Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
myTKS App Version 2.9.0
as of December 14
, 2022
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Overview ............................................................................................................................... 3
General Information about the easyConnect calling service via MyTKS app .................. 3
Roaming ............................................................................................................................. 3
myTKS app technical requirements .................................................................................... 4
Log in Screen ........................................................................................................................ 4
Permissions .......................................................................................................................... 5
Account (Login) .................................................................................................................. 6
Menu overview (logged out) ................................................................................................ 6
Menu overview (logged in) ................................................................................................... 7
Menu overview (logged out / logged in) .............................................................................. 7
Home menu layout ............................................................................................................... 8
Phone Menu overview .......................................................................................................... 9
“Connect” / “Disconnect”..................................................................................................... 9
Dialer Screen ................................................................................................................... 10
Answering machine easyConnect .................................................................................... 10
Incoming Call ................................................................................................................... 11
During the Call ................................................................................................................. 11
Android Connection Service Integration ........................................................................... 12
Contacts (Detail) .............................................................................................................. 13
Call History ....................................................................................................................... 14
Phone Settings ................................................................................................................. 14
Account Management Menu overview .............................................................................. 15
Usage control ................................................................................................................... 16
Change of the warning limit of a contract .......................................................................... 17
Customer Data ................................................................................................................. 18
Profile Settings ................................................................................................................. 18
Contracts .......................................................................................................................... 19
Contract details ................................................................................................................ 19
Invoices ............................................................................................................................ 20
Wi-Fi Info .......................................................................................................................... 20
Service Password ............................................................................................................ 21
MFA (Multi-factor authentication) Overview ...................................................................... 22
How to do a 2-factor authentication………………………………………………………...23
Account Management Settings ......................................................................................... 26
Privacy Statement .............................................................................................................. 27
App Update ......................................................................................................................... 28
Account (Logout) ............................................................................................................... 28
Pop up Messages ............................................................................................................... 29
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
The MyTKS app provides TKS customers the possibility to manage their TKS account, show invoices and a tool for
the usage control. In dependence on the type of the customers contracts, the MyTKS app also provides access to the
easyConnect telephone service.
For the usage of the MyTKS app a contract with TKS and a verified myTKS customer account, created on the web
portal ( is required.
The myTKS account keeps alive even if the customer has canceled all their contracts. The customer is able to show
their invoices for the canceled contracts one year in the past.
General Information about the easyConnect calling service via MyTKS app
This function is only available with an active easyConnect contract.
There are two SIP accounts (data connections for voice) per easyConnect contract, one connection for the landline at
home and one to use with a mobile device via the myTKS app.
The customer will be able to establish two simultaneous connections one via landline phone and one via the myTKS
app. Both landline and the myTKS app will receive and make calls via the dedicated landline phone number. The in-
coming calls will be signaled on both lines. The connection will be established to the first line that accepts the incoming
call (either the landline or the myTKS app). The call cannot be transferred to the other line or used simultaneously (no
conference call). Charges for all connections which are not included in the customers chosen flat rate package will be
charged according to the current easyConnect price list. The data usage for the myTKS app will be deducted from the
data volume included in the Mobile plan or if logged in via Wi-Fi according to the Wi-Fi providers’ terms.
Incoming calls are also signaled when the app is closed or in the lock screen.
Emergency calls via the myTKS app are only possible, if a GSM connection (cellular service) is available. If there is
only a Wi-Fi connection available an emergency call is not possible.
When changing phone numbers of the easyConnect service (i.e. due to a move), the old phone number will be dis-
played in the app until the user has logged off and logged in again. The customer will be available on the new number
even if he doesn’t log out and back in.
The myTKS app can be used abroad while roaming.
Caution: When using the myTKS app abroad regular fees for data roaming may apply according to the cellular pro-
viders Terms and Conditions. This might lead to high costs especially if used outside of the EU or not in a partner net-
work of the service provider.
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
myTKS app technical requirements
The myTKS app is offered for Android Smartphones and Apple iPhones and is available for free in the respective app
stores for each smartphone user.
All iPhones starting with IOS-version 15.0 and all Android Smartphones starting with version 8.1 are supported.
Tablets are not supported.
Only one device can be used per easyConnect contract (contract binding)
After the myTKS app has been downloaded from the App store the user can simply click on the myTKS app icon and
enter the log in data.
Log in Screen
While the app is starting up, a Splash screen will be displayed.
When the app gets started the first time all required permissions get re-
quested and have to be confirmed by the user
Details about the required permissions can be found at page 5
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
In order to use all feature options, the myTKS app requires permissions
to access the contacts, the microphone and the camera of the mobile
These permissions must be confirmed by the user when launching the
app for the first time. If the user denies any of the permissions, the app
will not function properly.
In the Android or iOS settings (see picture), the granted permissions
can be viewed and edited later.
In iOS you can find the permission settings of the app under Settings /
In Android you will find the permission settings of the app under
Settings / Apps / myTKS / Permissions
In Android you will find the call settings under Contacts / Settings /
Other call settings / Call accounts / Make calls with. A selection can be made as to whether the call should always
be made via the SIM card, the myTKS app or with prior querying of the two options.
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Account (Login)
Step 1
The first time you start the app, the login page opens automatically.
You can manually reach the login page by clicking the menu item
Depending on the registration status, the login page will appear if you are
currently logged out or the logout page if you are logged in.
To log in, the username and password of the myTKS account
is required.
On the Crown VoIP server, the log in takes place with the access data
stored on the easyConnect contract.
Before logging in, the privacy policy must be accepted.
The password can be made visible via the eye icon.
Log in takes place by clicking on the Log in button.
Via the link Manage your TKS login customer gets forwarded to the TKS
web page, which provides more information about the login and the possi-
bility to reset the password.
Menu overview (logged out)
The menu can be opened by using a swipe gesture from left to right or by
clicking on the icon in the top left of the home screen.
The header area shows the registration status:
Not logged in (no display)
Log in to the TKS account (username)
Telephony active (phone number)
The appearance of the menu differs depending on the registration status.
The complete menu is only visible when the user has logged on to their
TKS account. The menu on the right can be seen if the user is not logged
in. In this case, only two menu items are displayed:
Accountopens the login page
Privacy Statement opens the information on data protection.
If the user is logged on to the TKS account, the complete menu appears
(picture on top of page 7)
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Menu overview (logged in)
If the user is logged in to the TKS account, the complete menu will be
The picture on the right side shows that user has activated the easy-
Connect calling function. Otherwise, the username would be displayed
instead of the telephone number.
The menu points are grouped. By clicking on the arrows, the respec-
tive group can be opened or closed
Menu overview (logged out / logged in)
User logged in and telephony active
User logged in and telephony not active
User has activated the call function of easyConnect
(phone number is shown and disconnect)
User has not yet activated the call function (username
appears and connect)
Clicking on "disconnet" removes the connection to the
selected easyConnect contract. In this case, the cus-
tomer can no longer use the telephony function. He
must select an easyConnect contract for connecting
Clicking on connect activates telephony and contract
binding is on
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Home menu layout
The Home menu item takes you to the Home screen, from which frequent-
ly used functions can be accessed quickly.
Switches to the dialer screen to place or carry out phone calls
Opens the easyTV app if it is installed or offers to launch the app store
to install the app.
Usage control
The current status of the accrued costs and limits for easyConnect
contracts will be displayed.
Note: only within Germany the exactly amount of the accrued costs
and limits will be displayed. Roaming costs may take longer to be de-
livered to the German mobile network provider and therefore the dis-
played amount may be incorrect.
If a limit is reached, the Usage Control symbol changes its color.
Change to Yellow means reached warning limit.
Change to Red means reached block limit.
Note: the current status of the easyMobile V data volume usage can
also be checked under this menu point.
Contact Us
Opens the TKS homepage
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Phone Menu overview
All functions for making calls are grouped under the menu group Phone.
Make outgoing calls using the dialer
Display of the contacts saved in the mobile phone
Call History
Display of the conversation history
All settings that affect telephony
Connect / Disconnect
After you have logged in to the account, you can activate telephony via
this menu item (Connect) by selecting the relevant contract or deactivate
the telephony function (Disconnect) if it is already activated.
Connect / Disconnect
Depending on the current status the menu item changes the label to:
Disconnect: Telephony is deactivated
Connect: Telephony is activated
By clicking on Connect all valid contracts of the user are offered for
selection. In general, this will be one contract since most customers do
not have more than one easyConnect Service.
By clicking on a contract verification takes place whether the chosen
contract is available or already used with another device.
If the selected contract is available, a pop up appears that the contract
is connected to the device and can then only be used via this device.
If the user confirms the pop up, the start page of the app (myTKS logo)
appears, and the registration is completed. From this point on the te-
lephony function is activated.
By clicking on Disconnect the paring with the selected easyConnect
contract will be removed. In this case customer cannot use the teleph-
ony function anymore, until a new easyConnect contract gets selected
for pairing.
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Dialer Screen
Via the menu item Dialer, you will get to the call page.
The phone number can be entered into the field “Enter number”.
The call is started by clicking the blue handset icon.
The keypad for entering the number appears when you click in the text
box or the keyboard icon
A click on the recording symbol opens the mailbox settings A pop-
up menu appears with the following selection:
Enable voicemail
Disable voicemail
Note: requested PIN code to check the messages is provided in the
confirmation email of the original easyConnect contract.
The “Caller ID” icon opens the "Caller ID settings" with the follow-
ing selection:
Show my caller ID
Hide my caller ID
Note: Changing the settings in the mailbox and the caller ID each makes a
call. This executes the change command. An automatic announcement
follows (e.g., Call ID on / Call ID off) and each call will appear in the call history.
In the call history, the following calls will appear with a speed dial if set-
tings are changed
mailbox call - *55
Voicemail on - *03
Voicemail off - *04
call ID blocking is on - *67
call ID blocking is off - *68
Answering machine easyConnect
If the answering machine is activated for the easyConnect telephone number, incoming calls are forwarded to the
answering machine under the following conditions:
User is not logged in.
User is not available (no internet connection)
line is busy
Call is not accepted by user (after set time)
Call is rejected by user
The PIN code is provided with the confirmation email of the original easyConnect contract.
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Incoming Call
The incoming call page is displayed when receiving an inbound
The call can be rejected via the red handset.
The call is accepted via the green handset.
If the call is not accepted or missed, the user receives a notification.
By clicking on the notification, the app opens, and the Call History page
will be displayed.
features: The telephony feature on iOS devices is built into the system, this means if the device is locked, instead of
the call page shown here the app uses the standard iOS page for active calls. This feature is also available on Android
devices with Android version 8.0 and higher.
Further details about the Android Connection Service Integration can be found at page 12
During the Call
The call page is displayed during an active call.
It is possible to mute the microphone, to activate the loudspeaker or to
display the dial pad in order to make entries during the telephone call (i.e.:
to operate the answering machine).
The call can be ended via the red handset
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Android Connection Service Integration
Starting with the myTKS app 2.1, the Android version of the MyTKS app
also supports the Android Connection Service. Prerequisite therefore is, that
the Android version 8.0 or later is installed. Previous Android versions do
not support that feature and the dialing service of the MyTKS app must be
The Connection Service provides the following benefits:
Using the Android calling surface
The telephone service of the MyTKS app is integrated in the Android
systems. That means that the standard telephone apps of the An-
droid device can be used to answer a call of the MyTKS app calling
service. Depending on the device settings is this also possible for
outgoing calls.
Integration of Smartwatches
Incoming calls can be signaled and answered with a Smartwatch
Note: For the usage of this service myTKS must be enabled in the Phone
account settings. The window therefore will automatically open when the app is used for the first time.
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
The Contacts page lists all the contacts stored in the phone's address
book. The app itself does not manage its own contacts.
The search field can be used to search for contacts. The listing will
then be updated according to the search criteria.
By tapping a contact, you get to the detail page of the contact.
The sorting order (first name / last name) can be changed via the Set-
tings page.
Contacts (Detail)
The detail page of a contact lists all phone numbers of the contact that are
stored on the phone.
Tapping a phone number starts the call and switches to the call page.
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Call History
The Call History page lists all call events so far.
The date, time, and duration of the call as well as the telephone num-
ber and, if known, the name of the caller / called party is displayed.
Entries from the call log can’t be copied or stored to the phonebook.
Based on the handset symbol, it is recognizable which type of call it
was and whether a conversation has come about:
o Incoming call, rejected or missed
o Outgoing call, canceled or not accepted
o Incoming call, has taken place
o Outgoing call, has taken place
The Call History can be cleared via trash can. Only the complete call
history can be cleared. Individual calls can´t be cleared. A security
warning will be displayed before clearing is processed.
Phone Settings
The settings page offers various app settings:
Do not disturb: If this setting is activated, no calls will be signaled.
Only Wi-Fi: If this setting is activated, no outgoing calls are possible if
you are not connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi. Incoming calls will be
rejected directly, and the user receives a Missed Call notification.
Warn on outgoing calls over mobile network
A warning message will be displayed if an attempt is made to initiate a
phone call via mobile network.
Show all contacts: Especially for iOS devices can be set whether all
contacts from the address book or only the contacts of the default ac-
count should be displayed. If all contacts are selected, additional ac-
counts such as Google or Exchange Server will be shown. The selec-
tion is also visible on Android devices but has no influence there.
Sort contacts by family name: The contacts page sorts the contacts
by last name if this setting is on, otherwise by first name
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Account Management Menu overview
All functions relating to the TKS account are grouped under the Ac-
count Management menu group.
Except for the Usage Control function is the service password re-
quired for all menu items of the Account Management
Usage control
Displays the status of the users contracts graphically, i.e.: ac-
crued costs and limits and shows the information about the used
data volume of the easyMobile contracts.
Customer data
Display of the stored customer data
Profile settings
Display and change of communication details
Display and management of contracts
Display of invoices and itemized statements
Wi-Fi info
Discover the router's Wi-Fi data
Service Password
Change the service password
MFA (Multi-factor authentication)
Confirm a multi-factor authentication request
View and change the app's account settings
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Usage control
Graphical display of the amounts accrued, and the limits set per contract.
Accrued amounts are shown in green. The yellow bar shows the set
warning limit and the red bar the block limit.
If the warning limit is exceeded, the customer will be informed via
push notifications if he has allowed the receipt of pushes in the set-
With clicking on the “Change warn limit” button the limit can be indi-
vidually set to meet personal usage.
Data volume usage
Overview of the used data volume in the respective billing cycle per con-
The overview of the data volume usage is grouped in different parts and
varies in dependence of the selected tariff.
Overview for tariffs with limited data volume
Graphical overview of the data volume used within Germany
Used data volume gets shown in red, the volume that is available for
the rest of the billing cycle in green and the Total Budget in black
Note: The total Budget does include roll-over data that was not used in
the last billing cycle and can include speed Buckets, booked by the
user. Due to booked speed buckets the total budget can change dur-
ing one billing cycle.
Optional: Data volume used in the EU via GigaPasses (Text only)
This part shows the data volume used via GigaPasses in the EU and
will only be shown if there was a usage in current billing cycle.
Data volume used in Germany via GigaPasses (Text only)
This part shows the data volume used via GigaPasses in Germany.
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Overview for tariffs with unlimited data volume
The cost control for easyMobile contracts with unlimited data volume does
only consist of the graphical overview of the accrued costs, an information
about the unlimited data volume availability within Germany and an infor-
mation about the availability of the EU-Roaming budget in text form.
Change of the warning limit of a contract
The current warning limit is displayed
The new warning limit can be entered
The new warning limit must be higher than the current amount and less
than the block limit.
The adjustment is saved by using the Change button.
Note: The Usage control can be displayed without entering the service pass-
word. The service password is only required to change the limits.
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Customer Data
Display of customer data as in the TKS portal under menu item myTKS
The data can be displayed as a PDF using the Show as PDF button.
Profile Settings
Display and change of the stored communication data as in the TKS portal
under point profile.
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Listing of all contracts of the customer as shown in the TKS portal under
When a contract is selected the details will be shown.
Contract details
Contract details information is shown as in the TKS portal under contracts
/ more information.
There are two functions available via buttons:
Unlink contract
If the contract is already paired with a device, this button is visible. The
current pairing can be removed by clicking the button. The contract can
then be paired with any device.
The unpairing is only possible 30 times a month. With exceeding the
limit, the user receives the following message:
Unlink is not possible. You have reached the maximum number of un-
link operations per month. Contact support or wait until the beginning of
next month.
The number of remaining unpairing attempts per month can be speci-
fied in the service-specific data of the contract in the field Other device
Change invoice type to online
If the current invoice type is not online, this button is visible. The in-
voice type can be changed by clicking the “Change invoice to online
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
To prevent the simultaneous use of a contract on several devices, the device is paired with the selected contract
(device binding) when the app is registered with the TKS account. The re-registration with another device on the
same contract is then no longer possible.
The contract is made by depositing a unique device ID including a device name in the service-specific data of the
The unpairing of a paired device, i.e.: the deletion of the unique device ID from the service-specific data of the con-
tract, is possible over the account management of the app or via the TKS online portal.
The app checks before every outgoing phone call and in the background in regular intervals, whether the phone
has a valid device binding. If not, the app is automatically logged out and no further phone calls are possible. The
user receives a message This contract is already in use by another device. If you want to use the contract with this
device, choose contracts in the account management area and unlink the contract
If the app is in the background or closed when the device binding is deleted, the user receives a notification. When
clicking on the notification, the app opens and the log in page is displayed.
Display of the invoices for all contracts of the customer as shown in the
TKS portal under point invoices.
All existing invoices are listed
The invoice date, contract number and invoice amount are displayed
per invoice.
The Invoice PDF button displays the invoice as a PDF
The itemized connection overview is displayed as a PDF using the CI
PDF button
Wi-Fi Info
Function for determining the SSID and the Wi-Fi password by scanning
the barcode on the TKS Modem.
The barcode on the modem can be scanned using the Scan Barcode
button. If a valid home spot ID is recognized, it is shown in the field be-
low the button.
A click on the Show Info button displays the information about the
home spot ID.
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Service Password
All menu items within the Account Management group except for the
point Usage control are protected by a service password. If a protected
menu item is selected, the service password must be entered first.
The user has the possibility to save the entered password. In this case,
the customer no longer has to enter the password as long as he is
logged in to the TKS account.
The definition to save the password can be withdrawn at any time in the
The service password can be changed by the user at any time.
To do this, they must first enter the current password and then the new
password twice.
With the Change Service Password button, the new password is accepted
and effective immediately.
The Service password is shown in myTKS or can be found under the
“myTKS password” section on
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
MFA (Multi-factor authentication) Overview
With the new myTKS app Version 2.9.0 all verified and active myTKS account
users, will be asked in the first login to set up a 2-factor authentication method.
From this point on, 2-factor authentication will be mandatory for every login and
access to the myTKS account under
Nothing changes for users that never verified there myTKS portal account at that
The myTKS app can be used for the 2-factor authentication, therefore the user
finds under menu account management the selection MFA (Multi-factor authenti-
Important: In the myTKS app settings the receipt of push messages must be
activated for each device that is to be used with the myTKS app.
The respective devices appear only for selection for 2-factor authentication if the
receipt of push messages is permitted.
If the receipt of push messages is not permitted, the following display ap-
pears in the myTKS account under when the
user initiates an MFA via the MyTKS app.
Android feature: Push messages can be additionally activated in the device
settings under settings / notifications / App notifications / select the myTKS App
and allow notifications.
Once activated, the user will also receive a message on the lock screen and a
badge on the myTKS app logo if the device is enabled for 2-factor authentica-
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
iOS feature: Push messages can be additionally activated in the device under
settings / select the myTKS App / notifications / and allow notifications.
Once activated, the user will also receive a message on the lock screen and a
badge on the myTKS app logo if the device is enabled for 2 factor authentica-
How to do a 2-factor authentication
To set up a 2-factor authentication method the user must follow the step-by-step on-screen instructions as prompted
on for the initial setup.
A precise description for the customer is also available on our website under Service / Downloads / myTKS web portal
As soon as the customer tries to log into his myTKS account, the following message appears. The authentication us-
ing the myTKS app is described below.
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
After selecting the myTKS app for 2-factor authentication the user is
shown all available devices.
Important: the receipt of push messages must be activated.
After choosing one of the available authentication devices the user
must click on confirm.
If the myTKS app is successfully recognized for authenti-
cation, the user must click on use authentication now
so that the request is sent to the myTKS app and appears
there for approval.
The authentication must be com-
pleted with the myTKS App.
The user receives a message on the lock screen and a badge on the
myTKS App logo if there is a 2-factor authentication for confirmation
By clicking on the push notification on the lock screen the myTKS App
opens the authentication request for approval directly.
The following confirmation message appears. The user must click on
confirm now and receives a confirmation if the release was success-
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
The following information appears at the same time on the website if the procedure was successful. The customer is
now logged in and can use the myTKS account as usual.
If the user opens the multi-factor authentication and there is no request
available, the following message is displayed.
All devices on which the user has installed the myTKS app and where push messages receiving is permitted can al-
ways be used for the authentication process.
If the user has lost the device, they must contact customer service or visit a TKS shop so that the device can be re-
moved from the myTKS account, and the multi-factor authentication method can be reset.
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Account Management Settings
App settings affecting the account
Remember Service Password
If this setting is selected, the service password is saved when it is
entered for the first time and has no longer to be specified as long
as user is logged in to the TKS account.
If you cancel the setting, the password must be entered again.
Receive push messages
Determine if push messages should be received:
Warning limit exceeded
An info message will be sent when the warning limit of a contract has
been exceeded. Tapping this push message opens the app and switch-
es to menu item “Cost Control.
Push notifications must be switched always on that the device is dis-
played in the myTKS account for multifactor authentication
Send log files / debugging
For data protection reasons, the app does not log any user activ-
ities (log files) by default. To localize technical problems in indi-
vidual cases, it is possible to activate logging.
Switching on the logging should be discussed with the develop-
ment team in individual cases or requested by the developers.
The user must also be informed that personal data is recorded
when logging is activated.
If the sending for log files is activated a warning appears that log
files and debugging information should only be sent when re-
quested by a TKS technician.
When the log files are sent, a separate window opens. Here the
date can be record and a short description of the error. Sending
is done by clicking on send log files
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Privacy Statement
The privacy page contains privacy information and a link to the TKS web-
site, where you can read more about privacy.
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
App Update
If a new version of the app is available in the app store, it can be defined by
TKS how long the old app version may be used furthermore. There are two
possible cases:
It is indicated to the user by a yellow warning triangle on the home screen
if the old app is obsolete. The user also receives a message once a day:
New app version available. Your current version will only be supported
for a short time. Please update to the new version.
However, the app can still be used.
If the status of the old app is set to Terminated, the app can no longer be
used and an update to the new version is mandatory. In this case, the us-
er always receives the following message when using any functions of the
app: This version of the app is no longer supported. Please update to the
new version.
Account (Logout)
If the user is already logged in, the Logout page appears when the menu
item Account is selected.
The logout is done by clicking on the Log out button. After successful
un-subscription, the system will automatically return to the login page.
From this point on, no more telephony is possible.
Product Information myTKS App Version: December 14, 2022
Pop up Messages
No Wi-Fi available. Calls are only allowed with Wi-Fi. Switch on Wi-Fi or change the settings if necessary:
No calls possible if "Only Wi-Fi" is set and there is no Wi-Fi connection available.
Required permissions were not granted. The application will be terminated: The user must accept all permis-
sions (contacts, microphone), otherwise the app will be closed. Manual setting of permissions in the app settings of
the system will be required.
No network connection: No internet connection at app start.
There is a new version of the app. Please update to the current version: When logging in and with every out-
going call attempt the software checks if the installed app is up to date. If the app is outdated, the user will be noti-
fied with this warning: The use of the app is still possible.
This version of the app is no longer supported. Please update to the current version: When logging in and
with every outgoing call attempt the software checks if the installed app is up to date. If the installed version is no
longer supported, the user will be notified with this warning: Calls are no longer possible until the app has been
During Calls
Could not accept: call error when accepting an incoming call. Internal error. Probably connection problems (no
Could not reject call: Error rejecting an incoming call. Internal error. Probably connection problems (no internet)
Call failed: Error during call setup. Internal error. Probably connection problems (no internet)
Hang up failed: Error when terminating an existing call. Internal error. Probably connection problems (no internet)
Call was not successful: Error during call setup. Internal error. Probably connection problems (no internet)
Destination not available: Error during call setup. Phone number unknown.
Emergency call not successful: Emergency calls are not possible overthe app. If an emergency number is dialed
from the app, an attempt is made to initiate that emergency call via the mobile number. An error has occurred.
There is no mobile network available. Emergency Call is not possible: No mobile connection available when
dialing an emergency number.
During Log in
Not logged in. Please log in first: Telephony feature is not available because the user is not logged in to the TKS
account. First log in via menu item Account.
General failure during log in: Failed to log in to TKS account. Check if the app is up-to-date and if the date, time
and time zone are set correctly on the phone.
Invalid username or password: Invalid username or password entered.
User not verified. Please contact TKS support: The user is not verified.
Connection error: server unreachable. Try again later.
No contracts found: User has no contracts
Error getting contracts: Error retrieving contracts. Possibly connection problem.
Error logging in: Unknown error during log in
Error logging out: Unknown error during logoff
This contract is already in use by another device. If you want to use the contract with this device,
choose contracts in the account management area and unlink the contract.
The device pairing with your contract was canceled. Please log in again: The device binding has been can-
celed. Re-login to the TKS account required.