Approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board: June 2024
IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
Copyright © 2024 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
All rights reserved. Published 2024. Printed in the United States of America.
Reproduction and distribution of this document in whole or in part by any medium is permitted. Appropriate
acknowledgement of the source and ownership of the material should be made with any such reproduction and
Please note that this document may be revised periodically. The latest edition will be made available at the IEEE
Standards website at no charge. The document on the IEEE Standards website is considered to be the definitive version
( For further information, contact the IEEE Standards
Department, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854-4141, USA.
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope and purpose ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Types of IEEE standards ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Standards documentation ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2. References and related documents............................................................................................................................. 4
2.1 References ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Related documents ............................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Abbreviations and acronyms ..................................................................................................................................... 5
4. IEEE SA Standards Board and committee procedures .............................................................................................. 6
4.1 IEEE SA Standards Board ................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2 Standing committees of the IEEE SA Standards Board ...................................................................................... 7
5. Standards development ............................................................................................................................................ 12
5.1 Standards Committee ......................................................................................................................................... 12
5.2 Project authorization .......................................................................................................................................... 16
5.3 Standards development meetings ...................................................................................................................... 17
5.4 Standards Association ballots ............................................................................................................................ 22
5.5 Submission of proposed standards to the IEEE SA Standards Board ................................................................ 28
5.6 Adoption ............................................................................................................................................................ 28
5.7 Trial-Use standards ............................................................................................................................................ 29
5.8 Appeals .............................................................................................................................................................. 30
6. Copyright, commercial terms and conditions, patents, and standard structure ........................................................ 35
6.1 Copyright ........................................................................................................................................................... 35
6.2 Commercial terms and conditions ..................................................................................................................... 37
6.3 Patents ............................................................................................................................................................... 38
6.4 IEEE standard document structure .................................................................................................................... 40
6.5 Open Source ...................................................................................................................................................... 41
7. Liaisons with organizations external to IEEE.......................................................................................................... 46
7.1 Liaisons from Standards Committees/Subgroups to organizations external to IEEE ........................................ 46
7.2 Liaisons from organizations external to IEEE to Standards Committees/Subgroups ........................................ 47
7.3 Review of liaison relationships .......................................................................................................................... 48
7.4 Termination of liaisons ...................................................................................................................................... 48
8. Publication ............................................................................................................................................................... 50
8.1 Standards ........................................................................................................................................................... 50
8.2 Publication of drafts .......................................................................................................................................... 51
9. Review of IEEE standards ....................................................................................................................................... 52
9.1 Revision ............................................................................................................................................................. 52
9.2 Removal from active status ............................................................................................................................... 52
10. Maintenance and modification of the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual ......................................... 53
10.1 Interpretations of the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual ............................................................ 53
IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual
1. Introduction
1.1 Scope and purpose
The organization and basic procedures of the IEEE SA Standards Board are covered by the IEEE SA Standards
Board Bylaws. The following material supplements the provisions of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws, which
shall be the prevailing document in the event of conflict. The purpose of this document is to specify the procedures
that shall be followed in the standards-development process in use within the IEEE.
1.1.1 Hierarchy
Participants engaged in the development of standards shall comply with applicable federal, state, and
international laws and regulations. In addition, for standards matters, the latest versions of several
documents take precedence over this document, in the following order:
New York State Not-for-Profit Corporation Law
IEEE Certificate of Incorporation
IEEE Constitution
IEEE Bylaws (current edition)
IEEE Policies (current edition)
IEEE Board of Directors Resolutions
IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) Operations Manual (current edition)
IEEE SA Board of Governors Resolutions
IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws (current edition)
1.2 Types of IEEE standards
IEEE standards include but are not limited to:
Lists of terms, definitions, or symbols, applicable to any field of science or technology within the scope of
the IEEE.
Expositions of scientific methods of measurement or tests of the parameters or performance of any device,
apparatus, system, or phenomenon associated with the art, science, or technology of any field within the
scope of the IEEE.
Characteristics, performance, and safety requirements associated with devices, equipment, and systems
with engineering installations.
Recommendations reflecting current state-of-the-art in the application of engineering principles to any field
of technology within the scope of the IEEE.
IEEE standards are classified as:
Standards: documents with mandatory requirements.
Recommended practices: documents in which procedures and positions preferred by the IEEE are
Guides: documents in which alternative approaches to good practice are suggested but no clear-cut
recommendations are made.
Trial-Use documents: publications in effect for not more than three years (see 5.7). They can be any of the
categories of standards publications listed above.
The IEEE standards development process may result in one or more of the following documents:
New: A document that does not replace or modify another standard.
Revision: A document that updates and replaces (i.e., supersedes) an existing IEEE standard in its entirety.
Amendment: A document that adds to, removes from, or alters material in a portion of an existing IEEE
standard and may make editorial or technical corrections to that standard.
NOTE An amendment to a standard may be prepared to maintain the state-of-the-art within the standard
due to advancing technology or techniques. An amendment facilitates the timely change of an existing
IEEE standard prior to its complete revision.
Corrigendum: A document that only corrects editorial errors, technical errors, or ambiguities in an existing
IEEE standard. A corrigendum does not introduce new material.
NOTEA typical corrigendum may contain:
Corrections to equations, tables, or figures, or their associated numbering or citations in the text
Corrections to technically incorrect sentences or paragraphs
Erratum: A document that contains only grammatical corrections to, or corrections of errors introduced
during the publishing process of, an existing IEEE standard. An erratum is based on the comparison of the
final balloted version of the standard as compared to the published version.
IEEE Standards Project Editors can assist Standards Committees in determining whether an amendment or revision
Mandatory requirements are generally characterized by use of the verb “shall,” whereas recommended practices normally use the
word “should.” See the IEEE Standards Style Manual for further information.
is appropriate.
IEEE Standards may be in one of three states of activity:
Developing: Standards projects that have not yet been approved as standards.
Active: Approved standards that have not been transferred to inactive status.
Inactive: Standards that are no longer being reviewed or assessed for accuracy, relevance to current
practices, or further applications; these standards are removed from active status (i.e., these standards are
transferred from active to inactive status). (See 9.2).
1.3 Standards documentation
All IEEE SA draft standards, meeting minutes, Standards Association ballot materials, and Standards Association
ballot comments shall be in the English language.
2. References and related documents
2.1 References
IEEE Policies (current edition).
IEEE Code of Conduct (current edition).
IEEE Finance Operations Manual (current edition).
IEEE Standards Association Operations Manual (current edition).
IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws (current edition).
IEEE SA Board of Governors Open Source Committee Operations Manual.
Guidelines Regarding Political and Legislative Activity by IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) Volunteers and
Staff (current edition).
IEEE Standards Style Manual (current edition).
Robert’s Rules of Order, Perseus Publishing (current edition).
2.2 Related documents
American National Standards Institute, ANSI Essential Requirements: Due process requirements for American
National Standards (current edition).
PAR Form.
IEEE SA Standards Board Working Guide for Submittal of Proposed Standards and Form for Submittal of Proposed
Standards. (Known as the IEEE SA Working Guide for the Submittal of Proposed Standards.)
3. Abbreviations and acronyms
AdCom: IEEE SA Standards Board Administrative Committee
ANSI: American National Standards Institute
ASC: ANSI Accredited Standards Committee
AudCom: IEEE SA Standards Board Audit Committee
IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
NesCom: IEEE SA Standards Board New Standards Committee
PAR: Project Authorization Request
PatCom: IEEE SA Standards Board Patent Committee
ProCom: IEEE SA Standards Board Procedures Committee
RevCom: IEEE SA Standards Board Standards Review Committee
SASB: IEEE SA Standards Board
SDO: Standards-Developing Organization
TC: Technical Committee
WG: Working Group
4. IEEE SA Standards Board and committee procedures
4.1 IEEE SA Standards Board
4.1.1 Transaction of business
Except as specified in the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and these procedures, business of the IEEE SA
Standards Board meeting will be conducted in accordance with the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. Agenda Regular meetings
A preliminary agenda for each regular meeting shall be prepared by the Secretary and sent to the members of the
IEEE SA Standards Board, including liaison representatives, at least two weeks prior to the meeting date. The
preliminary agenda shall also be sent to the IEEE SA Board of Governors (BOG).
A final agenda shall be presented at the time of the IEEE SA Standards Board meeting. Recommendations to the
IEEE SA Standards Board from the committees of the IEEE SA Standards Board shall be contained in an agenda
item known as a “consent agenda.” Prior to approval of the agenda, any member may request that an item on the
consent agenda be removed and considered separately as part of the agenda. Adoption of the consent agenda as
modified constitutes approval of all included items by unanimous consent. The balance of the agenda normally
includes the Chair’s report, the Secretary’s report, action items, information and discussion items, committee
reports, and new business. Special meetings
An agenda for each special meeting shall be prepared by the Secretary and sent in conjunction with the meeting
notice, to all voting members of the IEEE SA Standards Board and the IEEE SA Board of Governors; the IEEE SA
Standards Board Chair shall determine the extent to which the agenda shall be further distributed. Minutes
The minutes of each meeting of the IEEE SA Standards Board shall be distributed by the Secretary to voting
members, liaison representatives, the IEEE SA BOG, those present at the meeting, and anyone involved in an action
of the IEEE SA Standards Board within four weeks following the meeting. In reporting an official action of the
IEEE SA Standards Board, the minutes shall, on request of dissenters, contain a record of the dissenting votes. In
addition, a listing of resolutions of each meeting of the IEEE SA Standards Board shall be publicly distributed by
the Secretary within four weeks following the meeting. Project Authorization Requests (PARs)
PARs that have been submitted by Standards Committees to the Secretary of the IEEE SA Standards Board by the
established deadline shall be submitted by the Secretary to the New Standards Committee (NesCom) for review.
Notification of this distribution shall be given to all members of the IEEE SA Standards Board. (For additional
information on the procedures of NesCom, see 4.2.2.) Submittal of proposed standards
Proposed standards, together with the required documentation, that have been submitted by Standards Committees
to the Secretary of the IEEE SA Standards Board by the established deadline shall be submitted by the Secretary to
the Standards Review Committee (RevCom) for review. Notification of this distribution will be given to all
members of the IEEE SA Standards Board. (For additional information on the procedures of RevCom, see 4.2.3.) Confidentiality Statements and Copyright Notices on Communications
The IEEE SA Standards Board and its committees operate in an open manner. To that end, no material submitted to
the IEEE SA Standards Board or its committees will be accepted or considered if it contains any statement that
places any burden on the recipient(s) with respect to confidentiality or copyright. Any communication, including
electronic mail, containing language with such restrictive wording will not be accepted or considered.
It should be noted that this policy does not apply to IEEE copyrighted materials, such as draft standards, or to
materials to or from IEEE counsel appropriately classified as attorney-client privileged. In the event that copyrighted
materials are to be incorporated in an IEEE standard, an acceptable copyright release or assignment must be
obtained from the copyright owner prior to approval of the standard by the IEEE SA Standards Board.
4.1.2 Liaison representatives
The Secretary of the IEEE SA Standards Board shall circulate the following information to the liaison
representatives for review and action:
a) Each IEEE Project Authorization Request (PAR) submitted for approval. The liaison representative is
expected to review each request to see if his or her organization has a substantial interest in the project.
b) Agenda for each IEEE SA Standards Board meeting. This should be reviewed to determine if there is any
item on the agenda of substantial interest to the organization. The liaison member should be present, if
necessary, to support the interests of the organization.
c) Minutes of meetings of the IEEE SA Standards Board. This shall include action taken on PARs and draft
d) Notice of assignment of a standards project. When the IEEE SA Standards Board, on its own initiative,
agrees on the need for a standard, a request to develop the standard shall be sent to the liaison
representative of the Society having primary interest in the subject. The liaison representative is expected to
assign the project to the appropriate technical unit as a Standards Committee for the development of the
standards project.
e) Status Reports. The liaison representative shall review any sections of the project reports that may be
assigned to his or her organization and notify the Secretary of the IEEE SA Standards Board of any
corrections and revisions. The liaison representative should ensure that action is taken to revise all
standards assigned to the Society within ten years of the date of approval. The liaison representative should
monitor work being done on all standards projects and report any changes in the status of the standards to
the Secretary of the IEEE SA Standards Board.
4.2 Standing committees of the IEEE SA Standards Board
4.2.1 Procedures Committee (ProCom)
This committee shall review proposed modifications to the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual and the
IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and submit its recommendations for a vote of the IEEE SA Standards Board. It
shall hold meetings as the need requires.
Note that not all committee operations are detailed in this subclause.
This committee shall review proposed modifications to the IEEE Standards Style Manual and submit its comments
to IEEE SA Staff.
4.2.2 New Standards Committee (NesCom)
This committee shall examine Project Authorization Requests (PARs) and make recommendations to the IEEE SA
Standards Board regarding their approval. Such forms shall be reviewed in detail to make certain that all necessary
information has been properly provided.
4.2.3 Standards Review Committee (RevCom)
This committee acts in an advisory capacity to the IEEE SA Standards Board by making recommendations on the
approval or disapproval of standards submitted for IEEE SA Standards Board approval or adoption.
Approval or adoption of a standard requires a consensus of RevCom that the requirements of the procedures of
RevCom and those of the IEEE SA Standards Board have been satisfied. Specifically, this means that the final
results of the Standards Association ballot and statements submitted by balloters who participated in the
development of the standard indicate that consensus has been achieved and unresolved negative ballots have been
properly considered, together with reasons why the comments could not be resolved. RevCom agenda
A preliminary agenda for each RevCom meeting shall be prepared by the Secretary of the IEEE SA Standards Board
or a designated person and distributed to RevCom members at least 30 days
prior to a scheduled meeting of
RevCom. Included with the agenda shall be a list of all proposed standards to be presented to the IEEE SA
Standards Board for approval. At the same time the agenda, without supporting documentation, shall be sent to all
members of the IEEE SA Standards Board, liaison representatives, and other organizations and persons. The agenda
is to be sent to all persons and organizations that have expressed an interest in the standards activities of the IEEE. Review of draft standards
The RevCom Administrator shall distribute a copy of each proposed standard to the members of RevCom, together
with the submittal form and any other pertinent information, for review. An IEEE SA Standards Board member or
the liaison representative may request a copy of the proposed standard from the RevCom Administrator. RevCom
members are responsible for reviewing the documents and submitting comments to the RevCom Administrator. All
comments and objections with reasons shall be distributed by the RevCom Administrator to RevCom members and
the liaison representative of the Standards Committee.
All requests for approval of a standard shall be reviewed by RevCom to ensure that the submittal is complete and
that appropriate IEEE procedures are followed completely and correctly (see the IEEE SA Working Guide for
Submittal of Proposed Standards).
Examples of some of the points that must be carefully analyzed are given in the following paragraphs:
Title of Document. The title on the draft document and submittal form shall be within the scope as stated on
the most recently approved PAR, or action(s) shall be taken to ensure this.
Coordination. Mandatory coordination comments shall be addressed. If the Standards Committee believes
that satisfying specific mandatory coordination comments will impede the utility of the draft standard,
appropriate documentation of this position shall be presented to RevCom.
Throughout this document, the term ‘days’ shall mean calendar days.
Standards Association Ballot Summary. A ballot summary of the vote of the members of the Standards
Association balloting group is required, e.g., showing the classification of members and including
comments accompanying unresolved negative ballots. For complete details, see 5.4.1 and 5.4.3.
Standards Association Balloting Group. The Standards Association balloting group shall be formulated
according to 5.4.1.
Classification of Standards Association Balloting Group. Classification of the Standards Association
balloting group shall be in accordance with 5.4.1.
Standards Association Ballot Comment Responses. All Standards Association ballot comments shall
receive consideration and response in accordance with 5.4.3. Standards Committee representation at RevCom
At the suggestion of the Secretary, the Standards Committee may send a representative to the RevCom meeting at
which a proposed standard having unresolved negative comments is to be reviewed. The Secretary shall ensure that
the representative receives a copy of all comments, objections, and negative RevCom votes with reasons. The
Standards Committee representative shall be given an opportunity to discuss them at the meeting. Proponents and objectors to actions before RevCom
Proponents and objectors to actions before RevCom may attend meetings to present their views. When negative
comments are received in advance from RevCom members, the Standards Committee shall be invited to send a
representative(s) to the RevCom meeting to answer questions and help resolve issues. Dissenting opinions
At the request of any member of RevCom, a recommendation may be accompanied by a statement in disagreement
with the recommendation. While there seldom is a “minority” position, the IEEE SA Standards Board shall be
informed of significant controversies.
4.2.4 Audit Committee (AudCom)
This committee shall make routine reviews and inspections to assure that each standards-developing entity, through
its Standards Committee and Working Group policies and procedures (P & P), is adhering to the procedures
described in the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual. It will
make recommendations as appropriate to advise the standards-developing entities of changes that are needed. The
committee shall periodically issue reports when requested by the IEEE SA Standards Board, summarizing its
findings and making recommendations as appropriate for Standards Board action.
The committee shall develop sets of basic Standards Committee and Working Group operating procedures for
standards development and shall use such operating procedures as a baseline when performing audits of P & P. AudCom review of Standards Committee P & P
AudCom recommends to the IEEE SA Standards Board the following actions concerning IEEE SA Standards
Committee P & P:
Not accepted
Visibly under development
A Standards Committee's P & P shall be determined by AudCom to be visibly under development or accepted by
AudCom before performance of any standards work (including but not limited to: PAR actions, Standards
Association ballot actions, etc.) by that Standards Committee is authorized by the IEEE SA Standards Board to
After a Standards Committee's P & P have been submitted to AudCom and an AudCom member is assigned as
mentor to review the document, the P & P may be determined by AudCom to be visibly under development. The P
& P will remain in such a state until AudCom is either satisfied that they are complete and acceptable or that the
Standards Committee is no longer responsive to AudCom and that the P & P are not acceptable.
AudCom will ensure that each standards-developing group has based its P & P on the appropriate baseline
procedures (e.g., individual, entity, etc.) available from the IEEE SA.
Standards Committee P & P shall be subject to review by AudCom every five years to ensure currency. However, if
a Standards Committee revises its P & P prior to its next scheduled AudCom review, the Standards Committee shall
immediately submit its revised P & P to AudCom for review and acceptance.
The Standards Committee P & P document accepted by AudCom shall be the official policies of that Standards
Committee and shall reside online on the IEEE SA Standards Board AudCom website. No other copy shall be
designated as the official copy. Links to the IEEE SA Standards Board AudCom website are encouraged. AudCom review of Working Group P & P
It is the responsibility of the Standards Committee (see 5.1.2) to approve the P & P of its working groups involved
in the technical development work of a standard. However, at any time, AudCom may select a working group on
which to conduct a WG P & P audit, from the various working groups that the Standards Committee has active at
the time. At least one of a Standards Committee’s WG P & P shall be subject to review by AudCom every five years
to ensure currency. AudCom will conduct the review based on comparison to the then-current baseline WG P & P
available from IEEE SA.
AudCom will review the WG P & P of the selected working group and, if no issues are found, will report this to the
IEEE SA Standard Board. If issues are identified with the selected WG P & P, AudCom will suggest revisions.
AudCom may also require review of additional WG P & P of other working groups for the Standards Committee. If
issues are not resolved in a reasonable time, or significant issues are found among the WG P & P of several working
groups, AudCom may recommend to the IEEE SA Standards Board that the Standards Committee’s Working Group
P & P be considered “not accepted”, and that the Standards Committee’s standards development activities be
stopped. If issues exist but progress is being made, AudCom may recommend to the IEEE SA Standards Board that
the Standards Committee’s Working Group P & P be considered “visibly under development”.
Stopping of standards development activities includes PAR submissions, Standards Association ballot activities, etc.
4.2.5 Patent Committee (PatCom)
This committee reviews patent letters of assurance and other patent information submitted to the IEEE Standards
Department. It examines issues brought to its attention regarding IEEE Standards development and patents, and
makes recommendations as appropriate.
4.2.6 Continuous processing of IEEE SA Standards Board and committee agenda items
In order to reduce the time involved in standards development, the IEEE SA Standards Board and its committees
may use continuous processing through electronic technologies to consider appropriate agenda items. Each agenda
item to be considered under this methodology shall be carefully appraised as to its suitability for this process. The
IEEE SA Standards Board and its committees should establish means for continuous processing according to their
unique needs. These methods are publicly available by contacting the Secretary of the IEEE SA Standards Board.
Any votes taken by the IEEE SA Standards Board during continuous processing are subject to the provisions stated
in subclause 5.1 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws.
5. Standards development
5.1 Standards Committee
Standards Committees are defined in subclause 5.2.2 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws.
5.1.1 Responsibilities of the Standards Committee
The Standards Committee shall be responsible for the development and coordination of the standards project, and
for supervising the standards project from inception to completion. The Standards Committee also shall be
responsible for the maintenance of standards after their approval by the IEEE SA Standards Board. As part of this
responsibility, each Standards Committee shall operate in accordance with a written set of policies and procedures
(P & P) that have been accepted by the IEEE SA Standards Board. Such P & P shall not be in conflict with the IEEE
SA Standards Board Operations Manual. Standards Committees should note that there are model operating
procedures (e.g., individual, entity, etc.) available for use by the Standards Committee. All Standards Committee
Officers shall successfully complete all training as required by the IEEE SA Standards Board for Standards
Committee Officers or as assigned.
If a Standards Committee’s P & P has been in force for five years and the Standards Committee determines that its
standards activities should remain active, the Standards Committee shall submit its P & P, or an extension request, to
the AudCom Administrator. AudCom will make a recommendation to the IEEE SA Standards Board whether or not
to accept its P & P or the extension. An extension request may be granted for one or more years.
If the Standards Committee does not submit its Standards Committee P & P or an extension request, and the P & P
has reached the deadline authorized in the P & P approval letter or a previous extension approval letter, the
Standards Committee P & P shall be subject to administrative withdrawal.
In the case of a Standards Committee that is a committee of an IEEE Society, the Society may develop a common
set of P & P for standards development that is applicable to all Standards Committees in that Society. Individual
Standards Committees within the Society may have specific P & Ps in addition, but these shall not be in conflict
with the Society P & P. The P & P for the Standards Committee shall define the process by which the Standards
Committee handles appeals (see subclause 5.4 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and 5.8).
5.1.2 Duties of the Standards Committee Mandatory requirements
Supervision of a standards project by the Standards Committee includes the following mandatory requirements:
a) Submit a properly completed Project Authorization Request (PAR) for IEEE SA Standards Board approval
within six months of the first decision to initiate the project. Forms and information may be obtained from
the NesCom Administrator (see 5.2).
b) After approval of the project, work with the IEEE Standards Department Staff to give notice of the project
in appropriate publications and to appropriate entities, for the purpose of soliciting an expression of interest
in the work of the Standards Committee.
c) Ensure that mandatory coordination requirements are accomplished (see and 5.4.4).
d) Organize the technical development work on the standard.
e) Access and use IEEE’s data, including personal data, from IEEE systems for the purposes intended,
including to support the technical development work on the standard, and only in compliance with IEEE or
IEEE SA Privacy and data privacy policies.
f) Notify persons who have expressed interest in the time and the place of meetings as specified in the P & P
of the Standards Committee (see 5.1.1).
g) Ensure that all meetings involving standards are open to all interested parties.
h) Ensure that the provision regarding the participant behavior slide set (see 5.3.3), the IEEE SA Copyright
slide (see 6.1), and a call for patents in accordance with 6.3.2, are followed for all meetings involving
i) Conduct the Standards Association ballot and IEEE Public Review in accordance with these procedures
(see 5.4).
j) Submit the proposed standard together with the submittal form to the IEEE SA Standards Board.
k) Submit annually to IEEE SA Staff an electronic list of persons participating in standards projects during the
prior year.
l) Without exception, the Standards Committee shall ensure the submission of an annual financial report(s)
for the operation of the Standards Committee and all of its standards development subgroups (e.g., working
groups, task groups). Those groups operating without treasury are required to submit an annual declaration
thereof via the report (see 5.3.6).
m) Monitor standards developing committees and duly authorized IEEE SA activities for signs of dominance
by any single interest category, individual(s), or organization(s). If dominance is suspected, the Standards
Committee shall immediately notify the Secretary of the IEEE SA Standards Board of the suspected
dominance and may recommend corrective action(s) to the IEEE SA Standards Board beyond the default
corrective action noted in IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws subclause
n) If a Working Group (WG) was created for technical development work on a standard, ensure that a written
set of WG policies and procedures (P & P) is created and approved by the Standards Committee. Such P &
P shall not be in conflict with the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual. Standards Committees
should note that IEEE SA Standards Board maintains a baseline WG P & P, and may occasionally request
to review a Standards Committee’s WG P & P for alignment.
o) Ensure that all Working Group Officers have successfully completed all training as required by the IEEE
SA Standards Board for Working Group Officers or as assigned.
p) Upon request, provide the IEEE Standards Association Program Manager with full access to
i. All documents related to IEEE standards development activities including, but not limited to,
the following:
Meeting minutes
Meeting agendas
Membership roster(s) and/or participant list(s) as described in the working group policies
and procedures
All Work Products, Contributions and/or presentations as defined in the IEEE SA
Copyright Policy (see IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws, clause 7)
Communications including, but not limited to, communications by the standards
development group for the review of the draft and communications to external bodies
Appeals, dominance complaints, and other related materials
ii. IEEE and non-IEEE document repositories used to store all documents related to IEEE standards
development activities including, but not limited to, IEEE offered eTools and document storage tools
iii. Email distribution lists including, but not limited to, IEEE ListServ and email aliases
iv. Tools used by the standards development group not listed above
The time frame required for providing the requested information and/or access based on the requirements
listed above shall be 20 days from the date of the request from the IEEE Standards Association Program
Manager. Failure to respond may be cause for suspension of standards activities. Joint development projects
For projects that are jointly developed by IEEE Standards Committees, a primary Standards Committee and other
Standards Committees shall be indicated on the PAR; project oversight will be performed using the P & P of the
primary Standards Committee.
After a PAR has been approved, the addition/deletion of a Standards Committee or a change of the primary
Standards Committee requires the submission of a Modified PAR. Any Standards Committee may withdraw from
the project at any time without unanimous approval of the project’s other Standards Committees prior to submission
of the Modified PAR. A change to the primary Standards Committee requires the unanimous approval of the
project’s Standards Committees prior to submission of the Modified PAR.
Unanimous approval of the project’s Standards Committees is required in order to withdraw a joint development
Requests to update a jointly developed document via an amendment or corrigendum shall be submitted to the
primary Standards Committee; the primary Standards Committee is required to seek concurrence of all other joint
development Standards Committees in the decision of whether or not to submit a PAR to address a requested update.
In addition to Working Group members, the administrative committee (AdCom) or the executive committee
(ExCom) of each joint development Standards Committee shall have access to pre-Standards Association-ballot
drafts. Disclosure of affiliation
The Standards Committee is responsible for ensuring that participants are notified of their obligation to disclose their
affiliation(s), which includes employer(s) and any other affiliation(s). Each participant’s affiliation(s) shall be
disclosed during any standards development activity (e.g., during meetings and Standards Association balloting).
During standards development meetings, the Working Group Chair or the Chair's delegate shall inform participants
of the definition of, and requirement for, disclosure of affiliation(s) and possible penalties for non-compliance (see of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws). This disclosure of affiliation shall be via a sign-in (e.g., sign-in
sheet, electronic sign-in, verbal disclosure, or electronic communication) that provides for disclosure of
affiliation(s). The minutes of each Working Group or other subgroup meeting shall record a list of participants in the
meeting, and the disclosed affiliation(s) of each participant.
Whenever an individual is aware that the ownership of his or her affiliation(s) may be material to the process, or
when the Standards Committee or the IEEE SA Standards Board requests, that individual shall also declare the
"ultimate parent entity" of their affiliation(s). The ultimate parent entity is an entity that directly or indirectly,
through one or more intermediaries, controls the entity identified as the individual's affiliation. For the purposes of
this definition, the term "control" and its derivatives, with respect to for-profit entities, means the legal, beneficial or
equitable ownership, directly or indirectly, of more than fifty percent (50%) of the capital stock (or other ownership
interest, if not a corporation) of an entity ordinarily having voting rights. "Control" and its derivatives, with respect
to nonprofit entities, means the power to elect or appoint more than fifty percent (50%) of the Board of Directors of
an entity. Nondisclosure and false or misleading disclosure
A participant who fails to disclose all affiliation(s) shall not accrue any participant rights, including rights of or
towards voting membership or ballot participation, until such disclosures have been made. Failure to disclose
affiliation(s), or materially false or misleading disclosure of affiliation, shall result in loss of membership or
balloting privileges, and may also result in loss of other participation privileges within the IEEE SA for such
participants and any affiliated entities.
The Working Group should review the adequacy of disclosures. If a Working Group Chair becomes aware of a
participant who provides potentially false or misleading disclosure, the participant shall be notified and requested to clarify the
disputed affiliation. If the participant continues to provide potentially false or misleading disclosure, or fails to
provide the requested clarification, the Working Group Chair shall notify the Standards Committee.
The Standards Committee of the project shall, when notified by the Working Group Chair or when appropriate,
review the adequacy of disclosures. If the Standards Committee deems the disputed affiliation inadequate, then the
participant shall be notified that, unless addressed, the Standards Committee will submit the disputed affiliation and
recommended corrective action(s) to the Secretary of the IEEE SA Standards Board for review by the IEEE SA
Standards Conduct Committee.
During Standards Association balloting, if a potentially false or misleading disclosure of affiliation is identified, the
Standards Committee, Working Group Chair, or ballot designee shall notify the participant in the Standards
Association ballot and request that the participant clarify the disputed affiliation. If the participant continues to
provide potentially false or misleading disclosure, or fails to provide the requested clarification, the Standards
Committee, Working Group Chair, or ballot designee shall submit the disputed affiliation and corrective action(s)
recommended by the Standards Committee to the Secretary of the IEEE SA Standards Board for review by the IEEE
SA Standards Conduct Committee (see subclause 6.6.1 of the IEEE Standards Association Operations Manual for
details regarding the IEEE SA Standards Conduct Committee).
5.1.3 Statements to external bodies, and political and legislative activity
Each Standards Committee shall have policies and procedures in place concerning the creation and handling of
public statements prior to sending any such statements in any format to any body other than the IEEE Standards
Association. These procedures should state a means for developing and approving Standards Committee statements
and a methodology for presentation of those statements. These procedures shall also conform both to the rules in
Section 15 of the IEEE Policies and to the IEEE SA procedures as administered by the IEEE SA Board of
Governors (BOG) and set forth in subclause 6.5 of the IEEE Standards Association Operations Manual.
Each statement shall clearly identify the group creating this statement in its opening paragraph, and shall include in
that paragraph, or a footnote thereto, the exact sentence that “this document solely represents the views of name of
group and does not necessarily represent a position of either the IEEE or the IEEE Standards Association.” If the
public statement addresses safety, that statement shall be reviewed and approved in writing by IEEE legal counsel
prior to issuance.
Upon issuance of all such public statements, electronic copies shall be sent to the Secretary of the IEEE SA
Standards Board and to the Secretary of the IEEE SA BOG.
If the Standards Committee wants to issue an entity position statement on standards that represents the viewpoint of
the IEEE Standards Association, the rules in the IEEE Standards Association Operations Manual shall be followed.
Approval from the IEEE SA BOG shall be obtained prior to a Standards Committee requesting another IEEE entity
(as defined in Section 15 of the IEEE Policies) to offer a position statement on a standards matter.
IEEE SA volunteers and participants in IEEE standards activities are not permitted to state or in any way imply that
they represent IEEE or IEEE SA in any public statements or political and legislative activity, including lobbying,
unless authorized to do so. Volunteers shall comply with the Guidelines Regarding Political and Legislative Activity
by IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) Volunteers and Staff.
5.1.4 Standards publicity Press releases
Standards Committees are encouraged to prepare press releases to promote their activities. IEEE Standards staff is
available to assist in the preparation of press releases.
Copies of all press releases developed by Standards Committees shall be submitted to the Secretary of the IEEE SA
Standards Board. Copies may be supplied electronically. If the press release has been made available on a public
website, the URL shall be supplied as well. Press releases may be made available on the IEEE Standards website, or
links to existing websites may be provided to aid users in locating appropriate standards press releases. Other forms of publicity
Standards Committees are encouraged to use all means possible to promote their standards and standards activity.
IEEE Standards staff is available to assist in standards promotion.
Copies of any articles from Standards Committees concerning an IEEE standards activity submitted to publications
shall be submitted to the Secretary of the IEEE SA Standards Board. Copies may be supplied electronically. If the
article has been made available on a public website, the URL shall be supplied as well. Articles may be made
available on the IEEE Standards website, or links to existing websites may be provided to aid users in locating
appropriate standards promotional material.
5.2 Project authorization
No formal activity shall take place after six months from the day of the first meeting of the Working Group or PAR
Study Group without formal submittal of a PAR to the IEEE SA Standards Board and assignment of a project
number, unless a single extension of six months for that activity is provided by the Standards Committee (see 5.1.2).
The Standards Committee shall include a rationale in its meeting minutes when granting the extension. A PAR
Study Group is a subgroup of the Standards Committee or Working Group that is responsible for evaluating whether
a standard should be developed and, if so, to complete a PAR form for Standards Committee consideration. Only the
NesCom Administrator has the authority to assign project numbers (see the IEEE SA Project Numbering Policy).
The Standards Committee shall submit the original signed copy of the PAR to the NesCom Administrator. This
original PAR shall be submitted prior to the submittal deadline specified. For the first three quarterly meetings of the
year, the submittal deadline shall be at least 40 days before the meeting of the IEEE SA Standards Board. For the
last quarterly meeting of the year, the submittal deadline shall be at least 50 days before the meeting of the IEEE SA
Standards Board.
The individual signing the PAR shall be an IEEE SA member.
At the time of PAR submission, the Standards Committee shall state the type of Standards Association balloting
group that will be formed to ballot the standard (see 5.4.1).
Any PAR that includes a change of the Standards Committee shall be submitted to the NesCom Administrator,
accompanied by letters of agreement from both the Standards Committee ceding responsibility and the Standards
Committee accepting responsibility.
After the PAR has been approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board, the PAR form becomes an important part of the
project file for the standard and is referred to at the time that a standard is submitted for IEEE SA Standards Board
approval. It is important for standards-writing committees to examine the approved PAR periodically in order to
make certain that its information is current as shown on the form. This will minimize delays in obtaining approval of
final submittals.
For standards and their amendments that may be submitted to international standards-developing organizations, the
project chair should supply a coordination plan to the IEEE SA Standards Board during the draft development of the
standard that will illustrate the plan they will follow to coordinate the necessary multiple approvals.
If a standards project has not been completed by the four-year deadline authorized in the PAR and the Standards
Committee determines that the project should remain active, the Standards Committee shall complete the IEEE SA
Standards Board Extension Request Form and submit it to the NesCom Administrator. NesCom will make a
recommendation to the IEEE SA Standards Board whether or not to approve the extension to the PAR. A PAR
extension may be granted for one or more years.
If the Standards Committee does not submit an IEEE SA Standards Board Extension Request Form and the
standards project has reached the deadline authorized in the PAR approval letter or a previous extension approval
letter, the standards project shall be subject to administrative withdrawal.
5.3 Standards development meetings
5.3.1 Objective
The objective of IEEE standards development meetings is to develop and produce IEEE standards documents. All
participants in IEEE standards development meetings are encouraged to produce standards that address the technical
needs of their industry and that are feasible, timely, and of high quality.
5.3.2 Standards Committees
Standards Committees are responsible for managing and hosting meetings whose purpose is to facilitate
development of IEEE Standards. These series of meetings operate on a break-even basis and are not operated to
generate a profit in the long term. The following subclauses specifically address this additional role of managing and
hosting standards development meetings.
5.3.3 Standards development meetings
Standards development meetings are to be conducted consistent with the principles of fairness and openness, and
without dominance.
The IEEE SA Individual method or Entity method participant behavior slide set, as applicable, shall be either
presented at the beginning of every IEEE SA standards development meeting or distributed prior to the meeting
along with the meeting agenda. If the slides are distributed with the meeting agenda, all meeting participants shall be
informed at the beginning of the meeting that participant behavior shall comply with the outlined requirements. The
presentation of the slides or the notice to meeting participants shall be documented in the minutes of the meeting.
Participants in a Working Group may include members and non-members when the requirements to gain
membership are specified in Standards Committee or Working Group P & P. A 'meeting' includes any convening for
which notice was required to be given or for which membership-credits or other participation rights are either earned
or exercised. Meetings may be in-person or may be via electronic means, as appropriate.
While a Working Group may maintain its own list of participants to track membership status, the authoritative list of
participants is maintained in an IEEE SA database. Each participant shall use a single IEEE Account [e.g., an
account associated with a single SA participant identification number (PIN) within the myProject system] for voting
in IEEE SA activities, participation in standards development, and to maintain their information in the database. If
the participant is an IEEE or IEEE SA member, the account shall be the one that reflects that membership. Only
those authorized to access and use IEEE’s data, including personal data, from IEEE systems are permitted to do so,
for the purposes intended, including to support the technical development work on the standard, and only in
compliance with IEEE or IEEE SA Privacy and data privacy policies. Job recruiting
Job recruiting at IEEE Standards meetings is inappropriate and is actively discouraged. However, posting of notices
of job opportunities by employers and of notices of jobs sought may be permitted at IEEE Standards meetings only
if approved by the Standards Committee. Recordings of the proceedings of standards development meetings
IEEE SA applies restrictions on recording the proceedings of IEEE standards development meetings. Restrictions
include, but are not limited to, the usage of audio recording, video recording, and photography by participants or
An officer of the Working Group or one of its subgroups, unless prohibited by the P & P of the Standards
Committee or Working Group, is permitted to record, via either audio or slideshow recording only, the proceedings
of an IEEE standards development meeting for which he or she is responsible. Recording of the proceedings by any
other participant or observer, in part or in whole, via any means, is prohibited.
The Working Group or subgroup officer shall use the recording exclusively for the purpose of generating minutes.
The officer shall not copy or further distribute the recording. Once the meeting minutes have been prepared, the
officer shall delete the recording.
Any IEEE standards development meeting may be recorded for preparation of the meeting minutes as described
above. If recording is expected to occur, the following steps shall be taken:
The intent to record for preparation of the meeting minutes shall be noted on the distributed agenda.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Chair or designee shall announce the intent to record the meeting and
shall notify participants that remaining in the meeting is an agreement to be recorded.
The fact of the announcement to record the meeting shall be included in the meeting minutes. Press attendance
Normally, individuals from the press are not encouraged to attend standards meetings. If the press is in attendance,
the chair should announce press attendance. Normal meeting fees are not expected to be waived for the press. Commercial activities
Exhibits of vendor products, distribution of literature, sales presentations, and similar activities are discouraged at
standards meetings as they detract from and compete with the normal standards development process.
5.3.4 [Placeholder]
5.3.5 Meeting expenses
A Standards Committee or Working Group may choose to set a meeting fee as a means of offsetting the costs of
meeting administration, logistics, and other similar costs of IEEE standards development meetings.
The Standards Committee or Working Group assumes the entire risk of deficit; i.e., if a deficit is incurred in the
operation of a meeting, that deficit is chargeable against the Standards Committee or Working Group, as
appropriate. Conversely, if a surplus results from the operation, the surplus will be credited to the Standards
Committee or Working Group, as appropriate. Taxes on meeting expenses
Standards Committees or Working Groups shall collect as a part of standards development meeting fees any
applicable indirect and direct tax payments for the meetings. The Standards Committee or Working Group shall
coordinate with IEEE SA to determine applicable taxes to include in registration fees for remittance to appropriate
tax authorities. The relevant tax payments shall be covered by funds in the Standards Committee or Working Group
Concentration Banking Account.
5.3.6 Annual financial report
All Standards Committees shall ensure the annual certification of detailed financial activity via the IEEE SA online
financial reporting tool. The report is due by 15 February of each year for the previous fiscal year’s activity. Failure
to submit this report shall result in action from the IEEE SA Standards Board. Categorization of financial
transactions shall be completed within 30 days of the end of each fiscal quarter (March, June, September, and
December) and shall be considered delinquent if not submitted by that time. If two deadlines in one fiscal year are
missed, the non-compliant group shall then be required to enter financial transactions on a monthly basis through the
end of the following year. If missed deadlines continue, any of the following actions may be taken by the SASB:
Removal of the Treasurer
Removal of the Officers
Suspension of all activities of the non-compliant group until the report is filed and accepted as complete
5.3.7 Bank accounts
All Standards Committees and Working Groups that have or intend to have bank accounts shall use the banking
services provided by the IEEE Treasury Department as their only bank account. It is the policy of the IEEE that all
bank accounts provide for the signatures of at least two volunteers (who shall be IEEE Member grade or higher in
good standing).
Bank accounts shall be closed six months after the standards development activity has ceased and if further projects
are not planned. Closing bank statement(s) shall be submitted to the IEEE SA BOG and the relevant IEEE Society
with the final budget report.
In the event that a Working Group’s treasury goes into deficit, the Working Group’s Standards Committee is
ultimately responsible for that deficit.
5.3.8 Auditing of finances
All Standards Committees and Working Groups with actual income or expenses of US $250,000 or more per year
shall be audited by a fully qualified, independent professional auditor. The Standards Committee or Working Group
may select an outside accounting firm, another fully qualified resource, or the IEEE Internal Audit Department to
arrange for and perform the audit. The selection of such auditors should avoid any conflict of interest with members
of the relevant Standards Committee and Working Group. If the IEEE Internal Audit Department is selected to
provide the auditing service, all required documentation is due no later than 15 March. If prepared by an
independent auditor, the contract/MOU for their services is due to the IEEE Internal Audit Department by 15 March;
the final and complete audit report shall be submitted to the IEEE Internal Audit Department by 30 April.
Standards Committees or Working Groups with more than US $25,000 but less than US $250,000 in income or
expenses per year may be audited. The IEEE Internal Audit Department is responsible for scheduling and arranging
for the audits of these Standards activities. For those Standards Committees or Working Groups not scheduled for an
Internal Audit review in a given year, an informal review should be conducted by a committee composed of
individuals who have no direct or indirect responsibility for the financial transactions of the Standards Committee or
Working Group.
All audit fees, as determined by the IEEE Internal Audit Department, shall be incorporated in the budgets of
Standards Committees or Working Groups and displayed as a separate line on budget reports.
The IEEE Internal Audit staff shall assure that committee financials are audited in accordance with the guidelines
developed for this purpose.
5.3.9 Closings
All Standards Committees shall complete the following tasks within six months of cessation of the IEEE standards
development activities:
Distribute any surplus as directed by the IEEE SA BOG;
Complete final financial reports;
Complete the audit, if required.
Many of these tasks are required by United States Internal Revenue Service regulations and by the audit process.
Documentation concerning these tasks shall be reviewed by the IEEE SA BOG and the relevant IEEE Society,
where applicable.
All Working Groups shall complete the following tasks within six months of cessation of the IEEE standards
development activities:
Complete final financial reports;
Complete the audit, if required.
Responsibility for the maintenance of the bank account assets will default to the Standards Committee under which
the Working Group was formed.
5.3.10 Legal compliance and other issues Compliance with laws
All IEEE SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and
competition laws. In the course of IEEE standards development, participants shall not engage in fixing product
prices, allocating customers, dividing sales markets, or other conduct that violates antitrust or competition laws. Discussion of litigation, patents, and licensing
No discussions or other communications regarding the following topics shall occur during IEEE SA working group
standards-development meetings or other duly authorized IEEE SA standards-development technical activities:
The status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation
The essentiality, interpretation, or validity of patent claims
Specific patent license terms or other intellectual property rights, other than distribution of Accepted
Letters of Assurance as permitted under the IEEE SA patent policy (see 6.2 of the IEEE SA Standards
Board Bylaws) Discussion of relative cost/benefit analyses
When comparing different technical approaches in IEEE SA standards development technical activities, participants
may discuss the relative costs (in terms, for example, of percentage increases or decreases) of different proposed
technical approaches in comparison with the relative technical performance increases or decreases of those
proposals. The relative costs may include any potentially Essential Patent Claims, but not the price at which
compliant products may or will be sold. Technical considerations should be the main focus of discussions in IEEE
SA standards development technical activities.
5.3.11 Naming meetings and use of IEEE logo
This policy applies to naming all Standards Committee activities.
The meeting title shall include “IEEE” for identification purposes.
The name of a meeting shall be used in all publicity and all related material pertaining to the meeting,
including electronic mail.
Standards Committee activities shall have the IEEE logo on all promotional material and publications.
5.3.12 Contracting
IEEE Standards meetings may require contracts for various services. These services include but are not limited to
hotel services and meeting management services.
The Standards Committee or designee shall review all contracts connected with running a meeting. Contracts are
subject to limitations as defined in IEEE Policy 12.6 and subclause 5.1.3 of the IEEE Standards Association
Operations Manual.
All meeting contracts shall be maintained in a readily accessible database at the IEEE Strategic Sourcing
Department. The Standards Committee chair or Working Group chair is required to process any contracts or other
financial obligations through the IEEE contract execution process, as outlined in the IEEE Finance Operations
Manual (FOM.8), in collaboration with their IEEE SA Program Manager.
Competitive bidding procedures shall be used whenever practical and in accordance with the process outlined in the
IEEE Finance Operations Manual (FOM.8E). Signing authority for these contracts shall be based on the IEEE
Expenditure Authorization that is maintained by the IEEE Controller’s Office.
5.3.13 Insurance
All Standards Committees with annual meeting budgets or expenses for the IEEE of US $25,000 or greater are
responsible for obtaining necessary insurance coverage for their meetings if this is not covered in established
contracts with meeting facilities. The IEEE can provide such coverage as stipulated in the IEEE Financial
Operations Manual.
5.3.14 Tax liability
The IEEE is a non-profit organization, incorporated in New York State, USA. IEEE holds standards meetings
throughout the world, and the legal and tax requirements can vary greatly for each site. In the United States, the
IEEE is exempt from paying income taxes and is also exempt from paying sales taxes on purchases in some states.
Some states require sales taxes to be collected on-site for sales of books and other items. Order taking can be done
without consideration of sales taxes.
Outside of the USA, there are other sales taxes that may be required to be collected at IEEE Standards meetings for
on-site sales, such as Value Added Tax (VAT) and the Goods & Services Tax (GST) in Canada. It may be required
to collect such taxes on meeting fees. There are also exemptions from paying VAT and GST and the rules are unique
by country. In most countries, but not all, the IEEE is exempt from paying income taxes.
Because the laws and requirements of each country, state and province vary, it is very important that each Standards
Committee contact the IEEE Tax Compliance Office ( to find out the specific legal and tax
requirements to operate at their site. This must be done very early in the planning stages of the conference; if
planned properly, large savings may result.
Financial support by industry of IEEE SA Standards meetings and events is acceptable. All such support shall not
violate the not-for-profit status of the IEEE.
5.4 Standards Association ballots
A Standards Association balloting group shall be one of the following:
Individuals with voting privileges
Persons with voting privileges who are of any category other than individual
All Standards Association ballots shall be conducted by the IEEE Standards Balloting Center.
All Standards Association ballots shall be conducted by electronic means.
IEEE SA shall maintain a single authoritative database for the list of members of the Standards Association balloting
group. A request for a Standards Association balloting group membership list shall be submitted to the Standards
Committee Chair. The Standards Committee Chair shall then forward such request to the IEEE SA Program
Manager for that Standards Committee. The IEEE SA Program Manager shall fulfill the request if the standard has
been approved or upon its approval. For individual-based balloting, the supplied membership list shall consist of
each member’s name, affiliation, and interest category. For entity-based balloting, the supplied membership list shall
consist of each entity’s name, the entity’s designated primary voting representative (and, if designated, the alternate
voting representative), entity affiliation, and entity interest category.
5.4.1 Balloting group
The balloting group shall meet the criteria in subclause of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws. Balloting
group members have an obligation to respond during the balloting period; failure to return a ballot may disqualify
the balloter from participation in future Standards Association balloting groups. The balloting group shall provide
for the development of consensus by all interests significantly affected by the scope of the standard. This is achieved
through a balance of such interests in the balloting group membership. Balance is achieved by not permitting any
single interest category to comprise more than one-third of the Standards Association balloting group.
No balloter shall have more than one vote.
Balloters are required to classify their relationship to the balloting group relative to the scope of standards activity
(for example, producer, user, and general interest). Where appropriate, additional classifications, such as “testing
laboratory” or “academic,” may be added by the Standards Committee. This decision should be based on the effect
the standard may have on participants not already recognized by the primary classifications. Individuals classify
themselves based on their technical background, which may be related to their employment, job functions, or
experience. IEEE SA entity balloters are classified based on their entity interest as it relates to the scope of the
standards project (for example, producer, consumer, general interest). No single classification (interest category) is
permitted to constitute more than one-third of the Standards Association balloting group membership. Care shall be
taken to ensure that all classes of interest are represented to the extent possible.
It is desirable to have representation of the materially interested and affected parties when reviewing the balance of
the balloting group. Standards Committees shall ensure balance prior to conducting a Standards Association ballot.
Balloting groups of individuals should have at least 10 members to ensure adequate balance.
Interested or affected persons who pay the appropriate fees associated with voting privileges may join the Standards
Association balloting group for a specific standards project. Once the ballot has begun, the balloting group is closed
to additional participants. Even if IEEE SA membership status changes during the balloting period or recirculation
period, there shall be no change to the voting status of the balloter with respect to that ballot. Balloting group made of entities
Several distinct rules apply to Standards Association ballots by entities. For each Standards Association balloting
group, each such entity shall name one primary voting representative and, at the entity’s option, one alternate voting
representative to the Standards Committee. Only a ballot from one of these representatives shall be accepted. If
ballots are received from other parties, they shall not be counted; if ballots are received from both the primary voting
representative and the alternate voting representative, only the vote from the primary voting representative shall be
Each primary and alternate voting representative can ballot for only one entity; no one representative can represent
the interests of more than one entity. Each representative shall declare what entity he or she represents and that their
voting shall be independent of any other entity.
In order to be a voting member in a particular Standards Association ballot, each entity’s representative shall declare
that the interests of that entity are not knowingly represented by another member of the Standards Association
balloting group and that the entity is not knowingly funding directly or indirectly the participation of another person
in that Standards Association ballot for the purposes of influencing the outcome of the vote. Any entity
representative who cannot make such a declaration shall not be able to be a voting member in that particular
Standards Association ballot.
It is desirable to have representation of the materially interested and affected parties when reviewing the balance of
the balloting group. Standards Committees shall ensure balance prior to conducting a Standards Association ballot.
Balloting groups shall have at least five members to ensure adequate balance.
In the event that, through merger or acquisition or other similar event, an entity member of the IEEE SA has its
assets totally or substantially transferred to another entity, membership in the Standards Association balloting group
may be transferred to the new entity, provided that the new entity is not already a member of the Standards
Association balloting group.
5.4.2 Ballot invitations
Standards Association balloting groups shall be formed by means of ballot invitations conducted by the IEEE
Standards Balloting Center. A ballot invitation is sent to all parties known by the Standards Committee to be
interested in the subject matter of the proposed standard. Information about Standards Association ballot invitations
shall also be made available at the IEEE Standards website to allow additional interested parties the opportunity to
Ballot invitations shall remain open for a period of no less than 15 days. Those who respond affirmatively to the
invitation during the period in which the ballot invitation is open and who otherwise fulfill the criteria in both
subclause of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and 5.4.1 shall become members of the Standards
Association balloting group for that proposed standard. If a ballot does not open within 6 months of the initial
invitation close date, the ballot group will be considered invalid and the Standards Committee shall conduct a new
invitation. Once the Standards Association ballot has begun, no changes shall be made to the membership of the
balloting group.
5.4.3 Conduct of the standards balloting process
When a proposed standard is ready for Standards Association balloting, balloting shall be conducted by the
Standards Committee or designee via the IEEE Standards Association balloting tools. The standards balloting
process consists of Standards Association balloting group members casting votes, with or without accompanying
comments, in one or more successive ballots until completion of the standards balloting process. Standards
Association balloting group members shall submit votes and comments in a manner and in a format compatible with
approved IEEE Standards Association balloting tools. Comments may be submitted against any normative or
informative content of the ballot document, except for the Notice to Users section and the list of members of the
Standards Association balloting group.
The Standards Committee shall ensure that comment resolution occurs via a comment resolution group, which is a
subgroup of the working group.
The ballot process may include communication among the Standards Committee’s comment resolution group and
Standards Association balloting group members regarding the substantive merits and possible resolution of
comments. However, no comment resolution member, Standards Association balloting group member, or other
participant in IEEE standards development shall intimidate or coerce a specific vote from any Standards Association
balloting group member. Ballot term
Each ballot in the standards balloting process shall close at 23:59 UTC-12
on the closing date specified on the
ballot. The length of the ballot and associated recirculations is set by the Standards Committee. The initial ballot
term shall be at least 30 days in duration. The recirculation ballot term shall be at least 10 days in duration.
The Standards Committee shall assess the return rate of the first ballot, where the return is the ratio of the sum of
Standards Association balloting group members’ Approve, Do Not Approve, and Abstain votes to the count of
Standards Association balloting group members.
In the first ballot, if the ballot has not achieved a 75% return by the specified closing date, the ballot may be
extended to close when a 75% return is received. This extension for receipt of a 75% return shall not be longer than
60 days. Voting in the ballot
The ballot shall provide the following vote choices to Standards Association balloting group members:
a) Approve (Affirmative). This vote may be accompanied by comments suggesting corrections and
UTC is Coordinated Universal Time.
improvements. All comments shall be considered; making a change to the proposed standard as a result of
the comments is left to the discretion of the Standards Committee.
b) Do Not Approve (Negative with comment). This vote must be accompanied by one or more specific
objections with proposed resolution in sufficient detail so that the specific wording of the changes that will
cause the Do Not Approve voter to change his or her vote to Approve can readily be determined. The
Standards Committee shall encourage the submission of comments with all Do Not Approve ballots.
Balloters who vote Do Not Approve shall be permitted to differentiate those comments that caused their Do
Not Approve vote from other comments that they may wish to submit. Any comments that are explicitly
identified not to be part of the Do Not Approve vote shall be treated as comments associated with an
Approve (Affirmative) vote.
If no comments are submitted associated with the Do Not Approve vote, then the vote shall be counted in
the total tally of votes as a Do Not Approve (Negative without comment).
If i) all comments associated with a Do Not Approve vote are deemed by the Standards Committee as out-
of-scope and ii) the balloter is notified that the comment(s) are out-of-scope and such notifications are
accompanied with specific rationale for such out-of-scope determination, then the vote may be counted in
the total tally of votes as a Do Not Approve (Negative without comment).
During a recirculation ballot, Do Not Approve voters may indicate acceptance of the response to any or all
comments associated with their Do Not Approve vote. Each Do Not Approve voter shall be given an
opportunity to review comment responses, determine if he or she is satisfied, either entirely or in part, and
either to change his or her vote to Approve, to Abstain, or to retain his or her Do Not Approve vote.
c) Abstain. This category is provided to allow for ballot returns from Standards Association balloting group
members who do not wish to vote Approve or Do Not Approve because of conflict of interest, lack of
expertise, or other reasons.
During a recirculation ballot, Standards Association balloting group members shall have an opportunity to cast votes
or change their previously cast votes. Comments in the ballot
The Standards Committee’s comment resolution group shall consider all comments that are received by the close of
the ballot.
Standards Committees shall provide evidence of the consideration of each comment via approved IEEE Standards
Association balloting tools. Such evidence shall include (i) an indication of whether the resolution proposed by the
comment was accepted, revised, or rejected and (ii) for comments that are not accepted verbatim, an explanation for
the rejection of the comment or for revision of the change proposed by the commenter.
The Standards Committee’s comment resolution group shall make a reasonable attempt to resolve all Do Not
Approve votes that are accompanied by comments.
Until the proposed standard has achieved 75% approval, comments can be based on any portion of the proposed
standard. Comments not based on the proposed standard may be deemed out-of-scope of the standards balloting
process by the Standards Committee.
Once the proposed standard has achieved 75% approval, comments in subsequent ballots shall be based only on the
changed portions of the balloted proposed standard, portions of the balloted proposed standard affected by the
changes, or portions of the balloted proposed standard that are the subject of unresolved comments associated with
Do Not Approve votes. If comments are not based on the above criteria, the comments may be deemed out-of-scope
of the recirculation. Such comments need not be addressed in the current standards balloting process and may be
considered for a future revision of the standard.
Comments addressing grammar, punctuation, and style, whether attached to an Approve or a Do Not Approve vote,
may be referred to the publications editor for consideration during preparation for publication. It should be borne in
mind that proposed standards are professionally edited prior to publication.
Comments received before the close of ballot from participants who are not in the Standards Association balloting
group, including from the mandatory coordination entities, require presentation to the Standards Committee’s
comment resolution group for consideration. The Standards Committee shall send an explanation of the disposition
of the mandatory coordination comments to the commenter. Recirculation ballots
Changes may be made to the proposed standard in response to comments or for other reasons. All substantive
changes made since the last ballot of the proposed standard shall be identified and recirculated to the Standards
Association balloting group. All unresolved Do Not Approve votes with comments shall be recirculated to the
Standards Association balloting group. The verbatim text of each comment, the name of the Do Not Approve voter,
and a response by the Standards Committee conducting the resolution of comments shall be included in the
recirculation ballot package. Responses to comments that are not accepted verbatim shall include sufficient detail for
Standards Association balloting group members to understand the rationale for rejection of the comment or revision
of the change proposed by the commenter.
Further resolution efforts, including additional recirculation ballots, shall be required if Do Not Approve votes with
new comments within the scope of the recirculation are submitted.
The Standards Committee is not required to conduct a recirculation ballot solely for Do Not Approve (Negative
without comment) votes. Completion of the standards balloting process and submittal to RevCom
A minimum of 75% of those voting Approve or Do Not Approve (Negative with comment) must approve the draft in
order to submit the ballot result to the IEEE SA Standards Board. In the event that 30% or more of the returned
ballots are Abstentions, the standards balloting process shall be considered invalid.
In the event that a 75% return cannot be obtained, the standards balloting process is considered to have failed and
further disposition of the proposed standard shall be the responsibility of the Standards Committee.
Once all required recirculations have been completed and 75% approval has been achieved, the IEEE requirements
for consensus have been met. Efforts to resolve Do Not Approve votes may continue for a brief period; however, if
such resolution is not possible in a timely manner, the Standards Committee should forward the submittal to
RevCom because the IEEE has an obligation to the majority to review and publish the proposed standard quickly.
Copies of all unresolved Do Not Approve votes, together with the reasons given by the Do Not Approve voters and
the responses by the Standards Committee, shall be included with the ballot results submitted to RevCom.
The Standards Committee shall, if not included in a recirculation package, provide to the Do Not Approve voter and
to RevCom an explanation why any comments associated with a Do Not Approve vote were not required to be
recirculated. In order for a Do Not Approve vote to be changed to an Approve or Abstain vote, the Standards
Committee shall obtain and provide to RevCom written confirmation from each voter (by letter, fax, or electronic
mail) that indicates concurrence with any change of his or her vote. Any Do Not Approve vote with comment that
RevCom is asked to consider as a Do Not Approve (Negative without comment) shall be explained to RevCom. Death or incapacity of a member of the Standards Association balloting group
In the event that the IEEE Standards Department receives documentation of the death or incapacity of a member of a
Standards Association balloting group by the closing date for the first ballot, that person shall be administratively
removed from the Standards Association balloting group. In the event that such documentation is received following
the closing date for the first ballot, the Standards Association balloting group member shall be deemed unavailable
for balloting purposes and shall not be sent any further balloting material. Comments associated with Do Not
Approve votes that are received before the Standards Association balloting group member became unavailable will
be treated normally; note that confirmation of resolution is not expected. However, no tally shall be recalculated as a
result of such a determination of unavailability, including ballots, abstention rate, return, or approval rate.
5.4.4 Mandatory coordination
The Standards Committee shall coordinate with the following entities via circulation of drafts and materials that are
developed by the Working Group and incorporated by reference in the draft, if any:
IEEE Standards editorial staff during Mandatory Editorial Coordination, Standards Association ballot, and
RevCom review
The IEEE SA Board of Governors when the standard incorporates (either normatively or informatively)
Open Source developed by the Standards Committee or Working Group (see 6.5 and subclause 5.6 of the
IEEE Standards Association Standards Board Bylaws)
The IEEE Registration Authority Committee (RAC) when the draft includes registration activity (see
subclause 5.7 of the IEEE Standards Association Operations Manual):
1) The PAR indicates the possible registration of assigned names or assigned numbers to be included in or
used by the proposed project.
2) It becomes apparent through development of the draft that:
a) new registration of assigned names or assigned numbers will be included in the draft that will be
assigned under a standards developing organization (SDO), or a Working Group or Standards Committee
would like to request authority to conduct such assignment;
b) the draft includes reference to, or new specifications for use of, registration activity defined external to
the proposed standard.
The RAC, IEEE Standards editorial staff, or RevCom may request RAC review of a draft.
Comments from mandatory coordination entities shall be given appropriate consideration and response by the
Standards Committee. At the time of project submittal to the IEEE SA Standards Board for approval consideration
as an IEEE standard, the Standards Committee shall supply the most recent mandatory coordination comments and
indicate either acceptance or a request for a waiver (see
5.4.5 Comments received as a result of an IEEE Public Review
Upon the opening of the initial Standards Association ballot, an IEEE Public Review shall start and last for 60 days.
Any person may purchase the initial ballot draft for information only. Any person may also submit public comments
on the initial draft without vote.
All public review comments and responses shall be submitted electronically through the IEEE Standards
Association public review tools. All public review comments received during an IEEE Public Review shall be
considered by the Standards Committee’s comment resolution group and a response shall be provided to the
commenter. If the response indicates that a change is to be made to the draft, the commenter is entitled to receive a
copy of the revised draft from the Standards Committee upon request.
5.4.6 Comments received from persons who are neither in the Standards Association balloting
group nor an IEEE Public Review commenter
Any person may purchase a Standards Association ballot draft for information only. Any person may also submit
comments on the draft. Comments received before the close of a ballot shall be considered by the Standards
Committee (see and a response shall be provided to the commenter. If the response indicates that a change is
to be made to the draft, the commenter is entitled to receive a copy of the revised draft from the Standards
Committee upon request.
Comments received after the close of a ballot will be provided to the Standards Committee. The Standards
Committee shall acknowledge the receipt of these late comments to the commenter and take such action as the
Standards Committee deems appropriate. If the Standards Committee considers the comments and provides a
response to the commenter indicating that a change is to be made to the draft, the commenter is entitled to receive a
copy of the revised draft from the Standards Committee upon request.
5.5 Submission of proposed standards to the IEEE SA Standards Board
The Standards Committee shall submit all required documentation, including a complete copy of the last balloted
draft, in accordance with the most current version of the IEEE SA Standards Board Working Guide for Submittal of
Proposed Standards, to the RevCom Administrator. This submittal shall be made prior to the submittal deadline
specified. For the first three quarterly meetings of the year, the submittal deadline shall be at least 40 days before the
meeting of the IEEE SA Standards Board. For the last quarterly meeting of the year, the submittal deadline shall be
at least 50 days before the meeting of the IEEE SA Standards Board.
When the proposed standard is considered at a meeting of RevCom, it may be necessary for the Standards
Committee to be represented at that meeting, particularly if there were unresolved negative votes during the
balloting (see and and/or if RevCom members submit negative comments prior to the RevCom
meeting (see
Approved IEEE standards may be submitted for adoption by other organizations (see also 5.6). As part of the
adoption process, the adopting organization may receive comments on the technical content of the standard. These
comments should be sent to the IEEE Standards Department. The comments will then be referred to the Standards
Committee for a response. Responses shall be directed to the commenter, with a copy sent to the IEEE Standards
Department. If, in the opinion of the Standards Committee, such comments warrant an amendment or revision to the
approved IEEE standard, the Standards Committee shall submit a PAR.
5.6 Adoption
The adoption processes within IEEE allow for IEEE standards to be adopted by recognized standards organizations
(see 5.6.1) and for IEEE to adopt standards and specifications from other organizations (see 5.6.2).
5.6.1 Process for adoption of IEEE Standards
IEEE is a focal point for various technologies and is willing to share its expertise with standards developers
worldwide. One method for doing this is through adoption.
Adoption of IEEE standards by national, regional, and international standards organizations is encouraged. This
adoption shall be a formal process that includes a reciprocal, binding agreement between IEEE and the organization
adopting the IEEE standard.
These agreements shall be executed by the Managing Director, Standards, and the responsible person in the other
organization. IEEE staff shall have responsibility for negotiating the terms and conditions of these agreements.
Requests for adoption of IEEE standards shall be forwarded to IEEE SA Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Staff.
Adopting organizations are encouraged to participate in future updates of the originating IEEE standard.
5.6.2 Process for adoption by IEEE Introduction
IEEE adopts standards and specifications from organizations, including but not limited to international standards
bodies, regional standards bodies, and industry consortia. IEEE SA IPR Staff shall review the original, underlying
document proposed for adoption prior to negotiation of a formal written agreement. Standards Committee identification
A Standards Committee as defined by subclause 5.2.2 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws, shall assume
responsibility for overseeing the adoption by IEEE. The Standards Committee shall be responsible for maintenance
of the standard upon approval and until transfer to inactive status in accordance with all IEEE Standards Association
policies and procedures. Project initiation
A Standards Committee shall submit a PAR to the IEEE SA Standards Board New Standards Committee (NesCom)
to initiate an adoption. At the same time, the Standards Committee shall contact IEEE SA IPR Staff to initiate
copyright negotiations. A PAR for the adoption of a standard or specification shall indicate whether it is seeking an
unmodified adoption or whether the entire document shall be open for review and IEEE modification during
Working Group development and the Standards Association ballot. Adoption of standards and specifications
IEEE adoptions of standards and specifications are formatted so that the original, underlying document that is being
adopted is left unchanged and any IEEE revisions or changes shall be indicated either in the IEEE front matter or,
optionally, in an IEEE annex.
If an unmodified adoption is intended, the Standards Association ballot group will be provided instructions
indicating that no IEEE-specific revisions or changes are intended and each balloter shall be provided the
opportunity to indicate whether or not they agree, and whether or not they believe the revisions or changes could
impact existing implementation of the original, underlying document. Standards Association ballot
The Standards Association ballot shall include a cover letter explaining the reasons for the adoption, the options
available to the balloters when casting their votes, and the provisions for consideration of comments by the
developer of the original, underlying document. The Standards Association ballot shall meet the requirements
outlined in 5.4.
Ballot comments and any Standards Committee responses shall be forwarded to the developer of the original,
underlying document for consideration.
5.7 Trial-Use standards
A Trial-Use standard may be appropriate for the following situations:
a) To bring together concepts for cutting edge technologies that are so new that standardization concepts need
to be developed as the technology progresses.
b) To solicit input from a broader community prior to consideration of the development of a full-use standard.
c) As an alternative for a proposed standard that receives a significant number of Do Not Approve votes that
cannot be resolved.
Trial-Use standards are effective for not more than three years and cannot be amended; it is allowable to have
corrigenda against a Trial-Use standard. Trial-Use standards are prepared through the normal standards process and
require a PAR indicating trial-use, Standards Association balloting, ballot resolution, and IEEE SA Standards Board
approval. During the trial-use period, users and those interested in the document may submit comments. The front
matter of each approved Trial-Use standard shall contain a published cutoff date for receipt of comments and shall
state the expiration date for the Trial-Use document (dates shall be calendar dates, i.e., dd mmm yyyy). The
comment cutoff date shall be at least 12 months before the expiration date for the Trial-Use standard. The expiration
date for the Trial-Use standard shall be three years from its publication date. Upon expiration, the Trial-Use standard
shall be transferred to inactive status (i.e., the document will be labeled Inactive and reserved for historical
The Standards Committee shall consider the comments received. If the document is to be converted to a full-use
document, a revision project shall be initiated through the submission of a PAR that indicates full-use status. The
normal Standards Association balloting and approval processes applicable to all standards shall be followed.
Standards Association balloting for the full-use document shall not be conducted until after the comment cutoff date
for the Trial-Use document. Once approved, the full-use standard will follow all of the applicable policies and
procedures (e.g., ten-year life; can be amended; can be further revised; etc.).
The Standards Committee may consider converting a full-use project to a Trial-Use project. To make this
conversion, a Modified PAR indicating the change to a Trial-Use project shall be submitted to NesCom. If the
Standards Association balloting process has begun, the Standards Committee cannot convert the project from full-
use to trial-use without terminating the active ballot.
In addition, the Standards Committee may consider converting a Trial-Use project to a full-use project. To make this
conversion, a Modified PAR indicating the change to a full-use project shall be submitted to NesCom. If the
Standards Association balloting process has begun, the Standards Committee cannot convert the project from trial-
use to full-use without terminating the active ballot.
5.8 Appeals
5.8.1 SASB appeals pool
The IEEE SA Standards Board Chair shall select six to nine members of the IEEE SA Standards Board to serve as
the SASB appeals pool.
Members of the SASB appeals pool shall serve until a new SASB appeals pool is appointed.
5.8.2 SASB Appeal Officers
The SASB Appeal Officers shall be the IEEE SA Standards Board Chair and the SASB Vice Chair for Appeals.
The Past Chair of the IEEE SA Standards Board shall serve as the SASB Vice Chair for Appeals. If the SASB Vice
Chair for Appeals has a conflict regarding the subject matter of an appeal, the IEEE SA Standards Board Chair shall
appoint another member of the IEEE SA Standards Board to serve as the SASB Vice Chair for Appeals for that
particular appeal.
If the IEEE SA Standards Board Chair has a conflict regarding the subject matter of an appeal, the SASB Chair shall
appoint a non-conflicted member of the SASB to serve as the second SASB Appeal Officer for that particular
5.8.3 Appeal brief
The appellant shall file a written appeal brief with the Secretary of the IEEE SA Standards Board (i) within 30 days
after the date of notification of action of the IEEE SA Standards Board; (ii) within 30 days following a final decision
from a Standards Committee appeal panel; or (iii) after 30 days and within 60 days of IEEE SA Standards Board
inaction. The appellant shall first have exhausted the appeals procedures of the Standards Committee prior to filing
an appeal with the IEEE SA Standards Board. The appeal brief shall state the nature of the objection(s) including
any adverse effects, the clause(s) of the procedures or the standard(s) that are at issue, actions or inaction that are at
issue, and the specific remedial action(s) that would satisfy the appellant’s concerns. Previous efforts, including all
subordinate appeals, to resolve the objection(s) and the statement of outcome/decision of each, including a sequence
of events of these efforts, shall be provided. The appellant shall include documentation supporting all statements in
the appeal brief. All issues regarding the subject action or inaction shall be filed together in one appeal brief.
The Secretary shall send the appellant a written acknowledgment of receipt of the appeal brief within five days of
such receipt. The SASB Appeal Officers shall review the appeal brief and determine within 20 days of receipt of the
appeal brief whether the appeal shall be heard by an IEEE SA Standards Board Appeal Panel, should be referred to
the IEEE SA BOG, or should be returned to the appellant with instructions. The appeal should be returned to the
appellant for a complaint that deals with ethical issues, technical matters, or if the appellant has not exhausted the
appeals procedures of a relevant subordinate committee. In these circumstances, the appellant should be instructed to
follow the procedures of the IEEE Ethics and Member Conduct Committee or the IEEE SA Standards Conduct
Committee, as appropriate, for filing a formal ethical or conduct complaint; if the complaint concerns a technical
matter, to follow the approved procedures for providing technical input including, but not limited to, making a
technical comment during the applicable comment submission and/or balloting period; or if the appellant has not
exhausted the appeals procedures of a relevant subordinate committee, to file a procedural appeal with such
subordinate committee. The SASB Appeal Officers shall review whether the appellant has established a prima facie
case, especially in reviewing whether any previous Standards Committee appeal panel decision appealed from was
adjudicated in accordance with the relevant P&Ps. If it is determined that a prima facie case has not been
established, the Secretary shall notify the appellant in writing that the appeal will be dismissed.
If the SASB Appeal Officers determine that the IEEE SA BOG should review the appeal, the Secretary of the IEEE
SA Standards Board shall notify the appellant and the appellee (the chair of the committee at issue) of that fact
within five days of receipt of the notice from the SASB Appeal Officers that the IEEE SA BOG will be reviewing
the appeal. The appeal shall be referred to the IEEE SA BOG and adjudicated according to IEEE SA BOG processes
(see subclause 4.4 of the IEEE Standards Association Operations Manual). If the IEEE SA BOG hears an appeal
that originated from a referral from the IEEE SA Standards Board, the results of that appeal shall be reported to the
Secretary of the IEEE SA Standards Board.
If the SASB Appeal Officers determine that an IEEE SA Standards Board Appeal Panel should hear the appeal, the
Secretary shall, within 30 days of receipt of the appeal brief, send the appellee a copy of the appeal brief and
acknowledgment, and shall send the appellant and the appellee a written notice of the date, time, and location for an
in-person hearing (“hearing notice”) with the SASB Appeal Panel (see 5.8.5). The in-person hearing with the SASB
Appeal Panel shall be scheduled at the location set for, and during the period of, the first SASB meeting that is at
least 60 days after mailing of the hearing notice by the Secretary.
Upon agreement of the appellant, the appellee, and all of the SASB Appeal Panel members, (i) one or more of the
participants in an in-person hearing may participate by telephone; or (ii) the hearing may be held solely by telephone
at a date/time prior to the scheduled in-person hearing. The Chair of the SASB Appeal Panel will facilitate such
New evidence meeting the requirements of 5.8.6 shall be provided at least two weeks before the date of the SASB
Appeal Panel hearing.
5.8.4 Reply brief
Within 45 days of receipt of the hearing notice, the appellee may send the appellant and Secretary a written reply
brief, which specifically and explicitly addresses each allegation of fact in the appeal brief to the extent of the
appellee’s knowledge. If the appellee furnishes a reply brief, the brief shall include documentation supporting all
statements contained in the reply brief.
5.8.5 SASB Appeal Panel
The IEEE SA Standards Board Chair shall appoint from the SASB appeals pool an SASB Appeal Panel consisting
of a chair and two other members who have not been directly involved in the matter in dispute, and who will not be
materially or directly affected by any decisions made concerning the dispute ("SASB Appeal Panel"). At least two
members shall be acceptable to the appellant and at least two shall be acceptable to the appellee. If the parties to the
appeal cannot agree on an SASB Appeal Panel within a reasonable amount of time, the matter shall be referred to
the IEEE SA Standards Board, which shall appoint the members of the SASB Appeal Panel. If an
SASB Appeal
Panel member resigns or is removed from the SASB Appeal Panel at any time before the appeal hearing, then the
IEEE SA Standards Board Chair shall appoint a replacement from the SASB appeals pool. The replacement shall be
subject to the acceptability criteria described above.
To ensure continuity of the appeals process, a specific SASB Appeal Panel will remain impaneled until the
publication of the SASB Appeal Panel’s final decision(s).
5.8.6 Conduct of the hearing
The number of participating (i.e., speaking) representatives for each of the parties to the appeal is limited to a
maximum of three (3). Other individuals may attend the hearing, but will not be permitted to address, or be
addressed by, the SASB Appeal Panel or either of the parties to the appeal at any time (including during the question
and answer period). No recordings or verbatim transcriptions of the hearing are allowed, except by the IEEE SA at
its sole discretion.
The SASB Appeal Panel may call an Executive Session before, during the course of, or following an appeal hearing
to consider its action on a specific appeal.
No party to an appeal may communicate with any member of the SASB Appeal Panel regarding the appeal while the
matter is pending (i.e., from the time of filing of the appeal brief to finalization of the SASB Appeal Panel decision).
The appellant has the burden of demonstrating adverse effects, improper action(s) or inaction, and the efficacy of the
requested remedial action. Each party may adduce other pertinent arguments, and members of the SASB Appeal
Panel may address questions to individuals. The SASB Appeal Panel shall only consider documentation included in
the appeal brief and reply brief, unless
a) Significant new evidence has come to light; and
b) Such evidence reasonably was not available to the appellant or appellee, as appropriate, at the time of
filing; and
c) Such evidence was provided by the appellant or appellee, as appropriate, to the other parties as soon as it
became available.
Prior to the hearing, the members of the SASB Appeal Panel may convene to review the ground rules before the
participants appear.
5.8.7 SASB Appeal Panel decision
The SASB Appeal Panel shall not consider technical appeals or make findings with respect to ethical rules, but shall
limit its consideration to procedural matters. The SASB Appeal Panel shall render its decision, based upon majority
vote of the SASB Appeal Panel (SASB Appeal Panel members shall vote to find in favor of the appellant or the
appellee and shall not abstain), in writing within 30 days of the hearing, stating findings of fact and conclusions,
with reasons therefore, based on a preponderance of the evidence. The SASB Appeal Panel shall only address the
concerns raised by the appellant and the appellee.
If the appeal has not been previously heard by a Standards Committee appeal panel, the SASB Appeal Panel may
give consideration to the following positions, among others, in formulating its decision:
a) Finding for the appellant, with a specific statement of the issues and facts showing that an IEEE policy or
procedure was violated. In formulating its conclusions, the SASB Appeal Panel may prescribe the remedy
proposed by the appellant or may prescribe an alternative remedy;
b) Finding against the appellant, with a specific statement of the issues and facts showing that appellant failed
to meet its burden to demonstrate that an IEEE policy or procedure had been violated; or
c) Finding that new, substantive evidence has been introduced, and remanding the entire action to the
appropriate committee for reconsideration.
If the appeal has been previously heard by a Standards Committee appeal panel, the appellant does not have the right
to retry appellant’s case before the SASB Appeal Panel. Rather, appellant must show by a preponderance of
evidence that the Standards Committee appeal panel made an error by failing to follow its own policies and
procedures. The appellant shall be barred from bringing new evidence before the SASB Appeal Panel unless such
evidence reasonably was not available to the appellant at the time of the Standards Committee appeal hearing. In
such a case, the SASB Appeal Panel will determine whether such new evidence could change the outcome of the
proceeding and, if so, shall remand the entire action back to the Standards Committee appeal panel for its
reconsideration. Where the appeal was previously heard by a Standards Committee appeal panel, the SASB Appeal
Panel may give consideration to the following positions, among others, in formulating its decision:
1) Finding for the appellant with a specific statement of how the Standards Committee appeal panel failed to
follow its own policies and procedures and remanding the action to the Standards Committee appeal panel
with instructions that the Standards Committee appeal panel issue a ruling on the subject of the appeal
correctly following its own policies and procedures;
2) Finding against the appellant, with a specific statement of the facts that demonstrate that appellant failed to
meet its burden to demonstrate that the Standards Committee appeal panel did not follow its own policies
and procedures; or
3) Finding that new evidence has been introduced which (i) was not reasonably available to the appellant at
the time of the Standards Committee appeal hearing; and (ii) could change the outcome of the proceeding,
and remanding the entire action to the Standards Committee appeal panel for reconsideration.
The SASB Appeal Panel Chair, through the Secretary, shall notify the appellant, the appellee, and members of the
IEEE SA Standards Board in writing of the decision of the SASB Appeal Panel.
If an SASB Appeal Panel member resigns or is removed after a hearing, then the remaining two members of the
SASB Appeal Panel may issue a decision if their decision is unanimous. If it is not unanimous, then the IEEE SA
Standards Board Chair shall appoint a replacement from the SASB appeals pool and a re-hearing shall be conducted
during the next IEEE SA Standards Board meeting series.
5.8.8 Request for re-hearing of the SASB Appeal Panel decision
The decision of the SASB Appeal Panel shall become final 30 days after it is issued, unless one of the parties files a
written notice of request for re-hearing prior to that date with the Secretary, based on new evidence, provided such
new evidence existed at the time of the hearing, but was not reasonably available to either the appellant or appellee,
as appropriate, at the time of the hearing. In such case, the decision of the SASB Appeal Panel shall be stayed
pending review by the SASB Appeal Officers within 20 days of receipt of the written request. The review shall
a) To adopt the report of the SASB Appeal Panel, and thereby deny the request for re-hearing; or
b) To direct the SASB Appeal Panel to conduct a re-hearing; or
c) At its discretion, to ask the IEEE SA Standards Board to consider the matter.
Only one re-hearing can be conducted per appeal.
If the appeal was delegated to the IEEE SA Standards Board by the IEEE SA BOG, the decision shall also be sent to
the Secretary of the IEEE SA BOG. Appeals from a decision of the SASB Appeal Officers to deny the request for a
re-hearing or from the decision of the SASB Appeal Panel after a re-hearing shall be referred to the IEEE SA BOG.
5.8.9 BOG appeal
The SASB Appeal Panel’s final decision can be appealed to the IEEE SA BOG in writing to the Secretary of the
IEEE SA BOG within 30 days after the SASB Appeal Panel decision becomes final on the basis of a perceived error
in the SASB Appeal Panel process or of a perceived error in the SASB Appeal Panel decision. Such appeal shall
proceed in accordance with the IEEE Standards Association Operations Manual.
5.8.10 Informal settlement
The IEEE SA encourages settlement of disputes at any time if the settlement is consistent with the objectives of the
IEEE SA Policies and Procedures. Any settlement (to which the parties agree in writing) that is consistent with these
P & P, or an agreement to withdraw the appeal, will terminate the appeal process.
6. Copyright, commercial terms and conditions, patents, and standard structure
6.1 Copyright
IEEE owns the copyright of draft IEEE standards and approved IEEE standards (see 7.2 of the IEEE SA Standards
Board Bylaws).
Contributions made by participants in an IEEE SA standards development meeting, whether the Contributions are
Published or not, are subject to the IEEE SA Copyright Policy set forth in Clause 7 of the IEEE SA Standards Board
The IEEE SA Copyright slide shall be either presented at the beginning of every IEEE SA standards development
meeting, or distributed prior to the meeting along with the meeting agenda. If the slide is distributed with the
meeting agenda, all meeting participants shall be informed at the beginning of the meeting that all material
submitted during the meeting is a Contribution and is subject to the IEEE SA copyright policy. The presentation of
the slide or the notice to meeting participants shall be documented in the minutes of the meeting.
6.1.1 Project Authorization Request (PAR)
At the time a PAR is submitted for approval, any known previously Published material and/or Public Domain
material intended for inclusion in the proposed IEEE standard shall be identified on the PAR. The Working Group
Chair is responsible for obtaining written permission to use all previously Published material prior to the start of the
initial ballot or prior to the next recirculation ballot if the excerpted material is to be inserted during comment
6.1.2 Contributions from previously Published sources
Participants in an IEEE Standards group who intend to submit Contributions containing excerpted content from
previously Published sources shall first notify the Chair of the need for permission, and should assist the Chair in
obtaining that permission. The Working Group shall not accept as a Contribution, place on an IEEE server or
standards developing group or document repository, or include in an IEEE document any material that was
previously Published without first obtaining permission for use of the material from the copyright owner or a person
with the authority or right to grant copyright permission. Working Group Chairs are responsible for requesting and
obtaining permission from external entities and for forwarding the completed response forms to IEEE.
IEEE Permission Form Letters should be used to request and grant such permissions. Permission Form Letters to use
material unchanged or modified are available online. Agreements that do not conform to the IEEE Permission Form
Letters are possible, but such requests shall be in writing and shall be approved by IEEE SA staff. Contributions proposed for IEEE adoption
Previously Published documents that are submitted for adoption by IEEE require a reciprocal, binding agreement
between IEEE and the copyright owner of the document. The agreement shall stipulate whether the adoption is
intended to be with or without modification. If the agreement stipulates that no IEEE changes may be made but the
IEEE review process results in requested IEEE changes, then a new agreement may be negotiated or the adoption
shall be terminated.
6.1.3 Drafts of proposed IEEE standards
All drafts shall be clearly labeled to reflect their status as unapproved. Draft copyright statements
All drafts shall carry a copyright statement that:
a) The document is an unapproved draft of a proposed IEEE standard
b) The document is subject to change
c) The document shall not be utilized for conformance/compliance purposes.
The IEEE Standards Style Manual provides example text to meet the above requirements. Draft distribution by the Working Group Chair Sharing drafts with Working Group participants
Participants in an active IEEE standards development project are entitled to receive a copy of draft standards
produced by that project without charge. The Working Group Chair of the project determines whether an individual
(for individual projects) or entity (for entity projects) meets the requirements for participation. Sharing drafts with IEEE SA Working Groups and IEEE Standards Committees
When sharing the draft with another IEEE SA Working Group or IEEE Standards Committee, an appropriate cover
page shall be included and is available from the IEEE SA Program Manager. The Working Group Chair shall copy
their Standards Committee Chair, IEEE SA Program Manager, and IEEE SA IPR Staff. Draft distribution for adoption consideration
If a Working Group intends to coordinate drafts of a project for possible adoption of the approved standard by a
national, regional, or international standards-developing organization, the Standards Committee and Working Group
Chair shall jointly develop a plan with the IEEE Standards Department. IEEE may require an agreement prior to any
adoption. Draft distribution to recognized organizations external to IEEE
If a Working Group intends to distribute a draft to a recognized standards-developing organization or technical
organization external to IEEE involved in the technology covered by that project for technical review and comment,
the Standards Committee and Working Group Chair shall work with the IEEE Standards Department to establish the
draft sharing relationship. A recognized organization is one that has been accepted and is listed on the IEEE SA
Working Group Draft Sharing for Coordination List.
Once the draft sharing relationship has been established, the Working Group Chair may share stable drafts. A stable
draft is one that has
a) been voted on by the Working Group as being ready to be shared, and
b) undergone an IEEE SA editorial review and has been deemed without issue (e.g., the draft is absent any
open or unresolved required editorial review items prior to draft distribution).
All drafts submitted to organizations external to IEEE shall have as the cover page the IEEE SA draft sharing cover
letter. The cover letter outlines the IEEE copyright and permitted uses and is available from the IEEE Standards
Department. When sharing the draft with the organization external to IEEE, the Working Group Chair shall inform
the IEEE Standards Department.
The IEEE Standards Committee Chair or Working Group Chair shall immediately inform the IEEE Standards
Department when the draft sharing relationship is no longer needed.
37 Other draft distribution
Requests for drafts other than described in subclauses shall be directed to the IEEE Standards
6.1.4 Work Products
For Work Products (see Clause 7.1 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws) that may be submitted to organizations
external to IEEE (other than draft and approved standards), the Standards Committee and Working Group Chair
shall jointly develop a plan with the IEEE Standards Department prior to submitting the Work Product(s) to the
organization external to IEEE.
6.2 Commercial terms and conditions
Except as otherwise permitted by this IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual, IEEE standards shall not
include terms or conditions that are primarily contractual or commercial in nature, as opposed to technical,
engineering or scientific in nature. Thus, for example, an IEEE standard shall not include contractual requirements
(see 6.2.1); endorse or require the use of proprietary products or services (see 6.2.2); or endorse or require the use of
particular conformity-assessment bodies, testing facilities, or training organizations (see 6.2.3).
6.2.1 Contractual requirements
Except as provided below, IEEE standards shall not include contractual requirements such as those relating to
particular products or services, guarantees, warranties, reworks, indemnities, buybacks, price-related terms, and
other conditions of sale or use.
6.2.2 Endorsements of proprietary products or services
IEEE standards shall not endorse or require the purchase or use of proprietary products or service providers
as a condition of implementing the standard. Proprietary in this context means products or services that are
the property of an owner and cannot be obtained or recreated without the consent of the owner. For
example, an IEEE standard may not endorse or require the purchase or use of brand-name tools or
components, licenses, manufacturer lists, service provider lists, or copyrighted materials.
However, for informational purposes, where known sources exist for products or services necessary to
comply with the IEEE standard, it is permissible, but not obligatory, to identify the sources (which may
include a source's name and address) in a footnote, an appendix, or reference to a website. The referenced
products or services shall be reasonably available from the referenced sources, the words "or the
equivalent" shall be added to the reference, and the reference shall also expressly state that identification of
products or services is not an endorsement of those products or services or their suppliers.
6.2.3 Conformity assessment, testing, and training
In connection with IEEE standards that relate to the determination of whether products or services conform
to one or more standards, the process or criteria for determining conformity may be standardized as long as
the description of the process or criteria is limited to technical, engineering, or scientific concerns and does
not include what would otherwise be contractual or commercial terms.
The term "copyrighted materials" is not intended to include: (a) manufacturers' instruction/safety manuals; or (b) documents
incorporated by reference into the text of an IEEE standard for non-commercial technical or safety-related purposes, as long as such
references do not otherwise violate other provisions of the Commercial Terms and Conditions Policy (e.g., they cannot also include
warranties, guarantees, and like commercial clauses).
It is permissible for health, safety, or environmental protection reasons to include a generic requirement for
third-party, i.e., independent, conformity assessment, testing, or training. IEEE standards shall not dictate
the use or non-use of a particular conformity-assessment body, testing facility, or training organization.
However, for informational purposes, where known sources exist for products or services necessary to
determine compliance with the IEEE standard, it is permissible, but not obligatory, to identify the sources
(which may include a source's name and address) in a footnote, an appendix, or reference to a website. The
referenced products or services shall be reasonably available from the referenced sources, the words “or the
equivalent” shall be added to the reference, and the reference shall also expressly state that identification of
sources is not an endorsement of those sources.
6.3 Patents
The patent policy is set forth in clause 6 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and is incorporated herein by
Letters of Assurance are to be e-mailed, faxed, or mailed to the IEEE Standards Association (to the attention of the
PatCom Administrator). The PatCom Administrator shall accept each Letter of Assurance that is complete and is
received from an individual within the issuing organization whose title suggests authority for intellectual property
and legal matters. The PatCom Administrator's duties with regard to Letters of Assurance shall be purely ministerial
(i.e., without regard to or exercise of the PatCom Administrator's discretion regarding the content of the Letters of
Assurance received). For each Accepted Letter of Assurance, the PatCom Administrator shall record the date on the
signed Letter of Assurance and the date upon which the IEEE accepted such. The chair or the chair's delegate of an
IEEE standards-developing working group or the chair of a Standards Committee shall request a Letter of Assurance
from Affiliates specifically excluded on an Accepted Letter of Assurance.
Upon written request, the IEEE will make available copies of any Accepted Letter of Assurance and its attachments.
Letters received after 31 December 2006 shall be posted on the IEEE SA website.
6.3.1 Public notice
The following notice shall appear in all draft and approved IEEE standards.
Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject matter
covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken by the IEEE with respect to
the existence or validity of any patent rights in connection therewith. If a patent holder or patent applicant
has filed a statement of assurance via an Accepted Letter of Assurance, then the statement is listed on the
IEEE SA web site (see Letters of Assurance may
indicate whether the Submitter is willing or unwilling to grant licenses under patent rights without
compensation or under reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of
any unfair discrimination to applicants desiring to obtain such licenses.
Essential Patent Claims may exist for which a Letter of Assurance has not been received. The IEEE is not
responsible for identifying Essential Patent Claims for which a license may be required, for conducting
inquiries into the legal validity or scope of Patents Claims, or determining whether any licensing terms or
conditions provided in connection with submission of a Letter of Assurance, if any, or in any licensing
agreements are reasonable or non-discriminatory. Users of this standard are expressly advised that
determination of the validity of any patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely
their own responsibility. Further information may be obtained from the IEEE Standards Association.
6.3.2 Call for patents
The chair or the chair’s delegate of an IEEE standards-developing working group or the chair of a Standards
Committee shall be responsible for informing the participants at a meeting that if any individual believes that Patent
Claims might be Essential Patent Claims, that fact should be made known to the entire working group and duly
recorded in the minutes of the working group meeting. This request shall occur at every standards-developing
meeting once the PAR is approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board.
The chair or the chair's delegate shall ask any patent holder or patent applicant of a Patent Claim that might be or
become an Essential Patent Claim to complete and submit a Letter of Assurance in accordance with Clause 6 of the
IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws. Information about the draft standard will be made available upon request.
6.3.3 Inactive standards
All active IEEE standards are subject to periodic revision or inactivation. Standards that have not completed revision
within ten years of IEEE SA Standards Board approval are subject to transfer to inactive status (see clauses 2.2 and
5.3 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and 9.2). Thus, any standard that incorporates patented technology may
at some point in time be transferred to inactive status. Clause 6 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws contains
policies concerning the period of validity for any Letter of Assurance received from a party regarding an Essential
Patent Claim.
6.3.4 Multiple Letters of Assurance and Blanket Letters of Assurance
A Submitter may provide the IEEE with a Blanket Letter of Assurance only when the LOA indicates licensing
assurance. A Submitter may submit separate Letters of Assurance providing different licensing positions for
different potential Essential Patent Claims.
Over time, a Submitter may also provide multiple assurances for a given Patent Claim by submitting multiple
Letters of Assurance for such claim. For Essential Patent Claims, each such Letter of Assurance shall be binding on
the Submitter. Each potential licensee may choose to invoke the terms of any applicable Letter of Assurance
accepted by the IEEE, with one exception: If a Submitter has signed and submitted a Letter of Assurance
specifically identifying a Patent Claim before or concurrently with signing and submitting a Blanket Letter of
Assurance, the Blanket Letter of Assurance cannot be invoked as to the specified Patent Claim. (The Submitter,
however, may submit a separate specific Letter of Assurance offering the Blanket Letter of Assurance terms for the
specified Patent Claim.) The intention of this paragraph is to permit the Submitter to offer alternative assurances,
and to permit the potential licensee to choose from among the alternative assurances offered.
If, after providing a Blanket Letter of Assurance, the Submitter acquires an Essential Patent Claim or a controlling
interest in an entity that owns or controls an Essential Patent Claim, the existing Submitter’s Blanket Letter of
Assurance shall apply to such acquired Essential Patent Claims unless the acquired entity or the prior holder of the
acquired Essential Patent Claim has submitted a Letter of Assurance before the acquisition. Any Blanket Letter of
Assurance submitted by the acquired entity or the prior holder of the acquired Essential Patent Claim before the
acquisition shall continue to apply to acquired Essential Patent Claims covered by such assurance (but not to the
acquirer’s Essential Patent Claims). Letters of Assurance covering specified Essential Patent Claims shall continue
to apply to specified Essential Patent Claims, whether acquired in the acquisition or held by the acquirer before the
acquisition, as provided in this Operations Manual. Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent an acquiring party from
asking a seller of an acquired Essential Patent Claim or an acquired entity to submit additional Letters of Assurance
before closing of the acquisition.
6.3.5 Applicability of Letters of Assurance to Amendments, Corrigenda, Editions, or Revisions
An Accepted Letter of Assurance referencing an existing standard, amendment, corrigendum, edition, or revision
will remain in force for the application of the Essential Patent Claim(s) to the technology specified in another
amendment, corrigendum, edition, or revision of the same IEEE Standard but only if (a) the application of the
technology required by the amendment, corrigendum, edition, or revision of the same IEEE Standard has not
changed from its previous usage and (b) the same Essential Patent Claims covered by the prior Accepted Letter of
Assurance remain Essential Patent Claims in the same IEEE Standard or revision thereof.
The Working Group Chair shall initiate a request for a new Letter of Assurance from a known Submitter when re-
using portions of, or technologies specified in, an existing [Proposed] IEEE Standard, amendment, corrigendum,
edition, or revision referenced in an Accepted Letter of Assurance in a different [Proposed] IEEE Standard.
6.3.6 Interaction of Accepted LOAs under different versions of the IEEE SA patent policy
Where there is one Submitter of an Accepted LOA under the version of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws as
they existed from 15 March 2015 through 31 December 2022 [“2015 Accepted LOA Submitter”] and another
Submitter of an Accepted LOA for the same IEEE standard under either a subsequent policy or using the Custom
LOA Form Dated 13 June 2019 Limited [“Other Accepted LOA Submitter”], then in that specific circumstance,
and except as otherwise not permitted by law, the 2015 Accepted LOA Submitter may choose to have its Accepted
LOA governed by the same patent policy provisions as govern the Accepted LOA of the Other Accepted LOA
Submitter with respect to the right to seek a Prohibitive Order against the Other Accepted LOA Submitter.
6.4 IEEE standard document structure
6.4.1 Normative and informative
Normative material is information required to implement the standard and is therefore officially part of the standard.
Informative material is provided for information only and is therefore not officially part of the standard.
6.4.2 Frontmatter
The frontmatter of an IEEE standard is informative.
6.4.3 Notes and footnotes
Notes and footnotes are informative except as noted in subclauses 6.4.4 and 6.4.5.
The IEEE Standards Style Manual provides further information about notes and footnotes.
6.4.4 Notes to tables and footnotes to tables
A note to a table is informative. A footnote to a table is normative.
6.4.5 Notes to figures and footnotes to figures
A note to a figure is informative. A footnote to a figure is normative.
6.4.6 Normative references
Normative references are documents that contain additional material that is necessary to implement the standard.
Thus, normative references are indispensable when applying the standard. Each normative reference shall be cited,
and the role and relationship of each normative reference shall be explained in the body of the standard.
IEEE and other nationally or internationally recognized standards developing organizations (SDOs) are preferred as
the source of normative references. Documents published by other organizations may be cited provided the
document is publicly available at a cost that is not unreasonable at the date of publication of the IEEE standard, and
the normatively referenced material in the document meets the restrictions on commercial terms (see 6.2.2).
Documents that are cited as normative references, but that are developed by organizations that are not nationally or
internationally recognized SDOs, shall include the edition or date of publication in the citation. References to
standards that are not active are permitted, provided such standards are publicly available at the date of publication
of the IEEE standard. Draft standards may be used as normative references if they are unambiguously dated, readily
available, and retrievable at the date of publication of the IEEE standard. Please consult with an IEEE Standards
project editor if such inclusion is necessary.
References to specific clauses or subclauses, tables, and figures of another document shall include the date of said
Standards participants shall not contribute material that contains commercial terms and conditions (see 6.2.2) of
which they are aware for inclusion in any draft IEEE standard or that is intended as a normative reference. If the
submitter becomes aware of commercial terms and conditions in their Contribution thereafter, they shall promptly
inform the Working Group Chair or IEEE SA Program Manager. Any participant who is personally aware of
commercial terms and conditions in an IEEE standard or in material that is normatively referenced, should promptly
inform the Working Group Chair or IEEE SA Program Manager.
6.4.7 Shall, should, may, and can
The word shall indicates mandatory requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to the standard and
from which no deviation is permitted (shall equals is required to).
The word should indicates that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable, without
mentioning or excluding others; or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required (should
equals is recommended that).
The word may is used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the standard (may equals is
permitted to).
The word can is used for statements of possibility and capability, whether material, physical, or causal (can equals is
able to).
6.4.8 Assigned numbers or names
A draft that defines any of the following items, for which any instance is intended to be allocated independent of
approval in an IEEE standard, shall define the rules of such allocation:
Listings of products, services, entities, or objects
Assignment of unique identifiers
Assignment of unique numbers
In such instances, the draft and the rules for allocation shall be subject to mandatory coordination (see 5.4.4).
6.5 Open Source
Open Source is a digital work for which the human-readable source code is available in the preferred form for
making modifications for use, study, re-use, modification, enhancement, and re-distribution by the users. Open
Source applies to software and hardware, which may include computer code, hardware designs, data,
documentation, documents, and other digital objects. Other Open Source terms are defined in Clause 2 of the IEEE
SA Board of Governors Open Source Committee Operations Manual.
The Standards Committee and Working Group shall comply with IEEE Open Source policies and procedures, and
with policies of the IEEE Open Source Platform in developing IEEE Open Source for incorporation into a standard.
All IEEE Open Source incorporated in an IEEE standard shall be hosted on the IEEE Open Source Platform.
IEEE has the authority to change how content is accessed on the IEEE Open Source Platform, including but not
limited to changes made to address security of the IEEE Open Source Platform. This includes, but is not limited to,
access to normatively referenced content.
6.5.1 Project authorization
Use of the IEEE Open Source Platform for development of Open Source incorporated into an IEEE standard requires
approval by the responsible committee of the IEEE SA Board of Governors. If a Standards Committee or Working
Group intends to develop Open Source to be incorporated in an IEEE standard, the Standards Committee or Working
Group shall indicate this intent to the responsible committee of the IEEE SA Board of Governors.
Each IEEE Open Source Project developed for incorporation into an IEEE standard shall be developed under a single
approved open source license. A Working Group may develop several Open Source Projects for a single IEEE
Standards Project, and the Open Source Projects can be developed under different approved open source licenses.
Changes to this open source license are discouraged and shall be approved by the responsible committee of the IEEE
SA Board of Governors. If the license is changed, then appropriate Contributor License Agreements (CLAs) for the
new open source license shall be obtained from all previous Contributors prior to publicly indicating a change in the
license on the IEEE Open Source Platform. The open source license shall not be changed once the Standards
Association ballot has begun.
A PAR Study Group shall not develop Open Source.
6.5.2 Governance of IEEE Open Source Projects incorporated in IEEE standards
Development and maintenance of the technical content (including code, documentation, and open source hardware) of
IEEE Open Source Projects incorporated in an IEEE standard are the responsibility of the Standards Committee and
its Working Groups. This responsibility continues as long as the standard is active. A Standards Committee may form
one or more Open Source subgroups that coordinate Open Source development for multiple Working Groups under
that Standards Committee, or delegate responsibility to the applicable Working Group to establish its own Open
Source subgroup. Each Open Source subgroup shall comply with all IEEE Open Source policies and procedures, and
all policies of the IEEE Open Source Platform.
An Open Source subgroup shall be led by an IEEE Open Source Project Lead who shall be designated as an officer of
the responsible Standards Committee or Working Group. The IEEE Open Source Project Lead is responsible for the
vitality, organization, development, evaluation, operation, security, and maintenance of an IEEE Open Source Project.
The IEEE Open Source Project Lead is the point of contact for the IEEE Open Source Platform team regarding
technical and administrative matters.
Each IEEE Open Source Project developed by the Standards Committee or Working Group to be incorporated in an
IEEE standard shall have at least one Maintainer, who may be the IEEE Open Source Project Lead. Maintainers have
the authority to commit (save changes) to the IEEE code and document repository associated with an IEEE Open
Source Project, and to assign Committers. Maintainers shall be a member of the Standards Committee or Working
Group responsible for the project and shall be an IEEE member of any grade and a member of IEEE SA.
Committers shall be members of the Standards Committee or Working Group responsible for the project and shall be
responsible for committing code to the IEEE code and document repository associated with an IEEE Open Source
The IEEE Open Source Project Lead and Maintainer(s) shall be responsible for coordinating the development of
Open Source with the Working Group and comment resolution group, and obtaining applicable CLAs for all
Contributions to the IEEE Open Source Project.
43 Open Source Contributors
An IEEE Open Source Contributor is any person who submits any material to an IEEE Open Source Project,
whether as an individual or on behalf of an organization. All contributors to an IEEE Open Source Project
incorporated in an IEEE standard shall submit a CLA for the license used by such project. Application of patent policy
The IEEE SA patent policy applies to Open Source that is incorporated in a standard, even if a CLA has been
submitted. IEEE does not determine whether there is consistency between Letters of Assurance and CLAs. A call for
patents notice shall be posted on the IEEE Open Source Platform in the area where CLAs are submitted for all IEEE
Open Source that is developed and incorporated normatively or informatively in a draft or approved standard.
The IEEE Open Source Platform, in the area where CLAs are submitted, shall have a link to Accepted Letters of
Assurance, as well as to appropriate sections of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and IEEE SA Standards Board
Operations Manual relating to intellectual property.
The IEEE Standards website shall make available information about all Accepted CLAs for IEEE Open Source
incorporated in an IEEE standard, and information about Accepted CLAs shall also be available where Accepted
Letters of Assurance are posted on the website. Incorporation of Open Source in standards
IEEE standards may incorporate the use of Open Source:
Normatively, where use of the Open Source is required when implementing the standard; or
Informatively, where the Open Source is provided for information only, and not required for
All IEEE standards that incorporate Open Source should indicate this fact in the scope of the standard; and shall
identify in the text of the standard the appropriate use of the Open Source for compliance with the standard (e.g.,
whether the use is normative or informative), and the location of the software code and documentation in the
repository on the IEEE Open Source Platform.
Normatively referenced Open Source without a specific version shall not be duplicated in the text of the draft standard
unless it is marked as an Example.
Informative documentation shall be included in the published standard (e.g., as an Annex) explaining how to access
and run the Open Source. The form of this documentation shall comply with the IEEE Standards Style Manual, and
files provided to IEEE Standards Editorial Staff shall be compliant with requirements for standards publication.
IEEE Open Source that is developed by the Standards Committee or Working Group and incorporated in a draft IEEE
standard that is published prior to approval of the standard by the IEEE SA Standards Board shall include IEEE SA
disclaimer text (see the IEEE Standards Style Manual) on the IEEE Open Source Platform and in all IEEE Open
Source in the repository for the IEEE Open Source Project.
The guidance on references listed in the IEEE Standards Style Manual applies to normative and informative
references to Open Source. A reference shall specify one or more source code libraries within a specified project in a
specified code repository. A reference may specify one or more specific versions, including “the most current
version,” of each library.
Normative use of Open Source is discouraged, unless required for accuracy, functionality, safety, security, or
compatibility. Open Source that is incorporated normatively without referencing specific version(s) (i.e., it is undated)
shall be made available and maintained on the IEEE Open Source Platform. This restriction does not apply to
informative references.
If an IEEE standard normatively references a specific version of the Open Source (i.e., it is a dated reference), the
version can be changed only through a revision of the standard, or an amendment or corrigendum to the standard. The
restriction on published amendments (see 8.1.2) does not apply for amendments that are intended only to update Open
Source or references to Open Source.
For normatively referenced Open Source that does not have a specific version, the Standards Committee or Working
Group shall review updates to the Open Source during the standards development process and should review updates
to the Open Source after IEEE SA Standards Board approval to determine if the software continues to align with the
standard. If the software does not align with the standard, the Standards Committee or Working Group shall take
appropriate action, for example, if a dated reference should be noted in the standard instead, submit a PAR for
revision or amendment to the standard.
6.5.3 Mandatory coordination
During mandatory coordination, the Standards Committee shall include all IEEE Open Source developed by the
Working Group and incorporated in the draft. The IEEE Open Source Community Manager and IEEE SA IPR Staff
shall review the IEEE Open Source, CLAs, and associated documentation prior to initial Standards Association ballot.
Mandatory coordination comments by the IEEE Open Source Community Manager and IEEE SA IPR Staff shall be
addressed prior to initial Standards Association ballot.
6.5.4 Standards Association ballot and IEEE Public Review
All IEEE draft standards that incorporate Open Source developed by an IEEE Working Group shall provide
notification during the invitation to ballot and on the IEEE Public Review site that (a) the IEEE draft standard
incorporates Open Source developed by the Working Group, (b) applicable CLA(s) are required for any Contributions
to IEEE Open Source Projects developed by the Working Group and incorporated in an IEEE standard, and (c)
template CLAs are available, with links to the applicable CLA templates.
During the Standards Association ballot, balloters shall be granted access to view any referenced Open Source. After
the initiation of the Standards Association ballot process, any IEEE Open Source Projects developed by the Working
Group and incorporated in an IEEE standard shall only be updated to reflect changes approved by the ballot group.
The IEEE Open Source Project Lead and at least one Maintainer shall be members of the comment resolution group.
Any comment that provides modifications to an IEEE Open Source Project developed by the Working Group and
incorporated in an IEEE standard may not be implemented in the IEEE Open Source or the draft standard and may
not be considered unless an applicable CLA was previously submitted to IEEE. The IEEE Open Source Project Lead
and Maintainer are responsible for obtaining all CLAs prior to the start of any initial Standards Association ballot or
recirculation ballot.
Once the Standards Association ballot is completed for a draft standard, the incorporated IEEE Open Source
developed by the Working Group shall not be updated until after IEEE SA Standards Board approval, and then only if
the IEEE Open Source is undated.
IEEE Public Review commenters shall be granted access to view any Open Source incorporated in an IEEE standard.
Any public review comments that provide modifications to IEEE Open Source developed by the Working Group may
not be implemented in the IEEE Open Source or in the draft IEEE standard and may not be considered unless an
applicable CLA was previously submitted to IEEE.
6.5.5 Release and maintenance of Open Source
Final release of IEEE Open Source Projects developed by the Standards Committee or Working Group and
incorporated in an IEEE standard shall occur only after approval of the standard by the IEEE SA Standards Board,
and the IEEE Open Source Projects incorporated in an IEEE standard shall be included in the official IEEE listing.
After the standard is approved, only Open Source that does not have a specific version (undated) may be updated
without requiring a revision of the standard, or an amendment or corrigendum (see 8.1.2). Normatively referenced
Open Source that is undated may be updated only with approval from the Standards Committee, Working Group, or a
subgroup delegated with that responsibility.
7. Liaisons with organizations external to IEEE
7.1 Liaisons from Standards Committees/Subgroups to organizations external to IEEE
7.1.1 Definition of a Standards Committee External Liaison
A Standards Committee External Liaison is an information conduit that enables sharing of information from a
Standards Committee/Subgroup to an organization external to IEEE.
A Standards Committee External Liaison shall be operated in the best interest of the Standards Committee/Subgroup
and IEEE SA at all times.
7.1.2 Definition of a Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator
A Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator is appointed by the Standards Committee/Subgroup and
facilitates the sharing of information from a Standards Committee/Subgroup to an organization external to IEEE (see
subclauses 7.1.6 and 7.1.7).
A Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator is not an External Representative as defined in the IEEE
Standards Association Operations Manual, subclause 7.1.1.
7.1.3 General guidelines for the establishment of a Standards Committee/Subgroup External
The Standards Committee/Subgroup shall have activity in the relevant technical field of the organization external to
IEEE with which the liaison is being established.
7.1.4 Establishing a Standards Committee/Subgroup External Liaison
A Standards Committee/Subgroup interested in establishing a liaison with an organization external to IEEE shall
vote to establish the liaison relationship and shall coordinate with the IEEE Standards Department to establish the
liaison relationship.
7.1.5 Appointment of a Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator
Once a Standards Committee/Subgroup has established a Standards Committee External Liaison, the Standards
Committee/Subgroup Chair shall appoint a coordinator and notify the IEEE Standards Department with the name
and contact information of the coordinator.
7.1.6 Responsibilities of a Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator
The Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator:
a) Shall coordinate with the IEEE Standards Department on the administration of the liaison activities.
b) Shall indicate their Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator role when attending meetings of the
organization external to IEEE.
c) Shall only express views authorized by or in alignment with the direction set by the Standards
Committee/Subgroup from which they have been appointed while serving as the Standards Committee
External Liaison coordinator in the organization external to IEEE.
d) Shall only share information with the organization external to IEEE as authorized by the Standards
Committee/Subgroup while serving as the Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator. A template
for sharing written information may be used and can be obtained from the IEEE SA Program Manager, see
subclause 7.1.7 regarding the sharing of IEEE documents.
e) May represent another group (such as their employer and/or other affiliation), while also serving as the
Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator in the same organization external to IEEE. In such a
case, the Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator shall clearly identify the role associated with
the views being expressed.
f) Is not authorized by IEEE to hold a leadership role in an organization external to IEEE if their eligibility for
such a role is based solely on IEEE’s status in that organization.
g) May share materials from the organization external to IEEE with the Standards Committee/Subgroup
subject to the other organization’s policies and procedures, including copyright policy.
h) Is responsible for adhering to the Standards Committee/Subgroup’s policies and procedures. All
information shared by the Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator shall comply with the IEEE
SA Copyright Policy, outlined in Clause 7 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and subclause 6.1 of
the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual.
i) If the Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator becomes aware of IEEE copyrighted material
being used in another organization’s document, the Standards Committee External Liaison coordinator
shall notify the IEEE SA Program Manager.
7.1.7 Submission of IEEE documents to an organization external to IEEE
If a Standards Committee/Subgroup would like to share a draft IEEE standard with an organization external to
IEEE, the procedures in subclause of the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual apply.
If a Standards Committee/Subgroup would like to share a published standard with an organization external to IEEE,
please contact IEEE SA and notify the IEEE SA Program Manager.
Any requests not addressed above shall be sent to stds-[email protected].
7.1.8 Submittal of comments to an organization external to IEEE
Comments submitted to an organization external to IEEE are subject to that organization’s intellectual property
rights policies.
7.2 Liaisons from organizations external to IEEE to Standards Committees/Subgroups
An organization external to IEEE may request to establish a liaison relationship from the organization external to
IEEE to a Standards Committee/Subgroup as an information conduit and may provide information as part of the
consensus building process.
7.2.1 Criteria for the establishment of a liaison
In order to establish a liaison relationship with a Standards Committee/Subgroup, the organization external to IEEE
shall meet the following criteria:
a) Have technical competence or expertise in the field of technology represented by the Standards
Committee/Subgroup with which the liaison relationship is established
b) Have a process for developing consensus on any input provided to the Standards Committee/Subgroup
7.2.2 Establishing a liaison with a Standards Committee/Subgroup
An organization external to IEEE may request to establish a liaison with a Standards Committee/Subgroup. The
Standards Committee/Subgroup that receives the request shall vote on acceptance of the liaison relationship and, if
accepted, shall coordinate with the IEEE Standards Department to establish the relationship.
7.2.3 Roles and responsibilities of a liaison coordinator
Liaison coordinators may attend and participate in Standards Committee/Subgroup meetings. If a meeting fee is
being charged, the liaison coordinator is responsible for paying the fee.
While participating in IEEE standards development activities, all participants shall act in accordance with all
applicable laws and regulations (nation-based and international), IEEE Policies including, but not limited to, Section
9.9 on Conflict of Interest and Section 7.8 on the IEEE Code of Ethics, the IEEE Code of Conduct, the IEEE
Standards Association Operations Manual, the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws (see IEEE SA Standards Board
Bylaws subclause 5.2.1 on “Participation in IEEE standards development”), the IEEE SA Standards Board
Operations Manual, and all applicable IEEE Standards policies and procedures.
Those serving as liaison coordinators cannot become a voting member of, nor attain voting rights in, an IEEE
Standards Committee or Subgroup by virtue of their role as the liaison coordinator.
7.2.4 Technical contributions
If a liaison organization external to IEEE makes a technical Contribution to an IEEE draft standard, the liaison
organization thereby agrees to comply with IEEE SA’s policies and procedures related to Contributions (e.g., the
IEEE SA Copyright Policy, outlined in Clause 7 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and subclause 6.1 of the
IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual; the IEEE SA Patent Policy in regards to disclosure of potential
essential patent holders, outlined in Clause 6 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws and subclause 6.3 of the IEEE
SA Standards Board Operations Manual).
If a liaison organization submits one of its copyrighted documents to a Standards Committee/Subgroup for
coordination, the document shall not be considered to be a Contribution and shall not be used in any IEEE document
without prior permission from the organization external to IEEE. Prior to distributing the organization’s document,
the Standards Committee/Subgroup shall reference the Working Group Draft Sharing List to determine if guidance
is required from the IEEE SA Program Manager.
7.3 Review of liaison relationships
The Chair of the Standards Committee or the Chair of the Subgroup is responsible for reviewing the liaison
relationship(s) every three years with their respective group.
7.4 Termination of liaisons
Liaisons may be terminated by the Standards Committee/Subgroup at their discretion for reasons including, but not
limited to, the following:
a) All work is deemed to have been completed
b) The organization external to IEEE has not been compliant with the permission terms associated with an
IEEE Standards draft provided to them
c) The relationship is determined to not be in the best interest of the Standards Committee/Subgroup, IEEE
8. Publication
8.1 Standards
Upon approval by the IEEE SA Standards Board, the standard shall be published as an IEEE standard. The
Standards Committee shall be notified of the approval in writing. Balloters with unresolved negative ballot
comments shall be informed in writing of the approval and of their right to appeal.
Working group members and Standards Association ballot group members are listed in the front matter of the
published IEEE standard. For entity-based standards, entities are listed and may be accompanied by the individual
representing the entity.
8.1.1 Errata
An erratum shall be prepared when an editorial error is found in an approved IEEE standard that represents a
deviation from the standard as approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board and that could result in misinterpretation
of the standard. The date of the erratum and a statement that the erratum represents an editorial correction only shall
8.1.2 Amendments and corrigenda
Amendments and corrigenda are processed with separate PARs and balloted independently in accordance with the
requirements of these procedures, including submission to the IEEE SA Standards Board. A corrigendum may not
extend the scope of the existing standard. An amendment may extend the scope of the existing standard, but if the
proposed scope of the amendment PAR or the changes made in the draft amendment are found to be excessive by
the IEEE SA Standards Board, the Standards Committee shall initiate a revision PAR to replace the amendment
All PARs for amendments and corrigenda shall include a project scope.
All amendments and corrigenda shall follow the style conventions for indicating changes defined in the IEEE
Standards Style Manual.
Standards Association ballots of amendments and corrigenda shall also include access to the approved base standard
and any approved amendments and corrigenda in order to provide sufficient information to the Standards
Association balloting group.
Up to three amendments can be approved before the standard shall be revised, unless the base standard has been
approved within the past three years. In such a case, multiple amendments may be added until the base standard is
three years old. After the three-year period, RevCom shall defer consideration of additional amendments or
corrigenda until a revision or a two-year extension request is approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board.
If, for any extenuating circumstances, an exception to these rules is required, the Standards Committee shall take its
request for a two-year extension to RevCom. A project plan outlining the rationale for the request, as well as a
schedule for the revision, also shall be submitted. RevCom will review the request and make a recommendation to
the IEEE SA Standards Board.
During the two-year extension period, the Standards Committee can submit additional amendments and corrigenda
for approval consideration. However, after this period, RevCom shall defer consideration of additional amendments
or corrigenda until a revision is approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board.
8.1.3 Normative annexes
Normative annexes are official parts of the standard that are placed after the body of the standard for reasons of
convenience or to create a hierarchical distinction. They are official (substantive) parts of the standard. A normative
annex shall be referred to as such (Annex A, Annex B, etc.) in its title, the table of contents, and the text.
8.1.4 Informative annexes
Informative annex texts shall be submitted with the proposed standard.
Informative annexes are included in a standard for information only and are not normative (substantive) parts of the
standard. Standards writers should carefully consider the nature of material placed in informative annexes. The
working group should also understand that informative annex material is considered part of the balloted document
and, as such, shall be submitted to the IEEE SA Standards Board for approval.
8.2 Publication of drafts
Drafts of standards under development are normally distributed to members of the group involved in their
generation (working group, subcommittee, etc.) for comment and letter ballot. The normal method for generating
valid comments is to conduct a letter ballot of the working group or subcommittee.
All drafts, no matter how broad their circulation, shall be marked on the cover and elsewhere with the appropriate
copyright and legal statements as defined in Clause 6.
When using the approved IEEE standards designation on a draft standard, the designation shall be structured, at a
minimum, as “IEEE Pxxx/DXX,” where “xxx” represents the specific designation and “XX” represents the specific
draft version of that document. The date of the draft shall also be included. Any additional information (such as the
draft chapters) may be included at the discretion of the working group. The draft designation shall appear on each
page of the draft in the same location for the sake of continuity (for example, the upper right corner, the bottom right
corner, etc.).
9. Review of IEEE standards
9.1 Revision
The Standards Committee should initiate revision of a standard whenever any of the material in the standard
(including all amendments, corrigenda, etc.) becomes obsolete or incorrect, or if three or more amendments to a base
standard exist three years after its approval. The Standards Committee may initiate revision of a standard when new
material becomes available and normal evaluation of need and feasibility indicates revision is warranted. The
procedure for revising a standard is the same as for developing a new standard. A revision shall encompass the
cumulative scope of the project (including all approved amendments and corrigenda).
In a revision, balloters may register objections to any part of the standard, as the revision process opens the entire
document to comment. (The amendment process shall be used when new material and possibly corrections of a
limited scope are proposed.)
The draft revision document submitted to the IEEE SA Standards Board shall be a complete version of the revised
document. A complete document shall include both the changed and the unchanged text, with balloted changes
incorporated into the document.
When a standard is revised, its approved amendments and corrigenda shall be removed from active status as separate
documents. Existing amendments and corrigenda shall either be integrated into the base document or eliminated as
indicated in the PAR or determined by the Standards Association balloting process.
9.1.1 American National Standards
For those IEEE Standards that are also American National Standards, the Standards Committee should initiate a
revision prior to the standard’s fifth anniversary of approval as an American National Standard (ANS) in order to
keep the standard from being withdrawn by ANSI. If this does not occur, the Standards Committee can provide a
rationale for extension to the RevCom Administrator, who will communicate the request to ANSI. The request for
an extension of time shall be submitted to ANSI prior to the thirtieth day following the fifth anniversary of approval
as an ANS. A request for extension shall provide the schedule of work that will lead to revision.
9.2 Removal from active status
Standards that are no longer useful or contain significant obsolete or erroneous information should be recommended
for withdrawal from active status by the Standards Committee. A recommendation for withdrawal from active status
shall be supported by a Standards Association ballot (see 5.4) with a 50% return and at least a 75% approval.
Every IEEE Standard shall be considered for transfer to inactive status by the IEEE SA Standards Board at the
beginning of the next calendar year after it is ten years past its approval date (i.e., the standard will be labeled
Inactive and reserved for historical reference).
A standard remains active until it is officially transferred to inactive status by the IEEE SA Standards Board. When
a standard is transferred to inactive status, its amendments and corrigenda are also transferred to inactive status.
10. Maintenance and modification of the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations
Proposed modifications to this manual may be submitted to the Secretary of the IEEE SA Standards Board by
members of the IEEE SA Standards Board and any of its committees. This manual will be maintained by the IEEE
Standards Department Staff, reviewed by ProCom, and approved by the IEEE SA Standards Board.
This document shall be reviewed by legal counsel.
10.1 Interpretations of the IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual
Requests for interpretations of this document shall be directed to the IEEE SA Standards Board. The Secretary of the
IEEE SA Standards Board shall respond to the request within 30 days of receipt. Such response shall indicate either
an interpretation or a specified time limit when such an interpretation will be forthcoming. The time limit shall be no
longer than is reasonable to allow consideration of and recommendations on the issue by, for example, the
Procedures Committee of the IEEE SA Standards Board.