Class Agent Volunteer Toolkit | 2024
Dear Class Agent:
Thank you for taking on a leadership role for your medical school class! Class agents are
critical to successful reunions and keeping alumni connected, informed, and engaged. Your
willingness to reach out to classmates to encourage Reunion attendance will lead to an
incredible weekend of friendship and connections. Your help in growing your class legacy
through a class gift will build a meaningful tradition of supporting future generations of the
leaders and best.
We hope this document will serve as a useful reference when speaking and interacting with
your medical school peers. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time should you have
questions or need further assistance, as we are ready to assist you in your efforts.
We look forward to working with you on this incredible event and celebrating with you here in
Ann Arbor. Go Blue!
Kind regards,
Therese Apostoleris
Assistant Director, Alumni Relations
Class Agent Overview
Medical Education & Alumni Relations Contact Information
Class Agent Participation Timeline and Checklist
Reunion Weekend Timeline
Medical School Talking Points
Tips for Success
Class Giving Opportunities
Ways to Make A Gift
Planned Giving Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Sample Class Fundraising Letter
Class Gift Phone Call Template
Sample Thank You and Follow-up Note
Every year the University of Michigan Medical School invites classes celebrating their five-year
anniversaries to return to campus for Reunion. Class agents encourage attendance and
participation, and they lead fundraising efforts for class gifts.
As Reunion planning kicks off, you’ll be asked to help recruit additional class agents, make
phone calls, send e-mails to invite classmates, and share Reunion news and updates with your
peers. When you come to Ann Arbor in the fall, you will attend group and class events and
serve as a resource for others. Many classes maintain a high level of communication and
interaction leading up to Reunion and during non-reunion years, which is often led by class
agents. We encourage you to help your class stay connected.
Another key role is partnering with fellow class agents and the alumni staff to create a plan for
a class gift to the Medical School and encouraging full participation. Class fundraising is a great
way for your class to honor one another and celebrate your achievements. These gifts will be
recognized at Reunion, add to your class legacy, and establish a tradition of supporting the
students who represent the future of your field.
Because each class is unique, class agents work together to select a cause, program, or fund
they feel will resonate with classmates. Many classes set a goal of establishing an endowed
Medical School scholarship, for example. Other options include supporting programs like the
Student-Run Free Clinic or Doctors of Tomorrow, purchasing a medical simulator for use by
medical students, or supporting medical education in honor of a favorite faculty member. While
alumni are encouraged to contribute to their class gifts, they may also make a gift of their
choice that will count toward their class goals for participation and dollars raised.
And remember: Our staff will support you in all aspects of this endeavor. For a list of our team
members along with contact information, please visit: Connect With Us | University of Michigan
Medical School (, or reach out to our office any time.
Michigan Medicine
University of Michigan Office of Development
777 E. Eisenhower Pkwy., Suite 650
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Upon Onboarding as a Class Agent:
Review Reunion Class Agent Volunteer Toolkit.
Help recruit additional classmates interested in volunteering as class agents; provide
names to Therese Apostoleris (734-763-5279 or
4-5 Months Before Reunion
Through email or a conference call (Alumni Relations can coordinate your call
arrangements), work to:
Divide class list between class agents,
Determine chair for class fund,
Set a goal for your class gift.
Work together to locate all classmates and begin contacting them all classmates
should receive a first contact by class agents by June 1.
Keep other class agents informed of class news you receive from peers.
Draft fundraising letter for class gift (partner with Alumni Relations to print and mail the
letter with a response card).
Register for Reunion upon receipt of initial email invitation; hard copy will arrive in June.
Continue outreach to classmates to encourage registration and gifts to the class fund.
Ask classmates to gather photos, collect memorabilia, record memories, etc., to
share/display during Reunion.
2-3 Months Before Reunion
Make a personal contribution/lead gift to your class fund if you haven’t already done so
and share it to encourage others to participate.
Class agents should be registered to attend Reunion by August 1.
Continue to contact classmates to encourage registration and participation in class fund.
Send personal thank you notes to classmates who made gifts to the class fund.
1 Month Before Reunion
Send personal “look forward to seeing you” notes to classmates attending Reunion.
Continue to share participation and class giving progress to drive full participation.
Reunion Month and Post-Reunion
Attend Reunion weekend activities.
Connect with classmates and provide a class fund update at your class dinner.
Help identify officers for your next class Reunion and submit to Alumni Relations by
end of November.
Participate in post-Reunion activities:
Send updates to classmates on the progress of your class fund and encourage
continued giving (counting period runs July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025).
Encourage continued connections between classmates after Reunion weekend.
Encourage classmates to get together between reunion years.
Thursday, September 26, 2024:
2024 Distinguished Alumni Awards Celebration
Alumni Welcome Reception: Celebrating the 2024 Michigan Medicine Alumni Society
Distinguished Award Winners
Friday, September 27, 2024:
Faculty presentations: Sheraton Ann Arbor Hotel
Reunion luncheon
Friday afternoon in Ann Arbor: choose from an array of local and favorite activities
Emeritus/1974 Class dinner: Sheraton Ann Arbor Hotel
All Other Class dinners: Sheraton Ann Arbor Hotel
Saturday, September 28, 2024:
Tailgate celebration
Football game: Michigan vs. Minnesota
We've compiled links to interesting facts and information for you to reference when talking to
your classmates. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
University of Michigan Medical School Facts & Figures | University of Michigan Medical
School (
About the University of Michigan Medical School | University of Michigan Medical
School (
Education News & Stories | University of Michigan Medical School (
Alumni | University of Michigan Medical School (
Step 1: Reconnect
Reconnect with classmates through phone calls, letters, and e-mails. Help them build
excitement for attending Reunion by listening to the stories and memories they share. Call the
classmates you know the best first this will increase your comfort with the process. Invite
your classmates to reach out to the classmates they knew best as well.
Step 2: Reaffirm
Inform your classmates that you will be attending Reunion and supporting the class gift. Invite
them to join you! Share how important participating in class giving is for the Medical School and
the next generation of students. Reach out to your Medical School alumni staff partner in
making your gift and encourage others to do so.
Step 3: Rediscover
Rediscover your class spirit. Instill a desire for your class to raise the most dollars and have the
highest percentage of giving among Medical School classes.
Step 4: Remember
Consider sharing why you contributed to the class fund and encourage your classmates to
contribute as well. Remember to thank them personally for their giving. A handwritten thank
you note is a wonderful way to recognize their gifts.
Here are a few examples of areas where your class can make a difference for medical students.
Your Medical School alumni staff partner can provide additional ideas and information.
Several factors, including the increasing complexity of medicine and declining public funding,
have driven up tuition costs. Medical School students now graduate with an average debt of
$161.267. A scholarship gift is a great way to reduce debt burdens, freeing students to pursue
whatever medical career they choose. A named endowed scholarship is a permanent fund that
carries the name of your class. Scholarships can be endowed for a minimum combined gift of
$100,000. The fund will grow over time and support students in perpetuity.
U-M medical students mentor freshmen from Detroit Cass Technical High School, helping to
inspire and prepare teens from underrepresented communities to pursue careers in health
care. Contributions are needed to operate and expand the program and secure its future.
Under the direction of faculty caregivers and supervisors, U-M medical students coordinate
preventive and primary care services for uninsured patients. They also arrange for health
education, specialty care, and referrals at the clinic in Pinckney, Michigan. Contributions are
used to pay rent, purchase supplies, and ensure community members know about the clinic.
This fund provides stipends to help students cover the cost of attending interviews during a
residency search. Financial considerations often influence students’ decisions to attend
interviews, limiting their opportunities. Recipients are selected by the Office of Financial Aid.
The center houses adult, pediatric, and infant patient simulators that realistically replicate
human physiology and response to treatment. Gifts help purchase simulators and other
resources for learners to practice physical exams, advanced procedures, and other skills.
Contributions to Global REACH help expand international educational exchange opportunities,
support experiences related to global health disparities, enhance students’ skills in caring for
people of all cultures, and help us attract students dedicated to making a global impact.
There are many ways for you and your classmates to give to the Medical School. Alumni
celebrating their Reunion can contribute to their class gift by using the Reunion envelope
and gift response card provided in their Reunion class fundraising letter. You and your
classmates may make pledges and can work directly with a Medical School Development
team member (see contact information on page 1). Gifts can also be made online at
Alumni Giving | University of Michigan Medical School (
Personal checks may be made payable to:
"The University of Michigan"
Memo line: Class of XXXX Gift
Checks may be mailed to:
Michigan Medicine Office of Development and Alumni Relations
Attn: Gift Processing
777 E. Eisenhower Pkwy., Suite 650
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Stock transfers:
Julie Clauda, Securities Manager & GRA Liaison
Development Services and Strategic Solutions
3003 S. State Street, Suite 900
Wolverine Tower
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1288
Planned gifts, also known as estate plans, are also a great way to make a lasting difference at
the Medical School and in the lives of future U-M medical students. A few options include
bequests, beneficiary designations, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, and
memorial or tribute gifts.
For additional information, please visit or contact:
Jane Langeland, Director, Gift Planning
Michigan Medicine Office of Development and Alumni Relations
What is a Reunion gift?
Classes often come together in their Reunion years to contribute to a class gift to the Medical
School. These collective gifts make a meaningful impact on the Medical School, build a class
legacy, and are recognized at Reunion. The gift counting period is July 1, 2023, through June 30,
What funds do Reunion gifts support?
Class gifts support the program or area that the class agents select. Gifts may be expendable or
endowed and named for the class if the total meets endowment minimums.
How big do gifts have to be?
All gifts are important and have a tremendous impact, and every gift makes a difference!
Classes that collectively give $100,000 or more can establish an endowed scholarship or named,
endowed fund for the program of their choosing, which will provide support to students in
perpetuity. Your class giving over the years will be very meaningful to medical students.
Can gifts be made anonymously?
Yes, please have your classmate indicate this preference when making his/her gift.
What is the cut-off date for making a gift?
Gifts and pledges made before October 1 will be counted toward class goals and shared during
Reunion. Gifts or pledges made between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2025, will be counted
toward Reunion-year giving goals. Gifts may be made to expendable or endowed funds at any
Can classmates make estate and other planned gifts?
Yes! Planned giving is a method of supporting U-M that often combines current giving with
long-term financial and philanthropic goals. For more information, please see the "Planned
Giving Information" section of this toolkit or contact your Medical School alumni staff partner.
Can I pay my gift over a period of time?
Yes! Many gifts are pledged over periods of up to five years. You can work with your Medical
School alumni staff partner to set up a payment schedule that works best for you.
[Street Address]
[City, State Zip]
Dear [First Name]:
We hope this letter finds you well and looking forward to our XXth University of Michigan Medical
School Reunion, September 26-28, 2024. It will be great to reconnect with classmates, the Medical
School and the charm of Ann Arbor.
To commemorate the occasion, we’ve launched an effort to [establish a Class of XXXX Scholarship Fund]
[or make a class gift to XXXXXXXXXXXXX]. Our vision is to [assist future generations of University of
Michigan medical students with the cost of the superb medical education] [describe what you hope your
selection will accomplish].
We have set our goal at $XXX,XXX, which will make an important impact on future students. What better
way to celebrate our XXth Reunion than with a class gift that will add to our legacy at the Medical
School? As your class agents for this event, we hope you agree.
We have raised $XX,XXX toward the fund, with pledges ranging from $$$$ to $$$$. Please consider
joining us by making a similar donation. Making a gift now will help us reach our goal as quickly as
possible. Pledges can be paid over five years. You can use the enclosed giving card and envelope, or feel
free to contact our development partner, Therese Apostoleris, at 734-763-5279 or
[email protected] if you have any questions about your gift.
Thank you in advance for your generosity. We are aiming for full participation, and a gift of any size will
help us get there. We look forward to reporting the successful [establishment of the Class of XXXX
Scholarship Fund] [achievement of our goal] at Reunion this fall. See you then!
Warmest regards,
The Class Agents/Include Individual Names & Email Addresses
P.S. Keep up with news and find out who is attending Reunion at
P.P.S. When we reach our fundraising goal, these gifts may be used to establish an endowed fund. Distributions
from the fund will be made in accordance with the university’s endowment distribution policy. Any surplus
distributions during any period may be accumulated for later use for the above purposes or may be added to the
principal of the fund for investment, at the university’s discretion.
Hi, <insert alum name>. This is <your name>. We graduated together from the University of
Michigan Medical School in XXXX.
How are you doing?
What have you been doing since we last saw each other?
May I have your updated contact information?
<insert alum first name>, I’m serving as a class agent for our XXth Reunion this year. I hope
you’re planning on attending in September. Have you registered?
When is the last time you were back in Ann Arbor?
Have you seen the newest additions on the medical campus?
Yes, I’m attending:
<insert alum name>, I can’t wait to see you in September! I’m hoping we can get most of our
class to return. We would love for you to reach out to the friends you were close with and ask
them to come back, too!
I’d also like to make sure that you know about our class gift effort. I’m helping our class reach
our fundraising goal of $XXX,XXX this year. Contributing is a great way for us to honor the
Medical School, each other and to celebrate our own personal achievements. Is it OK if I ask a
member of the Alumni Relations and Development team to contact you?
No, I’m not able to attend:
<insert alum name>, I’m sorry to hear you can’t make it back to this Reunion in September.
Hopefully we will get to see you at the next reunion. Until then, would you consider honoring
our XXth reunion year with a contribution to the class gift? We are aiming for full class
participation, and it would be a great way for you to be involved even though you can’t attend.
We are building our legacy at the Medical School and helping to make sure current and future
medical students know they have alumni support.
Dear <insert alum name>,
Thank you for your generous support of our class gift in celebration of our XXth Reunion. It's a
great way for us to honor our class and our university. I look forward to seeing the impact our
gift makes. The class of XXXX can accomplish great things! I hope to see you back in Ann Arbor
in September as we celebrate our XXth Reunion.
<your name>, Class of XXXX
Dear <insert alum name>,
It was great having a chance to catch up with you last week. I look forward to seeing you at
Reunion in September! It will be exciting to get together with our classmates and reminisce. I
hope you will continue to consider making a contribution to our class gift. Together, our class is
capable of making an important difference for current and future students. Every gift matters,
as we are aiming for full class participation. Let me know if you have any questions.
If we don’t talk before then, I’ll see you at Reunion.
Go Blue!
<your name>, Class of XXXX
Remember, the Alumni Relations team is here to help! From providing you with outreach lists, drafting
or proof reading messaging, answering your questions, and everything in between, we are here to
support our class agents and make sure your reunion weekend is fun and successful.