2021 - 2025
Thomas Cermak, Pennsylvania Sea Grant, [email protected]
Why is the targeting of invasive species important to the Lake Erie Watershed?......................... 2
What is a CWMA? ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Mission ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Background.............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Target Species......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Watch List Species................................................................................................................................................. 8
Goals ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Prevention, Early Detection, and Rapid Response .................................................................................... 9
Control, Management, and Restoration...................................................................................................... 11
Education and Outreach................................................................................................................................... 12
Inventory and Monitoring ............................................................................................................................... 14
Site Prioritization and Management Process ........................................................................................... 15
Adapting and Updating the Plan ................................................................................................................... 17
Funding .................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Looking Forward ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Measureable Outcomes .................................................................................................................................... 18
Why is the targeting of invasive species important to the Lake Erie
Invasive plants are non-native species that grow quickly and aggressively, spreading and
displacing native species. Often, these species are introduced to regions far from their native
range. In some cases, the species are transported or spread unknowingly by individuals within a
localized area. Within these new locations, invasive species have the potential to cause harm to
the ecosystem, the economy, as well as to human and animal health. By competing with and
displacing native species, invasive plant infestations alter plant community structure, provide a
host for disease and other troublesome species, alter nutrient cycling and hydrological processes;
increase soil erosion and sedimentation; and reduce species diversity and ecosystem productivity.
In their natural range, these species are limited by environmental factors such as pests and or
diseases. When introduced into an area where natural controls are limited or absent, these species
often become invasive, threatening fragile ecosystems.
From the dune and sand plain communities of the Lake Erie shore to the glacial wetlands farther
south within tributary watersheds, the Pennsylvania Lake Erie Watershed supports some of the
most ecologically rich habitats in the state. Invasive species pose a significant threat to the
biological integrity of diverse ecosystems that intertwine within the region. With over 11,600
acres of publicly owned and managed lands, proactive agency staff, and engaged Non-
Governmental Organizations active within the watershed, the region has a unique opportunity to
work collectively to minimize the various threats posed by invasive species. The primary
functions of the Lake Erie Watershed Cooperative Weed Management Area (LEW-CWMA)
include the coordination of invasive species inventory, control, and education activities across
the watershed. By prioritizing efforts, increasing the capacity of individual agencies and
organizations, and leveraging funding for various control efforts, the formation of the LEW-
CWMA has proven to be an effective method to preserve the quality and diversity of the Lake
Erie Watershed’s natural communities.
What is a CWMA?
Cooperative invasive species management is a topic that has grown in popularity in recent years.
Collaborative efforts have been established under the titles of Cooperative Weed Management
Areas, otherwise known as CWMAs, and Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas,
otherwise known as CISMAs. While CWMAs have a primary focus of combating the
establishment and spread of invasive weed species, CISMAs strive to combat invasive species
across various taxonomic groups. Both organizations function under the same overarching goal
of bringing together landowners and land managers to coordinate action and share expertise and
resources to manage invasive species. CWMAs and CISMAs are distinguished by these five
Defined geographical area distinguished by a common geography, invasive species
concern, community, climate, political boundary, or land use.
Involvement or representation of a diverse group of landowners and natural resource
managers in the defined area.
Led by a steering committee.
Committed to continued cooperation.
Function under the development of a comprehensive plan that addresses the management
and prevention of one or more invasive species.
Historically, local communities have established various informal partnerships in an effort to
combat invasive species. Informal partnerships have led to significant outcomes in many areas,
but the commitment to continued cooperation created during the formation of a Cooperative
Weed Management Area establishes a long-term relationship that will not disappear after a joint
project is completed. This commitment creates a mechanism for ongoing resource-sharing and
collaboration that can be a highly effective long-term strategy for dealing with a long-term
problem. Locally driven CWMAs are especially effective at generating public interest in weed
management and organizing community groups to support on-the-ground programs.
The Lake Erie Watershed Cooperative Weed Management Area (LEW-CWMA) provides a
framework of communication, planning, and guidance to individuals, groups, organizations, and
agencies engaged in the management of invasive plant species within the Lake Erie Watershed.
The work of the CWMA provides educational opportunities for landowners and land managers,
develops common management objectives, sets realistic management priorities, facilitates
effective treatment, and coordinates efforts over geographical and municipal boundaries with
similar land types, use patterns, and problem species.
Pennsylvania's Lake Erie watershed is located within the northwestern corner of Pennsylvania on
the southern shore of Lake Erie. The watershed is bordered by the State of Ohio to the west and
the State of New York to the east. The watershed extends a minimum of 6.1 miles at its eastern
border and a maximum of 25 miles near its western border south of Lake Erie. The watershed
encompasses portions of Erie and Crawford counties and either portions or the full extent of 33
municipalities and townships. The over 500 square mile Lake Erie Watershed in Pennsylvania is
home to the most ecologically diverse habitats in the state, harboring many rare, endangered, and
threatened species and their habitats. Many of these occurrences and core habitats within the
watershed have been designated as Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs) by the Pennsylvania Natural
Heritage Program. Although invasive species are a concern throughout the entire region,
prioritizing the use of limited resources within these sites offer the Lake Erie Watershed -
Cooperative Weed Management Area a unique, science based method to preserve, enhance, and
restore areas of high ecological value within the watershed. The Lake Erie Watershed-
Cooperative Weed Management Area will focus initial efforts within but not limited to the
following areas:
Natural Heritage Area
Global Significance
Presque Isle - Peninsula
Diverse natural communities on the Peninsula include shoreline,
sand dunes, sandplain and new ponds, marshes and old ponds, and
several forest types. This site supports more than 70 species of
conservation concern, more than any other NHA in the state.
Presque Isle - Bay NHA
As one of the best natural harbors along Lake Erie, Presque Isle Bay
and its tributaries provide habitat for 15 species of conservation
concern in PA. Two state endangered fish, Iowa darter and eastern
sand darter, have refugia here.
Presque Isle - Gull Point
This area is the only example of the Great Lakes beach-dune-
sandplain complex in PA. Comprised of several dynamic lakeshore
community types, the highly diverse Gull Point supports at least 53
species of conservation concern in PA.
Regional Significance
Conneaut Creek NHA
This site supports populations of 14 species of conservation concern,
including 4 mussels.
Erie Bluffs Coastline
Centered around Erie Bluffs State Park, this site hosts the PA
critically imperiled Great Lakes Bluff Seep community, only
found on steep slopes adjacent to Lake Erie. There are 14 species
and 2 communities of concern supported by this site.
Erie Bluffs East Swamp
Swamps of Erie Bluffs State Park are home to the critically
imperiled Great Lakes Region Lakeplain Palustrine Forest
community. This habitat supports five plant species of
conservation concern, including state endangered Shumard's oak
and northern water-plantain.
Lower Elk Creek NHA
The waters, forests, and wetlands of Lower Elk Creek support 15
species of conservation concern in PA.
Roderick Reserve NHA
This site consists of a mix of upland forest and forested wetlands.
These habitats support populations of 5 plant species of
conservation concern. Included among these is PA endangered
northern water-plantain.
West Branch Conneaut
Creek NHA
Forests, forested wetlands, and aquatic habitats at this site support 11
species and two natural communities of conservation concern.
Pumpkin ash, critically imperiled in PA, and Red Maple-Black-
gum Palustrine Forest can be found here.
State Significance
Asbury Woods - East
Forested wetlands at this site support PA critically imperiled
pumpkin ash.
Asbury Woods - West
Forested wetlands at this site support 7 plant species of conservation
concern in PA. Four of these are state endangered, including
golden-fruited sedge, Bebb's sedge, slender spike-rush, and showy
mountain ash.
Ashtabula Creek
Headwaters NHA
This site supports PA critically imperiled pumpkin ash and is a
candidate for classification as Elm-Ash-Maple Lakeplain Forest, a
PA critically imperiled community type.
Cemetery Road Bluffs
The PA rare Great Lakes Bluff Seep plant community type is found
at this site. Seven plant species of conservation concern are
supported here.
Conneauttee Creek NHA
Floodplain forests along Conneauttee Creek support a population of
red currant, a PA threatened plant species.
Crooked Creek, Erie
County NHA
This site supports a sensitive species of conservation concern.
Devil's Backbone NHA
Centered on Little Elk Creek, Devil's Backbone is a PA critically
imperiled River Bluff Seep community that supports three plant
species of conservation concern.
East Branch Conneaut
Creek NHA
Forested waterways at this site provide aquatic habitat for two
sensitive species of conservation concern.
Elk Creek NHA
The shale bluffs above Elk Creek support a River Bluff Seep
community, critically imperiled in PA, which provides habitat for
four plant species of conservation concern. Among these plants is
state endangered Canada buffalo-berry
Elk Creek - McKean
Riparian habitat at this site supports a sensitive species of
conservation concern.
Erie Bluffs Sand Dune
An ancient sand dune supports a Black Oak Savanna - Midwest Sand
Barren plant community, found only on dry sand ridges and relict
dunes of the Lake Erie Region. Two plant species of conservation
concern are also found at the site.
Erie Bluffs West Swamp
This site supports an Elm-Ash-Maple Lakeplain Forest community
which is critically imperiled in PA. Populations for three plant
species of conservation concern are found here, including state
endangered Shumard's oak and pumpkin ash.
Fairview Business Park
Wet Meadow NHA
Wet meadows at this site provide breeding habitat for a sensitive
species of conservation concern.
Fairview Hatchery Ponds
Alkaline aquatic habitats at this site support two species of damselfly
and one dragonfly species of conservation concern in PA.
Fairview Swamp NHA
This wetland is likely the critically imperiled Elm-Ash-Maple
Lakeplain Forest community type and supports two plant species
of conservation concern: pumpkin ash and false hop sedge.
Falls Run NHA
The waters of Falls Run support two fish species of conservation
concern: southern redbelly dace and brook stickleback.
Falls Run Gorge NHA
Riparian forest habitat along the Falls Run gorge supports
populations of the globally vulnerable West Virginia white
butterfly, three state rare plant species, and a sensitive species of
conservation concern.
Falls Run - Shenango
Creek Headwaters NHA
Forested and open wetlands at this site provide critical habitat for the
state imperiled harlequin darner and a noctuid moth.
Fourteen Mile Point
Beach NHA
Sandy beach habitat at this site hosts two plant species of
conservation concern in PA: American sea-rocket and beach
peavine, state threatened.
Gospel Hill NHA
Forest and aquatic habitats at this site support a sensitive species of
conservation concern.
Greenlee Road NHA
Diverse wetland types support two plant species of conservation
concern at this site. These include PA threatened prairie sedge and
highbush cranberry.
Highmeyer Road Park
Forested wetland at this site supports the PA critically imperiled
Elm-Ash-Maple Lakeplain Forest. A wet meadow provides habitat
for state endangered northern water-plantain and state threatened
stalked bulrush.
Howard Eaton Reservoir
This site provides important habitat for two insects of special
concern: bronze copper (butterfly) and white-faced meadowhawk
Lake Erie Coastline - East
of Raccoon Creek NHA
This site supports two plant species of conservation concern. These
are the PA endangered variegated horsetail and PA threatened
small-headed rush.
Lake Erie Coastline -
Roderick NHA
This stretch of Lake Erie shoreline supports six plant species of
conservation concern in PA. Among these species is the state
endangered variegated horsetail.
Lake Erie Community
Park NHA
Lake bluff and forest ravine habitats support three plant species of
conservation concern. The Great Lakes Bluff Seep plant
community, critically imperiled in PA, is also found at this site.
Lower Walnut Creek
This site supports four species of conservation concern in PA.
Among these are state threatened common hop-tree and state rare
longnose gar.
McLane Fens NHA
There are five plant species of conservation concern that are
supported by forested wetlands at this site. Kames, or small gravel
hills created by glaciers, filter the water feeding these wetlands and
create an alkaline environment that can support these rare plants.
Manchester Beach NHA
This beach natural community supports populations of 6 plant
species of conservation concern. Among these is the PA
endangered purple sandgrass.
Mercyhurst Fen NHA
Comprised of a PA critically imperiled Buckthorn-Sedge-Golden
Ragwort Fen community, this site supports seven plant species of
conservation concern. Among these are PA endangered hooded
ladies' tresses orchid and small-headed rush.
Northeast Lake Bluff
Seeps NHA
Only found along steep lake or stream side slopes in the Great Lakes
ecoregion, this Great Lakes Bluff Seep community provides
refugia for four plant species of conservation concern. Among
these are PA endangered variegated horsetail and Carolina grass-
Pond Road Wetlands -
North NHA
Forested wetlands north of Pond Road support a population of larger
St. John's wort, a plant species listed as threatened in PA.
Pond Road Wetlands -
South NHA
This site contains an Elm-Ash-Maple Lakeplain Forest community,
critically imperiled in PA. Eleven additional species of
conservation concern have populations at this site.
Raccoon Creek Swamp
This site is comprised of the PA critically imperiled Elm-Ash-Maple
Lakeplain Forest community, and it supports a population of
pumpkin ash, also critically imperiled in PA.
Raccoon Creek Beach
This site supports several plant species of conservation concern,
including the PA endangered variegated horsetail.
Roderick Ponds NHA
This cluster of artificial pond wetlands provides habitat for the state
rare bronze copper butterfly, and both the amber-winged
spreadwing and azure bluet damselflies.
Shades Beach NHA
This site supports seven plant species of conservation concern in PA,
including state endangered golden-fruited sedge, bushy cinquefoil,
and Canada buffalo-berry.
38 Six Mile Creek Gorge
The steep gorge walls along Six-Mile Creek support a complex of
River Bluff Seep communities, critically imperiled in PA. These
bluffs, along with upland forest, floodplain, and riverine habitat
support 6 species of conservation concern.
Sixteen Mile Creek Gorge
Steep slopes along Sixteen Mile Creek support the Great Lakes Bluff
Seep community type, critically imperiled in PA. Two plant
species of conservation concern and one sensitive species of
conservation concern are found at this site.
Springfield Township
Vernal Pools NHA
This forested site contains several ephemeral pool wetlands,
considered vulnerable in PA. These vernal pools vary in wetness
throughout the year and provide critical springtime breeding
habitat for amphibians like spotted salamander and wood frog.
Twenty Mile Creek NHA
This forested stretch of Twenty Mile Creek supports populations of
three species of conservation concern and includes a River Bluff
Seep natural community, critically imperiled in PA.
Twenty Mile Creek Beach
Sandy beach and aquatic habitats at the mouth of Twenty Mile Creek
support a state critically imperiled Great Lakes Sparsely Vegetated
Shore community and nine plant species of conservation concern.
Among these are PA endangered bushy cinquefoil and purple
Twenty Mile Creek Gorge
Steep slopes along this forested section of Twenty Mile Creek
support a River Bluff Seep community, critically imperiled in PA,
and six additional species of conservation concern. Included
among these are PA endangered golden-fruited sedge and capillary
Vineyard Swamp NHA
Forested wetlands at this site support populations of two plant
species of conservation concern: cyperus-like sedge and yellow
Walnut Creek Gorge
Steep slopes support the state rare River Bluff Seeps. This site's
forests and wetlands also support populations for six plant species
of conservation concern. Among these are PA endangered golden-
fruited sedge, variegated horsetail, and brook lobelia.
West Springfield - Route
20 NHA
This site supports an occurrence of racemed milkwort, critically
imperiled in PA.
Wintergreen Gorge NHA
Steep slopes along Fourmile Creek support the PA critically
imperiled River Bluff Seep community. Populations for at least
four plant species of conservation concern are found here. Among
these are state endangered golden-fruited sedge, and Canada
Over the last five years cooperative weed management has proven to be an effective method to
address invasive species concerns throughout the region. The Lake Erie Watershed –
Cooperative Weed Management Area effort has provided increased capacity to partnering
organizations and allowed them to leverage their resources. The LEW-CWMA has conducted
invasive plant inventories throughout the watershed, served as an effective mechanism for early
detection in rapid response, undertaken treatment efforts at the regional scale, and provided
educational opportunities for resource managers and private landowners alike. Multiple state
agencies, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, private landowners, and other
and local community volunteers have worked together to restore and enhance several unique
natural communities within the Lake Erie Watershed. Some highlights that have occurred since
the group’s inception include:
1.) Partnered with organizations such as the Pennsylvania Game Commission, Penn State
University, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, Lake Erie Region Conservancy,
Audubon Society, Mercyhurst University, Erie and Crawford County Conservation
Districts, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, as well as
private property owners to complete treatment efforts on approximately 916 acres
2.) Identified the first known occurrence of hydrilla within the Pennsylvania Lake Erie
watershed and led the rapid response effort to control this infestation
3.) Provided educational opportunities for both private landowners as well as natural
resource managers at events such as Elk Creek Landowner Workshop
4.) Worked with regional stakeholders to form an Ailanthus altissima/Spotted Lanternfly
working group
5.) Assisted in the establishment of the French Creek Watershed CWMA that is located
directly to the southeast of the LEW-CWMA focal area
Target Species- The Lake Erie Watershed Cooperative Weed Management Area has and
will continue to actively manage the following species: Japanese barberry (Berberis tunbergii),
Glossy Buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula), Exotic bush honeysuckle (Lonicera spp.), Tree of heaven
(Ailanthus altissima), European black alder (Alnus glutinosa), Oriental bittersweet (Celastrus
orbiculatus), Exotic privet (Ligustrum Spp.) Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica), Multiflora
rose (Rosa multiflora), Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata), Japanese stiltgrass (Mircostegium
vimineum), Reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), Myrle (Vinca minor), Narrow leaf cattail
(Typha angustifolia), Hybrid cattail (Typha x glauca), Common reed (Phragmites australis),
Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria)
Watch List Species The Lake Erie Watershed Cooperative Weed Management Area has
and will remain vigilant in its monitoring of the following species:
Terrestrial Species: Porcelain berry (Ampelopsis brevipedunclata), Black swallowwort
(Cynanchum louiseae), Pale swallowwort (Cynanchum rossicum), Lesser celandine (Ranunculus
Aquatic Species: Brazilian waterweed (Egeria densa), Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticllata), Parrot
feather watermilfoil (Myriophyllum aquaticum), Broadleaf watermilfoil (Myriophyllum
herterophyllum), Yellow floatingheart (Nymphoides peltata), European Frogbit (Hydrocharis
morsus-ranae), Water Chestnut (Trapa natans)
Globally, invasive species continue to spread and threaten quality of life. Locally, the
productivity of private and public lands are at risk, and more specifically many of the
ecologically rich and sensitive habitats within the Lake Erie watershed area being overwhelmed
by invasive plants. Members of the LEW-CWMA have worked collectively to establish and are
committed to pursuing the following goals:
1. Prevent the introduction, reproduction, and spread of designated noxious weeds and
invasive exotic plants within the Lake Erie Watershed.
2. Lead control efforts within priority areas to restore native species and habitats.
3. Increase awareness and support for the CWMA through education and outreach efforts.
4. Conduct seasonal invasive plant inventories to determine the distribution of species
throughout the watershed.
5. Work collectively to increase the capacity of partnering organizations locally while also
collaborating with other CWMAs and CISMAs throughout the state.
Prevention, Early Detection, and Rapid Response
The most feasible and effective strategy in the fight against invasive species is the prevention of
their spread and establishment. Preventative measures offer the most cost-effective approach to
reducing future environmental and economic impacts. However, if prevention efforts fail, early
detection and rapid response (EDRR) provide a second critical step to minimize the negative
implications of any new infestation. When new invasive species infestations are detected, a
prompt and coordinated containment and eradication response can reduce environmental and
economic impacts. This coordinated action results in a lower demand of resources and is less
damaging than implementing a long-term control program after the species has established. The
Lake Erie Watershed Cooperative Weed Management Area has proven its effectiveness in
Early Detection and Rapid Response efforts through activities such as the development of a
regional early detection species list, conducting an early detection species workshop, identifying
early detection species infestations, as well as proving the group’s ability to lead coordinated
rapid response control efforts.
The Lake Erie Watershed Cooperative Weed Management Area’s approach to prevention, early
detection and rapid response provides a comprehensive framework of education, inventory,
monitoring and control. The LEW-CWMA will strive to provide educational opportunities to a
broad audience through focused outreach, presentations, social media, and interpretive signage
placed at recreational hotspots. With the growing utilization of the iMapInvasives database and
mobile app, we will continue to encourage stakeholders to document invasive species wherever
they might occur. All LEW-CWMA partners will be encouraged to participate in data gathering
and be provided with training as well as login information for the iMapInvasives program.
Finally, the Lake Erie Watershed Cooperative Weed Management Area will continue to
encourage landowners and interested individuals to report all new invasive species populations,
and to take the initiative to manage their own properties with guidance from the LEW-CWMA.
Goal: Prevent the introduction, reproduction, and spread of designated noxious weeds and
invasive plants into and throughout the Lake Erie Watershed.
1. Objective: Build upon the existing early detection framework and promote this
mechanism amongst CWMA partners.
Strategy: Encourage partners to report all invasive species distributional data via the
iMapInvasives website or mobile app and utilize the website’s alert system.
2. Objective: Develop Best Management Practices (BMP’s) to prevent the spread and
establishment of invasive plants in road and utility ROWs and other possible
transportation corridors.
Strategy: Work with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, utility
companies, and municipalities to share and develop BMPs for the control of invasive
species currently within Right of Way’s (ROWs) and prevent the initial establishment
of new invasive species.
3. Objective: Improve communication between existing natural resource professionals and
growing volunteer networks.
Strategy: Provide opportunities for natural resource managers and private land
managers to gather, expand knowledge of invasive species ID and control methods,
and share expertise.
4. Objective: Encourage use of the online mapping tool for locational data.
Strategy: Encourage the use of iMapInvasives as a centralized, online mapping
system that will show exact locations of invasive infestations and allow for the input
of management actions and the consolidation of information across the watershed.
5. Objective: Continue to evaluate species status and develop fact sheets for distribution.
Strategy: Conduct a yearly assessment of the targeted species lists as part of the
CWMA agenda and add species that are considered imminent invaders of the
6. Objective: Encourage the expansion of CWMA’s activities to neighboring watersheds
and municipalities.
Strategy: Share information, attend meetings and workshops, and consider across
border projects with other CWMAs and invasive species control interests in adjacent
Control, Management, and Restoration
Through the identification and prioritization of invasive species that will be controlled and
managed, the LEW-CWMA will continue to effectively implement invasive species management
plans. When an invasive species becomes established within an ecosystem, a strategic approach
for control is required to minimize the impacts and reduce spread. Effective control relies on a
clear understanding of the target species biology, the ecosystem in which it has established, as
well as its paths of initial introduction and potential spread. Successful control also relies on
persistent monitoring of treatment efficacy and follow up control as needed.
The steering committee of Lake Erie Watershed Cooperative Weed Management Area will meet
two (2) times annually, one to discuss pre-season control efforts and prioritization and one to
discuss post control season summary of efforts and success. Within these meetings, the group
will also discuss potential projects that have been identified for upcoming seasons, control and
management experiences and difficulties, species distribution and spread, as well as
opportunities for education and collaboration.
Goal: Provide control efforts within priority areas to restore native species and habitats.
1. Objective: Perform reconnaissance within high priority locations determined by steering
Strategy: Map areas of infestation, develop property specific management plans, and
produce schedule for follow-up monitoring.
2. Objective: Reduce the extent and density of established invasive plants to an acceptable
density for that vegetative community.
Strategy: Based upon the site inventory and evaluation data, determine a desired site
objective including maximum coverage of invasive plants, frequency of maintenance
applications, and indicators of property succession that can be references in future
evaluations. Collaborate with partners to target and share available resources in an
effort to reduce the density of established invasive plant populations.
3. Objective: Work with private landowners to provide management recommendations,
expertise, and sources of funding to aid invasive plant control efforts.
Strategy: Prepare materials and disseminate to partners for distribution throughout the
watershed. During interactions with private landowners, evaluate their interest and
possible participation in CWMA led efforts to improve the quality of their respective
property and the watershed. Work with willing landowners to develop a
comprehensive management plan for their property and provide them with tools and
management options for each target species present.
4. Objective: Initiate, facilitate, and support small-scale research projects on invasive plant
control and management, and share results with the public.
Strategy: Working with partners and participants in the CWMA, consider options for
incorporating research questions into management activities. Look for sources of
support from partners, local industries, and various programs with a stake in the
control of invasive species.
5. Objective: Work with local governments, schools, non-profit organizations, and state
natural resource professionals to create programs to manage invasive species within
municipal parks and publicly owned lands.
Strategy: Use the Presque Isle Weed Warrior program as a framework for pilot
programs on municipal parks and publicly owned lands.
6. Objective: In designated priority areas restore native vegetation and reduce or eliminate
invasive species.
Strategy: Promote the re-establishment of native species through natural processes
(allowing the natural regeneration of native species through seed bank) or active
management processes (replanting).
Education and Outreach
Effective education and outreach programs increase awareness of the threat invasive plants pose
to natural resources, techniques used to manage these species, and the role humans play in the
dispersal and establishment of invasive weeds. Awareness also provides an important first step in
the detection of new invaders. Education includes the training of CWMA participants and
associated agency personnel, private landowners, and the general public in weed identification,
management techniques, monitoring protocols, and other skills needed for the successful control
of noxious or other invasive plants.
The Lake Erie Watershed Cooperative Weed Management Area will provide information to
relevant audiences to increase the level of knowledge surrounding invasive plant identification
and management through presentations, displays, publications, webinars, and social media
Goal: Increase awareness, encourage personal action, and increase support for the CWMA led
activities through education and outreach efforts.
1. Objective: Develop and distribute materials to increase awareness and encourage
personal action to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species.
Strategy: Develop and distribute species specific information at local events and
public meetings
2. Objective: Involve private landowners in the LEW-CWMA efforts and look for
opportunities to increase control efforts on public and private lands.
Strategy 1: Develop and distribute educational materials that promote stewardship
and invasive species control on privately owned lands.
Strategy 2: Increase private landowner participation in control efforts.
Strategy 3: Invite stewardship minded landowners to serve on the LEW-CWMA
steering committee.
3. Objective: Encourage the use of native and non-invasive plant materials within the
Strategy 1: Develop documents that encourage landscaping with native non-invasive
species; documents should include information regarding threats posed by
landscaping with non-natives and a list of native alternatives.
Strategy 2: Compile a list with accompanying photos of invaders that are sold or
frequently promoted or sold within the CWMA region.
Strategy 3: Meet with representative owners and managers of leading vendors and
plant suppliers in the region to establish working relationships, promoting
landscaping with native species and reducing the distribution of invasive plants.
4. Objective: Develop materials articulating the process of native species regeneration.
Strategy: Develop materials explaining the process of invasive species management
and regeneration of native species. Materials will include strategies and photographs
from the various phases of the restoration process through the differing ecological
5. Objective: Develop educational materials regarding BMPs for preventing the spread of
invasive species through the use heavy machinery.
Strategy: Collaborate with/Contact/Connect with (options) local logging and
construction companies to assure they are aware of BMP’s that reduce the spread of
invasive species
6. Objective: Educate outdoor enthusiasts on the unintentional transport of invasive plants.
Strategy: Reduce the unintentional transport of invasive plants through the placement
of educational signs and boot brushes at trailheads and other popular recreational
7. Objective: Work with local schools to increase student interest in and knowledge of
invasive plants.
Strategy: Work with educators to incorporate information into lessons concerning
threats invasive species pose, identification, small scale control projects on school
properties, and the development of a site-specific weed management plan
8. Objective: Increase the knowledge and expertise of key demographics in identifying
invasive species.
Strategy: Host identification and control workshops that provide targeted and relevant
information for regional stakeholders.
Inventory and Monitoring
Monitoring is defined as a survey repeated through time to determine changes in the status and
demographics of abiotic resources, species, habitats, or ecological communities. Monitoring can
play a vital role in invasive plant management and the prevention of spread. It can provide
justification for evaluating management actions, adjustments in treatment methods, and aids in
reaching invasive plant management objectives and sustainable land management goals more
effectively and efficiently.
Initial site analysis will provide a baseline inventory for each location with detailed description
of invasive plant distributions. CWMA members are encouraged to report all invasive species
locations via iMapInvasives. By designating iMapInvasives as the sole reporting platform for the
LEW-CWMA, distributional data will be updated and can be viewed by all members.
Distributional data obtained and recorded through iMapInvasives allows further prioritization of
control, management, and restoration efforts.
Monitoring is an essential component to determine the efficiency of treatment. By recording and
mapping the extent of individual invasive species infestations pre and post treatment, the LEW-
CWMA will then be able to determine the efficiency of treatment, suppression, and control.
Goal: Implement a system to inventory and monitor invasive species populations throughout the
1. Objective: Update invasive species control plans for each site as treatment proceeds.
Strategy: Design invasive species management plans to allow updates while
maintaining a history of work and progress. Utilize iMapInvasives treatment logs for
recording details of treatment and outcome.
2. Objective: Monitor priority sites to assess potential spread of targeted invasive species.
Strategy: Based upon the succession of each site, determine optimal frequency for
3. Objective: Monitor infestations where eradication/control measures have been
implemented to determine their effectiveness.
Strategy: After control efforts have taken place, monitor the effectiveness of each
treatment and the percent reduction in invasive cover resulting from the previous
4. Objective: Identify, monitor, and document weed vectors that have the ability to increase
the spread of invasive plants throughout the watershed.
Strategy: Work with partners to identify known and possible vectors leading to the
introduction and spread of invasive species within the watershed.
5. Objective: Verify the establishment of invasive weed species.
Strategy: Soon after a new invasive species population has been documented, confirm
occurrence and record baseline infestation information and potential management
6. Objective: Obtain and record distributional data from locations throughout the
Strategy: Record and map all existing invasive species distributional data, creating
one resource for all groups to reference by location. Utilize iMapInvasives website to
house all distributional data obtained through site work and reports from partners
throughout the watershed.
Site Prioritization and Management Process
The Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program (PNHP) is a partnership between Western
Pennsylvania Conservancy (WPC), the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural
Resources (DCNR), the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC), and the Pennsylvania Fish and
Boat Commission (PFBC). Using a standard science-based approach, PHNP collects and stores
baseline ecological information about rare plants, rare animals, unique plant communities,
significant habitats, and geological features in Pennsylvania. Not only providing information
regarding the location of rare species, significant habitats, and geological features, the inventory
includes a system of global and state ranks used to describe the relative degree of rarity for each
species and natural community.
The Erie County Natural Heritage Inventory (CNHI) report presents the known outstanding
natural features in Erie County. The CNHI provides maps of the best natural communities as
well as the known locations of animals and plant species of concern. Contained within the report
are written descriptions for each site that include the degrees of quality and rarity, site ranking on
local, state, and globally significant scale, potential threats, and recommendations for protection.
The information presented in the Erie County Natural Heritage Inventory, last updated in 2012,
will be used to guide and focus efforts of the Lake Erie Watershed - Cooperative Weed
Management Area. By identifying the unique and rare habitats within the watershed, the CHNI
has provided an extremely valuable tool enabling the LEW-CWMA to prioritize and direct
limited resources to preserving, enhancing, and restoring the ecological integrity of these sites.
Determining Sites
Initial site evaluations documented in the Inventory and Monitoring section of this plan are
essential to determining the highest priority invasive species management locations within the
Lake Erie watershed. Prioritization of these sites will be based upon the pool of existing data as
well as data collected each season regarding invasive plant communities present and the
ecological sensitivity of each site. While taking into account existing information such as the size
and severity of the infestation, site accessibility, ownership, and available resources, the steering
committee will be responsible for choosing a minimum of five sites for inventory each season
and a minimum of three target locations for management. An additional factor for site selection
is the locations proximity to other treatment areas. There is an increased benefit in building upon
successful control areas and expanding invasive treatments outward from the initial control site.
When sites have been chosen for inventory, the LEW-CWMA coordinator or other CWMA
member will be responsible for contacting the property owners and natural resource managers,
providing relevant background information regarding the negative impacts of invasive species as
well as the groups mission. The primary goal of working with these landowners and land
managers is to establish working relationships and promote stewardship long into the future.,
Members of the CWMA will work to conduct a property-wide invasive plant inventory, draft a
management plan, and work directly with the landowner or natural resource manager to
implement the plan as resources are available.
After property inventories are complete and management plans have been developed, the
steering committee will meet to discuss the findings and determine which sites are the best
candidates for management and restoration efforts. Site specific plans will outline the
management timeline and goals for each site, target species, known locations and approximate
size of each infestation, as well as the dates and level of success for each treatment.
Understanding that invasive species will be present to some degree in all locations, this review of
available information will allow partners to determine where the limited resources that are
available will have the greatest impact. When possible, restoration efforts that include the
eradication of early detection and rapid response species should be given high priority.
Understanding that management efforts in most locations will require multiple treatments over
an extended period of time, the LEW-CWMA will consider all factors including existing funding
sources and available resources such as manpower, equipment, and other assets held by involved
Throughout the management process, photographs of the site will be taken to document the
vegetative changes and succession of the natural communities. At the end of each season,
information regarding the successes as well as challenges all restoration efforts will be presented
to members of the LEW-CWMA. Successes will be categorized by the reduction in patch size or
when feasible, total eradication. The reduction in patch size can be assessed through the
collection and comparison of GPS data on an annual basis. Also, comparisons can be derived the
analyzation of aerial imagery. Although aerial imagery can often be difficult to obtain on an
annual basis, the growing popularity and usage of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), otherwise
known as drones, provides an opportunity to collect localized aerial imagery as well as other data
when needed.
Adapting and Updating the Plan
This plan is to be used as a guiding document for the Lake Erie Watershed - Cooperative Weed
Management Area through the year 2025. This plan will remain in effect for five years from the
date it has been agreed upon by all parties. This plan will be adapted and modified as the
Steering Committee sees fit within this five-year period. At the end of this five year period, the
Lake Erie Watershed - Cooperative Weed Management Area will re-assess the content within
this document and modify it as needed to address new threats and develop new strategies to
protect the biological integrity of the Lake Erie Watershed into the future.
Over the course of the last Five-Year Plan, members of the LEW-CWMA have been successful
in pursuing its implementation by securing and distributing funds from the following sources:
US Forest Service Cooperative Forestry Assistance Program
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development
Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program (VPA-HIP)
PA Watersheds Foundation
Looking Forward
In years to come, the Lake Erie watershed will inevitably continue to face issues related to
invasive species. As we work together to curb their negative effect on our native ecological
communities, we also must take into consideration factors such as climate change and native and
exotic pest introductions that have the potential to expand distribution and increase hardiness of
invasive species. Controlling existing populations of invasive species and keeping a watchful eye
for the occurrence of currently undocumented invasive species into the watershed are key
priorities for the LEW-CWMA. By working collectively with many partners and cooperators
throughout the watershed, we hope to be a catalyst for the advancement of invasive species
management while also striving to protect and enhance some of the watersheds most significant
ecological resources.
ID # :
Site Name
Conneaut Creek at Dicksonburg
Conneaut Creek Slope - Springsboro South
Mud Run Wetland
Pont Road Wetlands
Linesville Creek Headwaters Wetland
East Branch Conneaut Creek Headwaters Wetland
West Branch Conneaut Creek
Crawford, Erie
Lake Erie Coastline - Roderick
Roderick Reserve
Raccoon Creek Swamp
Conneaut Creek
East Branch Conneaut Creek
West Branch Conneaut Creek
Erie, Crawford
Elk Creek
Devil's Backbone
Falls Run
Falls Run - Shenango Creek Headwaters
Falls Run
Elk Creek - McKean
Howard Eaton Reservoir
McLane Fens
Springfield Township Vernal Pools
Crooked Creek
Presque Isle - Gull Point
Presque Isle - Peninsula
Presque Isle - Bay
Ashtabula Creek Headwaters
West Springfield - Route 20
Trout Run Pond
McLane Fens - East
Pond Road Wetlands - South
Pond Road Wetlands - North
Mercyhurst Fen
Cemetery Road Bluffs
Vineyard Swamp
[needs a name]
Northeast Lake Bluff Seeps
Six Mile Creek Gorge
Manchester Beach
Highmeyer Road Park
Site information Table
Twenty Mile Creek
Gospel Hill
Wintergreen Gorge
Sixteen Mile Creek Gorge
German Road Ponds
Asbury Woods
Asbury Woods
Twenty Mile Creek Gorge
Fairview Swamp
Twenty Mile Creek Beach
Twenty Mile Creek Beach
Twenty Mile Creek Beach
Walnut Creek
Lake Erie Community Park
Elk Creek - Mouth
Erie Bluffs - Shoreline
Erie Bluffs - Sand Dune
Elk Creek - Mouth
Erie Bluffs - Swamp