How to Write an Autobiography
Tips to write an autobiography:
Like the examples of autobiographies discussed above, any autobiography
needs to deal with a few aspects:
Introduction: One needs to give on introduction about themselves in the
autobiography. This introduction needs to contain basic aspects like name,
where you live, when and where were you born, what conditions were you born
in, etc.
You in totality: This part of the autobiography deals with a general point of view,
that you hold about yourself. It also needs to let the reader be able to visualize
you in the current day. You need to include your current situations, habits,
lifestyle etc.
Life, in general: This part of the autobiography deals with your view about life,
on a general note. You need to include your understanding of life and its
implications. This part is your route to propound your belief. So, make it
View and aims: Here, you talk about where do you see yourself in the future or
what you expect to happen in the future. This part, mostly, should be in
compatibility with the previous aspect, else your reader could get confused and
lose interest in the book.
Conclusion: Like all stories, an autobiography also needs to have an apt
conclusion. You can leave a lasting impression on the reader with the help of
your conclusion. Remember, you do not need to have a "moral of the story". You
can simply end it with hope, if you like.
Always remember, it is your autobiography, not an example of an autobiography,
you can write it the way you like. So, experiment and enjoy. As they say, "if you
find it interesting while writing it, the reader will find it interesting while reading it".
This is where I sign off. Hope to find your autobiography on the stands soon!!
By Rashida Khilawala
How to begin writing an autobiography
When writing an autobiography, focus on FOUR major things: (1) who you are in life
(how would you describe your personality), (2) what life means to you, (3) what major
life events or critical issues have had an impact on your life, and (4) what your outlook on
the future is.
The first thing you do when writing an autobiography is start off with a lot of facts about
your life; for example,
when and where you were born,
where you live (city and state),
where you go to school and who you live with.
You have to give a lot of information so your reader can clearly understand what is going
on. Once you have written this introduction, you are ready to start your first paragraph of
the autobiography.
Who you are in life?
The best way to start an autobiography is to state your name. When you are writing this
paragraph, you usually explain the type of person you are; describe what you think your
personality is: use facts about yourself such as:
How were you as a child?
How did you fit or interact with your family ?
What did you like or dislike about high school?
Why did you decide to attend college?
What life means to you?
This is now your second paragraph. In this paragraph you should state how you see life--
what does life mean to you. Are you happy or sad? Do you have a lot of friends or just a
few? How do you make your work/schools days go by? Do you have a significant other,
special friend, mate? Who has provided guidance for your in life? What life events or
issues have impacted how you see life? What has been the most important influence on
you? How have you overcoming specific problems or issues in your life?
What is your outlook on the future?
In this paragraph you should explain what you think the future will be like. Pick a year
and explain how it will be but explain it through your eyes. Where will you be? How will
you be living? What will you be doing or plan to do in the future?
The conclusion is the last paragraph of your autobiography and an important one, too. In
the conclusion you usually try to re-word the introduction and add some type of closure
to bring the whole autobiography together.
I was born on a warm, sunny day in June in Sarasota, Florida. I still live
in Sarasota, Florida, and I go to school at Booker High School. I live with my
mom,Kate; my brother, Jake; and my Aunt Molly. When I was born, my bother
was fifteen-months-old and hid under the table from me. Jake is a sweet kid
and he would do anything for me, but like all brothers and sisters we fight like
cats and dogs. Sometimes when no one was around, Jake would come up to me
and bite my toes for no reason. I still love him but only because he is my
Who I am in life.
My name is Sally Friday. I started school when I was six-years-old. I
went to kindergarten through fifth grade at Booker Elementary and while I was
there, I won an award for perfect attendance. I also won an award for honor roll
all four terms. Then I attended Booker Middle School, and there I also won a
couple of awards: one for perfect attendance and two for being named Student
of the Year--one in sixth grade and the other in eighth grade. I am now a senior
at Booker High School. I plan on finishing school and maybe going to a
community college.
What life means to me.
Life to me means friends and family who you can trust and who trusts
you. I am pretty much on the happy side of life, but like all teens I do I have my
"days of." That means I do have some sad days or depressed days. I have a few
friends here that sort of look out for me and when I am having a bad day, I have
someone here at school to talk to. I make my school days go by thinking of
either the next hour or what I will do when I get home or on the weekend. I'm
not seeing anyone now but when I did have a boyfriend, our favorite places to
go were the movies and out to dinner. Sometimes we went to the beach. Only
once we went to an amusement park: Universal Studios. We were together for
twenty-nine days and then we broke-up; so no, I don't think it was forever.
What's my outlook on the future.
The year 2018 will make twenty years since I graduated from high
school. I think I will probably be still living here in Sarasota. I will be quite
comfortable with my living situation, meaning that I will be married to Paul
Smith. We will have one child: Linda Tereasa Smith, who at that point will be
three-years-old and a little devil. Paul is a sweet guy; he will do anything for
anyone. He is six feet tall and built well. He has baby blue eyes and black hair.
We will have been together for five years and will be happy together--this is
As I said in the beginning, I was born here in Florida and I've lived here
my whole life. I would like to see more of the USA but unfortunately, I don't
have any money to leave Florida to go anywhere right now. I hope you have
enjoyed reading my life story as much as I have enjoyed writing it for you. Try
to get as much as you can out of school; you're only there for twelve years and
when you graduate, you're home free. Here's a tip for you to live or try to live
by: If you think it, it can be done.
"Autobiography " The World Book Encyclopedia.
1992 ed. Volume A