Note to Reader
Purpose of the Strategy
The Lake Erie Binational Nutrient Management Strategy is a coordinated and strategic response from Canada and the United
States that outlines nutrient management actions to reduce excessive phosphorus loading and the eutrophication of Lake Erie.
The Strategy was created by the Lake Erie Lakewide Management Plan (LaMP) Work Group to inform the Lake Erie LaMP
Management Committee and its respective agencies of management actions needed to mitigate nutrient threats to Lake Erie: it
is a blueprint for action. The Strategy was developed based on thendings of the Status of Nutrients technical report (http://epa.
gov/greatlakes/lakeerie/erie_nutrient_2010.pdf). Both documents are based on the best available science as of November 2008.
The Strategy outlines the goals, objectives, quantitative targets, and actions needed to improve current conditions and prevent
further eutrophication. The success of this Strategy will depend on the commitment from various stakeholders to join forces
and change how nutrients are currently used, applied, transported and discharged. Multiple jurisdictions, in both Canada and the
United States, will be responsible for implementing actions.
As part of the LaMP’s commitment to adaptive management, the LaMP will closely monitor advancements and recommend
appropriate adjustments to nutrient management actions and targets, and will ensure that sound science continues to serve as the
basis for responsible public policy.
Intended Audience
Achieving the goals of the Lake Erie Binational Nutrient Management Strategy is essential for the successful restoration of Lake
Erie and depends on a renewed commitment from LaMP partners. Accordingly, partnerships will be critical to the achievement
of results, and require the dedication and participation of those responsible for improving water quality in the Lake Erie basin.
Partners that will play a key role in implementing nutrient management actions include:
Canadian and U.S. federal, state and provincial governments
Towns, cities and counties in the Lake Erie basin
Conservation authorities as well as watershed and environmental organizations involved in lake-specic issues
Industry, businesses, farmers, developers and landowners in the Lake Erie basin
Suggested Citation
Lake Erie LaMP. 2011. Lake Erie Binational Nutrient Management Strategy: Protecting Lake Erie by Managing Phosphorus.
Prepared by the Lake Erie LaMP Work Group Nutrient Management Task Group.
The Lake Erie Nutrient Management Task Group under the direction of the Lake Erie Lakewide Management Plan (LaMP)
Management Committee prepared the Lake Erie Binational Nutrient Management Strategy.
Writing: Randy French, French Planning Services Inc.
Editing: Luca Cargnelli and Marie-Claire Doyle, Environment Canada
Layout/Design: Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
Agencies and individuals that participated on the Lake Erie Nutrient Management Task Group include:
Dan O’Riordan, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. Chair)
Sandra George, Environment Canada (Canadian Chair)
Jennifer Vincent, Environment Canada
Marie-Claire Doyle, Environment Canada
Matthew Child, Essex Region Conservation Authority
Julie Letterhos, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Pamela Joosse, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Mary Ellen Scanlon, Ontario Ministry of the Enviroment
Lori Boughton, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Jim Grazio, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
This Report has been endorsed by the Lake Erie Lakewide Management Plan (LaMP) Management Committee Members. These
Environment Canada - Director, Great Lakes Division
Essex Region Conservation Authority - General Manager
Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Manager, Great Lakes Laboratory of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment - Chief, Aquatic Nuisance Control and Remedial Action Unit
Ohio Department of Natural Resources - Coordinator, Lake Erie Program
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency - Chief, Division of Surface Water
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs - Manager, Program Co-ordination, Research and Partnerships Unit
Ontario Ministry of the Environment - Director, West Central Region
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources - Manager, Lake Erie Management Unit
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection - Chief, Ofce of the Great Lakes
Upper Thames River Conservation Authority - General Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Director, Great Lakes National Program Ofce
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Deputy Complex Manager, Lower Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Conservation Ofce
U.S. Geological Survey - Coordinator, Great Lakes Program
Resources that supported the development of this Strategy include:
Lake Erie Lakewide Management Plan Update (2008)
Status of Nutrients in the Lake Erie Basin (2009)
Literature Review on Benecial (Best) Management Scenarios in Nutrient Management for the Lake Erie Basin (2008)
Review and Evaluation of Lake Erie Nutrient Management Programs (2009)
Lake Erie Lakewide Management Plan Nutrient Indicator Draft Report (2009)
Ohio Lake Erie Phosphorus Task Force Final Report (2010)
The algal blooms that began their return to the western basin
in the mid-1990s are composed primarily of the cyanobacteria
(commonly referred to as “blue green algae”) Microcystis
aeruginosa. This species is capable of producing high
concentrations of the toxin microcystin which can impact
human health through drinking water supplies, recreational
use, and the aquatic community. Health Canada reports that
some of the impacts associated with the ingestion of water,
sh or blue-green algal products containing elevated levels
of cyanobacterial toxins, include headaches, fever, abdominal
pain, nausea and vomiting. Risks associated with swimming in
contaminated water include itchy and irritated eyes and skin,
as well as other hay fever-like allergic reactions.
At the mouth of the Maumee River, Sandusky Bay and in the
eastern basin, benthic mat-forming blue-green algaeoat to
the surface and wash ashore after storms; the fouled shorelines
can have harmful impacts on people and the ecosystem. There
are trends of increasing loads of soluble reactive phosphorus
in the Maumee and Sandusky Rivers. Similar loads may be
present in other tributaries, but monitoring data are limited for
these areas.
Water is the keystone resource upon which all life is
dependent. Impacts associated with excessive nutrient loading
include unstable sh and wildlife populations and degraded
habitats, beach contamination and closures, declines in
property values and tourism, and added costs to municipalities,
industry and people for the provision of safe drinking water.
The Lake Erie Binational Nutrient Management Strategy is
a coordinated and strategic response from Canada and the
United States that outlines nutrient management actions to
reduce phosphorus loading and the eutrophication of Lake
Erie. It represents the consensus of Lake Erie resource
managers. The Strategy provides quantitative targets and
identies nutrient management, research and monitoring
actions that need to be considered and adopted by everyone
(government agencies, non-government organizations,
academia, local communities) in the watershed.
This approach, to make phosphorus reduction a priority and to
engage and promote the actions of a wide range of people and
agencies, will result in a signicant reduction in phosphorus
concentrations and ensure a healthy Lake Erie for everyone to
There is an urgent need now for a coordinated and strategic
response to the nutrient management issues on Lake Erie.
We are now again faced with the challenge to reduce
phosphorus inputs and help the lake become healthy again.
We faced this challenge before, and succeeded; and with
coordinated actions and the same commitment to working
together, we can again succeed.
Lake Erie water quality has taken a turn for the worse. Despite
successful past efforts to reduce phosphorus loadings to the
lake, evidence of phosphorus enrichment (eutrophication)
is again before us and Lake Erie water quality continues to
Algal blooms that threatened the Lake Erie ecosystem in
the 1960s and 1970s have returned. In the 1970s and 1980s,
collaborative efforts to reduce phosphorus in Lake Erie by
treating point source discharges were successful and lake
conditions improved (efforts to reduce non-point sources were
also initiated; however, reductions have not achieved the same
success and remain a critical issue to the health of the Lake).
Problems resurfaced in the mid-1990s but the reasons for
the resurgence of the algal blooms are much more complex
than in past decades. For example, the introduction of non-
native invasive species such as zebra mussels and round
gobies has signicantly changed the cycling of nutrients and
food web dynamics in the lake; there is evidence that the
form of phosphorus entering the lake has changed to one
that increases the growing ability of algae (called soluble
reactive phosphorus); water temperatures have increased;
and, there has been a reduction in the extent and duration of
ice cover over the past 50 years. There are ongoing scientic
investigations to determine how these changes are interacting
and contributing to the re-emergence of algal blooms in
locations throughout the Lake Erie basin.
Table of Contents
Note to Reader ....................................................................................................................................................................................... i
Purpose of the Strategy ..................................................................................................................................................................i
Intended Audience ......................................................................................................................................................................... i
Acknowledgements ..............................................................................................................................................................................ii
Preface .................................................................................................................................................................................................iii
1.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 About Lake Erie ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Why is Water Quality in Lake Erie Important? ................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 What is the Lake Erie Binational Nutrient Management Strategy? .................................................................................. 2
1.4 Why is Phosphorus the Focus of the Strategy? ................................................................................................................. 3
2.0 A Vision for the Lake ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.0 Lake Eries Nutrient Status and Effects ................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 History of Cultural Eutrophication .................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 What is the Status of Nutrients in the Lake Erie Basin? ................................................................................................... 8
3.2.1 Nutrient Status of Offshore Waters ........................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.2 Nutrient Status of Nearshore Waters ......................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.4 Nutrient Status of Coastal Wetlands ....................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.5 Summary of Lake Erie Phosphorus Status ..............................................................................................................11
4.0 Nutrient Targets for Lake Erie ............................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Offshore Nutrient Targets ................................................................................................................................................ 13
4.2 Nearshore Nutrient Target ................................................................................................................................................ 13
4.3 Tributary Nutrient Target ................................................................................................................................................. 13
4.4 Coastal Wetlands Nutrient Target .................................................................................................................................... 14
5.0 Nutrient Management, Research and Monitoring Goals ....................................................................................................... 15
5.1 Phosphorus Management Goals ...................................................................................................................................... 15
5.2 Research Goals ................................................................................................................................................................. 15
5.3 Monitoring Goals ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
6.0 Moving Forward and Making a Commitment ....................................................................................................................... 17
6.1 Who Is Involved and What Can Be Done? ..................................................................................................................... 17
6.1.1 Implementing Actions ............................................................................................................................................. 17
6.1.2 Research and Monitoring ........................................................................................................................................ 18
6.1.3 Collaborating ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
6.1.4 Public Reporting ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
6.1.5 Education and Awareness ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Acronyms............................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Glossary .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 20
References .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
1.1 About Lake Erie
The Lake Erie watershed, the most populated of all Great Lakes
basins, is very diverse; it is largely agricultural, intensively
industrialized, and highly urbanized. About one third of the total
population of the Great Lakes basin resides within the Lake
Erie watershed. This amounts to 11.6 million people (10 million
U.S. and 1.6 million Canadian), including 17 metropolitan
areas, each with more than 50,000 residents. Lake Erie provides
important natural, economic and recreational values and
provides drinking water to 11 million people.
Of all the Great Lakes, Lake Erie is exposed to the greatest
stress from urbanization, industrialization and agriculture.
Lake Erie surpasses all the other Great Lakes in the amount
of efuent received from sewage treatment plants and is also
most subjected to sediment loading due to the nature of the
underlying geology and land use. Exposed agricultural and
urban lands, particularly in southwest Ontario and northwest
Ohio, contribute immense sediment loads to the lake.
Lake Erie is the smallest of the Great Lakes by volume and
also the shallowest. It warms quickly in the spring and summer
and cools quickly in the fall. The shallowness of the basin
and the warmer temperatures make it the most biologically
productive of the Great Lakes. Eighty percent of Lake
Erie’s total inow of water comes through the Detroit River.
Eleven percent is from precipitation (rain and snow) and the
remaining nine percent comes from the other tributaries.
Bathymetry of Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair.
© National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Geospatial Data Exchange.
The lake is naturally divided into three basins that virtually
function as three separate lakes:
The western basin is very shallow, with an average depth
of 7.4 metres (24 ft) and a maximum depth of 19 metres
(62 ft). It is the most turbid region of the lake as most of
the lake bottom is covered with ne sediment particles
that are easily disturbed by wind and wave action.
The central basin is quite uniform in depth, with an
average depth of 18.3 metres (60 ft) and a maximum
depth of 25 metres (82 ft).
The eastern basin is the deepest of the three basins, with
an average depth of 24 metres (80 ft) and a maximum
depth of 64 metres (210 ft).
The central and eastern basins thermally stratify every year.
Stratication refers to the layering that occurs, particularly
in the warmer months, where a warmer, less dense layer of
water (the epilimnion) overlies a colder denser layer (the
hypolimnion). Stratication can occur in the western basin
but does not last very long. Stratication impacts the internal
dynamics of the lake physically, biologically and chemically,
and this in turn affects the amount of dissolved oxygen present
at the bottom of the lake.
1.0 Introduction
1.2 Why is Water Quality in Lake Erie
The Lake Erie basin ecosystem is important because of the
many ecological services that it provides:
Drinking water: Provides drinking water for 11 million
Biodiversity: Provides important areas for food, forage,
spawning and safe refuge for many species of sh and
Recreation: Provides many opportunities for swimming,
shing, boating and tourism.
Aesthetics: Provides many opportunities to simply enjoy
the aesthetic and natural environment.
Increased phosphorus loadings to Lake Erie and associated
algal blooms are a concern for a number of reasons:
Risks to human health from the threat of harmful algae
toxins near drinking water intakes or through recreational
Risks to water quality for agricultural use (e.g., food
Unstable sh communities due to harmful algae blooms
and low levels of dissolved oxygen;
Disruptions in food web and energy ow that cause
negative impacts on species and their habitat;
Degraded habitats especially in nearshore, wetlands and
tributaries due to increases in Cladophora and Lyngbya
(algal) biomass;
Beach contamination and closures and loss of tourism
Added costs to municipalities, industry and the public
to protect drinking water sources and restore recreational
areas; and
Declines in property values due to loss of recreational
opportunities and aesthetics.
1.3 What is the Lake Erie Binational
Nutrient Management Strategy?
The Lake Erie Binational Nutrient Management Strategy (the
Strategy) is a coordinated and strategic response from Canada
and the United States that outlines priority management
actions to reduce excessive phosphorus loadings and the
eutrophication of Lake Erie. The Strategy represents the
consensus of key binational Lake Erie resource managers on
the vision, goals, and targets for the protection, conservation
and restoration of the Lake Erie ecosystem. The Strategy
identies the steps for managing nutrients, conducting
research and monitoring, and reporting on current conditions,
trends and progress.
Eutrophication refers to the addition of nutrients in excessive
amounts to a body of water and the eects of the added
nutrients (e.g., increased plant and algal growth, reduced
levels of dissolved oxygen). The nutrient of primary concern in
Lake Erie is phosphorus.
Photos (top to bottom):
Jonathan S. Yoder, Centre for Disease
Control (from SOGL Highlights 2009);
Jim Schmidt, provided
by U.S. National Parks Service; Upper Thames River Conservation
Authority (2 photos)
The Strategy is the result of research undertaken in
collaboration with the agencies and organizations involved
in the Lake Erie Lakewide Management Plan (LaMP). It
is a mechanism for the LaMP to engage government and
non-government groups to take action to reduce excessive
phosphorus inputs to Lake Erie.
The successful recovery of Lake Erie will require a strong
multi-jurisdictional, multi-partner and multi-year commitment.
1.4 Why is Phosphorus the Focus of
the Strategy?
In Lake Erie, phosphorus is the primary nutrient causing
excessive algae and other water quality associated-impacts,
such as beach closings and contamination of drinking water.
In most lakes and rivers, phosphorus is typically considered to
be the primary limiting nutrient that stimulates algal growth.
While many other nutrients are present in water, such as
nitrogen, silica, carbon, and even trace metals, these nutrients
are considered to be only secondarily or seasonally limiting
in Lake Erie. Almost any nutrient can be shown to appear
limiting to algae on a given day, but nitrogen or other nutrients
present in Lake Erie do not cause the same algal response
as phosphorus. This rationale is based on the best current
scientic knowledge; however, it is important to continue to
research and monitor the effects of nitrogen and other nutrients
so that management decisions and actions can be adapted to
appropriate concerns.
To communicate the nutrient status of water and predict the
potential for algae problems, measures of total phosphorus
concentration and load are used. Total phosphorus is the
easiest and most reliable form of phosphorus to measure
and this is why federal, provincial and state agencies
regularly measure total phosphorus concentrations in water.
Total phosphorus is comprised mostly of particulate and
dissolved phosphorus. Typically, the higher the dissolved
component the higher the bioavailability, which means that
plants and algae can readily absorb or uptake this nutrient
for growth. The dissolved component of total phosphorus is
What is the LaMP?
The LaMP provides a binational management framework
for planning, coordination and reporting in support of the
Canada-United States Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement
(GLWQA). The LaMP also provides the overall direction
and scientic support for the restoration, protection and
maintenance of the waters of the Lake Erie ecosystem,
including nearshore and oshore waters, tributaries and
coastal wetlands.
made up of a number of different forms, including soluble
reactive phosphorus (SRP). SRP is the chemical method
used to quantify orthosphosphate, the most available form
of phosphorus for algal growth. Orthosphosphate is found
in sewage and fertilizers, and when dissolved, is highly
While total phosphorus loads to Lake Erie have been stable
or declining since 1981, studies from Heidelberg University
indicate that the tributary loading of SRP to the lake is actually
increasing. While there is evidence that SRP loadings may be
increasing throughout the lake, the trend is particularly evident
for the Maumee and Sandusky Rivers.
Monitoring SRP provides better information for resource
managers to understand the conditions leading to an algal
bloom and the impacts of management decisions. There is a
strong need to develop and use consistent and reliable methods
to collect and monitor SRP (in addition to total phosphorus) at
the tributary, nearshore, and offshore scales.
Phosphorus is the primary limiting nutrient causing excessive
algae and other water quality associated impacts.
While total phosphorus loads to the lake have been stable or
declining, recent studies indicate that the loading of soluble
reactive phosphorus to the lake from the Maumee and
Sandusky rivers is actually increasing.
Photo: Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
In order to move forward, we must rst envision what Lake
Erie’s future state will be. Achieving this vision will require
the commitment and imagination of all people in the Lake Erie
Implementation of the Nutrient Management Strategy and
achievement of the Vision will be based on the following key
Adaptive Management – Decisions must be exible and
be adjusted in the face of uncertainties, natural variability
and new information.
Precautionary Principle and No Regrets Actions
The lack of full scientic certainty shall not be used as
a reason for postponing cost effective best management
Prevent Pollution – It is better for the environment and
more cost effective to prevent nutrient enrichment than to
clean it up after the fact.
Shared Responsibility The responsibility for policy
and program development and implementation should be
shared within the mandate of all jurisdictional levels.
Promote Awareness Connecting people with the
watershed and nutrient issues facing the Great Lakes
provides a key motivating force for actions.
Accountable and Clear Actions Actions must be
coordinated and transparent and everyone must be
accountable for their actions.
Work Together – Integration and cooperation must occur
across traditional environmental, social and economic
boundaries to align our actions.
2.0 A Vision for the Lake
Lake Erie LaMP Vision
The Lake Erie LaMP envisions a future state of Lake
Erie with a sustainable ecosystem that supports benecial
economic and social activities for society.
Lake Erie LaMP Nutrient Goals
Nutrient inputs from both point and non-point sources are
managed to ensure that ambient nutrient concentrations are
within the bounds of sustainable watershed management.
A substantial reduction in the current levels of algal biomass
to levels below a nuisance condition in Lake Erie, including
associated bays and other areas where nuisance algal
blooms occur. (GLWQA, Annex 3-1).
Lake Erie LaMP Nutrient Objectives
Stop further degradation Ensure no further human-
induced eutrophication. Nutrient concentrations in waters
are, at a minimum, to be maintained at current levels so
eutrophication does not get worse.
Conserve and protect waters that meet nutrient targets
– Maintain current nutrient concentrations and loadings in
those waters that already meet nutrient targets and protect
those waters from increases due to future land use practices.
Restore waters that do not meet nutrient targets Work
to reduce phosphorus concentrations and loadings in those
waters that are not meeting water quality targets by using a
focused nutrient management approach that considers both
current and future land uses.
Regularly monitor and report on the status of nutrients
in the tributary, coastal wetland, nearshore, and offshore
waters of Lake Erie, as they relate to established LaMP
targets and goals.
Conduct research to better understand nutrient cycling
and the effect of human activities, to improve management
3.1 History of Cultural Eutrophication
Prior to European
settlement, the estimated
phosphorus load to Lake
Erie was 3,000 metric
tonnes per year.
By 1900, the load had
increased to about 9,000
metric tonnes per year as a
result of land use changes
that occurred after 1850.
At that time the majority
of the total annual loading
was derived from spring
runoff to the western
basin and from continuous
inputs from municipal and
industrial sewage wherever
rivers entered Lake Erie.
From about 1900, sewage
and detergents containing
phosphate increased the
total phosphorus load to
a peak of approximately
28,000 metric tonnes in
In 1972, the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA)
was signed and programs were initiated to protect, maintain
and restore the waters of the Great Lakes. As a result, by 1980
annual loadings to Lake Erie had declined to approximately
15,000 metric tonnes.
In 1981, the GLWQA target load of 11,000 metric tonnes per
year was achieved as a result of a substantial drop in the point
source total phosphorus load resulting largely from sewage
treatment plants being improved and a reduction of phosphates
in laundry soaps and detergents.
During the mid-to-late 1980s, dreissenid mussels (zebra and
quagga) arrived in the Great Lakes. The mussels are lter
feeders capable of removing large quantities of phytoplankton
from the water. Colonization of Lake Erie by dreissenid
mussels resulted in several years of improved water clarity
and dramatic food web changes, especially a shift in algal
production from phytoplankton to bottom-dwelling algae and
By the early 1990s, the average annual load from tributaries
had been reduced to about 10,000 metric tonnes. However, in
the mid- to late-1990s, large late-summer algal blooms began
to reappear sporadically in western Lake Erie and have been
increasing in frequency ever since.
Algal blooms of varying magnitude occurred in the western
basin each summer from 2003 to 2011. These blooms have
been dominated by the blue-green alga (cyanobacteria)
Microcystis aeruginosa. Microcystis had been a common
species in Lake Erie for at least a century, but rarely grew to
nuisance bloom proportions. Blooms of Microcystis become
most evident during warm, calm periods when the cells oat
to the surface and form a layer of scum. Blooms from 2009 to
2011 extended into the central basin.
During the period from 1981 to 2007, the GLWQA total
phosphorus loading target was achieved in 16 of the 27 years
(see gure above). This variability in annual loading is the
result of hydrological inuences, with loads exceeding the
target in years with higher precipitation and runoff.
3.0 Lake Erie’s Nutrient Status and Effects
Annual Loads of Total Phosphorus in Lake Erie. The dashed red line represents the phosphorus target for
Lake Erie, as set in the 1978 Canada-United States Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. Graph provided by
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
1997 2002 2007199219871982197719721967
5 000
10 000
15 000
20 000
25 000
30 000
UnspecifiedNonpoint SourcesPoint SourcesAtmospheric Deposion
Total Phosphorus, metric tonnes
Lake Huron
Lake Erie: Annual Loads of Total Phosphorus
3.2 What is the Status of Nutrients in
the Lake Erie Basin?
3.2.1 Nutrient Status of Offshore Waters
The offshore waters of Lake Erie consist of three distinct
basinswestern, central, and eastern (see map, page 1)and
are generally found greater than 3-4 km (2 miles) from the
shore at depths exceeding 15 m (49 ft).
From 1967 to 1981 the annual total phosphorus load to Lake
Erie dropped substantially from approximately 28,000 metric
tonnes to 11,000 metric tonnes. However, between 1982 and
2007, total phosphorus loading uctuated annually, resulting
in loads exceeding the GLWQA target in years with relatively
high precipitation.
While estimates of phosphorus loading from point sources,
atmospheric sources, and the interconnecting channel have
remained relatively stable since 1982, non-point sources
via the tributaries continue to contribute the largest portion
of phosphorus loadings and are mostly responsible for the
periodic exceedences of the Lake Erie loading target during
high ow years.
Reductions in non-point source phosphorus, especially in
high ow years, would reduce nutrient related impacts to the
offshore waters, including hypoxia and algal blooms.
Eects of Excessive Nutrient Inputs to Oshore Waters
Hypoxia – Hypoxia is the depletion of oxygen in the bottom
waters (hypolimnion) of the lake. Prolonged events of
hypoxia can have a devastating eect onsh and lake
processes. Although hypoxia may be a natural characteristic
of the central basin, research has now determined that
increased phosphorus loading aects the magnitude and
duration of oxygen depletion. Through the mid-1990s, there
was a decrease from historic levels in the severity of hypoxia;
however, there is evidence that seasonal hypoxia may again
be intensifying in the central basin.
Algal Blooms There are increasing reports of blue-green
algae species concentrations in the central basin. These
species can form blooms containing natural toxins that are
dangerous to humans and wildlife. Increased phosphorus
concentrations enhance the probability of blue-green algal
growth. Increased algal productivity in the central basin
is expected to exacerbate seasonal hypoxia as dead algae
accumulate in the hypolimnion, resulting in increased
biological oxygen demand throughout the growing season.
Photo: NASA image courtesy Je Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team at NASA GSFC, October 2011.
3.2.2 Nutrient Status of Nearshore Waters
The nearshore nutrient situation is complex and dynamic
and varies widely across Lake Erie. For denition purposes,
the Lake Erie LaMP divides the nearshore into two areas:
coastal margin and nearshore open-water. The coastal margin
is dened as the shoreline, water column and substrate in
embayments with water depths of 3 m (10 ft) or less. The
nearshore open-water is dened as the water column and
substrate with water depths between 3 m (10 ft) and 15 m (49
ft). The primary sources of nutrients to the nearshore waters
include loads from tributaries (similar to offshore sources) and
inputs from shoreline land uses, agricultural activities, and
municipal wastewater treatment plant outows.
Although the relative proportion of non-point source versus
point source loadings has not been quantied on a whole
lake basis, there is growing evidence that non-point sources
are accounting for the majority of the loadings throughout
much of the basin. A recent thorough assessment undertaken
in Ohio found that non-point sources are the most important
source of dissolved phosphorus in the Maumee and Sandusky
watersheds, Ohio’s largest agricultural watersheds. The Ohio
Lake Erie Phosphorus Task Force also reported that peak SRP
concentrations coincide with peak storm water runoff. In the
Maumee and Sandusky Rivers over a 20 year period, 90% of
the sediment and phosphorus load was delivered during storm
events (Ohio EPA, 2010).
Nearshore waters tend to ow parallel to the shore and, if
there are specic local inputs, certain portions or reaches of
the nearshore can develop their own chemical, physical and
biological properties. This can be the result of local water
currents, depth and weather conditions. Under calm conditions
the effects of offshore currents are lessened; however, under
storm events or windy weather, the nearshore is subsequently
mixed with the offshore water.
Water quality studies in the nearshore area are plagued
by extreme variability. It is important to gain a better
understanding of how nutrient sources (such as tributaries,
urban runoff, ground water, and sewage efuents) dissipate
in lakes, and how nutrient concentrations affect the nearshore
ecosystem, especially the nearshore phosphorus shunt
and algae blooms. Our short-term challenge is to gain a
better understanding of the nearshore processes through
more research and consistent approaches to water quality
Eects of Excessive Nutrient Inputs to Nearshore Waters
Nearshore Phosphorus Shunt and Dreissenid Mussels
– Variations in total phosphorus loading to nearshore
areas may be aected, or exacerbated, by the “nearshore
phosphorus shunt”. This hypothetical model seeks to
describe a change in nutrient movement and quantity
caused by the presence of dreissenid mussels (e.g., zebra and
quagga mussels).
The bedrock areas in the eastern basin are prime habitat for
both dreissenid mussels and Cladophora. Dreissenid mussels
are thought to lter the nearshore waters and concentrate
their energy and nutrients locally within their population
and waste products. While this may result in clear water
due to reduced nutrient concentrations surrounding the
dreissenids, the accumulating shells of the mussels provide
a physical refuge for many species and a place where their
decomposing waste can concentrate. The mussels are
thought to stimulate Cladophora growth by the excretion
of concentrated soluble nutrients in their waste bi-products.
Further, as the mussels increase water clarity during lter
feeding, sunlight is able to penetrate to ever greater depths
thereby expanding the amount of habitat available for
Cladophora colonization.
Algal BloomsAlgal populations vary widely throughout
the three basins of the lake. One of the most visible
responses to excess phosphorus inputs in the nearshore is
the lamentous algae Cladophora. Nuisance growths of
Cladophora are again being reported in the eastern basin.
Accumulations of Cladophora on the shoreline decompose
and cause obnoxious smells and visual impairments of the
waterfront, impacting recreational enjoyment and property
However, the growth of Cladophora is limited by the
availability of soluble reactive phosphorus. This is good
news, because it means that the reduction of phosphorus
through better phosphorus controls could be eective at
controlling Cladophora blooms. Dealing with localized
phosphorus inputs from tributary streams, groundwater
discharge, and non-point agricultural runo will play an
important role in reducing these nearshore Cladophora
Blue-green algae, such as Microcystis, are being reported in
the western basin and fouling shorelines and embayments
in areas where, historically, they did not proliferate. These
species can form blooms containing natural toxins that are
dangerous to humans and wildlife.
3.2.3 Nutrient Status of Tributaries
The majority of total phosphorus loading to Lake Erie is the
result of inputs from a few major tributaries, including the
Detroit River (especially the Trenton Channel, Michigan);
Maumee River, Ohio; Sandusky River, Ohio; Grand River,
Ontario; and Thames River, Ontario. These larger rivers
contain a mix of non-point source pollution, including
agricultural and urban runoff, and point source pollution,
such as treated municipal sewage. While phosphorus inputs
from these tributaries may be the key driver of intensifying
central basin hypoxia and eutrophication on a lakewide basis,
localized inputs from smaller tributaries and other sources play
a primary role in exacerbating nuisance Cladophora growth in
the nearshore waters. As well, the nearshore phosphorus shunt,
and changes in the timing, frequency and intensity of storm
events (possibly related to changes in global climate patterns)
may be exacerbating total phosphorus inputs, resulting in
accelerated eutrophication.
Most tributary watersheds in the Lake Erie basin urgently need
reductions in total phosphorus concentration. The following
priority watersheds are very far above target and require
focused total phosphorus concentration reductions: Clinton
River, Trenton Channel-Detroit River, River Raisin, Maumee
River, Sandusky River, Vermilion River, Cuyahoga River,
Grand River (Ohio), Grand River (Ontario), Big Otter Creek,
Kettle Creek, Thames River, Essex Region watersheds and
Sydenham River.
Although there have been signicant reductions in total
phosphorus loading, recent research indicates that SRP, the
most biologically available form of phosphorus, is increasing
in watersheds where data are available. The Ohio EPAs recent
Ohio Lake Erie Phosphorus Task Force Final Report reported
that the majority of annual phosphorus loading to Lake Erie
is associated with the storm pulsed runoff from the landscape
into the tributaries that drain to Lake Erie (Ohio EPA, 2010).
These ndings suggest a particular emphasis must be placed
on the timing and delivery of nutrients from non-point sources
throughout the agricultural portions of the Lake Erie basin and
that the focus of any phosphorus management efforts must
target actions in the watershed to reduce phosphorus sources
and loads (Ohio EPA, 2010).
Major Tributaries Contributing Phosphorus to Lake Erie
Detroit River/Interconnecting Channel The Detroit
River, which carries the inowing waters from all the upper
Great Lakes, contributes roughly 80% of the total inow to
Lake Erie. All other Lake Erie tributary rivers and streams
combined provide 9%, with the remaining 11% coming from
precipitation falling on the lake’s surface. Despite being the
principle source of inow to Lake Erie, the waters of the
Detroit River contain relatively low concentrations of total
phosphorus, estimated to contribute 16% of the annual total
phosphorus load to Lake Erie (1,800 metric tonnes).
Total phosphorus concentrations in the Trenton Channel,
which is the outow of the Detroit wastewater treatment plant,
were found to be signicantly higher than at other sampling
sites in the Detroit River and have the potential to exacerbate
the phosphorus overload effects in the Maumee River area.
Maumee River The Maumee River is estimated to
contribute the same annual total phosphorus load to Lake Erie
as the Detroit River (1,800 metric tonnes).
While total phosphorus concentrations in the Maumee River
have decreased due to municipal sewage plant upgrades and
agricultural cultivation techniques designed to reduce soil
erosion, the fraction of total phosphorus that is soluble reactive
has increased. These concentrations are of great biological
concern and are believed to be feeding the blue-green algal
blooms in the western basin.
Sandusky River Although the Sandusky River has a much
smaller discharge than the Maumee River, the total phosphorus
properties of these two rivers are very similar. The total
phosphorus and soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations
measured in the river between 2001 and 2009 were more than
enough to stimulate algal blooms and the establishment of
Cylindrospermopsis, an invading cyanobacterium which is
capable of generating dangerous toxins, in Sandusky Bay.
Ontario Tributaries – Less
information about phosphorus
loading exists for the Ontario
tributaries. Increased research
and monitoring is needed,
especially to conrm loading
estimates and to determine the
status of SRP. Total phosphorus
concentrations in most Ontario
Lake Erie streams and rivers
exceed the Provincial Water
Quality Objective (PWQO)
of 30 micrograms per litre
(µg/L) which is thought to be
a threshold for deleterious in-
stream effects.
The total phosphorus
loads from Ontario
tributaries are not known.
The Grand River sediment
plume can be detected up
and down the coast for a
distance of 12 km (7 miles)
and up to 3 km (2 miles)
oshore depending on
weather, and the Thames
River sediment plume can
be detected as far away as
the western basin.
Eects of Excessive Nutrient Inputs from Tributaries to the
All tributaries contribute to the net nutrient load to Lake Erie
which exacerbates problems (algal and hypoxia growth) in
the oshore and nearshore waters. Major tributaries may
be the principal driver of open lake processes, but research
is showing that smaller tributaries and other localized
nutrient sources may be equally important in the nearshore
environment and play a primary role in local nuisance algal
growths, such as Cladophora.
Urgent action must be taken to reduce nutrient loadings from
large and small tributaries that are not meeting nutrient
targets, and more research and monitoring is needed to
understand the relationship between smaller tributaries,
nearshore nutrient conditions and nuisance algal growth.
3.2.4 Nutrient Status of Coastal Wetlands
Coastal wetlands play a signicant role in the mitigation
and release of phosphorus into the nearshore. Similar to the
nearshore waters, the nutrient cycles around coastal wetlands
are complex and dynamic and vary depending on local
Although a signicant amount of information exists about the
location of coastal wetlands, very little is known about the
complex relationship between these environmentally sensitive
areas and nutrient loading. More research is needed to
understand the status and function of these wetlands and how
they interact with the nearshore nutrient cycle.
3.2.5 Summary of Lake Erie Phosphorus
Between 1981 and 2007 the total phosphorus annual target
load of 11,000 metric tonnes was met in 16 of 27 years. The
variation in annual loads is due to the positive correlation
between non-point source loads and precipitation amounts.
The ongoing effects of excessive nutrient loading include:
Seasonal hypoxia (depleted oxygen conditions) appears to
be intensifying in the central basin.
Blue-green algal blooms are occurring regularly in the
western basin and fouling shorelines and embayments in
areas where they never used to proliferate.
Fouling of nearshore areas of the eastern basin
by Cladophora is reminiscent of the early 1970s.
Additionally, new species of cyanobacteria are appearing.
Loading of soluble reactive phosphorus, the most
biologically available form of phosphorus, is increasing in
the Sandusky and Maumee rivers and may be increasing
in other Lake Erie tributaries. Research is needed to
develop and implement a consistent approach to reliably
measure SRP.
In addition, climate change-related increases in water
temperatures, reduced winter ice extent and duration, and
colonizing invasive species are exacerbating the nutrient
problems of Lake Erie.
While the mechanisms behind these changes are areas
of active scientic investigation, there is a clear need for
immediate phosphorus reduction actions coupled with ongoing
research and monitoring.
Photo: Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
In order to sustain a healthy lake ecosystem, total phosphorus
targets have been established for the four different habitat
types in the Lake Erie basin: offshore, nearshore, tributaries
and coastal wetlands.
These water quality targets are based on the desired ideal
biotic response in the environment that should result in
negligible risks to all living things, including the ecosystem
features that they depend on for survival.
The comparison of lake total phosphorus concentrations to
these targets over long- and short-term periods will inform us
of new trends and provides a means for assessing the results of
our management efforts and adapting to the natural variability
of the ecosystem.
Research and monitoring will continue to rene these targets
to ensure they are ecologically credible and appropriately
sustainable to meet the vision, goals and objectives of the Lake
Erie Binational Nutrient Management Strategy.
4.1 Offshore Nutrient Targets
The offshore spring total phosphorus concentration target is
15 micrograms per litre (µg/L) for the western basin and 10
µg/L for the eastern and central basins. These targets are based
on achieving the GLWQA total phosphorus loading target for
Lake Erie of 11,000 metric tonnes/year, and complement the
Great Lakes Fisheries Commission’s Lake Erie Environmental
Objectives (2005) to support a desirable sustainable sh
community by maintaining mesotrophic conditions (10-20
µg/L) in the west and central basins.
4.2 Nearshore Nutrient Target
The nearshore total phosphorus concentration target is 20
µg/L. This target applies to both the coastal margin and the
nearshore open-water. The nearshore total phosphorus target
is based on the Ontario Provincial Water Quality Objective
(OMOE, 1999) of 20 µg/L for lake water during the ice-
free period, and complements the Great Lakes Fisheries
Commission Lake Erie Environmental Objectives (2005) to
support a desirable sustainable sh community by maintaining
mesotrophic conditions (10-20 µg/L) in the nearshore waters
of the eastern basin.
Due to the extreme variability of the nearshore environment
and the unknowns about nutrient sources, dissipation and
the distribution of total phosphorus concentrations, it is very
difcult to take measurements and generate conclusions that
can be consistently applied across the lake. Therefore, it is
extremely important that research and monitoring efforts
continue to develop scientically credible and ecologically-
based targets for the nearshore areas and that the targets are
adapted as better science becomes available.
4.3 Tributary Nutrient Target
The tributary total phosphorus concentration target is 32 µg/L.
The tributary target applies to tributary waters immediately
above the lake effect zone of the tributary, which is the zone
of water near the mouth of the tributary that contains a mix of
Lake Erie water and tributary water. The size and shape of the
lake effect zone will differ with each tributary.
The tributary nutrient target is based on research by
Environment Canada that established a total phosphorus
concentration target of 32 µg/L for smaller, agriculturally-
dominated watersheds (Chambers et al., 2008). Further
research and monitoring is required to assess the applicability
of this approach in both larger and more urban-inuenced
watersheds. Other existing tributary total phosphorus
concentration targets established by various agencies such
as the Ontario Provincial Water Quality Objective (OMOE,
4.0 Nutrient Targets for Lake Erie
Targets for Total Phosphorus Concentrations
Lake Erie and Watershed
Habitat Type Total Phosphorus Concentration (μg/L)
West Basin 15
Central Basin 10
East Basin 10
Nearshore** 20
Tributaries*** 32
Coastal Wetlands one recording of <30 μg/L/year
* Mean spring total phosphorus concentration
** Mean total phosphorus concentration during ice free period
*** Mean annual total phosphorus concentration
David Poulson, Great Lake Echo
1999) (30 µg/L), the New York State Guidance (2008) (20
ug/L) and the 2000 US EPA Recommendation (33 µg/L), were
also considered.
4.4 Coastal Wetlands Nutrient Target
The total phosphorus concentration target for coastal wetlands
is based on the State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference
indicatorNitrate and Total Phosphorus for Coastal Wetlands
(Indicator ID: 4860)” which recommends a target of at least
one instance per year of less than 30 µg/L.
Although a signicant amount of information exists about
the location of coastal wetlands, more research is needed
to understand the complex relationship between these
environmentally sensitive areas and their role in nutrient
loading and management.
Photo: Ontario Parks
Lake Erie is a complex watershed with a diversity of
characteristics, uses and threats. As a result, a one-size-ts-
all approach will not be successful in achieving a sustainable
nutrient cycle. The following provides nutrient management,
research and monitoring goals to be considered for action
by all levels of government (federal, provincial, state
and municipal), non-government organizations, industry,
academia, community groups, and landowners.
5.1 Phosphorus Management Goals
Halting further degradation and restoring Lake Erie waters
requires a commitment to reducing anthropogenic phosphorus
loadings to the lake and its tributaries. Focusing immediate
attention on priority watersheds where targets are being
exceeded and on sources that are locally dominant will
produce short- and long-term benets.
5.0 Nutrient Management, Research and
Monitoring Goals
Photo: Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
Phosphorus Management Goal 1: Focus on Priority
Watersheds and Dominant Sources Identify and focus
efforts in priority watersheds where targets are being
exceeded, and on dominant sources of phosphorus in these
Phosphorus Management Goal 2: Establish Policies and
Practices to Reduce Phosphorus Loading – Put in place
appropriate policies, controls and practices to mitigate the
form and timing of dominant phosphorus sources across the
Lake Erie basin.
Phosphorus Management Goal 3: Take Action to Reduce
Phosphorus Loadings from Existing Sources Implement
specic actions to reduce phosphorus loading in priority
watersheds and from existing dominant sources.
Research Goal 1: Conduct Research to Understand
Nutrients and Ecosystem Processes Improve our
understanding of how nutrients affect Lake Eries water
quality and ecosystem processes.
Research Goal 2: Conduct Research to Understand
Human Impacts – Improve our understanding of how
human activities change over time and how they impact
nutrient conditions in Lake Erie in order to develop effective
phosphorus management options.
Research Goal 3: Conduct Research to Predict
Outcomes Develop new, and improve existing, models to
better predict the effects of stressors and alternative nutrient
mitigation actions.
Research Goal 4: Develop Benecial (Best) Management
Practices Continue to research and develop new
technologies and best management practices for reducing
phosphorus losses from land, reservoirs, rivers and lakes.
Research Goal 5: Communicate Science Findings
– Promote awareness and understanding about the
linkage between individual and communal actions and
nutrient issues in Lake Erie to develop a strong sense of
responsibility and motivation from everyone to participate
in the reduction of phosphorous loadings.
5.2 Research Goals
Scientic research provides essential information that will
help us to better understand nutrient and ecosystem processes,
anthropogenic sources and impacts, and to direct management
decisions and actions to priority areas.
There are many knowledge gaps regarding the type of
phosphorus entering the lake and how the lake ecosystem
responds. These gaps need to be addressed in order to consider
the adequacy of phosphorus management practices and to
adopt necessary future changes.
5.3 Monitoring Goals
Consistent monitoring allows for a better understanding
of how Lake Erie responds to natural and anthropogenic
inuences and is an essential component in adaptive
management. Monitoring is already ongoing through the
LaMP partnership and a regular review of these programs
will ensure there are resources to meet current and future
needs. Currently, there are spatial and temporal gaps in the
monitoring data that must be addressed to understand the
effectiveness of management programs and practices, and to
determine our progress towards meeting the nutrient targets.
Monitoring is an essential component of adaptive management
and the implementation of the Nutrient Strategy. Photo: National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Great Lakes Environmental
Research Laboratory.
Monitoring Goal 1: Monitor Nutrient Status – Monitor
the status of total phosphorus and soluble reactive
phosphorus in open waters, nearshore and tributaries to
identify trends and measure progress towards meeting
nutrient targets. Regular monitoring of nutrient status is a
key component of adaptive management, and will ensure
that targets are being met, actions are anticipatory and that
plans put in place are making a difference.
Monitoring Goal 2: Monitor Ecosystem Response
Monitor how the ecosystem responds to natural lake cycles,
invasive species and the implementation of management
programs and benecial (best) management practices.
Monitoring Goal 3: Monitor Human Health/Socio-
Economic Implications Monitor the occurrence and
impacts of harmful algae blooms on drinking water sources
and recreational activities.
Monitoring Goal 4: Monitor Progress of Implementation
– Measure the progress of implementation efforts to ensure
we are headed in a sustainable direction.
6.1 Who Is Involved and What Can Be
Achieving the goals of the Strategy will depend on a renewed
commitment from throughout the watershed. Partnerships
will be critical to achieving results. A commitment to work
together and take action is required from federal, state,
provincial and local governments, academia, non-government
organizations, businesses, landowners and local citizens, in
both Canada and the United States.
Federal, State and Provincial Governments can
provide leadership and coordination, set basin-wide
targets, work across jurisdictional boundaries and
watersheds, provide technical advice and funding, enact
and enforce legislation and establish policy direction,
conduct research and monitoring, and report the ndings
to everyone.
Towns, Cities and Counties can provide direction
in their land use plans and make wise development
decisions that mitigate the impacts of phosphorus
loadings. Municipal governments are responsible for
sewage treatment plants, stormwater management and the
protection of environmentally sensitive areas. They can
create by-laws and introduce stewardship initiatives to
promote benecial management practices for nutrients.
Academics and Schools can lead research programs,
conduct restoration projects and provide educational
programs to improve our understanding and appreciation
of the Lake Erie ecosystem.
Conservation Authorities and other watershed-based
organizations can rene and/or design and implement
watershed based phosphorus reduction programs in
consultation with local communities to achieve LaMP
targets. They can provide leadership and guidance for
watershed and sub-watershed based projects such as water
budgets for rivers and streams, restoration projects, and
monitoring. They can provide advice to municipalities
on environmental management and they can work with
community members and property owners through
stewardship programs.
Non-Government Organizations can be environmental
leaders and encourage others through education and
communication programs, research and monitoring,
restoration projects and the preservation of
environmentally sensitive areas such as coastal wetlands,
streams and rivers.
Community Groups can take on-the-ground action
and raise local awareness about the importance of living
sustainably in the Lake Erie Basin.
Industry, business, farmers, developers and
land owners can lead their peers by demonstrating
strong environmental values and adopting Benecial
Management Practices that lessen their impacts on the
Lake Erie ecosystem.
All people including politicians, planners, engineers,
scientists, residents, cottagers and land owners can
practice phosphorus reduction activities in their everyday
work and lives.
By working together we can take appropriate actions to protect
the waters of Lake Erie and achieve a sustainable ecosystem
that supports sh and wildlife populations while providing
economic and social benets for society.
The LaMPs Commitment and Path Forward
Lake Erie LaMP members are committed to improving
the health of the Lake and will continue to facilitate the
implementation of management actions and to promote
focused research and monitoring efforts. The LaMP will work
with partners to identify specic actions to be undertaken in
support of the Strategy. Progress on actions will be reviewed
annually and will be integrated into the ve-year Lake Erie
LaMP management, work planning and reporting cycle.
6.0 Moving Forward and Making a Commitment
Everyone is responsible for reducing phosphorus loads
to Lake Erie. By joining forces we can better achieve a
sustainable ecosystem.
Photo: Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
6.1.1 Implementing Actions
As a next step, the LaMP will work with partners to develop
domestic action plans targeted at priority areas. Action plans
in support of the Strategy will be reective of the institutional
and legislative differences between Canada and the United
States. These work plans will focus on the needs of the Lake
and will create the domestic decision frameworks necessary to
lead to actions on the ground.
6.1.2 Research and Monitoring
The Lake Erie LaMP and Lake Erie research networks
depend on comprehensive and timely research and monitoring
information to adapt policies and actions to restore and
protect the lake. In 2009, scientists and researchers conducted
intensiveeldwork and data collection on the status of
nutrients in Lake Erie. Initial results are scheduled to be
available in 2011 and will be formally released in the LaMPs
Five-Year Report in 2013.
6.1.3 Collaborating
Lake Erie LaMP managers are committed to working with
partners to learn how priority actions can be adopted and
implemented. The LaMP will continue to work with partners
to enhance and build on ongoing initiatives. These include:
The Ohio Task Force Phosphorus Report
The US EPA National Nutrient Strategy
Lake Erie Millennium Network
SOLEC Nearshore Areas of the Great Lakes (2009)
Water Quality in Ontario Report (2008)
Proceedings of the Great Lakes Phosphorus Forum
An Urgent Call to Action: Report of the State-EPA
Nutrients Innovations Task Force (US EPA 2009)
Essex Region Conservation Authority 2009 WQ Status
Lake Simcoe Phosphorus Reduction Strategy
Great Lakes Fishery Commission
6.1.4 Public Reporting
Lake Erie LaMP managers are committed to regularly
reporting on research and monitoring results and on the
effectiveness of nutrient management activities to ensure the
Lake Erie community has up-to-date information on the status
of nutrients. This reporting will be integrated into the regular
public reporting cycle required by the LaMP. Reporting on
nutrient status, ecosystem response and management outcomes
will incorporate the monitoring and research data acquired
over the ve-year LaMP cycle and compare progress towards
achieving the phosphorus targets. The next LaMP Report
will be released in 2013 and will include the most up-to-date
information on the status of nutrients in Lake Erie.
6.1.5 Education and Awareness
Lake Erie LaMP managers are committed to continuing
education and awareness activities that help connect the
Lake Erie community to their watershed and to the lake. The
LaMP will work with partners to increase awareness of how
communities can help to manage nutrients in their watershed
and improve the health of Lake Erie. Outreach and educational
actions to reduce nutrients in Lake Erie will be identied
within the LaMP ve-year Work Plan.
Photo: Upper Thames River Conservation Authority
BMP - Benecial (Best) Management Practice
CA - Conservation Authority (Canada)
DFO - Fisheries and Oceans Canada
EC - Environment Canada
GLFC - Great Lakes Fishery Commission
GLWQA - Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement
HAB - Harmful Algal Blooms
LaMP - Lakewide Management Plan
MDEQ - Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
MDNR - Michigan Department of Natural Resources
NGO - Non-Government Organization
NWRI - National Water Research Institute (Canada)
NYSDEC - New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
NYSDOH - New York State Department of Health
ODNR - Ohio Department of Natural Resources
ODH - Ohio Department of Health
OEPA - Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
OMNR - Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
OMOE - Ontario Ministry of the Environment
SRP - Soluble Reactive Phosphorus
U.S. EPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency
µg - Microgram
anoxia - a condition where dissolved oxygen in the water
column is totally depleted.
anthropogenic - of man-made origin, not occurring naturally.
benthos - bottom-dwelling organisms.
bioaccumulation - the process whereby a contaminant
increases in an organism over time in relation to the amount
consumed in food or absorbed from the surrounding
biomass - the total mass (weight) of all living organisms in an
biotic - of or relating to living organisms.
chlorophyll a - the pigment that makes plants and algae
green. Measurement of chlorophyll a is used to determine the
quantity of algae in the water.
Cladophora - a long lamentous type of green algae that
attaches to hard surfaces, particularly near the shoreline.
Abundant growth is an indicator of phosphorous enrichment.
dissolved oxygen - the amount of oxygen measured in the
ecosystem - the complex of a living community and its
physical and chemical environment, functioning together as a
unit in nature, with some inherent stability.
eutrophication - the process by which a lake becomes rich in
dissolved nutrients and decient in oxygen, occurring either
as a natural stage in lake maturation or articially induced by
human activities such as the addition of fertilizers and organic
wastes from runoff.
Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement - an agreement
signed by the United States and Canada to restore and
maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the
waters of the Great Lakes Basin ecosystem.
hypolimnion the cooler, lower most layer of water in a
thermally stratied lake.
hypoxia the reduction of oxygen levels.
lake effect zone - the area within the tributary where the water
of Lake Erie and the river are mixed. This is typically the point
at which the tributary reaches lake level. The size of the lake
effect zone for every river is different and also varies with
rising and falling lake levels.
loadings - the amount of pollutants being discharged or
deposited into the lake.
limiting nutrient - A chemical nutrient, such as phosphorus,
which is necessary for growth but is currently insufcient
relative to other required nutrients and so controls potential
plant growth.
microcystin - a naturally-occurring, potent liver toxin
produced by species of blue-green algae
Microcystis - a blue-green algae that causes algae blooms
under eutrophic, high phosphorus conditions. It can be toxic to
aquatic life and humans if ingested in sufcient quantities due
to the presence of microcystin.
phytoplankton - planktonic algae.
soluble reactive phosphorus - The fraction of phosphorus
(dened by methodology) consisting largely of the inorganic
orthophosphate (PO4) form of phosphorus. Orthophosphate
is directly taken up by algae, and the concentration of this
fraction constitutes an index of the amount of phosphorus
immediately available for algal growth.
stratication - water stratication occurs when water of high
and low oxygenation, density and temperature forms layers
that act as barriers to water mixing.
total phosphorus - the total concentration of phosphorus
found in the water.
turbid - sediment or foreign particles stirred up or suspended
in the water column that can inhibit growth of submerged
aquatic plants and affect other species’ behaviour.
Bertram, P. and N. Stadler-Salt, 2000. Selection of Indicators
for Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem Health, Version 4. Retrieved
from: www.on.ec.gc.ca/solec/indicators2000-e.html.
Chambers, P.A., C. Vis, R.B. Brua, M. Guy, J.M. Culp and
G.A. Benoy, 2008. Eutrophication of agricultural streams:
dening nutrient concentrations to protect ecological
condition. Water Science & TechnologyWST. 58-11: 2203-
2210. Environment Canada 2008.
International Joint Commission, 1987. Great Lakes Water
Quality Agreement as Amended by Protocol Signed November
18, 1987. Washington, DC and Ottawa, Ont.
Lake Erie Committee, Great Lakes Fisheries Commission,
2005. Lake Erie Environmental Objectives. Report of the
Environmental Objectives Sub-committee. Retrieved from:
New York State, 1998. Division of Water Technical and
Operational Guidance Series (1.1.1) Ambient Water Quality
Standards and Guidance Values and Groundwater Efuent
Limitations. 28 pgs.
Ontario Ministry of Environment, 1999. Provincial Water
Quality Objectives. Environmental Standards Section,
Standards Development Branch, Ministry of Environment and
Energy. 31 pgs.
U.S. EPA, 2000. Ambient Water Quality Criteria
Recommendations. Information supporting the development
of State and Tribal nutrient criteria for rivers and streams in
ecoregion VII. December 2000. U.S. EPA. Washington, DC.