The Traffic Crash Report is designed to record a Department member's investigation/citizen's report of
any motor vehicle or non-motor vehicle traffic crash.
This formset was designed by the Illinois Department of Transportation (lDOT), to record traffic crashes
which are classified as Type A (property damage only - driveable) or Type B (fatality, personal injury, non-
driveable, etc.). The Illinois Traffic Crash Report is a serial numbered (located under the bar code), bar
coded, 3-part carbon-interleaved formset consisting of one Police Department copy and two Illinois Motorist
Reports. The upper portion of the Motorist Reports are completed by carbon when the Police Department
copy is filled out. Department members will complete the upper two thirds of the report above the heavy
black line (driver/owner information). The carbons will then be removed and the Motorist Report copies will
be given to the citizens involved in the crash.
In traffic crashes involving more than two units (e.g. vehicle, pedal cyclist, pedestrian), SR 1050 CA (CPD
22.110A) forms should be used for the additional vehicles. The serial number of the initial formset should
be inserted on the SR 1050 CA.
Any crash that is not a Type "B". No injury/Drive Away.
A crash that involves injury, death, and/or a vehicle was towed from the scene due to damage caused by
the crash.
Per the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), the following definitions apply:
A crash that involves a motor vehicle in transport.
A motor vehicle's first damage and/or injury is with someone or something other than another motor
A motor vehicle's first damage and/or injury is with another motor vehicle(s).
A motor vehicle's first contact is with a pedestrian.
A motor vehicle collides with a fixed object when no other vehicle or object has been struck.
A motor vehicle's first contact is with a railway vehicle.
A motor vehicle's first contact is with an animal.
A motor vehicle collides with an object that is not a fixed object and the object is not moving when
struck (e.g., fallen tree).
A motor vehicle that sustains damage but has not collided with another motor vehicle or an object or has
not overturned (e.g., jackknife, fire starting in a motor vehicle while it is in transport; or breakage of any
part of the vehicle resulting in injury or property damage).
A motor vehicle overturning without first striking another vehicle or an object.
A. Print all information using a ballpoint pen with black ink.
B. In crashes involving unattended vehicles, the investigating officer will obtain ownership information
either through the mobile terminal (if available) or through Office of Emergency Management and
Communications (OEMC). If the investigating officer is not able to obtain ownership information
during his tour of duty, he will attach a note to the Traffic Crash Report stating (a) whether the
information has been requested and will be available or (b) whether this information is unavailable.
It shall be the responsibility of the supervisor approving the report to obtain the information, if at all
possible, and include it in the report.
C. Crashes involving several cars struck in sequence, or a series of events which may extend as
much as a block or occur on two different streets, shall be considered as one reportable crash.
Example: An intoxicated driver strikes several cars in succession and turns a corner striking
several more. If the crash situation has not stabilized, all successive collisions are considered part
of the original collision.
D. The printed serial number, which is located in the upper right hand corner of the crash report
immediately beneath the bar code, along with the RD Number, is used to match and combine the
sheets comprising the report file for a crash. Any unused sheets of a formset should be discarded.
E. When entering the information from the Templates into the boxes utilizing a template, a "9" or "99,"
as appropriate, should be used only when the information is not available and/or is not
F. The officer should enter the "striking” unit as Unit 1. In most cases, the "striking" and "at-fault"
vehicle will be the same. However, it should be noted in some instances that the "striking" unit will
not be the “at-fault" unit based upon a driver's or witness's statement or physical evidence.
Example: Vehicle A disobeys a stop sign and proceeds through the intersection and is struck in the
side by Vehicle B. In this instance, Vehicle A is the "at-fault" vehicle even though it is not the
"striking" vehicle and should therefore be listed as Unit 1. It is not necessary for the "at-fault"
vehicle to strike another vehicle.
G. Enforcement action need not be taken in Type A crashes. However, if there is an apparent license
violation, mandatory insurance violation or a driver(s) is under the influence of alcohol, other drugs
or a combination thereof, or a driver(s) involved in the crash insists that the other driver(s)
committed a traffic violation and the allegation is supported by physical evidence and/or witnesses,
appropriate enforcement action will be taken.
H. For every person involved in the crash, the severity of injury must be reported.
In boxes 1 through 30 and Contributory Cause(s), enter number codes according to the Templates.
Note: Contributory Cause Codes are located on the back of Template 1.
Whenever there are two boxes for one number marked U1 and U2, enter information for Unit 1 and Unit 2.
31. Self-explanatory.
32. For detailed explanation, see “Purpose of Report.” The entire report must be completed for both
Type A and Type B traffic crashes.
33. Self-explanatory.
34. In incidents when address is known, enter numerical street address of the incident in Box 34
marked "Address No.", e.g., "1121." Circle the appropriate direction. Enter the street name with
suffix in the next box marked “Highway or Street Name,” e.g., "State Street." For crashes at the
intersection, enter the address on the streets in which the striking or offending vehicle was
traveling. For example, 800 W. Roosevelt Rd and 1200 S. Halsted St refer to the same location.
The appropriate address to use is that of the street in which Unit 1 was traveling before the crash.
For crashes at the Intersection: "X” square before
"At Intersection With,” and enter the specific
numerical street location or approximate numerical street location of intersecting street.
If crash is not at intersection
and when address is not known, "X" the square before "___FT/MI."
Circle either "FT" or "MI", as appropriate, enter the number of feet or miles or tenths of a mile from
the center of the nearest intersection. Circle "N," "E,” “S,” or "W” indicating direction away from the
nearest intersection where crash occurred.
35. "X" squares marked YES or NO for the following:
a. Intersection related – was this an intersection related crash, regardless of the location of
the collision? (If the crash occurred because of the intersection, regardless of the exact
location, it is intersection related).
b. Private property – Did the crash originate and occur on private property?
Note: Crashes originating on a public roadway and ending on private property should not
be marked as a private property crash. Example: The driver of a vehicle on a
public roadway lost control and ran off the roadway and hit a house at the corner
of an intersection. This is still a public property crash.
c. Hit & Run – Was this a Hit &Run crash (complete box 59)?
36. Enter date of crash (Month-Day-Year), enter time of crash (civilian time), “X", square for AM or PM.
Indicate the Beat of Occurrence.
DOORING - Self-explanatory.
37. Self-explanatory.
38. Enter total number of vehicles involved in the crash. Indicate whether photos and/or statements
were taken.
39. Choose between Unit 1 and Unit 2; enter the “striking" unit as Unit 1 unless you determine that the
"striking” vehicle is NOT the "at-fault" unit, then enter the "at-fault" unit as Unit 1. "X" one of the
squares marked "Driver," “Parked – No Driver,” “Ped" (Pedestrian), "Pedal” (Pedal cyclist), "Eques”
(Equestrian), "NMV" (occupant of Non-Motor Vehicle), or "NCV" (Non-Contact Vehicle). Enter the
name (Last - First -M.I.) as shown on the Driver’s License, if available. Enter name of person, when
known, who last had control of the vehicle and any available information. If vehicle is legally
parked, print "Parked" in name box: if vehicle is illegally parked, print "Illegally Parked." When
driver is unknown, enter "UNK" in name box. If a train is involved, do not list engineer as driver of
unit, print in the word "Train" and additional information in BOX 43 (Damaged Property
Note: A Non-Contact Vehicle (NCV) is a vehicle that may have contributed to the crash but did
not make any direct contact with any other vehicle involved in the crash.
Enter Date of Birth (Month-Day-Year): enter street address: indicate sex by printing M or F; enter
city, state, zip; enter telephone number, if available; enter Driver License Number ("None" or N/A if
no license); Enter State and Class as shown on Drivers License.
TAKEN TO (Unshaded) Enter name of hospital, doctor's office, mortuary or other place person
was taken. If person refused medical treatment, indicate. EMS (Unshaded) Enter ambulance
service that transported injured from scene and emergency medical service or run number when
known. Enter "Unknown" if necessary.
25. Use Template 2 to indicate safety equipment used by the driver.
26. Use Template 2 to indicate air bag deployment.
27. (Unshaded) Enter code from Template 2 for most severe injury to person involved in the crash.
Note: For every person involved in the crash, the severity of injury must be reported. If a
person is not injured, enter “O” to denote “No indication of injury.” If injury is
unknown as in the case of a hit and run driver, enter “O.” Do not leave this box
blank. Only use “K,” “A,” “B,” “C,” or “O.”
28. (Unshaded) Enter one of the codes from Template 2 regarding ejection or extrication.
39. Enter manufacturer's Make, Model, and Year. Enter License Plate Number, issuing State and
Month / Year of expiration. Enter Vehicle Identification Number. Enter name of owner of title of
vehicle; if same as vehicle driver, print "Same." Enter complete address of owner, if different than
CIRCLE NUMBER(S) FOR DAMAGED AREA(S) on the diagram of vehicle or "00" None, "10"
Under Carriage, "11" Total, "12" Other or "99" Unknown. Enter a number in the square provided for
"Point of First Contact" from those surrounding the diagram.
TOWED - "X" Yes or No for questions as appropriate. Enter the name of the INSURANCE
COMPANY (not agent) which issued policy for vehicle. Enter "None" if not insured; enter "Self-
insured" if self-insured (If "NONE," citation must be issued). Enter insurance POLICY NO. from
insurance card. Enter information for other traffic unit(s) involved in crash according to instructions
Items below heavy line are formatted to list information regarding passengers, witnesses, injured persons.
Remove carbons prior to completing this section and give Motorist Report copy to citizen(s).
Only use this
section for Passengers and Witnesses. If there are additional Units, use the SR 1050 CA – Additional
Units form.
(UNIT) – Enter unit number in which person was passenger; if a witness, enter “W." If additional
space is needed for Passengers and Witnesses, use the SR 1050 CA – Additional Units form.
24. (SEAT) – Enter appropriate number for seat position located on Template 2. Number “7" is to be
used if the passenger is occupying any other space in an enclosed vehicle. Cycle passengers
legally seated will be coded as seat position “7”. Number "8" will be used if passenger is illegally
seated or outside the vehicle (e.g., pickup truck bed, fender, etc.).
(DOB) – Enter passenger's date of birth (Month-Day-Year). This information is required for all
occupants, but is optional for witnesses.
(SEX) – Indicate by printing M or F.
25. (SAFT) – Enter safety equipment used by the passenger from Template 2.
26. (AIR) – Enter air bag equipment deployment for the passenger from Template 2.
27. (INJ) – Enter the appropriate injury code for each passenger from Template 2. Injury must be
reported for every passenger. When there is no injury, enter “O” to denote “No indication of injury.”
28. (EJCT) – Enter the appropriate ejection/extrication code for passenger from Template 2.
40. (NAME) I (ADDR) / (TEL) – Enter the name (last, first, M.I.), address, zip code, and telephone
number for each passenger or for each witness.
41. (HOSP) – Enter name of hospital, doctor's office, or mortuary to which person was taken. If person
refused medical treatment, indicate.
42. (EMS) – Enter ambulance service that transported injured from scene and emergency medical
service or run number when known. Enter "Unknown" if necessary.
Note: Items 29 and 30 must be completed for each unit (shaded) using the codes listed on
Template 1. Boxes numbered 29 and 30 must be completed for each unit from the event and
location items on Template 1. Complete up to three events for each unit when necessary.
The events (1, 2, and 3) are prenumbered. If there are more than three sequences involved
in the crash, the three most important sequences should be used. To the immediate left of
Box 29, check the box (Most) to indicate the most severe event for each unit.
Event Action
29. (EVENT) – Enter up to three codes from Template 1 to thoroughly explain what happened in the
30. (LOC) – Enter up to three codes from Template 1 indicating the Location of the event relative to
43. DAMAGED PROPERTY OWNER NAME – Enter damaged property owner name (other than
vehicle) (Last -First-M.I.). Wild animals are owned by the State of Illinois. If a train is involved,
indicate name and address of railroad company here and locomotive number under damaged
property. Enter “City of Chicago” for damaged City property including but not limited to traffic
lights, sign posts, guard rails, planters, bridge supports, etc.
DAMAGED PROPERTY – Enter description/type of damaged property other than vehicles.
PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS – Enter address, city, state, zip code of owner of damaged property.
DAMAGE TO PUBLIC/GOVERNMENT PROPERTY – In all traffic crashes involving damage to public
property (defined in Section 8-4-120 MCC, as any public building, sewer, water pipe, hydrant, or other City
property, or any tree, grass, shrub, or walk in any public way or public park), the investigating officer will
complete the "Damaged Property" portion of the Crash Report. When the damage to public property
involves City or Chicago Park District property and such damage is the result of a traffic law violation,
members will follow the procedures outlined in the Department Directive entitled "Damage to Public
44. Enter name (Last -First -M.I.) of person who was arrested, if applicable.
SECTION – Enter section number of violation; if other than IVC, indicate ILCS/MCC
chapter/section number. List most serious violation first. CITATION NO. – Enter citation number.
CONTRIBUTORY CAUSES – Self-explanatory.
POSTED SPEED LIMIT – Self-explanatory.
WORK ZONE – Self-explanatory.
45. Enter Month, Day, Year police were notified of crash. Enter the time (civilian time) notified and “X”
AM or PM.
NOTE: Enter time notified in the Box to the immediate right of Box 45
46. Enter investigating/reporting member's Star/Employee No. (for civilian members) and sign the
47. Enter investigating/reporting member's Beat
48. Approving supervisor's signature and Star No.
NOTE: Enter court date and time, if applicable, in the boxes to the immediate right of Box
The reverse side of the form should be completed for ALL crashes. The Commercial Vehicle information in
Box 51 should be completed if a commercial vehicle was involved in the crash.
49. DIAGRAM – Prepare diagram: Number each unit with number previously assigned on front of
report; indicate direction of travel with arrow; indicate North by arrow in the circle at upper right;
indicate street names and other features that were affected by or resulted in the crash. If more
space is needed, a more detailed diagram may be drawn on a separate sheet. The serial number
(which is located under the bar code), the RD Number, and the sheet number of the total report
must be indicated on the attachment
NOTE: The R.D. number should be inserted inside the box provided in the diagram area.
50. NARRATIVE – Should describe what occurred as briefly as possible; describe the main events of
crash. Refer to units by number previously assigned. Contributing factors/circumstances or
significant details not covered in the remainder of the form should be included. Notifications should
be listed here. Information on drug testing should be indicated here. If more space is required,
attach a separate sheet; include serial number, RD Number, and sheet number of total report as a
cross-reference to the original report.
Boxes 51 through 57 should be completed for crashes involving commercial vehicles.
A commercial vehicle is any vehicle operated for the transportation of persons or property in the
furtherance of any commercial or industrial enterprise, For-Hire or Not-For-Hire, but not including a
commuter van, a vehicle used in a ridesharing arrangement when being used for that purpose, or a
recreational vehicle not being used commercially. Included in this definition are the following: (a) vehicles
that have a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 26,001 pounds or more; (b) vehicles designed to
transport 16 or more persons; (c) vehicles transporting hazardous materials.
51. Enter the CARRIER NAME and corporate ADDRESS of the motor carrier.
52. SOURCE – "X" the square indicating source of carrier name and address.
53. GVWR – Enter Gross Vehicle Weight Rating, the value specified by the manufacturer as the
loaded weight of a single vehicle (the load vehicle is designed to hold). Include the power unit
(tractor or cab) and trailer(s). Ratings are listed on the Federal Certification (FMVSS) plate or label
generally located on the driver-side door post of the power unit and on the forward half of the left
side of the trailer. If the GVWR is not available, use the Gross Combination Weight Rating (GCWR)
which is the GVWR of the power unit and the total weight of the towed unit and load on it.
54. ID NUMBER – Enter all available ID numbers: USDOT federal census number, the Interstate
Commerce Commission number and the state number with the state name. These numbers are
generally located on either side of the cab or power unit.
55. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS – "X" appropriate square to indicate if hazardous material placard(s)
was present. If yes
, enter 4-digit placard number, the 1-digit placard number and the class name
from any one placard on the line provided. "X" appropriate square indicating whether hazardous
cargo was released (do not include fuel from vehicle fuel tank). "X” appropriate square indicating if
violations of hazardous materials regulations or motor carrier safety regulations contributed to the
crash. "X" appropriate square if hazardous materials and/or a motor carrier safety inspection form
was completed. Indicate if any out of service violations were cited and enter the Illinois Commercial
Driver/Vehicle Inspection form number.
56. lDOT PERMIT – Enter the 7-digit lDOT oversize/overweight permit number, if any, and indicate if
the unit is a wide load.
57. TRAILER WIDTH/LENGTH/AXLES – “X" appropriate square indicating trailer width. Indicate in feet
total trailer length. Indicate in feet total vehicle length. Enter NUMBER OF AXLES on the vehicle
including the power unit and trailer(s).
VEHICLE CONFIGURATION – Insert the number from the vehicle illustration located on the back of Traffic
Crash Report booklet cover which best describes the unit. If unit is truck/trailer with no cargo body, do not
indicate cargo body type.
CARGO BODY TYPE – Insert the number from the vehicle illustrations located on the back of Traffic Crash
Report booklet cover which best describes the Cargo Body Type of units pulling trailers.
FLATBED LOAD TYPE – Insert the number from the box on the back of Traffic Crash Report booklet cover
which best describes the cargo on units pulling flatbed trailers.
59. HIT & RUN: WANTED DRIVER – complete the sex, race, age, hair color, distinguishing marks
and/or clothing description information, if available. Indicate Unit No. previously assigned; include
vehicle color.
The remainder of this section is for use by the Major
Accident Investigation Unit only.
CPD-63.470 (REV. 6/14)