Meta-Learning with Graph Neural Networks: Methods and
Debmalya Mandal
, Sourav Medya
, Brian Uzzi
, Charu Aggarwal
Data Science Institute, Columbia University, New York
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York
[email protected], {sourav.medya,uzzi},
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), a generalization of deep neural
networks on graph data have been widely used in various domains,
ranging from drug discovery to recommender systems. However,
GNNs on such applications are limited when there are few avail-
able samples. Meta-learning has been an important framework
to address the lack of samples in machine learning, and in recent
years, researchers have started to apply meta-learning to GNNs. In
this work, we provide a comprehensive survey of different meta-
learning approaches involving GNNs on various graph problems
showing the power of using these two approaches together. We cat-
egorize the literature based on proposed architectures, shared rep-
resentations, and applications. Finally, we discuss several exciting
future research directions and open problems.
The methods of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
have found tremendous success in various applications, ranging
from natural language processing [17] to cancer screening [66].
Such success of AI systems can be attributed to various architec-
tural innovations, and the ability of deep neural networks (DNN) to
extract meaningful representations from Euclidean data (e.g. im-
age, video etc.). However, in many applications, the data is graph-
structured. For example, in drug discovery, the goal is to predict
whether a given molecule is a potential candidate for a new drug,
where the input molecules are represented by graphs. In a recom-
mender system, the interaction between the users and the items are
represented by a graph, and such non-Euclidean data is crucial in
designing a better system.
The proliferation of graph structured data in various applications
has led to Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) which are generaliza-
tions of DNN for graph-structured inputs. The main goal of GNNs
is to learn effective representations of the graphs. Such representa-
tions map the vertices, edges, and/or graphs to a low-dimensional
space, so that the structural relationships in the graph are reflected
by the geometric relationships in the representations [29]. In re-
cent years, GNNs have been applied in diverse domains, often with
surprising positive results like discovery of a new antibiotic [57],
accurate traffic forecasting [14], etc.
Despite of recent success of GNNs in various domains, GNN frame-
works have their own shortcomings. One of the major challenges
in applying GNNs, particularly for large graph-structured datasets,
is the limited number of samples. Furthermore, real-world systems
like recommender systems often need to handle diverse types of
problems, and must adapt to a new problem with very few obser-
vations. In recent years, meta-learning has turned out be an im-
portant framework to address these shortcomings of deep learning
systems. The main idea behind meta-learning is to design learn-
ing algorithms that can leverage prior learning experience to adapt
to a new problem quickly, and learn a useful algorithm with few
samples. Such approaches have been quite successful in diverse
applications like natural language processing [41], robotics [48],
and healthcare [74].
Recently, several meta learning methods to train GNNs have been
proposed for various applications. There are two main challenges
in applying meta-learning to graph-structured data. First, an im-
portant challenge is to determine the type of representation that
is shared across different tasks. As GNNs are used for a wide
range of tasks from node classification to graph classification, the
learned shared representation needs to consider the type of tasks
to be solved and this makes the choice and design of architecture
quite important for meta-learning. Second, in a multi-task setting,
we usually have few samples from each task. Thus, the support
and query examples have often limited overlap in terms of simi-
larity. For example, in node classification tasks, the nodes rarely
are similar in the support and query set of a given task. On the
other hand, in link prediction, the support and query edges are of-
ten located far away from each other in the graph. Therefore, a
major challenge in applying meta-learning to GNNs is to model
the dependencies among nodes (or edges) that are far apart (both
distance-wise and similarity-wise) from each other in the graph. In
this survey, we review the growing literature on meta learning with
GNNs. There are several thorough individual surveys on GNNs
[77, 67] and meta-learning [30], but we believe this survey is the
first effort to categorize and comprehensively review the existing
papers on meta learning with GNNs.
1.1 Our Contributions
Besides providing background on meta-learning and architectures
based on GNNs individually, our major contributions can be sum-
marized as follows.
Comprehensive review: We provide a comprehensive re-
view of meta learning techniques with GNNs on several graph
problems. We categorize the literature based on methods,
representations and applications and show various scenarios
where limitations of GNNs are addressed via meta learning.
Future directions: We discuss how meta learning and GNNs
can address some of the challenges in several areas: (i) com-
binatorial graph problems, (ii) graph mining problems, and
(iii) other emerging applications such as traffic flow predic-
tion, molecular property prediction, and network alignment.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides
background on a few key graph neural network architectures. Sec-
tion 3 outlines the background on meta-learning and major the-
oretical advances. A comprehensive categorization of the papers
that use the framework of meta-learning equipped with GNNs on
important graph related problems is described in Sections 4 and
5. First, Section 4 covers applications of meta-learning framework
for solving some classical graph problems. The problem discussed
here doesn’t explicitly propose a multi-task setting, rather the meta-
learning framework is applied to a fixed graph. In Section 5 we
cover the literature on graph meta learning when there are multiple
tasks and the graph might change with the tasks. Although various
GNNs have been proposed for graph meta-learning, they can be cat-
egorized broadly based on the type of shared representation, which
can be either at a local level (node/edge based) or at the global level
(graph based). Table 1 provides an overview of various papers cat-
egorized by the type of shared representation and the application
domains. Table 2 presents the papers described in Section 5 based
on the corresponding meta-learning approaches. Section 6 covers a
broad range of applications of meta-learning on GNNs and Section
7 suggests some exciting future directions.
Generalizing deep learning on graphs has resulted in an exciting
area of Graph Neural networks (GNNs). GNNs embed or represent
nodes as points in a vector space with the help of structural and at-
tribute information from the neighbourhood of a node and the node
itself. They encode this information via non-linear transformations
and aggregation functions into a final representation. The proposed
architectures can be broadly categorized into two types: (i) convo-
lution on neighborhood, and (ii) location-aware.
(i) Convolution on neighborhood: The primary examples of ar-
chitectures that are based on convolution on neighborhood include
GCN [36], GRAPHSAGE [28], and GAT [61]. These architec-
tures mostly create representations of nodes through a convolution
operation ψ over its neighborhood, i.e., the embedding, z
where the (k-hop) neighborhood (set of nodes) of the
node v in the graph G is N
(v). Thus, two nodes with similar
neighborhoods are likely to have similar embeddings.
(ii) Location-aware: The examples of GNNs that are location
aware framework include PGNN [71] and GRAPHREACH [49]. In
this approach, if two nodes are located close (usually by number of
hops) to each other in the graph then they are expected to have sim-
ilar embeddings. If the graph has a high clustering coefficient, then
one-hop neighbors of a node share many other neighbors among
them as well. Therefore, if two nodes are close to each other, they
have a high likelihood of having similar neighborhoods. Many real
graphs have small-world and scale-free properties and have high
clustering coefficients. Next, we briefly describe the key architec-
tures of GNNs.
GCN [36]: A primary contribution in applying neural architectures
on graphs has been made by [36] with the introduction of Graph
Convolutional Networks (GCNs). GCNs are analogous version of
convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on graphs. Inspired by the
idea of representing a pixel with information from its nearby pix-
els (filter in CNNs), graph convolutions also apply the key idea
of aggregating feature information from a node’s local neighbor-
hood. More formally, GCNs are neural network architectures that
produces a d-dimensional embeddings for each node by taking as
input adjacency matrix A and node features X; GCN(A, X) :
× R
. The idea is to aggregate feature informa-
tion from a node’s neighborhood (can be generalized to multiple
hops) and its own features to produce the final embedding. A 2-
layer (neighbourhood is 2-hops) GCN can be defined as follows:
GCN(A, X) = σ(
A =
is the normalized adjacency matrix with
D as weighted degree matrix and
+A with I
being an n×n
identity matrix and σ is an activation function. Moreover, W
is a
weight matrix for the i-th layer to be learned during training, with
, W
, and d (d
) being the number of
neural network nodes in the output (hidden) layer.
GRAPHSAGE [28]: Hamilton et al. [28] propose an inductive
framework with an aggregation function that is able to share weight
parameters (W
) across nodes, can be generalized to unseen nodes
and scale to large datasets. To learn representation h
of a node
v, it iterates over all nodes which are in their K-hop neighborhood.
While iterating over node v, it aggregates (with AGGREGATE
the current representations of vs neighbors (h
(v)) and concate-
nate with the current representation of v (h
), which is then fed
through a fully connected layer with an activation function. Intu-
itively, with more iterations, nodes incrementally receive informa-
tion from neighbors of higher depth (i.e., distance). More specifi-
cally for k-th iteration,
, u N(v)
= σ
(v), h
GAT [61]: Graph Attention Networks (GATs) [61] learn edge
weights using attention mechanisms. GAT does not assume that the
contributions of neighbouring nodes are all equal unlike in GRAPH-
SAGE [28]. GAT learns the relative importance/weights between
two connected nodes. The graph convolutional operation (k-th it-
eration) is defined as follows:
= σ
where α
measures the strength between the node v and its neigh-
bour u N(v). GAT has been shown to outperform both GCN
and GRAPHSAGE in node classification task both in transductive
as well as inductive settings in benchmark datasets.
PGNN [71]: Unlike in GRAPHSAGE where the representation of
a node depends on its k-hop neighborhood, PGNN follows a dif-
ferent paradigm and aims to incorporate positional information of a
node with respect to the nodes in the entire network. The key idea is
that the position of a node can be captured via a low-distortion em-
bedding by quantifying the distance between that node and a set of
anchor nodes. The framework first samples multiple sets of anchor
nodes. It also learns a non-linear aggregation scheme to combine
the features of the nodes in each anchor set. The aggregation is
normalized by the distance between the node and the anchor-set.
Other variations: There are several other variations and improve-
ments of GNNs that are based on different mechanisms: GAT is
further extended by Gated Attention Network (GAAN) [72] through
a self-attention mechanism which computes an additional attention
score for each attention head. Graph Autoencoders [9, 37] encode
nodes/graphs into a latent vector space and further reconstruct the
graph related data depending on the application from this encod-
ing in an unsupervised fashion; Recurrent GNNs [53, 39] apply
the same set of parameters recurrently over nodes to extract high-
level node representations. For a comprehensive survey on GNNs,
please refer to [67].
2.1 Applications
GNNs outperform traditional approaches for semi-supervised learn-
ing tasks (e.g. node classification) on graphs. The high level appli-
cations of GNNs can be categorized in three major tasks: node clas-
sification, link prediction, and graph classification. For node clas-
sification and link prediction tasks, traditionally four benchmark
datasets are used: Cora, Citeseer, Pubmed, and protein-protein in-
teraction (PPI) dataset. Shchur et al. [56] and Errica et al. [22]
provide a detailed comparison of performances of the key architec-
tures on node and graph classification tasks. GNNs are also used in
the link prediction task that has applications in many domains such
as friend or movie recommendation, knowledge graph completion,
and metabolic network reconstruction [73].
Meta-learning has turned out to be an important framework to ad-
dress the problem of limited data in various machine learning appli-
cations. The main idea behind meta-learning is to design learning
algorithms that can leverage prior learning experience to adapt to a
new problem quickly, and learn a useful algorithm with few sam-
ples [55]. Such approaches have been quite successful in diverse
applications like natural language processing [41], robotics [48],
and healthcare [74].
3.1 Framework
In standard supervised learning, we are given a training dataset
D = {x
, y
, a loss function `, and we aim to find a predictive
model of the form ˆy = f
= argmin
L(D, θ) = argmin
), y
In meta-learning, we are given samples from a number of different
tasks and the goal is to learn an algorithm that generalizes across
tasks. In particular, the tasks are drawn from a distribution p(T ),
and the meta-objective is to find a common parameter that works
across the distribution of tasks.
= argmin
p(T )
, ω) (1)
In the meta-test phase, we are given a target task (say task 0) and
we use the meta-knowledge ω
to obtain the best parameter for the
target with few samples.
= argmin
, θ|ω
3.2 Training
Many popular meta-learning algorithms are based on gradient de-
scent on the meta-parameter ω [23, 52]. In order to understand
how to perform gradient descent with respect to ω, it is insightful
to frame Equation (1) as a bi-level optimization problem.
= argmin
p(T )
, θ
(ω), ω)
s.t. θ
(ω) = argmin
(θ, ω, D
) i
If we have a model for the inner-optimization method, then a gra-
dient of the objective with respect to ω can be computed by using
the chain rule e.g.
, θ
(ω), ω) =
, θ
(ω), ω)
However, often the inner objective function is non-convex, and hard
to solve. So model agnostic meta learning (MAML), introduced by
Finn et al. [23] suggests to first take a gradient step for each task i
as follows:
= θ
(ω) α
(ω), ω, D
Then MAML replaces θ
(ω) in the outer objective, i.e.,
ω = ω β
, θ
, ω)
We now instantiate the MAML algorithm for the task of classifying
nodes of a graph. Recall the GCN framework from Section 2. Here
the t-th task is classification of nodes of a graph G
with adjacency
matrix A
and node-feature matrix X
. Then a standard two-layer
GCN for node classification problem is given as follows:
, A
, W
) = softmax
Given labels of the nodes Y
, such a network is often trained with
the cross-entropy loss:
, A
, W
) =
ln f (X
, A
, W
Usually, the parameters W
are trained by stochastic gradient de-
scent. Here, we wish to identify a meta parameter vector W
which is close to the parameters of different tasks (i.e. kW
δ for some δ > 0). The benefit of learning such meta-parameters
is that, on a new task s, we can initialize task-parameter W
and the new task would require very few samples to train. Al-
gorithm 1 describes the MAML algorithm instantiated for the case
of node classification with GCN based representation.
ALGORITHM 1: Model Agnostic Meta-Learning for GCN
Input: Step sizes α and β.
Initialize W
Sample a batch of T tasks {G
} p(·).
Sample a batch of T datasets {D
= (A
, X
, Y
)} where
for each task t in T do
Update W
= W
, A
, W )
W =W
Update W
= W
, A
, W )
W =W
while Not Convergence
return Meta-parameter W
3.3 Representation Learning
Another perspective of meta-learning, which will be particularly
important for the context of graph neural networks, is learning a
shared representation across different tasks. Here we assume that,
given an input x, the training data from the t-th task is generated
as y
= f
h(x) + η
, where η
is some iid noise. Effectively,
the function h maps input x to a shared representation and then
a task-specific function f
is applied to generate the task-specific
We write θ
(ω) to denote the meta-parameter ω adapted to task i.
During the meta-training phase, we attempt to learn the shared
function h. Suppose we are given T datasets D
= {(x
, y
for t = 1, . . . , T . Then we solve the following optimization prob-
lem to recover h.
, f
))) + R(h) +
) (3)
Here R(·) is some regularization function, and let
its solution. In general, the optimization problem defined in Equa-
tion (3) is hard to solve unless we make specific assumption about
the types of functions. For example, even if we assume f
is same
across the tasks and in fact an identity function, the problem de-
fined in Equation (3) can involve learning a general neural network
based shared representation h. For the special case of linear mod-
els, this problem can be solved efficiently (e.g. by using matrix
regression [59]). In this survey, we focus on gradient based meth-
ods for learning the shared representation h in equation (3), which
has been quite successful in practice. In the meta-test phase, we are
given samples from a new task s e.g. {(x
, y
. We substi-
h, the estimate of the common representation function h, and
learn the new task-specific function f
, f
+ R(f
We now instantiate this framework for the task of classifying nodes
of a graph. As before, we use two-layer GCN where the model
is defined in Equation (2). However, we now assume that the first
layer is shared across different tasks and only the second layer is
trained for a new task. In particular, we assume W
= [W
; W
Although, the optimization problem in Equation (3) is NP-hard to
solve with this particular type of representation, we can write down
an algorithm to solve for the meta-parameter W
using gradient
descent. Algorithm 2 describes this algorithm and returns the meta-
parameter W
ALGORITHM 2: Shared Representation Learning for GCN
Input: Step sizes α and β, datasets D
= {(x
, y
t = 1, . . . , T .
Initialize W
Initialize W
for t = 1, . . . , T .
Set W
= [W
, W
for each task t in [T ] do
= W
, [W
; W ])
W =W
Update W
= W
, [W ; W
W =W
while Not Convergence
return Meta-parameter W
3.4 Theory
Despite immense success, we are yet to fully understand the the-
oretical foundations of meta-learning algorithms. Baxter [5] first
prove generalization bound for multitask learning problem, by con-
sidering a model where tasks with shared representation are sam-
pled from a generative model. Pontil et al. [51], and Maurer et
al. [46] develop general uniform-convergence based framework to
analyze multitask representation learning. However, they assume
oracle access to a global empirical risk minimizer. Recently, there
have been promising attempts to understand meta learning from
representation learning. The main idea is that the tasks share a com-
mon shared representation and a task-specific representation [60,
59, 21]. If the shared representation is learned from the training
tasks, then the task-specific representation for the new task can be
learned with only a few samples. Finally, there have been interest-
ing recent work trying to understand gradient-based meta-learning.
[24, 4, 35, 16] analyze gradient based meta-learning in the frame-
work of online convex optimization (OCO). They assume that the
parameters of the tasks are close to a shared parameter to bound
regret in the OCO framework.
In this section, we review applications of meta-learning for solving
some classical problems on graphs. Here we consider the setting
when the underlying graph is fixed and the node/edge features do
not change with different tasks. In fact, we are not in a multitask
framework where there are a number of tasks and few samples are
available from each task. Rather, the framework of meta-learning is
applied to various graph problems by creating multiple tasks either
considering the nodes or the edges.
4.1 Node Embedding
The goal of node embedding is to learn representations for the
nodes in the graph so that any downstream application can directly
work with these representations, without considering the original
graph. This problem is often challenging in practice because the
degree distributions of most graphs follow a power law distribution
and there are many nodes with very few connections. Liu et al. [43]
address this issue by applying meta-learning to the problem of node
embedding of graphs. They set up a regression problem with a
common prior to learn the node embeddings. Since the base repre-
sentations of high-degree nodes are accurate, they are used as meta
training set to learn the common prior. The low degree nodes have
only a few neighbors (samples), the regression problem for learn-
ing their representations is formulated as a meta-testing problem,
and the common prior is adapted with a small number of samples
for learning the embeddings of such nodes.
4.2 Node Classification
The node classification task aims to infer the missing labels of
nodes of a given partially labeled graph. This problem often ap-
pears in diverse contexts such as document categorization and pro-
tein classification [58, 6], and has received significant attention in
recent years. However, often many classes are novel i.e., they have
a small number of labeled nodes. This makes meta-learning or few-
shot learning particularly suitable for this problem.
Zhou et al. [76] have applied a meta-learning framework for the
node classification problem on graphs by learning a transferable
representation using data from classes that have many labeled ex-
amples. Then, during the meta-test phase, this shared represen-
tation is used to make predictions for novel classes with few la-
beled samples. Ding et al. [19] improve upon the previous method
by considering a prototype representation of each class and meta-
learning the prototype representation as an average of weighted
representations of each class. Lan et al. [38] address the same prob-
lem via meta-learning but in a different setting where the nodes do
not have attributes. Their method only uses the graph structure to
obtain latent representation of nodes for the task. Subsequently,
Liu et al. [42] point out that it is important to also learn the depen-
dencies among the nodes in a task, and propose to use nodes with
high centrality scores (or hub nodes) to update the representations
learned by a GNN. This is done by selecting a small set of hub
Graph applications
Representation Node classification Link Prediction Graph Classification
Node/Edge Level Meta-GNN [76], GPN [19], MetaR [12], GEN [1]
RALE [42], AMM-GNN [62]
SAME [8], SELAR [32] SAME [8], SELAR [32] SAME [8]
GFL [70], Meta-GDN [20]
Graph Level MI-GNN [64] Meta-graph [7] AS-MAML [44], Spectral [11]
Table 1: Organization of the papers on Meta-learning and GNNs based on applications and underlying graph-related representations. The ab-
breviations of the frameworks (methods) are as follows. GPN: Graph Prototypical Networks, MetaR: Meta Relational learning, GEN: Graph
Extrapolation Networks, RALE: Relative and Absolute Location Embedding, AMM-GNN: Attribute Matching Meta-learning Graph Neural
Networks, SAME: Single-task Adaptation for Multi-task Embeddings, SELAR: SELf-supervised Auxiliary LeaRning, GFL: Graph Few-shot
Learning, GDN: Graph Deviation Networks, MI-GNN: Meta-Inductive framework for Graph Neural Network, AS-MAML: Adaptive Step
Model Agnostic Meta Learning.
nodes and for each node v, considering all the paths to the node v
from the set of hub nodes. It helps to encode the absolute location
in the graph. Parallel to these developments, Yao et al. [70] con-
sider a metric-learning based approach where the label of a node
is predicted to be the nearest class-prototype in a transferable met-
ric space. They first learn a class-specific representation using a
GNN, and then learn a task-specific representation using hierarchi-
cal graph representations.
Finally, the few-shot node classification task has also been used
in the presence of noisy or inaccurate labels in the support sets of
different tasks. Ding et al. [18] propose a method (Graph Halluci-
nation Network) that creates a set by taking a specified number of
samples from a class. Then the method learns to produce a confi-
dence score on the accuracy of the label of each node in the set. By
using these weights/scores, the final cleaner (i.e., less noisy) node
representations are generated. The rest of the algorithm follows the
standard MAML framework.
4.3 Link Prediction
The objective of the link prediction problem is to identify pairs of
nodes that will either form a link or not. Meta-learning has been
shown to be useful for learning new relationship via edges/links
especially in multi-relational graphs.
In multi-relational graphs, an edge is represented by a triple of two
end points and a relation. Such graphs appear in many important
domains such as drug-drug interaction prediction. The goal of link
prediction in multi-relation graphs is to predict new triples given
one end point of a relation r with observing a few triples about r.
This problem is challenging as only few associative triples are usu-
ally available. Chen et al. [12] use meta-learning to solve the link
prediction problem in two steps. First, they design a Relation-Meta
Learner which learns shared structure across a number of relations.
Such a meta-learner generates relation meta from heads’ and tails’
embeddings in the support set. Second, they use an embedding
learner that calculates the truth values of triples in support set via
end points’ embeddings and relation meta.
Multi-relational graphs are even more difficult to manage with their
dynamic nature (addition of new nodes) over time and the learn-
ing is even more difficult when these newly evolved nodes have
only few links among them. Baek et al. [1] introduce a few-shot
out-of-graph link prediction technique, where they predict the links
between the seen and unseen nodes as well as between the unseen
nodes. The main idea is to randomly split the entities in a given
graph into the meta-training set for simulated unseen entities, and
the meta-test set for real unseen entities.
Finally, Hwang et al. [32] show the effectiveness of graph neu-
ral networks on downstream tasks such as node classification and
link prediction via a self-supervised auxiliary learning framework
combined with meta-learning. The auxiliary task such as meta-
path prediction does not need labels and thus the method becomes
self-supervised. In the meta learning framework, various auxiliary
tasks are used to improve generalization performance of the un-
derlying primary task (e.g., link prediction). The proposed method
effectively combines the auxiliary tasks and automatically balances
them to improve performance on the primary task. The method is
also flexible to work with any graph neural network architecture
without additional data.
We now discuss the growing and exciting literature on graph meta
learning where there are multiple tasks and the underlying graph
can change across the tasks. The changes in graphs occur when
either the node/edge features change, or the underlying network
structure changes with the tasks. In the context of meta-learning,
several architectures have been proposed in recent years. However,
a common thread underlying all of them is a shared representation
of the graph, either at a local node/edge level, or at a global graph
level. Based on the type of shared representation, we categorize
the existing works into two groups. Most of the existing literature
adopt the MAML algorithm [23] to train the proposed GNNs. The
outer loop of MAML updates the shared parameter, whereas the
inner loop updates the task-specific parameter for the current task.
Table 2 lists the shared and the task-specific parameters for all the
papers in this section.
5.1 Node/Edge Level Shared Representation
First, we consider the setting where the shared representation is lo-
cal i.e. node or edge based. Huang et al. [31] consider the node
classification problem where the input graphs as well as the labels
can be different across tasks. They learn a representation for each
node u in two steps. First, the method extracts a subgraph S
responding to the set of nodes {v : d(u, v) h} where d(u, v) is
the distance of the shortest path between nodes u and v. Then it
feeds the subgraph S
through a GCN to learn a representation for
node u. The theoretical motivation behind considering the graph
is that the influence of a node v on u decreases exponentially as
the shortest-path distance between them increases. Once the nodes
are encoded, one can learn any function f
that maps the encodings
to class labels. Huang et al. [31] use MAML to learn this function
with very few samples on a new task, enjoying the benefits of node-
Meta-Training Graphs
Meta-Testing Graphs
Outer Loop Updates
Layer 1
Inner Loop Adaptation
Layer 2
Layer 1
Layer 2
Figure 1: A prototype of the meta learning framework with GNNs
for solving node classification problem. This is based on the archi-
tectures proposed by [31] and [62]. Following [31], the neighbor-
hoods of each node are used for node embedding. Embedding layer
1 is trained in the outer loop of MAML, whereas the other layers
are adapted for particular tasks.
Meta-Training Graphs
Meta-Testing Graphs
Outer Loop Updates
Inner Loop Adaptation
Figure 2: A prototype of the meta learning framework with GNNs
for solving graph classification problem. This is based on the ar-
chitectures proposed by [44], and [8]. The embedding and pooling
layers learn global representation of the input graph, and are trained
in the outer loop of MAML. The final multi-layer perceptron (MLP)
is used for the classification task and is adapted to the particular task
at meta-test.
Meta-learning parameters
Papers Inner Loop Outer Loop
(Task-Specific) (Shared)
[31] Node embeddings Classification
[62] Node embeddings Feature matrix
[11] Graph feature, graph label/
Super-class actual class
[44] Graph feature, graph embedding/
Graph embedding Classification
[8] Node Embedding Output Layer
[7] VGAE Initialization Graph Signature
[43] High-degree node specific
node embedding embedding
Table 2: Organization of the papers in Section 6 based on the cor-
responding meta-learning approaches.
level shared representations in node classification.
Wang et al. [62] also consider the few-shot node classification prob-
lem for a setting where the network structure is fixed, but the fea-
tures of the nodes change with tasks. In particular, given a base
graph with node feature matrix X R
, the proposed model
learns a new feature matrix X
= X α
(φ) + β
(φ) for the
t-th task, and then use a GNN f
) to learn the node represen-
tations for the t-th task. During training, the outer loop updates the
φ parameters, whereas the inner loop of MAML only updates the
θ-parameter. This enables quick adaptation to the new task.
Wen et al. [64] study the problem of node classification in an in-
ductive setting, where the graph instances in testing and training do
not overlap. Their method involves computing a task prior given a
graph (i.e., its representation) using multi-layer perceptron (MLP).
These representations are useful for the graph-level adaptation. They
used the traditional MAML paradigm in their approach for the task-
level adaptation.
5.2 Graph Level Shared Representation
In this subsection, we discuss the setting when the shared repre-
sentation is global i.e. graph-level. A canonical application of this
representation is the graph classification problem, where the goal
is to classify a given graph to one of many possible classes. This
problem appears in many applications, ranging from bioinformat-
ics to social network analysis [69]. However, in many settings, the
number of samples/graphs available for a particular task is few and
the graph classification task often requires a large number of sam-
ples for high quality prediction. These challenges can be addressed
via meta-learning. The existing papers on using meta-learning for
graph classification usually learn an underlying shared representa-
tion and adapt the representation for a new task.
Chauhan et al. [11] propose the few-shot graph classification task
based on graph spectral measures. In particular, they train a feature-
extractor F
(·) to extract features from the graphs in meta-training.
For classification, they first use a unit C
to first predict the super-
class probability of a graph which is a clustering of abundant base
class labels. Then they use C
, an attention network to predict the
actual class label. During the meta-test phase, the weights of the
networks F
(·) and C
are fixed, and the network C
is retrained
on the new test classes. As the feature extractor F
is the common
shared structure, and is not retrained on the test tasks, this approach
requires few samples from new classes.
Although Chauhan et al. [11] propose a novel meta-learning archi-
tecture for graph classification, there are several limitations. First,
the architecture assumes significant overlap between the super-class
structure of the test and the training set. Second, the fixed feature
extractor cannot be updated for the new tasks. Ma et al. [44] design
a better meta-learning technique by allowing the feature extractor to
adapt efficiently for new tasks. They apply two networks – embed-
ding layers (θ
), followed by classification layers (θ
) to classify a
given graph. However, for a new task, both θ
and θ
are updated.
In particular, the authors use MAML [23] to update the parameters
and use a reinforcement learning based controller to determine how
the inner loop is run i.e., what is the optimal adaptation step for a
new task. The parameters of the controller is updated using the
graph’s embedding quality and the meta-learner’s training state.
Jiang et al. [33] solve the problem of few-shot graph classification
via a paradigm in meta learning called metric learning approach
[63] that is different from MAML. In the training phase, the idea
is to get a mean representations of the instances in each class in
the support set. The prediction for query is based on the nearest
neighbour. Here the graph representations were obtained by the
Graph Isomorphism Network (GIN) model. To capture the global
structure of the graph, they used different weights for different GIN
layers in the final aggregation scheme. To encode the crucial local
structures that might have importance in deciding the graph label,
the paper embeds subgraphs and includes their representations with
different attention weights.
Finally, Buffelli et al. [8] attempt to develop a framework that can
adapt to three different tasks graph classification, node classifi-
cation, and link prediction. Like [11, 44] they use two different
layers; one generates node embeddings and converts the graph to
a representation, and another is a multi-head output layer for the
three types of tasks. The node embedding layer is trained during
the initialization phase of MAML and the multi-head output layer
is updated in the inner loop of MAML based on the type of task.
Bose et al. [7] consider the few-shot link prediction problem, where
the goal is to predict labels of links/edges that contain only a small
fraction of their true labels. They assume that the graphs are gener-
ated from a common distribution p(·) and learn a meta link predic-
tion model that can be quickly adapted to a new graph G p(·). In
particular, the authors use Variational Graph Autoencoder (VGAE)
[37] to model the base link prediction model. There are two sets
of parameters – global initialization parameters for the VGAE, and
local graph signature s
= ψ(G) which is obtained by passing the
graph G through GCN and then using a k-layer MLP. The training
is done using MAML and only the graph signature is updated for
the test graph.
We have discussed applications of meta-learning equipped with
GNNs on node classification, link prediction, and graph classifi-
cation. In fact, this framework is quite general and can be applied
to many other relevant important problems.
Anomaly Detection: The problem of anomaly detection often suf-
fers from scarcity of labels, as obtaining labels for anomalies is
usually labor intensive. Ding et al. [20] study anomaly detection
when there are scarcity of labels, and different tasks involve dif-
ferent graphs. The proposed method used traditional architectures
of GNNs to embed nodes and predict the anomaly score by adding
another layer after the embedding is obtained. Finally it exploits
the traditional MAML framework to deploy the meta-learner. The
inner loop optimizes the parameters for a specific task, i.e., graph.
The outer-loop optimizes the generic parameter for all graphs.
Network Alignment (NA): NA aims to map or link entities from
different networks and relevant in many application domains such
as cross-domain recommendation and advertising. Zhou et al. [75]
address this alignment problem via meta-learning. If two different
networks share some common nodes or anchors, then these net-
works are partially aligned networks. A virtual link between two
anchors is called anchor link. In NA, given a set of networks and
some known anchor nodes (or links), the goal is to identify all the
other (unknown) potential anchor nodes (or links). The main idea
in [75] is to frame this problem as one shot classification problem
and use the meta-metric learning from known anchor nodes to ob-
tain latent priors for linking unknown anchor nodes.
Traffic Prediction: Recently, the traffic prediction problem [50]
has been addressed via meta-learning. In traffic prediction, the
main challenges are modeling complex spatio-temporal correla-
tions of traffic and capturing the diversity of such correlations vary-
ing locations. Pan et al. [50] address these challenges with a meta-
learning based model. Their method predicts traffic in all locations
at the same time. The proposed framework consists of a sequence-
to-sequence architecture that uses an an encoder to learn traffic his-
tory and a decoder to make predictions. For the encoder and de-
coder components a combination of graph attention networks and
recurrent neural networks is used to model diverse spatial and tem-
poral correlations respectively.
The application of meta-learning using GNNs for graph specific ap-
plications is a growing and exciting area of research. In this section,
we suggest several future directions for research.
7.1 Combinatorial Optimization Problems on
Combinatorial optimization problems appearing in graphs have ap-
plications in many domains such as viral marketing in social net-
works [34], health-care [65], and infrastructure development [47],
and several architectures based on GNNs have been proposed for
solving them [15, 40, 26, 45]. These optimization problems are
often NP-hard, and polynomial-time algorithms, with or without
approximation guarantees, are often desirable and used in practice.
However, some techniques [40, 45] based on GNNs need to gener-
ate candidate solution nodes/edges before generating the actual so-
lution set. Note that, labels in the form of importance of each node
in a solution set of these problems are often difficult to get. Meta-
learning can be used when there are scarcity of labels. Furthermore,
these combinatorial problems often share similar structures. For
instance, the influence maximization problem [34] have similarity
with the Max Cover problem. However, even performing a greedy
iterative algorithm to generate solutions/labels for influence maxi-
mization problem is computationally expensive. The idea of using
meta-learning in solving a harder combinatorial problem (unseen
task) with a fewer node labels will be to learn on the easier prob-
lems (seen tasks) where labels can be generated at a lower cost.
Solving combinatorial optimization problems on graphs via neural
approaches has recently gained a lot of attention and we refer the
readers to [10] for further reading.
7.2 Graph Mining Problems
There has been recent attempt to solve classical graph mining prob-
lems with GNNs. For instance, a popular problem is to learn sim-
ilarity between two graphs, i.e., to find graph edit distance (sim-
ilarity) between two graphs [2]. When the notion of similarity
changes and there are not enough data to learn via a standard su-
pervised learning method, can meta-learning be helpful? Another
popular graph mining problem is detecting the Maximum Common
Subgraph (MCS) between two input graphs with applications in
biomedical analysis and malware detection. In drug design, com-
mon substructures in compounds can reduce the number of human-
conducted experiments. However, MCS computation is NP-hard,
and state-of-the-art exact MCS solvers are not scalable to large
graphs. Designing learning based models [3] for the MCS problem
while utilizing as few labeled MCS instances as possible remains
to be a challenging task and meta-learning could be helpful in mit-
igating this challenge.
7.3 Theory
We point out several important theoretical questions in the context
of meta learning with GNNs. The most natural question is under-
standing the benefits of transfer learning in GNNs. Garg et al. [25]
and Scarselli et al. [54] have recently established generalization
bounds for GNNs. On the other hand, in the context of meta-
learning, Tripuraneni et al. [60] consider functions of the form f
where f
F is the task-specific function and h is the shared func-
tion. Then the number of samples required in the meta-test phase
grows as C(F), which can be significantly lower than learning f
from scratch. It would be interesting to see if one can prove similar
speedup results for GNNs by generalizing the results of [25] and
[54]. Another interesting question is determining the right level of
shared representation and figuring out the expressiveness of such
structures. The seminal work of Xu et al. [68] proves that variants
of GNNs such as GCN and GraphSAGE are no more discrimina-
tive than the Weisfeiler-Lehman (WL) test. Since GNNs for meta-
learning further limit the type of architecture used, an interesting
question is whether it comes with any additional cost on expres-
siveness. Finally, the methods discussed in Section 5 differ in one
crucial way whether they fine-tune and update the shared meta-
parameter on a new task or whether they keep the shared meta-
parameter fixed. Recently, Chua et al. [13] show that fine-tuning
the meta-parameter could be beneficial in some situations, particu-
larly when the number of samples on the new task is large. In the
context of meta learning on GNNs, it would be interesting to un-
derstand when such fine-tuning helps to improve the performance
on a new task.
7.4 Applications
We have already discussed a few applications of meta-learning with
frameworks of GNNs in Section 6. This generic framework is quite
relevant for many important problems in the field.
Network alignment: A potential problem where meta-learning
could be helpful is network alignment (NA) [75]. In NA, the main
goal is to map or link entities from different networks and the exist-
ing approaches is quite difficult to scale. An interesting direction of
research would consider meta-learning to overcome this scalability
Molecular property prediction: GNNs have been also used in
predicting molecular properties. However, one of the main chal-
lenges is that molecules are heterogeneous structure where each
atom has connection with different neighboring atoms via different
types of bonds. Secondly, often a limited amount of data on labeled
molecular property are available; and thus, to predict new molec-
ular properties, meta-learning techniques [27] can be relevant and
Dynamic graphs: In many applications, graphs arise with their dy-
namic nature, i.e., nodes and edges along with their attributes can
change (addition or deletion) over time. Most of the papers dis-
cussed above use frameworks that are built on meta-learning and
GNNs for static graphs. An interesting direction would be to extend
this framework for dynamic graphs. Dynamic nature brings new
challenges such as difficulty in obtaining labels for newly added
nodes or edges. For instance, in knowledge graphs, newly added
edges introduces new relationships. The other challenge is effi-
ciency as managing and making predictions on evolving networks
are difficult tasks as its own. Meta-learning would be useful to ad-
dress these challenges.
In this survey, we have performed a comprehensive review of the
works that are combination of graph neural networks (GNNs) and
meta-learning. Besides outlining backgrounds on GNNs and meta-
learning, we have organized the past research in an organized man-
ner in multiple categories. We have also provided a thorough re-
view, summary of methods, and applications in these categories.
Furthermore, we have described several future research directions
where meta learning with GNNs can be useful. The application of
meta-learning to GNNs is a growing and exciting field and we be-
lieve many graph problems will benefit immensely from the com-
bination of the two approaches.
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