Great Minds Fellowship
Frequently Asked Questions
Updated July 25, 2023
1. It appears that the funding for internship is only designated for community BH. If the higher
ed institution has a clinic or a counseling center and currently offers unpaid internship and
training, would they be eligible to offer paid internships in partnership with the academic
A. Due to federal requirements associated with this initiative, students must commit to
performing their internship at a participating Ohio Community Behavioral Health
Center (CBHC) and, upon graduation, commit to employment at a participating Ohio
CBHC for at least one year. CBHCs regulated by OhioMHAS and providing Medicaid-
covered behavioral health home and community-based services (Provider types 84
& 95) are eligible to participate in this initiative. CBHCs must partner with an eligible
participating Ohio college or university. Participating CBHCs must be able to provide
required supervision and support, based on the student’s discipline. Please visit the
Great Minds Fellowship webpage, to view
participating Community Behavioral Health Centers.
2. How can you ensure your agency is a qualified CBHC provider for this program?
A. Please visit the Great Minds Fellowship webpage, to review the Dashboard that lists the CBHC
3. How can institutions get students connected to community behavioral health centers
(CHBCs) utilizing these funds?
A. Please visit the Great Minds Fellowship webpage, to review the Dashboard that lists the CBHC
4. Will funding be possible for psychology students, now or in the future? Most of our clinical
psychology doctoral students’ complete internships at local CMHs/CBHCs, which are
increasingly reluctant to support them financially.
A. Ohio resident students who are within two years of graduating with degrees or
certificates in Social Work (CIP 44.0701, 44.0799, 51.1503), Marriage and Family
Therapy (CIP 51.1505), Mental Health Counseling/Counselor (CIP 51.1508),
Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse/Nursing (CIP 51.3810), and Substance
Abuse/Addiction Counseling (CIP 51.1501), are eligible to participate in the Great
Minds Fellowship. Currently, we do not anticipate opportunities for psychology
students to be eligible for funding under the Great Minds initiative.
5. Will private non-profit institutions be eligible?
A. Yes, private non-profit institutions are eligible for funding under the Great Minds
initiative if they have Ohio resident students who are within two years of graduating
with degrees or certificates in Social Work (CIP 44.0701, 44.0799, 51.1503), Marriage
and Family Therapy (CIP 51.1505), Mental Health Counseling/Counselor (CIP
51.1508), Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse/Nursing (CIP 51.3810), and Substance
Abuse/Addiction Counseling (CIP 51.1501).
6. Will international students be eligible for these fellowships?
A. Fellowship eligibility is limited to Ohio resident students who are within two years of
graduating with degrees or certificates in the following academic programs: Social
Work (CIP 44.0701, 44.0799, 51.1503), Marriage and Family Therapy (CIP 51.1505),
Mental Health Counseling/Counselor (CIP 51.1508), Psychiatric/Mental Health
Nurse/Nursing (CIP 51.3810), and Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling (CIP
7. Are doctoral and master prepared psychology students excluded from this program?
A. Ohio resident students who are within two years of graduating with degrees or
certificates in Social Work (CIP 44.0701, 44.0799, 51.1503), Marriage and Family
Therapy (CIP 51.1505), Mental Health Counseling/Counselor (CIP 51.1508),
Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse/Nursing (CIP 51.3810), and Substance
Abuse/Addiction Counseling (CIP 51.1501), are eligible to participate in the Great
Minds Fellowship. Currently, we do not anticipate opportunities for psychology
students to be eligible for funding under the Great Minds initiative.
8. Can the CIP code list be expanded? If so, how would we submit a request?
A. Ohio resident students who are within two years of graduating with degrees or
certificates in Social Work (CIP 44.0701, 44.0799, 51.1503), Marriage and Family
Therapy (CIP 51.1505), Mental Health Counseling/Counselor (CIP 51.1508),
Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse/Nursing (CIP 51.3810), and Substance
Abuse/Addiction Counseling (CIP 51.1501), are eligible to participate in the Great
Minds Fellowship. Currently, we do not anticipate any changes in the CIPS codes for
the Great Minds Fellowship program.
9. Does the student declared major need to be on the approved CIP list? For example, the
student declares nursing (51.3801) as their major but decides to also complete a certificate
with the CIP 44.0799.
A. Eligible students can be seeking a second degree or certificate simultaneously to the
GMF-eligible degree or for-credit certificate. The student is eligible for funding if
they are completing a CIP 44.0799 certificate.
10. Is a School Counseling master’s degree program an appropriate degree in counseling to be
included in the fellowship?
A. Only degrees or certificates in Social Work (CIP 44.0701, 44.0799, 51.1503),
Marriage and Family Therapy (CIP 51.1505), Mental Health Counseling/Counselor
(CIP 51.1508), Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse/Nursing (CIP 51.3810), and
Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling (CIP 51.1501), are eligible to participate in
the Great Minds Fellowship.
11. Would candidates who earn a degree in a major other than those listed be considered, if
they have shown evidence on their transcript or resume of internships, coursework, or
community engagement in the areas of social work, marriage and family therapy, mental
health counseling, etc.?
A. Ohio resident students who are enrolled in and are within two years of graduating
with degrees or certificates in Social Work (CIP 44.0701, 44.0799, 51.1503), Marriage
and Family Therapy (CIP 51.1505), Mental Health Counseling/Counselor (CIP
51.1508), Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse/Nursing (CIP 51.3810), and Substance
Abuse/Addiction Counseling (CIP 51.1501), are eligible to participate in the Great
Minds Fellowship.
12. Are the CIP codes you provided the only eligible CIP codes for the program? We noticed a
few schools on the site map had programs listed that we have under different CIP codes.
A. The CIP codes provided are the only eligible CIP codes for the program.
13. We are starting a new clinical mental health counseling program (CIP 51.1508) at our
institution. At what point would the institution be eligible to apply or seek a grant
agreement for the Great Minds program? If we can show approval from the state (HLC
and/or ODHE) for this program is that enough?
A. ODHE awarded institutions scholarship funds based on a formula developed by
OhioMHAS in consultation with ODHE. The State of Ohio will pursue additional
funding opportunities, as they become available, to promote long-term
sustainability of similar programs and initiatives. However, eligible institutions are
also encouraged to consider long-term sustainability and allocate institutional funds
accordingly to support academic programs aligned with critical workforce needs.
14. Can a student receive up to $10,000 as an undergrad student and up to $10,000 as a grad
student, or is it $10,000 lifetime maximum?
A. Through participating colleges and universities, Great Minds Fellows will be eligible
for up to $10,000 (lifetime maximum) during their undergraduate and graduate
studies for scholarship opportunities to assist with the costs of obtaining
undergraduate and graduate-level degrees or certificates; paid internships in CBHCs
at the undergraduate and graduate level; and the costs of required license and
certification preparation and exams, and other necessary costs related to the degree
or certificate.
15. Will the funds pay for all course related costs with the approved CIP code programs, such as
tuition, fees, books and resources, and internships?
A. Yes, those are all eligible use of the funds.
i.Costs of obtaining qualifying undergraduate and graduate level degrees
or for-credit certificates (in the noted CIP programs) including, but not
limited to tuition, fees, supplies, books, meal plans, housing, and other
education-related expenses.
ii.Expenses related to internships in CBHCs at the undergraduate and
graduate level.
iii.Costs related to required license and certification preparation and exams.
iv.Other necessary costs related to licensure, degree or certificate, or
internship, e.g., childcare, transportation.
16. If a student has declared a major that is not on the approved CIP list but decides to also
complete an approved certificate program, would the grant pay for that student?
A. Yes, students can be seeking a second degree or certificate simultaneously to the
GMF-eligible degree or for-credit certificate. The student would be eligible for
funding if enrolled in one of the CIP approved programs.
17. Is the Great Minds Fellowship a needs-based program? Would a student need to have
completed a FAFSA to be eligible for funding?
A. Great Minds Fellowship is not a need-based program, and the student does not need
to have completed FAFSA on file to be eligible for funding.
18. If a student is already participating in a similar but slightly different federal grant
program, could they also receive funds under this program?
A. Yes, the student is in an eligible CIP program, they are eligible to receive funding
from this grant. Braiding of funds is allowed.
19. Do students apply through the state and is everyone that applies approved?
A. The institution identifies the student eligibility and applies the funds accordingly.
Ohio resident students who are enrolled in and are within two years of graduating
with degrees or certificates in Social Work (CIP 44.0701, 44.0799, 51.1503), Marriage
and Family Therapy (CIP 51.1505), Mental Health Counseling/Counselor (CIP
51.1508), Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse/Nursing (CIP 51.3810), and Substance
Abuse/Addiction Counseling (CIP 51.1501), are eligible to participate in the Great
Minds Fellowship.
20. Do students need to apply once or each term?
A. The institution identifies the student eligibility and applies the funds accordingly.
21. Do students need to do "x" number of years of service in the state of Ohio once they
A. The student agrees to serve with employment for one year after graduation with a
participating Community Behavioral Health Center.
22. It appears students attending Ohio state schools apply for the funds, can they be used at
non-state schools in Ohio?
A. ODHE awarded institutions scholarship funds based on a formula developed by
OhioMHAS in consultation with ODHE. Both state public and private non-profit
institutions received funding. Institutions are responsible for budgeting the GMF
award from ODHE and determining eligible students, scholarship amounts and
when to offer scholarships (i.e., which terms) based on total amount of funds
available and anticipated completion dates.
23. It is my desire to utilize my CDCA, and to further my education and career as a Chemical
Dependency Counselor. I have an Accounting B.S. and would like to supplement this degree
with CDC courses to qualify as LCDC II, III and LI in the future. Is the Great Minds Fellowship
established to help goals like mine?
A. Ohio resident students who are enrolled in and are within two years of graduating
with degrees or certificates in Social Work (CIP 44.0701, 44.0799, 51.1503), Marriage
and Family Therapy (CIP 51.1505), Mental Health Counseling/Counselor (CIP
51.1508), Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse/Nursing (CIP 51.3810), and Substance
Abuse/Addiction Counseling (CIP 51.1501), are eligible to participate in the Great
Minds Fellowship. Please contact the financial aid office at your institution.
24. If we award this to a student who is on a two-year track towards graduation, but they end
up delayed by a semester or two; what happens with the money they were awarded?
A. Through participating colleges and universities, Great Minds Fellows will be eligible
for up to $10,000 (lifetime maximum) during their undergraduate and graduate
studies for scholarship opportunities to assist with the costs of obtaining
undergraduate and graduate-level degrees or certificates; paid internships in
participating CBHCs at the undergraduate and graduate levels; and the costs of
license and certification preparation and exams and other necessary costs related to
the degree or certificate. Institutions are responsible for budgeting the GMF award
from ODHE and determining eligible students, scholarship amounts and when to
offer scholarships (i.e., which terms) based on total amount of funds available and
anticipated completion dates. As long as the funding was awarded to a student in a
program with an eligible CIP, the funds awarded were appropriate.
25. Does the $10,000 per student need to be distributed evenly among the 2 years for a
student, or could it be front loaded as a free first semester or year to incentivize
A. Institutions are responsible for budgeting the GMF award from ODHE and
determining eligible students, scholarship amounts and when to offer scholarships
(i.e., which terms) based on total amount of funds available and anticipated
completion dates.
26. Can any of the dollars be used for students who are currently enrolled in an approved
program, in their final two years, in place of institutional aid they've received previously?
A. Institutions are responsible for budgeting the GMF award from ODHE and
determining eligible students, scholarship amounts and when to offer scholarships
(i.e., which terms) based on total amount of funds available and anticipated
completion dates.
27. Would you please direct me to the website where I may find the funding materials?
A. Please visit the Great Minds Fellowship webpage,
28. What is the link for the webinar recording?
A. Please visit the Great Minds Fellowship webpage, to view the webinar recording.
29. I understand that a guidance letter is being issued and would like to receive that. How can I
get the guidance letter?
A. Please visit the Great Minds Fellowship webpage, to review the Guidance Document.
30. What information institutions need to report on for the Great Minds Fellowship?
A. Great Minds Fellowship participating colleges and universities are required to:
i. Submit appropriate student, academic program, and payment data to HEI
with the designated payment windows,
ii. Submit performance measures using a reporting tool provided by ODHE, and
iii. Submit a close-out report upon termination or at the end of the grant period
using a reporting tool provided by ODHE.
Guidance on reporting and documentation requirements will be posted on the
website. Please visit the Great Minds Fellowship webpage, for more information.
31. Does the applicant fill in anything since this funding will be determined by the formula?
A. ODHE awarded institutions scholarship funds based on a formula developed by
OhioMHAS in consultation with ODHE. Award letters were distributed to the
president’s office of eligible institutions on July 19, 2023.
32. Is the internship and post-graduation employment requirements going to be two separate
agreements for the student to complete?
A. Only one agreement will be necessary for the internship and the post-graduation
one-year employment commitment.
33. How do higher education institutions indicate they want to participate in the Great Minds
Fellowship Program?
A. Institutions were identified by having current programs in one of the seven CIPS with
student completions for a certificate, associates, undergraduate, and/or graduate
34. When will higher education institutions be informed of the amount allocated to our
A. Award letters were distributed to the president’s office of eligible institutions on July
19, 2023.
35. When/how will higher education institutions receive a grant agreement?
A. The institution will be issued an award agreement in the coming weeks of the
36. How can institutions of higher education be approved to be a part of the program?
A. Institutions were identified by having current programs in one of the seven CIPS with
student completions for a certificate, associates, undergraduate, and/or graduate
degree. Award letters were distributed to the president’s office of eligible
institutions on July 19, 2023.
37. Our institution offers MA and PhD couple (marriage) and family therapy programs but not
from our Ohio-based location. We have students from Ohio enrolled in these programs.
Can our students take advantage of the opportunities outlined in the Great Minds
A. Both state public and private non-profit institutions received funding. ODHE
awarded institutions scholarship funds based on a formula developed by OhioMHAS
in consultation with ODHE. Award letters were distributed to the president’s office
of eligible institutions on July 19, 2023.
38. Is there a sustainability plan in place for this program as the likelihood of additional funding
like ARPA is bleak?
A. The State of Ohio will pursue additional funding opportunities, as they become
available, to promote long-term sustainability of similar programs and initiatives.
However, eligible institutions are also encouraged to consider long-term
sustainability and allocate institutional funds accordingly to support academic
programs aligned with critical workforce needs.
Updated August 22, 2023
39. Will the recipients have to sign an agreement agreeing to work in Ohio? How will that be
A. Students will have to sign a participation agreement that includes participating in an
internship as well as working in a CBHC upon graduation. Colleges and universities
are responsible for getting the student participation agreement signed. CBCHs will
be submitting information about employees (students’ post-graduation)
participating in this initiative.
40. We competed the survey last week and I see that our programs are now listed on the
dashboard. What are the next steps, is there an award letter or additional information
regarding all the details of this fellowship. I see the website and the information there, but
it doesn’t outline any next steps.
A. ODHE awarded institutions scholarship funds based on a formula developed by
OhioMHAS in consultation with ODHE. Institutions that did not receive funding in
the initial round may be eligible for funding in a subsequent round. Please monitor
the Great Minds Fellowship webpage as details will be posted as they are released.
41. What happens if money is used for a student that doesn’t complete the program or doesn’t
finish the program in the required 2 years?
A. Ohio resident students who are enrolled in and are within two years of graduating
with degrees or certificates in Social Work (CIP 44.0701, 44.0799, 51.1503), Marriage
and Family Therapy (CIP 51.1505), Mental Health Counseling/Counselor (CIP
51.1508), Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse/Nursing (CIP 51.3810), and Substance
Abuse/Addiction Counseling (CIP 51.1501), are eligible to participate in the Great
Minds Fellowship. Funding can still be awarded to those students. Students still have
the obligation to complete an internship and year of employment at a Community
Behavioral Health Center.
42. Can a person receiving benefits (tuition repayment?) through the HRSA mental health
shortage area program also participate in the Great Minds Fellowship?
A. Participation in this program would not preclude an individual from later
participating in the HRSA-sponsored Loan Repayment Program. Once the one-year
service commitment is completed they would be eligible for the loan repayment
programs. They would still need to meet the licensure requirements.
43. What if he/she moves to Ohio for college, then stays? Are they considered an Ohio
A. For dependent students, residency status is based on their parent’s state of
residence. For independent students, student must be a resident of Ohio for 12
consecutive months prior to receiving funding for this program.
44. Are the schools seen on the Dashboard just eligible schools or does that means they have
already committed to be involved with Great Mind Fellowship?
A. The institutions on the dashboard are eligible for participation in the Great Minds
Fellowship. An updated list of participating institutions will be posted at
45. Is "must be employed for one year" mean full-time or does under 40 hours count?
A. The student must be employed in some capacity for one year. That can be full- or
part-time employment.
46. Can a graduate take their licensure exam prior to earning their degree?
A. Chemical Dependency Professional Board (CDP): For CDP license, the applicant
would have to have their degree to be apply to for the license; the license
application must be approved (SUD education and experience) before the can be
approved to take the ADC exam. So answer is No.
B. Counselor, Social Worker, Marriage & Family Therapist Boards (CSWMFT): Yes. We
allow for applicants to take their exam in the last term of their degree program.
47. We have been awarded a grant. Is there an award agreement that needs to be signed?
A. Award agreements will be sent to the institutions in the coming weeks.
48. Would an agency qualify for funding through the Great Minds Fellowship if they were a
private counseling center that does not bill Medicaid or is regulated by the OhioMHAS?
A. No. CBHCs regulated by OhioMHAS and providing Medicaid-covered behavioral
health home and community-based services (Provider types 84 & 95) are eligible to
participate in this initiative.
49. How can we become a participating institution and receive award funds?
A. ODHE awarded institutions scholarship funds based on a formula developed by
OhioMHAS in consultation with ODHE based on completers in specifically identified
CIP codes. An announcement with the Great Minds Fellowship that may be of
interest to colleges and universities who did not receive funding is scheduled to be
released in the upcoming weeks. We encourage you to continue monitoring the
Great Minds Fellowship website for information on that announcement.
50. Is this a renewable grant?
A. This is not a renewable grant. These are one-time funds.
51. If a student is currently employed at a CBHC, can the internship be conducted at their place
of employment?
A. The institutions have the latitude to decide the students’ internship sites at a CBHC.
There is not a restriction of a student completing the internship at their place of
employment. The learning outcomes for the internship must be met.
52. In the initial survey information for Great Minds the CIP’s listed related to Social Work were
44.0701-0799. In the guidance documents it lists 44.0701 and 44.0799, does that mean
that CIPs between those numbers are not eligible? In the webinar today they said CIPS
44.0701 through 51.1503 so we just wanted to clarify.
A. We apologize for the confusion. Only the following exact CIPs are eligible: Social
Work (CIP 44.0701, 44.0799, 51.1503), Marriage and Family Therapy (CIP 51.1505),
Mental Health Counseling/Counselor (CIP 51.1508), Psychiatric/Mental Health
Nurse/Nursing (CIP 51.3810), and Substance Abuse/Addiction Counseling (CIP
53. Is there a list of CBHC locations that are participating?
A. A list is being developed. Please continue to monitor ODHE's Great Minds Fellowship
54. What if a student receives funding and does internship, but then does not complete the 1
year of employment? Are they expected to repay funds if do not fulfill obligations?
A. Students are expected to complete their one-year commitment to a CBHC after
graduation. Students may have to pay back funds received from the grant for the
employment component if they do not complete the 1 year of employment.
55. What if a student completes the one year of internship, but does not send updates
supporting the required data?
A. Graduates will be monitored by the CBHC. CBHCs will be submitting data on the
56. I know the CBHC's received grant monies as well. Are they paying the student for the paid
internship or is the university?
A. Students are to be paid for their internships from the funds received by the
institution of higher education. It is recommended it be comparable to an entry-level
mental/behavioral health agency rate.
57. How must grantees demonstrate that their academic programs match the CIPs? Are
program titles sufficient?
A. Institutions will enter all data relating to CIPs through the HEI data system. Guidance
on reporting and documentation requirements will be posted on website, please
visit the Great Minds Fellowship webpage, for
more information.
58. Does the CDCA credential meet the requirements? If so, can students obtain this without
receiving a CIP major? For example, PSY majors getting a CDCA credential or the addictions
study minor.
A. Students can be seeking a second degree or certificate simultaneously to the GMF-
eligible degree or for-credit certificate. The student would be eligible for funding if
enrolled in one of the CIP-approved programs.
59. Is this PowerPoint from the Technical Assistance Memo webinar available for us to review?
A. Yes, it is available on the Great Minds Fellowship website;
60. Is there a limit to award within the cost of attendance? For example, the COF funds are
A. This program will support up to $10,000 in scholarship opportunities. Institutions are
responsible for budgeting the GMF award from ODHE and determining eligible
students, scholarship amounts and when to offer scholarships (i.e., which terms)
based on total amount of funds available and anticipated completion dates.
61. Does the student have to be hired by the site they do the internship at to receive the funds?
A. The student does not have to be hired by the same CBHC at which they completed
their internship.
62. Is there a standard application template 1st or should each institution create their own?
A. Institutions can utilize the marketing materials available on the Great Minds
Fellowship webpage to recruit students; The
institution identifies the student eligibility and applies the funds accordingly.
63. If the student has already completed multiple hours of internship hours for their program,
do they have to complete more? It is part of our programs, and to reduce the graduation
barrier for the student, can I have backdated internships?
A. Due to federal requirements associated with this initiative, students must commit to
performing their internship at a participating Ohio Community Behavioral Health
Center (CBHC) and, upon graduation, commit to employment at a participating Ohio
CBHC for at least one year. CBHCs regulated by OhioMHAS and providing Medicaid-
covered behavioral health home and community-based services (Provider types 84
& 95) are eligible to participate in this initiative. Institutions are responsible for
determining internship sites, lengths of internships and internship requirements.
64. If the student participated in this program while completing their associate degree at a
community college, are they ineligible to receive funds while completing their BSW?
A. Ohio resident students who are within two years of graduating with degrees or
certificates in Social Work (CIP 44.0701, 44.0799, 51.1503), Marriage and Family
Therapy (CIP 51.1505), Mental Health Counseling/Counselor (CIP 51.1508),
Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse/Nursing (CIP 51.3810), and Substance
Abuse/Addiction Counseling (CIP 51.1501), are eligible to participate in the Great
Minds Fellowship.
65. Who determines the wage amount earned for the internship, our institution or the CBHC?
A. Institutions are responsible for budgeting the GMF award from ODHE and
determining eligible students, scholarship amounts and when to offer scholarships
(i.e., which terms) based on total amount of funds available and anticipated
completion dates. It is recommended it be comparable to an entry-level
mental/behavioral health agency rate.
66. Will the internship wages differ depending on the CBHC?
A. It is recommended it be comparable to an entry-level mental/behavioral health
agency rate.
67. Are there requirements regarding number of hours of the internship?
A. Institutions are responsible for determining internship sites, lengths of internships
and internship requirements.
68. Do institutions work with the CBHC to track hours the student participates in the
internship? Are the institutions paying the student?
A. Institutions are responsible for the internship requirements. Students are to be paid
for their internships from the funds received by the institution of higher education.
It is recommended it be comparable to an entry-level mental/behavioral health
agency rate.
69. Are any of the funds allowed to pay for indirect costs?
A. No, indirect costs are not allowed with this grant. These funds are for students
during their undergraduate and graduate studies for scholarship opportunities to
assist with the costs of obtaining undergraduate and graduate-level degrees or
certificates; paid internships in CBHCs at the undergraduate and graduate level; and
the costs of required license and certification preparation and exams, and other
necessary costs related to the degree or certificate.
70. Can the grant be used to pay for a licensure prep class?
A. Yes, a licensure prep course is allowable.
71. If an undergraduate student interns at an agency during one academic year and then takes
a paid internship the following year while they are in graduate school, Will this meet the 1-
year commitment?
A. Yes, a student can complete the internship during their final year in the
baccalaureate program then be employed by a CBHC for one year during graduate
school to meet the 1-year commitment.
72. Does a student have to be in field education when receiving the funds? For example, if a
second-year student is enrolled in the MSW degree, but is not in the field internship this
term, can they still be awarded the $10,000 for tuition expenses?
A. A student needs to complete an internship at a CBHC at some point during their final
1-2 years of the academic program. Institutions are responsible for budgeting the
GMF award from ODHE and determining eligible students, scholarship amounts and
when to offer scholarships (i.e., which terms) based on total amount of funds
available and anticipated completion dates.
73. If a field education internship enrollment is concurrently required with classes, is there a
specific number of field hours that are expected that a student completes to earn the
A. Institutions are responsible for determining internship sites, lengths of internships
and internship requirements.
74. What if a student is completing a field education internship in an organization that is not on
the provider list? Does this make the student ineligible for the fellowship to support tuition?
Or can they still receive the fellowship if they have the intention that they plan to work at
a Community Behavioral Health Center when they graduate?
A. Due to federal requirements associated with this initiative, students must commit to
performing an internship at a participating Ohio Community Behavioral Health
Center (CBHC) and, upon graduation, commit to employment at a participating Ohio
CBHC for at least one year. Institutions are responsible for determining internship
sites, lengths of internships and internship requirements.
75. Is the specific language that the state provides around the expectation that recipients
commit to working for at least one-year post-graduation with a Community Behavioral
Health Center?
A. Students will have to sign a participation agreement that includes participating in an
internship as well as working in a CBHC upon graduation. Colleges and universities
are responsible for getting the student participation agreement signed. ODHE will
send the participation agreement to all participating institutions.
76. Are the institutions expected to track the one-year post-graduation expectation that the
recipient works at a Community Behavioral Health Center?
A. CBCHs will be submitting information about employees (students’ post-graduation)
participating in this initiative.
77. Our institution works with behavioral and mental health centers that are not currently listed
on the dashboard as an approved agency. Is there a way to get them added to the list of
eligible community behavioral health centers?
A. Behavioral and mental health agencies that are Medicaid type 84 and 95 can
complete a survey to be added to the list of eligible centers participating in the
Great Minds Fellowship program. The survey can be accessed at
78. How will CBHCs know which students are Great Minds scholars?
A. The students are required to sign a student agreement with their college/university
that will identify them as a Great Minds Fellow. The institution can provide a copy of
that agreement for verification.
79. Do CBHCs wait to complete the grant application until colleges and universities have placed
A. CBHCs can begin the grant application now with the anticipated number of interns the
agency will take on. That number can be adjusted once the number of interns have been
verified and started their internship at the agency. Those changes need to be made prior
to requesting the disbursement of the funds.
Updated 11/3/23
80. Students are learning that, due to the Behavioral Health Redesign in 2018, CBHCs are sorely
underfunded, and the pay is not commensurate with a college degree. So, while this money
(GMF scholarship) will help them get the degree, these agencies cannot compete with other
degrees or areas within fields like social work. Are there discussions on what the state can
do to help pay these agencies more to provide these invaluable services to be able to pay
these students more and make it appealing to go into these areas of study?
A. The state continues to look at ways to eliminate disparities in pay for the workforce.
81. Are practicum experiences generally satisfactory for internship requirements?
A. Practicums can be substituted for internships. Many times, these terms are
interchangeable. The intent is to get students exposure to professional work in a
CBHC setting.
82. Does the CBHC that they are employed at (other than their internship) have to be an
approved site via the GMF grant?
A. Yes. The CBHC must be participating in the Great Minds Fellowship program. All
participating agencies can be seen on the dashboard.
83. Are more facilities being urged to become CBHC's? We have many that we work with but
they only have spots for 1 of 2 students.
A. Yes. OhioMHAS continues to work with CBHCs as well as agencies who are eligible to
be CBHCs. If an institution cannot find enough internship sites at CBHCs, please
contact [email protected] for a discussion.
84. Are ADAMH Boards encouraging participation of the agencies they fund that may be eligible
to participate in this grant?
A. Yes. OhioMHAS continues to work with agencies to participate in the GMF program.
85. These funds are only for juniors and seniors though, correct? Not for recruiting
A. Students need to be within 1-2 years of completing their degree or certificate in
spring 2025 semester.
86. Were CBHC's informed of this program in some manner in the recent past?
A. Yes. OhioMHAS has and continues to work with CBHCs.
87. Are students eligible for the GMF if they are already employed at a CBHC?
A. Yes. Institutions determine internship sites.