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P O BOX >><<
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THIS AGREEMENT FOR LEASE is made the day of Two
Thousand and Five
>><< LIMITED a limited liability company incorporated in the Republic of Kenya whose
postal address is >><< in the said Republic (the Landlordwhich expression shall where
the context so admits include its successors and assigns) of the one part; and
>><< AFRICA LIMITED a limited liability company incorporated in the said Republic
whose postal address is care of Post Office Box Number >>< Nairobi 00200 Kenya
aforesaid (the Tenant” which expression shall where the context so admits include its
successors and assigns) of the other part.
The Landlord is registered as the proprietor as owner of ALL THAT piece of land situate
adjoining >><<Township in the >><< District of the Republic of Kenya containing by
measurement >><< acres or thereabouts that is to say Land Reference Number >><
being premises comprised in a Grant registered in the Land Titles Registry at Nairobi as
Number I.R. >><< which said piece of land with the dimensions abuttals and boundaries
thereof is delineated on a Plan annexed to the Grant and more particularly on Land
Survey Plan Number >><< annexed to the Grant and deposited in the Survey Records
Office at Nairobi.
The Landlord wishes to grant and the Tenant is desirous of being granted a lease of part
of the land being the premises described in the First Schedule hereto (the Demised
Premises”) for the term of Twenty (20) years from the day of
(the “Term”) at the monthly rent provided in the Second Schedule hereto payable
quarterly in advance on the First days of January, April, July and October in each and
every year of the Term (the “Rent”).
The parties acknowledge and agree that the Land is agricultural and hence the consent
of the Land Control Board for the area in which the Land is situate is required prior to the
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grant of and registration of the said lease.
The said Land Control Board is presently not operational hence the grant and the
finalization of the lease cannot proceed.
The parties have agreed to enter into this Agreement to record their agreement and
intention to enter into a legally binding lease (the Lease”) for the Demised Premises for
the Term at the Rent as soon as the said Land Control Board is reconstituted and its
consent obtained by the parties.
The parties further agree that the Lease shall be in the form in the Third Schedule hereto
and shall contain like terms covenants and conditions as those therein contained.
The Landlord shall grant and the Tenant shall accept the Lease of the Demised Premises
for the Term and at the Rent and subject to the Landlord obtaining the said Land Control
Board’s consent to the same together with such other consent and approvals as may be
by law required (if any).
The Tenant shall use the Demised Premises for the purposes of carrying and operating
a rose farm and such other incidental activities and for no other purpose whatsoever
without the Landlord’s prior written approval being first had and obtained.
Subject to such amendments and additions as may be necessitated by the form of the
documents of title held by the Landlord at the date of the execution hereof and to such
modifications thereto as may at that time be mutually agreed between the parties hereto
the Term and the Rent and the covenants agreements conditions stipulations and
restrictions to be contained in the Lease shall be as are set out in the form of the lease
set out in the Third Schedule hereto.
All the Landlord costs of and incidental to the preparation and finalizing this Agreement
for Lease and the Lease including all legal charges stamp duties consent and other
related costs thereof shall be borne and paid by the Tenant.
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This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the
subject matter hereof and supercedes all previous agreements and understandings
between the parties with respect thereto and may not be modified except by an instrument
in writing signed by the duly authorised representative of the parties.
This Agreement shall not capable of transfer or assignment by the Tenant.
The Demised Premises
ALL THAT portion comprising of >><< hectares or thereabouts being part of Land
Reference Number >><<, >><<, as the same is shown on the plan annexed hereto and
hatched red, the said plan being registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi in
Volume Folio File .
The Rent
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The Lease
(Chapter 281)
THIS LEASE (“this Lease”) is made on the day of Two
Thousand and BETWEEN:
>><< LIMITED a limited liability company incorporated in the Republic of Kenya whose
postal address is >><< in the said Republic (the Landlordwhich expression shall where
the context so admits include its successors and assigns) of the one part; and
>><< AFRICA LIMITED a limited liability company incorporated in the said Republic
whose postal address is care of Post Office Box Number >><< Nairobi >><< Kenya
aforesaid (the Tenant” which expression shall where the context so admits include its
successors and assigns) of the other part.
The Landlord is registered as the proprietor of ALL THAT piece of land situate adjoining
>><< Township in the >><< of the Republic of Kenya known as Land Reference Number
>><< which said piece of land with the dimensions abuttals and boundaries thereof is
delineated and described on the plan annexed to the Grant registered as Number I.R.
>><< and more particularly on Land Survey Plan Number >><< annexed to the said Grant
and deposited in the Survey Records Office at Nairobi and thereon bordered red (the
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The Landlord wishes to grant to the Tenant a lease (being this Lease) in respect of a
portion of the Land comprising by measurement >><< hectares or thereabouts more
particularly in the Schedule annexed to this Agreement (the Demised Premises”) for the
Term at the Rent and subject to the covenants agreements conditions restrictions
stipulations and provisions hereinafter contained.
In this Lease:
Commencement Date” means the day of .
Movables and Improvementsshall have the meaning specified in Clause 4.4.5 hereof.
Permitted Users” means use of the Demised Premises for the purposes of carrying on
and operating a horticultural or floricultural business of whatever kind and other incidental
Pipesmeans all pipes and sewers drains mains ducts conduits gutters watercourses
wires cables channels and other conducting media and includes any fixings louvers cowls
and any other ancillary apparatus.
Rent” means the Rent payable in accordance with Clause 3 of this Lease.
Term means Twenty (20) years from and including the Commencement Date and
subject to Clause 6.12 hereof.
Words importing one gender include all other genders and words importing the
singular include the plural and vice versa.
Unless expressly stated to the contrary, any reference to a specific statute includes
any statutory extension or modification amendment or re-enactment of that statute
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and any regulations or orders made under it and any general reference to statute
includes any regulations or orders made to that statute.
The clause paragraph and schedule headings do not form part of this Lease and
shall not be taken into account in its construction or interpretation.
The schedules to this Lease and any covenants and obligations contained therein
shall form part of the Lease and shall be construed accordingly.
The Landlord HEREBY LEASES to the Tenant the Demised Premises for the
Term in consideration of the Rent.
The Landlord grants to the Tenant (in common with the Landlord and all others
entitled and only in so far as the Landlord is entitled to grant):
the right of the Tenant and all other persons expressly or by implication authorised
by it to pass and repass to and from the Demised Premises at all times with
or without vehicles of any description for all purposes connected with the
use and enjoyment of the Demised Premises (but not otherwise) over and
along the roads driveways and pathways within the Land;
the right to free passage and running water sewerage electricity telephone and
other services or supplies to and from the Demised Premises in and through
the Pipes that will now be or may previously have been laid in on over or
under the other parts of the Land to serve the Demised Premises.
Exceptions and Reservations
There are excepted and reserved from the demise, in favour of the Landlord and
all others now entitled or who may become entitled:
the free and uninterrupted passage and running water sewage electricity telephone
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and other services supplies from and to other parts of the Land in and
through the Pipes which now are or may after the date of this Lease during
the Term be in under or over the Demised Premises;
the rights of air light support shelter protection and all other easements and rights
now or after the date of this Lease belonging to or enjoyed by other parts of
the Land and any adjoining property owned by or in possession of the
The rents reserved by this Lease are a stand premium of and
thereafter the following annual rent:
The Tenant HEREBY COVENANTS with the Landlord as follows:
To pay the Rent hereby reserved without deductions whatsoever annually in
advance by bankers draft to the Landlord on the days and in the manner specified
in this Lease.
Throughout the Term to bear and pay a fair proportion of the rates land rent taxes
and other charges of every nature and kind which now or may hereafter be
assessed or imposed on the Land by the Government or by any local authority or
any other authority (the Outgoings”) AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED AND
DECLARED that for the purpose of this Clause the fair proportionate part of the
Outgoings shall be determined by the proportion which the Demised Premises
bears to the total area of the Land AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED AND
DECLARED that the amount so ascertained and payable by the Tenant shall be
paid by the Tenant on the date fixed for payment of Rent next after demand for
payment shall have been made on the Tenant and shall be recoverable from the
Tenant as Rent and in case of any dispute arising from this Clause the same shall
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be referred to an Arbitrator in accordance with the Arbitration Act or any other law
in that behalf for the time being in force.
Electricity and other services consumed
To pay the suppliers of, and to indemnify the Landlord against, all charges for
electricity water and telephone usage at or in relation to the Demised Premises.
Construct and maintain
The Tenant shall be entitled to construct on the Demised Premises permanent or
semi-permanent structures for the cultivation, propagation and harvesting
of horticultural or floricultural produce of whatever kind and thereafter farm
and cultivate the Demised Premises in accordance with the rules of good
husbandry and so as not to injure or deteriorate the same;
All Movables and Improvements (hereinafter defined) shall be the property of the
Tenant and unless otherwise agreed between the parties hereto on the
termination of this Lease or the determination of the Term for any reason
whatsoever the Tenant shall be entitled to remove or uproot them as the
case may be from the Demised Premises causing as little damage as
At the expiry of the Term or on earlier determination of such Term the Tenant shall
remove from the Demised Premises all the Movables and tear down all
Improvements prior to the expiration or termination of this Lease leaving the
Demised Premises in a good and tidy condition having regard to the state
and condition of the Demised Premises as at the Commencement Date (fair
wear and tear excepted) and shall make good any damage caused thereby
to the Landlord’s reasonable satisfaction and failing such removal the
Landlord shall have the right to dispose of any of the Tenant’s property
remaining on the Premises and the Land after the expiry Six (6) months
from the expiration or termination of this Lease without any liability to or
claim by the Tenant;
Notwithstanding the provision of Clause 4.4.3 above, the Landlord may at its sole
option and by giving to the Tenant Fourteen (14) days’ notice in writing of
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its intention to purchase the Movables and Improvements from the Tenant
at a price to be agreed between the parties;
For the purposes of this Lease, the expression “Movables” shall include without
limitation all assets capable of being moved and shall include all pumps
diesel or electric motor engines cooling and refrigeration equipment
greenhouses movable irrigation pumps prefabricated staff houses field
lighting and electrical equipment as well as crops rose bushes and any
improvements of a movable nature made or constructed by the Tenant on
the Demised Premises; and the expression “Improvements” shall mean any
improvements made by the Tenant during the currency of this Lease which
do not fall within the definition of Movables set out in this Clause.
The Tenant shall be entitled to keep the Demised Premises in good order and
condition and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing)
to keep all the roads pathways and drains serving adjoining or running through the
Demised Premises in reasonable and substantial repair and condition, provide that
the Tenant shall not be liable for repair rendered necessary by reason of damage
by irresistible forces.
Right of Inspection
To permit the Landlord and its servants or agents at all reasonable times upon
prior notice to the Tenant to view the Demised Premises with others for the purpose
of ascertaining that the covenants and conditions of this Lease have been
observed and to enter into and examine the state of repair and condition of the
Demised Premises.
Right of Entry
To permit the Landlord and its servants or agents at all reasonable times upon
prior notice (other than in a case of an emergency) to the Tenant to enter the
Demised Premises with others and to enter into and execute any repairs for which
the Tenant may not be liable under the covenants under this Lease or any
maintenance repairs cleaning examination testing alteration addition improvement
or renewal of or to the Demised Premises or any adjoining premises or land or for
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the purposes of maintaining the Land or any pipes cables or conduits serving the
same provided always the Landlord will make good any damage caused in such
Restrictions affecting use of Demised Premises
Not to use the Demised Premises or any part for any purpose other than for the
Permitted Uses without the prior written consent of the Landlord such
consent not to be unreasonably withheld;
Not to do or allow to remain or to permit or suffer or allow servants, employees or
invitees of the Tenant to do in or upon the Demised Premises anything
which in the reasonable opinion of the Landlord may be or has become a
nuisance or annoyance to the Landlord or other tenants of the Land or may
cause damage to the owners or occupiers of adjoining or neighbouring
Not to do or permit or suffer any act which shall amount to a breach or non-
observance of any negative or restrictive covenant or special condition
contained in any lease Grant or other instrument under which the Lease or
Land is held by the Landlord to which they are otherwise subject or which
they may become subject.
Not to transfer assign sublet charge or in any way part with possession of the
Demised Premises or any part thereof without the prior written notification to the
Landlord and any chargee (if required) and any new third party shall execute and
agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Lease.
To indemnify the Landlord against all damage loss or injury occasioned to the
Demised Premises or any adjoining or neighbouring premises or to any
person or persons caused by any act default negligence or omission of the
Tenant or its servants agents employees licensees or invitees;
To indemnify the Landlord against any actions claims or demands arising out of
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leakage or overflow of water or any other effluent from the Demised
Outside authorities
At all times during the Term to comply with all laws acts regulations or bye-laws
now or hereinafter made or issued by the Government of Kenya or any
Municipal Township local or other authority in relation to occupation conduct
or use of the Demised Premises;
Within Twenty One (21) days of receipt of any notice from any such authority upon
the Tenant to provide to the Landlord full particulars of the same.
Yielding at end of Term
To yield up the Demised Premises at the end or sooner determination of the Term
in a similar condition to which it was originally leased, excepting fair wear and tear
and damage caused by irresistible forces.
To pay all the costs in connection with the preparation and completion of this Lease
and counter parts together with all taxes duties and registration fees consents and
disbursements payable thereon prior to the execution of the same.
To pay interest on all sums due under this Lease which are more than thirty (30)
days in arrears at the rate of five per cent (5%) above the base lending rate of the
Central Bank of Kenya as prescribed from time to time from the date when such
sums become due and payable until payment thereof in full.
To comply with and ensure that all persons under the Tenant’s control comply with
the current rules and regulations reasonably promulgated by the Landlord or as
agreed between the tenants in respect of the Land, its use, security and access.
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The Landlord HEREBY COVENANTS with the Tenant as follows:
For quiet enjoyment
That the Tenant paying the Rent hereby reserved and performing and observing the
Tenant’s covenants hereinbefore contained shall lawfully and peaceably enjoy the
Demised Premises throughout the Term without any lawful suit eviction or interruption by
the Landlord or by any person lawfully claiming through under or in trust for the Landlord.
The Tenant shall throughout the Term hereby granted enjoy:
The right for the Tenant its servants employees licensees and invitees during
reasonable business hours to use on foot or by vehicles the roads or
pathways now or hereafter to be constructed on the Land for the purpose
of seeking access to or from the Demised Premises;
The right to enter adjoining property forming part of the Land with or without
workmen or agents upon giving not less than fourteen (14) days notice or
without notice in the case of an emergency to the respective occupier to
execute repairs alterations painting redecoration or any other work
whatsoever to or for the benefit of the Demised Premises making good any
damage thereby occasioned to such property.
Passage of water etc.
The right to free and uninterrupted passage and running of water soil effluent and
electricity through all conduits serving the Demised Premises save that the Landlord shall
not be held responsible if there are circumstances beyond the Landlord’s control which
affects the supply of the same.
Borehole and reservoir
To construct and maintain a borehole and a reservoir on the Land and throughout the
Term to permit the Tenant to draw water therefrom sufficient for the purposes of the
Tenant’s business (and to grant or procure the grant of such easements as may be
necessary for that purpose).
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Proviso for re-entry
If and whenever during the Term
the Rent or any other moneys hereby reserved or any part thereof shall at any time
be unpaid for Fourteen (14) days after becoming payable (whether lawfully
demanded or not); or
if any of the other covenants on the part of the Tenant herein contained shall not
be performed and observed
then and in any of the said cases the Landlord shall serve the Tenant with Thirty
(30) days’ notice demanding payment or that the covenant be complied with and
in the event of the expiry of the said notice the Tenant shall have failed to
commence rectification of the relevant breach and shall still be in breach, it shall
be lawful for the Landlord to re-enter upon the Demised Premises or any part
thereof in the name of the whole and thereupon this Lease shall determine
absolutely but without prejudice to the right of action of the Landlord in respect of
any antecedent breach of any of the covenants on the part of the Tenant herein
Section 108 of the ITPA
If at any time the Land or any art thereof or the means of access thereto shall be
damaged or destroyed by fire floods volcanic eruption or other force
majeure so as to render the Demised Premises unfit for occupation and use
by the Tenant the Landlord shall until such time as the same shall again be
rendered fit for occupation and use allow to the Tenant a total or
proportionate abatement of the rents as the case may be, provided that the
Tenant shall in no circumstances be liable for any damage or loss suffered
by reason of such loss of occupation and use of the Demised Premises;
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Where in accordance with sub-clause 6.2.1 hereof a question as to the amount of
abatement to be made in the said rent the same shall be determined by
surveyors appointed by the Landlord and approved by the Tenant for such
purpose and in determining the amount the said surveyors shall be
instructed to have regard to the extent of the damage and the extent to
which the Demised Premises are unfit for use.
Landlord’s liability
The Landlord shall not be liable for any loss damage or injury to the Tenant or its
servants employees licensees or invitees and the Tenant shall indemnify the
Landlord against all claims actions and proceedings by the servants licensees or
invitees of the Tenant in respect of such loss damage or injury caused by:
Any lack or shortage of electricity water or drainage;
The overflow of water to the Demised Premises from other parts of the Land as a
consequence of an act of God;
Any burglary or theft;
Any fire howsoever occurring;
Any act or default of any other tenant of the Land or any portion thereof or of their
servants licensees or invitees.
Force Majeure
No liability shall attach in respect of any breach of any positive covenant or
agreement (other than covenants and agreements for payment of money) on the
part of the Landlord or Tenant herein contained or implied so long as they shall be
prevented from performing the same by statutory restriction non-availability of
labour or materials or matters beyond their control except that if such breach shall
occur as aforesaid the Landlord or Tenant as the case may be shall remedy such
breach immediately conditions permitting and in the event of any such breach of a
covenant or agreement on the part of the Tenant not having been remedied before
the expiration or sooner determination pay to the Landlord such an amount as shall
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be necessary to remedy such breach as aforesaid.
Repayment of the Landlord
If the Tenant shall default in the performance or observance of payment of Rent,
outgoings or costs (as provided herein) and if the Landlord shall make any
expenditure or incur any obligation for payment of money in connection therewith
including but not limited to advocates’ fees in instituting prosecuting or defending
any action or proceeding such sums paid or obligations incurred with interest and
costs and shall be deemed to be additional Rent hereunder and shall be paid to
the Landlord by the Tenant within Fourteen (14) days of the furnishing or rendering
to the Tenant of any bill or statement
Landlord’s future works
No allowance shall be made to the Tenant for a diminution of rental value and no
liability shall fall on the Landlord by reason of any inconvenience annoyance or
injury to business arising from the Landlord or others making any repairs
alterations additions or improvements in or to any portion of the Land or in or to
any fixtures appurtenances or equipment thereof nor shall any liability fall on the
Landlord for failure by it or by others to make any repairs alterations additions or
improvements in or to any portion of the Land or in or to the fixtures appurtenances
or equipment thereof;
Landlord’s representations
The Landlord and its agents have made no representations or promises with
respect to the Land or the Demised Premises except as herein expressly set forth
and the taking of the Demised Premises by the Tenant shall be conclusive
evidence as against the Tenant that the Tenant accepts the same as they are and
the Demised Premises and the Land were in good and satisfactory condition at the
time such possession was so taken;
Landlord’s power of waiver
The failure of the Landlord to seek redress for violation of or to insist upon the strict
performance of any covenant agreement condition restriction stipulation or
provision of this Lease or of any the rules and regulations from time to time
promulgated by the Landlord or its agents shall not prevent any subsequent act
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which would have originally constituted a violation from having all the force and
effect of an original violation and receipt by the Landlord of any Rent with
knowledge of the breach of any covenant agreement condition restriction
stipulation or provision of this Lease shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such
breach nor shall the failure of the Landlord to enforce any such rule or regulation
as aforesaid against the Tenant and/or any other tenant in the Land be deemed
to be a waiver of any such rules or regulations. No provision of this Lease shall be
deemed to have been waived by the Landlord unless such waiver be expressly
made by the Landlord in writing nor shall any payment by the Tenant or any receipt
by the Landlord of a lesser amount than the Rent hereby reserved be deemed to
be other than on account of the earliest stipulation Rent nor shall any endorsement
or statement on any cheque or any letter accompanying any cheque or payment
as rent be deemed to be an accord and satisfaction and the Landlord may accept
any such cheque or payment without prejudice to its rights to recover the balance
of such rent or pursue any other remedy in this Lease provided.
Entire Agreement
This Lease contains the entire agreement between the parties and no changes or
modifications shall be made unless in writing and signed by both parties. Save as
set out in Clause 6.2, the provisions of section 108 of the Indian Transfer of
Property Act shall not apply to this Lease.
Any notice or other communication bill or statement provided for by this Lease shall
be in writing and any notice communication bill or statement to the Tenant shall be
sufficiently served if addressed to the Tenant and delivered to the Demised
Premises or sent by registered post to the Tenant’s last known address in the said
Republic and any notice or communication to the Landlord shall be sufficiently
served if delivered by registered post to its aforestated postal address. Any notice
communication bill or statement served by registered post shall be deemed to have
been served within Four (4) days following the day on which it was posted.
This Agreement shall be governed and construed in all respects in accordance
with the laws of Kenya;
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Save as may be hereinbefore otherwise specifically provided any dispute
whatsoever and howsoever arising our of or in connection with this
Agreement shall be referred for final determination to a single arbitrator to
be appointed by agreement between the parties hereto or, in default of such
agreement within Fourteen (14) business days of the notification of any
dispute by either party to the other then, upon application by either party,
the Chairman for the time being of the Kenya branch of the Chartered
Institute of Arbitration of the United Kingdom. Such arbitration will take place
in Nairobi and will be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration Act, No.
4 of Kenya and the rules for the time being of the said branch;
To the extent permissible by law, the determination of the Arbitrator shall be final
and binding upon the parties.
If the Tenant wishes to determine the Term at any time after the expiry of the first
Six (6) years after the Commencement Date of the Lease and gives the Landlord
Six (6) months notice in writing of its intention to do so then on the expiration of the
notice the said Term shall cease and determine but without prejudice to the rights
and remedies of either party against the other in respect of any antecedent breach
of covenant. In the event of the exercise by the Tenant of its right to determine the
Lease under this Clause the provisions of Clause 4.4 shall apply.
In the event that the Landlord elects to sub-divide the Land or is otherwise required
to surrender its title to the Land, the Landlord will:
procure that the rights of the Tenant over and in relation to the Demised Premises
as set out in this Lease are properly and duly recorded and reflected in any
new or replacement instrument of the title issued in respect of the Demised
Premises (or in respect of any land of which the Demised Premises forma
part of); and
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procure that any sub-division will include the excision of and transfer to the Tenant
of the Demised Premises, such excision and transfer to be at no cost to the
The Landlord shall pay and discharge all rates land rent taxes and other charges
of every nature and kind which now or may hereafter be assessed or imposed on
the Land by the Government or by any local authority and thereafter recover the
relevant portion of the same from the Tenant as provided herein.
The Demised Premises
ALL THAT portion comprising of Three (3) hectares or thereabouts being part of Land
Reference Number 11517, Naivasha, as the same is shown on the plan annexed hereto
and hatched red, the said plan being registered in the Registry of Documents at Nairobi
in Volume Folio File .
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Agreement for Lease has been duly executed the day and
year first hereinbefore written:
SEALED with the Common Seal of )
>><< LIMITED in the )
presence of:- )
Director )
Director/ Secretary )
SEALED with the Common Seal of )
>><< LIMITED in the )
presence of:- )
Director )
Director/ Secretary )
Drawn By:
P O Box >><<