   
The policy identifies one or more school dis-
trict and/or school ocial(s) who have the
authority and responsibility for ensuring that
each school complies with the policy.
The policy includes language inviting par-
ents, students, representatives of the school
food authority, teachers of physical educa-
tion, school health professionals, the school
board, school administrators, and the general
public to participate in the development,
implementation, and review and update of
the LWP.
The policy includes language describing the
methods for informing the public (including
parents, students, and others in the commu-
nity) about the LWP, and updates this infor-
mation on an annual basis.
The policy includes language that outlines
the triennial assessment. At least once every
three years, the following is measured and
made available to the public:
the extent to which schools comply with
the LWP,
the extent to which the LWP compares to
model local school wellness policies, and
the progress made in attaining the goals
of the LWP
Ten Essential Components of Local School Wellness Policy Checklist
This document outlines the ten required components of the local school wellness policy (LWP) as
defined by the USDA final rule of 2016. Districts can use this checklist in conjunction with Healthier
Generation’s Model Wellness Policy, to revise/update their LWP and ensure that it meets federal re-
quirements. Healthier Generation’s Model Wellness Policy includes model language for the required
components, as well as resources to support implementation.
 
 = Includes all required language
 = Include some of the required language
 = Include none of the required language
        
   
The policy includes nutrition standards
for all foods and beverages sold on the
school campus during the school day that
are consistent with Federal regulations
for school meals and the Smart Snacks in
School nutrition standards.
The policy includes standards for all foods
and beverages provided, but not sold, to
students during the school day (e.g., in
classroom parties or classroom snacks
brought by parents).
The policy includes specific goals for nutri-
tion education and promotion activities.
The policy includes requirements for mar-
keting and advertising of only those foods
and beverages that meet the USDA Smart
Snacks in School nutrition standards on the
school campus during the school day.
The policy includes specific goals for physi-
cal activity opportunities.
The policy includes specific goals for other
school-based activities that promote stu-
dent wellness.