Growing Citrus
in New Zealand
A practical guide
HortResearch and New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated 2001
ISBN 0-478-06829-8
New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated gratefully acknowledge the financial support
of the following organisations in the production of this manual:
New Zealand Fruitgrowers Federation Charitable Trust
Growing Citrus in New Zealand
A practical guide
Edited by Pauline Mooney
It is with great pleasure that I introduce the revised New Zealand Citrus Manual. In
these times of expanding export markets it is necessary to have such a valuable manual
on citrus production.
The standards required by these markets as well as a more demanding domestic market
have required growers to produce higher quality fruit.
This manual written by New Zealand experts for local conditions is an essential part of
all serious orchardists libraries’. The information it contains is very important for existing
and new growers alike.
Mike Willis
New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated.
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Introduction ...................................................................................................5
The New Zealand Citrus Industry ..................................................................6
Section 1. Varieties and Rootstocks ..............................................................................................8
1.1 Orange and grapefruit cultivars ..............................................................9
1.2 Mandarins, tangelos, and tangors ........................................................ 13
1.3 Lemons and limes ..................................................................................17
1.4 Rootstocks ............................................................................................. 21
Section 2. Propagation and Topworking .....................................................................................26
2.1 The New Zealand Citrus Budwood Scheme (this chapter is no longer
relevant and has been updated by best practice guidelines on the
NZCGI website link- .....27
2.2 Propagation ...........................................................................................30
2.3 Topworking ............................................................................................34
Section 3. Orchard Management .................................................................................................38
3.1 Planting a new block ............................................................................. 39
3.2 Citrus nutrition .......................................................................................45
3.3 Organic management practices ............................................................55
3.4 Training, pruning, and tree size control .................................................60
3.5 Fruit thinning .........................................................................................65
3.6 Growth regulators .................................................................................69
Section 4. Harvest and Post-harvest ...........................................................................................73
4.1 Maturity testing .....................................................................................74
4.2 Picking and post-harvest practices .......................................................77
Section 5. Calendar of Operations ..............................................................................................88
5.1 Calendar of operations ..........................................................................89
Section 6. Pests and Diseases .....................................................................................................92
6.1 Citrus viruses .........................................................................................93
6.2 Citrus diseases ...................................................................................... 97
6.3 Citrus pests ..........................................................................................108
6.4 Pest and disease control programme ..................................................120
6.5 Weed control ....................................................................................... 130
Section 7. Business Management .............................................................................................133
7.1 Citrus economics (this chapter is no longer relevant and has been
removed. Please refer to our website for more information: ........................................................................... 134
7.2 Citrus marketing in New Zealand .......................................................142
Richard Curtis
Since the First Edition of Growing Citrus in New Zealand was published the trend of
increased planting of cultivars with export potential has continued.
Satsuma mandarin production has increased dramatically especially in Northland where
mandarins are now being grown on the light sandy soils of the Houhora Peninsula in
an attempt to increase early production. The successful trialing and the subsequent
introduction of C-35 rootstock, which has given a dramatic increase in yield, have
graphically illustrated the value of research and development.
Likewise New Zealand’s premium export lemon the ‘Yen Ben’ has continued to increase
in popularity and a strong market has developed for this product in Japan and Korea.
‘Yen Ben’ lemons are also being sold successfully in Australia in the summer months,
a real coal to Newcastle story.
Navel orange production has centred in Poverty Bay and with a move by growers to
increase external quality a strong niche market is being developed for this product in
Japan and Korea. This export market development has increased grower returns as
local market prices have lifted with increased quality and a decrease in fruit available.
All of these trends have led to an increasing realisation among growers that there are
climatic differences between citrus growing regions and to maximise orchard gate returns
growers must take this factor into account when making planting decisions.
The successful introduction of the Thripobius semiluteus wasp to predate on greenhouse
thrips is an excellent example of the cooperation possible between different product
groups and is the first significant step into the world of integrated pest management
for the citrus industry. I suspect it will not be the last time that we will be required to
find the funds to carry out this type of work as the worldwide reduction in chemical
use continues.
In 1998, NZCGI went back to our growers to update research priorities and refocus the
citrus industry on the future. As a result of a series of workshops in the three main
growing regions a strategic plan was produced and it is this document that provides
executive members with direction for future research and development.
The last fifteen years have seen huge changes in the New Zealand citrus industry and
rationalisation and change will mark our future. There are things happening in our
overseas markets that will have great impact on the way we carry out our business and
to continue to be successful we must be alert to the dangers and the opportunities that
these changes present.
The New Zealand Citrus Industry
Growing Citrus in New Zealand
A practical guide
© Copyright 2001
New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated
ISBN 0-478-06829-8
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without prior written
permission of the New Zealand Citrus Growers Inc., P.O. Box 10629 Wellington.
The New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated and the authors have taken reasonable steps and
exercised skill, care and diligence in producing this publication to meet the needs of the growers
and the market. However, there is no implicit or expressed warranty that the information is free from
error or omission and the advice given in the publication is at the user’s risk. Similarly, no specific
endorsement for any of the branded products mentioned by our advertisers is implied, and no
responsibility will be accepted for any crop loss caused by the use of any chemical mentioned.
Readers are reminded that this Manual was published in 2001 and has not been updated since that
time. Some information included in the manual may be out of date and readers are strongly advised
to obtain current advice from a consultant.
A typical Mediterranean climate, that has proved to be very suitable for many citrus
varieties, has a long, hot, dry summer with a significantly cooler winter, when virtually
all the rainfall occurs. Northland has a small but important average temperature
advantage over the Bay of Plenty and Gisborne, but Gisborne usually has very good
summer temperatures. The Bay of Plenty soil, however, is far better for citrus than the
soils of the other two major districts. To overcome the general climatic limitations for
citrus production, choice of site, choice of varieties, and the best cultural practices are
all essential.
Industry organisation
New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated is the national citrus growers’ organisation
with a committee elected by the citrus growers of New Zealand. Membership is on an
individual basis. The Annual General Meeting is the forum for discussing industry matters
and has descended from the New Zealand Fruitgrowers Federation Citrus Conference. The
Annual General Meeting is where motions are discussed and vital decisions are made.
On issues affecting fruit growing generally, New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated
acts in conjunction with the other growers’ organisations through the New Zealand
Fruitgrowers Federation. In like manner, the New Zealand Fruitgrowers Federation acts
in conjunction with Federated Farmers and other land user groups on issues that affect
the whole primary production and rural sector.
Research for the future
Historically, very little research has been carried out on citrus in New Zealand. In 1983,
however, an industry strategic planning document was published. In 1985, a detailed
research strategy and priorities were formulated and published, convincing research
organisations that the industry had its act together, and was worth supporting. This has
led to the development of a significant team by HortResearch for citrus research based at
the Kerikeri Research Centre which services the whole of the New Zealand citrus industry.
The strategy and priorities formulated in the 1985 research strategic plan were designed
to overcome the natural and imposed constraints facing the industry such as climate
and quarantine issues. With the aim of producing citrus to export standard (in order to
compete with imported citrus and to develop export opportunities), these strategies fell
into three broad areas: variety improvement, better cultural practices, and fruit-handling
procedures suitable for export-quality fruit. Interestingly, these research aims are still
The industry recognises it must be forward-thinking and innovative to maintain itself in a
competitive situation on the local and export markets. The search for improved varieties
and cultural practices to meet the demands of the marketplace has already begun. The
future of the industry will require strategic planning, research and development, and
market research.
With a limited local market size and pressure from imports, the New Zealand citrus
industry must continue to expand its export market opportunities if the industry is to
continue to grow.
The New Zealand Citrus Industry
Pat Sale
Scale of production
There are almost 2,000 hectares of commercial citrus orchards in New Zealand. Roughly,
Northland, Bay of Plenty, and Gisborne are each 30% of this total, Auckland is 7-8%,
and Hawke’s Bay, Taranaki, Waikato, and Nelson are the remaining 2-3%.
The commercial production of citrus in New Zealand ranges between 25,000 and
35,000 tonnes a year. With world citrus production approximately 60 million tonnes,
New Zealand’s contribution to global production is less than 0.05%. On a world scale,
therefore, New Zealand is a very small part of the citrus industry.
The annual value of citrus production in New Zealand is usually around $34 million.
Export value in 2000 was $9.3 million, thus accounting for 27% of the industry value.
New Zealand has been growing citrus commercially for well over 100 years. It was
probably first introduced from New South Wales, Australia, as initially the British Crown
Colony of New Zealand was governed from New South Wales. The Poorman orange,
now known as the New Zealand grapefruit, was bearing fruit on Kawau Island in 1856,
so it was probably introduced at least five years earlier. The Washington Navel orange
was introduced and planted at Hairini, Tauranga, in the early 1880’s.
GE Alderton, author of ‘Treatise and Handbook of Orange-Culture in Auckland, New
Zealand’ said in 1884 that areas suitable for citrus growing lay between Napier and
Mangonui, but the best of them were north of Auckland.
Commercial citrus growing developed in Northland, around Auckland city, and in the
western Bay of Plenty in the early years of New Zealand’s European settlement. Later,
Gisborne became a citrus area of significance. The importance of Auckland as a citrus-
producing district has declined, mainly due to the rapid urban expansion.
From the end of World War II until the 1980’s severe import restrictions protected the
New Zealand citrus industry. A Citrus Marketing Authority had the power to compulsorily
acquire all oranges and lemons, except lots of two cases or less when sold direct to the
consumer. Both the Citrus Marketing Authority and the stringent restrictions on imports
have now been eliminated, and the industry stands on its own to compete with imports
and develop its own market opportunities.
Climate and soils
Citrus originated in the tropics but has been commercially exploited most successfully
in the subtropics. Northern New Zealand is only marginally subtropical, and is thus only
marginal for citrus growing. This limits production to those citrus varieties suitable for
cooler climates.
New Zealand is a comparatively small land area surrounded by vast areas of ocean
which results in a cool maritime climate. The main limitation imposed by this climate
is a lack of summer heat, but on the other hand, New Zealand does not experience the
severe frosts, which has a devastating effect in some of the major citrus growing areas
of the world, such as Florida and California.
Accumulated summer heat has a vital impact on fruit quality, affecting sugar levels and
skin thickness.
Orange cultivars grown in New Zealand can be placed in four categories: Navel oranges,
common oranges, pigmented oranges, and bitter oranges.
Table 1.1.1 Maturity times for sweet oranges, sour oranges and grapefruit
Navel oranges
Navel oranges have a distinctive ‘Navel’, which is a small secondary fruit embedded in
the apex of the primary fruit. Seedlessness is a feature of Navel oranges, which is due
to dysfunctional pollen and rare viable ovules. They require less heat to attain optimum
quality than most other oranges and dessert citrus, and are therefore well adapted to
the cooler citrus-growing areas of the subtropics, including New Zealand. Navel orange
fruit have a deep orange skin colour when fully mature. The flesh too, is a deep orange
colour, with a good firm texture and moderate juice content. Navel oranges grown in
New Zealand do not peel readily.
The season for Navel oranges in New Zealand can range from mid-July until November,
with some strains, such as the Australian summer Navels, able to be hung on the tree
until January.
Although Navel oranges yield less juice than most other oranges, it is primarily the
development of bitterness in the juice during storage, due to limonin, that makes them
unsuitable for processing. The bitterness in Navel orange juice becomes evident only
when the fruit is juiced and limonin is released from other closely related compounds,
unlike the bitterness in grapefruit caused by the compound naringin. Although Navel
orange juice contains only extremely low levels of limonin, it is a very bitter compound
that most people can easily detect. Limonin content in late maturing Navels drops
sufficiently that the summer Navels have been used for juice overseas.
The Washington Navel has been the major commercial strain throughout the world,
imported to the USA in the late 1800s and introduced into New Zealand soon after. It
has large fruit of good quality and has, over the years, been the source of many other
strains. Parent Navel is the name given to a virus-free source of Washington and
distributed through the New Zealand Budwood Scheme. The different name was given
to differentiate it from possibly infected source trees of Washington. It is a moderately
vigorous tree for a Navel, producing good-sized fruit of good quality. The fruit can
hang well on the tree until late in the season. The harvest season is from mid-July to
late October.
Section 1.
Varieties and Rootstocks
1.1 Orange and grapefruit cultivars
1.2 Mandarins, tangelos, and tangors
1.3 Lemons and limes
1.4 Rootstocks
May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
Sweet Oranges
Navelina & Newhall
Summer Navels
Moro and Sanguinelli
Seville sour orange
New Zealand grapefruit
1.1 Orange and grapefruit cultivars
Alastair Currie & Peter Anderson
Growing Citrus in New Zealand
A practical guide
© Copyright 2001
New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated
ISBN 0-478-06829-8
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without prior written
permission of the New Zealand Citrus Growers Inc., P.O. Box 10629 Wellington.
The New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated and the authors have taken reasonable steps and
exercised skill, care and diligence in producing this publication to meet the needs of the growers
and the market. However, there is no implicit or expressed warranty that the information is free from
error or omission and the advice given in the publication is at the user’s risk. Similarly, no specific
endorsement for any of the branded products mentioned by our advertisers is implied, and no
responsibility will be accepted for any crop loss caused by the use of any chemical mentioned.
Readers are reminded that this Manual was published in 2001 and has not been updated since that
time. Some information included in the manual may be out of date and readers are strongly advised
to obtain current advice from a consultant.
Red pigments (anthocyanins) develop only when there are low night temperatures and
it is not until winter that the fruit develops red colour. As a consequence, blood oranges
seldom develop any degree of pigmentation in tropical and semi-tropical climates,
although fruit may develop the slightest number of blood flecks in the flesh when cold
stored. The degree of pigmentation of both the rind and flesh can vary markedly. Shaded
fruit on the tree usually have better colour development on the rind. Flesh pigmentation
is commonly restricted to the flesh immediately adjacent to the segment walls. Pigments
in red and pink grapefruit are lycopene and carotene and are not due to anthocyanins as
they are in blood oranges. The climatic conditions required for good colour development
of pigmented grapefruit are high temperatures during fruit growth whereas blood oranges
need chilling as a prerequisite.
The blood orange cultivars currently available in New Zealand are:
Sanguinelli trees are of a medium size, semi-vigorous, thornless and productive. The
fruit is often small and difficult to peel. Trees have a biennial-bearing tendency and
poor flavour compared with the Navel orange. The harvest season is from September
to November.
Ruby Blood trees are similar in vigour and productivity to Sanguinelli. The fruit is small
with an erratic red blush to the skin. Trees can be alternate bearing and the fruit seedy.
The harvest season is from September to November.
Moro has recently been imported by HortResearch. From overseas reports the tree is
reported to have medium vigour and size, spreading habit and be very productive. Fruit
are medium to medium-large, with variable shape and few seeds. Rind is medium thick,
moderately adherent and somewhat pebbled, and orange-coloured at maturity with a
light pink blush or red streaks at advanced maturity. Flesh can be deeply pigmented
(almost violet-red) but colouring can vary; it is juicy; and the flavour is pleasant. Moro
has a similar maturity period to Sanguinelli and is reported to hold well on the tree,
store and ship well.
Tarocco has also been recently imported by HortResearch. Tarocco is reported overseas
to be a medium sized, somewhat irregular shaped tree that is only moderately productive.
Thorniness is often a feature of most Tarocco selections. Delayed incompatibility after
25 years or more has been found on trifoliata rootstock. The fruit has a neck, an orange
coloured pebbly rind that is easily peeled, tender juicy flesh and high quality flavour.
Sour or bitter oranges
Sour or bitter oranges are named because their juice is both acidic and bitter. Sour orange
flowers are used in the perfume industry and the trees are planted in parks and along
streets to show off the abundant fragrant blooms and deep orange fruit.
Seville sour orange are vigorous, thornless and productive trees. Used as ornamentals,
rootstocks or for marmalade. The fruit are far too acid and bitter to be eaten fresh but
are prized for marmalade production. The fruit are very seedy. They are harvested from
July to September.
Chinotto is slow growing, with small, pointed, densely arranged leaves, similar to a
Myrtle and bears many small orange fruit. Chinotto makes an ideal small specimen
tree for the patio. Fruit are bitter and acidic but have been used in marmalade and
glacé fruit.
Navelina and Newhall are sports of Washington that are reported to mature two
weeks earlier overseas. Early results from the Navel cultivar trial at Kerikeri Research
Centre show that compared to Parent Navel, Newhall and Navelina produced fruit with
a more elongated shape (round to oval) than Parent, which is more acceptable to the
market than the flatter shape of Parent Navel in New Zealand. Navelina and Newhall
also produced a larger tree (nearly 40% bigger) with darker green foliage, higher yields
and yield efficiency, a deeper orange rind colour, comparable fruit size and higher Brix
and Brix:acid ratio.
Cara Cara is thought to be a sport of Washington. The pinkish-orange pigmented flesh
is due to lycopenes as with pink-fleshed grapefruit, rather than the anthocyanins of true
blood oranges. Hence the colour is most intense at the beginning of the season. Cara
Cara has slightly lower acid than Washington and so can be harvested early to maximise
colour. At Kerikeri Research Centre young trees of Cara Cara had deep orange coloured
flesh and good fruit size. Colour intensity may intensify with tree age.
The Johnson’s Navel is a selection of Washington imported from Australia by Gordon
Johnson, a Kerikeri orchardist, in the 1940s. It has large fruit and good juice content.
The harvest season is from July to September.
Navelate is a late maturing Navel that is reported to mature three weeks later than
Parent and hang on the tree for three to four months (until November in New Zealand)
with no loss of quality. Early results from the Kerikeri Research Centre trial show that
compared to Parent, Navelate produces a slightly larger tree with similar yield efficiency,
fruit are more oval, paler coloured with similar internal fruit quality.
Summer Navels originate from Australia and mature in August but hanging well on the
tree until December. Several varieties are available in New Zealand including Autumn
Gold®, Barnfield®, Powell, and Summer Gold®. A trial at Kerikeri Research
Centre compared these four summer Navels to Parent Navel and although it is too soon
to present data, to date the summer Navels have cropped well, had large fruit size and
good quality into December.
Common oranges
Common oranges form a large and diverse group, with a wide range of tree-growth and
fruit-quality characteristics.
Valencia (synonym: Valencia Late) forms a vigorous tree that produces good yields
of moderate sized fruit. In New Zealand, obtaining an adequate fruit size can often
be a problem. Fruit are oval and are not always well coloured. They are a late-season
orange, harvested from November onwards, and tend to suffer from re-greening in the
hot conditions close to harvest. They have a high juice content and hang well on the
tree without drying out, especially when grown on trifoliata rootstock.
Harward Late originated in New Zealand as a Valencia seedling. The fruit is virtually
indistinguishable from a Valencia, and has become the only important strain of Valencia
in New Zealand where it must be grown on trifoliata rootstock for best results.
Blood oranges
Although most of the blood orange strains appear to have originated in the Mediterranean
region, pigmented or blood oranges, like Navel oranges, may be indigenous to China.
Red pigments can be found in the flesh and juice and sometimes on the rind.
Easy-peel convenience makes the mandarin the most attractive dessert citrus to
consumers. The range of mandarin cultivars now available in New Zealand can provide
an almost year-round supply of these high-value fruit starting with early Satsumas in
mid April through to the end of Encore in early April (Table 1.2.1).
Table 1.2.1 Typical harvest times for mandarin cultivars
This large group of mandarins originated in Japan and is the major export mandarin
grown in New Zealand. Satsumas have many attractive commercial features: a spread of
maturity times from early to mid-season, seedlessness, very easy peeling rind, moderate
to low tree vigour, and good disease resistance. On the downside, the flavour of Satsumas
is not intense, and under cool coastal conditions alternate bearing is a serious problem.
The fruit becomes excessively puffy if held on the tree, especially under wet conditions.
With good management, these production problems can be overcome. Large, blemish-
free fruit can be produced with careful fruit thinning and with a well-timed disease
spray programme. The low internal quality of Satsumas, in particular of the early or
wase types, can be improved with reflective mulches and careful choice of rootstock.
Several distinct groups of Satsumas exist: goko wase (very early), wase (early),
mid-season and late cultivars. This grouping is based on how these cultivars perform
in Japan, and has led to some confusion here because, under particular microclimatic
conditions and on older trees, fruit of the mid-season cultivar Silverhill can often be
internally mature at the same time as, or even before, the wase cultivars within the
same district This phenomenon means that internal quality of Satsumas should always
be checked with a Brix:acid maturity test before harvesting starts; external rind colour
is not a good indicator of internal quality (see the chapter on Maturity Testing).
Goko wase cultivars are said to be 2-3 weeks earlier than the wase cultivars. No goko
wase Satsumas have been imported into New Zealand. Although early to colour, these
cultivars are reported in Japan to have much poorer internal quality than wase cultivars.
The wase cultivars Miyagawa, Miho and Okitsu have been extensively planted in
the past few years, especially in Northland, and the majority of the crop is exported to
Japan. Of these three, Miho is the preferred choice because acceptable internal quality
is achieved earlier. In Japan, the external appearance of the wase types is preferred to
that of mid-season or late cultivars.
Strains of the true grapefruit Citrus paradisi generally cannot be grown satisfactorily in
New Zealand as the heat needed is too high. A red-fleshed true grapefruit, Star Ruby is
due for release 2002 but must be considered experimental and should be planted only
in the warmest microclimates. The two grapefruit-like types we grow here, which are
thought to be pummelo-mandarin hybrids (i.e. tangelos), are the New Zealand grapefruit
(Goldfruit) and Wheeny.
Star ruby
Star Ruby is a pigmented true grapefruit. True grapefruit produce fruit of best quality
under semi-tropical conditions but are also grown successfully in cooler Mediterranean
climates. Overseas, Star Ruby has the most deeply coloured flesh of the pigmented
types and also a blush on the rind. At Kerikeri Star Ruby has developed good pink flesh
colouring, but juice acidity has remained high (1.7-1.9% and Brix:acid ratio of approx.
6.8). Fruit had a low seed number (up to five seed per fruit) despite ample opportunity
for cross-pollination. Most of the fruit were harvested from inside the canopy and fruit
sized ranged from 160 g-450 g. Star Ruby could be considered for experimental plantings
in Gisborne.
New Zealand grapefruit
The New Zealand grapefruit was introduced into New Zealand from Australia by Sir
George Grey in 1855 and was originally known as Poorman orange because of its slightly
bitter flavour but heavy fruiting qualities. In the 1920’s the name New Zealand grapefruit
was given to thin-skinned, high-quality strains of Poorman orange. In 1981, the name
New Zealand ‘Goldfruit’ was used in an endeavour to give the fruit a new image on
export markets. This fruit is well suited to the New Zealand climate because it needs
only low heat units. It is by far the most important of the grapefruit types in commercial
orchards in New Zealand.
The tree is vigorous and large, producing good yields of medium-large fruit with a yellow
skin and orange-yellow flesh. The skin tends to be thick but the fruit has a light juice
yield. The best fruit quality is obtained from trees grown on trifoliata rootstock.
The fruit is seedy when cross pollinated, particularly with Wheeny grapefruit, Meyer
lemons, Seminole tangelos, or Clementine mandarin, but when grown in blocks on its
own, can be almost seedless. The New Zealand grapefruit has a tendency toward biennial
bearing. It is a versatile fruit with a long season that can stretch from May to January,
with the very early fruit sometimes used for marmalade.
An early selection of New Zealand grapefruit was Morrison’s Seedless that became
the dominant selection for many years. In more recent times, a particularly good selection
from a commercial orchard in Tauranga became known as Golden Special, and most
commercial planting since 1980 has been of this selection. In the 1970s the Cutler Red
strain was selected in Kerikeri. It has a very deep orange coloured rind, but in other
respects is identical to Golden Special. Fruits can be very seedy, especially when the
tree is planted close to a strong polliniser. Harvest season is from October to December.
May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
Wase Satsumas
Late Satsumas
Richards Special
1.2 Mandarins, tangelos, and tangors
Alastair Currie and Andrew Harty
They fill a gap in the season where no other commercial mandarins have been available.
However, problems with irregular and biennial cropping and other production difficulties
have limited the value of Richards Special as a commercial cultivar to date. Ongoing
research may rectify the situation.
Table 1.2.3 Recommended tree spacing for mandarins on trifoliata rootstock
This unique cultivar is a true summer mandarin. The fruit can be harvested from October
to February and can be stored until April without loss of flavour or juiciness. It was bred in
California and released in 1965. The fruit are medium-sized, with a very thin but peelable
rind. Their flavour is excellent, and the seed number is not excessive (up to six per fruit).
The long hanging period on the tree unfortunately comes at a cost to the fruit’s appearance
and to the tree. The rind of Encore is quite sensitive, and after 12 to 18 months on the
tree, blemish from pests, disease, hail, windrub and ‘Encore spot’ is hard to avoid. A
degree of regreening is common in the rind over summer.
Alternate bearing is also severe because of overlapping crops competing on the tree.
Encore is also our most vigorous mandarin cultivar and tree size control is a problem.
Fruit thinning and pruning are two techniques that could solve some of these inherent
Other cultivars
Kiyomi tangor
Kiyomi tangor is a Miyagawa Satsuma mandarin X Trovita orange cross from Japan.
At Kerikeri Research Centre the fruit are large (diameter 7-10 cm), orange-like, and the
shape is flat and slightly pyriform. The rind is moderately thick, and moderately easy
to peel (with storage the peel becomes thinner, more leathery and easy to peel). Flesh
is tender, melting, very juicy with a mild Satsuma flavour. Fruit matures late August to
September achieving a Brix between 9-10, and titratable acids were 0.7-0.9%. Fruit are
seedless when self pollinated and seeded when planted with pollinisers. There are as
yet no commercial plantings in New Zealand.
Seminole tangelo
Seminole was imported to New Zealand by Dr. Harold Mouat of DSIR and made a big
impact on the New Zealand citrus scene when it was promoted in the late 1950s. The
tree crops well and bears extremely juicy fruit with an excellent flavour. Harvest period
ranges from September to December. Used mainly for juice production, the fresh fruit
has a following on the local market, and small quantities have also been exported.
Seminole has two major faults: it is not easy to peel and the flesh is very tender, making
it messy to eat; it is also very susceptible to Alternaria brown spot. In wetter districts,
this disease has led to removal of Seminole plantings, and most of the plantings are
now in the drier Gisborne district.
Silverhill has been grown for many decades in New Zealand. The fruit have been
successfully exported to Japan in small quantities. Internal quality has not posed a
problem later in the season. Thinning is required to achieve good fruit size, to improve
the external appearance and to increase storage ability.
Dobashi Beni is a newly introduced mid season Satsuma harvested at a similar time to
Silverhill but has a deeper orange rind colour. It is not yet widely grown in New Zealand.
Kawano produces a distinctly larger tree than other Satsumas, although the fruit is
virtually indistinguishable from other mid-season cultivars. Kawano is the most proven
mid to late season Satsuma cultivar to date and is recommended as a variety for Gisborne.
It is a vigorous tree that produces big crops of good quality fruit, which receive good
returns because of the July - August maturity. It is prone to alternate bearing if not
In Japan, Aoshima is reported to produce very high internal quality. Aoshima planted in
Gisborne, aged 7-8 years, are vigorous with fruit maturing July - early August. Although
the fruit is rather coarse, flat, large and bland, quality should improve with age and so
Aoshima remains an interesting option.
Satsumas are low-vigour trees when grown on Poncirus trifoliata (or ‘tri’), so a planting
density of 4 x 2 m is recommended, except for the more vigorous Kawano, which could
benefit from the wider row spacing of 5 m. None of the cultivars produces viable pollen,
so all can act as buffers between seedy cultivars and pollinisers.
Clementine mandarins are prized for their excellent eating quality, and the deep-
orange rind colour adds to their visual appeal. Although Clementine mandarins are
extensively grown throughout the world, our primary export market, Japan, does not
value Clementines and the domestic market is limited. This demonstrates that growing
a high quality cultivar is only part of the picture when choosing cultivars to plant. It is
also essential to check the marketing situation.
In a trial of 22 Clementine varieties, HortResearch found Corsica N
. 2 was the best
cultivar. Clementine mandarins have to be managed carefully to ensure good fruit size,
limit alternate bearing, and control fruit blemishing by the fungal disease verrucosis (citrus
scab). Clementine mandarins should not be planted close to polliniser cultivars such as
grapefruit, tangelos, Encore and Richards Special mandarins. A buffer planting of Satsuma
mandarins or Navel oranges will prevent the Clementine fruit from becoming seedy.
Table 1.2.2 Disease susceptibility of mandarin cultivars (based on field
Richards Special
Richards Special is an old Queensland seedling selection which has been recommended
for planting in the past. Richards Special fruit are easy-peel, have large fruit size, excellent
eating quality, store well and have been well received in Japan.
Verrucosis Botrytis Melanose Alternaria
Satsumas 1* 1 1 0
Clementines 3 0 1 0
Richards Special 0 0 1 0
Encore 0 3 1 0
*0 = resistant; 1 = mild; 2 = moderate; 3 = severe susceptibility
Metres between and Number of trees/hectare
Kawano 5 x 2 m 1000
Other Satsumas 4-4.5 x 2 m 1111-1250
Clementines 5 x 3 m 666
Encore 5 x 3 m 666
within rows
1.3 Lemons and limes
Alastair Currie and Andrew Harty
Lemons and limes belong to the citrus group known as acid citrus. This group differs
from other dessert citrus in several ways. The fruit is prized for its citric acid content
rather than its sugar content, so the fruit is primarily used for culinary purposes rather
than eating fresh.
Unlike other citrus types, lemons and limes flower several times a season. This means
that acid citrus typically have several crops of different ages on the tree at the same
time and are harvested several times during the season.
It is common in many countries to ‘cure’ lemon fruit after harvest. This involves storing
the fruit under humid, warm conditions for several weeks, and results in a thinner,
more resilient rind. Juice content relates directly to the rind thickness and is the main
international quality standard for lemons.
The main lemon crop in New Zealand is picked in winter (June - Sept), with smaller crops
in spring and late summer. For export purposes, lemons are picked when still partially
green but starting to colour (silver-green). Small fruit are often left to grow larger. The
local market is very lucrative in summer, but during the winter when lemons are over-
supplied domestically the crop is exported to Southeast Asian countries, as their supplies
from northern hemisphere producers are limited at that time.
Lemon cultivars
The main commercial lemon cultivars fall into two broad groups: the Eureka group,
which consists of Villafranca, Genoa, and Eureka selections; and the Lisbon group, which
includes Yen Ben and many different clones and nucellar selections.
Two important horticultural differences distinguish these two groups: (a) all the Lisbon
selections are relatively thorny whereas the Eureka group is virtually thornless; (b) only
the Lisbon selections have good compatibility with Poncirus trifoliata (or ‘trifoliata’) and
trifoliata hybrid rootstocks.
The main true lemon cultivars grown in New Zealand are:
Yen Ben
Yen Ben is a sport of Lisbon selected by Walter Benham in the late 1930s in Queensland.
Although no longer produced in Australia, the high-quality fruit attracted the interest
of New Zealand researchers in the mid-1970s, and large numbers of trees were
subsequently propagated by nurseries.
In trials at Kerikeri Research Centre comparing six lemon varieties (Villafranca, Genoa,
Frost Nucellar Eureka, Prior Lisbon, Monroe Nucellar and Yen Ben), Yen Ben was found to
be superior in terms of juice content, rind thickness, lower seed number and higher yield.
Yen Ben has since become the cultivar of choice for export plantings. The attractive appearance
and high juice content of the fruit have been well received on the Japanese market.
The trees are vigorous and bear heavily and are biennial. It is a popular home garden
variety. Of all citrus cultivars grown in New Zealand, Seminole is probably the least
susceptible to infestation by lemon tree borer.
The perfect mandarin cultivar has yet to be selected. All those described here have their
specific faults, but generally these can be overcome by special management practices.
This is perhaps the common denominator for mandarin cultivars: successful production
requires more management input. This in turn is rewarded by much higher returns than
for other dessert citrus types (oranges, tangelos, and grapefruit). However, successful
production is just half the battle. The fortunes of a cultivar can change rapidly with
changing market conditions, so before choosing the cultivars to grow check which
cultivars can sell.
May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
Lemons (Yen Ben)
(ever bearing, = 75% of crop) 15% 25%
Bearss lime
(ever bearing, = 90% of crop)
Meyer is probably a hybrid between a lemon and an orange, or a lemon and a mandarin.
The fruit is quite different from that of true lemons. It is thin skinned and juicy, and the
smooth rind is bright yellow, darkening to orange-yellow as the fruit ripens on the tree.
The juice has a distinct floral fragrance and does not have the acid content found in
true lemons. The rind lacks the typical lemon-peel aroma and is not suitable for lemon
oil production.
The tree is moderately vigorous, small to medium in size, spreading, nearly thornless,
hardy, productive. Flowers and new shoots are purple-tinted. Meyer is more or less ever-
flowering but mainly in spring. The trees are compact, especially when propagated as
cuttings, and are much more cold hardy than true lemons.
Meyer has been grown commercially in New Zealand for many years, particularly in
Gisborne and the Bay of Plenty. Although in many respects Meyer is an easier crop to
grow than true lemons, the fruit is unfortunately not well accepted on international
markets. It is not of commercial importance internationally because it is too tender
and juicy to cure, colour, store and ship without excessive waste. Nevertheless, small
volumes have been exported in the past, although these come under pressure when
supplies of true lemons are plentiful.
Lemonade is a cultivar of unknown origin, although it may be related to the sweet
lemons or sweet limes. The tree is compact, weeping and extremely susceptible to
verrucosis (citrus scab). Fruit at maturity in July - August are medium-sized, moderately
seedy, and have pale yellow rind and are relatively easy to peel. The unique character
of the fruit is that it can be eaten fresh and has a sweet and sprightly flavour. Despite
the fruit being popular among children, Lemonade is not produced commercially on any
scale in New Zealand.
Lime cultivars
Two main groups of lime are grown commercially around the world: West Indian lime
(Citrus aurantifolia), also known as Key lime, and Tahiti lime (Citrus latifolia), also known
as Persian lime. West Indian limes are usually grown only under hot climatic conditions
and in regions free of citrus tristeza virus. The need for these conditions prevents
commercial production of West Indian lime in New Zealand.
Tahiti lime
Tahiti lime is hardier than the West Indian lime, although still sensitive to frost. Trees
are of medium vigour with dark green, compact foliage and few thorns. The fruit are
oval and small, with very thin rinds and no seeds. The rind turns from dark green to pale
green and, finally, to pale yellow as fruit mature.
Commercially, limes are harvested and marketed when dark to pale green. A yellow colour
signifies over-maturity, and if the fruit is left on the tree, a rind collapse occurs at the
base of the fruit called stylar-end breakdown. In other countries, gibberellic acid (GA
is commonly applied as an orchard spray four to six weeks before harvest to maintain
green colour and rind firmness. The main crop matures May - July, and only very small
summer crops are set.
Yen Ben appears to be reasonably compatible with trifoliata, and produces precocious
trees with smaller canopies on this rootstock. The main cultural problem encountered
is excessive fruit set, resulting in small fruit.
A rootstock trial at Kerikeri Research Centre showed Yen Ben to be slightly incompatible
with Troyer Citrange and Cleopatra Mandarine and moderately to severely incompatible
with RangpurXTroyer, Swingle Citrumelo and C-35 citrange. Yen Ben performed well on
Benton citrange, Brazilian sour orange, Sweet orange and Trifoliata.
Originating in Sicily, this cultivar was introduced into Florida and California in 1875,
and from there into New Zealand in the 1890s. Until the advent of Yen Ben it was New
Zealand’s predominant lemon cultivar but had a reputation for producing thick-rinded
fruit. Trees of Villafranca are typically grown on sweet orange rootstock because of
incompatibility problems when grown on trifoliata rootstock. Villafranca trees are typically
very vigorous, and this excessive growth is difficult to manage. Many lines of Villafranca
in New Zealand are also infected with exocortis viroid, and severe bark scaling can be
seen on the rootstock trunk where trifoliata has been inadvertently used.
Introduced into California in 1875 from Genoa, Italy, and then into New Zealand via
Australia in 1919. Genoa has never been widely planted here but has attracted some
attention because an exocortis viroid-free budline is compatible with trifoliata rootstock.
Genoa on trifoliata rootstock produced thinner rinds than Genoa on Sweet orange
rootstock. Tree growth is similar to that of Villafranca and yields are good.
Minor lemon cultivars
Verna and Fino
Verna and Fino (N
. 49) are recently introduced Spanish cultivars. Neither have fruit as
attractive as Yen Ben. Verna fruit mature much later than other lemon cultivars, but
thick rind and protruding necks have been unattractive features observed thus far. Fino
fruit have a similar appearance to Eureka, but have proved quite seedy. A less seedy
selection of Fino (N
. 95) has reportedly been selected in Spain.
Lisbon is not grown commercially in New Zealand to any extent, although it is an
important cultivar internationally. Of the Lisbon selections evaluated at Kerikeri Research
Centre, none outperformed Yen Ben (which is presumed to be a Lisbon seedling selection).
Variegated Pink Eureka
Variegated Pink Eureka has been recently introduced from California. The variegated
foliage makes this an attractive ornamental cultivar. Fruit is striped green, fading with
maturity and the rind sometimes has a pink flush. The interior flesh is light pink. This
variety could have potential as an ornamental or for home gardens.
Lemon hybrids
Two lemon hybrids are produced in New Zealand, the Meyer and Lemonade. Neither is
considered a true lemon.
Importance of rootstocks
Fruit quality is influenced by the variety, the rootstock and environment. In this section
we look at the selection of the right rootstock. If an army marches on its stomach, then
a citrus orchard performs on its rootstock. More than any other decision when planting
an orchard, the choice of a good rootstock will ensure sweeter, larger and more storable
fruit. The rootstock quietly works at producing more fruit and less wasteful wood, and
allows the tree to live longer.
The New Zealand citrus industry is almost entirely dependent on one rootstock - trifoliate
orange (Poncirus trifoliata), known locally as ‘trifoliata’ or simply ‘tri’. Trifoliata rootstock
is resistant to CTV, is cold hardy and produces large yields of high quality fruit in the scion
variety. Other rootstocks in use by the industry are C-35, Carrizo and Troyer Citranges;
Flying Dragon trifoliata, Sour orange and Sweet orange. Only one cultivar, Meyer lemon,
is grown commercially from cuttings.
The rootstock can affect almost every aspect of tree performance, and a priority list of
requirements must be checked before making a choice. There are some factors which
are essential when choosing a rootstock, and others which are desirable.
Essential factors for New Zealand include: genetic compatibility between the scion
and rootstock, tolerance of the stock and scion combination to citrus tristeza virus, and
tolerance to Phytophthora, nematodes and cold, wet soils.
Desirable rootstock effects include: improved sugar: acid ratios, larger fruit size, thinner
rinds, earlier or later fruit maturity, increased or decreased tree vigour, improved yield
efficiency, and longer fruit storage-life.
Nurserymen also prefer rootstock varieties that have high seed numbers in their fruit,
are highly nucellar and so produce a high percentage of true-to-type seedlings (see the
chapter on Propagation), and that grow vigorously and produce non-bushy stems in the
The scion bud must fuse successfully with the rootstock and form a strong, functional bud
union that lasts for the commercial life of the tree. Incompatibility can vary in severity. A
well known incompatibility is that between Eureka lemon types, including Villafranca, and
trifoliata and many of its hybrid stocks (citranges and citrumelos). Other incompatibilities
will become apparent as new cultivars are tested on different stocks - Chironja grapefruit
hybrid, for example, is clearly incompatible with trifoliata. Ugli tangor trees on trifoliata
do not appear to be completely compatible. Yen Ben lemon on C-35 citrange has also
proven to be incompatible.
Virus and viroid tolerance
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is an aphid-transmitted disease that occurs throughout New
Zealand, and excludes the use of scion and rootstock combinations that are severely
affected. One of the world’s premier stocks for dessert citrus, sour orange, is not an
option for most New Zealand commercial cultivars because of its high susceptibility
to CTV. A possible exception is its safe use under lemons, an option HortResearch has
tested in a rootstock trial at Kerikeri Research Centre. Most new rootstock selections
are now screened for tristeza tolerance in anticipation of the continued spread of the
virus around the world.
1.4 Rootstocks
Alastair Currie and Andrew Harty
Bearss lime
Bearss fruit and tree is similar to Tahiti lime and is believed to be either derived from
a Tahiti seedling or to be a synonym for Tahiti. At Kerikeri Research Centre, Bearss has
produced larger crops of superior looking fruit than several other selections of Tahiti
lime. It appears to be more precocious than other selections, typically bearing crops
when trees are two to three years old. Bearss is currently the recommended lime variety
for New Zealand.
Tahiti and Bearss lime are both grown on trifoliate rootstock in New Zealand. Unusual
bud unions with large bulges above the junction often occur, although trees appear to
live and crop steadily for 30 years or more. A rootstock trial to evaluate the performance
of 12 different rootstocks with Bearss lime will be completed in 2002.
Other lime types and hybrids
Rangpur lime
Rangpur lime is an acidic mandarin-like cultivar that produces small, orange-coloured
fruit. Used as a salt-tolerant rootstock in some countries but does not produce high
fruit quality.
Kusaie lime
Kusaie lime is a selection of Rangpur that produces an attractive, small tree with small,
pale yellow, seedy fruit.
Eustis limequat
Eustis limequat is a hybrid between lime and kumquat, and has recently been introduced
into New Zealand. The fruit is small, round to oval in shape with acidic flavour, and
makes an excellent lime substitute in colder areas.
Kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix)
Kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix) is a frost-tender tree, the leaves of which are highly prized
in South-east Asian cuisine. Two selections of Kaffir lime have been introduced into
New Zealand and have been popular for the homegarden.
Flying Dragon trifoliata stock has attracted much interest in other countries, and has been
used on a small scale in New Zealand. Many overseas trials indicate that Flying Dragon
will substantially dwarf most cultivars without detracting from fruit size. Fruit quality
typically equals or surpasses that of trees on trifoliata. Yield efficiency (kilograms of
fruit per cubic metre of canopy) is typically very high, which makes this stock an exciting
proposition for high density plantings. Unfortunately, Flying Dragon produces many off-
type seedlings, and combined with its slow growth and twisted, thorny habit, this makes
it an unattractive stock to work with in the nursery. However, with stringent roguing (see
chapter on Propagation), uniform populations of nucellar seedlings can be achieved.
Trifoliata hybrids
Although trees on trifoliata produce high quality fruit and tolerate many soil diseases
and pests, they also have some shortcomings - small fruit size, high fruit acidity, and
incomplete compatibility with some scion cultivars. Many new rootstocks have been
developed around the world in the past few decades, in particular a large range of
trifoliata hybrids (citranges and citrumelos). Some of these have the potential to improve
yields and fruit quality in New Zealand orchards, but like imported scion cultivars, they
must first be thoroughly tested under local conditions.
Benton citrange is a hybrid of Ruby Blood orange and trifoliata bred in the late 1940s
by the Dept. of Agriculture, New South Wales, Australia. Benton has been used in
Australia for Eureka lemons in a replant situation and for Lisbon lemons in California.
Benton rootstocks produce good crops of high quality lemons on compact trees of
intermediate size. Benton is reported to be resistant to Phytophthora. In a trial with Yen
Ben lemon at the Kerikeri Research Centre, Benton formed a good union with the scion
and produced a tree approx. 20% more vigorous than Rich 16-6. Benton produced the
highest total yield and export yield per tree and also had high yield efficiency. Fruit was
large but acidity was slightly lower than on Rich 16-6. Rind thickness and juice content
were similar to trifoliata.
Benton may not be an easy option for the nurseryman as Benton has few seeds and the
seedlings are very branched and spindly.
C-35 citrange was bred by the University of California and released in 1987. C-35 has
the same parentage as Benton citrange (Ruby Blood orange and trifoliate orange). It is
reported to be tolerant to Phytophthora foot and root rot, CTV tolerant, resistant to citrus
nematodes, and is frost tolerant. In New Zealand C-35 shows promise as a Satsuma
rootstock, producing vigorous trees, high yield efficiency and high Brix. Yen Ben lemons
are incompatible with C-35, dying at age five.
Savage citrange was included in a Miyagawa Satsuma rootstock evaluation trial
at Kerikeri Research Centre. In this trial Savage produced a vigorous, yield efficient
Miyagawa tree with high Brix and Brix:acid ratio. Savage was the best rootstock in the
trial overall, out-performing even trifoliata.
Troyer citrange, a Navel orange - trifoliata hybrid, is an important rootstock around the
world and was planted experimentally in 1970’s in New Zealand. In a Silverhill block
in Kerikeri, trees on Troyer have matured fruit externally and internally several weeks
earlier than trees of the same age on trifoliata. Troyer also increased tree vigour for
Miyagawa but slightly lowered the Brix compared to Trifoliata. Troyer seeds are highly
nucellar, and produce excellent straight-stemmed seedlings. Carrizo citrange is a sister
hybrid of Troyer citrange, and is very similar in most respects.
Trifoliata and its hybrids (citranges and citrumelos) are susceptible to exocortis viroid,
and only indexed budwood should be used when propagating on these stocks. The New
Zealand Citrus Budwood Scheme provides exocortis-free budwood of all commercial
citrus cultivars.
Tolerance to soil pests, pathogens and conditions
Phytophthora root rot and nematodes are common in all our orchards, and suitable stocks
must resist or at least tolerate these organisms. Orchard drainage can help reduce wet
soil problems, but temporary waterlogging regularly occurs in all citrus growing districts.
This combination of soil requirements is best covered by trifoliata and its hybrids.
Tree size and control
The most noticeable effect of a stock on young trees is the rate of growth. Vigorous
stocks will form big canopies very quickly, while more dwarfing stocks will slow down
the production of vegetative growth. Although trifoliata is rated a semi-dwarfing stock,
it will in fact produce trees that eventually get as big as those on vigorous stocks; the
time they take to get there is simply longer.
Dwarfing and semi-dwarfing stocks are preferable because they limit tree size, and
allow high-density planting. This practice produces very high yields in the early years
of orchard life, making capital recovery much quicker. However, when a scion cultivar
lacks vigour, a more vigorous stock can be beneficial.
The amount of fruit produced per tree is less important than the amount per canopy
volume. Scion rootstock combinations that produce many fruit per cubic metre of canopy
are said to have high yield efficiency. Very often, dwarfing stocks have a higher yield
efficiency, with energy being diverted into fruit rather than vegetative growth.
Fruit quality
Trifoliata will typically produce fruit with high soluble solids (Brix), but unfortunately citric
acid levels are also high. Where Brix achievement is not a problem, as is the case with
most mandarins other than Satsuma, then a stock that produces larger fruit and lower
acidity than trifoliate will be of interest. For Satsumas, an improved stock would need
to promote similar Brix levels to trifoliata but also reduce the acid levels.
For most of our commercial cultivars, trifoliata remains the only recommended rootstock.
Yen Ben lemon is a member of the Lisbon group of lemon cultivars and appears to be
compatible with trifoliata.
The many different strains of trifoliata can be divided into two broad groups - small-
flowered and large-flowered. The small-flowered strains (such as Rubidoux or Rich
16-6) produce smaller trees that are more yield-efficient, have a larger fruit size, and are
reported overseas to mature fruit somewhat earlier. Large-flowered selections produce
larger trees and are easier to grow in the nursery because of their non-bushy habit.
Pomeroy is probably the most commonly used large-flowered selection in New Zealand.
A decline of 15-25 year old Navel orange trees has been reported in California when some
strains of trifoliata were used as stocks. Although this problem has not been recorded
in New Zealand, it is probably safest to use either Rubidoux or Rich 16-6 trifoliata. Both
are small-flowered strains that have been relatively unaffected by delayed decline in
California. The strain of trifoliata commonly used in Australia called Accession 22 also
appears to be a very suitable option.
Top-working of orchard trees can result in the previous scion becoming the interstock.
Although the choice of interstock will almost certainly affect scion performance, very
little is known about this subject. In one case monitored in a Kerikeri orchard, young
tangelo trees were top-worked to Miyagawa Satsuma. These trees gave significantly
lower Brix and lower acid levels than young Miyagawa trees on trifoliata that were
inter-planted into the original tangelo block. The Brix:acid ratio was not altered, but
fruit off the interstock trees tasted blander.
The rootstock of a citrus tree can be changed in situ by a technique called inarching.
Seedlings of the new rootstock (two to four per tree) are planted next to the tree trunk,
and their tops are grafted into the scion trunk above the original bud union. Once these
inarches are firmly established, the original rootstock can be slowly girdled over a number
of years by placing a wire girdle below the original bud union. This method of ‘bottom
working’ a citrus planting has been quite commonly used in Mediterranean countries.
It has yet to be practised commercially in New Zealand.
Sweet orange
Sweet orange is still the recommended stock for Villafranca lemon, but the recent
favouring of Yen Ben lemon over Villafranca for export plantings will mean less use
of sweet orange in the future. Where is has been used under dessert citrus cultivars,
internal fruit quality has been poor. Its susceptibility to Phytophthora is evident in many
older Villafranca blocks.
Sour orange
Sour orange was one of the most important rootstocks overseas as it imparted moderate
vigour to the tree and gave good yields of high quality fruit. However sour orange is
very susceptible to CTV (endemic in New Zealand) so it is only suitable for using with
CTV resistant cultivars like lemons. Brazilian sour orange was evaluated with Yen
Ben lemons at Kerikeri Research Centre and found to compare favourably to trifoliata.
Brazilian was slightly more vigorous, and although yield efficiencies were similar, the
fruit size was slightly larger. Fruit on Brazilian had similar juice content to Rich 16-6
but, like Benton, had slightly lower acidity.
Rootstock trials
Many new rootstocks have been developed in the past few decades, in particular trifoliata
hybrids (citranges and citrumelos). These have the potential to improve yields and fruit
quality in New Zealand orchards, but like imported scion cultivars, they must first be
thoroughly tested under local conditions. HortResearch at the Kerikeri Research Centre
is testing new rootstocks for limes, Satsuma mandarins and oranges. These trials were
planted in March 1993, with the aim of identifying stocks that overcome commercial
faults in the scion. Results of these trials are published in The Orchardist.
Compared with most other fruit types, citrus is unusual in that clonal rootstocks can
be achieved from seedlings (see chapter on Propagation), so vegetative propagation
of rootstocks is not needed. However, cuttings of most commercial scion cultivars will
readily form roots in a mist bed.
Unfortunately, very few scion cultivars form suitable root systems. Many are highly
susceptible to Phytophthora root rot, while others produce poor-quality fruit. A notable
exception is Meyer lemon, which is typically propagated from cuttings. The tree that
develops is low branching and semi-dwarfed, making it ideal for the home garden.
However, in commercial orchards, a trunk is often advantageous for management
purposes and budded Meyer trees are preferable.
An interstock is an additional cultivar sandwiched between the rootstock and the scion.
Nurserymen generally do not favour them because of the extra budding step involved,
but they can be useful when an incompatible stock and scion need to be bridged.
Tangelo and New Zealand grapefruit have both been used as interstocks between
Chironja and trifoliata.
Genetically superior, disease-free propagating material is the foundation of all successful
plant industries. The New Zealand Citrus Budwood Scheme (NZCBS) was established
by the New Zealand Fruitgrowers Federation Citrus Sector and HortResearch to ensure
that New Zealand citrus orchards of the future are based upon the very best available
planting material. To achieve this, the NZCBS:
• Selectsthebestclonesofeachcommercialcitruscultivar
Budwood is cut from specially managed field and glasshouse trees, treated with
fungicide, air dried, then sealed in labelled plastic bags and dispatched to propagators.
Superior clonal selections and cultivar improvement
Citrus trees have a fairly high rate of natural mutation and throw ‘sports’ quite commonly.
The most obvious of these mutations are sectoral chimeras which can be seen on trees
as fruit with ridges (Figure. 2.1.1) or variegated leaves. Very occasionally, a sport is an
improvement on the original parent, but unfortunately the majority of mutations result
in a reduction in quality. If budwood is cut from trees which are not regularly inspected
for fruit quality, there is a high risk of propagating new trees which are derived from
inferior sports.
Citrus budwood is usually cut when there is no fruit on the tree, so it is very difficult
to see whether poor sports are present. When walking through many New Zealand
orchards, it is apparent that trees have in the past been grown from inferior budwood
selections. Yields and packout of fruit could have been dramatically improved in many
orchard blocks at no extra effort other than ensuring that each tree was grown from a
superior selected bud.
Selection of superior clones (Figure. 2.1.2) has been carried out by the New Zealand
Citrus Budwood Scheme in conjunction with local growers, propagators, and extension
personnel. Selection teams in each of the three main citrus growing regions Bay of
Plenty, Gisborne, and Northland) have spent considerable time walking the orchards in
their districts selecting and tagging the very best trees of each commercial citrus cultivar.
Superior trees are selected on the following criteria:
die-back of shoots
unions, excessive suckering from the stock
Botrytis, citrus blast, Sclerotinia, or Alternaria
colour, no ridges or irregular fruit shapes, no styler end splitting, or excessive Navel
protrusion; and superior size
Reselection of superior clones is an ongoing process. Superior clonal foundation trees
of all the cultivars are inspected annually for occurrence of limb mutations.
Section 2.
Propagation and Topworking
2.1 The New Zealand Citrus Budwood Scheme
(This chapter is no longer relevant and has been updated by best practice guidelines
on the NZCGI website link-
2.2 Propagation
2.3 Topworking
2.1 The New Zealand Citrus Budwood Scheme
bPauline Mooney
Growing Citrus in New Zealand
A practical guide
© Copyright 2001
New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated
ISBN 0-478-06829-8
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without prior written
permission of the New Zealand Citrus Growers Inc., P.O. Box 10629 Wellington.
The New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated and the authors have taken reasonable steps and
exercised skill, care and diligence in producing this publication to meet the needs of the growers
and the market. However, there is no implicit or expressed warranty that the information is free from
error or omission and the advice given in the publication is at the user’s risk. Similarly, no specific
endorsement for any of the branded products mentioned by our advertisers is implied, and no
responsibility will be accepted for any crop loss caused by the use of any chemical mentioned.
Readers are reminded that this Manual was published in 2001 and has not been updated since that
time. Some information included in the manual may be out of date and readers are strongly advised
to obtain current advice from a consultant.
This chapter is no longer relevant and has been updated by best
practice guidelines on the NZCGI website link-
Three categories of buds are available from the NZCBS:
which show strong potential. They are free of viroid diseases. In future, superior clones
inoculated with mild strains of tristeza virus will also be included in this category.
cultivars, but the budwood is cut from carefully selected superior trees which have
been checked for freedom from viroids.
• CategoryC-Non-indexedsuperiorclonalselections.Thesearesuperiorselections
of standard selections, but which have yet to be viroid indexed.
Cultivars of Category A and B budwood currently available through the NZCBS are listed
in Tables 2.1.1 and 2.1.2. If cultivars are required which are not on these lists, NZCBS
will select good mother trees and begin viroid indexing them on request.
Table 2.1.1 Cultivars available through the New Zealand Citrus Budwood Scheme
Mandarins Tangelos and tangors
Corsica No. 2 Seminole tangelo
Caffin Ugli tangor
Afourer Dweet tangor
Silverhill Satsuma Kiyomi tangor
Okitsu Satsuma
Miyagawa Satsuma Lemons and limes
Aoshima Satsuma Meyer lemon
Kawano Satsuma Villafranca lemon
Clementine (local) Genoalemon
Thorny (Willowleaf) Yen Ben lemon
Richards Special Lemonade
Encore Tahiti lime
Burgess Scarlet Bearrs lime
Kusaie lime
Oranges Kaffir lime
Sanguinelli Blood
Seville Grapefruit and pummelos
Harward Late Chironja
Parent Navel Golden Special NZ grapefruit
Johnson Navel Wheeny NZ grapefruit
Carter Navel Chandler pummelo
Best’s Seedless Star Ruby
Navelate Navel
Navelina Navel Ornamentals
Newhall Navel Variegated Eureka lemon
Fukumoto Navel Eustis limequat
Cara Cara Navel Buddha Hand Citron
Valencia Late Bergamot
Vainiglia Pink Calamondin
Meiwa kumquat
Cipo Prostrate orange
Variegated Calamondin
New acquisitions
The Citrus Sector and HortResearch have introduced more than 60 new cultivars during
the past nine years, and this importation programme will continue in consultation with
citrus growers and propagators. All new citrus cultivars from overseas introductions
and all new HortResearch breeding selections will only be released via the NZCBS, thus
ensuring that these cultivars remain disease free and genetically sound.
Citrus virus and viroid indexing
Citrus trees are affected by many different virus diseases (see chapter on Virus Diseases).
The group of disease agents called viroids were considered top priority for elimination
from budwood. This is because they severely affect trees on Poncirus trifoliata (or
‘trifoliata’) rootstock, which is the main rootstock used in New Zealand. Surveys have
shown that the viroid disease Exocortis is present in New Zealand, mainly in lemon trees.
Exocortis causes scaling of the bark on the rootstock and stunts the tree, dramatically
reducing the yield of fruit.
Citrus viroids are mechanically transmitted. In nurseries, this occurs mainly through the
use of infected budwood but also through the use of contaminated budding knives and
digging tools. Fortunately, because of the limited ways in which they can be transmitted,
the spread of viroids can be easily prevented through the use of clean budwood and
simple hygiene techniques.
Superior clonal selections and new releases available through the New Zealand Citrus
Budwood Scheme are indexed for all known citrus viroids. The indexing procedure is that
recommended by the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organisation: woody indexing
on ‘Arizona 861-S-1’ Etrog citron for 12 weeks under warm conditions, followed by
sequential polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
Surveys for other viruses are under way, and a HortResearch project is currently searching
for mild strains of citrus tristeza virus. In future, budwood will be inoculated with these
protective strains to prevent infection by damaging strains of tristeza.
Budwood availability
Prospective bud purchasers need to register with the NZCBS by subscribing to the NZCBS
newsletter, The Citrus Bud Union. Subscription forms are available from:
The Technical Officer
New Zealand Citrus Budwood Scheme
Kerikeri Research Centre
PO Box 23
Telephone (09) 407 9611
Facsimile (09) 407 9632
Each year in September, subscribers receive information in the newsletter on which
cultivars are available for the upcoming budding season. This includes a description of
new cultivar releases. Subscribers also receive a Budwood Purchase and Supply Contract,
which needs to be returned by 31 October.
The problem is easily overcome by peeling the seeds before pre-germination. Peeling
involves carefully removing the straw-coloured, fibrous outer coat of the seed, leaving
the delicate papery brown skin intact around the cotyledons. The peeled seeds may be
pre-germinated by either of the above methods. Time to germination of a peeled seed
is quicker than that of an unpeeled seed.
Importance of seedling roguing
Most plants produce a monoembryonic seed from the fusion of a male (pollen) and
female (egg) sexual cell, and this eventually results in the development of a single
zygotic seedling developing from a single seed. Citrus, however, has an unusual seed
biology in that many citrus cultivar are polyembryonic, i.e., as well as forming a zygotic
embryo, they have the ability to form several nucellar embryos that are not derived from
sexual fusion within a seed. Therefore polyembryonic citrus cultivars produce multiple
seedlings from each seed. The nucellar embryos closely resemble the mother plant in all
characteristics. For this reason, nucellar embryos result in seedlings that are remarkably
uniform, and they are referred to by nurserymen as being “true-to-type”. The zygotic
embryos, which have some characteristics of both the male and female parent, are
therefore called “off-types”.
The degree of polyembryony, and therefore the percentage of zygotic to nucellar seedlings
germinating within a seed batch, varies from season to season and can amount to 25% of
the total seedling population. The propagation of uniform citrus rootstocks depends upon
the production of clonal plants from nucellar seedlings. Uniformity of rootstock genotype
is essential for reliable tree performance after budding and orchard establishment. For
this reason, zygotic seedlings are highly undesirable and they should be rogued out as
Seedlings that are markedly larger or smaller than average, or show defects in leaf and
petiole shape, should be rogued out as they are probably zygotics. Although some smaller
seedlings may result from late germination, a large proportion of these are often off-
types. It is false economy to try to use every seedling; only the best, uniform seedlings
should be used for transplantation and budding. It is also good practice to re-evaluate
the seedling rootstocks at budding and once again discard non-uniform stock.
Seed purchase and the initial stages of seedling propagation are not an expensive part
of the nursery operation. Therefore, propagators should begin with twice the number
of seeds as final saleable trees required.
Scion budwood propagation
Citrus is affected by many virus and virus-like diseases, most of which are transmitted
in budwood. If a budwood supply tree is infected, then so are all the hundreds of trees
propagated each year from its buds. It is also common for citrus trees to throw sports -
these are limbs that are genetically different from the parent tree because a mutation
has occurred. Only very occasionally are mutations better than the original; the vast
majority produce inferior fruit. It is essential that nursery trees are propagated using
only carefully selected, healthy true-to-type budwood.
Viroid-free, superior clonal selections of a large range of commercial and home garden
citrus cultivars may be obtained from the New Zealand Citrus Budwood Scheme. The
address, telephone and facsimile numbers for the scheme are listed at the end of this
chapter. For further information see the chapter on the New Zealand Citrus Budwood
2.2 Propagation
Pauline Mooney
Citrus propagation differs from the general techniques used for other fruit trees only
in certain details, such as seed germination and careful selection of nucellar rootstock
seedlings. The most common method of producing a citrus tree is by budding a scion
bud on to a rootstock seedling. In some instances, stick grafting and rooted cuttings are
the preferred method of producing a tree. This chapter focuses only on producing a high
health superior clonal, true-to-type budded tree.
Rootstock propagation
Seed suppliers
Some local nurseries grow their own rootstock trees for supplying seed, but many obtain
their seed from registered overseas suppliers. Good quality citrus rootstock seed may
be obtained from either Australian Citrus Propagation Association, NSW, Australia, or
from Willits & Newcomb, California, USA. Seed orders to both the USA and Australia
must be accompanied by a current New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
Seed Import Permit. Application forms for importation of citrus seeds are obtainable from
MAF Quality Management, Auckland. The addresses, telephone and facsimile numbers
for these organisations are listed at the end of this chapter.
Seeds that need to be stored should be held in sealed plastic bags or containers at
5-10 ºC. The vegetable crisper section of a domestic refrigerator is suitable.
Poncirus trifoliata (or ‘ trifoliata’) is the main rootstock used in New Zealand, but other
options are becoming available (see the chapter on Rootstocks).
Seed germination
Pre-germination of the seeds before pricking out overcomes the problems of seedling
competition for light and space, and variations in seedling growth and size at time of
Two alternative pre-germination treatments are as follows:
(a) Space the seeds in a single layer on a plastic tray lined with a paper towel, and cover
them with a gauze cloth. Completely wet the seeds and paper to settle the seeds
and then drain off the excess fluid. Cover the trays with cling wrap, and place in an
oven set at 24 to 26ºC. Water the trays daily, ensuring that excess water is drained
off so as to avoid seed rots. The seeds should germinate within two to three days.
Daily prick out seeds with emerging roots into root-trainers or seedling beds daily.
This will ensure an even seedling size at time of transplanting.
(b) Space the seeds in a groove compressed into a well drained germination bed of moist
vermiculite, perlite or sterile sand. Then cover the seed with a layer of approximately
15 mm of the germination bed medium. Germination beds should be kept moist and
warm, but not overheated as this can cause seed rots. Germination beds should
be shaded in spring and summer to protect the seedlings against sunburn and to
encourage them to grow straight and tall. The seeds should begin to germinate
within two weeks. When the seedlings are approximately 20 mm high they should
be pricked out into root-trainers or seedling beds. When pricking out, any seedlings
showing poor root growth, benching or browning should be discarded.
Some rootstock cultivars such as Troyer citrange and trifoliata develop curled or ‘benched’
roots due to the new roots being restricted by the seed coat. This may result in a restriction
of nutrient flow to the developing shoot and therefore poor seedling growth.
Good quality citrus potting mix is obtainable from commercial horticultural suppliers. A
good quality potting mix should consist of equal volumes of pine bark, peat moss and
pumice, with the following nutrients added to each cubic metre of the mixture:
3 kg of superphosphate
5 kg Nutricote slow-release fertiliser
6 kg dolomitic lime
400 g fritted trace element mixture.
Settling the potting mix at the time of transplanting the seedlings will avoid problems
of settling in later months. Excessive settling over time will reduce the area available
for root development and will therefore result in an inferior tree.
Budding and general tree management is similar to that outlined for field-grown trees.
However, budding can be continued through into April if glasshouse conditions are
Watering frequency for container grown plants varies with seasonal changes, plant
growth and the plant cultivar. A major problem is overwatering which rapidly leaches
out nutrients from the potting mix and retards root growth. Roots need both water
and air to grow, so waterlogged conditions kill the roots. Watering should ensure that
the bags are wet through and should be turned off when water begins to drain out of
the bottom. Container plants are most easily watered by a correctly spaced, overhead
irrigation system regulated with a timer and solenoids to control frequency.
Supplemental fertiliser needs to be given to container grown trees once the slow-release
fertiliser is depleted. It can be applied in three ways: as additional solid, slow-release
fertiliser; as liquid feed via the irrigation (fertigation); or as foliar sprays. Trace elements
are essential for optimal growth and are best applied as foliar sprays.
Useful addresses
Australian Citrus Propagation Willits and Newcomb Inc
Association Incorporated PO Box 428
15 Bowen Crescent Arvin
West Gosford California 93203
NSW 2250 USA.
Australia. Telephone: 00 1 805 327 9345
Telephone: 00 61 43 25 0247 Facsimile: 00 1 805 366 6419
Facsimile: 00 61 43 24 2563
MAF Quality Management New Zealand Citrus
PO Box 2526 Budwood Scheme
Wellington Kerikeri Research Centre
New Zealand PO Box 23
Telephone: 04 474 4100 Kerikeri
Facsimile: 04 474 4133 New Zealand
Telephone: 09 407 9611
Facsimile: 09 407 9632
Outdoor propagation
Field propagation is a long-term operation, normally taking between three and four years
from the time rootstock seed is planted out until a budded tree is ready for planting.
Seedlings are transplanted into nursery rows in late August or September. At this stage,
seedlings should be re-evaluated for off-types and carefully graded into size categories.
This ensures that blocks of buddable seedlings are of uniform size and can be better
matched at budding time with cultivar type and budwood size. For economy of space
and ease of budding, plants should be placed in double rows about 200 mm apart within
and between the double row, with an inter-row space of about 900 mm. Care should
be taken to ensure that seedlings do not dry out during transplanting, and they must be
watered immediately after planting to remove air pockets around the roots.
Routine management of nursery stock after transplanting into the field includes regular
watering, fertiliser applications, weeding, pest and disease management and removal
of side shoots. Under normal growing conditions rootstocks should reach buddable size
within 9 to 12 months. January is the best month for budding field grown rootstocks
as this allows for rebudding in early March of those stocks on which the buds missed.
A T-cut or inverted T-cut is the most usual method for bud insertion. Bud size should
be carefully matched to rootstock diameter. A thick, vigorously growing rootstock may
overgrow a small, weak scion bud. Buds should be inserted into the rootstock at least
than 100 mm above ground level, a standardised height of 200 mm is preferable. Buds
are held in place with commercial budding tape which should be carefully removed
three to four weeks after budding. The success of budding should be assessed over the
following four weeks, so that those stocks which require rebudding may be set aside
for attention in March.
Removal of the rootstock above the bud should be carried out in early September. The
developing bud is then allowed to grow out, and once the shoot is about 200 mm long,
the shoot should be staked to ensure that the developing tree is well formed. Rootstock
suckers should be removed at regular intervals. When the plant has grown more than
500 mm above ground level and has hardened off, it should be topped at about 400 mm
from ground level to encourage the development of three to four side branches from
buds immediately below the cut.
Indoor container propagation
An alternative method for citrus propagation is producing citrus in containers in a
propagation house. The advantage of this method is that the trees can be produced ready
for sale 18 months from time of seed germination. As the trees are container-grown,
they are sold with an undisturbed root system. This means they establish better when
planted out, are more easily transported from nursery to point of sale, and are better
able to withstand delays between leaving the nursery and planting out without harm
to the tree quality.
However, propagating citrus in containers is labour-intensive, and a major disadvantage
is the initial high cost of establishing the propagation facility. The cost of erecting the
glasshouse or plastic tunnelhouses and the installation of a good quality automated
irrigation system is high.
Trees are generally propagated in black plastic bags rather than rigid pots as bags are
cheaper and require less space. The rootstock seedlings are transplanted into the bags
from late November to early December.
Figure 2.3.1 Placing the cut bud under the bark then taping.
Topworking by grafting
Bark grafting is commonly used for topworking citrus, results of trials done in Kerikeri
suggest the best time to do the job is October/November. This allows sufficient callusing
and vegetative growth before the onset of winter.
Scionwood selected for the graft is from rounded, green-barked hardwood, about
5 mm in diameter. It can either be cut in winter/early spring before the buds burst, treated
with fungicide, wrapped in damp paper and stored in a plastic bag at 5ºC until required
for grafting, or it can be harvested fresh.
The bark graft is made by cutting vertical slits (about 50-60 mm long) through the bark
and down to the wood. The scions are cut about 100 mm long with about four buds
per scion.
A sloping basal cut about 50 mm is made on one side of the scion. The bark on one side
of the cut in the stock is lifted with the grafting knife. The scion is inserted and pushed
down this side of the slit, with the long cut surface of the scion facing the wood of the
stock. One edge of the scion should fit snugly against the unlifted bark on the stump
(Figure 2.3.2).
Figure 2.3.2 The prepared and fitted scion.
The grafts are held tight by wrapping 50 mm black insulation or masking tape around the
main trunk. Always ensure the tape is wrapped in the direction of the lifted bark. Once
secure, seal all cut surfaces with a suitable sealant, such as Bacseal or Garrison™. An
insecticide can be added to the sealant to prevent the lemon tree borer from laying its
eggs on the wound site.
Grafted scions can be sprayed with a fungicide such as Benlate to prevent fungal
infection. Once dry, a thin plastic material such as cling wrap should be wrapped around
the entire scion, but not too tightly. Do not finish the tie in a knot as it will be virtually
impossible to remove later without damaging the new tender shoots. An alternative
to using a material such as cling wrap is to place a plastic bag over the entire grafted
stock. This can be held on by a large rubber band.
Topworking means the reworking of an existing cultivar to a new one. The reasons for
doing so are usually economic. Topworking of citrus trees is not new. In many citrus
growing regions of the world, it is an established method that allows quickly changing
to a new cultivar. Topworked trees usually come into production sooner than nursery
trees because of the established root system.
Careful thought must be given in deciding whether to topwork, or to replant.
Topworking involves the removal of some part of the existing canopy, the budding or
grafting operation, follow-up work of removing tapes and bags, desuckering of the old
cultivar, and perhaps staking of the shoots of the new.
Replanting involves the complete removal of all the trees in the block, and replanting
with young nursery trees. When planning to replant, trees need to be ordered from the
nursery at least one year before planting.
The expected tree spacing of the new cultivar must be considered. For example, if the
old cultivar is spaced 3 m between trees in the row and your new cultivar should be
spaced at 2 m then the decision to topwork should be questioned. Removing the entire
root system and replanting the block with nursery trees might be the best option.
It is very important to select trees to topwork that are both healthy and free of lemon
tree borer in the main scaffold. Beginning with healthy vigorous trees will increase the
survival rate of the new cultivar. Wherever possible, indexed bud or graftwood should
be obtained from the New Zealand Citrus Budwood Scheme. This will ensure the new
cultivar is from the best budline and free of viroid diseases.
Citrus trees can be topworked by either budding or grafting. Each has its merits, but
the availability of scionwood of the new superior cultivar may be the deciding factor.
Topworking by budding
In California, the most widely used method of topworking is budding into the tree scaffold.
Budding is normally carried out in spring as soon as the bark slips well.
Before budding, select the best branches to bud. If a high canopy is needed, then the
buds should be inserted high up into the existing canopy. There is no point budding down
low into the framework, then waiting several years to fill the canopy. Remove unwanted
limbs, and slightly trim back those branches that will hold the buds. Keeping leaves on
these branches will help to draw up the sap.
Budwood selected for topworking should be larger in diameter than that used for nursery
budding. To insert the bud, a ‘T’ cut is made in the branch, the bark is lifted, and the
bud is positioned against the stock (Figure 2.3.1). If the bud is particularly small, as is
the case with many Satsuma mandarins, the bark of the branch can be chipped back to
avoid the new bud being grown over. The bud is taped in blind (totally covering the bud)
and left for about three weeks. By this time the bud should have callused sufficiently
to remove the tape. Once the new bud has grown about 200 mm long, the rest of the
branch can be removed.
The number of buds placed per branch depends on the size of the tree. The more buds you
place, the quicker the canopy will be replaced. As a general rule, a 10 year old tangelo
tree may have six to eight buds inserted into it. Space out the buds so that when they
grow they replace the old canopy. Avoid putting a lot of the buds in the centre of the
tree. These will have to be trimmed out later because of competition.
2.3 Topworking
Peter Anderson
Using bags can reduce the topworking time considerably as wrapping cling wrap can be
a very time-consuming and frustrating procedure. The use of bags is standard practice
in Australia, however, trial work in New Zealand has proven excellent results using
cling wrap.
Paper bags are placed over the entire grafted branch to provide shade and protection
from bad weather and bird damage. About three weeks after grafting, a slit is made in
the top of the bag to allow you to see if the buds have shot. When the shoots are about
10 mm long, the cling wrap is carefully removed, leaving the paper bag intact. The bag
can be removed once the new growth is about 150-200 mm long.
There are two options available when the decision is made to graft using graftsticks: to
graft into the existing scaffold or to graft directly into the crown rootstock. The grafting
technique outlined above is the same for both options.
Existing scaffold grafting
Grafting into the existing tree structure above the rootstock union ensures the grafting
can be done at a manageable height and the canopy quickly refilled with the new cultivar
(Figure 2.3.3).
Wood of the original cultivar acts as an interstock. Little is documented on the effect an
interstock has on the resulting fruit quality. The scaffold regrowing can be a problem,
especially if it has been severely cut back.
Figure 2.3.3 Grafting into the existing tree scaffold.
Crown grafting
Removing the entire existing cultivar except the rootstock will eliminate interstock
problems. However management of the grafts and growth in subsequent years is more
difficult because of the height of the crown above ground level. It still takes a few years
for the new tree to develop into a reasonable canopy (Figure 2.3.4).
Figure 2.3.4 Grafting into the existing rootstock.
3.1 Planting a new block
Andrew Harty
The productivity of a citrus orchard greatly depends on getting everything right at
planting time. A well-chosen, well-prepared site planted with top-quality trees will be
dramatically more productive than one where poor quality trees were simply stuck in
the ground and left to fend for themselves. It is hard to later correct mistakes made at
planting time. By following the information supplied here, you can lay the foundations
for a productive and profitable citrus block.
Cultivar selection
The first step in choosing cultivars should be to contact citrus marketers to discuss trends
in consumption, supply, and price for both local and export markets. Selecting the most
profitable cultivars will have a dramatic effect on orchard viability. (For a comparison of
gross margins see the chapter on Citrus economics).
The seasonal activities (thinning, pruning, and picking) required for each cultivar should
fit in with other operations on the orchard. Once a decision has been made on which
cultivar(s) to plant, cash-flow budgets need to be drawn up before proceeding further.
The operations outlined here will assist you in this process.
Tree ordering
To ensure that you get top quality trees, it is important to order trees several months
ahead of planting time. To obtain trees of newly released cultivars, it may be necessary
to confirm an order 12 months before the planting date. This allows the nurseryman to
bud additional stocks. Most nurseries will give discounts on forward orders.
Most nurseries will have trees available that were grown from certified budwood from
the New Zealand Citrus Budwood Scheme. This budwood came from high-health trees
selected for their productivity and excellent fruit quality. (See the chapter on the New
Zealand Citrus Budwood Scheme).
The nursery trees should be obtained from a reputable nursery, and ideally should be
inspected before purchase. Avoid ‘bargain basement’ trees that are stunted and do not
have good leaf colour, and enquire what measures have been taken to eliminate off-type
rootstocks in the nursery. If you are propagating trees for your own use, grade out all
undersized trees. It is false economy to fill an orchard block with runts.
Site selection
The climatic boundaries for citrus cultivation are delineated by the occurrence of air
frosts. Frost can kill young trees and severely damage fruit and young growth on older
trees. This means that citrus can be grown in much of the upper North Island and
Nelson - Marlborough area, where the microclimate does not have a record of heavy
frosts. The choice of a suitable microclimate within a district, or even on a particular
property, is more important than using regional guidelines. Citrus may be frost-damaged
in low lying pockets in Kaitaia and survive in warm spots on Banks Peninsula. The ideal
physical site requirements are a gentle north-facing slope out of cold air drainage
pockets, in well-drained soil.
Greater heat unit accumulation in northern districts will bring forward the maturity time
of most cultivars. In addition, most mandarin cultivars appear to need higher heat units
to produce good internal fruit quality.
Section 3.
Orchard Management
3.1 Planting a new block
3.2 Citrus nutrition
3.3 Organic management practices
3.4 Training, pruning and tree size control
3.5 Fruit thinning
3.6 Growth regulators
Growing Citrus in New Zealand
A practical guide
© Copyright 2001
New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated
ISBN 0-478-06829-8
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without prior written
permission of the New Zealand Citrus Growers Inc., P.O. Box 10629 Wellington.
The New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated and the authors have taken reasonable steps and
exercised skill, care and diligence in producing this publication to meet the needs of the growers
and the market. However, there is no implicit or expressed warranty that the information is free from
error or omission and the advice given in the publication is at the user’s risk. Similarly, no specific
endorsement for any of the branded products mentioned by our advertisers is implied, and no
responsibility will be accepted for any crop loss caused by the use of any chemical mentioned.
Readers are reminded that this Manual was published in 2001 and has not been updated since that
time. Some information included in the manual may be out of date and readers are strongly advised
to obtain current advice from a consultant.
Pre-plant liming and fertilising
From the results of the soil analysis, lime and the poorly soluble nutrients phosphorus,
calcium, and magnesium should be added. Because they will remain in the soil for many
years with only gradual downward movement, this is the ideal opportunity to incorporate
them into the future root zone. It is also important therefore to broadcast spread them
over the whole surface of the block and not just where the tree rows will be.
Magnesium can be incorporated as dolomitic lime (dolomite), or as calcined magnesite
(magnesium oxide) both have neutralising value. Phosphorus can be applied as double
or triple superphosphate; the latter is usually a cheaper option per unit of phosphorus,
but it does not have the amount of sulphur contained in double superphosphate. A much
slower releasing form of phosphorus is reactive rock phosphate (RPR). This compound
best releases phophorus under acid soil conditions. It is an acceptable option for organic
Lime not only raises the soil pH, but also supplies calcium as calcium carbonate. Where
soil pH is already above 6.5 (as found in some Poverty Bay soils), then calcium can be
added as calcium sulphate (gypsum 23% Ca). Alternatively, future nitrogen fertilising
in these orchards should be with calcium nitrate. Single superphosphate also contains
over 20% calcium.
Soil preparation
Where there is any evidence of clay pans or other hard layers below the topsoil, the block
should be deep ripped at one metre intervals or deep ploughed to a depth of 500-700 mm.
This should be done only after the spreading of lime, magnesium, gypsum, or phosphate.
The block should then be rotary-hoed to further incorporate the fertilisers. At this point,
mounding can be done with a road grader or digger, with some final smoothing off done
with a tractor and blade. The block is then ready for marking and planting.
Tree spacing
Ideally, tree rows should be oriented north-south for best light interception. Headlands
of at least eight metres should be left for easy tractor turning. The distance of the first
tree row from the long axis shelter belt should preferably be one metre more than the
inter-row spacing, to avoid root competition and to allow access later for root-ripping
and shelter-trimming machinery.
Planting density is an important decider of profitability in the early life of an orchard
block. There is a worldwide trend to plant fruit trees at higher densities than in the past,
because of the high yields per unit area obtained from them. However, high-density
plantings eventually need tree size control and/or tree removal for the block to remain
manageable. The most commonly used form of tree size control in other fruit crops is
dwarfing rootstocks, and this option has been pursued with citrus. The most promising
candidate is the Poncirus trifoliata (or’trifoliata’) strain Flying Dragon, now under trial
at Kerikeri Research Centre. Limited nursery propagation of this rootstock has begun.
Citrus was originally an understorey tree in the South-east Asian jungles, so it is not
surprising that strong winds are unfavourable. Tree growth is stunted by constant wind,
and wind rub on young fruitlets is a major cull factor. Sheltered blocks of 0.5-1.0 ha are
recommended for citrus, with the block length ideally oriented north-south for maximum
row length and sunlight interception.
Ideally, shelter should be well-established before the citrus trees are planted. Where
bare land is being converted to orchard, low intermediate shelter can be formed by using
artificial shelter cloth, or with inter-row plantings of maize,barner or sudax grass. These
are removed as the permanent boundary shelter reaches sufficient height. Grass species
are gross feeders, so should not be planted too close to the young citrus.
The choice of shelter species is important. Although providing reasonable shelter,
bamboo, gums, poplar, and casuarina all compete strongly with the neighbouring rows of
citrus, and annual root ripping is needed to keep root spread under control. These species
are thus recommended only for boundary shelter where a roadway separates shelter
and crop. Root competition is far less of a problem with Cryptomeria japonica. Although
somewhat slow in initial growth, this species appears to make an ideal evergreen shelter
for citrus. In the Gisborne district, deciduous shelter is preferred because it lessens the
risk of cold air accumulation on winter nights. Dutch alder has proven a good deciduous
shelter choice, with the added benefit that the roots are able to fix nitrogen. Recent use
of radiata pine as a shelter species for citrus has shown potential.
Poorly drained soil will not produce profitable citrus. Soil types in the main citrus districts
vary enormously from heavy clays to very free-draining volcanic-ash soils, and consulting
an agricultural engineer to assess the need for drainage is a worthwhile investment.
Various strategies can be used to improve drainage: subsurface drainage, open boundary
drains, in-row mounding, as well as combinations of these. Mounding or ridging down
the length of the tree row is becoming increasingly popular where shallow topsoils exist,
but care must be taken not to compact the soil by using heavy machinery. Road graders
and mechanical diggers have proved suitable for this job because they do not need to
travel on the ground where the trees will be planted.
Soil testing
All New Zealand soils need correcting for mineral content or acidity before planting
with citrus. A soil analysis is the only accurate means of assessing these requirements.
Soil cores to 200 mm deep should be collected from throughout the new block and well
mixed in the sample bag before sending to an analytical laboratory. The test factors to
request are: soil pH; calcium, phosphorous, potassium, and magnesium content; cation
exchange capacity; and base saturation. The recommended levels for each of these
factors are shown in Table 3.1.1.
Table 3.1.1 Recommended base soil levels for citrus
Soil pH 6.0 - 6.5 Base saturation data %*
Ca 15-25 me/100 g Ca 55-67
K 0.8-1.2 me/100 g K 3-7
Mg 2.0-2.5 me/100 g Mg 10-14
P 50-70 µg/ml (Olsen test) Total 70-95
*Cation exchange capacity > 10.
Small quantities of lime and organic manures can be added at planting (maximum 500 g
of each), but only after mixing them well with the soil dug out of the hole. Do not throw
any soluble fertilisers into the holes and use only well-composted or pelletised manures.
Newly planted trees should be watered immediately after planting to settle soil against
the roots. This is best achieved by making a shallow soil basin around the tree and
applying enough water to wet the entire depth of the planting hole, either with a hose
from an orchard sprayer or by using the irrigation laterals.
Drippers should initially be placed as close as possible to the tree trunk, this is especially
important for bag-grown trees. As the trees grow and begin cropping, the laterals can
each be extended by 1 m. This moves the original dripper 1 m away from the trunk, and
allows an extra dripper to be installed one metre away on the opposite side of the tree.
Do not fertilise bare-root trees for three months after planting, to allow root
establishment. After planting bag-grown trees, apply 50 g slow-release fertiliser (e.g.,
Osmocote, Nutricote, etc.,) around the trunk to cover the bag circumference. For both tree
types, three months after planting, begin regular applications of high nitrogen fertilisers
between September and April to the yearly totals outlined in Table 3.1.3.
Table 3.1.3 Nitrogen fertiliser options for young citrus trees (as number of
fertiliser applications per season)
Spread fertiliser evenly around the tree by hand, avoiding a 100 mm circle around the
trunk and breaking up any lumps of fertiliser. Soluble fertilisers can severely damage
young citrus roots if not spread evenly.
Foliar sprays of trace elements and N, P and K (nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium)
should be applied on each new growth flush as the young leaves reach full size (typically
November, January, and March). Copper sprays should also be applied twice a season
for disease control and nutrient supply.
Young tree protection
The prime objective during the first three to four years of a new planting is to get the tree
canopy as large as possible before serious cropping begins. Besides regular fertilising,
the following steps will allow the young trees to grow as fast as possible.
slow down tree growth, kikuyu grass is particularly devastating on young citrus.
Young trees which still have green bark will be damaged by glyphosate sprays
(e.g., Roundup), so care must be taken to avoid contact with green trunks. Either
carefully use a hand gun, or if using a boomspray, apply trunk guards. Most residual
herbicides are not recommended on trees younger than 3-4 years.
Table 3.1.2 shows the currently recommended planting distances for different citrus
cultivars. A ‘best estimate’ for trees on Flying Dragon is included.
Table 3.1.2 Recommended tree spacings (metres) for citrus cultivars on
standard trifoliata or Flying Dragon rootstocks
Hole digging and planting
Bare-root trees should be planted during autumn or early spring to avoid moisture loss
and heat stress. For bag-grown trees the planting time is more flexible, and providing
irrigation is available, planting can continue through the summer months.
Planting holes can be dug by spade, or with hand-held or tractor-mounted augers. In all
cases, the hole must be slightly deeper than the tree root ball. For bare-root trees, it
should be wide enough to prevent any bending of roots, and for bag-grown trees, should
allow at least 100 mm free space all around the root ball. When using augers in moist
clay soil, a hard sheen can develop on the walls of the holes which must be broken by
scraping the hole walls with a blade.
Trees must be planted at the depth they were growing in the nursery soil or in the bag.
Deeper planting can result in Phytophthora root-rot infecting the bud union and scion.
The roots of bare-root trees should be carefully spread over a shallow mound made by
replacing some soil in the hole. Tangled roots that later girdle themselves and die have
been identified as a possible cause of the ‘sudden death’ syndrome. The root ball of bag-
grown trees should be distributed as little as possible after slitting and removing the bag.
Figure. 3.1.1 Planting a bare-root citrus tree. Roots must be arranged over a mound of topsoil in the bottom
of the planting hole, with the bud union well above final soil level, before backfiring.
Trifoliata Flying Dragon
Satsumas - Silverhill, Kawano, Aoshima-Miho, 5.0 x 2.0 3.5 x 1.5
Okitsu, Miyagawa 4.0 x 2.0 not recommended
Clementine 5.0 x 3.0 4.0 x 2.0
Richard Special 4.5 x 2.0 3.5 x 1.5
Encore 5.0 x 3.0 4.5 x 2.5
Lemons - Yen Ben 6.0 x 3.0 not recommended
Limes - Bearss 4.5 x 2.5 4.0 x 2.0
Grapefruit - Golden Special, Cutler Red 5.0 x 3.0 4.0 x 2.0
Oranges - Navels, Harward Late, Blood, Seville 5.0 x 3.0 4.0 x 2.0
Tangors and tangelos - Dweet, Seminole, Ugli 5.0 x 3.0 4.0 x 2.0
Year N Urea 48% N CAN 28% N Blood & Bone 5% N Nitrophoska Blue
1 60 g 3 x 40 g 3 x 70 g 1 x 1200 g 3 x 170 g
2 120 g 3 x 80 g 3 x 150 g 1 x 2400 g 3 x 330 g
3 180 g 3 x 120 g 3 x 200 g 1 x 3600 g 3 x 500 g
4 240 g 2 x 250 g 2 x 400 g 1 x 4800 g 2 x 1000 g
3.2 Citrus nutrition
Pat Sale
The main aim in citrus orcharding is to have healthy trees that annually produce high yields
of quality, good sized fruit. Good nutrition plays an important role in all these factors.
Citrus like other plants, requires the following essential major and trace elements for
proper functioning.
Major elements Trace elements
Nitrogen N Magnesium Mg
Phosphorus P Zinc Zn
Potassium K Iron Fe
Calcium Ca Copper Cu
Manganese Mn Boron B
Sulphur S Molybdenum Mo
Some of these nutritional elements are not usually a limiting factor in New Zealand, but
the role of the more important ones is outlined below.
Nitrogen is a vitally important element for all plants and is closely associated with growth.
It profoundly affects the performance of citrus trees, both in deficiency and excess.
Stunted growth, yellow coloured foliage, poor flowering, poor yield.
Excessively soft lush growth, coarse fruit, thick skins, poor fruit colour, delayed maturity,
increased tendency to regreening in Valencia oranges and Encore mandarins. The most
critical time for nitrogen deficiency stress is in the flower induction period in June, just
before and during flowering, fruit set, and December drop. However, like most trees,
citrus will store nitrogen in the woody parts and utilise it in spring, so a deficiency
expression at that stage could be the result of a previous shortage which exhausted
the stored nitrogen.
To provide a small boost of nitrogen at these critical times in the flowering and fruiting
cycle, a foliar spray of 1% low biuret urea (1 kg/100 ltr) can be applied in the second
half of June, in full flower and also three weeks later.
Most citrus have two growth flushes, one in spring and the other in autumn, when they
utilise nitrogen rapidly. In the case of lemons, there are usually three such flushes.
Recent research in New Zealand has shown the best time to apply nitrogen to dessert
citrus is in the autumn when it can be taken up by the trees, stored through the winter,
and be readily available for the spring growth flush, flowering, and fruit set. There is also
a definite benefit in fruit quality compared with a spring application, as the following
Figures from HortResearch, Kerikeri, show.
when they are still soft and can be rubbed off by hand.
pest numbers, use trunk guards or repellant trunk sprays to prevent young trunks from
being girdled. Trunk guards should be removed when trees are 18-24 months old.
be controlled with sprays. Armoured scales (greedy and latania) can severely infest
and stunt the rootstock butts of young trees. Drenching sprays with oil and insecticide
will control scale build-up on the trunks. Fungal diseases such as verrucosis, melanose,
withertip, sclerotinia, and greasy spot can all affect young trees, and at least two
copper sprays should be applied between petal fall and January.
Mulching-organic mulches will benefit the root systems of young trees by adding humus
and improving the mix of soil microorganisms. However, uncomposted straw and sawdust
are not recommended.
Planning ahead - budgeting
With the information outlined above, a planting plan and a financial plan can be drawn
up. This will give you a schedule to work to, the relaxation of knowing that everything
is being covered, amicable relations with your bank manager, and the reassurance that
you have given your orchard the best start possible.
Premature leaf fall, bronzed leaves with maybe marginal scorch, accentuated preharvest
drop, reduced storage quality. (Classical potassium deficiency symptoms have not been
seen in New Zealand citrus orchards).
Large fruit; thick, coarse skin of dessert citrus; high citric acid content in fruit, low juice
in dessert citrus; and depression of magnesium uptake. High rates of potassium will
benefit lemon fruit quality.
Potassium is usually applied in one dressing in the spring, but the application can be split,
with the second dressing coinciding with the late summer/autumn growth flush. The need
for lemons to have more potassium than dessert citrus should always be borne in mind.
Magnesium is an important constituent of chlorophyll, the green pigment of foliage and
other plant parts. It also plays an important role in seed development and influences the
uptake of manganese and zinc.
Magnesium is a relatively mobile element, readily moving from older foliage to supply
new shoots and developing fruit. Visual symptoms of deficiency are therefore quite
common, particularly in years of heavy crops.
Yellowing of leaves with an inverted ‘V’ at the base of the leaf remaining green; premature
leaf fall; accentuation of biennial bearing, especially in seedy varieties; accentuation of
zinc and manganese deficiency.
Magnesium toxicity is not likely to occur in New Zealand. Magnesium is normally applied
in the spring, but to get a rapid response on a severe deficiency, a foliar application
can be made.
Calcium is an important constituent of cell walls and also appears to be involved with root
growth. Classical calcium deficiency symptoms have not been recorded on citrus in New
Zealand, but calcium is sometimes less than optimum in the soil or in the leaves. Calcium
is adequately supplied when soils are limed to improve pH and as a component of other
fertilisers, there is for example a significant calcium content in superphosphate. The level
of calcium affects, and is directly affected by, the levels of potassium and magnesium.
To improve the condition of the fruit rind, sprays of 2% calcium nitrate can be applied
up to five times from December to March on dessert citrus, or after any fruit set period
in lemons. The theory behind this practice is to increase the calcium content of the cell
walls making them more robust and able to withstand handling. There are also proprietary
products that contain calcium that can be used instead of calcium nitrate, but at the
rates recommended they do not supply as much calcium.
Manganese is a trace element and only required in minute quantities. Nevertheless,
deficiency symptoms occur in all citrus districts of New Zealand. These manifest
themselves as yellowing on the leaves between the veins, which are initially quite
blotchy in appearance with a band of darker green along the midrib and veins.
Table 3.2.1 Comparison of autumn and spring applications of nitrogen
New Zealand grapefruit should receive autumn nitrogen applications similar to dessert
citrus. Lemons with several growth flushes per season should have several dressings
of nitrogen to coincide with the start of the major flushes which are usually in spring,
summer, and late summer/autumn.
Most citrus have a tendency to biennial bearing, and where this is apparent, less nitrogen
should be applied in the ‘off year’. In cases of extreme biennial bearing, with almost no
crop in the ‘off year’ (as is often the case with Wheeny grapefruit), no nitrogen should
be applied in the ‘off year’.
Nitrogen can be applied to the soil in several forms with different rates of response as
Quickest Response
Nitrates, urea, ammonium
Slowest Response
Animal manure
Foliar applications can be made for an even more rapid response, but only comparatively
limited quantities can be applied at one time by this method.
Phosphorus is of importance in all plants, playing a major role in root growth. In citrus
it can also profoundly affect fruit quality.
Stunting and poor tree growth, puffy hollow-centred fruit, thick skins, low juice content,
acid juice.
Less acid in fruit, less vitamin C, depression of zinc in leaves. Visual symptoms of
phosphorus deficiency on the tree are not usually seen in New Zealand, but the effects
on fruit quality can be seen in most districts.
The timing of phosphatic fertiliser applications is not important and for convenience they
are usually applied in early spring. Maintaining soil phosphorus above an adequate level
is of no benefit, and excess levels only limit the uptake of zinc.
Potassium plays a complex role in plant metabolism and is generally considered to play
an important part in plant health and resistance to adverse conditions. In citrus, it too
has a profound effect on fruit quality.
Fruit quality Brix % Acid % Brix:acid Ratio % Juice
1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992
Johnson Navel
Autumn 11.2 12.2 1.02 1.11 11.1 1.2 41.0 45.5
Spring 9.6 12.0 0.93 1.06 10.3 11.3 36.8 41.3
Harward Late
Autumn 11.1 13.6 0.98 1.18 11.3 11.5 27.8 29.8
Spring 10.6 13.0 1.02 1.02 10.9 10.8 28.4 29.3
There are several methods of determining which nutrients to apply:
Routine programmes are easy to follow from year to year, but can waste money by the
excessive use of fertilisers and can create imbalances in the soil and plants.
Visual assessment will often only pick up acute deficiency symptoms and usually only
after tree performance has already been limited.
Soil analysis is an objective test of the nutritional status of the soil, and is extremely
valuable. However, it is possible for the soil to be in a good state with the tree still
unable to utilise the nutrients, e.g., through malfunctioning of the roots.
Leaf analysis is an objective test of the nutrient status of the tree, including trace elements,
which can be compared with levels known to be satisfactory for citrus. It is essential that
the right type of leaves are sampled to get a consistent measurement from season to
season and which are directly comparable to the standard levels. In citrus, the sample is
taken from first mature leaves on non-fruiting terminals, in the period February - March.
A significant sample of at least 24 leaves (and preferably considerably more) should be
taken from a random sample of trees throughout the block, sampling four to six leaves
per tree.
The standard nutrient levels generally accepted for citrus are set out in the following
Table 3.2.2 Leaf analysis values for citrus
Ideally, a nutritional programme should be decided upon by utilising the results of
leaf analysis, soil analysis, visual symptoms, as well as records and knowledge of
tree performance.
An acute deficiency can severely affect the efficiency of the leaves and hence the
performance of the tree. It is not readily corrected by soil application, so is mainly tackled
by foliar application. However, manganese deficiency can sometimes be caused by a
high pH in alkaline soils. Conversely, a highly acid soil can lead to manganese toxicity.
Zinc is another trace element that can affect cropping and fruit shape. Deficiency
symptoms are similar to manganese deficiency but the interveinal yellowing is less
blotchy and more clearly defined. In extreme cases, leaves can be small, narrow, pointed,
and rosetted in the classical ‘little leaf’ symptom of zinc deficiency.
Like manganese, zinc deficiency is very common in New Zealand citrus orchards and is
best corrected by foliar spraying.
Molybdenum is only required in very small quantities, but recent surveys show some 50%
of New Zealand citrus orchards to be molybdenum deficient. Prior to this, molybdenum
was not analysed in citrus leaf samples. It is now wise to include a molybdenum
analysis in the February leaf analysis every few years to monitor the level. If it is low,
a molybdenum analysis should be included each year until it is well into the optimum
range of 0.10-0.29 ppm.
Yellow spots on the leaves with a gumming on the lower surface, and in very severe
cases overseas, defoliation has occurred.
Deficiency symptoms are more likely to be seen on the sunny side of the tree and are
more prevalent with acid soils. Liming acid soils will increase the availability of any
molybdenum in the soil.
Sulphur competes with molybdenum for uptake at the root surface, whereas optimum
levels of phosphorus enhance uptake. An excess of manganese, also more likely in acid
soils, can induce a molybdenum deficiency.
Molybdenum is also necessary for nitrogen-fixing organisms in the soil and, as such,
plays an important role in the nitrogen cycle.
A molybdenum deficiency, can be tackled in a number of ways:
• CheckthatthesoilpHisaround6.0-6.5,andaddlimetoacidsoilstocreatethispH.
This may not be possible to achieve on some peat soils.
molybdate to achieve 200 g/ha.
ha, or sodium molybdate or ammonium molybdate at up to 200 g/ha, when there is
plenty of young leaf on the trees.
Methods of establishing nutritional requirements of citrus
Optimum nutritional programmes will use fertilisers, or manures, to the best economic
effect in order to avoid deficiencies and excesses. Deficiencies will prevent optimum tree
performance and fruit characteristic being achieved, whilst excesses can also adversely
affect performance. Excesses are, in addition, expensive, likely to interfere with the
availability of other elements, and can have undesirable effects on soil conditions and
be responsible for the pollution of ground water.
Nutrient Deficient Low Normal High Excess
(Less than) (Optimum) (More than)
Major nutrients %
Nitrogen (N) 2.2 2.2-2.3 2.4-2.6 2.7-2.8 2.8
Phosphorus (P) 0.09 0.09-0.11 0.12-0.16 0.17-0.29 0.30
Potassium (K) 0.4 0.4-0.69 0.7-1.09* 1.1-2.0 2.3
Calcium (Ca) 1.6 1.6-2.9 3.0-5.5 5.6-6.9 7.0
Magnesium (Mg) 0.16 0.16-0.25 0.26-0.6 0.7-1.1 1.2
Chloride (Cl) 0.3 0.4-0.6 0.7
Sodium (Na) 0.16 0.17-0.24 0.25
Trace nutrients ppm
Manganese (Mn) 16 16-24 25-200 300-500 ?
Zinc (ZN) 16 16-24 25-100 110-200 ?
Copper (Cu) 3.6 3.6-4.9 5-16 17-200 ?
Iron (Fe) 35 36-49 50-120 121-200 201
Boron (B) 21 21-30 31-100 101-260 260
Molybdenum (Mo) .05 .06-.09 0.1-1.0 1.1-50 51
*The optimum potassium range for standard lemons is 1.2-1.8%
drop may occur. This is especially important when using urea as a source of nitrogen.
before planting and also apply some annually, unless a soil test shows this to be
unnecessary. Magnesium can be applied as serpentine superphosphate, calcined
magnesite, dolomite or kieserite.
and organic matter as well as acting as a mulch. It should be applied in spring after
the soil has started to warm up (initiating root growth) but whilst the soil is still moist
from spring rains. Leave a circle approximately 250 mm in diameter free around the
base of the tree.
weed control can mean more fertiliser available to the trees.
in many circumstances.
drainage, root or other diseases, or growing in soils without good structure and good
physical condition will not respond fully to fertiliser.
Cropping orchards
Once orchards have settled down into the cropping phase, fertiliser is usually broadcast.
The results of soil and leaf analyses are then usually used to determine what fertiliser
to apply. Assuming the nutrient status of the soil is satisfactory, with no excess of any
particular nutrient, the annual maintenance dressings could be as set out in Table 3.2.5.
Any other suitable fertilisers can be substituted for those used in Table 3.2.5 at a rate
which would give the same quantity of the element concerned.
Table 3.2.5 Maintenance fertiliser dressings applied annually
Dessert citrus and New Zealand grapefruit
Nitrogen Urea Equivalent Timing
115 kg 250 kg Autumn
Phosphorus Serpentine Timing
Superphosphate Equiv
68 kg 1.0 t Late winter-spring
Potassium* Muriate Timing
of Potash Equiv
45 kg 100 kg Spring
Nitrogen Urea Equivalent Timing
170 kg 375 kg 125 kg
September, November
and February
Phosphorus Serpentine Timing
Superphosphate Equiv
68 kg 1.0 t Late winter-spring
Potassium Muriate Timing
of Potash Equiv
90 kg 200 kg Spring
* It is important not to get the potassium level too high in dessert citrus or the acidity of the juice will increase having an
adverse effect on eating quality.
Crop removal
Some fruit analysis data on New Zealand grown citrus can be extrapolated to show
what quantities of nutrient are removed from the orchard in the fruit per tonne of crop.
These Figures are shown below.
Table 3.2.3 Quantities of nutrient removed from the orchard
Nutritional programmes
Before planting
When starting an orchard, the first requirement is to have a soil analysis and correct
any nutrient deficiencies prior to planting, as well as raising the pH as necessary. The
young trees are then planted into soil of the right nutritional status (see the chapter on
Planting a New Block).
Young trees
Young trees are often planted with a mild organic starter fertiliser well mixed into the
soil at each planting site. Local experience with starter fertilisers should be taken into
account in each district.
The young trees are then normally fed on the little and often principle, at least as regards
nitrogenous fertiliser, starting about six weeks after planting and coinciding with the
commencement of each growth flush.
The approximate requirements of young trees are shown in the following table, but if
soil analysis shows any nutrient to be in particularly good supply, it is not necessary
to apply it on a routine basis. Alternatively, an element of greater importance (such as
potassium for lemons) could be increased.
Table 3.2.4 Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Magnesium for young trees in grams
per tree
Once the trees are 3 years old, an annual leaf analysis should be undertaken to determine
which fertiliser is necessary.
Other important points in applying fertiliser to young trees are:
Fruit type Crop removal (kg)
1 t 15 t 30 t 45 t
N Ca K N Ca K N Ca K N Ca K
Navel oranges 1.2 0.6 1.9 18 9 29 36 18 57 54 27 89
Seminole tangelos 1.3 0.7 1.6 20 11 24 39 21 48 59 32 72
Satsuma mandarins 1.7 0.8 2.0 26 12 30 51 24 60 77 36 90
Villafranca lemons 1.3 1.4 2.6 20 21 39 39 42 78 59 63 117
Encore mandarins 1.8 0.4 1.8 27 62 7 54 12 54 81 18 81
Age N Nitrogen Phosphorus Serpentine Potassium Potassium
(years) Urea equiv. Magnesium P/Mg Super equiv. Muriate of Potash equiv.
1 60 4 x 30* 30/13 430 25 50
2 120 4 x 60* 60/26 860 50 100
3 180 4 x 90* 90/39 1290 75 150
* Application in September and then at three approximately equal intervals until February, provided the soil is moist.
Unlike the specific recipes, most of these can be applied with insecticides and fungicides,
but before this is done it is always wise to check the label of the product concerned.
Foliar feeds are best applied in a significant quantity of water, under conditions of
moderate temperature. This means that in the height of summer, spraying in the evening
or early morning is recommended, as at this time the leaves are able to absorb the
nutrients most easily. However, it is important that the spray is fully dry before nightfall
to minimise the risk of fruit marking.
There are a number of fertilisers suitable for citrus in New Zealand, and these include:
Urea. Contains 46% nitrogen. This is the cheapest form of nitrogen and is widely used.
Like all nitrogenous fertilisers, it is ideally applied to moist soil when rain may be expected
to take the nutrient into the soil.
Sulphate of ammonia. Contains 21% nitrogen. More bulky and slightly more costly
than urea per unit of nitrogen. It tends to acidify the soil, and where constantly used,
a watch should be kept that the pH does not drop too low. Conversely, it is useful in
reducing soil pH where that is necessary, as well as supplying nitrogen. Citrus trees on
Poncirus trifoliata rootstock do not do well in alkaline soils of pH 7.0 or more.
Calcium ammonium nitrate. Contains 26-28% nitrogen. This is a pelleted fertiliser
that is easy to apply. The pellet breaks down over a period giving a supply of nitrogen
to the plant. It has the advantage of having both nitrate and ammonium nitrogen for
quick and delayed response. It also supplies some calcium and is neutral and so does
not depress the pH.
Blood and Bone. Contains 7% nitrogen, 7% Phosphorous. This material tends to vary
in analysis depending on its source. It is a mild organic fertiliser suitable for use with
young trees at planting time, releasing nutrients over a period of time. It has virtually
priced itself off the market for large-scale use.
Superphosphate. Contains 9% phosphorus. A readily available, reasonably cheap
phosphate fertiliser, with phosphorus largely in the soluble form which makes it readily
available to plants but also prone to be locked up in a form unavailable to plants in
soils with a high phosphorus fixation property. It also contains significant amounts of
calcium and sulphur.
Serpentine superphosphate. Contains 7% phosphorus, 3%magnesium. The addition of
serpentine gives the magnesium content but a lower phosphorus content. The phosphorus
in this material is less soluble than in straight superphosphate and as such is less likely
to be ‘locked up’ in phosphorus fixing soils. This is a useful material to use as a routine
maintenance dressing in citrus orchards as it ensures a regular addition of magnesium.
15% potassic serpentine superphosphate. Contains 6% phosphorus, 8%potassium,
3% magnesium. This is a useful material in the cheaper range to supply these three
nutrients. The potassium is in the muriate form.
30% potassic serpentine superphosphate. Contains 5% phosphorus, 15% potassium,
3% magnesium. The higher potassium content makes this less suitable for regular use
in dessert citrus as excess potassium can adversely affect fruit quality. As for the 15%,
the potassium is in the muriate form.
Sulphate of potash. Contains 39% potassium. This is the preferred form of potassium
for soils where a salt problem is likely to occur.
Foliar feeding
Foliar feeding in citrus can be approached from two angles either through the use of
all purpose plant tonics, or through the use of specific recipes designed to address
specific problems. Citrus is susceptible to a number of deficiencies that are most
suitably corrected by specific nutrient sprays. The two most common seen deficiencies
are Magnesium deficiency and Manganese and Zinc deficiency.
Magnesium deficiency can be corrected by suitable soil applications, but in severe
cases, where an immediate response is required, the following spray mixture can be
Magnesium sulphate 1 kg
Calcium nitrate 1 kg
Water 100 litres
This combines in the tank to form magnesium nitrate, which is taken up by the plant.
Manganese and Zinc deficiency both occur in New Zealand grown citrus and can
be corrected together or singly. The combined recipe is:
Manganese sulphate l00 g
Zinc sulphate l00 g
Low biuret urea 750 g
Water 100 litres
Wetting agent (as indicated on label)
The urea assists in manganese and zinc uptake and gives a little extra nitrogen to the
leaves at the same time.
Both the above nutrient spray mixes should be applied on their own without the addition
of insecticides or fungicides, and the magnesium recipe should not be mixed with the
manganese and zinc recipe. They should be applied at a time when there is plenty of
young foliage on the tree as this absorbs the nutrients better than old leaves. Late spring,
about November, or the equivalent stage in autumn when the autumn growth flush is
about two-thirds expanded is ideal.
There is also a wide range of proprietary products available to supply individual major
and trace elements. It is important that these are used at label rates according to the
manufacturers instructions.
The safest time to apply foliar nutrients is when there is no fruit on the trees. For Satsuma
and Clementine mandarins this is in the spring after harvest and before fruit set. For
lemons and other varieties that carry fruit all through the year, application should be
timed to coincide with the peak of the spring or autumn growth flushes.
Iron products applied as foliar feeds mark the fruit. To reduce the risk iron could be soil
applied, ideally through a fertigation system.
There are a range of all-purpose foliar feeds available which contain small amounts of
a wide range of nutrients. These are no substitute for a good fertiliser programme, but
can on occasion be very useful. If the trees are under stress from drought, or if trees are
recovering from a severe attack of citrus red mite or gummosis of the trunk, or if other
similar stresses occur, the regular use of these materials can act as a very beneficial
plant tonic.
3.3 Organic management practices
David Skinner
All horticultural and agricultural practices to a greater or lesser extent interfere with
the natural environment, and some are more harmful than others. In order to foster and
sustain the ecosystem that supports us all, organic growers attempt to limit interference
to the minimum compatible with reasonable food production. Biological husbandry is
a management system and does not consist of simply doing nothing. There is also no
reason why organic managers should not make use of all the advantages that modern
science can offer by having regular soil and leaf analyses, residue tests (if necessary), and
by taking note of published evapotranspiration figures and other technical information.
This chapter deals only with certified organic production. In New Zealand there are three
certifying bodies: the Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association which owns the
Demeter trademark, certenz and the New Zealand Biological Producers and Consumers
Council Inc. which owns the Bio-Gro trademark and trades as Bio-Gro New Zealand
(addresses at end of chapter). Both organisations are affiliated to the International
Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements which, as the name implies, is the
governing international body.
The Biodynamic approach
The bio-dynamic approach is based on the work of Rudolph Steiner who gave a course of
lectures in 1924 to a group of landowners in Germany. These lectures have been published
as ‘The Agricultural Course’ which has been the basis for much further research and
study. Whereas the groups advocate what might be termed ‘good husbandry practices’,
bio-dynamic practitioners take the matter further by focusing on the beneficial forces,
both above and below ground, which act on plants and form their growth patterns. This
is achieved mainly by the use and application of a range of herbal preparations, but the
subject is too large to be dealt with in detail in this manual and interested persons can
obtain help and information from the Association.
One of the greatest difficulties facing people who wish to convert to organic management
is to appreciate that a completely different mental approach is needed. Trees under
organic management will show a more variegated appearance, having older yellowing
leaves, pale young leaves, and glossy dark green mature leaves, unlike the more uniform
green of the conventional orchard. This does not mean the trees are unhealthy. This is
how trees look naturally.
It is an holistic system where everything is interconnected. There are no written
prescriptions, no recommended spray programmes, no quick-fix solutions. It is important
that this different approach is understood from the start as, if the only motivation to
convert to an organic system is an extra dollar, then the attempt usually ends in failure.
Some degree of dedication and philosophical motivation is necessary. The standards
put out by the three certifying bodies give some specific directions and ‘do’s and don’ts’,
but mostly they are declarations of intent, general directions to explore, and pitfalls to
be avoided.
To convert from a conventional system to a certified organic or bio-dynamic one
requires an annual inspection by the certifying body and a period in transition before
full certification is reached.
Muriate of potash. Contains 48% potassium. This is the chloride form of potassium,
and as such is usually avoided where chloride is likely to accumulate in the soil. In most
citrus growing areas of New Zealand, muriate of potash can be used without danger. It
is cheaper than sulphate of potash per unit of potassium.
Kieserite. Contains 15% magnesium and 20% sulphur. It is a form of magnesium sulphate
that is 100% water soluble and the magnesium is very readily available to plants.
Compound fertilisers are available with a wide range of N:P:K ratios and some with
magnesium or trace elements added. The 15:7:5 with added magnesium is a good
general balance for use in citrus orchards. Rates and timing are usually decided upon
by the nitrogen requirement.
Animal manures. These are not available in sufficient quantity for widespread use.
However, the use of poultry manure as a dressing for young trees individually has merit
as it supplies mulch and humus as well as the plant nutrients. The pelleted sheep and
poultry manure products are also suitable for use around young trees or in the holes at
planting time, and are usually cheaper than Blood and Bone.
Figure 3.2.1 Typical magnesium deficiency symptoms showing a yellowing of the older leaves
with an inverted V shaped area remaining dark green at the base.
Figure 3.2.2 Interveinal chlorosis of manganese deficiency in lemon trees.
Insects are an essential part of the biosphere. If there were no insects, humankind would
not survive. Like the weeds, they improve the fragile environment on which we all depend.
Insects pollinate flowers, destroy unhealthy plant tissue, form symbiotic relationships
with plants, aerate the soil, destroy carrion, and provide vital links in the food chain.
Unfortunately it is in their role as destroyers of unhealthy plant tissue that they most
frequently attract the unfavourable attention of orchardists. If the plants are in reasonable
balance, and therefore healthy, they will tend to defend themselves against insect attack,
just as healthy animals resist disease. Pests and predators will be in balance too, so
that insect damage to fruit will not be a serious economic problem. After all, nobody
grows fruit with no rejects at all.
If, however, interference is necessary, some specifics can be used, such as the Bt sprays
for caterpillars, and natural pyrethrum as a knock-down, but non-systemic, insecticide.
There are also general sprays such as mineral oils, that can reduce populations by a
smothering action, as is the case for some scale insects, or by ‘sticking’ them down, as
for thrips. It is, however, important to avoid the pitfall of trying to substitute an ‘organic’
insecticide for a ‘chemical’ one, as that equally interferes with the natural balance
of predators and parasites. It is part of the mental readjustment required for organic
management that sometimes the grower just has to wait for a predator population to
build up when pests are seen on the plants.
Specific remedies should be used to control particular problems and not on a prophylactic
or timed basis. No ‘just in case ...’ or ‘I always spray this in February ...’ applications
are allowed. This is an important point and, together with the preferred and prohibited
materials, is spelled out in the Standards by the certifying bodies.
These can be more difficult to control, and when planting new blocks it is as well to be
aware which are susceptible varieties. Disease should not be a major problem if the
trees are kept open and well pruned; if the ventilation in the blocks is good, with enough
shelter to ensure a minimum of wind damage but not so sheltered that the blocks are
damp and shaded; and if the rows are planted as near as possible North-South with
sufficient spacing to allow good sunlight all around the tree.
If problems do arise, the limited use of copper hydroxide or lime sulphur are the main
weapons for disease control, with a heavy emphasis on usage limits. The Bio-Dynamic
Association permits a maximum 3 kg/ha per year of wettable copper on permanent crops.
A build-up of copper in the soil is bad not only for the trees but also for earthworms
and other soil fauna and flora. For this reason, monitoring of accumulation in the
soil may be required. There has been some success with the use of 2% sodium
silicate sprays to reduce oleocellosis and to make fruit rind more able to withstand
damage during picking and packing. The bio-dynamic growers use a silica-based
material, preparation 501, which helps in this area and complements their preparation
500 for the soil.
The length of this transition period varies, depending on previous practices and the
state of the soil, but the absolute minimum in an ideal situation would be two years to
full Bio-Gro or three years to Demeter. By the same token, a soil that has been heavily
abused, e.g., with Dieldrin sprays, may never achieve full certification.
Many of the operations on an organic orchard are the same as for a conventional orchard.
Pruning and shaping of fruit trees, picking and thinning of fruit, provision of adequate
drainage, and the principles of good shelter, with knowledge of wind flows and direction,
are all the same. This chapter will therefore concentrate on the main differences.
The first and most important difference is in the treatment of the soil. It is no exaggeration
to say that organic growers ‘grow’ the soil, which in turn produces healthy trees. If the soil
is sufficiently lively, dynamic, and vibrant, the trees and other plants will be in a healthy
balance and will therefore resist pests and diseases and produce tasty, long-keeping fruit.
To achieve this, two broad principle’s apply.
or by the composting process, before the nutrients become plant-assimilable.
burned up by strong sunlight or from being eroded by wind and water.
The first of these principles precludes the use of soluble synthetic fertilisers, such as
urea or Muriate of Potash. The latter, being a crushed rock, is often thought of as organic,
but is actually a very soluble form of potash and, because it has a very bad effect on soil
balance and structure, is prohibited. Thus it is not only the origin but also the effect of the
material that is important. These types of soluble salts which are taken up by the plant
from the ground moisture lead to imbalances in the plant, unhealthy plant tissue, and
increased risk of insect attack. They also find their way into the groundwater, polluting
streams and other natural and artificial watercourses, and, in heavy concentrations,
can make the soil toxic.
Instead, organic growers use lime and dolomite, gypsum and greensand, and reactive
phosphate rock, provided it is not contaminated with heavy metals. These may be termed
the ‘dead’ minerals and are used in addition to the more lively composts and natural
mulches that add vitality and organic matter to the soil. Extensive use is made of foliar
feeds based on fish or seaweed for nitrogen and the trace elements.
The second of these general principles show why most organic properties have a sward
of mixed ground cover under the trees. Although the sward competes to some extent
with the trees, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. Not only does it protect
the precious humus from direct sunlight; but it also insulates the soil from extremes of
temperature, fixes nitrogen, brings up minerals from the subsoil and assists drainage.
The composition of the sward can tell the thoughtful orchardist a good deal about the
condition of the soil from the variety, or the lack of variety, and type of plants, and provides
a suitable environment in the topsoil for earthworms. Weeds by their very nature try to
correct soil deficiencies with the nutrients they accumulate.
Fruit should be washed in clean water, although some chlorine may be used if it is rinsed
off afterwards. Carnauba is the most acceptable surface coating, but other waxes may be
permitted, depending on which emulsifier is used, but no fungicides or other materials
prohibited by the standards may be added.
The main use of waxes is to ‘reseal’ the fruit in case any oil cells have been damaged
during washing or grading rather than to give the fruit a cosmetic shine. The main
purpose of packaging is to protect the fruit in transit and carry the certification status
and necessary information rather than only for appearance and advertising.
Off-orchard practices
There is no great difference in the transport and marketing or organic fruit except in
the fidelity of the product. If there is any likelihood of the fruit being confused or, worse
still, fumigated, then it must be sold as conventional fruit. This may involve the removal
of certifying labels or stickers from the fruit and from the packaging.
The standards of the certifying bodies have recommendations on all aspects of fruit-
handling, including the packaging, which should be frugal with scarce resources. The
European Union has recently enacted tough legislation on the subject of wasteful
packaging materials.
It is difficult in a few words to stress the advantages of biological husbandry. There
are advantages to the orchardist, advantages to the environment and advantages to
generations yet unborn. It is an agreeable way to grow food, and an agreeable living
and working environment. There is a trend towards the production of less pesticide
contaminated food by both consumers and producers.
Demeter Trademark
Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association
PO Box 306
Bio-Gro Trademark
NZ Biological Producers and Consumers Council Inc
PO Box 36-170
Auckland 9
PO Box 307
Weed control
As has been mentioned earlier, most weeds have positive functions and do not need
to be eliminated, only controlled. This is usually done by mowing with an offset or
swing-arm mower, which may necessitate first lifting the irrigation lines clear off the
ground. The sward should be kept at about 100 mm to 200 mm which, in addition to the
benefits already mentioned, provides a degree of insulation to the soil against extremes
of temperature.
Mulches, either of natural materials or weed matting, can also help in this area, but
plastic mulches should be able to be picked up again or the tattered remains will clog the
soil and haunt the orchard for many years. It is important that natural mulching material
brought on to the orchard should not be contaminated as can happen with straw mulches
which have been heavily sprayed for rust control.
In certain areas weeds may have to be eliminated and in such places thermal weeding
usually suffices. Gas and kerosene flame weeders are available, both hand-held and
tractor mounted, though the latter are used mainly in market gardens. Development
work is being done on steam weeding systems, which should be more effective as they
achieve a better heat transference to the target plant. Cultivation by rotary hoe is not
usually a preferred option because of damage to soil structure.
Irrigation and shelter
Bio-diversity is an important aspect of the natural balance of an orchard, hence the
importance of weed control rather than weed elimination. In this area, the shelter can
play a significant role and, although on an orchard there is seldom space for the ‘cropping’
shelter of more extensive agriculture, nonetheless a mixed shelter belt containing some
bee forage and maybe firewood varieties can help. The wide variety of insect predators
necessary for good pest control need the nectar and nesting sites that a touch of wildness
can provide. Most orchards are too neat and tidy with carefully mown grass and straight
rows of identical trees.
Irrigation is probably less vital than for conventional orchards due to the better water
retention of the soil. This may be arguable, as the grass sward respires during hot weather
and thus removes moisture. However, it has been demonstrated that organically managed
soils are more friable, and one effect of this is that the plants tend to be deeper rooting.
This is particularly apparent on organic farms, where the grass shows more resistance
to floods and drought through the deeper root systems. As citrus has a comparatively
shallow root zone, it is preferable to wet a larger surface area, which can be achieved
by the use of sprinklers or mini-sprinklers rather than drippers.
Post-harvest treatments
The care of the fruit starts in the field, with clean smooth bins and gentle handling during
picking. The oil cells in the skin of citrus are quite fragile and when ruptured can lead
to unsightly staining of fruit. The wearing of gloves is a good practice, and driving full
bins slowly to the shed also minimises damage. The cleanliness of the shed and grading
equipment is vital to avoid the blue and green moulds, but this is the case for all fruit,
whatever system it is grown by.
3.4 Training, pruning, and tree size control
Noel Brown
Tree training and pruning are modifications to the tree’s growth. Training is controlling the
shape, size, and direction of plant growth, pruning is removal of plant parts. Training and
pruning may be used to: reduce tree size, allow light penetration into the tree, improve
yield, improve fruit size and fruit quality, overcome alternate bearing, assist fruit harvest,
and assist pest and disease control.
Traditionally, New Zealand citrus growing techniques have involved little pruning and
training. However, suitable tree training and pruning can be used to encourage uniform
and increased fruit size and fruit quality, and may also allow better pest and disease
Those cultivars that particularly need to be pruned and trained to maintain fruit size
and peel and juice quality are lemons and both Clementine and Satsuma mandarins.
Navel and Valencia oranges will respond to pruning with improved fruit size when tree
crowding is occurring.
Citrus trees allowed to grow without any training will develop into the typical bushy,
rounded shape we associate with citrus trees, although the final shape will be influenced
by the variety. Most varieties become dense with age and low levels of light reach the
centre and lower parts of the tree.
Most flowers occur on a citrus tree where there are good levels of light. On large, older,
unpruned trees there is a ‘shell’ of fruit on the outer and upper parts of the tree where
the light levels are good, with fewer or no fruit on the inside or shaded lower branches.
Those fruit that do set on the inside and lower parts of the tree are generally smaller
and may be of poorer quality.
Appropriate tree training and pruning will keep the tree open to enable light to enter
throughout it. This will allow flowering and fruit set to occur and maintain satisfactory
fruit size and quality throughout the tree. There is less reason to train or prune varieties
that naturally have good fruit size and quality, although pest and disease control is
generally easier on open trees.
The traditional pruning of a citrus tree was as a vase shape (see Figure. 3.4.1) with four
to six permanent scaffold branches, as commonly used on summer fruit in New Zealand.
Citrus trees may also be trained as variants of centre leader training systems (Figure.
3.4.2), as used on apples and pears and more recently on summer fruit. Whichever the
training method used, the aim is to develop the tree into a series of branches with
‘windows’ to let in light.
The system of tree training chosen for young trees will influence decisions on tree spacing
and whether to head newly planted trees. Trees should be trained early in their lives
and growth in the wrong places should be rubbed off. Apart from the initial decision
on whether to head young trees, the aim should be to manage without secateurs until
the tree is cropping.
Some varieties have naturally upright growth habits. Encore mandarin often has branches
that grow out of the trunk at an acute angel, so early training on this variety is particularly
important for getting good branch angles.
Figure. 3.4.1 Vase type tree training. Figure. 3.4.2 Centre leader tree
Vase training for lemons and clementine mandarins
Varieties such as lemons and Clementine mandarins will need an intensive training and
pruning regime throughout their lives to maintain good fruit size and quality.
Tree shaping for these varieties should begin from planting. The aim is to develop four
to six permanent scaffold branches with good strong branch angles. Head young trees
when planted to about 700 mm height if they are any taller than that. Remove any shoots
lower than 400 mm, but do not remove leaves from the trunk as they assist tree growth.
During the first growing season, remove any young shoots growing in the wrong place
while they are still small. Toothpicks are an aid in training young shoots to a good angle
when used as props between the trunk and the young shoots.
During the next two to three years the main emphasis is on developing the scaffold
branches. Regularly rub off sprouts (young vertical shoots) not required for tree
development. Do this about three times each year when the shoots are still young and
soft, and thus easy to remove. Sprouting becomes less of a problem as trees age, and
rubbing will be needed less often.
As the trees grow taller, form a first tier of fruiting branches on each scaffold branch
at 1 m and a second at 2 m on the outer side of the scaffold branches. These tiers of
fruiting branches will bear fruit on the many small shoots that extend outwards and
downwards from the fruiting branch. Do not allow branches to develop towards the
centre of the tree that will shade the inside and lower parts of the tree, and do not let
the top tier dominate the lower.
After harvest each year, thin the canopy by removing the small shoots that carried the
crop that season. Cut back to the new shoots that grew in the previous spring and early
summer, as these will have fruitful buds. A guide to how dense the tree should be after
pruning is that it should be possible to see through from one row to the next.
The centre of the tree should be quite open. The final tree size should be about 2.5-3 m
tall, depending on row and tree spacing.
To prepare for tree removal, trim back each second tree in the row after harvest to
leave the adjacent untrimmed trees about a 600 mm space to grow into. The following
year, after harvest, the trimmed tree can be removed with little or no loss of yield in the
orchard. Figure. 3.4.3 shows the trimming cut.
Figure. 3.4.3 Alternate tree removal in the row.
Trees continue to grow as they age, and unless widely spaced, they will eventually
shade adjacent trees in the row, and even trees in adjacent rows. Trees often become
alternate-bearing as they age.
Work at the Manutuke Research Station showed it was possible to mechanically hedge
Navel orange trees and maintain yields and fruit size for a number of years as the orchard
aged. The best time to hedge trees was shortly after a heavy flowering. Hedging only one
side of the row in a season of heavy flowering reduced alternate bearing. The crop on
the unhedged side of the row also reduced the vigour of the new growth on the hedged
side. Provided the hedging was before the middle of December, the new shoots coming
from the pruned side of the tree flowered and the following year set a crop.
Provided the initial hedging on one side of the row was before the trees were too large,
the hedging of the other side could be left until two years later. Hedging alternate sides
every two years could maintain tree size and fruit yield.
The shape and height to hedge the trees to depends on the row spacing and other
management considerations. Hedging the trees with a sloping cut maintained Navel
orange fruit yields at 35-45 tonnes per hectare and improved average fruit size. The
triangular cross section (looking along the row) after hedging was 2.5-3 m tall at the
apex or top, and 1.5-2 m wide at the base. The triangular shape was completed after
the second hedging (see Figure. 3.4.4).
Figure. 3.4.4 Diagram of tree hedging to maintain or reduce tree size.
Centre leader training
Varieties such as Navel or Valencia oranges need only minor early training to encourage
good lower tier branch angles on a single, upright central shoot. This is a good basis for
future growth and productivity.
The aim is to first develop a tier of branches at about 0.7-1 m from the ground and later
another tier of branches at about 1.5-2 m. Later hedging operations or hand pruning may
be used to keep it to a desired size and to maintain fruit size.
Any branches lower than 400 mm, and any at an acute angle to the trunk, should be
removed from the young tree at planting. Do not remove leaves from the trunk as they
assist tree growth. During the two first growing seasons, rub off any young shoots
growing in the wrong places but encourage one shoot to grow upwards as the future trunk.
Before the second growing season begins, remove any remaining unwanted shoots.
Shorten any long growths that have bent over, or may bend, to strengthen them.
Bottom branches should be high enough to ensure fruit, leaves, and branches remain
clear of the ground as the weight of fruit increases during the season. They also need to
be clear of orchard operations such as mowing and weed spraying. Low fruit are prone
to soil splashing on to them from the ground during rain, causing brown rot infection.
Branches touching the ground allow Fullers rose weevil easy access into the tree to lay
eggs. As with most trees, branches that grow at an acute or narrow angle from the trunk
are weaker than branches coming out horizontally. The narrow angle often traps bark at
the trunk-branch junction as the trunk and branch grow, making a weak joint. When an
upright branch sets a large crop, the branch may bend and will often break.
To improve branch angles, rub or cut out bad-angle branches. If necessary, it is possible
to train branches early on to a good angle with small props (e.g., strong toothpicks) when
the new and soft shoots are about 150-200 mm long.
If the tree sets fruit in the second year, remove this fruit to encourage tree growth. This
will also reduce any excessive bending or drooping of branches required for the tree’s
Tree training in the following two to three years should encourage branches where they
are required and remove unwanted weak shoots near the trunk and any branches or
parts of branches too close to the ground.
Navel orange, Harwood Late and Seminole tangelo
With Navel Orange, Harwood Late, and Seminole Tangelo, fruit quality is usually
satisfactory without an intensive training and pruning programme. After the first two
years of centre leader training and crop removal, there should not be much requirement
for further tree training and crop thinning in the subsequent early cropping years. Some
skirting of lower branches and removal of large branches high in the tree that shade
areas may be all that is required.
As the trees age and begin to crowd each other, a pruning programme to maintain
fruit size in the orchard may be useful. Often trees are planted close in the row to give
high production early in the life of the orchard, but as trees crowd and shade one
another, fruit size is reduced. Removal of alternate trees down the row at this stage
improves fruit size.
3.5 Fruit thinning
Andrew Harty and Peter Sutton
Regulating crop loads
Many citrus cultivars are not able to regulate the amount of fruit they carry from season
to season, and have a cropping pattern referred to as alternate bearing. The trees carry
heavy crops of many small fruit in one season (the ‘on’ year), and very light crops in the
alternate season (the ‘off’ year). Shoot growth is virtually nil in the ‘on’ years, but is the
main growth process in the ‘off’ years.
The ratio of ‘on’ trees to ‘off’ trees varies between orchards. In some cases, almost
all the trees are synchronised, so that production from the orchard in an ‘off’ year is
extremely low. In other cases, the ratio may alternate between 60%:40% and 40%:60%,
for example, and annual yields for the orchard overall appear to be relatively stable. This
yield stability is, however, hiding the fact that many of the trees are not cropping to full
potential. Also, because most of the crop comes from heavily laden ‘on’ year trees, the
overall fruit size is very small.
Good orchard management (nutrition, irrigation, pruning, pest and disease control) can
reduce alternate bearing. However, the only real solution to this problem is for the grower
to regulate the crop load on trees through fruit thinning.
To promote vegetative growth on young trees, complete crop removal is recommended
for at least the first two seasons of orchard life. This is especially important on non-
vigorous cultivars like Satsuma mandarins. Once a suitable canopy has been established,
it is necessary to begin cropping the trees in a regulated fashion. This requires removal
of fruitlets after fruit set, either by hand or through application of chemical thinning
agents. An alternative approach is to chemically inhibit the formation of excess flowers.
Selective pruning of vigorous cultivars such as clementine mandarins can also assist in
balancing the crop load.
The crop load left on the tree should allow production of fruit of desirable market size
and quality, while allowing for some shoot growth to carry the following season’s crop.
There is a limit to which increased fruit size will compensate for fruit numbers removed,
so excessive thinning will decrease total yields. Also, very large fruit may have poor
fruit quality. Insufficient thinning results in small fruit size, poor tree growth and low
return crops.
The optimal crop load is that which gives the highest sustainable return to the grower,
and its sustainability must be proven over a number of cropping seasons. The return to
the grower will be determined by (a) the minimum fruit size acceptable to the market,
and (b) any premiums paid by the market for larger grades. Therefore, the optimal crop
load may change as market requirements change. Also, the optimal crop load will not
necessarily be the same for all cultivars.
Most of the information available in New Zealand on citrus fruit thinning relates to the
early or wase Satsuma mandarin cultivars. This group of cultivars suffers very severely
from alternate bearing, and because of the interest in exporting Satsumas, most research
has been directed to correcting this problem. The following thinning guide and description
of gibberellic acid (GA
) use refer specifically to Satsumas. However, almost all citrus
cultivars will benefit from fruit thinning in an ‘on’ year. In research trials, thinned mature
Silverhill Satsuma trees will produce 75% more yield of marketable fruit over two seasons
than unthinned trees.
After a citrus branch has been cut, regrowth usually occurs near the cut, and the larger the
branch cut, the more vigorous will be the regrowth from that cut. Hedging, then, should
begin before the cuts have to be made through large branches to avoid very vigorous
regrowth. If there is a choice of a cut, cutting off lower and downward pointing branches
will regenerate less regrowth than if the branches were sloping upwards.
It is also better to hedge before the interior of the tree has become severely shaded,
otherwise the tree and yields are slower to recover if hedged back to where leaves have
been dropped due to lack of light.
With Navel oranges and Seminole tangelos, individual branch removal can take place
from harvest until shortly after flowering. With Harwood Late, harvest is usually after
flowering, and pruning should be soon after harvest.
Mandarins and lemons
On mandarins, where the harvest is usually before flowering, it is best to prune after
harvest but before flowering. An early pruning allows healthy and fruitful shoots to
develop at the time of the spring growth flush. These will flower well in the following
spring a year later. This pruning will also reduce the amount of hand thinning otherwise
required to thin the crop after flowering.
Prune lemons at or after harvest in the winter-spring period.
Other considerations
Note that the lemon tree borer will attack most citrus cultivars. The preferred site for
egg laying is on fresh wounds so pruning wounds may be ideal egg laying sites. Most
egg laying takes place from October to January. An insecticide applied after pruning
at this time may have merit, as may painting large cuts. Remove other hosts for borer
in the locality. Note that shelter fallen but not burned or otherwise disposed of may
contain large numbers of larvae. At Manutuke, however, the level of borer damage was
not obviously worse on the trees hedged in November than on unhedged trees.
Citrus trees will recover from very hard pruning and crop again about two years later.
Note that if trees are cut back to major scaffold branches exposed to the sun, these
should be protected from sunburn with a whitewash paint.
Keeping the inside of the tree canopy free of dead wood has been shown to dramatically
decrease the amount of disease blemish on fruit rinds. This is especially so for large
grapefruit and orange trees that are badly infected with melanose (see the chapter on
Pest and Disease Programmes).
Further reading
Pauline A. Mooney and Andrew R. Harty, 1992. Pruning of Clementine mandarins for
better fruit quality. Citrus Research Seminar ‘Citrus Postharvest Practices’ HortResearch.
R. E. (Ted) Crawford. Citrus Pruning. Turners and Growers Exports Ltd.
How many leaves should be counted?
a large tree
on trees they have thinned
Common thinning errors
a smaller crop next year and is false economy
one or two to stunt a newly planted tree
Gibberellic acid
Gibberellic acid or (GA
) assists thinning of Satsuma mandarins. It is one of a group of
plant growth regulators called gibberellins. The gibberellins have many useful effects
on citrus crops. They are used commercially to strengthen and delay colouring of rinds.
On many citrus varieties they reduce flower bud formation.
This flower-inhibiting can be used by applying winter sprays of GA
to varieties that
produce too much blossom, such as Satsuma mandarins. When new growth begins in
the following spring, there are fewer flowers, and therefore fewer fruitlets, that need
to be hand- thinned. On newly planted trees that would be weakened by early cropping,
higher rates of GA
can be used to prevent flowering.
New Zealand trials have been only on wase Satsuma mandarins (Miyagawa, Miho and
Okitsu). However, many reports from overseas show that GA
will inhibit flowering on
almost all citrus cultivars. It is likely that rates for each cultivar will vary, and some
experimentation should be carried out to determine the ideal rate.
How does GA3 work?
Citrus trees begin to form flower buds in late autumn. A cool temperature is the trigger
for buds to change from shoots to flowers. This process takes place from May through
to July, and apparently occurs because levels of natural gibberellins fall very low in the
tree. This is the time that the flower-inhibiting effect of GA
can be put to good use. In
several trials at HortResearch, a spray of GA
in mid-June has been the most effective
in reducing blossom the following spring.
A brand of GA
called Grocel GA is stocked by Fruitfed Supplies. Other brands may be
registered soon. HortResearch recommends two rates of usage for Satsuma mandarins
as outlined in Table 3.5.1. The first for one and two year-old trees to prevent cropping,
the second for flower reduction in trees three years and older.
Why do we need to thin fruit?
export market)
How should young trees be thinned?
tree growth
How should bearing trees be thinned?
Miho and Okitsu. This will give the heaviest, regular yields of export-size fruit
When should thinning take place?
if the market requires small fruit
Which fruit should be taken off?
is achieved
How many fruit should be left?
•Count the leaves on a small branch, and divide by either 20 (Silverhill) or 25 (Japanese
fruit set, this will mean that some shoots need to be stripped completely to give the
correct leaf:fruit ratio
•Example: the branch has 137 leaves which divided by 20 is 6.8 and divided by 25 is
5.4. Therefore leave seven fruit on a Silverhill (one shoot with three fruit and two
shoots with two fruit), but only five on Japanese cultivars (one shoot with three fruit
and one shoot with two fruit)
3.6 Growth regulators
Noel Brown
Hormones are organic substances produced in one part of a plant and translocated to
another part where, at very low concentrations, they affect growth and development.
Plants produce hormones in young growing shoots, fruits, leaves, buds, seeds and roots.
The term ‘growth regulator’ refers to both naturally occurring hormones and those
synthetically copied or created.
A large number of growth regulators have been defined. The five basic groups are: auxins,
gibberellins, cytokinins, inhibitors, and ethylene and ethylene generators.
Some examples of uses of growth regulators in citrus production are:
, ethylene generator ethephon, auxin
tree (e.g., GA
Growth regulators do not act independently in the plant. Their many functions and
complex interactions are not fully understood. Be cautious when using growth regulators,
and try to gather experience in their use on a few plants only. Read labels carefully
about their use and compatibility with other pesticides, wetting agents, etc. Various
wetting agents, surfactants, spreaders, adjuvants, etc., can have major effects on growth
regulators. Always read the labels of the growth regulator for instructions on its use.
Prevention of fruit drop
Fruit drop occurs over several periods from flowering through to harvest. The first period
is from flowering to shortly after flowering. Citrus varieties generally flower profusely,
set only a very small percentage of flowers and shed many young fruitlets when they
are about 3-15 mm in diameter. Fruit drop occurs in the December - February period for
most cultivars. This drop can be increased significantly by stress on the trees such as
severe pest or disease outbreaks, incorrect nutrition or climatic extremes. However,
fruit thinning is usually required and growth regulators are more likely to be used to thin
young fruit or reduce the numbers of flowers than to retain fruit on the tree (see Fruit
and Flower thinning section below).
Another period of fruit drop on some varieties is before harvest. Navel oranges and New
Zealand grapefruit can drop a significant percentage of their crop around May in some
years, when the fruit is colouring. Fruit drop can continue through the harvest period.
Research in the USA showed clearly the role of the auxin 2,4-D in preventing fruit drop
on some citrus varieties in this period.
Before fruit drop an abscission layer of weak corky cells forms under the button on the
fruit and the fruit eventually drops. Inspection of fallen fruit will show the button is not
on the fruit; it can be found still on the tree. The auxin 2,4-D, at a low rate of 16-20 ppm,
may stop the formation of this abscission layer.
Table 3.5.1. Recommended rates of gibberellic acid
The spray should thoroughly wet each bud. This means that high volume sprays need
to be applied. Hand gun applications are very effective on young trees. In a trial on
four year old Okitsu Satsuma trees, we had fewer flowers and fruit to remove when we
increased the spray rate from 1,950 litres per hectare to 2550 litres per hectare.
Wetters definitely assist with GA
uptake. In our trials, Citowett proved satisfactory at
the recommended label rate. The makers of Grocel (ICI Cropcare) recommend the wetting
agent Contact. Organosilicone surfactants such as Pulse are possibly too effective,
and there is a risk of too much flower inhibition when only thinning is required. These
surfactants are useful when complete flower inhibition is required on young trees.
Unfortunately, GA
is not the perfect thinning spray. Some hand thinning will always be
needed to get accurate crop loading. However, far fewer fruitlets need to be removed
when GA
is used.
Trees that have just carried a heavy crop should not be sprayed. They will have an ‘off ‘
year because of the heavy fruit load, and will produce very few flowers in the following
spring. GA
sprays would only make this worse.
Some growers have reported rind spotting on fruit still on the tree at the time of GA
spraying. This has been erratic from season to season, but may be related to the wetting
agent used.
Use tank mixes the same day they are made up. GA
solutions cannot be stored overnight.
is not a toxic chemical, but normal spraying precautions should be taken.
Active ingredient GA
Grocel GA / 100 litres water
Non-cropping trees 50 ppm 5 tablets
Cropping trees 25 ppm 2.5 tablets
Fruit and flower thinning
Many of the Satsuma mandarin cultivars flower profusely and set excessive crops.
Thinning of the flowers and/or young fruit is a common practice to prevent overcropping.
Leaving too many fruit on the tree will cause harvested fruit to be small and biennial
cropping to begin. In addition, overcropped Satsuma mandarin trees do not grow and
may, in extreme cases, die.
Growth regulators can be used to assist in thinning. The most successful technique to
date has been to reduce the number of flowers by the use of GA
in the winter months.
should be applied in high water rates per hectare to thoroughly wet the trees. Oil
sprays should not be used with GA
or for one month before its use. A buffering agent
to maintain a pH of 4 to 4.5 will increase GA
Preventing or reducing flowering with growth regulators to encourage young tree growth
on young Satsuma mandarin trees is a useful management tool. GA
applied in June
at 50 ppm will reduce flowering considerably, with a hand thin follow-up. Other less
precocious citrus varieties can be thinned by hand.
With cropping Satsuma mandarin trees, GA
applied in June at 25 ppm has been effective
in reducing flowering. Experience to date shows that trees need to have been thinned
the previous year so that they are in good health and ‘balance’ before using GA
. Hand-
thinning can then follow on trees that still have an excessive crop.
The future of fresh market Navel oranges may depend on good fruit size. A suitable
chemical or growth regulator fruit thinning regime is needed to improve fruit size in
years of a heavy fruit set, as hand thinning is unlikely to be economic.
Ethrel® (ethephon) has been tried but is too variable with both oranges and mandarins.
Trial work with Navel oranges has shown GA
applied at 10 ppm may have a useful role
in fruit thinning if applied in April or early May. The subsequent flowering was much
reduced but the crop had a similar harvested yield with a larger average fruit size. When
used at this time it considerably delayed colour development of the rind and improved
the rind firmness for late harvest of fruit.
Post-harvest uses
The addition of 2,4-D to post-harvest wax applications aids the retention of the stem
button on lemons. Using ethylene for curing lemons can cause an increase in the
percentage of stem button drop. Bagging the fruit in polyethylene liners during curing
increased stem button drop, and this may be due to ethylene accumulation in the bags.
In local trials, no stem button drop occurred where 2,4-D at 500 ppm was added to
the wax.
Rind strengthening
has been registered in a number of countries for improving rind quality of late-
harvested Navel oranges and for increasing resistance to rots. To achieve the maximum
delay in harvesting, GA
should be sprayed on the trees just before or at early colour
break. Navel orange fruit treated at this time will not achieve a marketable colour for
about four months. More research work is needed to assess suitable rates and timing.
The site of action of this ‘cling spray’ is at the junction of the button and fruit. The cling
spray is poorly translocated in the tree, so to be effective the 2,4-D must be applied to
the area of the button on the fruit. To do this, the cling spray should be applied in high
volumes of water to wet all fruit thoroughly. Correct calibration of the sprayer is important
to apply the spray where required. The addition of a suitable non ionic wetting agent
will assist coverage and penetration.
When using 2,4-D always follow the manufacturers’ recommendations regarding the
addition of wetting agents, surfactants, and other additives, as these may significantly
alter the effectiveness of 2,4-D. Never mix 2,4-D with oil sprays or Bordeaux as these
both increase the uptake into the tree. Also avoid applying either oil sprays or Bordeaux
these within 7-10 days of 2,4-D application. Check spray water for hardness and pH, as
these can also affect the effectiveness of 2,4-D.
Fruit drop can occur at other times of the year for various reasons, such as cold, pest
attack and disease. It is unlikely that 2,4-D applications at these times will be successful
in preventing fruit drop.
2,4-D is a weed killer. Even at these low rates, when used as a cling spray it may cause
damage to growing shoots on citrus and serious damage to sensitive crops. Clean the
sprayer before using on other crops and avoid drift to sensitive crops. In New Zealand,
the cling spray usually used is the amine salt of 2,4-D at 20 ppm. The most common
brand available is supplied by Fruitfed Supplies as Stop Drop. The butyl ester form of
2,4-D is more volatile, is more likely to cause damage to other crops through drift, and
is likely to be more active. It is used in some countries, but at a lower rate of 16 ppm.
Use of a cling spray
Navel oranges
Apply a cling spray at the end of April or in May after autumn growth has hardened off.
To prevent fruit drop occurring, the cling spray must be applied before the development
of the abscission layer. Applying it when fruit drop is first observed is too late to stop that
cycle of fruit drop, as the abscission layer has already been formed. Often growers make
two applications, the first at the end of April to mid-May and the next mid to late July.
Preventing the formation of the abscission layer by 2,4-D lasts about three months.
This means that an application at the end of July should reduce fruit drop until about
the end of October.
Only apply 2,4-D when the autumn growth on the citrus trees has hardened and before
spring growth has begun. Distortion of the spring growth foliage is a symptom of hormone
damage from late application. While spectacular, the tree will usually grow out of the
damage. Take care, particularly with late applications, that there is no chance of drift
on to crops sensitive to hormone damage.
To prevent fruit drop at the time of colour change, apply 2,4-D in late April to early May.
For delayed harvest of grapefruit, make two applications of 2,4-D. The first should be
as above and the second in late July to early August, but before spring growth begins.
This second application will reduce fruit drop for three months or more.
Section 4.
Harvest and Post-harvest
4.1 Maturity testing
4.2 Picking and post-harvest practices
The following are tentative recommendations.
Apply GA
at 10 ppm in enough water and with a suitable wetting agent to thoroughly
wet all fruit at early colour break. 2,4-D (as Stop Drop) is necessary to prevent excess
fruit drop, and it is suggested this be applied separately. Applications of GA
in mid
and late May have caused excessive flower thinning in the return crop, so to avoid this
period make the application late April to early May.
Root formation on cuttings
The majority of citrus are propagated on seedling rootstocks. Meyer lemons grow well
on their own roots, and the use of IBA will help root development.
Sprouting inhibition
Excessive shoot development after pruning is time consuming and sometimes difficult
to control. In lemons this growth has been controlled by the use of NAA at rates of
1%. NAA may be applied either in a paint or as a spray with a dormant oil plus wetting
agent. The oil plus wetting agents aid the uptake of the NAA. This may be successful
on other cultivars, but be cautious and try it only on a few trees first. On young trees it
can cause some die-back.
Growing Citrus in New Zealand
A practical guide
© Copyright 2001
New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated
ISBN 0-478-06829-8
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without prior written
permission of the New Zealand Citrus Growers Inc., P.O. Box 10629 Wellington.
The New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated and the authors have taken reasonable steps and
exercised skill, care and diligence in producing this publication to meet the needs of the growers
and the market. However, there is no implicit or expressed warranty that the information is free from
error or omission and the advice given in the publication is at the user’s risk. Similarly, no specific
endorsement for any of the branded products mentioned by our advertisers is implied, and no
responsibility will be accepted for any crop loss caused by the use of any chemical mentioned.
Readers are reminded that this Manual was published in 2001 and has not been updated since that
time. Some information included in the manual may be out of date and readers are strongly advised
to obtain current advice from a consultant.
5. Calculate the % acid by multiplying the ml of sodium hydroxide added by 0.064.
6. To calculate the Brix:acid ratio, divide the Brix value by the % acid.
*0.1 N sodium hydroxide is obtained by dissolving 4.00 grams of pure sodium hydroxide in 1,000 ml distilled water; alternatively, ampoules are
commercially available for dissolving in 1,000 ml distilled water.
Older citrus orchardists will remember the days of the Citrus Marketing Authority (CMA),
when oranges were accepted for packing only when a sample had passed a maturity test
and the fruit was determined to be legally ripe. Minimum internal quality standards were
set by legislation, which prevented unripe citrus from being marketed. Not only did this
protect consumers against poor-quality fruit, but it also ensured that New Zealand grown
citrus was always palatable. The CMA was assuring the quality of the fruit it marketed.
After the abolition of the CMA in 1980 and the repeal of laws governing citrus marketing,
an insidious situation developed. As with most fresh produce, the first consignments
of a citrus variety to reach the market-place each season usually command a premium.
With the removal of controls on ripeness, citrus has been harvested and marketed earlier
each season in an attempt to capture this premium. Inevitably, consumers who have
purchased sour fruit at the start of the season no longer buy that particular variety for
the entire duration of the season. This consumer backlash against immature citrus fruit
has severely affected the economics of tangelo production, and there is an equal danger
that it will harm our Navel orange and Satsuma mandarin industries.
It is unlikely in today’s political climate that legal maturity standards could again be
imposed. It is therefore up to the industry, in its own interests, to control the internal
quality of local market citrus.
Internal changes as fruit ripen
As citrus fruit approach maturity, the most dramatic change internally is a drop in acidity,
accompanied by a slower increase in TSS as fruit is hung longer on the tree.
Decreasing acid levels and increasing sugar levels result in an increasing Brix:acid
ratio, and sweeter tasting fruit. Harvesting too early means that high acid, low sugar
fruit is picked.
Because of the Poncirus trifoliata (or ‘trifoliata’) rootstock used on dessert citrus
cultivars, and the cool climate, New Zealand grown citrus develops high TSS and acid
levels compared with those in imported fruit. Provided that our fruit is hung on the tree
until the acid level declines, it can be the richest flavoured of any citrus in the world.
However, if the fruit is picked early in the season, high acid levels for each cultivar will
result in unacceptable sourness.
All dessert citrus (oranges, mandarins, tangelos, grapefruit) should be tested for internal
maturity. Unfortunately, external colour is usually not a good indicator of internal maturity,
and this explains why tangelos (which are superbly coloured but highly acidic in June)
have suffered most to date from premature marketing. Rind colour also complicates the
situation for Satsuma mandarins because, in some cases, partially green-rinded fruit
can be internally mature. The fact that some cultivars are termed ‘early’ does not mean
their fruit will be the first to mature internally under all conditions. Differences between
districts, topography, tree age and management practices will all influence the time of
internal maturity. There is only one objective way to assess ripeness of your fruit, and
that is by testing the internal maturity.
4.1 Maturity testing
Andrew Harty
Fresh New Zealand citrus can be the finest-tasting in the world, but the picking and
selling of immature fruit will ruin this reputation. The industry must adhere to fruit
internal quality standards to prevent the marketing of an unacceptably sour product.
What makes a dessert citrus fruit acceptable to the human palate? Many organic
compounds impart unique fragrances and flavours to fruit of different citrus varieties.
However, the two components in citrus juice that have the most influence on human taste
perception are sugar levels (sweetness) and acid levels (sourness). These two factors
combine to give an overall perception that most people refer to either as sourness or
sweetness, depending on whether sugar or acid is dominant. Although individual palates
differ slightly, taste-panel tests show that most people prefer citrus fruit to have a
sugar:acid balance that falls into a fairly narrow range.
The Brix:acid ratio concept
The balance, or ratio, of sugar to acid is measured in terms of total soluble solids
(mostly sugars) and total titratable acidity (mostly citric acid). Total soluble solids (TSS)
is measured either with a hydrometer or a refractometer, and recorded as degrees Brix.
Total titratable acidity is measured by neutralising a juice sample with sodium hydroxide,
and is recorded as % acid. The Brix:acid ratio is then calculated simply by dividing TSS
by titratable acidity (see The Citrus Internal-Maturity Test below for details). The test is
fast, simple, and requires relatively unsophisticated equipment.
It has been found that dessert citrus fruit with a Brix:acid ratio below about 7:1 is
unacceptably sour to most people.
Maturity standards
Most overseas citrus producing regions have legally enforceable minimum Brix:acid
ratios that must be achieved for each cultivar before sale. Typically, fruit consignments
are tested in the market place by government inspectors, and are rejected if immature.
Table 4.1.1 Recommended minimum Brix:acid ratios for New Zealand citrus
The citrus internal-maturity test
1. Pick a 20-fruit sample from the orchard block that you want to harvest. Make sure the
sample is representative of the fruit to be harvested - sample fruit from throughout
the block, from all sides of the tree, and do not include damaged or atypically small
fruit. If testing Satsumas that are not fully coloured, make sure that the fruit in the
sample is of the colour you intend to pick.
2. Juice the fruit using an electric citrus juicer, and strain the juice through a sieve with
12 meshes to the centimetre.
3. Total soluble solids:read the degrees Brix on a hand-held or digital refractometer (or
use a hydrometer).
4. Total titratable acidity:pipette a 10 ml sample of juice into a glass flask, and add 2-3
drops of phenolphthalein indicator. While gently shaking the flask to mix the solutions,
dribble 0.1 N sodium hydroxide* from a burette into the flask until a faint pink colour
appears and persists.
Local market Export market
Satsuma mandarins 7:1 10:1
Oranges, tangelos 7.5:1 -
other mandarins
4.2 Picking and post-harvest practices
Stephen Lawes
The quality of packed citrus fruit relates to fruit composition (flavour, texture), appearance
(size, colour, blemish), consistency, and price. Fruit must be fit for its intended purpose
e.g., process or export, marketing in Japan or Wellington, storage or immediate sale.
Market requirements change. The benefits of matching fruit characteristics to customer
needs include return sales, increased market share, and higher profit.
Quality is built into a fruit, starting with the purchase of a tree. If picking and post-harvest
operations are to result in quality fruit, the culture and environment must first have
produced good fruit. Post-harvest practices can then make or mar good citrus. Fruit within
a line or box should be consistent. Post-harvest handling complements culture: it is not
a substitute for it. Guidelines for market grades and controlling factors are as follows:
Table 4.2.1 Size
Table 4.2.2 Packs
Table 4.2.3 Composition
Required by market Determined by:
Mandarin: Culture
55-80 mm diam. (55-150 g) Cropload
in steps of up to 5 mm (or 15 g) Cultivar
Lemon: Rootstock
mean 100-180 g, Grade standard
prefer 120-150 g Quality control
Lemon: 55-75 mm diam.
Mandarin: 45-80 mm
Grapefruit: > 80 mm
Orange: 60-80 mm
Tangelo: > 55 mm
(usually in 5 mm steps)
Lemon: 17 kg
Satsuma mandarin: 5 or 10 kg net (allow for 3-5% weight loss).
Loosefill. Pattern pack large Satsuma
18 kg plastic crate or 16-20 kg cardboard carton.
Required by market Determined by:
Dessert citrus Culture
Export (mandarin) Environment
TSS/Acid 10:1, Acid (citric) < 1.1% Maturity
Quality control
TSS/Acid 7.5:1
No off-flavour
No dryness
Juice %: lemon (20); other (30)
Testing facilities
To assist orchardists with determining the maturity of their fruit before picking, Fruitfed
Supplies offices in each of the main citrus districts will carry out Brix:acid tests.
Growers need to submit 20-fruit samples of the fruit they intend picking, following the
guidelines listed above. Results are provided on an official form, and depending on
the result, the grower is advised either to proceed with picking or to delay harvesting
and resubmit another sample at a later date. There is no compulsion to comply with
this recommendation, and all results are kept confidential. In addition, many larger
packhouses now have their own fruit-testing facilities, and insist that grower members
supplying fruit have it pass the Brix:acid ratio before accepting it for packing. Brokers
and merchants also take notice of fruit testing results, and most will not accept fruit
without documented evidence that the fruit has reached acceptable maturity.
Ultimately, should the concept of internal quality assurance gain widespread industry
support, it is possible that a total quality assurance scheme could be introduced, in
which standards would also be applied to external fruit appearance. There is a registered
Citrus Quality Mark held by the Fruitgrowers Federation that could be used to label and
distinguish high quality New Zealand citrus from imported brands.
All dessert citrus fruit should reach a minimum Brix:acid level before being picked and
sold. An internal maturity test is the only accurate way of assessing whether a particular
orchard block is ready for picking. Maturity testing facilities are available in the major
citrus districts at Fruitfed Supplies offices or at some packhouses.
Further Reading
A detailed description of the internal-quality test for citrus is given in the manual Citrus
Maturity Testing by P.G. Sutton & T. Machin: HortResearch Client Report No. 93/175.
Table 4.2.8 Picking and packing effects on quality (summary)
Picking practice
All resources and procedures should be directed at selecting marketable fruit, preventing
injury, and maximising post-harvest life. The correct fruit (i.e., mature, good quality) are
selected, and detached in a satisfactory way under the right conditions.
The following factors are important:
•Providepriortrainingin procedures and specifications, and ensure thereisan
awareness of their significance.
• Ensurestaffhavecorrectclothingandequipmentandknowhowtouseitsafely.
(Clipping may cause sore wrists; picking aprons may cause backache).
Operation Affects Desired action
Plan picking and handling Packout Organise: methods
Shelf-life equipment training
Determine harvest date Palatability Maturity tests
Fruit size
Storage life
Harvesting Fruit quality Respond to: weather
market crop characteristics
Also supervise staff
Grading and packing Presentation Attend to: grade standards
Acceptibility handling methods
Storage life pack type
equipment stamping, labelling
quality control
Storage Decay Optimise and monitor:
Blemish conditions storage time
Weight loss
Acid loss
Transport Quality Protective methods
Weight loss No delays
Table 4.2.4 Colour
Table 4.2.5 Shape etc
Table 4.2.6 Blemish
Table 4.2.7 Storage Life
Required by market Determined by:
Lemon: Cool autumn reduces green colour
silver-green (export), yellow-green (local)
Mandarin: Degreen e.g., 1-10 ppm ethylene
orange (some Satsuma with partial light green)
Orange: 21ºC 90% RH, for up to two days
full orange (slightly green in Valencia)
Tangelo: Standard set for harvesting
orange with blush
full colour (dessert)
Required by market Determined by:
No decay Gentle handling
Weight loss , < 4% Hygiene
Hold 3-6 weeks Fungicide
Surface coating
Required by market Determined by:
Uniform. Typical of cultivar Environment
Stem flush with button Strain and cultivar
Nil buttons missing Picking method
Dessert citrus: no ‘nipple’
Required by market Determined by:
No pests, rots, cuts, deposits Culture e.g., pest control
Peel thin, non-puffy, smooth Environment e.g., wind, frost
No dark brown discolouration Post-harvest e.g., handling,
Blemish allowances: temperature, grading, chemicals
Mandarin: < 1 cm
/fruit, other < 5 cm
(On minority of fruit in line)
May allow more blemished fruit, or darker blemish
they are for export or storage or are injury-susceptible fruit such as easy-peel citrus.
•Double-clippingachieves some pruning (e.g., weak,shadedwood)andassistsin
optimising fruit clipping. The fruit-bearing shoot should be cut off 1-2 cm from the
fruit, or at a suitable main shoot, or strong leaf bud, and the fruit stem then cut flush
with the button (not more than 1 mm beyond).
facilitates inspection for weevil eggs.
Snap picking
Snap picking is satisfactory for oranges and grapefruit. It is not recommended for lemons,
mandarin and other easy-peelers as the risk of fruit peel injury is high.
Done well, snap picking close to the button on tolerant cultivars does not result in
increased injury and decay. It allows faster harvesting but increases fruit damage by
poor pickers: hence good training and supervision are required.
The damage caused by snap picking is worse with over-mature fruit, thin or loose peel,
and fruit hanging in tight clusters; and shows as torn peel or plugged fruit. Any sharp
stem ends may puncture other fruit.
To snap pick, gently grasp the fruit in the hand and lift it to the horizontal. With a snapping
motion, move the fruit upward or downward to break the stem where it joins the button.
Do not twist the fruit on its stem or pull.
A sample of fruit in bins from each block should be checked during picking for size,
blemish, plugging, and stems. Fullers rose weevil eggs may be laid under the button,
so it is useful to remove some buttons and inspect with a hand lens. (Statistically sound
sampling levels are yet to be developed).
Each lot of fruit should be tested for Brix and acid level to confirm standard, especially
for export fruit.
(a.i.) formaldehyde beforehand).
should not be too deep (a maximum of 400 mm is desirable).
on the base, should be used.
In production and post-harvest handling, fruit may be infected or contaminated with
pathogens or materials detrimental to its soundness and acceptability. Losses from
fungal decay, e.g., Penicillium, are a major concern, and practices and an environment
that emphasise cleanliness are encouraged.
tissue (within five days) if pressed too firmly. If fruit must be picked under marginal
conditions, take extra care.
Pick at least one day after rain if possible.
increases the risk of peel browning (oleocellosis). In cool, damp conditions, delay
picking until the weather improves. Alternatively, start later in the day in the driest,
highest parts of the orchard.
determine internal condition (dryness).
(Australian fruit injury-risk test: Place absorbent paper on fruit; apply a pressure tester
with 10 mm head until oil is released; if it took less than 2.75 kg force take extra care
if picking).
Adequate planning and control of the harvesting process is critical to a successful
yellow lemons are more susceptible to handling injury and wastage. They require
extra care at all times.
block. Commence with select picks using criteria of colour and size, and taking fruit
from the outer top of the canopy. Fruit on weak shoots inside a dense canopy are
of inferior quality. Where marked fruit colour variation occurs (e.g., lemons, early
mandarin), a harvest of uniform colour facilitates packing a consistent and attractive
bag, crate, or bucket. Pickers should not bang the picking apron or bag on the ladder,
bin etc. They should carefully roll (not drop) fruit into wooden bins from the picking
container and should avoid overfilling bins and picking containers, as excessive depth
causes compression injury. Bins with a maximum depth of 400 mm are better for soft
citrus; 600 mm may be satisfactory for lemons and oranges.
and lemons.
fruit. Fruit should be taken to the packhouse slowly, over well-formed roadways, and
with well-sprung equipment (e.g., air bag suspension).
not in direct sun or hot weather). This will make the peel more tolerant of handling.
Handling in the packhouse
Do not underestimate the care needed to minimise wounding, decay, olecellosis, and
weight loss. Do not stand bins of fruit in the sun.
Initial handling should minimise physical injury, avoid the spread of rot-causing spores,
and protect minor wounds. Handling may remove surface deposits, e.g., spray or soil.
In the packing line, avoid poor design, overloading, and poor lighting. Apply
protective materials and then cool fruit rapidly. Markets prefer minimal use of post-
harvest chemicals.
greatly increase fruit weight loss.
minutes or dehumidified air.
Chlorine wash dump tanks require a minimum 200 ppm of available chorine and pH 7-9.
A five minute soak kills surface Penicillium spores (no wound penetration). Mix 1.5 kg
calcium hypochloride (70% available chlorine) in 5,000 litres. Add sodium carbonate to
pH 7.0. You may add 0.02% of detergent to increase effectiveness. Test pH and chlorine
level at least once a day.
melanose fungi (Diplodia, Phomposis) and Alternaria. It may also limit fruit punctures.
infection in autumn, Alternaria in tangelo, and fruit contamination in summer with
Fullers rose weevil (see below).
them finely to dry and decompose quickly, or remove them.
lead to sooty mould. Maintain good weed control below a tree during summer to
reduce movement of Fullers rose weevil on to the tree and fruit from the soil.
bins with a solution of 1% a.i. formaldehyde. No fallen fruit should be put in bins of
over sheets in mid to late summer, and if any beetles are collected, to sample fruit
at chest height near the leaf damage by twisting off the button and inspecting for
• Inthepackhouse,handlefruitpromptly.Delaysmayallowsporulationandpackhouse
fruit is reduced.
water in the dump when it starts to get dirty. If the fruit is dry brushed, wash the
brushes daily with a solution of 1% a.i. formaldehyde to stop the build-up of Penicillium
packing line.
grading areas.
fallen or mouldy fruit.
areas, and remove other animals, e.g., dogs, from the area in the packing season.
Table 4.2.9 Causes of peel punctures
Wounding test (for monitoring)
Soak fruit for five minutes in 0.1% indigo carmine plus a few drops of wetting agent
and also 0.5% hydrochloric acid.
Peel injuries appear blue-green.
Fruit coatings improve visual appeal and reduce weight loss in fruit.
formulations, e.g., wettable powder, may not be compatible with wax so follow
manufacturer’s instructions.
application by dripping on revolving brushes less satisfactory. (Wash brushes in water
when finished to keep them soft).
is better.
Wounds and decay
•Penicillium usually infects only injured skin. Minute skin breaks may be infected.
accumulations on rollers) cause oleocellosis or cuts.
Stem endrotmaybeworsewithbuttonabscission,after long or warm-
temperature storage.
Meyer lemons.
•A30seconddipinbenomyl(e.g.,Benlate50g/100litres)reduces Penicillium. Fungal
resistance is widespread in New Zealand and develops quickly, however, so this is
not recommended.
•Imazalil(notforJapanesemarket)asspray,diporinwaxreducesPenicillium, and
sour rot (Geotrichum). Ensure good coverage, and maintain correct concentrations
over time.
may be reduced. Not registered for use in New Zealand.
Fungicide treatments (apply within 24 hours of picking):
•ImazalilstopssporulationbyPenicillium infection. Dip or drench fruit 500-750 ppm
with full coverage. Usually up to 1 tonne fruit/100 litre mix.
Thiabendazole to control Diplodia, Phomposis, Penicillium (resistance may develop),
but ineffective for Alternaria, Geotrichum. Best applied as spray 2,000 ppm with full
coverage. Keep mix well agitated and check for nozzle blockages.
Picking On tree Transport Shed
Fingernails Twigs, birds Rough bins Stem end contact on dumping
Clipping Insects Compression in bins Fingernails on raking fruit
Debris in apron Fruit movement Drops and sharp edges
Rolling about Wrong brushes, excess brushing
Box/crate filling
in apron
three to six weeks. This results in thinner peel, increased juice content, and a peel
that better withstands handling.
and storage. Avoid cold draughts, as dehydration may cause oleocellosis.
consistent quality. Pack type, size, and fruit diameter bands as required by the market.
net stockings (local). Label the cartons and/or crates to match market requirements.
•Thereshouldbe no physical mishandlingofpackedfruit,and lower the fruit’s
temperature as soon as possible.
•Institutepackhousemonitoring,e.g., afterthegradingtable:sampleandmonitor
defects and fruit size for each size band, at least once a day. After packing: sample
packs across all fruit sizes frequently during the day for detailed assessment of major,
minor, quarantine, and other defects in comparison with standard specifications.
be stored or exported sooner in warm weather.
(decay, off-flavour) or downgrading (weight loss).
temperature recording, e.g., every four hours.
increased button drop, and rots, and yellowing in lemons.
• Avoidfruitwarmingintransit.Ideallyprecool,e.g.,to7ºCfirst.
e.g., in Harward Late, mandarins, and lemons.
promotes button abscission, early stem-end rot and decay, and shortens storage life.
•Lemons 12-14ºC,85-90%humidity
•Oranges 4ºC
•Mandarin 5-6ºC
Figure 4.2.1 Post-harvest Citrus Handling System (examples)
In the flow chart, key functions to be understood, effectively staffed, controlled, and
improved over time include:
A. Receipt: Pre-packing storage
Defect assessment
Assessment of risk of fruit injury
Wet dump composition
B. Washing: Fungicide application
C. Waxing: Rates and type of coating
Fruit coverage
D. Grading: Standards
Size bands
Consistency and throughput
E. Packing: Fruit uniformity
Fruit labels
Carton weights
Carton condition
To Packhouse
Water dump
± chlorine
Water spray over brushes
Dry: prefer warm air
Wax spray over brushes
Dry: prefer warm air
Fungicide drench
Dry dump
Water spray and cleaner
Fungicide spray
Dry: prefer warm air
5.1 Calendar of operations
Noel Brown
The following calendar shows the likely growth stages and operations in a year of citrus
growing. For details of operations and key timings you should refer to relevant chapters
in this manual. It is not possible to cover all situations, but the calendar is split into
sections. These are: planting and caring for a new planting; nutrition; weed, pest and
disease control; crop and harvest management; and husbandry topics, such as crop
thinning, pruning, irrigation and frost control.
For all operations, dates will differ significantly from district to district. In drier areas,
such as Gisborne, there is at present little need to monitor or spray for Verrucosis or
Alternaria. In some places fruit may mature much earlier than in others, even in the
same district. The calendar shows the earliest date a situation or operation may occur.
With lemons there may be two to three harvest periods, and these will vary with cultivars
and market requirements.
Some operations specific to organic or sustainable growing and their timing are shown on
the calendar. Refer to the chapter on organic management for the relevant information.
It is suggested that all growers read that chapter to assist their understanding of the
various pests and diseases on citrus.
For profitable citrus growing, trees must establish and grow rapidly to produce high
yields of good quality fruit that meet market requirements.
A number of operations are critical in determining fruit quality in the market place: tree
nutrition; tree and orchard management; correct harvest date; harvesting dry fruit and
curing fruit where appropriate; careful handling from tree to supermarket with good
hygiene, and fruit that is substantially free from pests and diseases. Dirty, bruised and
marked fruit is not wanted by the markets.
Section 5.
Calendar of Operations
5.1 Calendar of operations
Growing Citrus in New Zealand
A practical guide
© Copyright 2001
New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated
ISBN 0-478-06829-8
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without prior written
permission of the New Zealand Citrus Growers Inc., P.O. Box 10629 Wellington.
The New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated and the authors have taken reasonable steps and
exercised skill, care and diligence in producing this publication to meet the needs of the growers
and the market. However, there is no implicit or expressed warranty that the information is free from
error or omission and the advice given in the publication is at the user’s risk. Similarly, no specific
endorsement for any of the branded products mentioned by our advertisers is implied, and no
responsibility will be accepted for any crop loss caused by the use of any chemical mentioned.
Readers are reminded that this Manual was published in 2001 and has not been updated since that
time. Some information included in the manual may be out of date and readers are strongly advised
to obtain current advice from a consultant.
for flower thinning of
Satsuma mandarins.
Planting and caring
for a new orchard
Nutrition Weed, pest and
disease control
Crop and harvest
Have quality trees ordered
Check for scale, mites,
leafroller, mealy bug regularly
over the sumer
Check soil moisture and
irrigate if needed.
Soil test. Final thin on mandarins.
Control problem weeds.
Check drainage and install
system if needed
Growth stage
Autumn growth flush
Apply N fertilisers. Spray to keep weed free
under trees.
Mulch trees for weed
control and fertility.*
Watch for rind puffiness.
April Early mandarins near
harvest maturity
Cultivate deep rip and
incorporate fertilisers prior
to planting if needed.
Monthly foliar sprays fish/
seaweed etc*.
Avoid glyphosphate contact
with fruit as it will mark fruit.
Prune shelters.
Create planting mounds
if they will be used.
Plan irrigation.
Soil test in autumn/ winter
every 2 years at marked sites.
Brown rot copper sprays on
lower metre of tree early winter.
Check early Satsuma
mandarins for Brix and
acid levels
Clean drains.
Watch for slugs/snails.
Stopdrop on navels and
Colour break in navels. Plant in autumn or spring.
at colourbreak for late
harvest of navels.
Keep bud union clear of soil.
Cultivate, mow, irrigate.
May Mulch*. Frost precautions.
No root and shoot
Nutrient uptake by roots
Avoid excess K levels in
Check Brix and acid
levels of mid season
Mid season mandarins
near harvest
Use residual herbicides
with care.
P, K, S, Mg, Ca, Lime
applications and any trace
elements if needed.
Remove dead and weak
shaded shoots to assist
melanose control
Lemon harvest at silver
Apply residual herbicides
July Spread compost, RPR, lime,
gypsum, dolomite etc as
Check navel Brix and acid.
Prune lemons after harvest.
Open up canopy and
remove dead twigs.
Harvest navels,
grapefruit & lemons
Check Brix and acid on
tangelos and others near
August Install irrigation systems.
Second Stopdrop for
navels and grapefruit if
they are to be harvested
Apply N fertilisers in ‘on year’
with navel and Valencia
oranges to reduce biennial
Prunning after harvest
and before flowering.
Harvest Seminole
Richards Special near
Apply fertilisers if needed
taking care to avoid contact
with trunk.
Spot spray weeds
Spring growth flush. Foliar spray monthly over
spring and summer*.
Check for scale, mites, aphids Check granulation in
Check and flush irrigation
Plant maize windbreaks.
Culivate if used for the
summer period.
Maintain weed free over
summer months.
Harwood, Encore near harvest.
Foliar fetilisers applied to
growth flush
Flowering begins soon. Rub off unwanted lower shoot
Check trees regularly for citrus
red mite.
Consider N, P, Mn, Zn,
Mg Mo, B.
Fullers rose weevil. Maintain
good weed control and
remove low branches
Apply trunk barriers if required.
Leave headlands unmown for
predator habitat.
Fruit set.
Verrucosis protection as
Irrigate for good moisture levels
needed for fruit set
Weed control - spot spray.
Fertilisers. Wet weather diseases.
Pruning and hedging after
Thrip control.Tree training and shoot
Fruitlet drop begins.
Deficit irrigation for Satsuma
fruit quality.
Remove any flowers & young fruit. Fuller rose weevil, scale,
leafroller, mealy bug,
citrus red mite, rust mite.
Growth flush. Foliar fertilsers.
Hand thin mandarins after fruit
drop has ended
Plan for GA
in June for fruit
thinning of Satsuma mandarins.
Rapid fruit sizing. N fertilsers.
Regreening of Harwoods
and Encore.
Rubbing lower shoots.
Watch for aphids and control if
numbers are high.
Second had thin on mandarins.
Leaf sampling for nutrient analysis.
Foliar fertilisers if deficiency
symptoms present.
Verrucosis protecion on young
autumn growth.
Autumn growth flush. Foliar fertilisers if required.
Autumn weed control.Autumn weed control. Final hand thin to remove reject
mandarin fruit.
Gound applied N fertilisers.
Note: Lemons have three growth flushes and fruit sets to protect.
*Operations in organic culture
†Test for Brix:acid
_Verrucosis, botrytis, melanose and alternaria. See chapter for details on control and susceptible cultivars.
for flower thinning of
Satsuma mandarins.
Planting and caring
for a new orchard
Nutrition Weed, pest and
disease control
Crop and harvest
Have quality trees ordered
Check for scale, mites,
leafroller, mealy bug regularly
over the sumer
Check soil moisture and
irrigate if needed.
Soil test. Final thin on mandarins.
Control problem weeds.
Check drainage and install
system if needed
Growth stage
Autumn growth flush
Apply N fertilisers. Spray to keep weed free
under trees.
Mulch trees for weed
control and fertility.*
Watch for rind puffiness.
April Early mandarins near
harvest maturity
Cultivate deep rip and
incorporate fertilisers prior
to planting if needed.
Monthly foliar sprays fish/
seaweed etc*.
Avoid glyphosphate contact
with fruit as it will mark fruit.
Prune shelters.
Create planting mounds
if they will be used.
Plan irrigation.
Soil test in autumn/ winter
every 2 years at marked sites.
Brown rot copper sprays on
lower metre of tree early winter.
Check early Satsuma
mandarins for Brix and
acid levels
Clean drains.
Watch for slugs/snails.
Stopdrop on navels and
Colour break in navels. Plant in autumn or spring.
at colourbreak for late
harvest of navels.
Keep bud union clear of soil.
Cultivate, mow, irrigate.
May Mulch*. Frost precautions.
No root and shoot
Nutrient uptake by roots
Avoid excess K levels in
Check Brix and acid
levels of mid season
Mid season mandarins
near harvest
Use residual herbicides
with care.
P, K, S, Mg, Ca, Lime
applications and any trace
elements if needed.
Remove dead and weak
shaded shoots to assist
melanose control
Lemon harvest at silver
Apply residual herbicides
July Spread compost, RPR, lime,
gypsum, dolomite etc as
Check navel Brix and acid.
Prune lemons after harvest.
Open up canopy and
remove dead twigs.
Harvest navels,
grapefruit & lemons
Check Brix and acid on
tangelos and others near
August Install irrigation systems.
Second Stopdrop for
navels and grapefruit if
they are to be harvested
Apply N fertilisers in ‘on year’
with navel and Valencia
oranges to reduce biennial
Prunning after harvest
and before flowering.
Harvest Seminole
Richards Special near
Apply fertilisers if needed
taking care to avoid contact
with trunk.
Spot spray weeds
Spring growth flush. Foliar spray monthly over
spring and summer*.
Check for scale, mites, aphids Check granulation in
Check and flush irrigation
Plant maize windbreaks.
Culivate if used for the
summer period.
Maintain weed free over
summer months.
Harwood, Encore near harvest.
Foliar fetilisers applied to
growth flush
Flowering begins soon. Rub off unwanted lower shoot
Check trees regularly for citrus
red mite.
Consider N, P, Mn, Zn,
Mg Mo, B.
Fullers rose weevil. Maintain
good weed control and
remove low branches
Apply trunk barriers if required.
Leave headlands unmown for
predator habitat.
Fruit set.
Verrucosis protection as
Irrigate for good moisture levels
needed for fruit set
Weed control - spot spray.
Fertilisers. Wet weather diseases.
Pruning and hedging after
Thrip control.Tree training and shoot
Fruitlet drop begins.
Deficit irrigation for Satsuma
fruit quality.
Remove any flowers & young fruit. Fuller rose weevil, scale,
leafroller, mealy bug,
citrus red mite, rust mite.
Growth flush. Foliar fertilsers.
Hand thin mandarins after fruit
drop has ended
Plan for GA
in June for fruit
thinning of Satsuma mandarins.
Rapid fruit sizing. N fertilsers.
Regreening of Harwoods
and Encore.
Rubbing lower shoots.
Watch for aphids and control if
numbers are high.
Second had thin on mandarins.
Leaf sampling for nutrient analysis.
Foliar fertilisers if deficiency
symptoms present.
Verrucosis protecion on young
autumn growth.
Autumn growth flush. Foliar fertilisers if required.
Autumn weed control.Autumn weed control. Final hand thin to remove reject
mandarin fruit.
Gound applied N fertilisers.
Figure 5.1 Annual calendar of operations (Management operations common to all cultivars unless otherwise shown)
6.1 Citrus viruses
Pauline Mooney
Many different viruses and virus-like diseases affect citrus trees. Symptoms vary from
relatively harmless infections, such as citrus vein-enation virus, to rapid death of trees,
as caused by severe strains of citrus tristeza virus. Although the majority of citrus viruses
and viroids do not kill the trees, most are debilitating and will reduce growth. They may
also have adverse effects on external and internal quality of the fruit and therefore
reduce overall production of an orchard.
The virus and virus-like diseases currently known to occur in New Zealand are citrus
tristeza virus (CTV), citrus vein-enation virus (CVEV), citrus psorosis complex and citrus
exocortis viroid (CEV).
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV)
Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) represents the biggest threat to worldwide citrus production.
It is believed to have originated in Asia, where it existed unrecognised for centuries,
possibly because the commonly grown citrus cultivars were highly tolerant. CTV quick
decline of trees on sour-orange rootstocks was first identified in Australia and New
Zealand in 1940. The CTV had not been isolated at that time and the death of the trees
was attributed to a scion:rootstocks ‘incompatibility problem’.
In retrospect, this misidentification of the disease was very fortunate, as the New Zealand
citrus propagators of the day had to use altemative rootstocks such as Poncirus trifoliata
(or ‘trifoliata’), citranges, and sweet orange which did not show this ‘incompatibility
problem’. Consequently, although we have the quick-decline strains of CTV in New
Zealand, our industry has been based on rootstock varieties resistant or tolerant to CTV
and we have not suffered the devastating tree losses to CTV of those counties using
sour orange as their major rootstock variety.
Unfortunately, strains of CTV that create severe stem pitting can cause losses even on
CTV tolerant rootstocks. Tree stunting and yield losses due to these strains of CTV are
evident in New Zealand citrus orchards.
Since 1993, CTV isolates have been collected from superior clonal trees of 33 different
citrus cultivars grown in the different citrus growing regions of New Zealand. Screening
of CTV isolates on Madam Vinous, Eureka lemon, West Indian lime, and sour orange
indicator seedlings demonstrated that severe stem pitting (Figure. 6.1.1) and seedling
yellows strains of CTV were widespread throughout New Zealand. Milder forms of
the disease were produced by some isolates of the virus, which either lacked both the
seedling yellows and stem-pitting symptom components or lacked seedling yellows
symptoms but expressed a mild form of stem pitting. Fortunately, the orange-stem pitting
CTV strain recently found in Australia and Brazil has not been found in New Zealand.
CTV is spread in the field by aphid species which transmit the disease with varying
degrees of efficacy. The most efficient vector of CTV is the brown citrus aphid (Toxoptera
citricida), which is widespread in New Zealand. CTV is also readily spread in infected
budwood. Consequently, we must be aware of two factors: (1) the need to stringently
exclude any introduction of severe strains, and (2) the need for mild strain protection of
susceptible New Zealand citrus cultivars in the future.
Strict control by quarantine must be continued in order to prevent the introduction of more
severe strains, which may attack combinations other than those on sour orange or attack
cultivars which are tolerant to strains already present. For growers and nurserymen, this
means never ever considering illegal importation of citrus budwood.
The New Zealand CTV Cross Protection Programme was initiated in July 1993. Cross
protection works upon the basis that if you inoculate trees with mild CTV isolate
Section 6.
Pests and Diseases
6.1 Citrus viruses
6.2 Citrus diseases
6.3 Citrus pests
6.4 Pest and disease control programmes
6.5 Weed control
Growing Citrus in New Zealand
A practical guide
© Copyright 2001
New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated
ISBN 0-478-06829-8
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without prior written
permission of the New Zealand Citrus Growers Inc., P.O. Box 10629 Wellington.
The New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated and the authors have taken reasonable steps and
exercised skill, care and diligence in producing this publication to meet the needs of the growers
and the market. However, there is no implicit or expressed warranty that the information is free from
error or omission and the advice given in the publication is at the user’s risk. Similarly, no specific
endorsement for any of the branded products mentioned by our advertisers is implied, and no
responsibility will be accepted for any crop loss caused by the use of any chemical mentioned.
Readers are reminded that this Manual was published in 2001 and has not been updated since that
time. Some information included in the manual may be out of date and readers are strongly advised
to obtain current advice from a consultant.
Viroids are the smallest and structurally best characterised infectious agents known at
present. Unlike viruses, which have a protein coat, viroids are simply pieces of naked RNA.
The two viroids of greatest significance economically are citrus exocortis viroid (CEV) and
cachexia viroid (CVIIb). Citrus viroids are primarily transmitted through infected budwood.
They are also readily transmitted mechanically on infected cutting and pruning tools.
Although we escaped the impact of CTV quick decline by basing our industry predominantly
on trifoliata, we do have a problem with this rootstock, as it is particularly sensitive to
infection by CEV. Symptoms of CEV infection in trees on trifoliata first become apparent
four to eight years after planting, and include mild to severe bark cracking and scaling on
the rootstock portion of the tree (Figure. 6.1.6). The bark cracking and scaling impedes
the flow of both nutrients and water between the roots and canopy of the tree, resulting
in reduced tree vigour, stunting, and losses in fruit quality and yield.
Citrus viroid detection and identification is based upon symptoms produced on the
biological indicator Etrog citron. Graft-transmission of viroids using buds from infected
field trees to Etrog citron indicator plants produces leaf symptoms indicative of viroid
infection, including various degrees of leaf curling (Figure. 6.1.7). The presence of the
viroid(s) is then confirmed, confirmation being based upon banding patterns of extracted
viroid RNA analysed by sequential polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In New Zealand,
CEV has been extracted and positively identified from Villafranca and Genoa lemons.
Orchard and nursery hygiene
Citrus viroids are readily spread through infected budwood, on infected cutting tools (e.g.,
secateurs, clippers, and budding knives) and can be spread from infected to neighbouring
trees within an orchard by root grafting. Once a tree is infected with a viroid there is
no way, other than pulling it out, of getting rid of the infection. Fortunately, mechanical
transmission is easily prevented through the use of clean budwood and simple hygiene
techniques. Hygiene is particularly important in the nursery. Sterilisation of budding
knives and secateurs should be done at least between each budding batch. A sodium
hypochlorite dip (e.g., commercial strength Janola) for a few seconds will effectively
sterilise blades; this should be followed by a neutralising dip in a mild acid solution,
such as white vinegar, to prevent blade corrosion.
There are no cures for virus or viroid infected trees. In order to keep New Zealand citrus
orchards free from debilitating citrus pathogens the following must be ensured:
• Securequarantinesystemstoeliminatediseasesinlegalbudwoodimports.
of citrus tristeza virus.
• Processingofallcommercialcitruscultivarsthroughshoot-tipgraftinginorderto
eliminate debilitating viruses and viroids.
(symptomless or causing only mild symptoms) and later infect with a severe isolate,
the symptoms of the severe isolate will not be expressed. This approach at present
appears promising in controlling stem-pitting symptoms in trees on tolerant rootstock
varieties. Once reliable mild strains have been identified, susceptible cultivars will be
pre-immunised with the mild strain and budwood of these cultivars will be released
through the New Zealand Citrus Budwood Scheme.
Citrus psorosis
Citrus psorosis is a disease of citrus commonly known as scaly bark. It causes a loss of
vigour which is accompanied by reduced fruit quality and dramatic reduction in yield.
Severe infections can result in the death of scaffold branches and occasionally the
entire tree.
Psorosis is now believed to be a complex of diseases with each component caused
by a different virus, and each differing widely in its effect on the trees. Based upon
their symptoms, two distinct forms of the disease, Psorosis A and Psorosis B, have
been identified. Psorosis A causes bark scaling lesions on the trunk and limbs of sweet
orange, mandarin, and grapefruit cultivars (Figure. 6.1.2). Gum may appear on the edges
of these lesions and young xylem may become impregnated with gum. Psorosis B has
similar but more severe lesions and causes distinctive chlorotic flecking and streaking
on young leaves (Figure. 6.1.3) and sunken regions on the rind of the fruit. Occasionally
in a nursery situation, shock symptoms on new shoots of susceptible cultivars may be
observed (Figure. 6.1.4). The shock symptoms are characterised by the sudden death
of young shoots.
Purification of viruses from leaf and bark tissues of trees of Satsuma and tangor cultivars
has identified mixed infections of two distinct virus particles: rigid and flexuous rods.
Electron microscope observations of these particles suggest that these trees were
infected with the citrus ringspot virus, a component of the psorosis complex. These
results, coupled with observations of bark scaling and leaf flecking in field trees of
Satsuma mandarin, New Zealand grapefruit, tangor and tangelo cultivars, suggest that
citrus psorosis virus is reasonably widespread in New Zealand. Most citrus species
are symptomless carriers of this disease complex. The psorosis virus complex can be
transmitted both mechanically and in infected budwood. It can also be transmitted
through seed, hence it is important to ensure a psorosis-free source of seed is confirmed
before propagating rootstocks for production. At present, psorosis is the only known
seed-borne citrus virus.
Citrus vein-enation virus
Citrus vein-enation virus is widespread throughout the cooler citrus growing regions of
the world. It is symptomless in the majority of citrus cultivars and is not considered of
major economic importance. CVEV is spread by the brown citrus aphid and in infected
budwood. It is linked to the formation of wood galls on the trunks and branches of
rough and Volkamer lemons. Severe infection on these rootstocks has been reported
to eventually cause tree decline. Rough lemon is not a commercial rootstock in New
Zealand and consequently, although widespread, this pathogen does not pose a major
threat to our industry.
At Kerikeri Research Centre, graft-transmission by bark patches from field trees of citrus
to sensitive indicator plants has confirmed the presence of CVEV. Symptoms of enations
have been observed on the leaves of indicator plants bark-grafted with patches from a
wide range of cultivars from all citrus-growing regions in New Zealand. Vein-enations
appear as small galls on the veins on the underside of the leaves (Figure. 6.1.5).
New Zealand is one of the wettest regions in the world in which commercial citrus
is grown. Under these humid conditions, fungal and bacterial diseases thrive. These
diseases are responsible for most of the blemishes which occur on the rind of fruit and
which reduce market value. Citrus growers need to know the causes of diseases so that
effective control measures can be taken.
Melanose (Figure. 6.2.1) affects most varieties of citrus and can be particularly severe
on grapefruit. Typical symptoms are small, reddish to dark-brown, flattened or raised
scabs (0.5-1.0 mm in diameter) on fruit, leaves, and stems. The scabs may occur singly,
or in masses which can impart a brown varnish-like coating over affected parts. Where
infection is heavy, leaves and stems may be severely distorted. On fruit, symptoms
can range from isolated ‘fly specks’ to large areas of scabbing and discoloration that
sometimes resemble rust mite injury. Tear-streak and water-droplet patterns of scabs
on fruit and leaves, and the rough, sandpaper-like feel of infected leaves and stems of
some varieties, are characteristic features of melanose.
The disease is caused by the fungus Diaporthe citri (Phomopsis citri), which lives and
reproduces in the dead wood on a tree. Spores are formed in microscopic fruiting bodies
embedded within the dead tissues. During wet conditions, spores are extruded to the
surface through small pores and dispersed throughout the tree by rain. Rain showers
during the day, with trees remaining wet throughout the night, are ideal conditions
for melanose infection. Spores being washed over the fruit leads to the characteristic
streaks and tear drop patterns.
Only young, rapidly growing tissues can be infected by melanose. By the time leaves are
fully expanded they are resistant. The stage at which fruit are no longer affected is not
known with certainty under New Zealand conditions, but it is generally considered that
when oranges are about 40 mm in diameter and grapefruit about 80 mm in diameter,
they are no longer susceptible.
The early symptoms of melanose are not easily seen against the dark-green background
of young fruit but become visible as the fruit changes colour. This often leads to the
mistaken impression that new infections are occurring late in the season.
Melanose scabs on fruit, leaves, and twigs represent a ‘resistance reaction’ by the host
that halts further invasion of the tissues. The fungus does not usually survive in the scabs,
and does not spread from fruit to fruit or from infected leaves to fruit.
Effective control depends on reducing the spore production in the canopy by removing
dead wood, combined with protecting young tissue from infection with fungicides.
Ideally, dead wood should be removed annually. Weak and overgrown shoots and those
growing on the underside of branches and terminal clusters should also be removed
during winter pruning. This will remove a potential source of dead wood and open up
the canopy, allowing better spray penetration and coverage.
Copper fungicides (copper oxychloride or cupric hydroxide products) are the mainstay
of melanose control. Phaltan also has an approved label claim for melanose control
in New Zealand.
Figure 6.1.1 Citrus tristeza virus
stem-pitting symptoms evident
under the bark on young shoot of
Madame vinous sweet orange.
Figure 6.1.2 Citrus psorosis bark-scaling symtoms
on Silverhill Satsuma mandarin trunk.
Figure 6.1.3 Citrus psorosis
chlorotic flecking and
streaking on young leaves.
Figure 6.1.4 Citrus psorosis shock symtoms on nursery plant.
Figure 6.1.5 Citrus vein-enation
virus galls on underside of leaf
of sour orange seedling. Insert
shows close-up of galls.
Figure 6.1.6 Citrus exocortis
viroid bark cracking on trifoliate
Figure 6.1.7 Citrus exocortis viroid
leaf-curling symtoms on Etrog citron
(healthy plant in the right)
6.2 Citrus diseases
R.A. Fullerton, J.L. Tyson, P.R. Sale
sites within the canopy. The long-term aim should be to reduce the amount of disease
in the canopy (reducing the amount of inoculum) and to maintain it at a low level. This
will greatly facilitate control from season to season.
Citrus scab (Verrucosis)
Citrus scab (verrucosis) (Figure. 6.2.3) affects the fruit, leaves, and stems of lemons
and some other citrus varieties. Infections take place on juvenile tissues, leading to the
typical raised, grey to light-brown, corky scabs on fruit and leaves often accompanied
by conspicuous distortion of the leaf laminae and surface of the fruit. In severe cases,
the petals and sepals of developing buds also become infected. Buds become hardened
and open irregularly. Water held between touching leaves and fruit promotes infection,
and often leads to patches of severe scabbing on fruit. As the fruit enlarge, the scab
surface may break up into small, fine scabs that can resemble wind scar. The distortions
caused by scab can sometimes resemble those caused by Botrytis. Both may be present
on the same fruit and diagnosis can be difficult.
Citrus scab is caused by the fungus Elsinoe fawcettii (Sphaceloma fawcettii). The fungus
lives in the corky tissues of the scabs. During wet weather, spores are produced on the
scabs and are spread by wind-driven rain and rain splash. The fungus can infect citrus
at almost any time that young, succulent growth is present. Leaves are most susceptible
to infection just as they emerge from the bud and they become immune before reaching
full size. Fruit remain susceptible to infection for about three months after petal fall.
Different cultivars vary in their susceptibility to scab. Highly susceptible cultivars
commonly grown in New Zealand are Yen Ben, Villafranca, Meyer lemon, Lemonade,
and Clementine and Kara mandarins. Satsuma mandarins are mildly susceptible.
Copper fungicides (copper oxychloride, cupric hydroxide products) and Phaltan have
approved label claims for control of scab. Applications should be made before flowering
and again at half to three-quarters petal fall. Further applications may be made at three
to four week intervals if the orchard is heavily affected. A simple guideline is to respray
protectant fungicides after 100 mm cumulative rainfall. In orchards where the disease
is widespread, application of copper fungicide just before the spring growth flush will
reduce infection on the young leaves and petals and reduce subsequent disease pressure
on the highly susceptible juvenile fruit.
The disease tends to spread quite locally, leading to distinct ‘hot spots’ in orchard blocks.
As with Alternaria, if the disease within the canopy can be maintained at a low level it
should be relatively easy to control.
Botrytis blossom blight and fruit distortion
Botrytis blossom blight and fruit distortion (Figure. 6.2.4) are caused by the common grey
mould fungus, Botrytis cinerea. During wet or humid weather, the fungus can establish
on citrus petals and stamens as a conspicuous furry growth of grey fungal threads and
powdery spores. This form of the disease can destroy individual flowers, clusters of
blossom, or initiate a die-back that progresses several centimetres down the peduncle
(flower stalk). Fruit distortion arises when infected petals and stamens cling to the
surface of the newly formed fruitlet. The fungus causes microscopic damage to a few
epidermal cells which, as the fruit expands, gives rise to unsightly distortions in the form
of projections and ridges. Severe cases are grotesquely misshapen, but mild cases are
difficult to distinguish from mild symptoms of citrus scab (verrucosis).
Young fruit are extremely susceptible from petal fall onwards. A copper spray before
blossom opening will ensure fungicide in the canopy is being redistributed on to the
young fruitlets as the flowers open. A further fungicide application should be made
at about one-half to two-thirds petal fall and another three to four weeks later if wet
conditions occur. Copper fungicides applied after infection has occurred can accentuate
the symptoms of melanose.
Brown spot (Alternaria spot)
Brown spot (Alternaria spot) (Figure. 6.2.2), occurs on fruit, leaves, and twigs of some
types of citrus. Typical symptoms on fruit are conspicuous circular, dark-brown to black
spots varying from small, dark, pin-heads to circular spots 3-5 mm in diameter. The spots
may be depressed or be in the form of corky scabs raised above the rind. Spots are often
light-brown or grey in the centre with a dark margin. It is common to have a range of
sizes and types of spot on one fruit. Fruit affected when very young become distorted
and many fall from the tree. On succulent young leaves and stems, spots may coalesce
into irregular patches and will occasionally cause die-back of the shoot tips. Infected
leaves age prematurely and fall from the tree before hardening off.
The disease is caused by the fungus Alternaria citri. The fungus is a saprophyte, living
and reproducing only on dead tissues. Germinating spores produce a toxin that kills the
cells below and around the position of the spore. The fungus then establishes in the dead
tissues. Vegetative growth is affected only while it is tender and actively expanding.
Fruit are particularly susceptible while very young but can be damaged at any time from
fruit set until harvest, but early fruit infections cause the most extreme symptoms, often
causing fruit drop. Later infections disfigure the fruit and lower its market value.
Dew, intermittent rain, and humid conditions promote spore formation and germination.
Spores can be produced on dead tissue within 24 hours of its becoming wet, and are
readily dislodged and dispersed by rain or wind. Symptoms appear within two to three
days of spores germinating on the surface.
Infection sites within the canopy are the most important in perpetuating the disease.
The most common sources of spores are spots on fruit, lesions on young leaves, and the
abscission surfaces of buttons following fruit drop. In general, only a small proportion of
spots on fruit support spore production. Lesions on young leaves are important sources
of infection during growth flushes. However, they soon fall to the ground where they
rapidly decompose. Any period of fruit drop will result in a large number of buttons
available for colonisation and sporulation near the developing fruit.
The disease is restricted to only a few varieties of mandarin, tangelo, and tangor. In
New Zealand, Alternaria is most severe on Seminole tangelos. It can also affect Dweet
The most appropriate long-term solution to brown spot is to grow only resistant varieties.
Where susceptible varieties are grown, control is almost totally reliant on fungicides.
The programme of copper sprays used to control melanose will also protect against
Alternaria . Champ, Rovral, and Dithane M45 have approved label claims for use against
Alternaria . All are protective in nature, therefore regular applications will be necessary
for effective control. Applications should start before spring growth and be maintained
over the flowering period. Because fruit can be marked by Alternaria at any time, in
severely affected blocks particular attention should be given to growth flushes and
periods of heavy natural fruit drop, which will be providing an abundance of sporulation
Phytophthora is a soil-borne fungus which can cause diseases of the trunk (collar
rot, gummosis), roots (root rot), and fruit (brown rot). A number of different species
of Phytophthora affect citrus in New Zealand. P. citrophthora and P. citricola thrive at
moderate temperatures and commonly affect roots, trunks and fruit. P. hibernalis and P.
syringae, also found in New Zealand, will grow only in cool conditions (less than 20ºC)
and cause fruit rots during extended wet periods in the winter.
In trees with root rot, feeder roots become necrotic and tan to dark-brown in colour.
The outer layer of the root sloughs off to expose the internal woody tissue giving the
roots a stringy appearance. Above ground, there is yellowing of the leaves, defoliation,
and twig die-back. Commonly, one branch or one side of the tree may be more seriously
affected than the others.
Dark, water-soaked areas of bark extending from ground level, often accompanied by gum
extrusions, are symptoms of collar rot. Under the bark there is a light-brown discoloration
of tissues with a distinct margin between healthy and diseased wood. Dead bark soon
becomes colonised by other fungi, dries out and breaks away from the tree. The canopy
is often yellow and becomes sparse, resulting in a poor, undersized crop.
Although most of the commonly planted scion cultivars are moderately to highly
susceptible to direct infection of the bark, losses of trees as a result of above ground
trunk and branch cankers are not common in New Zealand.
Poncirus trifoliata (or ‘trifoliata’), the most commonly used rootstock in New Zealand, is
highly resistant to root and crown infection by Phytophthora. Because of the widespread
use of trifoliata rootstock in New Zealand, root diseases caused by Phytophthora are not
common. Troyer citrange also has a high tolerance. Sweet orange is more susceptible.
If susceptible rootstocks are used, care must be taken in nurseries to ensure that only
disease free material is distributed to orchards. Nursery operations for susceptible stocks
should include hot water treatment of seed (52ºC for 10 minutes), use of fumigated soil
or ‘new’ land for planting stocks, soil drenches (Ridomil), and foliar sprays (Foli-R-Fos,
Aliette) to prevent the infection of young plants.
Trees on susceptible rootstocks should only be planted in well-drained sites, and over-
watering should be avoided. Trees should be budded well above the soil line and planted
no deeper than they were in the nursery. Care should be taken to ensure that the bark
of the trees is not damaged, that weeds around the trees are controlled, and that the
tree trunk is free of mulch and litter. This will improve the air movement and reduce
moisture around the trunk.
Trimming diseased bark on trunks and branches and painting the affected area with
a slurry of copper oxychloride has been a common method of treating affected trees.
More effective methods based on foliar sprays and trunk treatments with phosphorus
acid are becoming available.
Brown rot
Brown rot is the infection of citrus fruit by Phytophthora that results in a dull grey-brown
rot, usually on one side of the fruit (Figure. 6.2.6). The rind remains firm and leathery
and there is often a darker spot in the centre of the lesion where the infection began.
The rot penetrates deep into the fruit and produces a characteristic pungent odour.
Botrytis can also cause a destructive fruit rot (grey mould) in stored citrus but is not
normally a problem in New Zealand.
Botrytis can live and produce spores on all types of decaying plant material. In lemon
orchards it is perpetuated in the dead petals and stamens of successive flower flushes
throughout the year. Periods of wet weather lead to the production of huge numbers of
spores on the dead tissues and the subsequent colonisation of new blossoms. Because
the fungus thrives at cool to moderate temperatures (12-18ºC), Botrytis is active
throughout the year.
Blossom blight and fruit distortion are most serious on standard lemon cultivars. Fruit
distortion can also occur on Meyer lemons and Seminole tangelos. Cultivars of standard
lemons differ in their reaction to Botrytis. While Yen Ben appears to be more susceptible
to blossom blight than either Genoa or Villafranca, the latter varieties are more severely
affected by fruit distortion.
There are no fungicides with approved label claims for control of Botrytis in citrus. It is
probably questionable whether it would be economic to apply fungicides specifically
for Botrytis. However, petal fall applications of fungicide for other purposes (melanose,
verrucosis, Alternaria) will possibly exert some control over it.
Satsuma anthracnose
This disease can be very severe on Satsuma mandarins in all citrus growing areas of
New Zealand. In some years it is the main cause of fruit rejection at grading. Symptoms
range from diffuse brown speckling and tear-drop patterns, to brown, scald-like patches
on the surface of the fruit (Figure. 6.2.5). Severely affected areas are at first firm, shiny
and dark-brown with a distinct margin. With age, the skin tissue at the centres of the
scalded areas tends to collapse and dry out. Superficially, the symptoms may resemble
oil burn. When fruit are lightly infected, the disease seldom develops beyond the speckle
or tear-drop stage and represents a primarily cosmetic disorder. Severely infected fruit
may rot in storage.
The disease is caused by the fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, which invades
moribund woody tissue in the tree. The fungus forms fruiting bodies on the dead tissue
and produces large numbers of spores that are spread by rain wash and splashing. The
spores germinate on the surface of the young fruit and a few cells in the immediate
vicinity of each infection site die. With light infection, the fruit tend to become speckled.
In Satsuma mandarins, the peduncles left on the tree after thinning are a major source
of spores. Fruit located directly below infected peduncles are usually severely disfigured
by teardrop staining and ‘scald’ symptoms. Infections can occur at almost any stage of
fruit development but symptoms on young fruit are not easily seen against the dark green
background of the fruit. As the fruit begins to colour affected areas become obvious,
often giving the mistaken impression that the disease is just occurring or is ‘spreading’.
In most cases infection would have taken place many weeks beforehand.
There has been no research on the details of the life cycle or control of this disease in
New Zealand. Observations suggest that peduncles become infected soon after thinning
and produce spores within the same season. As a result, most developing fruit are in
close proximity to colonised peduncles that produce a new crop of spores each wet
period. This gives particular problems for control. There are no fungicides with label
claims for the control of this disease. Fungicides such as copper (copper oxychloride,
cupric hydroxide products) Dithane M45 and Phaltan are likely to be active against the
fungus. A more detailed knowledge of the life cycle of the fungus is required in order
to recommend the most appropriate timing of applications.
Sooty blotch occurs in wet or humid conditions when the fruit remain moist for extended
periods. It is commonly found on fruit in the centres of trees and, particularly if there
are tall weeds, on the lower branches.
Pruning (to open up and allow aeration of the centres of trees) and skirting (to lift branches
above the grass) will help to reduce the incidence of sooty blotch. The routine fungicide
spray programmes early in the season for melanose and verrucosis, and later for brown
rot (Phytophthora), will also protect against sooty blotch.
Green and blue mould
Green mould (Figure. 6.2.7), caused by the fungus Penicillium digitatum, is the most
destructive post-harvest disease of citrus in New Zealand. Not only can a large proportion
of the fruit become rotted, but also fruit lying adjacent to or below rotted fruit in the
boxes can become contaminated and disfigured by masses of powdery spores.
The first symptoms of green mould appear two to three days after infection as a clear or
slightly discoloured soft, water-soaked spot around a point of injury. The spot expands
rapidly (up to 30-40 mm in diameter within 24 hours at temperatures of 21-25ºC). A
white fungal growth (the mycelium) appears on the surface of the rot and continues
to spread as the spot enlarges, usually remaining about 10 mm behind the expanding
edge of the rot. The characteristic masses of olive-green spores are produced first at
the centre with the sporulating area extending out over the rot. The whole fruit may be
rotted within two to three days and become covered by a dry, dusty, olive-green spore
mass. In some cases, practically the whole fruit is affected by the clear rot before surface
fungal growth and sporulation occurs. This variation of green mould development is
often mistaken for sour rot caused by Geotrichum candidum. If the relative humidity
remains low, e.g., in packing sheds, the rotted fruit may form a wrinkled, dry mummy.
Under moist conditions, as on the orchard floor, yeasts and other fungi also colonise the
fruit and it rapidly decomposes.
The fungus is found almost everywhere in orchard soil and debris, and is common in dust
and debris in and around packing sheds. The fungus sporulates prolifically and the spores
are readily spread by wind and rain splash. Green mould generally requires physical
injury to the skin for infection. Spores present on the surface of the fruit germinate in
the wound. Even the slightest injuries can lead to infections; most of these probably
originate in the field, either from natural injuries or during harvest. The incidence of rots
generally increases as the season progresses, with large numbers of infected windfall
fruit producing high levels of inoculum in the orchard and heavy dews or wet harvesting
conditions providing ideal conditions for infection. Damage inflicted during subsequent
packing provides further opportunity for infection. Because, in general, injury is necessary
for infection, there is usually little spread from rotted to sound fruit during transit.
The fungus can grow over a wide range of temperatures, from around 3ºC to above
35ºC. The maximum rate of growth occurs from 25-28ºC. At normal citrus coolstore
temperatures of 3-5ºC, infections establish and spread slowly. Removal to warmer
conditions then leads to the rapid collapse of those fruit.
Blue mould (Figure. 6.2.8), caused by the related fungus Penicillium italicum, is less
common than green mould but can cause considerable losses in cool-store fruit.
The early symptoms are similar to those of green mould, with a clear water-soaked
spot expanding from the point of infection. Generally the rot expands more slowly than
green mould and may not cover the whole fruit. The most distinguishing feature is the
distinctive blue colour of the sporulating area, surrounded by a relatively narrow band
of white, non-sporulating mycelium.
Affected fruit fall readily from the tree, and in high humidity, white fungal growth may
become evident on the fruit surface.
Phytophthora grows and reproduces on both living and dead tissue in almost all New
Zealand soils. Because the fungus requires water for spore production and infection, root
and trunk rots occur most often in sites with poor drainage and frequent waterlogging.
Fruit infections are initiated during wet conditions when spores are splashed from the
soil on to fruit that are touching, or near, the ground. If wet weather persists, spores
produced on those fruit are splashed or blown on to fruit higher on the tree.
The disease attacks fruit of all cultivars and can be particularly serious on lemons and
New Zealand grapefruit.
Brown rot can usually be controlled by a combination of cultural and chemical means.
The ground should be kept free of ponded water by surface drains or contouring, and
weeds and low branches should be removed to promote air circulation and to reduce
contact between soil and leaves and fruit. The orchard should be managed to encourage
rapid drying of fruit and foliage after rain. Shelter belts should be topped to avoid excess
shading, and thinned to ensure air movement through the orchard. Overgrown trees
should be pruned to encourage air movement through the canopy.
Fungicide sprays applied to the soil and the lower part of the tree before anticipated wet
weather help to prevent brown rot. Copper fungicides (copper oxychloride and the cupric
hydroxide range), Dithane M45 and Captan have approved label claims for the control of
Phytophthora in citrus. Applications are normally made in autumn to provide protection
into the harvest season. In very wet conditions, or in orchards with a previous history of
heavy infection, a second application may be necessary in July for late harvested fruit.
Sooty mould
Sooty mould is a black, superficial fungal growth on the fruit, leaves, and stems of citrus
trees that are infested with sap-sucking insects, such as scale insects, aphids, mealybugs,
and whitefly. These insects excrete a sugary substance (honeydew) which provides the
food base on which the fungus grows. A range of different fungi can be associated
with sooty mould, the most common one in New Zealand being Capnodium salicinum.
Although sooty mould does not penetrate the host tissues, in severe cases it can affect
tree performance by intercepting light and reducing photosynthesis. Sooty mould on the
fruit makes it unsuitable for sale. Washing or brushing may remove most of the mould
but enough usually remains to reduce the value of the fruit.
In general, problems with sooty mould indicate high populations of sap sucking insects,
which will need to be controlled. Routine spray programmes for soft scale, whitefly, etc.,
will generally eliminate problems with sooty mould. Oil sprays will have a dual effect
of controlling some of the pests that produce honeydew as well as loosening the mould
deposits, assisting its removal by wind and rain. Routine copper spraying also helps to
reduce the incidence of sooty mould.
Sooty blotch
Sooty blotch is a light-brown shading of the surface of fruit, in patches, or in extreme
cases covering most of the surface. The blotches are caused by a single layer of dark-
brown fungal threads spreading over the surface. Although the fungus does not penetrate
the fruit, it is embedded in the cuticle and cannot be removed by washing. Several fungi
are known to cause sooty blotch, the most common being Gloeodes pomigena.
Sclerotinia, caused by the fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, is only weakly infectious on
citrus, and in New Zealand is really only of economic importance for Satsuma mandarins.
Infections, which occur in late spring and early summer under wet conditions, affect
lateral growth, causing greyish lesions that often girdle the stem and cause die-back.
In Florida, such infections are aptly known as ‘twig blight’.
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a widespread fungus that affects a wide range of crop plants
and weed species. It overwinters in the ground as a hard, black fungal body known as a
sclerotium. During wet periods in late spring or early summer the sclerotium produces a
fruiting body, or apothecium, on or just above the soil to the surface. This in turn produces
spores, which are released into the atmosphere and carried in air currents. If they land
on a susceptible host in the presence of adequate moisture and the right temperature,
infection can occur. In the case of Satsumas, laterals can be infected. New sclerotia
(produced on the stem lesions) can fall to the soil and carry over to the next season.
Sclerotia can survive in the soil for several seasons. Growing Satsumas on land previously
occupied by a susceptible crop, such as kiwifruit, tomatoes, lettuce, or beans increases
the risk of infection.
The risk of damage from Sclerotinia can be reduced by cultural measures. Cutting out
and burning infected and dead shoots prevents the sclerotia from returning to the soil
to carry the infection forward to future seasons. Creating an environment in the orchard
that will promote quick drying out of the trees after rain (thinning and topping of shelter
belts, opening up of canopies) minimises the periods during which infection can occur.
There are no fungicides with approved label claims for the control of Sclerotinia in citrus.
Citrus blast
Citrus blast is a disease caused by the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae. The
bacterium is often present on citrus leaves, but the disease manifests itself only under
wet, cool conditions. It is most active at about 12ºC and rarely progresses at temperatures
above 18ºC or below 8ºC. Infection is greatly facilitated by damage to the foliage from
strong winds, heavy rain and hail, or other abrasions such as wind rub. Soft young shoots
are more susceptible than fully mature shoots.
In New Zealand, infections occur mainly in late winter or early spring, and are often
facilitated by strong north-east winds accompanied by heavy rain.
Infections usually start on the petiole or leaf stalk, appearing as water-soaked areas that
soon darken to a blackish colour. These infections spread rapidly up into the leaf and
down to the young stem. Sap supply to the leaf is cut off and it withers, goes brown,
and eventually falls off.
The stem lesions extend above and below the point of attachment of the petiole, which
becomes rusty brown in colour. In extreme cases, the stem may be girdled, causing tip
The same organism can lead to the formation of black sunken pits on the fruit of both
standard lemons and Meyer lemon.
The disease can affect all citrus types under conditions favourable for infection, but in
New Zealand, experience suggests that mandarins and lemons are the most susceptible.
Citrus blast is rarely a problem in well-sheltered blocks.
The life cycle of the fungus is similar to that of green mould, with spores of the fungus
common both in the field and in packing areas. Blue mould differs from green mould in
that it can infect fruit directly and spread from fruit to fruit in boxes.
Care during harvest operations and hygiene in and around the packing shed is essential
for reducing losses from green and blue moulds. Cuts to the skin caused by clippers at
harvest are the most common source of infection in Satsuma mandarins. Other incidental
injuries (thorns, scratches, bruising) also afford entry sites for infection. Harvesting
from wet trees (from heavy dew or rain) should be avoided, and care should be taken to
prevent the contamination of harvested fruit by soil or mud.
Before the packing season, sheds and storage areas should be thoroughly cleaned and
washed with, where practicable, a disinfectant. All debris and old rotted fruit should
be removed, and belts and conveyors should be cleaned of accumulated wax and dirt.
During the packing season, all reject fruit should be moved well away from the shed
area and preferably buried in shallow trenches.
Fungicides, applied as post-harvest dips or cascades, are commonly used world-wide for
controlling blue and green moulds. In New Zealand, Bavistan, Topsin M, and Fungaflor
have approved label claims for post-harvest treatment of citrus for Penicillium rots.
Strains of green mould resistant to Bavistan, and Topsin (all closely related dicarboximide
fungicides) are common in New Zealand, and these fungicides are now seldom used for
control. The requirements of importing countries should be determined before applying
post-harvest fungicides to export fruit.
Sour rot
Sour rot (Figure. 6.2.9) is a common post-harvest rot of citrus. Initial symptoms are
similar to the initial stages of green mould. A clear water-soaked spot develops around
an injury site. As the spot expands it becomes flattened or slightly sunken, often with
the development of a light-brown discoloration of underlying tissues. The surface of
the spot is often slightly wrinkled. The rot develops more slowly than green mould but
eventually causes the collapse of the whole fruit. Under moist conditions, the surface
of the rotted fruit becomes covered by a thin film of white fungal growth. Rotted fruit
have a characteristic sour odour.
Sour rot is caused by the fungus Geotrichum candidum, a common inhabitant of soil.
Although spores of the fungus are readily carried by wind or rain splash, contamination
of fruit by soil or dust is probably the most common source of spores. Orchard soil and
infected fruit can contaminate dipping tanks, washer brushes, conveyors, and other fruit
in the packing shed. Infection takes place through injuries to the rind. High moisture
content of the rind and high relative humidity is necessary for the initiation of a rot. The
fungus is often found as an infection mixed with green mould.
Fungaflor has an approved label claim in New Zealand for the control of sour rot, which is
generally difficult to control. Most emphasis should be given to reducing the chances of
infection. As with green mould, care during harvesting is necessary to prevent injuries to
the rind and contamination of fruit with soil. Fruit dropped on the ground almost always
succumb to sour rot. Normal shed hygiene practised for green mould control will also
help reduce the incidence of sour rot. Special attention should be given to preventing
the introduction of field soil and debris to dipping tanks and fruit washing equipment.
Figure 6.2.3 Lemon scab (verrucosis).
Figure 6.2.4 Botrytis fruit distortion.
Figure 6.2.5 Phytophthora rot on lemon.
Figure 6.2.6 Green mould on Satsuma mandarin
Figure 6.2.7 Blue mould on Satsuma mandarin Figure 6.2.8 Sour rot on Satsuma mandarin
Control of citrus blast can be achieved by:
•Providing good shelter, especiallyfromthestrong,north-easterlywindsthat are
usually accompanied by heavy rain
•Minimisingtheamountoflate-seasongrowththatgoes intothewinter softand
The other fungicides used on citrus such as Mancozeb or Phaltan will not control bacteria
and are ineffective against citrus blast. Where infection occurs, prune out infected
shoots and burn them.
Figure 6.2.1 Melanose on grapefruit.
Figure 6.2.2 Brown spot (Alternaria spot) on tangelos.
Sucks sap, marks fruit, leads to sooty mould.
Life cycle
Three to four generations a year. All stages present throughout the year. Adults up to
3 mm long.
For a list of products with label claims for citrus see chapter 6.4. Organo-phosphorus
insecticides, e.g., Diazinon, Lorsban, Rogor, Orthene are options. Oil enhances control
and gives reasonable control on its own if good coverage is achieved.
Mealybugs hide in cracks and crevices of the bark, in the middle of fruit clusters, in the
Navel of Navel oranges and other fruit with Navels, and under the button of the fruit.
The first one or two sprays after petal fall are important to achieve control before the
button closes down on the fruit. Coverage of the main branches is also helpful. Fruit
thinning assists control by opening up tight clusters.
Chinese wax scale (Hard wax scale)
Sucks sap, debilitates trees in heavy infestations, leads to sooty mould.
Life cycle
Normally one generation a year with crawler release February - April. Adults are grey-
white with a pinkish tinge and up to 7 x 5 x 4 mm in size. Young settled stages are star
shaped and reddish brown with whitish rays.
Crawlers first settle on leaves as the immature ‘stars’ then a further migration takes
place back to the shoots where the adults settle.
Organo-phosphorus insecticides e.g., Diazinon, Lorsban, Rogor. Oil enhances control
and gives good control of young stage on its own. February - April is the critical time
during the crawler release. Applaud offers a ‘softer’ option to the normal insecticides.
Soft wax scale
Sucks sap, debilitates tree in heavy infestations, leads to sooty mould.
Life cycle
Normally one generation a year with crawler release from December - March. Adults
are very white with a prolific waxy covering and approximately the same size as Chinese
Wax Scale. Crawlers settle on leaves and become a white star shaped immature stage,
a further migration takes place later and the adults settle mainly on shoots.
Organo-phosphorus insecticides e.g., Diazinon, Lorsban, Rogor. Oil enhances control
and gives reasonable control when used alone if during crawler release. Applaud offers
another option. Critical time for control is December - March during crawler release.
6.3 Citrus pests
P.R. Sale and P.S. Stevens
In comparison to most crops, citrus has a very wide spectrum of pests. The following
chapter has been divided into sections on major and minor pests.
Major pests
Two main species of thrips are found on citrus (Kelly’s Citrus Thrips and Greenhouse
Thrips). Both species feed by piercing and sucking out the surface cells of leaves and
fruit leading to unsightly damage from scarring. Greenhouse Thrips are found feeding on
leaves and fruit whereas Kelly’s Citrus Thrips are found in flowers and on fruit. Thrips
feeding causes leaves to appear pale coloured or silvery. Damage caused by Kelly’s Citrus
Thrips generally occurs in the early part of the season and damage by Greenhouse Thrips
tends to occur in late summer/autumn.
Symptoms of damage may include:
(a) A russet ring around the stalk end when attack is soon after fruit set.
(b) A silvery area often on the cheek of the fruit from mid-late season feeding.
(c) Sometimes a total russeting of the fruit, particularly lemons.
Life cycle
Both thrips species have several generations a year and are active into the winter in
mild seasons. Eggs are laid into leaves and fruit. Larvae hatch out and pass through
two actively feeding larval stages before pupating. Kelly’s Citrus Thrips pupate in the
soil beneath the trees, while Greenhouse Thrips pupate on the tree. The non-feeding
pupal stages develop into adults.
Adults of both species are about 1.25 mm long, dark brown/black in colour, and narrow
in shape with two pairs of feathery wings folded along the back. The wings and legs
of Greenhouse Thrips are pale/white, whereas Kelly’s Citrus Thrips has dark coloured
wings and legs. Immature stages are smaller and paler. Immature stages of Kelly’s Citrus
Thrips may be an apricot colour.
Good spray coverage is essential as thrips are often located in sheltered places such as
between pairs of touching fruit. A petal-fall spray is important to prevent early season
damage by Kelly’s Citrus Thrips. Summer and autumn sprays may be needed to prevent
late season damage by Greenhouse thrips, especially in mild seasons.
For a list of products with label claims for citrus see chapter 6.4. Organo-phosphorus
insecticides e.g., Diazinon, Lorsban, Rogor are generally effective against Greenhouse
thrips. Oil is likely to enhance control but oil is not particularly effective on its own. To
gain effective control of thrips, repeat spray applications are needed as the hatching of
eggs can provide new larvae to re-infest trees after a spray has been applied.
In 2000, permission to release a new biological control agent for Greenhouse thrips into
New Zealand was gained. This tiny wasp, Thripobius semiluteus, lays eggs within larvae
of greenhouse thrips, which ultimately results in the death of the thrips. Thripobius will
not provide any control of Kelly’s citrus thrips. Applications of broad-spectrum insecticides
will kill Thripobius but the future introduction of more selective insecticides will permit
Thripobius to reach its full potential.
Organo-phosphorus insecticides or oil will give good control. Timing to coincide with an
aphid flight period is essential for satisfactory control.
Caterpillar feeding causes damage to leaves, particularly growing tips and fruit. Damage
to fruit early in the season will heal with scar tissue causing unsightly blemishes. Late
season damage is often open wounds and can readily lead to infection from brown rot
or other disease organisms.
Fruit damaged by leafroller will often fall prematurely.
Small caterpillars can get under the button and pose a quarantine problem in export fruit.
Life cycle
There are several species involved with several generations a year and each generation
is not precise.
The moths are small, and are an insignificant brownish colour for most species. Eggs are
flat and laid in rafts of several eggs on a shiny plant surface, often the topside of a citrus
leaf. Colour of caterpillers varies with the species and diet. They usually have a darker
head, legs on each segment, and wriggle vigorously if disturbed. They are tiny when they
emerge from the eggs but increase in size to maybe 20 mm or more before pupating.
Most organo-phosphorus insecticides or Bt products. Main period for achieving control
is from fruit set to harvest.
Fullers rose weevil
Causes minor damage to the edge of young foliage from adult feeding. In recent seasons,
eggs laid under the button of the fruit have caused significant quarantine problems for
export fruit destined for Japan or Korea.
Life cycle
Only one generation a year but can be long periods of adult activity. Adults are greyish
brown and up to 8 mm long. Eggs are laid in well protected crevices such as under the
button of a citrus fruit. Larvae hatch from the eggs, fall to the ground and burrow into
the soil where they feed on plant roots. They pupate in the soil and adults emerge over
a long period beginning in the second half of December.
Eggs laid in the early stages of adult emergence probably hatch before the end of the
summer, but eggs laid from later emerging adults can go virtually through the winter. It
is the later laid eggs that present the biggest quarantine risk as they are more likely to
be still viable at fruit harvest.
As the adult cannot fly, the primary control measures are to prevent its access to the
trees by skirting up lower branches well above the ground, and maintaining good weed
control under the trees. This only leaves the trunk as an access route where a physical
or chemical barrier to prevent them crawling up the trunk should complete the job. A
regular spray programme of Lorsban every two to three weeks from January onwards will
go some way to minimising the problem if the other control measures are not employed
or not fully effective.
Black scale (Olive scale)
Sucks sap, debilitates tree in heavy infestations, leads to sooty mould.
Life cycle
Normally one generation a year with crawler release December - January. Adults are
dark, rounded, 3-5 mm long and with an H mark on the top. Adults settle on shoots and
often on fruit stalks close to the fruit.
Organo-phosphorus insecticides e.g., Diazinon, Lorsban, Rogor. Oil enhances control and
is effective if used on its own in the crawler release period. Applaud offers a further
and ‘softer’, option.
Soft brown scale
Sucks sap, debilitates tree in heavy infestations, leads to sooty mould.
Life cycle
Several generations a year, adults oval, flat light brown in colour, 2.5 mm long and usually
position themselves along the midrib of a leaf.
Organo-phosphorus insecticides e.g., Diazinon, Lorsban, Rogor. Oil enhances control
and can give a reasonable control when used on its own if good coverage is achieved.
The December - April period is perhaps the most important in which to achieve control.
Californian red scale
Sucks sap, debilitates trees in heavy infestations, infested fruit being a serious demerit
in appearance, and is a quarantine issue in export consignments.
Life cycle
Several generations a year, adults small, almost circular, flat, reddish brown in colour
1.5-2 mm across. Adults infest leaves, shoots and fruit.
Organo-phosphorus insecticides e.g. Diazinon, Lorsban, Rogor. Oil enhances control
and gives a worthwhile result on its own if good coverage is achieved. Applaud offers
an alternative and ‘softer’ option. Although there are several generations a year, most
control is likely to be achieved in the December - March period.
Sucks the sap of young leaves and growing tips causing leaves to roll back on themselves
from the tips, also leads to sooty mould. Aphids are vectors for some citrus viruses.
More a problem on young trees as they can check growth, than on mature trees in the
cropping phase.
Life cycle
Aphids fly into an area during migratory flights at various times through the growing
season. The Black Citrus Aphid is black with a body up to 2 mm long, which is a typical
size for an aphid.
Citrus rust mite
Feeds on and destroys the epidermal cells of the fruit turning them brown in colour and
leathery in texture. Lemons may go somewhat silvery rather than brown. Damage is
always seen on the exposed side of the fruit.
Life cycle
Adults are up to 0.15 mm in length and are not readily visible with the naked eye. This
is not a widespread pest in New Zealand as temperatures are marginal or it to thrive.
When it does become a problem it is usually in the most favoured sites lying to the sun
and absorbing the most heat.
An application of the fungicide Dithane M45 at petal fall will usually give an adequate
control. A repeat application may be necessary three weeks later.
Cottony cushion scale
Sucks the sap causing debility to the trees. This is not commonly a pest of economic
importance in citrus orchards in New Zealand.
Life cycle
The adult scale is oval in shape and reddish brown in colour. The females produce a
large white coloured ovisac which can contain up to 1,000 eggs and from which the
pest gets its name.
There are two generations per year. Young immature stages settle on twigs and leaves,
but later instars move to larger twigs and branches.
Organo-phosphorus insecticides and oils as applied for other scale insects in the January
- March period will give adequate control. In minimum insecticide regimes, natural
biological control is likely to be satisfactory.
Guava moth
Caterpillars feed on large fleshy fruit such as citrus, feijoa and guava.
Life cycle
Little is known of the life cycle either in New Zealand or in Australia. However, in Australia
the caterpillars are commonly found feeding in ripening fruit in the autumn. Currently,
the distribution of guava moth in New Zealand is restricted to approximately 1000 km
in Northland around Ahipara, Kaitaia and Kerikeri.
As guava moth has only recently arrived in New Zealand, there has been no research into
effective control measures. However products used to control other types of caterpillars
may be effective (see leafroller section).
Citrus red mite
Sucks the sap, destroys chlorophyll in the leaves, reduces colour in the fruit, increases
fruit and leaf drop which leads to reduced productivity.
Life cycle
Several generations a year-the exact number of generations is temperature dependent.
Active throughout most of the season including autumn and into the winter. Adults lay
single eggs mainly on the underside of leaves. A lens with x10 magnification is required
for careful monitoring.
Oil or specific miticides such as Kelthane, Omite, Peropal, and Apollo. A monitoring
system developed in Florida is as follows: Sample a minimum of 20 trees over 4 ha. (The
blocks are much larger in Florida than in New Zealand). Sample five Leaves a tree from
all round each tree. 15% of leaves infested is the threshold to spray.
Natural controls are present in most situations but are drastically reduced by commonly
used insecticides. Minimising insecticide use or using soft options such as Bt, oil, or
Applaud, gives natural controls the best chance.
Lemon tree borer
The larvae bore tunnels in the shoots and branches leading to debility, collapse, and death.
Life cycle
One generation a year with egg Iaying adults flying mainly from September - December,
particularly in October - November. Eggs are laid in cracks, crevices, damage or pruning
cuts on the wood. The emerging larvae bore into the wood and feed for up to two seasons
before pupating and emerging as adults.
Pruning out and destroying collapsed shoots. Injecting holes with insecticide solution,
kerosene, or petrol, and plugging the hole. There is a risk of damage to the bark with
petrol and kerosene, but the fumes of petrol assist the kill after holes are plugged.
Sealing all pruning cuts, particularly with an insecticidal paint, reduces the risk of
Minor pests
Citrus bud mite
Feeds in developing leaf and flower buds causing distortions. Fruits are often grossly
distorted with deep divisions and puckering. Standard lemons and Navels appear to be
the most susceptible.
Life cycle
Adults are up to 0.15 mm in length and not readily visible with the naked eye. The
generation time is up to 30 days and is temperature dependent.
A 1% all-purpose oil spray in autumn is quite effective. When necessary, a repeat
application in spring can also be made.
Resistant rootstocks are Poncirus trifoliata (or ‘trifoliata’) or some of its hybrids.
Nursery hygiene and care not to spread soil or plants from an infested area.
Slugs and snails
Feed on foliage, fruit, and stems of young trees. Fruit damage can facilitate brown rot
infection. Slug damage is usually confined to lower branches, snails can be found at
the top of citrus trees.
Life cycle
Slugs and snails are active throughout the year in citrus districts, whenever conditions
are wet enough.
Create an unfavourable environment and minimise access to the trees. Maintain good
weed control and skirting up of lower branches. Good hygiene and weed control up
shelter rows as well as in the orchard. Check routinely under plastic sleeves round the
trunks of young trees. Use slug and snail baits where necessary, and in extreme cases,
use a spray of Bordeaux mixture to appropriate areas.
Figure 6.3.1 Varying degrees of thrip damage from nil to severe (left to right). The ring
around the button is typical of early season damage.
Figure 6.3.3 Long-tailed Mealy bug.Figure 6.3.2 Thrip damage on the
cheek of a Clemetine mandarin.
Katydids feed on foliage, twigs, and young fruit. Their large mouth parts cause significant
loss of area on young foliage, and scars on the fruit. Bites are usually so large that a
scarred fruit would not be export grade.
Life cycle
The adult is a large green member of the grasshopper family, up to 45 mm in length.
A standard insecticide programme with applications in December and January will
normally control Katydids quite adequately.
Citrus flower moth
Caterpillars feed on blossoms and young foliage. Copious webbing is usually produced.
In New Zealand it has been seen more on lemons than other citrus.
Life cycle
The greyish coloured moth is up to 4.5 mm in length, and the opaque pinkish caterpillars
up to 5.5 mm.
A normal insecticide programme with applications timed for pre-blossom and petal fall
should give an adequate control.
Passion-vine hopper
Sucks sap and leads to sooty mould.
Life cycle
One generation a year, overwintering as an egg. In late spring or early summer, tufty
tailed nymphs hatch and start to feed. Adults with dark lacy wings appear from January
onwards and continue to feed until April - May. Adults lay eggs mainly in dead plant
tissue, bracken being a favoured host for this purpose.
Destruction of alternative hosts, particularly those favoured for egg laying, in the orchard
surrounds. A normal insecticide programme as applied to citrus gives a reasonable level
of control.
Citrus nematode
Feeds on roots in severe cases, causing significant debility of the tree: growth slows,
trees stress easily, foliage is pale, and fruit small.
Life cycle
Only females are parasitic, with populations concentrated in the upper soil layers. Life
cycle is temperature dependent. Optimal temperatures are from 28-31ºC at which cycle
becomes six to eight weeks so New Zealand conditions are suboptimal.
Figure 6.3.10 Leaves of a New Zealand
grapefruit curled from the tip as a result
of sap sucking by the Black citrus aphid.
Figure 6.3.11 Leafroller caterpillar – note the dark head
and the legs on each segment of the body.
Figure 6.3.12 Early season leafroller
damage is an obvious cosmetic defect at
Figure 6.3.13 Late season leafroller damage.
Figure 6.3.14 An adult Fullers rose weevil on fencing wire.
Figure 6.3.15 Fullers rose weevil damage to the
edge of citrus leaves.
Figure 6.3.16 Fullers rose weevil eggs under the
button of a citrus fruit.
Figure 6.3.5 Chinese wax scale.
Figure 6.3.4 Mealy bug and sooty mould
on citrus fruit.
Figure 6.3.6 Soft wax scale – note pinhead to guage size.
Figure 6.3.7 Black scale.
Figure 6.3.8 Soft brown scale on the
underside of a citrus leaf.
Figure 6.3.9 A heavy infestation of Californian red scale
on a citrus fruit.
Figure 6.3.23 Seminole tangelos and Burgess
Scarlet mandarins showing symptoms of
damage from Citrus rust mite.
Figure 6.3.24 Damage to Satsuma fruitlets from young
Figure 6.3.25 Damage to orange fruitlets caused by
feeding of adult katydids.
Figure 6.3.26 The moth stage of the Citrus flower moth.
Figure 6.3.27 Damage to a New Zealand grapefruit by
slugs and snails.
Figure 6.3.17 A deep red coloured adult
Citrus red mite being attacked by a
smaller predator mite.
Figure 6.3.18 Citrus red mite damage to Celemintine
mandarin leaves alongside dark green, unaffected
Figure 6.3.19 Citrus red mite damage to a Navel
orange fruit – note the pale insipid colour.
Figure 6.3.20 A shoot collasping as a
result of borer damage.
Figure 6.3.21 A major branch
honeycombed and almost girdled by
borer larvae.
Figure 6.3.22 Lemon fruit badly distorted as a result of
Citrus bud mite.
Table 6.4.3 Registered materials with approved label claims for the major
disease problems on citrus (May 2001)
It is not illegal to use a product where there is no label claim, but it is always at the user’s
risk. Using a product with no approved label claim for citrus could result in completely
unacceptable residues.
Withholding Periods
The withholding period is the minimum time that must elapse between the last application
of an agrichemical and harvest.
As different countries have difference tolerances, the withholding period can vary
according to the market on which fruit is to be sold.
New Zealand Citrus Growers Inc and agrichemical companies are researching many new
pest and disease control products. The goal of this research is to reduce dependency
on broad spectrum insecticides, and to find effective new fungicides. Many changes to
Tables 6.4.2 and 6.4.3 are expected in the next five years, check agrichemical manuals
for the latest registered products with approved label claims for use on citrus. In addition,
some older materials are likely to become commercially unavailable.
Brown rot Captan, Copper oxychloride, Cupric hydroxide*, Dithane M45
Scab Benlate, Copper oxychloride, Cupric hydroxide*, Phaltan
Melanose Benlate, Copper oxychloride, Cupric hydroxide*, Phaltan
Alternaria Champ, Dithane M45, Rovral
* Blue Shield, Champ, Champion, Hydro-Pro and Kocide.
NB. Always read the label to check the right product is being used for the purpose. Label claims change and the situation should always be kept under
Spray programmes for citrus vary by citrus type and variety, mainly due to major
differences in disease susceptibility. The pest spectrum is similar across all types and
varieties, but varies a little from region to region. However, different diseases assume
markedly different proportions according to the type or variety. There are also regional
differences that need to be taken into account, for example Northland with its warmer,
wetter climate is more prone to diseases than other citrus districts. Most diseases will
infect all varieties under the most stringent conditions, but the combinations to take
special note of are listed in Table 6.4.1.
Table 6.4.1 Disease susceptibility
Table 6.4.2 Registered materials with approved label claims for the major pest
problems on citrus (May 2001)
Fruit type Disease
Brown rot Scab
Botrytis Melanose Alternaria
NZ grapefruit + - - + -
Oranges + - - +Northland -
?other districts
Tangelos + - + ? +
Satsumas + +Northland +Northland +Northland -
?other districts -other districts ?other districts
Encore + - + ? ?
Clementine + + - ? ?
Lemons + + + ? -
+ = Highly susceptible, preventive spray applications usually required.
? = Routine spray applications only required if seen to be necessary.
- = Not usually a problem but may be under severe infection conditions.
1 = Also know as verrucosis in New Zealand.
2 = Not a problem on Clementine but can be on Encore or Dweet.
Aphids Attack, Chlorpyrifos 50W,Diazinon*, Folimat, Lorsban 50W, Maldison,
0il, Orthene, Rogor.
Mealy bugs Attack, Chlorpyrifos 50W, Diazinon*, Folimat, Lorsban 50W, Maldison,
Orthene, Rogor.
Scale insects Applaud, Attack, Chlorpyrifos 50W, Diazinon*, Folimat**, Gusathion,
Lorsban 50W, Maldison, Oil, Rogor.
Thrips Ascend 200SC***, Chlorpyrifos 50WP, Folimat, Gusathion, Lorsban
50WP, Maldison, Oil, Rogor.
Leafrollers Attack, Bt****, Chlorpyrifos 50WP, Gusathion, Lorsban 50W, Orthene.
Citrus Red Mite Apollo, Folimat, Kelthane, Oil, Omite, Peropal
* Includes Basudin 50WP.
** Red scale.
*** Kelly’s citrus thrips only.
**** Not all Bt products have a label claim for citrus.
6.4 Pest and disease control programmes
Pat Sale, Keith Pyle and David Steven
Specimen spray programmes
Specimen spray programmes are shown for:
New Zealand grapefruit
Navel oranges
Seminole tangelos
Satsuma mandarins
Clementine mandarins
These programmes are a general guide and can be reduced or increased according to
experience, choice or region. Always relate back to what is to be controlled and take into
account pest life cycles and susceptibility and likely infection periods of the important
Substitution of acceptable materials can be made according to choice and experience,
or the results of pest monitoring.
Sprays for citrus red mite are not applied routinely in citrus orchards, but on an as
required basis.
Oil sprays should not be applied when the trees are under drought stress or the
temperature is 30ºC or above. Always check product labels for compatibility with oils.
The fungicides Captan and Phaltan and the miticide Omite are known to be particularly
damaging to citrus when mixed with oil.
The rind of citrus fruits is susceptible to marking, especially if the spray applied takes
a long time to dry. Allow plenty of time for sprays to dry before nightfall, particularly
when oil is used. Emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulations are more risky to use on
citrus than wettable powders or flowables, as they are more likely to be the cause of
fruit marking or leaf damage, especially under slow drying conditions.
Keep spray mixtures as simple as possible, take notice of the precautions on product
labels, and generally beware of mixing surfactants with oils.
There is a strong trend in the industry towards integrated pest management (IPM)
based on pest monitoring with the main spray programmes based around the fungicide
applications, with insecticides as needed.
Control of diseases is based on maintaining a protective residue of fungicide over the
critical periods when infection takes place. Generally the most vulnerable period is
immediately before and after petal fall and when there is new growth on the tree. Disease
control can therefore be calendar scheduled but also needs to be varied depending on
climate and previous disease incidence. A protective fungicide in general will no longer
be effective after an accumulated 100 mm of rain and will need to be reapplied after
this if the crop is in a susceptible stage.
Pest management should follow IPM principles outlined below. In the interests of food
and operator safety, the aim of the industry is to reduce the use of toxic sprays especially
of organo-phosphates that are no longer recommended on a routine basis.
The most critical pest from an economic standpoint is Kelly’s citrus thrips and in most
cases it pays to apply a preventive spray at petal fall and follow with a regular monitoring
programme especially from December through to the end of March. Other pests are
sporadic in occurrence and their control is best based on a sound monitoring programme.
Table 6.4.4 Suggested withholding periods in days for export and local market fruit (May 2001)
(1) Set for oranges only; (2) Lemons: Potential risk with larger fruit from previous flowerings. Make sure all mature fruit are harvested before the first application. Do not use after the end of March for these markets; (3) Not set for Satsumas; (4) Not set for mandarins; (5) Set for oranges,
grapefruit and tangelos only; (6) Set for mandarins only; (7) Set for all citrus except mandarins which are set at 7 days; (8) Not set for grapefruit or tangelos; (9) Set for tangelos only.
Not set means there is no MRL (maximum residue level) set for this product in this market, or that there is insufficient data on the rate of decay of the residue for a withholding period to be set. Where no withholding period is set, there is obviously a risk of a residue infringement if the
product is used between fruit set and harvest. Nil means that product can be used up to the day of harvesting.
Material Market
Australia Canada Japan Korea French Taiwan Singapore Malaysia New Zealand
Applaud 14 Not set 14
Not set Not set Not set 14
Not set 14
Apollo 21 Not set 21 21 Not set 21 21 21 21
Ascend 42 42 42
Attack 28 Not set 14
14 14 Not set Not set Not set 14
Benlate 7 7 Not set 7 7 Not set 7 7 7
Bt Products Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Captan 28 Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set 28 28 8
Carbaryl Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set 1
Chlorpyrifos(9) 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
Copper oxychloride Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Cupric hydroxide Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Diazinon 21 21 Not set 21
Not set 21 21 14
Dithane M45 21 Not set 14(6) 14(6) Not set Not set 14 Not set 14
Folimat Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set 21
Fungaflor Dip+7 Dip+7 Dip+7
Dip+7 Dip+7 Dip+7 Dip+7 Not set Dip+4
Gusathion 21 21 Not set Not set Not set 21 21 21 14
Kelthane 7 7 7 28
28(8) 28 7 28 7
Maldison Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set 3
Oils Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Omite 2 2 2 2 Not set 2 2 2 2
Orthene 14 Not set 14 14 Not set Not set 14 Not set 14
Peropal Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set 14
Phaltan Not set 3 Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set 3
Rogor 14 21 21 21 Not set 21 21 21 14
Rovral 14 Not set 14
Not set Not set Not set Not set Not set 14
StopDrop 2,4-D 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Table 6.4.7 Spray programme: Seminole tangelos
Time Material Rate/100 l Comment
August Dithane M45 200 g Alternari
Pre-blossom* Dithane M45 200 g Alternaria
Daizinon 50W 100 g General pest control
October Dithane M45 200 g Alternaria
Petal Fall* Rovral Flo 200 ml Alternaria
Daizinon 50W 100 g General pest control***
3 weeks later Dithane M45 200 g Alternaria
Daizinon 50W 100 g General pest control***
Repeat at 3-4 weekly intervals until March.
April Kocide DF 150 g Brown rot
Sunspray Oil 500 ml General pest cleanup
Apply a further Brown rot fungicide in July if necessary.
* Watch the trees not the calendar.
** Dithane M45 has 14 days withholding period for the New Zealand market, but it varies for different export markets.
Champ, with a nil withholding period can be substituted during the harvest period if necessary.
*** Watch for citrus red mite and if necessary apply a miticide or Sunspray Oil. Seminole tangelos are more
susceptible to oil damage than other citrus, and all precautions advised should be carefully followed.
Table 6.4.8 Spray programme: Satsuma mandarins
Time Material Rate/100 l Comment
Kocide DF 150 g General pest
Sunspray Oil 1 l and disease control
Petal Fall Daizinon 50W 100 g General pest control**
3 weeks later Daizinon 50W 100 g General pest control**
Repeat at 3-4 weekly intervals until April.
June Grocel 25 ppm Crop regulation
* Watch the trees not the calendar.
** If necessary, add Sunspray Oil at 0.5-1% to enhance control of insect pests, or to control citrus red mite.
A specific miticide is also an option if necessary, for citrus red mite.
If Sclerotinia has been a problem, apply Benlate 50 g/100 l with the petal fall spray. At
the present time Benlate does not have an approved label claim for this purpose, but
is known to be effective.
An autumn application of a suitable fungicide for Brown rot control should be applied
if it is planned to harvest late. For early harvest to be finished by the end of June, this
may not be necessary.
Table 6.4.9 Spray programme: Clementine mandarins
Time Material Rate/100 l Comment
Kocide DF 150 g Scab general
Sunspray Oil 1 l pest control
Petal Fall Benlate 50 g Scab general
Dithane M45 200g pest control**
Daizinon 50W 100 g
3 weeks later Daizinon 50W 100 g General pest control**
Repeat at 3-4 weekly intervals until March.
April Kocide DF 150 g Brown rot
Sunspray Oil 1 l General pest control
* Watch the trees not the calendar.
** If necessary, add Sunspray Oil at 0.5-1% to enhance control of insect pests, or to control citrus red mite.
A specific miticide is also an option if necessary, for citrus red mite.
There are a number of organisations providing this service now but the interpretation
of the results is critical and best carried out by a professional advisor.
The wax scale insects can build up over mid summer. Control needs to be synchronised
with times when the emergence of young crawlers is complete. Other scales and mealy
bug have more continuous generations and accurate timing is harder to predict. Aphids
are generally only of economic importance on young trees. Periodic outbreaks of pests
such as flower moth are localised and vary from season to season. The greenhouse
thrips are the most damaging pest in the winter months on touching mature fruit, but
can cause damage at other times of the year as well. Sprays for citrus red mite are
sometimes needed because of the adverse effect that multiple thrips sprays and some
fungicides have on their predators.
For those who are unable to move into IPM and pest monitoring, the following
programmes are shown as a general guide.
Table 6.4.5 Spray programme: New Zealand grapefruit
Table 6.4.6 Spray programme: Navel oranges
Time Material Rate/100 l Comment
Sunspray Oil 1 l General pest control
Petal Fall Daizinon 50W 100 g General pest control**
3 weeks later Daizinon 50W 100 g General pest control**
Repeat at 3-4 weekly intervals until March.
April Dithane M45 200g Brown rot
Sunspray oil 1 ltr General pest cleanup
May 2,4-D StopDrop 50 ml Preharvest drop
Wetting agent Label rate
Apply a further Kocide DF or alternative Brown rot fungicide in July if necessary.
* Watch the trees not the calendar.
** If necessary, add Sunspray Oil at 0.5-1% to enhance control of insect pests, or to control citrus red mite.
A specific miticide is also an option if necessary, for citrus red mite.
Time Material Rate/100 l Comment
Kocide DF 150 g Melanose
Daizinon 50W 100 g General pest control
Sunspray Oil 1 l
Petal Fall Kocide DF 150 g Melanose
Daizinon 50W 100 g General pest control**
3 weeks later Daizinon 50W 100 g General pest control**
3 weeks later Benlate 50 g Melanose***
Daizinon 50W 100 g General pest control**
3 weeks later Daizinon 50W 100 g General pest control**
Repeat at 3-4 weekly intervals until March.
April Dithane M45 200g Brown rot
Sunspray Oil 1 l General pest cleanup
May, June or July 2,4-D StopDrop Label rate Preharvest drop -
late harvested fruit
Apply a further Kocide DF or alternative Brown rot fungicide in July if necessary.
*Watch the trees not the calendar.
** If necessary, add Sunspray Oil at 0.5-1% to enhance control of insect pests, or to control citrus red mite.
A specific miticide is also an option if necessary, for citrus red mite.
*** If conditions after petal fall are particularly wet this spray should be brought forward and further fungicide applications may be needed.
Note 1: In the case of young trees which have not full their space use tree spacing
instead of tree width unless using hand gun machinery.
Note 2: In all other cases use canopy hectares. Based on tree numbers, the canopy area
in hectares is as follows:
Tree number divided by 10000 x row spacing (m) x tree spacing (m).
The important end point is a satisfactory biological result and to achieve this sprayers
should be operated at maximum efficiency.
Integrated pest management (IPM)
IPM is the key component of systems being demanded by markets to guarantee food
safety, and also those seeking to improve the environmental sustainability of production
systems. IPM programmes combine a variety of control techniques in order to ensure
that pests do not cause economic losses. The term ‘pests’ is used to cover both pests
and diseases, although often the initial focus is on insect and mite pests.
IPM is an attitude rather than a proscribed set of rules. To develop and use IPM requires
knowledge about the crop, the pests and their ecology.
Key elements of IPM are:
The pests present.
Pest abundance.
Crop stage.
•Selectivecontrols -controlsthataffect thetargetpestandnot otherorganisms.
biological control is favoured as it is selective and natural.
The use of broad - spectrum sprays must be minimised if they cannot be replaced.
• Avoidance-managingthecroptopreventpestoutbreaks.
The first two points above ensure intervention is only used when needed. They also
ensure optimal timing, which is critical to gaining maximum benefit.
Citrus industries overseas led the world in the development of successful IPM
programmes, but this has not been the case in New Zealand. Our conditions are not
typical of those in major citrus areas overseas, and the local industry has been too small
and fragmented to develop the information base needed for successful IPM. However,
overseas citrus industries are having to re-work their IPM systems to meet consumer
concerns about food safety. Supermarkets are countering consumer concerns by requiring
their suppliers to use best practices, and to be able to prove it. This is making growers
and exporters instigate systems which can track produce back from supermarket
shelves to the supplying orchard, and to have records to show that food safety was not
compromised at any stage in the chain. Using an IPM programme which ensures harsh
chemicals are only used when absolutely necessary, is expressly required by most such
systems. The integrity of the system is demonstrated by having an auditable paper trail.
New Zealand citrus cannot remain isolated from these international trends, even if both
the local market and key export markets in Asia are lagging behind what is happening in
Europe and North America. Marketing groups, both the corporate grower-exporters and
other exporters including co-operatives, are natural focus points for the development
of systems that meet customer requirements. They can also pool resources to provide
monitoring and technical support.
Table 6.4.10 Spray programme: Lemons
Spray application
In any spraying operation it is important that good coverage of the target area (fruit,
foliage and maybe branches) is achieved, or inferior results may be obtained.
Good coverage will depend upon:
1. A suitable spray machine for the job.
2. The machine being well calibrated and operated at the correct pressure nozzle settings
and speed.
3. The spray volume is adequate to achieve good coverage for the target pest or disease.
It is possible to check on coverage obtained by placing water sensitive papers in different
parts of the canopy, and examining after a pass of the sprayer.
If necessary it is worthwhile getting the sprayer calibrated professionally.
Spray volume per canopy hectare for dilute spraying can be worked out on a Tree Row
Volume (TRV) basis as described in the Spray Application Section of the New Zealand
Agrichemical Manual.
TRV (1000 m
/ha) = Tree height (m) x Tree width (m) x 10
Row spacing (m)
As citrus trees are comparatively dense compared to deciduous trees they have a higher
volume requirement per 1000 m
of TRV, normally 200-300 l/1000 m
To calculate the spray volume required in litres per hectare, multiply the TRV (1000 m
ha) calculated above by the following factors depending on the target, the degree of
infestation and previous experience.
1. Full cover sprays by 300 for corrective scale control with oils and for cases where
fungal diseases pose a severe challenge.
2. Medium Cover sprays by 250 for maintenance scale, red mite, fungicide and
greenhouse thrip control.
3. Light Cover sprays by 200 for pests on the outer canopy such as Kellys thrip and
leafroller as well as foliar nutritional sprays.
For example, in a Satsuma block with a 4 m row spacing, a tree height of 3 m and a
tree width of 2 m:
TRV (1000 m
/ha) = 3 x 2 x 10 divided by 4 = 15.
Volume required per hectare for maintenance scale control - 15 x 250 = 3750 l/ha.
Time Material Rate/100 l Comment
Pre-blossom Kocide DF 150 g Scab
Sunspray Oil 1 l General pest control
Petal Fall Benlate 50 g Scab
Dithane M45 200g General pest control**
Daizinon 50W 100 g
3 weeks later Daizinon 50W 100 g General pest control**
Repeat at 3-4 weekly intervals until March.
May Kocide DF 150 g Brown rot
Sunspray Oil 1 l General pest control
* Watch the trees not the calendar, and apply further fungicides for scab control at petal fall of later flower flushes.
** If necessary, add Sunspray Oil at 0.5-1% to enhance control of insect pests, or to control citrus red mite.
A specific miticide is also an option if necessary, for citrus red mite.
Where possible use selective products that kill the target pest, and don’t harm beneficial
predators and parasitoids, such as Bt (Dipel, Delfin, Agree and MVP II), insect growth
regulators, for example Applaud.
Avoid or minimise the use of broad-spectrum insecticides such as Attack, Orthene and
chlorpyrifos products. Remember fungicide sprays can also kill or deter useful predators
(see example below). Oils are useful in controlling scale at critical times in their life
cycle and do not leave residues toxic to predators, and parasite.
• Checkwhetheraproductisregisteredbeforeusingit.Ifaproductisusedforapurpose
not covered by a label claim, it is the grower’s responsibility to ensure that violative
residues do not result. If a use is expressly prohibited on a label, using it in that way
is illegal.
7. Apply sprays carefully and selectively.
Ensure the sprayer is calibrated regularly, at least every 2 years, and that it is being used
in the way for which it was set up.
A spray only works if it reaches the target pest. Conversely, if the pest is only found in
part of the tree or crop, there is no need to treat the whole crop.
Examples of selective spraying are using trunk sprays of Karate against Fuller’s rose
weevil, and spot spraying to control black citrus aphids.
8. Become Growsafe accredited and keep it current.
This is useful for those making spray decisions as well as those applying sprays. It can
be a specific requirement of local authorities, as well as for some supermarkets.
9. Manage the orchard to minimise pest outbreaks and to maximise the
effectiveness of sprays.
Avoid varieties susceptible to pests and diseases favoured by local conditions.
Keep an open canopy. This improves drying and can help limit disease outbreaks. It also
improves spray penetration, a problem especially with dense varieties such as Navels
and with pests such as wax scales which are on the stems.
Rough bark and clusters of side branches can shelter mealybugs.
Clusters of fruit provide the sheltered spots favouring damage by mealybugs and
greenhouse thrips.
Applying fertiliser in overly generous dollops can stimulate excessive shoot growth,
encouraging citrus aphid populations, and stimulating wax scale populations.
All the above are steps towards IPM, and to meeting the food safety requirements of
discerning customers.
In most citrus-growing countries, governmental research has provided growers with
a recommended IPM programme which outlines the sampling needed, thresholds and
responses. This is frequently put into practice with modifications for local circumstance
by pest scouts.
New Zealand citrus growers do not have this level of information and support. So what
can they do?
1. Use overseas information, but with care.
Overseas information on IPM needs to be interpreted with care even for pests present
here, since the threshold will depend on local conditions, including the intended market.
For example in Florida most citrus production is for juicing and not fresh fruit sales, and so
there is a far greater tolerance for blemish. Similarly most Australian citrus areas do not
have citrus red mite, and so they can use pyrethroid sprays without risking mite problems.
2. Record a justification for each spray used.
This is to encourage growers to think about what each spray is intended to do, and
whether it is needed.
3. Understand the enemy - the pests relevant to the citrus varieties grown and
local conditions.
Necessary knowledge:
those that are not a real issue.
•Draw onlocaltechnicalpeopleandthe‘old-hands’aswellasmoregeneral
information. Find out as much as possible.
4. Observe: monitor.
If a pest isn’t there, or the conditions don’t favour a disease, it is likely to be a waste
of time and money spraying. Check to at least determine presence or absence, even
if there are no thresholds. With experience, thresholds can be developed to suit local
conditions. Several marketing and export groups are working in this way in New Zealand
to develop monitoring systems for Kelly’s citrus thrips, and other pests. These groups
are offering monitoring services.
5. Consider market requirements.
Fruit intended for export rather than local market face the additional problem of needing
to meet quarantine requirements, although washing and waxing will remove many
contaminants. For example Fuller’s rose weevil is only a quarantine problem; it has never
been shown to actually damage fruit or production.
6. Choose spray products carefully.
The worst products known to cause flare-ups of secondary pests, eg those containing
methidathion (Supracide, Ultracide) have been withdrawn from the market.
Accurately measure the area that you are planning to spray. Most herbicides are applied
at a specific rate ‘per sprayed hectare’ (1 ha = 10,000 m
). If you want a weed-free strip
along the rows, say one metre wide, the area that you are spraying is length of rows
(metres) x 1 m x number of rows.
Herbicides must be applied, evenly and at the correct rate to give good control. Fixed
booms with two or three nozzles to give continuous strips of treated ground are the
most accurate application method. These should be used for pre-emergence herbicides
in particular. With spot treatments using a handgun, it is difficult to achieve accurate
dose rates on a sprayed hectare basis.
Use low pump pressures (275 kPa or 40 psi) and fan jet nozzles that give a large droplet
size to reduce misting and consequent drift. Water rates per sprayed hectare can vary
according to the amount of weed cover and the type of herbicides. Always read the label
for recommendations before application.
Pre-emergence herbicides are particularly useful. They can prevent weed seeds from
germinating for several months. In general they should be applied in the late winter/
early spring period before weed germination. The ground should be relative weed free
when applying pre emergence sprays as an existing weed cover will prevent an effective
dose from reaching the soil where it is required.
Existing weed growth should be first treated with a post-emergence herbicide. Residual
herbicides are influenced by soil type and require adequate soil moisture for best results.
Best results are obtained when the soil is moist at application or when rain falls shortly
after application.
Residual herbicides are absorbed by soil colloids and the rate of application may need
to be increased for heavy soils or those with higher soil organic matter levels. Always
check the product label for the rates on different soil types.
Mulches can be used along the row to suppress weeds. These are particularly useful for
growers wanting to produce organic citrus. Straw, untreated sawdust, or fine bark chips
can be used. These mulches should be applied in the winter before the germination of
weeds. They offer the additional benefits of retaining moisture and of building up soil
organic matter. This is particularly useful on lighter soils.
However, as these mulches decompose some nitrogen is lost from the soil system and
additional nitrogen must be provided to trees over and above their normal requirements.
With all mulches a small area at the base of the trees must be kept clear so that the
tree trunk can remain dry.
Weed mats and black plastic mulches are useful methods for controlling weeds in newly
established citrus.
Between-row weed control
Two methods can be used in this area - either clean cultivation or mowing the growth.
In the development stages, as has been stated young trees must be given every chance to
grow as fast as possible. Where drip irrigation of plants is not available, clean cultivation
between rows is often practised to control weed growth.
Cultivated ground can assist in frost minimisation. For winter harvested citrus varieties,
such as Navel oranges and Satsuma mandarins, clean cultivated ground can become
pugged and compacted in the wheel-track area. There is also the risk of soil erosion on
sloping ground after heavy rainfall.
6.5 Weed control
Gavin Loudon
Weed control is necessary in all citrus orchards is order to:
young developing orchards. In older orchards weed competition will reduce yields
and fruit quality.
and picking difficult.
the soil during the day, and therefore increase the risk of frosts.
will enable fruit to dry more quickly after rainfall leading to less disease and easier
into trees damaging fruit. In addition, Fullers Rose weevil adults can move from the
ground via weeds into the trees.
Three guiding rules form the basis of good weed control in citrus orchards:
1. Identify the weeds present.
2. Use the correct type of herbicide to control the weeds.
3. Apply the herbicide at the correct rate, and at the correct weed-growth stage, under
most suitable environmental conditions.
When establishing a young citrus block the primary aim is to enable trees to produce a
strong branch structure as quickly as possible. This will enable trees to develop a strong
framework upon which it is possible to hang fruit once the tree enters the cropping phase
two to three years after planting out. It is therefore vitally important to achieve effective
weed control in these early years.
Before planting
Prior to planting the block infestations of difficult-to-kill, perennial weeds, such as couch,
should be brought under control. After planting, young citrus are sensitive to competition
and it is important that weeds are dealt with before they affect plant growth.
Some pre-emergence herbicides can be applied around young citrus. However, some
control of weeds that do emerge will be required. Light hand-hoeing will provide some
control in this area. If applying herbicides, particular care must be taken that herbicides
do not contact either the leaves or the trunk of young trees or serious damage could
result. The use of plastic trunk guards are a good way of protecting the young citrus
trees from accidental herbicide and other spray damage.
Within-row weed control for established citrus
Once you have selected the right product, check product label and read specific warnings,
recommendations and dosage rates to ensure good weed control with minimum risk
of plant injury.
Only use equipment designed for herbicide application and keep it for that purpose
only. Between use, make sure it is flushed out properly using plenty of water. Remove
bungs in tank bottoms and drain out tanks. Clean filters and flush through pumps with
clean water.
Section 7.
Business Management
7.1 Citrus economics
This chapter is no longer relevant and has been removed’.
Please refer to our website for more information:
7.2 Citrus marketing in New Zealand
A mowed sward of either emergent weeds or a specially sown grass sward can also be
used between the rows. This approach can have some disadvantages for young orchards
with no irrigation. However a grassed surface is easier for harvest operations, particularly
in the winter, and is effective in minimising soil erosion.
Table 3.2.1 Herbicides registered in New Zealand for use in citrus orchards
More detailed information about each herbicide is printed on the herbicide container.
Growers would be well advised to purchase a spray chemical manual. Two are currently
available - they are: The New Zealand Agrichemical Manual, published by Wham
Chemsafe Ltd, PO Box 11092, Wellington and Novachem Manual edited by Barney
O’Connor, RD 4, Palmerston North.
Product Weed spectrum Weed stages
Amitrole 400 Broadleaf, grasses Post-emergent
Asulox Docks Post-emergent
Boundary 40/40 Broadleaf, grasses Pre-emergent
Buster Grasses, clover, broadleaf Post-emergent
Caragard 500 FW Grasses, broadleaf Pre-emergent
Centurion 240EC Grasses Post-emergent
Folar Grasses, broadleaf Pre- and post-emergent
Gallant Grasses Post-emergent
Glyphosate Grasses, broadleaf Post-emergent
Hyvar X Grasses, broadleaf Pre- and post-emergent
Krovar I Grasses, broadleaf Pre- and post-emergent
Paraquat Grasses, annual broadleaf Post-emergent
Poast Grasses Post-emergent
Preeglone Grasses, broadleaf Post-emergent
Simazine Broadleaf, grasses Pre-emergent
Solicam DF Grasses, some broadleaf Pre-emergent
Stomp 330E Annual grasses, broadleaf Pre-emergent
Stomp 400SC Annual grasses, broadleaf Pre-emergent
Terbogran Grasses, broadleaf Pre- and post-emergent
Touchdown Grasses, broadleaf Post-emergent
Tyllanex 500 Grasses, broadleaf Pre- and post-emergent
Note: These herbicides are registered for use in New Zealand orchards. If citrus fruit is to be exported, growers should contact their exporter prior
to using these materials.
Growing Citrus in New Zealand
A practical guide
© Copyright 2001
New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated
ISBN 0-478-06829-8
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without prior written
permission of the New Zealand Citrus Growers Inc., P.O. Box 10629 Wellington.
The New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated and the authors have taken reasonable steps and
exercised skill, care and diligence in producing this publication to meet the needs of the growers
and the market. However, there is no implicit or expressed warranty that the information is free from
error or omission and the advice given in the publication is at the user’s risk. Similarly, no specific
endorsement for any of the branded products mentioned by our advertisers is implied, and no
responsibility will be accepted for any crop loss caused by the use of any chemical mentioned.
Readers are reminded that this Manual was published in 2001 and has not been updated since that
time. Some information included in the manual may be out of date and readers are strongly advised
to obtain current advice from a consultant.
A range of gross margins for the main citrus varieties grown in New Zealand are outlined
in Table 7.1.1 to 7.1.6. These gross margins assume that the citrus is grown on suitable
sites and that they receive adequate care and attention. They contain average production
Figures. Returns are an average of what a particular variety would receive across all
fruit grades, e.g. Grade I local and/or export, Grade II and process fruit.
Orchards planted on substandard sites and receiving inadequate care and attention will
not produce to these levels and as a reflection of this level of attention the fruit produced
is unlikely to be of Grade I quality.
The cash flows assume that the variety is established from a bare ground situation.
Possible, additional development costs associated with drainage or irrigation have not
been included. The cash flows are based on the net planted area of 1 hectare (10,000
). The net planted area makes no provision for headlands or shelter which is essential
for a citrus block.
These cash flows should be used as a toolkit for those considering the planting of citrus.
Some modifications will have to be made to adapt the cash flows to local conditions. It is
essential that readers seek advice from an independent experienced local advisor prior to
embarking on developing a citrus orchard. These gross margins clearly demonstrate the
long lead in time prior to the investment becoming profitable. This needs to be carefully
considered when making a decision to plant citrus.
The gross margins cover a period of only 8 years. In general citrus trees will not reach
full production until 12-15 years. As the orchard matures the production will increase
until the trees reach maximum production rates. A Navel orange tree can produce up
to 50 kg/tree when in full production.
Achieving a successful financial return from citrus growth depends on continued input
by the industry into developing export markets. To meet the requirements for exporting
fruit, it is essential to focus on producing high quality fruit of the cultivars that the market
demands. With this focus, there is the potential for generating excellent returns for your
money invested in citrus production.
This chapter must be read in conjunction with other chapters on marketing and production.
The answer is not to rush out and plant Satsuma mandarins or lemons. The choice of
crop made needs to be considered not just in terms of financial returns but also in terms
of your site and market prospects.
7.1 Citrus economics
Gavin Loudon and Sandy Scarrow
The economics of citrus growing in New Zealand have changed significantly in the past
few years, largely because growers are increasingly focusing on export markets, and more
specifically the export of dessert-quality citrus to Japan. The focus on export markets
has changed the cultivar mix grown by New Zealand growers. Exports still account for
only a very small percentage of a multi-million dollar business, but they are influencing
investment decisions in New Zealand.
The total value of exports citrus fruit from New Zealand in the year to June 2000 was
$9.2 m, this compares total exports of $1.5 m in 1997. The year 2000 Figures were made
up of the following changes.
Percentage change from 1997
Mandarins $5.4 m 900%
Lemons $2.8 m 160%
Oranges $1.0 m 500%
Other citrus
(Tangelos, grapefruit) $0.2 m nil
Most of New Zealand’s exports are destined for the Japanese market, but exports to
other countries are growing. With a focus on export markets, New Zealand growers
need to produce only the high-quality dessert fruit and desired acid fruit that return
the greater amount per kilogram. As long as exported fruit sells for more than it can
generate on the domestic market, less the costs of exporting it, growers are better off.
The downside of the export market growth is the over supply of mandarins nationally,
which has resulted in a decline in grower returns on the local market.
Gross margin analysis is a way in which a producer can decide what he or she does with
a particular piece of land. A gross margin looks at the total income from a particular
operation and then subtracts the direct costs of generating that income. Gross margins
are a standard way in which a person can compare potential land uses. By using gross
margin analysis, a person can decide on whether he or she is better off growing oranges,
mandarins or cabbages, or by leasing the land to graze dairy heifers, for example.
The analysis does not take into account any costs not directly related to the particular
operation. For example, it does not take into account any rates, drawings or debt
servicing a person may have to pay associated with owning the land. The assumption
being that these costs will be incurred irrespective of what is done with the Land they
are personal to the grower.
This chapter is no longer relevant and has been removed’.
Please refer to our website for more information:
7.1.2 Eight year cashflow for Satsuma mandarins - returns
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Net returns
$1.20 /kg -20294 -1800 -701 1998 4447 7646 8745 10940
$1.50 /kg -20294 -1800 -201 3497 6946 11144 12743 18437
Accumulated cash flow
$1.20 /kg -20294 -22094 -22795 -20797 -16350 -8704 41 10981
$1.50 /kg -20294 -22094 -22295 -18797 -11852 -707 12036 30473
7.1.1 Eight year cashflow for Satsuma mandarins - cost
Yield profile 1666 Trees 4 m by 1.5 m
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
kg/Tree 0 0 1 3 5 7 8 15
KGS 0 0 1666 4998 8330 11662 13328 24990
Income (net of marketing costs)
$ 1.20 /kg 0 0 1999 5998 9996 13994 15994 29988
$ 1.50 /kg 0 0 2499 7497 12495 17493 19992 37485
Direct costs
Picking $0.20 kg 0 0 333 1000 1666 2332 2666 4998
Freight $0.04 kg 0 0 67 200 333 466 533 1000
Fertiliser 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750
Plants 14994 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Planting 1500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mowing 200 200 200 200 200 200
Pest & disease 200 200 500 500 500 500 500 1000
Weed control 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
Shelter & shelter maintenace 1000 500 500
Skirting & pruning 250 500 500 500 500
Thinning 250 250 250 500 500 1000 1000 10000
Mounding 1000
Pest & disease monitoring 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
Total costs 20294 1800 2700 4000 5549 6349 7249 19048
7.1.4 Eight year cashflow for Yen Ben lemons - returns
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Net returns
$0.70 /kg -9303 -1800 -769 -379 402 2502 3103 5204
$1.00 /kg -9303 -1800 31 822 2403 5504 7105 10207
Accumulated cash flow
$0.70 /kg -9303 -11103 -11872 -12251 -11850 -9347 -6244 -1040
$1.00 /kg -9303 -11103 -11072 -10250 -7848 -2344 4761 14968
7.1.3 Eight year cashflow for Yen Ben lemons - cost
Yield profile 667 Trees 5 m by 3 m
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
kg/Tree 0 0 4 6 10 15 20 25
KGS 0 0 2668 4002 6670 10005 13340 16675
Income (net of marketing costs)
$0.70 /kg 0 0 1868 2801 4669 7004 9338 11673
$1.00 /kg 0 0 2668 4002 6670 10005 13340 16675
Direct costs
Picking $0.18 kg 0 0 480 720 1201 1801 2401 3002
Freight $0.04 kg 0 0 107 160 267 400 534 667
Fertiliser 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750
Plants 6003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Planting 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mowing 200 200 200 200 200 200
Pest & disease 200 200 500 500 500 500 1000 1000
Weed control 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
Shelter & shelter maintaince 1000 500 500
Skirting & pruning 250 250 250 250 250
Thinning 250 250
Pest & disease monitoring 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
Total costs 9303 1800 2637 3180 4267 4501 6235 6469
7.1.6 Eight year cashflow for Navel oranges - returns
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Net returns
$0.30 /kg -12700 -1700 -2105 -2165 -1810 -740 850 2300
$0.40 /kg -12700 -1700 -2055 -2015 -1210 160 2850 4800
Accumulated cash flow
$0.30 /kg -12700 -14400 -16505 -18670 -20480 -21220 -20370 -18070
$0.40 /kg -12700 -14400 -16455 -18470 -19680 -19520 -16670 -11870
7.1.5 Eight year cashflow for Navel oranges - cost
Yield profile 1000 Trees spacing 5 m by 2 m
Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
kg/Tree 0.5 1.5 6 9 20 25
KGS 0 0 500 1500 6000 9000 20000 25000
Income (net of marketing costs)
$0.30 /kg 0 0 150 450 1800 2700 6000 7500
$0.40 /kg 0 0 200 600 2400 3600 8000 10000
Direct costs
Picking $0.07 kg 0 0 35 105 420 630 1400 1750
Freight $0.04 kg 0 0 20 60 240 360 800 1000
Fertiliser 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750
Mowing 200 200 200 200 200 200
Pest & disease 200 200 500 500 500 500 500 500
Weed control 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450
Shelter & shelter maintenace 1000 500 500
Skirting & pruning 250 250 250 250 250
Pest & disease monitoring 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
Plants 9000
Planting 1000
Total costs 12700 1700 2255 2615 3610 3440 5150 5200
Grower groupings are emerging to ensure these volume and quality and food safety
requirements can be met efficiently and still provide economic returns.
The market for second and process grade product is diminishing, putting pressure on
the supply base to be more professional in their approach to quality citrus production.
The grower base is now more aware that its competitor is internationally based for
most varieties which are available for importation on a year round basis. Therefore the
emphasis is on quality production and efficient distribution to head off the threat of
foreign competition.
Branding of domestic citrus is in its infancy with little or no consumer recognition of
brands presently and brand promotion has been limited to wholesale level and to fruit
stickers, which have little effective consumer recognition.
Consumer studies carried out have found that New Zealand consumers have little
knowledge of varietal differences and are put off the category because of the
inconsistency of product on a seasonal basis. For example purchasers of sweet seedless
easy peel mandarins available during the Satsuma season are put off repeat purchasing
of mandarins in general, when exposed to seedy mandarin varieties later in the season.
The same is true for Navel oranges that are sweet, juicy and without seeds being replaced
on the shelves by seedy Valencias, without appropriate labelling.
Volumes of some varieties will increase rapidly over the next 5 years and pressure will
come on the domestic market to absorb these volumes.
Growers will need a shift in focus from a ‘grow and sell model’ to a ‘planned supply and
demand matching model’.
This will have to be coupled with a coordinated promotional plan differentiating the
attributes of each product in the consumer’s mind.
Growers who cannot meet the highest quality standards will struggle to sell their product
while quality producers will need to be prepared to work together promoting branded
product and capturing a higher percentage of the consumer fruit spend.
There are still too many sellers in the New Zealand market compared to buyers and
fragmentation of grower supply between brokers will inevitably lead to price degradation.
The Satsuma industry is such an example and is at a crossroads in terms of future
profitability. It reached the point in the 2001 season where volumes presented to the
local market increased by 160% from approx 3000 metric tonnes in 2000 to 5000 metric
tonnes in 2001. Two factors, which exacerbated this problem, were (1) a late harvest
season, and (2) poor quality product from some regions. Sales were fragmented and a
downward spiral in price ensued with returns dropping below the cost of production for
some sizes and grades.
As the crop is forecast to increase in volume a further 3000-5000 metric tonnes over
five years it is imperative that growers focus on the critical issues.
These are:
1) Extending the supply season from the present mid April to early July to early April to
the end of August
2) Reducing the peak production spike that occurs from mid May to the end of June
3) Removing the volume of poor quality fruit from the market both in cosmetic and taste
terms by setting minimum grade standards.
7.2 Citrus marketing in New Zealand
Alan Thompson
The New Zealand citrus industry has commenced the journey from a domestically
focussed small-scale fragmented industry of the 1970’s and 1980’s into an export oriented
niche marketer of selected varieties in the new millennium.
In the early years the marketing of New Zealand citrus was controlled by legislation and
the Citrus Marketing Authority (CMA) carried out all marketing. The CMA had branches
in Kerikeri, West Auckland, Tauranga and Gisborne and packing and marketing was
largely undertaken by cooperatives in these areas. A few maverick Black Marketeers
who purportedly included some of the industry’s notable personalities, however, did
continue to work behind the scenes.
Imports at this time were also regulated and managed by Fruit Distributor Limited, which
was owned by wholesale markets. Dissatisfaction with the performance of this system
and New Zealand’s drive to deregulate the economy in the 1980’s led to the demise of
these systems and the local market and the import market were deregulated.
Initially, as expected chaos reigned and import volumes flooded in on top of domestic
production. Prices for traditional products such as Navels, tangelos and valencias
plummeted. As grower returns fell an inevitable cycle of lowered inputs led to poor
quality, which reinforced the market price spiral. This focused grower’s on export
opportunities and the industry devised a strategic plan around the development of an
easy peel mandarin and lemon export industry.
Larger corporate growers led the way in the development of these export markets,
initially focusing on the development of Satsuma exports into Japan. This was then
quickly followed by the development of an equally successful lemon export market.
These bigger corporates were quickly followed by grower cooperative marketing groups
who’s attempt to take more control of their marketing and distribution, has had mixed
Present situation
Today the major varieties are Satsuma mandarins, Yen Ben lemons and Navel oranges.
The production base of the industry has grown dramatically in terms of Satsuma
mandarins and lemons and will continue to do so as planted trees mature over the next
five years.
Domestic market
The domestic market is still the largest component of the New Zealand citrus business
accounting for 85% of total volumes. Three large supermarket customers who sell
between 70 and 80% of the first grade product dominate the domestic market.
The supermarkets are trending towards category management of supply, which is limiting
independent grower’s traditional marketing channels through auction floor wholesalers.
This trend is reflective of a drive to international quality standards for product, consumer
pressure on supermarkets to guarantee product integrity, quality and safety and a need
to have a consistent supply.
Demand for late season Navels for supply from October to the first half of January is
increasing and further work to obtain consistent supply and quality in this period is
needed as well as further plantings of Late Navels.
The Navel industry is only now emerging as a possible long-term export prospect.
A late season niche from September to November exists with the strong emphasis on the
superior flavour of New Zealand Navels. This niche is impeded by a lack of volume of the
right quality, which is needed to ensure the viability of a successful export programme.
The New Zealand citrus exports have been heavily reliant on the Japanese market. This
is due to a number of historical factors including quarantine access, prices achievable,
variety available. This situation is not viable in the longer term and efforts to expand the
markets for New Zealand citrus in order to successfully market the increasing volumes
of fruit will require increased investment.
Future exports
For a successful future, access to Pacific Rim nations in particular the USA, Canada,
Australia, Korea, Taiwan and China are critical to growing the industry from its current
levels. Attempts to ship product to Europe have proved difficult in the past but may
become viable with new transport technology.
The major issues facing the growth of our export markets revolve around New Zealand
competitiveness in the face of strong competition from other Southern Hemisphere
producers. Our primary Southern Hemisphere competitors are South Africa, Chile and
more recently Argentina. The key factors that will impact on the New Zealand industry’s
competitiveness in the market place are in order of importance:
1) Production volumes and cost of production.
2) Shipping and logistical costs.
3) Exchange rate relative to competitors.
From a growers perspective the second and third factors are the most variable and the
least able to be controlled.
The future
The industry faces a number of challenges if it is to successfully grow and prosper in
the next five years these include:
and bacterial contamination.
the rapid development and adoption of NIR technologies. This in turn will increase
the pressure on growers to produce uniform high quality fruit.
These pressures will increase compliance costs to growers without any corresponding
lifts in the price consumers are prepared to pay. Inevitably growers will need to be larger
to achieve the economies of scale or will need to form stronger selling entities with
larger collective volumes in order to survive. The days of the small independent supplier
to wholesaler/consolidators are probably numbered.
Export market
The New Zealand export citrus industry revolves around the three main crops.
Satsuma mandarin export volumes increased rapidly through the mid 90’s, peak shipments
were in 1999 at 1290 metric tonnes but have dropped to 880 metric tonnes in 2000
and it is expected 2001 shipments will once again be down due to inclement weather
conditions during the harvest season.
This reduction is due to the seasonal timing differences, the perception of mediocre
internal quality of the product and Japanese consumer market conditions which require
lower delivered prices to increase sales volumes.
At present the exchange rate is favourable but fungicide free New Zealand mandarins
suffer from a short shelf life necessitating airfreight to the market. The high cost and
limited volume of uplift available are self-limiters on the industry. Technical work to
extend the product shelf life so that sea freight is an option is an area of high priority
for continued research and is critical to the industry’s future.
Efforts to improve this in 2001 had mixed results and the industry still does not have a
clear road forward in terms of sea freight.
Lifting the volume of export in the future is the major priority for mandarin growers in
order to ease pressure on the domestic market. This can only be achieved through lower
pricing which can only come from lower returns to growers or successful sea freight
techniques being developed.
These techniques will also be required if successful development of the US market is
to be achieved after access issues are resolved.
The New Zealand lemon industry can be competitive particularly in the post harvest
chemical free niche. This is due to its short transit time to market 12 days compared
with competitors up to 30 days and New Zealand’s quarantine status, which means cold
treatment is not required. The main markets are Japan (90%), Korea and Hong Kong.
Further potential markets exist with access issues solved in the U.S. and Taiwan. The
European market may also have potential surprisingly due to the deregulation of the
apple industry leading to more interest in this country from European buyers.
The cost of freight to market is the major impediment to long term competitiveness
and the continued growth of the New Zealand citrus export industry. The cost to freight
is much higher than our major competitors due to the lack of southbound freight. This
means the freight containers are returned to New Zealand empty a cost that is passed
on to the exports.
The largest lemon producer in the world, Argentina is becoming aggressive and will be
a major competitor in the future as it gains access to Asian markets.
Navel oranges
The New Zealand Navel crop is based on an existing tree stock of variable age and
quality. Basic husbandry is improving the quality to near an international standard but
more research is required to fully utilise this resource.
Market niches have been recognised and are beginning to be exploited. New Zealand
growers traditionally tried to produce fruit in July and August but today are positioning
the fruit later to avoid clashing with other Southern Hemisphere producers.
As an industry citrus can have a bright future with three good products of sufficient
volume to form a vibrant industry.
The key to this success will be:
achieve a better consumer understanding of our products.
volumes required for credible export programs.