Entity Projects within the IEEE PES Transmission &
Distribution Committee
Dan Sabin, P.E., IEEE Fellow
Vice Chair for Standards & Standards Coordinator
IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Committee
Distinguished Technical Expert, Schneider Electric
2022 March 2
T&D Committee Organization within IEEE PES
IEEE PES Entity Proposal Committee Processes
Differences between Individual and Entity IEEE SA Projects
Roles & Responsibilities Related to the Standards
Committee Representative in IEEE SA Entity Projects
IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Committee
Overhead and Underground AC and DC
Transmission and Distribution Systems
Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)
Overhead Conductors
Structural Coordination and Mechanical
Problems of Transmission Lines
Towers, Poles, Insulators, and Hardware
Shunt and Series Capacitors
Engineering in the Safety, Maintenance,
and Operation of Lines
Harmonics and Power Quality
Distributed Energy Resources and
Distributed Generation
Overhead Lines
Power Quality
Active Draft
Chair: Surya Santoso
Vice Chair: Eriks Surmanis
Past Chair: Gary Chang
Secretary: Julio Romero Agüero
Standards Coordinator: Daniel Sabin
Standards as of 2022 January 09
T&D Committee Organization with IEEE
IEEE Board of
of Governors
NesCom RevCom
Advisory Group
IEEE Technical
Activities Board
PES Technical Activities
(Technical Council)
Transmission &
Capacitor Distribution ESMOL HVDC & FACTS Overhead Lines Power Quality Transmission
Admin Awards
Other Technical
Entity Proposal
PES Chapters
PES China
Council (CCC)
PES CCC Technical
IEEE Entity Proposal Management Committee
Formed in 2020 by the IEEE PES Technical Council as a new standing committee to provide an
internal process utilizing liaisons to review proposals to PES:
To review entity proposals from PES Regional Chapter Councils (e.g., the IEEE PES China
Council) and other channels (e.g., the US Department of Homeland Security)
To review other similar Non-PAR proposals and documents (e.g., from CIGRE, CIRED, etc.)
Manages the review of entity project proposals received from various channels to ensure that
these proposals or similar documents are reviewed by the IEEE PES Technical Council and the
relevant technical committees.
Review take place prior to IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) New Standards Committee
(NesCom) review.
Each technical committee has a liaison to the EPM Committee, but multiple committees share
the same liaison.
IEEE Entity Proposal Management Committee
EPM Committee Chair is the immediate past
chair of the IEEE PES Technical Council.
EPM Vice Chair is a past chair of a PES
committee and serves a five-year term.
The EPM Chair appoints six (6) members from
the 17 technical committees with staggered 3-
year terms. There is an option for one renewal
for a total potential term of 6 years for one
IEEE PES Tech Council Standards Coordinating
Committee Chair
IEEE PES Governing Board Member-at-Large
for Standards
IEEE SA Liaison, as assigned by IEEE SA
IEEE PES Technical Activities Program Manager
Other Representatives from PES Committees
Established in 4Q 2020
Current IEEE PES EPM Members
Vijay Vittal, Chair
Dan Sabin, Vice Chair
Steve Vechy, Rep. for ESSB, NPEC, SBLCS &
PSOPE Committees
Philip Winston, Rep. for PSRC, PSCC, & AMPS
Jim Graham, Rep. for TR, PSIM, & ICC
John McDaniel, Rep. for T&D, SPDC
Keith Flowers, Rep. for SWG & SUB
John Yagielski, Rep. for EMC, EDPG & PSDP
Meeting Schedule
Meets Every Two Months. Chaired by EPM
Committee Vice Chair
Assigns New Entity Project Proposals to be
Reviewed by PES Committees
Reviews PES Committee Reviews of Previous
Conveys Committee Review Results to IEEE SA
PES Technical Committee
Analytic Methods for Power Systems
Energy Development & Power
Electric Machinery
Energy Storage & Battery
Insulated Conductors
Nuclear Power Engineering
Power System Dynamic Performance
Power System Instrumentation and
Power System Operation, Planning
and Economics
Power System Relaying & Control
Power System Communication &
Smart Buildings & Loads
Surge Protective Devices
Transmission & Distribution
Entity Proposal Management with IEEE PES T&D Committee
In concert with the EPM Committee Liaison for the T&D Committee, the EPM Committee assigns review of an entity proposal by the IEEE PES T&D
The T&D Committee’s Standards Coordinator
assigns the proposal to one or more technical subcommittees for review.
The subcommittee reviews the proposal. The proposal includes a title, description, participants, draft PAR, and supporting PowerPoint and/or
Word documents.
The subcommittee provides answers these questions to the T&D standards coordinator:
The T&D Standards Coordinator provides an answer to these questions to its EPM Committee Liaison. The EPM Committee Liaison relays the
answers to the questions to the EPM Committee.
The EPM Committee reviews the answers to the scope questions at its next meeting.
As the current standards coordinator for the T&D Committee is Dan Sabin, but Dan Sabin is the also the Vice Chair of the EPM Committee, the
previous standards coordinator (John McDaniel) was appointed by T&D Committee to coordinate review of entity proposals for T&D Committee.
Question Possible Answers
Is the proposal within the scope of your subcommittee? Yes, No, Other. If “Other”, please explain.
Are there similar/overlapping standards? Yes, No, Maybe, I’m not sure. If “Maybe” or “I’m not sure”, please explain.
Is your subcommittee willing to take oversight of the proposal? Answers: Yes, No, Maybe. If “No”, please provide a detailed rationale. If “Maybe”, then please clarify.
Entity Proposal Management Proposal Review
During the EPM Committee Meeting, the EPM Committee will take one of the following actions:
Accept Oversight: Ask IEEE SA to assign the proposal to one or more PES technical committees for review
The study group should work with the Standards Coordinator to finalize the proposal before submission to IEEE SA MyProject.
When the study group and the PES technical committee agree on the scope, purpose, and description, the proposal should be submitted to IEEE SA MyProject for
approval by the technical committee for consideration by IEEE SA New Standards Committee (NesCom) and final approval by IEEE SASB.
Request Revision: Ask IEEE SA to provide feedback to the proposer with recommendations for revision before resubmission to IEEE PES for reconsideration
The proposing council and its study group will review the feedback and consider if/how the proposal will be amended before resubmission to the EPM Committee.
Partially in Scope: Inform IEEE SA that the proposal is partially in the scope of one or more IEEE PES Technical committees and that one or more committees is
interested in oversight but only as a Co-Standards Committee
The proposing council and its study group will review the feedback and may submit the proposal to other committees in other societies or councils. Optionally, an
entity proposal could be submitted for review by IEEE SA Corporate Advisory Group (CAG), which can act as a Standards Committee for entity projects. If another
committee or the CAG agrees to act as the Standards Committee, then the IEEE PES committee(s) should be listed as a Co-Standards Committee in the PAR and will
be able to assign an SCR and experts if the PAR is approved by IEEE SASB.
Out of Scope: Inform IEEE SA that the proposal is not in the scope of any IEEE PES Technical committees
The proposing council and its study group will review the feedback and may submit the proposal to other committees in other societies or councils. Optionally, an
entity proposal could be submitted for review by IEEE SA CAG. If another committee or CAG agrees to act as the Standards Committee, IEEE PES will not have
oversight or influence.
In Scope and Reject: Inform IEEE SA that the proposal is in the scope of one or more IEEE PES committees, but the proposal does not warrant an entity standard.
The proposed standard, recommended practice, or guide has a scope of one or more PES committees, but it is one of many possible practices and should be
completed as a technical paper or technical report. The committee(s) should provide supporting information.
T&D Committee Involvement in Entity Project Draft & Review
After recommendation by NesCom and final approval by IEEE SA Standards Board, the
working group can begin draft development. The working group reports to the IEEE
PES T&D Committee.
The IEEE PES T&D Committee will delegate management of the project to the
Technical Subcommittee that agreed to take oversight during the EPM Proposal
Review Process.
Responsibilities of the Technical Subcommittee:
Appoint a Standards Committee Representative (SCR) and optional Technical
Experts to Provide Technical Review during Drafting
Review and Approve PAR Modifications and Extensions
Complete a Procedural Review after the Working Group has an Approved Draft
for SA Ballot.
IEEE SA Standards Development Methods
Individual Method
Participants are individual technical experts.
Individuals represent themselves.
Each individual participant has 1 vote.
Ballot groups are made up of a minimum of 10 individuals.
To participate in a ballot group, interested participants must be IEEE SA individual member
There shall always be at least 10 members in the working group during the life of the project.
Entity Method
Participants are “entities.” Examples include companies, universities, government bodies, etc.
Entities name a person as a Designated Representative (DR) and one or more people as a Designated Representative Alternate
(DRA) to represent the entity.
Each entity has 1 vote.
Ballot groups are made up of a minimum 5 entities.
To participate in a ballot group, interested entities must be an IEEE SA entity member.
There shall always be at least three advanced corporate members in the working group during the life of the project.
Individual vs Entity Membership
Individual Membership
Allows one person to be a member of IEEE SA
Unlimited balloting of individually-based IEEE standard
Assume leadership roles in individually-based IEEE standards
working groups: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer
Ability to participate in elections for IEEE SA Board of
Governors and IEEE SA President
Two types of Membership in IEEE SA: Individual and Entity
Entity Membership
Allows one entity (e.g., corporation, partnership, sole
proprietorship, government agency, or academic institution)
to be a member of IEEE SA
Unlimited entity working group attendance as observers
Unlimited balloting of entity projects
Tiered number of complimentary IEEE SA individual
Participation in and nomination of employees for IEEE SA
Corporate Advisory Group (CAG) and Board of Governors
Able to participate and vote in an unlimited number of IEEE
SA entity-based standard development groups (working
Able to initiate new entity standards projects
Able to assume leadership roles in entity-based standards
working groups: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer
Dues, Types, and Benefits
See https://standards.ieee.org/about/membership/
IEEE SA Entity Project Roles
Voting Members
Voting membership status is maintained through consistent participation at meetings and through Working Group votes.
Each voting entity has 1 vote.
If a designated representative (DR) or a designated representative alternate (DRA) representing an entity misses two consecutive meetings or two
consecutive Working Group letter ballots, its voting privilege may be revoked.
A non-voting member becomes a voting member by attending 2 of the last 4 meetings and upon sending a request for voting status to the Working
Group Chair prior to the next meeting.
Entity nonmembers may observe IEEE SA entity standards working group meetings, obtain read-only access to IEEE repositories of IEEE SA entity
standards working group email communications and documentation, and may speak at IEEE SA entity standards working group meetings at the
discretion of the working group chair.
An entity can represent either itself or another entity’s interest in an entity working group.
Note: an entity acting as an observer does not need to be an Entity Member of IEEE SA.
Standards Committee Representative
Each Standards Committee responsible for the entity project is permitted to send a designated Standards Committee Representative (SCR) to
meetings of that entity-based working group in a non-voting role.
Technical Experts
If approved via working group vote, an entity or individual can be invited to attend up to three working group meetings as an outside expert.
Examples of Active Standards Developed using the Entity Process
IEEE Std/Year
Standard Title
1666-2011 Computer
IEEE Standard for Standard SystemC Language Reference Manual
1725-2011 PES/ESSB
IEEE Standard for Rechargeable Batteries for
Mobile Phones
1735-2014 Computer
IEEE Recommended Practice for Encryption and Management of Electronic Design Intellectual Property (IP)
1834-2019 BOG/CAG
IEEE Standard for Technology Supervision Code for Wind Turbine Rotor Systems
1858-2016 BOG/CAG
IEEE Standard for Camera Phone Image Quality
1870-2019 PES/T&D
IEEE Approved Draft Guide for the Parameter Measurement of AC Transmission Lines
IEEE Standard for Broadband over Power Line Networks: Medium Access Control and Physical Layer Specifications
IEEE Standard for Low
-Frequency (less than 500 kHz) Narrowband Power Line Communications for Smart Grid Applications
1934-2018 Computer
IEEE Standard for Adoption of OpenFog Reference Architecture for Fog Computing
IEEE Standard for Smart Energy Profile Application Protocol
Consumer Technology
IEEE Standard for a Real
-Time Operating System (RTOS) for Small-Scale Embedded Systems
Consumer Technology
IEEE Standard for General Requirements for Cryptocurrency Exchanges
2413-2019 BOG/CAG
IEEE Standard for an Architectural Framework for the Internet of Things (IoT)
IEEE Guide for Technology of Unified Power Flow Controller Using Modular Multilevel Converter
- Part 1: Functions
IEEE Guide for Technology of Unified Power Flow Controller Using Modular Multilevel Converter
Part 2: Terminology
IEEE Guide for Technology of Unified Power Flow Controller Using Modular Multilevel Converter
--Part 3: Thyristor Bypass Switch
IEEE Guide for Energy Efficiency Technology Evaluation of Electric Power Fittings
2772-2021 PES/T&D
IEEE Standard for Test Method for Energy Loss of Overhead Conductor
2821-2020 PES/T&D
IEEE Guide for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
-Based Patrol Inspection System for Transmission Lines
2828-2021 PES/T&D
IEEE Guide for Measuring Method of Overhead Power Transmission Line Galloping Based on Monocular Video
2836-201 PES/ESSB
IEEE Recommended Practice for Performance Testing of Electrical Energy Storage (EES) System in Electric Charging Stations in
Combination with Photovoltaic (PV)
2869-2021 PES/ESSB
IEEE Approved Draft Guide for the Synchronous Monitoring of Direct Current (DC) Bias Magnetic Current Distribution in Power G
IEEE Guide for Design, Operation, and Maintenance of Battery Energy Storage Systems, both Stationary and Mobile, and Applicat
Integrated with Electric Power Systems
IEEE Recommended Practice for Three
-Dimensional (3D) Medical Modeling
IEEE has 93 active standards that were developed using the entity method.
Entity Projects in Development within IEEE PES T&D Committee
Project Title
Chair SCR
Guide for Technology of Unified Power Flow Controller Using Modular Multilevel Converter: Part 4 Control and Protection
Yi Yang
Recommended Practice for Fault Diagnosis and Protection in Smart Distribution System
Xiaoli Meng
Recommended Practice for Risk Identification and Evaluation of Smart Power Distribution System
Keyan Liu
Guide for Forecast and Early Warning of Icing on Overhead Transmission Lines in Micro
-topographic Areas Songhai Fan Yes
Recommended Practice for Measuring Method of Electromagnetic Environment for the Corridor of High
voltage Overhead Power
Transmission Lines in Parallel Mixed with Alternating Current and Direct Current
Degui Yao Yes
Guide for Testing Mechanical Acoustic Imaging of High Voltage Reactors
Ying Shao
Recommended Practice for Distributed Traveling Wave Fault Location Device for High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission
Zhongbin Lv
Guide for Control and Protection System test of Hybrid Multi
-terminal High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Systems Qi Guo
Guide for Overhead Transmission Lines with Composite
-Insulated-Crossarm Supports Xianzhi Li Yes
Guide for Technical Requirements for Hybrid High
-Voltage Direct-Current Transmission Protection and Control Equipment Wei Han Yes
Grip Test Method Guide for Fittings of High
-Temperature, Low-Sag Overhead Conductor Under Tension and Electric Current Co-
Zhoulong Zhou
Standard for Wedge
-shaped Groove Clamps Xiaofeng Shi
Recommended Practice for Medium Voltage (1.5 kV to 35 kV) Direct Current (DC) Transformers
Yi Yang
Guide for Economic Loss Evaluation of Sensitive Industrial Customers Caused by Voltage Sags
Pan Hu Yes
Guide for In
-Service Application, Care, Maintenance, and Testing of Insulating Flexible Sling for Live Working
Sheng Cheng
Guide for Field Calibration System for Current Carrying Capacity of Overhead Transmission Lines
Chigang Peng
Guide for System Commissioning of Medium and Low (750 V to
±50 kV) Voltage Direct Current Distribution Network Peng Qiu
Guide for Converter Station Fittings of Ultra
-high Voltage (above or equal to 800 kV) Direct Current Power Transmission Projects Bo Yue
Guide for Application of Direct Current (DC) Network Topology Protection in DC Distribution Grids
Yi Yang
Guide for Live
-Working Robots for Electric Distribution Systems
Liming Zhang
Note: The Standards Committee for P2973 is IEEE SA CAG; the T&D Committee is a Co Standards Committee but can assign an SCR.
Responsibilities Related to the SCR
IEEE SASB Bylaws Clause “Each Standards Committee responsible for the entity project is permitted to send a designated Standards Committee
Representative (SCR) to meetings of that entity-based working group in a non-voting role.”
Responsibilities of the Working Group Regarding the SCR for an Entity Project under the T&D Committee
Share meeting agenda, meeting invitations, meeting minutes, and project drafts with the SCR.
Address feedback from the SCR provided during working group meetings or via email during draft review.
Conduct meetings in English if the SCR is attending in person or remotely and does not understand the local language.
Responsibilities of the T&D Subcommittee regarding the SCR
Appoint a subject matter expert to act as an SCR to represent the T&D Committee to the entity working group.
Share contact information with the T&D Committee Standards Liaison and IEEE SA Program Manager.
Review periodic reports from the SCR to the Subcommittee and provide feedback to the SCR as needed.
Provide brief periodic reports on entity projects to the T&D Committee Standards Coordinator to allow procedural review at time of ballot draft.
Responsibilities of the SCR to the T&D Subcommittee
Attend working group meetings either in person or remotely.
Review drafts and provide the working group with feedback in person at working group meetings or via email.
Provide brief periodic reports on the entity project to the Subcommittee. Relay feedback from the Subcommittee to the working group if needed.
Responsibilities of the T&D Committee Standards Coordinator
Maintain a List of SCRs for Each Entity Project under the T&D Committee and Share with the T&D Administrative Committee (AdCom).
Request Contact Information for SCRs from Subcommittees.
Share SCR contact information with the IEEE SA Program Manager and the IEEE SA Regional Program Manager (if appropriate).
Approval of Sponsor Ballots within the IEEE PES T&D Committee
Clause 7.1.2: Policies and Procedures for Working Groups of the IEEE PES
Transmission & Distribution Committee
Actions Requiring Approval by a two-thirds Vote: “Approval to move the draft
standards to the Sponsor for IEEE SA Sponsor ballot
Clause 7.2.1 of T&D Committee Policies & Procedures for Standards
“Moving a draft standard to Sponsor ballot requires approval of the Sponsor.
Approval by the Sponsor shall be limited to conducting a procedural review.
Opportunities for Entity Project Influence by a T&D Subcommittee
Use the process provided by the IEEE PES Entity Proposal Management
(EPM) Committee and the IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Committee
to review and influence entity project proposal before it is submitted to IEEE
SA New Standards Committee (NesCom) for approval as a new standards
Provide technical expertise to influence a standard during its drafting stages
by assigning a Standards Committee Representative (SCR) and optional
Technical Experts to the working group.
Inform its Subcommittee members and the T&D Committee itself by
summarizing project status using periodic reports provided by the SCR.
Influence the standard over its entire lifecycle including initiating revisions.
More Information Online
IEEE PES T&D Committee Policies
IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws
IEEE SA Standards Board Operations Manual
IEEE Baseline Operational Procedures
IEEE SA Website
Questions on IEEE SA Membership?
IEEE SA Program Manager:
Mike Kipness: [email protected]g
IEEE SA Entity Membership Coordinator:
Christopher Krysa: c.kr[email protected]g