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These instructions have been designed for Kentucky
partnerships that afford their partners or members,
through function of the laws of this state or laws
recognized by this state, protection from general liability
for actions of the entity. These partnerships are required
by law to file a Kentucky Partnership Income and LLET
Return (Form 765). Form 765 is complementary to the
federal form 1065.
Forms and instructions are available at all Kentucky
Taxpayer Service Centers (see page 19). They may also
be obtained by writing FORMS, Department of Revenue,
P. O. Box 518, Frankfort, KY 406020518, or by calling
502–5643658. Forms can be downloaded from
Enacted by the 2018 Regular Session of the General
AssemblyThere are many amendments to Kentuckys
tax code with most changes effective beginning in tax
year 2018. The Department of Revenue (“Department”)
has guidance online at
Tax RateFor tax year 2018, a flat income tax rate of
five percent (5%) was enacted for both corporations
and individuals.
Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Update—House Bill (HB)
487 updates the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) reference
date from December 31, 2015, to December 31, 2017,
including the adoption of many of the provisions of
the Federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) for purposes
of computing income tax, except for depreciation
differences contained in KRS 141.0101.
Kentucky has adopted the following federal provisions:
The eighty percent (80%) of taxable income limitation
for the net operating loss (NOL) deduction and an
unlimited carryforward of unused net operating
losses for NOL generated on or after 1/1/18
Net interest expense deduction limitation
Repeal of the Domestic Production Activity
Tax treatment of Foreign Derived Intangible Income
Globally Intangible Low Taxed Income (see Kentucky
TAM 18-02)
Distinct Federal/State Differences:
Kentucky continues to be decoupled from the federal
law for the depreciation deduction and IRC Section
179 expense deduction.
Kentucky did not adopt the new federal twenty
percent (20%) deduction for Qualified Business
Income of Pass-through Entities.
Apportionment Changes for 2018:
The apportionment factor for assigning multi-state
income to Kentucky changed from a three (3)-factor
apportionment formula based on sales, property, and
payroll to a single-factor formula based on receipts.
This change is effective for taxable years beginning on
or after January 1, 2018. Note that “sales factor” refers
to the “receipts factor”.
Receipts from services and the sale of intangibles are
assigned to Kentucky under the single-factor formula if
the taxpayers market for the sales is in this state.
A three (3)-factor apportionment method is still
required for corporations in the business of providing:
Communications service;
Cable service; or
Internet access.
Special apportionment provisions are retained for
passenger airlines and qualified air freight forwarders.
Tax Credit Changes:
A new Inventory Tax Credit was created and is
effective January 1, 2018. It is a nonrefundable and
nontransferable credit against income and limited
liability entity taxes for tangible personal property
(ad valorem) tax timely paid on inventory. The credit
is phased-in as follows: 25% in 2018; 50% in 2019;
75% in 2020; and 100% in 2021 and thereafter.
The refundable film industry tax credit was changed
to a nonrefundable and nontransferable credit for
applications approved on or after April 27, 2018.
Commonwealth of Kentucky
Department of Revenue
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The Incentives for Energy Independence Act (IEIA)
ultimately will sunset on August 1, 2018 and no more
incentives under that program will be approved after
that date.
Tax Administration Changes:
The time to protest an assessment or reduced refund
was increased from 45 to 60 days. This change is
applicable to notices of tax due or reduced refund
notices issued on or after July 1, 2018.
Kentucky Revised Statutes—Kentucky Revised Statutes
are referred to in these instructions as “KRS” and can be
found online at
Kentucky Administrative Regulations—Kentucky
Administrative Regulations are referred to in these
instructions as “KAR” and can be found online at
Pursuant to KRS 131.183, the 2019 tax interest rate has
been set at five percent (5%). The rate charged by the
Kentucky Department of Revenue on unpaid taxes is
seven percent (7%) and when interest is due on a refund,
the rate is three percent (3%).
Schedule INV—Kentucky Inventory Tax Credit schedule
is new for taxable years beginning on or after January
1, 2018 and is used to calculate the Inventory Tax Credit
against income and LLE taxes for ad valorem (property)
taxes timely paid on inventory.
Form 2220–K—This form is no longer required to be
attached to the return and is now a supporting worksheet
used to calculate the underpayment penalty and interest
due on late or underpaid estimated tax installment(s).
Schedule A—Part I, Lines 1 through 12 were separated
to distinguish the difference in computation of
apportionment fraction for all companies (Lines 1
through 3, single sales factor) and for Providers that
continue to use the three (3)-factor apportionment (Lines
1 through 12). For all other companies, Lines 4 through
12 must be completed for informational purposes. See
KRS 141.120 and KRS 141.121(1)(e).
Forms 720S, 720S(K), 765, 765(K), 765-GP, 765–
GP(K), and applicable Schedules K–1—Separated the
previous Apportionment Pass-through Items into two
sections to distinguish the differences in computing
the apportionment factor. The sections are now
labeled Apportionment for Pass-through Items and
Apportionment for Providers.
Schedule TCS—The Tax Credit Summary was updated to
add the Film Industry and Inventory tax credits.
Schedule RPC—This schedule has been shortened and
simplified. All previous questions are maintained, but
many have been combined or reformatted to reduce
Schedule O–720 and Schedule O–PTE—Have been
shortened significantly due to the elimination of
numerous deductions because of federal and Kentucky
tax law changes.
Schedule CI—Application for Coal Incentive Tax
Schedule FD—Food Donation Tax Credit (2018 is
the final year in which any unused prior year credit
carryforward may be utilized)
Schedule HH—Kentucky Housing for Homeless
Families Deduction
Schedule KESA—Kentucky Environmental Steward
ship Act Tax Credit
Schedule KEOZ—Kentucky Economic Opportunity
Zone Tax Credit
Form 8903-K—Kentucky Domestic Production
Activities Deduction
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The following list of filing tips is provided for your
convenience to help ensure that returns are processed
accurately and promptly. To avoid processing problems,
please note the following:
Schedule COGS—If the company is computing its
LLET based on gross profits, the new Schedule COGS,
Limited Liability Entity Tax Cost of Goods Sold, must be
attached to Form 765. Failure to include this schedule
may result in a tax adjustment and assessment.
Account Closure—When ceasing operations and closing
an account, there are different requirements for the
Secretary of State and the Department of Revenue.
Account Number/FEINAlways ensure the correct
Kentucky Corporation/LLET account number and FEIN
is used on the return being filed.
PaymentsPlace payments on the front of the return
so they are clearly visible when the return is processed.
PaymentsDo not leave check stubs attached to checks
when sending in a payment. Check stubs delay the
machines that sort incoming mail, which causes longer
processing times.
Estimated Payments—Make estimated payments on a
timely basis to avoid penalty and interest. When making
EFT payments online, use the Taxable Year Ending, NOT
the due date of the payment.
Form 720VForm 720V is a payment voucher for e-filed
returns, NOT an extension form. To extend a filing date,
use Form 720EXT, Extension of Time to File Kentucky
Corporation/LLET Return.
Extensions—Extensions are for extending the filing
date only; late payment penalties and interest apply to
payments made after the original due date.
Corrected K-1s—Adjustments to LLET or distributive
share require that corrected Kentucky K-1's are sent
to all partners, members, or shareholders for proper
compliance by taxpayers.
Schedule ADo not check the box on Schedule A,
Apportionment and Allocation, indicating the use of an
alternative allocation and apportionment formula if the
partnership has not received written approval from the
Department of Revenue. If written approval has been
received, a copy of the letter from the Department of
Revenue must be attached to the return when filed.
Additional errors that delay processing returns or
create adjustments include:
¡ Incorrect form submitted
¡ Incorrect tax exemption code
¡ Incomplete information
¡ Missing forms or schedules
¡ Incorrect taxable year end
¡ Tax Payment Summary Section of return blank or
¡ Failure to include payment of tax due with the return
¡ Omitting Form 720EXT when paying with an
Filing Tips and Checkpoints
Electronic Filing FAQs and Helpful Tips
If your return is rejected for an invalid Kentucky Corporation/LLET Account Number or Federal Employer Identification
Number (FEIN), please complete Form 20A100, “Declaration of Representative,” and contact our Registration Section
at 502-564-3306 for instructions on how to obtain an account number.
Direct debit is an option for electronically filed forms; however, direct deposit is not.
If your e-filed return has been REJECTED, DO NOT submit a 720V voucher at that time. You will get a NEW
720V voucher once you have successfully filed an accepted Kentucky return. (Note: The Submission ID number will
change each time your return is sent to the Kentucky Department of Revenue.)
To determine which forms are supported by your software, please check with the company that develops your
More Options for Taxpayers Paying Online
The Department of Revenue (DOR) is now able to offer taxpayers additional payment options for Limited Liability Entity
Tax (LLET). Taxpayers can make a payment online for an e-filed Partnership Income and LLET Return that would normally
be sent with a Form 720-V voucher. LLET payments for bills, estimates, and extensions can also be made using the
Enterprise Electronic Payment System (EEPS). To use EEPS, go to and click on the E-File & Payments
tile. From the selections of tax types available, click “Limited Liability Entity Tax (LLET)” and select the Electronic Payment
link. To make payments, the FEIN is required along with the Kentucky Corporate/LLET 6-digit account number.
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Partnerships must create a Kentucky Form 4562, Schedule D and Form 4797 by converting federal forms.
Depreciation, Section 179 Deduction and Gains/Losses
From Disposition of Assets—For taxable years beginning
after December 31, 2001, Kentucky depreciation and IRC
deduction are determined per the Internal Revenue Code in
effect on December 31, 2001. For calendar year 2018 returns
and fiscal year returns that begin in 2018, any partnership that
for federal purposes elects in the current taxable year or has
elected in past taxable years any of the following will have a
different depreciation and IRC
§179 expense deduction for
MACRS bonus depreciation; or
§179 expense deduction in excess of $25,000.
If a partnership has taken MACRS bonus depreciation or IRC
§179 expense deduction in excess of $25,000 for any year,
federal and Kentucky differences will exist, and the differences
will continue through the life of the assets.
Important: If a partnership has not taken MACRS bonus
depreciation or the IRC
§179 expense deduction in excess
of $25,000 for any taxable year, then no adjustment will be
needed for Kentucky income tax purposes. If federal Form
4562 is required to be filed for federal income tax purposes, a
copy must be submitted with Form 765 to substantiate that
no adjustment is required.
Determining and Reporting Depreciation and IRC
Deduction Differences—federal/Kentucky depreciation or
§179 deduction differences must be reported as follows:
1. The depreciation from federal Form 1065, Line 16(a) must
be included on Form 765, Part I, Line 3. If federal Form 4562
is required to be filed for federal income tax purposes, a
copy must be attached to Form 765.
2. Convert federal Form 4562 to a Kentucky form by entering
Kentucky at the top center of the form above Depreciation
and Amortization. Compute Kentucky depreciation and
§179 deduction per IRC in effect on December 31,
2001, by ignoring the lines and instructions regarding the
special depreciation allowance and the additional IRC
deduction. NOTE: For Kentucky purposes, the maximum
§179 deduction amount on Line 1 is $25,000 and the
threshold cost of IRC
§179 property on Line 3 is $200,000.
The $25,000 maximum allowable IRC
§179 deduction for
Kentucky purposes is reduced dollar–fordollar by the
amount by which the cost of qualifying IRC
§179 property
placed in service during the year exceeds $200,000. In
determining the IRC
§179 deduction for Kentucky, the
income limitation on Line 11 should be determined by using
Kentucky net income before the IRC
§179 deduction instead
of federal taxable income.
3. The partnership must attach the Kentucky Form 4562 to
Form 765, and the amount from Kentucky Form 4562, Line
22 less the IRC
§179 deduction on Line 12 must be included
on Form 765, Part I, Line 8. The IRC
§179 deduction from
the Kentucky Form 4562, Line 12 must be included on Form
765, Schedule K, Section A, Line 9. A Kentucky Form 4562
must be filed for each year even though a federal Form
4562 may not be required.
Determining and Reporting Differences in Gain or Loss From
Disposition of Assets—If during the year the partnership
disposes of assets on which it has taken the special
depreciation allowance or the additional IRC
§179 deduction
for federal income tax purposes, the partnership will need to
determine and report the difference in the amount of gain or
loss on such assets as follows:
1. C onver t federal Schedule D (Form 1065) and other
applicable federal forms to Kentucky forms by entering
Kentucky at the top center of the form, and compute the
Kentucky capital gain or (loss) from the disposal of assets
using Kentucky basis. Enter the amount from Kentucky
Schedule D, Line 7 on Form 765, Schedule K, Section A,
Line 4(d) or 7. Enter the amount from Kentucky Schedule
D, Line 15 on Form 765, Schedule K, Section A, Line 4(e) or
7. Federal Schedule D (Form 1065) filed with the federal
return and the Kentucky Schedule D must be attached to
Form 765.
2. If the amount reported on federal Form 1065, Line 6 (from
Form 4797, Line 17) is a gain, enter this amount on Schedule
OPTE, Part II, Line 1. If the amount reported on federal
Form 1065, Line 6 (from Form 4797, Line 17) is a loss, enter
this amount on Schedule OPTE, Part I, Line 1. Convert
federal Form 4797 and other applicable federal forms to
Kentucky forms by entering Kentucky at the top center of
the form, and compute the Kentucky gain or (loss) from
the sale of business property listing Kentucky basis. If the
amount on Kentucky Form 4797, Line 17 is a gain, enter this
amount on Schedule OPTE, Part I, Line 2. If the amount
on Kentucky Form 4797, Line 17 is a loss, enter this amount
on Schedule OPTE, Part II, Line 2. Federal Form 4797 filed
with the federal return and the Kentucky Form 4797 must
be attached to Form 765.
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Tax Treatment of a Partnership (Afforded Limited Liability
Protection) and Partners or Members
For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2007, a
partnership that affords any of its partners or members, through
function of the laws of this state or laws recognized by this
state, protection from general liability for actions of the entity
is classified as limited liability pass–through entity per KRS
141.010(15). For taxable years beginning on or after January 1,
2007, an annual limited liability entity tax (LLET) must be paid
by every corporation and every limited liability pass–through
entity doing business in Kentucky on all Kentucky gross
receipts or Kentucky gross profits per KRS 141.0401(2), unless
specifically excluded. See LLET Exemption Codes on page 8 of
these instructions.
In determining tax per KRS Chapter 141, a resident individual,
estate, or trust that is a partner or member of a partnership
classified as a limited liability passthrough entity must take
into account the partner’s or member’s total distributive share
of the partnership’s items of income, loss, and deduction. In
determining tax per KRS Chapter 141, a nonresident individual,
estate, or trust that is a partner or member of a partnership must
take into account the partner’s or member’s total distributive
share of the partnership’s items of income, loss, and deduction
multiplied by the apportionment fraction per KRS 141.206(11)(b).
KRS 141.206(7) and (8)
In determining tax per KRS Chapter 141, a corporation that is a
partner or member of a partnership must take into account its
total distributive share of the partnership’s items of income, loss,
and deduction. KRS 141.206(9)
The LLET credit allowed partners or members of a partnership
classified as a limited liability pass–through entity is the partners’
or members’ proportionate share of the LLET for the current year
after the subtraction of any credits identified in KRS 141.0205
and reduced by $175. The credit allowed partners or members
may be applied to the income tax assessed on income from the
partnership. Any remaining credit from the partnership will be
disallowed. KRS 141.0401(3)
Internal Revenue Code Reference DateKentucky’s Internal
Revenue Code (IRC) reference date is December 31, 2017,
including the provisions contained in Pub. L. No. 115-97,
exclusive of any amendments made subsequent to that date,
other than amendments that extend provisions in effect
on December 31, 2017, that would otherwise terminate, for
purposes of computing corporation and individual income tax,
except for depreciation differences per KRS 141.0101.
Kentucky Tax Registration Application—Prior to doing business in
Kentucky, each entity should complete a Kentucky Tax Registration
Application, Form 10A100, to register for a Kentucky Corporation/
LLET Account Number. This account number will be used for
remitting the corporation income tax per KRS 141.040 and LLET
per KRS 141.0401.
Register your business online at using the
One Stop Business Services link.
1. Go to .
2. Click on Begin Your Registration. Note: The One Stop
Business Services login page provides information for
creating a user account as well as portal security. You will
also find overview information for the services the portal
currently provides. This information is updated regularly to
reflect new services and notify you when additional agencies
join the portal.
3. If you do not already have a One Stop user account, click on
the link labeled Click here to create one. Once a user account
has been created, an e-mail will be sent to you with further
instructions to activate the account and login.
4. Once logged in,
If your business needs to register with both the Secretary
of State and the Department of Revenue or only needs
to register with the Department of Revenue, use the
Register My Business option, to register for tax accounts
and your Commonwealth Business Identifier (CBI).
If the business is already registered with the Secretary of
State and you do not already have access to the business
on your Dashboard, choose the Link My Business option.
Enter the Commonwealth Business Identifier (CBI),
Security Token, and Business Name exactly as it appears
on your Kentucky articles of organization/incorporation,
your Kentucky Certificate of Authority, or your CBI letter
(including all punctuation) and link your business, click
Send Invite and follow the instructions sent to your email
to register for tax accounts.
The Link My Business option will require you to name at least
one “One-Stop Portal Business Administrator” (for example, the
business owner or representative).
Note: The administrator can then delegate access to
other individuals—for example, an attorney, accountant,
or manager. The administrator also determines the
appropriate authority level for delegates to make
changes—this could range from filing annual reports
with the Secretary of States office, changing the
business address, or filing and paying taxes. Only the
One Stop business administrator(s) can grant, approve,
withdraw, or revoke access to the business.
5. Once you have linked your business, your business name
and CBI number will appear in the My Businesses box on
the dashboard, click on the CBI number, once your business
loads, click on the Tax Administration tab to register for tax
The paper application is available by calling the Department
of Revenue, Division of Registration and Data Integrity at
502–564–3306, or can be downloaded at
(click on Form Search, and search for 10A100). The
application may be faxed to 502–227–0772 or e-mailed to
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Who Must File—LLET and Corporation Income Tax
LLET The limitations imposed and protections provided by the
United States Constitution or Pub. L. No. 86–272 do not apply
to the limited liability entity tax imposed by KRS 141.0401. A
Kentucky Partnership Income and LLET Return (Form 765) must
be filed by every partnership: (a) being organized under the laws
of this state; (b) having a commercial domicile in this state; (c)
owning or leasing property in this state; (d) having one or more
individuals performing services in this state; (e) maintaining an
interest in a pass–through entity doing business in this state;
(f) deriving income from or attributable to sources within this
state, including deriving income directly or indirectly from a
trust doing business in this state, or deriving income directly or
indirectly from a single member limited liability company that
is doing business in this state and is disregarded as an entity
separate from its single member for federal income tax purposes,
or (g) directing activities at Kentucky customers for the purpose
of selling them goods or services. KRS 141.010(7), KRS 141.040,
KRS 141.0401, and KRS 141.206
Disregarded Entities—A limited liability company (LLC) is treated
for Kentucky income tax purposes in the same manner as it is
treated for federal income tax purposes. Therefore, a single
member LLC that is disregarded for federal income tax purposes
should be included in the return filed by its single member
(owner). KRS 141.010(7)
Pass-through Entities—A pass–through entity doing business in
Kentucky solely as a partner or member in a pass–through entity
will file Form 765 per KRS 141.010, KRS 141.120, and KRS 141.206.
(See Schedule A—Apportionment and Allocation Instructions.)
Nonresident Withholding and Composite return (Form 740NP-WH)
A partner or member that is an S corporation or partnership
is not subject to withholding. S corporations and partnerships
are pass-through entities per KRS 141.010(21).
KRS 141.206(4) provides that for taxable years beginning on
or after January 1, 2007, every passthrough entity required
to file a return under KRS 141.206(1), except publicly traded
partnerships defined in KRS 141.0401(6)(r), must withhold
Kentucky income tax or file a composite return on the
distributive share, whether distributed or undistributed, of each
nonresident individual (includes an estate or trust) par tner,
member, or shareholder, or each Ccorporation partner or
member that is doing business in Kentucky only through its
ownership interest in a passthrough entity. Withholding and
composite filing is at the highest rate provided in KRS 141.020
or KRS 141.040.
Withholding is not required if: (a) the partner, member, or
shareholder is exempt from withholding per KRS 141.206(6)(a);
(b) the partner or member is exempt from Kentucky income tax
per KRS 141.040(1); (c) the pass-through entity is a qualified
investment partnership per KRS 141.206(14), and the partner,
member, or shareholder is an individual; or (d) the partner or
member is a pass-through entity.
For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2012, a
pass-through entity required to withhold or file a composite
return on Kentucky income tax per KRS 141.206 must make
estimated tax payments if required by KRS 141.206(5). If
the pass-through entity is required to make estimated tax
payments for taxable years beginning on or after January
1, 2012, use Form 740NP-WH-ES (Kentucky Estimated Tax
The reporting of a nonresident individual’s, estate’s, or trust’s
net distributive share income and withholding on Form
740NPWH at the rate of five percent (5%) will satisfy the filing
requirements of KRS 141.180 for a nonresident individual,
estate, or trust partner, member, or shareholder whose only
Kentucky source income is net distributive share income.
The partners’, members, or shareholders’ distributive share
of income must include all items of income or deduction used
to compute adjusted gross income on the Kentucky return that
is passed through to the partner, member, or shareholder by
the pass–through entity, including but not limited to interest,
dividend, capital gains or losses, guaranteed payments, and
rents (KRS 141.206(15)). The nonresident individual, estate,
or trust partner, member, or shareholder may file a Kentucky
Individual Income Tax Return Nonresident or PartYear
Resident (Form 740NP) or a Kentucky Fiduciary Income
Tax Return (Form 741) to take advantage of the credits and
A passthrough entity must file Form 740NPWH and complete
a Form PTEWH for each nonresident individual, estate, or
trust partner, member, or shareholder; or corporate partner
or member. Form 740NPWH with Copy A of each Form PTE–
WH must be filed and paid by the 15
day of the fourth month
following the close of the taxable period. Provide copies B and
C of Form PTE–WH to the partner, member, or shareholder.
Required Forms and Information—A partnership must enter all
applicable information on Form 765, attach a schedule for each
line item or line item instruction which states “attach schedule,
and attach the following forms or schedules, if applicable:
Kentucky Forms and Schedules
1. Kentucky Partnership Income and LLET Return (Form 765)
2. Kentucky Partners Share of Income, Credits, Deductions,
Etc.—Schedule K–1 (Form 765)
3. Apportionment and Allocation (Schedule A)
4. Limited Liability Entity Tax—Continuation Sheet (Schedule
5. Cost of Goods Sold (Schedule COGS)
6. Application for Filing Extension (Form 720EXT)
7. Tax Credit Summary Schedule (Schedule TCS)
8 Related Party Costs Disclosure Statement (Schedule RPC)
9. Other Additions And Subtractions To/From Federal Ordinary
Income (Schedule O–PTE)
Required Federal Forms and Schedules
All partnerships must provide a copy of the following federal
forms submitted to the Internal Revenue Service:
1. Form 1065, all pages.
2. Form 1125-A—Cost of Goods Sold
3. Form 4797—Sales of Business Property
4. Schedule D—Capital Gains and Losses
5. Form 5884—Work Opportunity Credit
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6. Schedules for items on Form 1065, Schedule L, which state,
“attach schedule.
7. Form 4562—Depreciation and Amortization
8. Form 8825—Rental Real Estate Income and Expenses of a
Partnership or an S Corporation
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)—
The Department of Revenue
accepts electronically filed Corporation Income Tax/Limited
Liability Entity Tax estimated tax voucher payments and
extension payments for corporation income tax and limited
liability entity tax. Before filing by EFT, the partnership must have
a valid six-digit Kentucky Corporation/LLET Account Number
and have registered with the Department of Revenue to file
EFT. Using an incorrect account number, such as an account
number for withholding or sales and use tax, may result in the
payment being credited to another taxpayer’s account. When
making payments online, use the taxable year ending, NOT the
due date of the payment.
For more information contact the Department of Revenue at
8008394137 or 502–5646020. The EFT registration form is
available at
Accounting Procedures—Kentucky income tax law requires a
partnership to report income on the same calendar or fiscal
year and to use the same methods of accounting required for
federal income tax purposes. Any federally approved change
in accounting periods or methods must be reported to the
Department of Revenue. Check the applicable box on page 1,
Item F and attach a copy of the federal approval to the return
when filed. KRS 141.140
Mailing/Payment—If including payment for other taxes in
addition to LLET, send a separate check or money order for each
tax type.
Mail return to:
Kentucky Department of Revenue
P. O. Box 856910
Louisville, KY 40285-6910
Make the check(s) payable to Kentucky State Treasurer.
Mail returns with no tax due or refund requests to:
Kentucky Department of Revenue
P. O. Box 856905
Louisville, KY 40285-6905
Filing/Payment Date—A partnership return must be filed and
payment must be made on or before the 15th day of the fourth
month following the close of the taxable year. KRS 141.160, KRS
141.220, and 103 KAR 15:050
If the filing/payment date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a legal
holiday, the filing/payment date is deemed to be on the next
business day. KRS 446.030(1)(a)
Extensions—A six-month extension of time to file a partnership
income and LLET return may be obtained by filing Form 720EXT
or attaching a copy of the federal extension to the return when
filed. A copy of the federal extension submitted after the return
is filed does not constitute a valid extension, and late filing
penalties will be assessed. If the partnership is making a payment
with its extension, Kentucky Form 720EXT must be used. For
further information, see the instructions for Form 720EXT. 103
KAR 15:050
NOTE: An extension of time to file a return does not extend the
date for payment of tax.
LLET Estimated Taxes
The Corporation Income/Limited Liability Entity Tax Estimated
Tax Voucher, Form 720-ES, is used to submit estimated tax
payments for LLET. See Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). If
the partnership is required to make estimated LLET payments
and needs Form 720-ES vouchers, contact the Department of
Revenue at 502–5643658.
Estimated Tax Payments—A partnership must make estimated
tax installments if its tax liability under KRS 141.0401 can
reasonably be expected to exceed $5,000. Estimated tax
installments are required as follows:
If the estimated tax is reasonably expected to exceed $5,000
before the 2nd day of the 6th month, 50% of the estimated tax
must be paid by the 15th day of the 6th month, 25% by the 15th
day of the 9th month, and 25% by the 15th day of the 12th month.
If the estimated tax is reasonably expected to exceed $5,000
after the 1st day of the 6th month and before the 2nd day of the
9th month, 75% of the estimated tax must be paid by the 15th
day of the 9th month, and 25% by the 15th day of the 12th month.
If the estimated tax is reasonably expected to exceed $5,000
after the 1st day of the 9th month, 100% of the estimated tax
must be paid by the 15th day of the 12th month.
Safe harbor: A partnership can satisfy its declaration requirement
if its current year estimated tax payments, including prior year
credit, are equal to the tax liability per KRS 141.0401 for the prior
tax year, and its tax liability for the prior tax year was equal to
or less than $25,000.
Interest: Failure to pay estimated tax installments on or
before the due date prescribed by KRS 141.044 will result in an
assessment of interest on the late payment or underpayment.
The interest due on any late payment or underpayment will
be at the rate provided by KRS 131.183(1). KRS 141.044 and
KRS 141.985
Penalty: Failure to pay estimated tax installments equal to the
amount determined by subtracting $5,000 from 70% of the tax
liability due per KRS 141.0401 as computed by the taxpayer on
the return filed for the taxable year will result in an underpayment
penalty of 10% of the underpayment. The underpayment penalty
will not apply if the current year estimated tax payments,
including prior year credit, are equal to or greater than the tax
liability due per KRS 141.0401 for the previous taxable year, and
the tax liability due per KRS 141.0401 for the previous taxable
year was equal to or less than $25,000. KRS 131.180(3) and KRS
Page 8 of 20
Item A—LLET Exemption Code
If the partnership is exempt from LLET, enter one of the
following twodigit codes in the space provided. Failure to
include a valid code will delay the processing of the tax return
and may result in a tax notice for assessment of taxes and
Item B—Income Exemption Code
If the partnership is exempt from filing a Kentucky partnership
income return, enter the following two-digit code in the space
provided. Failure to include a valid code will delay the processing
of the tax return and may result in a tax notice for assessment
of taxes and penalties.
Item C—Enter the number of partners (Attach K–1s).
Item D—Enter the partnership’s federal identification number.
See federal Publication 583 if the partnership has not obtained
this number.
Item E—Enter the six-digit Kentucky Corporation/LLET Account
Number on the applicable line at the top of each form and
schedule and on all checks and correspondence. This number
was included in correspondence received from the Department
of Revenue at the time of registration.
Using an incorrect account number, such as an account number
for withholding or sales and use tax, may result in the payment
and/or return being credited to another taxpayer’s account.
If the Kentucky Corporation/LLET Account Number is not known,
complete Form 20A100, “Declaration of Representative,” and
contact Registration at 502–564–3306 for information on how
to obtain an account number.
Name and AddressPrint or type the name of the partnership
as set forth in the Articles of Organization. For the address,
include the suite, room, or other unit number after the street
address. If the U.S. Postal Service does not deliver mail to the
12 A property or facility which has been certified
as a fluidized bed energy production facility as
defined in KRS 211.390.
13 An alcohol production facility as defined in KRS
21 A qualified investment partnership as defined in
KRS 141.206(14)(a).
22 This return contains only the LLET as the
partnership is exempt from filing a Kentucky
income return as provided by Public Law 86-272.
Other Information
Amended Return—To correct Form 765 as originally filed,
file an amended Form 765 and check the appropriate box on
page 1, Item F. If the amended return results in a change in income
or a change in the distribution of any income or other information
provided to partners, an amended Schedule K-1 (Form 765) must
also be filed with the amended Form 765 and given to each
partner. Check the Amended K-1 box on each Schedule K-1 to
indicate that it is an amended Schedule K-1.
Internal Revenue Service Audit AdjustmentsA partnership
which has received final adjustments resulting from Internal
Revenue Service audits must submit copies of the “final
determinations of the federal audit” within 180 days of the
conclusion of the federal audits. Use Form 765 for reporting
federal audit adjustments, check the Amended Return box, and
attach the complete Revenue Agents Report (RAR).
Mail returns with federal audit adjustments (RAR) to:
Corporate Governmental Programs Section
P. O. Box 1074, Station 68
Frankfort, KY 40602-1074
InterestInterest at the tax interest rate is applied to LLET
liability not paid by the date prescribed by law for filing the
return (determined without regard to extensions thereof). See
page 1 for the current year rate.
Failure to file a Kentucky Partnership Income and LLET Return
by the filing date including extensions2 percent of the LLET
due for each 30 days or fraction thereof that the return is late
(maximum 20 percent). The minimum penalty is $10. KRS
131.180 (1)
Failure to pay LLET by the payment date2 percent of the LLET
due for each 30 days or fraction thereof that the payment is
overdue (maximum 20 percent). The minimum penalty is $10.
KRS 131.180(2)
Late payment or underpayment of estimated tax penalty—10
percent penalty of the late payment or underpayment. The
minimum penalty is $25. K RS 131.18 0 (3 )
Failure or refusal to file a Kentucky Income and LLET Return
or furnish information requested in writing5 percent of the
tax assessed for each 30 days or fraction thereof that the return
is not filed or the information is not submitted (maximum 50
percent). The minimum penalty is $100. KRS 131.180 (4 )
Negligence—10 percent of the tax assessed. KRS 131.180(7)
Fraud—50 percent of the tax assessed. KRS 131.180(8)
Cost of Collection Fees—25 percent on all taxes which become
due and owing for any reporting period, regardless of when
due. These collection fees are in addition to all other penalties
provided by law. KRS 131.440(1)(b)
Records RetentionThe Department of Revenue deems
acceptable virtually any records retention system which results
in an essentially unalterable method of records storage and
retrieval, provided: (a) authorized Department of Revenue
personnel are granted access, including any specialized
equipment; (b) taxpayer maintains adequate back-up; and
(c) taxpayer maintains documentation to verify the retention
system is accurate and complete.
Page 9 of 20
street address and the partnership has a P.O. Box, show the
box number instead of the street address.
Change of Name—Check the applicable box if the partnership’s
name has changed since the filing of the prior year Kentucky
tax return. Attach a statement to the tax return providing the
partnership’s name reflected on the prior year Kentucky tax
Telephone Number—Enter the business telephone number of
the partner or member signing the return.
Period Covered—File the 2018 return for calendar year 2018 and
fiscal years that begin in 2018. For a fiscal year, fill in the taxable
period beginning and ending at the top of Form 765.
NOTE: For 52/53 week filers, fill in the taxable period beginning
and ending dates as specified below:
Begin on the first day of the calendar month beginning nearest
to the first day of the 52/53-week tax year.
End on the last day of the calendar month ending nearest to
the last day of the 52/53-week tax year.
All partnerships must enter Taxable Year Ending at the top right
of Form 765 and supporting forms and schedules to indicate the
ending month and year for which the return is filed.
A calendar year is a period from January 1 through
December 31 each year. This would be entered as:
A fiscal year is 12 consecutive months ending on the last day
of any month except December. A fiscal year ending January
31, 2019, would be entered as:
A 52/53-week year is a fiscal year that varies between 52 and
53 weeks. Example: A 52/53-week year ending the first week
of the month would be entered as the month and year of the
prior month. If it ends the first week of January 2019, the
taxable year ending would be entered as:
Failure to properly reflect the Taxable Year Ending may result
in delinquency notices or billings for failure to file.
State and Date of Organization—Enter the entitys state and
date of organization.
Principal Business Activity in Kentucky—Enter the entitys
principal business activity in Kentucky.
North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS)
Enter your six-digit NAICS code. To view a complete listing of
__ __ / __ __
1 2
1 8
__ __ / __ __
0 1
__ __ / __ __
1 2
1 8
NAICS codes, visit the Census Bureau at
Item F—Check the applicable boxes:
(a) LLC—The partnership is organized as a limited liability
company (LLC).
(b) LP—The partnership is organized as a limited partnership
(c) LLP—The partnership is organized as a limited liability
partnership (LLP).
(d) Initial Return—This is the partnership’s first time filing a
partnership return in Kentucky. Complete questions 1 and
2 on Schedule Q–Kentucky Partnership Questionnaire.
(e) Change of Accounting PeriodThe partnership has
changed its accounting period since it filed its prior year
Kentucky tax return. Attach a statement to the tax return
showing the partnership’s taxable year end before the
change and its new taxable year end. If the partnership
received written approval from the Internal Revenue
Service to change its taxable year, attach a copy of the
(f) Qualified Investment Partnership—The partnership is a
qualified investment partnership per KRS 141.206(14)(a).
(g) Final Return—This is the partnership’s final Kentucky tax
return. Check the appropriate box in Part III – Explanation
of Final Return and/or Short-Period Return.
(h) Short-period Return—This return is for a period of less than
one year and not an initial return or final return. Check the
appropriate box in Part III – Explanation of Final Return and/
or Short-Period Return.
(i) Amended Return—This is an amended tax return. Provide
an explanation of all changes in Part IV – Explanation of
Amended Return Changes.
Item G—Provider 3-Factor Apportionment Code
If the entity is a provider as defined in KRS 141.121(1)(e), enter
one of the following two-digit codes in the space provided. The
apportionment fraction for a provider continues to be calculated
using a three (3)- factor formula as provided in KRS 141.901 for
tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2018.
Failure to include a valid code will delay the processing of the
tax return and may result in a tax notice for assessment of taxes
and penalties.
31 Communications service as defined in KRS 136.602;
32 Cable service as defined in KRS 136.602;
33 Internet service as defined in 47 U.S.C. sec. 151; or
34 Other (attach statement)
Page 10 of 20
Line 1—Enter the amount from federal Form 1065, Line 22,
ordinary business income (loss) from trade or business activities.
Attach Form 1065, all pages.
Additions to Federal Ordinary Income—Lines 2 through 5 specify
additional income or unallowed deductions which are differences
between federal ordinary income and Kentucky ordinary income.
Line 2—Enter state taxes measured in whole or in part by
gross or net income. “State” means any state of the United
States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto
Rico, any territory or possession of the United States or any
foreign country or political subdivision thereof. Attach a
schedule reflecting the total taxes deducted on Form 1065.
KRS 141.039(2)(c)
Line 3—See instructions on page 4 regarding depreciation and
§179 deduction differences, and if applicable, include the
depreciation amount from Line 16a of Form 1065 (do not include
the IRC
§179 deduction). If federal Form 4562 is required to be
filed for federal income tax purposes, a copy must be attached.
Line 4—Enter related party cost additions from Schedule RPC,
Part II, Section B, Line 1.
Line 5—Enter the amount from Schedule O–PTE, Part I, Line 7.
Line 6—Enter the total of Lines 1 through 5.
Subtractions from Federal Ordinary Income—Lines 7 through
9 specify additional deductions allowed which are differences
between federal ordinary income and Kentucky ordinary income.
Line 7—Enter the amount of the work opportunity credit reflected
on federal Form 5884. For Kentucky purposes, the partnership
may deduct the total amount of salaries and wages paid or
incurred for the taxable year. This adjustment does not apply
for other federal tax credits.
Line 8—Enter Kentucky depreciation (do not include IRC
deduction). See instructions on page 4 regarding depreciation
and IRC
§179 deduction differences, and if applicable, Kentucky
converted Form 4562 must be attached.
Line 9—Enter the amount from Schedule O-PTE, Part II, Line 7.
Line 10—Subtract Lines 7, 8, and 9 from Line 6.
Line 1—Enter the amount from Schedule L, Section D, Line 1.
Line 2—Enter the sum of all recapture amounts from Schedule
RCR, Line 12, Form 8874(K)-B, Line 3, and/or Schedule DS,
page 2, Line 10. Attach Schedule RCR, Form 8874(K)-B, and/
or Schedule DS.
Line 3—Enter the total of Lines 1 and 2.
Line 4—Enter the nonrefundable LLET credit from Kentucky
Schedule(s) K-1. Copies of Kentucky Schedule(s) K–1 must be
attached to the tax return in order to claim the credit.
Line 5—Enter the total tax credits from Schedule TCS, Part III,
Column E, Line 1 (attach Schedule TCS).
Line 6—Enter the greater of Line 3 less Lines 4 and 5, or $175.
Line 7—Enter the total estimated LLET payments made for
the taxable year. Do not include the amount credited from the
prior year.
Line 8—Enter the refundable Certified Rehabilitation Tax Credit
(attach the Kentucky Heritage Council certification(s) or Kentucky
Schedule(s) K–1 Form 765-GP).
Line 9—Enter the refundable Film Industry Tax Credit (attach the
Kentucky Film Office certification(s)) or Kentucky Schedule(s)
K-1 Form 765-GP.
NOTE: For applications approved prior to April 27, 2018 this credit
is refundable and should be entered here. For applications
approved on or after April 27, 2018, this credit is nonrefundable
and should be entered on Schedule TCS.
Line 10—Enter the amount of LLET paid with Form 720EXT,
Extension of Time to File Kentucky Corporation/LLET Return.
Line 11—Enter the amount credited to 2018 from Form 765, Part
II, Line 18 of the 2017 tax return.
Line 12—Enter the LLET paid on the original return. This line is
used when filing an amended return.
Line 13—Enter the LLET overpayment on the original return. This
line is used when filing an amended return.
Line 14—If the total of Lines 6 and 13 is greater than the total of
Lines 7 through 12,
enter the difference on this line and enter
the amount on Line 1 of the LLET
Payment Summary.
Line 15—If the total of Lines 6 and 13 is less than the total of
Lines 7 through 12, enter the difference on this line.
Line 16—Enter the portion of Line 15 to be credited to 2018 LLET
interest due.
Line 17—Enter the portion of Line 15 to be credited to 2018 LLET
penalty due.
Line 18—Enter the portion of Line 15 to be credited to 2019 LLET.
Line 19—Enter the portion of Line 15 to be refunded (Line 15 less
Lines 16 through 18).
Tax Payment Summary
The payment due with Form 765 must be itemized. Enter the
LLET payment due from page 1, Part II, Line 14 on the applicable
tax payment line in addition to the respective amount of interest
and penalty. Enter the total payment due on the Total Payment
SCHEDULE Q—Answer all applicable questions on Schedule Q.
The Kentucky Secretary of State Organization number can be
found online at This is not the same number
as the Corporation/LLET Account Number reported in Item E
on page 1.
General Instructions—Complete all applicable lines by entering
the total pro rata share amount for each item listed. Federal
instructions for Form 1065 and federal Schedule K provide
additional information which will assist the partnership in
completing Schedule K, Form 765.
Page 11 of 20
A partnership must use Form 765(K), Kentucky Schedule K
For Partnerships With Economic Development Project(s), if
the partnership has one or more projects under the Kentucky
Rural Economic Development Act (KREDA), Kentucky Industrial
Development Act (KIDA), Kentucky Jobs Retention Agreement
(KJRA), Kentucky Industrial Revitalization Act (KIRA), Kentucky
Jobs Development Act (KJDA), Kentucky Business Investment
Program (KBI), Kentucky Reinvestment Act (KRA), Incentives
for Energy Independence Act (IEIA), or Farming Operation
Networking Project (FON).
Section A—Income (Loss) and Deductions
Line 1—Enter Kentucky ordinary income (loss) from trade or
business activities reported on Form 765, Part I, Line 10.
Line 2—Enter net income (loss) from rental real estate activities
reported on federal Schedule K, Form 1065, adjusted to reflect
any differences in Kentucky and federal income tax laws.
Line 3(a)—Enter the gross income from other rental activities
reported on federal Schedule K, Form 1065.
Line 3(b)—Enter the expenses from other rental activities
reported on federal Schedule K, Form 1065, adjusted to reflect
any differences in Kentucky and federal income tax laws.
Line 3(c)—Enter the difference of Line 3(a) and Line 3(b).
Line 4(a)—Enter interest income from federal Schedule K, Form
1065, adjusted to exclude tax-exempt U.S. government interest,
if any, and to include interest income from obligations of states
other than Kentucky and their political subdivisions.
Lines 4(b) and 4(c)—Enter the amount of dividend and royalty
income reported on federal Schedule K, Form 1065.
Line 4(d)
See instructions on page 4 regarding differences
in gain or loss from disposition of assets, and if applicable,
enter the amount from Line 7 of the Kentucky Schedule D that
is portfolio income. Report any gain or loss that is not portfolio
income on Line 7, Schedule K, Form 765. Kentucky Schedule
D must be attached to Form 765. Otherwise, enter the amount
from Line 7 of the federal Schedule D (Form 1065) that is
portfolio income.
Line 4(e)—See instructions on page 4 regarding differences
in gain or loss from disposition of assets, and if applicable,
enter the amount from Line 15 of the Kentucky Schedule D
that is portfolio income. Report any gain or loss that is not
portfolio income on Line 7, Schedule K, Form 765. Kentucky
Schedule D must be attached to Form 765. Otherwise, enter
the amount from Line 15 of the federal Schedule D (Form 1065)
that is portfolio income.
Line 4(f)—Enter any other portfolio income not reported on
Lines 4(a) through 4(e), Schedule K, Form 765.
Line 5—Enter guaranteed payments to partners from federal
Schedule K, Form 1065.
Line 6—See instructions on page 4 regarding differences in
gain or loss from disposition of assets. If applicable, enter the
amount from Line 7 of the Kentucky Form 4797, and Kentucky
Form 4797 must be attached to Form 765. Otherwise, enter
net gain (loss) under IRC
§1231 from federal Form 4797. Do not
include net gains (losses) from involuntary conversions due to
casualties or thefts on this line. Instead, report them on Line 7.
Line 7—Enter all other items of income (loss) of the partnership
not included on Lines 1 through 6. See federal instructions for
Schedule K, Form 1065.
Line 8—Enter total contributions paid by the partnership during
its taxable year and attach a schedule showing separately
the contributions subject to the 50 percent, 30 percent and
20 percent limitations. These percentage limitations must
be applied to the Kentucky amounts rather than the federal
Line 9—See instructions on page 4 regarding depreciation and
IRC §179 deduction differences, and if applicable, include the
amount from Line 12 of the Kentucky Form 4562. Kentucky Form
4562 must be attached. Otherwise, enter IRC §179 deduction
from federal Form 4562.
Line 10—Enter the expenses related to portfolio income
reported on federal Schedule K, Form 1065, adjusted to exclude
expenses related to tax–exempt interest income and other
exempt income.
Line 11—Enter any other deductions of the partnership not
included on Lines 8, 9, and 10. See federal instructions for
Schedule K, Form 1065.
Line 12(a)—Enter the partnership’s deductible interest expense
allocable to debt on property held for investment purposes.
Property held for investment purposes includes property that
produces investment income (interest, dividends, annuities,
royalties, etc.). The total amount entered should equal the
amount of interest expense reported on federal Schedule K,
Form 1065, adjusted to exclude any interest expense on debts
incurred to purchase or carry investment property producing,
or held for the production of, U.S. government interest income.
Lines 12(b)(1) and (b)(2)—Enter only the investment income
included on Lines 4(a), 4(b), 4(c), and 4(f), Schedule K, Form
765, and only the investment expenses included on Line 10,
Schedule K, Form 765. See federal instructions for Schedule
K, Form 1065.
Line 13—Use the following codes for tax credits passed through
to the partnership’s owners.
KSBTC—Kentucky Small Business tax credit per KRS 141.384;
attach a copy of the Kentucky Economic Development Finance
Authority notification
STICA—Skills Training Investment Credit Act tax credit per KRS
141.405; attach copy of the Bluegrass State Skills Corporation
CR—Certified Rehabilitation tax credit per KRS 171.397; attach
a copy of the Kentucky Heritage Council certification(s)
UTC—Kentucky Unemployment tax credit per KRS 141.065;
attach Schedule UTC
RC—Recycling/Composting Equipment tax credit per KRS
141.390; attach Schedule RC
KIFA—Kentucky Investment Fund tax credit per KRS 154.20-258;
attach a copy of the Kentucky Economic Development Finance
Authority notification with the credit amount granted and the
first year the credit may be claimed
QR—Qualified Research facility tax credit per KRS 141.395;
attach Schedule QR
Page 12 of 20
GED—GED incentive tax credit per KRS 164.0062; attach
GED-Incentive Program Final Report (Form DAEL-31) for each
employee that completed a learning contract during the year
VERB—Voluntary Environmental Remediation tax credit per
KRS 141.418; attach Schedule VERB
BIO—Biodiesel tax credit per KRS 141.424; attach Schedule BIO
CCI—Clean Coal Initiative tax credit per KRS 141.428; attach
Schedule CCI
ETH—Ethanol tax credit per KRS 141.4242; attach Schedule ETH
CELL—Cellulosic Ethanol tax credit per KRS 141.4244; attach
Schedule CELL
RRI—Railroad Maintenance and Improvement tax credit per
KRS 141.385; attach Schedule RR-I
RRE—Railroad Expansion tax credit per KRS 141.386; attach
Schedule RR-R
ENDOW—ENDOW Kentucky tax credit per KRS 141.438; attach
Schedule ENDOW
NMDP—New Markets Development Program tax credit per KRS
141.434; attach Form 8874(K)-A
DS—Distilled Spirits tax credit per KRS 141.389; attach Schedule
INV—Inventory tax credit per KRS 141.408; attach Schedule INV.
Line 14(a)—Enter the information provided on federal
Schedule K, Form 1065, Line 13c(1).
Line 14(b)—Enter the amount reported on federal Schedule K,
Form 1065, Line 13c(2).
Line 15—Enter the total amount of interest income of the
partnership from U.S. government bonds and securities and
obligations of Kentucky and its political subdivisions.
Line 16—Enter the total amount of any other type of income
of the partnership where the partner is exempt from Kentucky
income tax.
Line 17—Enter the total amount of nondeductible expenses
paid or incurred by the partnership including, but not limited to,
state taxes measured by gross/net income, expenses related to
tax–exempt income, etc. Do not include a deduction reported
elsewhere on Schedule K, Form 765, capital expenditures, or
items the deductions for which are deferred to a later year.
Line 18—Enter the amount reported on federal Schedule K,
Form 1065, Line 19a and 19b, adjusted to reflect any differences
in Kentucky and federal tax laws, such as depreciation.
Line 19
Attach schedules to report the partnership’s total
income, expenses, and other information applicable to items not
included on Lines 1 through 12 and Lines 14 through 19 including,
but not limited to, any recapture of IRC
179 deduction, gross
income, and other information relating to oil and gas well
properties enabling the partnership to figure the allowable
depletion deduction, and any other information the partners
need to prepare their Kentucky income tax returns. See federal
instructions for Schedule K, Form 1065, Line 13d.
SECTION B—LLET Pass-through Items (Required)
Line 1—Enter the partnership’s Kentucky gross receipts from
Schedule L, Section A, Column A, Line 2.
Line 2Enter the partnerships total gross receipts from
Schedule L, Section A, Column B, Line 2.
Line 3—Enter the partnership’s Kentucky gross profits from
Schedule L, Section A, Column A, Line 5.
Line 4Enter the partnership’s total gross profits from Schedule
L, Section A, Column B, Line 5.
Line 5—Enter the limited liability entity tax (LLET) nonrefundable
credit from page 1, Part II, the total of Lines 4 and 6, less $175.
SECTION C—Apportionment Passthrough Items (if applicable)
Line 1—Enter the partnership’s Kentucky sales from Schedule
A, Part I, Line 1.
Line 2—Enter the partnership’s total sales from Schedule A,
Part I, Line 2.
Section D—Apportionment for Providers (KRS 141.121(1)(e))
Line 1—Enter the partnerships Kentucky property from
Schedule A, Part I, Line 5.
Line 2—Enter the partnership’s total property from Schedule
A, Part I, Line 6.
Line 3Enter the partnerships Kentucky payroll from Schedule
A, Part I, Line 8.
Line 4—Enter the partnerships total payroll from Schedule A,
Part I, Line 9.
Purpose of Schedule—Schedule L, Limited Liability Entity Tax
Computation, is used to compute the limited liability entity
tax (LLET) per KRS 141.0401(2). If the partnership filing the
tax return is a partner or member of a limited liability pass-
through entity or general partnership (organized or formed as
a general partnership after January 1, 2006) doing business
in Kentucky, complete Schedule L-C, Limited Liability Entity
Tax—Continuation Sheet.
Short-Period Computation of LLET For short-period returns,
annualizing gross receipts or gross profits is not permitted. A
minimum of $175 is due per taxable year. Taxable year is defined
as the period for which the return is made. KRS 141.010(28)
Section A of this schedule must be completed by the partnership,
except a partnership exempt from LLET per KRS 141.0401(6). If
the partnership filing the tax return is a partner or member of
a limited liability pass-through entity or general partnership
doing business in Kentucky, complete Schedule L-C, Limited
Liability Entity Tax—Continuation Sheet. Kentucky gross receipts,
Kentucky gross profits, total gross receipts from all sources, and
total gross profits from all sources must be completed per KRS
141.0401(1). See the line-by-line instructions below.
Section B of this form must be completed to compute the LLET
on Kentucky gross receipts.
Page 13 of 20
Section C of this form must be completed to compute the LLET
on Kentucky gross profits.
Section D of this form must be completed to show the LLET
liability before the application of any tax credits.
Check BoxIf the entity is required to attach Schedule L-C, check
the box.
Section A—Computation of Gross Receipts and Gross Profits
If the partnership filing the tax return is a partner or member
of a limited liability pass-through entity or general partnership
doing business in Kentucky, complete Schedule L-C and enter
the total amounts from Schedule L-C, Section A, Lines 2 and 5
on Schedule L, Section A, Column A, Lines 2 and 5; and the total
amounts from Schedule L-C, Section B, Lines 2 and 5 on Schedule
L, Section A, Column B, Lines 2 and 5, and continue to Schedule
L, Sections B, C, and D unless the amount in Section A, Column
B, Line 2 is $3,000,000 or less (see form).
Line 1(a)—Enter Kentucky gross receipts less returns and
allowances in Column A and Total gross receipts less returns
and allowances in Column B. Gross receipts includes but is not
limited to sales, rent, proceeds from the sale of real and tangible
personal property, interest, and dividends.
Line 1(b)—Enter Kentucky gross receipts allocable to a “qualified
exempt organization” defined in KRS 141.0401(7).
Line 3(a)—Enter the Kentucky cost of goods sold and total
cost of goods sold from Schedule COGS, Columns A and B,
Line 8. For an entity other than manufacturing, producing,
reselling, retailing, or wholesaling, no costs can be claimed.
KRS 141.0401(1)(d)
Line 3(b)—Enter the Kentucky cost of goods sold associated with
the gross receipts allocable to a “qualified exempt organization”
defined in KRS 141.0401(7).
Section B—Computation of Gross Receipts LLET
Line 1—If gross receipts from all sources (Column B, Line 2)
are greater than $3,000,000, but less than $6,000,000, enter the
following: (Column A, Line 2 x 0.00095) – ($2,850 x (($6,000,000
– Column A, Line 2) / $3,000,000)), but in no case shall the result
be less than zero.
Line 2—If gross receipts from all sources (Column B, Line 2) are
$6,000,000 or greater, enter the following: Column A, Line 2 x
Line 3—Enter the amount from Line 1 or Line 2.
Section C—Computation of Gross Profits LLET
Line 1—If gross profits from all sources (Column B, Line 5) are
greater than $3,000,000, but less than $6,000,000, enter the
following: (Column A, Line 5 x 0.0075) – ($22,500 x (($6,000,000
– Column A, Line 5) / $3,000,000)), but in no case shall the result
be less than zero.
Line 2—If gross profits from all sources (Column B, Line 5) are
$6,000,000 or greater, enter the following: Column A, Line 5 x
Line 3—Enter the amount from Line 1 or Line 2.
Section D—Computation of LLET
Line 1—Enter the lesser of Section B, Line 3 or Section C, Line 3.
If less than $175, enter the minimum of $175 here and on page
1, Part II, Line 1.
Signature—Form 765 must be signed by a partner or
member. Failure by a partner or member to sign the
return, to complete all applicable lines on any required
Kentucky form, to attach all applicable schedules, including
copies of federal forms, or to complete all information on the
questionnaire will delay the processing of tax returns.
General Instructions
Schedule K–1 (Form 765) shows each partner’s pro rata share
of the partnership’s income, deductions, credits, etc. On
each Schedule K–1 (Form 765), enter the names, addresses,
and identifying numbers of the partner and partnership and
complete items A, B, C, D, E, and F. All partners’ names, Social
Security or identifying numbers, and other partner information
must be complete and legible. Schedule K–1 (Form 765) must
be completed and given to each partner with instructions on or
before the day on which Form 765 is filed with the Department
of Revenue.
A copy of each partner’s K–1 (Form 765) must be attached to
Form 765 filed with the Department of Revenue and a copy kept
as part of the partnership’s records.
Specific Instructions
Federal instructions for Schedule K–1 (Form 1065) explain the
rules for allocating items of income (loss), deductions, credits,
etc., to each partner. The distributive share items reported on
all Kentucky Schedules K-1, Lines 1 through 19 must equal the
amounts reported on Kentucky Schedule K, Lines 1 through
19. The distributive share items reported on all Schedules
K–1, Sections B, C, and D must equal the amounts reported on
comparable lines of Schedule K, Sections B, C, and D. Schedule
K–1, Section E does not correspond with Schedule K.
Multiple Activities—If items of income, loss or deduction
from more than one activity are reported on Lines 1, 2, or 3
of Schedule K–1 (Form 765), the partnership must provide
information for each activity to its partners. See Passive Activity
Reporting Requirements in the instructions for Schedule K–1
(Form 1065) for details on the information to be provided on
an attachment to Schedule K–1 (Form 765) for each activity.
At–Risk Activities—If the partnership is involved in one or
more atrisk activities for which a loss is reported on Schedule
K–1 (Form 765), the partnership must report information
separately for each at–risk activity. See Special Reporting
Requirements for At–Risk Activities in the federal instructions
for Schedule K–1 (Form 1065) for details on the information to
be provided on an attachment to Schedule K–1 (Form 765) for
each at-risk activity.
Sections A, B, C, and D—Enter the partner’s total pro rata share
of each item listed on Schedule K, Form 765. Do not multiply
these amounts by the percentage entered on Item D(2).
Attach schedules showing separately the required information
for each IRC §469 passive activity and each IRC §465 at-risk
activity. Other schedules are to be attached for line items where
requested on Schedule K–1 (Form 765).
Page 14 of 20
Enter on attached schedules the supplemental information
required to be reported separately to each partner for Lines 1
through 19 and any other information or items and amounts
not included on Schedule K–1 (Form 765) for which the partner
needs to prepare a Kentucky income tax return including, but
not limited to, any recapture of IRC §179 deduction, gross
income, and other information relating to oil and gas well
properties enabling the partner to figure the allowable depletion
deduction, etc. See instructions for federal Schedule K–1 (Form
1065), Line 20.
Page 15 of 20
Schedule TCS is used by partnerships to apply tax credits for entities subject to the limited liability entity tax (LLET) imposed by KRS
141.0401. Taxpayer as used in this section refers to the partnership.
Economic Development Tax Credits
—This section is completed
only if a limited liability pass-through entity has been approved
for one or more of the credits authorized by the: (1) Metropolitan
College Consortium Tax Credit (MCC – KRS 141.381); (2) Kentucky
Small Business Tax Credit Program (KSBTC – KRS 141.384); or
(3) Skills Training Investment Credit Act (STICA – KRS 154.12).
A limited liability pass-through entity must not enter income or
LLET tax credits on Schedule TCS from:
Kentucky Rural Economic Development Act (KREDA – KRS
Kentucky Industrial Development Act (KIDA – KRS 154.28)
Kentucky Jobs Retention Agreement (KJRA – KRS 154.25)
Kentucky Industrial Revitalization Act (KIRA – KRS 154.26)
Kentucky Jobs Development Act (KJDA – KRS 154.24)
Kentucky Business Investment Program (KBI – KRS 154.32)
Kentucky Reinvestment Act (KRA – KRS 154.34)
Incentives for Energy Independence Act (IEIA – KRS 154.27)
Farming Operation Networking Project (FON – KRS 141.412)
A limited liability pass-through entity must file Schedules
SP, IEIA-SP, or FON-SP to compute the tax credits for these
To claim the STICA or MCC credit, a copy of the tax credit
certification(s) received from Bluegrass State Skills Corporation
reflecting the amount of credit awarded must be attached to
the tax return. The credit for either the STICA or MCC must
be claimed on the tax return filed for the taxable year during
which the final authorizing resolution is adopted by Bluegrass
State Skills Corporation. The STICA credit not used during the
year in which the final authorizing resolution is adopted by
Bluegrass State Skills Corporation may be carried forward three
successive years; the MCC credit not used during the year in
which the final authorizing resolution is adopted by Bluegrass
State Skills Corporation may be carried forward to tax years
ending before April 15, 2027. If a STICA or MCC credit is being
carried forward from a prior year, attach a schedule reflecting
the original credit available, the amount of the credit used each
year, and the balance of the credit.
To claim the KSBTC credit, a copy of the tax credit notification
received from Kentucky Economic Development Finance
Authority (KEDFA) reflecting the amount of credit awarded must
be attached to the tax return. The credit for the KSBTC must be
claimed on the tax return for the taxable year during which the
credit was approved by KEDFA. The tax credit not used during
the year of approval by KEDFA may be carried forward up to five
years. If a KSBTC credit is being carried forward from a prior
year, attach a schedule reflecting the original credit available,
the amount of the credit used each year, and the balance of
the credit.
Economic development tax credits are allowed against the taxes
imposed by KRS 141.020 or KRS 141.040 and KRS 141.0401.
Information regarding the approval process for these credits
may be obtained from the Cabinet for Economic Development,
Department for Financial Incentives (telephone: 502–564–4554)
or Bluegrass State Skills Corporation (telephone: 502–564–2021).
Farming Operation Networking Tax CreditA qualified farming
operation which has a farm operation networking project
approved by the Cabinet for Economic Development per KRS
141.410 to KRS 141.414 is allowed a credit against the taxes
imposed by KRS 141.040 or KRS 141.020 and KRS 141.0401
attributable to the project per KRS 141.412. The annual tax
credit is available for the first five (5) years that the farming
operation is involved in the networking project. The annual tax
credit is equal to the approved costs incurred by the qualified
farming operation during the tax year and must not exceed the
income, Kentucky gross profits, or Kentucky gross receipts of
the qualified farming operation generated by or arising out of
the qualified farming operation's participation in a networking
project. Schedule FON must be attached to the tax return
claiming the credit. KRS 141.412
Certified Rehabilitation Tax Credit—This credit is allowed only if
the taxpayer has been approved for the credit by the Kentucky
Heritage Council. Credit is allowed against the taxes imposed by
KRS 141.020 or KRS 141.040 and KRS 141.0401 or KRS 136.505 for
qualified rehabilitation expenses on certified historic structures.
KRS 171.3961 and KRS 171.397
Unemployment Tax Credit—If a taxpayer hired a Kentucky
resident classified as unemployed for at least 60 days and
the resident remains in the employ of the taxpayer for 180
consecutive days during the tax year (a qualified person), the
taxpayer may be entitled to the unemployment tax credit against
the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020 or KRS 141.040 and KRS
141.0401. For each qualified person, a one–time nonrefundable
credit of $100 may be claimed. The period of unemployment
must be certified by the Education and Workforce Development
Cabinet, Department of Workforce Investment, Office of
Employment and Training, Frankfort, KY, and a copy of the
certification must be maintained by the taxpayer. For certification
questions, call 502–564–7456. Schedule UTC must be attached
to the return claiming this credit. KRS 141.065
Recycling/Composting Tax Credit—A taxpayer, which purchases
recycling and/or composting equipment to be used exclusively
in Kentucky for recycling or composting post-consumer waste
materials, may be entitled to a nonrefundable credit against
the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020, KRS 141.040, and KRS
141.0401 in an amount equal to 50 percent of the installed cost
of the equipment. Application for this credit must be made on
Schedule RC and a copy of the schedule reflecting the amount of
credit approved by the Department of Revenue must be attached
to the tax return on which the credit is claimed. The amount of
this credit claimed for the tax year may not exceed 25 percent
of the tax liability and cannot exceed 10 percent of the credit
approved in the first year of eligibility.
For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2004, a taxpayer
which purchases recycling and/or composting equipment to be
used exclusively in Kentucky for recycling or composting post–
consumer waste material that qualifies as a Major Recycling
Project is entitled to a nonrefundable credit against the taxes
imposed by KRS 141.020, KRS 141.040, and KRS 141.0401.
The credit is an amount equal to 50 percent of the installed
cost of the recycling or composting equipment limited to: 50
percent of the excess of the total of each tax liability over the
baseline tax liability of the taxpayer or $2,500,000. To qualify,
the taxpayer must: (1) invest more than $10,000,000 in recycling
or composting equipment to be used exclusively in this state;
(2) have more than 750 full–time employees with an average
hourly wage of more than 300 percent of the federal minimum
wage; and (3) have plant and equipment with a total cost of
more than $500,000,000. Application for this credit must be
made on Schedule RC and a copy of the schedule reflecting the
Page 16 of 20
amount of credit approved by the Department of Revenue must
be attached to the tax return on which the credit is claimed. The
credit is limited to a period of 10 years commencing with the
approval of the recycling credit application.
A taxpayer is entitled to claim the recycling credits in KRS
141.390(2)(a) and (b), but cannot claim both for the same
recycling and/or composting equipment. KRS 141.390
Coal Conversion Tax Credit—A corporation which converts
boilers from other fuels to Kentucky coal or which substitutes
Kentucky coal for other fuels in a boiler capable of burning
coal and other fuels to produce energy for specific purposes
may be entitled to a credit against the taxes imposed by KRS
141.040 and KRS 141.0401 equal to 4.5 percent of expenditures
for Kentucky coal (less transportation costs). Unused portions
of this credit may not be carried forward or back. Schedule
CC must be attached to the tax return claiming this credit.
KRS 141.041
Kentucky Investment Fund Tax Credit—A taxpayer which
makes a cash contribution to an investment fund approved
by KEDFA per KRS 154.20–250 to KRS 154.20–284 is entitled
to a nonrefundable credit equal to 40 percent of the investors
proportional ownership share of all qualified investments made
by the investment fund and verified by the authority. The credit
may be applied against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020
or 141.040, 141.0401, 136.320, 136.300, 136.310, 136.505, and
304.3–270. A copy of the notification from KEDFA reflecting the
amount of credit granted and the year in which the credit may
first be claimed must be attached to the tax return claiming
this credit.
The tax credit amount that may be claimed by an investor in
any tax year must not exceed 50 percent of the initial aggregate
credit amount approved by the authority for the investment
fund which is proportionally available to the investor. Example:
An investor with a 10 percent investment in a fund which has
been approved for a total credit to all investors of $400,000 is
limited to $20,000 maximum credit in any given year ($400,000
x 10% x 50%).
If the amount of credit that may be claimed in any tax year
exceeds the tax liabilities, the excess credit may be carried
forward, but the carryforward of any excess tax credit will not
increase the limitation that may be claimed in any tax year.
Any credit not used in 15 years, including the year in which
the credit may first be claimed, will be lost.
Information regarding the approval process for these credits
may be obtained from the Cabinet for Economic Development,
Department of Financial Incentives at 502–5644554. KRS
Qualified Research Facility Tax Credit—A taxpayer is entitled
to a credit against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020 or KRS
141.040 and KRS 141.0401 of 5 percent of the qualified costs of
construction, remodeling, expanding, and equipping facilities
in Kentucky for “qualified research.” Any unused credit may
be carried forward 10 years. Schedule QR, Qualified Research
Facility Tax Credit, must be attached to the tax return on which
this credit is claimed. Federal Form 6765, Credit for Increasing
Research Activities, must also be attached if applicable. See
instructions for Schedule QR for more information regarding
this credit. KRS 141.395
GED Incentive Tax CreditA taxpayer is entitled to a credit
against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020 or KRS 141.040 and
KRS 141.0401. The credit reflected on this line must equal the
sum of the credits reflected on the attached GED-Incentive
Program Final Reports. This credit may be claimed only in
the year during which the learning contract was completed
and unused portions of the credit may not be carried forward
or back. For information regarding the program, contact the
Education and Workforce Development Cabinet, Kentucky
Adult Education, Council on Postsecondary Education at 502-
573-5114. The GED-Incentive Program Final Report (DAEL-31)
for each employee that completed a learning contract during
the tax year must be attached to the tax return claiming the
credit. KRS 164.0062
Voluntary Environmental Remediation Tax Credit—The
taxpayer must have an agreed order and be approved by
the Energy and Environment Cabinet per KRS 224.1-514.
Maximum tax credit allowed to be claimed per taxable year is
25 percent of the approved credit. This credit may be claimed
against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020 or KRS 141.040
and KRS 141.0401. For more information regarding credit for
voluntary environmental remediation property, contact the
Energy and Environment Cabinet at 5025646716. Schedule
VERB must be attached to the tax return claiming this credit.
KRS 141.418
Biodiesel Tax Credit—Producers and blenders of biodiesel
and producers of renewable diesel are entitled to a tax credit
against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020 or KRS 141.040 and
KRS 141.0401. The taxpayer must file a claim for biodiesel
credit with the Department of Revenue by January 15 each year
for biodiesel produced or blended and the renewable diesel
produced in the previous calendar year. The department will
issue a credit certification (Schedule BIO) to the taxpayer by
April 15. The credit certification must be attached to the tax
return claiming this credit. KRS 141.423 and 103 KAR 15:140
Clean Coal Incentive Tax Credit—Effective for tax years
ending on or after December 31, 2006, a nonrefundable,
nontransferable credit against the taxes imposed by KRS
136.120, KRS 141.020, or KRS 141.040 and KRS 141.0401 will
be allowed for a clean coal facility. Per KRS 141.428, a clean
coal facility means an electric generation facility beginning
commercial operation on or after January 1, 2005, at a cost
greater than $150 million that is located in the Commonwealth
of Kentucky and is certified by the Energy and Environment
Cabinet as reducing emissions of pollutants released during
generation of electricity through the use of clean coal
equipment and technologies. The amount of the credit is $2
per ton of eligible coal purchased that is used to generate
electric power at a certified clean coal facility, except that
no credit will be allowed if the eligible coal has been used to
generate a credit under KRS 141.0405 for the taxpayer, parent,
or subsidiary. KRS 141.428
Ethanol Tax Credit—Producers of ethanol are entitled to a
tax credit against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020 or KRS
141.040 and KRS 141.0401. The taxpayer must file a claim for
ethanol credit with the Department of Revenue by January 15
each year for ethanol produced in the previous calendar year.
The department will issue a credit certification (Schedule ETH)
to the taxpayer by April 15. The credit certification must be
attached to the tax return claiming this credit. KRS 141.4242
and 103 KAR 15:110
Cellulosic Ethanol Tax Credit—Producers of cellulosic ethanol
are entitled to a tax credit against the taxes imposed by KRS
141.020 or KRS 141.040 and KRS 141.0401. The taxpayer
must file a claim for ethanol credit with the Department
Page 17 of 20
of Revenue by January 15 each year for cellulosic ethanol
produced in the previous calendar year. The department will
issue a credit certification (Schedule CELL) to the taxpayer by
April 15. The credit certification must be attached to the tax
return claiming this credit. KRS 141.4244 and 103 KAR 15:120
Railroad Maintenance and Improvement Tax CreditFor tax
years beginning on or after January 1, 2010, an owner of any
Class II railroad or Class III railroad located in Kentucky or
any person who transports property using the rail facilities
of a Class II railroad or Class III railroad located in Kentucky
or furnishes railroad-related property or services to a Class
II railroad or Class III railroad located in Kentucky, but only
with respect to miles of railroad track assigned to the person
by a Class II railroad or Class III railroad, is entitled to a
nonrefundable credit against taxes imposed by KRS 141.020
or KRS 141.040 and KRS 141.0401 in an amount equal to fifty
percent (50%) of the qualified expenditures paid or incurred to
maintain or improve railroads located in Kentucky, including
roadbeds, bridges, and related structures, that are owned or
leased as of January 1, 2008, by a Class II or Class III railroad.
The credit allowed must not exceed the product of $3,500
multiplied by the sum of: (1) The number of miles of railroad
track in Kentucky owned or leased by the eligible taxpayer
as of the close of the taxable year; and (2) The number of
miles of railroad track in Kentucky assigned to the eligible
taxpayer by a Class II railroad or Class III railroad which owns
or leases the railroad track as of the close of the taxable year.
Attach Schedule RR-I to the return when claiming the credit.
KRS 141.385
Railroad Expansion Tax CreditFor tax years beginning on or
after January 1, 2010: (a) a corporation that owns fossil energy
resources subject to tax under KRS 143.020 or KRS 143A.020
or biomass resources and transports these resources using
rail facilities; or (b) a railway company subject to tax under
KRS 136.120 that serves a corporation that owns fossil energy
resources subject to tax under KRS 143.020 or KRS 143A.020
or biomass resources is entitled to a nonrefundable tax credit
against taxes imposed under KRS 141.040 and KRS 141.0401
equal to twenty-five percent (25%) of the expenditures paid
or incurred by the corporation or railway company to expand
or upgrade railroad track, including roadbeds, bridges, and
related track structures, to accommodate the transport of fossil
energy resources or biomass resources.
The credit amount approved for a calendar year for all taxpayers
under KRS 141.386 is limited to $1 million. If the total amount
of approved credit exceeds $1 million, the department will
determine the amount of credit each corporation and railroad
company receives by multiplying $1 million by a fraction, the
numerator of which is the amount of approved credit for a
corporation or railway company and the denominator of which
is the total approved credit for all corporations and railway
Each corporation or railway company eligible for the credit
must file Schedule RR-E by the fifteenth day of the first
month following the close of the preceding calendar year. The
department will determine the amount of the approved credit
and issue a credit certificate to the corporation or railway
company by the fifteenth day of the third month following the
close of the calendar year. KRS 141.386
ENDOW Kentucky Tax CreditA taxpayer making an
endowment gift to a permanent endowment fund of a qualified
community foundation, county-specific component fund,
or affiliate community foundation, which has been certified
under KRS 147A.325, is entitled to a tax credit equal to twenty
percent (20%) of the endowment gift, not to exceed $10,000.
The nonrefundable tax credit is allowed against the taxes
imposed by KRS 141.020 or KRS 141.040 and KRS 141.0401 and
if not used in the year the tax credit is awarded, may be carried
forward for a period not to exceed five years. The department
will issue a credit certification (Schedule ENDOW) to a taxpayer
upon receiving proof that the endowment gift was made to the
approved community foundation per KRS 141.438(7). Schedule
ENDOW must be attached to the taxpayers tax return each
year to claim the credit. A partner, member, or shareholder
of a pass-through entity must attach a copy of Schedule K-1,
Form 720S, 765, or 765-GP to the partner’s, member’s, or
shareholders tax return each year to claim the tax credit. KRS
141.438 and 103 KAR 15:195
New Markets Development Program Tax Credit—A taxpayer
that makes a qualified equity investment per KRS 141.432(7)
in a qualified community development entity defined by KRS
141.432(6) is entitled to a nonrefundable tax credit against
the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020, 141.040, 141.0401, 136.320,
136.330, 136.340, 136.350, 137.370, 136.390, or 304.3-270.
The total amount of tax credits that may be awarded by
the department is limited to $10 million. “Qualified low-
income community investment” means any capital or equity
investment in, or loan to, any qualified active low-income
community business made after June 4, 2010. With respect to
any one qualified active low-income community business, the
maximum amount of qualified active low-income community
investments that may be made in the business, on a collective
basis with all of its affiliates, with the proceeds of qualified
equity investments that have been certified under KRS 141.433
is $10 million, whether made by one or several qualified
community development entities.
The amount of the credit will be equal to 39% of the purchase
price of the qualified equity investment made by the taxpayer.
A taxpayer is allowed to claim zero percent (0%) for each of
the first two credit allowance dates, seven percent (7%) for the
third allowance date, and eight percent (8%) for the next four
allowance dates. “Credit allowance date” means with respect
to any qualified equity investment: (a) the date on which the
investment is initially made; and (b) each of the six anniversary
dates of that date thereafter. KRS 141.432 to KRS 141.434
Food Donation Tax CreditFor taxable years beginning on or
after January 1, 2018, the tax credit was repealed. 2018 is the
final year in which any unused prior year credit carryforward
may be utilized. See Schedule TCS, Part II, line 18 to claim this
credit. KRS 141.392
Film Industry Tax CreditFor applications approved on or
after April 27, 2018, a nonrefundable and nontransferable credit
against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020 or KRS 141.040 and
KRS 141.0401 is available for taxpayers who have received
notification from the film office that the approved company
has satisfied all requirements of KRS 148.542 to KRS 148.546.
KRS 141.383
Page 18 of 20
Inventory Tax CreditFor taxable years beginning on or after
January 1, 2018, a nonrefundable and nontransferable tax
credit is allowed against the taxes imposed by KRS 141.020
or KRS 141.040 and KRS 141.0401 for ad valorem (property)
taxes timely paid on inventory. This credit is phased in as
follows: 25% in 2018; 50% in 2019; 75% in 2020; 100% in 2021
and thereafter. KRS 141.408
Distilled Spirits Tax CreditFor taxable years beginning on
or after January 1, 2015, a nonrefundable and nontransferable
credit against the tax imposed by KRS 141.020 or KRS 141.040
and KRS 141.0401 is available to taxpayers who pay Kentucky
property tax on distilled spirits.
The distilled spirits credit is equal to: 80 percent of the property
tax assessed and timely paid for taxable years beginning on
or after January 1, 2018 and 100 percent of the property tax
assessed and timely paid for taxable years beginning on or
after January 1, 2019.
The amount of the credit is contingent on the costs associated
with the following capital improvements at the premises of
the distiller: construction, replacement, or remodeling of
warehouses or facilities; purchases of barrels and pallets
used for the storage and aging of distilled spirits in maturing
warehouses; acquisition, construction, or installation of
equipment for the use in the manufacture, bottling, or
shipment of distilled spirits; addition or replacement of access
roads or parking facilities; and construction, replacement, or
remodeling of facilities to market or promote tourism, including
but not limited to a visitors center. KRS 141.389
Page 19 of 20
Kentucky Department of Revenue
Mission Statement
As part of the Finance and Administration Cabinet, the mission
of the Kentucky Department of Revenue is to administer tax
laws, collect revenue, and provide services in a fair, courteous,
and efficient manner for the benefit of the Commonwealth
and its citizens.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Kentucky Department of Revenue does not discriminate
on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion,
disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status,
genetic information, or ancestry in employment or the
provision of services.
period for tangible personal property is January 1 through
May 15 of each year. Each taxpayer is responsible for report-
ing his tangible personalty subject to ad valorem taxation.
The Tangible Personal Property Tax Return, Revenue Form
62A500, and instructions can be obtained from your local
county property valuation administrator’s office or the
Office of Property Valuation. You may also go to www. to download these forms. A separate form
must be filed for each location in Kentucky where you have
tangible personal property.
Information and forms are available from Kentucky Taxpayer
Service Centers in the following cities.
Ashland, 1539 Greenup Avenue, 41101-7695
Bowling Green, 201 West Professional Park Court, 42104-3278
Corbin, 15100 North US 25E, Suite 2, 40701-6188
Frankfort, 501 High Street, 40601–2103
502–564–4581 (Taxpayer Assistance)
Hopkinsville, 181 Hammond Drive, 42240-7926
Louisville, 600 West Cedar Street
Floor West, 40202-2310
Northern Kentucky, Turfway Ridge Office Park
7310 Turfway Road, Suite 190
Florence, 41042-4871
Owensboro, Corporate Center
401 Frederica Street, Building C, Suite 201, 42301-6295
Paducah, Clark Business Complex, Suite G
2928 Park Avenue, 42001-4024
Pikeville, Uniplex Center, Suite 203
126 Trivette Drive, 41501-1275
Operations and Support Services Branches
P. O. Box 518
Frankfort, KY 40602–0518
Pass-Through Entity Branch
Department of Revenue
501 High Street, Station 52
Frankfort, KY 40601–2103
Mail the return to:
Kentucky Department of Revenue, P. O. Box 856910, Louisville,
KY 40285-6910. Make the check payable to Kentucky State
Mail returns with no tax due or refund requests to:
Kentucky Department of Revenue, P. O. Box 856905, Louisville,
KY 40285-6905.
Kentucky State Treasury—Unclaimed Property
The Kentucky State Treasury may be holding unclaimed
property for you or your family. The Treasury holds
hundreds of millions of dollars from bank accounts, payroll
checks, life insurance, utility deposits, and other types of
property that have been unclaimed by the owners. Please
visit or for
more information on how to locate and claim any funds
that may belong to you.
Kentucky businesses are required to comply with the
Kentucky Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act,
codified as KRS Chapter 393A. If you have uncashed vendor
checks, payroll checks, unclaimed customer deposits or
refunds, or other types of property belonging to third-
parties, you may be required to turn the property over to
the Kentucky State Treasury. Please review KRS Chapter
393A, or visit for more information.
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As part of the Finance and Administration Cabinet, the
mission of the Kentucky Department of Revenue (DOR) is to
administer tax laws, collect revenue, and provide services in
a fair, courteous, and efficient manner for the benefit of the
Commonwealth and its citizens.
As a Kentucky taxpayer, you have the right to expect the DOR
to honor its mission and uphold your rights every time you
contact or are contacted by the DOR.
Some Kentucky taxpayer rights are very specific, such as
when and how to protest a Notice of Tax Due or the denial of
a refund. Others are more general.
The following is a summary of your rights and the DOR’s
responsibilities to you as a Kentucky taxpayer.
You have the right to privacy with regard to information you
provide pertaining to returns, reports, or the affairs of your
You have the right to advice and assistance from the DOR in
complying with state tax laws.
You have the right to a clear and concise explanation of:
9 basis of assessment of additional taxes, interest and
penalties, or the denial or reduction of any refund or credit
9 procedure for protest and appeal of a Notice of Tax Due,
a reduction or denial of a refund, or a denial of a request
for additional time to file a supporting statement; and
9 tax laws and changes in tax laws so that you can comply
with the law.
Protest and Appeal
You have the right to file a protest with the DOR if you disagree
with a Notice of Tax Due, a reduction or denial of a refund, or
a denial of a request for additional time to file a supporting
statement. If you file a timely protest, you have a right to a
conference to discuss the matter. If you are not satisfied with
the Department’s final ruling following your protest, you may
appeal the final ruling to the Kentucky Claims Commission, Tax
Appeals pursuant to KRS 131.110(5) and KRS 49.220 et. seq.
(See reverse for procedure to file a protest.)
You have the right to representation by your authorized agent
(attorney, accountant, or other person) in any hearing or
conference with the DOR. You have the right to be informed
of this right prior to the conference or hearing. If you intend
for your representative to attend the conference or hearing in
your place, you will be required to give your representative
a power of attorney before the DOR can discuss tax matters
with your authorized agent. See Form 20A100.
You have the right to make an audio recording of any meeting,
conference, or hearing with the DOR. The DOR has the right
to make an audio recording, if you are notified in writing in
advance or if you make a recording. You have the right to
receive a copy of the recording.
You have the right to consideration of:
9 waiver of penalties or collection fees if “reasonable cause”
for reduction or waiver is given (“reasonable cause” is
defined in KRS 131.010(9) as: “an event, happening, or
circumstance entirely beyond the knowledge or control of
a taxpayer who has exercised due care and prudence in
the filing of a return or report or the payment of monies
due the department pursuant to law or administrative
9 installment payments of delinquent taxes, interest, and
9 waiver of interest and penalties, but not taxes, resulting
from incorrect written advice from the DOR if all facts
were given and the law did not change or the courts did
not issue a ruling to the contrary;
9 extension of time for filing reports or returns; and
9 payment of charges incurred resulting from an erroneous
filing of a lien or levy by the DOR.
You have the right to a guarantee that DOR employees are
not paid, evaluated, or promoted based on taxes assessed
or collected, or a tax assessment or collection quota or goal
imposed or suggested.
You have the right to file a claim for actual and direct monetary
damages with the Kentucky Claims Commission if a DOR
employee willfully, recklessly, and intentionally disregards
your rights as a Kentucky taxpayer.
You may have the right to receive interest on an overpayment
of tax.
The DOR has the responsibility to:
9 perform audits and conduct conferences and hearings
with you at reasonable times and places;
9 authorize, require, or conduct an investigation or
surveillance of you only if it relates to a tax matter;
9 make a written request for payment of delinquent taxes
which are due and payable at least 30 days prior to seizure
and sale of your assets;
9 conduct educational and informational programs to help
you understand and comply with the laws;
9 publish clear and simple statements to explain tax
procedures, remedies, your rights and obligations, and
the rights and obligations of the DOR;
9 notify you in writing when an erroneous lien or levy is
released and, if requested, notify major credit reporting
companies in counties where lien was filed;
JULY 2018
9 advise you of procedures, remedies, and your rights and
obligations with an original notice of audit or when an
original Notice of Tax Due is issued, a refund or credit
is denied or reduced, or whenever a license or permit is
denied, revoked, or canceled;
9 notify you in writing prior to termination or modification
of a payment agreement;
9 furnish copies of the agent’s audit workpapers and a written
narrative explaining the reason(s) for the assessment;
9 resolve tax controversies on a fair and equitable basis at
the administrative level whenever possible;
9 notify you in writing at your last known address at least 60
days prior to publishing your name on a list of delinquent
taxpayers for which a tax or judgment lien has been filed;
9 notify you by certified mail 20 days prior to submitting
your name to the relevant agency for the revocation or
denial of professional license, drivers license, or motor
vehicle registration.
If you receive a Notice of Tax Due, or if the DOR notifies you
that a tax refund has been reduced or denied, or the DOR
denies your request for additional time to file a supporting
statement, you have the right to protest. To do so:
9 submit a written protest within 60 days from the original
notice date (or 45 days if the original notice date is prior
to 07/01/2018); notice of refund reduction or denial, or
denial of a request for additional time to file a supporting
9 identify the type of tax involved and give the account
number, Social Security number, or other identification
number and attach a copy of the DOR Notice of Tax Due
or refund denial to support that your protest is timely;
9 explain why you disagree;
9 attach any proof or documentation available to support
your protest or request additional time to support your
9 sign your statement, include your daytime telephone
number and mailing address; and
9 mail to the Kentucky Department of Revenue,
Frankfort, Kentucky 40620.
You have the right to request a conference to discuss the issue.
Final Ruling
If you do not want to have a conference or if the conference
did not resolve your protest, you have the right to request a
final ruling of the DOR so that you can appeal your case further.
If you do not agree with the DOR’s final ruling, you can file
a written appeal with the Kentucky Claims Commission. If
you do not agree with the decision of the Kentucky Claims
Commission, you have the right to appeal their ruling to the
Kentucky courts (first to the circuit court in your home county
or in Franklin County, then to the Kentucky Court of Appeals,
and finally to the Kentucky Supreme Court).
NOTE: The above protest and appeal procedures do not apply
for real property which is valued by the local property valuation
administrator (PVA). Contact the local PVA for information
about how to appeal the valuation of real property.
The DOR has a Taxpayer Ombudsman whose job is to serve as
an advocate for taxpayers’ rights. One of the main functions
of the Ombudsman is to ensure that your rights as a Kentucky
taxpayer are protected.
Also, an important function of the Taxpayer Ombudsman is
to confer with DOR employees when you have a problem
or conflict that you have been unable to resolve. However,
it is not the role of the Ombudsman to intercede in an audit,
handle a protest, waive taxes, penalty or interest, or answer
technical tax questions. To file a protest, see PROTEST AND
APPEAL PROCEDURE. Please do not mail your protest to the
The Taxpayer Ombudsman is your advocate and is there to
make sure your rights are protected. If you think you are not
being treated fairly or if you have a problem or complaint,
please contact the Ombudsman for assistance.
The Taxpayer Ombudsman may be contacted by telephone at
502–564–7822 (between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. weekdays).
The mailing address is: Department of Revenue, Taxpayer
Ombudsman, P. O. Box 930, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602-0930.
The DOR has offices in Frankfort and taxpayer service centers
in nine cities and towns throughout Kentucky. DOR employees
in the service centers answer tax questions and provide
assistance. You may obtain assistance by contacting any of
the following:
Ashland Taxpayer Service Center
1539 Greenup Avenue, 41101–7695
Bowling Green Taxpayer Service Center
201 West Professional Park Court, 42104–3278
Corbin Taxpayer Service Center
15100 North US25E, Suite 2, 40701–6188
Frankfort Taxpayer Service Center
501 High Street, 40601–2103
502–564–4581 (Taxpayer Assistance)
Hopkinsville Taxpayer Service Center
181 Hammond Drive, 42240–7926
Louisville Taxpayer Service Center
600 West Cedar Street, 2nd Floor West, 40202–2310
Northern Kentucky Taxpayer Service Center
Turfway Ridge Office Park
7310 Turfway Road, Suite 190
Florence 41042–4871
Owensboro Taxpayer Service Center
401 Frederica Street, Building C, Suite 201, 42301–6295
Paducah Taxpayer Service Center
Clark Business Complex, Suite G
2928 Park Avenue, 42001–4024
Pikeville Taxpayer Service Center
Uniplex Center, 126 Trivette Drive, Suite 203, 41501–1275
* * * * * * * * * *
The DOR has an online taxpayer service center where you can
download forms, publications, and obtain general information
about the department. The address is
The information in this brochure merely summarizes your
rights as a Kentucky taxpayer and the responsibilities of the
Department of Revenue. The Kentucky Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights
may be found in the Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) at
Chapter 131.041-131.083. Additional rights and responsibilities
are provided for in KRS 131.020, 131.110, 131.170, 131.1817,
131.183, 131.190, 131.500, 131.654, 133.120, 133.130, 134.580,
and 134.590.
Printing costs paid from state funds.
Commonwealth of Kentucky
10F100 (7-18)
The Kentucky Department of Revenue does not discriminate
on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion,
disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status,
genetic information or ancestry in employment or the provision
of services.