionally, and
physically. If you desire a child, now is the time to optimize your health. A few
weeks--critical ones for organ development--typically pass between conception and
the realization that you are pregnant. Susun Weed, herbalist and author of Wise
Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year, offers the following advice: "Basically, what
we should be doing every day of our lives is taking care of ourselves--getting
sufficient rest, eating well, exercising, making sure that we're touched lovingly, that
we're supported by people who believe in us and encourage us."
Herbs Commonly Used during Pregnancy
Although herbs are not necessarily needed by all women during pregnancy, the
following herbs are recommended by experienced herbalists and have been used
safely by women for centuries. Kathryn Cox, owner of Motherlove, an herbal
company for women in Laporte, Colorado, suggests generally choosing herbs that
can be eaten as food: nutritive herbs rich in vitamins and minerals such as red
raspberry leaf, nettles, alfalfa, and dandelion. Rosemary Gladstar, author of Herbal
ealing for Women, stresses that with these traditional pregnancy herbs the whole
plant is meant to be used, preferably eaten as a vegetable (in the case of dandelion
greens or nettles) or in some cases taken as a tea or tincture. Unless under the care
of a health practitioner, pregnant women should not use concentrated botanicals that
isolate a few chemical properties. Also, do not exceed recommended dosage
guidelines unless advised to do so by your healthcare practitioner.
Red Raspberry is a tonic that has been used safely by people in North America and
Europe for hundreds of years. Catherine Hunziker, owner of WishGarden Herbs and
an instructor at the Rocky Mountain School of Botanical Medicine in Boulder,
Colorado, calls it "the best all-around herb for a healthy pregnancy. It's a nourishing,
building herb that has an affinity for the reproductive system."
This nutritive herb is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium,
vitamins B, C, and E, and the alkaloid fragarine--the constituent that contributes to
the plant's potency as a pregnancy tonic. It increases fertility in men and women
(especially when combined with red clover), tones the uterus, eases morning
sickness, and assists in plentiful milk production.
If you have a history of miscarriage, some herbalists recommend that you should
delay using the common variety of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) by itself, especially
as a tincture, until after the first trimester. You can then drink one to two cups of tea
a day every other day. Also, if your previous labor has been under three hours, red
raspberry may be contraindicated. Check with your health practitioner.
To make a tea, add one to two tablespoons dried leaf per cup of boiling water and
steep ten to 20 minutes. You may want to alternate red raspberry with other
nutritive herbs such as nettles or combine it with other nourishing herbs.
Motherlove's "Tea for Two" recipe contains red raspberry, red clover (blood
cleansing), nettles (nourishing), alfalfa (also nourishing), and spearmint (tastes good
and calms the stomach).
Nettles are rich in biochelated iron, calcium, and protein, as well as a host of other
important nutrients. "It is virtually a pregnancy tonic by itself," says Gladstar. The
benefits of drinking nettle infusion before and throughout pregnancy include
nourishing and strengthening the kidneys, increasing fertility in men and women,
nourishing the mother and the fetus, diminishing leg cramps and childbirth pain,
preventing hemorrhage after birth, reducing hemorrhoids, and increasing the
richness and amount of mother's milk. According to Sharol Tilgner, ND, president of
Wise Women Herbals in Creswell, Oregon, nettles should be picked prior to flowering
to avoid bladder and kidney irritation. Although use as a tonic is considered safe in
pregnancy, concentrated extracts of stinging nettles (such as used to treat hay
fever) can act as an abortifacient.
Alfalfa is loaded with vitamins A, D, E, and K, eight digestive enzymes, and
numerous trace minerals. It is particularly helpful in late pregnancy because the
vitamin K it supplies promotes proper blood clotting, thereby reducing the risk of
postpartum hemorrhage.
Dandelion. Both the leaf and root of this common garden "weed" provide many
essential nutrients: vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, potassium, and many trace
elements. The root is said to be a specific remedy for the liver. The leaf is a mild,
nonirritating diuretic, which can reduce water retention during pregnancy. You can
eat flesh leaves as salad greens, cook them, or steep them as a tea. However,
because dandelion is rich in vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin that can accumulate in
the body, use only in moderation.
Herbs to Avoid during Pregnancy
Experts agree that pregnant women should avoid herbs that have strong medicinal
or potentially toxic effects. Francis Brinker, ND, author of The Toxicology of Botanical
Medicines, notes that many of the herbs not recommended help initiate menstrual
flow, particularly in nonpregnant women. For women who miscarry easily, higher
doses of these herbs in early pregnancy may increase this risk.
Under professional guidance, a woman may be advised to take some of these herbs
to treat specific conditions, including complications of pregnancy. For instance,
herbalists have traditionally used black haw, false unicorn root, cramp bark, and wild
yam root for threatened miscarriage. Both blue cohosh and black cohosh are
sometimes recommended during the last weeks of pregnancy to prepare the uterus
for childbirth or to stimulate contractions. Shepherd's purse has been utilized to
abate hemorrhaging during childbirth.
The point is not to self-medicate with the following botanicals. It is also important to
realize that the examples in each category do not represent an exhaustive list.
• Herbs that stimulate uterine contractions: birthwort, blue cohosh, cinchona,
cotton root bark, ergot (as in commercial preparations for migraine
headaches), goldenseal, gotu kola, Peruvian bark.
• Herbs that stimulate menstrual flow: agave, angelica, bethroot, black cohosh,
chicory, feverfew (in flower), hyssop, horehound, lovage, milk this-tie,
mistletoe, motherwort, mugwort, nasturtium seed, osha, fresh parsley leaves
(especially placed vaginally), pennyroyal, poke root, pulsatilla, rue, saffron,
sumac berries, tansy, thuja (white cedar), watercress, wormwood, yarrow.
• Herbs high in volatile oils (which can stimulate or irritate the uterus):
eucalyptus, nutmeg, osha, yerba mansa, and the mint family members basil,
catnip, lemon balm, marjoram, oregano, peppermint, pennyroyal, rosemary,
true sage, and thyme. For the common culinary herbs, the concern lies with
the use of high doses in women susceptible to miscarriage, not with using
herbs to flavor food.
• Plants high in alkaloids (which can also stimulate the uterus): barberry, blood
root, broom, goldenseal, coffee, mandrake, tea.
• Herbs that affect hormonal function: dong quai, hops, licorice, motherwort,
wild yam.
• Harsh herbal laxatives: aloe, cascara sagrada, purging buckthorn, rhubarb,
senna, and yellow dock (in large amounts).
• Strong diuretics: juniper berries, uvaursi (bearberry).
Nutrition during Pregnancy
You need to stay well nourished for your own health and that of the child developing
within. When should you start to eat wisely? Now. Irwin Rosenberg, MD, director of
the US Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Center on Aging at Tufts
University, emphasizes that sound nutrition is important not only during pregnancy
but at the time of conception. Because the timing of conception is often
unpredictable, he says, "Ideally women ought to be maintaining good nutrition
throughout their childbearing years."
Should pregnant women take vitamin supplements? Generally, the best way to get
vitamins and minerals is by eating a varied diet of whole foods, one that includes an
abundance of grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, food herbs, nuts, seeds, and, if
you're not a vegetarian, dairy and lean meats.
Vitamins and minerals from foods tend to be well absorbed and assimilated, with
little risk of overdose. "Healthy food is, by far, more important than supplements,"
says Betsy Walker, MS, who teaches nutrition during pregnancy at the Seattle
Midwifery School. "If a woman is getting a very good quality diet, I don't think she
absolutely needs supplements. Women who are not receiving good nutritional
counseling should be taking a prenatal supplement." Because vitamins and minerals
extract easily into vinegar, Cox makes a cider vinegar extract of dandelion leaf,
nettles, parsley, burdock root, and violet leaf, which she adds to greens and grains
for extra nutrition.
Although the National Academy of Sciences recommends that prenatal vitamins be
prescribed on an individual basis, depending on a woman's nutritional status, routine
prenatal vitamins have become the standard of care. However, no amount of vitamin
pills can substitute for a healthy diet. Furthermore, when it comes to supplements,
more doesn't mean better. Unless advised to do so by your health practitioner, don't
take megadoses of single vitamins during pregnancy. The main concern is vitamin A,
an excess of which has been associated with birth defects. Other vitamins and
minerals can also be toxic to the fetus, and an excess of one mineral can unbalance
Studies show that diets of pregnant women most often lack four vitamins (folic acid,
B-6, D, and E) and four minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc).1 Of these,
iron is the most difficult to obtain from diet alone. The recommended daily
allowances (RDA) for pregnancy listed below represent the amount a woman should
derive from diet, plus or minus a supplement.
Folic acid is necessary for DNA synthesis, and therefore critical in the development
of all tissues, particularly the nervous system's. Oral contraceptives may deplete folic
acid levels. Diet surveys have found folic acid intake to be low in the US, particularly
among women and blacks.2
Deficiencies have been linked to megaloblastic anemia and neural tube defects
(incomplete development of the brain and spinal cord). Folic acid supplementation
has been shown to reduce recurrence of neural tube defects by 72 percent.3 When a
group of more than 2,000 women took a multivitamin that included 800 micrograms
of folic acid from the time of conception through the first three months of pregnancy,
their babies had 50 percent fewer birth malformations of all types and no neural tube
Because the neural tube forms within the first four weeks of pregnancy, you need to
get sufficient folic acid while you're trying to conceive. The US Public Health Service
1992 advisory statement recommends all women of childbearing age get 400
micrograms a day and not exceed 1 milligram a day, except under medical
RDA: 400 mcg.
Food sources: liver (750 mcg. in 3.5 oz.), whole grains, legumes (358 mcg. in 1 cup
lentils), sunflower seeds (317 mcg. in 1 cup), beans (292 mcg. in 1 cup pinto
beans), green leafy vegetables (200 mcg. in 1 cup frozen spinach, 171 mcg. in 1 cup
turnip greens), citrus fruits (109 mcg. in 1 cup orange juice), broccoli (104 mcg. in 1
cup), and brewer's yeast. Herbal sources include dandelion, amaranth greens, lamb's
quarter, nettle, and red clover.
Vitamin B-6 is important in the breakdown and utilization of carbohydrates, fats,
and proteins, and in the production of antibodies and red blood cells. Oral
contraceptives can deplete this vitamin. A deficiency may aggravate morning
sickness, which supplementation can help relieve. In one clinical study, 342 pregnant
women were randomly assigned to receive either 30 mg. of vitamin B-6 or a placebo.
Compared to the placebo group, the women taking vitamin B-6 reported a significant
reduction in nausea and vomiting, although one-third continued to experience
gastrointestinal upset.5
RDA: 2.2 mg.
Food sources (contents given in mg. per 3.5-oz. serving): torula yeast (3), brewer's
yeast (2.5), sunflower seeds (1.25), toasted wheat germ (1.15), legumes (.81 for
dry soybeans), walnuts (.73), whole grains (.55 for brown rice), fruits (.51 for
bananas), green leafy vegetables such as spinach (.28), and meat, fish, and poultry.
Calcium is vital to the health of bones and teeth in both the fetus and the mother.
It's important not to take calcium and iron at the same time because each counters
the absorption of the other. For this reason, some practitioners recommend that
women take a multivitamin that contains iron and, at another time, a calcium
supplement. In addition, a high protein intake depletes calcium stores, which is one
reason the RDA is so high (since most Americans consume more protein than they
need). If you follow a lower protein vegetarian diet, you may not need this much
RDA: 1,200 mg.
Food sources: sardines (370 mg. in 3 oz.), dairy products (300 mg. in 1 cup low-fat
milk), mackerel, firm tofu processed with calcium, seaweed, tahini, almonds, dark
leafy greens (180 mg. in 1/2 cup), salmon (165 mg. in 3 oz. canned with bones),
broccoli (70 mg. in 1/2 cup), beans, lentils, blackstrap molasses, and dried fruit.
Herbs containing calcium include nettles, red raspberry leaves, oatseed, oatstraw,
alfalfa, chamomile, borage, dandelion, and red clover. A cup of lamb's quarters or
amaranth greens contains about 400 mg. An infusion of two handfuls of nettle, red
clover, raspberry leaf, or oatstraw in 2 to 4 cups boiling water, steeped 4 to 8 hours,
contains 250 to 300 mg. per cup. Food herbs rich in calcium generally also contain
magnesium in a ratio well utilized by the body.
Vitamin A is essential in building strong bones and teeth, and in the growth and
repair of all tissues, especially skin and mucous membranes. Because of the potential
toxicity of high doses, which are associated with birth defects, stay within
recommended guidelines. Beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A, is
considered more beneficial and is not associated with toxicity.
RDA: 4,000 IU
Food sources (given in IU of beta carotene): Orange fruits and vegetables such as
carrots (11,000 in 1 large carrot), sweet potatoes, winter squash, (2,700 in 2 to 3
medium), cantaloupe (3,400 in 1/4 melon), peaches (1,330 in 1 medium), and dark
leafy greens like mustard and kale (7,400 in 3/4 cup cooked), spinach (7,300 in 1/2
cup cooked). The best herb source is dandelion (3,500 to 6,500 in a 1/2 cup of
steamed or flesh dandelion greens), although you do not need that much--just
adding a few leaves to your salad will boost your vitamin intake. Other herb sources
include alfalfa, cayenne, paprika, and elderberries.
Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis, as well as amino acid and thyroid
hormone production; it also aids iron and calcium absorption.
RDA: 70 mg.
Food sources: guava (242 mg. in 1 medium), papaya, green peppers (96 mg. in 3.5
oz.), broccoli (90 mg. in 2/3 cup cooked), Brussels sprouts (87 mg. in 6 to 7
cooked), cauliflower (78 mg. in 1 cup), cabbage (47 mg. in 1 cup), turnip greens,
strawberries (59 mg. in 10 large), citrus fruits (53 mg. in 1 orange), cantaloupe (33
mg. in 1/4 melon). Herbs include dandelion leaves, nettles, elderberries, rosehips,
cayenne, violet leaves, pine needles, and alfalfa.
Vitamin D is important in the absorption of calcium and phosphorous and for the
fetus's bone and tooth development.
RDA: 10 mcg. (400 IU)
sunshine, alfalfa, nettles, dairy, butter, eggs. Deficiency is rare.
Vitamin E is important for red blood cell growth and proper immune function.
RDA: 10 mg. or 10 IU
Food sources: wheat germ, vegetable oils, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, whole grains,
eggs, spinach, soybeans, hazelnuts, almonds, and seaweeds. Herbs include alfalfa,
rosehips, raspberry leaf, and dandelion.
Vitamin K is necessary for the formation of thrombin--a chemical critical to blood
clotting. In the presence of certain intestinal bacteria, our bodies can make this fat-
soluble vitamin. Insufficient vitamin K can contribute to postpartum hemorrhaging.
RDA: 65 mcg.
Food sources: (given as mcgs. per 3.5-oz. serving): kale (729), green tea (712),
leafy greens such as turnip greens (650) and spinach (415), broccoli (200), lettuce
(129), cabbage (125), watercress (57), asparagus (57), oats (20), green peas (19),
and whole wheat (17).
Iron requirements double in pregnancy, chiefly to keep up with the production of
hemoglobin (the chemical that carries oxygen in red blood cells) in mother and fetus.
RDA: 30 mg. The drawback of supplemental iron is constipation. Absorption is
increased by vitamin C.
Food sources: clams (24 mg. in 3 oz.), oysters (11 mg. in 3 oz.), legumes (9 mg. in
1 cup soybeans), tofu (7 to 13 mg. in 4 oz. firm), organ meats (6 mg. in 3 oz. beef
liver, 15 mg. in 3 oz. pork liver), whole grains (5 mg. in 1 cup cooked quinoa), beans
(4 mg. in I cup cooked pinto beans), dark, leafy greens (3 mg. in a cup cooked
spinach), dried fruits (2 mg. in 5 figs), seeds, nuts (especially almonds), egg yolks,
rosehips, and blackstrap molasses (6 mg. in 2 tbsp.). Herbs containing iron include
yellow dock root, dandelion root, nettles, and alfalfa. According to Cox, these herbs
provide an assimilable source of iron that is nonconstipating.
Zinc is important in enzyme function, the formation of insulin, protein synthesis,
development of reproductive organs, and immune function. In a study of women
with blood zinc levels below the median, the group who took a prenatal vitamin that
included a zinc supplement bore infants of greater birthweight and head
circumference than the placebo group.6
RDA: 15 mg.
Food sources
: (given as mg. per 3.5 oz. serving): fresh oysters (148.7), pumpkin
seeds (7.5), gingerroot (6.8), nuts (3 to 4), whole wheat (3.2), oats (3.2), lima
beans (3.1), green peas (1.6), garlic (.6).
Natural Remedies for Common Pregnancy Complaints
Morning sickness afflicts millions of pregnant women to some degree. Fortunately,
several natural remedies offer relief.
Nutrition. Eat small, frequent meals and sip warm liquids. Foods rich in vitamin B-6
(whole grains, meats, blackstrap molasses) are said to alleviate nausea of all types,
and clinical studies have shown relief with B-6 supplementation. Because morning
sickness is often worse when your stomach is empty (especially when you first wake
up in the morning), keep snacks on hand.
Herbs. Ginger is probably one of the best antinauseant remedies around. It is also an
emmenagogue (initiates menstrual flow in nonpregnant women), not an abortifacient
(induces miscarriage). If a woman is not pregnant but her period is late and she
takes ginger, she's likely to start bleeding. If she is pregnant and has morning
sickness, ginger can ease nausea and vomiting. In one clinical trial of women with
severe nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, namely hyperemesis gravidarum, 250
mg. of powdered gingerroot four times a day significantly reduced discomfort.7 A
review of ginger's use as an antinausea remedy concluded that ginger is safe in
pregnancy "provided normal doses are consumed."8
What form of ginger should you take? Weed responds, "Whatever form you can
tolerate." Choose from fresh, dried, or powdered ginger, ginger tea, or crystallized
ginger. Find your favorite type and place it by your bed-side to sip or nibble first
thing in the morning. Gladstar's recipe for ginger tea is as follows: grate one to two
teaspoons of fresh gingerroot, simmer in a cup of water for a few minutes, and add
honey and lemon to taste. Mindy Green, herbalist and co-author of Aromatherapy: A
Complete Guide to the Healing Art, recommends an herbal tea of meadowsweet,
pearmint, ginger, and chamomile. (Note: If you're allergic to ragweed, you may
also be allergic to chamomile.) Red raspberry leaves are also said to soothe nausea.
Aromatherapy. Pregnancy tends to heighten your sense of smell, and foul odors may
make you sick to your stomach. Pleasant aromas, on the other hand, such as oil of
lavender, lemon, or spearmint, may alleviate nausea. Green reminds you not to
apply essential oils undiluted to your skin and never to take them internally, adding,
"The safest essential oils to use during pregnancy are those from flowers." For
safety, she also suggests you wait to use essential oils until after the first trimester.
Homeopathy. Dana Ullman, MPH, author and director of the Homeopathic
Educational Services in Berkeley, California, says that homeopathic medicines are
safe to take during pregnancy. His list of remedies for morning sickness includes
Sepia, Ipecac, Tabacum, Nux vomica, Bryonia, Ignatia, and Cocculus. To choose a
remedy, Ullman suggests you read about them in a homeopathy self-help book.
Insomnia. Sleeplessness typically strikes in the third trimester, when a womb full of
revolving elbows and knees interferes with comfortable repose.
Herbs. Herbs high in calcium, "nature's tranquilizer," soothe the nerves, promote
restful sleep, and also ease muscle cramps. Some good ones for pregnant women
are skullcap and oats (oatmeal, oatstraw, or oatseed). For relaxation, add a cloth
bag full of chamomile and lavender blossoms to a warm bath before bed.
Aromatherapy. Inhaling essential oils of neroli, ylang-ylang, lavender, rose, and
jasmine are said to calm the nervous system.
Homeopathy. The following remedies are often recommended for occasional difficulty
sleeping: Coffea, Pulsatilla, Arnica, and Chamomilla. Consult a homeopathic self-help
book to choose the correct one for you. Combination remedies for insomnia are also
widely available.
Stretch marks. According to Green, massaging a pregnant belly (and breasts) with
aromatherapy oils can help the skin expand and thus prevent stretch marks. She
says that topical use of diluted essential oils is generally safe for healthy pregnant
women, especially after the first trimester. She combines 15 drops lavender oil, 5
drops neroli oil, 2 drops rose oil, and 800 IU vitamin E in 4 oz. carrier oil. Gladstar's
recipe for belly oil combines 1/2 cup cocoa butter, 1/2 cup coconut oil, 20,000 IU
vitamin E oil, 2 tsp. grated beeswax, 1 tsp. lanolin, and 1/4 cup apricot, almond, or
grape seed oil. Melt the ingredients together and rub this oil over belly and breasts
two to three times a day. Or you can buy Motherlove's Pregnant Belly Oil, which
combines comfrey, calendula, mallow, raspberry; and vitamin E in either olive oil or
a beeswax and lanolin salve; or WishGarden's belly oil, which contains elderflower,
comfrey, and bee pollen in olive and sweet almond oil.
Hemorrhoids. Motherlove's Rhoid Balm blends comfrey root, calendula, yarrow, and
plantain in olive oil and beeswax. Their Sitz Bath combines comfrey, yarrow, uva-
ursi, and sea salt in a muslin bag, to infuse into warm water. Used after the birth,
this remedy helps heal tears and sore muscles of the pelvic floor. Sage Mountain has
a salve of comfrey and St. John's wort. Because cold temperatures constrict swollen
veins, Gladstar suggests you keep it in the refrigerator and apply it two to three
times a day. Homeopathic remedies include Nux vomica, Belladonna, Muriatic acid,
Aloe, Pulsatilla, Aesculus, and Hamamelis.
Heartburn. You can chew or make a tea of the seeds of digestive herbs such as
fennel, anise, or dill.
The Common Cold Herbs. Echinacea (when not combined with goldenseal) is fine
for any pregnant or lactating woman. Garlic, which is antibacterial, antiviral, and
expectorant, may also be safely taken. Ginger, which is warming, can ease cold
symptoms. Gladstar likes to use echinacea (immune boosting and antimicrobial),
mullein (demulcent, expectorant), and elderberries or flowers (expectorant,
diaphoretic, helpful in the early stages of cold and flu) alone or in combination. More
than anything, it's important to treat yourself to a day in bed.
Vitamins. Because it is water-soluble, it's all right to take 1 to 2 grams of vitamin C a
Homeopathy. Self-care homeopathic texts list a number of homeopathic medicines.
The choice depends on your symptoms. Alternatively, you can go with the shotgun
approach of homeopathic combination remedies for colds.
Linda B. White, M.D. works as a freelance writer and editor. She has written for
many health magazines, and is the coauthor of Kids, Herbs, and Health (Interweave
Press, 1998) and of The Herbal Drugstore (Rodale, 2000).
1 National Academy of Sciences, Nutrition during Pregnancy (Washington, DC:
National Academy Press, 1990).
2 A. F. Subar, G. Block, L. D. James, "Folate Intake and Food Sources in the US
Population," American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 50 (1989): 508-516.
3 MRC Vitamin Study Research Group, "Prevention of Neuraltube Defects: Results of
the Medical Research Council Vitamin Study, Lancet 338 (July 1991): 131-137.
4 A. E. Creizel and I. Dudas, "Prevention of the First Occurrence of Neural-Tube
Defects by Periconceptional Vitamin Supplementation," New England Journal of
Medicine 327 (December 1992): 1832-1835.
5 T. Vuktyananich, S. Wongtrangan, and R. Rungaroon, "Pyridoxine for Nausea and
Vomiting of Pregnancy: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial,"
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 173 (1995): 881-884.
6 R. Goldenberg, T. Tsunenobu et al., "The Effect of Zinc Supplementation on
Pregnancy Outcome," Journal of the American Medical Association 274 (August
1995): 463-468.
7 W. Fischer-Rasmussen, S. Kjaer et al., "Ginger Treatment of Hyperemesis
Gravidarum," European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology
38 (1990): 19-24.
8 S. Fulder and M. Tenne, "Ginger as an Anti-Nausea Remedy in Pregnancy: The
Issue of Safety," HerbalGram 38 (1996): 47-50.
Brinker, Francis, ND. The Toxicology of Botanical Medicines. Sandy, OR: Eclectic
Medical Publications, 1996.
Brinker, Francis, ND. Herb Contraindications and Drug Interactions, 3rd Edition,
Sandy, Oregon: Eclectic Medical Publications. This edition is due out August 2001.
Gladstar, Rosemary. Herbal Healing for Women. New York: Simon and Schuster,
Heimburger, Douglas C., and Roland L. Weinsier. Handbook of Clinical Nutrition.
Mosby, NY: Mosby-Year Book, 1997.
Long, Patricia. The Nutritional Ages of Women. New York: Macmillan, 1986.
McGuffin, Michael, Hobbs, Christopher, et al. American Herbal Products Association's
Botancial Safety Handbook. CRC Press, 1997.
Murray, Michael. Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements. Rocklin, CA: Prima, 1996.
National Academy of Sciences. Nutrition during Pregnancy and Lactation.
Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1992.
Swinney, Bridget, MS, RD. Eating Expectantly. Colorado Springs, CO: Fall River
Press, 1993.
Weed, Susun. Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year. Woodstock, NY: Ash
Tree Publishing, 1986.
For More Information
The Eclectic Institute
14385 SE Lusted Road Sandy, OR 97055 Phone: 888-799-4372; 800-865-1487;
503-668-4120 Fax: 888-655-4372
An herbal sales, information, and publishing center providing natural alternatives for
the optimization of health.
PO Box 101 Laporte, CO 80535 Phone: 970-493-2892 Fax: 970-224-4844
Offers herbal products for including teas, tinctures, and salves to use throughout
Sage Mountain
PO Box 420 East Barre, VT 05649
A learning center Sage Mountain also sells a few of Rosemary Gladstar's favorite
tinctures and salves.
Offers an extensive range of herbal extracts and teas, including many for
childbearing and infant care.