EDSTAC Final Report Chapter Three August 1998
Chapter Three
Conceptual Framework and Principles
EDSTAC Final Report Chapter Three August 1998
Table of Contents
I. Introduction...........................................................................................................................1
II. Description of Endocrine Disruptor....................................................................................3
III. Definition of Other Key Terms ..........................................................................................4
IV. Overview of the EDSTAC Conceptual Framework...........................................................5
V. Scope of the EDSTAC Conceptual Framework..................................................................6
VI. Where Endocrine Disruption Fits in the Broader Context ...............................................6
VII. General Principles to Guide the Development of the Endocrine Disruptor Screening
and Testing Program ................................................................................................................7
VIII. The EDSTAC Conceptual Framework ..........................................................................9
A. Obtain and Analyze Existing Information to Set Priorities ..................................................9
B. Tier 1 Screening to Detect Interactions With the Endocrine System....................................9
C. Tier 2 Testing to Determine and Characterize Endocrine Disruption.................................10
IX. Additional Components and Clarifications to the Original EDSTAC Conceptual
A. High Throughput Pre-Screening....................................................................................... 12
B. Alternative Means of Meeting Versus Bypassing Tier 1 Screening....................................13
1. Alternative Means to Meet T1S Information Requirements .......................................... 13
2. Bypassing T1S ............................................................................................................. 13
X. Compilation of Chapter Three Recommendations ........................................................... 14
XI. Literature Cited ................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 3.1 EDSTAC Conceputal Framework .........................................................................
EDSTAC Final Report Chapter Three August 1998
I. Introduction
In this chapter the EDSTAC presents the conceptual framework and principles that have served as
the foundation upon which all the other recommendations contained in this report have been built.
In addition to this introductory section, the chapter includes sections on: the description of
“endocrine disruptor;” definitions for several other key terms; the purpose and context for
endocrine disruptor screening and testing; an overview, scope, and general principles for the
framework; the conceptual framework itself; and a discussion of other important conceptual
agreements reached after the framework was originally developed.
The initial purpose of the EDSTAC Conceptual Framework was to lay the groundwork for future
EDSTAC recommendations and to inform, facilitate, and expedite the work of the EDSTAC
work groups. The Principles Work Group developed the original version of the framework in
early 1997, and the EDSTAC reached a tentative consensus agreement on the contents of this
chapter in May 1997. Subsequently, the document was used by the work groups and the
EDSTAC to guide their deliberations. At the time the EDSTAC agreed to the framework’s
content, members recognized the evolutionary nature of the document and agreed to revisit it, as
appropriate, throughout their deliberations.
During the EDSTAC’s deliberations, another concept was identified to be considered in the
context of the original Conceptual Framework, and other concepts that were already contained
within the framework were clarified. The new concept incorporated into the framework was the
use of “high throughput pre-screening.” The concepts further clarified relate to the scenarios
under which chemicals would be permitted to bypass Tier 1 Screening (T1S) and the
interconnectedness of these bypass scenarios with other elements of the Conceptual Framework.
These concepts are introduced at the end of the chapter and further elaborated upon in subsequent
In its final version, the EDSTAC Conceptual Framework is intended to provide guidance to EPA
regarding development and implementation of its endocrine disruptor screening and testing
program, as well as future expansion, as appropriate, of the program. The EDSTAC believes the
Conceptual Framework it has developed, as well as the principles underlying the
recommendations it is providing to EPA for priority setting and the screening and testing program
itself, are applicable to the consideration of other hormone systems in addition to those involving
estrogen, androgen, and thyroid hormone. All of the recommendations contained herein are
premised on the principle of scientific validity.
The Conceptual Framework is summarized in the decision flowchart contained in Figure 3.1,
which shows how screens and tests are used to evaluate potential endocrine disruptors. The
structure of the Conceptual Framework was placed into tiers to illustrate how chemical
substances and mixtures can be sequentially sorted into groups that are increasingly likely to be
classified as endocrine disruptors, thereby warranting additional attention.
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Figure 3.1
EDSTAC Conceptual Framework*
Obtain and Analyze Existing Data
of Tier 1 Screening to
go to Tier 2 Testing
For Tier 1 Screening
Detect Interaction With Endocrine System
Determine and Characterize Endocrine
Disrupting Effects
to go to
No Further
Analysis Required
at This Time
* For a more detailed version of the initial sorting and priority setting components of this framework,
please see Figure 4.1.
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II. Description of Endocrine Disruptor
In any emerging scientific specialty area, numerous terms and definitions are used. As examples,
environmental estrogens, environmental hormones, endocrine disrupting chemicals, endocrine
modulators, endocrine disrupters, and endocrine disruptors may all be found in recent scientific
publications. Several definitions of endocrine disruptor have also been published (e.g., Kavlock
et al., 1996; European Commission, 1996; U.S. EPA, 1997). Tattersfield et al., 1997
distinguished between endocrine disruption (reduction or enhancement of hormone levels beyond
natural bounds) and endocrine modulation (adjustment within natural bounds), but viewed the
terms as interchangeable for their purposes. This ambiguity was reflected in the EDSTAC’s
In its initial discussions, the EDSTAC acknowledged the Kavlock et al., 1996 definition of an
endocrine disruptor as:
An exogenous agent which interferes with the synthesis, secretion, transport, binding,
action, or elimination of natural hormones in the body which are responsible for the
maintenance or homeostasis, reproduction, development or behavior.
Certain EDSTAC members were concerned that the Kavlock et al., 1996 definition was
formulated for research, and was too open ended for regulatory operations. In May 1997, the
EDSTAC developed the following working definition:
An exogenous substance that changes endocrine function and causes adverse effects at
the level of the organism, its progeny, and/or (sub)populations of organisms.
The working definition served a useful purpose in guiding the deliberations of the EDSTAC and
its work groups. However, over time it became clear that the EDSTAC was divided regarding
the acceptability of this working definition.
Two opposing viewpoints emerged. One view held that the definition must include the term
adverse, whereas the second view held that adverse was inappropriate and should be excluded
from the definition. Proponents for including adverse reasoned that a definition should distinguish
disruption from the wide range of hormone fluctuations necessary for normal physiological
adaptation. Proponents for excluding adverse reasoned that hormone function is so sensitive to
xenobiotic challenge, that any biochemical alteration during key developmental stages above
background may lead to serious, but subtle pathology later in life or in subsequent generations. In
addition, they argued that effects not adverse for an individual may be adverse at the population
level. Both sides acknowledged that clear delineation of adverse is at times subjective and may be
open to differences in interpretation. Toxicological effects occur along a continuum from subtle
biochemical events to gross pathology. The point at which an observable effect becomes truly
adverse is therefore a judgment that may differ among individual scientists.
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The EDSTAC acknowledges that, at this time, knowledge and experience in endocrine disruptor
toxicology do not permit the simple categorization of all endocrine effects into adverse and non-
adverse. The capacity to make this distinction will improve as understanding of the assay systems
and long-term consequences of endocrine effects increases.
In order to achieve consensus, the EDSTAC agreed to the following general description to
express the range of members’ views within the context of the proposed screening and testing
The EDSTAC describes an endocrine disruptor as an exogenous chemical substance or
mixture that alters the structure or function(s) of the endocrine system and causes adverse
effects at the level of the organism, its progeny, populations, or subpopulations of organisms,
based on scientific principles, data, weight-of-evidence, and the precautionary principle.
III. Definition of Other Key Terms
The EDSTAC agreed to utilize the following definitions in this report:
“Priority setting” is defined as the collection, evaluation, and analysis of existing relevant
information to determine whether, and in what relative order of priority, chemical substances or
mixtures will be subjected to screening, testing, or hazard assessment.
“Screening” is defined as the application of assays to determine whether a chemical substance or
mixture may interact with the endocrine system.
“Testing” is defined as a customized combination of tests and endpoints designed to determine
whether a chemical substance or mixture causes endocrine-mediated adverse effects and to
identify, characterize, and quantify these effects.
“Hazard assessment,” as used in this document, includes: (1) identification of the chemical
substances and mixtures that have endocrine disruption effects, which is often referred to as
“hazard identification,” and (2) establishment of the relationship between dose and effect, which is
often referred to as “dose-response assessment.”
“Chemical substances,” as used in this document, include naturally occurring and synthetic
chemicals and elements. “Mixtures” refers to commonly found combinations of chemical
substances, including those found in the environment.
The term “functional equivalency” is used at several critical junctures in the document. The
EDSTAC defines an assay, test, or endpoint as being “functionally equivalent” to a T1S or T2T
assay, test, or endpoint when it provides equivalent information for each endpoint being studied.
For purposes of the endocrine disruptor screening and testing program, EDSTAC-recommended
assays, tests, and endpoints must be validated and standardized prior to EPA’s use of functionally
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equivalent information. As discussed elsewhere in this document, EPA should provide clear
guidance on the use of functionally equivalent assays, tests, and endpoints prior to the
implementation of the screening and testing program.
In general, the term “weight-of-evidence” is typically used to refer to a process by which trained
professionals judge the strengths and weaknesses of a collection of information to render an
overall conclusion that may not be evident from consideration of the individual data. Further
clarification of how “weight-of-evidence” principles will be applied to the EDSTP can be found in
Chapter Five, Section IV.
IV. Overview of the EDSTAC Conceptual Framework
The EDSTAC Conceptual Framework places activities in an ordered sequence. The elements of
this sequence include: (a) priority setting, which includes the sorting and prioritization of
chemical substances and mixtures for evaluation in screening and/or testing batteries;
(b) screening to detect chemical substances and mixtures capable of acting on endocrine systems;
and (c) testing to determine, characterize, and quantify the nature of the endocrine disrupting
properties of the chemical substances and mixtures identified by prior information and/or T1S.
The Conceptual Framework contains a series of decision points. At each of these points in the
process, all available information is evaluated to determine whether and how to proceed to the
next step(s). A “weight-of-evidence” approach is commonly used to make such a determination.
Three guiding principles should be adopted in the use of such a tiered decision-making system:
This ordered sequence should not exclude the possibility that a chemical substance or mixture
could bypass one or more tiers when information warrants such a move (e.g., sufficient
prioritization data on endocrine disrupting properties may be available to initiate Tier 2
Testing (T2T) or hazard assessment).
If information is not adequate to determine whether a chemical substance or mixture should
move to the next tier, there should be an active process for generating the information needed
to make such a decision.
The criteria and default assumptions for deciding whether chemical substances or mixtures
move from one tier to the next, to the degree possible, should be developed in advance of
initiating a screening and testing strategy.
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V. Scope of the EDSTAC Conceptual Framework
The Conceptual Framework is consistent with several central issues defined in the scope of
activity for EDSTAC:
Screening and testing should be relevant to both human health and ecological effects.
Screening and testing should initially emphasize identifying and characterizing effects that
enhance, mimic, or inhibit estrogen, androgen, and thyroid hormone-related processes. EPA
should consider tests that detect multiple hormone interactions, address endpoints in multiple
species, and predict long-term or delayed effects. EPA should periodically revisit the scope of
this strategy to permit inclusion of additional hormone systems, animals other than
vertebrates, other hormone-mediated effects, or new screens and tests as they become
Screening and testing should be capable of evaluating both chemical substances and common
VI. Where Endocrine Disruption Fits in the Broader Context
Many of the effects of endocrine disruption are manifested as disease processes that are already
recognized and addressed, to some degree, in current toxicological assessments. For example,
endocrine disruption may result in cancer, neurotoxicity, or reproductive or developmental
toxicity (i.e., infertility, birth defects, etc.). It is important to realize that these issues are
interconnected. For example, some cancers have their origin in prenatal life as do some
neurological problems. In addition, there may be some endocrine disruptive effects that may not
fit clearly into any of the three more well-recognized categories.
While considering the potential adverse human health and environmental effects due to endocrine
disruption, it should also be noted that the effects of human exposures to endocrine active
chemicals are not necessarily adverse. Knowledge of the functioning of human endocrine systems
has led to the development of numerous important medical applications of therapies that operate
through chemical modulation of endocrine systems. The applications represent the positive
effects of human exposures to endocrine active agents. Examples include birth control, adjunct
therapies for prostate and breast cancer, prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis and heart
disease, treatment of hypothyroidism, and prevention or reversal of hair loss. In addition, the
consumption of a diet high in soy (and its phytoestrogens) is thought to contribute to low breast
cancer rates in some Asian populations. It must be kept in mind that endocrine active chemicals
with beneficial effects may still lead to adverse effects under circumstances of unintended,
inappropriate, or environmental exposures.
The scope of the program recommended by the EDSTAC addresses a small portion of all possible
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hormonal effects. The scope includes disruption of estrogen, androgen, and thyroid hormonal
activities. This group of hormones includes those for which there exists the most data, and for
which standardized assays have been developed. These hormonal systems are a very limited part
of the potential universe of endocrine systems in all animals that may be affected by chemical
exposures. It is important, as the science evolves, for EPA to be creative in developing and
including new screens for additional modes of action or to use different modeling systems that will
improve the ability to detect endocrine-mediated environmental hazards, especially for non-
mammalian species.
While estrogen, androgen, and thyroid hormones are extremely important, and it is critical to
focus initial development of screens and tests to look for effects on them, the Committee wants it
to be clear that the scope of the EDSTP is quite limited. The EDSTAC has not devised a way to
test for all possible endocrine disruptive effects, nor is the Committee addressing the many non-
hormone-mediated causes of cancer, neurological toxicity, and toxicity to reproduction or to early
life stage developmental processes. When a chemical proceeds to the “hold box” of the
Conceptual Framework, it is because the chemical tested negative for the hormone systems
assessed, not for all hormonal effects or for other mechanisms that may cause these effects.
EPA has already developed toxicological screening and testing protocols to evaluate
carcinogenicity, developmental and reproductive toxicity, and neurotoxicity. Some of the
information developed from these screening and testing activities will be useful in evaluating the
endocrine disruption potential of chemical substances and mixtures. For example, results from
developmental toxicity testing could suggest the need to undertake T1S or T2T. Similarly, results
from screening and testing related to endocrine disruption could suggest the need for
neurotoxicity, developmental, or other toxicity screening or testing. The EDSTAC recommends
that EPA examine the interrelationships between these screening and testing protocols and take
advantage of potential opportunities to streamline protocols and ensure that the results of the
related screens and tests are taken advantage of in assessing the risk of endocrine disruption.
VII. General Principles to Guide the Development of the Endocrine
Disruptor Screening and Testing Program
Several principles have guided the development of the EDSTAC Conceptual Framework, and
should guide further development of specific processes to sort and prioritize, screen, and test
chemical substances and mixtures for endocrine disruption. These principles help ensure that the
strategy of screening and testing will serve the general purpose stated above, while recognizing
that societal resources must also be allocated to sources of environmental risk other than
endocrine disruption. Thus, the screening and testing strategy should:
require the minimal number of screens and tests necessary to make sound decisions, thereby
reducing the time needed to make these decisions;
examine existing screens and tests for their potential to predict, detect, and/or characterize
endocrine disruptors, ensuring that any modification to existing screens and tests does not
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compromise their ability to predict other toxicity endpoints;
systematically examine existing screening and testing data, not only for adverse endpoints in
high dose groups, but also for physiological changes in low dose groups;
not detract from current and new efforts to assess the toxicity of chemical substances and
mixtures through mechanisms other than endocrine disruption;
provide data that can be used for a broad range of management and regulatory programs in a
form that supports international harmonization of the data’s use;
include periodic review of new scientific information;
use a performance-based approach to the selection of screens, tests, and species, including the
use of more appropriate screens, tests, and species as they are developed and validated;
be dynamic in order to stay current with the rapidly evolving science related to the endocrine
system; and
be conducted at a minimal cost necessary to make the decisions within the EDSTAC
Conceptual Framework.
In addition to these nine broad principles, which place screening and testing for endocrine
disruption into a larger framework of environmental risk, there are several principles specific to
the screens and tests themselves:
To make decisions within the EDSTAC Conceptual Framework, all screens and tests should
have well-defined endpoints.
The use of animals should be reduced to the minimal level needed to obtain scientifically valid
results and interpretations.
The results of screens and tests should support further research on effects of endocrine
disruptors on populations, communities, and ecosystems.
In interpreting screening and testing results, a “weight-of-evidence” approach should be used,
but should be consistent with a principle of prudence in protecting human health and the
environment. In the case of T1S, this means that a relatively higher value is placed on
sensitivity as opposed to specificity. The goal is to minimize false negative results while also
ensuring that false positive results do not become so frequent that chemical substances cannot
be sorted meaningfully with respect to T2T.
Screening and testing results should be reported in a format that facilitates database
development and analysis by a broad array of scientific, regulatory, and management
Decision criteria, such as those for statistical significance (e.g., necessary confidence intervals)
and biological plausibility, should be clearly defined.
1. If a necessary modification does compromise the existing toxicity assays, separate endocrine disruptor and
toxicity screens and/or tests should be conducted.
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VIII. The EDSTAC Conceptual Framework
A. Obtain and Analyze Existing Information to Set Priorities
An ordered screening and testing strategy should begin with an effort to obtain and analyze
available information on new and existing chemical substances or mixtures. Information on toxic
and physiological effects, chemical structure activity relationships (SARs), use information,
product chemistry, exposure information, and legal mandates will be examined. Given limited
resources and capacity, as well as the potential magnitude of the task, it will be necessary to
develop a priority setting system to determine the relative order in which chemical substances and
mixtures will be subjected to T1S. An evaluation and analysis of this information will lead to one
of four possible determinations:
polymers which will be placed into a “hold” status (with some exceptions) pending a review of
their monomers and oligomers;
chemicals for which insufficient data exists to proceed to either T2T or hazard assessment and
will, therefore, need to be prioritized for T1S;
chemicals for which sufficient data exists, or voluntary bypass of T1S, to go to T2T; and
chemicals for which sufficient data exists to go to hazard assessment.
B. Tier 1 Screening to Detect Interactions With the Endocrine System
The purpose of T1S is to obtain a minimum, yet sufficient, set of valid and reliable data to detect
whether a chemical substance or mixture may interact with the endocrine system. Included in T1S
is a battery of assays designed to detect effects that enhance, mimic, or inhibit estrogen, androgen,
and thyroid hormone-related processes. In contrast to the more refined and detailed tests of Tier
2, the T1S assays should:
be inexpensive, quick, and easy to perform;
be validated and standardized as soon as possible, defining characteristics such as sensitivity
and specificity against a clearly defined standard, once it is identified;
be more “sensitive” than they are “specific,” meaning they should have as their primary
objective the minimization of false negative or (Type II) errors, while permitting an as-of-yet
undetermined, but acceptable, level of false positive or (Type I) errors;
capture multiple endpoints and reflect as many modes of endocrine action as possible;
be broadly predictive across species, gender, and age; and
yield data capable of being interpreted as either positive or negative for the purpose of
determining whether and how to conduct T2T.
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Information gathered during T1S should be used to make initial judgments about areas of concern
and should direct and focus T2T. The interpretation of T1S results should be consistent with best
scientific judgment, formed on the basis of considerations such as “weight-of-evidence,”
consistency of the data set, and methodological strengths and limitations. Based on the evaluation
made during this phase, one of two decisions is possible:
1. Proceed to T2T If the interpretation of results from the full battery of T1S assays is
determined to be “positive” (i.e., the screens produced evidence of interaction with the
endocrine system, within the scope of endocrine functions addressed by the program), the
chemical substance or mixture will enter T2T to characterize the nature of any endocrine
disrupting effects.
2. Hold Screening and Testing If the interpretation of results from the full battery of T1S
assays is determined to be “negative” (i.e., the screens have not produced evidence of
interactions with the endocrine system, within the scope of endocrine functions addressed
by the program), and these results are not contravened by the “weight-of-evidence”
developed during the prioritization phase, no additional screening or testing is necessary
a) existing statutes require periodic review (e.g., FIFRA re-registration);
b) new statutory requirements mandate review;
c) new screens for endocrine disruption are incorporated into the strategy and it is
determined that these new screens may either generate significant new information or
they invalidate prior screens and therefore warrant the re-screening of chemical
substances and mixtures that have already been subjected to T1S; and/or
d) new information on the endocrine disrupting potential of the chemical substance or
mixture becomes available which warrants the re-screening of the chemical substance
or mixture.
C. Tier 2 Testing to Determine and Characterize Endocrine Disruption
The purpose of T2T is to determine and characterize the nature, likelihood, and dose-response
relationship of estrogen-, androgen-, and thyroid-related effects in humans and wildlife. Selection
of Tier 2 tests should be based upon T1S results and other relevant information. An underlying
principle of T2T is that it should provide information useful for human/ecological hazard
assessment. The T2T scheme should be flexible enough to allow for scientific judgment in the
selection of the most appropriate tests and endpoints, and costs should be practical. T2T should
be aimed at determining whether the chemical substance or mixture is an endocrine disruptor. In
addition, these tests should be designed to establish the relationship between different exposure
levels, timing and duration of exposure, and adverse effects, including developmental and
reproductive effects on the individual and its progeny.
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In comparison to the components of the T1S phase, T2T should ideally be both sensitive and
specific. In other words, it should be designed to minimize both false positive (Type I) and false
negative (Type II) errors. Additionally, this battery of tests should:
include assessment of endpoints identified as relevant from T1S;
include parental/offspring developmental endpoints (e.g., two-generation studies) in order to
adequately evaluate all life stages;
include the life cycle of both viviparous (live birth) and oviparous (egg-laying) organisms;
be conducted at a range of doses that allows full characterization of the adverse effects of the
chemical substance or mixture being tested;
be conducted in accordance with Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) regulations to the degree
consistent with resources and the goal of timely decisions; and
be validated, if need be, as soon as possible against a clearly defined standard.
Interpretation of results from T2T should reflect current scientific judgment, including
considerations such as “weight-of-evidence” and consistency of the data set.
A “negative” result in T2T should abrogate any additional endocrine screening and testing for that
particular chemical substance or mixture within the scope of endocrine functions defined by the
program unless:
a) existing statutes require periodic review (e.g., FIFRA re-registration);
b) new statutory requirements mandate review;
c) new screens or tests for endocrine disruption are incorporated into the EDSTAC
strategy which will generate significant new information, or invalidate prior screens
or tests upon which decisions have been made to stop screening and testing;
d) new information on the endocrine disrupting potential of the chemical substance or
mixture becomes available and it is determined that this new information warrants
additional testing; and/or
e) there are changes in the use and expected exposure patterns upon which the initial
selection of tests was made.
In the event of a “positive” outcome, the chemical substance or mixture will proceed to the hazard
assessment phase of decision-making, whereupon it may be decided that additional T2T is
required before a final determination of hazard can be made.
IX. Additional Components and Clarifications to the Original EDSTAC
Conceptual Framework
During the course of its deliberations, the EDSTAC identified an additional concept, the
incorporation of “high throughput pre-screening,” to be considered in the context of the original
Conceptual Framework. In addition, the EDSTAC clarified conditions under which a chemical
substance might be permitted to bypass T1S assays and, instead, go directly to T2T. These two
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issues are closely connected to other issues discussed later in the report, including testing at low
doses and the definitiveness of T2T.
A. High Throughput Pre-Screening
During its deliberations the EDSTAC concluded that biological effects data were incomplete or
lacking for most chemical substances. In the absence of biological effects data, EPA would be left
with the choice of either raising or lowering the priority of a chemical based on the lack of effects
To address this problem, the EDSTAC recommends that a subset of the in vitro assays
recommended for inclusion in the T1S battery should be conducted with the assistance of
automated technology, in advance of the priority setting step of the overall sorting and priority
setting process. The EDSTAC came to refer to this technology, which uses robotics and other
automated processes, and the role that it will play in the overall endocrine disruptor screening and
testing program, as “high throughput pre-screening” (HTPS).
HTPS results, by themselves, will not be sufficient to make a determination about whether a
chemical may interact with the endocrine system of an intact animal. Such determinations will
require additional screening and testing.
The primary purpose of the HTPS is to provide preliminary biological activity information for a
large number of chemicals in a relatively short period of time. This information will
simultaneously be of value for: (a) detecting hormonal activity (as a component of T1S); and (b)
providing at least some biological effects-related information for the estrogen, androgen, and
thyroid hormonal systems to assist in the effort to set priorities for T1S. The in vitro assays that
would be performed as part of the HTPS include transcriptional activation assays. Performance
of these assays would still be required as part of T1S for all chemicals that do not go through
The EDSTAC recommends that all chemicals currently produced in an amount equal to or greater
than 10,000 pounds per year (estimated to be about 15,000 chemicals) be subjected to HTPS.
Also, it is expected that all pesticides (i.e., both active ingredients and formulation inerts) will be
subjected to HTPS. Any chemicals subjected to the assays conducted in the HTPS step would
not be required to repeat the ER binding/transcriptional activation assay and the AR
binding/transcriptional activation assay as part of T1S. On the other hand, for any chemicals not
subjected to HTPS (e.g., production volumes less than 10,000 pounds per year), the assays in
T1S would result in information equivalent to that which would have been provided from HTPS.
The HTPS concept is explained in more detail in Chapter Four, Section V, and referred to often in
Chapter Five.
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B. Alternative Means of Meeting Versus Bypassing Tier 1 Screening
The EDSTAC expects the vast majority of chemicals included in the EDSTP to go through the
program in the logical, hierarchical manner in which the program was designed. Notwithstanding
this expectation, the EDSTAC recognizes there will be circumstances where it may be inefficient
to follow all steps of the EDSTP. For example, the EDSTAC Conceptual Framework allows
chemicals that have already been subjected to tests that are the “functional equivalents” of the
T2T two-generation reproductive toxicity tests, endocrine disruptor endpoints, taxa, and dosing
considerations recommended by the EDSTAC, to bypass both T1S and T2T and proceed directly
to hazard assessment.
The EDSTAC has identified two other circumstances where a chemical substance or mixture may
not be required to be evaluated in the assays included in the recommended T1S battery. Both of
these scenarios are discussed below and then in further detail in Chapters Four and Five.
1. Alternative Means to Meet T1S Information Requirements
The EDSTAC recommends that it should be permissible to complete the information requirements
of T1S through the submission of data that are “functionally equivalent” to the data that would be
generated from the recommended T1S battery. Further, functionally equivalent information could
be submitted for one or more of the recommended T1S assays or for the entire battery. The
EDSTAC believes it is helpful to distinguish this scenario, which is in essence an alternative
means of meeting the information requirements associated with T1S, from two other scenarios,
which are considered bypassing T1S.
2. Bypassing T1S
There are two scenarios in which the EDSTAC recommends that the owner of a chemical should
be permitted to bypass T1S. Each of these two scenarios has different implications for the
information requirements associated with completing T2T and hazard assessment following T2T.
a) Chemicals That Have Previously Been Subjected to Two-Generation Reproductive
Toxicity Tests
The first scenario includes those chemicals that have previously been subjected to mammalian and
wildlife developmental toxicity and/or reproductive toxicity testing, but such testing may not
include additional EAT endpoints for T2T, as specified in Chapter Five, Section VI. The
EDSTAC expects that food-use pesticides will fall into this category, given the requirements of
FIFRA and FQPA, as well as a small number of other types of pesticides and industrial chemicals.
The EDSTAC agrees that chemicals which meet this criterion for bypassing T1S would still be
subjected to the assays that will be part of the HTPS. In addition, chemicals which meet this
criterion will also be the most likely candidates for the alternative approaches for completing T2T,
as discussed in Chapter Five, Section V, C, 2.
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b) Chemicals for Which There is No Prior Toxicity Testing
The second scenario includes those chemicals for which the owner of the chemical has decided to
voluntarily go to T2T without having completed the full T1S battery or any prior two-generation
reproductive toxicity testing. These chemicals must be evaluated in the HTPS assays. In
addition, chemicals that bypass T1S under this second scenario must be evaluated in all the tests
of the T2T battery (i.e., the mammalian and non-mammalian multi-generation tests with all the
recommended endpoints), consistent with the principles governing T2T, which are set forth in
Chapter Five, Section V, C.
X. Compilation of Chapter Three Recommendations
1. The EDSTAC developed a tiered Conceptual Framework that formed the basis for its
screening and testing strategy and all subsequent recommendations. The tiered framework
consists of the following three major activities:
Priority setting includes the sorting and prioritization of chemical substances and mixtures
based on existing information. The existing information would be used to sort chemicals into
four categories. An evaluation and analysis of this information will lead to sorting chemicals
into one of four categories:
Polymers, which are placed into a “hold” status (with some exceptions) pending a review
of their monomers and oligomers.
Chemicals for which there is insufficient data regarding endocrine disruption and will
therefore need to be prioritized for Tier 1 Screening.
Chemicals for which sufficient data exists to proceed to Tier 2 Testing.
Chemicals for which sufficient data exists to go to hazard assessment.
Tier 1 Screening (T1S) to detect chemical substances and mixtures capable of acting on
endocrine systems.
Tier 2 Testing (T2T) to determine, characterize, and quantify the nature of the endocrine
disrupting properties of the chemical substances and mixtures identified by prior information
and/or T1S.
2. The EDSTAC recommended the adoption of several principles to guide the use of the
Conceptual Framework.
A chemical may bypass one or more tiers when warranted by appropriate information
(e.g., sufficient prioritization data on endocrine disrupting properties to initiate T2T or
hazard assessment).
If information is inadequate to determine if a chemical should move to the next tier, an
active process should be developed for generating the needed information to make such a
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Criteria and default assumptions for deciding whether chemicals move from one tier to the
next should be developed in advance of initiating screening and testing.
3. Within the context of the Conceptual Framework, the EDSTAC recommends that the overall
scope of the screening and testing strategy should:
be relevant to both human health and ecological effects;
initially emphasize identifying and characterizing effects that enhance, mimic, or inhibit
estrogenic, androgenic, and thyroid hormone-related processes;
consider tests that detect multiple hormone interactions, address endpoints in multiple
species, and predict long-term or delayed effects;
be periodically revisited to permit inclusion of additional hormone-mediated effects or new
screens and tests as they become available;
be capable of evaluating the endocrine disrupting properties of chemical substances and
common mixtures; and
allow determination of possible additive, synergistic, or antagonistic effects caused by
interactions among the components of mixtures.
4. The EDSTAC recommends nine broad principles to guide the implementation of the
endocrine disruptor screening and testing program. The screening and testing program
require the minimal number of screens and tests necessary to make sound decisions,
thereby reducing the time needed to make these decisions;
examine existing screens and tests for their potential to predict, detect, and/or characterize
endocrine disruptors, ensuring that any modification to existing screens and tests does not
compromise their ability to predict other toxicity endpoints;
systematically examine existing screening and testing data not only for adverse endpoints
in high dose groups, but also for physiological changes in low dose groups;
not detract from current and new efforts to assess the toxicity of compounds and mixtures
through mechanisms other than endocrine disruption;
provide data that can be used for a broad range of management and regulatory programs
in a form that supports international harmonization of their use;
include periodic review of new scientific information;
use a performance-based approach to the selection of screens, tests, and species, including
the use of more appropriate screens, tests, and species as they are developed and
be dynamic in order to stay current with the rapidly evolving science related to the
endocrine system; and
be conducted at the minimum cost necessary to make the decisions within the EDSTAC
Conceptual Framework.
5. The EDSTAC also recommended six guiding principles specific to the screens and tests
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To facilitate making decisions within the EDSTAC Conceptual Framework, all screens
and tests should have well-defined endpoints.
The use of animals should be reduced to the minimum level needed to obtain scientifically
valid results and interpretations.
The results of screens and tests should support further research on effects of endocrine
disruptors on populations, communities, and ecosystems.
In interpreting screening and testing results, a “weight-of-evidence” approach should be
used, but should be consistent with a principle of prudence in protecting human health and
the environment. In the case of T1S, this means that the strategy will err on the side of
false positive identifications rather than false negatives.
Screening and testing results should be reported in a format that facilitates database
development and analysis by a broad array of scientific, regulatory, and management
Decision criteria, such as those for determining statistical significance (e.g., necessary
confidence intervals) and biological plausibility, should be clearly defined.
6. The EDSTAC recommends that T1S provide the minimum, yet valid and reliable, data to
detect interactions with the endocrine system. In contrast to Tier 2 tests, T1S assays should:
be inexpensive, quick, and easy to perform;
be validated and standardized as soon as possible, defining characteristics such as
sensitivity and specificity against a “gold standard,” once it is identified;
be more “sensitive” than they are “specific,” meaning that they should have as their
primary objective the minimization of false negative or (Type II) errors, while permitting
an as-of-yet undetermined, but acceptable, level of false positive or (Type I) errors;
capture multiple endpoints and reflect as many modes of endocrine action as possible;
be broadly predictive across species, gender, and age; and
yield data capable of being interpreted as either positive or negative for the purpose of
determining whether and how to conduct T2T.
7. The EDSTAC recommends that T1S be used to make initial judgments about areas of concern
in order to direct the focus of T2T. The interpretation of T1S results should be consistent with
best scientific judgment, formed on the basis of considerations such as “weight-of-evidence,”
consistency of the data set, and methodological strengths and limitations.
8. The EDSTAC recommends that T2T be based upon T1S results and other relevant
information. An underlying principle of T2T is that it should provide information useful for
human and ecological hazard assessment. The T2T scheme should be flexible enough to allow
for scientific judgment in the selection of the most appropriate tests and endpoints, and costs
should be reasonable. Tests should be aimed at determining whether the chemical substance or
mixture is an endocrine disruptor and whether the effects are a result of primary or secondary
disturbances of endocrine function. In addition, these tests should be designed to establish the
relationship between different exposure levels, timing and duration of exposure, and adverse
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effects, including developmental and reproductive effects on the individual and its progeny.
9. In contrast to T1S, the EDSTAC recommends that T2T should be both sensitive and specific,
and designed to minimize false positive (Type I) and false negative (Type II) errors.
Additionally, this battery of tests should:
include assessment of endpoints identified as relevant from Tier 1 screens;
include parental/offspring developmental endpoints (e.g., two-generation studies) in order
to adequately evaluate all life stages;
include the life cycle of both viviparous (live birth) and oviparous (egg-laying) organisms;
be conducted at a range of doses that allow full characterization of the adverse effects of
the chemical substance or mixture being tested;
be conducted in accordance with Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) regulations to the
degree consistent with resources and the goal of timely decisions; and
be validated, if need be, as soon as possible against a clearly defined standard.
10. The EDSTAC recommends that a subset of the T1S in vitro assays be conducted with the
assistance of automated technology to provide biological effects information to assist in the
overall sorting and priority setting process. Because of the role this technology will play in
the overall EDSTP, the EDSTAC refers to it as “high throughput pre-screening” (HTPS).
The EDSTAC recommends that all chemicals currently produced in an amount equal to or
greater than 10,000 pounds per year (estimated to be about 15,000 chemicals) be subjected
to HTPS. Also, it is expected that all pesticides (i.e., both active ingredients and formulation
inerts) will be subjected to HTPS. Any chemicals subjected to the assays conducted in the
HTPS step would not be required to repeat the ER binding/transcriptional activation assay
and the AR binding/transcriptional activation assay as part of T1S. On the other hand, for
any chemicals not subjected to HTPS (e.g., production volumes less than 10,000 pounds per
year), the assays in T1S would result in information equivalent to that which would have
been provided from HTPS.
11. The EDSTAC recommends that the vast majority of chemicals go through priority setting,
T1S, and T2T in a sequential manner. However, the EDSTAC also recognizes there may be
individual cases in which T1S is bypassed. Three situations were identified where a chemical
may bypass T1S, each with different implications for information requirements in T2T.
Alternative means to meet T1S information requirements through the generation of data
which are “functionally equivalent” to data derived from the recommended screening
Bypassing T1S for chemicals (e.g., food-use pesticides) that have previously been
subjected to two-generation reproductive toxicity tests. Such chemicals should still be
subjected to high throughput pre-screening assays.
Bypassing T1S for chemicals for which there is no prior toxicology testing but the owner
has voluntarily decided to proceed directly to testing. Such chemicals must be evaluated
in the high throughput pre-screening assays, and all of the tests in the T2T battery.
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XI. Literature Cited
European Commission, “European Workshop on the Impact of Endocrine Disrupters on Human
Health and the Environment,” Environment and Climate Research Programme, DG XII,
European Commission, Report EUR 17549, 1997.
Kavlock, R.J. et al., “Research needs for risk assessment of health and environmental effects of
endocrine disruptors: A review of the U. S. EPA-sponsored workshop,” Environmental
Health Perspectives, 104, 1996, pp. 715-740.
Tattersfield, L. et al. (Ed.). “SETAC-Europe/OECD/EC Expert Workshop on Endocrine
Modulators and Wildlife: Assessment and Testing,” SETAC-Europe, Brussels, 1997.
U. S. EPA, “Special Report on Environmental Endocrine Disruption: An Effects Assessment and
Analysis. Office of Research and Development,” EPA/630/R-96/012, 1997.